Audiovisual Translation in the Basque Country: the Case of Basque Television-Euskal Telebista (ETB) Josu Barambones, Raquel Merino Et Ibon Uribarri

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Audiovisual Translation in the Basque Country: the Case of Basque Television-Euskal Telebista (ETB) Josu Barambones, Raquel Merino Et Ibon Uribarri Document généré le 16 déc. 2020 04:56 Meta Journal des traducteurs Translators’ Journal Audiovisual Translation in the Basque Country: The Case of Basque Television-Euskal Telebista (ETB) Josu Barambones, Raquel Merino et Ibon Uribarri La manipulation de la traduction audiovisuelle Résumé de l'article The Manipulation of Audiovisual Translation Une étude récente, menée sur les chaînes de télévision basques sous l’angle de Volume 57, numéro 2, juin 2012 l’histoire de la traduction, montre que la chaîne de langue basque a eu recours au doublage pour les programmes destinés aux enfants afin de promouvoir et URI : normaliser la langue basque, tandis que la chaîne hispanophone a diffusé des DOI : programmes de fiction pour adultes en concurrence avec le vaste marché des chaînes espagnoles. Le choix des produits à diffuser selon l’audience visée reflète, d’une part, une situation de diglossie quant à la répartition des langues, Aller au sommaire du numéro et d’autre part, la politique de planification linguistique du gouvernement. Étant donné que la télévision basque est sous contrôle politique (pouvoir), la manipulation et l’idéologie entrent directement en jeu dans le choix de la Éditeur(s) programmation et de la langue utilisée (le basque) pour la traduction et le doublage des produits importés. Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal ISSN 0026-0452 (imprimé) 1492-1421 (numérique) Découvrir la revue Citer cet article Barambones, J., Merino, R. & Uribarri, I. (2012). Audiovisual Translation in the Basque Country: The Case of Basque Television-Euskal Telebista (ETB). Meta, 57 (2), 408–422. Tous droits réservés © Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2012 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d’auteur. L’utilisation des services d’Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d’utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l’Université de Montréal, l’Université Laval et l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. BROADCASTING WITH INTENT Audiovisual Translation in the Basque Country: The Case of Basque Television-Euskal Telebista (ETB) josu barambones Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain [email protected] raquel merino Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain [email protected] ibon uribarri Universidad del País Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain [email protected] RÉSUMÉ Une étude récente, menée sur les chaînes de télévision basques sous l’angle de l’histoire de la traduction, montre que la chaîne de langue basque a eu recours au doublage pour les programmes destinés aux enfants afin de promouvoir et normaliser la langue basque, tandis que la chaîne hispanophone a diffusé des programmes de fiction pour adultes en concurrence avec le vaste marché des chaînes espagnoles. Le choix des produits à dif- fuser selon l’audience visée reflète, d’une part, une situation de diglossie quant à la répartition des langues, et d’autre part, la politique de planification linguistique du gou- vernement. Étant donné que la télévision basque est sous contrôle politique (pouvoir), la manipulation et l’idéologie entrent directement en jeu dans le choix de la programma- tion et de la langue utilisée (le basque) pour la traduction et le doublage des produits importés. ABSTRACT Recent historical translation research done on Basque state-owned television shows that while the Basque-speaking channel has used dubbed translation of children’s pro- grammes to promote and standardize the use of Basque, the Spanish-speaking channel has competed in the wider market of Spanish broadcasting channels with fiction for adults. The choice of products to be broadcast for diverse target audiences clearly reflects a diglossic situation in terms of language distribution but it also serves to illustrate gov- ernment language planning policies. Since Basque television is controlled by political instances (power), manipulation and ideology clearly have an influence both selecting the programmes and controlling the type of (Basque) language used when translating and dubbing imported products. MOTS-CLÉS/KEYWORDS traduction audiovisuelle, télévision basque, doublage, langue minoritaire audiovisual translation, Basque television, dubbing, minority language Meta LVII, 2, 2012 01.Meta 57.2.corr 2.indd 408 12-12-05 10:35 AM audiovisual translation in the basque country 409 In recent years Translation Studies has initiated a deliberate move away from a purely linguistic approach toward frame- works that transcend this dimension and place their object of study firmly within a socio-cultural context. (Díaz Cintas 2003: 357) 1. Introduction The aim of this paper is to show the socio-cultural context of audiovisual translation (AVT) in the Basque Country. It is the result of work done by researchers working under TRALIMA (translation, literature and audiovisual media), a Basque research group whose members share a historical point of view of translation and translations.1 There are not many diachronic studies in the field of screen translation. In the context of Spanish culture, Díaz Cintas (2001: 102) calls for the exploration of new avenues of research that would encompass the linguistic as well as the cultural dimen- sion and, in his review of Ballester’s study on censored films, he mentions research done along those lines by Spanish scholars “such as Camino Gutiérrez-Lanza and Luis Serrano within the Framework of TRACE” (Díaz Cintas 2003: 360). And it is precisely from the TRACE project on censored translations that research on Basque television was initially planned and is now being carried out.2 When dealing with (regional) television, historical studies are also scarce. The issue of the role of minority languages in the audiovisual media in Spain was first addressed in a systematic way by Izard (1999). Her truly pioneering work on Catalan television helped fill a gap and opened the way to further investigation centred on the language of small minorities that, as Danan (1991: 613) states, “are becoming more vocal and claiming their rights to a regional culture” as European unity increases. Historical studies on AVT in the Basque Country seek to systematically map the question of translations broadcast on both Basque state television channels for a geographically well-identified audience. The compilation of catalogues of translated audiovisual programmes is the major thrust for these descriptive studies which have a solid empirical base. Peritextual and contextual data is collected and analysed to establish criteria for the selection of case studies that are representative of general phenomena and not mere curiosities. Also considered is the fact that the diachronic description of any object of study must look at both the preceding period and the subsequent evolution (Uribarri 2010). In this respect we implement a methodological protocol (Merino 2010) that has proved effective when investigating censored trans- lations in the historical period that gave way to the restructuring of the Spanish state in autonomous regions. Our argumentation is based on the empirical work and the conclusions reached by Barambones (2006; 2010) and Cabanillas (2005). It can be said that in the Basque country AVT into the Basque language is done only and almost exclusively for one client: the Basque state television’s first channel, ETB1. The second channel, ETB2, which broadcasts in Spanish, does not commission translations. The source of foreign programmes already translated and dubbed in Spanish is usually FORTA,3 an organisation founded to serve as a coordinating body for the purchasing and distribution of audiovisual material to be shared and broad- cast by the TV stations of the different Spanish autonomous regions (Cabanillas 2005: 25). Most of these channels broadcast in Spanish, except for the Catalan TV3 and 01.Meta 57.2.corr 2.indd 409 12-12-05 10:35 AM 410 Meta, LVII, 2, 2012 Channel 33 (Izard 2001: 401) and the Galician TV, and compete in their own regions with nationwide Spanish public channels (TVE1 and TVE2) and the main private stations. In the early years following its launch on 31 December 1982, ETB1 needed foreign programmes to be able to cater to a market in Basque which was being created from scratch. When Basque television started broadcasting, Spain had just gone through a political period of transition from which a new state of autonomous regions emerged. The issue of minority languages such as Basque was clearly present in the creation of the new television channels confronted with a need to promote and stan- dardise those languages never before used in the audiovisual media, since “[m]inor- ity groups now realize that the media could be a useful tool to promote and reinforce their language and cultural identity” (Gambier 2003: 171). The use of translation to import new programmes was soon seen as imperative and children were the preferred target of language policies aimed at revitalising the Basque language. When the second Basque television channel, ETB2, began broadcasting in Spanish in 1986 the choice of programmes offered complemented that of the only channel that had been broadcasting in Basque until then, ETB1, and tended to com- pete with large scale Spanish national channels. While animation and cartoons were the prototype of translated programmes on ETB1, films and series were heavily represented in the second channel. Unlike foreign programmes dubbed in Basque, those dubbed in Spanish and broadcast by Basque Television were transmitted rather than translated and they did not generate a market for Spanish dubbing within the Basque Country. One of the most representative film genres chosen for broadcast on ETB2 on a daily basis from 1999 to the present, namely Westerns, were dubbed years and even decades earlier.
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    KOBIE (Serie Bellas Artes) Bilbao Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia-Diputacíón de Bizkaia NºV. 1988 LA ESTRUCTURA DE LA PROGRAMACION DE ETB-ETB-1: LA CIRCULACION DE LOS PROGRAMAS DE TELEVISION LA PROGRAMACION CULTURAL Por José Luis lbañez Serna (1) Flora Marín Murillo (2) RESUMEN En esta investigación analizamos la estructura de la programación de ETB-1, así como la producción y circulación de los programas de TV en esta cadena. El período elegido corresponde al mes de marzo de 1987, que consideramos representativo de la etapa en la que D. José Mª Gorordo era director del Ente EITB. A la vista de los resultados obtenidos realizamos un análisis comparativo de los mismos con los obtenidos para otras tele­ visiones europeas, incluida RTVE. Por último se intenta comprobar en que medida la estructura de la programación de ETB-1 se adecúa a las intenciones ex­ presadas por la ley de Creación del Ente Público EITB, del 20 de mayo de 1982, en uno de cuyos apartados afirmaba que la Radiotelevisión Vasca se configura "como un instrumento capital para la información y participación política de los ciudadanos vascos, así como medio fundamenta! de cooperación con nuestro sistema educativo y de fomento y difusión de la cultura vas­ ca, teniendo muy presente el fomento y desarrollo del euskera ... ". SUMMARY In this work we analyse the estructure of the ETB-1 programming and the production and circulation of TV programmes in this channel. The period we chose is March of 1987, wich we think is representative of the phase when Mr. José Mª Gorordo was the ma­ nager of the EITB Entity.
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