WACOP (Westside Area Career/Occupation Project) Media Catalog for 1973, 1974
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 089 108 CE 001 164 AUTHOR Glur, John; Catalano, Ruth ?ITLE WACOP (Westside Area Career/Occupation Project) Media Catalog for 1973, 1974. INSTITUTION Westside Area Career/Occupation Project, Glendale, Ariz. PUB DATE [73] NOTE 138p.; The inclusion of up-dated supplements at the end of grade level sections disrupts the pagination sequence 'TDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC -$6.60 PLUS POSTAGE iDESCRIPTORS *Annotated Bibliographies; *Career Education; Catalogs; *Instructional Media; *Library Collections; *Media Selection; Resource Guides IDENTIFIERS WACOP; Westside Area Career Occupation Project ABSTRACT The catalog lists various commercially prepared media aterials available on loan from the Westside Area Career Occupation roject (WACOP) Media Center for evaluation prior to school or istrict purchase. Among the types of media specified are: books, its, cassettes, films, instructional units, transparencies, posters, amphlets, and magazines. The materials are first divided into ppropriate grade levels from kindergarten through Grade 12. They are urther divided into career elements of: career awareness, elf-awareness, appreciations and attitudes, decision-making skills, conomic awareness, skills awareness, beginning competency, mployability skills, and educational awareness. For each item, the ype of media is identified, the title listed, and an annotation of he contents provided. The source of the materials is also listed. An verall evaluation of the product is included. Materials for Special ducation students and teacher reference materials are listed' *eparately. (AG) 111esIsibe AreaCarterAkrupalion Projerl EMI CATALOG 1973 I 74 OEPARTMENT OFHEALTH. EDUCATION &WELFAREOF NATIONAL INSTITUTE EOL.:AT ION HAS BEENREPRO THIS DOCUMENTAS RECEIVEDFROM OUCEO EXACTLYORGANIZATION ORIGIN THE PERSON OROF VIEW OROPINIONS ATING IT POINTSNECESSARILY REPRE STATED 00 NOT OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE SENT OFFICIAL OR POLICY. EDUCATION POSITION John Glur, Project Director Ruth Catalano. Media Director 6000 W. Olive 6836 N.58thDr. Glendale. AZ 85301 Glendale.AZZ 939-7082 939-1473 o TABLE OFCONTE.NTS INTRODUCTION 1 INTERMEDIATE 4 - 6 USE-AGREEMENT 3 Career Awareness TEACHER REFERENCE Grade 4 39 Career Education 5 Grade 5 General Information 41 7 Grade 6 43 PRIMARY Self Awareness Career Awareness Grade 4 44 Kindergarten 9 Grade 5 Grade 1 45 10 Grade 6 45 Grade 2 11 Grade 3 13 Appreciation and Attitudes Grade 4 45 Self-Awareness Grade 5 46 Kindergarten 17 Grade 6 46 Grade 1 18 Decision Making Grade 2 19 Grade 5 Grade 3 47 20 Grade 6 47 Appreciations and Attitudes= Economic Awareness Kindergarten 21 Grade 4 47 Grade 1 22 Grade S Grade 2 49 23 GraCe 6 50 Grade 3 24 Skill Awareness Decision-Making Grade 4 51 Kindergarten 26 Grade 5 Grade 1 52 26 Grade 6 53 Grade 2 26 Grade 3 27 Employ-Ability Skills Grade 4 Economic Awareness 54 Gradb 6 55 Kindergarten 27 Grade 1 28 Educational Awareness Grade 2 29 Grade 4 Grade 3 55 31 Grade 5 55 Grade 6 56 Skill Awareness Kindergarten 33 Grade 1 33 UPPER 7-8 Grade 2 34 Career Awareness Grade 3 35 Grade 7 57 Grade 8 58 Employ-Ability Skills Kindergarten 37 Self Awareness Grade 7 61 Educational - Awareness Grade 8 62 Kindergarten 37 Grade 1 38 Appreciations and Attitudes Grade 2 38 Grade 7 Grade 3 62 38 Grade 8 64 Economic Awareness Decision Making Grade 7 66 Grade 9 101 Grade 8 67 Grade 10 102 Grade 11 102 Skill Awareness Grade 12 103 Grade 7 6R Grade 8 69 Economic Awareness Grade 9 104 Employ-Ability Skills Grade 10 1.04 Grade 7 70 Grade 11 105 Grade 8 71 Grade 12 105 Educational Awareness Skill Awareness Grade 7 71 Grade 9 106 Grade 8 72 Grade 10 107 Grade 11 108 Grade 12 109 S'YECIAL EDUCATION Careex Awark:inass 75 Employ Ability Skills Gradc. 9 110 75 Grae .10 110 Grade 11 111 Apprer.:lations & Attitudes- 7G Grade 12 111 T:,ecAion mpvirrT 77 Educational Awareness Grade 9 112 IIIEconotiri Awareness 77 Grade 10 113 Grade 11 115 77 Grade 12 115 alucional Awarener .78 7,ands ;47)terials 117 The Record 4,- 312 SCHOUL 9 - 12 Career :awareness Grade F---- 16---------- Grade 1: 87 Grade 12 39 Self Awareness Grade9 90 Grade1G. 91 Grade11 Crade12 92 Api,,reciz:tions and Attit'des 2,rcle10 94 3rade11 97 Grade12 100 WACOP 1973-74 MEDIA CENTER CATALOG The WACOP Media Center is a state-funded service agency serving over 77 schools in 20 plus districts in Western Maricopa County. We serve as a resource center through which career education media is being tried and evaluated in WACOP area classrooms prior to school or district purchase with recommenda- tions and evaluations available for anyone interested to review. We are available as teacher and librarian consultants in all aspects of career education related to use of all media--printed, auditOry, or visual in the classroom. This catalog will be up-dated by supplements three times during the project year 73-74. If you have needs which are not met by these listings, please call; what you're looking for may have come in since this printing. To check out media you Sign and return the Use-Agreement Formenclosed (a one-time procedure) then Fill out request forms such as the oneenclosed or Write your requests with your name and school on a piece of paper. Give these to your school consultant or mail them to the Media Center or In emergency, call 939-14?3 and tell us what you need. Unless otherwise noted, media is delivered to your school office sometime on a Monday and collected FROM YOUR SCHOOL OFFICE (or library in some schools) any time the after delivery (you will normally have 8 school days of use). Due to delivery schedules being so tight, IF YOUR CHECKED- OUT MATERIALS ARE NOT READY WHEN THE DRIVER omp-' EVALUATION CARD IS NOT COMPLETE, YOU W I FUN RETURNING YOUR MATERIAIO TO THE MEDIA CENTER IJEFURE atblVt/ts TIME ON MONDAY so that the next person can be served and future requests will be cancelled until a new Use-Agreement Form is filed. In order for Career Education Media to be more accessable to personnel in the project, we are issuing this catalog by grade levels. The codes are as follows: Teacher Reference Blue paper Primary (K-3) Yellow paper Intermediate (4-6) Pink paper Upper (7-8) Goldenrod paper High School (9-12) Green paper Special Ed./General Info. White paper Within each grade level materials are grouped by Career Elements: Career Awareness Self-Awareness Appreciations and Attitudes Decision-Making Skills Economic Awareness Skills Awareness, Beginning Competency Employability Skills Educational Awareness Materials designed for, or especially appropriate for Special Education students are listed in a separate section at the end of the Upper level materials. HOW TO READ ENTRIES 41) MAN HAS WINGS Kt 2 (5) Set of 6 f.s. and 3 cassetteswith teachers guide and student summary sheets. Titles such as. Passenger Service agent, Engine Mechanic.M Excellent Bowmar title of media a) call number code 0 annotation ofcontents. Bk - book Kt - kit source of materials C - cassette Fl - film loop product overall evaluation: Fs - film strip Product overall evaluation of poor, S - shoebox good or excellent are the resultof W - instructional a summer workshop inwhich people unit representing all grade levels and W7 - instructional disciplines evaluated the commercial unit - WACOP media in the catalog for content and - transparency, overall usability. The grade levels misc. were also determined inthis way. Pt - posters Grade levels do not mean that Ph - pamphlets, materials are reserved for the one magazines, etc. where listed, but may be tried in any grade upon request. 2 MEDIAUSE AGREEMENT FORM This year the WACOP Media Center is serving as a state-wide demonstration center for commercially prepared career education materials. The teachers in the WACOP areas are asked to serve as material evaluators. Media will be delivered to and collected from the individual school offices and will generally be checked out for a 2 week period of time. 1. As evaluation of materials is of prime concern, no more than 2 items per 2 weeks will be sent under normal conditions. 2. Materials must be ready for collection on the day due and be returned complete and in order, or with appropriate notation attached to the out- side of the package. 3. The evaluation card must be completely filled in and with the maTgiial at collection. Requests will be cancelled if evaluations are not done and,Inaterials are not ready on time. Filing anewigedia-Use Agreement Form will permit re- ordering of materials following a cancellation. We look forward to serving your needs both in the Media Center and in the schools. Once this request is on file, your requests will be processed within a week of receipt and a copy of the cOnfcrmationwill be sent to you. COMPLETE FORM---DETACH---RETURN I want to make use of WACOP Media this year (73-74). I understand my obligations consist of careful use, complete evaluation and prompt return of materials. I understand requests will be cancelled if evaluations arenot completed and materials are not ready for collection on time. I also know that filing a new Media-Use Agreement fcrm will permit reordering of materials following a cancellation. Signature (print or type name) (school name) (date) TEACHER REFERENCE Due to space limitations, only the major titles are annotated here. Additional materials are available under the categories of state reports, materials from other projects from throughout the United States as well as publications aimed at public awareness of career education. Catalog files for major companies are available. Files of activities and handouts for teacher use have been developed. These can be explored by coming to the media center or contacting the consultant in the school or center.