T T ^

;.. v' •o”-f •* •" - BATHRDATr FBBRUABT IT, I f l l - iKmuIrrater lEtirnUts IfmiUi Have a H ea rt,,A Better H eart.. Give to Heart Fund

• t ■ . points as Skunk’s Mlsety, Slopgut and GypsyvlUe also report noises. On Dean** lis t Sign Nurses AlibiItTown Averifs Dqlly Net Pr«8a Ron The Weather Heard Along Main Street Of course It's true. We have ^ For Mis Wggfc Badtag Feiaeast of O. a. WaaMMv Banaa checked H and can't prove It un­ For Defense The Arm y ond Htufy FabnM yn.iin true. at any rate. During the re­ Today partly cloudy, mlidt UaB- And on Some o f Maneheater*$ Side Streeter Too cent war, the way we got It, a not aear 48i tonIgM cloudy, mOd whidi mx U nfuluty on W«dnM- 10,141 foDowed by showers, lowest near' fellow flied a claim to recover car a u b ^ ■ftiwnmt to work on oanetr During Past Two Days 88: Tuesday showers In tho mom Probably, If we wanted to, we still his wife and not divorced, insurance because his automobile Manbar a« Mw Audit ■ergkel Awtask «•*• the dlvwtod woman has no right 81 Have Agreed to As­ Banua at ClfadtoOsaa Ing, fxintlnned mild. ■MBkmwhoooa ooRTMiianUy te could Uve amidst the hollyhocks wik smacked In the grill by a sub­ Manche$ter-^A City o f Village Charm 080* her ex-husband's name, «0k to M N t w tlio moattap: Mondw this summer through the goodwill marine. sist in Emergency rriwliit to tlM K. o( C Horaa «••the end of a sub­ commercial purposes at any rate. members of the Council are ex­ Every Saturday Night dojr enniiig tn the hglii member, Heard Along mentioned marine base Bngsr pier. The tide tremely gratlAed over the responss Air Force Pilots Have whin o pcogrom oitoiiged bjr Mrs- that The Herald Un’t disposed to John Doe—that's not his name— Truman May was high, the water not far.below of the nurses tn stgnifyiiig tbflr C^nnan Reich Trouble Driving Autos Railroad Brotherhood Pleads Wilber UtUe wUl be pw^te^ the phrase "please oiplt becoming perturbed over the fact the pier level. A sub came up river willingness to help If an emer­ STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP Mauled China Reds oonbliilng notloiiel e^^rtty M « flowers" In any of its notices. It that his wife, an active clubwom­ Into the .swiftly runping stream, gency arises. d d l defense. Mrs. Helen Griffin, is, we contend, a matter for the an, always appears as Mrs. Mary swung sharply and with plenty of Much creidit for contacting theae Mt. CTemens, Mich., Feb. 19. Have to Act Is Held liable — The Air Force is giving ehslnttsn of tho Amoricmlsni mourner rathe? than the bereaved !>,*, vented his feelings In the power pushed swiftly In toward nurses is givei^ to Miss B^trice 20 REGULAR GAMES 3 S P E O A f^ Guilty to Contempt Charge oommlttee, win serve os chslrmsn to settle on, and besides we don't following poem: Binder, Nursing Supervisor at tha some of Its highly-trained pi­ the pier before she could bn caught lots a refresher course in how oC the hoeteesee. want to sea florists go out o f busi­ Husbands are not worth very much, and fouled up by the tide. Manchester Memorial hospital, In War Claim In WSB Tiff Quit Fight as GFs ness St legst net with our help. Evgry day they oome and go Mrs. Lllllah Mutries o f Cheney to drive an automobile. The sub skippei. It Is said, was Officers at Selfridge Field Die senior choir of Ooneordlo Of course, our friends, the flor­ To their offices and other work, bit too eager though. He didn't Brothers and Mrs. Gertruds Ray- And Draws $75^000 Fine Lutheran church, under the dlrec* near here became concerned ists, have lauded us highly, and, Tto bring in the family dough. get set just right, with the result ner. Supervisor of the Manchester Senators Join Labor in tion of Borplny Wood, the or­ so far as we are aware, not one Public Health Nursing Associa­ Court Rules State Never because pilots— ekillful at ganist and choir director, wip pre- that the sub's bow slid up onto the speeds of 800 and 600 miles an Washington, Feb. lO-'f/Pi—The public in delayed service, missed —Washington, Chicago and Cleve­ Push Four Miles of the deceased has returned to Their wives like U be Mrs. Jack tion. connections or the blocking of land. Assailing Administra­ h Snit the beautiful Easter CSiuiUta. cuss us. Thus, we took the right pier for a few feet — enough to Nursea Who have signed up for Ceased to Exist in hour In the air lanes—wsre Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen •“Olivet to Calvary,” by Maunder, Smith. bump the parked ear. Mias KatlilcMi MelMgfeUn getting Involved in too many pleaded guilty to contempt of shipments of muhittona and sup­ Federal Judge Igoe In Chicago tion's Mobi 1 i z a t i o n and safe side of the question. When they take the marriage vow. Civilian Defense Include staff Spite o f Nazi Ouster; Palm Sunday evening at the SeeT nurpes at the Memorial hospital, crackups on mundane highway court today In tho recent "sick" plies to Korea. had assessed a $25,000 fine apply­ Here Is what Charles Barr, sec­ But when they j< in a lodge or Miss Kathleen McLaughUn has strikes in rallyards and was fined U. S. Attorney Fay said the ing only to the strikes before Set-Up; Labor Agency HimI Strnngliolfl in East dturch. It win be a candlelight retary of the Connecticut Florists nurses at Cheney Brothers, pri­ Restitution Ordered lanes. scored again wrlth her name on $78,000. guilty plea and fines imposed to­ Christmas. The union had ap­ U. N. Opens ceremony, and It la hoped all mem­ association writes; followed by the club. A consistent reader of thla col­ vate duty nurses, school nurses Post hospitals were getting Oiilrul Korea Falls bers of Cmcordla and their friends They change their names some­ the Dean's list as a third-year stu­ WASTE PAPER Federal Judge Edward A. Tamm day disposed "of everything In this pealed. sentiments of G. Glitter Sons com­ umn came Into the office the other and the Manchester Public Health filled up. and the Air Force Bulletin! win reserve the date. how. dent at Western Maryland college, Frankfurt, Germany, Feb. 19.— ordered the fine in U. S. District area, including the strikes in De­ Still pending in Chicago ia the pany of New Haven: day with a suggestion about aug- Nurses. i/P)—An American court has held worried because of the govern­ Waohlngtoa, Feb. i9_—Gen. railroad unions, to ditch the whole Entezam of Iran has summoned hind heavy artillery barragea and Dr. Pascal Poe, dean of HUlyer Agures In stories about milk being Now as to his suggestion about A Non We have both the experience and proper facilities to do the Weimar Republic and even so the the ao-ealled (Jood-Officea Com­ thing." ly had been Invited by the Univer­ J. Lawton Collins and today West­ Washington, Feb. 19—(J^—Dip­ administration program. fighter-bomber atrlkee. punched ooDiga, and Dr. Donald W. Russell, swiped from mllkrooms. and stor auggeatlonS. He urges all readers right Idnd of work. Third Reich. sity's chaplains to speak at an in­ mittee to meet In hia skyscraper dhatrman of the department of ed- of this column to send Ideas about ern Europe has "something on the Tliat could lead to widespread four miles northward to within lea about the adder have been "In 1933 Hitler and his Nasi ter-denominational dinner. How­ I order" of 16 divisions for defense lomatic officials predicted today office at headquarters here to ncBtioa at Hlllyer, will be among Stories come into this office, and multiplied to inchide an ability to Improving the town. Any Ideas Call os this week and hsT'e ns check your station wagoif' or atrlkea and disruption of defense one mile of Chuchon. local educators attending the town and country. cohorts by maneuvers took over ever, the chaplains withdrew the ' against possible attack, that Premier Stalin’s blast at the planning. make a start on the task. Chuchon is 10 miles north of every other newspaper office, we milk cows. The latter opinion on about traffic regulation, sidewalk Open Forum invitation "becau.se of Dr. Math­ The group- whoae other mem- meeting of the American Assocla- conditions and so on. should be the power to exercise sovereignty i The Army Chief of staff was tes- United Nations and the free world An apparent minority of the Chechon. Imagine, with all Christian names the adder, however, is very much for the German people. The Ger­ er’s previous and present relation­ I tlfying at Senate hearings on the bfra are Sven Orafstrom of Swe­ tton of School Administrators to of the women, often without the divided. sired, he believes. We agree with PHONE MANCHESTER .’>.326 generally will backfire in three labor committee prevailed at a Tho task force jumped off at man Retch continued. The uncon­ ships with certain organizations I Administration plan to put six U. den and Lula PadlUa Nervo of 9 a. ni. (7 p. m., e, a. t, Sunday) be held hi Atlsntio City next week. Mise or Mrs. To look them up In him. Perhaps someone has an idea Praise for Hospital ways. I1 meeting Friday, and the unlonlsU Dr. Russsn win participate as a In truth, this milk snake Is ac DEVELOPED AND ditional Burrender of the re' listed by the Attorney General's I 8. divisions Into a combined North were persuaded to wait until to- Mexico—was set up by the Ameri­ and advanced over snow-covered the city directory takes time and tually Supposed to be more fond that w^ould greatly benefit the office as objectionable.” eouaultant on the '“Foundations of town, yet cost nothing. So. read­ PRINTED mainder of the Naxl hierarchy did Atlantic Defense force. Those six These authorities speculated 1 day before deciding the next move can resolution branding Red China mountain roods. Stone said artil­ Isn't entirely satisfactory. of rata than milk; thus-one might To The Editor, Mather made no direct referbjice would bring total ground troops to that it may have these effects: ea aggressor In Korea. Bdneelhm” at cma of the meetings ers, get busy and aend us In your I should like to take the oppor­ 24-HOUR SERVICE DWYER PRODUCTS, Inc. not deliver the sovereignty of beyond pulling the three labor lery fire alone accounted for mora hsinc held for college teachers of According to Emily Post, a mar­ subtract milk from the adder’s In his sermon to the chaplains’ 22 divisions. 1. To tigliten up. rather than di­ members off the Wage Stabiliza­ Russian spokesmen aald then opinions. tunity of using our local newspa­ ROUTE 85 — BOLTON, CONN. Germany permanently to the vic­ action. adqwitton. Dean Poe Uvea at 37 ried wonaan ^ ould continue to diet altogether. Film Deposit Box torious Alliss. Collins previously haa aald he is vide, the West in its determination tion Board. that the ronunlUee’s task was (Contlaued on Page Tore) use her husband's name, even after per to say thanks to the entire However, he described the At­ to build military strength against hopeless since the labelling of Tmumr abroet and Dr. Russell at We suggest, theirefore. that this At Store Entrance WOODWORKERS and FINISHERS "Rather the Allies cast out what convinced Western Europe intends The boartTg make-up la In quee- , hlB death; if at that time she was dumb snake w*a pursuing some It always interests us. when wc staff of the Manche.ster Memorial torney Oeneral’a list aa "one of to build up Ita strength. He also Soviet expansion because, despite Peiping ea an aggressor had alam- M Barssr straet. read in the news that the regular hospital. might be termed the ufurpers of tion as a result of the labor bolt. agUe rat who led the creeper the most serious blots on the bad .told ths Senate Foreign Rela- bis avowals of seehing pcacs, the It couM become' 'a stabiltMtIon mMl the door on peace tries. ' race to the trap, adroitly opened Monday meeting of the Tuesday Never having had to use our German sovereignty.” escutcheon of Democracy.” tiona and Armed Service Commit­ overall tone of what Stalin said Last Friday, however, onn sec­ sewing club will be postponed this board of only public membera. Tha George Okays the door, stepped aside and sprung hospital before It didn't quite reg­ KEMP'S In holding tho German Reich He said the Attorney General tees that Russia has 175 to 200 was tough and uncompromising. formula—which limits wage In­ tion of Prime Minister Stalin's PINI PBARMACT PINE PHARMACY the tripper on the snake. week to Thursday because Friday ister with me the worir doctors, liable for the dalm, the Court did so far had csrttfled only one or­ divisions under arms. Russian divi­ The first concrets reaction along creases to 10 per cent above Janu­ foreign policy statement gave the The rat! was found inconvenient as a meet­ nurses and others working there not q>ecify the legal successor to ganisation, the Communist party, sions run 12,000 to 14,000 men this line ia expected to be quick ary 18, 1980 levels until July 1 — committee a new, Imt highly qual­ Troop Plan ing day for most of the members. had to do in raring for the p|, k. Hitler’s Government as to llsbility as subversive. compared with 18,000 for U. 8. di­ Western agreement on a note to must be acted on by economic ified, hope. Now something of this same all- The niesl.s were prifret and for its debts since this question The professor said: visions. Moscow catling on the Russians to Stabllzer Eric Johnston. Thla was the so-called "big If” To Heard Along Main St.: Inclusiveness and elu.sivencsa PINE PHARMACY •served quite attractive. wss not raised. “The democratic way of life, as Expect 40 In 2 Years say If they are willing to hold Big That left the Administration where he Indicated the Communist The only story I remember cornea to us in another, brighter- the Christian way of life, demands world did not believe the West Foreign Relations Vet- hearing - about St. Valentine's Let's support our ho.spital and Senator Wherry (R-Neb) said Four talks on the real causes of two openings for calming labor's colored package. D o You K now— faith In our fellow men, because world tension. ruffled feathers, without the per­ had finally rejected Peiping's /s Open Sunday Aif Day Day’s origin, was the one I heard "The mardi gras, which was be glad we have good doctors, we have faith in God. It ia a ques­ he understood the land strength of eraii Now Opposes nurses and surgeons. Great Britain was about five divi­ Personal Prestige Involved sonal intervention of Mr. Truman. terms. Stalin said: In third erade. As mentioned planned for Monday, will not be tion not only of the mind, but of These alternatlvel were: "If Britain snd the United Frag DeBTcry For AD Tonr Dmfl’ Needs in Monday's Herald, the history of ■yours sincerely, You too can save money by getting yuur Three Ready Reliable soaroea In Hong Kong sions. France seven, Norway three, 2. Inside Russia where Stalin's Li mil on Divisions held until Friday." Mardi gras, the heart; not only of the body, reported that Mho Txe-tung, boas 1. Johnston may soften the States reject finally the proposal the origin Is vague. we thought, meant "fat Tuesday," Helen Davidson. but of the soul.” Belgium one and Luxemburg, one words are univsrsaity read, reread As well as we students ex­ glasses at Union Optical Co. of the Oilneee Communist^ was battalion. and debated for months or years, Washington, Feb. 19—(/P>—Sen­ whatever that means. T o TeU AU n iu "So-Called Americans” strteken Iqr a heart attack as the (Oonttnned on Page Hs v m ) (Oeatlnaed m Peg* Tea) PINE PHARMACY changing Valentines, the teacher He urged a strong defense of "Some thing on that order Is his descriptions of the array of reault of overwork and the strain ator George (D-Ga) said today 664 CENTER STREET TEL. 2-9614 told us the following story. It The Journal of the Petroleum the United States in the material correct, sir," Collins said. nations against the Communist went something like this: ' Service at Union Optical is the best in of the Korean f^lsis. Mao, 62, Wherry demanded to know how bloc—though not so Intended — the plan to send four more Ameri­ Institute, which, we would say conflict with Russia suid a strong s suffered from heart trouble PINE PHARMACY PINE PHARMACY Long ago, there was a priest, offhand peddles the old oil, has ■ Will Purge Themselves offense in the conflict of Ideals. many divisions the Western Euro­ may give the Russian people a new can divisions to Europe is "reason- named Valentine. He becam'e SERVICES town. Mather asserted that In the for a long time. His official title pean nations would furnish in the idea of what they are up against. able" ami he doesn't think Congress found InAuenza a subject for com­ Of Gintempt Tag Be­ Is chairman of the "People's Gov- well known, far and near, for his ment. Tn regard to it, the Jour­ ideological conflict the U. . "first next two years. TTie Stste Department's reply Taxi Cowboy Scares should put any quota on troops. 8 emme.'it” of Red China. (NEA visits of cheer to the sick and nal asserts: That intbrprel the wishes fore Crime Probers (must) understand what democ­ Collins said that question ought Saturday night, mildly denouncing This apparently represented grieved. Himself he sacriAced "You have two chances—one of iaeh All: work done at Union Optical Co. is racy means, and second, resist ef­ Telephoto). to be reviewed beforie any public the Stalin comments aa "misstate­ something of a shift in sentiment answer was made. ment." expressed hope that Stalin's by the Georgia Senator, a veteran to serve people. getting the gemrand one of not; of the familx. guaranteed. Washington, Feb. 19.—OP)— forts now. being made..to -destroy Cabbie Out of Job When hia falling health con- "And If you get the germ, you Hdum democracy by the false prophets Wherry said it was his under­ attack on the United Nations and member of the Senate Foreign Senate crime probers looked to­ standing the total North Atlantic all U. N. members who voted Relations Committee. It indicated ffned him to his home, he wrote have two chances—one of getting day to hit pay dirt. Three one- of so-called Americans." Italian Red messages of cheer to those he the disease and one of not; And, he added, America must Defense Force under Dwight D. against the Communists in Korea gaining Administration strength John Burke Come in and have Mr. Oirisleiisen adjust reluctant witnesses said they were Eisenhower, would be 37 to 40 "will awaken the Soviet people to in the battle over proposed troop could not call on. "And if you get the disease, you ready,to talk; the committee gave apply the principle of democracy have two chances—one of dying KIINERAI. HOME your glasses free o f eharge. in international relations. divisions in that time. the dangerous road dovsii which Bootleg _ ceilings. TTpon hearing of his death many them a forum. Split Widens they are being led.” With staff chiefs of tho Army, of his grateful friends felt that and one of not: Mather previously had described Wherry aaked who would make 87 East Ccatei SI. leL 6888 Threatened with possible con­ any decision to use the atomic 3. Stalin's personal prestige has Navy and Air Force scheduled to EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT memory of him should be pre- "And if you die- , well, you still STEIUPRT tempt of Congress charges, Alfred withdrawal of the chaplains’ Invi­ Heads for Two- Gun j Era Returning seiA’ed. It was decided to make have two chsnceS|!” tation as "a good example of the bomb. Collins said Eisenhower now become Involved In Russia’s testify before ttie Foreign Relatione Arobolaswe Service "Big Al” Pollzzi, Harry (Nig) Scores o f Communists diplomatic and propaganda battle and Armed Services groups. hia birthday a day of exchanging Rosen, alias Harry Stromberg, hold that M c^rthyism has gain­ would have to consult the Presi­ Country in Texas ____ Penny Bingo 7:15 to 7:45—Regnltr Bingo at 7:45 friendship messages. Of course, This reporter smile^ broadly the ed in America." He apparently Turn in Cards, Join dent who would make the decision. more directly than ever before. George, told a reporter in advance and Willie Weisberg asked for an­ of the meeting he thinks Congress that was Inspired by the mes­ other day, when emer^ng from one U nion O ptical Co. other chance. They were called to referred to attacks by 8enator Mc­ "In my judgment, qo military Previously he had held aloof from San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 19 Fear High Lll|* UJQRnEB the East-West conflict in most of should approve the principle of of t;he grocery stores, to find in Carthy (R., Wls.), on Individuals Christian Democrats msn should have the power to sages he wrote when unable to ft M W H tt 641 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER lEI,. 2-.3128 testify at a public hearing (10 a. — It was the U. S. Commissioner's nor Taxes Will Re- get around. The messages were the parking space a nice, shining Read Herald Advs. m., ex.t.). he contends are Reds. make that decision," Collins added. his public pronouncements. turn today to hear the etory of a sending troops to join an Inter­ ORANGE HALL The State Department opened an national Army for defense of called Valentine. Father Valen­ FOR Chairman Kefauver (D., Tenn.), The staff of chaplains includes Rome, Feb. 19—{IP)— New Opposes Limitation 16-year-old Chlcafci. youth that he ! vive Proliihition Evils tine came to be referred to as St. of the crime (tbmmittee aald the Protestants, a Catholic priest and Collins earlier bad argued that attack on this point last night. Its VVestexn Europe. . ______. ____ scores of Communists today were took an aunt's $33,000 savings on i Plan "Reasonable" Valentine. trio had indicated they, desire "to a Rkbbt. There are 13 Protestant failure of sea and air power alone "Voice of America" began telling a spendliig epree to the country ; J. W. Cheney members. Including several wom­ reported turning in their party to stop the Communists In Korea the world Stalin had taken over Wa.shlngton, IVb. 19 (A’> "I am willing to approve any purge themselves of contempt ci­ where men etill carry guns. House tax writers sought advice tations.” They had refused to an­ en coimcillors. They represent 10 cards os the split In Italy’s pow- demonstrates the need for U. 8. from "puppets and stooges" the rroouimble program and I think CHATTERBOX RESTAURANT Protestant denominations. The aunt, Mrs. Cura Andrews, a today on how a big boost in li­ the one outlined by Marshall and Our portly-slsed neighbor. Tbs swer some questions at sarller erful Red ranks widened across Chicago hotel operator, refused to 613 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 2-8002 The Dally Orange, a student (Continued on Page Ten) (Continued on Page Ten) quor taxes con be put Into effect Bmclloy a rensunablo one," George Hartford Times, gava ^Itorial sx- hearinga on the groimds the an- the country. sign a complaint against chunky, without touching off on era of planstion recently concerning the 'V- newspaper, said the Rev. Gannon said. He referred to Secretary of t Ryan, Catholic chaplain, had ob­ From Grsvina, Apulia, press re­ 185-pound James Walter Miller. bootlegging and rum-ninning. noisy "Thing” that comes to ns (ConttBoed on Page Two) ports said 220 Communists and However, the FBI said he would Some members of the House regularly over the air from the jected to Mather after a campaign (t.'oiiUnucd uD Page l*uur) SUNDAY SPECIALS by a Syracuse alumnus. ^ pro-Red Socialists handed their be arraigned here today on a fed­ Ways and Means Committee have direction of tlnlted Aircraft. party cards to the local secretary eral charge of interstate transpor­ said they fear a widespread in­ IDEAL Dry Cleamng Winding up Its explanation. The Takes ResponsIMUty Choice Of Soup Or Juice Dean Charles C. Noble of Hen­ of the Christian Democrat t.anti- tation of stolen property over $5,. crease In illicit liquor-making and Itmes noted that at times, “Hart­ sales if Secretary of the Treasury TENDERLOIN STEAK ...... 11.95 % ' • dricks chapel, a Methodist minis­ Red government) party. The re­ 000.> ford hears nothing and Ea^ Mam W anted! News Tidbits ports said all asked to Join the News Flashes Snyder's tax plans, are oulopt- Digs 2 Years, ter, said at the Inter-denomlna- Miller wss picked up Saturday Chester gets the noise.” ITALIAN STYLE VEAL CUTLET ...... 61.65 Christian Democrats. ed. Also, we make haste to point SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN ...... $1.75 Colled From m Wires tional dinner that he would "take (Late BuUetliM et toe UP) Wire) S t s dude anch near Bandera, full responsibility for the with­ The gtoup included members of west of here. He had $29,840 left Chairman Doughton (D..'^N. C.) IDEAL Laundering out. We. * ever heard of." He wga aervlng and state officlala are silent as to the lOth year of a 20-year eentence. reason for resignation of man who Champaign, HI., Feb. 19—(J)— yprepared the will for filing for pro- Wages May Go Up Says Wilson Point Mugu, Calif., Feb. 19—(J) . In hietory that people have knovim The warden said it ouut )iave 10% —Spece travel Is "clioser th an tso much about an Invention yet to Z f f C Apply Immediaiely served at manaion under flvF gov­ A professor whose annual------salary- " — bate today, estimated MUIfer’s hold­ taken Holmes two years to dig his Atlantic City, N. J., Feb. 19—<^)—General Motors Presi­ most people realiac,” says the sen- be made," he said in an Interview Oudi aai Carry Grata Staaqto ernors. . . . Stocks drift to kiting never topped $6,000 built up a ing# at between $900,000 and $!,'> way out. side In quiet stock ms lice t...... fortune of close to $1,000,000. 000,000. dent Charles E. Wilson today said organized labor’s wages lor test engineer for the Fairchild yesterday. f, Guided Missiles Division at the Radio Df owned Noise CHAMBER'S Employment Office .Seven Japanese offlciale arrive In This astonishing feat wss dis­ Expert Mathematician will go up if the cost of living rises. “ No one should be so 328 Fret Long A slender, rather light figure. Hartford tomorrow to spend few closed today In the will of the man The professor was a wdoly naive.” he said, “ as to think that wages among organized Navy’s secret missile test center .St. Germain is an authoritj’ on here. rockets, missiles and Jet engines. Holmes started his tunnel under days studying local and state per- who pyramided the money — the known mathematician. ' He bought groups will not be increased to make up for inercases in the his bUnk. He carefully lifted out a FURNITURE eonnel and civil defehseisystems . . Point Mugu In the site'from which late George A. Miller. sto^ s and bonds. But nobody As proof,’ Arthur V. St. Germain piece of slate about two feet square Pennsylvania railroad aaya It will He left hi* entire, estate to the cost of living.” tho navv launrhos top secret wea­ knew precisely how he parlnyed hia offered detailed plans for a five- from the floor. Then he hit cement. fight proposed establishment of University of IlUnois. * * * stage rocket which he said coqld pons which travel hundreds of modest ssiary Into six-figurs Piece by piece, he chipped away SALES public authority.^ to nmJ|M|ikrupt Miller, 87 when he died Feb. 10, riches. U. S. Popvlation Is 1.53,085,000 carry tuw m«n to the moon. land miles out to see St. Germain’S aw toe cement, eppeiontly willing 501 EAST BIIDDLE TFK. Long Island toUHM T T V Presi­ was a famlligr figure on the cam­ The exscutor, of the uill, Marc Washington, Feb. 19-H(i<(Wr6« Census Bureau estimated there qnd retqm. He said bis de­ speceship Is one of the Istast con­ W. T. Graht Co. dent Truman ai)d Oah. (h n ^ pus. He drgsiwd ptainly. Hs often C. Norton, Vice President of the sign, while not in production, is cepts for trsvsl to ths moon and only between a p. m. and 10 p. m. today the population o f the Unitad Stataa, including mem­ Bradley explode wUsporsd nanon ate with students in the Hlinl First National Bank in Cluanpaign. practical with “too appUcation of back. But ths fact that be could whan tha loud epeoktr oystem • Open 9 A. M. to 5 P-M. - bera of the armed forces overieaa, totaled 153,085,000 on blorod out nuUo progromo. ItAs 7:80 to8:S0P.M. ' > 815 MAIN STREET Gen. Douglas . MacArtburis ay- Union Ctafateria.; Not even hie said Miller’s boldlpgs "repraMiited techniquee already at our 8 is-. talk about it for publication indl- l.tf I n A I N STB E E T S I 3 • thority in Korea haa been acalad intimatce knew o f his wealth. Jan. 1. That waa a gain of 1,953,000 ip the i ^ e montha since poeal." down. 'Attorney James G. Thomas, who • iUtwttaued ea Pfiga EisMii. the 1950 census nude aa of last AlirUl* ia probably toe Ilrst Uoao ^ (Cogtiqued on B«g9 JUgbtX XOMrtb|«ad Off Jtof* ftouta

/ . ..x . j ^ ...... MAWt tlliSlE K EVEMNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 19M i'W PO T , , ___£.------— ------^______- i . , ------^ ^ ^ ------MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, DUNN, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1951 PAGE THR^ 1 and local union oftcera to'testify ’ Arc non-working imlonlgts with re- his patgola hava been unable to 3tl^ Brotlieili.ood on^ the »h. linkiinU between general bead'Head- Stilting Ions of trenatired eeniof- i\Iau1ed Chinese ■hake contact for 3fi hours. Taxi Cowboy quarters and the Washington Ter­ ity Rldgway, commander of the Gas Shortage Reputed "Eternal Voice" is on unremitting minal Union setup. The trainmen slid three other . Reds Quit Battle Eighth Army, told a newa confer- Scares Cabbie Rev. J. B. Gates queet revealing God'e purpoee and Local Youths Pleads Guilty The Srtoppages first broke out In operating unions were snarled ence; grace. Mid-Winter Sale Special at Keith's Daoenber with men reporting o'var ‘ an agreement tentatively ‘T have not given the 3Sth Par­ In Other Housing Projects The muefiTfor the morning serv­ Weddings "sick” to protest over failure of signed by union leaders at the (CoBtlaned from Page One) allel a thought. Am far as 1 am (OoMtimMd tram Page Oae) ice woe under the direction ofi Her­ Win Awards H i 'M t t O M l White House Poccniber 21 liut re­ concerned it has no significance." Pulpit Guest bert A. France, minister of music. pay and working rules negotla- About 400 families to two New . the project turned off to conserve tlono. jected l)V the tinion rank and file. than 200 enemy dead. Small am;a The 38th Parallel recently be­ In Dallas, cab tfrivsr C. F. Mur­ The chancel choir sang the anthem, OMtSW ■gUlMt Half of the pay raise provided skinulahoa continued throughout came a touchy political^ queatlon. Britain housing projects have been 1 Uie dwtodling gas supply here for phy, who spsnt 60 kours "playing "Saviour, Source of Every Bless­ Celello-Quinn Barnard, High School a t tlM m a n and Similar waikotils occurred again cooking. Prison Chaplain Fills Pf TIMF QUALITY! In that tentative agreement waa the day along the path of the Prime Minister Clement* Attlee of warned that their cooking gae sup­ kid with 832,000 to blow" quit his in g '’ by Mozart.' At the offertory, Miss Dorothy Mae Quinn, niece ivMunl oO eon In Um early this month. They were end-, advance. ' The gas supply In such utilities Piipilfs Selected in Art ad ten days ago when the Army, •put into elTert liy the A rm y when Great Britain said the United Na­ ply is extremely short. The pro­ Charlie McCarthy for a gun-hsppy Harold Baglin, tenor soloist, sang of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer R. Swan- . . . tions should reconsider the ques­ as the housing project supply has Vacancy at So. Meth­ I lAw 1 1 iriL AT SUCH A LOW PRICE! „ . - .operating the rail rarrlers tinder the men went hai lt to work tlii.s A.P. Correapondent Stan Swin- jects ere supplied from tanks lo- kid with 832,000 to blow” quit his "If With All Your Hearts" from ;t had called Na ton reported that the oUier tion before Allied forces cross the suffered because of the recent .son. of 50 Middle Tiirnpil$e, west. ' ('ttiUrtsl in Hartford P. Kennedy I government seizure, threatened to month. .cated on the premises and serviced railroad strike. The gas used job yesterday. odist; Gives Sermon the "E lijah” by MendcKssohn. 1-4------I T S A FU ll W ^/A/rtvr< ty/OF/ ------^------e-l Anieiioan counter-attack recap­ boundary. Sherwood Treadwell assisted the and daughter of the late Mr. and by "bottle gas" companies. The comes from Texas and Oklahoma. "I don’t want to meet any more Three local youths won achieve­ tured a bitterly-defended mile of President Truma.-i said General residents have been told not to Rev. J. B ernard Gates, chaplain minister in the morning service. Mrs. Walter E. Quinn, 'oecame the II wedge driven by the Reds Into It is expected here that the passengers Uke that." said the 28- ment keys in the recent Connecti­ MacArlhur rtill had authority to use gas for water heating, but on­ shortage will be broken, perh. /• of the State Prison was the guest bride of Joseph N. Celello, son of . Uic Chcchon fro n t la st week. year-old Purple Heart veteran of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Celello. of cut Regional Seholasllc Art Awards send U. N. trinips across 38 If It ly for cooking purposes. in the next day or so when cars of World War H, "ao I’m going back preacher at the Sunday morning held in Hartford. The Scholastic Drove KeJa From IIIIU wa.s niililarily Advisable. U. N, Southington, st 10 o'clock Satur- ! Tlie New Britain action follows gas arrive. But since delay may to painting cars." service at South Methodist church Piano Recilab > Alt Awards is conducted by Seliol- This action covered a two and troops crossed It last fall and had that found necessary here at Sliver . again occur, every day morning, February 3, at St. | conservation Earlier Murphy said hs had been James's church. Camatlons and Bstic .Magazines and eossponsored one-half mile front about six final victory over North Korea in Lane homes last.week when Pro- means Is being used. The houses in the absence of Rev. Fred R. MARLOW'S SERV-UR-SELF forced to go on a wild ride ’Tuesday Edgar. Mr. Edgar is spending palms were the decorations used in Conuecliciil by the Hertford mile.s due north of Chechon. By sight when Rod China entered the Ject Director Harold Symington are heated with coal or oil in the To Be Presell led night after he picked the boy up several days in New York city do­ at the church. The double ring Couriinl Parade of Youth. nightfall the doughboys had cap­ conflict. I ordered the hot water heaters in projects concerned. ■.Norman Terrien and Larry Case, tured the little mountain town of at a Dallaa hotel. He said the boy ing research Work at Columbia ceremony was performed by Rev. Vastly outnumbered. A llied bought a car for the trip and guns University and Union 'Theological Frederic E, Werner announces John F. Hannon. Mrs. Ralph both of the Barnard aehool, won Kiimna and driven the Reds from forces were forced to retreat back | fheni," he said. "It Is wonderful to the first of a series of mid-.season achievement keya. the one for his tliree liill.s. and 8500 worth of cowboy clothes Seminary in preparation for the Marcarone presided at the organ FURNITURE MART ucioea 3S. The Clilne.se and the re- | have them. It is a good thing to Tliret‘ Ready for the two of them. degree of Doctor of Philosophy in recitals for Sunde.v afternoon, iind Ralph Macearone sang “Avo transparent water color, and the Swlnton said a fiiriuu.s battle vitalized Korean Red Army kept know Uiey arc going to stick with February 25. at 3;15 o'clock in other for two opaque water colors. '.vas in progresa for a fourlii hill. Cites Boston Robbery religious. education. Maria " and other selections. WALK DOWN TO THE BASEMENT & SAVE! coming. » I you. TTien you can go ahead do- Chaplain Gates chose for his the chapel of the South Methodist The bride waa presented in mar­ The thud award, won by s local Monday's main, action, he added, Rldgway .said the Chinese had ing your own job." To Tell All Murphy eacaped when the car church. Twelve of the younger was fought in a liiige natural am- theme, "The Eternal Voice", u.sing riage by her brother. Francis K. girl, was the dresa design entered . 1 live annic.s on the line when they! He said he did not consider seH- skidded Into a ditch near San An­ pupils of Mr. Werner's will be pre- Quinn. Her matron of honor waa by Rita ScholsUy of Manchester tonio. as a text a portion of the Twelfth .sentcil in the rorning recital. They Ljli, * ^ P I began their central front attack ous the Korean Red attack on the (Contln ied from Page One) Chapter of John, which reads in Mrs. Russell Perkins of this town, High schiHil. li * are all under the age of 12. the and bridesmaid was Mrs. Steven Arhirvoiuciit keys were awarded I An e.slimate.l 3.000 Korean Reds ! ’^'"*** *«-ont north of Che- "He didn’t look like a kid,” Mur- part that wliile Jesus was deliv­ youngest being six and all frohi feiisive carried fr»in Suwon to the chon. swers might tend to Incriminate phy said. “He told me he w as 24 Frasso of .Southington. to the wiiinera .Saturday afternoon ' liad made light attacks in tlie area ering His Ia.st public sermon, a Manchester. Sunday, bill tlie.se w ere repulsed. gate.s of Seoul, former South Ko­ Since the collapse of the Red them. and he looked it. He told me he voice came from heaven. The William F. Celello waa heal man at 2:30 in a s)ircial cereiuoiiy helil rean Capital. diive between Wonju and Chip­ Conviction for contempt of In the second recital of this ser­ for his brother, and ushers were Rods Pull Back had killed three pollcemeu in Chi­ crowd standing nearby heaitl it. ies Mr, Werner will present Roliert Mrs. iloseph N. Celello at tile Avery Memorial Court METAL UTILITY CABINETS "When they attacked on a 20 yong the Chinese have beeiv ti-y- Congro.ss carric.s peimlUe.s ran g , cago and that he knew who pulled Some said it was thunder, others Lawrence W, Connelli of Plain- Room. The exhibit will be o|ien to It was quiet between this sec- . ... ■ , .... Richardson. Jr., a talented young lor and the west coast. The,'""' potential Ing to disengage, Rldgway said. ing up to a year In jail and up to that mlllion-dollar Boston robbery. said an angel had spoken, but vllle and Clayton E. Cooke of the public at Avery Memorial In A six-mile advance carried 81,000 fine. pianist In an evening spent with West Hartford. groom helped receive In a tu r ­ Priced to Bring Crowds to Rert.s liad pulled back along the 1 " powertul attack, Rldgway H s told me he bated cops. And Jesus said, "It is the voice of God the masters. Hartford from today to Marcli 4. To-mile front alter failing at tre- ***"*• "T'*® attack could have been American troops 10 miles north- PoHzzi was questioned at a every time we saw a squad car he which has come for your .-»ko. not The bride was attired in s quoise dress w ith black acces.*iorics At the close of the regional show ! ea;:l of Chipyong. Turkish patrols The third recital will be given anil an orchid corsage. meiidoii.s cost to crack the Allied I su.slained for a long time.” committee hearing in Cleveland would pull out his pistol. for mine. When I am lifted up by Donna J. iJi Vista a fre.shman white chiffon velvet gown fa.sh- at the Avriv the prize-winning ex­ Marlow's Basement Tomorrow! line in a five-dnv drive. I R>'t tliousands of the entire peninsula north- on Jan. 18. Rosen and Welsberg from the earth. T will draw all at the High school, who has shown ioned with maiqui.sette yoke anil When leaving on a trip to Wash­ hibits will lie sent to (.'arnegic Murphy said a, police car fol­ shirrcil bodice, long tapering Rldgway credited a magnificent "'en 0«ily. particularly around ! "■esl of Seoul without finding declined to answer nuiiicrous ques­ lowed them once for several miles. men unto me." possibilities at the piano. ington, U. C , the bride chose a j IuHtiiutr m I'lHshiirgh for national ji.t.iml hy‘American and French i t'hipymig, ZO milea northwest of any Chinese. tions when the seiiator.s conduct­ ‘'We need to hear that voice to­ In the closing recital of this sleeves e.xtending to a point and tlirce-picce pumpkin and black , judging. There, a national jury British forces advanced four "And this kid would just turn a c.athedral lengtli tiain. She UTILITY CABINETS ' ron es at Chipyong with sma.shing Wonju. Some of the Reds were ed a closed door prolie last Octo­ and stare at them." Murphy said. day.” said Mr. Gates, “amid the .scries Ml. Werner will prr.seiit anil with lilack acce.ssorics and an | ^^||| nviaiil thousands of dollars In the Red diive Thiir.-day. He said arryiiig only primitive weapons. miles northeast of Kyongyan, a ber into Philadelphia'.s mmibers confu.sion of our troubled world. .students of the advanced class wore a white sequin helmet cup orchid cor.sage Upon their return b,„| joo tuition All Steel Cabinets liiglr.vay town 17 miles southea.st "Finally, the patrol car turned off. God has a message If we would attached to a Frencli ilhl.sion tlie couple couiile will reside at 107 Oak' the Chinese were so hard-hit that Rldgway f.howed corrc.spondcnts racket. playing the works of the old and schokirships to leailu'g art schools. A spofial piiri'liii.so we wouldn't (lu)rlic4ito iinw' a I I lid’- five-foot .epear that was4 found only dead He told me he wanted to go some but hear. To some, things will hand-rolled Ihiee quaitrr.s length' .street, Southington. Folizzl refused to amswor any place where they'd let him wear modern composers. . ui'.d among Chinese bodies. He ! and abandoned weapons. just happen, to some it will cause veil and carried a bouquet of white ^ Mrs. Celello is a graduate of for twice thi.s price! Knd caliinct.'' arc lo \ 'J I P In contrast to the heavy Casual­ qiie.stions about his activities prior pistols in holsters the way Billy roses anil .steplianolis with an or- i 8 8 to 11)45. He arknowtedged he hail bewilderment, but to those who Riilkclcy High school and attcn inches . . . ties inflicted on the Reds last Hie Kid used to w ear them ." chid in the center. | ■ They didn't have anything bet- been engaged in some illegal activ­ have faith it will mean the voice ed Lady of Kims college. Hlllyer all art- IH inclie.s det'p. Snow-w liitc hakcti cn- t-r to ;iglit with.” I weeli, the Eiglith .\miy reported . Paid $300 Rent of God, and they will understand The matron of honor wore a ' college and Feener Business Tasty Wrigley’s ities but he said he waa "ashamed " About Town Chinese red velvet gown with a am rl. clironic liamllos, concralcil hinges, 't on ii il iic would not say this m eant I slightly more than 800 were killed I Officers said Murphy's story its meaning. As a child who has s( liool She IS employed at Bi ain- ' In scattered light actions Sunday. of them, had reformed and was go­ received a letter from Her father .separate jacket trimmed with gel all .‘I cnhincis at this one pj'icci 111.' Reds wcie that .short of mod­ ing "straight.” 1 checked out with a statement ard. Judd and (.'ompany. Rerv-ur-»elf and save at least *4. on Allied warships pounded both and carries it about .showing it to The D. U. V. C. W, will hold Venetian lace and fashioned willi these handsome. glcaiiiliiK all-uliile el n weapons and am m unition. \ Miller gave Sheriff A. L. (Johnny) their regular meeting tomorrow Mr. Celello gradimlcd fiom Father VOt 'Ll. ITND MANY 1 SE.S FOB THIS Spearmint Gum the east and west coasts Sunday. Pollzzl told the Senate investl- others, even thbugh it has no real a portrait collar. She wore a metal utility cabinets. The genci.il warmly praised his Faris of Bandera. Farls and F-BI night at eight o'clock with Mrs. Chiiie.se rod velvet liat of Uie \'ic- Lewis High aehool in Southington, HANDY < ABINET The U. S. Cruiser St. Paul blast^ j gators that when he left Cleve­ j men arrested Miller late Saturday Ifheaning to them, .still to her it is and the University of Connccticul. lioop.s from m any land.s, partlcu- land and went to Florida he took Grace Ames at the Center. A pen­ toiian period and matrliing mitts 11 Red troop concentrations North at the ranch after thev became a message from her daddy whom He IS now a.ssociated with Hcm- lirly the Biiti.sh, Turks, Greeks of the Han River In the Seoul area about 8300,000 witli him. He was •he lovek and understands.” ny auction and Washington soiual and carried a boiiqiicl of yellow CABINET BASES To the Rescue and Frencli. I suspicious of the boy's lavish will follow the meeting. ro.ses. ■’ uigway-Ia’W is Insurance and Real­ . ... . of western Korea. On the cast described before the committee Mr. Gates pointed out that mere ty Comi'any in Southington. I have complete confidence In 1 roast, desti-oyers shelled .shore In- spending. The tipoff, Faris said. Tile bi idesm.sid wa.s attired in a John's both as a Miami real estate operar facts mean so much to some of ; wan a report fropi the ranch oinier The bride's gift to the bride­ stallatlons at Wonsan but were tor and a Coral Gablc.s contrac­ us. While the search for knowl­ Cub Pack 78 will hold it.s gown of gold voivci. made in the ® ™ groom was luggage and to her al- forced out of the harbor by Red tor. I that the boy paid $500 rent In ad- edge is very important, wi.sdom is and gold affair tonight at 7:30 at •same fashion as tlial of the ma­ - ? ^ - i , ; vance. Temple Beth Sholom vestry. A tron of honor. She loo wore the tendimt.s initialed cigarette rase.s. shore batteries. Planes from the The committee voted to j-ecom- more Important. If we hear only Tlic bridegroom's gift to the bride Medicine KMt’lirnR R{ithri»om« NiinirrlrR lloliliy RofimR l.iiiimlrif'R 88 j The boy's mother, Mrs. Dtargaret white elephant sale will be held to .same style hat and matching U. S. Carrier Philippine Sea knock­ mend to the Senate that he be clt- the "thunder” and not the "voice", raise funds for Cub activities. mitts. Her bouquet was ol rod was luggage, and to the best man ed out the shore guns later. e f for contempt of Congress but I Ordas, confirmed he took the our knowledge Is useless. and ushers, gold cuff link sets. The Navy announcement did not so far has withheld the filing of a ; money from the aunt. We must never lose touch with roses. rSE OI K (ONAFMFsNT CKMMT TO lU V saj’ whether any of the destroyers contempt petition. God. even if we feel at times that St. Elizabeth's Mothers’ Circle From 12 o'clock noon until .*> in fo r c o u g h s AT s a v i n g s : — — — — — no one is really there. There are will hold its annual dinner tomor­ the afternoon a wedding reception Subsidized Baby .Sitters I KFITH I r ilM T I U r CO. I were hit. Ke/aiiver said tesUrnony at the row at seven o'clock si the home Tnkr ailvniUaRc of i^I A 'hrlhrr 31 AN< MKS'I'FK, VON N. In tlie air. B-29 Superforts Mon­ moments when life looks futile, for l.'iO guests was held at tlie Philadelphia hearings linked Ros­ of Mrs. Chester Kosak, 42 Birch Prague i4’i - Niirseiies, which QneAPt Stam ^pA. day carried their sustained'bomb­ en and Weisberg with rackets in we become tired, weary and un­ Rritish-Ainerican Club, which was due to c o ld s yiMi hnvc crbIi *^r i.ol . . P hv mtmthly "t \Arrkly • Nrml inr (Id \\ ill t iilunr* I nerved at the happenings about street. decorated with wliile bells and ' . M i l remain open for 24 hoiiis, tt'rniR niranpcd tf» amt ym' i mhriiirrtl nt 5H 8.S . ing of Red transportation lines m- that city. Both men reportedly •itrcamer.s for the occasion. Mi'.s will soon siipplenicnt the system to the fifth day. One-ton “bridge- claimed the constitutional privi- us. The multitude may scorn Soothes Throat Irritation MARL0W;S seiv-ui-seli our “listening", but only by heed­ The Inasm uch Cla.ss of the Klmcr Swanson, aunt of the hi air. of day nur.series here. Prague's I 1 C’flfih I 1 Clu'ck I 1 AiM my ntT'imit. busters" were dropped on Key rail­ ; >®ge again.-?t sell-incrim ination in ing the eternal voice can we find Church of the Nazarenc "ill hold licipcd iTccivo her guests attired (ity budget provides for the nut - i FRFF P.MIKINO In our now pavrti lot on Mnln SI.. | I ' Oprn nn ru t imn! | road bridges at Oro. Songjln and I refusing to an.swcr Committee NOW — ENDS WT.DNESDAV its monthly meeting tno'.orro" in an nqiiamariiie diess willi series so that working motlier.s ] Kilchu on the east coast. peace in our hearts and mind.s. Used 90 Years Next Tit Our Slorr—No-Mrlrr I’urklni; In Fiillrr GjYjMiOnC.O.D. Deliveries I questions. J.A.MES M U A D U e v n evening at 7 4.1 in the pari.'>h black acces.sories and an onliiil rim le.nve tticu- children there on For fast, bandy and tasty little U. S. Fifth Air Force fighters sTKw.^RT n H n Y c T Chaplain Gates concluded his nirn’k tluAl South of Our Slorr. Ka%y To Shop llurr! | ...... | The policy of the committee Is house. I corsage. The mother of the biule- a day long ha.sis No Dangeroui Drug! Furniture Mart pick-up now or any time just try and bombers flew more than 300 to give witnesses threatened with I’liis: "BIG TIAIBER" sermon with the thought that the Atldi r ...... MAIN STREET MANCHESTER i refreshing yourself with delicious sorties Monday against Red sup­ contempt citations a chance to .s ro itE n o t KN; t»|irn Thun*. 9 to 9, < IommI Wnd. Iuny ...... | Wriglcy'8 Spearmint Gum. | ply lines closer to the battlefront. clear themselves before the con­ ST.\IITS THURSDAY at Noon, Open Other Days 9 to 5:30. Open Esening. • s Van llpflln — I'vnnnt' DeCarlo • • • I PUots reported five road bridges tempt resolutions are put before hit and about BO vehicles destroyed tha Senate. "TOMAHAWK" by ap|H)lnlinent (phone 4159 or eee your nalenman). ^ mm, mm mm Chewing WRICin’S SPEARMINT 6UM, | or damaged. — In Technicolor ■— RANGE & FUEL OIL f with that lively real-mint flavor, ■ P lus: C.VES.VR RO.MERO seems to "revive" you. See for [ Hospital Notes “O.VCE A T H IE F '’ YOU CAN ALWAYS yourself that this is so. Try It. ; The BOLAND OIL CO. PstisnU Today ...... 152 m. Chewing Admitted Saturday: Raoul Ls- STATE Fay, Rockville; Mrs. Sarah Noble, iVRIGLEY’S SPEARMINT GUM 1E9 Cialil SI riiiiit E3I0 NOW PLATING HAVE VOtR P,

i / . ‘ ■ •'4r f-

-■ '■ ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 19BI PAG! rtvs I MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1$B1 oecordlng to FHA sperifleatlon will taks place at 8 a. m. and will the tax on whisky from 89 to 812 12:30 p. m. Saturday at Chestnut; Senior dilhwtments of the Union Michael Stadnlck. **2"; with lateral drainage fields apd Ite left on the C'ommunlon table. A a gallon, on beer from 88 to 8l2 and Park strtfits. Mrs. Adams' car 1 Congregational Sunday school this Fred Pelton. Hartford, Rogar Bolton dry wells. public prayer service st 7 p. m. Arrest Hires Johnsoiw a barret, and various Increases for Local Crashes was atruok by a panql truck drlv- 1 Gamache, WlUlmdnMe: Oeonre Will ofnclslly close the day. Every­ MEANS FINE t o j ^ N u m b e r I More Sirens en by John E. Tierney. ?3, of 9 Rockville evening at 7:30 p. as. Lathrop, Manchester. ’They will Dorta Makr D’ltiOlsi TYie general public has been In­ On Same Cluurfs Htrs typea of wines. The Secretary -The Rockville MFY meet st six vited to attend the meetlng-of the one la Invited to participate In this estimated the added levies would Plano place. Arrested by Patrol­ EVERY report at ihc March to he Tel. Manoheater 8848 communion service at any' time . Injure Three man ThSodore L. F airbanks for o'clock for a rehearsal for the Len­ held In Hartford next month. WSCS of United Methddlst church Are Installed raise 8Tl0,000,000 toward the Ad- ELKS ten service followed at 7 p. m. by they wish during the day. Rev. J. Three local residents named violation of rules of the road, TUESDAY A total of $113.70 waa raised by on Wednesday. February 2t st 8 R. Yeager will he at the parson­ DRY CLEANINO Johnson had mora In common, minlatratlon’a 818.800,000,000 tax ^ist Speaker bowling and refreshments. the Rockville Lodge of Mtmse for R. p. Valentine, local contractor p, m. The society will have as- Its goal. Tierney will be presented In court ApproaolUng Marriage age throughout the day to consult than their name this morning. Three Arre«l* Follow Wednesday. the Mile of Dimes fund at their and merchant, has announced guest a young lady from Syria with anyone w-ho may w ish to dis­ AU three were' presented in Three Are Now to Oper­ Rep. Dlngcll (D., Mich.) la : $ P. M. The marriage of Miss Elaine E. who will discuss the Bible lands. P ^ ^Stetiotw AM igned An accident at 2:18 p. m. yes­ 7 4 ,For Meeting auction held on Saturday. plans to build 19 houses on a tract cuss a spiritual problem. WORK! Town Court this itromlng for ate in Various Areas ol among committee mem)>ers feeling The Accident* Report­ terday pn Middle Turnpike, west, BINGO Webster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Snb Branch Open of- land Just off the Notch All-dsy Corrmuinlon w-lU bejob- Call*; Affects Coin pnrklng within 25 feet of an that higher liquor taxes will en­ near Homestead street, resulted In Joseph M. Webster of R/Jckvllle to The sub branch office of the west of the old wooden bridge. The serveictwiHi8*ded By Ma*y U tiig •iglMI aaw telephone numbera to audible warning system, making juries to three persona. Town Court today. Driver of the Croup This Evening John Cliupka of Now York, di­ before the Holbrook property. The D. LaBelle suspended judgment a total of three. Director Hannan stimulate bathtub gin again." ha other car was Elmer A. Bolye, 36, FREE TRANSPORTATION noon and Washington's birthday tract is now being surveyed by W. A. PASS CO. ■a pay Btatlon telephonea in the in Uie esse of Oscar. 60, of 38 protested. "It 11 bring back the con-' Donald W. Coate, 20, of 84 (Jarol of 79 Essex street. Patrolman rector of the Woolen and Worsted when the office is closed through­ Haj-den Griswold of MAnchester O. Schendel stated this morning drive, was treated at the Manches­ Rockville, Feb. 19—(Special) Division of the Textile Workers PkniM- New Ixindon 0418 MSStliaatflr exchange within the Hemlock street. 1 th.Tt a teat of all three slrena will (litlons we had under prohibition.'* Samuel Maltempo investigated. State Policewoman Margaret E. out the day. and will be divided Into half-acre BMt two weeka. Incidentally, all three were Dlngcll and‘Rep. Eherhartcr (D., ter Memorial hospital and four au- Bus Leaves Manchester, 7 P. M. Union addressed a meeting of Lo­ BUTDOCIIMS SAME DAY SERVICE be held aoon. Jacol>sen of the Stafford Springs ral 48, Textile Workers Union on lots u-lth frontage approximating to r*li«v* distrtt* ef Uoyd Hobron. local tele- arrested by Patrolman Samuel The two new locatlona are at Pa.), another committee member, tures were needed to cloae a cut in In the first nine weeks of com­ 100 feet or as near that fljwre *• pMDt manager, said the number ■Maltempo. have mentioned the posalbillty of From In Front Of Orange Ha|l barrack, of the State Police will Sunday at the Ko.xcluscko club, Chambers warehouse at Manches­ hlB leg. Mrs. Loretta Marie Adams, bat operations since October pilots be the speaker at the February explaining various pending legis­ Local Sailor Plans the plot plan will show. Present YOUR Thif Sorvlc* Doily Except.Saturday. cMagea were made aa part of a ter Orecn, and a Bueklsnd tobacco taxing soda wat-r and other soft of the 27,000-ton Navy carrier plans Include putting s rosd B*tlen«wlde plan of the Bell Sya- cb'Inks. This waa not among Sny­ 39, of 13 Oval place, and her four- meeting of the Rural Vernon School lation. CHEST COIDS STATE CERTIRCATE warehouse ownied by Myers A Men­ Leyte flew more than 3,000 com­ aaaoclation to be held this evening District Meeting through parallel to and which may GarmenlH brought to fMir plant before 10 A . M , m ay t«B tor atandardizing the num- first they may have caught Holmes der's recommendations, but he yeai-old daughter, Vivian, were bat sorties. I New York Marriage event uallv Intersect with the H» Ntw AfftlcaM fll Cm Mtovt h an of all coin telephones. delsohn. Inc. at eight o'clock at the Talcottvllle At the meeting of the 'Third dis­ CAN RE USED in the act. A slender guard The three horsepower siren that said such a tax at a penny a bottle treated at the office of Dr. Elmer trict of the loys! Order of , Moose Notch road- The homes built on Btrt ThrMt CMffht tf ■ ChMt CtMl would bring In about 8280,000,000 A. Dlskan. Mrs. Adama had a church. Her subject will be Safety, be called for at 5 P. M. Slight additional charge for «Wa haw been gradually bring- wriggled doa’n the opening — and w a.H alop the Verptanck school has especially a . It applies to the held Sunday afternoon In Rock­ New York. Feb. 19—Miss Pa­ spsculatlon wiu ka sx p a n d a ^ Child*! MiUt MuvUrolo ii TO PURCHASE A lag out coin telephones into this kept going. He was next sighted been repl.vred by a horsepower a year. bruised leg while Vivian com­ ville It was reported that members four-room ranch type In the $9,000 being highly rorommendH universal numbering system," plained of back pains, police said. safety of children on school bueaea, tricia J. Valentino. 19, of 1057 ■Tnnne menv thia aerviec. on the outside of the gate. .siren, and the three horsepower is A Republican committee mem­ th» talk being accompanied by ap­ raised over $500 In the recent West 173rd street, New York, and to $9,500 range. Valentine to fiArr.LY relieve mieeriee of Hobron said, "in order to make now at Clianibcrs warehouse. A ber, Rep. Kean of New Jersey, re- Coste struck a ear driven by March of Dimes polio fund drive. plans to drill one deep well With a 9 rhrot cold. Ae any doctor more efficient use of operating "That guy must have been an Theresa Roggl, 24, of 38 Belden propriate movies. There Will also Harold C. Ross. Jr., In the engineer." Warden Swenson said. three horsepower was being In- ! called data aubmltted to the com- Stores Open All Day be a brief business meeting. President Edward Flannigan of Navy, of 110 Ridge street. Man­ water supply adequate for the en­ ^ knuWM . . . no enticoid pill JARVIS Mme and faciliUes in the placing I mittee that the mat of producing street. East HaiUord, at the Inter­ Hartford conducted the meeting tire tract. Sewage will be Installed can r<‘)in»*e couuhp end local of long distance calls to coin tele­ "The guarda tell me he was al­ slnllrd at llic Hnrltlnnd site today. section of Center and Perkins The hosts will be Mrs. Ruby chester. were Issued a marriage li­ eonsrotion of t chent cold. MANCHESTER ways neat and clean. We figure Tlie sum s will complement the legitimate whisky la only about 58 which was attended by State Di­ cense Saturday at the City Clerk's So it the tlrut tifn^rub your childV phones." i or 80 centa a gallon. He noted that streets at .1 a. m. yesterday. He Thursday, Febs , Loverin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Red- rector George Ziesner of Stam­ HOME Hany Inquiries have betm made he must have taken off his shoes fncloiy whi.sllrs In the defense was arrested by Patrolman Joseph 22 field, Mr. and Mrs. George Poole. Office here. cheot with Muiterulc. It not only jjrowpUv warning system. meana the pinpoaed tax la more ford. Reports were presented by The couple said they would be relieves distreee but breaks up local con* DON'T DELAY! about the changes here. All coin before he started to keep from than 20 tlmee the cost of the Sartor for reckless driving and his ★ ★ ★ Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stavens. N ew London, Wllllmantlc, gestion. And tnlhotil Aorn*/uf operated telephones in Manches­ getting them muddy.-' case was continued to Feb. 24 by Men's Fellowship married shortly in New York. VITAMINS Muaterole Is 84rff. product. Washington’s Birthday The second in the series of supper Norwich, Hartford and Rockville Mias Valentino was bom In A C T TODAY! DRY CLEANERS ter are now In the 2-8000 ex­ Holmes has been in and out of Kean told reporters he wondered Deputy Judge John D. LaBelle In giving their Individual contribu­ AU I>esdlng Brands ___ Child’s MN change. I pnson since he Was aentrnced to Town Court this morning. meetings of the Tolland County tions to the Polio hind campaign. Mount Vernon. N. Y.. the daugh­ At l/owest Possible Prices S(*<* Bootleg If a retail sales lax on liquor might Congregational Men's Fellow’sblp ter of Carlo and Helen A. Valen- 9.1 W E L L S s t r e e t TEL. 72.i4 j 10 days in .i»il for hienking ami be ea.'ler to enforce than the At Chestnut and Park The following nominating commit­ JARVIS REALTY ' entering u'hen he was 16; Mrs. Adams and her daughter wiU be held this evening at the tee was named, William Hahn, I tlno. Mr; Ross, a native of Man­ Arthur Drue Sturts Tel. 411t Era Beliiriiing pieaent tax on liquor manufac- Aildover Congregational church at chester. Is the eon of Harold C. MUsmOLE 854 Center ?*». Digs 2 Years, ' Hr wa.s Uibbed "the dlnnri-lime tuiera. were Involved In a collision at Rockville; deputy Supreme Gov­ j burglar" after he wus found giiilt.v 7 p.m. Several from Rockville are ernor George Guertin, Norwich; I and Maude McClarey Roes, I of burglarizing many homes of the (Continued from Pago One) planning to attend. Escapes Jail i well-to-do here diiring the early Plan Meetings tlie nioon.'ihinera. If may be that The Tolland County 4 H clubs evening lioma. ARE YOU BUILDING A NEW HOME are making plans for the obser­ (Continued, from Page One( we will linve to have a great manv more enforrement otlUcrs.’’ REQUIRING A SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM? vance of National 4 H Club week during the first week In March, covered up* the sound of hi Snyder h-is proposed boosting ‘“P'llieorjit* Okayi- 1 INSIST preliminary plana being outlined Ing and probing. at the recent meeting of the Tol­ After 10 Inches of this, he struck ON A McKINNEV BROITHERS' Troop Plan SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM land County 4 H Club committee. dirt. Then the real cxfr.vating be­ S V l A rally Is being held In Coventry gan. BECAUSE thla evening, preparatory to the He disposed of the material a (iiilmueil from Page One) SPECIAL! observance. acooped up with scrap iron he had (1) Syktcni engineered and In­ stalled by speclallats giving Beslgna smuggled In, by flushing it down Defense Marshall and Gen. Omar Jam*!' Hair Shaping, Mre. Ellen Fagan, girls' coach his toilet With no apparent; imple- you a job THAT I.ASTS. Bradley. Chairman of the Joint R*g. $1.50 •— plu* (2) Reasonably priced^ Anyone at the Rockville High school has menta, thla meant he. had to carry Chiefs of Staff, who outlined Ad­ AN OUTSTANDING HOLIDAY MEAT TREAT! resigned her position, to become the dirt—trip by trip In his Toni Refill — Reg. $1.00 ran afford the BEAT. m ministration plan.s to the two (Plus Tax) (3) You get the benefit of our 10- effective at the closc of the present clothing.- • rbmmittees Injit week. He added: Hila Cavern year service plan, cleaning pe­ school year. He amgled down almost vertical­ "Tlic approval of Congress sliould $2.50 Value! riodically at a 10% discount. Benefit Game ly about 10 feet, then ajiglcd be sought In the Interest of na­ Plugged aewers cleaned electrical­ The P.ockvUle Recreation Board tional unity since Congress liaa the BOTH FOR $ Senior Basketball League will play toward the wall. Ten to 15 feet 2.00 ly. Septic Tanks and Ceaapools its final game of the .season this farther, he ran Into a small cavern, ‘ right to determine what troops (Plus Ta.x) cleaned. R aterprooffng of cellars. hollowed out either by a spring oi should be committed to an Inler- m evening for the benefit of the the overflow from an old storm national Army. Heart Drive campaign. ^ ie game ' "But for a > oiling or limitation McKinney Bros. Sewage Disposal Co. will match the new champions. JAMES’ The Rockville American I.,egion Hotaies took odd bits of clothing on the number of iroop.s to he 130-133 PE.YRI. STREET TELEPHONE 8808 and stuffed them into the crevlcet i sent, I don't think I would vote for NOW AT is against the Broad Brook AC, with of the hollow—about six feet high i that. I don't think it is necessary 143 MAIN STREET a preliminary game arranged by and three feet long—to reinforce ' and I don't think It would be TURKEYS two teams from the Girls' League the walls and overhead against wise." mi starting at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Milton cavelns. Then he started digging NORTHWESTERN YOUNG HEN, All»m, who has been In charge of again. the Girls' League fbr the past sea­ Once under the wall that extend­ SELECTED PLUMP, FULL- son la arranging this contest. The ed 10 feet deep. Holmes angled main game will start at 8:30 p. m. aharply up, 30 feet awav. BREASTED BIRDS . . . A V G WEIGHT As an additional feature Mayor Ihe tunnel emerged In a sodded Frederick Berger will present to You will drive ihe most basically new car in 27 years [ area between the main wall and a n-15 LBS . . PERFECT SIZES FOR the recent winners of the Recrea­ seven-foot guard fence. A hop over tion League the Recreation Trophy this fence, and he melted into the THE SMALL A N D MEDIUM SIZED and also tndlvtdiial awards for pre-dawn darkness without an im­ members of the Legion team. mediate trace. . FAMILIES Meetings Hla mother's house waa only a The Yoimg People's Fellowship few Mocte eway, on Preston ALL WASTE REMOVED of 8t. John's Episcopal church will street. READY FOR THE OVEN Li meet this evening at 7 o'clock. TiM escape waa discovered at Cleaned This will be a mission meeting and 9:15 a. m. by the cell-house officer, rou £ill GET k LOAN AT 71, ^ the subject will be "Puerto Rico.” George P. Gearheart. lOANS $25 TO $500 on sionaturi aioni Quickly- Easily- Economically READY TO EAT - MILDLY The Vernon Methodist Youth Discovered Hole Fellowship meets tonight at 7:30 The motionlese hump in Holmes’ UK 35 years’ experience hac proved people arc o'clock at the church. cot didn't budge when Gearhart O reliable. We’re sold on you— that’s w’hy wf say Cooked Homs SHANK HALS LB There will be a Faculty meet­ yelled Into the cell, so he Investi­ “yes” promptly to to high a percentage of people ing for Junior. ‘Intermediate and gated. He found a wadded blaidcet y o iT ^ * RIB HALF and pillow but no Holmee. who request a loan. And the loan is made your way! By chance, his fool rocked SERVED OVER k MIlllON INSTAU UP T(S 6 LBS LB allghtly on the loose slate flooring, SATISFIED CUSTOMERSI CASH YOU OXT Po rk Loins lifting up the bunk, Gerhart aaw 15 Mot. 20 Mw.* the aquare outline. What you are — not IT Y LEAN ■ MILDLY CURED ’ He summoned the warden. what you owir—counts $24560 $312:37 349.22 451.45 The prison officials thought at here. Don’t borrow un­ LB • Applto* *• Imm* aaompt YOURSElfp necessarily, but if a oeyieeiiie tevei . .ryltMM* Smoked Butts A Imh of tlOe cmH 120.40 »K«e p>,_ , , r*P*i0 hi 12 MOfflMp unteevt'v* loan w ill give you a ••4H8 «l tie M 9Mf) 14) fresh start... pay medi­ / e v id io n cal or dental expenses . . . enable you to help rela­ O n Z J e te tives .. . make car or home repairs . .. get the cash , ROXMLE from JhaMMof today. OXBORD QUALITY Storting Tuesday, February 20th, "FUN WITH FOOD" THREE WAYS TO APPLY Cooking School, featuring Miss Louro Kennedy, ivery Phone first for one-trip loan . . . or TIUBOtRD come in... or write. It’s ‘Ves” promptly TUESDAY and FRIDAY - 2:30 to 3:00 P. M. Stotien to 4 out of 5 at FOR BRIGHT, COLORFUL, WNHC-TV CHANNEL 6. a J -Twi comrnnrA tnar ifKft TO SAv n r FINANCEFi\ CO. EASY TO CLEAN WALLS bruits anti Ue^ela le i fiUARAIITEED — ------2e*.flesf...« .«AH IHIAiat-SUUOiMa - 753 MAIN SmiT, MANCHESTIX, CONN. Yeu can meke yeur LTidren tKe tKovrpieVe bf^youV^Tn^^ FLORIDA - 64 s-70'$ „,0iel 3430 • G««tg* Hokltt, YES MANegtr tcenomically— tht Roxberd woy. IN WRITING! ItMt ft rMiSnIi ,1 xll nritunElii, tnm PhflSM ua today for a scientifie OFFICE OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 YOUR ROXRORD WALLS: •ffieiancy test of your oil 180 HORSEPOWER you can own one this year or ndt... you owe yourself a turn hamsr, icgardlsos of Ha make H«vg 9 hieh e^eu fini*k Hiei edd* new If t end Bperklt to your at type. We srill detonnine the GRAPEFRUIT 4 29 ktuhon^ert eoriiMnofit^novor rtqvirt rt^iFifing. at the wheel of a new Chrysler for 1951. Here is basic progress so deep hteT savings a Timken Silent AutomatieWaD-Flania Burner H«vo • h e h td ^ eiiefiitl anisK fhet fMiraitttto Hioy wilt novop Lettuce LARGE ICEBERGt' ^ HDS 2 9 < Hers you Dse the central sserst and 80 great you will feel its impact for y e ^ to come. arOl give yaw—and We’D guoe- ohif. creek er eetl. aaSss tMM avinga ta writing of FirePower's unmatched abil­ Here is FirePower . . . Chrysler’s revolutionary new powerplant which Vyoffbay!— Wipe onGltetoly tloen wttK tke whiik ef • dem^ ctetK. ity . . . the new Chrysler Hetni- Are weftrpreef end froeiORreof. at one and the same time gives you 180 horsepower . . . and the i^st n V G NP H ljur garden broiled %oJ, tphericsT Combustion Chamber, Como in ton eoreoouB colors. " heart of the finest motor car efficient use of gasoline ever developed in a motor car. With FirePower, • W i c r f Step in today and see for yeurtsif just hew ecenemital it Is far engine built today. In this dome- you can outperform any car on the road. Yet with FirePower you will SNOWBALL VARIETY 10 02 PKC topped, cleso-walled area, you W anted! yeu te beautify yeur heme with Roxberd. Cauliflower have less carbon deposit, longer engine life, less need for care and atten­ g e e t c i tee the only ideal combustion chamber in a motor car engine today . . . the tion, than with any engine you ever owned. Here, on all new Chryslers, ROXBORD sq. ft. 39 c 10 OZ PKG ..B)ack” Y'»‘>eTV Broccoli only way to develop full combustion, full com­ is the comfort marVel of Onflow, an exclusive new shoclc absorber with lilwi the lews fU WeS-Hw pression, full work and value from every drop over twice the. shock-absorbing j^wer of any other car’s. Here, optional at Saleswomen PLASTIC TILE sq. ft. 55c of fucll WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY BAKERY TREAT extra cost, is the amazing new steering ease of Hydraguide power steering, nr*S*w«f .fAcifWefI#**-. 188 hs 4000 the new Chrysler “first” that removes four-fifths of the human effort from ypm; Oers and 3-13/14 n 3-5/Oj EXPERIENCE HELPFUL BUT SM*n Oltsl««»«"*. *9’ * •" ( steering. Here, with over 70 various changes tins year— and with deep- We Have Super Kem Tone CHERRY PIE .r s i’;^'**"- prstsiM isfis, tJt *• 1. down Chrysler goodness clear through— is the most basiesdiy new car NOT ESSENTIAL you ever drove! For the thrill of a lifetime. . . come drive a Chrysler! FILLED W ITH PLUMP lack TEMPORARY and PERMANENT CHERRIES SURE T O EA CALL 4148 DELIGHT THE FAMILY. POSITIONS Finest engine Q k r r OuM anJin^ i^aLer^ % la iu eA TIHKCIV 1 ■ CHAKABER'S e v e r b u ilt Apply Immediately ^ o a n d a r o t ^oan Ca rot 1 FURNITURE in cm autom obile O l l i H E A T Employment Office SUCAR OR UNNAMON PUARPliNICKIL ' WAnt NUT " j3d u m A M s r. MAti€HiSTiA 'c 1 1 SALES Donuts °’« 23< Bread ■ 501 EAST MIDPLE -TPK. LuBiber — BuildiBg Supplies — ShlBgles — ReofiBg FIRST NATIONAL STORES OIL HEAT ond W. T,^ Grant Co. O p ^ 7 A. M. te B F. M. DeNy, Ineludiiig Wednes­ B H Open 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. BROWN-BEAUPRE, INC. 30 Bissell Street ENGINEERING day AfterBoeos. Open TH Noob Saturday. 1 7:30 to 8:30 P. M. 815 MAIN STREET ■ ?^|N2lliiR% TaLMlMl a . " ■ y* ...... H - • ■/ ■ \


sketches in color ami glasa will be ahown, in Grand hall. to have been ready to ditch the ' bird, the meadowlark, even the spring and Easter by only a few prints, which docked at Plar 80 In tha thPPt li to b« pose*. It iP we who days. Tills great floral preview of scaled models of exhibits, and Thousands of roses, choice Alpines whole program. So was Emil Ditsplueed Pt*i\Mons Hub Flower Show and uncountable nUtnbera. of M d y o r Issues Proclam ation Seriously Hurl North river with , t,22I atat«l«M must provide the wladom for it. shadblow on the hillside, are like­ spring Is a manifeatatton of horti­ those who visit the shows each FALSE TEETH No Agreement Rieve, .head of the CIO Textile persona from the DP campa la Food8lUliMlB«i' spiing-flojvering bulbs, and other ly to be comitionplacrs before we To Open Mareh 11 cultural skill. Gardeners in green- spring declare they get better and Workers who are 'striking dozens ■\rrive in Bremerhaven,' Germany. better, and arc full of Ideas for flowers will transform aix acres of S lip p k H l « r Irrita tin g ? own happen to see a robin. Robins, ijouscs all over America are work­ • , ^ . By Gun Blast of woolen and worsted mills in the The transport arrived in port ing fevet islily to have their home as well as professional gar­ space in the Mechanics building In Roekville For Brotherhood Week Here juirth. Rieve was one of the three More Than A Line with us, are like four leat clovers Plana ate shaping up in top- Into a great floral wonderland. Don’t be embsrrssscd by loose fsis* twenty-four hours late due ( to UPfH fmm deners. notch fashion for the 80th annual choicest plants in prime condition teeth sllpplns, dropping or wobblins labor mrmberit of the Wage Stab­ New York. Feb. 19. Mr. and heavy storms encountered In imd* ao.. tKC. ivlth some people. Some find them for Mic show. Many are forced A feature of the coming show s’hen you eat. talk or Isusb.' Just ilization Board who walked o ff Mpu TBe famed 38lh parallel is bei .New England spring flower show Local Youth I r in j Vincas ninidia. dispiaced Atlantle. readily, and otlieis never do. Some months in advance of their normal will be the great collection of oe- The name "Bambino", popular­ sprlnkllo a little FASTEBTH os Vour Still H opeful of En ding Mayor Harold A. Turkinglon . and empty promises bf communist Tliursday midnight In ■ proleat | MtMoMi ______UW«. ginning to divide men a minds, of the Massachusetts Horticultur­ persons.^ en route to 434 Oakland Tlie ManehcaKer bound couple blooming season. chlds, assembled from various ly applied to the late Babe Ruth plates. This pleasant powdar girts s today is.sued the following procia- . against the 10 per cent limit. His •rauMAB fMOOSUN people see roltins almost daily bc- al Society, which opena Sunday, remarkable stnae' of added comfort and Strike at Hockaiiuni “ If we would devote even a M ri'otik l1oR|)ita1 Fol- will lie asslited by the National iNtHMlEitWhatl M a , Ttm a . OM') llMtC*r with some approving the propoal- parts of the country by the Amer­ of baseball fame, derives frorn "II 70.000 atrikrrs arc demanding more street, Manchester, arrived here l\veen Christmas snd Kasler. W.' March 11. In the 'Mechanics build­ Few realize that preparations security b^■ holding pistes more flrmlv. Illation designating Feb. 18-25 as small part of what we now apend 't 'atliolic War Relief committee in Octaktr 1. (Ml. Uon that the United Nations ican Orchid Society. Bambino” used by Italians for pic- loHiiig ail A ccmIo iiI than that. late yesleruay on board tlie iiilli- lillLTlMkilBTMB ing, Boston, and cohtinuea fo r sev­ for each annual ahow begin Imme­ No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feel­ M ills During tTcck Brotherhood Week and Feb. 25 as on armaments, to help the down­ j flndlng a home and a place in the It's herd lo pets ap never do. We no more dare, deny Tlie largest American collection furea of the infant Jesus In swad­ ing. It'a alkaline (noa-aetr.*), Oet FAB- tary transport Gen. C. H. Muir __C««n' t*Mmg ■«ccp< forces in Korea should accept that en days. diately after the close of a previ­ trodden, tlu> slek and the hilngry: Also mentioned for the Wilson | I'oinmunlty. favorlta fooaa, avaa tiu'ir existence Uian \se would of golden acacia^ gro'wn under dling clothes. TEETH at an.- drug atore. Brotherhood Sunday. advisory po,st are George M. Har- : thoaghrauiiBewaddia* 11 •M Holidur*. BatirM at il>* parallel as a boundary to their ef­ Tlila year's show precedes both ous oiie. in the shape of blue Rockville, Feb. 19—-(4*^—No ne­ if we would devote more lime C'hailr.i Price, 18, of 3 Drive D, k ~ M at daaeMttar, Coan., aa deny the existenee of four leaf "in these limes of international Silver Uane Hoiiie.s. suffered aeri- I'ison III' the A F L Railway Clerks ' dittMOB, gai aad btart, aaaa lu o Rattan fort, and with others mslniainlng gotiations to break a 10-day-oId strife and recrimination, it is well making sure that men everywliere, burn mar rctult. But yoa clovers. But we do have to take without regard to color, creed or ou.s injury to his left hand in a mid Al ,1, Hayes of the Maetilliists. i caa do at aUlliens do. tOMORimuN R4TB* that the parallel should be crossed atriks here in the Hockanum mills j that we consider carefully the un- stiooling accident yestciday morn- 1 Harrison Iready has accepted i Thar luM carry a roll of the wor,i of others for them. I deriying faults and sliortcomings race, had equal opportunity to OM 'tCaar ap « • » •• • ...... tu .00 just as if it were not there. wara acheduled toda,v. jobs, education and civil rights; if ' ing. Price Is in "fairly good" con- ; “ similar job with Johnston and FOR FASTER, BETTER DIAL SERVICE Tamsin pockaterpurw. .$ auo I of ourselves, both, as individuals Fat I or 2 lika caadr, Mt Mataa ay Rail...... The question at stake is. we n is i we do, of course, most Representatives of both union we would treat all people fairly, dition St MeCook Moniorlsl hos- Hayes i.s serving on several ino- | ■ oaa Maatii ay Rail ...... $ i.on and management said there was and a.s socal groups. It may well liillzation l■omnliltees a;»" ns an sad praita, ikara'a t -M think, bssically one of what kind willingly. -It IS high time for starting right lin e in our own , pital in Hartford, to ivlicre he was uick, toothing rtllaf.Tamrarsdiffrreai. ■lacia Copy ...... atilt hope that a settlement could lie that it is*we ourselves and not adviser to A.ssi.slunt Secretary of Waaaiy, ay 'Surjar ...... f so .signs of spring Hy Ibis lime, th* ^ eoniiiiunity; If we would make I taken from 4he Manehesfer Me- ? oattin no loda lo casta add rtbound. of war the t'niled Nations, as a ba reached. Both sides said ne­ I olhc rs tldfl are at falilt. nioiial hospital. Delense .\nmi Rosenberg, No riiizing, no tiirring—no wailing. ' ipaa. daliaarac. Ona Taar...... last threat of real w.nler has dis-i ! "A s a nation we arc devoting a more effort lo see ourselves a- law enforeement agency, ought lo gotiations would resume early tills others see us, and eorrert om- Price was walking In the woods Reotlier's «u ceptanec of llie job Take anyulitre. Get a roTl of Tamt loday MEMBER U» aiipear,.! b, fore those persistent | week, poaaibly on Tuesday. : large part of our lime, our talents uesl of Silver Uane Homes with would depend al.so on liow mneli > —tln ayt fati rtUtf for add latUgtttioa.' TBB dSUCIATED PRESS light. , and treasure toward preparations selves accordingly that would lie . ross-ctinenls of air up from tlie Eugene V. JDlck, president of his 15-year-old brother, Arnold, lime ho could continue to devote | OirfV lOc TBa AaaoeltuO Praa» la aseJuaitalT Those who want, lo consider the ' for a war against the evils of brotherhood. the striking L<^al 68, TWUA-CTO. wlien tlie aeeldent occurred, police In running his l.OOn.tmil-niembcr ' •B^ttlad ta taa uaa e: raouaileaXoa of 38lh ptrsllel a hslUng point vi.s- .niilh. riie ft"St IS nimo.st oijl of ! cimiinunism, yet it may well be ‘ I, therefore, as Mayor of tlie lie pii aaara diapatcaaa erediteo to it. ot said that fewer employes entered said. Tlie youtli was carrying a ' union wiileh also is threatening | tile ground. Tiie moon .stands that eommunism would die of il- town of Msiuhester. ConneiUvul. aM Ptbarwlaa ciadltto lo ttaia paper ualize one kind of United Nsliniis the mills here this morning tluin IG-gaiigo-shotgun in his rigid llaiid to llglit for its eo.Ht of living nd- at any time since the strike be­ .self If we set aliuut to eradicate designate the weelt of Keliriiary aad alta taa local aawa pubinaad acre. war. In our opinion, the kind of j higli over,bead in s tcpical aum- I wlien lie attempted to clean some Ju.slmenl contracts. The W age: all rlfhta of rapublieatioo ol apacal gan. the evils upon wliicli it feeds. 18-23, aa Brotherliood Week, and ^ ^ Ro.-ird would okay the adjustment iiKT orbit. The piis.sy-willows are TUMt FOR 1N8 TUMMY d'apauaaa aaratr. arc alao rcaervad. war they visualize is the only kind Mr. Dick also aald that negotia­ Communism breeds best among February 25 as Brotherliood Suii-^ barrel and the weapon ilue tlie Anto Workers Mareli 1,' Hit'isll.v s ill lie blown and past I day. snd recommend to the people discharged, according lo the re­ tail aaralea client of S. B. a. Sere- the United Nations hss any busi­ tions hsrv'e served to point up the downtrodden, the sick, the Hi Init wouldn't commit Itself after the;r first siiieiy sheen. 'I’he Ida ■ clearly the aims of management, led and the ill-liou.sed: it*appeals of Manchester, the desirability of port of Patrolman Samuel Mal- ! tliat. lea. IBC- ness waging. In oui opinion, ih-' tempo. Pablliaera' Repra«enUli»ea: The and labor. He said labor is will using these days as a special time 1 kind o f war they visuslir.c is the buds aie stiaiiiiiig at tlieir bonds chiefly to Ihnse who have so little Charge Rig Hiisines* Ooinlnallnn Qround Floor Spaoo oollua Mataawc Spaelal Aseocy - Na« ing to adopt a work load elniise. to lo.se that lliey tall ea«y prey to of eoii.''id''ration and prayer for Priio and Ids brother returned I'rote.ils over bii.sine.ssmen's I'he lieaith crukels are fiddling Tora. ^icago, Detroit and Boaton. kind of war the United .Nations which managemant has said is liope.s in.spired by false doetrines I the cause of. World Brotherhood. " home ami the Injured .vontli was domimilion of the mnbiiLzatlon 19* X 19* A voNoMb must learn to wage. In that kind , up for open sir dsnees. The i< e is necessary to keep the nulls here < treated by Dr. Merrill Riibinow. (irogram weie iieard al.so on Capi­ ~ M H — a alTPIT BTREAO OT ! Pi ire was taken to the loeal hos­ In Hi * Poputor OIRCaUATIOWS. ______of war, political and moisl fsitori sott and porous, and almost read., running. tol Hill. Senator Aiken iR., \'t.) Mr. Dick added that an.v work TW U A include a si.T cents an hour that the Kingdom of God U real pital at 10;30 a.III. and was trans­ to go out. If the robins aren't annual increase and quarterly "It gives steadfastne.ss to life and accused tlie Truman Adminlslra- n » Rarmld Rrlntins Company. Inc.. are just as important as the plain load cause acceptable to the union ferred to McCook at 5 p.ni. |tiiiM of tuiiiinp over the progiam JARVIS CINTIR ST. NOTE; Bath doea Idjiislments. power. The laws of Hia Kingdom aaiiiiTiT* no ttnaac'al raaponubility lor military fst tors. In that kind <>l | about, they oiiglil to lie. would have to give labor a voice * to lug bu.sine.s.s and leaving lalior (vaoEraphleal aitora appearing m ad- not have shelf. Tlie Nationni Association of never vliange. Wlien sorrows come, lU IL D IN G war, toof enforcement of law. and | in the assignment of job.s. The .and agricultiiie out m Hie cold. yertlAaiaanta and other reading onaiter. Wool Manufacturers said in a it is God who gives strength to Kiiltahle ftir Many Fieldt IP The Maaeaaater Eeening Harald. union president said he tlimight .Sen.alor .Mayliank i l ) . S. C i ^ the establishment of peace, arc i this point could be arbitratetl .siic- statement that what the union is endure what seems lo be unendur­ i of Endeavor. asking would cost "from 50 to 60 T *umaii M ay al.so coniplauied llmt farm lead- . Monday, rehniary IP the only mam objectives, and cestfully able. Christians know tins. They 01 s have lieen igdored in planning there Is no room for the old rou­ On Sunday. 608 union nicnibers ' c^uts an hour. have seen it in the life of Jesus I and opeiating Hie program. llc^ InqvirB LOUIS L FOSTER The as.sociation said some mills Christ and Paul and in their own tine piirpo.«cs of old-to.*'hion'’d T n'mble Kiddie heard John Chupka. director of the Have to Aet i demanded "top rchi-lon" repre.sen- woolen and worsted division of the offered a five cents an hour raise families and m the comnumity. " l.ition for fiiimi'i.M m ilie economic' have the JARVIS REALTY CO. The SlBlin Interview BE SURE you RIGHT NUMBER 854 Center SI. filanuheater ! war. which aic Mctory and piiii- Wholesale TW U A, report on national and lo­ and added; The minister reminded his congre­ slatulization piogrnm. i • If Stalin's interview wnth him- |I ishment. New Wooln'pple 9 .9 5 cal efforts to end the strike. Mr. "Most of the mills offered to ex­ gation that though man boasts of In WSB Tiff aalf was intended to be serious I Those who want to Ignore the Bath Chupka outlined union demands tend present contracts and con­ ilia wonderful inventions, plunib- in the industry. tinue tiisen.ssions but Mr. Rieve ing, television and all the others, atatcsmanshlp on the part of a re­ possible moral and politiisl sig- FRUIT AND I TW U A President Emil Rieve) he still did not create them, he (Continued From Page One) | sponsible leader, one can only say nitifance of the ,3Slh psrsllil arc 70,000 Now on Strike insisted that unless the mills Designed to make baby's bath a safe and easy task! merely put together forces and ma­ ^ Wage Board's formula to make II that the result is a sort of tragic those who do not really visuhIi/.c is today's outstanding carpet buy Removable tub rest; soap pocket inside; amoetb Boston, Feb. 19- (4-p—Picket re­ granted hi.s ileniands by Feb. 1,5 he terials which have been in the earth inforcements were ordered out to- ■ ' more palatable to the labor spokes- any i'nited Nations kind of war plastic top comehs. Outside pockets for pins, pow­ ' would order the workers to strike. •since its creation. Nothing is a.s jest. PRODUCE day as a strike of 70,000 CIO wool ] men. However, such a way out Here si Watkins Is tlir answer to budgets that can't afford liigii priced broadloom der, etc.; foot-lever operates the lift top'w ith Ita ThI.s he did. wonderful as the human eye and If, « i the other hand, the inter­ at all. To them the United Na­ and worsted workers went into its I ''The workers can iJo bark to might prove too costly -the indus­ carpets: New Woolnpple with 115 sturdy blend of cni-pel rayon and wpol makes it safetv strap. Hose for Ailing and draining. Reg. the marvelous power of the human try or public members might re- view was merely designed to be tions IS merely a label which hap­ 282 NO. MAIN ST. |12.2’5. fourth day to enforce a demand for '■ work any time Mr. Rieve will let liand. There is the glory of God po.ssible to carpet your floors 1 room sizes or wall-to-wall 1 in smart up-to-the-minuta a 15-cents-an-hour pay boost. them. Ttiis is in no sense a lork- , sign from the board with the' pro­ propaganda, it is aqually discon­ pens to have been placed, for | PHONE 2 2846 plain colors . . . at an Huinzinglv low cost! Textured needle-punched effect, as ahown, there. There is the glory of God [ test that they enuldn’t agree to Marchers were scheduled to pick­ ont. It is a strike called liy union in a blade of grarfs or a towering certing. convenience sake, on what ii ^ in choice of Hoiizon C.rey. Tea Rose, or A qu a. . . cut from Watkins 9 ft. rolls et 160 mills in New England and . .lohnaton's (leci.sion. Wliile Johns­ , leaders.” mountain, all nature sing.s and The western world, for all its merely one more war among | so you dbn l have lo wait. New W'oolripple outwears pile-woven rugs costing much about six other states in the East ton lias antluirily to fix a foimula, Earliei mill officials denied a praises God unconsriously but man more! WATKINS STORK CLUB and South in the first industry­ union eliarge that they "wanted " ^ lie clelegaled It lo the ' Wage attack upon Btalln personally, has I many wars. They see no differ-| does to consciously.” i | wide stoppage In the ll-year his­ the strike as a means of influenc­ 1 Board. hitherto' had acme respect for him ence between this war and any i In conclusion Mr, Simpson stated | tory of the Textile Workers Union ing a lift in wool price ceilings. 2. Mobilization Director Charles aa a leader who knew hia own other war. They are mora' con­ GLASS of America (CIO). that the God of creation who could E. Wilson already has invited lead­ mind, knew hla own purposes, cern,d with victory and the crush­ The strike started Friday after create order out "of chans acted in ! ers of the ULPC lo name one of Jesna Christ to save sinning man­ knew where he was going, was For Every Purpose New "York contract negotiations llieir number for a top-level advi­ ing of the enemy than they are were broken off by union chiefs kind. yet man can know God only sory post at hi.s enle. Tlinl's what not totally deflclent in his esti­ with the creation of peace or the Auln, Mirrors, Window and heads of the American Woolen Pastor Begins as He revealed Himself in Christ, tlicy have been tiamorlng for. But mate o f the world altuation. Per­ dispassionate enforcement of Plate, Obacur* Company, traditional wage pat­ He is the God and father of our the manner in which the invitation haps more than it would ever real- world law. They are concerned, | tern maker for the industry. Lenten Series Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, was made and annonneed waa iaa or admit, the western world Phone 3.122 The union said average hourly The senior choir sang the anthen^, liouded so that the labor .cliiefs U i likewi.se, with questions of purely wage at present is $1.42. "The Lord Is My Light" by Park­ wanted a good look at the offer has been depending upon Stalin nstionsl military honor and pres­ W H IT E Other benefits sought by tlie 5'e.stcrday at both aervices in er. and Ralph H. Limdberg, bari­ before eomimUing them.selves. to be a sort of balance wheel, who tige, and some of their urge to go , Center church, the Rev. Clifford O. tone. sang "The Lord's Prayer" by i May Plek Reiither Like w arm , frien dly, Legal Notices played risky games but knew beyond the 38th parallel stems : I Simpson begM his Lenten aeries on Malotte. I Should the ULPC decide to ac­ G L A S S C O . Rev. Dorothy Pease, minister of cept Wilson's offer — made known when to draw back, who held him­ AT A COURT or PROBATE held I “The God and Father of our Lord from the fact that American arms] education, told the children's story, on Saturday after the committee self above the ordinary run of in­ 24 Birch St. Manchester at ManchHit^r within and for th« were defeated, once, beyond it, a { D litrlrt o f Manch^Ptor. on th^ 13th i Jesus Christ." Hia sermon yester- "In the Beginning," at the second had sharply criticized the whole ternational bickering in order to cirrumatanre they want lo sturdy m ap le ? day of Fobruarv A.D.. 1961. ^ day waa on "The God of Creation," service. Chkries Crockett as­ mofciliz.ation program as being be able to check it one* in a while, JO H N J. W A L I-E T T . sisted in the pulpit at the first liamled over to "big business " the avenge. One might say lo them JudifB. ' and the text was ''The whole earth who usually spoke n of to make the Eatat^ of'Milford Grant K*n>on, latf IS full of His glory” from Isaiah service. group might pick red-headed that it IS not the United Stales This series will be continued next intamational situation worse, but of Manchest^*^ in !»aid Dl^lrict. d^- 6;3. Mr. Simpson pointed out that \\ alter P. Rciither of the CIO-Auto [which is open to victory or defeat c«aa«d. although Isaiah had his wonderful Sunday with a sermon on "The Workers an their man. to tamper it down at least lem- I in Korea, but the United Nations. On motion o f M arguerite K. L’ pson. experience of the glory of God in God of "Judgment." Reuther waa reported on Friday peraiily. Ths western world has, SHOE Choose b2 Kenyon street. Hartford. Conn. 1 But that, lo them, would seem onDERED: Tiiat i>lx monllia fri.m the Temple, it conies to s>ople in to its basic comfort, thought of no nece.s.snry political truth, but REPAIRING the 13th day of Keb. A.p., 1many d iffw n t ways. Isaiah's ex- the aame aie limited a^d allowed forT'perleric'e o f God brought him faith Stalin aa a hard, practical rcali.st, merely a craven hiding behind - AT THE END OF I the credlturs wlUitn which bring in instead of despair, service instead who eould be depended upon to Of the Better Kind one - or skirts, an eiasion of this country's their claims against galil e.state. ami i of aimlessness and forgiveness keep hla head in a time of mad­ the laid administratrix Is dlr,i'te,| to own virile responsibility to its own nOIVE W HILE give publlr notice to tlie rrfditors I from his tins. . "N .o one can . describe , _ , ness. It was Sven possible to vis- reputation and glory. bring in their rinlins within sold time ' God. He is 80 far beyond our knowl- YOUR RAINBOW! ualiae the Korean adventure aa a Y O U W A I T of - a - kind sllowert by pubii.rhtng s copy of tliis ^ edge, and yet our knoivlcdge is in This latter group the people oii.er In sonio newepsper lianng a cir- Him for He ercuted the whole calculated, logical risk on his who would Ignore the existence of S A M Y U L Y E S rulsilon In said pruhat.’ district. iDi-, earth and all that abide in it. It part. in t^n d».v* from thr dato of Ui:.^ oplor. the 38th parallel and any political 701 MAIN STREET and return mak^ to thm court of tlK is in Him that we live and breathe CRQSLEY Now the frightening aspect of or moral significance It might i»otic« fjTAr. and have our being." • JOHN J. WALLETT. Jufipr. Continuing, Mr. Simpson said Stalln'a interview with himself is have- la normal enough in its t that it seems to reveal a disinte­ thinking if one is to take the past George 1 gration and decline on the part of ^ piii^rn Solid Mapl< It reflects the nor­ the Russian leader. Either be­ mal attitude toward war. %: 5t t cause he himself hss come to be- The necessity of our times, liave It or because he no longer however, is to develop a new con­ WHY sees any rolt for himself except cept of war. It is a concept of / YOUR BIST BUY . . . at sale prices! that of the crudest propaganda, f Mock Aa* Baa. l e.are ... W.Mrig Pieces FUNERAL HOME force used only as an enforcement SMi ec. to ererytMiig wtrtkiAille, the "man of steel" has abandoned agency for world law, and for EVERY FACILITY hia pose o f statesmanship and has Of nothing elie, for nothing beyond B21S.50 (1) Cuahmu . . . for distinguished service Is offered eoma down into the lowest arena that. It la a concept of war which Mapla Sofa, B^sughlon at this modem and spaeious funeral home. Cherry Time of international vilification. It la model with muahroohi An experienced Staff of three licensed Fu­ cannot be declared or waged by true enough that he has had dis­ arms; brown, rust and neral Dlreetnra Is eontlnually available. any single nation unless that ns- j gold textured homeapun, tinguished predeceMors in this Call for .Anibiiliince A t Any Hour. lion is itself the offender and ag- ' IBtJM — tVlllliim r . Qiilsh- low arena, and that it represents $62.00 ( 2) Full aize Old gressor. It is a concept of war | tha mood and preoccupation of al­ Ipswich Studio Head­ which keeps scrupulously within | at most the whole world. The fact > A — $44,50 I IS I Full size boards; having shelf for the letter and the morality of Ui» , books, radio; compart­ ramains that this is the first time Old Ip.swich Beds in a law it itself Is trying to enforce. *3®® panel - and - .-.pool effect. ment for bedding.. .B4JM Stalin has talked nonsense which 841.00 gtatton Truetypo To those who can begin to vis­ tAI-so 9 in twin .sizei. is complete nonsense from every .S9..50 Drsaaing Table Bench; ualize thus kind of wai this Unit- ,JM>iBit.cf,vley. Usually he, hiyi_at_ Queen Anne cabriole legs; flbre-rush seat ...... SS.5B 22 5 A\ain St. •■ett •NBnhrB-RW'firw'aF 'TfTe .TStir*' Drop-leaf Table.. wrilii least made some sense from at $8B.60 (4) Old Ipswich /V5 A IN C H F S. T E H parallel is important. It is Im­ 36.\20 ’ lop when clo.sed; least the Russian point of view. Chest of Drawers; brack­ LOFTS portant because it represents the , .'?6-\42 " open. For dinette et feet, four drawers, The weet, not only^in lU think­ or living room ...... S'J..50 line United Nations law enforce- | 6B,0B (through February 25th) ing, but in its policy, hea relied K $.'!2,.'>0 161 Old Ip- ment was origlnallv pledged to re- $06.00 (1) Lounge heavily upon his retention of some I «w ii ti Coffee l abie.s with Chair Wltb matching otto­ common seaae. It knew, for in- establish. It is important because ‘ new. lug-size top i22\4:ii; man; grey and gold tapes­ stanee, that the creation of the it represenfa that line on the map ' Need a New liandv magazine shelf. try cover, 2 pieces. .6t,B9 27..50 North Atlantic Pact would, as Mr. where the presence of United N a­ tions troops is 100 per cent right, K $7,5.00 Old Ipswich TO GOOD John Foster Dulles warned at tli,- Diet? Kneeliole De.sk with .seven time, carry the danger of provnk- ' legally and mm ally. U is impiir- diaweis: 21\4Dinrli topT M HEN THE ihtclor "puts >ou EATING mg immediate war unless the | tsnt, finally, bei'suse it repirscnts Start Off on a diet" it may he because Kremlin had unusual self control. ! the line where fighting must lialt $22,'>.Oo 111 Tillt'O-picce your diet is unbalanced. In­ biacliet - base Bedroom and it relied upon Stalin to pro­ and peace be estahli.shed if either RIGHT surance is something like thisi Croup with a 3-drawer vide that control and not do tho is to be done. It is quite obvious dre.sser. 4-dia\ver cliest, With A Good Breakfast Ttxi often a persttn renews his • thing which, as Mr. Dulles admit­ that Ihte United Nations will not •snd full .size panel bed, insurance for the same Fruit or Juire, whole grain ted, almost any other nation and can not make peace with tin- 198.00 or enriched cereal with Ber- CP amount each time without might be likely to do in the same • ’ommunista south of the parallel. . .$9,'i.00 I 1 I Old Ip.sWii h 3 piece bedroom 149'°° greii’s milk (or cream), toast 144MCH Csmsie Madd 11-444 MU. 8ew- situation. It is quite obvious that the Com­ figuring that a change in Double Dresser Base, two and Bergren’s batter, a Ber- Ivoai Rahlaal la Hadh^apas values calls for revision. How rows of 3 drawei.s‘ each, grea’a egg NEARLY EVERY Now this curious situation in munists can not and will not C h o c o l a t e about you? bracket h.-tses ...... Ht..$0 moraing, coffee with Ber- which our chief enemy has never­ make peace with the United Na­ .$r,.'iDO I 1 I Old Ipswicli \$'atkins Quality in a budget-priced Solid Maple Bedroom. gien’a cream and Bergren’a theless been regarded as a kind of tions forces" north of the parallel. Full Size Bed with tall (Regularly $179,001. Exactly as shown with 3-drawst dress­ milk for the youngsters (and Cordial Cherrlen anchor who would keep the world If there is peace it has to be at epiMil-iurned posts. ..'>4.,50 er base, miiror. 4-drawer chest and fuH size bed. for the oldsters, too!). THE OUTSTANDING TV BUY! from slipping too far seems to the parallel, and it could take $135.00 i l l Station Our COTTAGE CHEESE RegularhJ $1.10 ^ Truetype Kneehole Desk, place there with honor for the Exactly the same quality in a larger bedroom group . . . for Lenten DIefn QUALITY have been lost. The lack of re- 22.\4fi-inch top. 7 draw­ ,5-drawer dresser base with mirror, 8-drawer chest, ■ I Q U A lb. aponaibility in the Statin o f tha in­ United Nations. For all these Tea ers, oval bi asses___ 88.00 full sire bed. Regularly $225.00...... $198. MILK Thim Week O n ly...9 3 ^W terview, the idea that he too now sons combined the 38th parallel i." rqi Ml much more than an imaginary finds nothing better to do than to Just imagine plump, ruby-red, maraschino Join in the process of internation­ line. cherries' floating in tantalizing cordial and al vl'UllcaUon, the idea that he too lOTC lOTTLED ■ has been awapt completely into fim i i n UNDER “ double-dipped” in L O F T ’S exclusive blend I 1 Ntt «NI UN( ^tht^nadness of our times, the idea For Everybody But I s san VMI UM UBN UBOIIi UlORITORV of Dark or Milk Chocolate. They’re yours now that be may Itave lost .control of IAIN UNb We haven'l seen any of those iistd Htn taBBBM $i(ni 9UK8V SUPERVISION at this $pecial “ getracquainted” price. Buy . aity eonaiatent policy for hii ,,own robing who winter in any kind of C—8106.00 Button True- Bome today...by George! TELEVISIOH country, the Idas that he is no New England weather and who, type BaprMucUon of a Bna longer the calm, cool and coUeeted on w-armar days, appear for cer­ eld 8-drawer blanket theit; dictator, but the desperate dicU- tain very apecial people, who pro­ brasa butUriy handles, tdr who is flnaUy beginning to act 17S East pegged effaeU...... unnet'i claim that they have ju*t arrived Center St. ■ ------on hallucinations—(heee ideas are from the southland aa harbingers D—826.00 Old Ipswich Knd DAIRY LO FT'S OtO|Colate8 UM moat frightening and dUturb- Tel, 366,'> Table with aturdy, turned of spring. \ lega in glarly. American da- so EAST CENTER STREET TaEmMC Sill iBg Impreationa which have come We never do see such robins. To F'dgar Clarke aign; two handy ahelves, FARMS ...m e time mm yom emm glee m t o f poat-war Ruaaia. T h e y W m tell the truth, the robin is Just Insuror XtM OPEN TODAY AND TUESDAY UNTIL 4:00 P. M. td BMBn that the burden of pre- about the last bird we ae^ in M adckede^ 110 BURN'..IDE AVE 8 4 4 MAIN S r - 82» MAIN STREET •arrtag faaoe rests upon the west aprihg. A ll the ether harbingers LAS! HAHTEORD MANCHESTER and throughout Connecticut OPEN WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY U'NTIL f:00 F. l i t than ever, that, u of spring, the red-winged black- T E I £ 2 1 .1 t EL ENTERPRISE I07S


mAh MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCfffcSTER, CONN. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1951 old valeAtina of 1760, aU hand­ president, Mrs. Wallace O. Payne, r*oa w n o — idM made, created much intereat, as presiding. Mrs. Harry Maldment PERTUSSIN C. La Hale Buys Manchester Lecture Given did the comic vslentlnes of the introduced the speaker. k—1N.1 •upper everyone gathered In the Marks. Lion: BUI Oliver, Wolf; nounced before the adjournment ; ed in white with a blue candle l 1830’s. In 1840, they started put­ Mrs. William P. Slover and her TASTES BOOB- Coin Collector Today’s Radio flO Date Book ting lace paper and picturea on conunittee served tea and dainty Drunk Thriving Cub Pack 143 auditorium for the meeting. Gary Kosak, Wolf; Larry Home, that Edward Dsladua has consented I the centerpiece at the table. Florida Land On Valentines their valentines. Valentines of the refreshments. Mrs. Emma L. Cubmaster Anton Mayer opened Bear; Richard Blisell, Wolf with to he the vice Chairman of the I Thoae attending the party were AUTO GLASS S V * * * ______staadard______TUaa WTHT — IMO FOR BAD COUGHS Have you seen the plastic pack, also that tha theme for the Raymond Strickland, grandfather # 0 0 0 — ! » • nineteenth century were emboMed, Nettleton poured. (OUI TQ.^UM ) the meeting with the announce­ one gold arrow and four allvef ar­ WwliMadajr, Febravjr 61 Heart? This red. heart-shaped Holds Meeting ment that the new den mothers month of March is to be "All of tha baby, Mr. and lire. John with water color scenes, aatih and Mrs. Herbert W. Robb was Cases Increase collection box Is your opportu­ rows; Anton Mayer, Lion with one Countries." MIRRORS ♦ t o - Plans to Develop 100 League of Womeft Voteoi panel Hartford Librarian De- lace, mirrors, flowers, and feathers. hostess for the afternoon. \ _____ and den dads have volunteered gold arrow; Walter Bycholakl, Quaglie, aunt and uncle of tha W I» 8 —Bob Hawk. diacuasion, Whiton Memorial, 8 p. At First Left at Doors nity to join the fight against their time to Otb activities. The Wolf; Jamea Morrow, Wolf; Keith baby, Mr. and Mra, George Math­ w n e ...Backatega WUt. WTHT—News: United or Not. Acres at Pompano m. Public Invited. - livers Address on the heart disease. den mothers are Mrs. John Burke ews, Mr. and Mra. Raymond Hick- WOOD—Bt( Brother BIU. Envelopes for valentines were tln d Woman's Body 22 Per Cent More Con­ New Den Mothers and Hausman, one gold arrow and two WONS—Jack's Waxworks. Saturday, February 64 Origin of Custom first used In 1850, and Miss Kerr Give today to the 1951 Heart and Mrs. John Carvini and the new silver arrows; R. Hennequln, Wplf; ing. Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Miner, WlMtO-BtrllM It Rich. Beach, North of Miami Seventh Annual Ladlea' Night, Thompsonville, Feb. 19—(>P)— Fund. den dada are Carl Johnson, Jbaeph Parly Is (given Roy Strickland, and the following w iX T —Pledge Prograiti. II :0ft— showed some of these which were victions in First Five Den Dads Arc NainefI; R, .Mlchevlcz, Wolf, and W. Viol, News on All Stations. S. M. F. D., Itallan-American club. The body of Mrs. Dorothy Bargos. Miatretta and Frank Robinson. Wol.', children; Donald Strickland, Ray­ WKNB — Newe; Requeet Met- Miss Ruth A. Kerr, librarian at trimmed with paper lace. Before 46, of Springfield, Mass., was Awards Presenled mond Strickland, Ray Flke, Carol C. L. Hale of the C. L. Hale 6:80 p. m. this time the valentine* were left Weeks of This Year .Awards .Are Preaented New huheat plus were awarded On Son's Birthday Inee. _ . '*W nC —Songs by George Sau- Conatructlon company has pur- February 19 Tbrongb March 15 Watklnson Library. Hartford, gave found on a highway here yester­ , Mlcking, TTiomaa Miner. WON8—Hollywood, U. t. A. an Interesting and entertaining at the doors. They were usually day and the Medical Examiner The presentation of the follow­ to tile following Cubs amid the telje. chaaed more than one hundred Internal revenue collectors will H.vtU<)rci, F«b. 19- Twiiily-lwo The regular monthly meeting of WTHT—Newe; Family Album. aaaiat In making out Income tax talk on Valentinea to the members girts not cards. said she died of exposure, after Two Arrested ing awards waa the next order of ! living flnle ceremony: J. Cervlnl, A party waa given by Mr. and WTHT—Sports Report. acres of land at Pompano Beach, In conclusion. Miss Kerr read an I>er Cent increaae In clrtink driving Cub Pack 143 took place Friday Ill's.ness: Raymond Lepok, Wolf; A. I'uiitlllo. R. Dziadua, R. Fraher, Mrs, Clarence Strickland, of 54 4 : 1 ^ WDRC—World Tonight. Florida, the rapidly growing sec­ forms, Municipal building, 8:30 A of the Cosmopolitan club at their having Iain In the rain for several WON8—Jack Downey'e Mueic tion just thirty miles north of m. to 4:30 p. m. meeting Friday afternoon In the appropriate poem. hours. Mrs. Bargos made her home conviction* during the first live night at the Nathan Hale school. Richard Snow, Wolf; Clarence D. Vesco and B. Bonadlea. Spruce atreet, Saturday night at WONS—Jack's Waxworks. Preceding Uie program, a busi­ with her sister. Mss. Emily Mul­ weeks of 1951. comparcil with the Before the meeting a delicious Burke, Lion with one gold arrow; Following these awarda the en- their home In honor of the first AURM CLOCKS $top. WHAY—Night Watch. Fort Lauderdale. Thursday, March 1 Federation room at Center church. 111 Bolton Raid w n C —Stella Dallai. The property runs from U. 8. League of Women Votera work­ Miss Kerr firat spoke on the his­ ness meeting was held with the len of Springfield. .«ame period last year Is cited in potiuck supper wa* enjoyed by the IVsnald Mulsener, Bear; Jerry I tire pack assembled on the stage birthday of their son. Harold Roy Rlectrlo er Wind 11:15— „ ^ a Highway Safety Comml.aelon re­ Cubs and pai;ents. Each table was Calve. Lion with one gold arrow; for a fla.shlight ceremony which Strickland. | All Fully Guaranteed lU^OeotorBt. rkoMW ■ 4:SS— ' WDRC-Public Serrtce Pro- Route No. 1 to the government shop on State Constitution, at tory of Valentines. In the days of I WDRC—Yankee Kitchen ancient Rome, It was the practice mTUHiN can, and often should, be port an contributing to nubstantinl assigned to the various dens and Burton Johnson, Wolf; David Mc- concluded the proceedings for the Decorations used were blue and , Store Fronta, Pletora tVamlag. gram. owTted Intercoaatal Waterw'ay, ■•Y'' 8 p. m. taken In large spoonfuls not only .\re Cliargrtl With Sell­ WTHT—Dollar Derby. running from New York to Miami, Friday and Saturday, of these pagans to celebrate dur­ current increanc registered thi.*: cards with photos of Cubs and par­ Klnnev, Wolf with one gold arrow j night. pink. buffet luncheon was i ArtliHr Dnis Storu VaoetMa BUnde, ^"n C —L«ren*o Jones. 1I:»0— ing the greater part of February, beesuse It tastes so good and is ab­ year over 1950 in traffic accident ents adorned the tables. After the and one silver arrow; Robert I Chairman John Cervlnl an­ served with a large cake decorat- ll Fiiniltwe Tape W'flC Dave Garroway Show through which privately owned March 2 and 3 solutely harmless, but because :lt experience. ing Liquor Without Li­ WHAT—News Polka Hop. craft as well as government boats Community Players will present fbasta honoring the goddess Juno, acts at once to relieve bad coughs WCCC—News; Music Hail. 1*:0ft— "Harvey” at Bowers school. this goddess being also named "Weekly report* of the Depart­ cense at Snack Bar WTIC—News; Dance Orch. pass on the North-South journey. Eani Extra Spending Money du« to colds. Ask your druggist for ment jnf Motor Vehicle* tinting 4!45«— Mr. Hale plans, with world con­ Saturday. March 8 Febniata. During these celebra­ pgaTussne — that famous modem WTIC—Yoxing Wldder Brown. Annual banquet of Hose Com­ tions, names of maidens were cough medicine which thousands bf *u«pen*ion* of operator* convicted Bolton. Feb. 19 (Special) — Frequency Modulation ditions permitting, to subdivide of drunk driving indicate a trend 5:0ft— and develop this land by digging pany One. SMFD. drawn from boxes. The maiden doctors prescribe 1 At all drugstores. State Police in a raid at the Snack Tuesday and Wednesday, which can be stemmed only by WDRC—News; Old Record Shop. W DRC—FM O.!.: MC. canals from the waterway so that was then proclaimed the favorite For Bu^ng Your Easter Outfit Bar In Bolton yeaterday arrMted \\THT—News; Big John and WKH.V—lO.i.T MC. each lot owner may have his boat 5l'arch 4 and 7 of the young man who had drawn increaBing severity of penalties by United Nations workshop, Mrs. the police court* handling such the owner and a Manchester man Sparky. P. M. docked to his door. her name. case*,” comment* Director Wil­ W’ONS—Mark Trail, 3-6 Same as WTHT This is the first inlet north of Howard Richardson, lecturer. When the Christian ch\irch came o n Charges of Helling liquor with­ C WHAY—Story Queen. 6:00- Showtime. Bowers school, 8 p. m. into being, it followed a eimilar The T. Grant Company will re-open a new modern liam M. Greene In a statement out a license. The roadside 0 H H t c T I c U1 Fort Lauderdale and is directly op­ 6.30— Screno Gammell, Weath­ Thursday, March 8 EFR aE N a in Itselfis prep.irccl for Commission mem­ stand where the arre.st.s took place WTIC—When a Girl Marries. posite the Hillsboro Light Inlet so custom. The feast-day at St. store, featuring: Four Complete Stores in One, on or bers. tVKNB — News;. Request Mat­ er. that a boat owner may have his League of Women Voters work­ Valentine became popular. Is located on the Wllllmantic roao 8:00- Same as WTHT A M. shop on State Constitution, at about March 1st. 0 Source of Great Revenue "Attention i.s invited to the fact about a half mile beyond Bolton inee. tvial in the gulf stream in fifteen Exhibits Old Valentines that a year ago Chairman Robert WTIC—FM 96.5 MC. minutes. "Y ', 8 p. m. Miss Kerr showed many very old Notch. MlDICSl StRVICt A N E X P A N D E D 5:15— WDRC—F31 on the air 1 p. m.- 'Thursday, March 15 The opening will be marked with a Gigantic Sale, T. Catlin filed a report with Gov­ Held for Bolton court ! WTIC—Portia Faces Life. Valentines she brought with her G eo r g e S. AV\y Co.np.vvr ernor Bowles characterizing po­ WHAY—Crosby's Quarter. 11:25 p. m. League of Women Voters work­ from the Watklnson library. An February 27 were Anthony Giglio. i Same as WDRC. shop on State Constitution at "Y,” featuring hundreds of items at prices so low . • . we lice courts generallv as "the 40, the owTier. and Raymond P. WKNB—Sports. weake.st link" iii Connectinit's WTIC—FM on the air 1:80 a. m.- Offers Plans 8 p. m. will he virtually mobbed by our old customers and new. Eastern Biyiiion Wirtalla, 34, of 77 Ridge street. S:Sft— I a. m. Saturday, March 24 traffic accident prevention pro­ Manchester, who protested that WTHT—Joe Girand. Som e a.s W T IC . Annual meeting and election of It will be an exciting day for customers and sales people in I*VT1C—Boston Pops Orchestra. its borders by annexing the west­ paid per thousand members each month, how CMS service has grown. Today, WONS—Frank Edwards, Newa. erect gasoline station on South­ ern part of Palestine, including east corner of Hartford Road and We An ag Executors * Trustees * more people arc getting more costly surgical care than ever before. WTHT—Ralph FTanagan's Band Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The Bidwell Streets, Business Zone II. 3. Chock Wheol Cylinders 10:15— popvdation is believed to be more WONS—1 Love a Mysterj’. than 1.000.000. The Hartford Road Corporation Administrators * Guardians During tbs past 2 ysart, CMS bos tumsd back to msm- for extension of permission to 4. Chock AH Broke Linos bars in tbs form of nssdsd surgical care a larger and erect gasoline station on Hartford IILLUS NK PH 1,111 MQMHS PEI MINTI Road (approximately 302' West of larger portion of each membership dollar. A t the sama Bridge Street) Business Zone II. 5. Chock Emergency Broke Cables tima, yofsr plan bos sued a smaller and smaller part “ •At »ton^ Robert Arendt for extension of permission to conduct Electrical of eaeb dollar for admimstrative expense. This is the Contracting business at 21 New­ 6. Check Broke Huid and Bleed Lines gssiding prisseiple of yostr non-profit, CMS plan and “ •viCf, coNNicneur mmicai man Street, Residence 21one C. makes possible the broad benefits you receive. Mrs. Joseph Chartler for per­ mission to convert two-fsmlly 7. Free Broke Adjustment After BOO Miles. The new CMS program presents an improved surgical dwelling to three-family dwelling at 47 Main Street, Residence Zone and tnietersssty plan to provide a. still better coverage 9 b# a i A.. B. • . against the baxard of unexpected and costly surgical Ralph Gaston for permission to ONLY $13-99 LOOK By Sue Burett By SIza. Anna Oabat esepeme. I l l 4 I N I t IMM conduct dental laboratory In base­ For all Important . occaaion* Here ia a beautiful 64 inch cen­ MONTHS MONTNI MONTHS ment of homit at 146 Branford when you want to appear at your terpiece that la a maaterpiece of Street. Residence Zone A. this Speciol Good Through Februory 2B, 1951 AHEAD beat—this cleverly atyled frock in defUgn. from tha etar center to the The^ame HOLMES has its Hector and Loretta BouettArd I women'* eise* ha* Interesting de­ lacy edging. You will enjoy mak­ fullest meaning In the memories of the families for permission to erect gasoline GENUINE PONTIAC BRAKE LINING WITH MANCHESTER TRUST tail and aleevea in either short or ing the design aa it is composed of it has served since 1922 station together with lights and three quarter version. a number of fascinating pattern HOLMES FUNERAL HOMES signs On premises ^as shown on ¥*attern No. 8695 is a sew-rlte stitches. revised plot plan submitted) on- SEE FRED THERRIEN— I>crforated pattern In sites 32, 34, Pattern No. 5133 consists of MOEE THAN $2^00,000 r#L _____ Founded on Service . . . Succeeding on Service property West of No. $44 Middle 36. 38, 40. 42, 44, 46, ahort''sIeeve, complete crocheting Instructions, Directors Turnpike West, Business Zone II. Your "Bettfr Dealer" Service Manager 4 1-2 yards of SO-inch; material requirements, stitch illus­ OVER 400,000 MEMBERS AlHEADY FAB Mark Holmes Howard L. Holmes STATE HEARING ALSO. 923 Main Street • Phone 4171 For thla pattern, aend 35 cents trations and finishing directions. Phone 7897 or 6340 D. Clinton Andrews for permis- for flnit-claBs maiiing, in coin*, Send 20c plus 5c for first-class FOR SUROKAl CARE — k - w w .,, votir name, address, gize desired, FV..4«a»S(i —- ■- . "ion to keep chickens at 198 Hil­ maiU^, in Coins, your name, ad­ •«l W*S» liard Street, Residence Zone B. Open Thursday Eveningo 6 to 6 nd the pattern, nuin^ to Sue dress' and the Pattern Number to 'lum ett, ’ITie Mainchtsfer Elvening ^ A a r i|* f . Jijj; AU peraons interested may at­ BALCH-PONTUC, Inc Anne Cabot, TTia Manchester Eve­ tend this hearing. >rald, 1160 Ave. Americas, New CONNECTICUT MEDICAL SERVICE/ INC. o -k 19, N. Y. ning Herald, 1160 Ave. Amer­ Ollcet $4g WMtiiey Am. New Hfwwi HOIAMRRRfmfStidfs StreetlS' Tioning Board of Appeals, 1SS CENTER ST. MANCHESHR . .Send 65 cents today for your icas, Now York 16. N. T. ’ 400Mam Street William H. Stuck, opy of ths Spring and Summer Needlework Fans—Anne (jabot's AH inrelfineat An# Iwfarmellee ItoMHed By CemiefNsut Itu* Cress As Ag Arne Clialrman. PHONE 2^545 or 2-4546 Fashion, our complete pattern Big new Album Is here. Dotens of Everett. Kennedy, ANCHESTER TRUST CO. magazine. It’s colorfiU, ^interest­ fascinating new deiigns. glfta SHSais art HartFarS Naw Hawa Walarbwv I Secretary. ing. inXormative. Smart, easy decorations and ap'vial features ISIS FWrikM AvaaM 4S F*/nhia«*a Avaaua 21* Craw* Straal tVS CfaaJ StttD n r . to mat# frocka; decorating tips; .... Plus 4 gift patterns and direc­ ______^ ^ ______\ ______gift pattema printtd for you. tions. 25 cents.

l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 19, lj^51 ‘t a o r c u B n o r MANCHESTER EVENING HERA1.D, MANCHESTER, CONN~ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1951 Give Program Rndi Started Local Girl ScouU Who Aided In Heart Tag Day FOR FASTER, BETTER DIAL SERVICE iNasMffs Still in Running for Eastern League Crown On Red Cross iTy M otorists ^ ■ I ■ . ■— ■ > ' ■ ■ ■■' , ' ' ■ ■ ' HI II ^ I, ■ ■ 4 Kiwanis Entertained b y At ItSO Over 750 Re­ Skit in Connection Another Bettins^ Scandal in New York WaiimgfordVetsHere newals Had Been Issu­ With Campaign ed tA the A ^ o r y Here ■M The work of the Red Cross -— - ...... ' T,' „— n "i Friday in Playoffs tfm M ily nub started today at Chapter In Manchester was de-1 College Quintets LOCAL Exchange Downs scribed to members of the Kiwanis { I Um branch office of the Motor Club by York Strangfeld at the Vabiclas Department In the state Three CCNY Players Eye Tourney Spots Pliimberse 32*20 RrnulBr Srason Action ■rmory as local motorists secured weekly dinner-meeting today at the Country Club. Mr. Strangfeld SPORT CHATTER New NsMiff their new registrations. Current Kmlfi «i« HarlforH is chairman of the Red Cross ngistm tlons expire at midnight. New York, F'eb. 19—(>P)— The ■y The E.Xchange Stars took over Chapter In Manchester. Admit Taking Bribes EARL W. YOST first place last Saturday night st Units; Art Pongratx Wadneoday. February 28. A ten minute skit waa put on by second basketball betting aeandgl Inspector Daniel Kerr once four membera of Manchester High i in a month was forced ta movo •porta Cfiltor the East Side Rec when they best Speakfi for Loyal Fans again' Is In charge of the local school show’ing |^he proper work of over today and make room for the Tntro Plumbers 32-30. Height office. This afternoon at 1:30 In­ .Miss Bath Law’s “Major” the solicitors. Mr. Strangfeld’s Roman, Warner, Roth three games that will help mold Aceto plays Wendell, his dogs at the meeting tonight of and a tight zone proved too much Ry Mol Tiirklngion spector Kerr reported that more message waa interesting and well Foot Guard Show Winner T50 renewal registrations had Of Naltioiial Champs the field for the post-season Jacoba and Frank VtUner meeta the Maiirhester Kennel Ciub at the for the Plumbers and their usually Although the regular achedule received. Mike Plarro in Town Table Tennis been Issued. This figure surpasses East Side Her, The meeting will fnst-breoklng attack couldn't get of the Eaatern Pro League came Miss Helen Jordan of the High "Major,” a sable and white N C AA playoffs. Tournament matchea tonight at any other first day total by more Guiltv; Also Ex-LlP get underway at 7:80. started. Hohenthal, Farrell and to an end w Ith Torrlngton drubbing scool band furnished several solos Collie, owned and trained by For instance, the Western Con­ tha West Bide Rec. Pierro waa than half, la s t year about 400 Wojclk hit beat for the winnere Meriden yesterday afternoon, the on the trumpet. Miss Jordan Is the Arid ’ NYU Players Miss EMtli Law of 19 Baldwin ference probably will be settled runnerup to Ed BeniKhe last year. Roberta HsIloCk’s "Chief," placed while Cole and Escavich played Victor' o f the campaign wilt not were issued the initial day. Kerr leading trumpetess of the band. road, Mancheater, waa award­ tonight at Champaigh, III., where said he expected the local office fifth in the Open Class B com­ beat for the loaera. Wojclk put his be known for some time. While Attendance prize, donated by New York, Feb. Xfl - tJP) Col­ ed first prize in Novice B class top-ranked Illinois (9-1) enter­ Members of the Northern Con­ petition list Saturday in the Foot height to good advantage playing league managers \mted at a spe­ to do a brisk business every day, Herbert McKinney, was won by at the Foot Guard D ^ Show tains ninnerup Indiana (8-11 In since mail applications ran far WAIT FOR DIAL TONE lege baiketball waa rocked to Its necticut Board of Approved Base­ (iiiard Dog .Show in Hartford. a good defensive game controlling cial meeting in New Havn Inst I Bill Knight. foundations today by the second in Hartford Saturday, 'nila wrlll the game of the week. behind this year. Today's final ball Umpires will hold an Impor­ "Chief" was credited with 193 both backboards. night to,go immediately into pix\ - 1 big betting scandal in a month enable the dog to get a second Tuesday night finds St. Louis total is expected to go over the tant meeting on Monday evening, points. The game of the night, end by offs, the matter of the leagtic | and by disclosure that "fixes" are leg toward his C. D. Major (9-1) and Bradley (7-8) tangling mark when the office closes March .1 at the British American far the moet exciting of the league champlnnahlp lays In the hands of , 1.000 Robert F. Nauman Photo being investigated on a nationwide had a score of 195 out of a at Peoria. 111., to see which team at a o’clock. The office will be Club. *The major league film on The Silk tity A C. will hold an wss sn overtlmr thriller In which President I-oii Black. Family Service H^tsnn—^^tain— a large number to the WE SPECIALIZE IN MASSAGING Big Seven championship—and an wesr the West .Side boys down. Obituary toii, l>. C., for .10 years until her re­ 1. Sen. Kefauver (D., Tenn.) buzzing about the great passing football equipment. There are left, Mancheater tn'ils .'Icrulen by of the staff is identical to last church. Tlie motion picture shown nutomatlr bid to the N C AA play­ lA-ading hy two |h>Iii|’r with but tirement several years ago. at 6:30 was "The Stoning at Lys- said the U. S. Senate crime In­ exhibition of Nsssiffs last Friday Btlll a few hssehsll suits out, snil two full games but has two games j year. Mrs. Mary Galbray is cash­ offs. A loss would kayo Kansas. fifteen seeonds left it looked like ier and the clerk., are Miss Irene Miss Collins leaves two nieces. In Local Heart Fund Drive tra," dealing with tbe Mission of MANCHESTER BARBER SHOP vestigating committee has been Kentucky, the national leader, night In the final period against Secretary Pnt Bolduc aska that lo play with the Silver i.’ity quln- Mr.s. Kohert F'. Hawley of Gilead probing this and similar fixes in Musial Signs the Hartford Hurricanes. Puggy thsy also be returned so that they the Kiwanis Stars were making tet. ; jijtt: Fay, Miss Arlene Hainsworth, Paul, after which adjournment has no such worry. The Wildcats good their promise when out of no­ Miss Florence Jbnes and Miss and Mrs. N. James Yuille of New was made to the Primary room for MAIN ST.—OPPOSITE THE HIGH SCHOOL other cities. "N ew York is not clinched their bid and the South­ Bell, Dick "Rip Van" Ripple. Bob­ may be cleaned for the coming Owe It to Fana DeZohln Deatli§ an isolated case," he said. where came little "Jay-Jsy" Roseanne Oagllardi. Slate Police­ Hritain. Heart 'T a g Day" which was 'irst week of the drive to jUst un­ supper. So many attended that ex­ eastern title at the same time by Knight and Jackie Allen were season. Dues for the year are "W e owe It to our fana v.hoi .I RAKRERS ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE 2. Dr. Hugh C. Willett, preai- With Cards the lads who really kept the bail Bralnard who stole the beill and man Joseph Minleri of the Hartford F'uneral services will be held at held Saturday added $312.30 to der $1,000. tra tables were set Tn the large Saturday night by whlpplrtg Ten­ payable tonight, and with the club have aupported us all season, " Hank DnZonle, giant Negro atar the Watkins F'uneral Home, 14:i The goal of the 1951 drive by dent of the National Oilleglate a-hopping. elections only a month away, it dribbled down the aide lines, let go Barracks has been assigned duty vestry. The parishioners brought a f^^lliano^ltiawnp^ib s»sn^||iapaa^Wiaa^p^H|n» nessee. 86-61, while Tulane sur­ with the "Hhot" of the sriiMon ss Pongratz told the league officials. who la coaddered one of the best Kast Center street, at one o'clock the Heart fund drive which is be­ the Manchester CTiapter, Connect­ Athletic Association, said the St. laouls, Feb. 19—i/P) — Out­ is expected that a nornlnatlng com­ at the armory while the office is Old Resident generous supply of sandwiches and prised Vanderbilt. 90-55. he jumped into the air and with "The difference of L o o between in the East today, was added to tomorrow afternoon. Rev. Clif­ ing conducted this month. D. icut Heart As.sociation, is $5,000, matter is of "great concern" and fielder Stan Muslal and President Frank Parker of Springfield, one mittee will he elected. A vote will open. the Lucy Spencer group of the Wo­ Columbia, sporting the best rec­ two men on him somehow man­ flrat and aecnnd place isn’t the Nassiff Arms roster by BiisIneU ford O. .SImp.son, minister of the a very small anioufit to fight the 'Will be taken up at a meeting of of the outstanding dog handlers be taken on w hether or not to spon­ Kerr makes special note of the Lloyd Hohron, chairman of the lo- men’s League served coffee, with Fred Saigh o f the St. Louis Card­ ord in the land. 17-0, It assured aged to toss the ball at the hoop factor involved," he continued, "but Munagef ,\rt Pongralr. replacing Center Congregational church, ( al Heart F'lind eampaign. Is mo.st "niindier one" killer. In Connecti­ home nfadc gingerbread and the ■ N C A A council In Chicago of at least a tie for the Ivy and trainers In the East, will give sor softball and baseball this sum­ ' Ernie Johnson w ho left for Flori- fact that only one Saturday is Here Passes March 1. inals agreed today that Stan is in an underhand fashion and It Manchester fans are confident flint will officiate, and burial will he In grnicfid to the 1'20 Girl Seout.s of cut. while the mortality from whipped cream for dessert. League crown. The Lions romp­ a demonstration and showing of mer. ' da Iasi Ssti'iday. DeZonie is listed this year for motorists to se­ 8. Ne«l Irish, dirlector of Mad­ swished the nets to tie the score. Nassiffs can still get Into first the fink Hill cemetery in South­ Mam’hi'ster who eondueted the most allmonts has been declining, A hymn-sing followed, with num­ going to - receivt a mighty fat ed past Harvard. 90-63, Satur­ eligible for th< playoffs since he cure their registraMons here. To ison Square Garden, called the "Jay-Jay" was by- far the work place. We gained a lot of nrentlge ington. » Png Day. "The exeellent re.sult is that from heart and circulatory bers suggested by the audience, salary this season. day, and if Cornell lo.ses to either was placed on the roster heforo avoid any delay and long lines, all John P. O'Connor D ip h There will be no railing hn\irs SPECIALIZING IN , situation "deplorable" and added: horse and spRrk-pliig of the BAB winning the playoffs list yciit. Our due to their line spirit and enthu- dlsi'asc has risen five years in a Penn or Harvard this week, It'll are urged to secure registrations and Mrs. Lelaml Hunt at the pia­ "Gambling isn’t confined to the But both were mum on the boys. In the three minute overtime fans have come on cncli g'lmc, nt the deadline tart Friday nlglit. He at the funeral home. .sin.siii." Mr. Holiron stated. low. In the battle against all the no. Rev. Leland Hunt brought the be all over. will make his debut with th# lo­ as soon as possible The office will At Mpinorial Ho»|nlal;! CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Garden or New York C!fity." exact amount, which may be near there waa a duel between Jimmy home and on the .-nad, to sev us N. William Knight, of the F'irst disea.ses of the heart and the cir­ Lenten message, and also exhibit­ Two other teams - Brigham Polish Amerks Turn cals Friday night when they en­ not be open here after February j . T^ie three CCNT players caught $100,000. Rsgszzo and McNamara. Rsgazr.o •vlr the league this year. In all Had Been III a IVIonth | National Bank, trea.nirer of the culation, money is needed for re- ed a collection of some twenty GENERAL CONTRAniNG Toung and Arizona- -are expected tertain the Wallingford Vela in 28, and anyone who does not get In the web of the latest scandal After Musial, the 'National getting seven points, two more fairness to them v e deserve a Heart F'lind campaign, reports scarch. educational work, and the books of a religious nature, which to join Kentucky in the champion­ the first game of the playoffs. registrations by then must go to F u n e r a ls RE.MODELING AND REPAIRING are Ed Roman. Ed Warner and Leagi:e’B batting champion, sign­ than McNamara and this won the chance to either win <.r lie beaten John Patrick O'Connor of 171 that Saturday's contributions ('stabh.shmcnt and support of a lo­ he briefly described and recom­ ship fold anv day now. Brigham by Meriden." Hartford thereafter. Al Roth, stars of the amazing ed his contract yesterday Saigh Back Bristol, 74-67 game. PeZonle has appeared in Man- Union street died yesterdiiy nt bring the total donations for the cal heart clinic. mended, at the same time offering FREE ESTIMAIES Young (12-3) 'holds a command­ .\gieemenl waa unanimous Hint chrster before wearing the logs of Mrs. Martha Anderson team that swept to the National said the salary "probably is high­ The M i^ ly Mites from the East to loan them to those interested in ing lead in the Skyline Confer­ Manchester did have a considera­ the New York Rena. He aI(K> Manchester Memorial hosiiilal The funeral of Mrs. Martha An­ MORTGAGES ARRANGED Invitation and N C A A champion­ er than that paid any other play­ ence. Arizona ( - ) is a walk­ Side Rec led by Bobby Sutton, the different subjects. ships last year for basketball’s 11 1 tion on the league championship plaved with tbe Harlem Globe­ after a month's Illness. Mr. derson, wife of Carl G. Anderson, Officials here to regard Stalin’s er In either league." over In the Border Conference. Parejak, Zamaitis and Dave Toomey and Whitey Mc- Italian Red first and only "grand slam." but the vote to end the regular trotters. most famous baaketbaJI O'Connor, who was In his seven­ of 210 Woodbridge street, who Public Schools Closed I statement as generally darkening Pity poor North Carolina State. Poliah Reaults | Graw beat the Bowers Mites 8-5. the worlds prospects. His per­ ERNEST A. RITCHIE District Attorney Frsnk Hogan Stan was a Mt mors conserva­ Staum Account for 60 Gustafson and young Dick Qulm- season was InflueucHl by mvnera team In the world today. Big Split Widens ties, was born on i'nion street, in (bed nt her liome Friday niomlnK. Here All This Week tive. The Wolfpack are far ahead In Hank opened the ciirrent cam­ sonal Hssuiiiption of leadership In Public Kecords 15 LIBERTY ST. TEL. 8172. MANCHESTER said they admitted accepting up .HiarhFBtrr «74> by played best for the Bowers who felt contlmmn'-e meant more the house Just over the bridge, and was held yesterday afternoon nt to $1,500 each per game to fix "What 1 think Mr. Saigh nteant the Southern Conference, with a ] Points in Triumph; paign with Tll-CItles In the Na-i Manchester's public * schools the Soviet attack on the U. N., 12-1 record, but thev must take | P. P r. - T boys. financial lossea *o them. A motU :i two o'clock at the Watkins Fu- I three games played In the Garden. was that I ’m probably the highest 4 VI'. f’lirciffh. rf , . 1.7 i-ft 27 RlfhBB|F (JKl to leave the decisi in in the hands tional Basketball Association. He (ConttBoed from Page One) had lived In lliat section all his nerni Home. Rev, Carl E. Olson, ' are closed this week for the and his tnsi.stcnce that the Korean Permits the post-season conference tour­ Girls Gain 42nd Win The games were with Missouri. paid player in the National 4 ZamaltlB. If ...... ft 1*3 17 B r T ' of the president w as the alterna­ eerured hti release a few weekir life. He was the son of the late winter vacation. They will re­ war must be settled on China’s Application, Green Manor E.s- ney to qualify for the nationals. pastor of the Emanuel Lutheran j Arizona and Boston College. ft StAum. c ...... ft «-» 1ft UfthFnthal r( ...... 4 fVl ft tive agreed upon. Black will bast ago and reported to Saratoga of organisationa aponsoring tha In- open Monday, Feb. 26. terms or not at all, appeared to League," Musisl told reporters However, there are few who be­ 3 Kurlowicz rj ... ft l-.l 1’ ckr*l, rf ..... Patrick and Ellen Fogarty O'Con­ church, officiated and Frederic E. | tates for permits for 26 dwellings CCNT lost all three. The Polish-Amencans traveled 7 ...... 0 0-0 0 his decision oh the outcome of the the American Laagua. Last vaMon of Italy by Soviet troops." Since the first half of the offer no encouragement to those later. "But all that matters now Is lieve thev won't do this with ease 4 C. Pirclkk. Iff ...... 2 3.;; «’>r. If ...... I 1-3 3 nor. He attended the Union Werner presided at the organ. of five rooms each at $11,500 and Arrested also were Harvey to Bristol last night and defeated ‘ playoffs. Sboiil I Mn lilen and nlehl DeZnnle played hla lost The rift In the ranks of the school year ended In January, who might still hope that Russia that I ’m completely satisfied how The Southwestern Conference rfi.eftiiii.ff If ...... 0 n-ti 0 school of the former Eighth Dis­ Burial was in East cemetery. one dwelling, five rooms at $14,- (CMnnle) Bchaff. a substitute on 11 33 10-23 74 game with Saratoga and rejoins Italian Communist party—biggest the vacation serves as the mid­ would be in a compromising mood things turned out, and I ’m set to race is almost back where it I the Rt. Stans in a State Polish TotalR . . vVujck. - ...... 3 33 ft .Manchester reach -.hi finnls, they trict. and later grr.dunted from The bearers, all grandsons of the 000. For Green Manor tract. the New York University team: League game by a score of 74 to HrUt*l Ht. 147 1’ 1 Iff** r ...... 0 0-0 0 prohsnlv will battle for all the an old teammate. Puggy Bell, thla aide of the Iron Curtain—de­ way "rest” point for the stu­ .It an early big four meeting. start training." started, with Texas A *M . TCU Huntsinger's Riisiness College, deceaacd, were Franklin C. Ander­ Edwrard Card, a Long Island Uni­ 67. The Poles had the services of 1 Sp'ivtl’t', if 4 1-2 ft 1.' It (j rff ...... 2 0-0 4 marbles. with Nassiffs. The locals should veloped with the resignations on leading business school in Hart­ son. Everett .1. Anderson. Carl H. dents. The next school holiday versity senior who played last A few days ago Muslal said he and Texas tied for the lead with 0 Hthpr. r( ...... 0 O-O 0 VitkAi Iff ...... n 0-0 ft have enough atrength now to so* unimpressive 6-3 records. only five players, and played with Should both clubs be defeated In Jan. 26 of Communist deputies ford at that time. F'"or a period Anderson, .Ir.. William G. Ander­ will be in April. year, and a jeweler. Salvator Tar- wanted $100,000. He had received 2 R VVrUr \t . ... 1 4-.V 21 Farroll Iff ...... 4 1-2 9 them through the playoffs with Economy only four in the last two minutes, 4 Z«brow»kL c .. • • • ... k 1-3 M ...... 0 the oprutng pinydowns, Black may Valdo Magnani and Aldo Cucchl of 17 years he was eniploycd at son, John E. Anderson and Robert to Sollazzo. described by the dis­ something more than $50,000 a In the Pacific Coa.st Conference, (irRdy. Iff ...... 0-0 0 Tom Whipple. Rell and DeZonie flouthrm Calif omit ( - ) hoI(Is losing the services of one player .iRnnkl, r ...... 0 0-0 f I send them Into a series of their la northern Italy. the railroad freight office in Man­ C. Anderson. trict attorney as a gambler who season the past twu years. 6 2 *» 10 JO around to help the other members H ie two deputies quit because True Economy is ob­ a slim edge over UCLA (5-3l In rta the.ltMil route. ORffkt. rff . . ft T-»tRlR ...... M 49 .12 owTi to determine the league rham- chester. F’or a time he was in the Inspired the scheme. In commenting on Stan’s new Bristol get off to a fast start in f.. VVrIfr. iff 1 3 4 7 T«tr« InniHpr* ijfti : plotiflhlp. The problem Is one that of the Irani who have given Noa- ttaelr fellow Communists would the Southern Division, while 2-4 4 ice business with his cousin, the Kathleen M. Muldoon taining the be.st for Offer tbe Bribes salary, Saigh said he used the the first period scoring seven 1 V'ordRvffkl. Iff I Kfcn II h, rf 2 13 ft has never occun'ed before, slffs a successful season sn far. not declare opposition to Invasion late James Doyle, and afterward See ^^Backfire” Sollazzo and Gard were accused Washington and Orvgon are dead­ 2 .’’Jtra'R, iff . 5 12 I.FRnder rf . . ... 0 0-0 ft of Italian soil by Soviet Russia. The funeral of Kathleen M. the amount you wish word "probably" in comparing it locked for the Northern lead with straight points before the PA s' (.‘•mphrll, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 I’ la.roffs .Start Frida.r raised tobacco. F'or a number of Muldoon, three-year-old dailghter of offering the bribes and the with that paid other players be­ got a point. R. Wales was tlie However, playoffs will’ begin 33. Friday, Wallingford at Man­ In eastern Emilia, south of the years he engaged in the market three CCNT players were charged identical 8-4 records. Ih Tt.tAlR ... 27 13-31 «7 K'prii* V. If ...... 0 0-0 • of Mr. and Mrs. John Muldoon of to .spend. Our policy is cause he didn’t know just how shooter for the losers, hitting Rr-.rr at htlf ’.tmr. Brifilnl Sulllvfft , If ...... 1 immediately. Friday night Nasalffs chester; March 1, Manchtster at Po river, 30 former partisans re­ ganlen business with his brother, On Stalin Blast with accepting them. But what about the Independent 0-! portedly had bolted the Commu­ 993 Main street, was held this to help you economize. much Ted Willlanis of the Boston teams, the ones who’ll (ill ihe aix consistently in the first period be­ Rrffre# Phr!p». rmp;rr VikF. InRh. c ...... 0 0-0 0’ will meet Wallingford In the Wallingford: March 4. Wallingford Charles P. O'Connor, of 171 Union morning at II o'clock at the John Schaff was accused of offering t’.'ftpor, r ...... 0 0-0 0 st Manchester, If a third game is nist-supported National Partisans street, and served his rustomers a bribe to James Brasco, a NY17 Red Sox receives. lA st season, places in the NOAA ellmlnatlon.s. fore Wally Parrlak and Pete LuRi'*!!. f ...... 0 ! t organization "for their abuse B. Burke F'uneral Home. Prayers (Continued from Page One) Williams reportedly got $125,000 Of course. CCNV, the $taum started things rolling for MaRrhrttFr Ctlrli tSI) 1 neceassry. at their homes in his truck. teammate, promising Brasco he r R r T ' rff ...... 4 0-1 ft three. Meriden and Tornngton against the two heroes of the re- were said by Rev. Fxlgar Farrell and signed for a similar amount champion, no longer is a candi­ the Poles. The score at the end The lesgur't executive board Mr. O'Connor was a charter task of propagandizing the world "could do himself some good” in Zaff'-rnki rf .. . , : ’ 4 1 K ' 'i* M Iff ...... 3 0-0 4 start their series Sunda.v. The ■htance,’’ Magnani and Cucchl. of ,'^t. James's church. Burial was MgMMM e# this year. . date. j of the first period was 19 to 15, 2 ... *> 0 2 t'«r.9'in Iff ...... ft O.ft 0 also approved the following e]gl- member of the Manchester F'ire with "fake charges and clnims.’* the -St. Francis game Jan. 80 at lift’ tf league officials also voted that blllty lists, frozen as of midnight in St. James's cemetery, where Saigh added that he was certain At the moment, St. John’s (19- ' Bii.'tol, I ;f __ 3 ? • « Iff ...... 0 0-4t ft Department and long actively in­ The "Voice" broadra-st added ' NYU. Brasco rejected the offer. the finals can he either two rnif of last Friday: terested in the company Rev. F'^rrell said prayers. Mem­ Musial would be getting more than 3). Villanovs (18-4), Holy Crass In the second period the SainU 1 Hf. - p ■ ft I-! ! that Stalin "haa now put himself Hotan said. N Y U won. 89-58. 2 VlMr-i n ... 1 3 ...... 1 3-« 30 three nr a he.sl three out of five, Meriden—Ernie Cslverley, Eari Warn Parishioners Besides his brother he leaves bers of the family acted as hear­ any other player has received In (15-4), LfTT (20-4) and f!?lneln- started to move away from the on record and on trial before the There was no mention of any f) fl' R d. Iff ...... 4 0-2 ft which ever the finellsts agree up­ Shannon. Dick Hole, Bill Plosa. several cousins in this town and ers. natl ( 12-2 ) look like the best P A ’S with Zehrouski hitting nice­ World by appending his own name ' Irregularities in any LIU or NTIT baseball history at the age of 80. llrftR R A Braapr# Iht on. Fred Lewis. Paul I..abanowskt, Ed on Staten l.sinnd, N. Y. bets. ly from outside while Staum kept ft 30 31 Against Solicitors to the Soviet deception " 1 games. Musial Is the first left-handed 10 Total* 13 P F. T I Torrlngton soundly whipped ReaddIn, George Jarvis. George Funeral services will l)c held The six men were arraigned hitter to top National League bat­ The only member of basket­ the locals in the game with some Briital St. KtRfi Gtrl* (111 ThffYFr rf <1 0-ft 0 Meriden yesterday afternoon m The mere fact that the official | 0-3 0 Norstrend. Wednesday morning at S t.'', from last night in a special .Sunday ters four times in succession. Last ball’s exclusive "top ten" to lose fine layup shots. The half ended 1 WA«;k. rf . 0 N*. Qtmnby. rf ...... 1 0 0 3 Meriden by a score of 83-63. The mouthpiece of the American gov­ 4 Drzem'ski. rf . 1 1-3 .3 » Manchester -Jack Allen, Henry Parishionem of St. Bridget’s the Leclerc Flineral Home. 23 U. N. Opens night session of felony court. year he led the league with a .345 Saturday was third-ranked Kan- with Bristol ahead,* 35 to 28. nrAlnarO If i 0-.’ loss ended a nine game winning church were warned yesterday ernment would make such a per- , aas State, which fell before Okla­ Coming out at the. Intermis­ 1 Anff^rt If , . 0 1-3 1 Pykff. If ...... 0 0-0 0 DeZonie, Bob Knight, Charlie Main street, with a s Whipple, Bruno Bycholski, Earl and Roth at $15,000 and for Schaff ing ground, sometime this week. 4 Rlll’nff. rff RaffAXtu. rff ...... 4 M f i with 23 points as 'Torrlngton jump- ductory letter from the pastor. Rev. F'riends may call at the funeral tent to which Stalin had led with current positiona in the Associat­ the Saints. TTte game became nip KaltnAwnki rg ... 0 0-0 0 MffthiFffftti. Iff ...... 0 0-0 0 I Yost. (Continued fron Page One) 142 EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER at 110.000. ; ed Into sn early 8-0 lead and were James A Timmins. home from 7 to 10 o'clock this hlfl cliin and the advanced state of Conviction on the charges car­ ed Press tM)ll. and tuck from here on out until 1 B.ii l( .,. 1 0-0 3 Slmmftftff. Iff ■ 3 0-2 4' never headed. I Wslllngford Ed Schwartz. Joe — — ' Stanitite, Frank O'Shea, Jack Any YUnd-keekera allegedly rep­ evening, and again tomorrow aft­ made by the People’s government deterioration in rclatioru between OFF THE STREET PARKING > ry penalties of one to five - years The IVildeats travel to Chicago the waning minutes. Zamaitis and j The playoff schedule ts as foi- ernoon from 2 to 4 o'chKk, and in 9 A hetter way? Ju*« come io and toivight for a gani(i wltli DePaul 17 TrtUl# 1 ft-it 11 Total# 1ft 1-7 I French. Dermle O’Connell, Ed resenting religious organizations nf China, the war can only end in the Soviet Union and the United In prison ami a maximum fine of Booth Sets New W slly Parciak kept the P A ’s in Acrtr* at half tim# 14-1 MtnrhFfiUr. low: . ) the evening from 7 to 10. States. or magazines outside St. Bridget’s defeat of the Interventionists." ' take a look at our assorted aids to ' $10,000, or both. then entertain G*)rgia Friday and front while R. Wales was keeping jFnkthfi tf a 3-3 i Merlden-TortngtortFeb. 2.1. j Whalen. Ed Anderson, Joe Sha- Great Britain also replied to Vanderbilt Saturday, a parish should have a letter of au­ Although the U.N. majority is lake the slaving out o f shaving! VCt The City College players were the Bristol club in the ball game McCurry. rf ...... 0 0 0 0 Sunday, Torrlngton at Meriden: 1 plro. Chuck Foeter, Dan Finn. Harry B«'rtram l*onier»y the Stalin attark over the week- Swimiiiiiig Record Oklahoma A * M has two Valley thorization from the pastor. determined to negotiate only on i picked up Iste Saturdav night as with hla brilliant shooting. The ijFRti. I f ...... 3 1*3 *' h Sfarch 1, Thuredty, Meriden at Torrlngton —John Michaele, Tom North Coventry, Feb. 19 (.Spe­ eiul, aeciisiiig Ru.s.sia of using the feel sure that, once in this friendly contests this week, visiting Hous­ Wapiifr, If ...... 0 0-0 ..... ^ ..... Miilvihlll, Al Peterson. Tom Tolan, an honorable, no-appeasement they arrived st Pennsylvanls sta­ third period ended with the score V Torrington: March 4, Torrlngton cial to The Herald I Harry Ber­ "threat of overwhelming force" ton (2-9) Wednesday and Wichita Sports in Brief McNimtr# e ...... h 4>ft V4 t)a.si,% the committee will scruti­ atmosphere, you’ll want to make our tion after beating Temple In Phil­ Taylor Booth set a new 200 yard tied at 60 all. at Meriden. If a third game la nec-! John Tolan. Chubby Malinconico, tram Pomeroy, well-known re.si- and "aggressive and subversive 14-7) Saturday for what appears Smith, r ...... 0 0.0 0 nize the Stalin Statement closely adelphia. 96-71. The final period waa os exciting easary: 'Jim Weston. Al Shisls, Hank dent of North Coventry, died ye.s- policies" throughout the world to fine pharmacy your regular source for freestyle record last Saturday to he breathers, (’urry. rff ...... 3 0-1 4 About Town lo see if If Indicates that I''eiping This esme one month to the day as one could oak for with the By Tht .\s.sodatrd Press K. Rrynetil#. rg ...... 0 0-0 0 MancHestar - Wallingford: Feb. Maaea, John Cilfone. terday at Manchester Memorial prevent peace. drugs and sundries. And be sure to after the Manhattan College ex­ afternoon as Manchester High’s Other leading games tonight in­ Poles handicapped with four men Basketball .Jfrhniton Iff ...... 1 0-3 a hospital, following a .short illne.s.s. may bo willing to talk at all. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Parker of 36 London, in a point-by-pnint re­ pose. which led to the arrest of tankers trimmed Hamden High, clude Oklahoma at Kansas. New having four fouls apiece had to New York—Coach CTlslr Bee of B#nn#tt Iff ...... 0 0-0 0 Born in North Coventry, July 3. if so, they hopie to be able to bring in your D on or’s prescriptions qU iZ view of East-West tensions since heart two former Mgnhkttan College co- 45 to 21. Booth covered the dis­ Mexico A*M st Arizona, Michi­ be very careful o f their guarding. Long Island Univeraljy's basket­ Brookfield street are on a trip to arrange consultations seeking a [ 1871. he had lived in that town the war, accused Russia among for our prompt, precise compounding. t tance in 2:14.1. The old record gan State at Notre Dame and ball team apologized lo W. H. Kis- TfttAl# ...... 13 7-13 3ft Florida. Thev will return on sati.sfactory solution to the Kore­ captains and three other persons W ally Parciak and Kurlowicz dis­ all his life. He was a charter mem­ other things of assisting Commu­ of 2:15.5 was held by Whitey Fid- Utah SUte at Wyoming. ner. Jr., thr referee he shirply For That “Iletter Bur”— You'd “Better Buy” That March B. an problem. on charges of ''conspiracy and played fine defensive ball and ber, and a "Golden Sheaf " member nist minorities to seize power ler. erltirtzed after LIU lost to Ari­ There is little optimism here, bribery. shooting to keep the score close of Coventry Grange and for sev­ throughout eastern Europe, of Each of the throe CCNT play­ The medley relay team of Pan- zona at Tucson .Isn. 29. Mr. and Mrs. William M. An­ however, that they will succeed in up to the four-minute mark when ' Lint Two (zaiTYrs eral years served as its master. violating the Potsdam Agreement ers received $1,600 for the Mis­ ciera. Rice and Pazianoe tied the "HI-VALU" USED CAR derson of Hemlock rtrcct, with Coventry Grange No. 7,1 was or­ this last task. Kiiigiuaii Paces the score was still tied, this time Football friends from Windsor, left yester­ by sealing off the Soviet zone of souri game Dec. 9 won by Mis­ rr.hool record by turning in the 66 to 66. Columbus Wa.vne "Woody' ganized on January 16, 1888. He Germany and of supporting in the rRiSCRIFTlOH FHAWMACV souri, 54-87. For the Arizona time of 1:08.1. In '•‘■Y” League!i day for Florida. They will spend a WHS a charter member of Coventry Zamaitis threw- in two quick Hayes, former coach of Miami of ^ few days at Pensacola, where Mr. U. N. the "unprovokril aggres­ 101 MAIN ST«IIT*M ANCM t XTER game Dec. 88. which Arlaona won The locals have now won four High Marksmen hoops and Charley Parciak scored Ohio, was named head coach a t ' ______Fire Department, No. 2, and serv­ sion” of North Korea and inter­ 41-38, each received $1,000. he games while losing two. The lo­ and Mrs. Anderson’s son. Douglas, ed as chairman of the building Says Europe Has one tn atiin the losers who Ohio State. The 'T' Senior Basketball is stationed. He has been with the vention In the Korean war by the said. cals swim sgainst Windham High never seemed to recover. Staum BRUNNER'S committee. Manchester High School’s rifis Golf ! League is getting down Into the Chinese Communists. Hogan declared the agreement in Willimantic Wednesday. and Navy since the summer of 1948. Mr. Pomeroy was also active In team lived up to pre-season ex­ fouled out writh two minutes left Horlington. Tex. - C h a r I e e ! paal stagee with each team hav- .158 EAST CENTER STREET 16 Divisions Ready Aside from the propaganda as­ on tbe Boston College game, won face Middletown here Saturday After spending about two weeks the Center Cemetery As.soclatlon pectations in the armory riuigs as lo play. The Poles with only four ( Chuck) Klein of San Antonio, i^g two more games to plav. To-i pects, there was a tendency among by BC Jan. 11. 68-69, was that afternoon at the Rec pool. Man­ in St. Petersburg, the party will and In the Connecticut Milk Pro­ It trounced a weakened Trinity men left put on a brilliant exhi­ Tex., won the $10,000 Rio Grande i ,t 7.59 the Silk Cltv Eagles' Roth and Roman were to get chester and Middletown are t‘ sd tour other parts of the Peninsular ducers Association He took a (Oontinned from Paga One) College Freshman team by oa 879 bition Of freezing the ball and Valley Open tourney with a toUl fioap with tha.Rockets. 'This la, state. $1,500 each and Warner, who had for first place in the CCIL and great intere.st in town activities to 774 score. The collegians, fresh­ making Bristol commit fouls. of 269 for 72 holes. strictly a second division tilt but j 1940 OLDS 6, 2-DR. SEDAN and at one time served on the ground forces to help defend Eur-J MMI b laalii!i bMi9 cam si Kitt? Wkit VI cimaiMSt tyH> M«t iMMlf an inltired kqee. $500. Saturday’s’ meet will decide the ITie final gun sounded with the Miami, Fla.— Shortstop Alvin the Eagles won the last one and | The gambler paid Roth $1,400 title. men in the air ROTC at the H art­ Dr. J. A. Segal will be the Board of Assessors. ope. ^ DiMMM ol ttM hMTt ftttd drcuUtloa In Theae caused by ( a ) rbeumitic fe v « (c«B- scoreboard reading 74 to 67 in fa­ Dark of the New York Giants won Rockets are out to aquare the ■ Tan-hrevrn. Exeellent Hrea. and welched eompletelv on his ford college, found the dim lighting speaker at the meeting of the Ex-1 He leaves one son, Walter B. Senator Taft (R-Ohiol haa pro- t94t Uwy kiU«d mor« than 637,000 p«a« moncat in childhood), (b ) high blood praa*' vor o f Mancheater. the I2lh annual Bozeball Players' | merles. A t 8:80 the North End ! promises to Roman and Warner, in the Main Street range hard to Riulio, healer, single owner. change Club tomorrow noon at j Pomeroy of North Coventry. Mrs. | po.sed that Congress put a limit on , p!«, caunne P*r c»nt o( *11 deaths that aura (middia age) and (e ) hardaotng el In the preliminary, the Polish- champlonahip by defeating team- pharmacy will take on the laague | the district attorney said. . solve, while the Indians fired thfelr Economical choice ear. Excep­ the Manchester Country club. Ed­ Pomeroy, who wa.i the former , American contributions to the : jraar ia tha United Statta. tha coronary nrttnes (old agt). American girls won their 42nd Roth and Roman got good will best scoi-e to date tc rack up a one mate Jim Hearn, 1 up. (leading and unbeaten Moriarty 1 tional buy at ...... ward Krasenics will make a re­ Charlotte Wright, died a number North Atlantic Defense Force be- . victory In the girls’ division of the i Brothers In an effort to topple , *595 bonuses of $500 each for the Sporis Schedule hundred and five point advantage. port on the Freedom Shrine ex­ of years ago. .•••••Maaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa State Polish League, outclassing ing organized under Gen. Dwight Washington State game Dec. 14. The looals now opert a four an(i St. L«ula—Stan Muslal *>gfi^Blrri»-P«ts 41 WISH AT Le a s t ESADbMA«rmAf 3AKB K* i,i«TeN,Ye)u DiPioiv^Knc d o n Hc Y-' Motorevetaa 11 Tanfmeata 63 5 0 0 COULP STAY IN SUCK A CAAK AOOUT X LEARMKO LONG AGO YOU PAINTINO And suparior paper NICE SMALL Fox Terrier pup­ APARTMEIfB Bias gas range, IN c o u n t r y Uka aunoapbere, OUR SELLING Hl« APB IMO NASH. Excellent condiUon larga buUdtng tot* with abada MAD AT M e TILL CANTT DO euSiNESC WilTH Sense and Nonsensis Owner leaving for aervlce. Must ha.iging. Wa carry ths fat lateat pies. Also Cross breede. Zimmer­ electric range, living room seta, FOUR ROOMS unfumlahed. Heat 54DO FINISHHP HE Vows HBXU 6ua/-* MOSCOW OR JAKE KOOPLE.* WANTED miacellaneoua used furniture. The traaa. Ovarlook Ortva. Wm. be sold in two weeks. Victor L. wallpaper hooks. Very aaticfac- man Kennels, Lake street. Phone and hot watar. Moat auitabla for w e j> o a ' ^ UM f VMOUI.D IT SB WliaCR. ' t'M eXERClSIMG MV tory price. OaU August Kanchl, 6287. Woodshed, 11 Main street. working couple. Pbona 6882.' Kanahl. bundar. Phoaa 7ns. < Markat Not* Woman—Sixty canta ■nim v«ry Busick, 54 iJemliig street. CLEAN USED CARS V- m7^ TO 6W e Him - m e •.JT s . METO AGAINST APPEASE- 8769. « Mary had a little lamb, hlgta for fggs. Havsn’t you any SALE I^aae, Main atreet busi­ OR PERHAPS COMPROMISE Me n t — IN C R y D e 1950 8TUDEBAKER H-tOn plck- KENMORE Combination oil and A very email thin allc*. che«p«r on«*r TOP PRICES ness location. Used car permita ON A SMALL SOM Y t r i b a l x m a l e c t , iw>. In excellent condition. Owner Poultry and Supplico 43 gas stova. Reasonable. Call 2- Buaincaa Locations That \v«a all ah* could afford,- Oroesr—No, ma’am, I’m Rorry 3503. available. Also industrial land, NO At the prevailing price. sm recalled to service, gl,000 takes Rcpalriiig m For Kent 64 SOAP.' X haven’t. You it’s vMy «xp«n- COLE MOTORS BROAD Breasted Bronze turkeya, centrally located. Suburban Real, T. J. Mclnemay. alv« producing them. On* egg is s I t Tione 5410, ______MATTRESS. Tout old mattresaee fresh frozen, from 12 to 25 RO PER GAS range, 9 years old. 4164 OFFICE IN Orford building. Real ty Realtors, 49 Perkins street. whole day's work for a hen. aurlilsed and rainada Uke new pounds. Ready any time. Schaub’s Very good condition, $50. Phone Pbone 8215. Then there'a the "Nlte Club Nit­ . DeOORMIER MOTOR Junea Furaltura and i^oor Turkey Farm , 188 Hillstown 6871. estate, proteaatonai, ate. Apply call Marlow’a, wit" who toaaed a lighted match Work la becoming Increasingly SALES, Inc. BiwtneM Scm cM Offend IS Covcilng, Se Oak. Tel. 2-104T. Road. 2 \i ACRE lot; for sale with well. Into the "Powder Room” and waa unpopular. It is beginning to be THREE-PIECE maple living room .1 SAYS: “A go o d car FLOOR PROBLEM .S aolved with SMALL STORE a t 16 Maple Inquire Clarence Dletrlchsen, -J) mad beoaiiae It didn’t explode. that If the human race doesn’t find set. 3 occasional maple tables. French Road, Bolton. Call 8770. some mean* of living with work r i g h t is « go o d buy.” linoleum, a-phall tile counter. Bonds—8torfc»>- Art Idea tor Sale 45 Phone 2-1420. street, near Main. Suitable for Elxpert wor. .lanahlp, free esU> small business or office. Apply Walter We have two dinner*, that ona or the other la going to SEE THESE TODAY.— Mortgagra one for $2 and one for SIO. mates. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ 31 WIRE FENCING used for child's USED ELECTRIC stove and Edward J. Holl, 1009 Main street. perish off the face of the earth and SnburlMin tor Sale 75 . . . . C’ualomer What do I get extra 1947 PLYMOUTH 2-DR niture, Oak street. Phone 2-1041. FAHNESTOtnt and Co. Stock- pisy yard. Complete with gate. Shelvador refrigerator. Inquire most likely It will be the human .Small steel kitchen cabinet w ith ANDOVER—One new, well con­ on the $10 dinner? beings. U>BT—R*d leather wallet. Initiale SEDAN Oommodlly Brokers, 75 Pearl 63 Church street or phone 2-9558 Walter—I'rentige! "JJUL" Between Arthur’a and Radio, hratcr. defronter. REPAIRING BY .RDION or guitar lessons. Heater, defroster and ovei'drive LEONARD VV. YOSl, Jeweler, re­ while owner is in service. Man­ Without obligation to you. we M FAVOSOPHAVMS) HFP LMEDUf OUBSTION - AND TNArS WHY UNDERSTAND WHY YOU to know that me great-grand-fath­ Beginners or advanced. Instru­ ately. Terms. Asking $8,500. Call BY HERSHBERGER Folks used toothpicks nnd were er killed the thing? ONE— 1951 WILEYS 6 CYL. ALL APPLIANCES serviced and Ani.ta W hite, 8274. pairs. adjust- i^atchea expertly Musical instruments 53 chester or vicinity. Call 2-0876. will appraise or make you a cash FUNNY BUSINESS TW NATIMAL V b RXJGH W THTO ----- TONIfiNT/ SHOULD PEFINITELV -AND ments loaned to beginners on repaired, burners, refrigerators Reasonable prices. Open dally. offer for property. See us before CONVENTION, T nntTTNNOUCH WITHOUT ANY HBUTATION — ■till polite; and the neighbors got trial lessons plan. Modem School STATION WAGON ranges, washers, etc. All work I'bursday evenings. 129 Sprues ACCORDIONS. Must liquidate 100 URGENTLY’ Nccdei. 4-room rent, you sell. MICKEY? ifftTHOUTAETIWSGU/ freah Uver at hog killing time. Two In a freight train collision in Hester, defroster nnd overdrive of Music, r. O. Box 221, Man­ guaranteed. Metro Service Co- Help Wanted— Pamala 35 street. Phone 2-4387. accordions at once Conic ready by two adults, both working. Best or throe (leople could meet without Mississippi, a carload of molaaaea Phone 627,'J paaaing the hat; parents were the waa spread on the highway. chester. ______ONE—1951 WILEYS .lEEl’ Tel. M anchester 2-0883. to buy. Trades accepted. Conven­ of references. Phone 2-1668 after BRAE-BURN REALTY 4-WHEEE DLIVE HAIR DRESSER, registered and ient term. Open 'til 9 p. m. Rond- 4 p. m. only baby-«ittera; and men worked Hurry, kids, no eulphur. WANTED —Riders to Pratt A Full top. full sents and diaw j 4 HOUR oil burner aervlce. Min­ experienced. Excellent salary plus Fuel and Feed 49A inone \ccordion Center, 26 Mar­ IF Y’OU ARE :onsldcring selling for an huneet living Instead of Whitney, 1st shift. Vicinity of neapolis controls. Earl Van Camp. bar. commission. S-day week. All re­ ket street, Harttor.1. 6-0700, col­ 4, 5, OR 6 ROOM unfurnished your home in the town or coun­ wishing for one. A man’s word was The best passing remarka wa W est Side. Call after 4:30. 8077. TRANSPORTATION Phone 5244. plies held confloential. Answer SEASONED Hardwood for fire­ lect. rent. Desperately needed. Call try, and are looking for prompt hla bond; Rip Van Winkle slept know of are the correct answers Box E, Herald. place and furnace. $17 cord, $9 Sam Nas.slff 2-0931. 20 year* and no one asked him to that youngster* give to school WANTED-Riders to Hartford. SPE(HALS WINDOW SHADES made to order and CO 11 Icons service call Ells­ cord, delivered. Coventry 7- worth .Mitten, Real Estate Agen­ Indorse a mattrosa, and men made problem*. Vicinity of State Office Building. and installed. Venetian blinds 1910 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. WANTED ■ - Sales clerk for full 6267. Wanted—To Boy 58 cy. Phone .vlancncstcr 8930. the same wife do a lifetime. H o u rs‘8-4:30. Call 7822. SEDAN and. curtain rods. 24 hour service. time employment. Apply in per­ Kusinesa Property for Sale 70 These are the time* when times Estimates gladly given. Fagan don’t change. Twenty years Radio, healer, defroster. Motor son Marlow's. 867 Main street. BEARINGS. We buy any type, ARE YOU Ready to acll? Duplex, BOUTS AND HER BUDDIES YVhat’s It? It I* eatimated that the average in good order. This week's special Window Shad,. Co., Route 44 at Garden—farm —Dairy size, quantity. New only. United flats, lake and country proper­ BY EDGAR MARTIN cow move* It* Jaw 41.000 time a ago we ware also wondering how AulowobHaa Fn» aatt Bolton Notch Phone 2-4473. YOUNG LADY wanted for foun­ GROCERY’ STORE, gelf-.scrvice day. There’* aomethtng for the long before spring. Full ph're. $'295 Products 50 B earing Co.. 1407 Third Avenue grocery store doing over $40,000 ties. (All replies confidential). SH.1 VCIIVR TO R VWBXV OMtN'.NO S15SAR'.-1!vV RON MIVT \ «OQSK)MIVO '($ WYT'KS ASO v w iw t's tain. day work. Good pay. AVYO VO«6C(T -TO VTtORN V4 * SN l- over-the-back-fence neighbor to CLEAN CARS — PRICED LOW- 1911 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN So., M inneapolis 4. Minn. annually. Contains practically Please write or fhonc. Howard R. SOHILWWiLWE-Wk.VOCd YWl DOOQ TO CVOMAlS -OK-KW .WAVS I .steady Apply Ferndale. 1095 FIRST QUALITY Green Moun TVX. «OXTOVA •• ? ? ? shoot at. M arried men would be more in­ q u a r a n t e e d ; SPEC. DELUXE new fixtures including S foot meat H astings. Real E state Si>cclal- SOOTS* VWN.VKVS EOlrtL B £ \ . 0 H 6 S CELLARS Cleaned, a.shcs and rub- Mam street. tain potatoes Mealy, cook and WANTED—Good used furniture terested In touching family ocenes 1941 BUICK SEDANETTE Rsdio, heater, defroater. Exeel- showcase, deep f.eercr for froz­ ist. Odd Fellowa Building, 489 :||^h renuived. Plume 7644. taste good. $1.5U bushel. Deliver­ Any quantity. W« offer you high- Folks refer to today’s weather If they weren’t followed by a 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN lent appearance In and out. alt new DENTAL ASSISTANT for office en foods. Has beer license. Sell­ Main street. Phone 2-1107. A iw v y : 1941 CHEVROtET FLEETLINE ed to your door. Call Hathaway eat prices. Woodshed Phone 2- as a ’’good old-faihloned winter.” touch. tires. Needs a ring job. But only PftTEK W PAN I ALUK, eiedtncai In Manchester. Experience not ing price lc%i than replacement We can't understand the "good” SEDAN (2) contractor, maintcnaiice and wir 2-1390. 3154. 1941 PLYMOITTH SPECIAL $395. I nece.ssary. Typing essential. Ap­ cost of fixtures and stock. Dis­ WANTED p a rt of It. Tha medicine chest may oave a DELUXE TUDOR 1937 BUIFK 2-DR. SEDAN ! Ing lor llghi and puwer. 40 Foster ply In person. 378 Mam sireet. solution of partnership reason for life—or It may take one. Careleaa- 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN Heater, defroste.r Neects a paint i street. Phone 3303. Wedncseagu« guarai.lec. Clarke Motors 301 1948 CADILL.\C Sedaiiette, radio, tives in Manchester. Write or call Main street, buys and sells good CUSTOM tANCH House, 6 rooms, FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS (iradc-.V Drip used furnU_r' and antiques. 9696. Buffalo 6, Cleveland 3. KY MEKHILL C. BLOSSER SBt / Broad .street. Tel. 2-2012. heater, hydranialie, white walls, MANCHESTER Upholstering Oo. Mr.s. Buckmaii, 29 Highland Ter­ bath, lavatory an< laitndry room. Providence 2, Pittsburgh 1 W heaiitiful condition throughout Re-upholstering draperies, slip race, .Middletown. Conn. 6-6377 Frank Denette. Phone 2-3376. NFIWLY’ Decorated, attractiv ely A ttached 2-car gs age C. H. W Cincinnati 5, St. Louis 2. D o n t e v e n t a l k t o m e WXI MAY H is r e p o r t car d ' /MAGINE SWADYSlOe He CAM e r 1946 MERCURY convertible coupe .See this car.- today. Douglas covers 48 Purnell Place. Call 2- after 6 p m. furnished room for rent. House­ ABOUT THATlAT c CONCE o n c e it e d I eCT TtXlR , WAS SO DROOPy WITHOUT OLD 7 AN AWFUL 3299 down, 1948 Pontiac sedan- IF’ 5’OU Are looking for a used heat. Baseboard radiation. Two Indianapolis 3, H ershey 2. - ' • ‘ JEVER , DRIP, BUT-- M otor Salc.s. 333 Main. 9,'S‘Jl Open evenings keeping facilities available. Con­ LARD SMITH/ 1 NEVER WISH, HILDA.' HIS FATHBRS SeMD- BIXIBBER-BOY.' ette, 1949 Chevrolet sedan, 1941 HOUSEWIVES Earn cash, spare rcfrigeratoi washing machine or fireplaces. Aluminum combina­ WANT TO HIMM A6AIN.', IMCr HIM AWAY ID LSCtSio&eu tinuous heat and hot water. Near tion w.ndows. 'A acre landscap­ BOAROIN€t> Chevrolet club coupes. Douglas 1941 CHEVROLET pick p Excel­ time I do For details telephone kitchen range tr\ Watkins Broth­ l3 Main street and bus service. 167 ing plot. All feature- for modern Motors. 333 Mam. lent running eomlition Clarke Roofing 16A 7067. ers first. Maple street. living. Suburban Realty Co., Real­ Motor Sale.s Broad .street. Call BALCH BETTER BUY ROOFING Specializing in repair­ SALE.SGIRLS wanted. Will tram. APEX WRI.N’GER washer with tors, 49 Perkins street. Phone 2 - 2012. WANTED USED CARS ing roofs of all kinds. Also new Hours 9 to 5. 1 to 9 and part pump. Three years old. Good con­ Boarders Wanted 59A 8215. 1949 PONTIAC CHIEFTIAN SE­ roots Guttei work Chimneys time. Apply in person Tuesday dition, $60. Phone 2-4069. DAN COUPE—Grfen. Fully Auto Accesaortea— cleaned and lepalred 26 years ex­ between 10 and 12 a. m. Cara- ROOM AND Board available to MANCHESTER — Two-family M.\N to work on delivery A F’EW .idixcrs. blenders, coffee- house. Vacancy. Large lot. good equipped Tires 6 perience Free estimates. Call l.,ee Footw ear Co , Inr . .Middle working mother with school age truck and in hardware 1980 CHEVROLET >a TON PICK Howley. .Manchester 5361. Turnpike East ami Wopdbridge matics, combination grill and condition, Asking $11,,500. Call waffle makers, steam irons, etc. ctiild. Phone 2-9420. U P —4,000 miles. FAMOUS Name batteries. IS street, Manchester Green A nIU W hite 8274. slorepacking room. Must 1949 NASH 600. 2-DB. SEDAN month guarantee Ford, Chevro­ FEATURING Guaranteed roofs A good selection of new furniture be husky, clean and re­ —Heater and overdrive, let, etc , (Square) $8 95: Pontiac, and expert repairs as well as WAITRE.SS W.\NTED Steady for the entire home U save at Apartments, Flats, BOLTON- -Very attractive six- 1946 MERCURY 4-DR. SEDAN— Buick, etc., (longI $9 95. Cole gutter and .•ondiielor work. Try work .\pply in penwn. The Tea Chambers F'umiture al the Green. Tenements 63 room Cape Cod with all modern liable. Store hours and paid Radio and heater. Very clean. Motors 4164. your "Local Roofer." Call Cough­ Room. 883 .Main street. Hours 9 to 5 and 7:30 to 8:30 eve­ conveniences including hot water 1946 CHEVROLB7T 4-DR. SEDAN lin 7707. nings. FOR RF3NT—A ttractiv e modern heat, oil. tile bath, artesian well, holidays. Fully equipped. F'.XTRA SALESLAD5’ for ladie.s" 4’... room apartment. Heat, hot garage, chicken coop, one acre of PRISni.I.A ’S MOP The Cold Facts nV Al. VERIMCER 1947 8TUDEBAKER COUPE — Trailers for Sale 6A dresses, coats and suits. Thiirs- FLOFtENCE Combination gas and water and garage. Available im­ land and fruit trees. For further .\IMM.Y Fully equipped Special low Belli ing—Plumhing 17 dav and Friday, 5:30 to 9. .Sat­ oil stove. Good condition, Inquire mediately. Rssipor.aible adult cou­ information call Ellsworth Mit­ OOFTT CRy ^ -THERE ICE CREAM? price. 1947 PL,\'iT trsiler. 27 feet. 2'; 26 Seaman Circle, Orford Village. ten Real Elstate Agency. Phone PRISCILLA! I WAS., WAS TH A T Pl.UMBING and Heating. k'Yim- urday to to 5:30. Steady work, ple only. Write Box J. Herald. Blish SOMETHING 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL D E­ rooms. Sleeps 6. Call after 6 p. pleasant atmoaphere. Genton’a. Manchester 6930. IT WAS LOST O N 'A LUXE 4-DR. SEDAN—Com- m S lorrs 9096. Jack Pinsmore. aees, oil hiirners anc boilers. Earl ONLY A MOUNTAIN CRV Van Camp. Tel 5244. 6.56 Main atreet. East Hartford. F'OUR BURNER ga.s stove One DREAM! OF ICE ABOUT pletely overhauled. Legal Notices SIX-ROOM single, oil burner. Con­ CREAM. BUICK year old. Call 2-3775. veniently located. Extra large Hardware G>. »? 1938 BUICK SPECIAL 4-DR. SE­ EFFICIENT Plumbing and heat­ ■ m i ev mA speset. sic, t. w. w a e. a e*T. or*. DAN—Good mechanical con­ Garanes—Servfcea— AT A COURT or PROBATE held lot. Early occupancy. E. if. Von ing. Plugged drains machine Help -Wanted—Male Sfi at Mancheeter wllliln and for the MANCHESTER dition. Storage 10 Ecker, Real Estate Agent, 509 cleaned. Carl J. Nygren, 303 Legal Notices District of Mi.1.Chester, on the ISth ’Roirwmbor tho old days when all we had to worry about Keeney street. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BALCH PONTIAC, Inc Commerc(al atorage apace for rent Oakland street. Phone 6497. WANTFID Truck driver. Call ORDERED: That the foregoing ap­ forenoon, and that notice be given to VEAUK&OAKtTE/CO HEAR th at h e ^Meanw hile, a m a n w ith th e 5nCANfle pro d u ces----- w u « H i II inun iM ■'l•ll 4 1941 CHEVROLET sedan, 1939 ing. Fbiplrirnce not" necessary. plication be heard and determined all persons Interested In *i.ld estate of ! "lOU TWMC W 11 Perched H i:U S«inr-H Ji II") -, LSI 4 ;j CALL PHIL, for moving, light 1 — CVWN ANT OL/i: NAME OP HVACiNTH OOKE IS lNTER\4E\4f£7 12 Operatic solo Chevrolets. coupe and tudor; 1947 Steady employment. Benefits. Ap­ the Probate office In Manchester in said tlie pendency of said application and ANV LUCK AILL^ 'WHBte H6CAM-HMCIC g y MB EMPLOvee. e a r FAR 13 Bone cavities U L U iu n I n a i ii iiii it i CASH OR TRADE trucking, ashes, rubbish removal. the time and plae.e of hearing thereon, W. T. GRANT COMPANY 15 Imitated Dodge club coupe. 1940 Ford sta ­ ply In person. New Model Laun­ District, on the Mh dty of March. A. lNGiunEK,T4E Away, 14 Pale n iBIU III L 16I J ■ MLlLTMl t J Specialize in movin>. Good work. D. 1961. at ten o’clock in the forenoun. by publishing a copy of this order in ' aENCHEfi, c e m o N Bales 16 Nostril tion wagon. Douglas Motors, 333 dry. 73 Summ it atreet. srtme newspaper having a circulation 'S'! TIBfiTAloe' ^ -HE IB WHAT YOU CALL DON'BE alarm ; MR. Y THE 17 Measure of Main. KAISER-FRAZER SALES Call 2-3774 or 2-9248 afte r 5. anC that notice be given to all persons OBJECT 18 Annoyed 32 Urn 4SAfrken port interested in said estate of the Iti said district, dl least flvegdaya be­ If you enjoy selling and are interested In working with A aUM.' FROST./1 -WtCB CJJSh.) area 19 Fossil genus 34 High 44 Famous fore the day of said hearing, to appear K OF THAT FELLOW OF A 18 Forebode 1950 CHEVROLET Fleetline de- TOWN MOTORS. Inc. TH E AUSTIN A. Cham bers Oo,. pendency of said application and the a progressive company, in a completely new modem horse 35 Fool covering EngUsN school local and long dieitance moving, Salesmen Wanted 36 A lime and place of hearing thereon, by If they see 'cause at said time and place fUBWrwrrw MY FRIEN' ROJBLE- 20 Parent luxe tudor, excellent condiUon, publishing a copy of this order in and be heard relative thereto. and store which offers unusual opportunity for advance­ ANaELIQUEJ EMRRKED 22 Code 40 Chills 47 Dry 4,5 West Center St. packing, crating and storage. 21 Precise 24 T h e------la iU 41 Wash 49 Donkey low mileage. 1946 ChevTolet tudor. SPA R E t i m e *xtra money. Show some newspaper huvlng a circulation in make return to this court, and by mail­ ment, then we would like to discuss employment with BEARCH Very clean. Many others. Douglas Service to all pa.ts oi the U. 8. amazing cushion comfort shoes. Mid district, at least five di^’s before ing In a reglsteret.' letter on or before ALBERT 23 Above ’’official Rower 42 First man 51 Note of scale' February 19. 1951, a copy of th is order you.. Motors, 333 Main. Manchester A and Canada. Call 5187. Hart' To $3.25 commission pair, plus the day of said hearing, to appear if BUTTER, 25 Raised 31 Above (Bib.) 52 Right (ab.) ford 6-1423. they see cause at said time and place to William a. Fleming, guardian ad platform big cash bonus. Experience un- and be heard relative * thereto, and litem for Beatrice E. Fleming. 167 5LEE$9. 1941 PACKARD Clipper 8, 1940 Ask For “Charlie” or ‘‘Doc’ necessary.^-AY’rlte for free c a ta ­ 26 Secrete |i MANCHESTER t-ackage Delivery. make return to this court. Sidney Avenue. West Hartford. Conn., We have several positions open for active salespeople. Packard 6, 1941 Buick converti­ JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. 27 Liquid Local light trucking and packaga log. full information. Tanner's JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Previous experience would be helpful but not necessary. ble coupe, two 1937 Chevrolets. Shoes, 829 Boston, Mass. msssure (ab.) Clarke Motors. 301 Broad. Tel 2- delivery. Refrigerators waihert We will tmin you to check stocks, write orders and mer­ 26 Butterfly 2012. Read Herald Advs. and stove moving a specialty. chandising. The following key positions are now open: 26ProfKmn II Pbona 2-0762. 20 Plurel (eb.) Help Wanted—-Male Z'lf oe-a. m t rr ma.i Femide 87 V 31SU te Paintinit—Kapciing 21 If You Like To Live In Manchester "k Department Manager Shoes WASH TUBBS Wrong Number, Boya BY LESLIE TURNER 33 Fondles CAFETERIA Manager for indut- De^rtment Manager Ribbons qnd Handkerchiefs 26 Weed trial plant. Apply Cheney Bros BitMMl am ar that, pewuvf THotifiHT i « md1 27 Western state INTERIOR and exterior painting, BOMgTMNfi MOVE W THE B H R um aviM U Y L m Ed Sullivan’s Special! paper hanging, ceilings reflnlshed. Main Office, 148 H artford Road, Why Not Work In Manchester? k Department Manager l.ingerie and Foundations 28 Bone Fully insured. Expert work. Wall Manchester, Conn. ' k Department Manager Pet Shop 29 Enlarges paper book:. Edward R. Price. k Department Manager Dresa Fabrica 49 Behold! '48 PACKARD Phone 2-1003. 46 FootlikR part MORiARTY BROS. Sitoattona Wanted— Spencer Rubber Products Co. 48 Younger PAINTING and papering. All Female 38 brother Olive Green paper removed by steam. Make has job openinga for mdo help on second,and thM Many employment, benefits, including:.Good salary* 19 Beverage made AN E3CPERIENCED baby aljttar 40 hour week. Vacations with Pay, Discounts on Pur­ arrangements now for your out-< shifts with a good starting rate and scheduled increai^ with malt One Owner Car side painting. For estimates call it available for,evening work. chases, Promotions on Merit, Retimment and Sick Plan, M lifts Andrew Tluck. 4661. Call 2-4379. If you are an aggressiTc worker with a steady woMi Modem Employee Lounge, Group Insurance, Job Sc- MWtaidow A Speeial At PAPER h a n g i n g , painting work WILL TAKE csire of children tat record and like to work in a small organization w|iere eurity. . done personally, meaning good my home while mother worka. ability and initiative are quickly recognized call at our asm. m i er eu eiavMa MS T. a. *ea V. a no. SNL YBRTICAL Gall 2-2W5. work at moderate coet. Raymond office on Chapel street. 1 Moist Flake. Tel. 2-9287. Apply Employmtnt Office ‘‘I Im I iikfi a Btrangor in this nakihboriiodd tine* tha 2 Exists $1295 3 Box PAPERING, ’ P ainting,, :'

■I,. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1951 PAOS MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1961 TOONERVILLB FOLKS BY FONTAINE FOX OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. W ILLIA M S OUU BOARDING HOUSE W ith MAJOR HOPPLE 0 . Lota far Sola 73.■V 1 KMOVkl BU T 1 Dog»—Birda P»to 41 BonaalioM Gooda •1 ApvtBiaats. Plata, ar W WISH JCT LEAST E(8AD, MARTSAfGAKB Ift LIST eu ADO DlPlOfi^MlC DONKcV.' ABtoBMiMtoi for 8aM 4 Wu^tad Aat(»— PBiWtlBt PBtorlt SI IN SUCK A RAEK ABOUT X LBARNKD LONG AG O MOU Ttnfmeata 63 IN COUNTRY U ka atmoaphere, 500 COULP STAY . MotorevelM IS NICE SM ALL Fox Tarrltr pup­ A P A R ’TMENT Sise gaa range, CHJR s e l l in g H I« A P B CAM T DO euSiN&SG WITH Sense and Nonsenii^ 1940 NASH. Excellent condition. PAINTINO And auperlor paper AAAD A T M E T IL L pies. Also Cross breeda. Zimmer­ electric range, living room seta, large building loU with shade Owner leaving for service. Must ha.iglng. Wa carry tha tat latest FOUR ROOMS unfumiahed. Heat itXJ FINISHEP HE V ow s HE'LL G u a / x MOSCOW OR JAKE HOOPLE.' lO H d fN d WANTED man Kennels, Lake atraet Phona miscellanepue used furniture. Tlje and hot water. Moat aultabla for trees. Overlook Drive. Wm. TH E JO B .' UFA f WOULD IT 6 e iN ia e K X'M CKERCISIMG M.Y be sold In two weeks. Victor L. wallpaper hooka. Very satisfac­ Market Nete Woman—Sixty cants saanu vary Woodshed, iT Main street. working couple. Phone 6882. ^ Kanehl. bUlder. Phone 777$. ^ C H A - ? , TO e w e HIM THE • J 7 5 VETO AGAINST APPEASE- Buslck, M iJemlng street. CLEAN USED CARS tory pries, call August Kanehl, 6287. m r T Mary had a little Iamb, high t o t agga. Haven’t you any 3769. OR PERHAPS COMPROMtSe M E N T -~ - IN c r u d e AJfqliieaenb KENMORE Combination oil and SALE o k Lease. Main street bus!- A very aniall thin alica. cheaper onaaT I960 BTUDEBAKBIR H-ton plck- TOP PRICES ON A SMALL SO M ? t r i b a l X>IALECT, That ivaa all aha could afford. Pooltry and SoppUea 43 gas stove. Rcssonable. Call 2- Buainen Locations neaa location.. Used car permlta Orocar—No, ma’am, I ’m sorry CLASBUHD ADVT. iM>, In excellent condition. Owner available. Alao Induatrial land, KiO At the prcvalllnf price. I haven’t T «u sea it’s very expan­ tn .1503. jf RLjiJi IT f GOAP.^ DEPT. BOURSt recalled to service, $1,000 takes COLE MOTORS BROAD Breasted Brunse turkeys, For Kent 64 centrally located. Suburban Real, T. J. Mclnemay. sive producing them. One egg la a it. Tione 6416.______fresh frozen, fro ji 12 to 28 ROPER GAS range, 9 years old. whole day’s wbrk for a hart. t M A. M. to 4stt P. M- 4164 MATTKB88. Tout old mattresses ty Realtora, 49 Perklna street. suiiilsed and raiaada Ufce nsw pounds. Ready any Uiae. Schaub’s Very good condition, $50. Phone OFFICE IN Orford building. Real Phone 8215. Then there'a the "N lte Club Nit- .DeOORMlER MOTOR -4- Call Jonea Fumlturs and Floor Turkey Farm, 188 Hlllstown 687i. eatatc, profeaalonai, etc. Apply Wit" who toeaed a lighted match Work is becoming Increasingly Marlow’a. SALES. Inc. Bnsinen Servicaa Offered IS Oovccing, 36 Oak. TsL 2-1041. Road. 2\i ACRE l o t ; for sale with well. Into the "Powder Room” and waa unpopular. -It is beginning to be THREE-PIECE maple living room Inquire Clarence Dietrlchaen, mart beoRuie It didn't explode. that if tha human race doesn't find SA YS: "A good car priced SMALL STORE at 18 Maple FbOOR PROBbEns solved with set. 3 occasional maple tables. French Road. Bolton, Call 8770. 0 ■oma means of living with work street, near Main. Suitable for right is a good buy.” linoleum, a:>phaU tile counter. Bunda— Stork »— Art Idea tor Sale 45 Phone 2-1420. W aller We have two dlnnera, that ona or the other la going to IX)0fr_]l«ilwr pUto DC 6M. Call SEE THESE TODAY Expert wor. .lanahlp, fres sstl- Mortgages SI small buaineaa or office. Apply one for $2 ami one for $10. pariah off the face of tha earth and WIRE FF.NCING used for child’s USED ELECTRIC stove and Edward J. Holl, 1009 Main atreet. Snburtatn for Sale 75 K—nay't Garaf- RawarA mstes. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ Cuatomer What do I get extra moat likely it will be the human 1947 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. niture, Oak street. Phone 2-1041. FAHNESTOi-*K and Co. Stock- play yard. Complete with gate. Shclvador refrigerator. Inquire on the $10 dinner? ANDOVER—One new, well Con- beings. tOBT—Red leather wallet. Initiali SEDAN OoBvmodlly Brokers, 78 Pearl Small steel kitchen cabinet with 63 Church street or phone 2-9558 Walter—Preatlge! atructed home on about one acre Between Arthur’a and Radio, hrater. defroster. A R E PAIR IN G BY SLuart R. Wol­ jtreet, Hartford. Telephone 7- linoleum top. Almost.new. Phone after 5 p. m. Wanted to Kent 68 of land. Large living room, fire­ For about an hour a man from Burton’s. Call SM4. * smooth, sharp looklnp ^ cott on washing, inachlnes, vac 0121. Evening appointmenUi. Call 2-9669. Tlmea Have Changed Denver had been boasting to an USED RANGES from storage. place, dining room, kitchen, two 1949 MERCURY 4-DR. lium cleaners, ...otora, small ap­ registered representative, Joseph U NFU RNISH ED 5, 6. room flat, 4 Forty yeara ago folk* bulled cof­ Irishman about the magnlfloanoa pliances. Welding and cutting BOLTON — Building atone and Reasonable. The Austin A. C!ham- bedrooms. Full bath, full cellar. SEDAN McCluskey, Manchester 2-8272. adults. Tw’enty-four years present fee and acttled It with ait egg; the of tha Rocky Mountaina. Motor rcplacementa A-1 Repair, flagstone. Also ruck dnlltng bers Co., 501 Middle Turnpike location, excellent references. Full price $11,000. Douglaa only reda knulfn were red flannela; Radio, heater, defroster. Also Irishman — You seam mighty Sales, 180 Main. Phone 8897. and blasting. Bolton Notch (jusr- East. Hartford 7-1589. Reverse charges. Blanchard, Real Estate Service, and a boy didn’t think he had to fuel saving overdrive. If I were a / ® U R . proud of thim mountaina. OpportonUlea S2 ry. Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnode Manchester 6447. have a vehicle in which to piiraue Man from Denver— You bri I am. INOOICE T A X and accounting Mercury dealer this one would be DOOR.S OPENED, keys lilted, URGENT —4-room unfurnished IMMeSTIC happlnaaA People were more In- an Ed Sullivan Special. R O C K VILLE —Grocery store, self ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port ' 'TOLICV And 1 ought to be, olnea ray an- •crrlce. Call Dan Mosler 2-^329, copied, vacuum cleaners. Irons, Machinerv and Yoola 62 rent by three adults and one tereated in the contentment of each ceatora built them. service grocery store doing over able and itsndaro typowrllora Wunted— Keal Estate 77 , l6 :T fiy . or 7969. 1948 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN guns, etc. repaired, akates, child. CAll 3029. other than they were In cowa; Irtahman— i after thinking thla Radio, heater, defroster. A very Hhmrs, knives, mowers, etc. put $40,000 annually. Oontains prac All makes of adding machlnea CEMENT Mixers, bale wire, Ford ______I______' w aec. • % Mr. tar * LISTIN G Wanted— We handle all WHY kJCrTHERS o r r q r a y I AND GET ladiea rode alde-aaddlea and when over for a few m omento)-^d you T H * PROSPlCOl HIU School for clean...... fine running ear. In condition for coming needs tically new fixtures including 8 sold '6r rented. Repairs o n , al son parts. Garden tractors. Used W ANTED —o, 4, 6 room rent by types of local and suburban prop­ the preacher aald a truth the ever happen to hear of tha Dead ung children. Pre-ninoerKarten, NEW WiLLYS AVAILABLE | BralUiwalte, 82 Pearl street. foot meat showcase, deep freezer makes. Marlow’a. Farmalls, Allls-Cl.aimers trac­ State Police officer and wife. No MICKEV FINN Slightly Prejudiced! LANK LEONARD people aald "amen.’’ A candidate adergarten, flrsi Ktsiii- Monday erty. For information call Alice Sea In — In one ov the old coun- S for frozen foods. Has beer license. tors and equipment Terms ar­ children or peta. Being transferred had to be economy-minded to get trlei? through Friday, '’ 'an.'portatlon T H I S W E E K A LL TYPE S of tneome taxea pre­ (Jlampct Agency. 2-4543. -vorre Selling price less than replace ranged. Dublin Tractor Co., from New London. Call East I V -A 4 elected to office; nelghbora aaked famished. Mrs. Lc! ' "ur. direc­ ONE ONLY OF KACH AaAINET Man from Denver—Tea, IndooC pared by tax expert. Reaaonable ment coat of flxtures and stock. DIamunda— W atchc North Windham Road, Williman- Hartford 8-4507, collect. about your family ami meant it; I know all about the Dead Baa. tor. Phone 4267. ONE—10r>l WILLYS 4 CYL. rates. Phone 2-0V44. Mr. Dolan CONSIDERING SEIXING boiOUTHWK I Dissolution of partnership reason Jewelry 48 tlc. Tel. 3-3217. ■and when a man dreaacd for the YOUR PROPERTY? LOOM «MXvon < FLOKICIHE riovoTcoNYMe IrlHhman— Well, did you happen STATION WAGON after 5:30 p. m. for selling. Must be sold Immedi­ 1 W AN TE D —Garage to store car. evening he put on a night ahirt. ACCORDION or guitar leaeonB. M FAVOR or HWMG ) NTP LMED Ur -AND THAT'S WHY m i s J to know that me great-grand-fath- Heater, defroster and ovei'diive ately. Terms. Asking $8,800. Call LEONARD W. YO S l, Jeweler, re- while owner is in service. Man­ Without obligation to you, we Folka iiaed toothpicka and were Beginners or advanced. Inatru- ALL. A PPLIA N C E S aervtced and F U N N Y Bu s i n e s s BY HERSHBERGER TM KATIONAL ^BIOUGM VOTetTO •“ TOUISHT/ ^ er killed the thing? Anijta White, 8274 pairt. adjust- watchea expertly Mualral instruments 63 chester or vicinity. Call 2-0876. will appraise or make you a cash atill polite; and the nelghbora got menta loaned to beginnera on ONE—1051 WILLYS 6 CYL. repaired, bumera, refrigerators, CONVEHTKM, T PUT IT TMtOUGH Reaaonable prlcaa. Open dally, offer for property. See us before freah Mver at hog killing time. Two trial leaaona plan. Modem School STATION WAGON rangea, waahera. etc. AU work ACCORDIONS. Must liquidate 100 URGENTLY Nccdei* 4-room rent, you sell. MICKEY? i« n M 0UTAfiTiai6GLE> In a freight train coUlalon in ITiuraday evanlnga. 129 Sptuca or three |ieople could meet without Mlaslaalppl. a carload of molaaaea of Music, r. O. Box 221. Man Heater, defroster and oveidrlve guaranteed. Metro Service C » Help Wanted— f*einal« 36 accordions at once Come ready by two adults, both working. Best Phone 6'27;i ONF:— 1051 WILLYS ,IEE1’ street. Phone 2-4387. paaeing the hat; parenta were the waa spread on the highway. C h e s t e r . ______Tel. Manchester ‘S-U888. to buy. Trades accepted, Conven-' of references. Phone 2-1668 after BRAE-BURN REALTY only baby-eittera; and men worked Hurry, kida. no sulphur. 4-WHEEL DUIVE HAIR DRESSER, registered and lent tei 'ii. Open 'til 9 p. m. Rond- 4 p m. W ANTED — Riders to Pratt A IF 5’OU ARE lonsldcrlng selling for an huneat living inatead of Ftdl top. full seats and draw 24 HOUR oil burner service. *Min- experienced. Excellent salaty plus Fuel and Feed 49A inone \ccordion Center, 26 Mar­ Whitney’, 1st ahift. Vicinity of neapolla contrula. Earl Van Camp. commission. 5-day week. All re­ 4. 5, OR 6 R(30M unfurnished your home in the town or coun­ wlahing for one. A man'a word waa The best passing ramarks we bar. ket street, Harttor.1. 6-0700, col­ know of are the correct aniwera West Side. Call after 4:30. 8077. Phone 5244. plies held conflocntial. Answer SEASONED Hardwood for fire­ rent. Dcs.ieratcly needed. Call try. and are looking for prompt his bond; Rip Van Winkle slept TRANSPORTATION lect. 20 yeara and no one aaked him to that youngatera give to school Box E, Herald. place and furnace. $17 cord, $9 Sam Nas.siff 2-0931. and CO irleous cerviee call Ells­ W AN TE D —Rlders to Hartford. SPECIALS indorse a mattrosA and men made problems. WINDOW SHADEP made to order <2 cord, delivered. Coventry 7- worth Mitten. Real Estate Agen­ Viclnltv of ^ a t e Office Building. 1040 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. and installed. Venetian bllnda W ANTED - - Sales clerk for full cy. Phone Mancncstcr 6930. the same wife do a lifetime. 6267. Wanted— To Boy 68 Theae are the times when times Hours'8-4:30. Call 7822. SEDAN and qurtain rods. 24 hour service. time employment. Apply. In per­ Kusinifsii Property for Sale 70! Estlmalca gladly given. Fagan son Marlow’s, 867 Main street. BEARINGS. We buy any type, ARE YOU Ready to sell? Duplex,, j It la estimated that the average don’t change. Twenty years Radio, heater, defroster. Motor BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES What’s It? BY EDGAR MARTIN ago wa ware also wondering how Window Shed,. Co., Route 44 at Garden— farm — Dairy size, quantity. New only. United flats, lake and country proper- cow moves Its Jaw 41,000 time a Aatomobilea Pot !tel* 4 In good order. This week's special GROCERY STORE, gclf-.servicc day. Tliere'a aomething for tha long before spring. Bolton Notch Phone 2-4473. YOUNG LADY wanted for foun­ Bearing Co., 1407 Third Avenue tie.s, 1 All replies confidential). SHI vdivn TO Pi vNsrrv T WOQViOWILD ft toXVStS AGO TWIRX'S Full prire, $29,'). Products 60 grocery store doing over $40,000 over-the-back-fence neighbor to tain, day work. Good pay. So., .Minneapolis 4, Minn. Please write or fhonc. Howard R. D o « y . Twt DOOR TO CYORISlS -OK-VXW .WANT • AVO TOU6CJT TO NT SOVttTNNNNG 1F8 CLEAN CARS — PRICED LOW- 1041 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN annually. Contains practically TVNV «Cf$TOV\ - ??? shoot at. Married men would be mors In­ QUARANTEED! Steady. Apply Ferndale, 1095 FIRST Q U ALITY Green Moun Hastings. Real Estate Special­ BOOTS* IMB(STV\»$G V\mCMiS'.\\v v w n .tk v s wovjl. B C V O H G S SPEC. DF'.LUXE CELLARS Cleaned, ashes and rub­ new- fixtures including S foot meat terested In touching family scenes 1941 BUICK SEDANETTE Main street. tain putatuca. Mealy, cook and W AN TE D —Good used furniture ist. Odd Fellow's Building. 489 Radio, heater, defroster. Exrel- bish removed. Phone 7644. showcase, deep fieezcr for froz­ Folks refer to today’s weather if they weren’t followed by a 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN taste good, $1.50 bushel. Deliver­ Any quantity. We offer you high­ Main street. Phone 2-llOt. - «8 A AWTV: touch. lent nppearanre in and o\it. all new DENTAL ASSISTANT for office est prices. Woodshed Phone 2- en foods. Has beer license. Sell­ aa a '’good olil-ffithlohed Winter.’ 1941 CHEVROLET FLEETLINE PETEK W HAN'rALUK, eleolncal ed to your door. Call Hathaway We can’t iinderatand tires. Needs a Hng Job, But only in Manchester. Experience not 3154. ing price lc%i than replacement the "good” SEDAN (2) contractor, maintenaiice and wtr 2-1390. part of it. The medicine cheat may aave a 1941 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL $.195. necessary. Typing c8.sential. Ap­ cost of flxtures and stock. Dis­ WANTED 1057 BUICK 2-DR. SEDAN tng for light and power. 40 Foster ply In person, 378 Main street, solution of partnership reason for life—or It may take one. Caraleas- DELUXE TXTDOR W e’re for everybody aiming high nesa in the use of bottled or pack­ 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN Heater, defroster Needs s paint street Phone 3.303. Wednesday, February 21, between Household Gooda 51 Kooin*- \5ithiiui Kiiarri 51* selling. Must be sold immediate- j job Motor fine. Only $128 1 and 3 p. m. ly. Terms Aski..g $8,500. Call , A LUT except the folk who aet prices. aged medicines may cause a poison 1940 CHEVROLET TUDOR ANTIW llFS Kehniahed. Repairing Anita White, 8275. | A fter a promotion to a more rc- to be used Inatead of a harmleaa 1940 PONTIAC TUDOR See The.sc Today at done on any 'ijrniture Tlemann. Just Returned — 1940 OLDSMOBILE TUDOR STENOGRAPHER —Well estab­ 3 ROOMS FURNITURE ROOMS FOR Rein, Green section. aponalble Job many of iia wonder drug intended for internal use. 189 South Mam atreet Pbone PHONE U405 1939 DODGE SEDAN DeCORMTER MOTOR lished Hartford company has at­ With Appliances Call 2-4408. I why we sought it ao eagerly. Keep poison on separate shelvas 5643. 1939 CHEVROLET TUDOR SALES. Inc. tractive opening for stenographer •"KELVINATOR” ELECTRIC Houses for Sale 72 away from anything to be taken between ages 18-25. High school LARGE Furnished room with pr»- The fellow who drinks and drives by mouth. Make it easy to differ­ 1939 OLDSMOBILE 6 SEDAN 24 Maple Street Tel. 8854 -INOLEUM Ueini.anis, 50c square REFRIGERATOR TW O -FAM ILY uouses, singles an4 graduate preferred. Work intcr- vate hath. North End. On bua WE HAVE several four and six is putting tha quart before the entiate between bottles by winding 1939 PO NTIAC 2-DOOR Msnrheater yard. Asniiail tiK, wall covering. • •BENGAL" RANGE tarms wanted. Fiec appraisaL Best Terms! Best Trades! ealing and vai .cd. Excellent line. Call 3702. room singles. Ranch style and hearse. rubber bands or strips of a d h ^ v e LXme by ndial/lc. welj-lraincd • "O. E. WASHING MACHINE Allen Realty Co.,' ISO Ccnle* COLE MOTORS — 4164 1949 CHEVROLET stvlo line sei fi'leniis. neighbors. Modest prices. | had - ton. platform body. Call Mr. replaced. Marlow's Littis Mending TWO SINGLE furnished rooms in INCOAAe t a x Big earning.s. Our 29th year, j SHOWN BY A PPO IN TM E N T .SLNGLE, SIX complelc rooms, built | Koon. Aldon Spinning Mtlla, Man- Shopi private home. Women preferred. SOLIMENE A FLAGG, Inc. Write Togerson Ho.siery Co. Wil­ ONI.Y DAY OR EVENING four years. Lavatory and full i Ilorkey at a Glance V)IH00V/ Z * Z cheater 5128. Kitchen privileges. Ideally locat­ 834 Center St. Phone 8101 ELAT FINISH. Holland window mette. III. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE ed. On a bus line. Call 5416. bath. Hot water heat loil). 30-^ shades made to measure. All Hartford 6-0.3.58 day occupancy Priceeague 19.50 FORD ’ 4-ton truck, platform TWO PLEASANT, mature wom­ 1940 CHEVROLET 4-door sedan, lH)dy, like new, under 2,000 miles. metal Venetian blinds at a new After 7 P. M. 46-4690 Mi' Albert PLFIASANI Double or single room appoinlmeivl please call, How­ Toronto 5, New York 2. very clean, radio, heater and new' en, unable to do war work, to be­ for gentlemen. Near bath. In Cali 5721 after 5:30. low price Keys mads while you .'1,D RED Tin Barn. 706’ North ard R. Hastings, 2-1107. Bo.ston 7. Chicago 3. tires, mritor overhauled with come sii-x-e-ssful Avon reprcsenla- quiet home. Private entrance. 2- ■American League wall Marlow’a. Main street, buys and Bella good guarantee. Clarke Motors. 301 1948 CADILLAC S ed an cU e, radio _ _ tive.i in Manche.ster. Write or rail 9696. CUSTOM lAN C H House, 6 rooms, Buffalo 6, ricvclancl 3. FREt'Ki.ES AND HIS FRIENDS (Irade-.V Drip KY M ERRILL C. ULOSSKR Broad street. Tel. 2-2012. heater, hydramaiic, white walls, j MANCHESTER Upholstering Co. Mr.s. Biiekman 29 Highland Ter- used furnlt_r' and antiques, bath, lavatory an. laitndry room. Providence 2, PIttsburgl'i 1 Ke-upholi>terlng. draperies, slip raee, Middletown. Conn. 6-6377 Frank Denettc Phone 2-3376. .'’ FIWLY Decorated, attractively Attached 2-car gs age C. H. W Cincinnati 5. St. LOiiia 2. CX>lT EV/EN TALK Tb ME Mis RSPORT CARO ' Im a g in e shadvsioe Me CAM Be beautiful conditiun throughout a m a w f u l 1946 MERCURY convertible coupe See this car. tcviay. Dtuiglas covera 48 Purnell Place. Call 2- after 6 pm . furnished room for rent. House­ heat. Baseboard radiation. Two Indianapolis 3, Herahey 2. ABOUT THAT CONCEITED WAS SO OROOPy WITHOUT OLD / IF YOU Are looking for a used l a r d SMITM/ I MEYER HIS FATHCRS SCMO- b u j b b e r - b q y ; DRIP, BUT-- $299 down, 1948 Pontiac sedan- Motor Salc.s. 333 Mam. 95;? 1 Open evenings keeping facllilie,') available. Con­ flreplaoea. Aluminum combina­ ette. 1949 Chevrolet sedan, 1941 HOU.SFWIVKS Earn cash, .spare refrigerator wa.shins machine or WANT lO SEE HIMK9A AfiAlN.' INCr HIM AWAY ID kitchen range try Watkins Broth- tinuous heat and hot W'ater. Near tion w.ndowa. 'A xcre landscap­ BOAROlNen Chevrolet club coupes. Douglas 1941 CHFA'ROLET pickup Excel­ time. 1 do For details telephone er.s first. Main street and bus scrv'ice. 167 ing plot. All feature- for mudern Motors, 333 Main. lent running condition Clarke Roofing 16A 7067. Maple street. living. Suburban Realty Co., Real­ Motor Sales, Broad street. Call BALCH BE’TTER BUY ROOFING Specializing, in repair­ SALESGIRUS w'anted Will tram. APEX W RINGER washer tors, 49 Perkins street. Phone WANTED 2- 2012. pump. Three years old. Good con­ USED CARS ing roofs of all kiiida. Alao new Hours 9 to 5, 1 to 9 and part Boorders Wanted 59A 8215. roots Gutlei work Chimneys dition. $60. Phone 2-4069. 1949 PONTIAC CHIEFTIAN SE­ time. Apply in person Tue.sday MANCHESTER — Two-family cleaned and lepalred '26 years ex­ RCXDM AND Board available to M.\N to work on delivery DAN COUPE—Grfcn. Fully Auto Accemortc betw'eeii 10 and 12 a. m. Cara- A F’EW .vli.xcrs. blenders, coffee- house. Vatancy Large lot, good perience Free estimates. Call working mother with school age equipped. Tlrea Lee Footwear Co., Inc . Middle matics, combination grill and condition. Asking $11,500. O il truck and in hardware Howley. Manchester 5361. child. Phone 2-9420. 1950 CHEVROLET >i ’TON PICK Turnpike Ea.st and Woodbridge waffle makers, steam Irons, etc. FAMOUS Name batteries, 18 Anita White 8274. storepacking: room. Muflt U P—4,000 ipncs. street, Manchester Green A good selection of new' furniture month guarantee. Ford, Chevro­ F E A T l’ RING Guaranteed rooft ^$949 N ASH 600, 2-DR. SEDAN for the entire home U save at Apartments. Flats, BOLTON Very attractive six- be buFikyi elean »nd re-^ —^Heater and overdrive, let, etc.., (Squat*! $8.95; Pontiac, . and esper t ri-’p»lr i aa well aa WAmtKSS WANTED Steady Chambers F'urniture al the Green. room Cape Cod with all modern 1946 M ERCURY 4-DR. SED AN— Buick, etc., (long) $9.95. Cole gutter and ’onductor work. Try work .\ppl.’ ’ m person. The Tea Tenements 63 liable. Store hours and paid Hours 9 to 5 and 7:30 to 8:30 eve­ conveniencea including hot water Radio and heater. Very clean. your "Local Roofer." Call Cough­ Room, 883 Main street Motors 4164. F'OR RF2NT— Attractive modern heat, oil, tile hath, artesian well, holidays. 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN lin 7707. nings. F'..\TRA SALESLAD Y for ladies’ 4 '-_. room apartment. Heat, hot garage, chicken coop, one acre of P R IS ril.L A ’S w ip Fully equipped. F'LORFINCE Combination ga.s and land and fruit tieea. For further APPLY The Cold Facts BY Al. VERMEER 1947 STUDEBAKER COUPE — Trailere for Sale dA drrssc.s. coats and suit.-i, Thurs­ water and garage. Available Im­ oil stove. Good condition. Inquire information call Ellsworth M it­ DOhTT CRY, ^ TMERE ICE CREAM ? Fully equipped. Special low Healinff— Plumhinff 17 day and Friday, 5:30 to 9. Sat­ mediately. Rawpor.sible adult cou­ 1947 PLA'.T trailer, 27 feet, 2L urday 10 to 5:30. Steady work, 26 Seaman Circle, Orford Village. ple only. V.’ritc Box J. Herald. ten Real Estate Agency. Phone I W A S._^, VVAS T H A T price. PLUM BING and Heating. Flirn- Blish IT WAS^ SOM ETHING rooms. Sleeps 6. Call after 6 p. pleasant atmosphere. Genton’s. Manchester 6930. IT MAAS LOST O N A 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DE­ aces. oil burners anc hollers. Earl ONLY A TERRIBLE M OUNTAIN CRY m. Storrs 9090. Jack Dinamore. 655 Main street, East Hartford, LU XE 4-DR. SEDAN—Com- Van Camp. Pel. 6?44. FOUR BURNER gas stove, One Legal Notices SIX-ROOM single, oil burner. Con­ DREAM! OF ICE pletely overhauled. year old. Call 2-3775. veniently located. Extra large Hardware Co. CREAM. 1938 BUICK SPEC IAL 4-DR. SE­ term, .mi av mA amwet. we. t. m. wa u. a e»T. err. Garaffeo—Servlcca f: f'F"ICIENt Plumbing and beat­ Help Wanted— Male Sfi AT A (X iU R T o r PR O B A T E held lot. Ekirly occupancy. E. F. Von D AN —Good mechanical con­ ing. Plugged drains maciiina at Manchester wltlilii and for the MANCHESTER dition. Storage 10 District of Mai.ehester. on the 15lh Ecker, Real Estate Agent, 509 ’Remember the old days when all we had to worry about cleaned. Carl J. Nygren, 303 Legal Notices Keeney street. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE WANTFID Truck driver. Call day of February A.D.. 1951. was the depreetlon?'* BALCH PON’n A C , Inc Commercial storage space for rent Oakland streeL Phone 6497. Present,- JOH N J- W A L L E T T , 5125 or 6098. AT A COVHT OF PROBATK 185 Center Street Phone 2-4845 Approximately 3700 square feet. St Mancliestrr with! »nd for the Judge. Answer to Praviout Puxxl* Conveniently located. May he PLUMHINU And HeaUng. apaclal- E.state (d Ada ft. ricining. la* of Open Evenings Until 10 P. M. W A N TFID -C ar polisher. 1st class District of Muiohoitpr. on thr 15th seen after 12 noon. 342 Adams Izlng in repairs, remodeling, cop­ day of February .\.D , 1951. .Manchester in stld district, deceased. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH State Flog mecha.iic, also gas station attend­ Upon appllcatioh of Jamea Fleming, atreet. Tel. 8974. per water piping, new oooetruoo Present. JOH.N J. WALLETt, 1941 W1LI,YS four-door. Private tion, esUmatee given, time pay­ ant. Apply in person. Gorman Judse. executor praying for authority to sell certain real estate particularly describ­ HORIZONTAL party. Phone 5711. ments arra-iged. EMward Johnson. Motor Sales. 285 Main street. Estate of Patrick J. Moriarty. late of EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 5 Scraps Manchester In said dla’.rlct, deceased. ed In said applii-atlon on file. It is Wanted Autos— Phone 6979 or 8044. I Depicted il the 6 Japanese city 1 YOUNG Man with driver’s license, Upon application of The Mam-lieater ORDERED: That the foregoing ap­ tCil IU I 11 1;;J:-I 1938 CHEVROLETS. 1937 Chevro­ 12 plication he heard and determined at IX stata flag of 7 Impediment IBl IL'll TANDEM h S U 'J U ^ Motorcycles mornings or full time. Weldon s Ti’usl Company, . administrator pray- let, 1937 Ford, 1937 Pontiac club In* for authority to sell certain real the Probate office In Manchester Ip 8 Pronoun u i ir_M u iriks Drug. Apply in person. salt.' District, on the 24th day of Feb-' LAXLEJ coupe, 1936 Chevn lets. Bargains. Movint— ^TrurkinB— estate particularly described In said VIC FLIN T The Missinff Man BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY 10 Artificial 9 At this time 1 lU IZIl JrmntoiMSBl C-Jk4lli 1 Douglaa Motors, 333 Main. application on file. It la ruary. A.D. 1951. at ten o'clock In the MANCHESTER'S NEWEST STORE 11 This state aiMhSi m 1 - — Storace M forenoon, and that nolico bo given to language MAN TO TAKE charge of wash­ O R D E R E D ; That the foregolns ap- EEAUREOAKPE/CD i HBAff THAT HB I* ^ OTb a MVVHILE. A MAM WITH THE 5nCAMaE prodticrs----- C-IUtel-l l tl IIllJ l it I "IBI 4 WE WANT YOUR CAR! all persons Interested in aald estate of 11 Perched l-II U J H ( i r j l K 11^ - : LSI t 1941 CHEVROLET sedan, 1939 ing. Experience not necessary. pllcallon be heard and determined at MOU TH M C i r H4M ■) ROWN A M P O U t S L K f ^ n a m e o f HVAOIM7H ooee is im tbem ewio 12 Operatic solo CALL PHIL, for moving, light the Probate office In Mancheater In said the pendency of said application and 13 Bone cavities u c i i n u n i L R U i U 1161 II I Chevrolets, coupe and tudor; 1947 Steady employment. Benefits. Ap­ W. T. GRANT COMPANY ANY LUCk IN LOCAI IWHUCB HECAN-FAint » y HIS EMPLOvEe. fJOT PMC 15 Imitated CASH OR TJIADE trucking, ashes, rubbish removal. Dletrirl. on the 5th day of March. A. the time and place of hearing thereon, 14 Pale E1|(4LI13M I 1..1B Dodge club coupe, 1940 Ford ata- ply In person. New Model Laun­ by publishing a copy of thia order in l»^PLfnE«/T4E^ 'OBMCHES.COnDNtaLed AWAY, 16 Nostril l U U k Specialize in movin'-. Good W'ork. D. 1951, at ten o’clock In the, forenoon, 17 Measure of Uon wagon. Douglas Motors, 333 dry. 73 Summit atreet. anC that notice be given to all persona .some newspaper haring a circulation noSTAlUfi' ■HE IS W H AT M3U CALL CDN* BE ALARM', M TV t 18 Annoyed 32 Urn 43 African port KAISER-FRAZER SALES Call 2-3774 or 2-9248 after 5. OBJECT area Main. Interested In said eatate of the la said district, at least flvegdaya be­ If you enjoy selling and are interested in working with A SUM.f T4KE CAB 19 Fossil genus 34 High 44Fkmoua ~ fore the day ot said hearing, to appear OF THAT FELLOW OF A TH E AU STIN A. Chambers Oo, pendency of said application and the a progressive company, in a completely new modern . IS Forebode horse 35 Foot covering EngUsN school 1950 CHEVROLET Fleetline de­ TOWN MOTORS. Inc. Salesmen Wanted S6A time and place of hearing thereon, by If they aec cause at aald time and place q ^ N T w r r H m y w ie m ' COMB- 20 Patent local and long ^stance moving, and be heard relatfve thereto, and store which offers unusual opportunity for advance­ 22 Code 40ChlUs 47 Dry luxe tudor. excellent condition, publishing a copy of thli order in ANSELIQUE, fMOntET packing, crating and storage. make return to thla court, and by mail­ 21 Precise 24 T h e -----is iU 41 Wash 49 Donkey low mileage. 1946 ChevToIet tudor. 45 West Center St. SPARE t i m e *xtra money. Show some newspaper having a circulation in ment, then we would like to discuss employment with SEAKCH Service to all pa-ackage Delivery. make return to this court. -We have several positions open for active salespeople. Packard 6, 1941 Buick convertl log. full information. Tanner's JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. 27 Liquid Local light trucking and packaga Previous experience would be helpful but not necessary. ble coupe, two 1937 CJhevroleti. Shoos, 829 Boston. Mass. measure (ab.) delivery. Refrigerators waahera We will train you to check stocks, write orders and mer­ Clarke Motors. 301 Broad. Tel. 2- 26 Butterfly 2012. and itove moving a apaclaUy. chandising. The following key positioni are now open: 26ProiKiun Rend Herald Adva. Phona 2-0782. Help Wanted— Mala 30 Plural (ab.) ooro. INI rr ma Female 87 31 SUte •k Department Manager Shoes 33 Fbndles Painttnit— Papering 21 If You, Like To Live In Manchester W ASH TUBBS Wrong Number, Boyi BY LESLIE TURNER r CAFETERIA Manager for indua- ■k Department Manager Ribbons and Handkerchiefs 36 Weed trial plant. Applx Cheney Bros •HMHl WHAT W M THAT. PEUUV? THOlWHT H C M P l 37 Western stata INTERIOR and exterior painting, dOUPTmUd MOVE « THE PWtMiatVl M U ILlSr^' Ed Sullivan’s Special! paper hanging, ceilings reflnlshed. Main Office, 146 Hartford Road, Why Not Work In Manchester? k Department Manager Lingerie and Foundations 38 Bona F'ully insured. Expert work. Wall Manchester, Conn. ’ k Department Manager Pet Shop IflEnlargaa 45 Behold! paper book:. Edward R. Price. A Department Manager Dress Fabrica Phone 2-1003. 46 Fbotlikrpart '48 PACKARD Sitoattona Wanted— Spencer Rubber Products Co. 46 Younger MORIARTY BROS] Female 88 brother PA IN T IN G and papering. All Many employment benefits, including:. Good salary. paper removed by steam. Make has job openings for male help on second, and t h M M Beverage made Olive Green AN EXPEaUENCED baby altUr arrangements now for your out­ 40 hour week. Vacations with Pay, Discounts on Pur­ with malt la avmilabla for,evening work. shifts with a good starting rate and scheduled increases. One 0.wner Car side painting. For eatimatas call chases, Promotions on Merit, Retirement and Sick Plan, lO L im Andrew Tluck. 4661, Call 2-4379. If ]rou are an aggreasive worker with a steady work Modem Employee Lounge, Group Insurance, Job Sc* 15 Window sashes A Special At W IL L T A K E care o< children in record and like to work in a smali organisation where PAPER HANGINd, painting work curity. a-iq . ' * done personally, meaning good my home while mother worka. ability and initiatiTc are quickly recognised call at our sent INI av aaa tiaviea'aw. v. a. i kU.aiar.1 YBBUCAL Call 2-29M. I Moist work at moderate coat. Raysaond office on Chapel street. Flake. Tel. 2-9287. Apply Employpient Office “ I feel like • etriuiger In this neMborhood' tinee the 3 Exists $1295 3Box PAPEtUNG, PilntiBg. ceilings 41 W. f . GRANT COMPANY people next door got Venetian bilnde!'' 4Racent (suffix) whitened, floors sanded (ind rd- Spencer Rubber Products Co. BOXER PUt>8. $11 down $B week 81.MAIN STREET — MANCHESTER tIS CINTiR STREET., HANCHfSTER flntshe'd. Call - Gilbert Fickett Iv. Boxer carm at Vernon. Tel. «ft8a. Rockville -.992-J3. T ------MONDAY, FEBRUARY II, llffl ittanrlr«atrr Ettrttittfl if^raUt tUm Nine Million Hearts Are Suffering. , Give to Heart Fund ^ Manohaatar l#odga No. 7S, A. F. OsorgaA. Mayvr, of 108 Ply; Dcpotlas H trt to Htlp Yoo ana A . M.. win oaampllfy tha mouth Lane, haa bean appointed Money Order Ladies^ it Town Matter Maaon dagraa at a tpacW Aaaiatant Salea Manager o f Feder­ Figare Oat Income Tax Oominttnieatlon to ba bald at tha al Bweete and Blacult company of r Average Dally Net Press Ran aifton, N. J. Mr. Meyer haa lived Just fo r Boys I Tha Waather Maaonic Tompla tomorrow ava* Warnikig Out A large number o f local real- Attracts 300 For the Week bdlng y kanr It taiMiiiieta In Mancheater fo r a number of dente today took advantage o f Faneael ef O. O. Weatbar Oanaa • rt tlw M« 7 Ownty H « r at 7:30. FoUowing tha da­ \ Febtuary 11,1981 graa work thera will ba a toclal yeara and during that time haa the opening here in the Munici­ been active In many local organi­ IM agr elatrfy, Igh t drtnla. hlgh- lO ttty. *9T M - *25!?^ hour and refraahmonta. Local Merchants Are Ad­ pal building hearing roqm of a British • American Or- •U k h M t MJtrtrtt®- An flrlB w sations including Center church temporary branch offlce\\;f the 10,141 aol aear_ 4*| tealgh t cHondy, llgirt S y ttJ te attend and to brine ttatir and the Boy Scouts. Internal Revenue Department. ganizati9n Holds Its AtMm H u m thla la adiool vacation A apaeial mealing of tha Man- vised to Look Out for Member of the Andit lEuptttttg IbraUi rate by inonilBgi loweal aear 88t From now until March 15, m ale It w fll ba bald a t 10:S0 in tha chatter ProtacUve Barbara aaro- Mrs. Elliott Newcomb, of 80 The Stolen Forms dally except Waahlngton’a 29th Annual Event Colorful COWBOY Bveaa of Clreiflatloaa Wedaeaday ralas hlgheat ae y 40. daUon will ba held at eight Manehester^A City of VUlago Charm North School street, spent the birthday, deputy collector* o’clock tonight at Ruaaall a Bar­ weekend In Wsshington, D. C., It was leamea today that the be on hand to aasjat persons to More than 300 persons attended lOaa Batey A. Slovar. daufhter ber shop on Spruce atraat. All with her husband Pvt. Klllott make out Income tax forms. of Mr. tad Mrt. W. P. Slovar, of membara are urged to attend. Newcomb, who Is training at numbers o f the U. S. Post Office the 20th Annual Ladlta'' Night at VOL. LXX, NO. 119 (ClaealBed Advertteteg tm Fage 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1951 (FOURTEEN PAGES) money orders jtolen last week Hours are 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 the British American Cliib Satur­ PRICE nVE CENTS I M Main atraat, haa baan namad Camp Pickett, Va. p. m. . from the Hartford Post Office, day. It waa a most successful BEDSPREADS to tbo Daan’a list of Uia Syra- The regular meeting of the are 77148 to 77200 Inclusive. Man­ Any person who has ques­ ew a Univaraity School of N im - Board of 'Dtrectora, Mancheater The meeting of Girl Scout Troop tions, or wishes assistance in event, considered the best in recent tmm Miaa' Slovar, a aenlor at tha 50 scheduled for tomorrow eve­ chester business men and mer­ BY MONUMENT MILLS U. S. Object of Biggest Chapter Antterlcan Red Croaa. will making out his income .teA years by members of the club. Miss Pick Committee Considered for Mobilisation Post nnlvoraily. waa one of tha co-vale- be held at aeven o’clock Ttiaaday ning St 6:30 at the Center church chants have bieen warned to watch form may secure help without Aiito Industry Fears Wetback Invasion Ever haa been cancelled this week be­ Jessie Reynolds, one of the found­ S e t e ^ in tha elaaa of 1947 at evening In the chapter headqiiar- out for any of these 'numbers, or charge. Mac Arthur Will Go Maachaatar High achool. cause of the school vacation. any questionable money orders ers of the organization, waa the tera. All membera are urged to Los Angries, Feb. JO.—(iV)— since several stolen have been honored guest. To See Solons attend thla Important meeting. An undetermined number of The Executive Board of the cashed in Hartford and vicinity. The affair began at 6:30 with a Gaucho’* Wide Unemployment OmmunlaU are "unqueatlon- Women’s club of Manchester will Last Saturday Vice President iip paper which residents had put delicious turkey dinner and all the Sunday achool workera o f the ably" getting across the bor­ meet Wednesday evening at eight N. William Knight a t the First out for collection by the Manchea­ fixings prepared and served by the On Steel Plant Slow on Crossing Church of the Nararene will meet BEDSPREADS 5.95 der from Mexico in the great­ o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ed­ ter Memorial hoipl,taI. j National Bank, on learning o f the Garden Grove Caterers. A program thla evening at 7:4.'i at the church. win Lamb, 230 Hackmatack est "wetback" Invasion In his­ INCOME m of professional entertainment fol­ TWIN AND FULL SIZES As Steel Curb Looms A film entitled "In Hla Name” theft, advised care handling of Other cases disposed of this tory, soya H. R. London, dis­ street. morning were; Harlla Burdaja, 48, lowed. Jack Partridge o f Hartford Blue and Green grounds. Riding Cowboys and Campfire IS MY lUSINESS win be ahown. A aoclal time with all money orders. Scenes in a popular price Spread. Group Will Urge Leg­ trict director of Immigration waa master o f ceremonies. A refreahmenta will follow. All offl- St. Bridget's Mother's Circle Approximately seven merchants 39 Main street, passing stop sign, Washington, Feb. 20— — The.i forecast by a high N P A official and NaUiralizatlon. Parallel 38, He Says comedian in hla own rights Part­ islators to Speed cera, teachera and aiibatltute will meet this evening at eight have already cashed some for $5; Matteo'Aquillno, 28, of Brook­ National Production Administra­ more than a week ago. "W e have found CTommunist PHONE 6859 teachera are urged to attend. o'clock sharp at the home of Mrs. amounts ranging from $70 to 180 lyn. N. Y „ speeding, *30 forfeited; ridge kept hU audience in laughter Projected Mill; Gas tion drafted for probable Issuance This official, who preferred not literature on a few of them, Arthur J. SmachettI of 25 Moore each. At present all o f them are Leonard Butkas, 37, Windsor throughout the program with his today an order for a gradual cut, to be quoted by name, said per­ FOR APPOINTMENT but we turn bark ao many Troops Will Be Held at street. Rev. Robert Carroll will be draxn In favor of "James W. Mal­ Btreet, South Windsor, intoxica­ imitations and Jokes. Also on the “ / P o rfeo ” Pipe Line Debated starting April 1, In the amount centage'cuts ordered previously In thounond allena attempting Il­ the guest speaker. lory or "Malloy.” tion. Judgment suspended; James program was, Whiteatona the of steel that niay be used to man­ the amounts of copper and alumi­ legal entry that It is Impossi­ A i y U M Border If “ Cogent Po. NAKED HAM SUPPER A crude rubber stamp reading Kcgler, 10 of WiUimantlc, stop magician, the Happy Chef Juggler, ufacture passenger cars and other num which might be used In non- ble to screen them all,” he said Httrst Fa Aidtrsoii sign, *5; LeRoy Upp. West Hart­ two acrobatic 'and tap dancing BEDSPREADS 8.95 By The Associated Press Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meet John Heneghan. Postmaster" has durable consumer goods. defense manufacturing generally yesterday. '‘**‘’"* Reason” Exists; s n Otater Btraat Amariean Loqion Hlaugli> way In tha next few weeks. He de­ broke after getting the money. officera of the U. N. Oommlttee Of BigJ Talks Tots-*N-Teena floor work at the District Rally have been motivated by a desire to toward projected Pacific Pact simi­ clined to say how much of it will named to consider possible sanc­ here on Tuesday, March 20. All VALANCE ENSEMBLE Say Philly Cop protect the girls' morals. ter Presentment in N.J. lar to the North AUantlc Treaty. go. under competitive bidding. Into Washington, Feb. 20.— The tions against the C!hlne80 Reds. Cob test Cloaes BLAIR’S guards and color bearers are The government prosecutor Informed officials 'eported today trucks, but Indicated contract proposed new celling holding wage The Sanctions Ckimmlttee's Blaccb 1 that John Foster Dulles, Secretary Question If Russia Real­ urged to be present tomorrow countered: " I f Seagrave was a New Brunswick. N. J,, Feb. 20. truckers will eventually get a sub­ Increases to 10 per cent above lev­ Chairman. Selim Sarper of Turkey, night. GotRosen Gifts —(,P)—The giant Pennsylvania of State Acheaon'a Republican said It would take his group 10 stickler for morals he never would stantial portion of It. Short-haul els a year ago was due for a ly Wants to Hold For­ s e t have misbehaved with the hospital Railroad stands accused o f man­ Foreign Policy Advisor, la ready mail. Redding said, cciata *100,000,- days to draw up s working plan. NO GOST OF ANY KIND TO ENTER What Does A Woman 2.98 slaughter on 84 separate Indict­ to discuss this and other possible 000 a year. thorough airing today by Econom­ The Good Offices Committee de­ eign Ministers' Parley Miss Janet Roberts, of SO Bank girls.” cided to press ita work meanwhile. street, accompanied by Miss What a Value! Beautiful Corded Rayon Faille Drape and Ex-Numbers Operator Chan Tung Aung referred to tha ments today— exactly two weeks defenae lineups when he stops off Highway Routca Surveyed ic BUblUzer Eric Johnston and ta­ OPEN TO BOYS AND GIRLS MOS. TO YRS. ■ ..... after "The Broker” crashed at Although the 10-day period Is In —6 8 Jackie Stratton, of 5 Hank street, Want In Her Home ? Valance Complete at only *2.98 pair. Smart shades In Wine, testimony of student nurse Mk Aye In New Zealand ahortly for official 'The Assistant Postmaster Oen' bor leaders who ore fighting the Washington, Feb. 20.—(8V-The are returning to’ Friday night called "Plat­ Prosecutor Alexander Eber, who they were willing to cooperate In Defense emergency has put from 6* to 8. Not a Fair FIgbt Andre Gide ter Chatter." presented the case to the Jury, preparing the nation for any even­ color television "back in the The Municipal building will U. S. Accuses Meat Packing Firm He leaped on Sheba and sank hla would say only that "the Indict­ tuality, but that "big buBlnesa" had Jaws Into her back In the course Listen To This—Girls! | laboratory again," saya engineer be closed all day as will ments speak for themselves." At Washington, Feb. 29—rob- X —marking Brat time In 278 years bier Mickey Cohen, who broke meeting. inga of morality and ImmoraUty. Graham, driven by Stuart Ham­ the late owner of the Giants, died at the M ayfiir Inn. head­ Denver, Feb. 20— (Jt)— ppwboys . chose, after the radio dispatcher Begtea Ooreer fai 1881 Employment Office pontiff has been ao honored . . . . bread with Evangelist Billy Gra­ followed up his originsi call with, SCHOOL OF THE DANCE blen, who a year ago renounced his quarters of (Ite bMehall club which Is holding spring training and polic* Joined In a Buffalo hunt Recognized at one e f the moat New York's artificial ralnmaking "Well, tlrst's w)iBt the man said— O IL CO. I NEW SYSTEM UUNDRY operations bring shower of prop­ ham Sunday night in a Sunset hillbilly radio show and a string here. on the streets o f Deqvei; laat night. brilliant and original phllosop^cal WILL BE LOCATED AT Buffalnes." erly damage rialms. Strip cafe, attended a meeting last of race horses in favor o f religion, * * * writers of the Mth century, hla ns-l MAIN ST. 1 HARRISON ST., OFF EAST CENTER ST. Two big bison being transferred The policemen and two cowboys THE MASONIC TEMPLE night at which Graham spoke on led newsmen qn'a merry automobile to s pen at the Denver stockyards on horseback finally captured the boolta at'one time or another de^ chase. Duchess Of Windsor In Hospital fended theft, murder, homofex- TEL. 529.T § TELEPHONE 3753 Treasury Balance "How to Become' a Christian.” New York. F*b. 20— (A*)-—The Duehtpa of Windsor is in broke away, cleared .four fences pair after a two-hour chase. ON TUESDAY AND^ THURSDAY At one point' Hsmblen fftoppfd end taeided towgrd tom’ll. The animals were brought here uollty and Communisid. Tha writ­ ’'Thousands of people have been and demanded that a motorcycle the hospital for f check up. The Daily News said today the ings mirrorod his twHtliA and W. T. Grant Co. Washington, Feb. 20—uF)— The praying for a long time that One went down a railroad track from s game refuge at Geneshe Range and Fuel E Don’t Fomt WEST SIDE REC ON I^a Yu RDAY officer arrest the pursuing re­ Dqke and Ducheaa. who is the former Wallis Warfield of toward a frolght tnln. A t^lnmon Pork, in the mountolna west o f torture In his queet for on ‘wuUian- poaition o f thh treasury Feb. 16: Mickey (kihen would get religion," porters. The newsmen explained tlc Ufe." S Send Ua Yoor Dry Clcaiiliit Toot New budget receipts *208,997,- the dynamic preacher told news­ Boltimorf, had to cancel a cmiae to the West Indies because standing nearby eUmbed a b w d In Denver, conoigned for sole to a “S «r CcriaiMuProy. FOR INFORMATION CALL 6259 they had a tip Graham waa on hla Wyoming rancher by a William F. Gide began hla literary coreor la 815. M A IN iSTREET 930.15;' budget exj>endlturea ^70,- men. record tin)* oa the buffalo bore Oil Distrilnifors way to a conferenca with Cohan. of the DachcaO* copdltion. The story did not rtrcal the nature down on him. Cody. A t least- that's what tbs 1881 and eonUnued writthg «ntU 826,089.54; cash balance *5,270,- At first, efforts were made to llllilllllilltillliillillllllilllllllliiliHIliHi ilHIIIIIIIIIi of her ailment beyond calUaf It a “persistent recurrence leO q M iM iO rscOrda showed. Buffalo Bill Oody 319,09S.1L keep from reoorters the fact that ■(OmtteMd on F b m S arM ) of acute physical dtseomfort-” Thirty BoUc* Rot In on the died In 1919. I « m IX fo MhHX Lv.- ■ 1 . r-
