BANK AMALGAMATIONS AND INSOLVENCIES 807 Bank Amalgamations and Insolvencies.—Two tables are appended which may be of interest to students of Canadian banking history. The first, showing bank insolvencies since 1867, gives the capital paid up, reserve, assets and liabilities of insolvent banks, and shows also the payments p.c. to noteholders and depositors. In the majority of cases, both these classes of creditors have received payment in full. The table of bank absorptions gives the dates of absorption of the 33 banks which were incorporated with other institutions between 1867 and 1925. 61.—Canadian Bank Insolvencies since 1867. Date Paid Reserve Liabili Paid to Paid to Name. of up Fund. ties. Assets. Note Depos Suspension. Capital. holders. itors. $ $ p.c. p.c. Commercial Bank of N.B.. 1868 600,000 671,420 1,222,454 100 100 Bank of Acadia2 April, 1873 100,000 106,914 213,346 Metropolitan Bank Oct., 1876 800,170 293,379 779,225 100 100 Mechanics' Bank May, 1879 194,794 547,238 721,155 57i 57* Bank of Liverpool Oct., 1879 370,548 136,480 207,877 100 96^7 Consolidated Bank of Can.. Aug., 1879 2,080,920 ,794,249 3,077,202 100 100 Stadacona Bank July, 1879 991,890 341)500 1,355,675 100 100 Bank of Prince Edward I'd. Nov.28,1881 120,000 45,000 108,000 953,244 59i 59* Exchange Bank of Canada.. Sept., 1883 500,000 300,000 2,868,884 3,779,493 100 66f Maritime Bank of Dom. of Canada Mar., 1887 321,900 60,000 1,409,482 ,825,993 100 10§ Pictou Bank Sept., 1887 200,000 74,364 277,017 100 100 Bank of London in Canada Aug., 1887 241,101 50,000 1,031,280 ,310,675 100 100 Central Bank of Canada..
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