Official Outgoing Delegations of the 19th

1. Joining Minister of Foreign Affairs Elkin’s Delegation on a Formal Visit to Kiev, Ukraine

Trip details: Knesset members held meetings to advance the inter-parliamentary relations between and Ukraine with the Ukrainian Prime Minister and religious leaders in the country. Moreover, technological and economical collaborations and were discussed with senior figures in the economy and interviews on the media on Israeli-Ukrainian relations were held.

Dates: April 24th-26th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members Robert Ilatov and Avraham Michaeli

2. The NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Luxemburg

Trip details: Knesset members participated in discussions on diplomatic and security developments in the Middle East, including the Iranian nuclear threat and the situation in Syria. Following the visit, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Committee of Science and Technology notified that it will arrive in Israel to learn about technological developments the Israeli security establishment uses, including missile defense systems and cyber warfare defense systems.


Dates: May 17th-19th, 2013. Participants:

Knesset Members , Yoni Chetboun,

Ronen Hoffman

3. The Energy Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly - Union for the Mediterranean - PA-UFM in Sweden

Trip details: the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Issues of Environment and Health in the Knesset, KM , participated in discussions on the management of coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea, the challenges and risks of planned gas and oil drillings in the Sea’s eastern basin, etc. The Committee was invited for a professional visit to Israel.

Dates: May 26th-28th, 2013. Participants:

Knesset Member Dov Khenin

4. The Diplomatic Committee of the Council of Europe in France

Trip details: Knesset Members Nachman Shai and Ronen Hoffman participated in discussions of the


Diplomatic Committee of the Council of Europe, which dealt, among other things, with the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict and its consequences. Their active participation in the forum resulted in a substantial mitigation of the anti-Israeli decisions the committee was about to make.

Dates: June 5th-6th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members Nachman Shai, Ronen Hoffman

5. The OECD Parliamentary Seminar in Sweden

Trip details: Knesset Members and Stav Shaffir discussed the Nordic socio-economic model of a mixed market economy with parliament members of 20 countries around the world and the OECD report on the quality of life and resident satisfaction in various member states in the organization. The two held sessions with experts and professionals from the organization on those subjects.

Dates: June 16th-18th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members Meir Sheetrit, Stav Shaffir


6. The Speaker for the Knesset Delegation for a Formal Visit of Cyprus

Trip details: the Speaker for the Knesset, KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein, met with the President of the Cyprus House of Representatives and signed a protocol of cooperation between the countries on issues of culture, economy, natural resources, etc. Chairman Edelstein asked his Cyprus counterpart to act against the European Union’s decision to boycott Israeli products and institutes of higher education outside the Green Line.

Dates: September 1st-3rd, 2013 Participants:

The Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein

7. Launching an Exhibition in the Kaluga Memorial Site in Estonia + Meeting with the Parliamentary Friendship Group

Trip details: KM Rina Frenkel launched the Holocaust Victims Memorial Museum near the concentration camp in Kaluga, Estonia. She conferred with the Estonian Minister of Culture, the Parliament Committee of Foreign Affairs and members of the Estonia-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group.


Dates: September 15th-18th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Member Rina Frenkel

8. The Speaker for the Knesset Delegation for a Formal Visit of Italy

Trip details: the Speaker for the Knesset, KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein, conferred with Pope Francis, the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the President of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate. He discussed the issue of the Iranian nuclear, the negotiation with Palestinians, decisions by the European Union to prevent project funding and investments in Judea and Samaria and the offer to recommend that circumcision be prohibited with him. Speaker Edelstein invited the Pope on a visit to Israel. Moreover, Edelstein appeared before members of the House of Representatives Committee of Foreign Affairs and the Senate. The Speaker for the Knesset also met the leaders of the Jewish community in Rome.

Dates: October 6th-9th, 2013 Participants:

The Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein

9. Formal Visit of the Friendship Group in Portugal

Trip details: Knesset members held work meetings with the Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Vice President of the Parliament, members of the Defense Committee and the


Foreign Affairs Committee and members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group. Moreover, the delegation had a meeting with leaders of the Jewish community in Portugal and interviewed for the local media. In their meetings, Knesset Members encouraged economical-commercial collaborations between the countries and exchanges of expert delegations in science and culture. Moreover, the renewal of direct flights from Israel to Portugal was discussed due to the decrease in tourism between the two countries.

Dates: October 9th-13th 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members , Eitan Cabel, David


10. The 129th IPU Convention in Switzerland

Trip details: Knesset Members Meir Sheetrit and Aliza Lavie participated in the convention of the IPU inter- parliamentary organization, whose agenda included the request by the Palestinian Delegation to boycott

Israel and denounce construction in settlements. Following the presentation of the Knesset Members’ position that accepting the Palestinian request may sabotage the negotiations between the countries, the request was lifted.

Dates: October 6th-9th 2013 Participants:


Knesset Members Aliza Lavie, Meir Sheetrit

11. Joining Minister of Foreign Affairs Elkin’s Trip to Georgia - Convention + Diplomatic Meetings

Trip details: the Chairman of the Israel-Georgia Friendship Association, KM Avraham Michaeli, and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Elkin met with the Prime Minister of Georgia and the Chairman of the

Parliament, and participated in the “Diplomatic Dilemmas” conference. Moreover, he met with members of the Georgian parliament to promote cooperation between the two parliaments.

Dates: October 30th-November 3rd, Participants:

2013 Knesset Member Avraham Michaeli

12. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean - PA-UFM in Belgium

Trip details: Deputy Speaker for the Knesset, KM , represented the Knesset in a convention that dealt with renewal of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians the situation in Syria and the transition to democracy in the new Arab world. KM Galiel stated that Israel is reaching out to help with any humanitarian issue, and talked about the aid provided to Syrian casualties arriving in Israel. Furthermore, MK Gamliel acted against the recommendation by the Council of Europe to prohibit circumcision.


Dates: November 6th-10th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Member Gila Gamliel

13. The Lisbon Forum + Political Committee of the Council of Europe in Portugal

Trip details: members of the Knesset represented Israel in discussions following the “Spring of Nations” and regime changes in Arab countries and in comprehensive discussions of the Palestinian Authority. The Knesset Members held meetings with representatives of European states and the Arab countries. In the discussions, the Knesset retaliated against the harsh criticism by representatives of the Palestinian Authority. Moreover, participation of Knesset members resulted in seven members of the Parliamentary Assembly who joined the appeal to open the decision by the Council of Europe to prohibit circumcision for renewed discussion.

Dates: November 6th-10th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members Nachman Shai, Shimon Ohayon, Ronen Hoffman

14. The Council of Europe Committee on Social Affairs in Switzerland


Trip details: KM Meir Sheetrit delivered a speech before the Council of Europe Health Committee and called to reverse the Council’s decision to recommend that European countries enact laws to limit circumcision rituals. Following his speech, members of parliaments in several European countries announced their support of Israel’s position.

Dates: November 12th-13th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Member Meir Sheetrit

15. Activity by the Knesset in the Greek Parliament Against the Decision to Prohibit Circumcision

Trip details: KM David Tzur met with 9 members of the Greek parliament who represent their country in the

Council of Europe, to reverse the Council’s decision to recommend that European countries legislate laws to limit circumcision rituals. Following the meeting 7 members of parliament signed a request to re-open the decision. KM Tzur also met the Greek Minister of Interior Security and 10 members of parliament from the Greek-Israel Friendship Group.

Dates: November 19th-20th, 2013 Participants:


Knesset Member David Tzur

16. The NATO Seminar on the Middle East at the Italian Parliament

Trip details: Knesset Members Omer Bar-Lev and Yoni Chetboun participated in discussions that dealt with civil war in Syria and the changes taking place in Iran. The two reacted to the accusations against Israel by the Palestinian representative and representatives of the Arab countries. Moreover, they held a series of meetings with Italian members of parliament aiming to reverse the Council’s decision to recommend that European countries legislate laws to limit circumcision rituals.

Dates: November 24th-27th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members Omer Bar-Lev, Yoni Chetboun

17. Convention of Women in the European Parliament in Belgium

Trip details: female Knesset Members and the Knesset Secretary participated in a convention of women in parliaments from all over the world, during which Israel was declared to be the winner of the “Closing the Gender Gap” Award among the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. The female Knesset

Members presented the Knesset’s achievements in cooperation among all factions of the house on gender


issues. Moreover, the Knesset members gave interviews with the local press.

Dates: November 27th-29th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members Shuli Mualem-Refaeli, Yifat Kariv,

Michal Rozin,

Pnina Tamano-Shata

18. The Knesset’s Activity in the Lithuanian and Latvian Parliaments Against the Decision to Prohibit


Trip details: the Head of the Immigration, Assimilation and the Diaspora Committee, KM , held a series of meetings with members of the Latvian and Lithuanian parliaments aiming to reverse the

Council’s decision to recommend that European countries legislate laws to limit circumcision rituals. KM Razvozov also met with representatives of the Friendship Group and reviewed diplomatic and security issues before them.

Dates: November 20th-24th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Member Yoel Razvozov


19. Joining the Minister of Foreign Affairs on a Formal Visit to Russia + Meetings as the Chairman of the Israel-Russia Friendship Group

Trip details: the Chairman of the Israel-Russia Friendship Group, KM Robert Ilatov, held a series of meetings with chairmen of houses in Russia and with the chairmen of the friendship with Israel groups, and participated in the execution of the agreement between the Israeli and Russian Ministers of Foreign Affairs ceremony.

Dates: December 8th-11th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Member Robert Ilatov

20. The Diplomatic Committee of the Council of Europe - Meetings on the Subject of Circumcision with Presidents of the Council of Europe + Meetings at the French Parliament

Trip details: Knesset Members held a series of meetings with heads of factions and members of the presidency of the Council of Europe, aiming to have the Council’s recommendation to European countries to enact laws to limit circumcision rituals re-examined. The delegation gave heads of factions a document containing about 100 signatures by parliament members from all over Europe who are members of the Council, demanding to have the decision re-examined.


Dates: December 10th-15th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Members Yitzhak Vaknin, Ronen Hoffman,

Reuven Rivlin

21. The Speaker for the Knesset Delegation to South Africa (Nelson Mandela’s Wake)

Trip details: Knesset Members, headed by the Speaker for the Knesset, KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein, represented Israel in the Wake of Former President Nelson Mandela in Johannesburg, the capital of South Africa.

Dates: December 10th-11th, 2013 Participants:

Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein,

Knesset Members Yehiel Bar, Gila Gamliel,

Nitzan Horowitz, Dov Lipman, Pnina Tamano-Shata


22. The World Policy Convention in Monaco

Trip details: KM Meir Sheetrit gave a lecture on cyber-space at the convention, which dealt with a series of issues on the global agenda.

Dates: December 12th-16th, 2013 Participants:

Knesset Member Meir Sheetrit

23. Convention of the Parliamentary Assembly of Mediterranean States - PAM - in France

Trip details: in this convention, KM Meir Sheetrit was elected Vice President of PAM. Moreover, Knesset members participated in panels in the presence of delegations from 24 parliaments in the Mediterranean region on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the situation in Syria, and treatment of refugees in the Middle East.

Dates: January 19th-21st, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Meir Sheetrit,

24. Event to Commemorate International Holocaust Memorial Day in Cyprus


Trip details: the Chairman of the Israel-Cyprus Friendship Committee, MK Avishay Braverman, participated in an event to commemorate the International Holocaust Memorial Day in Nicosia. He also interviewed for the local press on social and economic matters, participated in academic meetings and conferred with leaders of parliament, among other things, on the issue of natural gas which concerns both countries.

Dates: January 24th-25th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Avishay Braverman

25. The Knesset Delegation to Poland to Commemorate the Victims of the Holocaust International Memorial Day

Trip details: the largest Knesset delegation of all times went to Poland to visit to Auschwitz concentration camp and for a global inter-parliamentary meeting whose subject was “Remembering the Past, Facing the

Future”. Moreover, the delegation was at the center of a ceremony in Birkenau on behalf of the Polish Government, with over a thousand people in attendance.

Dates: January 27th-28th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members, Ministers, Deputy Ministers


26. The Plenum of the Council of Europe, Strasbourg-France Trip details: KM Nachman Shai participated in a discussion on the decision against circumcision made by the Council of Europe. During the meeting, a film produced by the Knesset in support of circumcision was screened. In addition, KM Shay called the members of the plenum to help bring the diplomatic negotiations forward and represented the Knesset in the International Holocaust Day Annual Memorial Ceremony.

Dates: January 27th-31st, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Nachman Shai

27. The Marmara Forum Convention, Turkey

Trip details: KM David Tzur held contacts with Turkish factors at the convention, and they invited him and other representatives of Israel to participate in this forum in the future too. The Marmara Forum deals with economic and social issues.

Dates: February 4th-7th, 2014 Participants:


Knesset Member David Tzur

28. The International OECD Parliamentary Seminar in France

Trip details: Knesset Members Meir Sheetrit and Stav Shaffir represented Israel in the parliamentary convention on social, financial, and environmental issues. They also held meetings with experts in the organization to check the quality of life in OECD countries and with experts on poverty and welfare.

Dates: February 5th-8th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Meir Sheetrit, Stav Shaffir

29. The International Women’s Convention of the Art of Living Organization in India

Trip details: the Chairwoman of the Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, KM Aliza Lavie, delivered the opening speech in an international convention in the presence of women leaders in 60 states across the globe. KM Lavie held meetings with women from countries Israel has no diplomatic relations with and participated in the session dedicated to women in the Middle East.


Dates: February 5th-10th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Aliza Lavie

30. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Austria

Trip details: during this convention, members of the Knesset met with the new Secretary General of the organization and invited him and other members of parliament in Europe to the “Watec” and “Agritech” Conventions which take place in Israel. The delegation also promoted a professional visit by seniors of the organization in Israel on water and the environment, and presented the Israeli achievement in water treatment.

Dates: February 12th-15th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Michal Biran, Boaz Toporovsky, David Tzur


31. The 2nd Global Forum on Climate Legislation in the USA

Trip details: KM represented the Knesset in an international summit of legislators on the climate crisis and ways to deal with it. Legislators from 50 parliaments in the world specializing in environmental legislation participated in the convention. KM Horowitz presented Project “Green Knesset” to the participants and called parliaments all over the world to embrace it.

Dates: February 26th-March 1st, Participants: 2014 Knesset Member Nitzan Horowitz

32. Work Visit by the Chairman of the Immigration, Assimilation and Diaspora Committee in Romania

Trip details: during this trip, the Chairman of the Immigration, Assimilation and Diaspora Committee, KM Yoel Razvozov, visited the Romanian parliament to reinforce cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries. Among other things, he met with the President of the Romanian House of Representatives and coordinated the promotion of cooperation between schools in Israel and Romania, establishing the economic forum to encourage investments in Romania by Israeli businessmen, establishing a holocaust museum in Northern Romania, etc.

Dates: February 26th-March 1st, Participants: 2014 Knesset Member Yoel Razvozov


33. The 130th IPU Committee in Sweden

Trip details: KM Meir Sheetrit spoke before the plenum of the convention on “Renewing the Commitment to Peace and Democracy”, participated in discussions on finding ways to prevent nuclear weapon from proliferating, and in a discussion on the role of parliaments in protecting children’s rights.

Dates: March 16th-20th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Meir Sheetrit

34. Work Meetings in Bulgaria

Dates: March 14th-17th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Yisrael Hasson

35. The Speaker for the Knesset Delegation for a Formal Visit to Canada

Trip details: within the visit, the Speaker for the Knesset and delegation members met with the Chairman of the Canadian House of Representatives, and Chairman of the Senate and many members of parliament, and they discussed ways for the parliaments to cooperate and promote subjects of mutual interest. In addition, Speaker Edelstein met with seniors in the Canadian government, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Immigration and Cross-Cultural subjects.


Dates: March 23rd-25th, 2014 Participants: The Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein Knesset Members Yaakov Asher, Nachman Shai, Yifat Kariv

36. Convention of Women Leaders in the OECD in France

Trip details: the Chairwoman of the Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, KM Aliza Lavie, participated in the convention which dealt with the barriers that delay women’s progress in various countries. KM Lavie countered publications according to which the Israeli parliament does not have a committee for the advancement of the status of women.

Dates: April 2nd-5th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Aliza Lavie

37. Convention in Rwanda

Trip details: KM Shimon Solomon represented the Knesset in a convention in which heads of state across the globe joined to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the massacre in Rwanda. KM Solomon, who was the Israeli delegate to build an orphanage and help rehabilitate Rwanda, held meetings on these subjects with Tony Blaire and other activists.


Dates: April 6th-8th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Shimon Solomon

38. The World Urban Forum (WUF) in Columbia

Trip details: KM Stav Shaffir represented the Knesset at the UN Urban Planning Convention, wherein 10,000 mayors and heads of state participated. KM Shaffir presented the changing housing needs of Israeli youths, the need for transformation of government solutions and making cities more financially welcoming for their residents.

Dates: April 6th-13th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Stav Shaffir

39. Convention of the Parliamentary Assembly of Mediterranean States - PAM - in Italy

Trip details: Knesset Members Meir Sheetrit and Issawi Frej represented Israel at a convention that mostly dealt with fostering cooperation among Mediterranean countries in waste recycling. KM Sheetrit presented the goal set by the State of Israel: completely avoiding hiding waste in the ground by 2020. Moreover, Knesset Members presented Israeli legislation on the subject, Project “Green Knesset”, and school


curriculums on waste recycling.

Dates: May 29th-31st, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Meir Sheetrit, Issawi Frej

40. The Knesset Delegations for Meetings in New York + Participation in the Salute to the State of Israel March + Event at the Congress in Washington to Commemorate Day

Trip details: Knesset members participated in a variety of charity functions for the State of Israel to commemorate Jerusalem Day, walked in the front line of a giant parade for Israel in New York, and participated in special events in the Congress in Washington and attended meetings with seniors on subjects related to Israel.

Dates: May 29th-June 2nd, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Yehiel Bar, Tzachi Hanegbi, , Zvulon Kalfa, Dov Lipman, , Yitzhak Vaknin.


41. The Global Globe Convention in Mexico

Trip details: KM Nitzan Horowitz represented the Knesset at the summit of the international organization of legislators on environmental issues. The summit focused on the climate crisis and on ways for dealing with it, and hundreds of legislators from dozens of parliaments in the world participated in it. During the convention, the establishment of a Globe branch in Israel - the first branch of the organization in the Middle East - was approved.

Dates: June 5th-9th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Nitzan Horowitz

42. The Speaker for the Knesset Delegation for a Formal Visit of Sweden

Trip details: during the visit, Speaker for the Knesset KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein met with the King of Sweden, the Chairman of the Parliament, and many members of Parliament. The visit focused on collaborations between Israel and Sweden on innovation and start-ups. Members of the delegation also asked their Swedish hosts to harness themselves for various inter-parliamentary projects in the Mediterranean Region. During the visit, the speaker appeared before the Jewish community in Stockholm and in several forums and met with community leaders, discussing many Jewish issues, especially rampant anti-Semitism.

Dates: June 11th-15th, 2014 Participants: Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, KM Erel Margalit


43. The Delegation of the Heads of the Knesset Israel-Africa Friendship Group is joining a formal visit to African countries paid by the Minister of Foreign Affairs (the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Kenya).

Trip details: the Knesset Members met with heads of parliaments, members of parliaments, and members of friendship associations from 5 countries. In their meetings, they promoted parliamentary cooperation between the Knesset and these countries.

Dates: June 10th-20th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members , Shimon Solomon, Pnina Tamano-Shata

44. Formal Visit of the Israel-Malta Friendship Group

Trip details: Knesset members held a series of meetings with senior members of the Malta government, including the President of Malta and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Following the visit, the Maltese Minister of Foreign Affairs denounced the kidnap of the three young men which took place at the time.

Dates: June 17th-20th, 2014 Participants:


Knesset Members Orly Levy-Abekasis, Yaakov Margi, Shimon Ohayon

45. The Plenum of the Council of Europe in France

Trip details: Knesset Members Nachman Shai and Ronen Hoffman went to the plenum of the Council of Europe when the three young men were kidnapped. Following their work, members of the organization, including representatives of Britain, Poland and Norway published a call for the immediate release of the kidnapped youths, appealing to all governments to act to that end.

Dates: June 23rd-26th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Nachman Shai, Ronen Hoffman

46. The General Plenum of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - OSCE in Azerbaijan

Trip details: Knesset Members Boaz Toporovsky, David Tzur and Yoel Razvozov represented the Knesset at the General Plenum of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Within the visit, the trio conferred with the President of Azerbaijan, the Chairman of the Parliament Committee of Foreign Affairs in Baku and with the Advisor for the President on Foreign Policy, and they discussed the Iranian issue,


developments in the Middle East, and increased cooperation on financial subjects.

Dates: June 28th-July 2nd, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Boaz Toporovsky, David Tzur, Yoel Razvozov

47. Sending a Delegation to Moldova on Behalf of the Committee to Examine the Issue of Migrant Workers

Trip details: members of the Committee to Examine the Issue of Migrant Workers went to gain an impression of processes that concern migrant workers in the construction branch in Moldova. The trio met, among others, the Deputy Minister of Labor and the Manager of the Employment Bureau, and they insisted that the bi-lateral agreement with Israel be implemented.

Dates: July 7th-8th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Moshe Mizrahi, , Shimon Solomon

48. Meetings in the Parliament and in the Belarus Government as the Head of the Israel-Belarus Friendship Group


Trip details: KM Robert Ilatov went to Belarus on a formal visit, where he met senior members of the parliament and government to advance relations between the two countries.

Dates: July 9th-13th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Robert Ilatov

49. Formal Meetings and Participation in a Convention in the Czech Republic

Trip details: the Head of the Opposition, KM Yitzhak Herzog, spoke before the audience of a convention on issues in the Middle East in Prague. In addition, he met with the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and senior leaders of the country.

Dates: July 7th-8th, 2014 Participants: Head of the Opposition Yitzhak Herzog

50. Participation in the Funeral of Lone Soldier Max Steinberg in the USA

Trip details: while staying in the USA on personal leave, the Knesset asked KM Dov Lipman to travel to Los Angeles for one day to participate in the funeral of the lone soldier. KM Lipman spoke on behalf of the Knesset at the funeral.

8.18.2014 Participants:


Knesset Member Dov Lipman

51. Formal visit by the Speaker for the Knesset in Panama

Trip details: the Speaker for the Knesset, KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein held meetings with the Panamanian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the President of the Supreme Court. Edelstein also met with leaders of the Jewish community and spoke before the plenum of the parliament.

The Speaker for the Knesset discussed parliamentary and civil collaborations between the countries in the areas of law, agriculture, water, technology, etc., with seniors and members of parliament.

Dates: August 10th-14th, 2014 Participants: Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein,

52. The Diplomatic Committee of the Council of Europe in France

Trip details: Knesset Members Shimon Ohayon and Ronen Hoffman acted to establish a team to investigate Neo-Nazi movements in Europe. They also acted to prevent the discussion of the situation in the Middle East following Operation Protective Edge until Israeli experts on the matter will be brought in, and objected to the fact Israel was not given the right to respond to the accusations placed before the Committee.

Dates: September 3rd-5th, 2014 Participants:


Knesset Members Shimon Ohayon, Ronen Hoffman

53. Formal Visit to the Czech Republic by the Speaker for the Knesset + Convention of Heads of Parliament in the Council of Europe in Norway

Trip details: the Speaker for the Knesset, KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein, held a formal diplomatic visit of the Czech Republic and participated in the convention of heads of parliament in Norway. He met with senior members of the Czech Government and discussed the crucial need to de-militarize the and prevent the Hamas from growing more powerful. Moreover, the infrastructure for a large convention of heads of parliament and heads of state in Prague on the International Holocaust Memorial Day on January 27th 2015 was laid in this visit. In a visit to Oslo, shortly around the time of the end of Operation Protective Edge, the Speaker for the Knesset conferred with heads of parliament, explained the importance of the military operation and the need to frustrate boycotts and displays of anti-Semitism toward Israel. Edelstein demanded his colleagues to continue taking a pro-Israeli stand against anti-Israel and global terror. In Oslo, he appeared at the city synagogue and spoke before the local community.

Dates: September 7th-14th, 2014 Participants: Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein

54. Formal Visit and Work Meetings in the US Congress

Trip details: during the visit to Washington, KM Ze’ev Elkin, Head of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, met with his counterparts in the various committees in the two houses, including the head of the Intelligence Committee in the Senate and the Head of the Foreign Affairs and Armed Services


Committees at the House of Representatives. He also held meetings with various factors within the government, including the Advisor to the President on the Middle East and the Vice Secretary of State. The visit ended a short while after the end of Operation Protective Edge, against the backdrop of the negotiations of the Iranian Nuclear Plan, and issues relating to the strategic relations between Israel and the USA were discussed.

Dates: September 14th-18th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Ze'ev Elkin

55. The Knesset Delegation to Lithuania and Latvia

Trip details: the Knesset delegation held a series of meetings with seniors members of parliament and government in Lithuania and Latvia, exchanged cooperation ideas between the countries and held a ceremony in the Paneriai Forest where over 70 thousand were slaughtered.

Dates: September 14th-18th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Alex Miller

56. Formal Visit of the Head of the Albany Friendship Group

Trip details: the Deputy Speaker for the Knesset and the Chairman of the Israel-Albany Friendship Group,


KM and KM Shimon Solomon, held a visit to the state to foster more profound relations and mutual cooperation between Israel and Albany. In the meetings, aid to Albany on agricultural development and the assimilation of Israeli technologies for the benefit of the country’s growing agricultural branch were discussed.

Dates: September 14th-17th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Hamad Amar, Shimon Solomon

57. Formal Visit of the Head of the South Africa Friendship Group

Trip details: in his visit KM Dov Lipman focused on creating formal relations between the Knesset and the South African Parliament. He met with representatives of four parties who expressed their support of Israel and the desire to reinforce political relations and trade relations between the countries. He also conferred with Christians who support Israel.

Dates: September 15th-20th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Dov Lipman

58. Council of Europe - Forum on Election and Democratic Proceedings in the Mediterranean States -


Formal Meetings in Portugal

Trip details: KM Ronen Hoffman participated in the forum alongside leaders from Morocco, Tunisia, and Yemen. Discussions on “Law and Election”, “Citizens, Parties and Candidates”, panels on economic issues, issues of election ethics, and the role of international bodies in protecting the integrity of elections were held in the forum. KM Hoffman actively participated in each panel and discussion. KM Hoffman also met with Portuguese members of parliament and the Portuguese delegation in the Council of Europe.

Dates: September 14th-17th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Ronen Hoffman

59. The Plenum of the Council of Europe in France

Trip details: Knesset Members participated in the meeting that discussed issues pertaining to the State of Israel. During the meeting, the Knesset Members reviewed the situation in the Region, and it was determined that the Council’s Diplomatic Committee shall pay a visit to Israel. Moreover, discussions of the recommendation to prohibit circumcision continued, and the issues of the wave of Neo-Nazi incidents in European countries and ISIS’s growing power were discussed.


Dates: September 29th-October 3rd, Participants: 2014 Knesset Members Nachman Shai, Rina Frenkel, Ronen Hoffman

60. Formal visit by the Speaker for the Knesset in Austria

Trip details: the Speaker for the Knesset, KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein, met with the President of Austria against the backdrop of his upcoming visit to Iran, and he also conferred with the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chairman of the Parliament. Within the visit, Edelstein was the main speaker in the ceremony to honor the “Righteous Among the Nations”. In addition, KM David Tzur, the Head of the Friendship Group, held meetings with the Israel-Austria Friendship Group.

Dates: September 29th-October 2nd, Participants: 2014 Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, KM David Tzur

61. The Days of Israel Event in the Czech Republic + Meetings as the Head of the Friendship Group

Trip details: KM Elazar Stern participated in an event by a pro-Israeli Christian organization where he spoke on behalf of the Knesset. KM Stern also met with the parliamentary friendship group and the heads of the Jewish Community in the Czech Republic.


Dates: September October 5th-7th, Participants: 2014 Knesset Member Elazar Stern

62. The Energy Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly - Union for the Mediterranean - PA-UFM + Meetings with Croatian Members of Parliament

Trip details: the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Environmental and Health Issues at the Knesset, KM

Dov Khenin, reviewed Project “Green Knesset” and participated in discussions that dealt with challenges presented by tourism in the Mediterranean region, energetically smart cities and the concern for an oil drilling disaster in the Mediterranean due to drillings for oil and gas.

Dates: October 5th-9th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Dov Khenin

63. Delegation of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee to the Czech Republic

Trip details: the Head of Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, KM David Rotem, and Committee members met with members of the Czech Republic parliament in the Constitution Committees of the Senate and the Lower House of the Parliament. They also conferred with the Deputy Minister of Justice. Knesset Members discussed their colleagues with measures that ought to be taken to fight against anti-Semitism.

Dates: October 19th-22nd, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members David Rotem, Shuli Mualem-Refaeli, Moshe Mizrahi.


64. Meeting with the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Meetings at the Russian House of Representatives

Trip details: members of the Committee of Foreign Affairs and Security visited Moscow within the Joint Committee with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian Federation Council (IPC). In addition, meetings of delegation members with the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Deputy Chairwoman of the Federation Council, and members of the Duma Defense Committee.

Dates: October 20th-22nd, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Ze'ev Elkin, Merav Michaeli, Ronen Hoffman, Robert Ilatov, Eitan Cabel.

65. The Parliamentary Assembly of Mediterranean States - PAM - Meeting with the Bureau

Trip details: KM Meir Sheetrit, the Vice President of the Assembly, participated in a convention representatives of Arab states participated in and confronted the claims by the Palestinian Representative. In addition, he brought up the Speaker for the Knesset’s initiative to include other parliaments in the world in areas of the environment, computers, water technologies, etc.

Dates: November 9th-11th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Meir Sheetrit


66. The Annual NATO Convention in the Netherlands

Trip details: Knesset members held several meetings with the Netherlands Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defense, and the Head of the American Delegation. In addition, a meeting was held with the Head of the Netherlands Delegation, one of the pro-Israelis in the Netherlands parliament.

Dates: November 21st-24th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Omer Bar-Lev, Ofer Shelah.

67. Meetings and a Speech by the Speaker for the Knesset in the Global Convention of Chabad Emissaries in the USA

Trip details: the Speaker for the Knesset, KM Yuli Yoel Edelstein participated in the global convention of Chabad “emissaries”. Over 4000 people participated in the convention, and this is the largest and most significant annual event in the Chabad Movement. The Speaker for the Knesset also held diplomatic meetings in New York and a meeting with the Jewish community.

Dates: November 20th-23rd, 2014 Participants: The Speaker for the Knesset, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein


68. The Knesset Delegation to the European Parliament in Belgium

Trip details: the Delegation visited the European Parliament, whose level of criticism against Israel is escalating. Knesset Members held a dialogue on the threats posed by Iran and ISIS, the relations with the Palestinians, Operation Protective Edge and relations with Europe. Furthermore, they met with the Chairman of the Parliament, his deputy, and the Chairman of the Economics Committee.

Dates: December 2nd-4th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Members Avishay Braverman, David Tzur, Hana Sweid, Rina Frenkel.

69. The Saban Forum in the USA

Trip details: within this trip, Head of the Opposition KM Yitzhak Herzog met with Secretary of State John Kerry and delivered a speech before the participants of the Saban Forum. In accordance with the Knesset Regulations, the Head of the Opposition may travel at the Knesset’s expense for professional trips of up to 10 days a year.


Dates: December 5th-6h, 2014 Participants: Head of the Opposition Yitzhak Herzog

70. The World Policy Conference in South Korea

Trip details: KM Meir Sheetrit participated in a conference wherein the Prince of Saudi Arabia and the niece of the President of Syria appeared, among others. He participated in a panel that discussed the situation in the Middle East, the importance of the war on terror and reaching a peace accords.

Dates: December 7th-11th, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Meir Sheetrit

71. Joining a Formal Delegation of the Minister of Immigration and Assimilation to Russia and Ukraine

Trip details: KM Alex Miller participated in a delegation to St. Petersburg and Ukraine, returning on a plane with 210 Olim Hadashim. The trip’s goal was to locate potential Olim among refugees from war zones and convince them to immigrate to Israel. He also conferred with the Head of the Coalition in the Ukrainian Parliament on future collaborations between the parliaments.


Dates: December 18th-22nd, 2014 Participants: Knesset Member Alex Miller