Union Calendar No. 488
1 Union Calendar No. 488 104TH CONGRESS REPORT 2d Session HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 104±886 "! SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ONE HUNDRED FOURTH CONGRESS A REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JANUARY 2, 1997.ÐCommitted to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 39±006 WASHINGTON : 1997 COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT NANCY L. JOHNSON, Connecticut, Chairman JIM BUNNING, Kentucky JIM MCDERMOTT, Ranking Minority PORTER J. GOSS, Florida Member DAVID L. HOBSON, Ohio BENJAMIN L. CARDIN, Maryland STEVEN SCHIFF, New Mexico NANCY PELOSI, California ROBERT A. BORSKI, Pennsylvania THOMAS C. SAWYER, Ohio THEODORE J. VAN DER MEID, Chief Counsel VIRGINIA H. JOHNSON, Counsel DAVID H. LAUFMAN, Counsel BERNARD RAIMO, Counsel JOHN E. VARGO, Counsel CHARLES J. WILLOUGHBY, Counsel MARGARITA MESTRE, Staff Assistant CHRISTINE S. WEINSTEIN, Systems Administrator JOANNE WHITE, Administrative Assistant (II) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS OF OFFICIAL CONDUCT, Washington, DC, January 2, 1997. Hon. ROBIN CARLE, Clerk, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. DEAR MS. CARLE: Pursuant to clause 1(d) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives, I hereby submit to the House a report on the activities of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct for the 104th Congress. Sincerely, NANCY L. JOHNSON, Chairwoman. (III) C O N T E N T S Page I. Introduction ................................................................................................
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