Independent Inquiry into the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell

Interim Report

Requested by the Muslim Council of Britain July 2016


1. Background

1.1. MCB Constitution

1.2. Introduction

1.3. Terms of Reference

2. Investigation

3. Trustee roles Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque 4. 5. BBC interview request to Mr Qureshi

6. Written response from Mr Qureshi 7. 8. Position Statement: The Muslim Council of Britain and Ahmadis

9. Panel Assessment

10. Conclusions

11. Recommendations


Interim Independent Inquiry of The Aalami Majlise

Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque requested

1. Background

The Muslim Council of Britain has requested an Independent Panel to conduct an Inquiry into allegations made by the BBC regarding Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque. The Panel is and will remain independent and ensure the report is based on evidence. The Panel have used the terms Ahmadiyya and Ahmadi as have indeed the wider community.

I would like to thank the Panel members for their valuable insight into this matter which has resulted in this balanced interim report. The final report will be completed when there is a response from the BBC and Metropolitan Police Service. (Copies of correspondence have been published in this report at Appendix E and F)

The entire Panel has unequivocally condemned any violence or threat of violence against the Ahmadi community. The leaflets identified are abhorrent and the Metropolitan Police Service must be supported to carry out a rigorous investigation into those responsible for publishing and distributing them. Mr. Qureshi, who was the subject interviewed for the BBC 12th of April 2016 broadcast, has registered complaints with Ofcom and the BBC, it is right and proper that these complaints are examined in full by Ofcom and the BBC, and then their findings considered in the final iteration of this report.

1.1 MCB Constitution

The Muslim Council of Britain is a national representative Muslim umbrella body founded in 1997. The Declaration of Intent within its Constitution shapes its ethos and vision, of foremost importance the commitment to be ‘informed and guided by the Qur’an and the Sunnah in all its aims, policies and procedures’, and to be ‘a non-sectarian body working for the common good without interfering in, displacing or isolating any existing Muslim work in the community.’ It is thus an association based on Islamic religious values, with the pursuit of the ‘common good’ encompassing responsible citizenship and respect for religious pluralism.


The MCB has over 500 affiliates on its books, including , professional groupings, charities, women’s organisations and other civil society bodies, from all parts of the British Isles, and reflecting diverse social and cultural backgrounds and schools of thought. This makes it a leading and authentic voice of the nation’s

Muslim communities.

The organisation conducts its affairs in a transparent and democratic manner, guided by a constitution and other governance documents available on its website ( Its office bearers are elected for a two-year term of office, and stand accountable to an annual general assembly comprising affiliates’ delegates.

The MCB’s core work is funded by affiliation fees and donations from well-wishers. It has successfully bid for the delivery of services, notably the dissemination of legislation and health-related information, through its affiliate network and web presence. An example of the former is its collaboration with the Department of Trade & Industry in 2003-2004 to increase community awareness of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations and for the MCBDirect web project in 2007. The MCB has not sought funds from Government at any time for its core activities, in case this inhibits its aim to remain a constructive and critical friend of HMG. It is in this spirit that the MCB invests considerable time and effort in responding to Government’s public calls for consultation and appearing before parliamentary committees. 1

1.2 Introduction

On the 21st of March 2016, Mr Qureshi was interviewed by Owen Bennet Jones following an email exchange with Innes Bowen, who, as the senior producer arranged for Mr Qureshi to be interviewed. Mr Qureshi is one of four trustees at the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque, and states he does not have authority to speak on behalf of the Mosque.

1 Recent examples include evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee on the impact of the Prevent strategy and the proposed Counter-Extremism Bill (see VI) and written submission to the Women & Equalities Committee (see equalities-committee/employment-opportunities-for-muslims-in-the-uk/written/30260.html). For an archive of MCB submissions in response to calls for consultation since 2002 see


Mr Qureshi stated he has undertaken a considerable level of interfaith dialogue, including working with the Ahmadi community, and he believed the BBC interview would focus on these issues. In addition Mr Qureshi stated he was working in the Middle East for 10 months and was not in the UK when the leaflets were allegedly

found in the Mosque in 2015.

The interview in the BBC coverage focused on leaflets allegedly found in Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque. Mr Qureshi stated;

“Stockwell Mosque is an independent body. Our association with AMTKN Multan is academic in nature. They have material from the Ahmadiyya movement dating back to the 1900s. These materials include books, letters, pamphlets, newspapers, etc by the founder of Ahmadiyya movement that allow us to reference our theological differences. Many of these materials are not available in the UK, therefore, when we require these Ahmadiyya materials they are provided to us.”

Evidence to the Independent Panel

On Tuesday the 12th of April 2016, Mr Qureshi’s interview by the BBC about leaflets which ‘supported the killing of Ahmadiyas’ was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and was published online. The BBC alleged the leaflets were found in the Mosque. The report was subsequently placed on the BBC website (Appendix A). The Panel note that these leaflets have been supplied to the Mosque by the BBC and the Mosque has stated that it has no knowledge of these leaflets and states they have on no occasion had sight of the leaflets, prior to the BBC interview.

The BBC also alleged that in 2011 certain leaflets of a similar nature were apparently also found at the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque. The BBC report alleged the latest leaflets (Appendix B) were found on a table at the entrance to the Mosque.

Panel members visited the Mosque and noted that the table on which the leaflets were allegedly found had been removed and a notice prohibiting display of leaflets (without permission of the Trustees) was posted.

On Thursday the 14th of April 2016 , Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque affiliation membership of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) was suspended by the Muslim Council of Britain and an Independent Panel set up to review the claims made by the BBC.


Episode two of The was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 09:00 BST on Tuesday 12 April 2016.

Mr Qureshi was interviewed for the programme and states he was invited by Innes

Bowen for an interview with Owen Bennet Jones. The subject/discussion points in the email were not the subjects discussed by Owen Bennet Jones. Mr Qureshi has made an official complaint to Ofcom (Appendix C).

The Charity Commission has written to Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque after being contacted by the BBC to respond to the leaflets allegedly found in the Mosque. (Appendix D)


The panel’s Terms of Reference are listed below. The Panel was asked to report its findings by the 11th of May 2016. However this deadline has been extended to the 21st of June 2016 to allow for additional information requested to be brought forward to the Panel.

1. To investigate the veracity of allegations made against Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat in the media only in so far as its conduct and activities in the are concerned. 2. To find all relevant facts in relation to the allegations including the genuineness or otherwise of alleged hateful publications found on the premises of the affiliate. 3. The Panel shall be free to receive oral and/or written representation from any person or organisation that is likely to assist it in making findings. 4. To determine whether the named affiliate has been and/or remains engaged in such activities that make its continued affiliation with the MCB undesirable and not in accord with the Sharia and the duty to promote and work for the common good of the society. 5. To make such recommendations as it thinks appropriate in the light of the findings of facts. 6. The investigation must be concluded within four weeks of today. It should submit its written report to the Secretary General and any findings and recommendations it makes must have the support of no less than two thirds majority of the Panel. 7. The Secretary General of the MCB shall be bound by the findings and recommendations that the Panel may make and shall take such steps as are necessary within 10 days of receiving the report. 6

8. The affiliate concerned has the right of appeal against any findings and/or recommendations made by the Panel as set out in Article 5(3) of the MCB Constitution.

The Investigation Panel shall not involve itself in matters of theology or in actions/conduct/laws in countries other than the United Kingdom.


1. Mr Dalwardin Babu OBE (Chairman) 2. Maulana Imam Dr Shahid Raza Naeemi OBE 3. Reverend Alan Green 4. Ms Ifath Nawaz, Solicitor 5. Prof Iqbal Asaria CBE 6. Maulana Yunus Dhudwala 7. Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra


2. Investigation

The panel has conducted the investigation as follows:

· The contact details of Dalwardin Babu (Chair) was placed on a poster in the Mosque requesting interested parties to contact the Panel.

· Reverend Alan Green and Dalwardin Babu conducted direct interviews with Mr Qureshi and the Imam of Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque. 2

· The Panel sought to engage with the Trustees.

· A visit to the mosque to look at the facilities, public areas and general governance.

· The Panel Members listened to the programme on the BBC website.

· A written request to Mr Qureshi with the following questions:

1) Can you please clarify who the registered trustee is with the Charity Commission and what their contact details are?

2) Can you please clarify in terms of Governance who the lead/Chair trustee is for the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque?

3) What is the protocol for distributing leaflets/information and speakers at the Mosque?

4) Can you please comment on the BBC report and in terms of accuracy of your alleged comments?

2 The interview was conducted with the Imam and Mr Qureshi together who were supported by two members of the Mosque. All parties were fully cooperative and supported the Panel’s investigation. 8

5) I understand you have a transcript of your interviews with the BBC can you please share these with me?

6) Did Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque sanction the

alleged leaflets mentioned by the BBC?

7) Does the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque have copies of these leaflets displayed presently?

8) Who placed these leaflets in the Mosque?

9) Does Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque reject violence against 'Kill Ahmadis' leaflets found in UK mosque?

10) What did Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque do after the 2011 distribution 'Kill Ahmadis' leaflets; to stop/mitigate such leaflets being distributed?

Can you please confirm a date when the panel can visit the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque to look at the site and take oral evidence?


3. TRUSTEE ROLES - Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque.

The Panel note the trustees according to the Charity Commission are as follows:

MR HAFEEZ MOHAMMED NAGEEN – (Home Address redacted) MR MOHAMMAD BILAL PATEL –(Email redacted ) MR TOAHA QURESHI MBE – ( Email redacted) DR ABDUR RAHMAN KHALID – (Home Address redacted)

The Panel has had contact with two of the four trustees for the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque as noted on the Charity Commission open source records.

The two trustees the Panel has had contact with are:

Mr Toaha Qureshi and Mr Mohammad Bilal Patel, both of whom have denied that the leaflets identified by the BBC are connected to the Mosque.

An email from Mr Patel (Trustee) can be seen on the following page. Mr Qureshi has responded to a set of questions put forward to him by the Panel. His response can be seen in the next section entitled; “Written Response from Mr. Qureshi.”


15 May 2016

Mr. Dalwardin Babu Chair MCB Independent Panel

Dear Mr. Babu, RE: MCB Independent Panel Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat/Stockwell Mosque

Further to your email with regards to the BBC report and leaflets as my knowledge I confirm that our trust does not print any leaflets or pamphlets of any kind that promotes hatred or extremism. We reject all kind of violence and condemn extremism/terrorism. We promote peaceful coexistence of people from all walks of life

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

M B Patel Founder Trustee AMTKN Registered charity number 328715

The Panel have not had contact with:

MR HAFEEZ MOHAMMED NAGEEN –( Home Address redacted ) DR ABDUR RAHMAN KHALID – (Home Address redacted)

The panel has written to these two trustees who have not responded.


4. BBC Interview Request to Mr Qureshi

th Mr Qureshi was contacted by Innes Bowen on the 18 of March 2016 in preparation for an interview with Owen Bennet Jones for a BBC Radio and on line broadcast regarding schools in the UK. The interview email did not mention the leaflets which were subsequently discussed.

The Panel noted the email specifically mentioned the following:

“He is now concentrating on the strong influence of the Deobandi school in the UK. He would like to interview you about:

· from your experience in Stockwell, how the Deobandi school is maintaining its influence in Britain; · how the Deobandi school has adapted (or not) to Britain - particularly in an area where there are Muslims from different ethnic backgrounds; · where your imams/scholars come from (are they UK trained, darul uloom trained etc); · your role in the interfaith movement and the extent to which that is typical of those from a Deobandi background; · the challenge of extremism in Britain; · the role that you personally have played in countering extremism and advising governments.”

Mr. Qureshi states that he believes the request for the interview was misleading and did not make any mention of leaflets which were shown to him during the interview.

Mr. Qureshi believes had he had sight of the leaflets he would have been able to conduct research into the organisations that had produced them and responded in an informed manner.

Furthermore, Mr. Qureshi states that he was not authorised to speak on behalf of the Mosque.

Mr. Qureshi provided copies of the correspondence from the BBC in relation to the interview to the Panel.

The full email sent by Innes Bowen of the BBC to Mr. Qureshi can be seen below:


BBC interview with Owen Bennett Jones 1 message Innes Bowen 18 March 2016 at 21:38 To: "chair Cc: "u

Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed by Owen Bennett Jones tomorrow. I will try to arrange the interview for 3 pm at Stockwell (could you please advise re address). Failing that, I will arrange it for 4 pm at New

Broadcasting House, London W1A 1AA. It should last about 30 minutes. Owen Bennett Jones is making a documentary series, primarily for Radio 4, but also for the BBC World Service about the Deobandi school. Owen will probably also hopes to do some associated journalism for BBC online and BBC TV to promote interest in the series.

Owen has already recorded material in Deobandi itself and in Raiwind for his World Service programme. He is now concentrating on the strong influence of the Deobandi school in the UK. He would like to interview you about:

- from your experience in Stockwell, how the Deobandi school is maintaining its influence in Britain; - how the Deobandi school has adapted (or not) to Britain - particularly in an area where there are Muslims from different ethnic backgrounds; - where your imams/scholars come from (are they UK trained, darul uloom trained etc); - your role in the interfaith movement and the extent to which that is typical of those from a Deobandi background; - the challenge of extremism in Britain; - the role that you personally have played in countering extremism and advising governments.

We are not expecting you to be an expert on the history or theology - we want you to talk from personal experience.

I will text you to confirm details as soon as I hear for Owen.

Thank you once again.

Innes xxxxxxxxxxxx

Contact emails and mobile number redacted.

The subsequent interview by Owens Bennet Jones focused on leaflets that were allegedly found in Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque.

5. Written response from Mr Qureshi


Response A


MCB Independent Panel

Dear Mr. Babu,

RE: MCB Independent Panel Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque

Further to your call on Sunday for a meeting I am sorry we could not agree to meet as it was very short notice but we had a detailed discussion over the phone. Then I responded to your subsequent email by reassuring you of my cooperation. I also asked you to inform the other trustees at the charity’s registered address which I am sure you have done so.

Please find attached copy of the leaflet the BBC as discussed. Let make it absolutely clear right from the outset that I reject all kind of violence and not only condemn extremism/terrorism but have a track record working with statutory bodies in countering the menace of terrorism. I fully subscribe to pluralistic and peaceful coexistence of people from all walks of life I personally have invited many Ahmadyia people in my programmes. I have also shared platforms with them on many occasions. My theological position is exactly as the Muslim Council of Britain has i.e. Muslim is one who believes in monotheism and in the finality of the prophet hood of the Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him. The Ahmadyia community believes in another prophet Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and follow his teachings. According to Ahmadyia faith those who not believe in their prophet are non Muslims. This is one of the reasons why the parliament of Islamic Republic of Pakistan declared them non Muslims. Same was done by the World Muslim League in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is not up to the BBC or the British government to force mainstream Muslims to accept them as Muslims as this clearly will confuse many people. As a neighbor or a colleague must not have any problem with them. Please also note that a Glasgow’s Ahmadyia, Mr. Asad Shah’s murder was after the BBC’s report was recorded but confusion has been created that probably ?????

Our response to your questions is as follows: 1) Can you please clarify who the registered trustee is with the Charity Commission and what their contact details are?


M Bilal Patel (Founder trustee), Toaha Qureshi MBE appointed by the Charity Commission, Khalid Mahmood, Hafeez Nagin

2) Can you please clarify in terms of Governance who the lead/Chair

trustee is for the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque?

3) What is the protocol for distributing leaflets/information and speakers at the Mosque?

Mr. Nagin is the contact person with the Charity Commission

3) 4) Can you please comment on the BBC report and In terms of accuracy of your alleged comments?

Please refer to attached detailed response.

5) I understand you have a transcript of your interviews with the BBC can you please share these with me?

Please see attached

6) Did Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque sanction the alleged leaflets mentioned by the BBC?


7) Does the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque have copies of these leaflets displayed presently?


8) Who placed these leaflets in the Mosque?

Not aware, still investigating.

9) Does Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque reject violence against 'Kill Ahmadis' leaflets found in UK mosque?


AMTKN is an educational institution and does not promote or support killing of any individual no matter whatever the belief he/she has. These particular leaflets were fake. AMTKN rejects violence right from the outset against Ahmadyia community.

10) What did Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque do after the 2011 distribution 'Kill Ahmadis' leaflets; to stop/mitigate such leaflets being distributed?

The leaflet shown to me in 2011 were fake. According to BBC’s report they could not verify the genuninty of the above leaflets. AMTKN did not distribute these leaflets at all as they do not belong to us. We are not be responsible for the activities carried out in Pakistan.

11) Can you please confirm a date when the panel can visit the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque to look at the site and take oral evidence?

I can meet next week any time. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind Regards, Toaha Qureshi MBE Contact details redacted


Clarifications in light of confusion and misconceptions borne out of the recycled reports of the BBC:

1. I condemn any form of violence or hatred against any community, whether intra- faith or interfaith, including Ahmadiyas. I have worked tirelessly to promote religious harmony and community cohesion; my work has involved interfaith dialogue, conflict resolution, counter extremism, de-radicalisation and rehabilitation. I believe in the freedom of expression and practice of religion being a fundamental, universal right for all.

2. No doubt this matter has created a great deal of concern for me personally and I apologise for any anxiety that may have been caused by this incident. 16

3. I am liaising with the communities and authorities to ensure that community cohesion and community safety remains intact.

4. I am neither the Imam nor the Principal of the AMTKN (The Trust), informally known as Stockwell Green Mosque. I was appointed as Trustee by the Charity Commission while the Trust was going through some difficult times.

5. Muhammad Iqbal and Mufti Mehmood ul Hasan are the Imams/caretakers. Hafeez Nagin is the Principal, the listed contact for the Trust with the charity commission and is responsible for the operation of the Trust.

6. I am not a trustee of the Khatme Nabuwwat Academy. The Trust is an independent legal entity and has no links with them.

7. We have no links with the any organisations mentioned on the leaflets shown to me in the interview.

8. The Trust is an open, public place that welcomes people from all backgrounds. The Trust activities include education, welfare and training.

9. The Trust is an independent, legal entity and does not have any connection with the organisations mentioned in the leaflets, as shown to me during the interview, based in Pakistan (Lahore, Faisalabad) etc.

10. For the past few years, The Trust has arranged a number of interfaith events including most recently an interfaith breakfast and collaboration with Faiths Together in Lambeth (FTiL) combining the United Nation’s World Interfaith Harmony Week and MCB’s Visit My Mosque Day.

11. I was deeply disappointed and frustrated when questions were being asked that were outside of the brief emailed to me by the BBC. No doubt questions of a serious nature were being posed; but the hostile and aggressive nature of the interview frustrated me, which was visible during the interview. The BBC broadcast was not a fair reflection of my views given in the entire interview. I have a requested the BBC for the full recording of my interview which reflects my true position that the programme did not convey.

12. During my interview I made a complaint against the interviewers and the programme team at the BBC that I was brought for interview under the false pretences. In an email sent to me by the BBC which detailed the subjects of


interview that the interview would include, it did not make any mention whatsoever of the allegations with respect to the leaflets, nor with respect to Khatm-e-nubuwwat. Th e producers and interviewers obtained an interview from me by deception. Therefore, the interviewer and programme team beached their own BBC Producer

Guidelines as they failed to give me any notice and information in advance in relation to the allegations and the main thrust of the interview. As a result they failed to give sufficient opportunity for me to provide a considered response to the allegations and investigate them. The approach should have been honest, clear and specific – the BBC did not take this route. Rather, they ambushed me.

13. To be clear, I was not provided the leaflets in advance, and they were only shown to me on the spot during the interview. The interviewer did not inform me about the leaflets beforehand; they had a duty to provide me and the Trust an opportunity to conduct a review into these leaflets beforehand, as BBC did in 2011, so that a fair and informed discussion could take place, which would have been the ethical way to approach such a sensitive, theological matter. The leaflets shown to me were as follows: a. Two leaflets were the same as shown to me in 2011. These were responded to by the Trust when BBC’s Kurt Barling interviewed me. They were shown to me in advance by Kurt and after doing the relevant checks, they were identified as fake and they had bogus contact details. BBC could not ‘verify who had produced the leaflet in Pakistan’ yet after 5 years they were being recycled to sensationalise the story and muddy the waters to obtain a predetermined outcome, which has caused huge personal and reputational damage. I was frustrated that taxpayer’s money was being wasted in such a reckless manner by recycling material that was 5 years old. The research was in conflict with their guidelines – it was not thorough nor was it accurate and clearly it had not been verified. b. The other two leaflets shown to me were not from our Trust and were clearly labeled as other organisations material based abroad. It did not have our address or details at all.

14. After my repeated requests, I was sent the leaflets. Just as I unequivocally stated in the interview, I can now reconfirm the following with respect to the leaflets: a. As is standard practice, any individuals or organisations who wish to distribute literature at the Trust must strictly seek prior approval from the Trust. No permission has, or ever would have been given by the Trust, for the aforementioned leaflets.


b. The leaflets belong to a completely different organisation called ‘Markaz Sirajia’ and not the Trust. Furthermore, the Trust is located in South West London, yet the address provided is one in Pakistan to which the Trust has no connection.

c. This should have been adequate evidence to demonstrate to the BBC that these leaflets do not belong to the Trust. I personally cannot comprehend the flawed basis upon which the allegations have been made. d. The four leaflets have been discussed with the police.

15. Before these reports were published, I called for a trustees meeting.

16. Theological differences between religions should not be used for political gains. Nor should people, including the media, resort to sensationalism by using loaded and emotive language. It does nothing but divide the community.

17. I have had effective interaction with the Ahmadiyya community during conferences and seminars in the past, sharing platforms at times. The Centre has been open to people of all faiths and none in the past and will continue to remain open.

18. The Khatme Nubuwwat organisation in Pakistan has one of the largest library collections of the Ahmadiyya movement and its leader. The Trust uses their library services when a reference is needed on the Ahmadiyya community. This is the only link. Our Trust is independent and there is no legal connection with any overseas movement.

19. As far as the legislation in Pakistan is concerned, that is a matter for the Pakistani government. However, my position is clear: to repeal any discriminatory legislation against minorities, it must be taken back to the parliament.

20. During the interview, there was a disproportionate emphasis on a single minority that was being persecuted. The BBC only showed a relatively small clip of my interview that sensationalised the story. Pakistan bashing has become a fashion. I became emotional when it became apparent that the interviewer was pursuing this line of inquiry. As I said in my interview, in perspective, other minorities are suffering along with the entire population including mosques, shrines, churches, schools, universities, markets, seminaries, Pakistan army, police etc. due to the menace of terrorism.


21. Our name is not on the website that was identified to us in the interview – the evidence is available. Unfortunately, we have no control over third party organisations in Pakistan.

22. I would like to thank my friends and colleagues who have supported my interfaith harmony and community development work for the last 16 years. Your support, and open mindedness to the truth at this time, has also been appreciated


Dear Mr Babu,

Please see below some points for consideration and some links for your reference.

1. Delay in contact from BBC: a. The BBC had allegedly found the material in 2015. However, they only contacted the Trust in March 2016. If it was such an important issue i.e. of extremism, hatred and essentially life and death, then why did they wait for so long before contacting me? Furthermore, as you have seen, they did no even mention beforehand (over the phone or in the email brief) that they would like to discuss the material. b. The BBC also contacted the Charity Commission very late - they were asked for comment in April 2016. Therefore, this raises serious questions about the motive behind the programme and why it took them so long to make contact. c. The fake leaflets have been available to BBC since 2011.

Please refer to the correspondence emailed to you today from Charity Commission and Mr Nagin.

2. Having to leave home due to threats to family: a. As mentioned to you during our meeting, the counter extremism work I was involved in took a huge toll on my family and I. A panic alarm was also installed at my home as violence and threats had become the norm - both from within the community and from outside. Eventually, due to security concerns we had to move out of our home to another borough. b. My son Umar, who has been targeted again in this whole BBC saga on twitter, was threatened at the age of 11 by one of the convicted terrorists of the July 2005 20

terrorist incidents. c. A letter, which you and Alan have had sight of, with a list of extremists was presented to the Police in 2003, 2 years before the attacks, but nothing happened.

3. Some Links for your reference:

a. Stockwell Green Community Services and the SEED and PROSEED projects: e_SEED_and_PROSEED_projects c. ml d. war+we+should+be+in/3315092.html e. f. L%20_Dissemination%20version_web.pdf g. 20%28Small%20File%29.pdf h.

Kind RegardsToaha Qureshi MBE Founder Chairman, Forum for International Relations Development (FIRD) Chairman, Stockwell Green Community Services (SGCS)


Dear Mr Babu,

I hope you are well. Further to our conversation earlier yesterday please see below the clarification requested. 21

1. The 2 leaflets allegedly found at Stockwell Mosque DO NOT belong to KN Pakistan. Since the leaflet could not be verified by us or BBC, we believe it to be entirely fake.

2. The two pamphlets found belong to an organisation called Markaz Sirajia. They DO NOT belong to KN Pakistan.

3. KN Pakistan is not a terrorist organisation. It is theological movement.

4. KN Pakistan is not a proscribed organisation. It has not been banned in any way, shape or form by Pakistan, UK or USA.

5. Stockwell Mosque does not have any link with any proscribed organisation. We do not have any link with any terrorist organisation either.

6. Stockwell Mosque is an independent body. Our association with AMTKN Multan is academic in nature. They have material from the Ahmadiyya movement dating back to the 1900s. These materials include books, letters, pamphlets, newspapets, etc by the founder of Ahmadiyya movement that allow us to reference our theological differences. Many of these materials are not available in the UK, therefore, when we require these Ahmadiyya materials they are provided to us.

I hope this will be reflected in the report.

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.


6. Position Statement: The Muslim Council of Britain and


6 April 2016

The Muslim Council of Britain has received requests as to where it stands with regard to the Ahmadiyya community.

The MCB fully subscribes to pluralism and peaceful coexistence and acknowledges the rights of all to believe as they choose without coercion, fear and intimidation. We affirm the right of Ahmadis to their freedom of belief and reject any attacks on their property or persons. They have the right to live free from discrimination or persecution. The targeting of Ahmadis for their beliefs is totally unacceptable. The Muslim Council of Britain reflects the clear theological position expressed across Islamic traditions: namely that the cornerstone of is to believe in One God and in the finality of the prophet hood of the Messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him. We understand that this is not a tenet subscribed to by the Ahmadi community. The MCB Constitution requires our affiliates to declare that Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him is the final prophet and whoever does not subscribe to that declaration cannot be eligible for affiliation with the MCB. Given this fundamental theological difference with the Ahmadi community, the MCB is not in a position to represent or be represented by the Ahmadi community.

Despite our clear theological beliefs, we note that pressure is mounting to describe this community as Muslim. Muslims should not be forced to class Ahmadis as Muslims if they do not wish to do so, at the same time, we call on Muslims to be sensitive, and above all, respect all people irrespective of belief or background. As with all faith communities, and with genuinely held theological beliefs, we nevertheless extend our hand of friendship and cooperation for the common good of all.

The MCB believes that all individuals and places of worship must be respected. It unequivocally condemns all forms of intimidation and violence against people of all faiths and none. The MCB condemns all attacks on all places of worship of other religions and beliefs.


See previous statements: Murder in Glasgow: Muslim Council of Britain Condemns Religiously Aggravated Attack


7. Panel Assessment

The Muslim community makes up 4.8 % of the UK’s population and the Muslim Council of Britain represents over 500 organisations. There continues to be a high level of scrutiny of the Muslim Community and the BBC report is an example of how a report generates a high level of interest.

The panel finds:

1. That in terms of the BBC request for an interview (email from Innes Bowen) with Mr. Qureshi, no mention was made of the alleged leaflets found in Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque.

2. The BBC and other Media outlets have a right to investigate issues but must ensure fairness in the process. The Panel has requested the BBC clarify when BBC staff had obtained the alleged leaflets, when they were found and when the MPS were informed. In addition, the Panel have requested what information was given to the MCB affiliate prior to the interview with the BBC regarding the alleged leaflets found in the Mosque.

3. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque states it has no knowledge of the leaflets.

4. Mr. Qureshi has condemned any violence against the Ahmadiyya community.

5. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque has requested details of when and where the leaflets were found in the Mosque from the BBC but to date there has been no detailed response received from the BBC.(Transcript of BBC interview suggest leaflets found in 2015)

6. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque has made an official complaint against the BBC/Ofcom because Mr. Qureshi believes he was invited to complete an interview under false pretenses and not supplied with material that he was going to be questioned about. The complaint will also highlight the fact that the BBC has not responded to any request of information regarding the leaflets and their origin from the BBC.


7. Mr. Qureshi has not received any Media training and acknowledges that he became very agitated during the interview because he felt “ambushed” by the BBC who had not shown him or discussed the leaflets beforehand. However Mr. Qureshi’s comments on the Ahmadiyya community regarding false asylum

claims by the community, without evidence should not have been made.

8. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque was requested to supply details of policies on leaflet distribution/display and speakers. However the mosque stated they do not have a written policy but deal with matters on a case by case basis.

9. The Muslim Council of Britain has issued a statement condemning violence against the Ahmadiyya community.

10. The Ahmadiyya community have the right to practice their faith in safety and without fear of intimidation.

11. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque is concerned about the impact of the BBC report on it as an organisation.

12. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque has removed the table where the alleged leaflets were found from the entrance. In addition notices have been placed around the mosque banning distribution and display of leaflets.

13. Mr. Qureshi states that in 2011 BBC journalist Kurt Barling investigated leaflets which were alleged to have been distributed by Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque. The leaflets were allegedly found in the Mosque. However on that occasion Mr. Barling shared the leaflets in advance with Mr. Qureshi and it was noted that the leaflets were a fabrication and not genuine.

14. Mr. Qureshi states that in his interview with Owen Bennett Jones the leaflets discussed with Kurt Barling in 2011 were shown to him again along with the subsequent leaflets which have appeared in recent BBC reports. Mr. Qureshi believes this was a deliberate distortion by the BBC to give the impression that leaflets from 2011 and 2015 were connected.

15. The Panel noted from the site visit that the table on which the leaflets were allegedly found is at the entrance to the Mosque and can be accessed by any party. Although the table has been moved it would be difficult for the Mosque


to control items placed on the table. The Panel notes Mr. Qureshi states that the table ordinarily had copies of the Quran which people donated to the Mosque. It seems that a conclusion has to be that whilst the mosque committee members did not have knowledge of the leaflets that it is quite

possible that the leaflets were left on the table.

16. Mr. Qureshi states he has provided details of extremists to the authorities and his family have been forced to move house because of threats from extremists.

17. The Panel have not spoken to the BBC directly but note that Mr. Qureshi has made official complaints to the BBC and Ofcom regarding the fairness of the investigation and in particular his view that he was “ambushed” about leaflets allegedly found in the Mosque.

18. The Panel note the Charity Commission has requested information from the Mosque following communication from the BBC in relation to the leaflets. The Mosque has responded.

19. The Panel have had two testimonies from the congregation at Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque:

1) Imam Mehmood-ul-Hasan

2) Rai Khalid

Both state that they have never seen the leaflets mentioned in the BBC report in the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque.

20. The Panel note that a notice was placed in the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque on 11th of May 2016 for the congregation to contact the Chair of the Panel if they have any information on the BBC leaflets and to date no contact has been made with the Chair or the Panel members.

21 The Panel noted that two of the four trustees have not engaged with the Panel. This situation has led to significant effort on the part of the Panel to engage with all key stakeholders.


22. The Panel has written to the two trustees, that they have not had contact with, at their residential addresses as per the Charity Commission website. This has been via recorded delivery. No response has been received.

23. The Panel have written to the Metropolitan Police Service and requested information on the leaflets allegedly found in the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque.

The following questions were put forward to the Metropolitan Police:

1) Following the broadcast of the BBC The Deobandis Episode 2 of 2 on April 12th 2016, can you confirm if the leaflets breached any British Criminal legislation?

2) Will there be any prosecutions in relation to the publication, display and distribution of the specific leaflets mentioned in the BBC The Deobandis Episode 2 of 2 on April 12th 2016?

The Panel is currently awaiting a response from the MPS who are currently investigating the matter.



The Panel notes there are two diametrically opposing views in that the BBC states that the leaflets were found in the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque and the Mosque categorically denies that the leaflets were in the building.

The Panel must base its findings on the evidence presented and not on speculation and circumstantial evidence.

The Panel notes there is no independent evidence to state that the leaflets in question were in the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque.

During the Panel members’ visit, Mr. Qureshi stated the BBC had claimed the leaflets were found on a display table at the entrance of the Mosque in 2015. The Panel noted there was a notice prohibiting leaflets and there was no table at the entrance. The location of the table where the alleged leaflets were found is at the entrance and would have been accessible to any number of persons. This table and the contents would have been difficult to monitor. The Panel notes the failure of the BBC to respond to the Mosque’s request of the origins of the leaflets. Although in the copy of the transcript provided, the panel note that the leaflets were allegedly found in the Mosque sometime during 2015.

Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque has condemned the leaflets and violence towards the Ahmadiyya community.

Mr. Qureshi believes he was “ambushed” during his BBC interview and the invitation from Innes Bowen (BBC) failed to explain what the focus of the interview was going to be on. Mr. Qureshi states he became extremely agitated and was very angry at what he saw as the lack of information in the invitation email from Innes Bowen.

The Panel are aware that the leaflets have been handed to the authorities and that the police will conduct its own investigation and appropriate judgment on the criminality or not, of the leaflets. Mr. Qureshi and the Imam have indicated they are willing to fully co-operate with such enquiries.

The Panel notes the condemnation of the leaflets by Mr. Qureshi and Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque. The Panel has found no


independent evidence that these leaflets, if indeed were on the premises of Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque, were condoned or sanctioned by the Mosque.

The Panel has in the main met with Mr. Qureshi as a trustee, whereas Mr Patel has responded to the Panel via an email. We note the Muslim Council of Britain does not have email contact/mobile phone contact details of trustees. This has made it difficult for the Panel to contact key stakeholders and must be rectified. The MCB must be able to communicate with all trustees of its affiliates. The Panel has been disappointed at the lack of engagement of the other trustees at this challenging time for the Mosque.

The Panel must consider the evidence and we have no independent evidence to connect the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque to the leaflets allegedly found on the premises by a BBC source.

The Chair would like to thank all the Panel members for their valuable time and expertise in completing this interim report.

The Panel has made the following recommendations:



1. Muslim Council of Britain should meet with Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque trustees to examine recommendations made in this report.

2. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque to issue a

statement condemning violence against Ahmadiyya community.

3. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque to issue a statement on the complaint they have made regarding the BBC interview.

4. Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Stockwell Mosque to ensure it completes a review of its governance, policies and duty of trustees.

5. Muslim Council of Britain to arrange Media training for affiliates.

6. Muslim Council of Britain to produce templates of key policies to include Distribution/display of leaflets and Review of Speakers at Mosques on its website.

7. Muslim Council of Britain to use this investigation to help Mosques develop transparent and effective governance.

8. Muslim Council of Britain to ensure all affiliates provide a list of current trustees’ email and telephone contact details of trustees.

Dalwardin Babu OBE Chair Independent Panel.


Appendix A

Please find BBC reporting on these leaflets:

( Article 1)

Episode 2

The Deobandis Episode 2 of 2

In part two of The Deobandis, the BBC's former Pakistan correspondent Owen Bennett Jones reveals a secret history of Jihadist propagation in Britain.

This follows the BBC's discovery of an archive of Pakistani Jihadist publications, which report in detail the links some British Deobandi scholars have with militant organisations in Pakistan. Among the revelations are details of a lecture tour of Britain by Masood Azhar - a prominent Pakistani militant operating in Kashmir. He toured the UK in the early 1990s, spreading the word of Jihad to recruit fighters, raise funds and build links which would aid young Britons going abroad to fight Jihad decades later.

The programme also explores intra-Muslim sectarianism in Britain, and discovers how some senior Deobandi leaders have links to the proscribed organisation Sipah- e-Sahaba, a militant anti-Shia political party formed in Pakistan in the 1980s.

But how widespread and representative is this sympathy with militancy?

The programme explores the current battle for control in some British mosques, speaking to British Deobandi Muslims pushing back against the infiltration of Pakistani religious politics in British life.

As one campaigner says, this is 'the battle for the soul of Islam' and the 'silent majority' must speak out - but can moderate Muslims build the institutional power they need to really enforce change?


Aimen Dean - former member of Al Qaeda and former MI5 operative


Raffaello Pantucci - Director in International Security Studies, RUSI

Mufti Mohammed Amin Pandor

Toaha Qureshi MBE - Trustee of Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat (Stockwell, London)

Aamer Anwar - human rights lawyer

Producers: Richard Fenton-Smith & Sajid Iqbal Researcher: Holly Topham.

(Article 2)

'Kill Ahmadis' leaflets found in UK mosque By Sajid Iqbal and Noel TitheradgeBBC News

Leaflets calling for the killing of a sect of Muslims have been found in a south London mosque.

Piles of the flyers, which say Ahmadis should face death if they refuse to convert to mainstream Islam, were displayed in Stockwell Green mosque.

The leaflet was authored by an ex-head of Khatme Nabuwwat, a group which lists the mosque as its "overseas office".

A mosque trustee said he had never seen the leaflets before and suggested they were fakes or left there maliciously.

Minority communities in Pakistan have become targets of sectarian violence, and some fear that could spread to the UK, encouraged by organisations like the Islamic missionary group Khatme Nabuwwat, and others.

Khatme Nabuwwat believes Ahmadis are apostates, commonly defined as people who have abandoned their religion.


Those who refuse to convert to mainstream Islam within three days should face a "capital sentence" - or death penalty, according to the leaflets.

The constitution of Pakistan bans members of the sect from referring to themselves

as Muslims.

Image captionLeaflets found in the mosque said Ahmadis, derogatively known as Qad ianis, should be killled if they refuse to convert to mainstream Islam

The leaflets, authored by Yusuf Ludhianvi and written in English, were found arranged in piles on a desk next to a shoe-rack, the usual place to display literature in mosques.

Documents from the Charity Commission show Khatme Nabuwwat lists Stockwell mosque in south London as its office, the BBC has also learned.

Four trustees of the charity listed in the documents manage the mosque, while two of the current owners of the mosque run centres affiliated to that group elsewhere in the UK.

The mosque is also listed as an "overseas office" on the group's website for Khatme Nabuwwat.

'Independent organisation' Stockwell Green mosque was first accused of helping to promote acts of terror and hate in Pakistan in 2011.

At the time, mosque trustee Toaha Qureshi issued a vehement denial, saying the mosque's name had been "falsely used" on a website listed on hate literature advocating the murder of Ahmadis.

He said: "We are very angry and furious about that. We do not have any linkage with this organisation that is promoting hate."

Asked about this latest discovery of leaflets and alleged links between the mosque and Khatme Nabuwwat, Mr. Qureshi said: "There is a link that we only need when we need some guidance or literature on that particular issue, then we seek advice from them.


"We have not published any pamphlet of that kind. This is nothing to do with our mosque. Someone might have put it there and taken from there with malicious intentio ns," he added.

Who are the Ahmadis? A minority Islamic sect founded in 1889, Ahmadis believe their own founder, Mirza

Ghulam Ahmad, who died in 1908, was a prophet.

This is anathema to most Muslims who believe the last prophet was Muhammad, who died in 632.

Most Ahmadi followers live in the Indian subcontinent.

Ahmadis have been the subject of sectarian attacks and persecution in Pakistan and elsewhere.

In 1974 the Pakistani government declared the sect non-Muslim.

Referring to sectarian attacks on Ahmadis in Pakistan, he added: "Whatever happened in Pakistan that has got nothing to do with me or with the Stockwell mosque.

"What we are saying is Stockwell mosque is an independent organisation. It does not take a dictation by anybody else."

Khatme Nabuwwat has never been implicated in an attack but has been criticised for encouraging violence towards members of the sect.

"Khatme Nabuwwat do not inflict violence themselves, but they provide an enabling environment for a number of actors to do so," said Saroop Ijaz from Human Rights Watch.

"There are enough violent groups in Pakistan, enough radical population in Pakistan, that if accusation is made enough times and loudly enough - that is murder. Khatme Nabuwwat do this with the very clear desire of leading to that outcome."

'Enabling environment'


Dr James Caron, from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, said: "Khatme Nabuwwat is a one-issue outfit and that one issue is anti-Ahmadi sentiment.

"However, anti-Ahmadi sentiment is much larger than the Khatme Nabuwwat movement." Lutfur Rehman, an Ahmadi living in the UK, fears that the violence seen in Pakistan against minorities such as his could be spreading to the UK, encouraged by groups such as Khatme Nabuwwat.

Find out more Episode two of The Deobandis will be broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 09:00 BST on Tuesday 12 April.

"That hate is spreading in the UK. We have seen incidents here and in different areas.

"There have been leaflets distributed in shops, certain hotels have openly announced they will not serve Ahmadis, different clerics inciting in their Friday sermons against Ahmadis."

He was caught up in the 2010 attack on an Ahmadi mosque while on business in the Pakistani city of Lahore when gunmen fired and threw grenades indiscriminately, killing 93 people.

"The guy sitting next to me - I can never forget him", he said. "He was wearing all white dress and it went red. There was another guy sitting with his little daughter, and he was trying to cover his daughter to save her and he was shot."

He added: "It's lucky that that kind of incident that happened in Lahore hasn't happened here yet but if it carries on like this, it's not very far."

'False prophet' This all comes after the killing of Ahmadi shopkeeper Asad Shah, in Glasgow last month, which police claimed was "religiously prejudiced".

Tanveer Ahmed, 32, from Bradford, who is accused of his murder, said he killed Mr Shah because he disrespected Islam and falsely claimed to be a prophet.


While there is no suggestion Khatme Nabuwwat was involved in the killing, two videos on a video-hosting channel with the same name as the group described Mr Shah as a "false prophet" in 2014.

Mr Ahmed has made no plea, and is remanded in custody until his next court appearance.


Appendix B

Appendix C

Complaint to BBC by Mr. Qureshi.

4a Were you treated unfairly in the programme as broadcast: Yes

If yes please set out your complaint as fully as possible (using 1500 characters or less): Innes Bowen, Assistant Editor for BBC Radio Current Affairs, requested my presence for an interview to be taken by Owen Bennett-Jones on my work covering interfaith, counter extremism, advising governments as well as on the Deobandi school of thought. I agreed in principle, asking her to send me a brief which I received on 20 March 2016 (attached) and the purpose of the interview is as mentioned. However the interview was on a completely different subject and allegation was raised on the spot and never was put to me in the 20th March letter or other communication. I elaborate further below.During the interview, the following allegations were put to me: a. The BBC claimed that there was an active approach to spread hatred against the Ahmadiyya Community by the Trust by way of creating and printing the leaflets/pamphlets. b. Leaflets and pamphlets were found at the Trust promoting hatred and extremism. c. It was further alleged that the Trust is linked to an organisation named Khatme Nubuwwat in Pakistan. As can be clearly seen from the brief emailed by Innes Bowen on 20th March, it did not make any mention whatsoever of the allegations outlined above with respect to the leaflets, nor with respect to Khatm-e-nubuwwat or the Ahmadiyya issue.

The BBC have broken their own guidance under Chapter 3: Fairness and Straight Dealing, Part 2: Fair Dealing. As this guidance states: Where serious allegations of wrong doing are to be made, those allegations should normally be put to the persons or organisations concerned by the programme (See also3.9 Right of Reply under Impartiality) in time for a considered response before transmission.

The interviewer, Mr. Owen Bennett-Jones in the presence of the programme producer ambushed me with these allegations and did not give me advance notice of these allegations. Had the BBC given prior notice, a considered and effective response could have been given.

Furthermore, and crucially, I would not have consented to the interview as I am neither the Principal of the Trust nor the person running the Trust on a day to day basis. At the time these supposed 37

incidents took place, I was out of the country for almost 9 months and therefore it was unfair to question me along these lines.

Additionally, under Section 3 Part 3: Research, the BBC guidelines state: Research for all programmes must be thorough and accurate. Facts must be checked and crosschecked. No doubt questions of a serious nature were being posed; but the hostile and aggressive nature of the interview frustrated me, which was visible during the interview. The frustration boiled over as Mr Bennett-Jones was not listening to what I had said.

The BBC has broken the Ofcom guidelines as well.

According to section 7.8: Broadcasters should ensure that the reuse of material ... does not create unfairness. This applies both to material obtained from others and the broadcaster’s own material.

According to section 7.11: If a programme alleges wrongdoing or incompetence or makes other significant allegations, those concerned should normally be given an appropriate and timely opportunity to respond.Clearly, they have failed to do so.

According to 7.14: Broadcasters or programme makers should not normally obtain or seek information, audio, pictures or an agreement to contribute through misrepresentation or deception. They sought my contribution to the programme clearly by deception.Ofcom are requested to investigate this complaint and Ofcom/BBC is requested to investigate if anyone involved in this programme had a vested interest.


Appe ndix D Charity Commission correspondence

For the attention of: Mr Hafeez Mohammed Nageen

Dear Mr Nageen

Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat (Registered Charity 328715)

I am contacting you to advise that the Charity Commission (“the Commission”) has recently been contacted by a journalist from the BBC regarding the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat (“the Charity”).

The journalist has raised a number of concerns in relation to the Charity and specifically its association with a Pakistan registered charity of the same name, as referenced in the Charity’s filed accounts. The journalist asserts that extremist literature is available on the website for the Pakistani charity, and has provided an example of an article in Urdu which he alleges to state that ‘members of the Ahmadiyya should be killed if they refuse to convert to mainstream Islam’. It is further alleged that a BBC journalist found an English language version of this article in leaflet form in Stockwell Mosque in 2015. The journalist asserts that in 2011 a trustee of the Charity – Toaha Quershi – spoke to a reporter from the BBC and denied that the Charity was linked to this organisation.

The Commission has been asked to provide a response to the BBC in relation to the issues raised by the journalist. In such circumstances, it is the Commission’s usual approach to provide a response stating that it will assess the information presented and consider whether it warrants any regulatory action. The Commission intends to follow this approach in this instance – I have attached below a copy of the form of words that the Commission intends to provide to the journalist. Before issuing such responses, the Commission informs the individual charity in question so that the trustees are aware of this and are alert to any potential media coverage. I can confirm that the Commission has made no determination or assessment as to the information provided by the journalist at this time.

As the registered correspondent for the Charity, I would ask you to please discuss this matter with your fellow trustees and kindly provide a response to the Commission regarding the concerns raised by the journalist by no later than Monday 11th April.

Specifically, we would ask the trustees to provide comment on: nature of the relationship between the two organisations, and specifically whether this includes any financial/funding relationship;

this specific article was found in Stockwell Mosque in 2015;

The Commission does not know whether the Charity and/or the trustees have already been approached by the journalist in relation to these or any other concerns; if you have been approached, it would be helpful to know what response was provided by the Charity/trustees at that time.

Commission response to journalist: “The Commission is currently considering the information that has been provided regarding Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat; we have contacted the Charity


and are currently awaiting their response. We will then assess all of the information provided before making any determination as to whether it raises any regulatory concerns. Please note that we are not investigating the charity and cannot comment further.”

We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards xxxxxxxxxxx

Redacted contact details.


Dear xxxxxxx,

I am replying to your mail on IST of April 2016 regarding our charity “Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK”. In this mail you asked some specific questions about the working of this charity in UK and its relationship with the Pakistani charity of similar name and nature.

First of all, I would like to highlight this pertinent fact that I joined this charity in 2003 and was also made president to run the affairs of this organization in accordance with the law of land. Therefore, I can only explain the period starting from 2003 up till now, however, what was happening before 2003, I will not be able to comment on that period.

Coming to your first question, since 2003, I unequivocally state that Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK has no monetary connection or financial relationship with the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat Pakistan or anywhere in the world. Our charity is an independent and autonomous organization which is controlled by the five trustees, who are responsible for the running of this institution. We generate our funds from the collection in Friday prayers, which are held at our head office and other donations within the UK from the residents of this country only. However, we do not take any donations from outside UK. Moreover, these donations are sufficient to run this charity. As far as nature of relationship between these two charities is concerned, it is purely an academic venture. Because we conduct conferences and seminars in UK, therefore, we invite speakers from all over the world including Pakistan. Furthermore, Islamic scholars from all sects of Muslims gathered and decided to present their views about Islam and the last prophet hood of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) under the umbrella of “Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat” in the entire world. There are approximately 20 – 26 organizations and institutions are working under Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat, but I want to emphasize here that they are an independent institutions in their working, in their finances and no institution can interfere in the affairs of other institution.

To your second question, “that the Pakistani charity hosts extremists literature on their website”, I want to say that Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK does not have any website. Only Pakistani charity is hosting that website and Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK is not responsible for the administration of this website. Moreover, whatever is available on this website, it is not the formal viewpoint of Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK. Particularly, if such a 40

literature or article is present on Pakistani website, we, Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK do not agree with this extremist literature and fully condemn extremism in any form or shape and also endorse that it is against the basic teachings of Islam.

In spite of all above explanation, we volunteer ourselves and can demand a formal position on this specific point from Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat Pakistan and present it to you.

In relation to your third question, “that a specific article in written form was found in Stockwell mosque in 2015”, I categorically deny on behalf of my charity that it was not our publication, or it was presented to general public with our consent, or we were aware of such an article, or we give permission to put this article in our head office or Stockwell mosque. We are completely unaware of such an article and have asked to our employees an explanation about it. And they have confirmed me that they did not know about any such article or give their permission for the distribution of this article to general public.

But as I have discussed above that it is not our formal position and we do not agree with such viewpoints.

In regard to your fourth question that “a trustee previously denied any relationship of our charity with Pakistani charity”, first of all I am unaware of the circumstances under which and why he denied any academic connection with Pakistani charity as I elaborated above . Secondly, I want to draw your attention to one meeting held by the UK charity on 14 August 2003 at our head office, in this meeting all five trustees of Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK were present and it was unanimously decided by them that, “Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK is an autonomous institution and without its permission no institution or charity can work in similar capacity or manner and if any other institution or charity will work in this similar capacity, it will be against the law. Moreover, Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK will not be responsible for their actions in UK”.

As I explained in my above discussion that Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat UK do not propagate any extremism or have any links to any extremist organizations or charity or take any funding from outside the UK. But our relationship to other Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubwwat charities is purely an academic one and all charities who are working under this larger umbrella are independent from each other. Furthermore, it also happens that we do not agree with each other’s viewpoints.

I hope that I have answered all your questions in depth, however, if you still need any clarification about any point, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Appendix E Communication between the Panel and BBC

From: Dalwardin Babu Sent: 30 May 2016 21:41 To: Trust Enquiries Subject: RE: Mr Qureshi complaint regarding BBC of 2(12/4/16) AalamiMajlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat.

Dear Ms Rigden,

Thank you for your email. For clarity I am the Chair of the Muslim Council of Britain’s Independent Panel reviewing the actions of an affiliate( Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat.)Following allegations made in the BBC Deobandis Episode 2.

I wish to make the BBC Complaints Departments aware of this , should the investigator wish to clarify any issues in the interim report, however there does not appear to be email address for the Complaints Department other than via an official complaint route; Apologises if I have misread the BBC website.

The affiliate Mr Qureshi, Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat has made an official complaint , which I have included below along with the email sent by Ms Bowen to Mr Qureshi requesting an interview :

The Independent Panel respectfully ask the BBC Complaints Department to clarify Ms Bowen and Mr Owen Bennett Jones understanding of the following issues:

1) What communication was there between the producer, Ms Bowen and Mr Qureshi on the proposed content of the interview conducted with Mr Qureshi/ Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat for The Deobandis Episode 2?

2) Was Mr Qureshi and the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Mosque made aware of the leaflets that were allegedly found in the Mosque prior to the interview?

3) When and where were the leaflets allegedly found in the Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat Mosque? (Owen Bennett Jones Suggested it was 2015)

4) When did the BBC first have knowledge of these leaflets?

5) Did the BBC raise the issue of the leaflets with the Metropolitan Police Service? , If so when?

The Panel are conscious that the BBC will be conducting a review of Mr Qureshi/ Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat complaint and are aware that the BBC employees are under no obligation to respond to the Muslim Council of Britain’s Independent Panel.

The Panel would for completeness of this investigation request the questions above are addressed and an appropriate member of the BBC Complaints Department makes contact with me as the Chair


of this Panel. The Panel have not raised these issues with the individual BBC members of staff pending the BBC Complaints Departments investigation.

Dalwardin Babu(OBE) Chair of Independent Panel [email protected] 07825907624

Email from Ms Bowen to Mr Qureshi.

BBC interview with Owen Bennett Jones 1 message Innes Bowen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 18 March 2016 at 21:38 To: "chairxxxxxxxxxx Cc: "umar.mahmoodxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed by Owen Bennett Jones tomorrow. I will try to arrange the interview for 3 pm at Stockwell (could you please advise re address). Failing that, I will arrange it for 4 pm at New Broadcasting House, London W1A 1AA. It should last about 30 minutes. Owen Bennett Jones is making a documentary series, primarily for Radio 4, but also for the BBC World Service about the Deobandi school. Owen will probably also hopes to do some associated journalism for BBC online and BBC TV to promote interest in the series. Owen has already recorded material in Deobandi itself and in Raiwind for his World Service programme. He is now concentrating on the strong influence of the Deobandi school in the UK. He would like to interview you about: - from your experience in Stockwell, how the Deobandi school is maintaining its influence in Britain; - how the Deobandi school has adapted (or not) to Britain - particularly in an area where there are Muslims from different ethnic backgrounds; - where your imams/scholars come from (are they UK trained, darul uloom trained etc); - your role in the interfaith movement and the extent to which that is typical of those from a Deobandi background; - the challenge of extremism in Britain; - the role that you personally have played in countering extremism and advising governments. We are not expecting you to be an expert on the history or theology - we want you to talk from personal experience. I will text you to confirm details as soon as I hear for Owen. Thank you once again. Innes xxxxxxxxxxxx Contact emails and mobile number redacted. Email from BBC Trust

From: Trust Enquiries Sent: 27 May 2016 11:44 43

To: 'Dalwardin Babu' Subject: RE: Mr Qureshi complaint regarding BBC The Deobandis Episode 2 of 2(12/4/16) Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat.

Ref: 3838568

Dear Mr Babu

Thank you for your email to the BBC Trust with regards to an episode of the BBC’s The


I should explain that the role of the Trust is distinct from that of the BBC’s management and the Chairman and the Trust have no role in day-to-day editorial and operational decisions of the BBC, including decisions about the content of its programmes. These matters are the responsibility of the BBC’s management, led by the Director-General as Editor-in-Chief.

The Trust does have a role in the complaints process at the final stage, hearing complaints on appeal. You can read about the formal procedure for complaints about the BBC at the following website:

Therefore, I am forwarding your email to the BBC’s complaints department so that they can address your concerns. If you remain unhappy once the BBC has finished replying to your complaint, it will be open to you to appeal to the BBC Trust – the BBC will let you know when and how to go about this.

I hope this is helpful.

Yours sincerely

Lily Rigden Editorial Standards –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

180 Great Portland Street, London W1W 5QZ

Email from Chair to BBC Trust

From: Dalwardin Babu [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 17 May 2016 22:35 To: Trust Enquiries


Subject: Mr Qureshi complaint regarding BBC The Deobandis Episode 2 of 2 (12/4/16) Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat.

BBC Complaints,

Please note I have been appointed Chair of Independent Panel investigating Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat by the Muslim Council of Britain(MCB) following the BBC broadcast of The Deobandis Episode 2 of 2 (12/4/16) which led to the MCB suspending it’s affiliate Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat.

The BBC programme and online coverage alleged that leaflets were found in the Mosque which promoted hate against Ahmadyia community.

Mr Qureshi has informed the Panel that he has made a complaint to the BBC and Of Com , although I understand that this will remain confidential until you make any public comments. Please note I have completed a report into this matter.

TERMS OF REFERENCE: 1. To investigate the veracity of allegations made against Aalami Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat in the media only in so far as its conduct and activities in the United Kingdom are concerned. 2. To find all relevant facts in relation to the allegations including the genuineness or otherwise of alleged hateful publications found on the premises of the affiliate. 3. The Panel shall be free to receive oral and/or written representation from any person or organisation that is likely to assist it in making findings. 4. To determine whether the named affiliate has been and/or remains engaged in such activities that make its continued affiliation with the MCB undesirable and not in accord with the Sharia and the duty to promote and work for the common good of the society. 5. To make such recommendations as it thinks appropriate in the light of the findings of facts. 6. The investigation must be concluded within four weeks of today. It should submit its written report to the Secretary General and any findings and recommendations it makes must have the support of no less than two thirds majority of the Panel. 7. The Secretary General of the MCB shall be bound by the findings and recommendations that the Panel may make and shall take such steps as are necessary within 10 days of receiving the report.


8. The affiliate concerned has the right of appeal against any findings and/or recommendations made by the Panel as set out in Article 5(3) of the MCB Constitution.

The Investigation Panel shall not involve itself in matters of theology or in actions/conduct/laws in countries other than the United Kingdom.


1. Mr Dalwardin Babu OBE (Chairman) 2. Maulana Imam Dr Shahid Raza Naeemi OBE 3. Reverend Prebendary Alan Green 4. Ms Ifath Nawaz, Solicitor 5. Prof Iqbal Asaria CBE 6. Maulana Yunus Dhudwala 7. Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra

Dalwardin Babu (OBE)


Appendix F - Email to Commander Chishty MPS

From: dalbabu

Sent: 17 May 2016 18:17 To: Commander Chishty Cc: Dal Babu Subject: Stockwell Mosque

Commander Chishty

I have been asked to chair an independent Panel to investigate the allegations made by the BBC on the 12th of April 2016 regarding leaflets found at Stockwell Mosque.

Can you please confirm

1 ) Following the broadcast of the BBC The Deobandis episode 2 on the 12th of April 2016. Can you confirm if the leaflets breached any criminal legislation.

2 ) Will there be any prosecutions in relation to the publication, display and distribution of the specific leaflets mentioned in the BBC The Deobandis Episode 2 of 2 on April 12th 2016.

Dalwardin Babu ( OBE )