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Career talks CV checks Job ads 1-on-1 company meetings

Going live on 4th February 2021

Register here: or Registrations open on 9th November 2020

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Table of contents

Program 3 Quick guide to your vZLSD 4 Talk 1 - Strategy Job Search (8:30-9:15) 7 Talk 2 - ETH Career Center (9:20-10:05) 8 Talk 3 - VC/Investment (10:10-10:55) 9 Talk 4 - Clinical Trials (11:00- 11:45) 10 Talk 5 - Consulting (11:50- 12:35) 11 Talk 6 - Food Science (12:40- 13:25) 12 Talk 7 - Regulatory Affairs (13:30-14:15) 13 Talk 8 - Medical Affairs (14:20-15:05) 14 Talk 9 - Regulation/Ethics (15:10-15:55) 15 Talk 10 - Medical Writing & Publishing (16:00-16:45) 16 Talk 11 - Panel discussion (16:50-17:35) 17 Talk 12 - Plant Science (17:40-18:25) 18 Keynote (18:30-19:15) 19 Company advertisements 22 Imprint 46 Special thank you goes to Boehringer Ingelheim & Takeda, our Platinum Sponsors!

2 Table of contents Program 


08:30-09:15 “Strategic Job Search” Bruno Casimiro, Career Coach Consultant

09:20-10:05 ETH Career Center: “Tips and tricks for your job interview” Anja Pauling & Franziska Liese

10:10-10:55 VC/Investment: “What are life science venture capitalists doing?” Dr. Jakob Loven & Niresh Berinpanathan, Nextech Invest Ldt.

11:00-11:45 Clinical Trials: “Working on a Clinical CRO, a rst work experience to look for or to scape from?” Ursula Herranz, CROss Alliance

11:50-12:35 Consulting: “Scientists in Consulting: From Bench to Boardroom” Dr. Matthias Bünte & Dr. Victoria Strouvelle, Life Science

12:40-13:25 Food Science: “ Science in the food industry - research as a game changer” Dr. Patrick Rühs, Head of Science Planted Foods

13:30-14:15 Regulatory A airs: “Regulatory A airs in Pharma” Dr. Lori Clay, Director Regulatory A airs at Abbvie AG

14:20-15:05 Medical A airs: “Bridging two halves of my brain” Christian Gentili, Disease Area Specialist - Myeloid Disease Lead at BMS

15:10-15:55 Regulation/Ethics: “Working for the Government” Dr. Giovanna Giacalone, Federal Oce of Public Health (BAG)

16:00-16:45 Medical Writing & Publishing: “A career in scientic publishing - insights from a Nature editor”, Dr. Christine Horejs, Nature Reviews Materials

16:50-17:35 Panel discussion “Science Careers at Roche” Dr. Christian Klein,Dr. Susanne Page,Victoria Beindl,Dr. Volker Herdtweck

17:40-18:25 Plant Science: “Helping Farmers. Fighting Climate Change.” Dr. Stefano Torriani, Lead Fungicide Resistance Research at Syngenta

18:30-19:15 Keynote Lecture: “Innovation by Evolution: Bringing New Chemistry to Life” Prof. Dr. , California Institute of Technology

+ Company exhibition + CV checks + Informal meetings

3 Quick guide to your vZLSD Quick guide to your vZLSD

Quick guide to your vZLSD Lobby

Visit a Booth

To visit your booth of interest, simply click on the respective company logo in the main hall or enter the exhibit hall by clicking on “Exhibit Hall” or click “Exhibit Hall” from the main navigation bar (see p. 7 of the manual).

Book a CV-Check slot

Click on the CV-check booth and book a slot to have your CV reviewed by an expert (see p.14 of the manual).

The Job Wall

By clicking on the illustration “The Job Wall” in the lobby or by clicking at the “Job Wall” in the main navigation bar, you will be able to access the information of all the public job vacancies from the participating companies (see p. 13 of the manual).

Help Desk

Click on the Help-Desk booth if you need assistance on the day (see p. 13 of the manual).


If you are interested in a specific talk click on “Auditorium” in the lobby or click on “Auditorium” in the main navigation bar to join the talk (see p. 11 of the manual).

Exhibit hall

Click on the exhibit hall to access all the company booths or click “Exhibit Hall” from the main navigation bar 1

4 Quick guide to your vZLSD Quick guide to your vZLSD

Booth View

Clicking on a booth name will take you inside that company’s booth as seen below.

Below the booth, you can see a first tab bar containing different fields of information on the company

1. Description: A brief profile of the company. 2. Documents: Displays a list of Documents available which can be viewed by clicking on the view button. 3. Videos: Displays a list of Videos available which can be viewed by clicking on the view button. 4. Job Vacancies: Displays all job postings done by the company. 5. Chat: Clicking on the chat button will take you to the new window “Live Chat room” 6. Links: Clicking on “Website” will redirect you to the companies website 7. Reserve a 1-on-1: Clicking on the the button will show you the available or already reserved 1-on-1 meeting slots of the company representatives (details are described on p.14 of the manual)


2 Quick guide to your vZLSD 8:30-9:15 Strategic Job Search


To view the webinars and the agenda of the event, click on the main illustration in the auditorium.

To view the list of the webinars, you can click on the respective keynote lecture, morning or afternoon sessions. To access a webinar, simply click on the button “join the webinar“on the right in green available 2 min before the start of the webinar. Please turn off your camera and microphone when you join the Zoom Webinar, after the talk there will be a Q&A session. Please write your question in to the chat the moderator will ask it as soon as possible.

You will be directed to a broadcasted Zoom-Webinar to listen to the talk. If you have any questions concerning the topic of the talk, you can ask them by writing them into the chat during the Q&A Session.

3 6 Quick guide to your vZLSD 8:30-9:15 Strategic Job Search

“STRATEGIC JOB SEARCH” Bruno Casimiro, Career Coach Consultant

Talk Content: Bruno is a Program Director for the Ex- ecutive Development team of UBS Bank • Understanding the global job in Zurich Switzerland, where he focuses market on Leadership & Strategy under UBS Uni- • Career Tools CV & Cover Letter – versity. Dos and Donts • The Hidden Job Market Previously to this role, Bruno was the Ca- • Linkedin as a tool to Network reers & Talent Development Manager for and build relationships that will the MBA program at the University of St help secure a role Gallen and the Talent Lead responsible • Develop your elevator pitch for the MBA level Masters in Finance at • Live Networking London Business School.

Bruno is an experienced professional with over 18 years’ experience in varied industries including Investment Banking where he performed roles from graduate to Senior Associate level at JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley Investment bank.

For the past 10 years Bruno has coached and helped develop business leaders, entrepreneurs and senior executives across the globe in diverse industries. He has delivered programs at universi- ties across the UK, Portugal, Switzerland, and at MIT in Boston US.

7 9:20-10:0511:00-11:45 ETH Clinical Career Trials Center 10:10-10:5511:50-12:35 VC/Investment Consulting


Anja Pauling joined the ETH Career Center in June 2019. Her portfolio in- cludes professional activities in the manufacturing industry, the pub- lic sector, non-​profit organizations. Amongst other things, Anja has worked as controller/consultant in the HR-​ Department of the Canton of Zurich. Anja Pauling Franziska Liese Anja has very good knowledge of the Swiss job market thanks to her broad During this session, the audience will work experience. She gladly passes on have the opportunity to watch a film her knowledge and experience to stu- produced by the ETH Career Center and dents and doctoral students during our in which actors portray a typical job in- Career Center events or during individu- terview. al counselling sessions. The audience will view and reflect on different scenes from the video so that Franziska started working at the ETH they can become familiar with typical Career Center in August 2020, having interview questions, acceptable and in- previously held various HR positions adequate answers, and other classic mis- and industries. With a stint at the Finan- takes to avoid. cial Times when she was in Belfast, her development led her to the Talent De- Thanks to the video sequences and the velopment department at Credit Suisse. facilitators’ explanations and comments, There Franziska headed the Center of the audience will learn what to expect Competence for Coaching and Mentor- from a job interview, why the interview- ing and was responsible for the Business er asks certain questions and how to Management in the Leadership Devel- opment department. In her further ca- reer, Franziska worked as HR Business Partner for the University Hospital Zurich and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Franziska combines her passion for coaching and mentoring people facing career issues with her experience from various indus- tries and corporate cultures.

8 9:20-10:0511:00-11:45 ETH Clinical Career Trials Center 10:10-10:5511:50-12:35 VC/Investment Consulting

“WHAT ARE LIFE SCIENCE VENTURE CAPITALISTS DOING? “ Dr. Jakob Loven & Niresh Berinpanathan, Nextech Invest Ltd.

Nextech is a global, cancer therapeu- tics-focused venture capital firm head- quartered in Zurich, Switzerland. We focus almost exclusively on oncology therapeutics, and on helping to drive val- ue creation for our portfolio companies. We invest in the most promising drug discovery companies with the potential Jakob Loven, Ph.D., is a partner at Nex- to create multiple medicines. Our port- tech Invest Ltd. An accomplished on- folio is focused throughout the US and cology-focused entrepreneur and life Europe with investments from company science venture capitalist, Jakob brings inceptions to crossover rounds. At Nex- to Nextech his extensive experience in tech, our in-house team, together with creating, launching and building early an active, top caliber group of Science stage therapeutic-based platform bio- Partners, focus our expertise on identify- technology companies, including Relay ing the critical inflection point between Therapeutics (NASDAQ: RLAY) and Syros early scientific validation and clinical Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: SYRS). Jakob proof-of-concept, the moment that we earned his Ph.D. in medical sciences fo- believe holds the greatest promise for cused on oncology from Karolinska In- patients, and for investors. During this stitute and earned his B.A. in biomedical talk, we will give you a short overview sciences in the UK. of Nextech and present our criteria for a successful investment. Furthermore, we Niresh Berinpanathan is an analyst at will walk you through what a person in Nextech Invest Ltd. joined in November our position does at Nextech in a day 2019. Niresh holds a B.S. in biotechnolo- and finally, we will share insights on the gy and an M.Sc. in biotechnology from types of skills needed to be a successful the Swiss Federal Institute of Technolo- professional at an investment firm. gy Zürich (ETH), where he did his Master thesis in the field of synthetic biology in the research group of Professor Martin Fussenegger. Additionally, while study- ing at ETH he gained initial work expe- rience in the biotech and big pharma world with internships at LimmaTech Biologics AG and at Roche (SIX: RO).

9 12:40-13:2511:00-11:45 FoodClinical Science Trials 11:50-12:35 Consulting


Job selection is a hard work, it should be Ursula is the Business Development Unit a master degree! In this hopefully friend- Head at CROss Alliance. After complet- ly talk, you will get to know what is the ing her bachelor’s degree in Biology Ur- daily life of a small/medium CRO special- sula obtained a grant from the European ised in drug early clinical development . Commission to proceed her post-gradu- Furthermore you will be introduced ate education at the Joint Research Cen- to the personal skills you will acquire tre in Ispra (Italy), where she focused on working in a CRO, the possibilities that the risk assessment of biotechnological the work will open for your professional plants using genetically modified mi- future, the characteristics that it would croorganisms and new regulations on be good for you to have in order to work GMOs. After the three years fellowship, in harmony with the CRO environment, Ursula started working at CROss Alli- and the expectations that you would ance, a Swiss Clinical CRO where she has have probably to resize. covered various roles over more than 20 The talk purpose is to provide you with a years, starting with the role of Clinical set of additional practical instruments to Research Assistant and Clinical Project decide if you have to look for a job in a Leader. Afterwards she changed inter- CRO or you have to scape from it. nally over the Business Development area as BD Assistant and she received more and more responsibility becom- ing BD Manager and finally Unit Head which is her current role. While working at CROSS she proceeded her academ- ic education with a Master degree in pre-clinical and clinical drug research and development at Milano-Bicocca University in Milan, with an interest in the comparative analysis of regulations and definition of observational studies.

10 12:40-13:2511:00-11:45 FoodClinical Science Trials 13:30-14:1511:50-12:35 Regulatory Consulting Affairs

“SCIENTISTS IN CONSULTING: FROM BENCH TO BOARDROOM” Dr. Matthias Bünte & Dr. Victoria Strouvelle, Roland Berger

Are you curious about how the science you studied finds its way into innovative therapies for patients? Are you keen to look behind the scenes of the world’s leading life sciences companies and see what challenges they are facing? Do you believe without a business degree you will not get there any time soon? Wrong – we need people just like you: An excellent science degree Matthias is a Senior Partner in the DACH and your curiosity is all it takes! Life Sciences team of Roland Berger Zu- Let us share our experiences with you rich with over 25 years of management and answer your questions so we can consulting and biotech industry experi- bring you some clarity on the matter. ence. After completing a PhD in Astro- We’ll explain how we got into consulting physics from the ETH, Matthias started and what options exist to fill the business his professional career at BCG before knowledge gap. We will talk about what later transitioning to the Pharma world, professional life looks like, how we sup- holding GM positions at both Amgen port our clients and how we apply many and Celgene in various regions. of the skills that you have also developed during your studies. We will convince Victoria is a consultant in the DACH Life you that consulting is one of the best Sciences team of Roland Berger Zurich next steps to take after a science degree. and part of Matthias Bünte’s team. She See you there! joined Roland Berger in 2019 following the completion of her PhD in HIV-1 re- search from the MIM ETH/UZH joint pro- gramme.

11 12:40-13:25 Food Science


How can science drive a company to success? How can science revolutionize food? In this talk I will present you the role of science at Planted and I will share my experiences as a researcher in aca- demia and industry. At Planted we do fundamental and applied science in col- laboration with our research partners, as we believe that joint research is the key to rapidly improving our world food sys- tem. We use scientific approaches com- bined with bold ideas to craft the next generation of additive-free plant-based meats. Patrick did his PhD in Food Science at ETH Zürich in Food Process Engineering. After his PhD, he did a Post Doc in the Ma- terial Science Department at ETH Zürich and in the Bioengineering Department at the University of California in Berke- ley. Patrick is now the Head of Science at Planted Foods. Planted is a Food Tech company that uses science-based ap- proaches to create delicious meat an- alogues. By combining Food, Material Science and Bioengineering, Patrick is using interdisciplinarity as a tool to max- imise innovation in the food sector.

12 12:40-13:25 Food Science 13:30-14:15 Regulatory Affairs


Regulatory Affairs refers to professionals After obtaining her Master degree in who maintain regulations from within molecular and cell biology at the Uni- the industry. The pharmaceutical indus- versity of Basel, she worked four years try is the most regulated of all industries. as a research assistant in the Medical Re- Regulatory affairs professionals are key search Council (MRC) Institute in Cam- players in drug development. They are bridge, focusing on DNA Replication the primary communications link be- before obtaining a PhD degree from the tween the company and agencies such University of Cambridge at the Gurdon as Swissmedic, and they are responsi- Institute in the field of Cancer Research. ble for keeping up with the increasing In 2006, Lori joined the lab of Prof. Barral scope and complexity of regulations. In at the ETH in Zurich, working in the field the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory of biochemistry and cell aging. In 2012, affairs professionals have expertise in she left acdemia and started to work as a the legal and regulatory environments, Regulatory Affairs Manager and later as as well as in clinical research protocols. Head of Regulatory Affairs at the Regula- Most of the regulatory affairs profession- tory Affairs consulting company MARAS, als have either a natural science or phar- based in Steinhausen, Zug. In 2015, she maceutical background. I will focus on started a new position as Head Regula- 3 aspect of regulatory affairs (early drug tory Affairs at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, development, global role, country role) Rotkreuz, and after three years took on and successful move from academia to the additional role of Head Portfolio and regulatory affairs. Launch management. Since 2019, she has joined AbbVie in Cham as Regulato- ry Affairs Director for AbbVie and since 2020 she has also taken over the respon- sibility for the Allergan products (acqui- sition from Abbvie).

13 14:20-15:05 Medical Affairs

“BRIDGING TWO HALVES OF MY BRAIN” Dr. Christian Gentili, Bristol-Myers Squibb

Life is a search and (re)search can change lives. I would like to take you through the journey of my life as a stu- dent, researcher and Medical Affairs Manager, through different countries, laboratories, people, projects, passions. Now, investing my knowledge and en- ergies trying to improve patients’ lives. You would like to know if Med- ical Affairs might be an option for your future development. I will try to answer your questions based on what I learnt in my ac- ademic and industry experience. Maybe not the truth for all, After obtaining his MSci degree in Med- but a little insight for many. ical Biotechnologies at the University And, will we ever stop (re)searching? of Perugia, he worked two years as re- searcher at Karolinska Institutet in Stock- holm, focusing on autophagy and angio- genesis. In 2009, he moved to Lausanne and in 2014 got a PhD degree in Life Sciences at the Swiss Institute for Cancer Research, EPFL. In 2014, Christian joined the lab of Dr. Ferrari at the University of Zurich, working in the field of Cancer Bi- ology and Drug Development. In 2016, he started as a Regional Medical Liaison Manager for Cardiovascular diseases at Amgen. He then moved to Celgene/BMS to work as a Field Based Medical Affairs Manager, in the field of Haematology Oncology. Since 2020, he is Disease Area Specialist for Myeloid Diseases at Cel- gene/BMS, responsible for the launch of novel therapeutics at national level. 14 14:20-15:05 Medical Affairs 15:10-15:55 Regulation/Ethics

“WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT” Dr. Giovanna Giacalone, Federal Office of Public Health (BAG)

This talk will present my path from ac- ademia to my current job in the public administration, with focus on the chal- lenges I faced and the key factors that contributed to my success. I will then give an overview of the Federal Office of Public Health and its tasks, describe my role there and present a typical working day. Career opportunities in the Office and preferred backgrounds will also be mentioned. The aim of the talk will be to highlight the differences that I have observed in the transition from the ac- Graduated from Pharmaceutical ademic world, so as to help graduates Chemistry and Technology in Italy, I and doctors who would like to pursue a started my career as a scientist in Par- career similar to mine. is, where I obtained my Ph.D. from Université Paris-Sud by working on delivery systems for anti-HIV drugs. After a short project on an atheroscle- rosis treatment, I joined Versantis, an ETH start-up in Zurich where I studied the interactions between peritoneal dialysis for liver-impaired patients and common therapies for this condition. I work now at the Federal Office of Pub- lic Health, where I lead projects aimed at improving the safety and availability of medicinal products in Switzerland. Since March I have also been involved in the Office’s Covid-19 task force to ensure pa- tients access to essential medicines.

15 16:00-16:45 Medical Writing&Publishing 16:50-17:35 Panel Discussion


In this career talk, I will give an over- Christine received her MSci and PhD in view of editorial career opportunities at nanobiotechnology from the University Springer Nature, the daily life of an edi- of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, tor, key requirements and skills, and the , Austria, studying protein confor- pros and cons as compared to academia mations and self-assembly using both and industry. I will also talk about the ap- biophysical and theoretical approaches. plication process, and give some insight She then joined the lab of Molly Stevens into my personal journey from PhD, to at , UK, inves- Postdoc to editor at Nature. tigating the extracellular matrix and cell–material interactions. In 2015, she moved to Karolinska Institute, Sweden, conducting in vivo studies of anti-fi- brotic biomaterials. In September 2017, she joined the Nature Reviews Materials team as an Associate Editor, and from July 2019 moved to be a Locum Senior editor at Nature Nanotechnology, where she was primarily responsible for nano- medicine and nanobiotechnology. Since July 2020, Christine is back at Nature Re- views Materials, handling manuscript in biomaterials, nanomedicine and .

16 16:00-16:45 Medical Writing&Publishing 16:50-17:35 Panel Discussion


Together with you, we want to discuss your questions related to careers in the industry. For the discussion, we want to have your input. Please share with us your ques- tion you may have. Please use the following link to send your questions:

Dr. Christian Klein Dr. Susanne Page Head Oncology Programs Head of Formulation & Process R&D

Victoria Beindl Dr. Volker Herdtweck Patient Safety Fellow Campus Marketing & University Relations 17 17:40-18:25 Plant Science


Syngenta Group is one of the world’s Stefano Torriani holds a PhD in natural leading agriculture innovation compa- science from ETH-Zurich in the plant pa- nies, with roots going back more than thology group, receiving the ETH Medal 250 years. It’s 49,000 people across Award in 2009. After having worked as more than 100 countries strive to post-doctoral fellow and head assistant transform agriculture through break- at ETHZ, Stefano joined Syngenta as through products and technologies that Team Leader of Fungicide Resistance Re- play a vital role in enabling the food search in 2014. Since then he is member chain to feed the world safely, sustain- of the Global Fungicide Resistance Ac- ably and with respect for our planet. tion Committee Working Groups for dif- ferent fungicide classes. In 2019, Stefano Switzerland plays an important role for was appointed as co-chair of the FRAC Syngenta. Beside our headquarter in Ba- working group responsible for fungi- sel, the research center of Stein contrib- cide anti-resistance strategies in banana utes significantly to our R&D strategy. cropping. From 2021 he is leading the More than 300 permanent employees global fungicide resistance network of (>100 with PhD) from 25 nationalities Syngenta aiming to monitor and inves- create a multidisciplinary environment tigate resistance evolution in all conti- with a deep scientific background. Here nents, crops and pathogens. we will get a closer insight to the sus- tainable development goals, the inno- vation and the career opportunities at Syngenta.

18 17:40-18:25 Plant Science Keynote

“Innovation by Evolution: Bringing New Chemistry to Life” Prof. Dr. Frances Arnold California Institute of Technology 18:30-19:15

Not satisfied with biology’s vast catalyst repertoire, I want to create new en- zyme catalysts and expand the chemistry of life. We use the most powerful biological design process, evolution, to optimize existing enzymes and invent new ones, thereby circumventing our profound ignorance of how sequence encodes function. Evolution can also innovate: we can generate whole new enzyme catalysts with a little insight from chemistry. New-to-nature enzymes increase the scope of molecules and materials we can build using synthetic biology and move us closer to a sustainable world where human-invented chemistry will be genetically encoded.

19 Frances Arnold Our Events

Frances Arnold is the Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bio- engineering and Biochemistry at the California Institute of Technology. Ar- nold received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (2018) for pioneering directed enzyme evolution methods, which she has used to engineer enzymes for al- ternative energy, chemicals, and medicine. Arnold received the Charles Stark Draper Prize of the US National Academy of Engineering (2011), the US Na- tional Medal of Technology and Innovation from President Obama (2013), and the Millennium Technology Prize (2016). She has been elected to all three US National Academies of Science, Medicine, and Engineering; she is a For- eign Member of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and was appointed to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 2019.

Arnold is co-inventor on more than 60 patents and co-founded three com- panies. She is a Director of Illumina and Alphabet, chairs the Advisory Panel of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Fellowships in Science and Engi- neering, and is Vice President of the Board of Trustees of the Gordon Research Conferences. She received her B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University and her Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.

20 Frances Arnold Our Events

ZURICH LIFE SCIENCE DAY ZURICH LIFE SCIENCE WEEK Aiming to expand the horizons Trains life scientists on how to of young scientists in pursuit of best seize job opportunities in a a career as well as increase their week long event. The Zurich Life network. The Zurich Life Science Science Week brings together Day brings together more than twenty selected PhDs or postdocs 800 young scientists every year. in life sciences and medicine.

COMPANY VISITS CAREER CHATS Company Visits empower our This speaker series features ex- participants to learn more about perts from a variety of disci- their future possibilities with- plines and professions who in- in a firm as well as give them troduce their company, career the opportunity to get to know possibilities within, and their innovative companies on site. everyday life in a 40 min talk.

MINDSET MindSet was created to spark discussions on current social and scientific issues in front of a broad audience to inspire our out- look on the world of tomorrow.

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The exceptional EY experience. It’s yours to build. © 2020 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. ED None. All Rights Reserved. Limited. © 2020 EYGM Be Bebrave. brave. Push Push boundaries. boundaries. ChangeBeChange brave. the the future Push future ofboundaries. ofhealthcare healthcare together together with with Change the future of healthcare together with us. At Roche,At Roche, we arewe areworking working towards towards one one goal: goal: solving solving some some of theof greatestthe greatest challenges challenges for forhumanity humanity using using science science Atand Roche, andtechnology. technology. we are working Every Every day, towards day, our our workone work goal: impacts impacts solving the thesome lives lives of of ofmillions themillions greatest of patients of challenges patients all aroundall for around humanity the the world. usingworld. Soundsscience Sounds thrilling thrilling andand technology. andyou youare areinterested Every interested day, in our seeingin workseeing more?impacts more? the lives of millions of patients all around the world. Sounds thrilling and you are interested in seeing more?

By challenging conventional thinking and our wild curiosity, By challenging conventional thinking and our wild curiosity, By challengingwe have become conventional one of thinking the world’s and our leading wild curiosity,research- we havefocused become healthcare one of companies. the world’s leading research- wefocused have become healthcare one ofcompanies. the world’s leading research- focusedThis healthcare would not companies. be possible without brilliant students/PhDs/ ThisThis would postdocswould not not orbe be recentpossible possible graduates without without brilliant with brilliant a passionstudents/PhDs/ students/PhDs/ for: postdocs or or recent recent graduates graduates with with a passion a passion for: for: • Natural Sciences/Life Sciences •• NaturalNatural• Digital Sciences/Life Sciences/Life Sciences Sciences Sciences •• DigitalDigital• Computer Sciences Sciences Sciences/IT •• ComputerComputer• Engineering Sciences/IT Sciences/IT •• EngineeringEngineering• Business •• BusinessBusiness Be brave, take matters into your own hands. Apply at Be brave,brave,Roche take take for matters internships, matters into into your trainee/fellowship your own own hands. hands. Apply programmes Apply at at or Roche for internships, trainee/fellowship programmes or Rocheentry-level for internships, positions. trainee/fellowship These development programmes opportunities or give entry-levelyou the positions. chance Theseto grow development and make aopportunities difference to give patients. youentry-level the chance positions. to grow Theseand make development a difference opportunities to patients. give you theYou chanceown your to career. grow andThe makenext step a difference is yours! to patients. You your career. The next step is yours! genext.roche.comYou own your career. The next step is yours!

01_ROC_37_HR_20_224_Bärner_Studizytig_science_210x297.indd 1 29.01.20 10:39 01_ROC_37_HR_20_224_Bärner_Studizytig_science_210x297.indd 1 29.01.20 10:39

01_ROC_37_HR_20_224_Bärner_Studizytig_science_210x297.indd 1 29.01.20 10:39 Are you longing to be part of a team striving to make a difference in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic?

We are hiring! Join us in our pursuit to expedite life-saving biotherapeutics and vaccines to patients.

Who we are? Celonic Group is a global Contract Development Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) based in Basel, Switzerland, and Heidelberg, Germany, providing comprehensive development and manufacturing services for biotherapeutics including cell and gene therapy. We partner with biotech and pharmaceutical clients to bring the next generation of biologics to the market.

What we offer? As an employee-driven company, we encourage our people to take on responsibility and actively participate in decision- making. You will join a team of ambitious and motivated people to grow and achieve personal and company goals together. Be brave. Push boundaries. Why we need you? Now more than ever, we need the best Be brave. Push boundaries. minds working together on solutions to deliver transformative Be brave. Push boundaries. biologics faster to the clinic. ChangeChange the the future future of ofhealthcare healthcare together together with with Get in touch with us:

Change the future of healthcare together with us. At Roche,At Roche, we arewe areworking working towards towards one one goal: goal: solving solving some some of theof greatestthe greatest challenges challenges for forhumanity humanity using using science science Atand Roche, andtechnology. technology. we are working Every Every day, towards day, our our workone work goal: impacts impacts solving the thesome lives lives of of ofmillions themillions greatest of patients of challenges patients all aroundall for around humanity the the world. usingworld. Soundsscience Sounds thrilling thrilling andand technology. andyou youare areinterested Every interested day, in our seeingin workseeing more?impacts more? the lives of millions of patients all around the world. Sounds thrilling and you are interested in seeing more?

By challenging conventional thinking and our wild curiosity, By challenging conventional thinking and our wild curiosity, By challengingwe have become conventional one of thinking the world’s and our leading wild curiosity,research- we havefocused become healthcare one of companies. the world’s leading research- wefocused have become healthcare one ofcompanies. the world’s leading research- focusedThis healthcare would not companies. be possible without brilliant students/PhDs/ ThisThis would postdocswould not not orbe be recentpossible possible graduates without without brilliant with brilliant a passionstudents/PhDs/ students/PhDs/ for: postdocs or or recent recent graduates graduates with with a passion a passion for: for: • Natural Sciences/Life Sciences •• NaturalNatural• Digital Sciences/Life Sciences/Life Sciences Sciences Sciences •• DigitalDigital• Computer Sciences Sciences Sciences/IT •• ComputerComputer• Engineering Sciences/IT Sciences/IT •• EngineeringEngineering• Business •• BusinessBusiness Be brave, take matters into your own hands. Apply at Be brave,brave,Roche take take for matters internships, matters into into your trainee/fellowship your own own hands. hands. Apply programmes Apply at at or Roche for internships, trainee/fellowship programmes or Rocheentry-level for internships, positions. trainee/fellowship These development programmes opportunities or give entry-levelyou the positions. chance Theseto grow development and make aopportunities difference to give patients. youentry-level the chance positions. to grow Theseand make development a difference opportunities to patients. give you theYou chanceown your to career. grow andThe makenext step a difference is yours! to patients. You your career. The next step is yours! genext.roche.comYou own your career. The next step is yours!

01_ROC_37_HR_20_224_Bärner_Studizytig_science_210x297.indd 1 29.01.20 10:39 01_ROC_37_HR_20_224_Bärner_Studizytig_science_210x297.indd 1 29.01.20 10:39

01_ROC_37_HR_20_224_Bärner_Studizytig_science_210x297.indd 1 29.01.20 10:39 Kelly Services (Switzerland) AG, founded in 1979 in Switzerland, has been specialized in the recruitment of Life Sciences talent since 1999 in Basel, Zurich and Geneva. We offer you a 360-degree recruitment service and an individual support.

Hey, Mr. & Mrs. Tutee We have built a booth around this question: HOW DO I START MY CAREER?

Let’s meet in the skill lounge and boost your career entry.

Stay curious and learn what’s next: • The SKILL LOUNGE will boost up your skills What’s your skill set? What skills are needed in the industry? What are mad skills? Get to know yourself and find out what matters. Try a video interview and gain experience... etc. • Get JOB INSIGHTS from the industry Meet successful scientists and learn about: What options do you have? What can you expect from an employer? Is a PhD an advantage or disadvantage in the industry?... etc. • Get RECRUITER INSIGHTS from the industry What do recruiters want to see in an application? What behavior do they expect? How do recruiters select their candidates? How do recruiters help you to get a career entry?... etc.

We hire graduates for the Life Sciences industry • Pharmaceutical Research, Development & Formulation • Project & Change Management • Chemistry, Biology & Biotechnology • Purchase & Sales • Clinical Research & Development • Finance & Supply Chain • Qualification, Validation & Process Technology • IT, Engineering & Mechanics • QA & Compliance • Administration & HR • Regulatory Affairs, Medical Affairs & Pharmacovigilance • Communication & Marketing • Production, Packaging & Logistics LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR CAREER [email protected] Kelly Services (Switzerland) AG, founded in 1979 in Switzerland, has been specialized in the recruitment of Life Sciences talent since 1999 in Basel, Zurich and Geneva. We offer you a 360-degree recruitment service and an individual support.

Hey, Mr. & Mrs. Tutee We have built a booth around this question: HOW DO I START MY CAREER?

Let’s meet in the skill lounge and boost your career entry.

Stay curious and learn what’s next: • The SKILL LOUNGE will boost up your skills What’s your skill set? What skills are needed in the industry? What are mad skills? Get to know yourself and find out what matters. Try a video interview and gain experience... etc. • Get JOB INSIGHTS from the industry Meet successful scientists and learn about: What options do you have? What can you expect from an employer? Is a PhD an advantage or disadvantage in the industry?... etc. • Get RECRUITER INSIGHTS from the industry What do recruiters want to see in an application? What behavior do they expect? How do recruiters select their candidates? How do recruiters help you to get a career entry?... etc.

We hire graduates for the Life Sciences industry • Pharmaceutical Research, Development & Formulation • Project & Change Management two steps ahead. • Chemistry, Biology & Biotechnology • Purchase & Sales • Clinical Research & Development • Finance & Supply Chain • Qualification, Validation & Process Technology • IT, Engineering & Mechanics • QA & Compliance • Administration & HR • Regulatory Affairs, Medical Affairs & Pharmacovigilance • Communication & Marketing • Production, Packaging & Logistics At Roland Berger, you will expand your horizons. We will help you grow exponentially and achieve more LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR CAREER than you can even imagine. We are looking for people who reach for the stars, but keep the right balance [email protected] and their feet on the ground. As a consultant with us, you are always two steps ahead. Join Tecan

Tecan is a global leader, The values of ambition, providing automation and highest standards and trust detection solutions for the lie at the heart of everything biopharma, forensic and Tecan does. The company diagnostic industries. The strives to keep ahead by company is a leader in the constantly improving its development, production offerings and empowering its and distribution of partners and customers to advanced solutions for the achieve their goals, whether in world‘s leading life science business or in research. laboratories. With its international The company’s contribution headquarters on the shores has probably never been of Lake Zurich in Switzerland, more apparent than during Tecan has a substantial the COVID-19 pandemic. With presence in North America, its solutions for diagnostic the Asia-Pacific region and testing and applications in several other European research, therapeutics and countries. The company vaccine development, Tecan offers a range ofexciting has played a significant role in career opportunities across the battle to defeat the virus. its different geographies and professional. Whether your interests lie in the corporate functions, sales and marketing or product development, or in R&D, service or operations, Tecan could be the place for you.


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DHC AG | Hardturmstrasse 133 | CH – 8005 Zürich | I advance because, at this company, innovation isn’t limited to research – it’s everywhere.

Join us to grow, collaborate, innovate and improve lives. Apply at I advance because, at this company, innovation isn’t limited to research – it’s everywhere.

Join us to grow, collaborate, innovate and improve lives. Apply at What are you looking for?

Eager to leave a footprint? With a global team of 10,000 people, Sartorius offers the perfect size to make your work count. Whether you join us in Sales & Services, R&D, Product Management or Marketing, you will find the chance to make your contribution.

Finding it hard to choose? Big pharma, a startup, academia? At Sartorius, you won’t need to choose as you can work with all of the above. Our technologies help biotech scientists and engineers across the globe to develop and manufacture medications from the first idea in the labs all the way to large-scale production.

Ambitious to grow? Sartorius is one of fastest-growing global life science companies. This growth offers various opportunities to develop your career. We have ~600 open positions worldwide: Which one will you take to grow with us? What are you looking for?

Eager to leave a footprint? With a global team of 10,000 people, Sartorius offers the perfect size to make your work count. Whether you join us in Sales & Services, R&D, Product Management or Marketing, you will find the chance to make your contribution.

Finding it hard to choose? Big pharma, a startup, academia? At Sartorius, you won’t need to choose as you can work with all of the above. Our technologies help biotech scientists and engineers across the globe to develop and manufacture medications from the first idea in the labs all the way to large-scale production.

Ambitious to grow? Sartorius is one of fastest-growing global life science companies. This growth offers various opportunities to develop your career. We have ~600 open positions worldwide: Which one will you take to grow with us? We bring clarity to complex solutions.

For more than 25 years, life science companies, law firms, and regulatory agencies around the globe have turned to CRA’s life sciences consultants when they need clarity and solutions to the industry’s most complex issues. Clients value our deep industry knowledge, rigorous analytic techniques, and decades of hands-on experience spanning thousands of successful engagements.

What does CRA look for?

Our consultants combine scientific and medical backgrounds with expertise in business and life science. However, working at CRA goes beyond the numbers. At CRA we’ll expect you to model and interpret complex data, defend your recommendations, and skillfully manage interactions with CRA team members and clients.

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Our Mission Our Vision To discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines To be the leading pharmaceutical company in Switzerland that help patients prevail over serious diseases. that transforms patients’ lives through science.

Bristol Myers Squibb in Switzerland

1,220 employees at five different locations, including three production facilities, make us one of the top five pharmaceutical companies in Switzerland. Zurich Boudry Zofingen Pharmaceutical company and global functions Steinhausen 830 employees including apprentices Boudry Couvet Couvet Production facility 110 employees including apprentices

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