The Canadian Mineralogist
VOLUME 41, INDEX 1531 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST INDEX, VOLUME 41 J. DOUGLAS SCOTT§ 203-44 Brousseau Avenue, Timmins, Ontario P4N 5Y2, Canada AUTHOR INDEX Acosta, A. with Pereira, M.D., 617 Borodaev, Yu. S., Garavelli, A., Garbarino, C., Grillo, S.M., Agakhanov, A.A. with Sokolova, E., 513 Mozgova, N.N., Paar, W.H., Topa, D. & Vurro, F., Rare Ahmed, A.H. & Arai, S., Platinum-group minerals in podiform sulfosalts from Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. V. Selenian chromitites of the Oman ophiolite, 597 heyrovsk´yite, 429 Alfonso, P., Melgarejo, J.C., Yusta, I. & Velasco, F., Geochemis- Bottazzi, P. with Tiepolo, M., 261 try of feldspars and muscovite in granitic pegmatite from the Brandstätter, F. with Ertl, A., 1363 Cap de Creus field, Catalonia, Spain, 103 Brenan, J.M. with Mungall, J.E., 207 Alfonso, P. with Canet, C., 561, 581 Britvin, S.N., Antonov, A.A., Krivovichev, S.V., Armbruster, T., Amthauer, G. with Makovicky, E., 1125 Burns, P.C. & Chukanov, N.V., Fluorvesuvianite, Ca19(Al, 2+ Anderson, A.J. with Cernˇ ´y, P., 1003 Mg,Fe )13[SiO4]10[Si2O7]4O(F,OH)9, a new mineral species Andersson, U.B. with Holtstam, D., 1233 from Pitkäranta, Karelia, Russia: description and crystal Antao, S.M., Hassan, I. & Parise, J.B., The structure of danalite at structure, 1371 high temperature obtained from synchrotron radiation and Brugger, J., Berlepsch, P., Meisser, N. & Armbruster, T., 5+ Rietveld refinements, 1413 Ansermetite, MnV2O6•4H2O, a new mineral species with V Antao, S.M. with Hassan, I., 759 in five-fold coordination from Val Ferrera, Eastern Swiss Antonov, A.A.
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