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Bullock70v.1.Pdf CONTAINS PULLOUTS Spatial Adjustments in the Teesside Economy, 1851-81. I. Bullock. NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ---------------------------- 087 12198 3 ---------------------------- A Thesis Submitted to the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of PhD, Department of Geography 1970a ABSTRACT. This study is concerned with spatial change in a reg, - ional economy during a period of industrialization and rapid growth. It focuses on two main issues : the spatial pattl-rn of economic growth, and the locational adjustments induced and required by that process in individual sectors of the economy. Conceptually, therefore, the thesis belongs to the category of economic development studies, but it also makes an empirical contribution to knowledge of Teesside in a cru- cial period of the regionts history. In the first place, it was deemed necessary to estab- lish that economic growth did occur on Teesside between 1851 and 1881. To that end, use was made of a number of indirect indices of economic performance. These included population change, net migration, urbanization and changes in the empl. oyment structure of the region. It was found that these indicators provided evidence of economic growth, and evide- nce that growth was concentrated in and around existing urban centres and in those rural areas which had substantial mineral resources. To facilitate the examination of locational change in individual sectors of the economy - in mining, agriculture, manufacturing and the tertiary industries -, the actual spa- tial patterns were compared with theoretical models based on the several branches of location theory. In general, the models proved to be useful tools for furthering understand- ing of the patterns of economic activity and for predicting the types of change likely to be experienced during industr- ial revolution. Thus, the spatial development of mining and manufacturing on Tee3side was governed by the cost factor. and advantage was generally taker. of any opportunity to red- uce costs. Agriculture, however, was more responsive to national than regional conditions, and f--tted the appropriate location model less closely, As would be expected, the cen- tral place system expanded in the economically buoyant urban areas, where population and economic growth were concentrated, and contracted in rural districts dependent on farming. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would ýlike to take this 'opportunity to, thank the many individuals who have helped to bring this study to fruition, In particular, I am grateful to Mr. B. Fullerton, of the 'e- partment, of Geography at Newcastle, who supervised the study and gave generously of his time and advice throughout its development. Dr. K. Warren, until recenuly also a member of the Department, very kindly read and commented on a draft of one of the chapters of the thesis. I also owe much to Prof- essor J. W. House, who gave me the opportunity to study at Newcastle and has been most helpful on many occasions. My fellow post-graduate student colleagues have provided a con- genial atmosphere for research and have supplied me with more direct forms of assistance whenever they could. Throughout the North East, as well as further afield, I was given every facility possible by the staffs of refer- ence libraries and record offices, and to them collectively I wish to express my gratitude for their efforts on my beh- alf. The Secretary of the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, RL% Walker, was especially helpful and kindly allowed me access to the Institute's lib- rary and valuable collection of records. Mr. B, Wyattj of the British Steel Corporation's Estates Department at Midd- lesbrough, permitted me to examine what remains of the Dor- man-Long records of mining in Cleveland. In the same cont- ext, Mr. G. Gull - now of the British Steel Corporation, but - iii - - iv - a former Secretary of the Cleveland Mine Ownerst Association - also proved very helpful and informative. Most of all, however, I am grateful to my wife, Margaret, for both her practical assistance and her unwavediing moral support, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A`kSTRACT ........ ACKNOWLEDGEIVIENTS............. iii LIST OF TABLE3 .............. vi LIST OF FIGURES ix Chapter. INTRODUCTION 1 ........ 0a THE TEESSIDE 11 REGION, ...... III THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKFOR SPATIAL ECONOMIC GROWTH. 31 ECONOMIC ON 55 IV GROWTH TEESSIDE. 0 V THE SPATIAL PATTERN OF ECONOMIC GROWTHON TEESSIDE 84 ....... Vi THE LOCATION OF MINING 0.... 134 VII THE SPATIAL PATTERN OF AGRICULTURE. 190 VIII THE LOCATION OF 265 MANUFACTURING. o Ix LOCATION AND THE TERTIARY SECTOR. 458 x SUMMARYAND CONCLUSIONS. 577 Appendix. I PARISH AREAS .......... 593 II EMPLOYMENTDATA 596 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............... 599 V LIST OF TABLES Table Page. 4.1 Population Changes in the Area Including the Registration Dis- tricts of Hartlepool, StocKton, Darlington, Middlesbrough, Gui- sborough and Stokesley .... 69 4.2 Occupations of Persons Aged Tw- enty Years and More in the Reg- istration Districts of Darling- ton, Stockton Guisborough and St k l 1811 o es ey, ........ 75 4.3 Occupations of Persons Aged Tw- enty Years and More in the Reg- istration Districts of Darling- ton, Stockton, Hartlepool GUi- 1A61 sborough and Stokesley, . 76 4.4 Occupations of Persons Aged Tw- enty Years and More in the Reg- istration Districts of Darling- ton, Stockton, Hartlepool Gui- sborough and ýýokesley, 1971 77 5.1 Rates of Population Decrease, 1851-1881* *o*&sa*, * 86 5.2 Parishes in Which PopulAtion Growth Exceeded 50 per cent Be- tween 1851 1881 89 and ...... 5.3 Population Growth and Colliery- Development in Selected Parish- 1851-1881 es, ...... e** 96 5.4 New Colliery Settlements Estab- lished in South East Durham Prior to 1881 98 5.5 Iron-Ore Mines WiA.1hin the Teesside Region. 104 5.6 Some New Mining Settlements Built in Cleveland 1881 up to ... o 105 5o7 Populations of the Main Teesside Towns. .eo 107 5.6 Population Change its Comp- . and onents in Registration Districts, 1851-81. ........ 0 'D 00 114 vi vii 5.9 Birth-Places of the Teesside Population in 1851 and 1861. 118 5.10 Rural ard Urban Components of Population Increase in Regis- tration Districts, 1851-1881. 119 5,11 Occupations of Persons Aged Twenty Years or More in Teesside Registration Districts in 1851. L? 2_23 5.12 Occupations of Persons Aged Twenty Years or More in Teesside Registration Districts in 1871. 124 5.13 Unoccupied Percentage of the Population Over Twenty Years of Age in Registration Districts. 129 6.1 Employment of Persons of Twenty Years of Age or More in Mining Quarrying 152 and Districts. .. * 6.2 Earnings of Cleveland Miners in 1879. .**9e*e***e*9 174 6.3 Chronology of Mining Development in Cleveland .......... 178 7.1 Numbers of Parishes in the Var-- ious Classes Defined by the Pro- portion of Land Under Permanent Grass. 248 .*****99s**9* 8.1 Blast Furnaces on Teesside in 1854. 312 8.2 Railway Rates on Teesside in 1883. 348 Riast Furnace Plants on Teesside in 1881. 352 ....,.... e*** 8.4 Wrought Iron Works in the Teessidt Region in 1861 .......... 379 8.5 Wrought Iron Works in the Teesside Region in 1871. 383 8.6 Statement by Edward Williams Conc- erning Wrought Iron Production in Middlesbrough, District. the .ee 392 8.7 Wrought Iron Works in the Toesside Region 1881 in .......... 395 vi ii 8.8 Engineers and Iron Founders in 1851.405 8.9 Chain and Cable Makers in 1851. 409 8.10 Nail Manufacturers in 1851. -* 409 8.11 Engineers and Iron Founders in 1879. 411-412 8.12 Steel Plants on Teesside in 1881. 417 8.13 Ancillary Tra0es and Professions, 446 1851 ............ 41 .a 9.1 Parishes and Central Places in 1851. 490-92 9.2 Parishes Without Service Centres 498 in 1851 .......... *e** 9.3 Settlements Ranked According to 507 Numbersof Functions in 1851. ... 9.4 Central Functions Ranked According to their Numbers of Functional Units, 1851 .......... 517 9.5 The Average Number of Functional Units Per Function Per Central Place 1851 520 in .......... a0*0 9.6 Summary of the Analysis of Variance. 521 9.7 Parishes and Central Places in 1879. 542 9.8 Central Places Ranked According to 553 Num:ýers of A;er. ýrpl, Functions in 8 1 79 9*e**9e , 9*a*e9*9 9.9 Central Functions Ranked According 555 to Numbers of Functional Unfts in 1879* *9**e9****o9e9o 9.10 Summary of the Analysis of Variance, 558 9.11 Some of the Functions with Fewer Units in 1879 than in 1851 ..... 0*0 566 LIST OF FIGUh-'-S Figure. Following 1.1 The Early Coal Railways. 4 261 Botndary of the Teesside Region. 28 4.1 Registration Districts in the Area* 66 5.1 Population Change bjr Parish, 1851-81. 85 5.2 Population Change by Parish, 1851-61. 85 5.3 Population Change by Parish, 1861-71. 85 5.4 Population Change by Parish, 1871-81. 85 6.1 Geological Map of North-East Yorkshire. 166 6.2 Contours of the Cleveland Main Seam. 167 6.3 Section of the Lias in North-East Yorkshire. 167 6.4 Comparative Sections of the Cleveland Main Scam. 167 6.5 Distribution of Cleveland Ironstone Mines in 1860.181 6.6 Distribution of Clvveland Ironstone Mines in 1871. 183 6.7 Distribution of Cleveland Ironstone Mines in 1881. 184 7.1 Rent and Distance. 194 7.2 The Distance-Rent Relationship for Two Crops. 196 7.3 Two-Crop Zoning. 197 7.4 Physiography of-Teesside. 208 7.5 Geology of Teesside. 210 7.6 Classification of Land on Teesside. 218 7.7 Proportion of Improved Land Under Grass, 1840. 236. 7.8 Proportion of Arable Land Under Bare Fal. ]Low, 1840. 239. ix xf 7.9 Leading Crops, 1840.
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