chosen for your Trance. These War Is Art secondary effects are listed below: . While raging, you use Strength Whether it be by brute force, surprising instead of Dexterity for attack and damage grace, or unparalleled skill, the art of hand- rolls for attacks made with a longbow or to-hand combat is experienced by all shortbow, if you do so, you can add your species, and every combatant has their own rage damage bonus to those attacks. At level style that they can gift to the greater world. 9, you also gain the benefits of Brutal

Critical with ranged Defense. While raging, when holding a Fighting Style shield and/or with which your are proficient and another creature hits you The following fighting style is available to with a melee attack, you can use your Paladins, Fighters and War-Trance reaction to add your proficiency bonus to Barbarians your AC for that attack. Potentially causing Monkey Grip the attack to miss. Dueling. While raging, you may add your You have learned to use large weapons in rage damage bonus to melee weapon ways they weren't meant to be used. You attacks made with dexterity. may use any melee weapon without the Great Weapon Fighting. When you hit an two-handed property as a thrown weapon enemy with a melee weapon attack using a with a range of 10/30. Also, if you are small, weapon you are wielding in two hands and you may use heavy weapons without you are raging and you are using Reckless disadvantage. Attack, the target must make a strength saving (DC 8 + your proficiency Barbarian Primal Path: bonus + your strength modifier). If they fail, Path of the War-Trance they are knocked back 10 feet. Protection. While you are raging, and a Not every Barbarian runs screaming into creature you see makes an attack against an battle, fuelled by unrelenting fury. Some ally within 5 feet of you, you can use your find peace in war, focusing on their centre reaction to impose disadvantage on all flowing with the natural way of battle. attacks made against that ally until the start These barbarians do not "rage" in the of your next turn or you fall unconscious. traditional sense, but rather enter a battle You must be using a shield. trance, where their fury is brought to a Two Weapon Fighting. While raging, you deadly focus. Lacking in the raw explosive may make two attacks with your off-hand power of others, but tempered by discipline. weapon as a bonus action, both of these attacks must be against different enemies Combat Trance Close Quarters Shooter. While raging, you may make opportunity attacks with a When you take this primal path at 3rd level. as if it was a melee weapon You gain a fighting style from the Fighter's without the reach property, your ranged Fighting Style list. You also no longer rage attacks made against creatures within 30 like other barbarians. Instead you enter a feet score a critical hit on a 19-20. At level 9, Combat Trance when you rage, you gain a you also gain the benefits of Brutal Critical secondary effect when you are raging with ranged weapons used within 30 feet of depending on the fighting style you have the target.

Tunnel Fighter. While raging, you may use your reaction to make an attack against any creature that makes a ranged weapon attack or casts a spell while adjacent to you. Monkey Grip. While raging, you may ignore the two-handed property on any melee weapon you use.

Immovable Beginning at 6th level, you can't be unwillingly forced to move by any means aside from teleportation while raging, you also can't be knocked prone while raging.

Battlewise At 10th level, you gain proficiency in the Insight skill. If you are already proficient in it, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any check you make with it. Once per long rest, when you are targeted by a spell that requires a saving throw cast by a creature you can see, you may make an insight check against that creature's caster DC, if you succeed, you successfully save against the spell, if you fail you make the saving throw as normal.

Trance Mastery At 14th level, you gain true mastery over your combat trance. You gain a second Fighting Style, and the Combat Trance secondary effect that goes with that fighting style.