Cities Schedule Hearings on Diverter Plan
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l• rosse Pointe ews VOL. 47-No. 33 Grosse POinte, MIchigan, Thursday, August 14, 1986 35 Cents 38 Pages for your information Cities schedule hearings on diverter plan By Mike Andrzejczyk III U DIrector Jack Patterson was City counctls in Grosse POInte Grosse Pointe ""oods, narper Woods to share cost pleased WIth the plan, Harper Woods and Harper Woods agreed that the dlverter plan appeared to Woods Pohce Chief Gary Ford said In concept last week to puttIng traf- lem Many of the councJ! members pre- he didn't lIke It be the one that would please the fyi fic diverters along shared streets Not everyone ISgoing to be hap- sent said they didn't want to simp- The curbs were too low and In the north ends of their cities to largest number of reSidents py about It, offiCials said Some ly block one or two of the streets ld b d b fl alleVIate traffic on reSidential Grosse Pomte Woods Mayor Harper Woods reSIdents have al- since that would push traffic far- cou e riven over y a eemg Many chiefS George Freeman called the dlver- ready asked the council not to felon, Ford said Also, a driver streets ther south fleeIng police may drive up onto a have teepee The plan now goes to city ters the best solution he has seen undertake any trafflc plan m the so far to the problem area because they don't feel In addition, Leidlein said the lawn to aVOIddlverters, he added managers to work out details of CIties may have to consider erect- Ford said he favored makIng all in Park cost-splitting and serVIce delIvery There ISstill some bad blood bet- there's a problem But other reSI- ween the two CIties, however dents have asked that their street ing dlverters from Vernier to AI- Harper Woods northern streets one .AttentiOn jaywalkers, skmny- to residents . lard If traffIC pattern studies show way from Canton to Harper dIppers, gold-bnckers and It took the council less than an Some side comments made by be cul-de-sacked to eliminate it~ council members during the use by through traffic, Leidlein dnvers usmg those streets to get InItIally the plan may be mcon- others on the frmges of society: hour in a joint meetmg Wednes- from Harper to Mack, Instead of vement, but drIvers wIll learn You better mmd Vour Ps and Qs day. Aug 6, to come up With what 50-mmute meetmg showed there added Vermer Road qUlddy dftt:! !lIdkHl~ d U-LU! 11 when you set foot In Grosse was called the best solution aVail- were still some hurt teelings that OUlcials on both Sides saId they haven't healed smce the last tIme Unlike past plans, where signs in back to Harper or Mack, Patterson Pointe Park able to a problem that has plagued had learned from past expenence the area required additlcnal said the cities tned to solve the prob- of trymg to solve the problem The CIty IS now the home of the area for more than 15 years police, this plan will be self- "After a very short tIme, people choice for three of Grosse TraffIC diverters will be placed enforCIng, Leldleln added. will learn and the problem will be POInte's fInest polIce chiefs Be- along Canton at Anita, Hawthorne, WhIle Woods Public Safety cleared up," he added sides the Park's Rich'ard Hollywood, Ridgemont, Hampton Caretti, there is the city's and Roslyn. Old EIght Mile Road But what does it mean? Bruce Kennedy and the will be dead-ended so traffIC can't Farms' Robert Ferber. use Brys. What we want to know is if it's The diverters would eliminate true that Park officIals are con- using the streets as throughways Kemp delegates sidermg renammg Jefferson to from Harper to Mack A car enter- John Wayne Boulevard? ing one of the streets would be di- verted back to either Mack or Har- Green splatters per. storm Pointes By Nancy Parmenter The cops in Grosse Pomte Permanent diverters would be commItted to Bush" Gattorn saId Shores are still smckering over placed diagonally across the inter- Now that the much-ballyhooed "We do not know that the other 16 some (admIttedly) silly phras- sections. They would be of curb primaries are over, what did they are commItted to Jack Kemp" ing in the Grosse POInte News a height and landscaped and would mean? The attention of the nation, She said the Bush delegates were few weeks ago. We announced be three feet away from eXIsting or at least of political pundits, was clearly connected by campaign lit- that a Shores scout car had seen curbs to allow drainage. Two cars focused on Michigan, the state that erature to George Bush, but that and pursued a speedmg car, would be able to make the turn at stole the limelight from Iowa and Kemp's flyers had implied en- without notmg that m order for each diverter. New HampshIre. dorsements by PreSident Reagan a scout car to "see" anythmg, Harper Woods CIty Manager Whether it was all worth it de- rather than by Kemp pends on your point of VIew it helps to have an officer at the James Leidlein told the councils he Durant said the Kemp campaign controls They're still squabbl- happened upon the diverter plan in Whether anyone understands what had had positive response from ing over who gets to drive the a trade journal from the Michigan happened IS an open question. that maIling - other than from magic car next. Department of Transportation. "To say you've got an Idea now Bush people "Because that piece It helps to have a sense of The final plan was shaped in (whIch preSidential aspirant won) was so good, a lot of Bush people meetIngs between city and police ISludicrous," saId Bush campaign humor in this business - and in were upset by It, II he said theIrS, too, as some of the police officials of Harper Woods, Grosse coordmator Barbara Gattorn of Statewide, Bush IS clalmlllg Pointe Woods and St Clair Shores, reports show Sunday, Officer Grosse Pointe Shores. "It would twice as many delegates commit- and representatives from the Gary Boudreau showed a ha ve made a difference If the ted to him as to Kemp, but Durant Southeastern Michigan CouncIl of keen appreciation of the role (precinct) delegates had been link- sees the electIOn as proof that Government. fate plays in the petty affairs of ed with a candidate on the ballot as Kemp can hold hIS own He sees hIS mankind, not to mention the ve- The three cities three years ago they were two years ago " man as the candidate of the future, getable and manufactured agreed to gIve each other 30 days' In the confUSIOn of polling, carrying a message of optimIsm to world notice before erecting signs or try- claims and counterclaims this all sections of society mg to change traffic patterns in the Seems somebody heaved a to- year, Gattorn said, no one could "If we're serious about being a area. They agreed to notify each mato (how green and firm, we know with any degree of accuracy majority party mto the next cen- other after the Woods trIed signing can only guess) at a car - with which delegate preferred which tury, we must have a message that the most northern four of its some amazmg results. Who candidate. Not only dId voters not reaches into Hamtramck and streets one-way, forcing traffic in- would have imagined that a col- know what the election was about Melvindale and Mount Clemens," lision with a tomato would tc! Harper Woods, St. Clair Shores but many delegates ran without a and farther south into the Woods. Durant said "Unless the Repubh- damage a car? It busted the clear idea of their responsibilitles can party is broad-based, we're or their loyalties. taillight. 81. Clair Shores officials at the doomed to be a mmonty party joint meeting said their city h s a Boudreau was called to the "The majority of voters are not I've been with Jack m the ghettos plan to erect diverters along all its scene, where he assessed the ready to thInk about a presidential and barrIOS and country clubs HIS east-west through streets from Old SItuation and drew some con- election," Gattorn said "They message doesn't change WIth the clUSlOns: "It is this officer's opi- Eight Mile to Nine Mile Road. voted for precinct delegates as group." Leidlein said the dIverters might nion that the taIllight had met friends or neIghbors. They didn't What a Kemp victory says about be able to be constructed for less its fate upon contact with the dIfferentiate this election from any Grosse Pointe IS that "it's a mis- than the engmeering estImates of listed projectile" other presidential delegate elec- take to view any commumty as a $20,000 each. That's the tomato. tion " monolith," Durant said "At the Both citIes WIllhold publIc hear- They should have. Even though bottom line, all It says IS that there mgs on the plan at their September the delegates are elected a long IS a varIety of people at the grass Greenhorn Greenwood council meetmgs to give residents time before the presidential con- roots. " A face quite familiar to us at of the area a chance to voice their vention, some of those selected It IS sigmflcant that more the Grosse Pointe News was in opinions about it. If there is enough Tuesday will find their way delegates filed than ever before the spotlIght last week.