Bud-48-5 1836 1
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BUDDLE PLACE-BOOK – 21 May.1836 to 16 Nov.1836 Bud-48-5 1836 1. May 21st. Saturday Spent the day in Newcastle. It was announced that N. Sale of Hetton Colliery was Sold to a new Joint North Stock Co, to be called the County of Dur- Hetton ham Joint Stock Coal Co. Shares £50. Colly. each Mr. Bowes M.P. is said to be at the head of this Co. I had a meeting with Messrs. Donkin Phillipson, Ins. Dunn & Ins. Burrell, on the part of the Hetton Co. and with H[enry] Morton on behalf of Lord Durham on this Subject. It was unanimously [argued] that the N. Hetton Colly falling into the hands of this Joint Stock Co. would ren- der it impossible for the best Collieries on the Wear to form a district Regulation amongst themselves, in the event of the general Regulation being broken up, and that it was, therefore, advisable, if possible to prevent this Sale being completed. I was [devised] to write I. Gregson to ask him if the agreement for the Sale 1836 2. was definitively concluded, and if not to inquire, if he could delay it a Week as in that case a proposition would be submitted to the N. Hetton Co. by which they would obtain their object, and the mischief which would result to the trade from the Colliery Falling into the hands of this Joint Stock Co. wd. Be averted. It was proposed in the event of the Colliery still being to be had, that the other [b]est Collieries, Should purchase it amongst them according to their re- spective Bases. Jane Mark- May 22d. Sunday Attended Jane Markreth’s seth’s funeral Funeral – She was buried at St. John’s Church. Messrs. Easterby & Mc.Intyre and Miss Lock dined with us May 23d. Monday. At Holywell & Back- Seaham worth, in the morning, went to Seaham Harbour Harbour in the Afternoon, and Pensher in the Evening. M[rs]. K[ent]ish and Miss Mary Rankin at Pensher. 1836 3 May 24th. Tuesday . At Pensher – examined Bridge the Quarry, and the Site of the large via- at duct Bridge, over the Wear, at Low Lambton Low - The Coffer dam for the Pier of the Main Lambton Arch, on the N. Side of the River, is nearly finished. Went to Walls-end in the Evening. N. Wood May 25th. Wed. Met Mr. Wood in N.Castle on the So. Durham Railway business, and proceeded by Benwell, and Tanfield-moor to Anfield in the Evening Stanhope May 26th. Thursday Went up the Stanhope Railway Railway to where the intended branch to the Lady Jane Pit turns off, at about ½ mile W of Heley-field (White Hall) and followed the intended line of the railway to the Lady Jane Pit, by Mount Pleasant, Whiskham Gray Dean-house, High-[lusintage], Drover house, the Adelphi, and the Worlds’-end Farm house. Lady Visited the Lady Jane, Holly Bush, Green- Jane Pit head, Cold Knot, and Elm Park Pits – then rode thro’ the Country by Sunnyside, Stanley &c. to Lanchester. Drove home in my Gig’ to Walls-end from Lanchester May 27th. Friday Spent the morning at home and the Afternoon at Newcastle Attended 1836 4. The monthly meeting of the Scientific & Literary Literary Institution The Revd. gave Institution us a lecture on the human Mind. May 28th. Sa. Spent the day in N.[Garth] Attended a Meeting of the Coal-trade to fix the Issue &c. For the 1st. Fortt. in June – it was fixed at 20 Pm. May 29th. Sunday Set out for London with N. Wood, in the Wellington at 6 London A.M. May 30th. Monday Arrived at the Bull-in-Mouth at ½ past 3 P.M. took up my Residence at the Tavistock May 31st. Tuesday Called upon Mr. Mr. Mc. MC. Donnell – he informed me that Donnell N. Hetton Colly. was yet to be pur- N. Hetton chased and it was agreed that Messrs. Colly. Morton, N.Wood & I, should meet him tomorrow on this Subject. So. Durham Went to the So. Durham Commee. Railway Room but found the Commee. ad- journed to tomorrow Collaseum Went to the Colosseum to see the Arab tumblers perform – their purfor- 1836 5 mance – especially their manner of performg Summersets, was certainly very wonderful. Still I think I have seen everything of the Kind as well done at the Circuses. Their loose Cotton dresses, gives a more imposing appearance to their performances, than the lighter dresses of our English tumblers. Mr. I. July 1st. Wed. With I. Gregson this morning. [5 LINES OF CODED TEXT INCORPORATING WORDS:Messrs. Morton & N Wood] Gregson Attended the So. Durham Committee – Mr. N Wood examined. [8 LINES OF CODED TEXT INCORPORATING NUMBERS: Possibly financial and quantities, See above] So. June 2d. Thursday N. Wood finished his ex- Durham amination in the So. Durham Committee Commee and mine commenced. 1836 6 June 3d. Friday My examination in Chief finished in So. Durham Railway Commee. and my Cross examination commenced, and occupied the whole day. At Vaxhall in the Evening with Messrs. Sopwith & Story – the evening was unfavourable, the Co. Small, and little novelty, or variety in the performance The German Family of were there – their agility in dancing, tumbling balancing &c. is very extraordinary. W. July 4th. Saturday Called on Mr. Parkin- Ind. Parkinson son, on the Tanfield-moor Colly. Affairs Called on J. Gregson & Signed the Deed I. Gregson giving Ss. Coutts Trotter precedence over Execution Messrs. Russell & [Tennyson], in the Mortgage of Deed on Lord Londonderry’s Colliery Stock At the Parliamentary Clerks Office at Westminster, to co[nv]ert my Evidence on the Fitzgerald So. Durham Railway, which is to be Short hand Printed. He had not recd. it from Writer Fitzgerald the Short hand writer. I therefore, went to his Office 77 Chancery Lane – but it was not transcribed. I cannot therefore see it ‘till Monday 1836 7. Morning - Dined with Messrs. Stobart, Morton, and Bowlby, at the Piazza Coffee house. July 5th. Sunday In the House during the Morng. had a Consultation with Messrs. Brandling & Morton, on the Subject of Ias. Hume’s Coal-trade Commee. Mr. Dined with Mr. Mascall at Red Lion Mascall Square Exn. in July 6th. Monday Finished my examn. So. Durham in the So. Durham Railway Committees Commee At Drury Lane Theatre, to see the new Finished Opera of The Maid of Artois – the Maid of Artois[s’] was performed by Mad. Malebran Opera The Music is composed by W. Balfe, and is very good. July 7th. Tuesday Attended a Consultation Consult- at the Commee. Room 30 Great Geo. Street tation Westminster, on the Subject of Mr. Hume’s com- on mittee on the Coal-trade. Mr. Bell and Coal-trade Jas. Pease stated that he understood from Committee Mr. Hume, it was his intention to examine into the manner of carrying on the trade in Londn. In the first place – to trace the expense, on 1836 8. the delivery of Coals, through all their Stages, from the Ship to the Cellers or Garrets of the poor people. He deos not mean to meddle with the Mining department, but merely the cost of transport from the Pit mouth to the Place of Shipment. Mr. Hume’s In consequence of the Public Meeting Committee which is to be held tomorrow, on the Coal- Lieutenant Halls’ [Riding] [Schember] trade Monopoly at ^ the Comm. on the Coal-trade is adjourned to Thursday the 9th. At Covent Garden Theatre to see Sher [N] oels new Play of the Wifes. - it is a very creditable production in its’ Way A. Donkin was with me. June 8th. Wednesday Met Messrs. Brandlg. Morton & Donkin in consultation with Hume’s Committee. Went to Westminster to attend the Commee. on the So Durham Railway, but it was ad- journed ‘Till tomorrow. Mr. Hume’s June 9th. Thursday Mr. Hume’s Committee Committee on the Coal-trade met this morning, but after a short discussion, the adjourned to next Tuesday. 1836 9 June 9th. Called upon Mr. Milne at the Office of Woods, with Mr. Sopwith, when it was Mr. Milne agreed that we should frame the Leads of an act of Parliament for the better Regulation of the Mining Customs of the Forest of Dean. Spent the Evening with Donkin. June 10th. Friday Called upon Mr. [Mrs.] Donnell Forest of at the Clarendon in the Morning, and had Dean a conference with him on Lord London- derry’s affairs. Spent the greater part of the day with Mr. Sopwith in framing an Act of Parliament for the better Re- gulation of the Customs of the Free Miners in the Forest of Dean. June 11th. Saturday Breakfasted in the City 4 Swan’s Bishops-gates Street consisting of Messrs. Mar- reco, Morton, Sopwith, I. Harrison I.F. Harrison & Beale’s Messrs. Barnard. Our object was to see Mr. Engine Beale’s Rotative Steam Engine. We saw and examined the construction of a Model, and Saw also a 4 horse Engine, blowing a Cupola at an Iron Foundry. The advantages of this Engine are cheapness of Construction, and its 1836 10 occupying little Room. This Engine Beale’s differs in principle from all other ro- Engine tative Engines, I have Seen, as the Centre or Axle is Stationery, and the Cylinder our outer Case Revolves round it. A plan and description of this En. will Shortly be published. India We afterwards visited the Map- House room and Museum, of the E. India (house. Nothing can exceed the beauty) of the drawing ^ of the Manuscript Map Room Maps, executed by the native Indians of Colour.