Department Celebration Honors 1,000 Graduates 2

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Department Celebration Honors 1,000 Graduates 2 loamaHsn DapaibMnt 2Mi amhrsnanf sdMion the Sundial CAUFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRUME SPiOIAL EDITION JOURNALISM ANNIVERSARY, FRIDAV, NOVEMBER 4. 1S03 Department celebration honors 1,000 graduates This anniversary edition of the Daily Sundial honors all of the students who made this celebration possible, the thousands of students who attended journalism classes during the past 25 years. Part <A the university's 2Sth anniversary festivities as well, this issue highlights the achievements of the Sundial,- KCSN-FM, Scene magazine and all departmental organizations and honor societies. Photographs found in an old fdde^ rqxoductions of Sundial pages kept in bound volmnes, lists Ol award winners and letters of reminisoenoe written by representatives oS different time periods obviously are (Hily part of a larger story. In addition to any names published here, every graduate can recall another dozen students who assisted with a departmental ivoduction or excelled in <jlhe classroom. Also not forgotten are all of the professors, including the many devoted part-time instructors, who gave their time to insure success of student the same can be said for the staff, whether they worked in the department office, Sundial advertising, KCSN-FM or in a production capacity. But this primarily is a testimonial to the department's graduates, all 1,000 of them, no matter where they are or what they have achieved.* Our evolution from a one-person depulment to one of the larynt and most successful in the region is traced here through the photos, okl headlines and lists of facts and figures. This profile of growth, as interesting as it is, can be taken for granted. But a little rdlection might lead to another oonchisioa: it all is nther amazing. '... \ . DaHy Sundlai Scene KCSN radio past editors Mfsfrom beats the remember tlie ioidto pros in years, events color their own gone by Smagazine competitions 2 5 8 2 JoMhtsMsiii Jfainlvafsin^ 4, isis The way it was e e By MAYERENE BARKER, '61 A vote on a pn^iosal to raise student fees to fmancei ^ Matadfir Fivo Drop^ Opener, 75-67 student union was discussed all year, and there were the Campus Kfe during the late '50s and early '60s was not usual battles between student govemment and studen ^ as exciting as it was in the later yeare. The era of student press. \ activism was just beginning when I graduated in the early Sundial editws (Marty Ball, Twiy Cifareffi and^ John Weigle) protested the ^ng elections because of 1960s what tiiey called lack of ballot secrecy; the Associated I do remember my first assignment on the Cteily Students board cut off funds to the Sundial and studenu Sundial. It was an interview with tiie now famous Julian protesting tiie Sundial poiides started a letters-only Nava. But tiie big stories were mostiy routine stuff such pubUcation called, "The C^n Voke." as student council decisions. But no one who was at the college, indeed no one dd There was much excitement when Lyndon Johnson enough to remember anything of that year, can forget and Henry Cabot Lodge, vkx presidential candidates in what the two nuyor wire servkxs and the Sundial staff 1960, sp(*e on separate occasions on campus. I'm not pwked as tiie year's Uxp story: Nov. 22, 1963, President sure how much good it dki for tiicm, because the voUng John F. Kennedy was gunned down in Dlllas, Texas. age hadn't been lowered to 18 yet, tiKrefore most of us That occurred on a Friday and the Sundial was abeady coukln't vote. on tiie stands when tiie news came. The next legulir I was tiie Sundial editor during tiie summer semester of edition woukln't be printed until the following Tuesday, 1960. Bob Hilbum, tiie fall semester editor, couW not So, we planned an "extra" for Monday, the first day we accept the assignment for an entire year because he could cover campus reaction to the mtuder. wanted to run fw student body president.He was elected, Then President Lyndon B. Johnson declared Monday by the way. a national day d mourning, and classes were canceled. Dances and spring sings were well-attended activities, Our four-page special appeared as an insert in tht Nov. and the Sundial usually covered them. 26 paper. I remember one exciting incklent that occurred when I Rosalie Long wrote the main story whkh was was the editor. An okler male student lowered the campus headlined: Mr. Kennedy's Death: What Can We Say? flag to half-mast the day Caryl Chessman was executed. I Her third graf tokl the story: "Fw the moment, inertia sent a reporter and photographer to interview the man. We ran the story in the school paper and it was picked up by tiie now-defunct Valley Times. In tum, the wire ByJ0EBUTTITTA,'61 servkes ran the story. Later, all of us who were involved were called in by the I came to the San Femando Valley State College president of the university and were told that we had ^inpus in the fall of 19S9. At that time, the campus was a made the college look bad. myriad of wooden planks connecting btmgalows where We were firmly asked never to do anything like that the student union now stands. apin. The content then definitely was controlled by the The only permanent buikiing was the okl library (South administration. Library), while the Music Buikiing and the Fine Arts The journalism department was then located in the AAr. Kennedy's Death: complex were under construction. The campus was a newly completed Fine Arts Building. Much of our mess, especially in the rain. equipment was out of date. Photography classes were As I recall, the student peculation at that time was taugiht with the okl Speed Graphks and we had one 'What Gin We Say? something like 600 or 800. broadcast news writing class. The mood on campus was one of bewiklerment. After That course was taught by a man who was then head Shock Grips all, here we were at this new college in the middle of the of NBC news for the West Coast. Some of our classes raral San Femando Valley. were at the old NBC headquarters in Hollywood and we Student Body] It wasn't Pierce or Valley College, but a real-life were thrilled to see Elmer Petersen give the news live and ar ROiAiJf ume , .^r U nucm TV iBip.runr. J( h'oi «*• •«•* college, a four-year job, and everyone was feeling their to meet him. (or|D*ttn l>T «wfcn" •**" <*« •*™ •" "•*" • way. It was wonderful because everyone knew everyone The Sundial was a weekly during my years at the dnd" *d^^ «"^ '•* •"'**>* """ else ... or so it seemed. university. It was put together at the old Northridger by a I got involved in the journalism department right away very patient compositor. and talk about feeling your way! Our office moved many Few students would volunteer to help put the paper times in that first semester in the hopes that we wouldn't together, and it usually ended up with two or three of us be in anybody's way. trying to make things fit, reading hot type upside down, As I recall, we inhabited part of the fourth floor of the trimming stories and filling holes. Erlandson, our adviser, library, nestled among pre-fabricated walls whk;h were woukl stay with us until the paper rolled off the presses, piled in the middle of the floor. usually about 1 or 2 a.m. I followed John Hamber as the second sports editor of Although the faculty was small'and the department the Sundial and I was in hog-heaven because sports was new, I feel that I received a wonderful background in where I wanted to be, especially since I played on the journalism attending CSUN. 20-Year J'mx Seeti itt Death inSiir- ' iH^tDv:' "awesome" SFVSC baseball team which was coached by I was hired by the Valley Times after I graduated. The Phil Munroe. staff was comprised of mostiy young people from USC. tM> ••• 11 IM •>•«• I even got to cover, live and in-person, the very fu^t Hilbum also started out at the Valley Times, and we Matador football game, a junior varsity affair against coukl hokl our own with any of them. mled. Students stood immobile, mute. 'I feel cold,' said Southem Califomia College (not the University of one." Southem Califomia). The game was played in a down­ Mayerene Barker currently writes for the Los Angeles Friday aftemoon classes were canceled and as Rosalie pour at sec and was coached by Sam Winningham, who Times. noted, no one cheered. is now the chairman of the physKal education depart­ "Some faculty members said they could not face a class ment. We tied that first football game. mi HOUSEJEXraCTED FOR STEVE ALLEN LECTllIB upon hearing of the assassination. Many classes engaged As I write this, I keep thinking of other things that in a short discussk>n of the event and its immediate happened, things that have been in the recesses of my ^^- ^:^ A SUNDIAL ^ significance and ttusn were dimissed," sakl Bob Tarlau. subconscious for so many years. It feels like a catharsis of And sports editor Amie Friedman, who was in the sorts. Second Annual G>niniencenient June 9 physical education building at the time, described this My college days were definitely scrnie of the happiest Aipecla Orteievition 1 Giwne Will AddreM scene: days of my life. And I'm glad I was one of the pioneers at View«sd By Steve Allen ^ Graduation For S25 "... A burly member of the varsity football team was SFVSC.
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