STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT Of'. ·ALCOHOL!~ BEVERAGE CONTROL. 1060 Broad Street, .Newark,. N. J. . BULLETIN 785 'DECEMBER- _2, · 1947 DECEMBER, t 947 COMPLETE LIST : 7_ ,, MINIMUM· RESALE PRICE·S Effective· December 2, _• 947 I

\ . TABLE 'OF CONTENTS Filed by the following .manufacturers : (EXPLANATORY NOTE: For. the convenience of. the consumeir· .and w:hol~sql~rs: , public and retqiler ,alike, brands of alcoholic 'beverage~ aie ACADEMY WINE. & .SPIRITS CO: 0 1 list~d under .separate type_ ciassificatkms.) i~lt~~AtL~~t~RCOMP ANY • THE AMERICAN DISTILLING.COMPANY, INC•. : ; . Type . , Page ANTONACCI WINE CO. . K. ARAKELIAN, INC. SPIRIT BL'ENDED WHJSKIES ..: ..... :...... :...... 2, 3, 4 ARDIN, INC., LUC::IEN , , BLENDS OF _STRAIGHT WHISKIES·: ...... '.~ ...... :. ___ .".: ...... 5 ARROW LIQUEURS CORPORATION AUSTIN, NICHOLS & CQ.,. INC. STRAIGHT WHISKIES - RYE AND BOURBON ...... 5, 6 BACARDI IMPORTS, INC: BONDED WHISKIES ..., ...... :...... 6 JAS. BARCLAY & CO. l;IMITED CANADIAN WHISKIES ····-···············-···························:'...... ,...... ·.6 BASS &. COMPANY, INC., GORDON IRISH . 'W:f!ISKIES ...... ~ ...... :...... :...... 7 BELLOWS & COMP ANY, INC. BISCEGLIA BROS. WINES CORPORATION SCOTCH WHISKIES ...... ,... ,...... :...... 7, 8 BLACK HORSE ALE, INC~ SCOTCH-TYPE -WHISKIES ...... ~ ...... :...... 8 BLACK PRINCE COMP ANY, INC. - BROWN-FORMAN DISTILLERS' CORPORATION BROWNE-VINTNERS CO.," INC. ' '. · . ' '·· i~::DI~:~s~~~RrciN·:·:::::::::::~::::::::::::::~:::;:::::::::::~::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -·~. CALIFORNIA GRAPE' PRODUCTS CO., LTD. CALVERT .DISTILLERS CORPORATION · ~~~~g~~~ _- ·i~:~l==~---~-----·-·_·_-_._._._._-_-_-_-_-_-_·_·_-_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._-:-_-.-_-_._._._._._._._-_·~------~~· ~ CAMBRIDGE DISTRIBUTING CO., LTD.' CANADA DRY GINGER ALE. INCORPORATED GINS - AMERICAN·...... :...... :: ...... :.... :.. :...... :..... 9, 10, · u CANADIAN AMERICAN SPIRITS CORP., GINS - IMPORTED ...... :.... :...... ' i I CANNIZZARO WINE CO., INC. SLOE GINS ...... :...... :...... ' ...... 11 CARABELLI BEVERAGE CO. CARSTAIRS DIVISION of'Calvert Distillers Corp.- RUMS - .AMERICAN ...... '...... ,...... 11 CLARK, JAMES J.· & co.· , ; ' . RUMS - IMPORTED ...... :.~ ...... :...... ~ ... :...... ;...... :...... 'u, ,, 12 CONTINENTAL DISTILLING SALES COMPANY CORDIALS AND LIQUEURS . C. V._ A. CORPORATION. R. U. DELAPENHA & CO., INC. ~ (AMERICAN AND IMPORTED) ·····-·······'.~ .. :..... 12, lq; 14, 15, 16 DISTILLED LIQUORS IMPORT CO., INC. ROCK & RUM ...... ,...... :...... , ...... 16 DORCHESTER, INC. ROCK & RYE ...... '...... ;...... ~.: ...... "...... ,.... :... 16 J. A. DOUGHERTY'S SONS, INC. PREPARED COCKTAILS ...... :...... '» 17 EASTERN WINE CORPORATION ESBECO DISTILLING CORPORATION FRUIT. FLAVORED .. BRANDIES ...... :...... 17, 18 F. & A." DISTRIBUTING COMPANY CHAMPAGNES AND SPARKLING WINES-AMERICAN·----~~-- '18, 19 FEDERAL WINE AND LIQUOR CO. CHAMPAGNES AND SPARKLING WINES-IMPORTED ...... 19, 20 FLAGSTAFF FOODS ,, . THE FLEISCHMANN DISTILLING CORP. WINES - AMERICAN ... .".. 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26" 27, 28, · 29 FLEMING & McCAJG, INC. 0 FRANKFORT DISTILLERS CORPORATION ~i~~~uT1:~ :~i~tc'Ai\i... ._._._._-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:::-.::-.:-.:::-.:~::::·_-_-_-_::::::::::::::::-.:: ... ~~-~ ;~: ;~. FRUIT INDUSTRIES. LTD. . - . GALLO WTNES COMPANY, INC. VERMOUTH - IMPORTED ...... 32 GALSWORTHY. INC. SPECIALTIES (VODKA .. BITTERS, ETC.) ······---~---·········----: ...... 32/ 33 GARRETT llr COMP ANY. INC. ·. . THE GIBSON DISTILLING COMP ANY BEER AND ALES ·······.--·····'·····'································----'····················~---··'············ 33. DUNCAN GILMOUR & CO., LTD. GLENBY-FRASER & CO. GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMP ANY GOOnERHAM & WORTS, LIMITED GORDON-O'NEILL CO. IT ALI.AN SWISS COLONY ·IMP 0 RT A N·T ! J. & J. nJSTRIBUTING COMPANY JACQUIN ET CIE.; INC .. CHARLES WILLIAM JAMESON DIVISION -Dist. Corp., AMENDED SPECIAL RULING KASSER DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORP. KINSEY DISTILLING SALES COMPANY ~LUXEN; HERMAN A... : ' . 't'"' Lice~sees . may not price-advertise 'alco~otic ' LAIRD & .COMP ANY LEROUX & CO .. INC. · LIOUOR DISTRIBUTORS OF AMERICA beverages, lnd~ding Malt Beverages, not listed LONDON&' COMPANY, INC. . i~ Fair Trade Publications. . . MANY. BLANC & COMP ANY. INC.' McKESSON LIQUOR . COMP ANY MOH.A WK LIQUEUR CORPORATION '.Effective October 22, 1945,. the Department ruled; th1at MONARCH WINE COMPANY,. INC•. any alcoholic beverages .;. ","i .. ~•• in Minimum Resale Pri~e pamphlets, issued· pursuant to NATIONAL WINE~ LIQUOR ·co. . . NEW JERSEY APPLE GROWERS.· INC~ State Fair Trade Regu~atfons No. ,30, may not be price OLD ORANGE COUNTY' APPLE BRANDY DIST., INC. advertised (including direct or indirect reference 'to price) p A PK fl. TJJ,FOl~n IMPORT CORPORATION PETRI WTNE COMPANY OF N. Y.; INC.' "' • in any periodical, publication; circular, hand-bill or direct PHILADELPHIA BREWING COMPANY F. PIRRONE & SONS. INC. . mailing piec~ in this State by a manufac·turer, wholesaler PISA CANE WTNE CO!Vf P ANY or retailer. Private brands owned or controlled _by 1a re­ PLF.ASANT VAT.LEV "WINE CO. POPPER.-MORSON CORP. tailer' or exclusive- brands confined ·to dr ·dis.tributed by REINFELD. INC., JO~F.PT-1 H. one "retailer are excepted in the ruling. ,L. N. RENAULT & SON:S, INC,. . ' FF.N"P"TF.Ln JMPO'RTF.RS.. LTD. . .~ . ;, ! ,' ROBlNSON~LLovns LTD. The ruling is· hereby amendeq, ieffecitive Tuesday, SACCONF. & SPEEn. INC. .. :··.·:·· September. 2, 1947 to include malt beverages. SAN BP.NTTO CO .. TNC. Sf'.J..JFJ\TLFV f'ITSTPT.RlTTOR~. INC .. SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC. (lrnp9rt.Divisi!>n)- As a note of caution, retailers 1are· placed on ·notice Sf'.HTE'f'FF.LTN llr CO. ' .. · SEAr.P A MS'IT~TTLJ .F'.R!=! f'.O'RPO'R A;TlON' that the amended ruling;. effective September 2, 1947". SF.C..GF.RMAN NIXON CORPORATION prescribes the flat prohibition of the price advertising·of ,ST·U 'UT CO .. Tl\Tr. .. MTTN'=ON '1. • - SONOMA. VINEY A Rnc; WTNER.Y ~ alcoholic beverages, inclu'ding malt beverag-es, not SOUTHERN COMFO'RT SALES CORP, OF.N. ¥-· listed in Fair Trade, ··except Private and Exclus·ive brands · STANnARD DTST·RTBUTING COMPANY . . . H. s:rnNE Rt co.. LTD. confin~~ to or ~1stributed by' one retailer. SUFFERN DISTRIBUTORS. INC. , THE TAYLOR. WINE COMP ANY. Any violiation of the amended ruling shall subject the w. A. TAYLOR & c·o. . THP-F.E FF'.ATHER~ DISTRIBUTORS, INC. license to suspension; or revocatiOn. UNITED DISTTLLERS OF AMERICA, INC. HIRAM .wALKER INCORPORATED · ·ERWIN B. HOCK, JULIUS WILE SONS & CO., INC. WILEN BROTBERS Commissioner. WINE 1 GROWERS GUILD

New Jersey State Ubrary STAT;!:: OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL 1060 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. BULLETIN 785 DECE.MBER 2, 1947 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF FAIR TRADE CONTRACTS AND PRICE LISTS f'.ILED PURSUANT TO REGULATIONS No. 30 All price lists which have been filed, together with Fair Trade contracts, at the offices of the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, pursuant to Regulations No. 30, are set forth below. There are included the full price lists which appeared ip. Bulletin 775 (which was complete) as revis~d and supplemented by all changes . in old items and new items filed to date. · · · The price·S ·of those pr~ducts listed in Bulletin 775 remain in effect untii'December 2, 1947. All of th.e m'.inimum consumer pric~s set forth below are· now, and continue to remain, in effect, except the aforementioned new items and changes in old .items, which become effective Decemb~r 2, 1947 at 10 A. M. Until official notice of m;1y change in price lists is published in a later bulletin issued by the Department~ retail licensees are phohibited (unless otherwise authorized by special permit) from selling the des_9ribed pro- ducts except in accordance with the price lists herein published. ·


Spirit Blended Whiskey Spirit Blended Whiskey (Cont.)

AMERICAN BAR * CALVERT SPECIAL Blended Whiskey Fifths 3._20 Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.60 Pints 2.04 '·Pints 2.27 * THE AMERICAN DISTILLING * CARSTAIRS EST. 1788, 'coMPANY'S SPECIAL Blended Whiskey Fifths 4.Cn Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.2'3 Pints 2.53 ·Pints '2.07 * CAl,tSTAIRS WHITE SEAL AUSTIN NICHOLS CLUB .RESERVE Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.59 Pints Blended Whiskey Fifiths 3.87 2.26 Pints 2.4'5 * CHARLES SPECIAL RESERVE AUSTIN NICHOLS HARVEST Bl~nded Whiskey Quarts 5.48 'Fif.ths 3.29 Fifiths 4.43 Blended Whiskey Pints _2.7,8 BALTIMORE CLUB SPECIAL * CHARTER OAK RESERVE Blended :Som;bon Whis·key Quarts 5.50 Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.19 - Fifths 4.43 Pints 1.99 ' Pints 2.79 *BELLOWS PARTNERS pHOICE *COBBS Blended Whiskey Quarts 4.912 ·Blended Whisk~y - % Gallons 8.37 Fifths 3.95 Quarts 4.20 Pints 2.50 Fifths 3.39 Pints u4 *BELLOWS SPECIAL RESERVE Ql,l!M'ts 4.5(} Fifths 3.63 * COBBS PREFERRED Pints 2·.2·9 Blended Whiskey Fifths 4.56 Pints 2.90 *BOURBON DE LUXE. . Blended Bourbon Whiskey Fifths 4.48 * CORBY'S RE1SERVE Pints- 2.79 Blended Whiskey , Quarrts -4,3,7 Fifths. 3.55 ' B.P.R. RE·SERVE ·Pints 2.23 Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.59 Pints 2.26 * CREAM OF KENTUCKY Blended Whiskey -Quarts 4.44 * BROWN-FORMAN KING % Quarts 3'.59 BLACK LABEL . Pints 2.26 Blended Whiskey Fifths 3~.97 I Pints 2.49 * ~IPLOMAT DE LUXE. *.BROWN-FORMAN KING · Blended Whiskey_ Quar.ts 5..47 RED LABEL ·Fif1ths 4.39 Blended Whiskey Fifiths 3.5·5 Pints '2.77 Pints 2.26 *-DIPLOMAT RESERVE *BURTON'S , Blentj:ed Whiskey Quarts 4.20 Blended Whiskey FJf.ths 4.03 Fifths 3.39 ' Pints · 2.53. Pints 2.14 ** DOUGHERTY'S PREMIUM * CALVERT RESERVE Blended Whis~ey Quar0ts 4.4·8 Blended Whiskey -Fifths 4.04. % Quarts 3.60 Pints 2.54• Pints 2.2~ -· -2- • Discount of 5% ·Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. "'* l>i$~011nt of 10% Permitted On Case Lot PurchHes. MINIMUM MINIMUM BRAND SIZE CONSUMER P~IC'E BRAND SIZE CONSUMER ·PRICE

Spirit Blended Whiskey (Cont.} Spirit Blended ·w~lskey (Cont.}

* 51-49 RESERVE * BALLER'S J;tESERVE Blended· Whiskey Quarts 5.5·6 Blended Whiskey · Quar.ts . 4.20 Fifths ) 4.48 . Fifths . ·Pints 3.39 2.80 ' Pints 2.15 ' FLEISCHMANN'S PREFERRED * BALLER'S S.R.S. 'Blended ·Whiskey Quarts 4.70 Blended Whiskey ~ Quarts 4.72 Fifths 31.80 ' Fifths 3.82 Pints 2.39 Pints 2..41 * FOUR ACES DE LUXE * BALLER'S VERY OWN Blended Wfiiskey Qu:arts 4.19 Blended Whiskey Qu:ar:ts 5.64 Fifths 3.38 FiHhs 4.55 Pints 2.13 Pints 2.86 FOUR QUEENS * HILL. & HILL A Blend - Fif:ths 3.70 Pints .2,33 . Blended Bourbon Whiskey Fifths 4.48 :J;>ints 2.79 *FOUR ROSES Blended Whiskey . Fifths 4.39 **HOPE MILL Pints 2.79: Blended Whiskey Quarts / . 3.917 % Qqarits 3.19 * GALLAGHER & BURTON'S Pints 1.99 BLACK LABEL HOUSE OF KAS1SER Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.60 Pints 2.26 Blended Whiskey Fif.ths 3.65 Pints 2.30 * GALLAGHER & BURTON'S WHITE LABEL *HUNTER -Blended Whiskey Fifiths 4'.05 Blended Whiskey Fifths 4.35 Pints 2.55 Pints 2.74 * GIBSON XX:XX *IMPERIAL Blended Whiskey % Quar·ts 4.04 Quafits 4.38 Pints · 2.54 Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.54 * GIBSON'S 10 X ·Pints 2.23 Blended Whiskey • % Quarts 5.95 JAMES WALSH * GIBSON'S SELECTED "8" Blended Whiskey · Quarts 4.41' ' Blended Whiskey % Quarts 4.39 Fifths . 31,53 Pints 2.79 Pints , 2.24 **GIRARD JARDINE RESE.RVE · Blended Whiskey Quarts 4.34 % Quarts a.49 Blended Whiskey Pints 1'.79. Pints 2.19 JESSE MOORE ROY~LE * GOLDEN ·JUBILEE Blended Whiskey Fif•ths 3.47 Blended Whiskey % Quarts Pints 2.19 * GOLDEN WEDDING· JESSE MOORE SPECIAL Blended Whiskey.· Quarts 4.44 RESERVE % Qua1ts 3.59 Blended Whiskey Fifths 3.7·6 Pints · 2.26 Pints 2·.37 * GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY KASSER'S "51" Blended Whiskey Quarts 5.0·2 Blended Whiskey .Fifths. 3.45 % Quarts 4.04 Pints 2.19 Pints 2.54 KASSER'S MONOGRAM * GOOD OLD GUCKENHEIME,IJ, Ble~ded Whiskey Fifths 3.58 Blended Whiskey Fif.ths Pints 2.~5 Pints * GOOD OLD GUCKENHEIMER * KE·SSLER'S PRIVATE BLE1'TJ> R~SERVE Blended Whiskey Fifths 3"47 Blended Whiskey Fifths 4.27 Pints 2.18 Pints .2.7'8 * KINSEY GOLD LABEL *GREEN ltIVER Blended Whi~key % Gallons . 9.83 Blended Whiskey Quarts 4.44 Quarts 4.98 % Quarts 3.59· . Fifths 3.99 Pints 2.26 Pints 2.54 -3- * Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. ** Discount of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Pur.chases. ,..,.,.,.·.,


Spirit ·Blended ... W.hiskey Spirit -Blended· .whiskey:: ·_(Cont.r '. ,,

*'KINSEY -SILV~R LABEL' ' . _PARK' & ·TILFORD R~SERVE. Bl~nded WJ;liskey_ Y2Gallons 8.75' · Blended Whiskey ·Fifiths 3.67. 2.3f .. j' Quarts 4.44 Pints .· Fifths ·: ' ·3,59,' I.,. JONES.· Pints - 2·.26. ~:PAUL · -~ Ble:µded · Whi~key Fifths ''' '•3',55• r _Pints -2:25· '' LANSDOWJs°E DE .'LUXE. " 1 Blend~d Whisk.:y :. Fifths 3.99 • ·* PETE_ HAQEN'S . Pints 2·.49 \ Blei1ded Whiskey ~ . Fif'ths .. '.3:19 . r I ._ II. .. ~- Pints· ·.'.·-L99. LANSDOWNE RESERVE , *PHILADELPHIA_ Blended Whiskey . · Fifiths 3.29 ' \ 1 1 Blended w~iskey :% Gallons ' • 9 .83 ' * LORD CALVERT· '' Quarts 4.9!8 · ·· Fif:ths .. 3 ;991 • Blend~ 'Y~iskey Fifths : 4.6·7 Pints 2:94 P!11ts 2.53, . * P.M. 'DE. LUXE "'McLOUGHLIN'S .GREEN ., Blended Whiskey . . ·Fifths .. _3:.'5·9 ' .. CIRCLE RESERVE , Pin:ts. ; _2~26~,. Blended Whi~key · . -Quarts·· . · 4.45 ·- · - ./QUEEN~OF NELSON \ .': ; ~ · Fif;ths . "-' 3 .5·9 4 - . . ' . ,,- . < . r • Pints · ' "2 ._2.6 ·Blended Whiskey · :_~ Quar.ts. _.... , . 5,.01 · , '. . ·' - ' \. ' ! MERCHANTS DE-.·LUXE R.c.w·. RE·SE~VE. ' . Blei:ided. Whiskey . % Qu~rts 3.98 Blended Whiske:y . . .Fifiths 3.60- Pints ·1 2.51 ' ·Pjnts . ·2.27 ...._ '' : ' 1 MERCHAN'.US 'SPECiAL · ' . RQYAL CLUB \., ~

. RESEIWE - .·- '• .I - ·Blended. Whiskey %.Quarts· .. 5.. 95 : - Bl~ndedt Whiskey % Quarts -3.60 Pints_.. 2;27 * ~OYAL F.i\MILY .Blended Whiskey '.. · %Quart( 51.cff . " .... . ~ - , ~ * M;9UNT· V~RIYON . . ' ~ . ROYAL HARVEST· ', Blended Whiskey·· .Gallons i7~09 ' % Gallons '8.55 . . Blended \v.hiskey Fifths 2.6'9 Fifths· Pints ··1.69· 3.48 I P~nts " 2.19 *,SCHENLEY -·~E~ERVE , .. '' ' ' .- :k- . ' .... · 'Ble~ded· Whiskey . •· '¥2 Gallons · . .. 9.99 * OLD.- AMERICAN Quarits · 5.02 · .Blended Whiskey· / Fifths ·31,56 ' · % Quarts " 4.04. Pints - 2.2·5 Pints _2~54

* OLD HERI\QTAGE ··~ SEAGRAM'S ,FIVE CROWN ·11' · '. Blended Whiskey ·F'rnths 3.. 60 .Blended :B~mrb'on_ Whiskey . Fifths·- 4.48 I < .• .... "'<", ~ Pints 2.7·~ Pints· 2-.~8 ~, * OLD·· MR. BOSTON PINCH *SEAGRAM'S-SEVEN CROWN ' BOTTLE _ \ .. · Blend~d Whiskey · ·Fifths . • ' ' ,J Blended Whiskey Quarts 4'.50 P:ints A-....-- · Fifths · i __,. ,. 3.65. *.SIR JOHN SCHENLEY .­ ,• ' ...... ,'t Pints --2:29 1 Blended -Bourbon· Whiskey "'_- ·Quavts . I 5.59· '*OLD MR.'BOSTON ROCKING· % Quarts 4.49 CHAIR _ . 'I Pints_ - ~.85: ' .. Blende~ Whiskey 7.9·9.·~' . I, , - . %',Gallons *THREE FEATHERS RESERVE" Quarts·.· 4.25 Fifths· 3:4·5 .- Blended Whiskey .-Quarts .. 5.• 0-2 ' ,/ · Pirlts ~ ' . 2,17 _v,. % Quarts "4.04' ~~ts· 2;.54 -* OLD SU~ROOK Blended Bourbon Whiskey . Fif.tns . 4.-48 * THREE ·FEATHERS :V.S~Jt~ ! ' ,· ' ' '· ' Pinits . , _?,!79! '• - -Blended ,Bourbon , W!1is~~Y. ' Qura.rtS 1- • · _, 5.5·2 . , . " % Quarts ·4..4·2 · - ** OLD THOMPSON ,-, : ' ~ 1 Pints -· ,,2 .oo. I Blended Whiskey '. . Fifths ·3.62 . r'• Pipits· . .2·.28 .. \ * WI_LLIAM PENN · Blended Whiskey Fifths ~ - , ' ~ '3.58 * WESTBURY 'cLuB· .· . · ,_,,': BRAND:P.S. Pints 2.25, Bl~nd~d WhiskeY.. Quarts'· .. ·, ' ·5~07''1 '· * 'wi;tsoN "THAT'S ALL" - I : Fifths· - . 4.09 . . Blended Whi~key. Fifths 3.59 Pmts 2.58 Pints· 2-.27 ~4.- -

· • Discoun~ of ·5% Permittecf· On .Case Lot Purchases. · ~ - ... ;!. •• Disc;ou.nt of 10% Perm~tted On Case Lot· Purchases; '1',''. , , I


, ..... _ ,/


Blend if Straighf ,Whiskies- . ~traight Whiskies, Rye .aid Bourbon (Cont.) ' . *BELLOWS PARTNERS .*BLUE RIBBON CHOICE · · Kentucky Straight. Bourbo~ % Quarts 51.67 Rye or Bourbon Fifths 6.25 Pints; -. 3.55 Blend of Striaight· Whiskies. · Pints 31,96 -, · * BROOKHAVEN * BELLOWS PRIVATE. STOCK Straight Rye Whiskey "Fif.ths 4.85. Blend' of Straight Whiskies_ QuaTts 7.19 Pints 31.04 Fifths 5-.7·5' Pints 3.62 DANT Kentucky Straight Bourbon Fifths - 3.87 . * BOURBON SUPREME (,2 Years Old>' · . Pints 2.44 Blend qf Straight Whiskies Fifths 4.60 I Pints 2.S.6 ·. J. W. DANT Kentucky 1Straiglit Boul'lbon Fifths 6.96 ** D.OUGHERTY'S DE 1'UXE <9: Years Old) Pints 4,3,7 Blend of Straight_, Whiskies 'Quarts 5.49 % Quarts· 4A3. **GLENMORE SILVER LABEL Pints· 2.77 Straight Kentucky Bourt>on ·Fifths 5;rn (6 Years Old) Pints 3~22 *FINE ARTS (7 Years ~Id). (Jug) Fifths '5,6:3 Blend of Straight Whiskies Fifrbps · , I 5-..43, • * KENTUCKY WINNER * HEUBLEIN'S PRIVATE STOCK Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Quarts· '5·.52. ·Blend of Straight Whiskies ·· . Fifths 5.04 Fifths 4.45-' . ' .· I;>ints 2.80 1. MELROSE / MERCHANTS ROYAL Blend of Straight Whiskies Fif1ths 5.8'3 . ·Pints· . ·. 3.67 Straight Bourbon - ,· % Quavts 4.9.9- Pints 3.14 * MILES STANDISH Blend of Straight ~skies - 'Fifths 4.92 **MILL FARM, 'Pints· 3.09· , Straight Bpurbon :Whisltey Fif·ths ·5.14 'MONOGRAM , *.OLD MR. BOSTON. ,, Straight Whjskey Fifths 2.515 MY PERSONAL CHOICE Pints 1.60 Blend of Straight Whiskies Fif1ths Pints OAK ·SPRINGS GOLD LABEL ,-. (Colored .and FlJavored % Quarts 3.02 PARK & TILFORD PRiVATE . wLth Wood Chips) · Pilllts '. ·1.90 STOCK * OLD AMERICAN' Blend of Straight Whiskies Fifths 4.84 . Straight Rye or Fifths. 4.'i6' ··pints ,,.1 3.00 ·straight Bourbon Pints 2·.65· 'PARK & TILFORD PRIVATE ·*·OLD CHARTER STOCK BOURBON , Kentucky Straight Boul'ibon % Quar·ts 51.77 Blend· of Straight Whiskies Fifths . 4·.84. Pints 3.62 Pints 3.00 *OLD FOREFATHER· Straight ,Rye Whiskey Fifths 4'.85 Pints 3.04 * OLD HICKORY Straight W·hiskies, Rye 1r l.l1~181n . Straight Bourbon Whiskey ¥2 Gallons 10.66 cQUa~ts « 5.391 Fifths 4-.35 '· AMERICAN :JIARVE~ST Pints. .~.73 Str~ight Whiskey ·Fifths· 2.6·7 * OLD ·QUAKER Pints 1~66 Straight Bourbon .% Qwarts ' 5.11 *.ANCIENT AGE Pints.·, 3.22 ·Kentucky Straight Bourbon %,Quarts '5·.25. PARK & TILFORD KENTUCKY­ -Pints·. 3.30 ( BRED ' Straight Bourbon Whiskey· FifthS 4.97 * BARCLAY'S· · Pints 3.12' straight · Bourbon Whiskey Quarts I 6.39 . Fifths 5.14 *, PRIVA~E STOCK Pints 3.24 (Colored and Flavored Fift!hs 3.02 . - with Wood Chips) Pints *BELLOWS CLUB SP.ECIAL uo st~aighrt Rye or Quarts 7.19. * STILLBROOK Stiiaight Bourbon Fifiths 5.75 Straight B_ourbon :Whiskey F,ifths 6".43 Pints 3.62 Pints 4.06

• Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. · .-5~ u Discount of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases.


Straight Whiskies,. Rye .and Bourbon (Cont.) Bottled 9 in Bond Whiskies. ,(Cont.)


.Irish 'Whiskey (Cont.)

AUSTIN NICHOLS IMPORTED *, GLENLIVET SCOTCH Fif1ths 10.00. IRISH Fifths 5.36 * GRAND MacNISH Fifths 6.29 *BUSHMILLS * Fifths 6.79 Irish Whiskey Fifiths 7.16 .• *GRANT'S * JOHN JAMESON (8 Years Old) ·Fifths 6.15 · Irish Whiskey Tenths 3.17 Three ·8'tar Fifths '5.4a Liqueur 02 Years Old) Fifths 6.36 *"GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE ( 12 Years Old) Fifths I 7.71 * WHITE'S CLUB IRISH WHISKEY % Quarts 5.89 ~GROUSE- Fif.ths 5.91 * & HAIG Pinch Bottle· Fif


Seate~ Whisky .·(Cont~)·~· .· ::: .. Americ_an· Bran_dy (Con_t.}. , ' .: .. .~· ~ r ..._ .;~ I l ' . I. ... /' <, *QUEEN ANNE .,·;Fifths. 6.~9._ KING DAVID .'~livovitz Fifths'

* ROBBIE BURNS·.. % Quart~·-, . 51~9·7 . 1 LAFAYET.TE. ··. * SANDY MacDONAL]) ~~.· .. ~ .FifthS .. .5,911 .. · 'G~ape Brandy -..: :Fif:ths "· ·3.59 . '~ \ ~ . . - "-~Pints· , 2.2·3 * SIR" WALTER. Fif,1Jhs· ·6.05. ; ' * LEJ()N BR~NJ}Y .Fifths·· 4~39 STRA';f~DUIE Fif·ths ( 6.99- Pints ;2.:75 . , MOHAWK · · ",. . ' . * STUART ROYAL .F:if ths · · .. 5 28. '· ·:· 1 . " ·,•• M_6nopole Bri;i,ndy · · ·. '% Qua.vts 4.36' ' I . , - 1 TEACHER'S HIGHLAND' .' 4/s ·pints · 2~25 .• CREAM;_ ' Fif.ths .• 6.02." ·Fromm's ·Brandy_··~- '~ 4k Quarts · .. 4:~6 ~:-' ·- : . . Tenths ' 3._li.2 I. . % Pi~ts, 2.2p - , * OLD MR. BOSTON . .'\ USHJ~R'S GREEN ·~:I,'~IPE · ·:Fi!_ths 5.92 . - FI~E .BRA~DY,. · Fifths - r 4.'25 ·USHER'S Llt!UEUR -· ._ · .., - .Fifths 6:89 Ten;~hs. .· 2:18". ' •/ .(' / 3]i·it .. VAT 69. * PADRE ·THREE STAR BRANDY ··~if.ths. (Sanderson's) ' Fifiths · · · ~*PETRI GRAPPA BRANDY , ., .... -:irif'ths · . :P.9.· .. , Blended Scot~h Whis_!{y · ; ··%Pints· 3.17 : ~ ' - • ' , I ' "'; •' '; ,.; '.:; ' ' \ _,, "\,.. / .· ' ... ' J~ - ...._ . RATHAUS , ,. _ , *WALDORF ASTORIA· ·. · · .. J:Pifths · • 'r • ' ,· .a:is._. :· K,irschw:asser . . "Flf·ths· .. ; p_.3Q'':. zwetschgenwas~er .·Fifths· 4._25 *WAT.SON No. 10· Fifiths. ',.• . ,· * WWTE HORS~,-CELLAR _·. 'scOTCll , , . ; .. ·Fifths· .5';9.5- ' ,· ,. ,.1 .... :... •

I I 't• ...... ,. Tent~i? . 3.o_9,.: · - . . lmpo.r~e~.- B~~n~~-~-- · .· .. ,._ \. 1 --~-----..,.-----'-· ______,.....;.;.....;.;_..,. __ ··.-~.-.· ' **BARTON & GUESTlER , . ' · · Three Star Cognac »% Quar.ts -7.84'. .%-Quarts '11.67 Scotch T~pe.Wh. iskey . . ·Fine champagne cognac ; '.1\f. · •• • , · · .. *.BELLOWS BAS ARMAGNAC J '·-..:·· :;, • t ~. • · Three· Star · .. ·. ~- Fifttli.s ·7.22: 1 *. ROY~L BANQU,E~. - . 1,, • :Fine.sit Reserve " •· '':: · ·Fifths·>' ' \8.43 .... Scot~h -Type· ~hislreY.. Fifths· ·. -4.54· Ch0icest ·Extra . · · • Fifths '9.49'" .. Tr·~sor de· F.amille _.- _ . ' · '. · -Fif,ths 10-.2,5-' 0 ----"------'--"---.,..--"------. * BELLOW-S FINE. IMPORTED . ; : .... ~'" . · Pq_~t~guese Brandy. _ .:. .-. ", Fi~ths ·\: ... ·: -"' 0 .•. ·'·,. 7 .. ,\ ~ BELLOWS GRANDES . ~B9~D~R,IE_. S , -: :._·., , . • ; EXTRAORDINAIRE. I · (Cognac Nature) Fifths·· i8 .. oo. . r ' COBBLER GOLDEN CORN •·, t<'

WH~S,KE:E: ._.. , . ··· .Fif·ths sj(9 .. · * BELt~ws· .:v. ·:E~ , L ,. •• ..• ~. :.1 :i;>l.nts · ·2.08 Cognac·· .. -Fifths'· .< .._ 'J.,75 . · · ·

: • ~ J " 1 ,. • ~ * BEir..ows .v.s~E.:P •. · / ,·_, . :. - .' . cogµac· . Fif.ths· *'BELLOWS 'v.v.s.E.P. '. ·cogna.c · · · · - '.Fifths ·Atne~ican .Bra~~Y , ,.I· ' ,_.. ,..; ' BIS QUIT· COGNAC * *·* , .Gallons J 4J:j)5'., -· ... . . \.. . "_, . ·Fifths ** ANGELO' ,PETRI ,. - ., '7.68 B~A~Y ' "" . Fifths' ' 4.09·~·· · - CFlas~k) Tenths. , ... ·:4.00i Pints. . ' 2.5,~- .. . BISQUIT ·EXTRA .COGNAC .. Fifths. , . . · 11.5'1 ; ARROW FIVE STAR BRAND_Y· ~ - ; ' Fif•ths •/ . •' .. 4.3·5· /. '-:.: ·. ::.-._ . :.':·:.·. , . · - · . · Tenths> / · · 2:~.5 CO:itGQ FINO BRANDY ' Fif1ths, " 4'.26, .· . . J ,; ' ~. *· COURVOISIER *THE CHRISTIAN·'BROTHE-RS v:s. " ' . , 47.3·5 ;' .N...DY·' - .. ". .-2 i.09 - Gallons BRA ·'1 _! ciaitan.s ;. . . 20.00- ·.. ,' . Fifths-, · .' .· ·4.3·9 ,. · • ' .

Pints·· · 2.63. ' I . Tenths· ,' 4.00· - i ...... - ,, - .. \ -· - : , ' ., 4/s Pints.· " -; 2.14 . , Gr~nd Fine CJi.ampagne:·Cognac· ,'Fifths 11J:70 : * DuBOUCHETT \ , ~. · * CUSENitR ·· ., ' . % 4.19:- · J. BAVET BRANDY· Quarts - 8,03 I Co~na~ . .. .~.-:. ..·~ · Fifths· .•• •• 1 .. ' .. :.JJ. ·I Pints .·.· 2.613· .., .. '-·%Pints"'·: -' "2.14 -' · · A. ~DeLUZE-· & FILS' · r . / _ ._ . ..___ V; S. C.ognac - . ··,.Fifths-·' -- 6.. 53 * JEAN. RO~ER'.J':, ~RANDY % Qu.11~:ts :· 5:25 · Three Crown Cogna~ ,.. -. . ,, Fif·ths · '6'.72

. -..... 41s Pints ' 2.69 . Gl'lan~ Cognac F!ne·c~ampagne - Fifths-, .91,7'2 ,· ,..:..._8-: _-, '· .:- ./ i. ~- Di~count of Permitted On, Case· Lot' Purchases. · ' ' I -s% ...... -"" · .u· Discount of 10% Permitte~

I / 1 ,, -~- ..,: ·... ,_.

\ '

, ·


_Imported Brandies: (Cont.) Apple -Bra1dy . . . .·... DUFF GORDON BRANDY APPLE MOUNTAIN (1'0 Years Oldr Apple Bra!!dY 1 Fifths 2~.49 . Fif-ths'-." 5.9'1 · HENNEs:sy .THREE s·TAR" , •BRANDYBROOK : Cognac · · Ga-llons 39·;21 : Applejack Br:a~dy · . Fifths·: 3.25 Fifths 7.62: Tentp.s 1.67 Tenths - 3.97- V.S.O.P.' ". BROWNTOWN ,, Cognac · Fifths 9.2·3 Apple Brandy -· Quarits 5.10 Fifths 3.9'0

HENNESSY X.O. ,I Pints - 2.60 Cognac Fifths· 13-:44 / CAPTAIN APPLEJACK · HENRYM.E~HATHERLY Apple Brtandy Fif·ths 3.69' V.O. E~tra Portuguese Brap.dy · Fif~hs' '4;5.5 Pints - ., 2:32 l . • . - .?ints· 3.00- Tenths 1.89 *· HINE'S COGNAC · ·. I Five Btar Gallons ~4.21 COUNTY BRAND . . ,Fifths 7.617 · · A~plej•ack Brandy Fifths 3.76' Pints '2.37 rin:periale ·Fi_fths io·.41 '. Tr~omphe ·Fifths 13.35 HILDICK BLACK LABEL Applejack Brandy Quarts, 5.23 *HUGUENOT BRANDY 'Fifths .. 5.32 Fifths 4.23 ' ... ·- 0 *JOHN EXSHAW Pints 2.6'5 Three· Htar Cognac· · % Pints· 2.16 Fi-f1ths 7.39 HILDICK WHITE LABEL V.S.O.P. Cognac. Fifths : 8.68. Applejack· Brandy Quar.ts 5,,9.9 ** JULES BOUCHARD Fifths 4.80 '(French) . · . % Quarts 5.9-2- Pints 3.0·1 Three Star · %Pints 3.15 I - HUDSON VALLEY I * JULES ROBIN COGNAC A:pp_le :)3randy Fiftihs 3.80 Three Star .. ' Fifths 6.88 Pints 2.319 Tenths 3.68 Tenths 1.94 Sp,ecial Finl:'. C9gI11ac Fif:ths 8:74 ·. 'LAIRD'S THREE STAR *_ * LA GRANDE MARQUE Apple ~randy , · ' Fifths (jugs) 4.70 Three Stai: Cognac · Fifths 4.2fr % Quarts 7.52 Pints 2.67 _%Pints '3.95 Tenths · 2.16 Liqueur Cognac S~perlative % Qtiarts_ '1-1.6·7 McMULLEN'S LARRESSINGLE . Apple Brandy Fifths 4·.08 Armagnac .Fifths 8.3'3- Pints - 2.55

. LER()UX ***** BRANDY 0 ---OLD' ORANGE COUNTY .., Fifths 4-.58- Pints 2:88 ·Apple Brandy Fif·ths 3.89 ·Tenths 2.,39· Pints 2.45' Tenths 1.99 LOGIS du:MAY Fifths 7.20 ROGERS J & F MARTELL Apple Brandy . Fifths 2.49· (Cognac, France) Pints . 1.69 Three Star Cognac Fifths 7.56' .% Pints 3.96 SPEAS APPLE. BRANDY · 1 % Quar.ts 4.19 Cordon Bleu Fif.ths . 12.54' Pints· 2.60 - Cordon Argent Fifths 18.30 VAND.ERVEER~S . Marte~l .~:xitr~ · -· Fifths 2·1.24 Mar·tell V.S;O.P.: Fif.ths Apple Brandy Fifths 3.59 9·.21 Pints 2.26 METAXA 5 STAR -· Tenths 1.84 Greek Bl'landy · · , Fif1ths 7.84 - NUYENS Fifths 6.49 *, PELLISON COGNAC

\ , , • I . . • • Discount .of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. "'* Discqunt _of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Purcha_ses. _··.


American Gin (Cont.) American Gin (Cont.)

BLACK PRINCE ** J.OHN COLLINS . Distilled Dry Gin % Quarts 2.9'9 Dis-tilled London Dry Gin Fifths 3.28 . Pints 1.89 Pints 2.07 BOOTH'S HIGH & DltY GIN * JULIUS WILE Dis-tilled London Dry Gin ~ifths 3.33 ' Dry Gin Fifths 3.30 BOOTH'S OLD TOM KASSE.R'S Disitilled Gin Fifths 3.33 Distilled Dry Gin Fifths 3.17 Pints ·2.00 *BURTON'S -.London Dry Gin Fifths 3.40 * KING ARTHUR GIN Fif.ths 3.25 Pints 2.14 Pints 2.05 *CALVERT I *KINSEY Distilled London Dry Gin FMths 3.25 Distilled Dry Gin % Gallon·s 8.21 Pints 2.0'3 Quarts. U7 Fifths 3.37 * CARSTAIRS · Pints 2.12 L_ondon Dry Gin Fifths· Pints LANSDOWNE London Dry Gin Fifths ~ 3.52 * DIXIE BELLE . Pints- 2.22 Distmed London Dry Gin Quavts 4.01 Fifths 3.25 *LLOYD'S Pints 2.04 London ~Dry Gin Fifths 3.30 Pints 2.07 *EL BART Distilled London Dry Gin Fifths 3.36 LONDON'S Pints 2.12 DisrtHled Dry Gin Quarts 3.86 Fifths 31.12 FINCHLEY GIN Fifths 2.88 Pints 1.98 Pints 1.81 MERCHANTS FLEISCHMANN'S DRY GIN Quarts 4-.rn Distilled London Dry Gin % Quarts 3.27 Fif.ths 3.35 Pints 2.06 Pints 2.0-91 * MILSHIRE DRY GIN Gallons 16.07 *FRANKFORT .. % Gallons 8.14 Distilled London Dry Gin Fifths 3.25 Quarts 4.11 Pints 2·.05 Fif•ths 3.34 Pints 2.09 * GILBEY'S GIN. Qriar,ts 4.08 -Fif1ths 3.29' * MILSHIRE OLD TOM GIN Fif:ths . 3.55 Pints 2.09 *NICHOLSON GOLD MEDAL GIN Fifths 3.26 r;>ry.Gin Fif.tns 5.45_ •GORDON'S *OLD COLONY · Distilled London Dry Gin QUJarts 4.27 Distilled Dry Gin Fif.ths 3.12 Fifths 3.49 ' I Pints 1.97 Pints 2.17 * OLD MR. BOSTON * GREEN CIRCLE Distill~d Dry Gin Quarts 4.05 Distilled Dry Gin Quarts 4.02 Fifths 3.29 Fifths 3.25 Pints 2.05 Pints '2.05 * OXFORD CLUB GIN QUJa,rits 4.62: * GREEN'RIVER %Quarts 3.72 Distilled London. Dry Gin Quarts· . 3.83 Pin.ts 2.35 % Quarts 3.101 Pints 1.96 POLAND SPltlNG Fifths 3.27. Pints * GUCKENHEIMER GIN Fif.ths 3.27 2.05 Pints 2.06 *SCHENLEY Dis-tilled London Dry Gin % Quarts '3.50 *BALLER'S (IDtra Dry) Pints · Distilled Dry Gin Quarts 4.41 2.18 Fifths 31,5.7 * SCHENLEY DE LUXE Pints 2.25 COCKTAIL GIN. DisWled L'ondon Dry Gin Quarts .3.83 & Quarts * HILLS UNDERWOOD GIN 4.01 % Quarts 3'.10 Fifiths 3.25 Pints Pints 2.05 1.96 *HIRAM WALKER'S 'LONDON * SEAGRAM'S ANCIENT DRY GIN Quarts 4.03 BOTTLE GIN Fifths 3.72 Fifths 3.27 Pints 2.34 Pints 2;05 SILVElt CROWN JESSE MOORE GIN Fif1ths 3.20- Distilled Dry Gin % Quarts 2.79 Pints 2.02 Pints '1.77 -10- • Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. '!' • Pi~coqnt of 10% Permitted On Casll Lot Purchases. MINIMUM MINIMUM BRAND S,IZE CONSUMER PRICE BRAND " SIZE CONSUMER PRl,CE

American ·Gin (Cont.) Sloe (Cont.) .

*SILVER WEDDING LEROUX DistiUed London Dry Gin Quarts 31.83 r Sloe· Gin CJ;i'oamy Top) Fifths 3.60 % Quarts . 3.10 Pints 2.33 Pints 1.96 Tenths . .1.91 % Pints 1.23 * THREE FEATHERS GIN * MILSHIRE Dis,tilled London Dry Gin Qua~ts ., - , 1 L 4.02 Sloe- Gin Fif,ths 3.42 %·Quar,ts 3.25, Pints 2.1,8. Pints 2.05 MOHAWK ·WALSH GIN Quarts · 4.05 Creamy Top Sl10e Gin 25oz. 3.. 90 Fifths 3.28 12%oz.. 2.03 Pints 2.06 8oz. 1.21 MOHAWK FIESTA-WARE Sloe Gin 25 oz. 5.42 . MONOPOLE 5 S'J'AR. Sloe.Gin (Creamy Top)· 25oz. 2.95 Imported Gin . 12% oz. 1.55 8 oz . .~7 . \, * OLD MR. BOSTON * BOLS GIN Sloe Gin Quar,ts 4.19 London Dry Fifths 5.3_8 Fif!t'hs 3.39 Geneva Fifths. 5.38 "Tenths 1.75 , Aquavit Fifths 5.3'8 % Pints LOO *PETE HAGEN BOOTH'S HOUSE OF LORDS Sloe Gin Fifths 2,9,7 GIN Tenths 1.54 Distilled Dry Gin (London, England) Fifths 5.49 * PETE HAGEN DE LUXE Sloe Gin Fif,ths 3.29 COATES PLYMOUTH GIN Fifths 5..73 POLAND SPRING * DeKUYPER ·sloe Gin Fifths 3.30 Distilled 'l!olland Genevia Gin Fifths 4;08 . Pints 2'.08 DUNBAR'S Distilled London Dry Gin Fifths 4.89 Amer·ican Rum ·

Sloe Gin * LLOYD'S RUM Fifths 3.52 Pints 2.2-:1: PILGRIM ARROW· KREEMY BED . Straight New England Rum Quarts 4.51 SLOE GIN Fifths 3.7·0 Fifths 3.62 Tenths 1.90 , Pints 2.29: 8oz: 1:15 RINGO RUM % QUJarts . 4.3·9 BARDINET : . ~.. Slo,e Gin e mn ' Fif,ths 3.3·0 ·



Imported~·. Ram-· (Cont~) ., __ ·lmp~rted Rum ·(Cont.} I • . .. ~ " ... . : . . . .. ~ *BELLOWS ',cocKADE MYER'S PLANTERS' PUNCH '. ~ .· BARBADOS - .- ' - J1~m.aica Rum · , '.Fifths -­ 5.57 Rum , . ~ Fifths-· '.Tenths. 2.88'

*BELLOWS-CRUZAN RUM . *RON REY I· .. . 3,73. ·Puerto· Rican Rum r·:_, Gold ---or White-;- t Label ·. - Fifths Pints. · ' 2-.35 White or ·qold " · Quarts · .-,4.27 '.· r' , _Fifths ·· 31.50 _· * BELLOWS FINEST BAR~ADOS-· . r . Tenths 1.62 - ,. Rum , , , · · ' . Fifths · 1 5.38 ·Heavy Da,rk c9·o .J;>:~oon Quarts , • 4.3_~;. .Fif.ths -- . '3 56 * BELLOlfS-_FINEST JAMAICA ·.Rum · Fifths Hea-:"Vy Dark. 051· Proof) Fi.f~fys 5:a(. * RON ZORRO RUM . ;BELLOWS .RQN MALECON ' Gold or White~ .. . 2.7·9' Cuban Rum \ · (Gold Seial) ]1ifiths , _.. 4.73. ' '*RONRICO. (1SilV,er S~~l) - f . ···~, Fifths '4.58' P.u· Rican .'Rum · Gol.d or White. Label . Quar.t.s._ 4JJ7. ·' ' *BOCA CHICA ' Fifiths ... 3.9·9.' .' · P,uerto RiQan ,·Ruin' . · 'Fif1)hs , '.3~S.8. .T~nths 2.06'.. Gold ·or White .- · - · T~:q.ths 1.9~: -· I .. .. ·Quarts. 8.17 ·Frnths 6 .• 76 'BRUGAL RUM Tenth~.· 3.42' " .' ~ifth~ . -.;- ,5.17. arrow Creme de -Metiith.e· ~ " :Fif1ths - 3.85' Demerara-(151 Proof) : Fifiths. . 7:.84 <~reen or Whi~e) · .Tenths · 2,00 Pints . 1 . 4:91 w Arrow. <:;ur:aoao 25'0Z. .-4.S.5 .LEROUX'- FIGAl(Q RUM . Arrow Goldwa~ser· - · · _.- · 25-oz. 4.5·9 '. ·mark. Heavy·. . 'Body>·I . · Fift;hs -· 4.07 Arrow Kirsch·· · '- 2'5.. oz. ·. 5.49 ;I Tenths , ;2]3. '. ·Arrow K\le:rn,m,~l -_'Fifths •.,,3'.!;):5, ',-, • LIGBTBOURNE·­ Pints _ 2.50 Bar,bados Rum. : I ·~if-ths · - .Soz.- - \.29, \ . - " .5~21 ' ·Arr?V'· piqueur de :Albb~y .- Fifths · . -­ ., . 4.85 . . : *MARACA RUM . . : Te~ths · · - 2.50 .. ·' Gold ~r_ White- · Fifths· 3.916 -_ 'Arrow. Mal'laschmo · - 25oz. . 4.15 rxenths ·, 2;04· · ·. .. . Arrow, Mastitjl;a . 25-oz. -: . 4·.50 -12- · ' • Disc~unt· of 5% Permitte~f ·On Case Lot Purchases. · · ~.. ~ji;c;:o"nt 9f 10_% .Permitted. On Case l:.ot· Purchases.

' h , , I ·- .

. "· . I

• • f ~1


·cordials and Liqueun .· {Cont.) Cordials. and . Liqueurs {Qo11t.)

ARROW CORDIALS & Ll;QUEURS. (Cont.) ** BARTON & GUESTIER Ar.row Mint and Orange Fifths 3.79 Creme de Menthe Fl,avored Gin Tenths 1.9·5' (Green or White) % Quarts 7.72 a oz. 1.20 1 Creme de dacao ths 7.21 I• Creme de Menthe %-Quarts 3.49 * ·B & B LIQU~UR D. ~- M. 118 oz .. 42.63 (Green· Ol' White) ,% Pints 1.79 68oz. 26.3-3· - Kummel . %Quarts 3.6:7 25oz. 8.86- 12 oz .. 4.63 BLACK PRINCE LIQUEURS and - BLACK PRINCE LIQUEURS SUPERIOR B C RYE LIQUEUR Apricot, ~lackberry, Cherry, . % Quarts 3.49 00:0 Proof) -..: % Pints 1.34 Peach and. Anisette Pints 2.19, (70 Proof) % Pints 1.00 * BOLS CORDIALS AND LIQUEURS *BACARDI ELIXlR CORDIAL. (Cuban) · - Advokat, 'Anisette, Apricot,' Fifths 6.33 BlaiCI~berry, Oherry, Creme de * BALZAC LIQUEURS Banana, Creme de Cocoa,· ·Creme de Menthe- (Green or· Anisette ' .. % Quarts ~.38 ·%Pints Whi·te), Dry Orange Curac1ao, 2.28 'aold,. Kummel, Maraschino, Apricot- :a:ti.d Peach % Quarts 4'.67 Monastiqu'e, Parfait Amour, . % Pints· 2:42 Peach, Triple Sec and Balziac~ine .·% Qu~rts 4.99 - Orange Birtters -25 oz". 7.49 Blackberry % Quarts 4.80 % Pints '2.49, ,_ CHARTREUSE LIQUEUR ' . Green ( 110 Proof) Fifths 9'.62· Cherry and :Maraschino % Quarts 4.54 ,Tenths 4.9,5 / % Pints 2.36 Creme de. Cacao l\.nd Yellow <861 Proc;)f) Fifths 8.58 Creme de. Menthe (Green or, % Quarts 4.45 Tenths 4.42 Whiite) . · · ' - % Pints 2.31 .. COCKTAIL .HOUR CORDIALS -\ -Kummel % Quarts ·4,86• I Anisette, Cherry, Apricot, Fifths 3.45 . Pints· 3.'04 Peach and Blackberry Tenths . 177 .Triple 'Sec· % QUJarts 4.86 % Pints 1::11 ·%Pints 2.52 Creme de Cocoa Fifths 3.56 Tenths. · 1.812' BARDINET % Pints . 1.15 Anisette Fifths 3.77 Tenths · Creme de Menthe FiHhs 3.5·2 t.97 (Green or White) Tenths . , 1.8'0 Apricot , Fif1ths 4.23. % ·Tenths· 2·.2·0. Pints '1.13 :K:ummel ·. Frnths Fifths 31.30 Ba:r:dine 5.17 Tenths 1.7'0 mickberry Fifths 3.9·9 % Pints - 1.07 Tenths 2.09 '. Mint 1and ·omnge Flavored Gin Fifths 3.73 Cherry Fifibhs , . 4.05 'I'.enths 1.91 Tenths 2.1~ % Pints 1.20 Creme de Caiciao '. .Fifths 4.07 ·, Peppermint Schnapps FUths 3.40 Tenths· 2.12 Tenths 1.74 · Creme de. Cassis Fifths 4.87 % Pin,ts 1.10 Creme de Menthe Fifths' 3.7'7 ** COINTREAU , (Green O?-" White) · , Tenths '1.97 Anisette .Fifths 3.94 ~ummel _Kiprisky Fifths 4,54 . Tenths 2.14 Tenths 2:36· Apricot and Blackberry Liqueurs Fifths 4.39 O~ange Curiaca_o . Fifths 4.79 Tenths 2.37 Pea~h Fii>ths 4.23 Creme de Cacao Fif,ths 4.19 .Tentlls ~.20 Ten:ths 2.27 Peppermint Schnapps . Fifths 3:,74. Creme de Me,nthe Fif·ths. 4.19 Tenths -.1.97 -

'. MINIMUM MINIMUM BRAND SIZE CONSUMER PRICE BRAND SIZE CON~UMER PRICE Cordials and Liqueurs ' {Cont.) Cordials & Liqueurs {Cont~) ** COINTREAU LIQUEUR Fifths 5.98 Tenths 3.14 FORBIDDEN FRUIT LIQUEU~ * CUSENIER CORDIALS · ·( 7·o Proof) FiHhs 4.76 Anisette, Apricot, Cherry, Pints '3.39 Creme de Cacao, Freezomint'

Cordials and· Liqueurs {Cont.) Cordials and Liqueurs {Colt.) ,

HOUSE OF KASSER (Cont.) LEROUX. (Cont~) · Creme de Menthe % Quarits 3.50 Creme de Cafe Fif.ths 5.35 (Green or White) % Pints, 1.80 Tenths 2.98 Kummel % Quarts 3.44 Creme de Cassis Fif.ths 4.17 Pints 2.17 Tenths 2.19 Mint Flavored Gin or Fifths ' 3.60 Creme de Menthe (Green or Fifths ·3.4·6 Orange Flavored Gin Pints 2.26 White) and Gold-0-Mint Tenths 1.84 % Pints 1.16 Cm:iacao Fifiths 4.75 Peppermint Schnapps Fifths· 3.15 Tenths 2.66 (60 'Proof) Tenths· U2 % Pints 1.02 Kirschwasser Fifths 4.80 Tentns 2.50 (90 Proof) % Quarts 4.34 'Kummel Quarts 4.68 Triple Sec Fifths 4.33 Fifths 3.77 JACQUIN'S Pints 2.45 Anesone Fifths . 4.55 Maga Fifths 4.41 Tenths 2.35 'Fenths 2.31 Anisette Fif·ths 3.80 Maraschino Fif1ths 4.21 Tenths '1.98 Tenths 2.21 Apricot, Blackiberry, Oherry Fifths 3.7·2 Mint and Orange Flavored Gin .Fifths 3.56 and Peach Liqueurs Pints 2.28·. Tenths 1.85 Tenths 1.94 Peppermint Schnapps 'Fifths 3.32 % Pints 1:17 Tenths 1.77 Banana Nectar (70 Pr()of). Fifths 3.85 Triple-Sec Fifths 4.22 Pints 2.36 Tenths 2.22. Banana Nectar <100· Proof> Pirits 3.11 Four Compartment Bottle Creme de Cacao Fifths 3.94·· (Bl:ackberry Flavo_red Brandy, Tenths 2.05 Creme de Menthe, Creme de Creme de Menthe Fifths. 3.69 Caciao, Triple Sec> Quarts 17.27 Tenths '1.9:2 Kummel Fifths . 3.78 L~QUEUR DE ST. DOMINIC Fifths 4.89 Pints 2.36 ':fenths 2.52 Tenths 1.96 M.A.B. Mint and Orange ,Flavored Gin Fifths 3.a'5 Pints 2.40' (Bordeaux, France) Apricot Lique~r Fifths 7.82 ~Pints 1.21 Orange Curacao Fifths 4.49 Creme de Cacao Fifths 7.64 Peppermint Schnapps· Fif.ths 3.6'5 Creme de Menthe Fifths -7.64 % Pints 1.15 Triple Sec Fif·ths 4.27 MOHAWK FIESTA-WARE Tenths 2.18 Anisette, Apricot, Blackberry, JACQUIN DE LUXE Cherry, Peach, :coffee Drip, Apricot, Blackiberry, Cherry Creme de Cocoa, Creme de 1and Peach Cordials Fifths 4.87 Menthe (Green or White>, Creme de.Menthe (Green> Fif.ths _4.70 Kummel,, Peppermint Schnapps 25 oz: 5.42 *KAHLUA Mexican. Liq~eur % 6.75 MOHAWK CORDIALS & LI~UEURS % Pints 3.49 Anisette ·25 oz. 4,22 L'ABBE FRANCOIS .. CORDIALS 12% oz. 2.18 Kummel, Curacao, Triple Sec,' .Coffee ·Drip (Jugs) 25 oz. 5.11 Cherry Liqueur · Fif.ths 6.47 Creme de Cacao 25 oz. 4.12 Liqueur Rex, Creme de Menthe 26 oz. 6.68 12% oz. 2.14 Creme de Cacao % Quarts 6.31 Creme de Menthe ·~ 25 oz. 4.02 \ (Green or Whlte) 112% oz. 2.09 LEROUX Krupnik 25oz. 4.32· Fifths - Anesone 4.39 Kummel Quarts 4.58 Tenths 2.30 Pints 2.37 . Anisette Fif·ths 31:51 Tenths· Mint Flavored Gin or Fifths 3.93 .186 Ol'!ang·e Flavored Gin Tenths 2.04 Anisinthe Fifths 5.53 , 8 oz. 1.19 (120 Proof> Tenths 2.87 Peppermint Schnapps Quarts 4.34 · 000 Proof) Fifths 4.77 Fif,ths 3.69 Tenths ~.49 Pints 2.26' Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry Fifths 3.6'0 \ 8 oz. 1.16 and Peach Liqueurs ~- Tenths +.a9· St. Monica 25 oz. 0 5.02 . Claristine Fifiths 4.55 12% oz . 2.58 T~nths 2.38 Triple Sec 1 25 oz. 4.61 Crexµe de'Cacao Fifths 4.02 12% oz. 2.38 Tenths· ~.12 Wisniowka 25 oz. 4.32 -15- • Discount of 5% Permitted On Case i.ot Purchases. • • Discount of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases." . ! MINI.MUM; ·" MINIMUM BRAND 'I SIZE CON-SUMER PRICE BRAND ' SIZE' CONSl,JMER PRJC.E ''.. ~ - .

/ - I ~ . ~ I ~ l --~Cordials & ~iqu~11rs . (Co~t.-) · · ·Rock .., Rum-. ,.. , * DuBOUCllETT~· MONOPOLE' 5 ST!\.R _ _ "I Rock-& .Rum · Quarts-,· 4.3-8 Apricot, Blackberry, -Cherry 25 oz. -- 2.915:. I - ". 1 - Pints 2.26 ' and P,each Liquei:r:s , -, : 12% oz. ,- 1.55 MOHAWK , ff oz,, '· ·· - .97-.. Rock- & .Rum - . · Quarts 4.39 Creme ~e -¥enthe _(Green) 25 oz. '2.95 - ·P.irits :L2'8 12% oz .. _.,. 1.55 ' - 8oz.. .97 Kuminel - ·,-Quarts '-3-,39'_ '/ 1 ·Rock_ '" -~,,--- • · 12Y2·0Z.- 1.59 J ~•• ~- -, ·s az. - ·-;_97' .ARRow. RocK & RYE ; ·, · ',--< ' ' ~ ,. ~ I : ~ % ~ints " · l.OO- -· __ , " 1· . Pints '1.97 · Creme de Cocao Fif,ths · ' ·3.. 9·8_ , -- % Pin~? __ i-.0:1_·, - > Tenths· "2.0'5 ~ DeKUYPER '. 1 · Creme de Menthe · · , ! Fifths · 3.79.:.~ '.Rock & R~e - : Quar:~s 4'.54'. - · (Green or White)·: Tenths·:.,·- · 1.95 · , , - " "" . · Pints -2.34_. Qtiar·ts ;·, . • _ A* DuBOUC·HETT. · ,- . : \. -·~· ~· ., . , Kummei· · · · -L: 4 98 I '' Pip,t~. :. -2.5-7_ <,. R~ck & Rye_~ , . ~~~ts , -· 4.55 , ' 2.35' •IL 'Lemo~ Flavored Distilled . Fifths· .· ·' · \3.6·5' -. "'- _) ;_ . . -_, . ' : ' · . - 72 p·_ln t s · 1.21- Dry Gin_;. , Tenths l.85' *BALLER'S ROCK-& RYE: -'· '' .. - ._ _.,. %-Pints· - , Loo· · . crys·talli~e(l. · -Fifths 3.66 Orange and Min:t' Gin · - ' ' I• ,,:. "'; -'QU1a:rts .- 4i60 ~'ith Fruit ·Fif·ths.· ,_ ··3·.34 ··.f, ,,. · Fif·ths 3:7If -· _. ' Pints· - 2Jl Tenths 1-.90 . * HIRAM~WALKER .. - :- -. - l,;; ., % Pints ,_ 1_•• 20 _.,· . _- :- Rock & Rye .'·· · · -, Q~a~ts · , 4.75 P 1eppermint Schnapps_ " '· . , Fif:thS 3 35 ,.. Pirits '". . '2i43 Tenths 1.70 -HOUSE OF 'KASSER- ¥2.Pints, :'. )._O_O _,-;. · · Rock·&-Rye _, Quarts . 4:t7 ,·Triple S~c , _· Fifths' - , 4:5~( ', ','· Pints : ·· - . 2:13 'J:'enths . ~,, 2:a5 .1, , .•. % ~ints ~~- -~ - .1.~09: .- ., * OLD MR 'BOSTON . JACQUIN'S - -".' - · Riopk.- & Rye Quarts .·.,t-:4.3·- REGISTERED RESERVE· ·. ) . ,· 3~70' LIQUEUR ~ - < ,. . ~if~h~ :, 1 Pints .2.'36 · Extr:a Dey-, _, . ·- , · % P~nt$, · 1.0-0 I ~ · \ % Pint~-- -1~22 ,_ * P~P~ERMI~T~ GE-T '. - ·­...... LEROUX­ Green _or White-- Roc~ ~. Ry•e Quarts.· 4.03 -, · · . 25·oz. · -~ ;. Fi•fths 3·,39 . ·, . .P~~t~ ·. -· 2r'i2 ', ··' * PETE HAGAN DE LUXE. · i'· - ; MOHAWK Anisette - · · · Fifths' 3.66- · Rock &'-Rye -Quarts "4~74 - _Qocoa _ Fifths -a.ia -Pints- . 2.44' ~ ~ummel Fif:ths ' 3.82 -8oz. -.1;25· .} ~, . "Mo:No:PoLE"5 Pints· ' -~ ', 2,g9 STAR~ . '3:49 .. ·~ock &~~ye > 3.3·9~ '; : Menthe .mre~n o~ White)-' Fifths ' "l.59 **. ·, .97 · (Levallois-Perrot, --France) * OLD MR. BOSTON QuiaJ:"ts . 4.45 ,- . -~mer Picon .. , - Fifths,,.. 8.09 ~o~k. &. ,~y_e . Fifiths· _.. 3.65. RENE PERNOT '._ · Tenths · 1.85 "- ~ _% Pint's .,_. · 1.15 Anis Liqueur -' · .Fifths -' ", .. - 6.90 :~PETE HAGEN:- ROCK & RYE '.-. FffU;is 1 • '2.'7-5 -- SOUTHERN COMFO~~ Fifths-. . 5._99 · Mi).der. (48 Proof) .. -~ -__ . · --. · % Fmts' ·_.- ,. · .89 · ·Pints , . 3.75 · Old-- Fashioned C-70· Pro on · , . Fifths ' · ·· 3 .'49 : /.I -- _~Pints,,~ __ ,, · i'.92 · ... ·1 . * s·TREGA 'LIQUEUR. . Fif·~hs. ·- ~~~fn~~-- -~.- -·:·'lrn I •:,... ·7~62 ·- ' • J-' ", , STEVENS & MOFFET Fif-ths - 2 .62 · VIEILLE .CURE LIQUEUR - i. ,'- . R_ock ~ Rye· Pints.. ._ · :l.59 CBoreaux, ·France> · : ·.. 8.3:4 ' • I % Piµts · _1.3,4'

-*·;Dhc~~nt' of S.%" Perm'it~ed On Ca~e. Lot Purchases:_. j ,/. - I ·~ • '. . '• . . J ,! . •. I· ' ' : • • Discount' of _10% ~ermatted On. Case Lot ~urchases. ·;. ;•,.

. ·1 1· - ' - ·.' '. -

,. '.1 ,· ......


Prepared Cocktails r- Fruit ··arandies ·· ·~(Cont~)' -

* DuBOUCHET.T COCKTAIL HOUR FRUIT Manlia·ttan %Quarts . 4.07 FLAVORED BRANDIES . Pints 2.56 B19.ckberry, Peach, Apricot, Fifiths 4.22 % Pints 11.31 -Cherry -and Ginger Tenths 2.16 Martini % Quarts. 4.05 % Pints 1.35 Pints 2.55 ** COINTREAU % Pinrts 1.30 Bla~kberry Brandy .Fifths 4.74 -~. Tenths 12.54 * DeKUYPER * HEUBLEIN'S CLUB . Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry Fifths 4.19 COCKTAILS and Peach Fla.vore& Brandies Tenths 2.15 Daiquiri Fifths 3.95 % Pints 1.33 Tenths 2.04 * DuBOUCHETT FRUIT Dry Martini Fifths 3.87 FLAVORED BRANDIES \. Tehths 2.00 Aprfoot, Cherry, Blacmberry, 25 oz.- 4.21 Gibson Very· Very Dry- Martini Fif.ths 31.97 · Peach and Ginger 12:Y2 oz. 2.15 Tenths 2.05 % Pints t.39 *GARNIER Iylanh:;tttan Fifths 3.79 Blackberry Flavored Brandy Fifths 4.56 Tenths 1.96 Tenths 2.38 Old Fashioned Fifths 4.07 HOUSE OF KASSER FRUIT Tenths 2.10 FLAVORED BRANDIES Side Car Fifths 3.95 1\,pricot, Blackberry, Cherry Fuths 4.20 Tenths - 2.04 and Peach · Pints 2.64 Stinger Fifths 4.04 % Pints 1.34 Tenths -2.07 _Ginger Flavored Brandy Fifths 4.00 Wihisltey Sour Fifths 3.95 Pints 2.52 ·Tenths 2.04 % Pints 1.29· JACQUIN'S , * HI.RAM WALKER -Apricot, Blackberry, Oherry Fifths 4.21 Dry Martini -Fifiths 2.97 l and Peach Flavored Brandies Pints 2.51 Manha:ttan Fifrths 3.42 Tenths 2.19 Pints 2.15 % Pints 1.27 Ginger !'.'la vored Brandy Fif.ths 4.00' JACQUIN'S Pints 2.40 Manhattan Fifths 3.93 % Pints 1.21 Pints 2.42 JACQUIN DE LUXE Apricot, Blackberry and Ma:ritini Fif.ths ·-3.89 Peach Flavored Brandies Fifths 4.83' Pin~s 2.41 JACQUIN· (GRAHAM, -BRAND) * OLD MR. BOSTON Ginger Flavored Br:andy Fifths 5,4,2 .Manhlaittan Cocktail and Fifths 3.75 Pints 3.39 Pints . 1.72 Martini Coc~tail Tenths . 1.95 % -% Pints -1.00 KINGS CASTLE Raisin Brrandy % Pints .9'8 . * PETE HAGEN LAFAYETTE · Manhattan Fifths 2.93 Cherry, Blaickiberry, Aprieoit Fifths 3.73 Martini Fifths 2.93 and Peach Flavored- Brandies Pints 2.33 % Pints 1.23 Daiquiri , Fifths 3.08 LEROUX FRUIT FLAVORED BRANDIES 'Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry ~Fifths 4.26 and Peach Tenths 2.24 Ginger Fifths 3.91 Tenths 2.06 Fruit Flavored Brandies % Pip:ts 1.33 MOHAWK FRUIT FLAVORED - ABROW FRUIT FLAVORED BRANDIES 25oz. 4.29 BRANDIES Apricot, Blackberry, Cherr-y 12% oz. 2.22 Arrow Apricot,' Blackberry, Fifths 4.35 and-Peach 8 oz. 1.35 Cherry and Peach Tenths 2.25 Ginger <70 Proof) 25 oz. ' 4.29 8oz. 1.40 12% oz. 2.22 Arrow Ginger Brandy Fifths 4'.35 .8oz. 1.35 Ginger (100 Proof) Tenths 2.25 I - 25oz. 5.25 8 oz. 1.40 1'2% oz. 2.70 8 oz.· 1.58 BARDINET FRUIT-FLAVORED MOQUIN DE LUXE BRANDIES Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry Fif.ths 4.19 Aprfcot; Blackberry, CherrY-, Fifths 4.28 and Peach Flavored Brandies, Tenths 2.15 Peach rand Ginger Tenths 2.22 * OLD MR. BOSTON BLACK PRINCE Apricot, BLackberry, Oherry Fif,fus 31.99 Apricot, Blackberry, Cherry % Quart8 4.14 and P~~ch Flavored Brandies Tenths 2.05 and Peach Flavor~d Brandies % Pints 2.10 % Pints 1.30 . -17- * Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. * o Discount of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Pu~chases. MINIMUM. MINIMUM .. BRAND .SIZE . _ CO·NSU~ER PRtCE SIZE CONSUMER PRICE ',) / ... - Fruit- Flavored-~Brandies : .(Qo'1t~) American ·Ch.ampagnes -(Cont.) __ -

OLD MR. BOSTON-_ (Cont.) .. J' -** G'i)THAM. CHAMPAGNE. Extra Dry ·1 Fif.ths 4.07 . Ginger .Flavored· _Brandy · ~- Fifths -. 3.99; -- Tenths" ·2.20 Tenths··· 2;05 1 - Brµ.t Fif,ths · 4'.39. , . ' ' / %-Pints - '~i.22· 'C_· · .. Te~ths 2.36 Gr~pe Flav9red .. Btandy· .·' % Pints/.. · ·LOO, ' -- - - y Spark~ing BriJ_gundy .- Fifths 4.07~'.' *PETE HAGEN FRUlT ·" -. -, I Tenths . 2.20 \ FLAVORE~ ~IJ,ANDIES· _ ...... _- Apricot, Blackberry; Cherry, Fifths - ~* GREAT.·W~STERN­ -·"_ "'Peach and qfng_e ..(- '. : · ·%Pints Brut Sp~cial · · -Fifths 4.15- Tenths 2.20 Extra'Dry, Rose Extra Dry;-- , . .Fifoths 3.90 -Special Res~rve _ · ,-_Tenths 2_~0-s ...! ~u~gundy ··Fifths, 3.90' Ame,ican· ;Champ·agne_s ·; , . Ten~ -~- ·,2:os & ~parkli~g, B_urgu{ldles·;· ", HOUSE- OF ROTHSCHILD ~ - 1 . ' . ~ Champagne · Fifiths· 4.2.9 ; . , r - ·~ · * ALMADEN __ ... - '!'*ITALIAN ·swiss COLONY Brut ·Champagne, Pink - PRIVATE STOCK - . ,, · •4.69' I' ·Champagne' a:nd Sparkling"_ . .'.'·,Fifths:· ,_ . OQ.ampagne ~ "·F}frtt~~'.' - 3.29 Burgundy _ · · - '. - ·: Ten_thiL -. .2:55 - I· , *KORBEL CHAMPAGNE -; -\ -_ ** ANGELQ-.PETRI SIGNATURE' - -Bru~~~ Pi!]k:, or ·~ouge . - Fifths· 5.49 Champagne and- Fifoths· Tent_hs 2.9.8 . ~arkli,ng _Burg::undy - Tenths· l.77· I.' - :: ·r ' ..., • -secI: ' ._, 7oz.~ ..BEAULIEU VINEYARD '(BV) _Sparkling Burgundy a·nd . - ** LA:BOHEME. ·' .), · -Sparkling. Moselle· , .._· Champagne. -- _· 41s Quar.ts · .3.07 I ~ 4/s Pints . 1.74

CHATEAU-.GAY . - - ·,I ~/B·Pints· · 'L1:3 cnarilpagp.e and : ·> ' ~ r ~ -- Fifths· 3·.09 ,· Spia.rkling .-Burgundy , - 4ls Qu~rts· - 3.07 - . . ~ '" - Sparkling Burgm;idy , - Tenth~ __ 1 }.70 - . 4/s -~futs . '1.74 ** CHATEAU.,MARTiN· ,*MEIER'S Champagn~ ·and ; ·. 'Fifths - 2:95 -__ -· Champagne - 26oz. 3.94 Sparkling.· ;s~rgundy Tenths - -;i,59 ,· ' --- / - ' , Splits - ·_ •;.9:8. * * OLD' MISSION I - ' . · r '' _ , -, -· ·: G~ampagne - _.; ·\ .•· _ ·41s.Quarts "2.99' ** CHATEAU MARTIN ' . -41s Fints -1.70 ~­ - .. New York state·;pag~e~ Fifths 3~64 2/l>Pints . ' · L09 - -T~n:ths '-l.94: · -S,par~ling Burgundy·-, .-_ 4/s Quarts 2.87 - CHAUVENET - SPARKLING ":< • f • ' .\,' -4/s Pin~s 1.63 .. BURGUNDY , . _ . I SEC Red_Ca~-and_Pink pap -Fifths .. 1 ** PADRJi:' . . . ~ - .... ·. :.'' ~ -.... _- '_ -_ -, -', · California ·qhanipagne _·. 26 dz: -_ /. , '3.4:5 I,. / ,, -Ten~hs / - ' ' - /' \ - -. - ' ** CRESTA BLANCA -* P.AUL 'MASSON ~rut, Pink; a~d,-. · · ' ' Fif.ths - '.4'.89. ' Oham~agne- < - -2/5 G.alloils ~ 8.50-· ..~ ". --Tenths % Quarts _ .4.40 - -- ~p~rkling. ~urgundy 2~63 %.Pints·. ;_ .,-2.38 . _Extra Dry Fif·ths .­ 4'.39 I I .- T:en,t;tis .2;3i8 2/5.Pints -~ ..- .1.49· . -. · · , 1 1 Pink', Ch~mpag~ . % Quarts ; · 5.13: - cuvee Rouge. Sparkling·,.· :Frnths .4.39 % Pints . . , 2':73 .- , _ . ~urgundy ~ . · . _- ;-Tenths 2;33'_ .~I>.ar~ling ~urgufd~, ~%'Quarts· -. 4.30 .**'RENAULT CHAMPAGNE % Pints · ' 2.31 ,.private cu~ee Brut_ · -Fifths . '4.43 · 2.3·8-- 1 Tenths·-· ** DIRECTOIRI!! • _ New' Yo:i;k State. Chamifagne_-. 26oz. -3:95 '•/- . :_Extl"la. Dry ·F'mhs 4.20 Tenths ,2·.26 13-oz. - 2.lp ~ ·chateau· Renault _ _Fifths. -_ 3.49 DRY IMPERATOR - · · (Sparkling Wine) Tenths-­ . _1.91 Brut Champagne, -·:r , I , '· " . - ,- .. 6·:4oz; ~.14 Pink Champagne, and_ ·.·Fifths · 4.20 , :Fitth:s ' 3:'13. .. ~parkling,, Bur_guridy · , ~ ·Tenths'. 12-.29 ~ Pink Special · . 1 -_ - , -~'(S_Parkling Wine~ ·-Tenths -\,2.03 "· ' 6.4 oz:. 1.35: ~· ' [ '· - 6.4.oz.; · _, -1.l~ EMPIRE -GRAND RESERVE Brut '. . ,. -. · -' Sparkling ·Burgundy - Fif·ths. 3.73. - Fif·ths . -:- I - - Tenths.- .2.03 Tenths - - 6.4o~. ' 1.14

' ~t 'Fifths , 1 - ~pe~iai (Sparkling '\yine> ":·52 oz.- \ -1, _-6:93 - ,_\_ '·.' ·_ ~enths. .-*>RENAULT- 75 - ·**GOLD SEAi,' .CHAMPAGNE Fifths· -. - 4;43 -Brut ~~~rkling- Wine- - .... ~ -Fiftfil!r. - . · 4._28' ·Tenths '2.38

_ SJ)_ecial .Dry __ ·_-: , - Fif·ths· · ·- ',· -,. _!{.9~-' 6.4 oz. 0 Ll~ - - ' . ,..... ;--.: . .~. ' :·· ,', -

, I \, . ' . ' '. - · 'I' Discount of- 5% Permitted -on Case Lot Purchases •. i ' * * Di'scount of 10%' Permi.tted On Case Lot Purchases. - . '

. ... ~ ; l: .;_ I .

, ... , - i I•' ..._-

·1. ',' '' . ·-<

... , .-.- Sl~E - CONSUMER PRICE ., MINIMUM '~,. ·, MINIMUM_ - _BRAND ·:SIZE __ CONSUMER PRICE /- . ( . - ··, .. '" Jmpo_rted, -ch~mpagne-s ;-(~a._t~), · ' •• 1 ~ •• • • ~ • - 1 - :** ROMA -ESTATE" - -" . - ~ - . _:·:*~ B~RTON/ & . GUESTIER - - ',' Ohampagne :.. _ L• %, Quar~s ~ : 3.27 --; ' French Sp~rkling Bl)rgundy· 26 OZ, I 7.36' . - ~ ...... _ ' - ·

. :t:,*,S~'I;'A LU(.?IA - · : . '- Champagne: · ,· ' ti -·- -- '• 1 52 oz: 17.17 -·, . ' ... :2.6. oz.. {_ - '•'j . '·\ 8.40 ''v • -~ \. ;. 1_3 oz. ' ~ 4.3'5 : Bparklfog Burgµhdy · 1 I • ,- ~ ' " ,.. ~ 26 oz. 7.4-9 13.QZ'. ,, 3.90' - ** .TAYLOR'S - . :t:* A.. ·uussAiLUANT -- _ ·- New York---st·at~:,, '. Fiftb.S, - '.4~·0-0, -' ChUean Spar~li~g._ ~u~gup.~y I .,26 oz; ---- . 5.49: Chall).pagne._· · · · - _-. __ Tenths· ' ~J.5_ . , . - ··, - . i. - 13 oz~;.· :.,.2.98 -· Sparkiing- Burgundy·_ " ·. _ 'Fjfrths _.: · --4.po-_.·: . GIESLER.& -.. co •. -CHAMPAGNE'·-_ 'i{-. . .. . - . ~,· ' - , -... Sp~cial Cuvee 09~2) · -26 oz. *'* TRIANGLE. _6.23, - Champagne ~.. ::-- ~-- · .- %Quarts , . 2.99. -,*i~bUIS ROED~RE'R" - './ '" -- . . . , '._,)I, -% Pints' '1.70 . cil~~""-GN~ _.<: 2/5Pints_ ·_ 1..09-_1 , -- 09·28) - . .. - - · Magnums . 18 :9-3 -· Sparklfog · Burgu~dy ._ _ - · " %·.Quarts - 2:87. -_ ::26 oz. . -.9.23- .. - - _\ "._. _ · % ~ints, -l:.63 . '. ; , - ' 13_ oz. .· 4 .. _~9 ":.. 0934) .. _ . ~ -~ . · ·51:oz. , 18.47 - '~ . " ~· **·VAI'"Bltos. , -- - - ., ' -. ..;. . '/ -, ' -- ' 26 oz.:. ----, 18.98 1 ~ -, ...... · ,sparkling :aurgundy; . · -- · : - / ,- -' }3 oz. - :4.65 Sparkling· Moselle, and ,' _ · _ .1 -- -· >:N o~-Vintaie : -1 • r _ I " Gr~n _Spumant~.; '-; \ , 'l _ , . 26 oz. "'.--:t.~5 •;-/ 51-ciz. 16.10 f-26 OZ, ·._. · ·7,90 • I ~ VINTNE~S , - ·._-. _, -i ,. . -. 13 oz .. <. • '· - '4.10 ••• _ Bruit ,Cliarp.pagne -aµd. 1 Fifths · 4':42 -_ , . .-~ *:1'.:MAltTINI. &-ROSSI°-'":. _ · Sparkling Burgundy . ··· · · -" 'J;'eptl)s- · , ..·2.36· -;' -_ Sparkling'Lacxima,Christi .-- ·6.28· '.. - • ~ • > " ' - ' • ~ • -· , .

**WEIBEL .', ., .·_:_, , ·•I ~MATHEUS MULLER c - _., .. I I "; - Brut Champ·agn:e· anci· ·:.. · .\ Fif.ttis . · : 4:~3'9; ; "<' Fif,Phs .. 2.34' , . \ ' _-Sparklfng 'Burgun~y .- .. , Fifths ~­ .4.41 ". - -~G. H. 'MULLER CHAMPAGNE. ' I . . : TenthS' 2.37_ - · · Nol;l-Vintage : , .,.<_ _ - • - .- _ 26.oz. 5.61 ·13p z. ':Brut champagne F'if,ths i,57 -' -.:: -~ . -3.p.o ' / ,,. :;.J. MuMM CHAMPAGNE-S- , -: . " j -~ ·2.40 - Tentps .. - 52 oz. . { Cordon ·Roµge · 19~~7 ..: ,_ . . · 19.72 - I '26 pz. · 9.. 65 . . •, · ·13oz . •'4.98 ,,.- '/ '• 1r_i ·.. :.._ · Cordori Rouge· Bru-t ._.52 oz. ~ . °17.83 1nlp.or~ed_- Champagn~s: ' \ - I. • 26 oz. ·._ 8.71 I. 13.oz .. I - - 4'.61~,­ ... "104' oz. , . 3Q.OO - I . :~_:;Sparkling_- Burgundies " - J.·.Extra :DiY · .52 oz:· ARDIN .. ·. -· ...· >- 26. oz.: ,_,. ·. -!-'~=~~ . Sp~r~li;ng;_:Win~. ~-:·-<. _·· Fifth~, , --5.19 ..13 oz.· -~ ·:f9-2 . / <~1~-~. , ·* Discount of.5% P~~~itied On C~s~ Lot Pur~h~~es. ,· ,.', * * 'Discount of 10% Permitted On 'Case Lot Purchases. ! • l ".: • , . -~ - ' ... -.. .;, ,. .· ,· - / . .. f•. .... \ •'' .·, -, -<. .-- . _,;, . .. - .. ~. ::; ·.,,.:_- .. - I~,...- '" ,. _ _ .-;·, , .· •'.,,. ·.... \ . l--


Imported Champagnes·· (Cont.) -- -- A~erican Wines· -_(co·n·t.)_- ·

POMMERY CHAMPAGNES ' - ARD_IN (Cont.) Sec 26oz. - . ~.42 Igor (Red) and Fifths 1.65 - 13oz. 3-.86 -Rio Bella ecial Port Brut 1941 . 52 oz. _,,. 17.11 Brurt 1937 ARDIN X BRAND 104 oz. '-38.96 - ·Sherry, IPo:rit, Muscatel, Gallons 4.80 Rose ·1941 26 oz ... 9.3'5 Tokay, ,A,ng~lica · and -¥a .'Quarts 1.12 . Gallons 3.90 % Gallons 2.10 CARABELLI SPECIAL Fifths -.95 Burgundy and, Zinfandel. · ·Gallons. 2.04 Tenths .55· % Gallons 1.05 Bella Cqllina (White) Gallons 3.15 Fifiths .58 % Gallons 1.73 ·Port, Sherry :B:nd. MusC1atel Gallons 3.45 f 1.72 Pralido (White) Gallons - 3.75- :Y2 Ga.lions ·%Gallons 2.03 Fifths .73 Pints -.39 Scintillant

. .


' . . '-:'. ·' . . ' , . ; 'm ':, \ , ·' ._ ... ; I . ~< ~:l~~e·ric.~n ·:wi~~s'";:cco,nt.). < ')· American .-wines ·(Cont.) ·· ·.'. OA • ' • • - . ' ' .,. i. -~ ' ' • • • ... • J ' -> .

> ' ~ ~--: ·_, ' ', *~",C:A:SA CELLA BLUE LABEU-' . - -· Por.t, Sherry,,_MuScilltel, ·., CHAUVENET wiNES '.A ' ,- _Gallons , .. 3:_08. \ - ·Red ·Fl·ag and w·hite Ffag Fi:f.lths ~ '. 1.19 Tok~y and 'o/hite ~011 '.G.all·ons _ ·1·.·6'0. · , .. · · ·· -. · · · : . Y:2 · · . T~nths . · .• 6.9. '_J. ' , . Qtl'aits .83' ' ' I . . . 4}.;'.Quans ,.. ·.6i9' "·*THE CHRISTIAN ·BROTHER$_. . . • , - • .4·3 c. •• 1 Pints . . - WINE - . - :_,. . · Red ·Table· Wine·; ·<>Gallons . ~2.09 .·-,. Ruby.Port, Golden· Sherry, _.. ·' >:·.:· , ,Y~'.Gal)ons · ~L15 · .. , ; . ·Dry Sherry, Museate1 and. · ¥2 Gallons ·2 .. 59' Fifths.. · . 1.39 1 · %. Qtiarts· · .53' .. .,·· 4ngeUca ._ ;. . . . · • · ·• · ' • ., • • • •• '-· • • , . • · • Claret; Burgundy, Cabernet, · · ... , · ** CASA,CELLA GOLD LAREL··. · >:·Rhine, sauterne, Haut sauterne, % Gallons ·. ·. '. ·Port, ·sherry; M:~1;·: . · · ·a~llons '.. ·. -. 2~90· ·._· · · ·Riesling and Chablis. · ., Fifths -i.28 , Tom~- and. White Port · · .\ ·, .: · ¥:z 9-allons ', 1·.5B~, . , . ·:, \ . · · 'fenth~ .6·9 · ··'· · · .. " · :·.. .· _- ·. ; ·. . Quarts · ,', ·79 · _·co.cktaii Sher~y -.a~d TaW°rty ·Port ·, /. '' · · : · % Quarts> .: . ," .6'5 ·:· - ~ - · · · " , - , . - · rFifths . 1.:57

·-_ ·, , ..--:_ . Pints····.· ... Al · ·:·. · *·COLdOMBET 1WINES . Re4· Table'.wfrie, .". ~aifo~.s. -, .. _. '~1.:9 17 .. -.. ," .'. . P.rivate cellar· Burgundy, % Gall~~S· _ · ~ 1.07 , • . ..~ · ~· N:apa ~ VaUey BurgundY\, 1 1 ,. - · · · •• • •• % Quarts . - .49 · · · .· · . · Cabernet Caibernet '1945, ·r " .. . . . , . ~ ' ~ ...' Claret, Vine Rose, - ; . .·. * * CHATEAU L~JON WINE . - ' Fif';-~hs . . ' ' : '. Priv;ate Celllar Oha;blis ~. ' j . · ~ and ~te · :" -. · ·~ · .i.l9 · ...... Napa Valley Chablis, ~" . ~ .. 65 . . · , . '., .· -, · · , · "·'J;'.enths · - - .:· .. · .. -pry Sauterne,., Sautern~ '1944, .1 · % Qilarts 1.49 . . . * * CHATEAU MARTIN PRIVATE ··· · : ' ., _., - . .¥~~Ile ,~nd,- :{Iaut .. Sauterne · "% Pints ' ..81 · ' ~RESERVE :REn·'·.LABEL. · · ; · · , : ,Riesling 194:2 and- 1944 , , . · % Quarts · . ~: ~.89 .. . -,. Port, Sherry, 'Museatei, - . ' .. ' " ~ Jaha.nnish~g· Riesling". 1944 ' % ~~ · .. ·: 1.90 ·.Pale Dry s~erry._.Tokay;'; '.·:· .,-- dallons _, · 2.89 ·:-. ~:. cocktaii Sherry, Sherry, .. ; .Whi~··Port, .Medium_creani:·· ·:· ·.%.~Gallons · -~ L49 ·:.· -· :Por.t _and :M::uscaiteL ·. ·, Sherry, HaU, & l!alf, . .Quarts ·.. 79 · · .. ,- I · ~ackberry,- Apple ·..... -· .. \ .. Fifths ·, . ·.. 59- .·· COLLINA '1' ,'. . 1 I t "" ,:·_ • ~ ' , · , .. · ' .. Pints~; . ~ . ~-..39 > " .. : Barberone; ~urgundy' and G~ons. ··· .·'· 2.0.5 · **.'CHATEAU'.MARTIN"RED" . - · ,· ·Zin!aJfdel ·. · %:Gallons· " 1.10 - I LABEL - 1 :.{ . . , ...... , /•.,,,, ·. ~' . I: ··,·,'· ;; ' · .% Quarts - ·· .65 I ~- Port~· Shem,.~ 14usca,t~I/· · ·' " '~ ~. - ·~~ _· · 'J?ort, -~herry arid ~#s~tei . .Gallons 2.82 Pale Dry Sherry, l'okay, · : ·. Gallons ~·s:s3· ... % Gallons 1.49. White :gort, ·Medium. Cream ·~ · 172· Gallons· "1.7'0. . . Quar~ . . ' ..75, & ·sheITy, Half .Half; · Quarts .8'8. ' I · . · '% Quarts .65 · ~lac~berry;·--~pple Fifths .·. .73. ' P~ts_.,.. _: · .37'_· , " , -' . . Pints , · .44 , ~ • . ~ l ... ' ;Zinfandel, Claret, Burgundy, ·. ·.Gallons ·, . '2.2·0 -; , COLONY CLUB · , Barlberone, Ohianti · · · : . ·,:. ·y;z .Gallons· · 1~2·5 ·.-: ·... · - .· '<... ' % G8Jlons. - i.u : . '. ** CHATEAU: MARTIN SPECIAL ·.... , Fifths ' .57 . •;' ( ·.;RESERVE RED.'LABEL 1 • • -"~:_;_ ', ;~ ',I,. ' "'.1 ··i Sweet ·wines Por,t; ··Sherry, ~ti.scittel; _::. Gallons 2.58 .%·Gallo~ Pale Dry Sherry, Tokay, " - . ·Gai1~~.·- 3:.:fa.> . . ( 1.36 . Medium Cream Sllem, · . , ' - . %Ganous L70 · '· Quarts - ' .66 ' .515' White Port; Half .~ Half,· •· : . - Quarts~-.:_· ~ 88 1 " Fifiths'.: . A~le.. :- ._ · . . , , 1 ·.'I Fifths \ . Pints . · · .-:7·3 · .. ·.c'oLori cLull. nE· tuxll( · ·44· · ) . (Yellqw Label) -· f · , I '' ' · · Zinfandel;"Clar~t;: Burgun<;IY; · Gallons·· : 1 ·2.30 : · Dry 'Red Wine~ , . , · ~ ' ~'· ~ aa11ons' 2.03 . t. BB.ifuerone· arid Chianti · ,% Gallon.s. 1.3.2...... / Fif;thsf" · . " . % Gallpns· 1~10 - .54 j ' ,. ~- ' .' '' ' J •· .. ' '' -! - I, I Fif.ths ' ;60' - . . sautern:e, Rlhin:e, om~lis Gallons· ·. · . 2.54 ., : · Dry· W-hite Wines · ' ;,;.· · · ·, · Ghllons· . · ·· ·, a:Od Haut ·Sauter'ne· · :' ., , % G~lio:ris 1;4:9 2~18" · ~ -% .Gallons '' ~1.19 ~; ·, .; -~ .. ::· · ~ : . · , '_ • • · __ -. >Fifths , , .: . •. 1 .58·. Fifit11s ...•·60' 1 .** cHATEAU ~~IN · .. Sweet Wines GaU-o~ _ wIDTE. ·.' :..- - . 2.73· 'LABEL · - : . . . · . : '. · . ": ::· ·% Qa.llons .1.40 ··Port, Sh~n-Y. M.~atel;·:· ." :.. - : •.Gallons<·· ,'3.28· ' . ' \ ~ Quarts · ~'lo' :: . ·::'P~e Dry Sherry 1a~d '.]:'qkay -~. .·%Gallons· -: 1.75 · ., Fifths -.. .59~ ' - · · : .. · : · . · · Quarts ~ 98 ·_, . CONC.!\.NNON WI~ES ·--'. '' ,··. " >'..;~' "\ " ,:· ' ~ • ,' ~~~:,~I ' .,,><':ir" ,· , ' Burgundy, ~i:p.f.a.ndel, .St._ Julie~. · _, .:,;· · 'CHATEj(U NORMAN ·' '.,·,. 1. Ohablis, Dry Sauteme, Claret, .-, --California Win~.s :· :. [·'. · _. · ·· '· , .. , Riesling and\ Moselle '_ · , - ·.Fifths. l;.32 .. ' . -:·chateau Concann.on Fifths· .. · · .. Port, Sherry, .Muscatel and. ·· Gallons .. _ '2.99 ..... /1 •1.56 ·: ,·Tokay. · . ·.,, · %Gallons Haut Sauterne · . . _ 1 l.50 ~ Fif:ths" .. . ·1 i,.4'4' '·' · • ' · • • • • , • :: :· _ · ·Quarts . _ ..75- Port, Sherry, Museatel: ari:d· · > ' / ., . . . F_if·tlls · . " , ..59 Tokay· · <". ' · · - , I - Fift;hs. 1·.55 ~",· ~21..:...,... ' ' . ..,:~is~o~~t ~f ~CUI P~rmitted~On.Ca~· L~t Pu;chas~·. '. ·•• -·Discount of 10% Permitted On Cas;e :Lot Purchases.·· ; ...... , ~ '.. .· i I•' f - • ! ' ' - ' I. . ,. '. ' ,. \' - 1' .; ;-- ' ' .,· -.- . :, \· .. ':... ···\ ',· _;< j/ ' •. ' ' ,·· I ,,· .\"

,- j } •I


American Wines (Cont.) American Wines (Con,.)

** CRESTA BLANCA FEDWIN Port, 18'herry, Muscatel California Wines and Tawny Pol'lt % Quar·ts 1.25 Port, S.herry, Muscatel Gallons 2.53 Port and Sherry 2/5Pints \ .50 and Tokay % Gallons 1.30 Triple Cre:am and Dry Quarts .6·5 Wa·toh Shen;y % Quarts 2.7·8 Fifths .54 Palomino Sherry % Quarts 1.45· * * FIOR DI CALIFORNIA Claret, Burgundy, Sauterne, % Quarts 1.25 Burgundy Scelfo 5-Gal.Demijohn 10.0.0 Haut Sauterne and Chablis % Pints .6•7\ 3-Gal.Demijohn 6.. 75 .Clariet, Burgundy and Gallons 2.35 ' Sauterne · 2/5 Pints .44 % Gallons 1.32 Fifths .60 Chateau Sauterne, Tenths · .40 Ohateau Claret, Riesli~g and Vin Rose % Quarts 1.40 Bianco. Sce1to Gallons 2.80 % Pints .75. ·%Gallons 1.57 Fifths .72

CUCAMONGA VALLEY WINES **FOUNTAIN GROVE WINES Burgundy Gallons 1.95 Sonoma; (Red) % Gallons LOO Claret Fif·ths 1.21 Fifths .. 61 Tenths .70 Port, Sherry :and Muscatel Gallons 3.34 Mountain Zinfandel, Fifiths 1.31 · % Gallons 1.66 Burgundy, Vin Rose Tenths Fifths. .70 .75 Cabernet, Pinot Noir Fif·ths 1.73 DEAUVILLE WINES Tenths .96 Port, Sherry, Muscatel Gallons 3.64 Sonoma (White)1 and Tokay % Gallons 1.85 Sauterne and Dry Sauterne Fifths 1.31 Fifths .79 Tenths .75 Zinf andel, S.auterne, . Cha'bli§ ·- Fifths 1.52 Burgundy, Rhine, Claret Gallons 2.59 Ten:ths ..86 and Barherone %Gallons U.7 Semill

.American Wines (Cont.) American'Q Wines .. (Cont~l * GUASTI WINES **GARRETT'S AMERICAN Port, Sherry, Muscaitel, Gallons 3.55· Pale Dry Sherry, Tokay, · % Gallons 1.92 WINES Angelica, Marsala, Madeira Virginia Date C\~hit:e and Red~ Gallons Quarts .9.8 . 3".98' -and White Port ' · Fifths .85 ·~g~1ons ~· 2.12 .96 Pints .48 Sauternes, Rhine', Burgundy Gailons 3.47 Chablis, ~1auternes, Haut 1.89. Sauternes, Rhine, and GalloQ~ 2.818 and Claret Y2 Gallons . Riesling ' Fif.ths .8i5 %Gallons 1.57 Fifths .72 Port, Sherry, Musoatel and Gallons 3.34' Paul Qarrett .Pale Dry ·Sherry Gallons Zinfandel, Clare.t, Burgundy, Gallons 2.73 % 1:80 . Barbera .. and Barberone %Gallons 1.49. Quarts ·.90 ;70 'Fif.ths .81 Fif.ths **GUILD GILMOUR Burgundy, Zinfandel,. Clare,t, Califiornia Willes Gallons 2.6'.0 Gallons 2.10 ~ ·~na % Gall9nsc Claret, Burgundy, Zinfandel, % Gallons 1.419 Barlber·one , C,hianti 1.29, ~hablis, Sauterne and Rhine %Quarts· .6i9 · S1auterne and Rhine Gallons 3~22 'I>' . % Pints .3·8 Y2 Gallons 1.75 Sherry, Port, Musca·tel 1ltnd , Gallons 3.20 **GUILD HONOUR Tokay ~Gallons 1.80 i<* GUILD SELECT RESERVE Qu~s .75 Burgu1:1dY; and ClaJ:"et · .·Fifths .74 1 % Quar.t.s .63. I ...... T-enths .4'3 . Pints \ .41 Zinfandel and Chianti .Fiftl,ls .74 Ried Table Wizie Gallon.S l.8'5 Sautern~ ·land ·Rhim~ Fif.1ihs .¥2 Gallons .99 .79 % Quarts ·.45 Tenths .45 Port, Sherry, Muscatel and Gallons ·3.45 Pale Dry Sherry 1 · : %'Gallons 1.78 ** GOLD KIST BLUE LABEL I . , Quarts .98 . Port, Sherry, Muscatel, ·Gal'lons 3.08 - Fifths .79 Tokay and White Port ¥2.Gallqns 1.6'0 Pints ~49 Quarts .813 White Port ·%Gallons % Quart$ us .6·9 1Quarts : .98 Pints- .4·3 Fif.ths .79 Red 'Dable 'wirie ·Gallons 2.09-, Pint~ ,4,9 Y2 Gallons Ll5 .Tokay % Gallons 1.78 % Qwa.rts ~5'3 I. Quarts .918 ** GOLD KIST GOLD LABEL . Fif.ths: .719 Port, ·Sherry, Muscatel, . G~llons 2.9:0 Tokay an& ~wh.ite Port % Gallons ·1.5'3 -·**HARTLEY DRY' SHERRY, Fifths 1.19 Quarts .. 79 I - %Quarts .65 . ** iTALIAN , SWISS COLONY Pints .41. GOLD MEDAL. . Red Ta~le Win~ . Gallon8 1.97 -_Burgundy,, Batberone ; Gallons 2.3·9 Y2 'Gallons '1.07' ~Il;d, Chianti · % ·Gallons- 1.29 % Quarts. .49 Fifths .59 **GREAT WESTERN · Tenths .3·5 AMERICAN WINES Sauterne, Rlliine and Chablis Gallons 2;85 Sherry, Pale Ory Sherry; % Gallon~ l.49 Muscaitel, Port, White Port, Fi,fths .69 Tawny Port; White Wine, Tenths .40 Whi·te Tiokay and . · ·a.anons 4:_55 Port, Sherry, Musc-atel, Gallons 3'.49 Catawba %Gallons 2.57 Pale· Drjr .Sherry, Toklay ·and % Gallons 1..85 . Fifiths· 1.23 White Por:t · · Quarts · ..98 Sauternes, Haut ·Sauternes, Gallons 4.M, Fifths· ;','f.9 Rhine, Ohablis, Claret ·and %GaYons 2.291 **ITALIAN SWISS- COLONY . BurgUI\dY Fifths - Ll'O PRIVATE STOCK, -· Tentlls · .6'2 ' . 0 Port~ ·Sherry, Muscatel/ and Tokay · % Gallons 2.29 ** GRO~ERS BLACKBERRY · Quarts .as Fifths .9·8 Pipts · .44 _Burgundy a~d Sauterne · Fiftihs .98 GROWERS OLD. RESERVE. ·Tenths· '.57 Port, Sherry, Pale. Dry Sherry Gallons 3.24 ** ITALIAN SWISS COLONY and· Muscatel.· · % Gallons TIPO ,· . ;'. 1:72 QU!al'lts ..,89- Red and. White . Quarts '1.2·9 'Fitths ' .:73· Pints· .79

1 ~23- • Discount of 5% Permitted. On Case Lot Purch~ses: • • Discount of 10% Permitted On Cas~ Lot 'Purchases • • •• J ' ,.

·-~ -. Y r· •,. ~~~~~~i~~~~~v;~'.';:,'7~~~~~~??~:~~y~··~~P\1~,·':'·. ·'7F,:''}:~,~~~;~·~!1:·~,~":?'Jf''·~~~?~~~~~~"~;~::tt·:.\.·'/i

~~_;·. ~-. : .· ·-· \ . . ,'·,.; ... .,. -

\ ~!



J '• . ~meriean W_ilies (Cont.) . ·_American Wines. ( , "'-I ' **ITALIAN SWISS .CO~ONY· **LUCKY BOY MEllLO . Triple T·reat . QuaJ:ts .' · ..• 68 . Red and White- Gallons ·2.98 ·:i;>ints · · ~34 ·%Gallons 1.55 .69 ,_ Fifths . . ** LUOKY .BOY .NINE STAR .. , .

_~iple ·Treat . Quarts .78 .I . KINGS Pints . !39 California Wines Port, Sherry; Musca;tel . Fff,ths·. · · .69· MACC ABEE •. and Tomay · Pints· '.40 Kosher Wines .

~ .... · Dry Cone-Ord, Sauterne,'_·, · , KlNGSOM. .. ,. ·Tokay, Sweet Grape· :and Gallons . '. . 4.42 · California Wines · . Con,cord_ Grape· _. '· · .' % G~on:s ~~ .2.30 . Port, Sherry; Mµs, and . · · \Gallons :2.43 . '•'I' ·Fifths · · .i-.oo. TQka~. . ·% .G,aJlonS 1.25· QUJM'ts.: ~ ..·· .63 ** MADERA WINES F~f1ths · .50 POI¢, 1Sherry, Muscatel~ ' :/ I - ' -•. Cocktail Sher-ry, Dry Sherry,· KLUXEN . . Allgelica; Tokay and · Gallons ;2.58 Sweet W_ihe . % Gallons 2.75 Yi 11• Whi:tie Por,t . _ , · · : "Fifths 1.1'.2 Fifths " 1.10 . I, \ **MARCA PETRI . KLUXEN DIAMOND SIGNET. .. .. D:rY ·Red 'Yine · Gallons 2,35 . sweet Wine · % Gallo:µs. . 2.l)6 % Oallons · 1.29 Fif:thS· . 1.41, Fif;ths ''. . .5·Q Dry -White· Wille ·Fifths· 'l.32 1 Marsala Gallonsr ·: ·.. · : ' 3~87. Dry Red Wine , ·Fifths 1.08 ~ · Y2.Gallons . 2.05 . KLUXll;N QQLD ·sip~T . * MEIER'·S WINES '- , · SWeet.wµie % ·Gallon8 2.20' .. Ohio Hospitality: G~ape · Fifths 1.ll Fifths .. 1.04 Mouritam -Moonlite White Griape .· · ~if·ths . J'·. ·Pints '.59 Lake Erie Rhine . · Fifths · ,\.' 1.34'=' Dry Red Wille' % Gallons 1.72· Norbhern Ohio. Mellow Burgundy · Fifiths ' 1.34 i . · Fif1ths .82 0 · Wild Mountain :B1acklberry . KLUXEN SILVER. SIGNET 1·· . (13%) . ' .Fifit!hs. . l.3~. ~ - Sweet Wine8 : _Gallons 3·.75 ·. - (ti8%) '' . ·Fifths~ . '\.67 %0allons. 1.9.0 Quarts. 1.-00 American Shetry., ·Port and: Fifths .715 Muscatel . Fif;tbs. 1.32, - Lake Erie Finest' wil,i:pe . Flit~ ·1.55 -- L.D~A. ·. . . -. . Barberone, Btl.rituhdy and . Gallons· 2·.6•9' Rare Ohio Port. Fifths' 1.67 Zirif ancM · · 1 %Gallons '1,.45. Ohio' Isle St. George ·aauterne· Fif·ths ' .. - . . . '\ 1.7~\. %.Quarts '-.7~ ', *MISSION BELL Pent,· sh.~r,ry and Mus~aitel Gallons" ' ·31.919 . P.ort, ·Sherry;, .. GallOns 2.15 . . ~~n··< . % Cock!bail Sherry, Dry Sherry~ uia. ODS. . . 3.20· . , ,Quarts ·· . ' 1.0'5 .Angelica., Toklay, white Port Y2Gallons _ ·· '1.65 ' .95 . - . ·%Quarts: and Half & :HaM · Quart{J ·:s5 Fifths .69' ' ** LA '.BOHEME ' Port, Sherry,·, , Ga-lfons· · ·3.5s·· .43 ... ' Tokay· and White_ PQrt· · .. % Gallons us· -.i11~ts .35 .. Quarts . .9.s . :Burgundy,. ~erpne,_ . / %Quarts . .'i9 . Zihfandel, Claret, Chianti, ·Gallons . 2.2.t .'5.Pints .~6 S~uterne and Rhine % Ga.lloiis 1.14 .66;' · supreme docldiail ·S!herry · and· . '. (·' ,Fif·ths ' Select Pal~. ?fy Sherry · , ·. · .- Quarts'·· '. -.9·8 %Quarts·· ! .'i9' ** MISSION BELL 'SPECI~L· '. . Sauterne ~n~ ·;alliP.e Gallons ·-3.00 ,. RESERVE . . '1;60;, . P.ort, ·Sherri, Muscatel, . ' Gallons · S.6'4 ·.' .·· .- % ·.Gallons Cocktail Sherry, ·Dry Sherry, _· ¥2 Gallons',· " 1.86 · % Qual'lts. I• .72 . ·.• 40:· .Allgelfoa, To~y 1and . . . - Quarts . / .- .98 ; . '4/s'Pints White. Port · · .· · · Fifrbhs · .78 Cllt=iiret, Burgulldy and Gallons 2.76 ~ Pint.s .49- "Zirifandel :. · · · ~ . ·%.Gallons ,• 1.48 ·:·:% Pi.D.ts .S19 4/s'QUarts ' ;6:7; ' Burgundy; Barberone, Clarei.. . :: . ' • ,I .' ' - ·%Pints· '· ·,. ·.3·8"'' ·Zinifandel, Chianti, Saute~ - · Gallons ·2.518 ,'' ' '~we~t .:Red:. and' s~~et mite. - Gallons 1 ··3.22 ·and Rl,line · · "%·Gallons· . 1.45 I . ·.% Gallons'-. l.'71' ,-,... ·1'.~ Fiif~;- .. . ~~~·~ • -1 ·%Quarts .75 ·, ~irits ' :.4Q, ' ** MONARCH'S GOLD RIBBON . %Pints .42 Port.~Sherry, Muscaitel,- -· · · ... LOS, AMIGOS . : . . . - White Port, .T.oka.y and ·.Gallons· ·Bauyigilon and ·Riesling , Fifths·.· 1.71 Cocktail -~hercy % Gallom Grenache- Rose, Blac).{ Phiot, · · Quarts · Ohablis and , cabel'J.?:et ;' Fifths . 1,.6~' Fifrths, · ·

'. . I . . . -24-

] , •• '7 I } \..: ·l J ( .: Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. '.. ;,. 'l ~ r -~' * ·{·_ ·. ** piscount, of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. : '.:i !, .. '_t' ./), ''.I

· ..... 1'1 ... ·· . ''




Am~rican Wines" (Conti).~ American· Wines. (Cont.)· ' \,r ' ' ,· . " MONARCH'S _:MANISCHEWITZ **PADRE: RES.ERVE California -Wines · Burgundy, Claret. and. Gallons 2.85 Port, Slierry, Muscia,tel and . Gallons 4.23 Z~nfandel · · / %'.Gallops 1.49 7 Tokay • • _ • • • • • %'Gallons .. 2.24 Fiifhl_ls .. .69 Quarts · 1.44 ·Rhine and ·. Sauterne Gallons 31.29' Fifths ..79 % Gallons ·1'.69 **MONARCH'S MANISCHEWITZ Fifths " .77 · New 'Y:ork Sta1te and - · Port, Sherry, Muscatel, American Wines .Tok:ay, White P.or;t and ·Gallons 3.55 ' Sweet Grape, ·concord Grape, Pale n>ry 'sherry % Gallons . 1.8q Sacramental, Grape, Malaga; Gallons 4.55' Fifths. .79 Burgundy,. Sauterne, Tokay · % Gallons 2.39 Pints .49 and Me!hd · Quarts 1.47 ..:.Fifths - 1.03' *,*PARADISE *·* MON.ARCH'S ' SPECIAL Pugliese Gallons 2.45 RESERVE- . . Y2 Qallons .1.3:2 i;»ort, Sherry,. Muscatel, White Port 1and' Cocktail· **PARADISE . Sherry QUJarts .98 - Port, Sherry, .Muscatel, .• 1' . Tokay, Dry· ·Sherry, White · Gallons I 2,74 Port, Half & Half Gr.ape Win·e % Gallons -l.45. ~* MONARCH'S WHITE LABEL .. Port, Sherry,. Muscatel, __.. D QuartS­ .7S · •.. Fifths: .64 White· Po.l'lt, Cockfa11 Sherry"· Quar~s- Pints ·.39' Blackbe.rry Quarts '.88' MOUQUIN ·.Pints .44 Port, Sherry, Pale Dry- Sherry Gallons 3~19 ·and Tokay.· · ;' % Gallons 1.6{>'. 'Quarts . ' .89 * * PARADISE BI,SCEGLIA , Fifths .69 DELUXE Burgundy, "Clai:et,, Barberone . Gallons 1.99· ! Port, Sherry,_ Muscatel, ' - Gallons· 3.50 · and ZitµandE)l ' · · % Gallons 1.20 Tokay, Dry:·"sherry, White % Gallons 1.86 Fif!ths '.52 ' Port, Half & Half Grape. Wine 'Qual'lts ' .98 -Fifths ,, .83 ·Pints ,.49. NOVITIATE OF LOS GATOS ·1 Sauterne an~ ·~hine · Gallons 1.96 Port, Sherry and Angelica' - Fifths , I.57 % Gallons '1.08 . Bla~k·, ·"Fifths '1.9~ 1 Quarts·. ' .59' White ·pinot ·Fifths, 1.83- · Burgundy, Sauterne 1and Chablis Fif;ths . l.36 **PARADISE RISERVA . Ch,ateau Novitiati;: Fifths 1.39' SPECIALE . maret, Burgundy, Zinfandel,. Gallons 1.96 **'OLD MISSION''. . ', Barberone :a:n,d Chiant~ · % Gallons 1.08· Port, Sherry, Musqatel, Gallons 2.99· Quarts .59 Tokay and White. Port . % Gallons 1.62 Quarts- .83 . '~ , , %·Quarts· .70 * * PARADISE · SE1:-1ECTED .. Pints .46 RESERVE . ·%Pints .41 J:>ort, Sherry,. Muscatel_,. ·.Gallons . 2.94 .. ". Dry Sherry; White· Port, % Gallons ~.;,7 · Cfore:t, Burgundy and Gallons· 2.13'' Half & Half Gr.ape Wine, Quarts 1 .8'3 'Zinfandel · ·%Gallons· 1.15. Tokay . Fifths .'68 % Quarts. .55 _., .~ints .44 . %,Pints . ~ ' ..31 ·f:1auterne and ~ine Gallons 1.,85 Saute~ne arid R!J::!.ine Gallons 2.41: .918 ... .. - L29. % Gallons- % Gallons Quarts. .54'' . / % Quarts. .61 % Pints· .33 . **PARADISE VI'.No· PURO. di OLD .MONASTERY wINES CALIFORNIA P·orit, ·Sherry, :Muscai;el, To.k~y, Claret, ~Bur,gundy, Zinfandel, Gallons . ~.85 : Burgundy,· Cl1aret, ZinfandeJ; Bar'berone and Chianti , % ·Gallons. . ; - .9:8 ·Rhine, Chablis, Riesling, · % Qallons 2.19 Quarts .54 Sauterne and. ~lackberry. '. . Fifths· 1.0.0 . **PETRI IMPERIAL STOCK ( . ** OPICI ·CUCAMONGA WINE · Sweet · Gallons., .· 3.58 Burgundy, Claret and · . , Gallons 2.4f 1 %'Gallons ·,i:.a5 Zinfandel - Y2 Gallons 1.2·5· ·Quarts .98' Fifths , . .67 .Fif.ths . ~79

Sauterne ·and· .Gallons 2.88 Dry Red· - I Gallons· ' .. 2.62 · %-Gallons.: 1.48 % Gal.Ions· . i.4.g / Fifths .85 .Fifths .69" Muscat~I. Port and Sherry · · _ Gallons · 3.. .85 Dry White Gallons 2.82 · '· % Gallons 2.08' % Gallons 1.62 ..Fifths ' .94·' ·Fifths .72

.:...... 2Q- ··, • Discount of 5% Per~itted On Case Lot Purchases. I, ** Discount of 10% Permitted .on Case Lot Purchases.


' / 1 •· \ t;:


American Wines {Cont.) American Wines (Cont.)

**PETRI PARTY WINE RENAULT GOLD LABEL Red and White Rose Fifths .69 1 l870 BRAND . Por·t, Sherry, Tokla.y, PIO Muscaitel, White Port and Galions 5.16 Red or White Chianti, Gallons· 2.79 ~ngelica % Gallons 2.72 Sauterne and MlJ.scato Secco %·Gallons 1.57 %Quarts 1.20 Quarts .80 Fifths .72 Sauterne and Rhine Gallons 3.68 Tenths .42 % Gallons 2.38 1 % Quarts 1.09 Burgundy and Zinfandel Gallons 2.35 % Gallons 0 1.32 Burgundy a~d Claret Gallons 3.44 Quarts .72 % Gallons 2.14 Fifths .65 % Quar.ts .96 Tenths .36 Zinfandel and Chianti Gallons 3.44 Chianti (Straw Bottle) . Quarts 1.59 % Gallons 1.86 Pints .99 %'Quarts .85 Port, Sherry; Muscatel, Gallons 2.75 RENAULT WHITE' LABEL White Por.t, Tokay and % Gallons 1.55 Port, Sherry, Tokay, , Pale Dry Sherry Quarts .78 Muscatel, White Port and Gallons 3.85 Fifths .65 Angelica %Gallons 1.95 Pints .39 . Quarts .98 **PIRRONE % Quar!ts .85 Chianti (Flasks) Quarts .98 S1auterne and Rhine" Gallons 3.05 Pints .52 % Gallons 1.65 **PIRRONE I l % Quarts .76 ·Burgundy, Zinf:andel, Burgundy, Claret, Zinfandel Gallons 2.85 Barberone, Chianti, Claret . Gallons 2.00 and Barbera · and Chianti % Gallons 1.50 % Gallons 1.10 % Quar.ts ·.68 Fifths .60 Tenths · .40 RIO RITA Sauterne and Rhine· Gallons 2.20 California Wines % Gallons 1.30 1 · Port, Sherry, Muscatel and Gallons 2.99 Fifths .65 Tokay % Gallons 1.50 Tenths .45 Quarts .75 - Port, Sherry, Muscatel, Gallons· 3.10 Fif.t1hs .59 Marsala, Dry Sherry, % Gallons 1.65 **ROMA'S CREME DE ROMA ~ort Quarts White 1and Tokay .84 % Quarts' 2.98 Fif.ths .6'8 California Wine Pints .42 ** ROMA -ESTATE ** PIRRONE'S INVITATION Port, Sherry, Muscatel, Tokay, Gallons 3.88 WINES White Port, Pale Dry Sherry % .Gallons 1.99· Burgundy, Zinf:ap.del, Gallons 2.80 1a.nd Angelica Quarts I .98 Barberone, Chianti, Claret % Gallons 1.50 % Quarts .88 Fifths and Baribera .80 Port, Sherry, Muscatel~ Tenths .45 'Tokay and'. White Port Pints .58 Sauterne and Rhine Gallons 3.00 % Pints .49 % Gallons 1.610 Sauterne and ;Rhine Gallons 3.10 Fifths .85 Tenths % Gallons 1.68 .50· % Quarts .77 Po:rt, Sherry, Muscatel, % Pints .43 Marsala, Dry Sherry,. Gallons 3.70 White Port and Toklay Burgundy, Claret and Gallons 2.88 % Gallons 1.99 % Gallons 1.50 Quarts .98 Zinfan~el Fifths .89 % Quarts .69 ** PIRRONE'S VINO % Pints ' .39 NATURALE, Sw·eet Red and Sweet White Gallons 3.22 % Gallpns 1.71 Rea Table ~ine Gallons \ 2.6'0 % Gallons 1.40 % Quarts .'75 Fifths .75 Pints .49 Tenths .45 % Pints .42 * POMMERELLE ..

Blackberry Wine ;,.., • lw <13% alcohol) · Fifths 1.25 ,,., (20% alcohol) Fifths ' ' ' 1.55 " ~:-:, .. _ ... ** PREMIO di CALIFORNIA ** ROMA GRAND ESTATE Barbera, Grignolino and Gallons 2.59 Ruby Port, Golden Musca tel, Aleatico· % Gallons i.42 Medium Sherry, Amber Sherry Fifths ·· .731 · and ·Cocktail Sherry % Quarts 1.25 Tenths .41 Burgundy and Sauterne %Qti.a~ts 1.25 ·.Burgundy, Zinfandel, % Pints .65 Claret, Chianti and Gallons 2.29 Barberone ·%Gallons 1.32 **ROMA NAPA VALLEY Fifths .73 Chianti, Barberone· and Gallons 2.41 Tenths .41 Ohiaro Del Nord % Gallons· 1.27

• Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. •• Discount of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. MINIMUM ,MINIMUM BRAND ' SIZE CONSUMER PRICE BRAND •SIZE CONSUMER PRICE

I American Wines {Cont.) ·American Wines (Cont.) -·

"'-* ROMA'S PRIDE OF THE *scHOONMAKERWINES VINEYARD ALMADEN GRENACHE ROSE ·Fifths 1.54 Vino D'Uva Gallons 2.77 Tenths .89 % Gallons 1.48 4/s Qua.~ts .67 *SCHOONMAKER· WINES LOUIS MARTINI ROSA RITA Port, Sherry, Muscate~ · Fifths 2.14 California Wines Mountain Sylvaner· (Vintage) Fifths 1.5'4 Pott, Sherry, Muscatel and Gallons 2.60 Tenths .89 , Tokay , ,. % Gallons 1.49 , · Mountain ·Sylvaner . Fifths 1.35 Quarts '.75 (Non-Vintage) Fif.ths .59. Tenths .79 Mountain Dry Semilion Fifths 1.54 (Vintage) Tenths .89 ROYAL GARDEN ·SPECIAL Mountain Folle Blianche Fifths 1.54 RESERVE (Vintage) Californira Wines , Gallons 3.63- Tenths .89 Port, Sher:py, Muscatel· and % Gallons 1.85 Mountain Zinfandel (Vintage) Fif.ths 1.54 . Tokay' Quarts · .94 Tenths .89 Fifths .79 Napa White Pinot

. I Fifths ·.56 Napa Pinot Noi~ (Vintage) Fif.ths ' 1.84 Tenths .1.04 * * SAN BENITO Napa Cabernet 1 ·, Fif.ths 1.54 Burg~mdy and Claret Gallons 3.26 T.e~ths .89 % Gallons 1.78 Napa Gamay Rose Fifths 1.35 Fifths, .9·8 Tenths. .79 Tenths .56 Napa Claret Fifths 1.32 Dry Red Win~ 'Gallons 3.26 Tenths . '.76 ·%Gallons 1.7'8 Napa Burgundy Fifths 1.3·5 , Fifths . .81 Tenths .79 Tenths .45 Napa Chlanti Quar:ts ' 2.15 Chianti.

~l. --

• •

*. SCHO'ONMAKER WINES.. .· ** VICTOR<-CHOICE c ' ', l: ; ' ) . WIDMERS . . .. ,.: . · ···P~rt-,:·sh~rry, M:~catel, ::·. .··. : -: · ,.. ··aa1ions \ ~ · ·~3.20 ·Lake· Delaware·· ··. .. · Fifths·-'._' . 1:92 ,· :,.· Dry .Sherry-: White Por.t: · :.... % Gallon&'·'~ · .1.65' Tenths_.· · :1.0'8 . .~. Angelica _anti. Tok~y. ,., · ·' , ··Quarts·.= · .85.

Lak~· Elvi~a 1and ·L~ke Niagara ··Fifths. ,. ., · 1.67 '. \ Fifths ._ .73. .:Tenths· .93 • · • • ""i ,, -· .. .- . ·,. .'. ·:Barberone,.:Burgundy,;. . . . ·,. G~i1ons, ,· : . ·2.29_. · SONOMA , . , . ' ·· ,· ; Zinf1andel, Claret'. and ·Chianti ., · % Gallons l .s·2 . P · t Sh. . ''C .,k.t ·1' S-h rry · ... -Fifths· '_· ·__ :73 , . MuscateI:ori -,- . erry~ Tokay, oc 'Marsala,·a1 . e '· . Gallon· s -. ·3· .. 36.. ,. , .Tenths . ~ .:4. 1 ·· Angelfoa , . .-: " ,·. % Gaiions- ..: l.~~·,- *~VICTOR n1 & n .. . · ;" . " - . Fif~hs. · .: ·8 ' -' .. 'semi•,Sweet w·hite, serlii~Sweet · · · Sauterne, 1.Rihine':.and· Chablis ·.'Gallons· ·.' ·2·.89.. .·~/ ·. . Red, semi-Sweet .Muscat and ... Gallons 3.25: ''' : ' . .. • ' , • -· • •• • • • l/2 Gallons· 1 57 · · 1 : . Fifths "·· ,:72_ ' '. · · Semi-Sw~~t MuscatE;l · . _ ·.- ··~ti~~~ons.

c. 'Burg~ndy' ang :Barbera .... -Gallons -'. 2;73 .... :. . I ...... ( ' F~f.ths, . .·:- ~''.!! :· /:.'._· ~ ~· J ·" · 1. ,-. . , '« · .-, ' · _ . ·%Gallon~ · . · tA,9, " .:. . ·· .' ' · . F~ftlis . ·' · .. 63 * * ~CT'OR. ·H_.O.L~·-·.. _. . . · "·. "f. I SONOMA. HOME MADEi. •/ Port, Sheny-, ~uscatel, · , . '\ Dry Sherry", Tawny·Po:rt,. '.·;:_ GallQ.ris.·. , _ ·4.45: - ,Zinfandel · ..... · · ... ·· . Gallons: . . ·2:22::.. · 1 :Marsaia, Malv.as_ia, Maideira, : · ·. :·%.-Gallons ... "· 2.3·0: ·~· ·· ¥2!ons-< . - 1:15 -r ._ J ·Tokay· 1~nd· AJ;ig·elic!t. Quart~ " · L20· · ,, ,I · Quarts·.. ·,. , · .th:~ ... · · - ' ~ ', • . - . Fjf·th.s :9:S ·· :, ,, , , SONOMA ·-'VINTAGK ·~ .. :a,urgundy~ :zin:fandel, Claret~. . ·Gallons . '. -2.94, · .Port,·:sherry, Musca~el·· · Chianti~ .. Barbera .and Aleatico: :% Qallons .t . . 1:57 and~ ... Fli:ths · ,. Marsala : -.. ·' ' .98- · i ~if1ths. ·,. ·/78. ': ' •'_ ~ " ' ' ~J t -· ,·_ , : ~ · ;.. · • r ,, • , Tentns ~·.45 · · · ,,- ST.AR WINE" . ··: ..... , · · · Rhine, 'Sa~ternes ·and·.c~ablfs Galions ·3.,:fo:"' ''·: ·. ~ New York State I}osher wines .· · · : " ,. · · ·' · %'G~Hons •l.75 · · Concord Grra,pe and · .- ~ · . ·oa.Ilons -. . 4.42 . · · . Fif.ths - . .83· . . Swe~t. GFa;Pe · · .- . · .. ;% Gallons. · ·2.30 - .. , Tenths ·A8

I •;+-' ,f .. Fifth(··: . · 1.p~. : · • .7,' Gr,een ~Hung·a~i~n; fiebbi~rio,:; .. ~ aanons·:· ' .-3.89 Ganon8 . 4.614·-, . , .· . Siauyignori Ver:t,' Catarrattu, . % Gallons · ·:2:10 _ 1h Gallons ~. · 2.·Wv ·, · .· · · ·qrignolino -and 'Virt Rose- · : ., ·.Fifths · · . . .98 . Fif.ths .... -;,' ·1.08. · · · " · · ·. -~- . · . : · . Tenths: · . .·.59 . -... 'i - *SUTTON! . . . · i i - ' ' · , ** VICTOR S~LECT · . "· · Port, sli~rry, and.·Mu~C'a·tel. - _.%·G~on~ · " 1 /15· · . -Pol'lt; 8herry, ·Musca:t~l. · · · " Gallcn::ls: . .-3 .53 ', ~ r • • ~ - ' • Quarts · · · . .89 .' . White rP'ort, '.Angelica~· '. · · ·112 Gallons· , ·: ~:: Pint1?-· ..45 · Dry Sih,e.rry and.: Tokay · · :-·Quarts · · · · · .9•8' .·

/ . 1 -, ' . , J1ifths .. a8,': · · '~- · *'* TAYLOR'S ( ~. . : New ·York ·State· .. :Burgundy, Ziqfandel, .: . Gallons· · ' · 2,3,9, 1Sau.terne- ort, Sherry', · · Dry' Sherry and White Tokay' . .' ~.315' . ' ..•' . . : ' ' ·.VINCITORE . . . . :ir~ask) 90 · **·TRIANGLlf.. . ' ·. - ·.. · -' · Cl!ianti (GJ:ass -:',. QuartS .. 1 . -pints. ;51 · ' · Porit, Sfl.erry, M;useatel~· , · · Gallons' ~ ·2,9Q .. · . ·. . /. - ' ' ... . % Gallons· 1.62'' · · Chi_ant_i -N-. ·StraW'.·Elask~ _. .. ·"'Gallons .. · 2 •• 6.0- ':~·-.~-· . ~oks.y ·~~d _White .~o~t . · , ' "14. · .QuartS ~ .83. · %·G~llon's.: .·. 1 35 -. % Quar.ts · .70 .> · . *, :~ji>~ER ... -'' Pints , '_.46 . ·Apple ·Wine ... _:_·F'if.ths , % ~~n~· Al.... Zinfan&e1'. ·-- F.ift:hs ClaJ:"et> ·Gallons' · :: ·l\'2:13 ·· ·' ~ur~ndy· -.~~~ . '(}' t" 1 ~i~f!an;del... ; : :.- • • % Gallons , L15 1 -* WI~MER,·d~EAM SHERRY ... J;i1if.tps· 1.52·0 '. . % Quavts · . ;55 . -.. ' . . '' . ~ · % ·Pints· ·. ;31 · *WID~ER. ~OPOLITAN 1 . Galfons . . 2.4:1 . ;,NON-VINTAGE .. · ... · ·· ~- · . .% Gallons. i.2~r. ·Dry Burgundy, ci.aret;. RP,ine<' ·. '_% QtiJaJ:".ts.: ., .61 : Chablis, Haµte Sautepne. % P~nt~ :· . .33 ,' . ~ ',· -\ and· ·Sauterne_, . \ · Fifths··_ 1.29 • .* TRIBUNO AMERICANO Aperitif. : ' .: 'i, .., '1_.42:·:'. *.WIDMER NEOPOLITAN', ~: ." ;. Fti'.·ths 'VINTAGE. ~- -. ' .. , .. ,., .._ . ·,, ...... :Bur·gundy, ·Claret,· Rhine, . ',I · ** VALLIANT mNE's., ·-:. \ ( Port', Sherry and. Muscatel ... Fifphs . ' ';8:8 ' I Chrublis" Haute -~a:Y,.ter~e. ·:-·, '', : ' r -and Sauterne· · · .. · . · ·· · .·.. . ,Fif:ths · ~ ' .. Dry. Sherpy . . . . · ·· · . '·Fifths· .r:·;.9·1 '..· P·or.t, 'white :eorit; 'ra~ny P~rt?:- · · J, Burgundy, Cal;>ern~t, Riesling Fif:ths 1 .,- r ;;• . . , i.1!1 :· ~ • • Sherry, Tokay, ·cocktaiLSherry, · and Sauternes . . : · · Tenths · · - · .63 Specfal):Jabel, iv.rusc~t~l. Sweet_, ... . ·,.. J:Oi1aiinisberg/ Riesling~· ~ J. ·: ,,., ~ .. , F,if~hs . : · ~:3p .'' .Cat{twl;>a and -~hite Tok~y ··.:F,.ifitlis ,, .. \ - • .~,.1 • • '. '" I ...... ,' ~ 1_:53 '·, . . 1.' • J:-..... '<"~ ~~&.·-~· ~,.... ,' '• / · * Dls~~unt of 5% Permitted on· Case "Lot' Purchases." ''1 ,,-" ·~-* Discount, of' .1_.0% Perm)tted' On ~ase L,pt · Pu.rc~ases. ·, - . . \ \ -~ i ' -· ' ' i-. . , ~ ' ' '. \

,\I' (• ,,·\I \ , I .·; ,:- . \.


. i 'I,

I' ' : ·. - . MINIMUM .. . Ml.N.ln.tUM ·SIZE·· CO!-ISUMER PRIC'E ' 'SIZE co:NSUMER P,RICE I.

A.meriC,en ·Wines ·..,i .-(cont~)::~>-··. ' -,,:., ; ' ~ . llnported W·i••~ _:.(Cont.h·--:·,. '~- ...... ,. 'i' • . 1 \ .. _ • l • -

r *WIDMER NEW YORK' .! ._:(, ~: ·: .• · · ''.·;·_·, >-,.; '!<.*BARTON &' GUESTIER:-.. • 'f .t, ~· I' ...... ' - 'NEO.PO~-TAN .NO~TVINTAQE 1-~ " ·· - ' : ~. 25 bz·.-- · \ '-2.80 ·. :'I1a.wny Port · Sherry·. TokaYI · , /· ' - ...... '' ·' ' . 1~ oz.. l.54, I cocktail Sh~r·ry, Sp~cial ta'bel, -~Tourny · < ., '_,<; · ·Fiftlls. '- 1:29 I _... ~ J"' - . . '• ··. - .· ..,( '. • • •• ' •.•• • ' -1 •• ~"Ofav:~~ ··. 25 oz: ·.'3.26'' _· \. -i: 1 . *MDM~R SPECiit'• SELECTiON . ' ' . '• .,. k .12 .. oz. .1.77_ r Sherry and ~o:Vt:· .,.,_, · ·,; ·, · ·, \-Fiftli's · -:·.·p .. · 1.9·6·. ·:·. ' - ··i· '-J; · 2·5'-0z.­ ·'4.21

·. -: ~ . -.... -: ·' ::·.:1.29~. ', .~.2~ * VARIETAL \ I'• ., /,' WIDMER ...... ,.·· . I .- . ' . " . . /. I ' c.a.tawb.a, ·,Moores Piamond,. : '\... · ,, _Sauternes · 25·oz .. · : 4.'7a·' · ·· Del1a.war·e, Dutchess, ,Elvira~·.·~· . '12 OZ •. '. -2.51 Dry :white, Diapa,- Vergennes·· ,__ and.Isahella 1 . ._ • , " - , · • Fiftlrs ·t .. · ; L59.· ~arsac -'~~-.·~~> , -. ·t~i Rieslihg.' ' '/' .'Fifth~ . · . i.79 .> ·:-. :H · t 't _, , · . " , · · . ,_ , " .., au s~u ernes- , · 25oz. . , -.5.6·9 "* WIDMERHEIMER · · · ··" · '· , , . ·. . . _ · · · :,.;:·'. 12·,az. , : " 2.98 ·. '; · · ·_, Red and:')Vhite: ·. ·' .,' .··., ;: ".· F~f~s.' · ~. ... ~. i:i{' -~ '. .Chateau'. La Tour,Bfanche 19·39 25 oz. 8.66: 1 . ·.w:~:C,EN;XXX •. . __ "·'' · >.\:.'...... '·. . <'·· · CChhA:teat' ~·Cylimens' _1·9_4 2,~ -.'.: ___ . ~' J ' ,'.·. :.. '·California Wi:ries. · .. :. , . ··, __ · . - · · · . -' ' a ea,u qu~m· 1·9 ·4 ·1 , -· 1 · .- , Ruby Re(t .Pprt, Mellow Sherpr, . : "Gallons... . .3 ,15,. .. ~ '. ·. .. .Chatea.u R~yne. Vigneau 1939, , . 1. .. . . ,~ '. -~ ~~~~~;.~~~~tt~:~i~~~~:hit~ _":"~:;:~~~:ops,, -_-(g;~ :: ''. .. _. 'allP.'.Cb~~~~u- q~i:r·a~d f9:43 ·'". _2~ o~.. ~-". :- '/.5'i : · ·

Fif.ths ·. . :· .80 .. ·' 1 **~ARTON··~·-· GUESTIER. .-.. ·:. ·· -,_ ~_'- ;_:·/ ~-'·>:.'."< :, ,,.-.. ·__,-_; .. ' ' ' ; . :Pints · :_ .-,,:5o ,:· .~. -: '. , ..'' , :. , 25oz. .2:'86 >· .· \ Se!~t"SaUterl'le •.• , \ l. . ' ~if~~oiis • J:U·': .' ' ' Pr\"pe NOir '_• , , ·12·0Z~ _\.,. . . 1:54•' .

1 .2Soz: · . : . ~ "'2.8a · ''49" ·GQLD ' ·' • • - ">,:. \YIL~N RUSJI. ~. .- · ,. )Vie,cio:<_:· . l2,9z. .· : • L58 " jCaliforl}ia /Wines . · .: ~~ · ... · .' ··' 1 Port; Sherry, ·Muse.ate!, · " "' Ga'.llon·s·. ",: .· 2:75' . Le~'bourg 25~z. . 3':815' ' White Tokiay;:.White -Port" . ¥~Gallons --1 .. 5'Q. · · ·i~·o~. '',l.~1. - >.·',., . Quarts · · · ...75 St.. ~stephe ' , -· , , ·· 25- oz. ·. 3.51 . -· - : ;· ."'Fifths . .'.~65 :..... : :_ .. S.~~, Emilfop · .: . · . '. · · ·25 oz. 3.51 · ...... "·" Pints -. ~3Q ·,} • "1.' · ~ Cl;lateau·Po~tet Oa1;1et 21? oz. _.5.07 WILEN AMERICAN--~ . , . _ , . . 12pz. . ,2.67 / 'BL~~~E~~y .. . · .. .- Chatea1i. Barton:. _194 12 , 25 oz; .: . 6.0l . . \ .. .. :;_ Leovu!e ~ ...... , , . - -- ,, · . 12· oz·.· ' . 3.~4' ., 'chateau ·Ped~sc'faux '19.37 ' ·. 2-s:.oz·. . . 6.3·2 ' • ' ~. .f' • ' ' .... ) '. ' l .- • . ~. "' - ''\' I . '. ' ~.) ,\ ... ' .. ·~ : 'j I I ·**'BA~TON· & GUESTIER - ·, ... · ~ .~ ,BURGUNDY ·WINES ... "''!, ' /

~ ·1mport1d 'wt~~~.\.... · '.~, 1 ... · :; .: · •• i:~~n .. · .. 24<>z.- "· - ·j 66 0 . , ... ' •• ·, • • : . .-- • ... • • ,·I·.-.: · -:.- . , . :. . ... ) .. · · · 12 oz.· 1:9~(: A.ciJAIA CLAUS'S ~WINES'' ·. , . .·-~· ., Be~ujol·ais Vill~ge_ 24oz.·- . 3·.82 . .. {'Greek) . . .·. .. · ·" . i2 oz. ·:. _ . 2.0~ .. · Mavrociaphne - · --' ~ '"'· ' 2~ oz:.: · .... , ..:ti:9 ,. · 9hasagne . . 24 oz: · -- . ~- _4:.~3 · ·

Ret~i~a"' '·::"·. - .. ··;. ._ 24oz:· . . ·/ .. ··2~54· ·Sav~gny ·, 24oz.. ·... _'.-.... :. .4:~9 . I

.rio·qi:~sti~;:i. ,4e • :' ·: • .. • ' :·24 oz~' .. ~ ... _ ·: .2'.5,4... · ..:- _.\· ~ommai,d · .. _ 1 · • -24 ·oz. : &.15 . · ·: . Sarita' Helena \ · .- ; .,. · · ·" .2·3· 0~.,· ._ .. 2:5"4;:; ·_ , '.. / · · f2 oz. ·.2·.n _ . ,·· · ·-,; ·~- ~ :< · ... !>. • _.,, . .-, " .. ·~ • :. .. • Morey st: Denis ·"24·oz.i ... : 5.61 *>!!:AD..EG, A MADEIRA.··<.WINES :· '' . - '' ;. ·. µ~yrey:'C~~ha,mp~rtµi. .. 24oz~ ·-.. 5.9.7. ' · Flrie:ao1ci.~n·:t>rY: ser<;iaI 0905r. :Fif.tns· ·. :·.- :.· ,'2.9.3 · · · · · · · · _. .. , ... 12 oz. 3.i2. ··· _ qepµine Rich: i\4aµeira .(f92.61) ·':'.Fifths . · .· _,., 2.57 - ' · Vougeot · ·,.. · 24 oz. ·M5 · . "Rar.e choice .v~:rae1li6- <1'870-> .. - ·. Fifths' · .. . . 3;68... · ?h~~~mneuf pu Fape cR.h.~ne>r 24·oz.. •.75'-. Rare Rich 1M:i;i.1msey· (1~70> · F'if,ths: · .... :-~" · .'3·~.68· ·' 1** BARTON. & . GUESTIER ~ i . ·.. -- "-v.~y .Fi_:r:ie.Bcial, ·(i.'9Ja) . _ .· .Fiitlis'. u·a ... 1., 1 BURGUNDY·:WINES ., ' · · v~ry Fine MalfiiS.~y-0900>". , · Fif·ths' .. - '':fa1 ·_ _. ,.· ~ ·Fifths ·:,'.2:9s'-. · ~o"uil~y _Fu_isser.:." . , . ·24:oz:'.. · ..... _4_75'.: . ; ' ->~~l . ~- -~ ·' . -J ,._ •.. /,.)..··,,•!- . ' ,, I 12 oz:·- 2.51' '· ANCILLI.· ·;. ·, '· ... '.,. : :~ ,', ' ~-· ':. : ._ .. " '. · cliablis~ , ' -,~- · 24oz. ·.. ·. 5.07 ·. ,. Clitaly:) . . '/ '.. '.' {(. '>i''•-''' •' .- , ... - ~ ". ·: .:· ·. -.uoz. 2;·67- · ·,,. .. ~.Chianti ;- ·.1: '··, • , ~.Gallons·; .4.50·' ·_. ~. ' ·MeU?saU1t) " .. 24:oz; . ~.. , ·' '· · ":-· Quai;ts- ,. · - 2.29 · 5.38· ·' :-· . .. . :r ·Pints·, •" ·. 1.29 · Pu~igny M;o11tr~cht'.'~ . ··. 24-.oz.· 6.08 ,, . . , .. , : :"" ·• '. ., ' f • %·Pints :· .7·5 .., ! t •• .-. 1~ OZ:' . ·us· . ,... .. ,,.'_-. " . . ) ' ." .-'> { - . .::_.:..29 ___; I . :~ ·,. ·, -. Discount.'·of 5% Permitted .on' lot Purchases., \, , ~ : ,-.!: • * * P,i~count .. of _"10,% : P~rmitted On .case· Lof Pu~ha~es. ' (' ~ . ·- . '",," ..

. . ' ' I • 1 •• ~- . - ~.. . .·;:..... ; \.' ' •.. 1 ... t._ •. _. ·'. r. .ii • ·,1 ,.._:


Imported Wines·. (Cont~) ·Imported -~ines_ (Cont.)


A. BICHOT & CIE ':. **A•. DUSSAILLANT L. LENTUE . 2.69 11 oz. 1.13"' Volnay 1934 24 oz. . 2.84 Haut Sauternes 23·y2 ~oz._ 2.25 (White) 11.,oz .. .'1.24 Bourgogne Bich9t Monopole 2.4 o·z. 2.53 Riesling· Superfor 25%.oz. 2.10 lloz. 1.17 Meursault Goutte. d'Or. 193~ · 24 oz. 3.00 sp·ecial Cabernet . .23¥2 oz. · 1.94 Batard Montrachet 1938 3.47. ' 1' , .... 24·oz. 11 oz. 1.09 * BOBADILLA SHERRIES Chablls and Burgundy. .2·2 oz. 2.lQ .. , La Marca Pale Cocktail 24 oz. 2.58 13 oz. 1.17 Victoria 24 oz. 2.79 . "!:in Rose 23·¥2 oz.· 1.94 Amontillado 24oz. 3.04 11 oz. 1.09 Solera Extra 24 oz. 31.19 ** EVEL CLARET Cream 24 oz. 4.88 Vintage 1934 22 oz; 1.39 ·.

CALISS~NO I .FORTIER-PICARD (Italy) (Red): Barbaresco (l94·0) 24 oz. 2.~7 Monopole Burgundy Wine 24.oz. 2.53 Barolo (1940) 24 oz. ,2.47 S1antenay 1934· 24 oz. 2.65 Barbera <1943) ,··· 24 oz. . 2.17 ~Volnay 1934 24oz. 2.84 (White) Tortorici Marsala 23oz. 2.39 Monopole Burgundy Wine ·: · 24oz. 2.53 COCKBURN PORTS , Meursa1.llit Goutte d'dr 1934 ·24oz. 3:00 Aldouro ·:Fifths 2.73. ~h8JbliS I 19.34 · 12 oZ. J.58 No. 25 Fifths 3.07 .GEWUERZ-TRAMINER No. 30 ° Fifths 2.65 Alsatian Wine . Fifths 4.51 · No. 85 Fifths 3.87 GEWUE·RZ-TRAMINEB No. 100 Fifths 4.55 RESERVE I: No. 150 Fifths, 5.40 .. Ais-atian Wine Fifths 5.84 * CONSTANTINO. PORTS ** GRAHAM'S PORtTS· Three .Crown T~wny 25 oz.- 2.84 Piccadilly Port ·25oz. 2.66 Fine Ruby Port· 25oz. 2.8~ Loring 24 oz. 3.18 '. Gold Cap Port .Fif·ths 2.54 Hunting Port . Fifths A. DeLU~E & FILS 4.0·8 '1 (Red) , - Pale Dry Sherry Am~ntillado Fif.ths 3.40 Bordeaux Club Claret, 24 oz. '1.90 , Shooting Sherry , Fifths . 3-.89 St. Est!ephe 24 o~. . 2.37· . **.IMPERIAL GBA.NDJO (White) I Vintage 19'34 .. 2·0 oz. 1.39 Graves'. Royal 24'oz. . 2.45., .I' 12 oz. 1.38 *JACOB HORZ DUFF GORDON •SHERRIES ~ ~ 'i Liebfraumilch Nina Fifiths · · 2.55 . -

Imported Wiaes (Dont.) * * LOUIS IRION

• Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. ** Discount of 10% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. -~·;_"'•

. ,. -... . \ .' ... ' .MiNIMUM : _ • , B_l_l~~D. ,~:-: . . SIZE .. ~RA.ND SIZE- · CON~UMER PRICE .

American · Vermout~ :, .{Qo1Jt.) -:, .: , .. , ~ ~' • ~ • ·._:. • ... '. !· • . ' . ·~ . ~

- ' ,' ~ ** GUILD VERMOUTH . *'* TAYLOR'S· Dey "or Sw~ef · · New York State , 1.70 . ',1' bry or Sweet Vermouth ~uar~s., '-=- .. * :HEUBLEIN Y~,RMOUT_H ' * * TIARA ·VERMOUTH ·.· ;_ :qry:·. or Sweet ''. ..- . ~- Fifths sweet or Pale Dry,.· ·_ ,, . ·Fifths :. ", i.33'. . ," - . , . , IMPERATOR VERMOUTH ... ~ _.- I' • .. :i::i: TRIANGLE VERMOUTU · . Dry, ·or Sweet ··,., .: ·.. ,., .Fi'ft1hs . SWe(?t . " ' . . Gallons ·4.62 1.3J ~ "' ,...- ,. . % Gallons " . ~2,65 **ITALIAN ·.s.Wi:ss COLONY 0 " '% Quarts /' 'J-.20' Gailo.n.S : . :. -'· .3.67 - , ·"' .bry" · · " .. ' S~~et,·Verm.outh. : :..,' '_ •. · %.'Quar.t8.- 1!20 ·· -·~ Gallons- - -. 2.06 · · · -..: · ·.. ,. Fif;ths 1.19 * TRIBUNO : VERMOUTH • : ii~ A. -KLUXEN VERMOUTH .\.~ .·.. . Dr_y ~or Sweet - 1 Gallon8. _ 4.9·9 Sweet ·· · ' · ¥:.!Gallons .. 3.15·.- ..... - ~ ·.. '¥2 qano~ :. , · 2·.s6. · " 'l ·, · · Quar.ts 1.5'5 · . '·' : Fifths / L28 , ' .Rifths L2·9 Dry .· ;'·, . ,. '· Fifths .1J28 · . ·' ** v AI. BROS. VERMOUTH **LA BOHEi\iE' VERMO:cJTH, · Dry or Sweet : ·.Fifths. l.l9 Sweet · l Gallons' -4:612 - *'WIDMER VERMOUTH . % GaUoris:. " 2'.6¥"' % Q.uarts __ - 1.2'0'. · Dry or Swe~t '. ·Qwa,.rts 1.69. !' Dry : · %.Quavts : .. · _;i.2o .. · ·,· I~. I L... ~ '•11'~ •./ t_l,o ', t ; ,• .. ·-.' ' • .,:_; ., ~ ,,~ ,/ • • -~ " ** LEJON - .': -

Dry verpioutp. ,'.· : . Fifths . 1.19, ...... t ,_ •• , .

*:t''MARCA PETRI. VERMOU.TH .- • ','I • ACHAIA CLAUSS· .VERMOUTH:· · . Sweet· · · - - .Galloris . . 31.97 , -~}Veet- · -- · · · -- · ~1 oz. '':fa9 ~Gallons .P •• ·2.10 . **BARTON & GUESTIER. ,, I' ' \. I - ' :·· ,;'* ·\ .~ •· .... ' •',·. , ,,.i,.~ - * MEIER'S 'VERMOUTH ' ,! ~. . .French D.ry Ver,mou-th \.. _31 oz. ' '·:2.88.' Dry· or Swee~ -~ . Fifths BEYERMAN ~VERMOUTH. r . " ~ .... .MOUQUINt21 ~ Itaiian1 :~ "· · .. roc3·(j ~z_, ...... ·--«: .:2~47, ** PIRRONE 'VERMOUTH . /- '' ' ~ f • i' ' -- Dry or Sweet · · --. , -t: .... ,\ ~,~· ,Gallon!) . . ·.. 4,65 , , ·. :!:* JOHNSTON · · . \ .... ' ,.~ • f % G{tllon~, ..~ .. 2~45/ , French DrY: Vermoµth . / • ., .• ' • I r , ~ 3!00Z. - 1:89<' · - Quarts ' ·. ;L25 :.J ·.·. ' ·,, .Fifths : 1!19 .. _*,MARTINAZ~I VERMOUTH '30 oz-...... i.99,. '' 1 .R.C.W.~ RESERV,E W:ERMOUTH . ·~*MARTINI' & 'ROSSI ' sweeit . · .· ... : i • , r · Gailo.ns : - 5.38 , VERMOUTH . ' ' 'I, \ ' I ~ '-. ..., ' ~ ,;·...... ':'" Y:Z:Gal1ons 2.79 i _ . · . · / (Argentine) . ' Fift;hs · ·. _: ' "" l_.19 Dry ,., .. ~gfilar · · · F~ths _ 2J16 · . ·Fifths -: · """ · 1.19 Dry · Fif~lis · . 1'.84 · RENAlJLT'VERMOl,JTH" .' ~ I ._,.·,. :-2.89.~- ~ ',-·,(· .. r I .-.1~=:~-~.. ~r(, %,.Gallons .. ,. 3.40' · ·N'oiLLY. PRAT VERMOUTH_,. · ;'(·:. ~- ,';.). ' '\ , . 4A;;~u,~r.ts ..., : ~.. 1.47.: , 1 ~ :French · · · - - ... · - a·o _oz. . , . · -· 3:t1 · *'* 1:tQ}:''.JA I y'Ea~~~~~1;'~ .' ' 1 ._. · S;~e.~t _,__ ·. ~.;._,., . · ..... · '- Gallons .- 5.0-7 : NUiYENS"V~RMOUTH' ' ·. , .. ·' % Gallons" 2 .·87 ·.{French) -. •'- · 0 )_.· % Quarts . . i.28 . Rry '. - .... DrY.;. ;4Aj Quat£s: ~:· ~ ~~28·'.~ ~ .; - - ~ > !•'

**. sik: BENno :VERMOUTH ·.I. ·Sweet or fjale Dry,:.~ . Fifth~· 1.33 ,' . SpecialH-. ** SAN.'l'A ·LUCIA 'VERMOU~H' ' '' , ..1 •• S~e~t ;-Gallons:' " ':·:'~{4;62 ,.:. -ARROW, BOONEKAMP 1 • ¥2 Gallons · · 2.fl'4-- mtters . ' 25 oz. ' . ., 5.55. " ,% Quart_s · 1.20 ''. .. ' : ' .-. ~; .: . -~ ARR.OW ORANGE :BIT-T~RS ·-. 8 OZ.-- .95 ,., % Quarts · 1.20 4oz. I \'. ·.61.' .~- I ..' * Discoun_t· of s% Permitted .On Ca~e Lot. Purc~ases. · * * _Discount of 19% Permitted :·on_ Cas~ _Lot Purch~_ses. I. ·....

'· ,'. - ,

) I


SpeciaHi~s · '(Cont~):.,. < ,: Specialties (Cont.) ~ I t L \ • ARROW .VODKA Fifths 4.55 ',' * OLD. MR. BOSTON - ~ . ' 16 oz;_: . ·2.85 ._V6Q.ka "· · ·'< ·Fifths . "- 3.98 ·/.--· ' ,' ''I .·~ f 8 oz. 1.45 .. ' ·_Pints .-2.49· ···CROSSE & BLACKWELL . .,,, ... frNEIIiS - EGG NO~ - . , · · · --~Fif.ths · · Rock· and Frult · Quarts 4'.-6-0 r,"_' ·Pints.--,· ' Pints· - -:2.35 -~ i>eKUYPER·-. . . · -: , :_../: I, %Pi~ts _ - . '1.20 ·., .orang·e Bitters·.-·.·~.-· '/ ·:·· .-. :,~ 1 ~-Vi;:Pints- i.3.7 . · . · ,. . 1 '·., • < '.t:t'.... · ' : _, •. " : .. , ' ,,• . .. SMIRNOFF:·voDKA . I . . <86-Pr'ooo ·-· .: · , · : _.·. · · ' Fifths -. . · 3.64° . ·*,nunotrcH:ETT-~ ·,. 1 ."-' . .. ,.- •• , . ; ' · , .f>ints· -· 2.3t . Samovar Vodka·~ . -.- % Qiufrts ~ 4.15'-, -- 4.26. · u_oo Proo~) 1 ,, " Fiftlls .,. ,· . "·, ·

1,,.. . 1' , .... , - F Pints _ 2 ;3·6 · , 1 _ ·plus·,.'. .02 dep. ... - .. ·~ P'ts._ . L2~_ · .'Case·: ~ · 5.50 ~ACQ~IN .-vorii~.:-R~YALE ~.'.- < ' . (80 ProoD· - · - : . . ." :plmi·: .~ff .dep. .Fif.tlis'- 3.6.3· .. . ¥ITZGERALQ ... - . . _ ·:Pints · 2.28 .' .- .13: ~ '> I , .:I,3µr~omas~er Beer, ·- 12 6z: botti~ · " '( -·~ Pints -' l.1:6' _ · foon~returrfable) 000'. Proof) ··· , - · Fif1ths : 1 . ,4.19 ~ -_- case - - ·. 3.. 10 · Pints · - 2~6-2' .Y ' ~- 32 1 oz:.1:)otti·e'...... 28 \ .• t ....,., .. · 1,34'·· i _: % Pints ·,_ . ; .. · . plus . : · ·:op <:iep. LEROUX'. . . -. \ ~ . -Cas'e-·. . ·, 3~30 · · , Sirop de Grellladine . Flf-tirs . 1.2f» .--· ,\ - ' -1.'" -,1, ·• _/-,'· ·· - ~.7·5 .dep. · -_·Tenths· ' .74' "· ' . ,,· 1 -- \~. · '.6;4·oz; · - ..50, ·: i:. · ·. -;2· .c):i,.stiellie ... "·.11. -_ ._.·, 1:··_ ·;-'plus.-_ .0·2· dep. LER9~.-$~ARI.- -~ :, FiftJ;is · -. 3':4.o. _..;.: . .. - , ·/'case:~ .·- ~-- 2.6-o ·· , LEROUX' VODKA NIK.QLAl· ;,-> Fif·ths ·. 4.15. l •• ' "" , ·-._-. - · · ' . ~plµ~ .75 'dep. . ·, Pints , .·j • 2 .6'7 -. . ', -- Tenths. - - --_ ··i-2-oz.:can _: .. 14 · - ~.17~.... 1·1· • ...·:/. 1',' Cas;e. · 3 ..30 · .%- _Pint.~ . -L4~ -~ : , . - .. ··,, ,. ,. -" < · 1 Half' & Half ; :fa.oz; b~ttie - .28 LOND-ON'S· GIN-J~ :Fu.ths .... - ·. _3.1a ..' - -_ -, · . .05 dep. ' \ '· ...... _. " /1~ Pints·-~ S98 - ' - - ,,_, . -. -Case· ·- 3:30 ·, BONDON'S RUM COLLINS --,,' : · , ·plus ..75 -_dep. Ready Mix for Highhail · .. Fifths ;3 .. 74 •' . I I •• ~-,: ... l . • ' ~, ·-Pints · . 12 oz. stienie , .. 11 .. 2.3.4' ·:- _ . , , phis-=.· _·:n2. dep. %,Pili~.' l.2L , .LON.DON'S TOM. COLLINS . ·'' ' case ·2.60 ,i-_ ·~~ad:v.;Mi~-for H~_ghball · · Fif.ths: · '3 1;74. \, · , 'plus, · "75 dep·.. 1 ·_.-:Pints·.'- · __2.34·'. -iIA.:MM',s . PRE~E~JtED ·BEER· - - -· 12 .Oz1hottJ.e-; -· ·.16 " · -% Pi~ts 1.21' .. plus · .0'2· ·dep .. ,·: I,' -. -MOHAWK· 7 . . - - . , •' . '. - -· - \ - .... "/ ·oas~;1-.1·:-_: 3,:75·· · · · R9ck & Bourbon .: ,, Q:uar,ts : · · 4.74 ' ' ,· . , · -._-plus _ :60 dep. · · -'Pints,., · 2,44 ,: ,.,, "' , I I ,. , ...... S'OZ .. · .: .. ~2 o~. c~n~· \ · -.1Y •I ', L--25.· I ': ":-. - i ~Case -4.o·o · -MOHAWK' PELINKOVAC ';-· -.·:Quar.ts •I 5,3'2,: _.._ - -- - . . . .,___. ' . 3.2!oz'. bottle. · -~37 ~~MOHifWK :VODKA~ -- · - <.: ::Fmb.~ .. ·r - . '"' - . ( '' ' ''.!... '.: - . , ' . ~ ' '3.93 ~ · .. _ pills .05 dep. ·.:Pints:: . 2.45_" '. ~\ , \.._ ..:. ' -' , ·case· ·: : 4':35 _ LONDON'S· WHISKEY JAB. :- , · Fifiths '3.'13 -. . . plus ~ . , .60_ · ~~P· -.9·8 . MONo~6L~ s·· STAB . , ' . ::~~ P.i~ts. · P~IOR· BEER- ·: .. 12:oz. lbotue. · ~:rn.. ·. ·Rock_:& Bourbon' .,,_ Quarts -· plus ...0·2· dep. .3.:3'9 .- , '. 1 ' -- ,·· ". 12 % oz: 1.59'' ... -;;; .1 Case.' 3'.80 , ..917 ,· .. ··· ·~- .. ~Plus ..75,deJ?.·· .. . .. , - -, --"-. . -,.- . . : .. " --~ .?z_. _: .. ',,.. /: ' *' Discount .of 5% Permitted··on Case-: tot· Purchases;_ /· .II!* Disco·unt of 10%- Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. •,' - I ' ' ,' ' -.; .,~ ' • ~ ~_._ ' . . , ' 'J• ..:

,., ~Pro~ul~a!~~ and<~Pubhs~~d ~ J?e~e~be~ '2, I 1s47_.· . --_ . ' ·.. · - 1' -_

'. \ I f' ,• ' .: ·.' '. ' ' '. ·•· b:: __ . .. ~ .-~;,.;j.. £~ " 'i ~\ n " -0~~-~<~- ,_. • - '. ' I - ' , • 4 .. • ' :' I. . . !" • ;, .. ) • -: •:I ' •~; ·' · CotnmissioT?er. /'' -·,,I ·-3·~~
