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TAKE NOTICE, Grocer 1619 for Debt in Her Majesty's Gaol at Durham, JoiinlJolam, late of High-street, Bishop^earmouth, Dur- , residing 'at Mr. Hedley's, Dundas-Jstreel, "M Jista) CaSafoSt Maker. mouthshore aforesaid, all in the county of -Durham, Su't William Readshaw, late of BishBjweaTBKnt'th, Durham, out of business. of business, previously of East Woodbine-street, Bishop- J ose.ph'Tate, formerly of the Earl St. Tincent-Public-hotrse, wearaosdi, Blacksmith, and formerly of 'Silver-street, Dean-street,'Shields, Durham,.Publican1 'and Ship O-tfESr, Sunderland near the Sea, Durham, Blacksmith a«d afterwards of East.,UoIb'orn,: 'South, Shielcfs,. Dttrtfam, Builder. Publican and'Ship ,Ow;ner, and iate.iShip Ovttrer trnfy, William ifcalph Rob-sou, --late '6f Deck-street, Monkw1ear- lodging,Svith.'hts/'son,; Josejm Tate.the younger, of fh'e "mouth, "Dul-h'am, p'ftt Of business, previously of 'North- Mill Dam, ,So,uth Shields, Dat-bain, Master Marmer 'sad. terrace, Seahsm--harbouTY -Dai-ham, Groc«r, '.Draper, Publican. : . , . ; : . Porter Merchant, and Dealer" in British Wares. James Laing, formerly of Norfolk-street, afterwards of James Wardropper, latte *>f -He^&rth-'shorfe, -GatesheacJ, No. 9, Lambton-street, and late/of No. 28>' East Cross- Durham, Journeyman Mason, and .previously of the street, all, ia^.Bishppwearmouthj.-Durhanl, .Commission same.place, Mason and Publican. Agent and Surveyor, of SJhippimg.i, .- • : . Robert Mar-rineY, late of Skinner-gate, Darlington, Dur- Thomas Lin'sley, formerly in Lodgings, at. the C!areflee ham, 'Sho'e 'arid Wofs'teii IXeaier, 'Stockton and Richmond Depot, • Stockton-upon-fTeesTGommon, Carriier oil the '•Blankets. Clarence Railway, between Stockton-upon-Tees and William (sribSBft, forrtierly'of Sunderland, Durham, Publican Coxhoe,. afterwards' residing at Lodgings; at Carnfof th, and -Brewer, dn ^partnership -frith William -Taylor, of Coal Waggon.Man-on the said'Railway^ and late of .the Bishqpwearmouth, ifnder the firm of William Gibson same place, aU,in Durham, Labourer. t and Co. fifteT^ai-dfe *6f the same place, Publican and James Atkinson, late of the Spa Hotel, .Croft, Yorkshire, Brewer, and late of Bishopwearmouth, Clerk and Travel- Innkeeper and Licenced to Let Post Horses, formerly of ler for Robert Swinne, of Sunderland, Brewer. the Talbot Inn, High-row, Darlington, Durham, Inn- James Eeswick the younger, formerly of Coronation-street, keeper, and previously of the'same, place, Innkeeper BishopWea'rmouth, DtH1liain, Innkeeper, in thfe name of and Whitesmith. M 'Elizabeth "and Robert Hall, afterwards of Spring Gafdec- Alice Dixon, late of the Law^street, Sunderland near the lane, Bishopwearmouth,.iin no employment, and late cf Sea,'Durham, Publican, previously of Baines-lane, Sun- the same place, Retailer .of .Ale, Beer,' and Porter, atd derland aforesaid, Publican and Menage Woman, formerly Common Brewer. of the Law-street aforesaid, Publican and Menage Wo- George Clennell, late of Pemberton-s'treet, Bishopwear-' man,-and formerly of Mars-street, Bishopwearmouth, ' mouth, Durham, out of business, previotisly Joirier and Durham, Menage Woman. Cabinet Maker, in copartnership tvith John "Hodgson, as John Mawson, formerly of the" Star and Garter, Cumber- Common Brewers, and formerly of Pemberton-street, land-street, Publican and Journeyman Blacksmith, after- Joiner and Cabinet Maker. wards of the sa ae place, Publican, and late in Lodgings, at Anthony Haswell Liddell, late of No. 7, Cumberland-street, No. 1, Cumberland-street, Bishopwearmouth, Durham, BishopwearmoiHh, Durham, Oat of business, previously out of business. of the same place, Guilder and Timber Merchant, and James Hope, late of the Crown and Cannon Public-house, formerly of the same place, Builder, Timber Merchant, Laggate-street, South Shields. Durham, Publican. and in copartnership with James Kean, as Timber John Patterson, formerly of Stoekton-upon-Tees, Durham, Sawyers. Publican, and late out of business. John liastre, formerly.of Chapel-street, Sunderlarrd, Dur- William Wilthew, formerly of Ropery-lane, High-street, ham, Shoe Maker, and 'part Owner of the -brig Nile, after- Publican, under, the name of William Gibson, then of the wards of High-street, -Sanderlarid afore'said,| Shoe Maker, White Lion, Union-lane, High-street aforesaid, Publican, and part Owner of the said brig,rind"iate of the eaui? under the name of Samuel Brown, and late of Union- place, Shoe Maker, and part Chrn'er 'of vlie said brig. lane aforesaid,- all-in Sunderland• near the Sea, Durham, Thomas Hilton, late of North-gate; DarKagton,- D-.ivhaai',i Publican. Cattle Jobber, and late Assistant Driver for William Robert Todd, formerly .of ;Su>ckton-upon-Tees, Durham, Hilton, of Darlington aforesaid,. Cattle Jobber. Cordwainer, and Retailer of Ale, Beer, and Porter, airl Samuel Nelles.?, formerly of Easjn'srton-lane. Di^rhaai, late Cordwainer and Publican. • ;•• ^ ! -. > Hawker .of Earthenware, Re'tailer'o'f li%U acid Beer, and Robert Martin,- formerly. of :Butterby Paper Mills, near late of the same plac^'IiJiAvker bfflanhenvr'ai'ei •' '. i •• Durham, Paper Manufacturer, and.late of 'the same place, Wiliiain Atkinson, late io£ Ferry-hill', (Durham^ .'Publican Assistant to Ebenezer Martin; of Mill-bank, near A.yton, and Saddler., . , |t, , .,., ,-,,,.,,,, ... , ,\ , ,, ,\ .. Scotland, Gentleman, and William Martin, of Ayton. Joseph Mmiby, 'formerly of Aycliflte, near Darlington> in Scotland, Paper Manufacturer, in business as Paper the county of Durham, Publican arid 'Clock Malier, after- Manufacturers,' at Buyer by Mill aforesaid. wards at Lodgings at Heighington, in the county of William Jefferson, late of the l:\41ing-shore, near Gateshead,. Durham, Clock Cleaner i; • i! '<' '• ' ' '•••••\<\t Durham, Butcher'and Publican. Thomas Dixon, formerly, of Stanhope, :in We?a-da!e, Dt^.- George Binns, late residing in Lodgings, at Woodbridge- ham, Grocer and Blacksmith. ' . (.,... ; tr .'et, Bishopwearmouth, in partnership with John :Kil- Teasdale Stokoe, late of Felling-shore, near Gateshead, vinton, at No. 66, High-street, Sunderland, Durham, Durham, Mariner, and formerly of Bell-quay, near Gates- as Linen and Woollen Drapers, Hatters, Hosiers, and head, Durham, Publican and Mariner. Haberdashers, Shoe Merchants, and Merchant Tailors. Thomas Dobson. late of Thorow-gate, Barnard-castle, Dur- John Kilvinton, late of Woodbine-street, Bishopwearreouth, ham, Shoe Maker and Baker. ' ' ' in partnership with George Binns. at No. 55. High*s'tree't, Sursderland, Durham, as Linen and Woollen Drapers, Henry Thompson, late of Commercial-road, South Sh.leldt.» Hatters, Hosiers, and Haberdashers, Shoe Merchants, and Durham, Mason. Merchant Tailors. Thomas Thomas, late of Pye-lane, South Shields,1 Durham, Mic'iacl Blenkinsop, late of Killerby, Durham, Butcher, Publican and Glassman. Publican, and Labourer. Caleb Wilson, formerly of High-street, Sunclerland, Dur- James Smith the younger, formerly lodging at No. 8, Eliza- ham, Grocer and Tea Dealer, in partnership with John beth-place, Liverpool-road, Islington, Middlesex, out' of Ifarborn, and late of Bishopwearmoutb, Durham, out of businesi, at Lodgings, No. 82, Stamford-street. Surrey, business. out of business, then at No. 33, South-street, Durham, out Charlton Messenger, formerly of Monk wear mouth, Dur- of business, and late lodging at .ClaypaLk-gates, 'Durham, ham, Ship Carpenter and Retailer ot Ale and Beer, and Innkeeper, still out of business, laf,c Retailer of Ale and Beer. Peter Strong, late of Bull-ring, North Shielcls, Northum- berland, and late of Holborn, South Shields, Durham, TAKE NOTICE, Grocer. John Dodds, late of West Holborn, South Shields, Durham, 1, If nny creditor intends to'oppose a Prisoner's Block and Mast Maker, and part Owner of the Brig discharge, notice of such intension must be given George, of tl.e port of Newcastle upo::- Tyuc. to ihc said .Prisoner, in vrriiini;, -three clear days.
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