Modelling Interlocking Systems for Railway Stations Marie Le Bliguet Andreas Andersen Kjær Kongens Lyngby 2008 IMM-M.Sc.-2008-68 Technical University of Denmark Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modelling Building 321, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Phone +45 45253351, Fax +45 45882673
[email protected] Summary Interlocking systems are used for ensuring the safety of trains. This master thesis is made in cooperation with Banedanmark and deals with relay-based interlocking systems for railway stations. The goal of this project is to develop a formal method for verifying that such systems guarantee the safety of trains. By using RSL models of interlocking systems, this thesis deduces an automated procedure for making an RSL-SAL transition system that defines the dynamic behaviour of an interlocking system. Also, the procedure specifies how to auto- generate confidence conditions for the generated transition system, formulated using Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). Finally, a tool for computing such a transi- tion system and its associated confidence conditions is implemented using Java. Furthermore, this thesis develops patterns for specifying the behaviour of ex- ternal inputs to an interlocking system (e.g. a rule can define when a train can enter a station), formulated using RSL-SAL. Also, patterns for specifying safety properties are developed using LTL. Altogether, the tool and patterns define a method that uses the state-space based model checker SAL for verifying that interlocking systems guarantee the safety of trains. The method has successfully been applied to a Danish railway station. Keywords: Formal methods, Linear Temporal Logic, Model checking, Mod- elling, Railway interlocking systems, RAISE Specification Language, RSL-SAL, SAL.