D.C. Duff y and C. Martin Duff y, D.C. and C. Martin. Cooperative Natural Resource and Invasive Species Management in Hawaiʽi Cooperative natural resource and invasive species management in Hawai'i D.C. Duff y1 and C. Martin2 1Pacifi c Cooperative Studies Unit, Department of Botany, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu HI 96822, USA. <dduff
[email protected]>. 2Pacifi c Cooperative Studies Unit/Coordinating Group on Alien Pest Species, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, 3190 Maile Way, Honolulu HI 96822, USA. Abstract From the arrival of Polynesians before 1200 AD until Western contact in 1778, Hawaiian land use and resource distribution were centred on the “ahupuaʻa” system of watershed-based management areas that made their inhabitants nearly self-suffi cient. Those units were grouped into larger regions, each called a “moku,” led by lower chiefs who were in turn governed by the high chief or king of each island. While societal and environmental taboo or “kapu” were enforced from above, day to day neighbourhood cooperation served to protect resources, produce food, and sustain up to one million people before Western contact. Following the arrival of Europeans, land and resource management, and governance based on native Hawaiian core beliefs, were replaced by a centralised Western market economy. Modern land ownership, agency mandates and legal jurisdictions provide artifi cial walls that keep people from moving, but do not constrain invasive species, nor are they eff ective for managing public trust resources such as water or native species. Over time government and conservation organisations have come to view decentralised cooperation as a key to protecting the 50% of Hawaiian terrestrial, native habitat that persists.