University of New Hampshire, the Graduate School Catalog 1997-1999
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STORAGE 378, 742 N5345 1997-99 SITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE GRADUATE SCHOOL .^'>-t.,_ Catalog 1997-^1999 iiniu£.%Uiu of .Xltnaxi . The University Admission and Registration Fees and Financial Aid Academic Regulations and Degree Requirements Research Graduate Life Departmental Requirements and Description of Courses Trustees, Adm i n istrative Officers, and Graduate Council Faculty of the Graduate School . e| Directions to Campus ^i^ Campus Map School Calendar I Graduate 1^ I 1997-1999 H Frequently Called Numbers. •v---^ j:';'' "^^ " " Graduate Education at UNH •t^- ^^ fa»:r^ (^aiiia UNH is a full-scale research university set in the town of Durham along the Oyster River. T^n^ n^ "... where the average person sees just rocks. I can reconstruct sows8^?^5 many thousands, SSSSlSasi even millions of >^f^Si!^^,j years of the geo- logical record of that area. Steve Allard (see page 8} "The neat thing about what I'm doing is that no one's been able to measure this in three dimensions II before and turbu- 'So / look and look and look lence is three James Mack (seepagelSj dimensional. Barbara Pellicia {see page 22) " " "... in the long run, what I'm discovering may have economic applications or implications for other areas of science. "... Jianhua Li you are apt to work with (seepage 171 history, art history, women's studies, and cultural studies. Heather Wood (see page 29) "I found I was a lot more interested in why people had " ended up in court and what could be done to help them, Jenny Burke (see page 131 Programs of Study Master of Arts Master of Arts in Teacliing Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Counseling Elementary Education Economics Secondary Education Master of Public Administration English Language and Linguistics Master of Education Master of Social Work Literature Administration and Supervision Writing Counseling Certificate of Advanced Graduate History Early Childhood Education Study Music Special Needs Educational Administration and Political Science Elementary Education Supervision Psychology Reading Sociology Secondary Education Doctor of Philosophy Spanish Special Education Animal and Nutritional Sciences Biochemistry Master of Science Master of Science for Teachers Chemistry Animal and Nutritional Sciences Chemistry Computer Science Biochemistry College Teaching Earth Sciences Biology English Geology Chemical Engineering Mathematics Oceanography Chemistry Economics Master of Business Administration Civil Engineering Education Communication Disorders Engineering Computer Science Master of Health Administration English Earth Sciences Genetics Geology Master of Adult and Occupational History Oceanography Education Mathematics Electrical Engineering Mathematics Education Family Studies Microbiology Marriage and Family Therapy Natural Resources Genetics Physics Hydrology Plant Biology Kinesiology Psychology Mathematics Reading and Writing Instruction Applied Mathematics Sociology Mechanical Engineering Zoology Microbiology Music Education Natural Resources Environmental Conservation Forestry Soil Sciences Water Resources Wildlife Nursing Occupational Therapy Ocean Engineering Physics Plant Biology Resource Administration and Management Resource Economics Zoology General Information of the graduate faculty. The dean is ad- Care has also been taken to ensure that The University vised by the Graduate Council, which is the programs will make a significant con- composed of elected faculty members and tribution to the opportunities for doctoral of Hampshire is a The University New graduate student representatives. education in the New England region. land-grant institution made possible by One of the basic tenets of graduate Doctoral education properly focuses the Morrill Act of 1862, which helped education at UNH is that for quality upon preparing the student to contribute states develop institutions to better serve graduate education to thrive, research to the growth of knowledge through re- all the people. The institution was origi- must coexist with, and enhance the pro- search. However, since a large percentage nally founded in 1866 in connection with cess of, classroom teaching. Faculty of doctoral students find employment in as Hampshire Dartmouth College New members of the Graduate School, while higher education, most doctoral pro- College of Agriculture and the Mechanic dedicated to teaching, carry on active re- grams provide opportunities for students time, the school's mission Arts. At that search programs. Their research serves to work as teaching assistants and to par- was to train young men and women for many vital purposes. First, it supports ticipate in seminars on teaching led by service to the state in the fields of agri- graduate education by developing new experienced faculty members. After re- culture and technology. In 1893, New knowledge in areas of scholarly interest. ceiving a dual grounding in the develop- Hampshire College moved from Hanover Second, it provides training opportunities ment and communication of knowledge, to Durham, as the result of a bequest of for graduate students in residence. More- graduates from UNH doctoral programs lands and funds by Benjamin Thompson, over, these programs fulfill the have gone on to find excellent teaching and began to develop more rapidly. Uni- university's obligations as a land-grant, and research positions. versity status was conferred in 1923. The sea-grant, and space-grant institution by university awarded its first Ph.D. in conducting research and disseminating placing it among the early Ameri- 1896, information to the public in areas affect- Interdisciplinary Programs can universities to award that degree. ing the nation's welfare. The Graduate School encourages interdis- Doctoral programs in their present form As the state's only public university, ciplinary study within its existing pro- began in the 1950s. UNH occupies a unique role. It is the pri- grams and has adopted procedures for the In 1980, UNH and the University of mary institution within the University faculty to develop interdisciplinary op- Maine were designated jointly as a Sea System of New Hampshire responsible tions within established doctoral pro- Grant College by the National Oceano- for providing graduate programs that grams. However, independent, self- graphic and Atmospheric Administration meet state, regional, and national designed graduate programs are not (NOAA). In 1991, the university was needs—and the only one at which doc- available at the university. Formal inter- designated a Space Grant College to- toral programs are offered. Other units disciplinary degrees are offered in the ge- gether with Dartmouth College. The uni- of the university system do offer some netics program, which involves geneticists versity is composed of the College of Lib- master's programs. from many departments in both master's eral Arts, College of Engineering and and doctoral programs; the natural re- Physical Sciences, School of Health and sources Ph.D. program, which draws on Human Services, College of Life Sciences Master's Programs the university's strength in environmen- and Agriculture, Whittemore School of The master's degree programs, which the tal and earth sciences, life sciences, social Business and Economics, Thompson university offers in a wide variety of dis- sciences, and policy studies to provide in- School of Applied Science, Division of ciplines, can serve either as a professional terdisciplinary research opportunities in Continuing Education, University of terminal degree or as an intermediate the broad area of natural and environmen- New Hampshire at Manchester, the degree for those intending to pursue fur- tal research management; the engineering Nashua Center, and the Graduate School. ther graduate study. Master's programs Ph.D. program and the ocean engineering The University System of New Hamp- at the University of New Hampshire M.S. program, which are cooperative, in- shire, of which UNH is a member, also have been carefully developed and are terdisciplinary efforts of the electrical and includes Keene State College, Plymouth reviewed by the graduate dean and fac- computer engineering, civil engineering, State College, and the College for Life- ulty to ensure their continuing quality. mechanical engineering, and chemical en- long Learning. In many programs, students can elect gineering departments; the biology pro- The university enrolls more than options that will permit them to study gram, which makes the resources of the 12,000 students in Durham and has a one aspect of a discipline in depth by pre- biological science departments available to full-time faculty of more than 600. The paring a thesis or to gain a broader mas- students interested in a general nonthesis student body includes more than 2,000 tery of a discipline by electing to take master's program; and the resource ad- graduate students. coursework in lieu of a thesis. ministration and management program, which involves faculty in the natural re- sources area. Doctoral Programs Opportunities for interdisciplinary Graduate Education The university offers doctoral programs study and research are also available in those disciplines that have both the through the Institute for the Study of Graduate education at UNH is supervised faculty and facilities to support high- Earth, Oceans, and Space and through by five hundred graduate faculty mem- quality advanced graduate education. the Marine Program. Additional interdis- bers. The Graduate School, in turn, is led ciplinary opportunities are listed with the by the