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Index Conscious of the fact that News Networks in Early Modern Europe will also be published Open Access as a searchable eBook, we do not index every reference to a place or news form, but only those that are substantial or have an obvious relation to other parts of the book. Substantive footnotes, containing discussions or quotations, have been indexed (though not where there is also a reference to the main body of a page). Mere references have not been indexed. Not every reference to a place or title or to a form has been indexed. Modern critics and historians are indexed where quoted or discussed, whether in text or notes. Cities are not indexed as places of (re-)printing. Places referred to as a source of news are only indexed when this seems particu- larly significant, or where this is quantitatively assessed. Aachen 12, 23, 340, 356 405–6, 503, 527, 551, 558–61, 627, 636, Académie Française 81, 256, 810, 814 637, 718, 720, 723, 724, 757, 759, 770, 809, Accolti, Gieronimo (or Girolamo) 518, 519, 812–14, 816, 820, 821–3, 850, 853n11, 854, 524 856, 858, 859, 861; see also diplomats; Acemoglu, Daron 495–6, 511 see also Medici agents Acosta, Padre 531 Ambros, Michael Hermann 464 Adams, Robyn 556 Americas 40, 495–511, 514, 531, 534, 598, 611, advertising 85, 356, 406, 443–64, 606–7 738, 762; see also West Indies; see also advis 73, 77, 82, 271 Indies Aegean sea 181, 236, 637, 638 Amsterdam 22, 25–6, 31, 75, 78, 194, 205, 209, Aegean islands 179, 180–1, 189–90 329, 350–1, 354–5, 357, 366, 370, 402–3, Africa 188, 232, 233, 500, 505, 593, 597, 598, 422, 424, 426, 434, 435, 437, 600, 601, 611, 758, 776 602n14, 605, 806, 828–9 Aguilar Piñal, Francisco 205 Amsterdam gazette 422, 426 Agulló y Cobo, Mercedes 262, 269, 270 Amsterdamse Courant 606, 607 ahead (European Archive of Historical Ancona 28–9, 31, 773 Earthquakes Data) 756, 766n55 Anderson, Benedict 108 Ahnert, Ruth 123 Andrews, Alexander 103 Ahnert, Sebastian E.
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