Government Announces Decision: BRITT, MOLINARI SEEK MORE $$$ FOR AIDS , CA — Supervisors Harry Britt and John Mojinari last week introduced appropriations totaling $828,000 for increased city services for AIDS. The request, which has the support of Mayor , is to be paid from the city's surplus'funds. The appropriation brings to $1.7 million in AIDS NO NEW TRIAL FOR WHITE funding approved as a result of the Britt-Molinari resolution. by Gary Schweikhart ALICE ACTS ON HOMOSEXUAL PANIC’ DEFENSE , the convicted killer San Francisco, CA ' — The Alice B. Toklas Lesbian/Gay of San Francisco Mayor George Democratic Club has approved three resolutions regarding the Moscone and Supervisor Harvey "homosexual panic" or "sexual advance" defense. The first Milk in 1978, will not be facing a resolution condemned any attempt to exclude lesbians and gay new trial when he is released from men from serving on juries, and called upon public officials ai d prison next January. At a press candidates for elective office to support them in this regard. The conference yesterday (Monday), .second resolution is a blanket indictment of the “homosexual Joseph P. Russoniello, United States panic" defense and calls upon the Public Defender and District Attorney for the Northern District Attorney of San Francisco to work with state senators and of , announced that he assemblymen to enact legislation that will prevent the use of this has been advised by the U.S. homophobic defense in California. The final resolution declared Department of Justice that no that the Toklas Club will not support public officials, candidates federal prosecution of White will for public office, or attorneys in either public or private practice be initiated. who use or advocate the use of this defense, according to a dub In a letter to Russoniello, Stephen press release. S. Trott, Assistant Attorney General/Criminal Division, wrote, STONEWALL CALLS FOR MASS ACTIONS " .. .after a thorough review of all San Francisco, CA — The Stonewall Gay Democratic-Club available evidence, we have Con­ voted recently to begin organizing "non-violent, mass action cluded that the evidence is mani­ demonstrations in conjunction with the 1984 Democratic National festly insufficient to establish that Convention." "In 1980, the lesbian and gay community nominated Dan White violated 18 U.S.C.(245) a vice-presidential candidate at the Democratic Convention, and when he killed Mayor Moscone our voice was not heard. In 1984 we. shall be heard, both within and Supervisor Milk. We believe and without the convention, for we shall speak o u t.. . We cannot that successful prosecution could force the Democratic Party to end the oppression of lesbians and Defense Attorney Doug Schmitt (played by David Kallsh, left) counsels defendant Dan White (Kevin Reilly) in a dramatic not be maintained..." gay people, but we can force them to listen to our concerns. This reenactment featured In THE PEOPLE VS. DAN WHITE, an explosive KOED docu-drama about the Issues left unresolved In the The letter, which is dated Nov. time, we will be heard, and we will be heard all over the world," IOP m '* * nC8 ,h* murd8rto' G®°r° 8 Mo*c°ne and . It will be shown on Channel 9 on Nov. 30 at 8 P.M. and Doc Tat 17, 1983, concludes, "There is said club president Paul Bo ne berg in a press release. little doubt that the criminal justice GAY MAN ELECTED MAYOR system in California failed to hold Santa Cruz, Ca — The Local City Council last week unanimously Dan White adequately responsible selected council member John Laird as its Mayor - the first for his actions. However, it is not openly gay mayor in the city’s history. Laird. 33. had been serving Problems Plague AIDS Benefits the appropriate remedy to bring as vice mayor. "You’ll be surprised how quickly this will federal charges which are not forgotten," Laird had said before the election. "My being openly supported by the evidence and by Gary Schweikhart of AIDS," according to Gay News agreement... [David] had every law. Moreover, we are constrained gay has nothing to do with my being mayor and has ne ver affected (11/17/83). my job as a council member." The giant star-studded benefits intention of showing up. [but] he’s bv the ethical considerations which on behalf of AIDS organizations According to Marian Robinson, forced not to appear.” "Salveson Meanwhile, in Boston, a 37-year-old gay man was elected to prohibit us from instituting crimi­ seem to be plagued with problems. publicist for the committee, "Ticket could not be reached for comment" that City Council. David Scondras had a 103 vote lead over 27- nal charges which are unsupported The David BTenner-Jane Olivor sales did not go so well.” She said according to Gay News reporter by the evidence. Since our exami­ year-old Mark Roosevelt, the great-grandson of President Teddy gala scheduled for Nov. 17 in sales were only at the half-way TommiAvicolli. (San Francisco Chronicle, 11/17/83). nation of this m atter forces us to Philadelphia was cancelled just mark when the benefit -was can­ While lack of ticket sales led to conclude that the evidence is not , AIDS CASES DECLINE IN NEW YORK days before the event because of celled on Nov. 2. Robinson stated thè cancellation of the Philadelphia sufficient to prove guilt beyond a New York, NY — Á slight decline in the number of new AIDS low ticket sales ahd management that she thought Salveson “made fundraiser, it obviously was not a reasonable doubt, we must decline cases in New York stale in the last three months may presage a “misjudgments." The Sentinel has consideration in the Hollywood federal prosecution." similar drop elsewhere in the United States, officials said last also learned that the Debbje Rey­ Bowl benefit last August. That Although the gay press was not week. "New York is one year ahead of everyone else in AIDS." nolds fundraiser in Los Angeles event, a fundraiser for the National invited to this press conference, said Dr.. Anthony Fauci. But other experts challenged the notion last August 28 has reportedly AIDS Research and Education which was well attended by the that.rapid spread of the disease — which has been doubling in finished nearly $56,000 in the red. Foundation, finished $55,880.31 straight media, representatives of ; instance eyery.six months - is tapering off. "It may simply be (Earlier, this newspaper raised in the red, according to a production both The Sentinel and California differences m reporting.” one expert said (San Francisco Examino questions about nearly $78,000 in company memo, a copy of which Voice crashed theevent. 11/15/83). • freebie tickets, undocumented bills . has been obtained by The Sentinel. Following this press conference, and receipt discrepancies sur­ . In the memo. RLS & Associates, GLENN, McGOVERN d i s a g r e e o n g a y r ig h t s John Wahl, attorney for Harvey the production company for both Washington, D.C. — In separate statements, presidential candidates rounding the June 23 Debbie Rey- Milk, and Scott Smith, Milk's the San Francisco and Los Angeles John Gienn and George McGovern have staked their political nolds-Shirley MacLaine benefit in longtime lover, also met with , San Francisco’s Davies Hall.) benefits, reported the following: positions ori homosexual rights - they disagree. Democratic members of the media. Wahl, who The Philadelphia gala “Night of presidential hopeful John Glenn has gone on the record as INCOME had been excluded from the first opposing federal civil rights protections for gay people according Hope," which was scheduled for Tick«! Salai *42.850 00 press conference by an FBI agent, the Bellevue Stratford Hotel, had to the Washington Blade (1/.11/83). In a Nov. 3 address to two Coltoctad donations 15.309.59 disputed the Justice Department problems from its inception. Origin­ Donations (uncollected) 6.000 00 New York groups — the New Democratic Coalition and Americans contention that there was no new ally it was supposed to headline Total Income *64.119 59 for Democratic Action Democracy Project - the U.S. senator evidence for another trial. "They . from Ohio said, “f firmly belie ve in ci vil liberties for all A mericans. Joan Rivers and be held in Atlantic EXPEN8E8 didn't find any evidence because City, but the comedienne cancelled and I have practiced that belief in the businesses 1 have operated, Hollywood Bowl * *37.155.56 they weren’t looking for any. All because of scheduling problems. Theatre Authority • . in my senate office, and in the campaigns. But I will not advocate 1.337.90 the new evidence that did come up Administrative 10,465.48 or promote homosexuality." “When [organizer Bill] Salveson over the last few months, we gave first announced the Bellevue Strat­ Dobble Reynolds at Juno 23 benefit. Travel 1.991,04 Meanwhile, another candidate for next year’s Democratic Party Advertising to th em .. .and the FBI and Justice ford affair, there was some question some misjudgments" — among 3,945.98 nomination is George McGovern, who was the 1972 standard- Printing/Art creation 1.970.34 Department still didn’t bother to as to who was really performing. them, the price of tickets, which bearer. In an official campaign statement, McGovern said, "As a Video-presentation t Commercial investigate," he said. Various names were mentioned, she felt was too high. “$250 and ...... 1.601.86 Although Wahl admitted that nation and as individuals, we need to write discrimination [on the but finally Brenner and Olivor $150 is a lot of money in today's Mise, (food, aet, orchestra, gifts) basis of sexual orientation] into history and out of the law. We "this particular chanter in the case confirmed and contracts were economic market," she said...... 25.98198 must put an end to anti-gay discrimination in the social, political, Videotape investment 28.550.78 may be over, the book isn't." He drawn up. There was also some Robinson also thought that professional, economic and religious life of our nation. . . I believe Total Expenses *120.000 90 said he will continue to investigate confusion over who was doing “[Salveson] was over-enthusiastic that my record on gay rights is a consistent one. It is also a clear * estimates the -possibility of a new trial for . publicity for the event, since two in thinking what could be accomp­ one. The time has long passed to end all forms of discrimination“' White based on conspiracy charges. women, identified as spokesper­ lished.’- David Brenner's manager, Not only did the fundraiser end predicated on sexual orientation." Russoniello, however, said that as sons, disassociated themselves from Steve Reidman, also attacked up deeply in debt, there were also far as he was concerned, the case MCC REJECTED BY NCCC BOARD the Ball Committee for the Benefit Salveson for “not honoring his Continued on page 3. is now closed for good. Hartford, CT — A controversial two-year effort by the predom­ inantly gay Metropolitan Community Churches to join the National Council-of Churches of Christ was rejected for the forseeable future by the ecumenical agency’s governing board last Gay Leaders Plan Conf ab with United Way Nov. 9. By a vote of 116 to 94, after almost two hours of debate, the board agreed to "postpone indefinitely" a decision on whether by S«1 Rosselli sion-making process, there will be for $1.8 million in grants last year the "Request For Proposal" appli­ the MCC was eligible for membership in the ecumenical agency. While gay leaders hinted at picket. no great strides in increasing yet has been rejected by United cation will be ready to implement "The action was interpreted bÿ the parliamentarian to mean that lines and boycotts, Joseph .Valen­ funding levels." Way for the last seven years. "We by January or February. But The the MCC would have to submit a new application to be considered tine, Executive Director of United Valentine informed The Sentinel have the skills to write p ropolis Sentinel has learned that when an for membership in the future." according to a press release issued Way of the Bay Area, pledged to that he will be talking to Toklas (acceptable to United Way) because administrator for the San Francisco by the news service of the United Methodist' Church. work toward better response to issues chair Greg Day within a professional grant writers have AIDS/KS Foundation applied for An NCCC official said it has been the most controversial the needs of the lesbian/gay com­ couple of weeks to set up a meeting come to our program from all over a membership packet last week, membership application in the NCCC's history. It also is the first munity. of United Way administrators with the country,' Moore explained. he was told it would not be available time that a membershipapplication that-has come this far through Valentine appeared at the lesbian and gay leaders to "work Community United Against Vio­ for about six months. a five part process has been rejected. In mid October, the bishops monthly meeting of Alice B. Tokjas. out a strategy to get something lence was another applicant turned There are currently only two of five Eastern Orthodox dénominations.that áre members of the Lesbian/Gay Democratic Club to into the system to influence our down for funding this year. CU A V lesbian/gay agencies among'Ohited NCCC said their churches would leave the ecumenical agency if address charges made in an Alice fu/lding process this spring. Director Diane Christensen stated, Way’s. 242 members — Operation the MCC was admitted. Admission of the MCC also has been Reports article. The story revealed "We don't .have adequate infor­ “We received high marks by United Concern and Berkeley's Pacific opposed by some black denominations and by individuals in other that o f $33 million allocated to • mation to know what ought to be Way in all areas except one — Center. Both have received funds member bodies. If the NCCC governing board had voted that the hundreds of social service and funded in the lesbian/gay com­ tenure. Most gay agencies have for. the last five years; Operation MCC was eligible for membership, the next stepwould have been health organizations in the Bay munity,” Valentine said. "We are not had the opportunity to exist Concern was admitted through the To vote on whether to actually admit them. Area last year, only $100,000 (or prepared to’ add agencies although five years ago or the chance to personal efforts of Supervisor Har­ GAY MAN TAKES ON CIA less than one third of the percent) there is a hell of a lot of competition." develop." M oore'feels the com­ vey Milk. No new gay-identified Los Angeles, CA — A manager on a top-secret project at TRW Went to lesbian/gay agencies. Other Toklas members including munity should take a serious look agencies have been accepted since Inc. who has lived as a homosexual for 30 years sued the CIA last Brandy Moore responded with at United Way's policies, "Especially then. week in a challenge to the agency's policy prohibiting homosexuals believed this disproportionate allo­ harsfr criticism. “Several comments since for the next two years no However, Valentine is quick to from holding sensitive security clearances. John W. Green. 50. cation illustrates that United Way made at the meeting were' ill- new programs will be funded." add that through the organization's who described himself as á conservative Republican who is proud is not "Working For All of Us" as conceived," Moore stated. “I don't Moore refered to a new funding donor option program, many other its promotional material boasts. gay organizations receive some of his contributions to national security, lost his special clearance want people to be swayed by the application system being prepared in 1981 when CIA investigators making a background check on Jones stated “United Way has bullshit that is coming from United by the organization. He believes it United Way funds. This program his longtime lover discovered that Green was gay. limited lesbian/gay involvement Way." Moore, who is treasurer of will prevent any new members allows contributors to specify a to token positions with little impact. the Pride Foundation, has explained from being admitted next ^ear. Without participation in the deci- that Pride has successfully applied Valentine: however, hopes ‘that Continued on page 5.

i 'Sentinel November 22,1983

criminal offence to inure a citizen were White's However, no additional, from which it can be concluded beyond because that citizen has been aiding credible evidence has been found to a reasonable doubt that White killed Text of Justice Department Letter and encouraging others to participate, support the inference that Mayor Mos­ Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Milk without discrimination on account of cone wanted to do so in order to turn because of their efforts to assist the November 21. 1983 Moscone and Supervisor Milk. Mayor ( 1) (B)) nor do we believe that there is race, in certain listed activities As with around the vote on the settlement As minority police officers by obtaining a Moscone. in fact, was to announce the any evidence that they were partici­ Section 245 (b) ( 1). two elements are to Supervisor Milk, no evidence was favorable settlement of theirj lawsuit Dear Mr. Russoniello: appointment the day he was killed. pating In or enjoying the benefits of a essential: first that the victim wasaidlng developed to prove that Supervisor We do not reach our conclusions Re: Prosecution ot Dan White tor program or activity which received others at the time of the killings; and Milk, other than generally supporting lightly. There is little doubt that the' Violation ot 18 U.S.C. *245 This series of events leads to the Federal financial assistance (Section second, that the victim was killed because Mayor Moecone in his decision to appoint criminal justice system in California 245(b)(1)(E)). The mere fact that the We have studied at length the memo­ conclusion that White s motivation was of the aid being given. There is Insuffic­ someone other than White, was attempt­ failed to hold ban White adequately randum and the accompanying docu­ his anger at Mayor Moscone and Super­ Office of the Mayor and the Board of ient evidence to establish both of these ing to secure a settlement of the lawsuit responsible for his actions. However, it Supervisors routinely utilized some mentation submitted by you on the visor Milk. We recognize that case law elements beyond a reasonable doubt favorable to the minority officers is not the appropriate remedy to bring may not require that the killing occur tederal funds is insufficient to bring the The only activity of Mayor Moscone Assuming that the evidence is suffic­ federal charges which are not supported issue of whether or not Dan White activities of Mayor Moscone and Super­ committed a violation of 18 U.S.C. *245 solely because the victims were engaged which conceivably comes within Section ient to prove that Supervisor Milk and by the evidence and law. Moreover, we in activity listed in Section 245 (b). visor Milk within the purview of Section 245 (b) (5) was his attempt to settle a Mayor Moscone were engaged in the are constrained by the ethical consider­ when he killed former San Francisco 245. To conclude to the contrary would Mayor Georgè Moscone and former There can be many motives and it is lawsuit against the City and County of requisite activity under Section 245 (b) ations which prohibit us from instituting sufficient if one is because the victim require us to advocate an extension of San Francisco by minority police officers (5). thorough and complete review has criminal charges which are unsupported San Francisco Supervisor Harvey B. the statute which is unsupported by Milk. We appreciate the interest and was engaging in protected activity. C alleging racial discrimination in hiring failed to produce sufficient evidence to by the evidence. Since our examination However, the evidence strongly indicates case law and legislative history. Addition­ and promotional practices (see Section establish that White killed them because of this matter forces us to conclude that concern of those citizens and public ally. even if it could be established that officials who have submitted letters, that it was this grievance alone tha* 245 (b) (2) (c)). But the evidence to of that activity. As noted above, the the evidence is not sufficient to prove ultimately compelled White s savage Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Milk support the argument that Mayor Mos­ requisite motive need not be the sole guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, we petitions, and legal memoranda tous In were engaged inactivities within these support of federal prosecution We know acts and that if a decision had been cone was engaged in this activity a t the motive and reasonable inferences can must decline federal prosecution. that their interest arose out of 6 concern made to support White, the killings subsections, we would be unable to time of the killings is very weak. The be drawn from the evidence to prove 8tephen 8. Trott prove beyond a reasonable doubt that that justice ultimately be done in this would not have occured. evidence establishes that a settlement the requisite motive. However, as dis­ Assistant Attorney Genera/ It has been suggested that it could be they were killed because of their parties of that lawsuit on terms favorable to the cussed above, the evidence indicates Criminal Division case. We share in their sentiments and pation in those activities. As discussed, condemnation of White's crimes as proven that Mayor Moscone and Super­ minority officers proposed by Mayor that White acted because of his anger visor Milk were engaged in some activity above, the evidence establishes that Moscone had been rejected by the atnotbeingappointed. In this regard, it heinous acts of homicide deserving of the motive for the killings was retaliation commensurate punishment fiowever. listed In Section 245 (b)(1) other than Supervisors by a one-vote margin in appears that White's anger was fueled after a thorough review of all available campaigning for office. We do not believe for the failure of Mayor Moscone to re­ June. 1978. White was one of the Super­ . by his view that the City of San Francisco that there is any evidence that" either appoint White to his supervisorial seat visors rejecting the settlement The had degenerated and by the enormous evidence and the inferences that reason­ Finally, for similar reasons, we have ably can be drawn from the evidence, Mayor Moscone or Supervisor Milk evidence also indicates that Mayor political differences between him and concluded that the evidence is insuffic­ we have concluded that the evidence were participating in or enjoying any Moscone unquestionably wanted to his victims Indulging In all the inferences Nov. 23 (Tum .) - Milk Lesbian Gay benefit from any program administered ient to bring charges under. Section appoint someone whose political views that can reasonably be drawn from this is manifestly insufficient to establish Democratic Club general meeting by the United States (Section 245 (b) 245 (b) (5). That section makes it a were in closer agreement with his than evidence, there is not sufficient evidence that Dan White violated 18 U S.C. *245 At the Women's Building, 7 30 P M Election when he killed Mayor Moscone and wrap-up with KRON'S Rollln Post and Tim Supervisor Milk. We believe that suc­ Redmond of Bey Guardian Also Ml Kraus cessful prosecution could not be main­ on El Salvador tnp tained under either Section 245(b)(1) or Section 245 (b)(5) Nov. 24 (Thun.) — The Pride Center is Section 245 (b) ( 1), among other serving annual Thanksgiving Dinner, from things makes it a criminal act to willfully noon to 2 P M All invited, food contributions inlure any person because the person are also appreciated. For details, can George is or has been engaging in certain Voigt at 863-9000 enumerated activities It is abundantly clear from both legislative history of Nov. 25 (Fit.) - Section 245 and the case law that, in Annual Candlelight March. Training meeting the context of the present case, two of Eureka Valley Recreational Center Audi­ things must be proven before any assault torium. 100 CoUingwood. 7 P.M For info, or killing of a person is a violation of phone 584-6256 ' that Section. First it must be established that at the time of the killing the victim n Copcord presents pollock was engaged in one of the enumerated and leftovers 8 PM. 1818 Colfax St In activities Second, it must be established Concord (415)674-0171 that the killing was committed because the victim was engaged in one of the • Congregation thcTar Zahav is spon­ enumerated activités Because a criminal soring and inter-faith Thanksgiving service prosecution requires proof beyond a At 220 Danvers (al Caselli). 8:15 PM For reasonable doubt, we have concluded details, dial 921-7612.. that there is insufficient evidence to ATTIC INSULATION establish these two essential elements Nov. 26 (Sat.) — 6th Annual Moscone of a violation of Section 245 (b)(1). MHk Memorial, hosted by Episcopal Bishop Realistically, the only activities listed Wl'ttam I. Swing Al Grace Cathedral. 7 in Section 245(b) which Mayor Moscone P.M. For more, call Tom Tull at 921 -7970 and Supervisor Milk can be argued to . have been engaged in at the time of • KGO FW s "Dovid Lomble Show" presents AND MORE, FOR THOSE an interview with The Sentinels mane their killings is qualifying or campaigning for elective off ice ( Section 245 (b) (1) critic Penni KJmmel discussing the recent (A)). According to the attestation of the Chicago Film Festival From 8 to 10 PM on Registrar of Voters of San Francisco, KGO- KM. both Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Nov. 27 (Sun.) - KSAN's *Oay Life- Milk had filed Declarations of Intent to presents port one of the Alice B Toklas Seek Reelection to their respective WHO NEED IT MOST. Lesbian/Gay Democratic Club's 6th annual offices just a short time before the awards dinner. At 6 AM. on KSAN (95 FM) homicides. However, with the exception of these filings, there is ho direct or • Candlelight March honoring Harvey circumstantial evidence that either Mayor Milk and George Moeoone Beginning at 7 Moscone or Supervisor Milk were P.M. Castro and Market. Everyone urged to qualifying or campaigning for elective participate office It has been suggested that since Mayor Moscone and Supervisor Milk Nov. 29 (Tim.) - Pat Bond presents w ire incumbents that any official act "Gerty Gerly Stein is Bock Bock Bock." a which establishes a record in office is benefit tor the recently formed Gay and an act of campaigning This analysis, Lesbian Veterans. At Valencia Rose, 8 P.M.. however, is a distortion of the congres­ YOU CAN HELP needy families save energy this winter by passing this sional intent behind-Section 245. The message along to those who qualify for HELP W ith the HELP program, low- legislative history demonstrates that Congress was concerned with the income homeowners can get free attic insulation, weatherstripping and caulk­ integrity of the'electoral process, not ing around doors and windows, water heater blankets, low -flow shower- with the on-going" protection and safety heads, duct wrap and energy-saving home repairs. of elected officials. Consequently we believe that the evidence is not sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt TO QUALIFY FOR HELP, Household Monthly Monthly Income Dee. 2 (Sat.) - Rape Prevention Program that Mayor Moscone and Supervisor the applicant must be a PG&E customer, Size Income Over Age 60 at UCSF is sponsoring a one-day sett-defense Milk were qualifying or campaigning workshop From 9 A M to 5 PM Cost is S25 tor • for office at the time of their killings must ow n his or her home, and the 1 S 607 S 810 public. Fordetaits. dial 666-5683 combined incomes o f all household 2 817 1.090 Even assuming that. the. evidence 3 1.027 1.370 was sufficient to prove that Mayor members must not exceed the amounts 4 1.237 • 1.650 • High Tech Oays is sponsoring a Xmas Moscone and Supervisor Milk were listed at right. Party at "The 8roodwoy" Dnner. dancing qualifying or campaigning for office, it and socializing with BWMT Call Bill at (408) still must be proved beyond a reasonable 277-0644 for info and cost doubt that"they were killed because of If you qualify, or know this activity Asa matter of taw. it is not A C T NO W . Deo. 4 (Sun.) - KSAN's 'Gay Ufe’ enough that Dan White killed persons someone else w ho "may qualify, presents the final half of the Ahce B Toklas engaged in the activity of qualifying or please give us a call at Lesbian/Goy Democratic Club's 6th annual campaigning for office unless the evi­ awards dinner At 6 A M. on KSAN (95 FM) dence establishes this nexus between 800-792-8000. O r send us the coupon. After all. saving the killing and the activity Unfortunately, F * 0 - ^ E • Healing Alts Fair witn 12 Bay Area no concrete, creditable evidence has energy is cheaper than holistic health practitioners From 1 to5PM. been found to establish that the killings producing it. so we can all at Fort Mason, building C. room 100 For In any respect occured because of any CALNEVA more, call either 661 -4918 or 333-3373 concern or fear white harbored that benefit from HELP Community Action Association Mayor Moscone'and Supervisor Milk 'I had my whole house Insulated and It didn't cost a cent. Now • O 49+ presents George Hawxhurst would seek reelection There is no I can stay warm for less" George Jackson. Berkeley and his slides of Bhutan, Sikkhim and Nepal evidence that he even knew that either Al 2 P.M . at First Unrlanan Church. 1187 Mayor Moscone or Supervisor Milk JUST CALL 800-792-8000 OR USE THIS COUPON. Franklin (at Geary) 552-1997 had filed a Declaration of Intent. Infect _____ lnJhe_Fresno area,j:AlM-800-_742-2000.____ a careful review leads to the suppo-. Dec. 7 (Wed.) - San Francisco Hiking sition that the killings were precip­ Club Christmas party and general meeting itated by White's anger at Mayor Mos­ YES! I am interested in HELP’S free insulation program. Please have At Eureka Valley Recreation Center. 18th cone and Supervisor Milk over Mayor a representative call me as soon as possible: and Colkhgwood. 7 30 P M Moscone s failure to appoint him to the Board of Superyisors. N am e______!______" ______' ______!______' White had resigned from the Board Address_____ :______■ Operation Concern is offering on eight of Supervisors a little.more than two week structured group for lesbians focusing weeks before the killings. After submit­ .City.______• ' ______; Zip - on issues relating to’ coming out to oneself ting his letter of resignation White was and to others Begins in December, Tuesdays persuaded not to resign By that time it Telephpne(_ at 3 30 P M Contact Mary Foley or Mans was too late to rescind the resignation. Smith at 626-7000v-TTy Fee sliding scale. - and the only way White could regain his □ Check this box if you don’t have a telephone and we’ll send a Medical, insurance Wheelchair accessible position was for Mayor Moscone -to appoint him to it While Mayor Moscone representative to your home. initially made public statements that he IF Y O U K N O W O F O TH E R S w ho may qualify for HELP do supported White, one week before the killings he informed White that he had. them a favor. Write their name and address below and we ll get in touch. some concerns about appointing White and needed additional time Sometime ’ Name______;______during the next week Mayor Moscone. Address ______:______with Supervisor Milk s lobbyings, appar­ ently decided toappoint someone other City Zip than White, and on the evening before the killings a news reporter told White that she had heard that he was not (Vbur rvwnel going to be appointed Additionally, on Please send* the coupon to: the morning of the killings a number of PG&E. 77 Beale St., Room AH92. San’Francisco. CA 94106. White s supporters attempted to see Mayor Moscone and were unsuccessful White was informed of this just before he went to City HaB and killed Mayor

Inflation-Fighter Perm- TOf4 SH/W $30 c o m p le te M arc OUR LEGAL Cut and bio — piamo Men and Wornen MUSCLE WORKS. Parties • Restaurants David Pera' Men's short-cut—$10 Gershwin to Sondheim d i t t i* LAW OF PAUL N. THURSTON • Laidback to Boogie omets Groat American Codecttve 760 M arket at Grant 30 Antique Dealers at One Rm 401 6 . Phelan Bldg 9 2 8 5149 Address-Daily 10-6 362 5196 1736 Lombard S.F. Tues -Sat Eipsncnctd Know.iFdqe.tcir LcqK Co T T 1M ÏÏ 922-2650

» November 22,1983 ""Sentinel


DJs, Dominants & Dykes This year’s biggest tempest-in- Prop M is $24,000 in debt, and . a-teapot was explained by Randy Alice members voted to contribute This winter both of you Stallings; president of the Alice $100 to retire the debt. I think it’s stay dry with this unique B. Toklas Lesbian/Gay Democratic awfully generous of them to con­ twinbrella. Sturdy double- . Club at their last meeting. Said rib construction and 100% ‘ tribute such a large amount, espec­ nylon top will keep you both Stallings, "Debra Stein thought ially when you consider that they dry for those long walks in Jose S arria would disrobe, while made a profit of $7,900 from their the rain. Jose heard anti-gay, anti-drag recent fancy-dancy dinner at the Colors: *29.93 for yellow, sentiments. It was a terrible mis­ Mark. red. beige, royal blue. *39.95 understanding. I would like to see for black, navy, brown and Over 50 women attended the dark green. a real examination of diverse life­ Catacombs’ first party for women styles in this club in the next few on Nov. 11. It was so hot I didn't months.” Maybe a survey? A want to leave. T he next party will motion was made from the exe­ be Dec. 2 and all the women’s cutive committee to officially parties will be held the first Friday apologize to Jose. It was challenged of each month thereafter. Call Fred by members of the club and the at 861-0513 .‘ i Cyndy Batanides - exercise and have fun with other cover charge. Last Saturday’s Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery women (and I know we all like to concert with Meg Christian, For more information, please call 921-1670 have fun with other women, don’t Ferron, Teresa Trull and Barbara 2030 Union Street, San Francisco, 94123 we?) Call Les Pufkaf at 282-8995 Higbie was well-attended by PC to join the team. Two local dykes. I'm terribly PI, but I really comedians, Marga Gomez and enjoyed the concert anyway. Bar Monica Palacios, will be performing notes: DJs are needed at Peg’s and together on Dec. 8,9 and 10 at Sassy’s, Ollie's needs more bath­ 8:30 P.M. T he show will be at the rooms, and Clementina's desper­ Intersection Theatre, 756 Union ately needs chairs in the back St.; tix are $5 and call 982-2356 dance area. Happy birthday to for reservations. Palacios, a native bartender K itten Craven of of San Jose, describes herself as a Amelia's (Nov. 21). young, attractive, money-sucking Big goins on last weekend at welfare recipient on her way to Club Don. The place celebrated . stardom through comedy and its 21st anniversary with a special screenwriting. New Yorker Gomez party headlined by Jose Sarria. loves to laugh, serves on the board Over 100 people were jammed in of directors of her own charity and for the party, and Jose's waltz reads bilingual ballots in her spare down memory lane was a particular Marga Gomez and Monica Palacios time. favorite of the audience. There whole thing came down to who I went to Oakland last W ednes­ Five erotic dancers will be were well over a dozen entrants in believed Jose and who believed day with DJ Cyndy Batanides to ."Puttin' on the Ritz” at Clemen­ the Club Dori's trivia contest — Stein. The motion was carried. check out the Bench and Bar. It's tina's Bay brick Inn on Dec. 7 at 8 naming gay bars and restaurants The two principals in this mock a very spacious Mexican restau- P.M. Miki Petrillo will MC the in S.F. that are no longer aropnd. drama didn’t show, which surprised rant/bar with a large dance floor. event, which is a benefit for On There are over 400 such places, so no one. A lot of controversy was If you’re a woman, don't bother to Our Backs, a new lesbian sex it'll take some time to figure out also generated over vice-president go during the week — Saturday is magazine. Cost is $6, black tie the winner. The big announcement M argaret F rost's idea to have an the only night the women come optional, and there if a two drink as to who is to receive the $100 executive board retreat next spring. out. The Neighborhood W omen’s minimum. Peg’s Place will be grand prize will take place this Several members grumbled about Flag Football League has had having a country-western hoedown weekend at Club Dori. the cost and Boy Randy almost two Saturday afternoon practices this Sunday, Nov. 27, at 2 P.M. Till next time, remember: It’s blushed when he admitted “this at Balboa High School and we Please come in a western getup, nice to be important, but it’s more will not be a luxury outing; after need more players! This is a safe but leave your horse outside. Sloppy important to be'close to a fire exit. all, we’IG Be sharing beds with sport — you don’t need shoulder Janes will be ..served for $1.50, Be good and have a Happy Turkey each other." Sounds good ... pads or a helmet, just a desire to prizes for best costume and no Day! I HOLIDAY SPECIAL!. Admjvsion: AIDS BENEFITS PLAGUED 2 - f o r - 1 n ith this cm liv in ' Continued from page l. people’s ego and jealousy seemed classic interiors and exteriors McmlxTship \Y)! Required problems between the producers to create an organized movement ' / Hottes — S a w Durs I U r i* and the Los Angeles gay and to discourage ticket sales;, it is COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL I \pin-v I til lesbian community. Steve Schulte, further incredulous that this move­ •storefronts »professional offices «Kitchens director of the LA. Gay Community ment was centered in the gay Center, accused RLS of planning community." •retail spaces •restorations «baths I the benefit “with no thought for The producersadmitted that the the gay community. It was like benefit lost money but claimed Michael P McDowell 415-843-5862 planning the Thalians' Ball without that “there (still) exists two pending MEMBER OGBA Call,or™a Contractor License Number 410222 telling thè Thalians." Producers opportunities which will create an Richard Sheehan and Gary Weiner impressive yield for AIDS research even discouraged openly gay enter­ and information dissemination: A ) tainers like Sylvesferfrorh perform­ a foundation grant (proposed to ing and publicly announced that match gate receipts for the evening ), the AIDS fundraiser was “not really and B) the sale of the broadcast a gay event.” quality videotaped version of the Following the benefit. Sheehan - show." and Weiner released a statement Although this videotaped version attacking “Ihe absurd, but success­ did cost a whopping $28.550.76, ful,. conspiracy to prevent ticket there Seems to have been some sales to the August 28.1983 event. confusion over just who owns the It is indeed a shame that a fé w rights to it. El Diputado

(THE DEPUTY) F jjp IT We’re showing your favorite mqyies starring 4 DAYS ONLY • DECEMBER 2 thru 5 Judy Garland, Judy Holliday and that man with the charming accent. On Viacom Cablevision, Far. and away the best film at.the N Y Gay Film Festival, a taut and gripping Spanish political thriller Rarely, if ever, have the agonies and channel 17. dilemmas of coming out in high places been so sympathetically and. Itb a film fan’s fantasy with over 4,000 powerfully portrayed Watch for Hollywood and foreign films, plus sitcoms, Peg Byron. Gay Community News specials and sports. 24 hours a day. Not only a well-acted powerful drama, it is beautifully photographed (the Restaurant But you may not see them or your other gay love scenes are among the best ever presented m a commercial film, favorites unless you have Viacom Cablevision.. imbued with an erotic ache and need) GRAND John Hoftesi The Advocate For only $10 per month, you’ll receive 26 cable •JL . . C . Ü ■ ■ .. OPENING! A coming-out story on more than one level that contains the most important statement that could be heard at any gay festival WE MUST CHANNEL, MTV and CABLE NEWS STOP BEING AFRAID. FOREVER' - • Mark Halleck. N. Y Native NETWORK.

■By mixing the metaphors of political purity and the dark underside of Call 863-6000 (Operator 6) now and drugs, pimps, hustlers and extortion. El Deputado paints a social portrait DAVID’S house that can be believed and createsa character that can rise to heroic heights. receive free installation* John Rowberry. LI. Connection David C. Schuyler,' proprietor - a $25 VALUE-through November 30. Happy Hour - 4-7 P.M. Monday-Friday ROXIE CINEMA Saturday & Sunday — Bloody Mary's & screwdrivers 3-117 16th Street # at Valencia SI until 7 P.M. 863-1087 BAR OPEN 11 AM. to 2 AM. AiacomCablevision 488 HAYES Ph: 863-8829 •MORE Of WHAT KXffiE lOCXING/GR 4 Sentinel .November 22.1983

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Ou* /6C4 TfCAl 0$ S vw ity S o n fp%OHtU*CA t 2555 IRVING STREET, SAN FRANCISCO [one block South of Golden Gate Park, at 27th Avenue] OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 10:00 A M to 6:00. PM SUNDAYS 11:00 A M to 5:00 PM November 2 2 ,1983 "Sentinel 5

Serious Consequences

by W.E. Beardemphl M any activists in the homosexual revolution shut out other persons who can.^ e ° J ^ S aX va*ue- The present investigative reporting by The Sentinel on the AIDS Foundation fundraiser shows this very clearly. These kinds of consequences have been an ongoing problem for years. The June 23rd benefit made many persons aware that this could be a possible breakthrough in getting s@r entertainers, wealthy individuals and famous homosexuals to work publiclv for. homosexual rights. The potential is enormous. But some professional do-gooders who promote themselves first in our movement, again rushed into a situation of bad administration at best. Consequently, the overall community is again turned off on working for gay rights. The self-proclaimed gay ''leaders” literally push out from supporting gay community rights those persons who wijl. never be connected with activities that are not completely above suspicion. This, again, leaves fundraising in the homosexual community, open for those with questionable standards.

•There were many individuals who wanted to.participate in fundraising for persons with AIDS. This kind of show, the Davies Hall benefit, was talked about with me a few weeks before this particular event was held. My concern was to go slowly, get competent accountants involved, to get rules set up so that there would .not be questions of rip-off or dishonesty connected with the event. , We are aware that odr conversations and memos were “shared" with those who did NOT want their position as gay head-honchos for charitable functions infringed upon. They opted to accelerate a poorly planned event-. DANISH MORE ON MILK MOVIE sexual, as you would say) politics, you Instead of this benefit being an example for more shows across the nation, Regarding Randy Strinarvi 77» Mayor certainly have paid your dues - not it became a scandal. Instead of more fundraisers with.stars, everyone of Castro Sheaf (Corinna» Comer, issue only for yourself, but for a hundred DELIGHTS stopped participating. X-22). I wish to as pa rate the fact from others, as well So it was in the 60s. We had one hell of a time getting persons of ability the fiction. Your comments about Randy Good luck. were due to come sooner or later I to join our work for homosexual rights. There was the constant fear of presume, but lersget to the truth about 4104 24th STREET being connected with something that was just another ripoff. lean hardly the screenplay 77» Mayor of Castro blame most people because there is a cliche-thinking by homosexuals that Street. NEAR CASTRO they are outside of the law, anyway. This thinking is an excuse rationale Joe Hamilton ««as not at any time for many gay persons for getting away with commiting transgressions. displeased by Randy's screenplay, and CHEER8 TO CUAV dropped the option only after he realized Sometimes I feel my stomach will be coming up if l hear again the offensive Just an acknowledgement from a it was not sellable at- the time in in gratified citizen. It does my heart and Our Own Designs old wheeze — “After all, everyone disobeys SOME law. Everybody is ' current form. Due to past experience head a *orld of good to note that crooked in some way, so why shouldn't I get mine?" with the homosexual theme, le.. Cruising, C UAV. has recently installed their for Men 6» Women What'underscores the fact that charity can be handled well i&a four page Making ¿ove and Partners, studios are Violence Is Not A Cartoon Issue, very leery of -this subject I picked up posters aboard the Murii buses My instruction criteria and rules governing a fundraiser in which I am now the option, and with the help of Randa Peasant shirts participating. When it, comes to complimentary tickets there are simple appreciation extends further to note Dembroff. developed the screenplay thatC UAV. remainsagrassrootsgroup. auditable rules like signing out tickets. If someone cannot write their giving it a more cinematic approach The posters reflects unlversalconcern Quilted vests and dresses name, address, and phone number on a form when they obtain a free ticket, with less reportage «vtiich, although in a direct way. Not to mention the Randy handled brilliantly, does not addition of local colbr to our whole then they do not deserve the ticket. This is only one of the obvious rules necessarily make a movie. I had what I All in natural fibers that are needed for a charity show. And these rules MUST be enforced. community. and Joe Hamilton felt was an excellent The tact that C.U.A.V. originated as At some point in' fheiiylives these "gay leaders" who believe that they script With the AIDS situation as it is. part of the Gay Community makes me can fool all of the people all of the time, must realize that they can end upas however, we were again-faced with a even more gratified. Thanks for. the insecure, pompous fools.They are grudgingly endured by those who fear problem, Nq one is going to buy some­ hard work and dedication. May these thing that says the "only difference in them, barely tolerated by their friends, and laughed at behind their backs trademarks continue in this wonderful our life, style Is sexual preference city. by everyone.' when thè fear is that that preference is 2 8 2 -6 8 7 8 creating a dreadful scourge. Now I have, along with the,Hamilton organization, dropped the option with regret Only one thing should be made AIDS m ACCOUNTABILITY clear regarding Randy Shilts current United Way-Meeting Planned status Both he and Scott Smith dislike Congratulations on your fine, thought provoking article concerning the Investi­ Wills & Estates the present script intensely. Unfortu­ gation of AIDS/KS fund raising. The LLOYD TAYLOR Continued from page 1 nately, they did notaeemaware that my particular recipient agency, whether year went by with another cam­ raising of funds for the AIDSVKS Founda­ intent from the very beginning was not tion is such an high ly emotionally charged Incorporations or is a United Way member. paign and nothing w as implemen­ to make Harvey a martyr or his disciples cause that It surely must be seen that But critics of this program contend ted.” . overnight celebrities, but present the Partnerships gay life style, through a spokesman. all contributions be scrupulously ac­ that the lack of confidentiality and . counted for. Who knows how many bar- Although directors of gay agen­ Harvey Milk; as dignified and compas­ confusion about procedure render cies such as CUAV and Operation top containers are in circulation and Tax Planning sionate. instilling some understanding who collects them? who from the it ineffective. ' . Concern, who receive funds through in those who still have much to learn AIDS/KS Foundation is at hand to Tax Returns Jeff Jones stated, “The current the donor option program, en­ Eventually the definitive gay movie receive and account for the monies donor option approach is merely a courage members of the community will be done. I still hope that this will be collected -at Auctions. Wine Tastings. ' Business Law smokescreen for United Way's to continue to donate through it-I'm sorry that Messrs Shilts and Open Houses, etc. given In the name of Smith cannot be of the same mind failure to treat lesbian and gay United Way, others including Hank this cause? PaulBamee With Local and Federal Government Real Estate organizations fairly. It represents Wilson believes more drastic meas­ Joa Hamilton Productions money now being allocated to the an attempt to demonstrate United ures are needed. Wilson stated, Los Angeles. CA AIDS/ KSFoundatton the Gay Community Way’s concern, for lesbian/gay “United Way has. a history of not must be sure that reliable professional needs without having to fund gay responding to the gay community’s DUES PAID people are in the drivers seat To Bill Beardemphl. Publisher The membership of the GGBA is rife social service on ,a par with other needs. ] don’t think they take us It hardly seems like 2 years since I with attorneys and accountants. We communities.” seriously.” Wilson continues, "We wrote you a letter welcoming you back must implore some of them to step Arthur Lazere, one of only four need to think of alternatives like to publishing The Sentinel. forward and shoulder this responsibility Its 10 pm. gay United Way Trustees of nearly an “Our Way” campaign to get Sometimes I want to give up. too, The AIDS/KS Foundation cannot be what with the corruption of. our sexuality 150, expressed strong criticism of funds for needy lesbian/gay social allowed to become an embarassment into the object of fashion marketing I to the gay community ... Our people both the donor option program and services directed our way.” remember the reluctance to get back with AIDS do not deserve that Congratu­ the organizaton’S sensitivity to The members of the Toklas into publishing The Sentinel, so itdoesn t lations again on your sound Journalism confidentiality: “Two years ago club voted unanimously to join the surprise me that you want to bow out Gregory Blankford the committee voted unanimously Pride Foundation in requesting After so many years in Gay (or homo- San Francisco, CA D o v u t i torequest to the Board of Directors ■ that the Board of Supervisors re­ to have donor option confidentiality evaluate city employees' partici­ allowing employees to donate pation in United Way in light of THE NAKED TRUTH know where to organizations of their choice alleged' anti-gay discrimination. without being.fearfulof employers Members of the club will also knowing,” Lazere states. “It was follow through on Valentine's pro­ stalled through the bureaucracy . mise to meet with lesbian/gay CMtSI Errol Flynn and nothing ever happened. A leaders to find an equitable solution. -----JT TOCHS9CK_. .PERINEUI —...... - - . ACM NAPE Of NECK & FACIAL H SMOOTH SKIN BUT M RE MOV,Al 1 IME GET STARTED El OPEN A l l YEAR fOR THE SOMMER FUN INDOORS OR Chances are, he’s on Viacom Cablevision. WILDWOOD A film fan’s fantasy with, over 4,000 ' É tE SO R T Hollywood and foreign films, plus sitcoms, a unique experience in 2S5-9V4H specials and sports. 24 hours a day. tranquility and relaxation. ”, But you may not see him or your other LARRY f i t i ( itrio CHUCK favorites unless you have Viacom Cablevisibn. SEEMÁN ' ' ÍQHNSON For only $10 per month, you’ll receive 26 cable stations, including WTBS THE ATLANTA SUPERSTTATION, ESPN - THE SPORTS CHANNEL, MTV and CABLE NEWS NETWORK. All your film favorites are safe and sound on Viacom. Call 863-6000 (Operator 6) now and ARLEN INSURANCE MARKETNG receive free installation * M . R a y Dorfman, Vice President - a $25 VALUE - through November 30.

•Restaurants •Hotels -Bars »Motels »Reta«Stores f Special Discante for Tavern Gu*J Members ~| AiacomCablevisioii (415)4 9 9 -0 5 4 0 Caucoiiect (707)7 9 5 -5 4 7 0 " MORE C f '/-MAT VOJRE lO O iNG ÍOk '"Sentinel November 22,1983

Questions . . . Blowin’ in the Wind CLUB: PREMISES, PREMISES by Penni Kimmel This is the kind of show that richly deserves hauling out all the Ever pick up a shovel when you adjectives — grisly, ghastly, gruesome.. .. you get the idea. PREMISES, were very young and set out to dig PREMISES is the brainchild of erstwhile composer Danny Levenstein. a hole through to China? Get up in . The program states — "The composer is at the piano;" unfortunately, the drag (put on a uniform?) Fancy a piano isn’t in his living room in a distant city. word or a war that would magically, It is somnambulistically directed by John Pasqualetti at a pace that is permanently alter the shape of torpor-inducing. Pasqualetti has also given us an artsy-fartsy ballet best things? Ever discover that the world described as “Ode to a Sperm" with buckets of waving wrists and goes on changing while the person “sensitive” lighting that is actually the funniest moment in the evening. A you know best stays essentially previously respected name in the local ballet world, Pasqualetti’s bio states the same? this "is his first foray into cabaret" ... hopefully he’s got it out of his Two new first-rate films go to system. the heart of-such fantasies, peel Musically, aside from two raunchy songs Belle Barth would kill for, away history at opposite poles of “Paradise Paradise" and “Sister Tabernacle Pearl," the songs range from time and place — 1965 at the dull to “June/spoon/mpon” soporific. Levenstein is firmly entrenched in onset of U.S. conscious involvement 1954 (lyrics about the atom bomb and Harold Minsky??) but what he lacks in Vietnam; 1978 as the devastating in originality he makes up for in dissonance. effects drain away in Danang — Costumer Pam Minor has cleaned out every yard of black taffeta and and stand naked and fully compre­ satin in the Bay Area; if she wanted to hang black crepe over the hensible in the screenlight. War production, she did an admirable job. and anti-war themes are not central: One can only cheer heartily the 3 valiant performers who struggle to they frame individuals struggling Mitchell Lichtenstein It. a scene Irom Robert Altman's . pump life into this cabaret albatross. Their names are Jae Ross, Sandi for physical survival and identity, mock-up of the earlier German treatment of compassion, art, Weldon and Anne Tofflemire, all well-established local performers of the not in numbers or nations, but as piece, artificially balanced, or a Viktor/ Victoria, that shows up the feminism and madness; de la highest quality. It is a sad commentary upon the local cabaret scene that very human beings. tearjerker (an exposure of the Blake Edwards version for the Iglesia's Pals with a nominally they are forced to eke out livings casting their performing pearls before Robert Altman's Streamers model “Economic Zone” as a forced- labor camp does not cancel out sexploitive tripe it is. Jane Russell straight plot using probably every such musical swine. (from a [day by David Rabe) was tributed in triumphant camp young well-appurtenanced male Now thru Dec. 13th (optimistically), Mon. and Tues. nights at 7:30 in focuses on four young men in a Western detritus). Last, the boat people, themselves, are neither panoply and an archive-full of the in Madrid for background; master­ the Plush Room, Premises. Premises shows no promise. . . but it does boast barracks as they become victims '30s British musicals ran in a ful Margarethe von Trotta’s Sheer one distinction. Ms. Weldon tap dances with a spitton perched on top of her . of a concretizing American white political figures nor archetypes, marathon. Madness (the Critics Chdice head ... and that's the classiest number of the evening. male attitude, an attitude not but identifiable individuals to terrorize the soul. Subtitling is not Standouts, in order of screening Award), chronicling the policies coerced from the outside so much (more thorough as they get here as self-inflicted. The threat of overheavy and the scenes are and politics of friendship; and STAGE: SAINTE-CARMEN OF THE MAIN — and they will) include: Erendira, momentary embarkation “over clearly drawn, each with its own Penelope Spheeris’ The Wild Side, The Main is the red-light district of Montreal; its biggest star is Carmen, emotional and informational im­ there" operates on each according tonight returning in.triumph from Nashville to sing her country songs to to his own class, race, sexual pact. Among the excellent acting the hookers, junkies, pimps and drag queens that are her audience. But her credits is Cora Miao (a former preference and life experience. new songs sing of beauty in their lives, not the filth; and her criminal boss All are ghettoized to the max: Miss Hong Kong, present Mrs. of doesn’t like his underlings being too awakened or too knowledgeable. Billy () has been San Francisco director Wayne SAINTE-CARMEN OF THE MAIN is an absorbing play by Canadian "Chan is Missing" Wang. What cloistered in ivied halls; Ritchie playwright Michael Tremblay, translated by John van Burek, so it’s (Mitchell Lichtenstein), is well the film is is a memorable exper­ difficult to know if the clutter of mixed metaphors (a "cat's ass in a on his way to joining an upper ience at the Surf Theatre. teacup”?!) are the author’s original intent or not. Barring a tendency to crust Boys in die Band; Roger overwrite the obvious and his penchant tor those damned metaphors, () continues A. reminder,a correction and a Sainte-Carmen comes off at the Stage Group Theatre, 449 Powell at expandingjiis sphere of tokenism gigantic preview: Outof tjjfcjesbval Sutter thru Dec. 18, as a fairly vital and exciting piece of theater. withhtfcfewHieois closed .drde;.. circuit and into rhe-rrflWWi»ii 1 1 1 ' *-*- There is a wonderfully developed and luminous performance by Linda and Carlyle (), as fire comes Tile Congressm an (El Ayres as Harelip, the grovelling lesbian dresser, and Mary Borgman “jivetime street nigger,” projects Diputado, formerly The Deputy), slowly builds into a nicely understated turn as the pivotal Carmen. Of the and finally acts out all their fears a “first” in terms of political and remaining 12 cast members, David Marshall scores with dignity as the onto a framework of personal sexual preferences out of Spain. transvestite, Sandra; John Idakitis makes the most of his brief bit as disaster. Those already with­ Eloy de la Iglesia directed and co­ Toothpick, the killer; and Joyce Henderson makes the washed-up alcoholic, drawn from the fray frame the scripted this first-rate thriller of a Gloria, far too young and far too un-washed-up in an overwrought Bette periphery: a pair of Falstaffian rising young politician (played with Davis bit. rion

i November 22, 1983 "Sentinel iLSffeiS

ü t o g f e ______Zukerm an Was in Tune by Bill Hack magnificently. • As the sound rose from Pinchas As the history of music , pro­ Zukerman’s violin, it shimmered. gressed. things became even more Especially in the Bach unaccompan­ complicated. The crucial step in ied partita, the intervals approached the nineteenth century was Wag­ overtones. Wave after wave of ner's harmonic design. Tristan and sound lapped at my ear with the Isolde is arguably the first music to gentle reassurance that the art of make music out of the slight discrep­ being in tune had pot deserted the ancies of even-temperment. What concert hall. Wagner did in Meistersinger was I had begun to wonder- My fears to write consonant music that had become acute when audience nevertheless took into account the and-critics alike raved over the problems of the even-tempered blunt, fuzzily pitched sound with scale. The way Wagner worked HELD OVER THRU DEC. 31 which Montserrat Caballe pre­ Tristan and its sound into the tended to sing Gioconda. Then I third act of Meistersinger proves' panicked when the Guameri String it. Wagner realized that modem Quartet was enthusiastically ap­ harmony is a continuum and not plauded, even though their lead an either/or question. CHARGE BY PHONE: (415) 474-3800 violinist could not produce, five This history is important to notes in a row all in tune. Soli Zukerman’s perforipance because ORPHEUM . figured it was time to talk about Cesar Franck’s Sonata in A was the problem directly. the centerpiece of his recital. Writ­ The basic difficulty about, pitch ten in 1887, Franck’s Sonata is is that all Western music after part of the French response to Handel is slightly out-of-tune. Wagner. Franck's harmony wavers, Musical theorists, excepting A real harmonic relationship i.s for it in the Well-Tempered Clavier. a little confusingly, between Ï Dick Kramer Gay Men s Chorale ^ Schoenberg, reverse that statement the reinforcement of a subset of Furthermore that scale was an Tristan’s and Meistersinger's. The g presents * and claim that the old rationales the overtones of two notes because important step leading to even- violinist playing this music should about consonance vs. dissonance those are the overtones shared by temperment. Well-tempering and play it in even-temperment. He S “Christmas Concert” I both notes. The more shared over­ are for all intents and purposes even-tempering were adjustments must forego real consonance for ï 5 true. And there’s the rub. Those tones two notes have the more of the scale designed for keyboard near-consonance and make music Dec 1 Thursday St. Francis Lutheran Church rules are "for all intents and pur­ consonant they sound. In the scale instruments, and their acceptance out of that adjustment. St Dec 2 Friday 152 Church St. 8:00 P.M. Mfc poses true." That is why the music we now use, which is called even- was part of the move away from In his performance Zukerman 7 » Dec. 6 Tuesday $6.00 35 fp Dec. 13 Tuesday Britten - Ceremony of Carols of Tchaikovsky sounds prettier temperment, a note and its domin­ the human voice and the stringed was so taken up by the problem of Dec. 20 Tuesday Sweekuck, Handl. Thompson, Poulec than the music of Schoenberg. ant, for example, do not exactly instruments and towards the piano even-tempered intervals that he The ear can be tricked into be­ share any overtones. They only as the central expression of Western tended to slight the melodies in lieving that the slight adjustments almost share a lot. music. Franck’s music. He did not sculpt necessary to even-temper the scale I realize that we have quickly Nevertheless, Bach's string the phrases as he might have. Yet are acceptable variations on what become very abstract, but let us music kept some of the old feeling one can sympathize with his dil­ it means in tune. take a single principle from this for consonant intervals. Perhaps emma and applaud his inclination But, alas, those rules do not barrage of information and remem­ what Bach was after when he to concentrate his energies oh actually describe what we hear. ber it: being-in-tune in consonant wrote his unaccompanied violin Franck’s harmonies. How richly Though triadic music soundsgood, harmonic music is a glistening sonatas and partitas was the ex­ and warmly did he elucidate them! the shimmering excitement that sound that is easier to accomplish clusion of the problematic tuning How clearly did he show the beauty occurs in the ear when two suc­ and to recognize than being-almost- of the accompanying keyboard Franck had made of our difficult cessive notes fall exactly into the in-tune ih even-tempered music. Is instrument. There were scattered scale. old relationship of a fundamental it easier to thread a small needle passages in the D minor Partita Tuning is the most complex and an overtone almost never with a damp thread that has a when Zukerman was tuning his question in Western music. Since happens for us. The only interval sharp, clearly defined point or a intervals perfectly. This kind of it is only an approximate science, in even-temperment that rewards slightly larger needle with a fuzzy consonance allowed thqdissonances the most we can expect are approx­ as a consonant interval should is thread? Bach had written into the score to imate solutions to its problems. the octave. However, the octave Now let’s go back to that Pinchas make the colpr contrasts he in­ Still, Zukerman has special talents teaches the ear next'-to nothing Zukerman recital and see what he tended for them. I do not have for threading through these thick­ about harmony, because a note was upto.J.S. Bach was, of course, perfect pitch, but I have trained ets. T he silken sound he offers us and the famous exponent of the well- my ears to hear internals and is like a port in a howling storm.T,' tempered scale. He propagandized Zukerman rewarded that effort for one, am grateful to him. WOOL FORMAL ENSEMBLES SI 99 SILK DINNER JACKETS set by David Brune. And it is acted; oh boy, is it acted! Five women —. LARGEST ACCESSORY SELECTION Allison Studdiford, Michelle Simon. Gail Golden, Deborah Spector and ELEGANT CHRISTMAS GIFTS Ann D arragh all contribute dimensional, full-bodied performances that make each character vitally interesting. Three performances — Studdiford, Simon and Golden — you just won't see better anywhere than in these ladies' capable hands. Gay theatre, meaning theatre dealing with gay issues, has finally found a play from the Worden's viewpoint that soars theatrically and says we all share the same problems and pain. A Late Snow ta new beginning) . . . 415 673-0626 • 1211 SUTTER STREET • SAN FRANCISCO 94109 funny, touching, frustrating, a little sad . . . life.

STAGE: ARMS AND TH E MAN The American Conservatory Theatre opened its new season with a gloriously irreverent production of George Bernard Shaw's ARMS AND THE MAN. The'talè of romantic Raina forced to hide a realistic enemy soldier oply to discover the stupidity of war and the folly of romantic ideals See what gets a distinctly unShayian treatment under Allen Fletcher's rollicking ; direction. I for one couldn’t be happier at this lack of respect.. A trio of outstanding performers hinge this production's impact — youre missing? Byron Jennings as the ‘chocolate soldier' who quietly tolerates the foibles of those around him, Mark Harelik as the blundering bounder fiancé is outlandishly overwrought but very funny, and lo and behold. A.C.Tl has discovered a new treasure named A nnette Bening who is lovely, talented and a perfect Raina. Dakin M atthew s almost walks off with the show as the grovelling servant, and Sydney W alker is superb as the crusty father. Anne Law der strikes a hard, strident note out of style as the pretentious mother, and Carolyn McCormick as the servant-.with-aspirations Louka 'acts'.. . a lot. Asalways with A.C.T., sets I Ralph Funicallo) and costumes (Michael Càsey) are first-rate throughout. Arms and the Man — a grand beginning now in repertory at the Geary Theatre; may the rest, of this season match this quality.

Continued from page 6. If you don’t have Viacom, you’ll be missing STAGE: A LATE SNOW Hollywood^ greats. The great first-run movies. Theatre Rhinoceros is presenting thru Dec. 18 Jane Chambers' A The great directors. The great musicals. Specials. LATE SNOW .. .and it is a pleasure to report that seldom will you see a Theatre productions. Film classics. better example of ensemble work, both onstage and off. This is one of But you can see all this great entertainment those rare,productions where everything has come together and melded Brad Forrest has created classical cuisine with a • into ? first-rate theatrical experience. on Showtime, HBO, and Cinemax, available Ellie js a college professor who is forced to spend a weekend at her' California flavor for eleven years. through Viacom. lakeside cabin with ex-lovers, current lover and potential lover. A situation When you hook into any of the premium fraught with potential and your basic Boys In the Band/Virginia Woolf Trained in haute cuisine at the premier Culinary movie channels, you also get 26 channels of basic setup; Chambers does not always fail to avoid the cliched and predictable. Institute of America in Hyde Park. New York, he is cable service from Viacom, including ESPN- Her people are nice women, dealing with varying degrees, of success at having relationships. This is. not a play about lesbians — militantly committed to providing you the best fresh ingredients THE SPORTS'CHANNEL, MTV WTBS THE ATLANTA SUPERSTATION. CABLE proclaiming — but a play about “settling for" love and permanence in this anil attends to the special presentation your guests uncertain life./'I can't march, but I won't hide!" says Ellie. and Chambers' HEALTH NETWORK, CABLE NEWS truth applies to us all. d e s e rv e . NETWORK and lots more. It is directed . . . superbly . . . by Kris Gannon,, with a good multi-level. f rom Trois Marches restaurant in \ ersailles to Haven’t you missed enough already? the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach. Brad Forrest's Call 863-6000 (Operator 6) now and repertoire will delight your palate. receive free installation1 If v ou desire an intimate dinner for two, a professional - a $25 VALUE-through November 30. event for your business or an elegant cocktail buffet th e s alo o n for two thousand. Brad Forrest will satisfy your « alering needs. \ia (o m C a l)l(‘vision 1 MDi$ŒWHArvajiïicx>ur^FCs

> November 22,1983 “Sentinel 8

were no outstanding recommen­ Francisco. The pork and duck pâté Jordan's Winery: The chef Sopverain Restaurant at the dations, the Souverain Winery’s au cognac was really quite good, - served Bete Noir (chocolate with a Winery: Proved to be one of the 7 8 Cabernet was about as good as but the pâté de foie truffe with fresh raspberry sauce). Super. most popular booths with a lavish KQED Wine & Food Fest the show offered. cognac was better. It was excellent. Auberge du Soleil: A strange display of an old standby of assorted The abundant food leaves one Michel's: The place bills itself cold concoction, basically fish hors d’oeuvres and canapes. They by W.E. Beardemphl Outstanding for me were the aware that they must pick-and- as “catering to the Monterey pen­ (mostly salmon) mousse with pieces used a decoratqd ham in chand- Last Saturday-1 participated in - nouveau wines. Heading the list, choose. I did not try any chafing insula.” They had a very distinctive of scallops, sea urchins, squid, froid and aspic for a centerpiece, the biggest, most elegant cocktail Amador Foothill W inen's white dishes that had pasta-like concoc­ Cabernet and Roquefort mousse muscles and green peppers wrapped and had line after line of various party in San Francisco. It was the Zinfandel — a delightful oink blush tions or anything that just looked - an excellent flavor. in seaweed and served with a cold goodies displayed on four-foot KQED Wine and Food Festival, to a sparkling clear wine that unappetizing . . . even great chefs The Wine Works: Served a sauce of mayonnaise, caviar and mirrored trays. Outstanding were where some of the area’s best smelled like crushed flower petals can make great misUkes. But, like Roquefort and pistachio nut torte. taragon. They also served a com­ the salami coronets with ham chefs and wineries combine to and tasted of fresh fruit — truly a it or not, the KQED party set Nice. mercial puff pastry stuffed with mousse, deviled eggs with shrimps present an eye-pleasing, storriach- superb Wine. Next was a Beajolais standards for San Francisco’s Madrona M anor: This Healds- ground duck and sauce Perigour- and capers — both in aspic. Also stuffirig array of wines to sip and wine listed in my confused notes catered party food. Realize, in this burg restaurant, located in a splen­ dine. Served hot, it was, called superb were the cheese-stuffed foods to sarnpje. It was held in the and memory as San Pasquel Vine­ city one can get pâtéd-d to Qeath. did old Victorian mansion, served Duck Pthiviers. This was one of cherry tomatoes with pickle and splendid Trade Show Center at yards ’83 Gamay Nouveau. This I Marcel et Henri’s, for example, a sausage which combined pork the least interesting tastings of the the Roquefort cheesepuffs. I heard Eighth and Erannan streets and have to check out. I do remember served 10 varieties of pâté alone! with hot peppers, garlic and other party, but it sounds great. one guest rave about how well the was more than sold out at $30 per its distinct look and bouquet of Here are just a few of the more tasty ingredients. It was super. Carnelian Room: This elegant taste of the walnuts topped with person. black cherries with a great Uste to interesting offerings: Narsai’s: Offered steak Tartar. restaurant on top of the Bank of marzipan combined with her glass match. Castle Grand: Served bite-sized The meat was freshly ground America building offered a cold of Sauvignon Blanc. They had The festival presented 90 winer­ In the Sauvignon Blanc section, pieces of Roulede Souffle de Creme through an old-fashioned hand smoked salmon mousse that was dessert canapes as well. ies and 90 restaurants. As one of my favorite was DeLoach Vine­ de Caabe (a cold crab souffle), grinder, with a nice garnish of egg definitely my low point in food At the festival I did not taste the advance press releases warned: yard’s '82 Sonoma County Fumé along with a Flan aux artichokes. yolks, capers, green peppercorns tasting. It tasted like the salmon any cheese displays; there were “If even a small sample of each Blanc — good aroma and Uste It was all very good. with mustard, and a cream horse­ swam by a cold piece of béchamel. just too many. I do want to comment, food is tasted, the taster will have that was true to this wine variety. Snow Peas: A salmon mousse radish. It was quite nice. McDowell Valley Vineyards: however, that Safeway has become consumed over 25 pounds of food." The Cabernet Sauvignon section made of salmon and butter in a La B ourgogne: A chicken, port Had a beautiful service of roasted the arbiter when it comes to cheese. Obviously I was able to hit only had Jordan Winery’s 79 esUte food processor, with capers added. and liver pâté. Superior. boned turkeys that were stuffed Some food snobs may resent it, a portion of the serving displays. bottled Cabernet that took the top This style works better with chic­ The Famous Pacific Dessert with chicken mousse and pistachio but it’s true. The Safeway cheese First, on the wines: This yèar’s award, platinum medal, at the ken livers, I think. In their other Company : A chocolate truffle mix­ nuts — looked lovely and tasted exhibit was incredible. wines were divided into three Culinary Institute in New York booth, they served barbeque spare- ture. It was super, but very, very marvelous. Finally, while it was good seeing sections — Cabernet Sauvignon, this year. I guess I expected some­ ribs with a coating of liver paste. It rich. Odella’s Oyster & C hampagne gay restaurants represented, next Sauvignon Blanc (some labels call thing great and ended up with the was nice to see gay resUurants Kistorante Orsi: An excellent Bar: Served a lovely raw Portu­ year I hope there will be many this Fumé Blanc) and nouveau wine being sharp Usting, leaving represented. offering of roasted New York strip guese oyster on-the-shell in front more. Our restaurants have a lot to wines (finished wines from the a distinctly bitter aftertaste and a Marcel et Henri: The most steak in a Worcestershire au jus of a beautiful ice-carving of a be proud of and they deserve to be 1983 crush). cloying coating in the mouth. There prominent makers of pâté in San sauce. Fabulous. swordfish. Very good. spotlighted even more.

< < Advertising offering employment, rentals, real estate, accomodations, ! SPECIAL OFFER! Buy One Classified—Get One Free!! business opportunities, goods or services may not discriminate on the basis of sex race, religion, ancestry, disability, age sexual orientation or any other criterion unrelated to the offer Personal ads and roommate Clearly print or type your ad I adsmayspecify the preferences on a separate piece of paper. | of the advertisers regarding then circle the category you j which traits they find desirable want it placed under Categories j We urge you to state who or are: ! BILL'S BACK from Europe! Complete VICTORIAN FLATt two bedroom. 1)4 what you want instead of who massage plus all cumshot video movies bath, dining room, fireplace, deck, or what you don't want' . Business Op. Notices j $30 anytime Call 282-1266 hardwood floors, dishwasher, disposal. BANKRUPTCY / MAINTAINANCE MAN WANTED: Must Washer/dryer available. Fresh paint. FREE$180 FEE / Here are examples of our two For 8ale Personals ‘ be experienced. Full/part time available Instruction Pets f $900 per month. Available Dec. 1 663- CHAPTER 13 $60 cost standard ad styles: Resume required. Apply afternoons to 8477 or 921-1084. Style 1 Jobs Offered Rentals i CERTIFIED MASSAGE PRACTITIO­ DIVORCE $180 fee Club Baths. 8th and Howard. NER offering Swedish Shiatsu and TRASHY QUEEN just loves to Jobs Wanted Roommates . IMMIGRATION Massage Services polarity techniques For the best mas­ (600 FURN. TWO-BDRM nicely decor- haul your garbage Throw me EXPERIENCED ALARM IN8TALLER8 sage you will evet enjoy call Geno rated. has all. Alamo Sq., must see. Free Consultation the dirt anytime I 555-6666. Miscellaneous Travel | WANTED.alsoalarm salespeople wanted 431-9441 References required. 567-8543 Full representation by Northern Modet/Escort Rental Wanted | on commission basis Protect All Security California's largest consumer Vacation Rent Oarage Sales j 468-3400 45« per word per issue. No ONE BEDROOM: 1000 square feet, bankruptcy law firm hardwood floors, new paint. $490. Call extra charge for BOLD heading. Need a heading not included? ■ VOLUNTEER! Department heads, book­ We are always open to newand J Personals Robert at 884-4327 or Harvey at 885- Style 2 keeper. pick-up drivers Call Community 3035. Attorney Max Cline exciting suggestions! I Thrift Store 881-4910. SF 474-1709 UNCUT, HOTTOTROT EAGER The Sentinel is now offering | San Rafael 485-1410 BLOND MUSCLE HUNK JUST FOUR ROOM original wood, gas lighting, JOBS OFFERED ads FREE as NOW HIRING DRIVER8 with cars for first floor. Live in commercial space Oakland 853-2367 LOVES TO BE TIED UP AND a service to the community until ! airport deliveries. Bentley Personal w/dishweshef. Civic Center. Robert884- Concord 680-0526 ABUSED BY J. CRAWFORD further notice. Limited to 25 I Services, call the Gay Employment LOVING HANDSOME EDUCATED dis­ 4327. TYPE. LET ME BE YOUR BETTE words 5 Center. 621-5627 abled W/M seeks 19. 21. 25. year old Fremont 790-0162 San Jose (408) 995-0273 DAVI8, BLANCHE. 555-6666. We reserve the right to reject | who' is Aquarian. Aries. Capricorn or 8UNNY THREE RM VICTORIAN APT advertising which is objection- ■ BATHHOUSE ATTENDANT: Must be Libra, cute, sensitive forastrologically Fell/Laguna. *425/mo.. Joe eve. 864- Sacramento (916) 442-4186 able or inconsistent with our 1 over 21 have local references. (4 an complete serious relationship. 540-6012 6591. Available 11/15. policies I Hour to start Fill out application in person at 3244 21st St. HAVE YOU BEEN VERBALLY PAINTING, INT./EXT., REASONABLE HARASSED BECAUSE OF AIDS? Roommates RATES, FREE ESTIMATES. MARK, OFFICE MANAGER: Individual with- 626-3131 EXT. 178. outstanding skills in office management Community United Against FINANCIAL COMPENSATION for wo­ and administrative systems for non­ profit organization. Expérience, skills, Violence wants to hear frorr.all men 35-45 posing as wife regarding my job promotion. Alex 673-9694. sense-of-humor. Full-time: $15.000 plus gay men and iesbians who benefits. Women and people of color nave been verbally attacked encouraged toapply Resume ta Search. because of AIDS, if you have AIDS/KS Foundation, 54 Tenth St. CUSTOM LEATHERS been the direct victim of this Services f certify that 11 r 18 years otage San Francisco. 94103. We are now able to offer ourcu*- AIDS hysteria, please call: tomers custom tailored: VESTS, EXPERIENCED LEATHER WORKER8 REFINISH HARDWOOD FLOORS. Style 1 words @ 45« = S x issues = S Total CUAV - 864-7233 painting, sheetrock. wallpaper hanging JACKETS, PANTS, CHAPS at Apply to linage Leather, 2199 Market regular prices. (An extra Style 2 words ® 75« = $ x issues = $ Total St., 621-7551. If you don't report harassment, and removal — Marsha - 428-9440 then we can't do anything unlicensed. charge will be made for (3.00 Minimum ad accepted the hard to f it and the SALES STAFF Order taking position about it! Classified ads may not be placed by phone Payment must accompany for Grocery Delivery Service. Heavy large person.) orders for classified ads Make check or money order payable to The phones, customer contact Salesability A T aste of Leather 8entlnel Do not send cash Classified ads may be placed in person in The ■ and typing 50 wpm required. 20 to 35 336 SIXTH STREET Sentinel office g hrs/week. (5.50/hour plus bonus. Call HUNKY SHOWOFF7 Volunteer driver Marc Arrnnrons. C.E.T. San Francisco, Ca. 94103 DEADLINE: 6:00 P.M. Friday before publication! Q Nancy. 641-5460. wanted Community Thrift Store. 861- (41S) 777-4643 4910 Electronic Restoration & .: Mon-Sat Noon-Six Clip and mail to The Sentinel, 500 Hayes St., San Francisco, CA 94102. | AID8 CLIENT ADVOCATE/8UPER- Repair VISOR, direct services to persons with AUDIO-VIDEOSPECIALIST AIDS and some supervision of volun­ HOUSE CALLS teers. Knowledge of evaluative materials EXPERIENCED HANDYMAN, odd jobs, ACTIVIST-FUNDRAISER. Outreach and social services helpful. Contact C. «■CI149JI (415)6*4-1014 window cleaning, painting, hauling, For Sale workers. Shanti Project Part time, full Pacific Center 5 garden work or ap t moving with my truck. Call Steve. 821-6363. time. Develop resources for AIDS PHONE 8EX: 346-8747. patients Training, benefits-«- commission NEED SOMEONE TO CARE? Yellow FOR SALE. WOMEN S BUSINESS Call 558-9625 Phone offers top gay. bi 6 straight METROPOLITAN ¡NTERIOR DESIGN intrris for tonight or life. Large computer EXPERT PAINTER: 25 years exper­ specializing in creating warm colors of Massage base Friendly prompt service. 10A.M. ience. Superior work. References. Free your personality in intimate space. to 10 P M., seven days a week. For estimates Reasonable rates Call Alfred Studios into one-bedrooms. Apts, homes HANDSOME MAS8EURE gives thor­ more info call: (415) 956-4358 Perry 346-0315 and small commercial businesses ough. sensous massage. Eves only References 673-0B76. In/Out Rick 431-2037 THE CONNECTOR: The Bay Areas exciting new gay play line. Call (415) EGO-TRIP. FINANCIAL OAKLAND. CA PRIVATE MAIL receiving and forward­ PROBLEMS? • One City Block/3000 sq ft ing. Now with private locked boxes! All American Mail Service. 2269 Market BANKRUPTCY • Full Liquor A Cabernet License CHAPTER 13 • Bar/Dlsco/KItchen Street Our 4th year. 621-7111. • Fully Equipped Business S8M PHONE 8EX: 346-8747. ! FREE INITIAL CONSUL TA TION • Ownership Includes. WITH EXPERIENCED A TTORNEY Building * Land "HOI DTnfc on the make lódSìnglòr Call same SentinelBox W33. 355-0583 PAM McCaffery ALLIED BROKERS Waller R. Nelson . Law Offices, BUS. 357-3112/RES. 483-6420 Rentals GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES: BENTLEY PER80NAL SERVICES Eyes of Blue • Clever Ballet Student TWO BEDROOM APT. w/w carpet transportation available S.F./BayArea. too. Doesanybody need a MASSAGE? skylights cable, dishwasher G/D New 431-1989 CAN YA BEAT BOOKKEEPER, gay preferred, straight • • Jason 771,-4921 • • appliances Security system $725l00 TH|é?!Ì appearing with general knowledge of First, last + $200 deposit Call 861- payroll, payroll taxes, inventory, accounts 6032 and leave number THIS MUCH SPACE receivable, accounts payable and office EXCEPTIONAL MASSAGE CAN BE YOURSII organization for automotive parts ori­ 4 STARS Eric's Word ented company. Computer input helpful Excellent professional Swedish massage THE RIGHT APT l am looking for a *25.30 for 1 run by very goodlooking, experienced, Jorge 1 or bdr Ant with one or less HAULING ON WITH RON. Hauling, .(22 77 each run but not necessary Good opportunity SUNSHINE MOVERS basement cleaning, trash removal for right person Please respond to R friendly W/M. 28y/o_ 6 1 . 185». very flights of stairs Private Enl Ser.ur,: for 5 times, Sunny, dishwasher or liook-up garbage Experienced and reliable. 285-9846. Booth PO Box 166 Fairfield. California muscular $40 in Flotation tank avail­ i ...... 821-9440 $21.50 each run able $20an hour. and perhaps a view and possioie pel for 10 times 94533 with resumé, picture! if available) ROOFING, ALL TYPES. Complete or and where you can be contacted s DAVID 673-1308 Up to $525 00 for t Br $600 00 for 2 If this is your apt guess ivhaf youre path. Low prices high quality, guaran­ teed work. Call John at 861-6973. CU8TOMER SERVICE position with moving " 863-9-i t A M best major water utility involving public ESALEN MA8SAGE CLASSES - Indi­ contact, cash handling and office ma­ vidual sessions Details: Mild. Jarvis TOP FLOOR VICTORIAN FLAT 6 + chines Salary $14,844-$ 17,196 with 863-2842 (legitimate) rooms Hardwood floors, fireplace $660 Instruction advances to job paylngalmost $.19.000 per month Eve 885-3035 Sentinel per year plus excellent benefitsand job AMMA 8HIAT8U, traditional Japanese security Openings possible in several massage In authentic environment East Bay locations served by BART Certified and norvsexual $40 for two GEMINI Apply in person from 8:30-4:00 P.M hours. 673-0876. not later than Tuesday Nov.. 29th at 'Bunkhouseflpts. MOVERS Jobs Offered 2127 Adeline St.. Oakland. CA (at West . Grand Ave). Office: 419 Ivy S treet WINE 8ALE8. Retail/wholesale entry San Francisco 5 YEARS level, possibility of advancement Wine POSITION AVAILABLE: ELECTRICIAN Mon.-Fri. 1-6 P.M OF RELIABLE & knowledge/experience and outward Or By Appointment personality required Resumes to Wine. Cristopher Electric has an opening FRIENDLY SERVICE P.O. Box 77394X, S.F . CA 94107 for an experienced electrician in its SUPERHUNG STUDIO. 501 Hayes »3 $300 service department The indivKf ual work­ JOHN VIC STUDIO, 419 Ivy »8 $300 (415) 929-8609 (415) 552-4425 ing alone, will be responsible for service. ' DOMINANT STUDIO. 419 lyy »2 - $350 ROSE GROWERS with potpourri garden repair and maintenance work on a large " in Petaluma seek chemist/distiller inter­ 1 Bedroom, 419 l.vy »6 $350 ’ volume of short duration jobs and HOT STUD! 1 Bedroom, 562 Hayes » 7 $350 ested in perfecting extraction of essential stocking and control of truck inventory oils and fragrarices leading to perfume and tools The successful candidate manufacturing (415)931-2838 or|707| will: Stove, refrigerator, car­ 795-0919. • possess three to five years residential "PLAYGIRL DISCOVERY" pets and curtains included. and commercial trade experience, most C A S T R C N I B K A L ADVERTISING SALES for Gay-owned EXCLUSIVELY I Firat and last months rent recently at journeyman level FOE THOSE WANTING A MAN | required. No" -deposits. CLINIC firm Selling approved Olympic Tourist • have a thorough working knowledge Guide ads Cash commissions paid. No Must be employed. of the S F and/or N E codes DEREK 928-4255 $33 Cttt'O Siren freaks or fruitcakes need apply All • be able to work effectively in an ■ Franc iko. CA 9* others cell 1-5 P M . M-F for interview independent role with little supervision and training 441-3080 • bring a problem-solving orientation 863-6262 |4IS|a*l 3366 (20 • Super Massage • Athletic Body­ to satisfying our customer s needs builder • Satisfying. Warm John Allen, ’ AD, SALES: Responsible, industrious • possess a valid California drivers GOUGH-HAYES HOTEL, 417 Gough *OH IRI Noon 8 • iAT Noon 4 creative-types are needed for sales license and a good driving record •775-2595. Weekly rates Locally employed wel­ positions at The Sentinel Good com- come. Sauna. TV lounge, game rooms For The Man Who Has Everything The company offers a competitive EXPERIENCED TOP for safe, sane even rn'ission and fun working conditions compensation package including med­ shared kitchens 431-9131 Call Gary at 861-8100 forappointment healthy (no fluid exchange) physical ical/dental benefits, performance profit S&, pteasure/pein Open 6 Days a Week sharing after one year of employment, STUDIO RENOVATED VICTORIAN GREAT OPPORTUNITY!.Experienced by the best (415)864-5566. Roger and advancefftent opportunities in line townhouse. fireplace, carpets all utilities stylist wenied in elegant Financial District with otir rapid rate of growth salon Guaranteed salary and commie SENSUOU8 BLACK DANCER. 6 . 165 no pets $375 550-1810 2-6 pm Interested candidates should submit lbs. 9 . tight masculine build In/out. sion. 391-1933 their resumes with salary históry to SHARE REHTAL8 Gay Victorian town- Christopher Electric 441-0545 LESBIAN THIRD WORLD THERAPIST house. utilities paid, share kithervbaths EXPERIENCED, DEPENDABLE houae- 500 Hayes SÎ. San Francisco. Half time. Operation Concern Call Stefan 629 Hayes Street ITALIAN BEAR strongs sensual. 6 1 . Low move-iri NO pets furn/unfurn Cleaning. garden work Call Bob 824- San Francisco. California. 94102 CA, 94102 (415)861-8100 626-7000 190 lbs Sardo. 558-9288 $200*250; 883-6652 4629 L 01V5ST RENTALS P g g r ON MAN TO MAN (//DEO! L 1 SnjDSTOR© àe \ 9 6 0 FOLSOM ST. OPEN MON.-SAT. 10-7

■ )■ io ^'Sentinel November 22,1983

HERE’S WHAT THEY’RE SAYING a b o u t us ;;

THE GAY BOOK 470 Castrcr Street, Suite 207 San Francisco, CA 94114 ESCAPES Travel Agency is pleased to be associated with THE GAY BOOK We are impressed with the unique and creative flavor the book is taking on. ESCAPES is excited w ith your initiative to expand « ^ ^ i s S S s s s beyond a traditional advertising directory. Thanks j s S s s SS s s S S * 6 for tailoring THE GAY BOOK to meet our local OK« promotional needs. Best regards for a brilliant i t s® ' future. Sincerely yours,


tsoo* S&W'



s-,re? ls4'leB^ ie » s,0« 6 4ie

THE GAY BOOK 470 Castro Street Suite 207 San Francisco. CA 94114

We were more than pleased to hear that you were pu tting out your own directory. You were certainly w S 4 4 a credit to the other one, and the fact that you were nto0^“' ^vic».or* recently elected as Vice President of the Eureka Valley Merchants Association shows the confidence shared in your leadership capability. Aside from the personal recommendations and the Golden Gate Business Association, the Gay ss o o i1 Directory proved to be our largest source of referrals We are completing our 8th year of providing high -»W4 quality chiropractic care to the community and can readily appreciate your efforts to add another quality service through the media We are happy to continue advertising with you and having you as a neighbor has been a most welcome addition to 470 Castro. Best of luck to you and your GAY BOOK staff Dr.X.D. Houser, Chiropractor . ^ K S ì S ? - GLENN SCHMOLL Office Manager

¿ P ’- ‘