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Wildcats to Play Providence Here Friday Night Mr. Rye

Wildcats to Play Providence Here Friday Night Mr. Rye

©he <£a£io Kecwrft ICc Copy Devoted To The Best Interests Of Cadiz And Trigg County

Volume 82 Cadiz, Kentucky Thursday, Sept. 12, 1963 Number 37

Bell Telephone Pasture Improvement Trigg 4-H Members Win Stale Fair Honors Wildcats To Play Appoints New Manager Meetings Completed Mr. Rye Claimed Voting Sites Providence Here Over 150 Trigg County farmers By Death Given For ASCS md their wives recently attend­ Friday Night 'd a series of three Pasture and Funeral Services Elections Sept. 23 forage meetings held by the Will Be Held Today Trigg County Agricultural Exten- Trigg Bows To ion Service and Soil Conserva- At Goodwin's Committee Candidates Henderson In First ion Service. Extension and SCS Robert Hill Rye, age 70, a re­ Listed For Five jersonnel cooperated in present- tired Civil Service employee, died Home Game, 13-0 ng a program based around pas- County Communities Tuesday, September 10, at Trigg ure and hay production and it’s Henderson County’s talented County Hospital shortly after be­ CGunty and community com- elation to the beef cattle indus- Colonels invaded Perdue Field ing admitted. Mr. Rye had be­ rtitteemen who will administer ry in Trigg County. The supper Friday night, and in a rugged, come ill earlier in the afternoon ASCS programs beginning Octo­ neetings were sponsored by West hard-fought battle that was not while on a fishing trip. ber 1, 1963, will be elected b y Kentucky Production Credit As- decided until the waning mo- j A native of Montgomery Coun­ ’aimers Septemlber 23, according ociation and were held in Roar- ,o an announcement by Kenneth: ments of the final period, put ' ty, Tenn., Mr. Rye was born Ju­ ng Springs, Cerulean and Cadiz. v the youthful Trigg County ly 3, 1893 and was a son of the Bush, the Chairman of the Trigg Boyd Champion, SCS Work Bounty ASC Committee. Wildcats 13-0. late Edwin and Blanche Batson Unit Conserationist, showed Henderson broke the scoring Rye. He was united in marriage In order to have the greatest hides of excellent pastures and ice late in the first quarter. After December 30, 1922, to the former possible partcipation by farmers tor a balanced farming program Top winners in 4-H boys’ pub­ sub-district winners, in 4-H boys’ the Colonels recovered a Trigg Miss Isabelle Johnson who sur­ in the election, farmers will east of livestock and forage. Planning lic speaking at the Kentucky public speaking, making them fumble at the 16, they drove in­ vives. ballots for their nominees at a he forage program to make State Fair were: (left to right) eligible to compete for state hon­ oolling place designated in each, side the ten, and with 2:01 show­ W. D. "Don" Groie, Jr. Mr. and M.rs. Rye had made maximum use of land resources Gary Richardson, 17, Metcalfe ors at the Fair. ing on the clock half back Mike their home in Cadiz for a number ASCS community. W. D. “Don” Grote, Jr., is now and conservation practices was County, runner-up with his Top state winner in the state Murphy knifed over from nine of years. He had formerly done September 23rd has been set as manager for the Southern Bell considered to be extremely im­ speech on “Preparing for the Fu­ 4-H boys’ electric demonstration yards out. construction work in Kentucky the date elections will be held Telephone Company in the portant. Assistant Farm Agent, ture;” Jeff Tucker, 16, Bourbon contest, held at the State Fair, The two teams struggled on and Indiana. Mr. Rye was a mem­ and farmers may cast ballots at Princeton area. He replaced Bill Summerhill, stressed the County, champion with a talk en- was Larry Barefieid, 17, Trigg even terms throughout most of ber of the Cadiz Methodist their designated polling place Charles E. Hayden. who has great potential and possibilities itled “By Vote of the People;” County, champion. the rest of the game, with the de­ Church and was also a veteran any time between 8:00 a. m. and transferred to Frankfort. for additional beef cattle in Trigg and Tim Futrell, T6, Trigg Coun­ Among the blue ribbon win­ fense at its best. Both teams of World War I. 5:00 p. m. The changes were effective Sep County, and urged farmers to ty, third place winner with his ners in the 4-H girls’ public bogged down and the offensive Funeral services will be con­ Polling places will be located at tember 1. recognize the rapidly growing talk on “Low Marks for U.S. El- speaking contest held during the game was a virtual standstill un­ ducted at the Goodwin Funeral the following places: Mr. Grote was born in Harrods- beef industry in Kentucky as an •neation.” Each of the boys had Kentucky State Fair was Mary til late in the game when Hen­ Home this afternoon at 2 p. m. A Community A: H. B. Leneave burg and later moved to Lexing­ important source of additional earlier been named county and Louise Jones, 17, Trigg County. derson engineered a sustained former pastor, the Rev. S. R. Gil­ and Son Store. Golden Pond. ton. He graduated from Henry farm income. He stated, however, * drive, one of their few of the liam will officiate the last rites. Comumnity B: Grand Jury Clay High School there in 1947, that before great beef expansion night, and marched 42 yards in Mrs. Paul Perdue, Dr. R. W. Room, Cadiz, Ky. and also is a graduate of the Uni­ could take place, forage produc­ Trigg 4-H'ers twelve plays, this time with Mur­ Niles and Mrs. Shelby Street, or­ Community C: Bridges’ Store,, versity of Kentucky, class of tion and quality must first be im- phy crashing over from three ganist, will have charge of the Ai State Fair Wallonia, Ky. June, 1952. creased. Proper fertilization and yards out, Henderson failed to music service. Community D: Ted Thomas* Prior to his Princeton assign­ improved practices should be Twenty-one Trigg 4-H mem­ tack on the conversion, but with Burial will be in East End Cem­ Store, Route 1, Cadiz. just 32 seconds remaining, the fi­ ment, Mr. Grote served in Win­ used to bring pastures and hay bers are participating this week Community E: Voting precinct chester and Louisville in various etery. nal nails had been driven into the crops to a high state of produc­ in the Kentucky State Fair in for Roaring Springs and Cale­ commercial department assign­ In addition to his wife, he is Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFadden Trigg coffin. tion. Louisvile. Sending the top ex­ donia. ments. survived by a daughter, Mrs. of the county are attending Clear It was not until after the final Also appearing on the program hibits from Trigg County are the The nominees for each com­ He is married to the former Lemuel J. Banister, Jr., of Route Creek Baptist School at Pine- touchdown that Trigg made its was Walton Ezell of the sponsor- i following members: Charles munity in the County are as fol­ Peggy Goodman of Louisville, 1, Cadiz; two grandsons, David ville, Ky. The Baptist School is most serious threat to score. Clay­ ing West Ky. PC A, who briefly Clark, woodwork; Lloyd . Key, lows: and they have one son, Mark. The and Charles Ray Banister, Route a Kentucky Baptist Convention ton Ladd, a standout all night, discussed the PCA Credit Pro­ Jerry Adams, Hugh Roberts, Boy Community A: H. Terry Berk­ 1, Cadiz; and two sisters, Mrs. Institute for adults. This is the took the kickoff and raced 28 family will reside in Princeton. gram. Wilson, Stephen Bentley and Grace Gordon, Dawson Springs; second year Mr. and Mrs. McFad­ ley. James A. Dixon, Era Lane, A» yards to the Henderson 30. Here, Farmers attending the meeting Charles Mason, electricity; Stevie C. Oakley, Claude Page, Taylor and Mrs. Anna Rosson, Clarks­ den have attended the school. the Wildcats had to fight the 4-H, FFA Beef Show seemed to show a great interest Jones, photography; Rita Lancas­ Underhill. ville, Tenn. ★ ★ ★ clock as well as the rugged Colo­ in the future possibilities of the ter, Kathy Schroerlucke, Kaye Is Scheduled Pallbearers will be Otis Mid­ James A. “Jimbo” Sexton, son Community B: John K. Braboy, nel defense, and four passes Beef Cattle Industry in Trigg Schroerlucke, Martha Moore and dleton, Jessie Mullen, King John­ of Mr. and Mrs. James Sexton of Maurice Calhoun, Plomer Clark, incomplete before time elapsed. FFA and 4-H Reef Project County and in a corresponding Henrietta Venable, clothing. Ma­ son, Carl Wallace, John Banister, Cadiz, has been accepted for | Charles E. Gray, Malcolm Light, 1 Coaches Gordon Perry and members will show their fat high quality forage program. ry Louise Jones, and Tim Fu­ and Pink Carr. membership in Purdue University j Aubrey Oakley, C, H. Stallons, ' Terry Shelton, in a first-hand ap­ steers at Calhoun’s IGA Foodliner trell, . district speech champions, “All American Band.” Jimbo | Eward Tyler, E. L. Williamson. praisal of the action, cited a Saturday morning, September 14 are competing for state honors as Family At Trigg played cornet in the TCHS band J Community C: Howard Baker, “100 percent improvement over at 9 o’clock. This county show is Visitor Center To Be well as Larry Barefieid, district for six years. He entered Perdue Harvey Blanks, Sidney Bryant, the Murray game.” designed to stimulate interest in Furnace Captures electric demonstration champion. Constructed At University last week as a fresh­ Amos R. Cunningham, Archer L. The coaches were high in their the beef project and to “warm Jerry Lewis, District Tractor Large Rattlesnake Wildlife Refuge man. , j Haydon, C. C, Lawrence, Lewis praise for the defensive squad, up” for the district shows the last Many forms of terrifying ex­ Driving Champion, will try his McCormick, Earl Orten, Julian E. A contract has been awarded to ★ ★ ★ which was outstanding through­ of September. A session on show­ citement are sought by many skill against eleven other 4-H’ers Taylor. R. K. Smith and Co., Clarksville, Fount Oliver went to Louis­ out the night, As “players of the ing and fitting an animal and on people in many lands but Mrs. and Larry Barefieid, Conrad Mar­ Community D: Lamar Futrell, Tenn., for the construction of a ville Thursday for a medical week,” Perry recognized Leonard judging steers will be included in Harold Burnam of the Trigg tin, Leroy Merrick, and Jackie Winthrep Hopson, Eugene Sum­ Visitor’s Center at the Kentucky check-up. He spent the week end Mitchell, a real Wildcat on de­ the morning’s events. Judge for 'Furnace community is quite Humphries will judge livestock. ner, Herbert Sumner, Bartley Woodlands National Wildlife Re­ with his daughter, Mrs. L. A. fense and David Banister, the the show will be Wayne Livesay, willing to forego the type of ex­ These 4-H members are among Taylor, Halley Williams. fuge. The contract includes the Pennington. He and Mr. Penn­ Wildcats’ junior quarterback. Assistant County Agent of Muh­ citement experienced at her the several thousand over the Community E: John W. Bran­ Visitor’s Center, sewage disposal ington attended the State Fair Also mentioned for their excep­ lenberg County. home several days ago. state of Kentucky who are taking don, Sr., J. W. Cameron, Almont system, sidewalks, parking areas Saturday. tional performance were Wayne The champion steer will receive Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burnam part in the State Fair. Dawson, Sr., Eddie Major, Charles and an access road. Construction ¥ ¥ ¥ Cooke, a 170-pound senior, and a trophy from the Purina Feed and family of St. Charles, Mo., Miller, Robert Me Ate e, Raymond is to be completed within 210 On Friday, September 6, Miss­ Henry Russell, the massive ‘'60- Company, awarded by the Cadiz were here visiting Mrs. Burnam Redd. calendar days. es Mary Alice Mackey, Beech Cadiz Civitans To jound junior tackle. Perry also Milling Company. at the time. Along about mid­ Any farm tenant, operator or The building measures 40 by Grove, Ky., Wanda Vinson, Anne Organize Rescue Squad stated that Harrison Miteheson, 4-H members exhibiting steers morning while the family was re­ owner of legal voting age may 105 feet. In addition to a work Vins.on, Frances Cameron and another beefy junior, had moved will be Jerry Lewis, Jerry Hum­ laxing in the front yard someone The Cadiz Civitans will meet vote in the community elections room, office, rest rooms, it will David Ellis attended the wedding into a starting defensive position phries, Stan Baker, and Billy spotted a rattlesnake in the yard. Tuesday, September 17, at the if he is now participating or Is have an exhibit room and an au­ of Miss Joy Ogletree to Larry with his fine performance Fri­ Handley. FFA members exhibit­ Now ordinarily the first reac­ White Eagle at 7 p. m. and at this eligible to participate in any of ditorium. The latter will be Lindsey of LaCenter. Mary Alice, day. ing will be Jessie Cameron and tion to such a sight is to find the meeting will organize a Cadiz- the farm programs administered equipped with modern audio-vis­ Wanda, Anne and Frances serv­ When Trigg hosts Providence Jackie Humphries. first handy weapon and kill the Trigg County Rescue Squad. by the county ASC committee. ual equipment. ed at the reception. this week, they may be without All 4-H and FFA members and reptile. But Mr. Burnam decided The Civitans have asked that As in the past, the county com­ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ the services of sophomore end other interested persons are en­ that the thing to do would be to persons throughout the county mittee will be elected in a county The squirrel season opens on Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts, Roger Dillingham, who has been couraged to attend the county capture the snake alive. who are interested in the organi­ convention to be held at the the Refuge Monday, September Dr. and Mrs. Roy McNeil of hobbled of late with a knee in­ show, as they will find it both But a weapon was sought to zation of a rescue squad for the county ASCS office on Septem­ 16. On Monday permits may be Bowling Green, and Mr. and Mrs. jury. Jerry Cunningham, out­ educational and entertaining. stun the rattler and then someone county, be present for the meet­ ber 27. Persons elected as chair­ obtained at the Refuge Office at Julian Heath of Louisville spent standing as a defensive back, is got a forked stick and pinned the ing Tuesday evening. man of the community commit­ 5 a. m. On other days they may the week end at Kenlake Hotel. also injured. John Ladd, a speedy snake to the ground. It fell Mrs. The need for such an organiza­ tees will assemble and eleofe a Trigg Athletic be obtained during regular office ★ ★ ★ halfback, has become a member Surname’s lot to fashion a sliding tion in the county was brought county committee. Booster Club Has hours. Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. F. B. of the team only recently, but is loop on a string and try to slip home to all the county citizens The county committee consists The bow hunt for deer begins Wilkinson, Mrs. W. D. Feltner developing rapidly and is expect­ Membership Drive the loop over the snake’s head last spring in the tragic drowning October 21 and continues and Mrs. Seldon Major spent last of three members and two alter­ ed to help before the season is and tighten it. After many anxi­ of a county youth, David Allen, nates and they, along with the The Trigg Athletic Booster through November 2, Sundays Friday in Bowling Green, the over. ous minutes this was done. The in a farm pond. Rescue squads three newly elected committee­ Club is currently in a member­ excepted. guests of Mrs. Mary Gardner and The Wildcats will definitely string was a long one and a stout were called from Murray and men from each community, will ship drive for new members of Miss Sarah Gardner. play the role of favorite in their one and the snake was then lift­ Fort Campbell. The Murray the organization. ★ ★ ★ take office October 1, 1963, and encounter with Providence Fri­ ed full length and hung from a County Democratic Squad located the boy’s body. In addition to the membership Mrs. Elijah Hester and Mr. and serve for one year. day night and, if the defense is tree limib with the tension on With the advent of Barkley All eligible farmers are urged drive the organization is present­ Chairmen Are Named Mrs. Billy Burke will leave today keyed as it was against the the string being adjusted as the Lake, Trigg County, will become ly selling ballpoint pens with the Bill O. MeNichols has been for Roanoke, Va., where they will to cast a ballot on September 23 Colonels, the Wildcats should snake’s action called for. Mrs. increasingly aware of water ac­ Wildcat Football schedule on named chairman, and M. W. visit Mrs. Vonnie Rhoades who in their community election. gain their first win of the year. Burnam held on to that string cidents in the future. them. A 12 guage automatic shot­ “Chuck” Thomas and J. H. Allen is Mr. Burke’s half-sister. for dear life while Mr. Burnam The public is invited to attend gun will be given away by the have been named co-chairmen of Trigg County " J went to fetch Game Warden Ted the Civitans meeting next Tues­ Vets' Representative Boosters as of November 1. the Trigg County Democrats for Martin, who arrived an hour or Radar Demonstration day evening. Those who wish to Hospital Census To Be In Cadiz The Club has purchased 25 par­ Breathitt and Waterfield in the so later with a Murray State Col­ make reservations for the meal Admitted: Top Cunningham;,, kas for the football team at a coming November General Elec­ Impresses Officials lege biologist. may call Bob Cummins at 522- Alva Gray, Marc Williams, Cla­ Roy W. Hargrove, a Contact cost of approximately $300. The tion. Edward “Ned” Breathitt is The snake was carefully eased Highway officials demonstrat­ 8484. rence Sanders, Bertie Nelson, Representative of the Kentucky current fund raising, endeavors the Democratic candidate for ed the state’s newly installed ra­ Kelsie Calhoun, Hilda Bentley, Disabled Ex-Service Men’s Board into a burlap bag and placed in Governor and Harry Lee Water- are for the purpose of paying for dar system for local officials her®. Mr. and Mrs. Burton R. Ald­ ^ fwill be in Cadiz September 19 at Warden Martin’s truck for a trip field is the Democratic candidate Mable Johnson, Patricia Rem- this much needed equipment. Saturday. September 7. ridge accompanied their son, the Courthouse to assist veterans to the Murray College biology for Lt. Governor. bert, Rickie Shaw, Baby Boy and their dependents with claims lab for study. Among those present for the Burton, to Lebanon, Tenn., Sun­ Rembert, Cora Bridges, Minnie for benefits due them as a result Cherry Tree The rattler, a huge one, had ten demonstration were Mrs. Mrytle day, where he entered Castle Stimson, Donald Curlin, Baby of their military service. Is In Bloom rattles. Many rattlers have been Explorer Scouts King, County Judge; Burton R. Heights Military Academy as a Boy Bentley, Willie Mae Thomas, killed this summer throughout To Show Canada Aldridge, County Attorney, student. John A. Milan, Algie Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Cleland W. Smith Perhaps it is not too late for a the county. All have been un­ Charles Thomas, deputy sheriff, Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, and Discharged: Malcolm Stations, Films Sept. 19th and Mrs. W. B. Hille of Spring- good crop of cherries to mature usually large. Highway Patrolman Dana Stroud Mr. and Mrs. J. Toppy Edward Joe Radford, Frances Hutchinson, The public is invited to attend Held, Term., were entertained in before frost. Anyway there’s a and Iris Crawford and Highway and son, Johnny, spent the week Donnia Cunningham, Baby Boy the showing of films made recent­ Nashville Saturday night by Mr. cherry tree at the home of Dallas Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rawls, Sr., Lt. McCready of Mayfield. end at the Village Inn at Kentuc­ Cunningham, Top Cunningham, ly when the Explorer Scouts of and Mrs. Ralph Englert and Phillips here in the county that spent last Thursday and Friday The group tested the radar me­ ky Dam Village. , Marc Williams', Naomi Cornell, the county made a three-week daughter, Wendle. evidently is going to make a stab in Nashville where Mr. Rawls thod of controlling excessive ★ ★ ★ E. H. Stewart, Betty Lancaster, trip into Canada. ★ ★ ★ at it. The tree is in full bloom underwent a checkup at Vander­ highway speed on U. S. 68 near Miss Mary Alice Mackey, of Baby Boy Lancaster, Mary F. and small cherries are already bilt Hospital. The film will be shown Thurs­ King’s Chapel. Mrs. King report­ Beech Grove, Ky., was the guest Baker, John Oliphant. Mr. and Mrs. Norfleet Carney forming so it could be that Mr. day evening, September 19, at the ed that the radar device accurate­ ¥ * ¥ of Miss Anne Vinson from Thurs­ Census: 24 adults; 2 nursery. of Clarksville and Mrs. J. N. Es- and Mrs. Philips may get a cherry Miss Jean Morris left Tuesday Cadiz Christian Church, at 7:30 ly shows the speed any vehicle is day until Monday. Miss Mackey seityn and Mr. and Mrs. John Es- pie yet this year. Wonder if the for Murray where she entered o’clock. The Scouts have had nu­ making. The installation of ra­ and Miss Vinson are roommates Clyde Colvin and J. B. Mc­ seltyn and children of Paducah birds are as enthusiastic about Murray State College as a fresh- merous requests to show the film dar on Kentucky highways is the at Murray State College. While Cloud will be in Knoxville Fri­ . were the week end* Quests of Mrs ! cherries in the fall as they are in i man. Miss Morris plans to major which depicts the lovely scenery latest effort of the state to cut visiting Miss Vinson, Miss Mack­ day, September 13th to attend the i* “ E. W. Malone. * the spring. in music. of the area in. which they stayed down the high traffic accident ey attended the Ogletree-Lindsey showing of the 1964 Ford auto­ while in Canada. , rate in Kentucky. weddihg in LaCenter on Friday. mobiles. Page Two THE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY Fhursday, Sept. 12, 1963 ,

Farmers are becoming aware THE CADIZ RECORD follows: (All of the following S.C. 591), and March 1, 1917 has been paid by the Unite Edwin Reynolds, Elizabeth and pansion of our beef industry. (39 Stat. 950 33 U.S.C 701) which States into the registry of th Jack Lewis was elected vice CHARLINE J. RAWLS cemeteries are located in Trigg largaret Ann their young daugh- that we have made good progress County, Kentucky.) acts authorize the acquisition of Court inasmuch as these trac' chairman, Doris O’Dell, of Benton, Owner and Publisher er, took my wife and I to see the in increasing toDacco and corn Cemetery No. 14, Peal (Tract land for river and harbor and are used exclusively as cemc lybrid hurley on the Charles and yields and that we have a sleep­ chairman, and Waldo Adams, of Published Every Thursday No. 2805C) flood control purposes; the Act of teries and inasmuch as the Unite Wiliam Dade farm east of Julian, ing giant in our pasture and hay Christian county, secretary. This Second-Class Postage Paid at Cemetery No. 31, Cunningham Congress approved September 3, States will, at its own expense .’his magnificent tobacco reached fields. That we have long neglect­ group will meet again soon to Cadiz, Kentucky (Tract 4343C) 1954 (Public Law 780- 83rd Con­ provide equal burial space in a ught and one-half feet high, with ed our forage production. Records start developing a program of im­ Cemetery No. 58, No Name gress, 2nd Session), which act au­ cemetery of equal or greater he tap leaves two feet long. I am provement. ★ ★ ★ show that the average acre of (Tract 4405C) thorizes the construction of the value than the property taken; sure there are many crops in pasture in Trigg county receives Some have suggested that beef MEMBER Cemetery No. 34, Calhoun Barkley Dam and Lake Barkley further the United States intends, Trigg county equally as good. only 10 per cent as much fertili­ men organize an association as National Editorial Association (Tract 4621C) Project on the Cumberland Fiver, upon entry of an appropriate or­ Farmers everywhere are run­ zer as the best pasture receives have the hog men. Kentucky Press Association Cemetery No. 67, Ricks (Tract Kentucky and Tennessee; the der of this Court, to reinter the ning out of barn room. They are and that only one-fourth of our ★ ★ ★ Act of Congress approved Octo­ 47050 bodies now located in the present also running out of tobacco sticks. farmers ever fertilize their pas­ A fine maiden lady had died, * * ¥ ber 24, 1962 (Public Law 87-880), Cemetery No. 49, No Name cemeteries at its own expense at On my farm when we fill our tures. Experts say we could in­ and, unfortunately, the village which act appropriated funds for Classified Advertising (Tract 4915C) the cemetery site which it shall barn we will have perhaps one crease our pasture and forage wit who was also a baseball fa^n 15c per Line 50c Minimum Cemetery No. 27, Dr. Watson such purposes, and pursuant i« provide for that purpose. acre out with no place to put it. production four or five times. was hired to put the inscription the provisions of Section 5 of the (5 words per line) (Tract 16000-0 You are further notified that Stanley Howard, Todd County We can do it. We can get that mil­ on her tombstone. This is what he River and Harbor Act approved Card Of Thanks. $1.50 Cemetery No. 65, No Name trial by jury on the issue of just Agent, tells me of farmers who lion dollars extra income from put: “Here lay the bones of Jenny July 18, 1918 (40 Stat. 911, 33 U. Memoriams, $2.00 Minimum (Tract 160010 compensation is demanded by the plan to scaffold surplus tobacco beef cattle. Jones. She lived an old maid. She S. C. 594) and Section 6 of the Administrator's Notices Cemetery No. 30, Cumberland plaintiff. and to cover it with plastic. This Beef cattlemen of Western died an old maid. No hits, no Flood Control Act approved $5.00, three insertions Baptist (Tract 16220C) WILLIAM E. SCENT would be better than losing it. I Kentucky at a meeting last week runs, no errors.” August 18, 1941 (5i5 Stat. 650, Cemetery No. 29, Ferguson United States Attorney suppose. at Kentuck Dam began laying i ★ ★ ★ 33 U. S. C. 701c-2). Springs (Tract 16405C) 211 Federal Building ★ ★ ★ plans for improvement and ex­ ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY SUBSCRIPTION RATES A more detailed and exact de­ Notice is hereby given that a Louisville, Kentucky One should always let his crop $3.00 Per Year in County scription of the above described hearing and trial has been sched­ (37c) get ripe. Farmers with coke or $3.50 Outside of County cemeteries has been filed with uled at Paducah, Kentucky in the gas heat are ahead. United States District Court for Kentucky Subscriptions Add the Clerk of the United States ★ ★ ★ Sales Tax District Court at Paducah, Ken­ the Western District of Kentucky, Farm Notes Remember, fall is a good time tucky. on September 25, 1963 at 9:30 A. to treat plant beds. Use Mythel rout You are hereby notified that a M.., at which time all interested KEITH S. VENABLE bromide gas and be sure to add UNITED STATES DISTRICT complaint in condemnation has persons1 may personally appear County Agent a soil insecticide. Ditch well. COURT WESTERN DISTRICT heretofore been filed in the office and object and interpose any de­ This is my first “Farm Notes” ★ ★ ★ OF KENTUCKY AT PADUCAH. of the Clerk of the above-named fenses to the taking of the above in six weeks. Bill Summerhill, Fall seeding time is here. Mix CIVIL ACTION NO. 1339 court in an action to condemn: described property. Assistant County Agent, and Dor­ about 15 pounds of fescue seed NOTICE (a) The fee simple title to You are further notified that if othy Stations, Extension Secre­ with your wheat or barley. Wheat UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Tracts 226C, 301C, 2608C, 2619C you have any objection or de­ tary, did a magnificent job of car­ has been giving better yields than PLAINTIFF 2913C, 3012C, 3402C, 4100C 4102C fense to the taking of your prop­ rying on the Trigg County Exten­ barley. However, if you exceed Vs. 4105C, 4343C, 4405C, 4915C erty you are required to serve sion during these weeks that I your wheat allotment in 1963 23 TRACTS OF LAND, located in 15303-1C, 16220C and 16405C. upon plantiff’s attorney at the have been laid up with the cata­ your 1966 allotment could be re­ Lyon and Trigg Counties, State of (b) The temporary and assign­ address herein designated within ract operation on my eye. I am duced. Also 1964 wheat prices Kentucky, and Clara Prince et al., able right, power, privilege and twenty days (20) after the date happy to report the operation was may be lower. DEFENDANTS easement for a period not to ex­ of the last publication of this successful and Dr. Van Arsdall ★ ★ ★ TO: Euphrates Peal or his heirs ceed 31 December 1963 to enter Notice which is September 12, says I should have 20-20 vision.. Are your cattle affected with E. Peal or his heirs on Tracts 3805C, 4210C and 1963, an answer identifying the GETS A Modern medicine is wonderful. grubs in their back in the spring? Unknown heirs of R. W. Cunning­ 4621C for the purpose of remov­ property in which you claim to Think of the thousands of people Treatment now will help. Co-Ral ham ing the bodies buried therein, to­ have an interest, stating the na­ in the past who were committed and Rueline are two treatments HELPING HAND Chas. W. Grader gether with the right to remove ture and extent of the interest to total blindness because of cat­ with which to spray your animals. James W. Calhoun monuments, headstones, grave­ claimed and stating all your ob­ aracts. Call us and we will send instruc­ Anna Carr, single stones and other appurtenances. jections and defenses to the tak­ Being away and returning re­ tions for their use. Jesse A. Allen (c) All outstanding right, title ing of your property. A failure so minds me of the young fellow ★ ★ ★ H. T. Berkley and wife, Nannie and interest in Tracts 4404C, to serve an answer shall consti­ who, after going away and be­ To keep up on corn growing Financing At Low Rates May Berkley 16000C and 16001. tute a consent to the taking and coming famous in the course of a methods I like to check a few Victor J. Kuntz All of the above-mentioned to of the court to Need a loan for a car? For a vacation? For appliances? For few years, came back home. As corn fields every fall. Call me and Tabiiha Vivian Cossey estates are taken subject to proceed to hear the action and to he got off the train, instead of a I may be able to check your corn Parsnoal Needs? Give us a call or come in and talk io our Ellen Dixon existing easements for public fix the just compensation and brass band, he saw only one old yields. It will take you about an Noah Jones roads and highways, public utili­ shall constitute a waiver of all friendly, helpful loan officer. He'll arrange a loan at lowest friend who, to his glad greeting, hour. W, G. McClous ties, railroads and pipelines, to­ defenses and objections not so ★ ★ ★ rates on easy monthly repayment terms! gether with all outstanding buri­ presented. said; “Why, have you been out of Axrcy Pogue The interest was great in the al rights in the next of kin and You are further notified that if town?” Stanley G. Pogue three excellent pasture meetings other interested parties in these you have no objection or defense Then there are those who think Mrs. L®e Wilson held by Boyd Champion and Bill tracts; for use in connection with to the taking you may serve up­ you are perched on the graveyard Ira Littlejohn Summerhill. Some 150 farmers the Barkley Dam and Lake Bark­ on plaintiff’s attorney a notice of fence. Trigg Loan Company Unknown owners to the follow­ and wives attended meetings at ley Project and for such other appearance designating the prop­ Of course it would be a vain ing described tracts Roaring Springs1, Cerulean and uses as may be authorized by erty in which you claim to be in­ county agent indeed who thought Phone 522-3758 Trigg Loan Bldg. Unknown next of kin of deceased Cadiz. They were guests of the persons interred in unmark­ Congress or by Executive Order. terested, and thereafter you shall the rain would stop falling or the West Kentucky Production Credit ed or unknown graves. The authority for the taking is receive notice of all proceedings corn would stop growing the min­ Marion Street Cadiz, K y. Assiciation for supper prepared Description in pertinent part of the Act of Congress approved affecting the said property. ute he stepped out. by Tommy Thomas. the land condemned herein is as April 24 1888 (25 Stat. 94, 33 U. You are further notified that at ★ ★ ★ the trial of the issue of just com­ The psychiatrist wrote his poor pensation, if any, whether or not pay patients: “If you don’t pay you have answered or served a your bill I’m going to let you go notice of appearance, you may crazy.” present evidence as to the amount ★ ★ ★ Telephone of the compensation to be paid “The best crop ever,” reports WOULD YOU ACCEPT for the property in which you several Trigg farmers. The ad­ have any interest and you may vancing technology of Trigg’s far­ Talk mers plus the lavish beneficence ... > share in the distribution of the WWm V**■) award of compensation. of a kind God has resulted in a As far as just compensation is harvest which few of us have W. D. "Don" Grole, Jr. ever seen. A SALARY OF $350 concerned, you are notified that Yc.ii i eiephone Manager no estimated just compensation For example, a few weeks ago YOU GREETINGS . . . to the residents of Caldwell, Lyon and AUTOMOBILE COULD GET $450? Trigg Counties from your new Telephone Company Manager, Don Grole. I want you to know how pleased I am to be liv­ ing in this part of the state, and I hope that you will accept AUTO-RITE me as one of you. I am impressed with you and the way you do things. Please feel free to call on me at any time about P. S., PERSONAL SERVICE is ihe kind of your telephone service, or any other matter. Consider me as service you deserve . . . and you get from ihe one who wishes to be your friend. Trigg County Insurance Agency, Inc. For ex­ ample, when ii comes io automobile insur­ ★ ★ ★ ance, they don't believe you should pay for ihe

M OVING? If so, try to let us know your telephone re­ many automobile accident caused by reckless quirements in advance. We have two important jobs to drivers. So they offer top-quality automobile do when you move . . . disconnect the phone at the old address, connect one at your new address. And iiUyour insurance based on a new concept. The premi­ new home you may want extra telephone conveniences um is geared to your own driving record. Current Rate extensions, color phones, perhaps a Bell Chime. Good drivers pay lower rates. Called Auto- "w ■ Advance notice of your move will help us give you the PER A N N U M kind of service you’ve come to expect from your Tele­ Rite, it combines all essential coverages into phone Company— quick, ffficient, dependable. one low-cost modern package with easy, HIGHEST PAID IN THIS AREA

* * * quarterly payments. See the Trigg County Insurance Agency, Inc., for top quality Auto- SCHOOL’S IN . . . and that means the children will be WHY ACCEPT LESS? out by the dozens, walking to school, riding their bicycles, Rite insurance plus P. S.— Personal Service. INSURED SAVINGS BY FEDERAL SAVINGS getting on and off school buses. So, it’s time again for all That's the Trigg County Insurance Agency, o f us to be extra careful with our driving . . . especially AND LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION around schools, crossings, and bus stops. Watch for'the Inc., Cadiz, Ky. signs, drive slowly, and STOP whenever required. Our children are our most precious assets, and it’s up to all of us to protect them. Trigg County Insurance Agency HOPKINSVILLE FEDERAL Cadiz, Kentucky ★ ★ ★ SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Available Seven Days a week, 24 hours a day THE WORLD’S FIRST TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 'jAr 83 Years Of Continuous Service -fa For Sales and Service celebrated its 85th birthday early this year. In 1878 the Deposits Made By The 10th of The Month Draw Dividends From The 1st exchange, in New Haven, Connecticut, listed nearly' 50 Day Phone: Office, 522-8115 telephone subscribers. TLj switchboard itself was primi- J. NOBLE HALL A. B. STEWART C. T. ATWOOD Night Phone: W . J. Hopson, 522-8178 tiv^to say the least. Among its fittings were teapot handles, President Secretary Treasurer and the whole thing was strung together with wiring from Night Phone: Tom Magraw, 522-3365 700 South Main Street the frames of ladies’ bustlesl i-jft Hopkinsville, Ky. $ H . $ / Page Thre£ Thursday, Sept. 12, 1963 TEE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY

other organization, 4-H members one of the eight 4-H’ers from ranging from cooking and sewing 4-H News receive in proportion to the effort Kentucky selected for the award to livestock and safety. SHOP A T HOME they put in. College scholarships, and trip. Sinus BILL SUMMERHILL. medals, trips, and ribbons, are We are looking forward to an­ Assistant County Agent. just a few of the awards that an other good year with McUpton And WATER HAULING outstanding 4-H member can re­ 4-H Clubs and the McUpton 4-H 4-H organization days is near­ ceive for his efforts. Council is to be congratulated for See or Call Asthma \ ing. Now is the time for you 4-H YOUR BURGLAR BAIT?. Discuss 4-H with your young­ their excellent work with the members to talk to mom and dad Can Now Be Correciedi ster. Encourage him to take part members. LUTHER UZZLE aibout your 4-H plans for the com­ Both you and he will benefit Cadiz, K y. See Dr. C. F. Engeihardt, ing year. Perhaps there is a spe­ from the experience. s? cial project you might like to take, 4-H Club members are a busy Phone 522-6288 D. C. Princeton, Ky. ★ ★ ★ one that fits your home situation Each week, for several issues, lot. They are enrolled in almost Phone 522-9725 Closed Thursdays better than others. A livestock we plan to discuss in this column five million work projects cover­ project might be best, or electri­ different projects that a 4-H’er ing home-centered endeavors city, or perhaps both of these. may take, their value, their re­ There are over forty 4-H projects quirements and accompanying that members may take, each one awards for excellent work. This different, and equally as interest­ may help you as a parent and ing. Now is the time to decide so your youngster, as a 4-H member, that you can do the best possible decide on just how he should par­ job with your project this coming ticipate in the 4-H pragram. year. You will want to take part ★ ★ ★ in the other 4-H activities, too. There’s the Talent Show, the Congratulations to McUpton Christmas parade (your club may 4-H’ers! They have been quite ac­ want to enter a float), Rally Day, tive this summer, earning distinc­ iU C T lO K Often burglars—like fish to bait—go straight and many other events which tion in several areas. Eight Me- to the spot where your valuables are so care­ count toward making you an out­ Upton boys participated in the fully hidden. Fire, flood, misplacement standing 4-H Club member. County Tractor Driving Contest with John Irvin and R-obert Sat., Sept. <■ “steal” valuables, too! Be sure your valu­ Mom and Dad, now is the time 21 at 10:00 to be thinking with your son or Wharton coming out on top. John ables are protected, yet conveniently avail­ daughter about their 4-H plans. finished 4th and Robert 7th in able-rent a SAFE DEPOSIT box here new/ What can being a member of the the District Contest at Princeton. Personal Property Of George Sholar, Carolyn Cun­ Cents a week! largest youth organization in Trigg county do for them? For ningham, Ann Curlin, and Evelyn one thing, there are over eighty Ladd attended 4-H Week at Mrs. J. O. Sumner volunteer leaders who give their Frankfort, and took part in Trigg County Farmers Bank time to work with 4-H members. speeches and demonstrations. These parents and leaders, thru This group won three 4-H jackets 1 Oak Bed 1 Birch Bed 1 Twin Iron Bed 1 Cot THE ACCOMODATING BANK the 4-H program, help teach the as a result of their hard work. 1 All Wool Axminster Rug, 9x12 feet "Old Orchard" Pattern members to be good citizens, to George Sholar, State Electric work and play together, to coop­ Project Champion, recently re­ 1 All Wool Axminster rug 8V^xlO ft. 'Old Orchard" pattern erate with others, friendly com­ turned from a week in Washing­ Cadiz. Kuniucky 1 Congoleum Rug, 9x12 feet petition, to win with humility, to ton, D. C., where he attended the Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation have pride of ownership and to Citizenship Short Course at the 1 Linoleum Rug, 9x12 feet ’ learn by doing. However, like any National 4-H Center. George was wrm 1 Solid Maple antique living room suite, 1 divan and 2 chairs, t * upholstered in original homespun. 1 Oak dresser with mirror 1 antique lamp and table 2 Straight chairs, over a hundred years old; Several pictures 1 Porch swing, 2 porch or lawn rockers 1 gas range 1 Large picnic table 1 small picnic table 2 saw "horses" 1 steel trap 1 wheelbarrow 1 Coal Grate Back Broadbent Real Estate Company SELLING AGENT Phone 522-8132 or 235-5106 9 1:30 p. m. C. Stewart Farm 10 Miles from Hopkinsville on Princeton Road AUCTION! Approximately 253 highly fertile acres fronting a long way on both sides of Highway 91. 19.7-Acre Large, nearly new 4 bedroom brick house. Aluminum windows and doors Raymond Heffingfon Place throughout. Plastic tile bath. Large kitchen with pine wall and base cabi­ Formerly The Will Jackson Home * nets; Tile floor, double sink, breakfast bar, much room. Saturday, Sept. 21,1:39 p. m. The 4 large bedrooms have walk-in closets and are convenient to the living area and bath. 5 Minutes From Cadiz on Jackson Bridge Road Hardwood floors. :JL*. The side entrance is through the jalousied Joining and overlooking a wide expanse of Barkley Lake and door of the large concrete floored sun porch. Muddy Fork Creek impoundment. Deep water, excellent fish­ The utility room opens onto the completely ing, cruiser docking. glass and aluminum enclosed area. Electric ... Six bedroom, 2 bath home with large living room, kitchen, heat throughout the well insulated easily dining room, den, multitude of closets, 2 large halls, pantry and heated brick home. 2 porches. Handsome hardwood floor in main part of house. 1 year old stoker furnace, eternal slate roof in the main body Tall young adequately shade the property. An abundance of soft, sweet water is of house, now roof on porches. furnished by the deep well. Beautiful shade, quiet distance from excellent highway and The farm is very fertile and is so level that few gullies can ever develop. new bridge. if Ideal year round home or for entertaining on a lavis hscale. Plenty of cattle shade, and water from ponds and a spring. Don't miss seeing this attractive property. Bases: Corn, 60 acres; Burley, 1.26 acres; and Dark Fired, 2.83 acres. Terms: 10% day of sale, balance on delivery of deed within Terms: 10% day of sale, balance on delivery of deed January 2, 1S64. 30 days. j BROADBENT REAL ESTATE COMPANY BROADBENT Cadiz, K y . Selling Agent LA 2-8132 Real Estate & Auction Company Thomas White, Auctioneer THOMAS WHITE, Auctioneer Auctioneer's Note: No. I: Water surrrounds a large pari of this Auctioneer's Note: No. 1: Buyer can have access to do useful work which does not interfere acreage, wonderful potential for sub-division of kkefroni lots, with present operation. nearly in town. No. 2: Large barn can be used for boat storage, repair shop No. 2: Mr. Stewart reserves the right to offer this property in two tracts of (a) the house or boat sales and tackle shop. and approximately 100 acres and (b) 2 barns, tenant house and approximately 153 acres; Mrs. Heffington will offer several pieces of furniture. Check (c) C^nbine the two tracts. High dollar buys. for bargains. A A Page Four THE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY rhursday, Sept. 12, 1963

Miss Rogers, Mr. Tooke Are United In Marriage j Aldridge Reunion Lane, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ma-I E a s e m e n t son, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor, Mr. ! ° ° The annual Aldridge family re­ At Libertv Point Bauti ' So'ntomber 1 ! and Mrs. J. C. Aldridge and Lar­ Announced union was held Sunday, Septem­ ry Boyd. ber 1, at the Shelter House in Kentucky Lake State Park. A Sumner Reunion large crowd gathered bringing i Engagement Announced well filled baskets that were The annual reunion of the spread at the noon hour. Miles Sumner descendants was A nice letter from Cousin Daisy held at Lock E Sunday, Septem­ l l l p l i l i l Aldridge of Miami, Fla., was ber 8. Those attending carried read by the Rev. James Bruce. picnic lunch which was enjoyed The Rev. Bruce and his grand­ at the noon hour. father gave thanks to God for Attending were Mrs. Roy Wil­ those present and for the bounti­ burn, East Prairie, Mo.; Miss Jua­ ful food. nita Sumner, Nashville, Tenn.; The reunion is held on the First Thomas R. Stewart, and Mr. and Sunday in September each year. Mrs. Clifton Light, Hopkinsville; Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sumner, Mrs. J. O. Mrs. Lackey Aldridge and Wan­ Sumner, Mrs. Stark Thomas, Mr. da, Mrs. Roberta Stark and Miss and Mrs. Lacy Stewart, Mr. and Annie Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Odell Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arvin, Debbie, Larry and James Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ald­ John Bridges and Randy, Mr. and ridge, Ricky and Lana Gail, Mr. Mrs. Lawrence Sumner, Mrs. and Mrs. D. Hunt, Judy and Kay, Mosco Bridges and Rhonda, Mrs. Raymond Growell, Mrs. Jack Sarah Phillips and Frankie, Mr. Miss Nancy Carol Stroube Aldridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. and Mrs. Ira Humphries, Mr, and 3ruce and Rowena, Mrs. T. H. Mrs. John Alex Thomas, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Strcube of Watkins, Mrs. David Payne and Mrs. Eugene Sumner and chil­ Route 3, Princeton, announce the Larry, Dick Aldridge, Sammy dren, Janie, Lewis and Christo­ engagement and approaching ?,nd Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Bogard pher, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. marriage of their daughter, Nan­ Bruce and Odell, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Dianne, Mr. and cy Carol to Mr. Lonnie Lee Dun­ James Bruce, Shonda and David, Mrs. Robert Sumner and Don­ ning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lois B. Mr. and Mrs. eVrnon Walker, Mr. ald, Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Sumner, Dunning of Cadiz. and Mrs. Granville E. Guding, and Pamela, Misses Carolyn, Wedding plans are incomplete. Jr., Charlene Bruce and Bonnie Marilyn and Sue Sumner and Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bruce Beverly Bridges; Thomas Sum­ and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ner, Billy Sumner, Charles Sum­ Hospital Auxiliary Forsythe and Norman and Brenda ner, Gaylon Sumner, Phililp Con­ and Barry Newly. Jett Broadbent ner, Dale Light, David Mitchell To Meet Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Broadbent, and Jerry Bridges. The Auxiliary of the Trigg Debra and Mike; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rodney T. Tooke Alfred B. Cossey and Al, Jr., County Hospital will meet in the Miss Margaret Ann Spahr Alice Dunnagan, Mrs, Calvert Downs Reunion To hospital dining room, Thursday, The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Rev, and Mrs. Shirley Spahr State College. Mr. King attended Misss Anne Vinson, and Mrs. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Be Heid Sept. 22 September 12, at 7:30 p. m. \nn Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Priscilla White, president announce the engagement of the University of Tennessee" Paul Curlin. Mrs. Ray Roberts Cossey, Mr. and Mrs, James A. The annual Downs family re­ has asked that all members be their daughter, Margaret Ann, to Martin Branch and is now em- Mrs. Kenneth L. Rogers of Gra- kept the guest register. Cossey, Sammie and Brenda, Mr. union will be held Sunday, Sep­ present and a warm welcome is Larry W. King, son of Mr. and ployed with White’s Lumber Co. cey and Rodney T. Tooke, son of After a short wedding trip, the and Mrs. Zelner Cossey, Debbie, tember 22, at Lock E near Canton. extended to every person who'i Mrs. Gilmer King of Bumpus A summer wedding is being 'Jr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tooke of couple will make their home on Lloyd and Cindy, Mr. and Mrs. All relatives and friends are in­ wishes to become a member. Mills, Tenn. planned. Jadiz, was solemnized at 3 o’- Route 2, Cadiz. Truman Whal, Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ vited to attend. Miss Spahr is attending Murray j 'lock Sunday afternoon, Septem­ For traveling the bride select­ shall Aldridge, Mrs. Dell Free­ ber 1, at Liberty Point Baptist ed a fall ensemble of brown and man, Sr., and Barbara, Mr. and -Lurch, Cadiz, with the Rev. j gray. Mrs. Joe Cossey, Samuel and Su­ Open House Sunday Birthday Dinner ihirley Spahr offiicating. Both Mr. and Mrs. Tooke were sie, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Robey, At New Parsonage The altar wTas banked with 1 graduated from Trigg County Mr. and Mrs. George Cossey, Kay Mrs. Dallas Phillios Phillips was the salms and fern balls and large | High School and attended Mur­ and Pat, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Free­ The Rev. and Mrs. R. K. Hulse honoree of a surprise birthday beauty baskets of white gladioli ray State College. man, Jr., Carla Ann, Dell, III, and and members of the Bird M. dinner at her home Sunday, and pompons. The scene was il­ Smith Taylor, Susan and Stan THURMAN’S Shaw Sunday School Class of the Sept. 8, when friends and rela­ luminated by burning white ta- Armstrong And Ricks Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Methodist Church of Cadiz will tives gathered, bringing well-fill­ ers in seven branched candela­ Aldridge and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. UNITED MAR KET be hosts to an open house at the ed baskets and lovely gifts for bra, entwined with huckleberry. Families Have Reunion Locke Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. new Methodist Parsonage located the honoree. Mhite satin bows marked the On Sunday, September 1st, the Jackson Aldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Cadiz, K y. Phone L A 2-8101 in the Turner Addition, Sunday, Those present were Mr. and "amily pews. family and" friends of Joe M. M. V. Franklin and son, Charles September 15, from 3 to 5 p. m. Mrs. Dallas Phillips, Mrs. Thomas Mrs. S. P. Street presented the Armstrong gathered at this home H. Aldridge, Carl Aldridge, Mr. All members of the church and Freeman, Mrs. Annie Carney, nuptial music which included on Witty Lane to help - celebrate and Mrs. Bill Aldridge, Karen Flavor-Ade friends throughout the county Mr. and Mrs. Parks Meadows, Mr. Biebestraum”, “Thine Alone,” his 81st birthday and the Arm­ and Milton, Mrs. Walter Aldridge, are invited to attend. and Mrs. Major Adams, Mrs. Ber­ and “Love’s Old Sweet Song.” strong and Ricks reunion. Rita Ledford, Mrs, Glenn Town­ Cool-Ade ...... 6 pkgs., 19c tie Francis, Mrs. Maggie Herndon, During the ceremony she played At the noon hour lunch was send, Mrs. George Barnett and Entertains With Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Broadbent, "To A Wild Rose.” The tradition­ served in the shade on the front Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Good Hope Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lyons, Glenda al wedding marches were used. lawn. Those attending were: Freeman, Forrest, Ray, Sue, Dan­ Luncheon Mae Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert The Bride Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Arm­ ny, Linda, and Kenneth, Mrs. Lo- Ray Calhoun and children, Mar­ ■Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hunter of Given in marriage by her fa­ strong, R. A. Armstrong, Nay rene Ramey, Mrs. Norene Ed­ Evaporaied M ilk,. 2 tail cans, 25c garet Nell, Lynn, and Cindy, Mrs. Armstrong of Christian County; Hopkinsville entertained Mrs. ther, the bride wore a gown of mondson, Mr. and Mrs. James Fannie Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Jun­ peau de soie fashioned with a Raymond Armstrong of Hopkins­ Edmondson and Edie Jane, Jen­ Hunter’s sister, Mrs. Jack Taylor /4 of Troy, 111., with a luncheon ior Finley and children, Ross, basque bodice and long sleeves ville; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arm­ nie Aldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ .. .li lb. bag, 29c Mark and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sunday. Those present through­ which tapered to points over the strong, Vicki and Tony, Mrs. Sa­ ard Finley and Ricky, Greg, and Bridges and Stanley Maxwell, out the day were: Mrs. H. L. hands. The full skirt, accented rah Armstrong, of Waverly, Mitch, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ald­ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Pierce, Rev. Roman Slarch...... half g a l, 29c Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert with cascades of imported hand- Tenn.; Mrs. Lucy Armstrong and ridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Walker and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Judy; Mr. and Mrs. clipped Chantilly lace and em­ Sue of Clarksville, Tenn,; Mr. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ Boyd C. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. John Fincham and Scotty; Mr. broidered with seed pearls, fea­ and Mrs. Tom Armstrong and uel Aldridge, Mr. and Mrs. Layo Odell Calhoun, Thelma, Rachel, Pink Salmon,...... fall can, 49c and Mrs. Lewis Davis, Vicky and tured a large bow in the back Jackie of Hopkinsville; Mr. and Aldridge, Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Ralph, Buddy and E. J., Donnie Ricky; Mrs. Myron Beach, Dale, and extended into a chapel train. Mrs. Roy Armstrong, Clarksville, Bruce, Bradford Bruce, and Sha­ ! Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Doug­ Kraft Greg, and Myron Lee; Mrs. Nor­ Transparent matching lace also Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thomas ron Woods, Mr. and Mrs. John las Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ris Grant and Ronnie, Mrs. Bob formed the Sabrina neckline of Freeman and Ewing; Mr. and ert Phillips, Franklin, Judy and Bush, Teresa and Kathy; Mrs. the bodice. Her fingertip veil of Mrs. Claude Freeman, Earl Mayonnaise,...... quart jar, 49c Margie and Eliza Harris. John Brandon, Mr. and Mrs. Les­ illusion fell from a French crown Wayne and Mildred Anne; Mr. lie Hunter, Roger and Dianne, of seed pearls. She carried a cas­ and Mrs. James Robert Freeman, Lt. and Mrs. W. C. Cundiff are Miss Freida Hall, Benny Han­ cade bouquet of white feathered Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freeman; KENTUCKY Biscuits,...... 6 cans, 49c cock. spending a two weeks leave with mums, centered with a white or­ Randy and Donna; Mr. and Mrs. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ chid. Charles Freeman, Debra and Ca­ Park Lane bert Cothran of Golden Pond and thy; Mr. and Mrs. Mack R. Wil­ THEATRE Mrs. Forrest Henderson spent The Aiiendanis Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Cundiff of the week end in Murray visiting The matron of honor was Mrs. son, Pearl, Dianne and Lisa, all of Cadiz, Ky. Cream, gallon, 59c j Cadiz. They will leave Friday to Ice ...... half Dr. and Mrs. Pete Panzera. Don Paul Barr of Hopkinsville. Trigg County; Mr. and Mrs. Felix YOUR BEST ENTERTAINMENT return to Fort Deavens, Mass. Bridesmaids were Miss Sandra Lemay, Mr. and Mrs. A1 C. Hes­ IS ALWAYS THE MOVIESI Lee Brockmeyer of Fredonia and ter, Gregory and Doris of Chris­ Matinee on Saturday and Sun­ Drinks, ...... case, $1.19 Miss Frances Cameron of Ceru­ tian County; Mr. and Mrs. T. L. day afternoon begins at 1:00. lean. Attendants wore identical Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton W ith purchase of 4 light bulbs at Reg. price Tucker and. Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. All Night Shows Begin at 6:30. HEADQUARTERS FOR dresses of peau de soie in gold de­ Maxwell House signed with fitted bodices featur­ Rupert Francis, Carol and Donna, FRI. & SAT., September 13-14 ing scoop necklines, short sleeves Johnnie Shelton; Mrs. Christie The BIG Comedy you’ve been and bell-shaped skirts. Their Sholar, Mr. and Mrs. Garland waiting for! There's a laugh-a- ,.... 10 oz. jar, $1.19 headdresses were white picture Joiner, Mr. and Mrs. John minuie! Don't Miss It! ( * hats trimmed with gold velvet Chewning and Craig, Mr. and "Papa's Delicaie CAPITOL ribbon flowing into bows at the Mrs. H. E. Stagner, Mr. and Mrs. Cabbage ...... lb., 5c back and they carried cascade ar­ Willie Stagner, Mrs. Debora Condition" rangements of feathered gold Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Moss Stag­ In Technicolor mums. ner, Mr. and Mrs. EJiell Stagner JACKIE GLEASON Bananas...... 5 lbs., 49c Little Miss Lisa Hillman, and family; Mrs. Daphnia Brown, Plus Second Exciting Feature Records daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ladd, How­ A Thrilling Western! ard Manners, Carl Hendricks, Whiting Fish ...... pound, 15c Hillman, was flower girl. She "The Oklahoman" Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Morris, wore a dress of peau de soie in CinemaScope and Color gold and had a spray of petals of Mrs. Maudie Shelton, James C. All Of The Lalesi Pop Tunes! JOEL McCREA carnations in her hair. Shelton, James W. Young, Eld- Breaded Shrimp,. 10 oz. pkg., 59c ridge Witty, Mrs. Ida Ricks, Mr. Albums By Your Favorite Artists: Jackie Rittenberry of Hopkins­ Sunday Only, Sept. 15 and Mrs. Clyde Dawson, Mr. and ville served as best man. Ushers Things You Should Know About Mrs. S. V. Campbell of Christian Beef L iver ...... ] lb„ 19c ERNIE FORD ! r were Kenneth L. Rogers, Jr., bro­ This Motion Picture: 1. You are , -.A’ County; Mrs. Florence Ricks, Mr. ther of the bride; Delano Tooke, urged to see it from the begin­ and Mrs. Ira Sivills, Mr. and Mrs. brother of the bridegroom; ning. (2) Be prepared for the RAY ANTHONY T. H. Wyatt of Princeton; Mr. Bologna, in piece,...... ]lb., 2!3c Wayne "Walker of Cadiz; and Ray macabre and the terrifying. (3) Roberts of Murray. and Mrs. Hoover Chewning and We ask your pledge io keep the A L M AR TIN O Joe of Cerulean; Mrs. . Minnie For her daughter’s wedding shocking climax a secret. (4) Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Carr, Fresh Picnics...... ] ib., 29c Mrs. Rogers chose a navy organ­ When the tension begins to build, NAT KING COLE Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Wadling- die sheath with matching acces­ please try not to scream! sories. Mrs. Tooke, mother of the ton, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Wadling- L a rd ,...... 31b. carton, 49c BEACH B O Y S bridegroom was dressed in a ton of Trigg County; Mr. and blue and white model of acetate Mrs. Hank McWilliams and Scot- "What Ever And Many Others rayon with matching accessories. tie; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Stegman Minute S teak...... Both mothers wore corsages of and Bonnie of Clarksville, "Tenn., Happened To gladioli. | 2nd Lt. Fred Caristo of Fort The Reception Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Baby Jane?" Hamburger...... 3 lbs., $1.00 A reception was held in the I Hester of Eikton. CAMPBELL’S Starring Two All-Time Greats— ” ~ T ...... recreation hall of the church af­ W e receive fresh live-dre^sed Kentucky | ter the ceremony. Those serving J Joe Sholar, John Edd Sholar BETTE DAVIS Cadis, K y. Phone 522-6115 Lake Fish every Tuesday and Friday. For were Mrs. Carl A. Bridges, Miss and Hubert Rogers all of Mayfield JOAN CRAWFORD Betty Lyons. Mrs. Fred Hillman, , were in Cadiz Saturday on choice fish place orders early. t business. Thursday, Sept. 12, 1963 THE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY Page Five

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark and Ed Cook in Model, Tenn.; Mrs. rampant in our world, indeed. chell, Mr. and Mrs. George Lar­ property in which you have any that “ Strength and stamina are Miss Nancy Littey, of Evansville, tally Williams and Alvis Billing- And yet, we feel that spirits, free, kins, Cheryl, Carol and Lacy; Mr. ; interest and you may share in reduced by such practices.” And EAST CADIZ i the distribution of the award of were week end guests of Mr. anc. ;on in Lone Oak. everywhere look to liberty. That and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, Tom­ i it added: compensation. * ‘At one wrestling tournament NOM DE PLUME Mrs. Joe Clark. ★ ★ all the peoples of the earth are mie and Jacque; Mr. and Mrs. The viewpoints and opinions ★ ★ ★ Very often a fight for what is headed for a full rebirth. Despite John D. Larkins, Rita Kay, Doug, You are further notified that in a conference where the prac­ expressed in this column are noi Early to bed and early to rise :ight turns into a quarrel for the threat of total war. we know and Lauri Ann; Mr. and Mrs. G. trial by jury of the issue of just tice of ‘making weight’ is general, necessarily those held by this is a sure sign that you are fed rhat is left. what we are striving for: A peace C. Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. compensation is demanded by two competitors collapsed before plaintiff. they had even participated in a newspaper. up with television. ★ ★ with justice, firm and good. A Mahanes, and Don; Mr. and Mrs. WILLIAM E. SCENT match.” ★ ★ ★ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor, Mr. universal brotherhood. And, by Eddie Mahanes, Mr. and Mrs. God’s grace, a sure release from Jimmy Mahanes, all of Louisville; United States Attorney The practice is “indefensible,” Tommy Mason, of Hopkinsville, Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander and Mrs. Guiley Shelton and Mr. total war—to total peace.—Karl Mr. and Mrs. John Cantrell, J. D., 211 Federal Building the two organizations concluded. was week end guest of his grand­ and family; Mrs. Harvey Alex­ and Mrs. A. B. Shelton were in ander and Malcolm Ray Thomas Mayfield Sunday attending the Flaster. Kay, Curt, and Charles Miller of Louisville, Kentucky While this criticism may dampen parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Bell Garland, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. A l­ August 5, 1963 (39c) the enthusiasm of “weight-mak­ Mason, Sr. were Sunday visitors of Mr. and funeral of Mrs. Victoria Richard­ Mrs. Robert Alexander in Calvert son. Alexander Reunion fred Reddick, John, Jim, Sue and ing” coaches, the student’s best ★ ★ ★ Jeff of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and defense is a refusal to go along, City. ★ ★ ★ The annual Alexander reunion Homemakers Schedule The man who watches the clock Mrs. Bob Alexander and Bentley firmly backed up by his parents. ★ ★ ★ There are some things we can’t was held in Newman Lodge at Sept. 16: Roaring Springs- Club will always be one of the hands. of Calvert City, Ky.; Mrs. Betty This column is sponsored by What you put off today you’ll understand about the farm ques­ Shiveley, Ky., on August 25. Ap­ in the home of Mrs. Tilghman Polsgrove and Mrs. Nell Hughes, the Trigg Co. TB Association. probably put off tomorrow. tion. One day the papers will an­ proximately 134 relatives and' Jones at 1:30. j of Pasa Robles, Calif.; Mrs. Ora ★ ★ ★ nounce the finest crops ever and friends enjoyed the occasion. Sept. 18: Cadiz Day Club in the j Robinson of Ordway, Colo.; Mrs. 4-H keeps pace with the Kelsie Calhoun underwent sur­ next day announce that the coun­ Those attending were: , home of Mrs. Sarah Roberts with . Anna Adams of Garden City, changing times by catering to gery at Trigg County Hospital ty is in the “Disaster Column.” Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alexan­ Mrs. S. T. Major, co-hostess at Kansas. city and suburban youth, in ad­ Monday. ★ ★ ★ der and Ray Thomas; Mr. and 10:30. j dition to the farm and small town ★ ★ ★ “Did you propose on your Mrs. James Alexander, Kenneth, Sept. 19: South Cadiz Club in . members. Purina Check-R-Mix There’s one consolation about knees?” Sandra and Kathy; Mr. and Mrs. UNITED STATES DISTRICT the home of Mrs. W. J. Lawrence j Grinding & Mixing both life and taxes: When you “Yes, and I’ve been ten years Edward Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. COURT, WESTERN DISTRICT at 1:30. finish one you’re through with getting back on my feet.” Raymond Fuller and Keith, Mrs. OF KENTUCKY AT PADUCAH Sept. 20: Oak Grove Club in • Service ELMHURS1 NURSING the other. ★ 'k ★ Raymond Fuller, Mrs. Earl Van- CIVIL ACTION NO. 1348 the home of Mrs. John Downs at HOME ★ ★ ★ Joe Clark was in Marion Sun­ zant, all of Cadiz; Mrs. Gary NOTICE 1:30. Offers Kentucky's new­ BULK DELIVERY A sou was born to Mr. and Mrs. day visiting his parents, Mr. and Minton and Judy; Louis Caldwell UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Sept. 24: Walionia Club in the est and finesi brick home. James Ray Stewart September 5 Mrs. C. E. Clark. and Carolyn, Mrs. Louise Reece, PLAINTIFF home of Mrs. M. J. White at 1:30. : 100 percent air-conditioned at the Murray Hospital. He has ★ ★ ★ all of Hopkinsville; Mrs. John VS. ANY person over 65 years been named Joe Malcolm, and Father: “What a boy you are Law, Mr. and Mrs. Odell Law, 180.68 ACRES OF LAND, more or old with $1200 a year in­ weighed 8% pounds. for asking questions. I’d like to Nancy, Wanda, Billy, and Dalton; less, situate in Trigg and Lyon HEALTH come or less, even if per­ ★ ★ ★ know what would have happened Miss Betty Law, Henry Law, all Counties, State of Kentucky, and son owns his own home, Some persons are left to shift if I’d asked as many questions of Elkton; Earl Alexander, Mrs. The Heirs of Mildred D. Johnson, and in need of nursing for themselves; others get instruc­ when I was a boy as you do.” Mary Tichenor, M.r. and Mrs. FOR ALL el al., care, can draw $135 per tions from the back seat. “Perhaps,” says the youngster, Danny Tichenor, Pam, Kim, DEFENDANTS Starving To "Win" month from State when a ★ ★ ★ “you’d have been able to answer Kenny, and Stacy, Mr. and Mrs, TO: The unknown heirs or devi­ patient at Elmhurst Nurs­ Mrs. Sarah Roberts visited Mr. some of mine.” William Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. sees of Mildred D. Johnson and The lean and hungry look that ing Home. Phone 836-1488 and Mrs, Elvin Roberts and fam­ ★ ★ ★ Raymond O’Nan; Mr. and Mrs. their unknown spouses. Julius Caesar complained about Hopkinsville. Ky., or write ily at Lineport, Tenn., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walker Fenton White and Susan; Mr. and Description, in pertinent part, was undoubtedly due to nervous for literature to: P. O. Box PURINA CHOWS ★ ★ ★ and Mike, of Hopkinsville, were Mrs. Skip Newman, Mr. and Mrs. of the land condemned herein to tension rather than to malnutri­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones, Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. 136, Bowling Green, Ky. PURINA HEALTH AIDS Ronnie Minyard, Beth and Bud­ which the above named defend­ tion. But although “you Cassius” of Sellersburg, Indiana, were and Mrs. Oscar Stations. dy; Mr. and Mrs. Jack'Craig, Kay ants may have an interest is as was almost certainly eating well, week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. for Livestock & Fouifry ★ ★ ★ Cindy, and Janet; Mr. and Mrs. follows: it may be a different story with Jim Taylor. Across the reaches of the years Earl Pruitt, Bradley, Barry, Bar­ Tract 4429 — A tract of land the young college athlete who ★ ★ ★ mankind has toiled with joy and bara, Bry.on; Mr. and Mrs. Ray situate in the Sixth Magisterial steps into the boxing or wrestling Phone 522-6888 Opportunity knocks, but temp­ tears. And folks are apt to ask Wheatley, Dennis, Steve, Rose District of Trigg County, Ken­ ring looking as if he hasn’t had a CADIZ MILLING tation kicks in the door. today: “What have we learned Mary, Charles, Marsha, Janie tucky, approximately three and square meal in a month of Tues­ Company ★ ★ ★ along the way?” Civilization, tru­ and Melinda; Mr. and Mrs. James one-half miles in a southwesterly days. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Billing- ly fine, has lightened burdens— Pruitt, Becky, Karen, Donna, direction from Canton, Kentucky, The chances are, in such a case, Cadiz, K y. ton, of Akron, Ohio; Rev. and yours and mine. But has it taught Sandy; Mrs. Ann Larkins, J. O. and being the same land reserved that he hasn’t. And the reason he Mrs. Goebel Sullivan, of Buffalo, us simple good; compassion, mer­ Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. for and on behalf of the Heirs hasn’t is that certain athletic were Monday visitors of Eld. and cy, brotherhood? That, as God’s Pruitt, M.r. and Mrs. Elwood Es­ and devisees of Mildred D. John­ coaches — fortunately a minority Mrs. D. W. Billington. In the af­ image, man at least could curb tes, Ronda and Kenny, Mr. and son in a deed from A. C. Burnett, in their field—have shown them­ ternoon the Billingtons, with the passions of the beast. Hatred, Mrs. Bill Alexander, Mike and Master Commissioner, Trigg selves more concerned about the H 5 5 5 5 K J their guests visited Mr. and Mrs. lust, envy, pride and greed are Toni, Mr. and Mrs. Tandy Mit­ count showed that \ County Circuit Court, to J. H. idea of winning matches than 6,500,000 cars were Hopson et al., 31 January 1910, about the health of the young­ insured with us. Find and recorded in Deed Book 42, sters in their charge. out why now! Page 393, of the records of Trigg They have imposed on their County, Kentucky. , squad members a practice deli­ You are hereby notified that a cately known as “making complaint in condemnation has weight.” This regimen, much less heretofore been filed in the of­ harmless than it sounds, calls for fice of the clerk of the above- a starvation diet on the part of named court in an action to con­ the youth to bring his weight Brisk Autumn demn fee simple title to Tracts down to a point where he is eli­ 4429, 16500-1, 16500-2. 16802 and gible to compete in a class below H 16804, subject, however, to exist­ his normal one. The starvation Lemon Custard, Oatmeal, Butter or Pure Cane Sugar. . . . 10 lbs., $1.10 ing easements for public roads diet can have permanent ill ef­ P. H. Oliver Chocolate Chips and highway, public utilities, fects on the young man’s health. railroads and pipelines. So flagrant did the practice be­ Tour Family Insurance Man Pure Cane Sugar, .. 100 lbs., $8.99 Flavor Kisi Cookies. 4 pkgs., $1.00 The authority for the taking is come that the American Medical Cadiz, K y, the Act of Congress approved Association’s Committee on the February 26, 1931 (46 Stat. 1421, Medical Aspects of Sports finally Maxwell House SfATI UlM Pink Salmon,f • • • •.... tall can 45c 40 U.S.C. 258a), and acts supple­ felt impelled to step in and blow STATE FARM Coffee,...... 11 mentary thereto and amendatory the whistle. In a free-swinging "A Nescafe b. can, 68c thereof; and under the further statement, joined by the National MUTUAL AUTOMOSIU IMSUftAMCf COMPANY authority of the Acts of Congress Federation of State High School Miss Georgia Horn* Office: 8 loomington, IMigffe approved April 24, 1888 (25 Stat. Athletic Associations, it declared Instant Coffee, ... .. 10 oz.jar, 89c 94, 33 U.S.C. 591), and March 1, Peaches,...... ‘ 1 cans, 89c 1917 (39 Stat. 950, 33 U.S.C. 701), Merit which acts authorize the acquisi­ Just Wonderful tion of land for river and harbor Pure Shortening,. ..31b. can ,55c and flood control purposes; the Spruce Up .. P a i n t Up . . A t Hair Spray...... can, 89c Act of Congress approved Sep­ tember 3, 1954 (Public Law 780- Fresh Peaches,...... pound, 10c 83rd Congress, 2d Session), which act authorizes the construction of Sale Savings! Meat Department the Barkley Dam and Lake Bark- Good Green Celery, . .2 stalks, 29c ! ley Project on the Cumberland Top Round River, Kentucky and Tennessee; and the Act of Congress approv­ get WARREN’S Pinto Beans,. * • • •...41b . bag, 39c Steak, II. S. Choice,...... lb., 89c ed October 24, 1962 (Public Law 87-830), which act appropriated (except IS oz. R. C.) Close Trimmed funds for such purposes. You are further notified that if Drinks, with bottles,.. case, $1.29 Sirloin Steak,...... j you have any abjection or de­ lb., 89c fense to the taking of your prop­ U. S. Choice erty you are required to serve upon plantiff’s attorney at the Ice Cream,.. • * • • • hall gallon, 59c Eoneless Stew B eef,...... lb., 89c address herein designated with­ Italian in twenty days (after the date of the last publication of this notice Fresh Ground which is September 26, 1963) an Dressing...... b ottle, 10c answer identifying the property Hamburger,...... 3 lbs., $1.00 in which you claim to have an in­ Bed Bose terest, stating the nature and ex­ (Ground from TJ.S.D.A. Inspected Beef tent of the interest claimed and stating all your objections and and Mixed by Machine) Limited Supply Salad Dressing,...... q [uart, 29c defenses to the taking of your property. A failure so to serve an We will have plenty of real nice mutton, pork Usually $7.35 Gal. answer shall constitute a consent Biscuits, 3 cans, 25c ribs and Grade A Fryers. to the taking and to the authority Save $2.37 per gallon on WARREN'S INSURED HOUSE of the court to proceed to hear the action and to fix the just com­ PAINT . . . "Southern Made for the Southern Clime." Spe­ pensation and shall constitute a cial heat treated oils provide extra toughness and surface waiver of all defenses and ob­ jections not so presented. adhesion qualities, prevent "break down" under hot sun, You are further notified that if dampness, rains and sleei. Limited supplies so hurry! you have no objection or defense to the taking you may serve upon plaintiff’s attorney a notice of ® Self Cleaning! ® Extra Tough! • Long appearance and designating the property in which you claim to Lasting! ® 10 Colors Plus Black and White! be interested, and thereafter you shall receive notice of all pro­ ceedings affecting the said prop­ erty. Albert W allace You are further notified that at the trial of the issue of just com -' Super-Market pensation, whether or not you & C o m p a n y have answered or served a notice Cadiz, K y. 5 2 2 -6 6 3 3 of appearance, you may present evidence as to the amount of the Cadiz, Kentucky compensation to be paid for the 08 Page Six THE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY Thursday, Sept. 12, 1963’

56.85 129 Cadiz Auto Parts, R epairs______44.46 News Of Interest Settlement of P* H. Oliver, Sheriff and Collector of 3 Wayne Supply Co., Repair road machinery______4 Brandeis Mach, and Supply Co,, Repair road mach. 405.58 130 Gulf Oil Corporation, Operating supplies______174.19 To Negro Citizens the Trigg County General Fund Levy for the year 5 Eddie Holland, Freight on rep air______1.35 131 Joe Cossey, Dozer w o r k ______76.62 7 Joe Cossey, Labor on dozer, Newt Nichols Road___ 178.60 133 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer ______171.50- By Mrs. Shirley Cunningham 1962, assessment taken as of January 1, 1962, with October, 1962 132 Joe Cossey, Labor on d ozer______132.48: Hello Folks. It is a real plea­ Charles E. Thomas, Treasurer of Trigg County, 6 Robert F. Futrell, Right of way for road ______200.00 134 Eddie Holland, Labor on grad er______67.03: sure to be back in school. Don’t Kentucky. 8 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, Newt Nichols road— 161.54 135 Ted Thomas Grocery, Boots, gas, etc. grader______31.56 forget that your children are with Assessed value cf property for county levy purposes for the year 9 Eddie Holland, Grader wrork Newt Nichols road __ 144.48 136 Ky. State Treasurer, W. tax, 1st qtr., ’6 3 ______2.20 us in the classroom. Come and 1982, and due thereon as certified to said Sheriff for collection. 10 Willis Clark, Time k e e p e r______20.00 137 Internal Rev. Service. W. Tax, 1st qtr., ’6 3 ______51.70 visit sometimes. A. PROPERTY SUBJECT TO FULL TAX RATE 11 Ky. State Treasurer, Ky. withholding tax, 3rd qtr. ’62 32.33 138 Edgar Bagfcy, Jr., Gas, Cossey______3.00 ★ ★ ★ 1. Real Estate______$6,875,020 at 5 0 c______$34,375.10 12 Internal Revenue Service, Fed. Withholding tax, 139 Cadiz Auto Parts, Repairs______2.80 Attend Church 2. Tan. Personal Property___ $1,294,185 at 50c______6,470.93 3rd qtr. ’6 2 ______454.90 140 Sizemore Welding Service, Repairs______67.62 13 County Social Security Fund, S.S. withheld from 141 Cadiz Hardware Co., 1 spade, B. P erry______The United Gospel Singers of FRANCHISES: 7.47 Laborers, 3rd qtr. 1962 ______143.94 142 Brandeis Mach, and Sup. Co., Repairs for equipment Clarksville rendered a program American Louisiana Pipe L in e ______355,885. 738.51 47.20 Trigg County Farmers Bank, Bank charge______at Little River Baptist Church Cadiz Railroad C om pan y ______25,282. 14 Sizemore Welding Service, Welding road machinery .50* 37.80 143 Bryant Perry, Labor on road equipment______Sunday night. On next Sunday Dixie Hwy. Express, Inc. ______2,935. 15 John Woodruff Const. Co., Wire rope for p a n ______167.74 144 Joe Cossey, Labor on road with d ozer______night Rev. Douglas Crenshaw and Dealers Transport Company ______1,338. 16 Meadows Pharmacy, Bus charges, re p a ir______1.19 164.19 145 Gulf Oil Corporation, Operating supplies______congregation from Indianapolis Hayes Freight Lines, Inc. ______684. 17 Flood’s Gulf Service, Gas, lowboy ______6.80 285.53’ 146 Standard Oil Co., Operating supplies______will render services at this Illinois Central R. R. Co. ______63,509, 18 Princeton U. S. Royal Tire Co., 1 tire for Gallion 63.17 147 Princeton’s U. S. Royal Tire Services, Inc., Repairs church. Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. ______145,569. G rader______- ______123.60 33.19 148 Baldwin Truck and Tractor Co., Repairs______A revival is now in progress at Railway Express Agency, Inc. ______1,585. 19 Standard Mill Supply Co., Wire rope for dozer___ 21.51 54.78 149 East Cadiz Garage & Body Shop, 4 tires and 1 tube Bloomfield Baptist Church and So. Bell Telephone and Tel. C o .______248,910. 20 East Cadiz Garage, Tire repair, Gallion G rader___ 21.74 576.16 150 Wilson’s Texaco Station, Operating supplies______will begin at Second Baptist The Western Union Tel. C o .______134. 21 Trigg Co. Farmers Bank, Interest on note______540.00 3.13 151 Eddie Holland, Grader w o r k ______Church on next Sunday night. Western Kentucky Stages, Inc. ______5,835. 22 Bryant Perry, Refund on freight paid on parts___ 1.70 128.34 152 Bryant Perry, Dozer w ork ______Homecoming services will be AD VALOREM TAX 24 Standard Oil Co., Fuel, Sept. .’6 2 ______214.48 162.74 154 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader ___ .______celebrated at the Canton Baptist Green Line Steamers, I n c .______162. 25 Brandeis Machinery & Supply Co., Repair road mach. 128.34 May, 1S63 Church on the Fifth Sunday Indiana Farm Bureau Coop. Assoc. In c.______92. Sept. 6 2 ______1,010.92 153 Samuel V. Cossey, Dozer w o r k ______where Rev. Tom Thompson is Jones & Laughlin Steel C o rp .______2,247. 26 Whayne Supply Co., Repair, Sept. ’62 ______52.85 167.74 155 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer______pastor. Rev. Bell of Henderson Sinclair Refining C om pany______8,241. 27 Bryant Perry. Labor on dozer ______187.40 175.57 156 Wilson’s Texaco Station, Gas, 5-1-63______will be the guest speaker. Stauffer Chemical Company ______2,931. 28 Joe Cossey, Labor on dozer______187.40 3.00 157 Next Sunday night the Junior Pure Oil Com pany______735. 29 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader ______159.03 Standard Oil Company, Operating supplies______3.14 158 Choir of Rocky Ridge Baptist Texaco, Inc.______2,854. 31 Arnold Ligon Truck Line, Inc., F reight______3.00 Wailonia IGA, Operating supplies______9.85 162 Church will celebrate their anni­ 32 Cedar Bluff Stone Co.. Cable for dozer______25.95 Sizemore Welding Service, Repairs______38.72 159 versary by presenting a musical TOTAL ______$868,928. at 50c___ . 4,344.64 33 Pete’s, Tire repairs, g ra d e r______8.05 Cadiz Auto Parts, Repairs (p arts)______16.84 160 program. Everyone is invited to B. Total Property Subject To Full County Rate ______.$45,190.67 34 W. D. Boyd’s Garage, Supplies, road machinery___ 220.78 East Cadiz Garage, R epairs______23.70 161 attend the above activities. 4. Bank Shares ______386,475. at 20c — 772.95 35 Meadows Pharmacy, Freight on repairs______3.25 Hopinsviile Recapping Co., Inc., Repairs ______375.68 5. 1817 polls, less 750 exempt leaving 37 Bryant Perry, Labor on d ozer______207.15 163 Brandeis Mach. & Sup Co., Parts, April ’6 3 ______170.98 * •¥■ * Club Activities 1067 for taxation______at 1.5Q__ 1,600.50 November, 1962 164 Oscar Mitchell, Labor on d ozer______„ ______29.25 The Industrial Keen Club met C. Total County Taxes Collected______$47,564.12 4987 Weaver’s Garage, Repair, Adams G rader______49.60 163 Samuel V. Cossey, Labor on dozer______110.36 recently in the home of Mrs. D. CREDITS: , 36 Joe Cossey, Labor on d o z e r______213.74 Trigg County Farmers Bank, Bank charge______.50 Jeremiah Hendricks with 12 1. 2% on $27,380.36 taxes collected before 38 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader______190.34 166 Oscar Mitchell, Labor on d ozer______108.00 members present. Following the Nov. 1, 1962 ______$ 547.61 39 Willis Clark, Pay r o ll______20.00 167 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader______87.22 business session a delicious lunch­ 2. 10% on first $10,000.00 and 4% on 41 Trigg Co. Manmers Bank, N ote______8,000.00 168 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader ______121.94 eon was served and the club ad­ residue of $37,016.51______$2,480.66 42 Trigg Co. Farmers Bank, Interest on n o t e ______240.00 169 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer______162.40 journed to meet with Miss Mar­ E. TOTAL CREDITS______$ 3,028.27 43 Trigg Co. Farmers Bank, Interest on n o te ______177.50 June, 1963 gie Irvin next time. 44 Standard Oil Company, Fuel and Oil, Oct., 1962 _ 312.14 171 Home Service Co., Repair road mach.______9.50 The Seven Keys Club met in $44,535.85 45 Cadiz Hardware Co., Log Chain, County equipment 28.17 172 Meadows Pharmacy, Bus charges on repair______3.20 the home of Mrs. Leviticus Pat­ The above mentioned total debit of $44,535.85 is carried to 46 Cadiz Auto Parts, Filter for Road M achinery______4.39 173 Cadiz Auto Parts, Machinery repair______6.04 terson last week. An interesting Treasurer’s settlement date of July 1, 1963. 47 Sizemore Welding Service, Welding on Road Mach. 28.50 174 Bleidt Garage, Repair pick-up tru ck ______157.23 business session was held. Games VIRGINIA ALEXANDER 48 BurkeThomas Co., Repairs, road m a ch .______1.34 175 Princeton Tire & Recap. Co. ©rader tires______632.16 were played and prizes were Commissioner to make this settlement. 49 M. H. Mitchell, Steam clean tra ctor______5.00 176 Gulf Oil Corp., Fuel and oil ______291.18 won by Mrs. Eddie Jones and Slate of Kentucky 50 Brandeis Machine Co., Repairs, Mach., O ctober__ _ 792.41 177 Brandeis Mach. Co., Repair M achinery______243.98 Mrs. Marvin Acree, Jr. Trigg County — Set. 51 P. H. Oliver, Ins. Co., Workman’s Compensation Ins. 281.20 178 Weaver’s Garage, Repair m achinery______157.50 I, Bill O. McNichols, Clerk Trigg County Court, do certify that 179 Bryant Perry, Dozer w ork ______* * * 52 Preston Thomas, Witness in Court, H. B. Futrell suit 10.00 125.87 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ford of the foregoing settlement was at the Regular July 16, 1963 Term of 53 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer______209.38 180 Samuel V. Cossey, Dozer w o r k ,______39.94 Ironton, Ohio, have been the re­ this Court filed and ordered continued one month for 3ny excep­ 54 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader______172.68 181 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader______133.57 cent guests of his mother, Mrs. tions; None having been taken, was this day taken up, examined, 55 Joe Cossey, Labor on D ozer______209.38 182 Ted Thomas Store, Gas for low b o y ______66.65 Serena Ford of Canton. On their approved and ordered certified and recorded all of which has been 57 Preston Thomas, Preparing Highway Deeds______100.00 183 Dyer & Wilson, gas low b o y ______9.48 return home they left their done accordingly in my said office. Given under my hand this the 58 P. H. Oliver Ins. Co., Workmen Compensation Ins._ 258.05 184 Sizemore Welding Service, Welding______49.90 daughter, Gloria, to vacation 30th day of August, 1963. 60 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer______141.08 185 Arnold Ligon, F reight______3.00 with her grandmother. Wanda BILL O. McNICHOLS, Clerk 61 Eddie Holland, Labor on G rader______125.60 186 Gulf Oil Corp., F u e l______178.01 Martin, daughter of Mrs. Mildred December, 1962 187 Bryant Perry, Dozer w o r k ______172.84 Martin accompanied Mr. and Mrs Settlement of Charles E. Thomas, Treasurer of 30 Joe Cossey, Freight on rep a ir______1.00 188 Samuel V. Cossey, Dozer w o rk ______169.49 Ford to Ironton where she spent Trigg County, Kentucky, for the Trigg County Fis­ 59 Gulf Servicenter, Gasoline______3.75 189 Eddie Holland, Grader w o r k ______1______164.80 a portion of her vacation with 62 Joe Cossey, Labor on d ozer______147.72 them. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Mat cal Court Equipment Fund for the tax year of 1962, 63 Willis Clark, Making out payroll ___ r______20.00 TOTAL WARRANTS______$ 71,378.15 tie Brooks, daughters of Mrs. Se­ beginning July 1, 1962, and ending June 30, 1963. 64 Ted Thomas Groc., Gas, anti-freeze, Adams Grader 22.10 Total Warrants Issu ed______$71,378.15 rena Ford, motored to Ironton 65 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer______122.90 B a la n c e ______2,271.54 and brought Wanda home for the Balance July 1, 1962 ------$10,480.30 66 Sizemore Welding Service, Welding Road Mach___ 19.00 opening of school. Transferred Wildlife Road Fund ______25,000.00 67 Burke-Thcmas Co., Power Saw Chain______31.84 $ 73,649.69 Warrants received from State ______38,169.39 * * ■¥■ 68 Cadiz Motor Company, Rep. P-Up tru ck ______10.28 Balance this July 1, 1963, Settlement, $2,271.54. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Wilson and 69 Flood’s Gulf Service, Gas for low b o y ______37.07 I certify the above to be correct. Mrs. Rosie Cheatham of India $73,649.69 70 Trigg County Ins. Agency, Ins. bal. on Chev. P-up 40.94 VIRGINIA ALEXANDER napolis and St. Louis are visiting July-August (Credits by Cancelled Checks) 1962 71 A. M, Bowles, Make drive shaft______4.00 Commissioner to make this settlement. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Ladd of 7-5-62 Internal Revenue Service, Withholding Tax 2nd 72 Brandeis Mach, and Supply Co., Repair road mach. 24.21 Slate of Keniucky Rocky Ridge. quarter, 1962 ______322.01 73 Billie Wilson Service Station, Gas low boy and anti­ Trigg County — Set. ★ ★ ★ 7-5-62 Kentucky State Treasurer, Withholding Tax, 2nd freeze ______22.77 I, Bill O. McNichols, Clerk Trigg County Court, do certify that Miss Marietta Burke was quarter, 1962 ______20.72 75 W. D. Boyd’s Garage, Gas and parts, road mach___ 58.80 the foregoing settlement was at the Regular July 16, 1963 Term o f crowned Miss Second Baptist last 7-5-62 County Treasurer, Social Security withheld 2nd 76 Bryant Perry, Labor on D ozer______17.43 this Court filed and ordered continued one month for any excep­ Sunday night. The girl soliciting quarter, 1962 ------102.35 77 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader______104.40 tions; None having been taken, was this day taken up, examined,* the highest amount of money in 7-7-62 Marshall Clark, 120 Hours at $2.25 Earning, $270.00 237.08 78 Joe Cossey, Labor on D ozer______209.38 approved and ordered certified and recorded all of which has been the contest was eligible for the 7-7-62 Bryant Perry, 80 Hrs at $2.25 earning $180.00___ 161.77 79 Standard Oil Co., Fuel, November 1962 ______342.78 done accordingly in my said office. Given under my hand this the erowm. 7-7-62 Eddie Holland, 110 hrs. at $2.00' earning $220.00___ 174.50 80 Baldwin Truck & Tractor Co., Repair on Adams 30th day of August, 1963. ★ ★ ★ 7-18-62 Cadiz Motor Company, R epair______6.50 Grader ______735.84 BILL O. McNICHOLS, Clerk James Boyd having finished 7-18-62 East Cadiz Garage, Fix puncture, road grader___ 30.96 81 Pete’s Service Station, Operating supplies______3.49 basic training at Great Lakes, 7-18-62 Flood’s Gulf Service, Fix truck tire ______4.78 82 Weaver’s Garage, Repair on sh o v e l______522.31 Settlement of P. H. Oliver, Sheriff and Collector o£ 7-18-62 Whayne Supply Co., R epair______55.50 111., has recently spent two weeks 83 Joe Cossey, Labor with d o ze r______142.70 the Consolidated School Tax for the year 1962, as­ here visiting his mother, Mrs. 7-18-62 Sizemore Welding Service, W elding______185.90 84 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader______104.40 Martha Boyd and other relatives 7-18-62 Standard Oil Company, F u el______151.94 85 Willis Clark, Time k eep er______20.00 sessment taken as of January 1, 1962. and friends. He has now left to 7-18-62 Trigg County Farmers Bank, Credit on n o te ___ 15,000.00 January, 1SS3 Assessed value of property for Consolidated School purposes for the report for active duty aboard the 7-19-62 Boyd’s Garage, R epair______817.69 87 Standard Oil Co., Fuel, Dec. ’6 2 ______177.96 year 1962. and taxes thereon as certified io said Sheriff and Collector. USS Shangri at Mayport, Fla. 7-21-62 Bryant Perry, 105 hrs. at $2.25 earning $236.27__ 205.27 88 Internal Revenue Service, Withholding tax, A. Property Subject To Full Tax Rate 7-21-62 Marshall Clark, 105 hrs. at $2.25 earning $236.25__ 216.53 4th qtr., ’62 ______353.70 1. Real Estate______$6,875,020. at 2.00 .$137,500.46 7-21-62 Edie Holland, 117 hrs. at $2.00 earning $234.00_ 183.65 89 Department of Revenue, 4th qtr., ’62 Ky. W. Tax_ 24.42 2. Tan. Personal P roperty______1,294,185. at 2 .0 0 ___ 25,883.76 7-27-62 Cummons Engineers Central Tenn., Inc., Cleaning and 90 Cadiz Motor Co., Repair on shovel______98.47 3. Public Service Companies Assessment parts on grader______91 Cadiz21.70 Auto Parts, Repair Co. Road Machinery___ 13.15 American Louisiana Pipe L in e ______355,885. 7- 28-62 James R. Rogers, Gallon grader labor and c a r _ 38.00 92 Baldwin Truck & Tractor Co., Repair Adams Grader 10.24 Cadiz Railroad C om pan y______25,282. 8- 3-62 Marshall Clark, 100 hrs. at $2.25 earning $225.00___ 207.47 93 Burke-Thomas Co., Grader repair, G allion ______2.20 Dixie Hwy. Express, I n c .______- ______2,985. 8-4-62 Bryant Perry, 110 hrs. at $2.25 earning $247.50 ____ 213.75 94 Pinceton U. S. Royal Tire Service, Inc., Tires, Co. Dealers Transport Company______1,338. 8-4-62 Eddie Holland, 120 hrs. at $2.00 earning $240.00 _ 189.72 equipm ent______105.90 Hayes Freight Lines, Inc. ______684. 3-6-62 East Cadiz Garage, Repair grader tires______42.16 95 Brandeis Mach. Co., Repair D ozer______824.24 Illinois Central R. R. Co. ______63,509. 8-6-62 Princeton’s U. S. Royal Tire Service, Tires, grader 370.80 96 Sizemore Welding Service, Welding on dozer & pan 52.97 Pennyrile Rural Electric Coop. ______145,569. 8-6-62 Cadiz Hardware Co., P arts______10.66 97 Flood’s Gulf Service, Gas low b o y ______9.60 Railway Express Agency, Inc. ______1,585. 8-6-62 Sizemore Welding Service, W elding______60.17 98 Pennyrile Rural Electric, Work order T7G16, moving So. Bell Telephone and Tel. C o .______248,910. 8-6-62 Baldwin Truck and Tractor Co., P arts______16.71 p o le ______56.84 The Western Union Tel. C o .______134. 8-6-62 Whayne Supply Company, Parts______71.07 99 Trigg Co. Farmers Bank, Note on machinery in full 18,000.00 Western Kentucky Stages, Inc. ______5,835. 8-7-62 Brandeis Machinery and Supply Co., P a rts ______756.12 100 Trigg County aFrmers Bank, Interest on n o te ___ 306.00 AD VALOREM TAX 8-8-62 Cadiz Auto Parts, Socket______22.49 101 L. & M. Grocery, Gas, lo w b o y ______8.49 Green Line Steamers, I n c .______162. 8-8-62 Standard Oil Company, F u e l______298.21 102 John M. Downs, 52 Hrs. labor, $130.00, gas 8.50____ 138.50 Indiana Farm Bureau Coop Assoc. In c.______92. 8-13-62 Arnold Ligon Truck Line, Freight, for B lades___ 3.68 February, 1963 Jones & Laughlin Steel C o rp .______2,247. 8-18-82 Eddie Holland, 100 hrs. at $2.00 earning $200.00__ 159.19 103 Larry Kemp, Moxing Dozer______32.00 Sinclair Refining Company______8,241. 8-18-62 Bryant Perry, 110 hrs. at $2.25 earning $247.50 __ 213.75 106 East Cadiz Garage, Tire repair______4.00 Stauffer Chemical Company______2,931. 8-18-62 Marshall Clark, 100 hrs. at $2.25 earning $225.00__ 207.47 Pure Oil C om pany______735. f Wide Selection Of 107 Cadiz Auto Parts, Repair pa rts______6.30 September, 1962 ?■ 105 Sizemore Welding Service, Welding Machinery___ 47.00 Texaco, Inc.______2,854. Family Monuments Warrani No. 1 104 Ted Thomas Grocery, aGs for low b o y ______12.19 4962 Eddie Holland, labor on grader______144.48 108 Mitchell’s Garage, Repairs, County M ach .______10.10 T OTAL ------$868,928. at 2.00_____$ 17,378.56 We present a wide range el 4963 Bryant Perry, Dozer w ork ______213.34 109 Baldwin Truck & Tractor Co., Repair Adams grader 116.32 B. Total Property Subject To Full School Rate ______$180,762.66 granite and marble memorial* t»< 4964 Marshall Clark, Dozer la b o r______43.59 110 M. H. Mitchell, Steam clean dozer__ ,______22.00 4. Bank Shares------386,475-. at 40c____ 1,545.96 4965 Joe Cossey, Dozer la bor______65.39 anil every need and te le . 111 Brandeis Machinery & Sup. Co., Repair for Mach. 104.66 5. 1817 polls, less 750 exempt leaving 4966 Willis Clark, Time keeper______29.06 112 Dempsey L. Kemp, Labor on dozer ______51.43 1067 for taxation______at 2.00___ 2,134.00 4973 Sizemore Welding Service, Repair road machinery- 424.79 MONUMENT WORKS 113 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer______129.60 C. Total School Taxes Collected______$184,442.56 1979 Baldwin Truck and Tractor Co., Repair old grader 5.94 114 W. D. Boyd’s Garage, Supplies, Co. M achinery___ 100.10 D. Credits: 4980 Cadiz Auto Parts, Repair road machinery______2.50 115 Standard Oil Co., F u e l______20.22 1. 2% on $105,393.50 taxes collected before V ester Orr And 4981 Wood & Cain, Recap tires low b o y ______36.05 116 Gulf Oil Corporation, F u el______111.92 Nov. 1, 1962 ______$ 2,107.87 f Cecil Allen. Owner* 4982 Arnold Ligon, Freight, pan repairs______3.68 117 Sammie Cossey, L abor______175.00 2. 4% on residue of $182.334.69 ______7,293.39 4983 Flood’s Gulf Service, Repair______6.78 March 1963 3. Receipt attached from Roy McDonald, * U. S. 68 In 4984 East Cadiz aGrage. repair tires, grader______26.09 118 State Farm Mutual Ins. Co., Ins. on grader and trucks 167.53 Supt. of Schools for the Trigg Co. | Alien Sub-Division 4985 Cadiz Hardware Co., Chain, and tools for road mach. 31.21 119 Bryant Perry, 53% hrs. labor on d ozer______114.02 Board of Education ______$175,041.30 4988 Dixon Garage, Gas, oil and battery, road machinery 57.83 120 Billie Wilson Service Station, Gas and O i l __ 36.82 E. TOTAL CREDITS . . . ______$184,442.56 l W est Cadiz* K y. 4986 State Farm Mutual, Insurance, F o r d ______22.30 121 Dempsey Kemp, Labor on d o z e r ______42.28 F. Gross amount of School Taxes received by the Trigg County 4989 State Farm Mutual, Ins. Ford 53, Gallion grader, 122 Crump Service, Fix tire on grader______8.00 Board of Education for the 1963 School Y ear______$175,041.30 Adams grader______145.23 124 Cunningham & Lester. G a s ______.______4.47 I certify the above to be correct. CADIZ 5014 Standard Oil Co., Fuel and oil, August ’6 2 ______473.84 125 Flood’s Gulf Service, Operating supplies______4.88 VIRGINIA ALEXANDER 5022 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer______214.05 126 Sizemore Welding Service, Repairs______16.50 Commissioner to make fibis settlement. Phone LA 2-8476 5023 Joe Cossey, Labor on d o ze r______214.05 127 Pete’s Service Station,'Repairs______14.50 5024 Eddie Holland, Labor on grad er______98.16 128 Bryant Perry, Working on dozer______24.75 Continued on Page Seven Thursday, Sept. 12, 1983 THE CADIZ RECORD. CADIZ, KENTUCKY Page Seven

Continued From Page Six )ciober, 1983 131 Cadiz Hardware Co., Nails, D. 1 ------2.89 3 Carl Davis, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______4.00 132 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 1 ------48.33 133 Cedar Bluff Stone Company, Stone, D. 2 ------43.80 Treasurer's Report 4 Ned Davis, Hauling stone, D. 3 ______26.00 134 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 3 ------._ 201.99 5 Eddie Holland, Grader Labor, D. 3 ______64.00 135 Cedar Bluff Stone Co. Stone, D. 4 ------43.26 Stale of Kentucky 6 Bryant Perry, 10 hrs. Dozer labor, D. 1 ______22.50 136 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 5 ------77.67 swm*wsnasns 7 Bill O. McNichols Saw Mill, Bridge lbr., D. 4 _____ 13.43 Trigg County — Set. 137 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 7 ______33.08 Soil Conservation Notes I,” Bill O. McNichols, Clerk Trigg County Court, do certify that 8 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Sept., D. 1 ______108.27 138 Ned Davis, Hauling on road, D. 3 ------31.00 the foregoing settlement was at the Regular July 16, 1963 Term ot 9 Cadiz Hardware, Nails, D. 2 ______4.08 139 Bryant Perry, Dozer work, D. 6 ------160.75 By Boyd Champion St this Court filed and ordered continued one month for any excep­ 10 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Sept., D. 2 ______40.00 140 Jack Hanberry, Dozer work, D. 2 ------105.75 Ernest S. Johnston tions; None having been taken, was this day taken up, examined, 11 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Sept., D. 3 ______79.26 66.00 141 John Thomas, Work on road, D. 6 _1------A good tobacco crop is being sporoved and ordered certified and recorded all of which has been 12 Cadiz Hardware, Nails, D. 3 ______3.61 45.00 142 Freddie Bryant, Hauling rock, D. 2 ------harvested over the county. Part done accordingly in my said office. Given under my hand this the 13 Nunn Bros., Bridge Lbf., D. 3 ------53.31 143 Bryant Perry, Dozer Labor, D. 6 ------45.50 of this land will be used for to­ 30th day of August, 1963. 14 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Explosives and Stone, D. 4_ 93.79 144 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 5 __------56.25 bacco production next year. T o BILL O. McNICHOLS, Clerk 15 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader, D. 4 ______40.00 145 Eddie Holland, Grader work, D. 3 __— ------50.00 prevent disease it is best to rotate 16 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader, D. 5 — ------60.00 146 Eddie Holland, Grader work, D. 2 ______------52.00 tobacco, but on some farms there Seiilemenl of Charles E. Thomas, Treasurer of 17 Eddie Holland, Grader Labor, D. 6 ------20,00 147 Howard Choate, Labor, D. 2 ______— _.----- 8.00 may not be sufficient good tobac­ 18 Eddie Holland, Grader work, D. 7 ------60.00 148 Joe Cossey, Dozer work, D. 2 22.50 Trigg County, Kentucky, for the Trigg County co land to change locations each 19 Edd Ladd, Labor on road, D. 7 ------11.00 149 Joe Cossey, Dozer work, D. 1 _— _____------36.00 Wildlife Road Fund for the tax year 1962, begin­ year. A cover crop is needed on 20 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Sept., D. 7 _, ______182.06 150 Howard Choate, Labor, D. 1 ______8.00 cultivated land over the winter to ning July 1, 1962, and ending June 30, 1963. 21 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Sept., D. 5 ______„___ 359,16 April, 1963 slow down erosion and to add or­ Balance July 1, 1962 ------$ 32,710.02 22 Christian Quarries, Stone, Sept., D. 5 ______36.99 151 Amos Thomas, Hauling rock, D. 6 ------23.60 ganic matter to the soil when its Warrants received from Army Engineers July 1, 1962 to 23 Paul Curling, Hauling gravel, D. 7 ______124.08 152 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 1 ------78.98 turned under next spring. Field June 30, 1963 __ _ _ ------$109,8/9.40 24 S. L. Stephens, Rock Haul, Lbr. and Labor, D. 3__ 44.00 153 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 2 ------58.07 29.70 brarrre grass is one of the best 25 Clovis Noel & Son, Trucking Rock, D. 7 ______154 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 3 ------42.66 grasses to use for winter pro­ $142,589.42 26 H. C. Futrell, Appraise H. B. Futrell Road, 100-D D. 5 15.00 155- Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 4 ______46.44 tection. It produces- more root Crediis by Cancelled Check Vouchers 27 Julian Atwood, Appraise H. B. Futrell Road, 156 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 4 ______51.23 growth during the winter than an 100-D, D. 5 ______15.00 157 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 5 ______45.45 July. 1982 old sod of fescue. The top growth 7-3-62 Vance Leneave, Wire ------73.29 28 Billy Ray Futrell, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______12.50 158 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 6 ------38.07 is not difficult to turn under 7-3-62 Leander Cope, Nails and wire la bor------164.30 November, 1962 159 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 7 ------32.29 even if we have a wet spring. See 7-18-62 Trigg Co. Fiscal Court Equipt. Fund, Transferred 29 Kentucky Bi Products, Six yds. cement, Morris 160 Cullen Boren, 30 hrs. grader labor, D. 5 ______60.00 your local seed dealer and try to this account------10,000.00 graveyard, D. 3 ______104.13 161 Bailey Boren, Road right of way on Military Road 125.77 field brome grass on your tobacco August, 1362 30 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 7 ______Dist. No. 6 100D-5______350.00 land. A seeding of 12 to 15 7-17-62 John Woodruff Const. Co., On Contract------9,793.53 32 Cedar Bluff Stone Co.. Gravel, Oct., D. 1 ______32.06 162 Preston Thomas, Survey roads, 100 D-5,_____ .____ 150.00 pounds per acre in the county 7- 18-62 Rowe and Co., Engr. Fee ------454.14 33 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Gravel, Oct., D. 4 ______118.84 163 Paul E. Hall, Jr., road work, D. 7______10.00 19.41 has given good results. 8- 4-62 John Woodruff Const. Co., On Contract------13,492.36 34 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Gravel, Oct_ D. 4 ______164 Eddie Holland, Grader work, D. 2 ______56.00 September, 1962 35 Hopkinsville Builders Supply, Tile for road, D. 4 _ 48.30 165 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 4 ------56.25 ★ ★ ★ Warrant No. 36 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Gravel, Oct., D. 5 ____ ;___ 224.18 166 Bryant Perry, Dozer work, D. 7 ______19.25 Marvin Swatzell is trying to 5006 Preston Thomas, Surveying right of way, Dixon 37 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Gravel, Oct., D. 6 ______46.61 167 Tommy Shelton, Road right of way on Roaring prevent grasshoppers from de­ 13.00 Cem. R oa d ------50.00 39 Freddie Bryant, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______Springs Road, 100 D -5 ------50.00 stroying his new alfalfa seeding 34.76 5009 Homer Wilson and Mary Wilson, Right of way 40 Freddie Bryant, Hauling gravel, D. 5 ______;___ 169 Paul Curlin, Hauling dirt, D. 2 ______25.00 by spraying around the fence 41 42.12 for road _ _ ------960.00 Hershel Hargrove, Hauling rock for roads. D. 4 __ 170 Joe Co-ssey, Dozer work, D. 7 ______19.25 rows with insecticide. Insects usu­ 1 John Woodruff Const. Co., Est. No. 11 on cost o f ------December 1982 172 Cullen Boren, Labor on -grader, D. 4 ______30.00 ally take their toll by destroying 31 Owen Noel, Dozer work, D. 1______Roads ------42,333.34 66.00 173 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 7 ______24.00 a wide strip around the outside 2 Homer B. Futrell and Allie, Ben B. Wright, Atty., 38 Owen Noel, Dozer work, D. 7 ______77.00 174 Paul Curling, Trucking, D. 7 ______42.00 edge of new seedings. A little 42 Sammy Lancaster, 5 18” tile, D. 5 ______35.00 Judgment $4,000.00, Int. $30.00 ------4,030.00 May, 1963 spray could give you enough 43 Bryant Perry, Dozer work, D. 4 ______49.50 October 1962 188 R. H. Upton, Jr., Hauling rock and dirt, D. 2 ______67.50 extra hay to winter a cow/ . 123.62 23 John Woodruff Const. Co., Est. No. 12 on road 44 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Nov. ’62, D. 2 ______171 Sam-mie Lancaster, Concrete Tile, D. 2 ------36.00 45 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Nov. ’62 D. 4 ______117.29 contract------16,331.61 175 Eddie Holland, Grader work, D. 5 ______64.00 Shallow ponds cannot make it 46 Cedar Bluff Stone Co.. Stone, Nov. ’62, D. 5______231.97 November, 1S62 176 Arlon Leneave, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______20.00 through a dry summer. Erosion, 47 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Nov. ’62, D. 5 ______20.26 40 Upton & Sills, Part pay Dixon Cemetery road------6,000.00 177 Guylie Brown, Labor on road, D. 6 ______16.00 from hillsides over the years fill 48 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Nov. ’62, D. 6 ______113.99 December 1932 178 Bryant Perry, Dozer work, D. 6 ______16.00 the pond with silt. A natural 49 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Nov. ’62, D. 7 ______57.28 56 Rowe and Co., Bal. of 4r/c Barkley Lake Road 179 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 2 ______27.00 pond on the farm of D. R. Crute 50 Carroll Thomas, Hauling rock, D. 6 ______116.00 Contract eng. fees ------3,935.18 180 Cedar Bluff Stone Cc., Stone, Apr. ’63, D. 1 ______193.60 is just about dry. He plans to dig 51 Ned Davis, Haul Rock, D. 6 ______56.00 74 Upton & Sills, Bal. on Dixon Cemetery Road — — 4,351.20 181 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Apr., ’63, D. 2 ______35 93 ' a at the edge of the old pond. 52 Frank Wolfe, Hauling rock, D. 8 ------96.00 January, 1963 182 Nunn Brother, Lumber, D. 3 ______81 12 | The dirt ke spread across the 53 B. H. B-ryant, Hauling gravel, D. 6 ______184.00 86 John Woodruff Const. Co., Bal. construction on roads 13,098.26 183 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, April ’63, D. 4 ______47.16 old pond. 54 H. T. Alexander, Hauling gravel, D. 6 ______88.00 Transferred to Trigg Conty Fiscal Court Equipment 184 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, April, ’63, D. 5 ___ 37.16 ★ ★ ★ 5-5 Marshal Noel, Hauling rock, D. 6 ______96.00 Fund per instructions — — ------15,000.00 185 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, April, ’63, D. 7 ___ __ 31.73 There has been excellent at­ 56 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Nov., D. 1 ______81.08 ------186 J. O. Boren, Labor on fence, 100 D -5 ______174.50 tendance at the beef cattle and 57 Cullen Boren, Grader work, D. 1 ______62.00 Credit by Cancelled Check Vouchers and Warrants $140,067.21 187 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 3 ______44.00 forage production meeting at 58 Freddie Bryant, Hauling gravel, D. 6 ______65.36 Balance------$ 2,522.21 188 Preston Thomas, Road Survey and pre. deeds 100 D-5 115.00 Roaring Springs and Cerulean. 59 Cullen Boren, Grader Labor, D. 6 ______80.00 189 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 3 ______12.38 The attendance proves that farm­ 60 Freddie Bryant, Hauling rock, D. 2 ______151.75 $142,589.42 190 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 6 ______42.75 ers in the county are interested 61 Cullen Boren, Dozer work, D. 2 ______30.00 Balance due this July 1, 1963 settlement: $2,522.21. 193 Paul Curling, Hauling rock, D. 6 ______6.00 in improving the production of 62 Eddie Holland, Labor on Grgder, D. 2 ______35.00 I certify the above to be correct. 194 Paul Curling, Hauling rock, D. 3 ______21.45 their grassland. Orchard grass, 63 Joe Cossey, Dozer labor, D. 4 ______35.00 VIRGINIA ALEXANDER June, 1963 fescue, ladino clover and lespe- 64 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 6 ______35.00 Commissioner to make this settlement. 191 Ralph Wilson Trucking Co., Hauling gravel, D. 2 _ 30.00 deza may not make a good meal 65 Arthur Wallace, Bridge labor, D. 1 ______12.00 Stale of Kentucky 192 C. C. Dawson and Mary Dawson, Right of way on but once you convert it into steak 66 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 1 ______35.00 Trigg County — Set. Roaring Springs Road, 1O0-D-5______:______555.50 it becomes something very desir­ 67 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 5 ______35.00 I, Bill O. McNichols, Clerk Trigg County Court, do certify that 195 Plainer Barnes, Moving tile, D. 6 ______12.00 able, a food fit for a king! Sell 68 Joe Cossey, Labor on dozer, D. 7 ______35.00 the foregoing settlement was at the Regular July 16, 1963 Term of 196 Marvin Broadbent, Jr., Appraisal Dawson (C. C.) your pasture through beef cattle. 69 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader, D. 3 ______35.00 this Court filed and ordered continued one month for any excep­ 100-D-5______15.00 ★ ★ ★ 70 Cullen Boren, Grader work, D. 4 ______40.00 tions; None having been taken, was this day taken up, examined, 197 Howard Thomas, Appraisal, C. C. Dawson, 100-D-5 15.00 Laster Hite just about swallow­ 71 Hershal Hargrove, Hauling Rock, D. 4 ______14.54 approved and ordered certified and recorded all of which has been 198 Julian Atwood, Appraisal, C. C. Dawson, 100-D-5_ 15.00 ed cigar smoke and all when he 72 John M. Downs, Labor on shovel, D. 1 ______35.00 done accordingly in my said office. Given under my hand this the 199 B-ryant Perry, Dozer work, D. 4 ______106.75 tossed a match into water being 73 Dempsey L. Kemp, Labor, D. 2 ______20.00 30th day of August, 1963. 200 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 2 ______42.57 drawn from a well and it started 74 Joe Cosset, Labor on dozer, D. 2 ______24.75 BILL O. McNICHOLS, Clerk 201 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 3 ______32.41 burning. The well was being dug 75 Joe Cossey, Moving shovel, D. 6 ______13.00 202 Nunn Brothers, Lumber, D. 4 ______7.23 to supply water for his dairy 76 Hershal Caudle, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______60.00 Seitiemeni of ihe Magisterial Districts Truck Fund 203 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 4 ______44.53 cows. Although unhappy because 77 R. C. Stations, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______49.20 For Trigg County, Kentucky For The Year 1962, 204 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 5 ______183.13 he failed to get good water Laster 78 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader, D. 2 ______48.00 205 Cedar Bluff Stone Co.. Stone, D. 6 ______39.01 said that if the thing would pro­ Ending June 30, 1963 January, 1963 206 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 7 ______24.72 duce enough fire water it might Charles E. Thomas, Treasurer of Trigg County for Magisterial Dis­ 79 Larry Kemp, 51 hrs. Labor, D. 1 ______102.00 207 Julius Turner, Work on road, D. 6 ______6.00 just beat farming. tricts of Truck Fund for expense incident to keeping up roads and 80 Cuiien Boren, Grader work, D. 3 ______70.00 208 Charles Boren, Labor on road, D. 4 ______12.00 bridges upon orders of the Magistrates therein or the County Judge 81 Eugene Sumner, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______50.00 209 Cullen Boren, Grader work, D. 4 ______40.00 and directed to said Treasurer for payment. 82 Joe Cossey, Dozer work, D. 7 ______90.00 210 Bryant Perry, Dozer work, D. 6 ______23.50 Received fom State Treasurer ______$ 18,439.19 83 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 3 ______113.75 211 Joe Cossey, Dozer work, D. 6 ______23.50 Balance brought from July 1, 1962 settlement______819.46 84 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 4 ______71.76 212 B. H. Bryant, Hauling rock, D. 5 ______13.42 85 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Dec., D. 5 ______193.97 213 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 5 ______17.00 , 19,258.65 86 R. C. Stations, Hauling gravel, D. 2 ______130.00 $ 214 Bryant Perry, Dozer work. D. 6 ______12.50 July, 1962 87 R. C. Stallons, Trucking, D. 7 ______96.00 215 Joe Cossey, Dozer work, D. 5 ______13.50 Warrani No. 88 Joe Cossey, Dozer v/ork, D. 7 ______81.00 216 Joe Cossey, Dozer work, D. 6 ______12.50 4823 Leon Futrell, Bridge Lbr., D. 4 ______15.86 89 Herschel Caudle, Trucking, D. 7 ______60.00 217 Hugh Dunn, Right of way, 100-D-5______150.00 4840 Thomas H. Sumner, Labor on roads, D. 3 ______24.00 90 Marshall D. Noel, Hauling rock, D. 7 ______64.00 218 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, May, D. 1 ______27.04 4844 Bryant Perry, Labor with dozer on roads-, D. 6 ___ 85.50 91 Marshall D. Noel, Trucking, D. 7 ______104.0-0 219 Preston Thomas, Surveying road, 100-D-5______15.00 4845 Bryant Perry, Dozer work on roads, June’ 62, D. 4 22.50 92 B. H. Bryant, Hauling gravel, D. 7 ______148.00 220 Charles Boren, Labor. D. 6 ______5.00 4846 Bryant Perry, Dozer work on roads, D. 2 ______18.00 93 John M. Downs, Labor with shovel, D. 7 ______87.50 222 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 4 ______25.88 4855 Herbert Sumner, Labor on road, D. 2 ______36.00 94 John M. Downs, Labor with Shovel, D. 6 ______85.00 223 Cullen Boren, Labor with grader, D. 6 ______140.00 4856 Herbert Sumner, Labor on roads, D. 6 ______36.00 95 Lonnie Tyler, Working on and digging -pipes, D. 7 12.00 224 Cullen Boren, Labor with grader, D. 3 ______46.00 4858 Byant Perry, Dozer work on roads, D. 3 ______45.00 96 Paul Curling, Hauling gravel, D. 7 ______226.63 221 Thomas Fooshee, Tile and labor on ro a d ,____ _ 341.08 4763 Leon Futell, Bridge Lbr., D. 3 ______l'.__ 15.86 97 Freddie Bryant, Trucking, D. 7 ______92.00 4871 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone for roads, June, ’62, D. 1 52.12 98 Eddie Holland, Grader work, D. 7 ______9-6.00 TOTAL WARRANTS______$ 18,187.44 4872 Cedar Bluff Stone Co.. Stone for roads, June ’62 D. 2 28.12 99 John M. Downs, Shovel operator, D. 2 ______35.00 Balance from July 1, 1962 settlement______$ 819.46 4873 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone for roads, June ’62, D. 3 20.57 100 John M. Downs, Shovel operator, D. 1 ______65.00 Received from State Treasurer______18,439.19 4874 Nunn Bros., Bridges Lbr., D. 3 ______32.55 101 John M. Downs, Shovel operator, D. 3 ______35.00 4875 Christian Quarries, Inc., Stone for roads, Jne. ’62, D. 5 28.89 102 B. H. Bryant, Trucking, D. 7 ______30.75 19,258.65 4S77 Clovis Noel & Son, Hauling dirt court yard, D. 4 _ 10.00 103 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader, D. 5 ______36.00 18,187.44 August, 1962 104 Henry Richardson, Hauling rock, D. 1 ______48.00 4906 Bryant Perry, 12% hrs. on dozer, July ’62, D. 3___ 28.12 105 Cadiz Hardware Co., 2 bags cement, D. 2 ______2.90 Balance per books June 30, 1963 ______$ 1,071.211,071.21 4920 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, City of Cadiz, D. 3_ 124.48 106 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 2 ______76.65 -$ 4933 Cadiz Hardware Co., Nails, D. 3 ______6.70 107 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 1 ______11.28 4934 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone for roads, July ’62, D. 4 57.57 108 Hershal Hargrove, Hauling rock, D. 4 ______14.54 4944 Paul Curling, Hauling stone, D. 7______20.62 109 Hershal Hargrove, Hauling rock, D. 4 ______52.78 -$ 1,412.29 Less: Check Outstanding No. 221 4946 Cullen Boren, Grader work, D. 6 ______46.00 110 Bryant Perry, 48 hrs Dozer labor, D. 1 ______108.00 341.08 4947 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 7 ______64.00 111 Ky. Bi-Prcducts, 14 yds. concrete, D. 7 ______237.21 Adjusted Bank balance June 30, 1963 ______$ 1,071.21 4948 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 5 ______68.00 112 Homer Randolph, Labor, D. 2 ______10.00 -$ 4949 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 3 ______92.00 February, 1963 4950 Robert Calhoun, Hauling gravel, D. 6 ______160.00 113 William H. Perry, 6 hrs. Dozer work, D. 5 ______12.00 I certify the above to be correct. 4951 Ned Davis, Hauling gravel, D. 2 ______192.00 114 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 2 ___ ;______51.84 WE CAN'T all enjoy youthful VIRGINIA ALEXANDER 4952 Amos Thomas, Hauling gravel, D. 6 ______160.00 115 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Jan. ’63, D. 4 ______371.88 romance, but with today's mod­ 4953 Leslie Jones, Hauling gravel, D. 2 ______96.00 116 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Jan. ’63, D. 5 ______461.55 Commissioner to make this settlement. ern medicines, vitamins and Slate of Kentucky September, 1962 117 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 6 ______20.57 wonder drugs, we can enjoy more Trigg County — Set. 4354 Harvey Alexander, Hauling gravel, D. 2 ______148.00 118 Bryant Perry, Labor on dozer, D. 6 ______37.25 vigorous, healthful living. I, Bill O. McNichols, Clerk Trigg County Court, do certify that 4355 Arthur Hendon, Hauling gravel, D. 2 ______140.00 119 Bryant Perry, 8 hrs. labor on dozer, D. 1 ______18.00 the foregoing settlement was at the Regular July 16, 1963 Term of 4958 Marshall Clark, Dozer work, D. 2 ______13.50 120 Eddie Holland, Labor with grader, D. 3 ______48.00 this Court filed and ordered continued one month for any excep­ 4959 Marshall Noel, Hauling grael, D. 6 ______120.00 121 B. H. Bryant, Hauling rock, D. 2 ______37.00 tions; None having been taken, was this day taken up, examined, 4960 Wilson Bros. Trucking Co., Hauling gravel, D. 1 __ 217.80 122 Cullen Boren, 12 hrs. grader, D. 6 ____ .______24.00 approved and ordered certified and recorded all of which has been 4967 Eddie Holland, Labor on grader, D. 2 ______76.00 123 Ned Davis, Hauling gravel, D. 3 ______89.00 done accordingly in my said office. Given under my hand this the 4974 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone for roads, D. 5 ______46.58 124 Wilson Bros. Trucking Co., Inc., Hauling rock, D. 1 188.31 30th day of August, 1963. 4976 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 2 ______46.00 125 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 1 ______159.14 4977 Cullen Boren, Labor on grader, D. 4 ______40.00 127 Eddie Holland, Grader work, D. 1 ______82.00 BILL O. McNICHOLS, Clerk 4990 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, Aug. ’62, D. 7 __ ___ 55.02 128 Bryant Perry, Dozer labor, D. 6 ______82.00 4991 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, August ’62, D. 1 ____ 144.68 March, 1963 5011 Burwick Downs, Shovel operator, D. 6 ______170.00 126 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 7______86.55 4ian Quarries, Stone for roads, D. 5 ______36.66 129 Cedar Bluff Stone Co., Stone, D. 3 ______83.56 It Pays To Advertise lie Bryant, Hauling rock, D. 2 ______167.50 130 Freddie Bryant, Labor on road, D. 2 ______112.00 Page Eight THE CADIZ RECORD, CADIZ, KENTUCKY A Thursday, Sept. 12, 1963

WANTED: Work to do of any FOR SALE: Angus Bull, 16 LEGAL NOTICE FOR SALE: Fifty Feeder Pigs; William D. Gibbs Naval training produces the Classified Ads... kind, keeping children or ironing. months old. A good individual, Pursuant to the provisions of Springing Sows, Springing Beef power in seapower by supplying Mrs. Lindsay Dixon, Route 5, Ca­ lufus Terry, highway 91, six Chapter 337 of the Kentucky Re­ Cows, Some with calves; Spring­ In Basic Training qualified personnel to man the diz. (37?) miles north of Marion, Ky. (37p vised Statutes, I, or my authoriz­ William D. Gibbs, 19, son of FOR RENT: One nice sleeping ing Milk Cows and Fresh Milk ships, aircraft and shore stations ed agent will, on Sept. 27, 1963, Cows. Frank Clark, Phone 522- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gibbs of room with private entrance and FOR SALE: 3 Grade Cows and 4ELP WANTED AT ONCE. Man of today’s Navy. commencing on or about 10:00 3796. (38p) Cadiz, is undergoing nine weeks bath. Mrs. J. V. Thomas. Phone calves. Call or see Oscar Grigsby, o serve Rawleigh customers in A.M. (central standard time) in basic training at the Naval Train­ 522-6623. (tfc) Route 5, Cadiz. Phone 522-8222. 3. Trigg County. Opportunity for The 4-H plan has now been The 4-H Club emblem is a the Trigg County Courthouse, ing Center, Great Lakes, 111. green four leaf clover with a (38c) ?ood worker. Many earning $100 adapted in more than 70 foreign “ * s p in e t ^p Fa n o ^b a r g a i n Courtroom, Cadiz, Kentucky hold The training includes naval »nd up full time. See or write D. countries. These clubs have an white H in each leaf. The 4-H’s Reliable party with good credit FOR SALE: 3/4 ton Chevrolet a hearing to determine the pre­ orientation, history and organi­ W. Butler, R. R. &. Princeton, Ky., estimated membership of more represent Head, Heart, Hands may take over small balance on Truck. See Toppy Edwards, vailing wage scale for laborers, zation; military law; seamanship or write Rawleigh Dept. KYI 830- than five million boys and girls. and Health. easy monthly payments. Write: Phone 522-8282. (38c) workmen, mechanics, helpers, as­ and shipboard routine; ordnance, 280, Freeport, 111. (37p) P. O. Box 546. Credit Manager, sistants, and apprentices engaged gunnery and damage control; jgmmm Seeds, Feeds, Fertilizers Projects recently added to the New Albany, Indiana. (3Sc) WANTED TO BUY: Ginsem^ in the construction of public sentry duty and military drill; This is our business and we wide range of 4-H activities in Support Your Legion i I paying $20 per pound. J. H. Sher- works. All interested persons and physical fitness; swimming, first NOTICE: Not responsible for think we have everything in many areas are photography, au­ but. Route 2, Cadiz, Ky. (40p) public authorities are invited to aid and survival. Trigg County Post No. 74 debts made by anyone except these lines a farmer needs. If we tomotive and personality im­ attend to present evidence and During their training period re­ Mrs. Nellie Belle Mitchell and don't have it already we can get provement. FOR SALE: Special prices on give testimony pertaining to the cruits receive tests and interiews myself. M. H. "Joe" Mitchell, it quick. Make us a visit and let Simmons mattresses right now. prevailing wage rates in that lo­ which determine their future as­ Cobb, Ky., Route 2. (33p us show you how well prepared $39.95 and $49.95 for good quilted ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY cality. signments in the Navy. Upon we are to serve you. Trigg Coun­ mnersprings. Albert Wallace Fur­ FOR RENT: 4 room house on Carl Cabe, Commissioner completing the program they are ty Trading Company. niture Company. Cunningham Drive. Bobby Light, Kentucky Department of Labor CADIZ LODGE NO. 121 F.&A.N assigned to service schools for Meets Second and Fourth Phone 522-8741. (38c) OHIO RIVER SALT IS BEST FOR SALE: 2 nice counters with technical instruction or to ships Monday Nights At 7 p. m* Not only is it the best salt in glass showcase on top. Albert Advertisement For Bids Cadiz, Kentucky or shore stations for on the job training in a Navy rating special­ Sandwiches Served! the world, it's the cheapest in the Wallace and Co. On September 20, 1963, at 2:00 long run. Stock will eat it when P. M. at the superintendent’s of­ ty. There's bound to be a reason of FALL SEED: Orchard Grass, Timothy, Fescue, Vetch, Crimson fice at Cadiz, Kentucky, the Trigg they won't touch other kinds, County Board of Education will course. You're not saving any­ Clover, Red Clover, Ladino Clo­ £ ver, Alfalfa, Rye, Barley, Wheat, open bids on 500 tons of West . ■ v • . - -x ; thing, Mr. Farmer, when you buy Will Meet Fertilizer. Aldridge and Barnett, Kentucky No. 6 Seam stoker cheaper salt. We recommend 2nd And 4th Friday* Julien, Ky. Phone 522-5144. (44p coal, 1x114 WT, washed, oil treat­ BATON TWIRLING CLASSES ,' 'TV , ' 1 Ohio River salt to be the best for ed, 4 percent maximum ash con­ Each Month ** I every use. TRIGG COUNTY ROBERT VANDIVER tent, with a BTU rating of about Classes in Baton Twirling will be offered by Jeaneiie Cal­ TRADING COMPANY. Septic Tank Cleaning Service 13,200. houn to all students in grades 1-8. All interested students are FOR RENT: Furnished Cottages, Madisonville Road Bids will be taken in three hot and cold water, modern bath, Hopkinsville, Ky. ways: (1) per ton delivered to Cadiz Lions Club asked to meet in the Band Room Saturday, September 14, at $50, $60, and $70 per month. Mr. Day or Night Phone TU 6-4114 the schools at Cadiz and Golden 9:00 A. M., to get organized. There will be a small charge for and Mrs. Joe Harold, Golden Reasonable Rates (52p) Pond; (2) per ton FOB mine, and (3) per ton in car loads, FOB Ca­ Pond, Ky., on Turkey Creek. FOR SALE: 4 large double win­ the lessons, to last one hour and given each Saturday. diz Railroad yard. Bidders may Phone 924-5416. (tfc) dows and frames, slightly used. secure bid forms at the superin­ Fourth of new price. Albert NOTICE: I will keep children in tendent’s office. Wallace Co. (tfc Meets At White Eagle Jeanette Calhoun my home. Mrs. Preston Alexan­ r o y McDo n a l d , der. (37c) FOR SALE: Beautiful modern Secretary (38c) Cafe Each 2nd and 4th Cadiz, Ky., Phone 522-8171 FOR SALE: 26 head nice shoats. country home and 23 acres on Tuesday at 7:00 P. M. Earl Clark, Cadiz. (38p) Cadiz-Murray Highway, 2 miles PRAY FOR PEACE from Murray, well improved land, HOUSE FOR SALE: 4-room plenty of wafer, concrete block < 1 house and utility room on Cun­ barn. Shown by appointment Golden Sleep ningham Drive. Phone 522-3336. with owner, Mrs. W. B. Patterson, P'F Mattress 4 J (38c- Route 3, Murray, Ky. (37c With the same fine cover formerly FOR RENT: 1 house, 1 apartment i used on Hotel Pcsturepedic® FOR SALE: Mohawk Wool Rugs furnished. Between The Lakes on and carpets. Gold Seal and Arm­ U. S. 68. Inspect by appointment. strong rugs and yard goods, G. L. Howe, Sky Harbor Lodge, Albert Wallace & Co.

Mattress or Golden Pond, WA 4-5583. (tfc) box spring, SEPTIC TANK CLEANING SER­ twin or TRANSISTOR RADIOS Repair- VICE—Also cess pools. 21 years full siza ed, $5.00. Shori wave models, experience. Free inspection. Hu­ $8.00. Also, toasters, etc. By mail. bert Long. Phone TU 5-8076, Hop­ Made with features found on Work guaranteed. John's Transis­ kinsville, Ky. (51p) $59.50 mattresses tor Service, 3147 Nathan Avenue, HAMS—Albert Wallace & Co. is Memphis, Tenn. 38112. (37p) ALL THESE DELUXE YOU your best year-round market to $59.50 FEATURES COULD PAY sell good country cured hams and Heavy 8 oz. woven stripe cover $ 5 9 . 5 0 ALBERT WALLACE & CO., now Hi-C Ginseng. Smooth button-tree surface $ 5 9 . 5 0 operating the Cossey-Wallace Purex Bleach...... quart, 19c Cards® end sagging Flower and Gift Shop. If you Edge edges $ 5 9 . 5 0 ’OR HOT POINT Ranges. Re­ need flowers, try ours. Orange D rink,..... 46 oz. can, 35c frigerators. Freezers, Automatic Pride Of Illinois NOTICE: I buy old bells, iron Washers ana Electric Water Albert Wallace pots, kettles, buggies, wagons, Heaters on Budget terms see Corn...... 2 cans, 29c Nestle's Q uick...... 1 lb., 38c & C O M P A N Y etc. Graham Egerton, Phone 522- ALBERT W ALLACE. Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee 5297. (38c) PARKING FREE while you shop NiblelCorn ...... 2 cans,35c Cadiz, K y. FOR SALE: Good used Coal Fur­ at Albert Wallace and Co., Fur­ nace for home. Albert Wallace. niture Store and Flower Shop. Lucky Lady Spaghetti & Meat Balls, 2 cans, 45c OR EVERYTHING in Furniture Rugs and Appliances see AL Tomato Juice,..... 46 oz. can, 26c Sugar W afers...... 1 lb., 31c 3ERT WALLACE. Lucky Lady Swans Down (except Angel Food) Buy or Trade Now SPECIAL: Jamison Sofa Bed, $83.95 for a short time. Albert Wallace and Co. Green Beans,..... No. ly2 can, 20c Cake M ixes...... each, 31c FOR SALE: See our good used Flavor Kist Jambo Strawberry First Payment Due furniture in our grocery store building. Albert Wallace Furni­ ture Co. Cookies,...... 4 pkgs., $1.00 Preserves,...... 18 oz. jar, 39c In Fall of 1964 FOR SALE: Beauty Rest Mat Choc. Chip, Lemon Custard, Oatmeal tresses and Simmons Hlda-Seds. Log Cabin Syrup,...... 24 oz., 58c ALBERT WALLACE & CO. Dixie Bell Com Snapping Savings! FOR SALE: Zenith TVs. The Del Monte world's most famous TV. Albert Crackers...... 1 lb., 20c Wallace & Co., authorised dealer. Pineapple Juice,.. 46 oz. can, 37c FORD CORK FOR SALE: Nice used living room Angel Food Cake,...... 8 oz., 29c Frozen suites, dining room suites, odd beds, mattresses, sprmgs, vanitys, chest and chairs. Albert Wallace Fish Sticks,...... box, 32c HARVESTERS & Company. COLONIAL Frozen FOR SALE: Jamison and Sealy i f Innerspring Mattresses. You can Chili...... No. 2 » can, 39c save as much as $20.00 on a mat­ French F ries,..... 9 oz. pkg., 10c tress right now while they are on sale. ALBERT WALLACE & CO. Evaporated Milk, .2 tall cans, 25c Sliced Hamburger WANT TO BUY HAMS We are interested in buying Dill Pickles,...... quart, 30c top grade hams and are in posi­ Apple Sauce, 303 can,... 2 for 29c tion to pay the top price for them. Trigg County Trading Company. 303 size cans Fresh Produce NEED OFFICE SPACE? See Ai bert Wallace for rooms at the fur Fruit Cocktail...... 5 cans, $1.00 niture store on Main Street, 2 Peach or Cherry Grapes, w h ite,...... 2 lbs., 33c doors from the bank. Preserves,...... 20 oz. jar, 49c Home Grown, Fresh, Washed m* Strawberry Turnip Greens,...... lb., 10c KING'S Preserves,...... 20 oz. jar, 59c Carrots,...... 2 bunches, 19c • Offset snapping roils save more corn. • Snapping roll clearing lever lets you clear trash without leaving the tractor . . . safer. Central • Less husking . . . ears^don’t ride on top of rolls.

■ % Get more down corn. Wide gathering points and three gathering Air Conditioning & Call Or Shop Daily With chains skim the ground. Heating • Farm-priced for profitable farming . . . 1- and 2-row models. Your Residential - . Pay-As-You-Farm Terms11 Commercial J. W. Cowherd Burke-Thomas Co. Phone 522-8433 COMPANY Located in East Cadiz, Ky. 522-3361 Cadiz, K y. 5 2 2 -6 6 2 1 Cadiz on Hy. 68