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I • 58 Japanese Ships Sunk or Damaged in Sea Battle U.S. Navy Launches New Raids on Manila DaflyTribune After Great Victory \\5scoflsnCONSi T E W S PA PER (By the Associated Press) U. S. Pacific Fleet Headquarters, Pearl Harbor—The vic- Thirty-First Year—No. 9615. Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., Monday, October 30, 1944. Single Copy Five Cents torious American navy has launched new aerial attacks against Manila, Tokyo reported today, after sinking or damaging 58 Japanese warships in one of history's greatest naval triumphs. The Third and Seventh U. S. fleets definitely sank 24 Japa- nese warcraft, including four aircraft carriers and two battle- ships, in last week's naval action off the Philippines, Adm. Chester W. Nitnitz announced last night. Thirteen more Japanese craft, including a battleship, were damaged so badly they may. have sunk, and 21 other warcraft, including sU NAZIS COLLAPSING battleships, were damaged. HOLLAND The total—at least 500,000 tons— is more warcraft than Japan lost Sgt. Watson in all the four preceding great Pa- LAST RAIL EXIT OFFICIALS FIGURE Allies Enter Last cific war sea battles combined. U. S. Lost Six Warships Is Killed on American forces spent six war- FROM NORTHEAST TOTAL VOTE OF ships for a victory by which, Nim- itz said, "the Japanese fleet has French Soil Link in Defense been decisively defeated and rout- HUNGARY TAKEN OVER 44 MILLION ed." Dispatches from the Philip- pines say, however, American per- sonnel casualties were "consider- London — (IP) — The last rail es- (By the Associated Press) Line Below Maas able." In addition, the 10,000-ton cape route for Germans in north- Washington—On the basis of in- Australian cruiser, Australia, was eastern Hungary was blocked by the complete registrations and qualified London—(.P)—Allied columns paced by tanks and planeg damaged. Russians today with capture of estimates of voters, state officials raced for the German escape bridges and ferries across thei {Tokyo radio today reported, with- Csap on tbe upper Tisza rher, while figure roughly that more than 44,- broad Maas and Hollandsch Diep in Holland only five miles out allied confirmation, that 200 U. to the north Berlin reported further 000,000 persons will vote in next away today, and Berlin radio asserted that a major withdrawal S. carrier planes staged three raids Russian gains in the liquidation of week's presidential election, includ- en Manila and Clark airfield Satur- an estimated 100,000 Nazis pinned ing 3,392,000 service men and wom- across that barrier to Rotterdam was in full swing. day—just three days after heavy against the Baltic sea. en. Allied troops, breaking into fighting in the naval battle ended. Csap, junction of four rail lines This compares with the 49,515,- the last of the chain of strong- Japanese aircraft, said another at the southeastern edge of libera- 312 who actually cast ballots Jn the points before the Maas, en- ted Ruihenia, was occupied by 1940 election, but takes into account tered Roosendaal, a city of STORY RELATED Tokyo broadcast, Sunday began at- tacking an American task force, in- troops of Gen. Ivan Petrov's Fourth wartime dislocations in estimating 25,000, 12 miles south of Wil- cluding four aircraft carriers, in Ukraine army which fought their the overall decrease, despite heavy emstad ferry across the Diep, Lamon bay, oa the east coast of way 30 miles across mountainous registrations in big cities. the sea arm of the river. BY YANK RESCUED; Luzon, opposite Manila). eastern Czechoslovakia, Moscow an- There have been lower and high- American amior plunged to with- 'Overwhelming Victory' nounced. er estimates of the 1944 total vote. in six miles of tbe Moerdijk bridge, Henry J. Kaiser, shipbuilding in- Nimitz' 1100-word communique Wild Fighting for Town one of the lon^cstspans in Europe, IN PHILIPPINES said that "amplifying reports, al- KING HAAKON HAILS ARRIVAL OF RUSSIANS IN NORWAY— dustrialist and chairman of the non- and other forces fought to within A midnight bulletin said the Rus- partisan association for franchise though still subject to revision as King Haakon VII of Norway, in a broadcast from London, tells his sians seized the town after a day of three miles of the Maas and five BV AL DOPKING more information is received, indi- education, figures 50,000,000 will miles from the Gecrtruidenberg With the 7th, Division, Leyte—T people to give the Red army the "greatest possible support," in the wild street fighting during which vote for an iLll-timc record. He made cate an overwhelming victory. Russian advance into Norway. He said Norwegian administration hundreds of Germans were killed. crossing by capturing Oosterhout P)—A slender, blue-eyed Ameri* this forecast in taking exception to ' northeast of fallen Bieda. the second battle of tbe Philippine will be restored in reconquered territory. This photo was radioed A Berlin announcement said So- can who escaped at Bataan's fall a 39,500,000 estimate. i Nazi Force Disintegrating was rescued from Leyte mountains sea ranks as one of the major sea from London. viet troops attacking in western La- battles of World War II in the Pa- Vice President Wallace has pre- i The German stand in all south- today, ending three jears of secret! tvia had penetrated the Priekule SGT. JAMES WATSON dieted a vote of 45,000,000 and Cal- cific." area 20 miles southeast of the Bal- western Holland and northern Bel- missions in the Philippines with the! The three related actions, thus vin B. Baldwin, assistant chairman had been cut into four pockets, Japanese constantly hounding him« tic port of Liepaja, and had cap- of the CIO political action commit- classified as the second battle of the tured Auce, communications center Sgt James A. Watson, 24, was and military spokesmen said the Second Lt. Joseph Francis Saint killed in action in France on Oc- tee, estimates a minimum of 47,- Philippine sea, were fought south of Recall of Gen. Stilwell 70 miles east of Leipaja. German force was disintegrating John, 24, of Philadelphia, related Formosa, off the east coast of Sa- Moscow Communique Brief tobei-12, according to a war depart- 000,000. under the concerted pounding. the story from the bamboo hut ment telegram received this morn- Higher Figure Possible mar and in Surigao strait off south- The Moscow communique, one of The four pockets were below the where he was given his second pair eastern Leyte, Oct. 23, 24 and 25. Plunges China Into New ing by his wife, Betty, wbo resides The state officials' minimum esti- Maas where the chief resistance of shoes in three years. He was the briefest in weeks, did not con- at 431 Ninth street north. Aircraft and submarines scored firm the Berlin reports on the La- mate compiled by the Associated center of Btoda had been taken; on brought through American lines by, Sergeant Watson was sen-ing with more successes in hunting down tvia offensive, nor did it mention Press today was 44,102,000. This Beveland island; on flooded Wal- 1st Lt. Claude Hombacher, Sebe- survivors the next two days. the 26th (Y.D.) division, an infan- was raised to 44,037,000 when high- chei'en island, \irtuaily rut off by wainjr, Mich., whose patrol reached Military, Political Crisis the East Prussian front, where him by crossing the bay south of Possibly only two Japanese ships heavy fighting has been raging try group, in France when be met er figures were taken into account a Canadian drive to within 3,000 escaped undamaged from tbe de- his death. in eight states where officials gave yards of the causeway connecting Abiiyojr. BY JOHN M. HIGHTOWER along the Kaunas-Konigsberg high- A Star Athlete Rescued also was red-haired En- bacle. No modem nation has had its way. varryiny: estimates. The maximum with Beveland; and a tiny six mile fleet so nearly destroyed in one en- Washington —•(&)— China has He was born at St. Charles. Minn., estimates, for example, added 250,- long, four mile wide corner of Bel- sign Edwin J. Beattie, 21, Colum- been plunged headlong into a new RUSSIA WILL NOT (Berlin said Soviet attacks April 1, 1920 and moved to Wiscon- bian ille, Mich., naval pilot who gagement. against the thick German defenses 000 to tbe vote forecast for Mis- glum south of the Schelde. military and political crisis by the sin Eapids while still in grade souri, 100,000 to South Carolina, North of Tilburg a British column crashed in a dog fight daring tbe Number of Ships Involved recall of General Joseph W. Stil- southwest of Ebenrode and south of invasion and took refuge with Saint The Philippine battle involved school. He attended the Two Mile 50,000 each in Colorado and len- lashed out from Loon op Zand and well to Washington. Gurobinnen, important highway school and then was graduated from John. more than the 248 ships engaged in ATTEND AIR MEET points, were growing -weaker.) ness, 15,000 each in Alabama, Ar- seized the village of Kaatsheuvel, , Information reaching here indi- Lincoln high school in 1938. Ser- kansas, and Virginia, and 10,000 in only three miles south of the Maas, (The dispatch failed to reveal the World War I batfle-Ttt Jut- cates that decisions which must be The Moscow communique asserted any details of the "secret mis- land although exact figures can- Washington—(£>) — Russia hung geant Watson was an outstanding New Mexico. and drove to within two miles of made in Chungking in tbe next that fighting only of local impor- atblete in footbalj and basketball at sions.") not be given.