September 1932, Volume 8, No. 3

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September 1932, Volume 8, No. 3 ASSES SEPTEMBER, .93% .5 CENTS In Tbis Issue: SHERWOOD ANDERSON CLIFTON B. F ADIMAN LANGSTON HUGHES ENGELS ON GOETHE GRANVILLE HICKS EDMUND WILSON JOHN L. SPIVACK UPTON SINCLAIR MAURICE DOBB WALDO FRANK MICHAEL GOLD A. B.MAGIL MOE BRAGIN Book Reviews Features Cartoons Free Trip to tbe Soviet Union! ASSES SEPTEMBER, 193% 15 CENTS In This Issue: SHERWOOD ANDERSON CLIFTON B. F ADIMAN LANGSTON HUGHES ENGELS ON GOETHE GRANVILLE HICKS EDMUND WILSON JOHN L. SPIVACK UPTON SINCLAIR MAURICE DOBB WALDO FRANK MICHAEL GOLD A. B. 'MAGIL MOE BRAGIN Book Reviews Features Cartoons Free Trip to the Soviet Union! , w e Cry •• HELP • Today, with the growth of the revolutionary cultural movement, WE CRY HELP! the New Masses must expand. It must grow larger in size; it must reach thousands of workers and intellectuals never before and we mean it. reached; it must develop new writers and artists out of both the The NEW MASSES is going under unless ranks of the workers and the ranks of the radicalized petit-bour­ -the workers clubs come to our aid geoisie. The New Masses cannot do this itself. This expansion must come from its readers, its contributors-who are the New --all t'ndividual readers came to our aid Masses. unless- The attempt to build the New Masses beyond its present size, -everyone who wants a revolutionary cultural organ influence, and position requires a great deal from its supporters. comes to our .aid. It requires money, time and the development of cadres of new writers and artists. It requires the building of a large and de­ voted reading public to whom the New Masses will be the chief WHAT CAN YOU DO? means of expression and the chief source of information on cul­ tural subjects: Quarters, nickels, dimes, DOLLARS Elsewhere in this issue is published the Resolution on the Work -money, silver and paper, must pour in of the New Masses for 1931 formulated by the International (as fast as the bills pour in) Unfon of Revolutionary Writers in which the tasks before the New Masses as its central organ in the U. S. A. are clearly set forth.' The New Masses must fulfill this revolutionary task, but A MASS CAMPAIGN TO SAVE THE NEW MASSES it can do so only if every reader, every sympathizer, every con­ tributor rallies to do his share. Every reader, every sympathizer, everyone must help The most vital need is money. Not only is it impossible to beat the capitalist wolf from the door. Around the increase the scope and size of the New Masses at the present time NEW MASSES a mass campaign must be built. The NEW because of lack of money, but it is absolutely imperative that the New Masses be saved from possible suspension by thousands of MASSES is an integral part of the workers' mavement. contributions, small, middling, and large. At the present time three-quarters of the time of the staff goes into the effort of THERE MUST BE A MASS RESPONSE! raising money, and still the deficit piles up. Right now the situa­ tion is absolutely impossible unless immediate aid is forthcoming Quarters, nickels, dimes, DOLLARS from all those opinions the New Masses represents on the cultural --money, silver .and paper, must pour in front. The NEW MASSES cannot be self-supporting without a mass circulation/ NOT FOR US-FOR YOU! FOR YOUR MAGAZINE! Readers must become writers and artists: they must make the New Masses theirs in every way. Only in giving actual direction to it by writings and drawings, can the readers make it an actual expression of their lives, problems, and struggles in literary and NEW MASSES Is On Sale artistic form. Worker-writers, worker-artists, and the radicalized petit-bourgeoisie have nowhere else to turn; it is in the pages of ABROAD the New Masses that they must depict the rising surge of struggle. They must make the magazine wholly theirs. Only in this way can at: the New Masses become the "leading organ of the proletarian ENGLAND-Modern Books Ltd., 16 King St., Covent Gar cultural movement in the U. S. A." den, London W C 2 - We call on all those interested in the building of a powerful Progressive Book Soc. Ltd., 2 & 3 Hind Court, Fleet St., weapon in revolutionary proletarian culture to organize around London E C 4 the New Masses. Contributions-financial, literary, artistic-and FRANCE-Brentano's, 37 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris a deep and lasting intention to join individually in the struggle Louis Tshann Bookstore, 84 Boulevard du Montpar­ to make the N( w Masses the foremost literary and artistic organ. nasse, Paris XIV. Join the sust'lining membership of the New Masses by a con­ Lawrence Drake, Titus Bookshop, 4 Rue Delambre, tribution-howe,oer small, however large, it will help. The need Montparnasse, Paris. is imperative. 'l he answer must be immediate. GERMANY-Buchhi:mdlung Karl Buchholz, Kurfursten­ Unite to help the New Masses fulfill the tasks before it! damm 30, N aheuhlandstrasse, Berlin W 15. Give the New Masses a mass circulation, a mass base! Gustav Hahn Newspaper Stand, Unter Den Linden 25, Send your nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars-any amount-to the Berlin. New Masses Sustaining Fund! BELGIUM-Librairie des Temps Nouveaux, 6. Due d'As­ Everybody join in this mass campaign! saut, Brussels. NO. IRELAND-Progressive Bookshop, 17 Unions St. Bel­ fast. U.SoSoRo-Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga, Kuznetski Most 12, NEW MASSES Moscow, UoS.S.R. 63 West 15th Street, CHINA-Zeitgeist Bookstore, 130 No. Soochow Road, Shang­ New York City hai. JAPAN-Sanseido Co. Ltd., 1 Torijimbocho, Kanda, Tokyo. Enclosed please find $«««.«.«««««.« •• « to help the NEW MASSES SOUTH AFRICA-Vanguard Booksellers, 20-21 Hatfield House, President S., Corner Eloff St., Johannesburg. avercome its present diffic'ulties. AUSTRALIA-Labor College Bookstall, Trades Hall, Mel­ bourne. Name .. «.0••• ««.««« ••• 0.««0« •••••0 •• «._•••••• 0 ••• 0 ••« ••••• « •••••••: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Workers Bookshop, Cor. Goulburn & Sussex Sts., Sydney Basement Book Co., 725 George St., Sydney. Actdress .............................................................. «.« ••• « ••••••••• _ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B. Barker Bookstore, 23 Goldsmith St., Elwood, Mel­ bourne S. 3. City __._. __... « ••••••• _ •••••••••••••••••••••• _ •••••••••••••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW MASSES 1910- Seventh Year of the New Masses .... 1926 .... Twenty Second Year of the Masses-1932 VOLUME 8 SEPTEMBER, 1932 NUMBER 3 Editorial Board: ROBERT EVANS, WHITTAKER CHAMBERS, HuGO GELLERT, MICHAEL GoLD, LOUIS LoZOWICK, MOISSAYE J. OLGIN CON T RIB U TOR S :-Phil Bard, Emjo Basshe, Jacob Burck, Whittaker Chambers, Roben Cruden, Jack Conr~y, Adolp~ Dehn,.R,obert Dunn, John Do. Passos, Kenneth Fearing, Ed Falkowski, Hugo Gellert, Eugene Gordon, Horace Gregory, Wilham Gropper, Charles Yal!! Harnson, W~lltam Hernandez, l:.aas­ ston Hughes, Joseph Kalar, I. Klein, Melvin P. Levy, Louis Lozowick, H. H .. LewIs, Norman Macleod, ~. B. Magll, Scott Ne~nng, .~yra ~agel Harry Allan Potamkin, Paul Peters, Walter Quirt, Louis Ribak, Anna Rochester, E. Merrdl Root, James Rorty, Martm Russ!"<, ~sther Shemltz, Wtlham Siegel, Upton Sinclair, Agnes Smedley, Otto Soglow, Herman Spector, Bennett. Stevens, Jose ph Vogel, Mary H. Vorse, K!,ene WallIS, 11m Waters, Art Young. Published month~y by NEW MASSES, Inc., 9ffice o~ pubhcatlo~, .63 WestlS St., New York. Copynght 1932, by NEW MASSES, Inc., Reg. U. S. Patent Office. Drawmgs and text may not be repnnted WIthout permISSion. Entered as second class matter, June 24, 1926, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y •• under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscribers are notified that no change of address can be effected in less thaa a month. The NEW MASSES is a co-operative venture. It does not pay for contributions. ~? SUbsmption $1.50 a year in U, S. and Colonies and Me~ico. Foreign, $2.00. Single Copies, 15 Cents; 20c abroad. MAURICE DOBB MARXISM AND THE CRISIS Arising from, and the product of, the general crisis of capitalism among scientists that the old rough-and-ready empiricism is not today, there are two crises, or subordinate phases of that crisis­ enough and a groping after some philosophical restatement. On a crisis of thought and a crisis of politics. The crisis of politics the other hand, it shows itself in the rise of the new fashionable shows itself in this country, and not alone in this country, in a pseudo-philosophies, re-importing God through the "hole-in-the­ complete break-up of all the old party groupings and a blurring of atom" and showing that science, instead of being pagan and icono­ the old political issues. True, the old party structures and the old clastic, can be made to decorate an altar-piece after all. More party creeds still continue and still flourish with their banners generally, this crisis in thought shows itself in a vague bewilder­ and their slogans. Their mock tourneys still delude the masses ment: a starting to question assumptions, the very root of tradi­ and carry their eyes away from the real issues. But these ban­ tional bourgeois thought, whether it be traditional idealism or ners and these slogans are dead: they indicate issues which are traditional materialism. In extreme forms it becomes a general dead and past and bear no live relation to what are the real con­ bewilderment in face of universal paradox-despair in face of a temporary issues. If one looks for a historical parallel, be it only world gone mad. Some get no further than bewilderment, and a superficial one, it is, I think, to be found in the thirties of last retreat to the seclusion of various brands of mysticism-ever the century, when the old Whig and Tory issues were an anachronism. way of despair with the world. But for logical thinkers, having The Party structures, as shells, remained; but they had no mean­ the resolution to cut their way through to some new synthesis, ing; and the younger Tories and Whigs had more in common with paradox itself is the bridge to new truth.
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