1974-75. INSTITUTION Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C.; Linguistic Society of America, Washington, D.C

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1974-75. INSTITUTION Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C.; Linguistic Society of America, Washington, D.C DOCUMENT RESUME ED 107 131 FL 006 895 TITLE Guide to Programs in Linguistics: 1974-75. INSTITUTION Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C.; Linguistic Society of America, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 75 NOTE . 235p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$12.05 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *College Language Programs; *College Program;Course Descriptions; Degrees (Titles); Financial Support; Higher Education; Language Instruction; *Linguistics; *Program Descriptions; *Program Guides; Summer Institutes; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Universities ABSTRACT This is a current guide to linguisticsprograms in the United States and Canada. One hundred and sixty-seven institutions are listed which offer fiveor more courses broadly defined as "linguistics" and which also offera degree in linguistics or a degree in another area with a major or minor in linguistics. The institutions' are listed in alphabetical order and under eachentry is given all or part of the following information:name of department, program, etc., and-chairman; a brief description of the program and facilities; course offerings or courseareas; staff; financial support available; academic calendar for 1974-75,;name and address the office from which to obtain brochures, catalogues,etc. Information about annual summer institutes is given in AppendixA. Appendix B is a tabular index of universities and their degree offerings, arranged by state, and Appendix C lists schools which teach at least three courses in linguistics. AppendixD is an index of uncommonly-taught languages indicating which institutionsoffer instruction in them. Appendix E is an index of staff, and AppendixF is an index of linguistis in other departments. (Author/AM) c, Guide toPrograms In Linguistics: E. ^EL. ARE 1974-75 Pfwo,s640.. 10 ttEoPopoCE boS, COPY VA1EPiAE r. BEEN GRANTED BY L-21 \--)(1t1 iSt1C-S " P AND,,PGsfil:i7.,,t0.`41 ERS'INT. VA fVENTS NANINALIN f A7,0ttlni..fP4Eptto "pi nviSq,f...ffairCvS,EM ;,111.O.,7:,,OS, q .t COPERIGEET Center for Applied Linguistics and the Secretariat of The Linguistic Society of America Eighth revised edition, 1975 [Former Titles, University Resources in the United States for Linguistics and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language; University Resources in the United States and Canada for the Study of Linguistics.) A joint publication of the Center for Applied Linguistics and the Secretariat of the Linguistic Society of America 1611 North Kent Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209 International Standard Book Number:87281-038-0 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75 -13738 Printed in the United States of America tl PREFACE This eighth revised edition, listing linguistic programs in the United States and Canada, has both a new name and a new format. Guide to Programs in Linguistics (formerly University Resources in the United States and Canada for the Study of Linguistics) now includes a brief essay on the program and facilities of each institution. Also new with this edition is the departmental phone number, information on financial support available, the academic calendar for 1974-7S, and increased information about faculty members and their fields of specialization. We hope that these additions make the Guide more useful. In 1962, when the Center for-Applied Linguistics researched and published the first University Resources, 33 schools were listed as having courses in linguistics and/or teaching English to speakers of other languages. By 1970, when the Linguistic Society of America began to co-sponior this work, the number of schools had risen to 146. The 1971-72 edition of University Resources listed over 200 schools, and it looked at that time as if the growth had not yet peaked. Between 1972 and the present, a tapering off did occur and the current edition lists 167 schools. While linguistic courses are still taught at many of the institutions omitted from this latest edition (See Appendix C), the number of formal departments, interdisciplinary programs, ad hoc committees, etc. has decreased. We would like to thank the department and program chairmen for their cooperation in providing the information in this volume. We would also like to thank the staff members of the Center for Applied Linguistics and the Secretariat of the Linguistic Society of America who helped in the preparation of the Guide. Data collection and interpretation for a work of this size is no small task, and it was only through the combined effort of many people that this volume could appear. Rudolph C. Troike Arthur S. Abramson Director Secretary-Treasurer Center for Applied Linguistics Linguistic Society of America rj iii INTRODUCTION Coverage Included in the present edition are those institutions which, on the basis of available information, offer five or more courses broadly definedas "linguistics," and which offer, as well, a degree in linguistics ,r a degree ina related area with either a major or minor in linguistics.The information listed for each college or university was supplied by the institution itself through a questionnaire prepared and mailed out by the Center for Applied Linguistics. In some cases, though, this had to be supple- mented by information from college catalogues or other descriptive material. Information about annual summer institutes is contained in Appendix A. Appendix B is a tabular index of universities and their degree offerings, arranged by state, and Appendix C lists schools which teach at least three courses in linguistics, but didnot qualify for inclusion in the main text. Appendix D is an index of uncommonly-taught languages, Appendix E is an index of staff, and Appendix F is an index of linguists in other departments. Arrangement The institutions are listed in alphabetical order and under each entry is given all or part of the following information: Name of department, committee, program, etc.; name of chairman or executive officer; degrees offered; degrees granted 1972-73; number of present majors. A brief essay describing the program and facilities. Course offerings or course areas. Courses offered in lingu"stics and/or linguistics and related disciplines. Realizing that exact course titles and content vary from school to school, we have placed courses under seventeen categories. Some linguists may disagree with our categories or our placement of specific courses, and we are open to suggestions for changes for the next edition. Categories and a sampling of courses placed wider them are as follows: INTRODUCTORY: Introduction to linguistics, Descrir,tive linguistics, Nature of language; PHONOLOGY: PhoneticS, Phonemics, Articulatory Phonetics, Acoustics, Audiology; THEORETICAL MODELS: Generative syntax, Structural linguistics, Discourse analysis, Case grammar, Prague school; SEMANTICS AND LOGIC:Generative semantics, Philosophy of language, Meaning, Semiology; SOCIOLINGUISTICS: Sociology of language, Ethnolinguistics, Anthropological linguistics, Language contact, Language variation, Language attitudes, Language and culture/society, Language and the law; DIALECTOLOGY: Linguistic geography, Areal linguistics, Vernacular Black English; PSYCHOLINGUIS- IICS: Child language acquisition, Speech perception, Verbal behavior, Language learning theory, Linguistics and reading, Communication processes, Language of the deaf; NEUROLINGUISTICS: Biology of language, Language pathology; Electro- myography; MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS: Machine language/communi- cation, Formal approaches to linguistics, Automatic language processing; HISTORICAL. LINGUISTICS: Indo-European linguistics, Comparative linguistics, Philology, Ltymology, History of x language; HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS: Development of linguistic science; LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE: Stylistics, Poetics, Rhetoric, Met.ics; LANGUAGE. PEDAGOGY: Foreign/Second language learning, Contrastive analy- sis, Bilingualism, Language teaching methodology, Teaching English as a foreign/ second language; APPLIED LINGUISTICS: Language testing, translation; LANGUAGE AREAS: Linguistics, phonology, or structure of x language or language family; OTHER: lexicography/Lexicology, Writing systems. The number following each category indicates the number of courses offered at least once in a two-year period. ti Courses in ancient languages (other than Greek and Latin)or modern foreign languages not commonly taught in the United States. These are listed in alpha- betical order, and the level (graduate or undergraduate),as well as semesters or quarters taught, is indicated where known. Staff, with information on highest academic degree, institution in which earned, year in which earned, present rank and principal areas of interest or specializa- tion. Financial support available. Academic calendar for 1974-1975, including application deadlines. Name and address of the office from which to obtain brochures, catalogues,etc., which give full descriptions of programs and degree requirements. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Washington, D.C. 20016 Tel. (202) 686-2280 Language and Foreign Studies Vadim Medish, Chairman Degrees: MA. Degrees Granted 72-73: 9 MA. Majors: 24 g, 24 MA. An evening program of study open to both full-time andpart-time student. The program is offered in cooperation with graduate eveningcourses in foreign area studies and day-and-evening instruction in several foreign languages. (Chinese, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Latvian, Russian, Polish,Spanish, Thai). Graduate assistantships in foreign language teaching(including English to Foreigners) are available to fulltime students. A three-course
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