List of Abbreviations

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List of Abbreviations List of Abbreviations Ab albite Cbz chabazite Fa fayalite Acm acmite Cc chalcocite Fac ferroactinolite Act actinolite Ccl chrysocolla Fcp ferrocarpholite Adr andradite Ccn cancrinite Fed ferroedenite Agt aegirine-augite Ccp chalcopyrite Flt fluorite Ak akermanite Cel celadonite Fo forsterite Alm almandine Cen clinoenstatite Fpa ferropargasite Aln allanite Cfs clinoferrosilite Fs ferrosilite ( ortho) Als aluminosilicate Chl chlorite Fst fassite Am amphibole Chn chondrodite Fts ferrotscher- An anorthite Chr chromite makite And andalusite Chu clinohumite Gbs gibbsite Anh anhydrite Cld chloritoid Ged gedrite Ank ankerite Cls celestite Gh gehlenite Anl analcite Cp carpholite Gln glaucophane Ann annite Cpx Ca clinopyroxene Glt glauconite Ant anatase Crd cordierite Gn galena Ap apatite ern carnegieite Gp gypsum Apo apophyllite Crn corundum Gr graphite Apy arsenopyrite Crs cristroballite Grs grossular Arf arfvedsonite Cs coesite Grt garnet Arg aragonite Cst cassiterite Gru grunerite Atg antigorite Ctl chrysotile Gt goethite Ath anthophyllite Cum cummingtonite Hbl hornblende Aug augite Cv covellite He hercynite Ax axinite Czo clinozoisite Hd hedenbergite Bhm boehmite Dg diginite Hem hematite Bn bornite Di diopside Hl halite Brc brucite Dia diamond Hs hastingsite Brk brookite Dol dolomite Hu humite Brl beryl Drv dravite Hul heulandite Brt barite Dsp diaspore Hyn haiiyne Bst bustamite Eck eckermannite Ill illite Bt biotite Ed edenite Ilm ilmenite Cal calcite Elb elbaite Jd jadeite Cam Ca clinoamphi- En enstatite ( ortho) Jh johannsenite bole Ep epidote Kfs K-feldspar 336 List of Abbreviations Kln kaolinite Ntr natrolite Ser sericite Kls kalsilite Oam orthoamphibole Sil sillimanite Krn kornerupine 01 olivine Sp sphalerite Krs kaersutite Omp omphacite Spd spodumene Ktp kataphorite Opx orthopyroxene Spl spinel Ky kyanite Or orthoclase Spr sapphirine Let leucite Osm osumilite Sps spessartine Lm limonite Pet pectolite Srl schorl Lmt laumontite Pen protoenstatite Srp serpentine Lo loellingite Per periclase St staurolite Lpd lepidolite Pg paragonite Stb stilbite Lws lawsonite Pgt pigeonite Stp stilpnomelane Lz lizardite Phe phengite Str strontianite Mag magnetite Phl phlogopite Sud sudoite Mcp magnesia- Pl plagioclase Tlc talc carpholite Pmp pumpellyite Tmp thompsonite Mel melilite Pn pentlandite Toz topaz Mgh maghemite Po pyrrhotite Tr tremolite Mgs magnesite Prg pargasite Trd tridymite Mkt magnesiokato- Prh prehnite Tro troilite phorite Prl pyrophyllite Ts tschermakite Mnt montmorillonite Prp pyrope Ttn titanite Mnz monazite Prv perovskite Tur tourmaline Mo molybdenite Py pyrite Usp ulvospinel Mrb magnesiorie- Qtz quartz Ves vesuvianite beekite Rbk riebeckite Vrm vermiculite Mrg margarite Rdn rhodonite Wa wairakite Ms muscovite Rds rhodochrosite Wo wollastonite Mtc monticellite Rt rutile Wth witherite Mul mullite Sa sanidine Wus wiistite Ne nepheline Scp scapolite Zo zoisite Nrb norbergite Sd siderite Zrn zircon Nsn no sean Sdl sodalite Subject Index ACF diagram 45-46, 283-287, 289 Celadonite 251, 302 Actinolite 292, 299-304 Charnockite 27, Activity 76, 81-83, 86, 90, 132, 136-137, Chemical composition of 143 - carbonate rocks 19-21, 197-198 AFM diagram 41-45, 220-221, 230-231, - continental crust 19 254 - mafic rocks 19-21, 282-283 Albite 229, 267, 291, 299, 303-304 - mantle rocks 19-21, 173-175 Albitization 86 - shales 19-21, 218-221 Allofacial 172 Chemical reactions 49 Alteration processes 86 - continuous 305 Aluminosilicates 127-128, 221-224 - decarbonatization 78 Amphibole 181, 288, 301, 303-315 - dehydration 66, 71, 75-78, 119 Amphibolite 27, 288, 303-311 - endothermic 63, 68 Analcite 291, 293 - exchange 73-74, 131, 138-143 Andalusite 127, 221, 237, 307 - exothermic 280 Andesine 305 - exsolution 74 Ankerite 260, 315 - hydrolysis 85 Anorthite 179-182, 260-266, 303-311 - ionic (ion-exchange) 85-86 Anorthosite 320 - metastable 280 Antigorite 174-185, 189-193, 206 - mixed volatile 78-81, 200-213, 260-270, Anthophyllite 175-179, 182, 239, 307 299 Aragonite 73, 128, 315 - net-transfer 73, 131, 143-147 Argillaceous carbonate rocks 259 - oxidation/reduction 80 Argillite 217 - progress of 86-89 Assemblage stability diagrams 155 - redox 81-82, 137, 286-287, 302 Assemblage see Mineral Assemblage - rehydration 71-72 - solid -solid 73 Barrovian zones 106 - solvus 74, 147-151 Basalt 19, 109, 279-283 - stoichiometry 80 Bathograd 122 Chemical system Bathozone 122 - ASH 221-224 Biotite 141-142, 227-229, 232-235, - CAS-HC 265-267 244-246, 302 - CASH 293 Black-wall formations 56 - CMASH 179-182, 300-301 Blueschist 26, 128-129, 311-316 - CMS-HC 173-175, 197-200 Breunerite 315 - FASH 224-227 Brine (saline) 67, 85 - Fe-0-H-S 95 Brucite 17 5-178, 205 - KCMAS-HC 260-264 Buchan zones 106 - KFASH 236-238 Buffering (buffer) 63, 84-85, 88-89 - KFMASH 41, 155, 230-235, 238-240 Buoyancy forces 67 - KNCAS-HC 267-275 Bytownite 306 -MASH 181 - MSH 36-38, 175-179 Calc-silicate marbles 207 - NCMASH 293-298 Calc-silicate rock 27, 198 Chemically zoned minerals 154 Calcareous mica schist 83 Chemography (chemograph) 32-47 Calcite 128-130, 150, 188, 197 Chlorite 181, 212, 218, 220, 224, 233, 249, Carpholite 4, 249 264, 291, 299, 301, 313 Cataclasite 26 Chloritoid 224, 232, 237, 251, 318 338 Subject Index Chondrodite 212 Divariant sector 92 Chromite 173, 185 Dolomite 150, 188, 197 Chrysotile 17 4, 177, 185 Classification 24 Eclogites 27, 114, 140, 314-320 Clausius-Clapeyron slope 75, 133 Eclogitic rock 27 Clinohumite 212 Edenite 304 Clinopyroxene 148-149, 173, 185, 282, Enstatite 176-179, 192 305-311 Epidote 286, 291, 299, 305, 313, 315 Clinozoisite 265-266, 272 Equilibrium assemblage 29 Clintonite 212 Equilibrium condition 53 Coalification 4 Equilibrium constant 76, 131 Coesite 130, 252 Equilibrium constraints 91 Colinearity 37 Equilibrium domains 54-56 Composition space 33 Erosion surface 122-124 Composition phase diagram 32, 89 Evaporites 3 Composition matrix 36 Excess phase 41 Compositional degeneracy 37 Exsolution 135, 149 Computer programs 90 - EASY%R0 159 Fabric 22 - GE0-CALC 90 Fayalite 185 - GIBBS 153, 155 Feldspar 149, 218, 242 - GTB 131, 142, 153, 240 Felsic minerals 26 - PERPLEX 90, 153 Felsic rock 26 - PTPATH 90 Field boundaries 96 - PTXA 90 Fluid-absent conditions 56 - QUILF 149, 158 - (fluid-deficient conditions) 56 - SOLVCALC 149 Fluid-absent melting 245 - SUBCRT92 90 Fluid inclusions 67, 158 - THERIAK-DOMINO 156, 264, 271 Fluid infiltration 97, 202, 203, 205, 207, -THERMO 90 262, 267 - Thermobarometry 131 Fluid phase 17, 50, 66, 89-71, 75, 108, 175, - THERMOCALC 90, 153, 155 189, 192, 193, 281, 309 - TWEEQU 153 - composition 78, 84 Contact aureole 10, 124, 189, 191, - external 85, 88 204-207, 212, 235, 247 Fluid-rock interaction 85, 281 Cordierite 139, 238-239, 246-247 Fluid-rock ratio 88 Corundum 247 Foliation 22 Country rocks 10 Forsterite 97, 178, 182, 192, 202, 204, 209 Critical mineral 28 Fractionation 142 Crossite 311, 315 Free energy 50, 76 Crust-mantle boundary (MOHO) 183 - map 53 Cummingtonite 239, 307 Fugacity 81 Decompression assemblages see decompres- Gabbroic (mafic, basaltic) magmas 11 sion path Gabbros 280, 283, 320 Decompression path 69, 182, 210-211 Garnet 139-146, 154, 186-187, 225, 233, Deformation 8, 17, 25, 323 240-241, 245-246, 253, 302-304, Density of rock 64 313-316 Detrital grains 4 Garnet-peridotite 186 Diagenesis 3 Gedrite 239, 307 Diagnostic assemblages 108, 123 Geobarometry 124, 130-154 Diagram - GASP 145 - mixed variable 99 - GRAIL 143, 146 - P-T 89 - net transfer 143 - P-X 79 Geotherm - T-X 79 - instantaneaous 62 Diamond 12, 73 - steady-state 59 Diopside 97, 179-181, 185-187, 198-211, - time-dependent (transient) 60, 62, 69 260-264 Geothermal areas 12 Disequilibrium 54, 55 Geothermal gradient 60 Disequilibrium assemblages 280 Geothermometry 130-154 Disequilibrium structures 29 - calcite-dolomite 150 Subject Index 339 - Cpx-Opx 148-149 Leucosome 243 - Grt-Cpx 139-141 Lherzolites 174, 180, 183, 186 - Grt-Bt 141-142 Limestone 21, 197 - Mag-lim 158 Lizardite 174 - multi-equilibrium 152 Local equilibrium 55 - muscovite-paragonite 150-151 - solvus 148 Mafic rocks 20, 26, 280, 282, 288 - nvo-feldspar 149-150 Mafic mineral 26 - uncertainties 151-152 Magnesiochloritoid 251 Glaucophane 114, 311-315 Magnesite 188, 192 Gneiss 25 Magnetite 82, 157-158, 173, 185, 224 Granite 20, 329 Major constituent 28 Granitic plutons (intrusions) 8, 11, 182, Mantle (rocks) 19, 56, 193, 171, 183 204 Marble 27, 97, 197, 209 Granitoid rocks 329 Margarite 78, 265-272, 300 Granofels 25 Marls 21, 259 Granulite 27, 113-114 139, 244-247, 249, Mass action equation 84 308-311 Maximum hydrated state 65 Graphite 73 Mechanical equilibrium 78 Greenschist 26, 288 Mechanical mixtures 51 Greenstone 26 Melanosome 243 Grossular 253, 265, 267 Melt phase 306 Metabasite 282 Halogens 83 Metagranitoids 20 Harzburgite 174, 177, 179, 183, 192 Metamorphic facies 107-116 Heat flow 58-61 - amphibolite 112 Hematite 218, 224 - blueschist 114 Hercynite 238 - definition 108 Heulandite 291, 297 - eclogite 114-115 Hornblende 292, 304-310 - glaucophane-schist 114 Hornfels 27 - granulite 113-114 Humite group 212 - greenschist 112 Hydraulic fracturing 67 - lawsonite-albite 114 Hydration 280 - prehnite-pumpellyite 111 Hydrothermal ore deposits 86 - subgreen-schist 111 - zeolite 111 Illite 219 Metamorphic facies series 115 lmenite 143, 157 Metamorphic field gradient 72, 106, 122 Index minerals 106 Metamorphic grade 105 Invariant assemblage 95 Metamorphic rocks 3 Invariant point 91-92 Metamorphism Isobar 119-122 - allochemical 18, 88 Isobaric invariant assemblages 209 - burial 8,10 Isofacial
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