High School Sixteenth Commencement Exercises
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VOLUME LXXXII NUMBER 3 Bapti^ Summer Sunday Shaves Assembly Will Be Expensive For Held At Peddie Master Barber New Jeriey Baptist Groups Will Con vene June 30th.—Pastors Association Crusading Barber Makes Complaint Convention—Peddie-Summer School. Againit Rival Resulting in Twenty- Five Dollar Fine—For Violation of The sixteenth annual Summer As Special Act. sembly of the New Jersey Baptist Con vention will open at the Peddie School Duo to the efforts of a crusader on Monday, June 30th and continue there will be uo Sunday shaving in until July 11th. Plans for this conven Hightstowu. Sunday morning on com tion of religious workers are under the plaint of Oscar Waslibournc, a barber, supervision of the Rev. Ottof F. Laeg- Kmil Blciwcis, who conducts a barber eler, superintendent of religious edu shop on Mcrcc'r Street, was arraigned cation. Representatives of practically before Judge Ililand and fined $25 and every Baptisf Church in New Jersey costs for shaving customers on Sunday. will attend the sessions. The cDniplaiuLwas-uiadc uiuler a wee- Pastors’ Association During the session of the Young rides as a penalty for" ' operaiTng a ” People’s Assembly, the annual conven barbershoi) on Suiulay.s a line of $25 tion of the New Jersey Baptist Pastors’ for the first ollense and a $.50 fine for Association will also convene at Peddie, (lie secaiul offense. this affair being a three-day affair from \Vashboiiriic in partnership with Giis June 30 to .July 2. The feature speaker Baninian conducts a barbershop in the for the preachers’ gathering is an Oeorge \V. I'ord building on .\fcrccr nounced as the Rev. F. B. Fagerburg, Street. Washboiirne objected to his ri pastor of the First Baptist Church, of val keeping open on Stinday mornings. Springfield, Mass. Dr. Fagenburg is \Vashbonrnc told a ('lazctte reporter scheduled for a series of six addresses that he had been instrumental in clos at the pastors’ convention. ing up in barberslio|)s in .Asbury Park, Peddie Summer School and that be would continue to make The tenth annual summer school of complaints a.eainsf any Higbtstown the Peddie School under the direction .barber wbo opened his shop on Sunday. of Charles S. Mitchell will open July The arrest and lining for keeping a 14th’ and continue until August 30th. plaice of business open .Snnday was the The assistants will be Robert H. Stev first in many years in this-community. ens, Roy J. Waite, Harry I. Sechristf Harold A. Fletcher and Harold M. FIRST M. E. CHURCH Sherman of the regular Peddie staff; William A. Barras, head of the english , (Rev. J. Mercer Hunt, P»stor) department of Montclair Academy, Dyrle R. Leathers, instructor in history HIGHTSTOWN HIGH KHOOL CLASS OF 1930 There will be nn more mco,tings' of and director of athletics of Pawling the Junior Epwortli League until Sep School. First row at top:—Frances Borkowski, Mary E. Lee, Marion K. Clayton,' Howard W. Rue, Esther Probasco. E<lith M, Davison, Samuel Heller, Frank I. Powell. tember. The regular ftiid-wcck seivice Entrance Examinations of prayer and praise will be held on College entface examinations began Second row—Frank Jurgelsky, Edward L. Fausak, Alvin J. Dey, Loraine'A. Mount, Charles H. Davison, Herbert W. Conover, Margaret D. Storcr, Evelyn M. Clayton, Bertha J. Grover. Thursday evcnfiig at eight o’clock. The Monday at the Peddie School and will pastor’s son. Rev. Everett Nichols continue each day this week. Two hun Third row:—Evelyn B. Minnick, Tunis H, Conover, Louise Ely, Ruth Hunt, Maurice Goldstein, Lloyd H. Rogers, John B, Dorrance, Marjorie S. Dennis, John Czyzewski, Evelyn A. Conover. Hunt, will bring the message. dred Peddie students and others are Next Sunday taking the examinations. Fourt'h row:—Anna L. McGovern, Elsie E. Chamberlin, Kathryn M. Ely, Katherine Everett, Herbert Von Luteken, Mary H. Wilson, Rose Oser, Leon C. Walker. 9:45 a. m. Church School. Classes for all ages including Y. O. U. GRANGE NEWS I1:(X) a. 111. The jiastor’s sermon POLLYANNA CLASS SOCIAL WHEELBARROW RIDE topic will be "Holy Gromul.” After the regular Grange meeting on FOR MAN WHO BET 8 p. 111. At this service the pastor Saturday night a very entertaining pro The Ladies’ Bible class of the Me High School Sixteenth ON MAX SCHMELING will preach from the topic—The Ma- gram in charge of Mrs. Florence thodist Church, known as the Polly- ccclbnian Appeal, the Twentieth-Cen Moore was rendered. annas, enjoyed a pot luck supper in the A unique bet was paid off at tury Appeal.” It being “Flag Day" and Children’s diurch basement on Thursday evening, Cranbury on Sunday when “Big June 12. Commencement Exercises night at the Grange the following pro Bill” Nixon trundled A1 Mount in SAWYER—DAVISON gram was given. Original songs composed by the a wheelbarrow for a distance of a teacher, suitable for the Pollyannas, Flag Ettiquette—Mr. James Turp. quarter of a mile, from a point at The marriage is announced of Miss Recitation—Welcome—David B. Nau. added much to the enjoyment of the the railroad staition to Con’s Drug affair. Thirty-Six Dipbmas Awarded— Rev, Clare C. E.stellc Davison, daughter of Air. and Flower exercise—Easter Croshaw, Store and return. Much excitement Mrs'.^ Charles Davison of Fligbtstown Mrs. White ^avc an outline of the Thelma Davison, Bulah Hauser, Marr- attracted the event and a large to' Edward Sawyer, son of Mr. and book “Pollyanna," after which new Blauvelt Delivered Address Before the Class. bel Tunp, Betty Tantum. crowd lined the course of the Mrs. Robert Sawyer, of Plainsboro. Piano solos—Marjorie Davison, Ja Pbllyanna sisters were chosen. The “drive," cheering the rider, and his class now has a membership of 59. The Rev, Clare C. Blauvelt of Ru-j ton, Ruth Forsyth, Lester German, The ceremony was performed Satur net Wright, Marion Clirelaugh, Bulah Chester, N. Y., a former Hightslown | fjuvid Goldstein, Dora Goldstein, Les- “jockey.” day afternoon, June 14, by the Rev. J. Hauser. Games were jil^yed until a late hour, The freak bet was made on the when the class adjourned. Those pre- boy, delivered the address before the ter Grover, Jane Hall, David Hand, E. Curry, pastor of the First Presby Eltercise Farmer Boys—Robert Clay graduating class of the high school at Thomas. Henderson, William Horne, Schmeling-Sharkey fight, and terian Church of Cranbury. ton, David Turp, David Nau. senit were: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hunt Mount in picking Schmeling, be and daughter, Mr. .and Mrs. Snook, the school,auditorium Tuestlay evening. Thomas Hopkins, Anna Bell Houlahan, Miss Margaret Tomsoii of Elizabeth Recitation—Warren and Lois Davi This was the sixteenth annual com Wesley Floward, Ada Huber, Frank came entitled to the ride. Nixon was the bride’s attendant and Thomas son. Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Eldridge, Mr. and went through his end of the bar Mrs, Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer mencement exercises of the Hightstown Hummel, Helen Kohler, Anna Kovach, Sawyer, brother of the groom, acted as Music—The Little Princess—Asa, High School. Thirty-six boys and girls Eleanor MacArthur, FJvelyn McChes- gain without bickering and at the best man. Charles and Maribut Davison, Marion Archer, Mrs. Mary Gordon, Mr. and conclusion of the unusual ride both Mrs. McMichael, Mrs. Clopp, Mrs. were presented diplomas by Mrs. Chas. ney, Alice Mershon, Helena Murphy, Later Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer left for Disborough. J. Keeler, president of the Board of Joseph Norton, Warren O’Rourke, men were treated to ice cream by an extensive motor trip and upon their Reading—Ester Landerwher. Hanwner, Mrs, Lizzie Peppier, Mrs. a reception committee composed of Fenton, Mrs. Russel Egnor and daugh l^ucation. Rosie Othokl, William Othold, Kath return will reside with the bride’s par Exercise—Different Aprons—Monte J. Thomas James and Con. Pan- ents for a short time. ter, Mrs. A. L. Duryee, Mr. and J^frs. Music was furnished by the high erine Perrine, Theoijore Platt, Fred Norcross, Frank Ewart. Powell, Mary Powell, Bert Reed, Eli kewitz, proprietor of the local drug Vocal Solos—Esther Croshaw, Ber Harold Gordon, Mr, and Mrs. Dann, school orchestra and the glee club ren store. zabeth Reeves, Norris Robbins, Arthur DRUNKEN DRIVER nice Croshaw, Charles Conover, Jr., Mrs. Edith Smith and daughter, Mrs. dered selections. The address of wel William Nixon and A1 Mount are German, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norcross, come was delivered by Howard W. Rue Rothschild, Josephine Silver, Edith TO WORKHOUSE Francis Moore, Stewart, John Stovakevyteh, Anna both well known- business men of Flag Exercise—Richard, Robert, Mrs. Amanda Cubberly, Mrs. Harry on “Theoretical Friendship;’’ Mary H. Cranbury and their manner of set McCall, Mr. and Mrs. White,, Mrs, M. Wilson on “Friendship as the Poets May 'Vanderhoef, Stanley Winarski. George McLaughlin of 160 Railroad Theodore and Elmer Archer, Ja. tling the bet provided'much amuse Avenue was sentenced to serve ninety Recitation—Dog’s — Marvin Martin, Van Dorn, Mrs. Rachael Powell and Sec It;’’ Evelyn B. Minnick on “Co ment for their friends who witness daughter, Mrs, Raymond Wilson, Miss operative Friendship;’’ John B. Dor WINDSOR SCHOOL EXERCISES days in the Mercer County Work- Kenneth Croshaw, Buliah Hauser, ed the unusual spectacle. house by Recorder Jamc,s Hiland Tues Stanley Stults, Donald Davison, Henry Perrine, Mrs. Abijah Chamberlin, Mrs. rance on “International Friendship.’’ Mabel Laird, Mrs. Annie Welsh, Mrs. The auditorium was crowded to ca Seven boys and girls will receive day morning. McLaughlin was arraign Perrine, Gladys Croshaw. CLOSED ed on the charge of operating an au Music—Asa and Mrs. Davison. Gertrude Dey, Mrs.