Report of the Committee on South West Africa to the General Assembly
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Jr.. REPORT OF THE UOMIITTEE ON . SOUTH WEsrr AFRIUA TO THE ! 10 I GENER,AL ASSEMBLY II GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: ELEVENTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 12 (A/3151) ( 40 p.) NEW YORK, 1956 UNITED NATIONS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON SOUTH WEST AFRICA TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL ASSEtJlBLY OFFI(:iAL RECORDS : ELEVENTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 12 (A/3151) New York, 1956 le NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters com bined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. ! . ~ -- ~-~~ -~~ ---" _:::....::~:.O..~'_~'.:-...':_:_::~~...:~'.:.:~£~, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. General 1 Il. Negotiations with the Union of South Africa. ......................... 1 Ill. Annual report from the Union of South Africa. ....................... 2 IV. Examination of information and documentation concerning South West A+~ica 2 r~ V. Petitions and communications relating to the Territory of South West Africa 3 A. Communications from sources outside the Territory of South West Africa . 3 B. Communications and petitions from sources within the Territory of South West Africa 3 ers com a United ANNEXES Anne» I. Correspondence with the Government of the Union of South Africa 4 ll. Report and observations of the Committee on South West Africa regarding conditions in the Territory of South West Africa. ................... 5 I. General 6 \. ll. Political advancement ....................... .. 9 Ill. Economic conditions 13 IV. Social conditions 19 V. Education.................................................. 24 VI. Concluding remarks 27 Ill. Communication dated 19 September 1955 from Mr. Peter McLaren, Johannesburg, to the Secretary-General .............................. 28 IV. Communication dated 28 May 1956 from the Anti-Slavery Society, London, to the Secretary-General 28 :( V. Communications from the Reverend Michae1 Scott . 29 ·1· VI. Petition and communications from Mr. Jacobus Beukes, Burger Secretary, Rehoboth Community . 30 VII. Communications from Chief Hosea Kutako . 32 VIII. Communications relating to the request that an oral hearing be granted to Mr. Eric Getzen . 33 IX. Petition from the Tribal Congress of the people of Ukuanyama, Ovambo- land 34 I j 111 I. GENERAL 1. By resolution 749 A (VIII) of 28 November "to co-operate with the Committee and, in particular. 1<)53, the General Assembly established, "until such to submit to the Committee reports and such petitions time as an agreement is reached between the United as may be received on its administration of the Terri ~ations and the L'niun of South Africa", a Commit tory of South \\'est Africa, and to assist the Commit tee OIL South \\'e~t Africa. and requested this Com tee in the examination of such reports and petitions, or mittee to : of such information and documentation as may be "(a) Examine, within the scope of the Question available to that Committee." In paragraph 7, the Cum naire adopted by the Permanent Mandates Com mittee was requested, "in the preparation of its next mission of the League 0 f 1\ations 111 192G, such in report, to take into account the discussions in the Fourth formation and documentation as may be available in Committee at the tenth session of the General Assem respect ui the Territory 0 f South West Africa; bly"; and, in paragraph 8, "in the preparation of its .. (b) Examine, as far as possible in accordance next and all future reports, to include its recommenda with the procedure of the former Mandates System, tions on each aspect of conditions in the Territory for reports and petitions which may be submitted to the such particular ac.iou as it considers the Government (':J111111itttee or to the Secretary-General; of the Union of South Africa should take to ensure the fulfilment of its obligations and responsibilities "(c) Transmit to the General Assembly a re under the Mandate". port concerning conditions in the Territory taking into acount, as far as possible, the scope of the re 3. The Committee on South \Vest Africa consists ports of the Permanent Mandates Commission of of seven members-Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, Syria, the League of Nations; Thailand, the United ('tates of America and Uruguay. "(d ) Prepare, for the consideration of the Gen The following representatives served during the third eral Assembly, a procedure for the examination of session: reports and petitions which should conform as far as Brainl: Mr. Donatello Grieco. possible to the procedure followed in this respect by Mexico: Mr. Luciano Joublanc Rivas, the Assernblv, the Council and the Permanent Man Pakistan: Mr. S. A. Karirn. dates Comn;ission of the League of Nations." Syria: Mr. Rafik Asha, Mr. Najmuddine Rifai, Mr. Furthermore, the resolution authorized the Commit- Tarek Jabri. tee to continue negotiations with the Union of South Thailand: 1\1r. Thanat Khoman. Africa. in order to implement fully the advisory opin ion of the International Court of Justice regarding the United States of America: Mr. Benjamin Gerig. question of South \\'est Africa, and requested the Com Uruguay: Mr. Enrique Rodriguez Fabregat, Mr. mittee to submit reports on its activities to the General Cesar Montero Bustarnente. Assembly at its regular sessions.' 4. At its 59th meeting on 16 February 1956, the 2. The General Assembly, on 3 December 1955, first meeting of the third session, the Committee decided adopted resolution 941 (X) on the report of the Com that 1\1r. Thanat Khoman, Chairman, and ::V1r. Luciano mittee on South West Africa, in paragraph 6 of which it J oublanc Rivas, Vice-Chairman and Rapporteur, should invited the Government of the Union of South Africa continue in office. 5. Between 16 February and 12 July 1956, the Com 1 For the reports of the Committee on the work of its first and second sessions, see Official Records of the General As mittee held thirteen meetings. sembly, Nil/tit Session, Supplement No. 14 (A/2666 and Add.l and Cord); Tcntk Session, Supplement No. 12 (A/2913 and 6. At its 71st meeting on 12 July 1956, the Com Adds. 1-2). mittee adopted its report to the General Assembly. 11. NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA 7. Pursuant to paragraph 6 of the General Assem the Union which was extended in 1954 and 1955. 2 ~~y .resolution 941 (X), whereby the Government of the The Committee again expressed its readiness to con Uruon of South Africa was once more invited to eo tinue negotiations with the Union in order to imple operate with the Committee and, in particular, to sub ment fully the advisory opinion of the International ll1~t to the Committee reports and such petitions as Court of Justice regarding the question of South West ll1lght be received on its administration of the Terri Africa and therefore invited the Union Government to tor.y of South West Africa for the year 1955, and to designate a representative to confer with it. At the assist the Committee in the examination of such re same time, the Committee reiterated both its regret at ports and petitions, or of such information and docu the position taken by the Union Governmen, with re mentation as might be available to it, the Committee, spect to previous negotiations in 1954 and 1955, and at it? 59th meeting on 16 February 1956. requested the ChaIrman to renew the invitation to ..he Government of 2 See A/2666, annex I (c) and A/2913, annex I (c). 1 -,.----------...,. March }l)5,~ aml..!l :-OIa\' lq55, its attitude remained un its earnest hope that, through renewed negotiations, rt'qllt'~t of the Unio satisfactory and positin' results might he obtained. On changed. In this connexiou, tilt' l 'onuuittee recalled ships concerned luu 2 Xlarch }lISt), till' t 'hainnau accordingly dispatched its previous conclusion that the Union of South Africa ~ Territorv and that, E~tt,rtlal was not prepared to assist the t 'onuuittee in the dis to the Minister tor .\IYairs of the Union a ittl\l·tion' 0 t \ t chaf<~l' vn() letter which is reprodured as annex I rtl) lx-luw, 0 t its mandate hv the til'llCral Assemnlv and, in 8. By a letter dated 21 April Il15tJ, the Deputy particular, that the lTllion was unwilling e\'en to en Permanent Represeutative of the Union of South ter into negotiations in order to implement fully till' I. :\frica tll the L'uiterI ~ations transmitted a reply from advisory opinion of the Court. The t 'ommittee stated that it regretted and could not accept that attitude, It I v. PETI the Minister of External Affairs, stating, inter alia. I that the l ;r vernment's altitude concerning' the sub further pointed out that. acting in these matters under , mission of reports and petitions as well as the renewal instr-ictions Irom the Assemblv, it found itself unable of negotiations with the Committee had been outlined to cut suler the questions of the submission of reports ; 13, Pursuant to p: in the communications sent to the Chairman on 25 and petitions and of the renewal of uegotiatio 1S as hav I sernbly resolution 7-J.~ March IqS,l and 21 Xlav PIS5:l ant! remained un ing been closed by the statement of the Minister of resolutiun 941 tX), t changed. as there had ill the meantime been no material External Affairs referred to above. It continued to on South \\" est .\frier change in the position described in these conununica hope that, in accordance with its terms of reference, f Union of South Africr tions, The letter is reproduced as annex I (b) below. negotiations with the Government of the Union might tannex I ta) ), to assi: be resumed and that that Government's co-operation in particular, tu tran 9. The above-mentioned letter was considered hv ; and assistance in the examination of conditions in South \\" est Africa as the Committee at its 60th and (il st meetings on 28 South \rest Africa might be received.