King sverre's magical runes

Dated: New Gimle in 15. December 2014 Diploma no.: 1

An open letter to:

The in Oslo The Norwegian-Russian Centre of Culture in Oslo The Russian Embassy in Oslo The Norwegian-Russian Chamber of Commerce in Oslo


This is a public and open letter, about my intention to become a Russian citizen, and convert to the Russian Orthodox faith, and learn the . The purpose is to make a symbolic statement: «I defy NATO, EU and UN, and I wish to disassociate myself from these criminal organizations and their spheres of influence.»

I am a Norwegian citizen, and all my forefathers are Danish, and they are through marriage related to the Nordic Countries, with the consequence that I speak most of the Nordic languages. I literally incarnate the Nordic Countries by blood.

It is important to understand, that the Norwegian government has since 1945 persecuted Nordic-minded , and since 1962 persecuted Nordic-minded citizens of the Nordic Countries, and since 1991 persecuted Nordic-minded in .

It is also important to understand, that the idealistic approach in the Helsinki Treaty 1962 has been systematically betrayed by the Norwegian government since 1962. Today Russian families with young children in Norway may experience an unfortunate betrayal of trust from the corrupted Norwegian government.

My own blood has also suffered the same genocidal betrayal, and from 1987-97 my family fought court battles against corrupted masonry in Norway, which are notoriously nicknamed «the hounds of Narvik».


side 1 af 2 I have today returned to Norway as a Viking to take «revenge of blood» against the Norwegian government. I will agree on payment. I demand 10,000,000,000 Norwegian kroner in settlement from the Norwegian government.

I see the «Fourth Way» - with respect to Professor Alexander Dugin's brilliant teaching - as essentially being the intention of the Helsinki Treaty 1962 put into practice. I therefore welcome into the Nordic Council, and I strongly suggest an annual assembly in Karelia. I also want the Nordic Countries en bloc to become an integrated part of Russia, like Finland once were a grand duchy in the .

The Russian «Narod» - with respect to Professor Alexander Dugin's spiritually enlightened teaching - is the same principle as «Odal» in Old Norse Viking tradition. Russia is, and has always been, a natural part of the Nordic Countries. We are the same people from the Viking Age.

I have today started my own Viking company in Norway called «King Sverre's Magical Runes», which is a «fifth column psyop & propaganda», with the purpose of bringing down the Norwegian government by «Viking rune magic».

The general plan is to use skaldic hypnosis (an Old Norse Viking brainwashing technique) to move the Norwegian capital city from Oslo to , and call it Novo-Atlantis in Eurasia. I look forward to do Viking business in Russia.

Heil og sæl,

Rolf Gunnar Rolfsson Allsherjargode of the Nordic Countries cc: The Nordic Council in Copenhagen


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