The Union and Journal
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tlMlifi Snnm & laimral * pjt OF ALL KI1^3k iviar raiBAT noa*i*a. —••CM / » rriuum J Office- Hooper'* Brick Block, ip Mtaln. Pamphlets, Tours Beports, School fttporti, Posters ud Handbills ft»r Thsotrss, Oon- T K R M M i o*rU, Ac., Wsddin* Cudi, VisiUnc '** Aastii—or 0»« Hollar a*» v,T*°,r>0LLAV - Card*, BuslnssTCarda, Dusbllls, «isj r.u"*■ Blank HiowptitflmtChMlw; : Labels of svsry dssoripUon, In* • / "» •urtulM Policies, Porwardinc Cards, # OF Each *ut>*Niu«ut Imwrtloa. OVER THE MIND OR BODY MAN."—Jefferson. Bills of Lading, Ac., Ae., printed la Col- trip*. HOSTILITY TO EVERY FORM OF OPPRESSION ^ 14 Nonpareil "ETERNAL or* or with M this OflN m *tBar® » Bronss,—exeoated *M>«*lal^ NvHIc— o— <«Uii line, or Is**, °*"U, •scvrdlac !«■"«, J r«nU> • Hue. »<*rl* .,11 bm th*rx~l |l*«. (f»P*r AND PROPRIETOR. WITH .SEATHEM 1.T9 DISPATCH, U?lu.l»J m«1 hm.UM to aterajrw »»• STREET. EDITOR la XIBERTY (imm (<• Iw |>»M for pr»|»ortlua. OFFICE IN HOOPER'S BRICK BLOCK, And on ths mod BMMiubto Tim weekly cuwiuiunlcatloiu. LOUIS O. COWAN, >■• no|tr« Ukrn ■/»»<•»> ns<>wx «< art pmrfrntarff r»f"4*4 tn«| '*» *-««* as •• r«r/y w /kmii- QT OiDiu ru« hmnn in lly EM>«r(iw»i l»»tr wKfltw, M«| Mu( t< ! Ue M«. /* »r4ir tm IW* NUMBER 37. lioiud, u trtj stUaUea will be p*u to meet ULU>ksUJt MUHT. SEPT. 7, I860. VOLUME XVI. BIDDEFORD, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, •oats aad wtabM of CMtown. jamb* t. cuuru, ...raisran. to that Abraham Lincoln will to elected Presi- a recoot number of his article*, written Au- to in' is a demonstrable fact, and we an obliged lows whom ho u ho floated along. chooao their Governor, Judge*, Ac., dent a over all the candidate. were introduced, and of tho vino ju«t then, nf something very passed the for it ao clearly.— by majority 223, 1800, thus of the canvass in they ceremoniously care too, stead the Pre* Confederacy atating mar gust speaks wu aa much a tear in Maude's as with exercise much and attention, of them appointed by Selfish managers aell themselves, u even the Judge's critical eye at fault like cyo, They baring Journal. they thU and of tbo candidates : in Tho Albany Evening at ana District, h■» scanned the lithe, slender form before him, trouMod fuoo she enteral the house,and made in landing their passengers safety. ident. Ail the voted for the did Svracuse, propane to da in N«w wet Republican* " The contast in this District betwsfo and the brown her to her cousin's room, accosting ebb and now of tho tide keep always bit Democrat- Sound Bontimente. Jersey, but tbey cannot aell the conaciencea Jlottrg. the dear, dark, grey eyes, way quiet amendment, but Douglaa and is uuiU animated. Both white her thus: and aomotimea tho flag-etonee upon or the Totea of those who but mis- Goodwin and Hayos hair smoothly above the high, slippery, i* oi do to honoatljr laying • aro to ashore, and ic confrere* defeated it. It worthy are York men ; hoth both CHII.PREN'S HOUR. wu 1'r® done it!' which the passengers atop Salmon P. Chime closed one of hia effective have hitherto followed tbeir lead. It county lawyers; TILE brow. No sickly sentimentalism there, Jennie, takenly Hares is it* unices the in along- al*o that JOHN BELL voted with Douglaa it for tnis rmson that the rank and file cf the men of talent;' both old Wbljp. but an earnest, true aoul had stamped 'Done what?' gondola properly brought in behalf of Lincoln, with the fol- IT DUIT W. LOJIQrXLlOW. side the and there, and unless ipecchca in New York have a very hitter partisan, oven to such a degree on erery feature. It would be need- 'Refused tho Judgo.' step, kept every time. American organization impress tho wait till tho time, and of aa as to affect hu interrouiM with individuals, les to state all iho incidents that markod the •IIuw and where ? Tell mo all about it.' passenger proper lowing splendid peroration: rallied to the standard Lincoln, they Between the dark uJ the daylight, what had with ho a full. " when we succeed—what then? Shall in and aa are lie is reserved and in manner—-in of the that up be- And as Maude, in a word, told step caro, niuj get dangerous Facta and Figure*. Lot tho Pooplo And will do New Jeraey, tb«y daily repulsive W hrm the in to lower, |>rogn*i friendship sprung into the an exact ountrast with night beg inning met Jennie's rang out as she Lord was thus unco ire return evil for the injuatioe and calumny here in where the bat- this respect (Joodwin, twe«n the Judge and Maude. Had they pawed, guy laugh lijrron slipped Look at Them. doing PtotMylvania, men a In the seen Grand between the and tho have been ao oontinu- who is one of tbo muet I rank and Come* ptai* day'* occupation*. in the result would hare been Terr exclaimed, 'Hood! I wisli I could have Canal, gonuola to which Ilepublieana tle ia already won, and the oatflaa of victory genial »>ciety, and mortification. no!—we Hares seems to bo one oi those un- That la known a* the Children'* Hour. different, but under the same roof, his Highness' face when he found that one shore, to his great chagrin subjected? No, gentlemen, are upon our banners. living. being more land* Fdlaehooda aro clothod in raguo illy success of a poreIwd who is afraid that woman to some You often Snd at these public usually will to that the |«rty individuals alwajs thrown in constant compani^uship and with had read politics purnoso. try pruro happy that above ma a stationed more the asser- auccoaa of the whole that t he is not and woo thinks I hear in the chamber minds that could not What! a tear in tour eye, Puss? Don't ing.plocea. poor Ik'ggnr, quietly {generalities. Tho indefinite nay be the poople; Douglaa Dumb appreciated, ]<erfectly accorded,they aid to secure ia with others are The of little fret. leel we see what we shall sec, and there, and hu tbo oon- .he' of our cause honors conferred upon disparate* patter but he friends. had, shall always offering tion, tbo Iom doe* it soem to trouble triumph compatible when a fur which, of our meane that the emi- menu to himself. Two ago, lis a that i* if the is not will safe and eusy landing, ;ho beat in ten*Is of tho wholo country; We would no years The *onnd of door opened. Maude was well read in the best literature contented, why—you you •cicnco of the author, and it has the furtbor by Imply Judgo at least.' courae he a small I shall will ua to ercry T. Drew of Alfred was nominated, Hayes And Toices soft and sweet. of the and her cultivated mind had have vindicate! your expects gratuity. :riumph provo juat portion nent Sovereign baa coaacd to make day, principles, tho of much more difficult to who Imubi Squatter was out and aided Drew through* the of the master I don't think Maude was inucfi comforted. always remember, with regret, repulsing advantage being >f it, and ganeroua to every peraon with greatly put grand thoughts we hia three per day, par- ev- grasped well-meant oflers of assistance of an old o man in Maino haa examinod the the name of an American citiacn. Shall regular apeechea out toe canvas* continually assuring From my I aee in the lamplight, of the age, and mude them all her own. I.ike most others of his Judge N by *ta-ly spirit* party, expose. thr a to the was to elect him. was on such an occasion, lieforo I in the of nationalism, rights brief serenading party that it l>«<cr»Jui| the brwa I hall stair. Tnr> well furnished was knowledge of mendicant record* of our State for the nraJe, spirit hap* response erybody impossible library of.MapleGlen Compton's Republicanism his off* «M expenditure* dreams it. waa a at At that time was s scene of hours confined to tho of a few choice knew the custom, if any State? No Republican of at be aaked question Hayss Lecumptonite.and Grate .Mice, and taughint Allegra, the many pleamnt morning application supposing four more than midnight^hul an and to yean, carefully Ephraim shall tho extension of err- in his conversation was in his de- in conversation or in listening, aa one to it, and the Idea that its only officious impertinent attempt post fro stay slavery a fow aince, which he unsparing An J Edith with hair. sffiit qrithets, general Augusta, Maine, days as a and desert- golden a small black mail on ino demanding K. Suiart. lie baa his way through but wo ahall tho Constitution nunciation of Douglas rebel or the other to the strain of the followers were theembodimentof fanaticism levy by plodded ainly, respect oourteous and and read, great And adoiittoJ to bo er. was also to of character and as a a for an imaginary of and document*, Hid Conatitutional obligation. pertinent, In 18.V1 liayes opnuscd an 1 then a silence: old harda 'whoso ccho down the and violence while its mil right, compensation almost cndlosafile* receipt* evory an A whisper, footstep an alms liko a to answer but and denounced tbo of the lie was He service, instcud of asking to find that when tins intent ahall become apparent— promised (though hespoko Douglas repou I kaow their merry eyee corridors of time.' workings, willfully ignorant.