THE BEST. PERIOD. Shareholders of Record on May 'Suburban 27,1981

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THE BEST. PERIOD. Shareholders of Record on May 'Suburban 27,1981 THE SUMMITjHERALD/SUNDAY, MAY 24,1981/Paye 2 Michigan University Grants Local Degrees Sri Lanka Artists Three local students at the commencement exercises neia Elizabeth L. Berberian ot Crest drive, bachelor of arts, and University ot Michigan, Ann Ar- May 2. drive, master ot public health; Douglas A. Schoettle of Maple In Exhibit Here bor, were granted degrees at The graduates included Cynthia L. Kendall of Drum Hill street, master ot architecture. The Wall Gallery, 55 Summit avenue, is now featuring a limited collection ot two outstanding craftsmen from Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). On view are batiks, executed and designed by Ananda Abeykone of Kandy and wooden masks painted and carved under the direction of Pandula Jayasuriya of Ambalangoda. All Star Savings The Abeykone batiks which are done on cotton, display an original sense of design and an intricate use of color while Pan- dula Jayasuriya's traditional hand painted masks show an - Pro Pro artistic understanding of Fashion Hairbrushes religious and ceremonial forms. Toothbrushes The Wall Gallery Is open from IN TOP SPOT - Charles A. Tylenol , Monday through Saturday - 10 Orem, son ol Aim. and Mrs. $ 59 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4for^° for $100 Howard Orem ol Summit, has Capsules ioo-s 2 been ndmed chiel executive of- ficer of Bird-Johnson Company, Students Earn ireck Tame a wholly-owned subsidiary of A. Conditioning Clean Rinse Johnson and Company, Inc.,. Richmond Degrees manufacturers ol marine pro- Shampoo Oily & extra body 15oz. pellers AA graduate ot the United Two local students at the States Naval Academy, OremUniversity of Richmond were $315 holds a master's degree in granted degrees at commence- engineering from the Navalment exercises held May 10. ALL ABOUT MAINSTREAMING - In her new book, ' 'The Resource Room Primer", Natalie Madorsky Buy 1 Get 1 Buy 1 Get 1 Buy 1 Get 1 Degree recipients include FREE Postgraduate School and has Elman ol Mountain avenue maintains ihat the handicapped child need not he completely excluded Horn FREE FREE taken additional graduate James E. Kachline B.A. degree the regular educational system. Alliliated with the Council lor Exceptional Children, the Association lor # courses at George Washingtonfrom Richmond College, and Children with Learning Disabilities and Our House, Inc., Mrs. Elman is currently a resource room and Northeastern Universities. Harald Thieck, B.S. degree in teacherin Warren Township. Her book was published this month by Prentice.-Hall, Inc. Sure Maalox 2 Dfetac He retired from the Navy in business administration from Spray Deodorant Tablets $ Maximum Strength 1970 with the rank of com-the E. Claiborne Robins School 6oz, 1OO's 75 mg., 20 mander: of Business. 3 capsules Chamber Vest-a-Cop Project Buy 1 Get 1 Buy 1 Get 1 DffiTAC .FREE FREE $2^9 Climbs Over Half-Way Mark ULlrUW Mercedes-Ben* More than 100 Chamber of Commerce scope and duties of the officers". IN SOUTH ORANGE member firms, organizations and interested Rev. Tinker joined Chamber President, F. Excedrin Topo§ Old Spice Summer's citizens have combined to push the Chamber Chandler Coddington, jr., in urging other Tablets, 10O's or Tooth Polish After Shave Lotion YOUR CONVENIENT BUICK of Commerce sponsored Vest-A-Cop fund organizations and groups to get involved in Eve drive over the $12,000 mark, well over half Vest-A-Cop. "There are many ways to get in- Capsules, 60's 7oz. 4M oz. liquid Disposable Douche MERCEDES BENZ DEALER way towards the $23,000 goal. volved in the project and we can utilize every A $1,000 contribution by Christ Church dollar we can raise to insure that every officer $349 $2^9 Twin Pack 1-17 WEST SO. ORANGE AVE. presented by Rev. Allen Tinker last week in Summit, New Providence, and Berkeley SOUTH ORANGE , 762-7500 pushed the total to $12,015,00. In making the Heights is afforded the opportunity to have a contribution, Rev. Tinker reported that his vest", declared Coddington. Cortaid Schick Stayfree Old Spice membership and board of trustees feels thai Contributions to the Vest-A-Cop Project the church and the citizens of the area Cream Super II Blades Mini or Maxi Pads THOUGHT FOR THE DAY should be mailed to the Chamber Vest-A-Cop Travel Kit Psalm 119-25 "receive many services from the police of- Project, Box 824, Summit, New Jersey In The Service of God, ficers that are well above .and beyond the 07901. Vi oz. 30's Our Service is our Survival KM I am thy servant, give me understanding that I may know thy 49 testimony. i Secretarial Skills Mary Jane Wilson < Elect Fortified $3.49 *6 To Be Demonstrated A mini version of the profes- MAYOR sional secretarial skills ottered MAUREEN by Worldwide Educational Ser- vices, Clifton, will b8 offered by Pat Pollak when she addresses Rogers Pharmacy OGDEN a meeting of the Summit Chapter Professional H©¥f SHOP ? DAYS A WEEK 364 Springfield Ave. Secretaries International, on Mon.-Frl. 8-9 Summit, NJ. to Wednesday, January 3 a; (lie Sat. 8-7, Sun. 8-4 Assembly William Pitt Restaurant. Chatham. A social hour will SUPPORT THE WINNING TEAM... begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by The Area's Largest and finest Facilitie dinner at 6 p.m. Re-elect DON DiFRANCESCO • Senate Any secretaries interested in Re-elect BOB FRANKS - Assembly attending the meeting should Richard E. Haeberle, Mgr. Pd. (or by Committee to Elect Maureen Ogden, contact Carol Giona for reserva- 535 SPRINGFIELD AVE AT MORRIS AVE Robt. Denise, Treas. tions at 221-5553. 2733333 Dividends Listed By Bancorporation The Board of Directors of The Summit Bancorporation approv- ed a dividend payment of 40e per share of the Common Stock and 55{ per share of the Series A Preferred Stock at its meeting held May 12,1981. The dividend will be payable on June 15, 1981 to THE BEST. PERIOD. shareholders of record on May 'Suburban 27,1981. 'Cablei/.sions academic high school quiz program VERONA VW RABBIT DIESEL. NOT JUST BETTER MILEAGE. THE BEST. CHIEF ENGINEER - Donald W. Faithfull, of Huntley road, has been made chief engineer ol SUMMIT radio station WGBB, Merrick, YOUR JERSEY PRO VW DEALER. WOT L-l. Mr. Faithfull, who attended Summit High School, Is a THE CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE 1980 -1981 SERIES JUST BETTER PRICES.THE BEST graduate of the New York In- stitute of Technology, Westbury, L.I., with a bachelor of fine arts degree. He is a Absolutely unbeatable Silver Anniversary prices. member of the National LIVE AT 8:00 P.M. Not just early, but immediate delivery. Honorary Broadcasting Society, But only until May 30th. Alpha Epsilon HhtS. MAY 27,1981 NOWDon't wait. Visit your Jersey Pro Volkswage! n dealer today. He won't disappoint you. MUD IN 4 • Model T" #175291,2-dr, 4-speed Estimated mpg used lot comparison, mpg varies wilh speed, tnplength, weather Actual hwy mpg will probably be less , YOUR EYE?\t' Not when you swim In our ON W) Suburban Cabletfsion lake - cool, cjean well-led Repeat Cablecast Sunday, May 31 at 5:30 p.m. Douglas Motors Corp. waters oopper apringa 430 Morris Avenue • Summit »*ACMM ANDTIANDTINN " % M»mb#r»hlj> Inf...,,..,,,,,, (201)277-3300 647-gaaa THJSUMMITJj£flWL^^NDA^^ftYJ4jl^82£!Mli. At the time of the accident, ot injuries. GO FOAM Wanted: One "Stairlift" Two Hurt in Crashes Mandelbaum was going north Investigating the accident on Summit avenue. He waswas Police Officer Edward front of his truck. Tobia said he Automobile accidents injured taken to Overlook for treatment Sieheri ITS FUN two persons here last week. was unable to halt his truck in For Sale: One Painting On Thursday, May 14, Jan time to avoid hitting the youth. By Norman E. Rauscher "I have no ready money to purchase the Marquardt, 16, ot Beech Spring The accident was investigated 379-4145 379-4145 lift". Miss Fabricatore said this week, "and I drive, was injured when the by Police Otficer James Mon- Et's Time Again Terry Fabricators is a woman who has some do not want charity. I have a very beautiful bicycle he was riding collided ticello. * real problems. Physically handicapped painting I'm willing to sell so that I can buy with a truck at Cunstairtine Falling asleep al the wheel To place and Risk avenue. The boy because of a severe back condition, she is in the lift.". was blamed for a one-car acci- Pamper & Protect need ol a so-called "stairlift" so she can get was taken to Overlook Hospital In constant pain, forced to wear a spinal dent last Tuesday morning up and down the stairs in the new apartment brace and on occasion use a cane in order to for treatment of injuries. Your when Michael D. Mandelbaum, she is being forced to move into. "Stairlifts" get about, Miss Fabricatore is quite candid Police identified the driver of Precious Furs are easy to obtain, but the money with which about her condition. Realizing she will always the truck as Peter Tobia, 24, of 20, of Livingston, lost control of to purchase one, is not. be handicapped she makes the most of the West Orange. He told police the the car he was driving and In Our Cold, Safe Miss Fabricatore is broke and a "stairlift" things she can do. "I can do many things but mishap occured when he was crashed into a tree in Iront of these days goes for $1,500, an amount of climbing stairs is not one of them.'' driving north along Constantine 261 Summit avenue near FUR STOiME Hillcrest avenue. money she does not have.
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