7. report

January 2020 - Audiovisual products than can be recommended for its genre and medium -


This research intends to examine what kind of audiovisual consumption does predominate among young people. To obtain the answer, not only did we inquire some UPV/EHU students about the programmes or contents they like, but also about the channels or the platforms they use to watch these products.

1. Notes about the used methodology

The data that contents this document were obtained thanks to the last questionnaire Ikusiker did. The survey took place in December 2019. Participants had a week time- period to answer it, from 2nd to 9th December. By and large, 786 responses were received. Besides, the polled students had the chance to answer only the questions they wanted. For this reason, each inquiry has a different number of responses.

2. Recommendable television channels' or platforms' for fiction programmes

1. Picture - Which television channel would you suggest to consume fiction?

30 28,6 24,0 23 19,8 18,0 15,8 15 8,9 7,2 6,8 6,8 Percentages (%) Percentages 8 4,6 3,8 3,7 3,0 1,2 0

#0 FDF La 1 La 2 Tele 5 ETB 3 ETB 2 ETB 1 Other None Cuatro Divinity Antena 3 La Sexta Channels

Source: Ikusiker

First of all, we have centred on the traditional TV channels that have recommendable fiction contents. According to the data, 19,8% of the panel respondents advised the FDF channel, 18% Antena 3 and 16,8% Cuatro. Moreover, 24% of the participants chose the other channel alternative, which means they would not recommend a traditional station to watch fiction.

ETB1, ETB2 and ETB3 are amid the less advised channels. Amongst them stands out

2 - Audiovisual products than can be recommended for its genre and medium -

ETB3 with the 3,8% of the answers. Then, ETB2 with 3,7% and finally, ETB1 (3%). Also, underline the fact that 28,6% of the students consider traditional television is not a good medium to watch fiction.

2. Picture - Where would you advise to watch fiction contents? Any media-services provider that is not traditional TV?

80 74,8


40 28,0 22,1

Percentages (%) Percentages 20 14,0 9,5 8,0 5,6 3,8 1,8 0,8 2,6 0

HBO Other None Netflix Google Twitter YouTube Instagram Nahieran Facebook

Amazon Prime Media-services providers or platforms

Source: Ikusiker

A high number of students (74,8%) chose Netflix in the first position as the best platform to watch fiction products. HBO was the second most elected choice, 28% of the participants opted for it. Furthermore, Youtube follows them with 22,1% of the elections. Amid the rest of the elections, we can find Amazon Prime and Google. Nahieran is another of the chosen platforms (3,8%), where ETB offers its products. Moreover, 2,6% of polled students would not recommend any platform to watch fiction programmes.

Summing-up, for the young people Netflix is by difference the leading platform between the fiction products.

3. Recommendable television channels' or platforms' for entertainment programmes

3. Picture - Which television channel would you suggest to consume entertainment?


22,5 21,1 20,3 15,3 15 12,1 12,7 11,7 11,3 10,6 10,5 10,4 9,2

Percentages (%) Percentages 7,5 5,7 1,5 1,1 0

#0 FDF La 1 La 2 Tele 5 ETB 2 ETB 1 ETB 3 Other None Cuatro Divinity Antena 3 La Sexta Channels 3 - Audiovisual products than can be recommended for its genre and medium -

Source: Ikusiker

21,1% of the panel participants at the time of recommending a television channel to watch an entertainment programme chose Antena 3. Besides, was elected for the 20,3%. In any case, between all the answers, the results were quite regular. None of the selected channels exceeded 21,2% of the audience.

ETB2's results increased in the entertainment's case (15,3%), and ETB1's too, which points out that 10,6% of the students advised Basque products. ETB3's outcome otherwise, decreased. Finally, 12,7% of the survey respondents said they would not recommend any channel.

4. Picture - Where would you advise to watch entertainment contents? Any media- services provider that is not traditional TV?

70 62,5


35 32,6


Percentages (%) Percentages 17,5 8,5 7,4 6,9 5,1 6,7 7,6 3,6 1,9 0

HBO None Netflix Twitter Other Youtube Google Instagram Nahieran Facebook

Amazon Prime Media-services providers or platforms

Source: Ikusiker

According to the results, Youtube was the most suggested platform to watch entertainment shows. Comparing to fiction's case, Netflix's outcome declined and finished in the second position (32,6%). In addition, Instagram was the next most chosen (14,7). Regarding Basque products, the platform Nahieran obtained 3,6% of the students' responses.

So, taking all the outcomes into account, YouTube and Netflix were the most advised sites.

4. Recommendable television channels' or platforms' for information range programmes or news bulletins

5. Picture - Which television channel would you suggest to consume information range programmes or news bulletins?

4 - Audiovisual products than can be recommended for its genre and medium -

40 32,4 30,0 30 28,4

20 17,4 15,5 13,8 13,0 9,3

Percentages (%) Percentages 10 4,1 3,9 1,3 0,8 0,8 0,5 0

#0 La 1 La 2 FDF ETB2 ETB1 Tele 5 ETB3 Other None Cuatro Divinity La Sexta Antena 3 Channels

Source: Ikusiker

From the channels that offer information contents, the most chosen by the students were ETB2 with 32,3% of the responses, La Sexta with 30% and ETB1 with the 28,4%. The following stations were La1, Antena 3, Tele 5 and Cuatro. Furthermore, 9,3% of the polled students pointed out they would not suggest any TV channel get information.

Euskal Telebista's outcomes were better at the information range instead of in fiction or entertainment. 28,4% students did recommend ETB1 and 32,4% ETB2. Nevertheless, ETB3's result was lower (1,3%).

6. Picture - Where would you advise to watch information range programmes or news bulletins? Any media-services provider that is not traditional TV? Source: Ikusiker

40 33,5 29,5 30 27,6

20 15,1 13,5 12,8

Percentages (%) Percentages 10 4,3 5,6 2,9 2,7 2,0 0

HBO None Twitter Netflix Other Youtube Google Instagram Facebook Nahieran

Amazon Prime Media-services providers or platforms

The graphic above shows, the most advised site to watch information range programmes or news bulletins was YouTube. 33,5% people elected it. In the second position, there is Google (29,6%) and in the third Twitter (27,6%), which exceed their previous results. Also, the next suggested provider was Instagram (13,5%), and Netflix followed it (12,8%). However, 15,1% of the polled students said they would not recommend any of these sites. Finally, Nahieran lost a point comparing to the fiction range's result. In this case, obtained 2,7% of the panel audience.