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Dr. Reginald Wilburn was UNH women’s lacrosse made a three- point comeback after senior Devon INSIDE appointed associate dean the news Croke’s timely goal, but fell short in of COLA on April 5. 9 overtime to the Albany Great Danes. 15 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT PAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE SINCE 1911 he New Hampshir TTNHdigital.com thursday, April 20, 2017 Vol. 106, no. 45E Pancakes and Pride Annual LGBTQ+ pancake breakfast celebrates past and future By Jordyn Haime STAFF WRITER Students, faculty and com- munity members fi lled nearly ev- ery seat in the Granite State Room on Tuesday as they celebrated the accomplishments of UNH’s LGBTQ+ community over break- fast. Part of UNH’s Pride Month, the LGBTQ+ and Ally pancake breakfast recognized 25 years of existence. The event opened as chap- lain and director of the Waysmeet Center, Larry Brickner-Wood, create their own event. ward at the same time. Using this and associate vice president for Back then, Moorhead said analogy, Bailey refl ected on past Jordyn Haime/ STAFF community, equity and diversity, individuals who identifi ed as historical fi gures who have been (Above) Centerpieces at the event promoted solidarity. (Be- Jamie Nolan, offered attendees members of the LGBTQ+ com- lost in history due to their inter- messages of the importance of low) Dr. Gary Bailey presents lecture on intersectionality at munity felt pressured to attend sectional identities. gratitude and community in cur- the event in secret. Moorhead also “In order for us to know the breakfast event. rent times. Current interim dean stressed the importance of allies where we’re going, we have to of the UNH Graduate School, who have attended in the past and look back from whence we’ve Cari Moorhead, followed, re- continue to help create a safe and come,” Bailey said. counting the history of the Pan- inclusive environment for all stu- Bailey refl ected on important cake Breakfast. dents today. fi gures that have been erased from After two years of confl ict Trans UNH vice president, history such as writer James Bald- with governor at the time, Mel- senior Charlie Durkin, introduced win, transgender people (then drim Thomson Jr., and the New the event’s keynote speaker. Gary called “drag queens”) who were Hampshire Supreme Court, the Bailey, professor of social work at the forefront of the Stonewall Gay Student Organization (GSO) and the Urban Leadership Pro- riots and Bayard Rustin, a major was recognized as an offi cial stu- gram at Simmons College, tack- fi gure from the civil rights move- dent organization in 1973. led diffi cult topics regarding the ment. UNH’s annual LGBTQ+ and intersectionality of race, sexual- Bailey also discussed the Ally Pancake Breakfast became ity, and gender expression. importance of acknowledging in- a tradition after the members of Bailey centered his speech tersectionality within oppressed the GSO were denied a Pancake around the concept and signifi - breakfast with Thomson they won cance of the Sankofa bird, which Pancakes in an auction and they decided to is able to look backward and for- continued on page 3 Free parking HoCo gets fi shy with Italian seafood crossover hours to By Tyler John Kennedy area’s local seafood with “an Ital- STAFF WRITER ian fl are,” and while he said he’s decrease been working on the project for Rather than having two sepa- a month and a half leading up to rately catered dinners this semes- Wednesday night, he noted that By Mark Kobzik and the actual preparation of the dish- Kelsea Campbell ter, one with an Italian theme and the other one consisting mainly es began within the past week. In FORMER STAFF WRITER of seafood, Holloway Commons order to ensure freshness, accord- AND CONTRIBUTING (HoCo) instead hosted the Italian ing to Kaschak, most of the sea- WRITER Costal Cuisine dinner on Wednes- food products were prepared on day, April 19, that essentially either the day before the dinner or University of New Hamp- combined the two dinners into the day of. shire students will face parking one. By the end of the night, ap- Kaschak remarked that his rule changes next semester after proximately 3,200 individuals at- staff had to hand scrub, boil and the fi nal Transportation Policy tended the specialty dinner, which sterilize 3,600 scallop shells that Tyler Kennedy/ STAFF they then proceeded to stuff with Committee meeting of the year is a notable uptick from the dining Students enjoy the antipasto bar at the Italian seafood din- local clams, scallops, shrimp, decided unanimously to pass en- hall’s weeknight average of 2,500 ner. hanced restrictions. people. oregano, parmesan cheese, garlic and a little bit of bread crumb. Instead of being able to park In organizing the dinner, other such options. margarita; an immense amount of HoCo Executive Chef Christo- Other notable items on the Themed pizza for the night menu included grilled swordfi sh Parking pher Kaschak said he sought to included calamari and arugula, Hoco combine the multitude of this with salmoriglio, pesto shrimp prosciutto and fi g fl atbread, and continued on page 3 ravioli, seafood oreganata, among continued on page 3 A Look The Ahead April 20 NE - Earthfest 2017, W Mills Courtyard, 12:30 - 5 P.M. - Power Napping, Hamel Recreation AMPSHIRE Center, 1:10 - 2 P.M. H Since 1911 WEATHER: INDEX* 60/43 Mostly Cloudy Kappa Delta spreads confidence around UNH 25th Annual LGBTQ+ Pancake Breakfast April 21 - Earth Day Service Read about Staff Writer Jordyn Event, Mill Road Haime’s experience attending Visitor Lot, 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. the 25th annual LGBTQ+ Pan- - 5K hero Dash, UNH, cake Breakfast. 1 - 4 P.M. WEATHER: 46/39 CUT- Rain 5 OUT 13 Members of Kappa Delta will be handing out balloons and coff ee to UNH students XXX April 22 through Friday, May 21, as a part of a nationwide Kappa Delta event. - Relay for life, whittemore Center, Northeast passage Future Durham 12 P.M. to Sunday at 6 developments A.M. - Hospitality gour- met dinner series, paul college, 5 - 9 The Economic Development P.M. Committee of Durham meets to discuss possible future devel- WEATHER: opments in Durham. 53/39 Mostly Cloudy 16 8 April 23 Northeast Passage off ers veterans, students and children with disabil- - Seven Boxes of ities the opportunity to participate in competitive and recreational books, hennessy sports in the New England region. theatre, 2 P.M. - Hospitality gour- met dinner series, paul college, 5 - 9 CONNECT P.M. Executive Editor THE NEW HAMPSHIRE WEATHER: Colleen Irvine | [email protected] Room 132 Memorial Union Building Durham, NH 03824 50/38 603-862-1323 Cloudy Managing Editor Brian Dunn | [email protected] SUBSCRIBE AND READ ONLINE TNHdigital.com The next issue of Content Editor THE NEW HAMPSHIRE THE NEW HAMPSHIRE Alycia Wilson | [email protected] will be published on: @THENEWHAMPSHIRE Monday, april 24, 2017 CORRECTIONS------ In the issue published on April 13, 2017, it stated in the article “Letter campaign pushes for increased university system spending” that the current tutition rate @THENEWHAMPSHIRE at UNH is $14,770 for in-state students and $29,340 for out-of-state students; Weather according to weather.com the correct rates are $14,410 for in-state students and $28,219 for out-of-state students. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE NEWS THURSDAY, April 20, 2017 3 Hoco PARKING measure will only impact the visi- are other areas that they can go to appropriate for us to also come continued from page 1 continued from page 1 tor lots. park,” Dean said. to the table and negotiate as well “These are going to be rolled The Transportation Depart- and fi nd a solution that can work,” garlic bread was also made avail- for free at the lots after 6 p.m., it out in September,” Student Body ment and others attending took Dean said. able to patrons—“the kids love will be changed to 9 p.m.. On the President Jonathan Dean said. into consideration setting up “I think it’s just silly when the garlic bread,” Kaschak said. weekends, the same hours will “For September, they’re going to signs for students who may not be there already is an issue with stu- The LED-lit table, located apply: 7 a.m. until 9 p.m.. The be lightly enforced as more of an aware of the other lots to park at, dents having to pay tickets,” soph- on the bottom fl oor of the new- parking change will take effect in educational enforcement. A lot of such as A and B Lot or the Alumni omore psychology major Amerin est section of HoCo, was deemed September. students won’t really know the Center. The greatest concern was McCall. “I really liked when I the Community Table of the din- Right now, students can park rule right off the bat…they’ll be the issue of visitor and guest park- could go downtown around six ei- ner, and featured an assortment of in all visitors’ lots after 6 p.m. on more reminded and not just tick- ing which had been brought to the ther to the gym or the dining hall fresh fruit, such as sliced lemon, the weekdays and for free on the eted right away. They’re going attention of Dirk Timmons at the and park quickly to get in and out. strawberries, grapes and clem- weekends. The resolution passed to push for more education over Transportation Department. Having people pay on weekends entines, along with fresh cheese at the meeting last Friday after the summer and educate students “In my mind, when students too is crazy to me.