Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, June 29, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 26-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield Board of Ed. Approves Fyffe as WHS Interim Principal By MEGHAN GILL Dolan replaced Mr. Foley at the meet- contract expires on Friday, June 30, and Specially Written for The Westfield Leader ing and introduced Mr. Fyffe to the Anthony Akey, Summit High School WESTFIELD — In a special meet- board and members of the public. Ac- assistant principal, declined the ing held Tuesday evening, the board of cording to his references, he is “highly principalship offer from the district af- education unanimously approved the intelligent and insightful…(with) easy ter initially accepting the job. appointment of Dennis Fyffe as interim humor and enthusiasm,” she said. The board settled a three-year con- principal of Westfield High School. tract with the Westfield Associa- Mr. Fyffe will be paid $650 per tion of Administrators and Super- day for the one-year contracted po- visors (WAAS), allowing for an sition, commencing July 1. He annual salary increase of 4 percent. comes to Westfield with 35 years of The contract includes the auto- experience, most recently serving matic enrollment in Point of as interim superintendent of schools Serivice (POS) health plan for all for the Long Beach Island Board of new administrators. Education. He was superintendent Administrators will no longer of schools in Sayreville from 2000 be entitled to enroll their children through 2005, having first served at in the schools for free if they live the assistant superintendent from out of the district as of July 1.