Tndex to Volume 45

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Tndex to Volume 45 TNDEX TO VOLUME 45 Leading articles are in bold face type; notes, abstracts and reviews are in ordinary type. Only minerals for which definite data are given are indexed. AgSbSr-PbS, AgBiSz-PbS, and Powder Method in X-Ray AgBiSrAgBiSe2 systems,con- Crystallography (Book Re- stitution of (Wernick) . 591 view)...... 248 Aiba, M., with Seki, Y., and Kato, C. Jadeite and associated Bafertisite(Ch'i-Jui)...... 75+ minerals of meta-gabbroic Bafertisite (Semenov,Chang) 1316 rocks in the Sibukawa Dis- Bailey, E. H. and Stevens,R. E. trict, Central Japan. 668 Selective staining of K-feld- Allopalladium.. 1003 spar and plagioclase on rock Altschuler, Z. S., witl Owens, slabs and thin sections 1020 J. P., and Berman, R. Milli- Bariand,P..... 1315 site in phosphorite from Barton, P. 8., with Skinner' B. J. Homeland,Florida.. 547 Substitution of oxygen for Ames, L. L. Cation sieve proper- sulfur in wurtzite and sphal- ties of clinoptilolite 689 erite. 612 Anistutz, G. C. The preparation Bates,T. F., with Hinckley,D. N. and use of polishedthin sec- X-ray fluorescencemethod tions. t1l4 for the quantitative determi- Ankinovich, E. A. t.tlo nation of small amounts of Apophyllite, datolite and prehnite montmorillonite in kaolin from East Granby, Con- clays.. ... 239 necticut, pseudomorphsafter with Silverman, E. N. (Wolfe, Vilks). 443 X-ray diftraction study of (Joha Arserrolamprite n) . 479 orientation in the Chatta- Asbestos, blue, from Lusaka, nooga shale. 60 Northern Rhodesia, and its Batisite (Kravchenko,Vlasova) bearing on the genesis and ....908,1316 classification of this type of Baum, J. L., with Hurlbut, C. S. asbestos(Drysdall, Newton) JJ Ettringite from Franklin' New Autunite from Mt, Spokane, Il37 Washington (Leo) 99 Jersey Bavenite, identification with pilin- Avias, J., with Caill6re,S., and (Switzer, .. 757 Falgueirettes,J..... 753 ite Reichen)... Awaruite with heazlervoodite,an Bayliss, P., with Golding, H. G. associationof (Williams) 450 and Trueman, N. Dehydra- rehydration of fer- Axelrod, J. M., with Fahey, J. J,, tion and and Ross, M. Loughlinite, a rimolybdite 1111 new hydrous sodium magne- Bayly, M. B. Errors in Point- sium silicate 270 collnteranalysis.... - v/ith Milton, C., Chao, Belov, N. V . .. 4lo E. C. T., and Grirnaldi, F. S. Bergenite (Btiltemann, Moh) 909 Reedmergnerite, NaBSi3Os, Berman, R., with Owens' J. P. the boron analogue of albite, and Altschuler' Z. S. Milli- from the Green River forma- site in phosphorite from tion. Utah . 188 Homeland, Florida. 5+7 Azdroff,L. V. and Buerger,M. J. Bertrandite from Mica Creek, 1318 INDIJ,X TO VOLUME 15 1319 Queensland (Vernon, Wil- General Crystallography liams)... 1300 (BookReview).... 473 Bideaux, R. A. Oriented over- Braitsch, O. 478 growths of tennantite and Brindley, G. W. and Con-rer,J. J.. 910 colusite 1282 Broder, J. D., with Wolff, G. A. Bilgrami, S. A. Serpentinite- Cleavage and tle identifica- limestone contact at Taleri tion of minerals 1230 Mohammad Jan, Zhob Val- Brown, G. M. Effect of ion sub- lay, West Pakistan. 1008 stitution on the unit cell di- - and Howie, R. A. Miner- mensions of the common alogy and petrology of a clinopyroxenes 15 rodingite dike, Hindubagh, Bryant, B., with Foster, M. D. Pakistan 791 and Hathaway, J. Iron-rich -- andlngamells,C. O. Chem- muscovite mica from the ical composition of the Zhob Grandfather Mountain area, Valley chromites,West Paki- N. Carolina..... 839 stan 576 Buerger, M. J. Vector Space and Birefringenceof synthetic garnets Its Application in Crystal- (Chase,Lefever). 1126 Structure I nv€stigation (Book Birnessite and hollandite, new Review). 246 data on (Frondel, Marvin, -with Azdroff, L. V. Powder Ito). 871 Method in X-ray Crystal- Blixite (Gabrielson,Parwel, Wick- lography (Book Review). 2+8 man). 908 Buerger precession camera, error Block, S., with Perloff, A. Low analysis for (Patterson, Love) 325 temperaturephase transition Bulk composition of a zoned crys- of colemanite 229 tal (Griscom) 130S Bloss, F. D., with Gibbs, G. V, Biilternann, H. W. and Moh, and Shell, H. R. Proto- G. H. 909 amphibole,a new polytype 974 Burney, T. C. and Murdoch, J. 756 Bolivarite(VanTassel)... 910 Burri, C. Petrochemische Berech- Borate minerals, hydrated,, crys- nungs Methoden Auf Aqui- tal chemistry and system- valenter Grundlage (Book atic classification of (Christ) 334 Review). 472 Btrtler, R. and Ernbrey, P. G. 756 Born, L. and Hellner, E. Struc- J. tural proposal for boulan- Cafetite (Kukharenko, Kondrat'- gerite . 1266 Eva, and Kovyazina) 476 Bornite crystals, euhedral, on bar- 'ferada, Cagle, F. M., with K. ite. (Kellerud, Donnay, Don- Crystal strlrcture of potarite, nay) 1062 PdHg, with comments on al- Borup, R. A., with Levinson, lopalladiurn 1093 A. A. High hafnium zircon Caill6re, S., Avias, J., and Fal- from Norway 562 gueirettes,J. 753 New data on hafnium, Calciostrontianite from Virginia zirconium and yttrium con- (Dietrich) 1119 tent of thortveitite. 712 Calciotalc (Serdyuchenko) +76 Boulangerite, structural proposal Calcium rinkite and giitzenite, for (Born, Ilellner) 1266 identityof (Sahama)... 221 Bouman,J., with DeJong,W. F, Campbell, A. S. and Fyfe, W. S. r320 INDEX TO VOLAMN 45 Hydroxyl ion catalysisof the and systematic classification hydrothermal crystallization of hydrated borate minerals. JJ+ of amorphous silica; a pos- and Clark, J. R. Crystal sible high temperature pH chemical studies of some indicator 464 uranyl oxide hydrates. .. 1026 Campbell, I. Presentation of the and Clark, J. R. X-ray Roebling Medal to Felix crystallography and crystal Machatschki... .. 407 chemistry of gowerite, CaO CanadianMineralogist..... 243 '3BzOr'5HzO. 230 Canasite (Dorfman, Rogachev, Chromites, Zhob Valley, West Goroshchenko,Uspenskaya) 253 Pakistan, chemical composi- Capdecomme,L. 256 tion of (Bilgrami, Ingamells) J/O Carbonate minerals. infrared Chrysotile morphology (Maser, study of (Huang, Kerr) 311 Rice,Klug).. .. 680 Carbonates,reactions produced by Chudobaite(Strunz) 1130 grinding (Jamieson, Gold- Chukhrovite (Ermilova, Moleva, smith) 818 Klevtsova) 1132 Cassiterite pseudomorph after Clark, J. R. (Book Review). 246 quartz from Torrington, New X-ray crystallography of SouthWales (Lawrence).... 715 larderellite,NH485O6(OH) 4 . 1087 Celestite and whewellite. (Gude, X-ray study of alteration Young, Kennedy). 1257 in the uranium mineral wyar- Chalmers, R. A., with Murdoch, tite 200 J. Ettringite (woodfordite) with Christ, C. L. Crystal from Crestmore,California. 1275 chemical studies of some Cha:rg, P. 1316 uranyl oride hydrates. 1026 Chao,E. C. T. Devicefor viewilg with Christ, C. L. X-ray r-ray precessionphotographs crystallography and crys- in three dimensions 890 tal chemistry of gowerite, with Milton, C., Axelrod, CaO.3BzOr.5HzO... 130 J. M., and Grimaldi, F. S. - and Mrose, M. E. Veat- Reedmergnerite, NaBSirOs, chite and p-veatchite. 1221 the boron analogue of albite, Clark, R. H. and Clarke, W. J. from the Green River forma- Plastic universal stage for tion. Utah. 188 studentuse 224 .252,1,313Clarke, W. J., with Clark, R. H. Chase, A. B. and Lefever, R. A. Plastic universal stage for Birefringence of synthetic studentuse..... 224 garnets. 1126 Clay mineralogy, some applica- Chemical analyses of rocks with tions of (Grim). 259 the petrographic microscope. Clays and Clay Minerals (Book (Friedman). 69 Review) 249 Chevkinitein vclcanicash (Young, Cleavage and the identification of Powers). 875 minerals (Wolff, Broder) 1230 Ch'i-Jui,P. ..754,755 Clinoptilolite, cation sieve proper- Chown, R. G., with Rex, R. W. ties (Ames) 689 Planchet press and acces- Clinoptilolite from Patagonia; re- sories for mounting r-ray lationship between clinoptilo- powder diffraction samples. 1280 lite and heulandite (Mason, Christ, C. L. Crystal chemistry Sand).. 3+1 INDEX TO VOLUME 45 l32l Clinoptilolite redefined. (Mump- Dana's Manual of Mineralogy ton).. 351 (Hurlbut) (Book Review) . 750 Clinopyroxenes, common, effect Datolite, prehnite and apophyllite of ion substitution on the unit from East Granby, Con- cell dimensions of (Brown) 15 necticut, pseudomorphs after Coats, R. R. Minimizing damage (Wolfe, Vilks). 443 to refractometers from the use de Abeledo, M. J., de Benyacar, of arsenic tribromide liquids. 903 M. R., and Galloni, E. E. Cocco, G. and Garavelli, C.. 1135 Ranquilite, a calcium uranyl Coesite (Chao, Shoemaker, Mad- silicate. .. 1078 sen) .. 1313 de Benyacar, M. R., with de Colemanite, low temperature Abeledo, M. J. and Galloni, phase transition of (Perloff, E, E. Ranquilite, a calcium Block) 229 uranyl silicate. 1078 Colusite, oriented overgrowths of Dehydration studies by infrared tennantite and (Bideaux) . 1282 spectroscopy (Serratosa). .. 1101 Comer, J. J. 910 DeJong, W. F. and Bouman, Conrad, M. A , with Heinrich, J. General Crystallography E. W. Detrital euxer-riteand (BookReview) ..,. 473 associated minerals, Sand l)ellwig, L. F. and Ilill, W. E Basin, Grar.rite County, Mon- Variations in interference frg- tana 459 ures ir.rsingle crystals of zoned Coombs, D. S. Lawsonite meta- smoky quartz. 1116 graywackes in New Zealand 454 Delorenzite (:Tanteuxenite) Cordierites, natural, compilation (Butler, Embrey) 756 of chemical analyses and Dennen, W. H. Principles of Min- physical constants of (Leake) 282 eralogy (Book Review). .. 246 Craig, D. C., with Loughnan, F. C. DeNoyer, J., with Kelley, W. C. occurrence of fully-hydrated Heating micro-coil for study halloysite. 783 of mineral fragments and Cryptomelane, thermal transfor- heat-etching of polished sec- mations and properties of tions 1185 (Faulring, Zwicker, Forgeng)
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