
Snnm & laimral * pjt OF ALL KI1^3k iviar raiBAT noa*i*a. —••CM / » rriuum J Office- Hooper'* Brick Block, ip Mtaln. Pamphlets, Tours Beports, School fttporti, Posters ud Handbills ft»r Thsotrss, Oon- T K R M M i o*rU, Ac., Wsddin* Cudi, VisiUnc '** Aastii—or 0»« Hollar a*» v,T*°,r>0LLAV - Card*, BuslnssTCarda, Dusbllls, «isj r.u"*■ Blank HiowptitflmtChMlw; : Labels of svsry dssoripUon, In* • / "» •urtulM Policies, Porwardinc Cards, # OF Each *ut>*Niu«ut Imwrtloa. OVER THE MIND OR BODY MAN."—Jefferson. Bills of Lading, Ac., Ae., printed la Col- trip*. HOSTILITY TO EVERY FORM OF OPPRESSION ^ 14 Nonpareil "ETERNAL or* or with M this OflN m *tBar® » Bronss,—exeoated *M>«*lal^ NvHIc— o— <«Uii line, or Is**, °*"U, •scvrdlac !«■"«, J r«nU> • Hue. »<*rl* .,11 bm th*rx~l |l*«. (f»P*r AND PROPRIETOR. WITH .SEATHEM 1.T9 DISPATCH, U?lu.l»J m«1 hm.UM to aterajrw »»• STREET. EDITOR la XIBERTY (imm (<• Iw |>»M for pr»|»ortlua. OFFICE IN HOOPER'S BRICK BLOCK, And on ths mod BMMiubto Tim weekly cuwiuiunlcatloiu. LOUIS O. COWAN, >■• no|tr« Ukrn ■/»»<•»> ns<>wx «< art pmrfrntarff r»f"4*4 tn«| '*» *-««* as •• r«r/y w /kmii- QT OiDiu ru« hmnn in lly EM>«r(iw»i l»»tr wKfltw, M«| Mu( t< ! Ue M«. /* »r4ir tm IW* NUMBER 37. lioiud, u trtj stUaUea will be p*u to meet ULU>ksUJt MUHT. SEPT. 7, I860. VOLUME XVI. BIDDEFORD, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, •oats aad wtabM of CMtown. jamb* t. cuuru, ...raisran. to that Abraham Lincoln will to elected Presi- a recoot number of his article*, written Au- to in' is a demonstrable fact, and we an obliged lows whom ho u ho floated along. chooao their Governor, Judge*, Ac., dent a over all the candidate. were introduced, and of tho vino ju«t then, nf something very passed the for it ao clearly.— by majority 223, 1800, thus of the canvass in they ceremoniously care too, stead the Pre* Confederacy atating mar gust speaks wu aa much a tear in Maude's as with exercise much and attention, of them appointed by Selfish managers aell themselves, u even the Judge's critical eye at fault like cyo, They baring Journal. they thU and of tbo candidates : in Tho Albany Evening at ana District, h■» scanned the lithe, slender form before him, trouMod fuoo she enteral the house,and made in landing their passengers safety. ident. Ail the voted for the did Svracuse, propane to da in N«w wet Republican* " The contast in this District betwsfo and the brown her to her cousin's room, accosting ebb and now of tho tide keep always bit Democrat- Sound Bontimente. Jersey, but tbey cannot aell the conaciencea Jlottrg. the dear, dark, grey eyes, way quiet amendment, but Douglaa and is uuiU animated. Both white her thus: and aomotimea tho flag-etonee upon or the Totea of those who but mis- Goodwin and Hayos hair smoothly above the high, slippery, i* oi do to honoatljr laying • aro to ashore, and ic confrere* defeated it. It worthy are York men ; hoth both CHII.PREN'S HOUR. wu 1'r® done it!' which the passengers atop Salmon P. Chime closed one of hia effective have hitherto followed tbeir lead. It county lawyers; TILE brow. No sickly sentimentalism there, Jennie, takenly Hares is it* unices the in along- al*o that JOHN BELL voted with Douglaa it for tnis rmson that the rank and file cf the men of talent;' both old Wbljp. but an earnest, true aoul had stamped 'Done what?' gondola properly brought in behalf of Lincoln, with the fol- IT DUIT W. LOJIQrXLlOW. side the and there, and unless ipecchca in New York have a very hitter partisan, oven to such a degree on erery feature. It would be need- 'Refused tho Judgo.' step, kept every time. American organization impress tho wait till tho time, and of aa as to affect hu interrouiM with individuals, les to state all iho incidents that markod the •IIuw and where ? Tell mo all about it.' passenger proper lowing splendid peroration: rallied to the standard Lincoln, they Between the dark uJ the daylight, what had with ho a full. " when we succeed—what then? Shall in and aa are lie is reserved and in manner—-in of the that up be- And as Maude, in a word, told step caro, niuj get dangerous Facta and Figure*. Lot tho Pooplo And will do New Jeraey, tb«y daily repulsive W hrm the in to lower, |>rogn*i friendship sprung into the an exact ountrast with night beg inning met Jennie's rang out as she Lord was thus unco ire return evil for the injuatioe and calumny here in where the bat- this respect (Joodwin, twe«n the Judge and Maude. Had they pawed, guy laugh lijrron slipped Look at Them. doing PtotMylvania, men a In the seen Grand between the and tho have been ao oontinu- who is one of tbo muet I rank and Come* ptai* day'* occupation*. in the result would hare been Terr exclaimed, 'Hood! I wisli I could have Canal, gonuola to which Ilepublieana tle ia already won, and the oatflaa of victory genial »>ciety, and mortification. no!—we Hares seems to bo one oi those un- That la known a* the Children'* Hour. different, but under the same roof, his Highness' face when he found that one shore, to his great chagrin subjected? No, gentlemen, are upon our banners. living. being more land* Fdlaehooda aro clothod in raguo illy success of a poreIwd who is afraid that woman to some You often Snd at these public usually will to that the |«rty individuals alwajs thrown in constant compani^uship and with had read politics purnoso. try pruro happy that above ma a stationed more the asser- auccoaa of the whole that t he is not and woo thinks I hear in the chamber minds that could not What! a tear in tour eye, Puss? Don't ing.plocea. poor Ik'ggnr, quietly {generalities. Tho indefinite nay be the poople; Douglaa Dumb appreciated, ]f it, and ganeroua to every peraon with greatly put grand thoughts we hia three per day, par- ev- grasped well-meant oflers of assistance of an old o man in Maino haa examinod the the name of an American citiacn. Shall regular apeechea out toe canvas* continually assuring From my I aee in the lamplight, of the age, and mude them all her own. I.ike most others of his Judge N by *ta-ly spirit* party, expose. thr a to the was to elect him. was on such an occasion, lieforo I in the of nationalism, rights brief serenading party that it l>« well furnished was knowledge of mendicant record* of our State for the nraJe, spirit hap* response erybody impossible library of.MapleGlen Compton's Republicanism his off* «M expenditure* dreams it. waa a at At that time was s scene of hours confined to tho of a few choice knew the custom, if any State? No Republican of at be aaked question Hayss Lecumptonite.and Grate .Mice, and taughint Allegra, the many pleamnt morning application supposing four more than midnight^hul an and to yean, carefully Ephraim shall tho extension of err- in his conversation was in his de- in conversation or in listening, aa one to it, and the Idea that its only officious impertinent attempt post fro stay slavery a fow aince, which he unsparing An J Edith with hair. sffiit qrithets, general Augusta, Maine, days as a and desert- golden a small black mail on ino demanding K. Suiart. lie baa his way through but wo ahall tho Constitution nunciation of Douglas rebel or the other to the strain of the followers were theembodimentof fanaticism levy by plodded ainly, respect oourteous and and read, great And adoiittoJ to bo er. was also to of character and as a a for an imaginary of and document*, Hid Conatitutional obligation. pertinent, In 18.V1 liayes opnuscd an 1 then a silence: old harda 'whoso ccho down the and violence while its mil right, compensation almost cndlosafile* receipt* evory an A whisper, footstep an alms liko a to answer but and denounced tbo of the lie was He service, instcud of asking to find that when tins intent ahall become apparent— promised (though hespoko Douglas repou I kaow their merry eyee corridors of time.' workings, willfully ignorant. not like an honest citisen terms Yet by and honest I look- hoping of Federal interference a did not anttctr. The follow* Missouri in unmeasured Then there were rides, taken through left (ilen the .and Maude straightforward beggar. when tho bugbear hour and hall) Compromise are an l long Maple following day was but anxiou* to find that in They plotting planning togetker an ac- this to mako themselves useful, all correct, only the internal eoneerna of the Statca ahall for resolutions to that effect tbo the woodland roads and along the saw biiu no mora. It may nave been upon attempt with letter from one of the moat ettimahle citi —voting me winding as a and and an hon- ing State of which he was then a To take by earpria*. of the river that butsomo weeks after, he wus in tho Venetian beggars, giving respec- tho State had been choatcd robbed, te from tho pul>lio mind by Legislature, funks cident; actually expelled una of forth facts within rocky picturesque to in that 1 had not than at and Administration Augusta, setting member as Senator from York. It is said wound around utcn, and sails on the a news tability beggnnr Yenicc, that tho taxes for 1860 muat be larger patriotic rush from the Maple surprised reading Republican paper. Republican do not doubt of U>« erobod- be said with A sudden stairway, hills that tho result can bo surmised before seen in his —who can doubt—I certainly the cognisance writer, that he loves .and it may lake embosomed in green What was, only Italy. ever before. He would haTO personal nobody raid from the hall! crystal wo bad become somowbat fa- clapped —that tho of our concord and mutual truth that lores him. He will A sadften, there were time* when they expenditure* They every nf tho artisan's nover ceased to Im he had no to conctal, none but he sun lift ita head above the eastern hills, Dux Jcdce : tools, Smart baa tho dency, opinion still Mr effrontery avow and beautiful, and when wo took in ishing,and XntormoddllDg Itobukod. he was to in part of tht Ono o( Mr. Linooln'a an almost devour me with kissce. ind saw the earth with u fresh Come. striking with willing any biographer* relates They glorified bap- was to tho of Maino a citizen of this Matob. at one the whole thing, it sul>- charg.) Republicans Union, very respectable instance arm* abont me ism of loveliness. thought, interesting of hit Their entwine. towers Let tho fol- Voice the a now of was invited to a seat on tho stand with political sagacity. amax- at Glen lime—those and and and cxtraragauco. Tho Iron Belfry, organ place of Ye* the and Maudo There wns a merry wedding Maple |tulaccs, templus, corruption Ho bad answered that act Till I think of the Bishop Bingra Judge got along a the into his hands the »• triumphant]/ uf cousin Jennie smiled before Autumn hud doffed her robca of scarlet out of tho water like growth, be bis anawcr. aro from tho Boll-Evcrctt in Port- liiiu, put following Qt oa the Rhine! well together .and rising lowing figure* They party, published In hi* Mouse-Tower ngly li old Tuscan and Doric of a thou- tio.v, which ho was resnectfully requested to interrogatories which Douglas hud calculated o herself aa she saw it but like a and and the fair face, that the uiisty >ary piles • thus rebukca in prudent gold, source*: land, foreign intermeddling counw of remarks. none and tho nnd florid official unswer in the his The would cruah and had made 0 hlae a< was, alio her own coun- folds of tho bridal veil wus sand years ago, graceful him, up hi*mind Do yon think, eyed banditti, roman, she kept envelojiod, jur affair*: Corinthian of morn modern times, Gov Well's year: State on receiving it (it was before ho ruee hate sc ile I the wall, cil and said other than that ol Maude. palaces Judge that his antagonist ahould bo with Because yua nothing. and rooted in the 1850. Pay roll of Senate, 88,810 •' Mr. of Tenoesee, made a read it and, presented One he entered the in stumi* his state for Lin- •• •• Perrin, apeech V> sjieak) attentively, nauming Hach an old moustache as I am morning library Judge Compton interchangeably planted House, 33,538 on- a collection. Ilia was to sea! Venice bo an if it in IJath one last week, Iwforo the his conversation with the who plan com/*/ him, earth of some book ho wished to consult, coln and Hamlin this fall, and rumors say would iuij»ot*ibility evening gentleman 1* Dot a match for you all ! When ho closed his offered in the ►»v to either nd discovered Maude in the that Maude will be a Senator's before did not exist. 44,308 Kinblod Deraocraey. it, respectfully acquiesced pre- public interrogation, repudiate engaged perusul lady Iiell and Kverett men of the and to for aro it area Gov. Morrill's three years: he advised all question, premised reply tho Dred Scott decision or tlto doctrine of 1 hate fast in my fortreaa, if something very interesting evidently, many years past. Reader, you ■jicech prictj you IUked Duns.—An contains the 1838. l'ay Roll of Hrnate, £7,781 to rote for Mr. Smart for Governor, as the U it in the courso of his lis entrance failed to attract her attention, Democrat, go and do likewise. exchunge " speoch: in the territories. Ho- Asl will not let you depart. •' llouao, 903 in which to the auooeas of " Will lie so kind as to unfriendly legislation a then way prevent Judge Douglas lo watched her for moment and following roccipt: inly fora the discussion comrocnood at Free Oat pat yoa down iato the dungeona the Wo submit tlint .Mr. oblige a fellow-citizm by stating hnfore the port, aid: FAULT FINDING. " Few know tho of baktd 37,744 Republican |>arty. roand-tower of my heart. people luxury does not understand our local hero assembled bis Amwer to the Mr. Lincoln informod his friends of his in- In the ask what lias the honor of absorb- I'errin polities, people 1 bccauso few cooks of 88,340 to 'May en- beans, simply properly 1850. Pay Roll Senate, had letter confine his discussion Na- this morn- Ward Bcccher knows liow to «• •• ind following tention. counai Hod him ng your thoughts so Ilcnry them, llcuns, are not House, 31,727 They unanimously And there will I keep you fortter. completely prepare generally, tional matters. Wo adviao all Iiell and Kv- Question : ng, Miss Maudo?' force in a which is not half This is a sure to abandon his "for" said "if aa l a practical duty stylo cooked long enough. to Phincus liarnea, and and if elected President ol purpose, they, Yea, foreter day. as sho 41,073 irett men vote for "Do you hold, Shs starts and laughed, In a rcccut sermon ho hits method : Two of white to him ho to slightly, soon forgotten. quarts middling-sized i'hineaa lUrnca for Governor. This is tho United States, would out, the you put that question Till the wall* shall crumble rain. answered— ono of 87,108 only, you carry willpercoira beans, two of stilt and 1800. Pay Roll Senate, as a with a class numerous in pounds ]>ork, •• ** :ho of Union men, and besldca doctrine that a of a that an answer force and ef- And moalder in da*t away ! Seward's last ! It's isn't just severity erery orcr House, U7,578 duty people Territory, brfort giving practical •Oh, speech grand of molasses. Pick tho beans ono tho the spoonful new ol ia tho only it brtomrta State, havo power, under to decision in tho territo- it?* community: wash and add a of question fect tho Dred Scott carefully, them, gallon 31,740 which should bo Fedrul Constitution, and notwitnsUnding the nia leeung*, wnen it ia 44 Tho of forbids that we soft let them soak in it punucd." ries would loao him the tod imagine especially spirit rassago water; Dred Scott to or exelude inevitably hattis, that «ta men a boiling-liot under tho Stato decision, prohibit taken into consideration the Judge •hould make the of other over in the them into In 1850, Wella, printing a ol as an tailings put Democrat mado •• he will tho decision night; morning A Douglas recently y reply by affirming % Democrat of tho most ardent stamp and source of amusement to ourselves—and now fresh water and boil till tho skin is cost 341. tho three succocding gently $21, During in tho courao of "In otli«r words: alwtract but its entertained about tho sumo af- it. I will admit that there a at Colnmbus, Ohio, principle, by dcuying practi- IITiscfllanrous. eon*»quently 1 am coming to tender and ulwut to break, adding cost as ioiiows speech very it "Do you affirm that tlio of a Terri- luctiou for Seward and his that rabid is a kind of salcrutus. Take them years which ho had occasion to refer to tho law people cal 'Hut,'said Mr. Lincoln,"if speeches playful, good-humored UuUnagt up dry, .... the to crush application.' a stream tcnspoonfulof 1857 812,4*0 have Constitutional right LOVE AND POLITICS. Jogs might bo to have for that is hurmlcwi. The or ex- them in dish, stir in tho molasses ; to tory ho doos tliat ho can never lw President1"— supposed reprehension put your iMU 13,097 passed by tho Democratic Legislature pro- tho cockatrice's at toon at thctr are de- jf water, lie made a laco in of a in a tho wry spite of man's faults light, gcniul tho and it down in dish, 1Sj9 13,331 in which a of friends "that la not look- him position gash pork put serve tlio of election*, per- in its neit by tho His replied, your but a female aaid liiuuo H, and is often the hest wav of him so us to have tho beans cover all but tho purity posited propagandist* •Anything politician?' Maudo, looking up, cuught spirit, telling cost in 185( or must tolerate curl- up- Tho etitclii and binding son a visihlo mixture of African blood Slavery, the incubation, out, are after tho Sefta/ursAip." "No, Judge t'aiuptou, a*J his uiaaculino lip* in the act. ut them. I do not therefore say that all surfuco; turn in tho water till having they you per boiling Tlio throe it coat and icait till the egg becomes and ••<1 with moat u h<: threw Judge,' raid aho are innoecnt and tho bake with a $5,014. following yean wits debarred Irom tho clectivo franchise, full-grown said ho," / am ajtrr larger game. dignified cwntempt, Why, smiling, •you raillery good-natured reprehen- top is just covered; steady active that can be and exter- gentlemen," liim«It laiily Kick on the and un- »ot a Democrat I sion is to bo It must five hours. Watch and 1837 88,351 a vipers, pursued is a hundrod of lounge, hope." disallowed, bog«nuine, fire fi>urpr them, that tho Republicans mado great minated tho rword of Tho battlo of 18G0 worth am to ho 1858 .... 3,817 stating by ncwly-croatod folded a frwli '1 happv say lam,' replied rather however, good and not rain. Hut add more water from timo to timo as it dries only Newspaper. producing 4835) .... 3,378 ado a!>out this mixture of blood. Said he, Stato this*!" From the Mr. •Aud why ? cielaimed Mr*. Smith, , he that makes tho mistakes, tho foibles, tho authority?" day Douglsa promul- |>r*r, itiffly. away." With this Iwfore which ho with a lojk am friend.! mu*t ten Tho annual in the a man was half whito and half question him, hia doctrine of looking up from her embroidery, 'I aorry foryou, my say,* faults, the minconceptioiis of men—the nvcrago wiving legisla "supjKjM gatod "unfriendly legislation" danced to answer, tho rose and ad- o( taufheviou* in her lucrrj black , aid Maude, while her cv* With thousaud infelicities of human life—tho sub* mil Got. Morrill's thru what would call him ? 1 for Judge to save himself in ho wii a doomed iu<|uirjr tiro pay during black,, you pause an hour a Illinois, , to ace how shucked Um looked. resscd tho for and half ; airth Judg-j rrtfUU-r ol -oomiuoui, of jest and social crowd Sroiniscd peoplo 1800' •yea. jeel ymns U jihuut a An urchin ia tho respond- some eauso or can man in all tho South, and tho'battloin my that Eye are is siin- £71000. reply." but for another—you judr* •I beli-ve, cousin, •And jou—' and amusement, ii gallant enjoyment, personal Tho annual in printing e«I in a clear and role®, "Mrhy, »ir, aa well a* I—km «»•* did not answer the was won for the Mr. of the Iruit o( th« tree of knowledge •A of the blackest dye to bo a barbarian. Ilo is not a christian ; he saving public manly llcpublicans, though partook Republican, glalltr. Tho but avoided all al- and | raid she. |)olilit;i( about ho would boa Democrat!" Qcbtiom, very carefully Lincoln of courao could not know ttiat ho •■ve* before her liege lord and maater, lire,' not belong to that $19,000. Douglas and category. lusion to it! I give you the with what U to hinder her from study- •Well, every one to their taste,' It is jno of thoso that aro mon- Tho annual in and binding subsided. merely foci, was to bo Choir loader. daughter* things How roflisod to tho raving stitching speaker no comment of own, that gallant chouae ?' waa alone Douglas giro poo- my preferring you «r aught ebe they may ; 4auod to ino the should know "what" que*, letter against Mr. Douglas. He mj$ la*t word. You know that | io dreamed that Maude waa 1'wident of tho a as with tho lust Dcmocrutu public sure U have the may do thousand things with it, causing had tho opportunity. trution coui)Kircd On tho of basket* act of her Johnson to nominato him. 7th tions refuses to answer, and of tha latter : "He is tho causo of wrheu the thrvw down twelve I'nibil States, und in tho giving it to hover lwtwecn a tear and u or a total in Judge Douglas gentleman angel* vibrating one, of about saving us l>eet reason wan a $19,000, his to the tho why ot in the when the world | land to Scwurd, who waa big with sometimes on ono side and sometimes Novomk-r, of 1857* in message conjecture they may, nil the troublo in tho and is full talk, days negro smile, An to the Record. of and in olTset td he chooses to "conceal his on the party, responsi- women took thick and appeal the throo years $57000, opinions" \oung, tradition that the j ntennificd wool? hair and on the for* moment; but sho in- of ho used tho follow- ble for all tho of the eloction of Lin- My* lip", other, just somo legislature Alabama, most danger eleven. Ward Boocber waa the covers this wo have a loai of $4,000 interesting point. »—• imm«^iate jvtM> of performing stantly prates it to her Inhoiii, and probahlo coln." lenry waa rather shv traverse^ tho nit ing laiiguago; is that tho will and did know that whenever ( He of its faco with so that then) nro no Whilst Douglas country or tho late defalcation. Theso It quite probable Judge •Ah, j«w, you itarrag* ceremony. kisses, $5,000 by " for us to bo truo to a tme aihiirs 41 It is necessary Pcttit of Indiana Mid In a recent n man is outwitted in an argument hy j daudo for a or two but gradually shades left its Aud there is about sov- of tho only make other in diffi-ront localities, Judge day ujion spirits. spouting generalities popular but two departments public expenses, and to our institutions, speeches *uch to their old channel. Hut to " " ourselves, preserve pcnsiMe woman, needn't laugh, ( vturnod such a as innocent raillery. it as is that ho to answer spoccli: (you thing ereignty ami noi-intervention," may but arc an index of tho whole. and to he a and Tho and it potsiblo forgot have there ia sure to come One afternoon Jennie and Maude sco what is aw kward in others; to they great prosperous people. no happened,) quiet watch to a • "The tmth is, thero is nominee tliiog* bo instructivo to recur to a in his of in tho Union is not teith us the South para- tho above it l*o well to regular uut that vile sl*ud-r a'iout our No \ vcre alone tho gentlemen being out the infirmities of man ; to out clinpter Do the tax-payers Maine, light of question given, may of tho tho talking. together, search go much we Democratic in field, and or other. were us a full to his ex- mount may, to him party evasion*. air! , tbscnt on muiu business They like a or a universal scaven- history which gives insight of such facts, wish to entrust tho political poodhowever bund it up again. Democrat ia at to voto lor whom Question!' street-sweeper, public and desire its continuance under a strict every liberty rou will in , on the with their con* of was do, •Will, then, if p>*r«i*t taking ated piaua sowing ger, to collect tho faults and failings peo- motlvei. When tho Nebraska bill pend- with a man who would secretly ami ho plea**, without |«irty usagus or or penditures adhcrenco to constitutional and violating the matter .there are several rmaoiw < on various feminine paus- these alwut as if werw previsions California Orogon. faith. 1 and serioualy endog topics, pie, carry things they in tho was made of hundreds of thou*and« When theso can no be prefer lirockinridgo Lane, a A of the blue ing Congress, proposition in tho loss longer who a w ilia in should uot he |» ilitician. { t«» adiuirv the beauty sky cherries or flowers; throw them out oi rejoice guarantees. L-ausc their faith and are ng quiet your Itag to sov- uhrn Crty political platform ami it ia her's to tho of the Senator Chose of Ohio confer full if ho could convcrt it into maintained—<»r aggrrttton up- Tho Sjn Francisco of tho woman'* »i>here i* hone, j ;l<-aiuing through heavy foliage or and make them un evening repast by of dollars, only further correspondent inine. It is snid that this will elect that pouch, on our is a dormant policy ifahewill, while , or of the bura of sunlight a or tho amusemeut of a the citizens of tho right practiced by polit- and writes; make that Lome* Paradise, r>~s, golden ur noon-day meal, ereignty upon territory capital? HAVE EV- New York Courier Enquirer Linctdn. Let it bo so, rather than that hor delicacy which i* At political ml powurit Um North—WE it ia i* compatible with | *y upon the thick green grass. length social hour, enlivened unfeeling criticisms, over the wholo slavery question, and it was "The vote of this State will lie to Mr. should succeed. I believo that Lin- a by ERYT1HNO TO (IAIN AND NOJIIINtJ given Douglas to with the ; i]atid<> made «>uio remark that had and s.ircasois ; to take Conviotod Himsolf. u a mart amimumUr nation- her givatmt charm, mingle noisy tinge hearth** jests, cutting Senator and vot- Douglas by EVERY TIE, Lincoln or Mr. Douglas, unless the latter coin rontcrvaiicc arau.— in it and Jennie bitterly opposed by Douglas, TO LOSE BY DISRUPTING cruwd that fill the >1 her a man as would a chicken,und gnaw the coutost. It is cu- al nuin than and that leas to duatjr |»>litical political opinions up you Tho is an extnet froiu THAT BINDS US TO THE CONFEDERA- withdraws from very Douylas, danger How his flesh from his bones, and then ed down. following tho Union and to its North and disgusting.' 11 aughinglTsaid: very luy Tho two brief oxiract* which wo rious. indeed, that tlio regular nominee of parts, South, I to take. what's tho use of talking fiendish exultation : tho First Thir- present CY." *The very ground eipvted you •Mow, Maude, him down, saying, with Congressional Globe, Session, the which u few mouths in- is to bo (cured by tho eloction of tha former a of in agoaevmud »av about rt You'll Democrat 4 this is devilish ! You below from two of tho Douglas' Mr. Winston is olector Ala- party Let wumeu anything politic*, j that style?'* marry There is his skeleton ty-Third CoDgrcM, j«ge 424, 'tl'J-L'O : sjwechos Douglas vincible in its should bo without a than of tbo latter." in we are what will become of us the strength, und en imagine >, nine dav, and theu your call it as names " exhibit his and in bama. one immediately y«u piay by many pretty you The Senate, as in Couimittco of tho inconstancy dishonesty reasonable of receiving elector- -<1 with au insane id * of ruahiug to ! lolitioa?' but it is devilish ! and will do bo a prosjiect Ex-Governor Weller bis fellow p«« plcuse, you Whole, rotunnl tho consideration ot the most striking light, and prove him to al vote. is, that when his total tW gavo ■ oner- >Iy hallot box f-irthwith. No true women •llut 1 shan't, Maudo worse than this when to hell, opinion th though,'said nothing you go bill to organise tho of Nebraska; Indiana. defeat in the Union bocoiuea evident to his Democrats a hard rap at a recant meeting in •l(*ir* aud know it, or to, •! wouldn't marry St. I'aul hirn- to there if have Territory tricky, unscrupulous demagoguo: that, you ought ^ eticallv, jbr you may expvt you tho on the amend- here, they will come over " I aui a a j>ending question being at (artisans generally San Francisco. party man," aaid but she h«T*eif infirmej concern- , il I knew he were l>emoerat!' such n and do not it. From Douglas' tftrrrh Springfit Id, at sends may keep elf, dis|4isition, change ment submitted on tho 15th inst. Mr. A Anderson, Ind., to the of t)ie I have " a her Mack eve* never by ii*l849. correspondent Republicans. the in tha strioteat Man of the state *f afaira, or even ap]>reciate Maude,' said Jennie, Talk about cannibalism ! Cannibals III., support wo shall this Ex-Governor, ing •Why, Chnse, to add to tho 14th flection of tho sub- at that tho following account of the condition of pol- little doubt, indeed, that carry without that.' themaolvea a man till he is dead. aro nearer All tho evidences of the term. As a man bava good apeeeb, considerably,'von rewlly »wt from the Committee on Ter- public opinion as well as The last 1 party yoa pushed political nlorgtiig are They stitute reported to indicate that this Missou- itics in that .State: State, Oregon. regard dear cousin, what »d will it do her | jok as if were in earnest!' What than arc, a deal." seemed [the 'My go you Christ you great as amended on motion ol .Mr. dny us certain (or Lincoln." me bard sometimes; have ritories, Doug- BECOME CAN- " very yoa compell- when ahe ha* done all that?' our reasons, I ask !' ri) COMPROMISE HAD Indiana is awako. In this in two may these words: place, me voto soma men • hut, OF THE " ed to for whom I •What If her mind will not ha a* I should fear a man whose ONIZED IN TIIK HEARTS a'nivo a hundred men " reoog- good! liccausp prin- OP •• which the of a young JliLU to us I'aoTssTEO.—The a THE GONDOLAS VENICE Cnder peoplu AS A SACKED evenings, Syra- as was much auch a eourae of ( would allow him to sup|>ort such Territory; AMERICAN PEOPLE tho Wido Awakes. There is no county town nix* nowhere I onco com- improved by reading iplee their cuse Douglas Convention yesterday nominal- gentlemen. and would through appropriate representatives,*ii WHICH NO RUTHLESS HAND are not similar or- aa fey romances and «catimefltal , o| wrong, THING. in tho Statu where thero i*d four for Stato offices, to vote for a of silly poetry, ystem fraud.oppreesion " see fit, tho existence of TO persons prominent pelled gambler thirty years' am mistaken. lint how much auch Inowl- , a husband.' "A Run Europe En*-1 they may prohibit WOULD HE RECKLESS ENOUGH Tho enthusiasm now is 1 liake poor [From through by therein." ganizations. higher •acli of whom bears the haptisinal name of to be Sheriff of San Francia- ua V llcnedict. l>. & slavery I*no and Lincoln standing High odg»« would your allow I'll catnoo tus C. published by Appleton DISTURB. and deeper than in 1850. William. It is more than that hi^hnews •Nevertheless, wager my pet New mo OI mo sccuon 10 probable Col. Jack 1 have no to that Co., York.] So mat jxiri milling From at Providmce, will Indiana over 1(1,(MX). A great- co, against Hays." •Oh, abjections your knowing tin your n>>w riding hat, you Douglas' sprcch carry hy tlieso "Hills" will not pass current, and that I against in a on the canals 18G0. who ia President, ur (iovorn »r of your State, an off'r from a Demo- We a dnv gondola that mutter would read: Aug. 3, er number of old and IteiNihlictn next will find that a rill not receive cpont young* in November they pro- stairs only wo rvalue the chanctcriatic friend over there—friend or enemy as aro out and at work in real earnest fy Tho Portland Adrertiscr that ify»u wiah it?' within two wwks, but will accept that might fully " That tho Constitution, and all hws of My sneaker* 'eit has lieen i«jicd them.—.V. 1'. rat, of such a A to know tho agaiust of Wales' fleet the •Thank you!' How gen-ron*!' travel and atreet scenery city. Statist which aro not locally the case may bo—wants something tlian ever before in this State. Among Post. the 1'riuco will reecive » it I liunf' the United inujw Evening *k (B< «* <*r> n«„ «. «l rilll fuu • ■ mn>r man in a black, narrow, alander, the Missouri our own *»>'riHUW|J it.., nnd ivfus* the in I gondola long, shall have the aamo force uml effect about Compromise. (Cheers.) speakers in Congressional District, Prince on his departure for home, at Port- ia not a uao, boat, with a bow und atom. plicahlo, I have not tho to telling M. doctor in Tlio in Hon. Chorl.n that wouian'a aphere political ulvanoo, aaid Maude, bending over her work, and light high within tho paid Territory of N'chraska as slightest objection is S. llobiuson, Uepublican gr following po«mge land, about October 20tb. As tbe Prince's I t aluae.' feet and four feet to know a an 1 aha had beat auch tliinga hat her might not*» tho blushe* It ia about thirty long elsewhere in tho United States, tho him all he desires upon thntquestion. 1N5G, jounjf and promisingattomcr.whoac Fraud* in I'liiladclphiu.ouglit a aiuiilar re- coui|ianion whence it to a except BILL TO REPEAL cause Adams'apoeuh thoee vrw-la which have •Yea, air, I thiak you mado her cheek and br\>w ; 'su con- wide in the middle, taper* *cction of the act to tho I DROUGHT IN THE devotion, ability and seal in the good squadron, including hat mantled litem eighth preparatory to be considered vrerj voter: uot aince. H'oaan'a point at the Iww and at the THE RESTRICTION. are not in the .State. John by him from tho North American mark long aphete! iili-r ynur cameo na a* mine." wry sharp admission of Missouri into tho L'n ion .approv- MISSOURI surpassed Davis, joined fleet, and ad- £0 Democratic regard Judge Compton Maple ia Territories, recognised by legislation aa a county thn Frre States to nuinUin and unhold the the rK)U in anawer ton call from came a look. Iho bow to himself off last ten town alwut as as tm.^i ir.>10 1 n a f«jw and the final •{uittf bloody-minded called tho Douglas attempt* palm h»r the yeure—this and others, about would day*, cataatrophe of 1850, commonly jority < in the Federal tiovern- interesting til-' while the turned lor cun- The a bastard dwevndant of the prow of compromise of and tho votca aro count- •listing authority nurwry, Judge A laxt. It in thia wine. plainly measures, is declared and of tlie Clay 100 ; but this year (and oi the Great Eastern herself. happened hereby inoperative Representative principle* i nent. It in aini*d as a Mow at the that eolation to hia the ancient Kuinan galley. About midway truo this town will go 60. So K*pub- cigar. .turpi* gloom of the dying twilight Imdjuat void—it being tho intent and meaning Webster. Hear what Daniel Webster said cd) Uepublican by bv the sentiment W waa aa old bachelor, the boat—a little nearer the atern—ia tho The Democrats are lust, I ican movement, dividing 1 away in silver buoma of tho of to it is Sew York &tn in hy JuJj^e Coiapton u>'lt«*d riaing of this act not legislate into any of tho United everywhere, vhich to animate the Free States. The J*" The (neutral poll, waa a u Mkcd without a aati*- a of true cuahioocd, aeated, and curtained cabin for slavery in 1848 in the S.-nate States, know not whom to fol- ought (juration 1 noon, that threw dancing shadow or State, nor to excluuo it there- bewildered. They of the and Bull auwit that he Thin looka aome like the Territory will 1 intof of thin it found in the that it has in Douglas elec- racrirod, hut on the velvety wlu-n Maude the the in his of 12th. liefer* have no leader. Honest Abe way tics) speaking factory Win* 1 m l fltwrr, lawn, pasm-ngen. from ; but to leave people thereof per- groat spoech August low; they the frieoda other waa iu a coufimoi .uu of un old-fashioned and more West like • I I wen tolerated of tho toral ticket of that Stats, ..fon^le bice*.dn«*a, md the return*] from a ride, and aat body coach, to form and their own to he said : the prairie-fire. by ssjs: Judge free regulate ring domestic slavery sweep great • to Thrv waa a donbt. M a modern funerml-hearae, tho wliole fectly been over all andidatra Mr. Lincoln. •« a as ,<.rthelcwi. forty on Maude'a like thing their own have passing leisurely opposed such coalition this has oar* bejuml ( town the vine-wnwthed piaua. institution! in subject only Congress has rvu. powii orn rnr si-b- recently idea of re- Kiactlj eutnnier* ha l Ml«l on hia fuc canonv, -it-. curtaina, and all—bo- way, and with well-in- I >11 understand the of the rr before been seen eren and lightly head, had a aober, look in their dear —boat, of the United un- and of this State, talking fatuity in polities, it ia iyc« dreamy to tho Constitution States, iWCT, It establish any government, parts i a not a thread of ailver glmai^i ,* hia brown 1 tlie of a dead black color. Tho in may men of all parties, ami the imrnw- toring defunct party. thai its suocem will be such as and the luvaticlwauty of ing gondola, Jer which the of tkt Territories, as in its discre- formed be improbable hi' keen h*l * of leptha, pcrhapa believe people any laws, in tho territories, on the or Do. If Mr. Ml eould a liair. and ey« ray murhief over lor both fvnn, and color, and 1 ion that flag by any possibility Id encourage of tbe a- 1 liad caat ita them, appointment*, their representatives, may soe fit. It is of course, is, everywhere, hare to du speed/ repetition ia that betoken*! *n unfail- light »p*U lor that through appropriate tion it may subject, written—Icbabod." < ilncted, the flint be would is lurking thcia, ahe looked but haa not ceuturiea—except, the ejtsitnee is thing It doubtful If the double- 1 rere At up changed see slav- but it mocracy legibly — 1 naturv eosa.-wher« ailcnt. length they fit, prohibit of to tho rules o( and vould be to take hie aide on quss- perimml. fgutit ofgood in hia in a few instance*, are acen colored curtaina if justice propriety, • • present headed ticket will recelre ss many rotes as a in;* ' or an inatant, for waagaxing therein." is no constitutional restraints. the bmrt. Jud^eCompton to the littlo cabin. On featal ery under iona between Uie two, and inly two, par- ticket would hare capacioua with an intenae ga»c, aa if he and trimuilnga that under Pennsylvania All Bight. purs Douglas oommaad- ip*>n her face tlietu March 2,1854, the rote was taken and re- I have made my mind, for one, ka baaed eiisting conflicts of A wan waa the Judge, yet with.d and ahe looked occasions, too, I believe, they deck up really npon id." gallaat »o«W mad her rerr aoul, no circumstance will 1 consent to the exten- the ol mem- in notiona of fi-male aometim«* with much to sulted as follows: North tho Without aouiewhat faatidioua hia m a faint fluah elegance, giving The American, •pinion. co-operation I"wb i|uiekl v, while crept sion of the ana of in the United Philadelphia the other of Uicae two towns a id- the Grand Canal an appearance of gnat of Wiscon- Slavery vrri of one or psrtia, jy Fifteen and in and dreading atroug-miuded u*er her white brow. Yias—Messrs. Chase, Dodge of slave most conservative in on tbe a plantations propriety, in dia- an now much State*, or the further increase repre- paper Pennsylraaia.thus m could not carry government mm aa if ahe wuro the Arch wife.' and lovlineaa. Aroostook from which re- Kafinjf 'MauUe, 1 love too, will be mj variety They sin. FBSSENDEN, Fish, Foot, HAMLIN, in of effort* of tho who know County, complete for a jou when euice waa sentation tho House Reprwentatives," rclers to the Democ- We all know that, any- he waa It Waa declara- lm numerous than \ in her and Wado— desperate reek. cuiae. At pr»"eent, ruaticating u»U«\ tha earnest manly SEWARD, Smith, Sumner, in his famous of March 7, of our turns hare been obtained, show a homo of Where there are now a fow hun- Again speech to combine against Lincoln : hins of the practical operation sys- population few we«ka at the plenaant country tion, M*u«l<> |,-it jt< a|j (he unmeaning only 10. said: racy of the United 1620 1850, Mr. Webster •• Tbe iWdent StaU», of 4092 in 1850—a in ten where be waa welcomed, to rvda there were aa many tbouaanda. these coali- ^ against gain hia rWativee, gladly (lattery which »h« JjaJ *> listened. Sride. formerly Xats—Messrs. Adams, Atchison, Badger, there is a land to be Practically anti-Republican of a is a long do Cominea—aava •'Sir, whertrer foot of m the brad great mrty, my pow- of 2372, or mora than 160 cent. na iadeek«-n »hort- jf hrf old MuciofNi fim 11 r^> that in hia time, three hundred staidfrom becoming sla- credit of all concerned. Por our own The of Cileo Kiick, ihf Any ler, Clayton, Dawson, Dixon, Dodge to assert the exclusion part, to his be U no quiet Maple J were thouaand.— Clay, the of of rithout m«n Tub PimacM OaxtUt are the advent called the convention with cousin ngo, there thirty of DOUGLAS, Fitsnatrici, principle 1H37; we that the three fitctions in New support policy, sajs there one Ir after the above conversation ,bf Jennie, yean la., Evaus, I am to it from the year hope learier than a featW blown about every ahe that be half trne, the canal* muat have Jones of very. pledged and elsewhere will coaleaeo by hundred and in Maude Latimer, a ward of Mr. Smith and glancing ui», «aid, : If flwin, Houston, Hunter, Johnson, to it again and York completely, to bin Ibrty-aii papsrs of Mia* tWiuurvly like on a I hare been pledged again; rind. Tbe attempt, then, present Pennsylva- Aniahed at a faahiooable *Mt dear Judge, I know of but oue objec- been cniwded Broadway public la., Jones of Tenn., Mason, Morton, Norris, those *> that the combined enemy may be confront- nia now the and who had jual envt in the atern and 1 will pledges." o tbe country aaa candidate without dirtinet- supporting llepublican candi- louain Jennie tion/ Tb« atanda Pratt, Rusk, Shields, Sli- perform ed. We want no half or doubtful vic- achool. Though day. gondolier Pettit, Sebastian, way re on tbe issum of tbe ia Fremont and the boarding and with a ainglo oar, which and but a in which principle day, dates,which opposed llepub- to to our hero concern- 'Nmia it,' b« exclaimed, eagerly. of hi* gondola, dell, Stewart. Toucoy, Walker, Waller saw and did. tory, thorough had much mj gallant What Mr. Douglas triumph, a iliter made without good faith, and aolelr 1H6Q. thia: made a solemn aa a hia boat with and lican ia Of all the Fillmore b«r be very littla •Only I promise he um manage* Willi tins -30. great will be vindicated, party ing darling Maude,yet paid paddle, aw no aalla of principle mass- o distract the nuika of tbe refbrmetv, or, if ia much ainev, never to a of adroitness. There mora] revolution effected. The honest there are, the attention to it, not having, fact, long marry pcraon your great thos voted against a declaration ol the Mi»- made, it ia a sentimental papers, says (Jazrtlt, but two board- faith.' course. Douglas Mr. saw the injustica ea are such base and loneAly pnrely o! the intellectual ahilitiea of Douglas to all bargains a which now Ball aad opinion peculiar political of the that the of a Territory oppaaed re- aotemeot, without narUcie of support Everett. to term •Maude, thiaia no time for trifling? It The something by Congress people aoari to the South, hence are to practical ing achool mm, aa he waa jdeawd gondoliers partake Compromise corrupt intrigues. They prepared alue in tbe or a living mora than their That was the time heocc it is that we de- diepoaal single que* " aa hia ha waa be nothinc to you, but it ia character ol° their boat* and employ* might slavery. it was buke then now, and 8n»c* tbe them. Still, couain'a may in prohibit bia instrumentality repealed, ion. In either eaaa a vote for Mr. crucifixion of Christ, thsrs gueat, aa aeriuua ia thia and sover- through all ander whatever given receive bar with deference, life or death to ma. 1 gentle, gliding, gracclul to show his devotion to real 30 sire a fusion of frctiooa, has not been an an |to ment—being some- popular and 39 degrees min- fell would oount oo mora toward valua- benevolent institution prepared their are tasteful and slavery extendedfrom or known. any it muat be confemd hia matter.' manner—they but he a traitor. Seward, name designation they maybe our than known msn as African though anticipation eignty, proved latitude.—At- and band de reault in preeeat emergency if among Slavery."— moat waa am I.' time* fanciful in their drtaa in thia reapect utes to the 38/A Let the white black togeth- C. were not of the pleaaing nature. It 'So for the paralle!\North spirits t war* thrown mm of ua Henry Dean. from the race and coach- Fessrnden and Hamlin all voted time is and we ven- away npon any one when Maude thie it all for which too me!' differing ol driven er now. The propitious, 14 late evening arrived, and •And reject lanta( Oa.) Confederacy. ' kcre The man who utterance to this hiss- men, where coarse, un- with other Re- to that the reaalt in November present." gave a of a every proverbially amendment, together every be careful ture • ha onlr caught alight figure •AD.* This Journal should predict is now the glimpee and I never beard from Uoorgia demonstrate that there is an inde- pbemons sentiment, stumping' a drem, which •I hare been mistaken in Maude! I graceful, gracetan. Senator An amendment friends next win in eober.gray travelling figure yon, publican present. how it pcasses this point. Doughs' Tn Bono* of tbe Boston Stataof Iowa for as out of htt Eko a heart.' a but word* of and in the correspondent Douglas, waa aciiod and embraced by had gondolier anything geotle- same are to that be was ever instru- aprightnem popular •• rapturouaiy imagined you was was the offered by Mr. Chase, giv- pendence Ihb in tort."— Journal. waa alone. The nesa and so far aa manner day trying deny which cannot be bartend and fournal, from State, Scbasticook," Chicago Jennie. Another moment and ahe politrneas, mental in Thai ho was, heart, away, even to his and fel- to the of the territories the right extending ilarery. Tho neat morning at the breakiut table moou peeped in between the waving aprajra concerned, companion* ing people The Tour vhlob From lb* Portland Advertiser. yWd, and trees alio, what few survive. dollars" re- For the Caloa and Journal. on Clay. peach the Bute our We claim not a and Douglas Henry about may Iom by Trersurar Feck, Md Th«e are predictions. good man, beloved bj bis neighbor* "SUIl TINT Coom." It n»y bs that the of fruit is Sown. Coll., 8epl. 3,1800. captitky the "/oar thousand dollars" vhlob ths ami oar calculation! in which he ro- j here- Ui« gift of prophecy, spected by the community the aham Democratic Ontor toUrmlnats, tad » mori gtnsroos rappl State loot Land Mb. Cowan.—Dear Sir:—The atudenta rout*, ftom Editor jfJrerrtser:—The Argus having by A«ent WtUur. we are of tho aune oftkt after oar an made from data which think relia- aided, that were membera the Hot lectured gkddsa hearts^- they of •• Old Bowdoin," according to cuftom, Tenaeesee, gentleman who rasied iteelf of Ute la publishing change* from Our aro baaed the had »med in tho Tintt, Jiim Walker entered hie tfjre&nm&$onrnd[ ble. expectation upon politic*! partj, together fur Sham Democracy la thia city some time to the Democratic party, with- upon duties u Land held their annual election for In he when the Governor, Republican under the Walla on the 7, 1800. conviction we entertain that our councils of the State, and joung since, and who spoke again for the aame bad of such Look mi Agent, admlaietntiua, Biddolbrd, Ms., Septombor republican at 12 rat giving tangible evidence changes, tor Trmm4t. first of March, 1830. The it waa hia front of King'a Chapel, thiadaj o'cl'k, day compensation frieode will relax no eflurte, but will work on man'a father had ymmm1 away, eauaa la Pepperell Square on Monday evening j tad recently pronounced reported for tha dotiea of tha offica at tha Uom with the following reauU, tti having quit* FBAUDULMNT BALLOTS. provided the election ia that the old and to watch hia bedside and endeavnra to bring the authority of Henry York In our furor to b« of Mr. Walker'* servios was fixed by law aa until over, mournful duty by Smart. ihanges ia Coanty Washburn. Barnea. the oi on the of hia death, Clay into aopport Douglaa' non-lnter- and Interested are told that Wlloli kan fbilows: young ol the Republican party will be at to aet with him night 25 9 1 sithout foundation, being myself We been printed MTha Land ihall reoeire an snnoal up Senior*, doctrinee. We down Agent near Tcntion hare ahown that came to me a week or are In circulation with the name of dollars from the State the and that with a ljjig fcll and a lie felt under these circumstance* very 30 6 2 la a report which ago and John lalery of one thousand poll*, Junior*, laat momenta of hia life Mr. FOR ALL to the Clay oppoeed in relatloa to a in South Berwick, M. Goodwin for Bspreseatative to IN FULL COMPENSATION 1113 9TRO.NO IT AND A MU. ALL Maine to man, and he more, change Coagnas LI, TOGKTBU, the young thought might 25 14 2 waa to the txtenalon SERVICES." Sophomore*, all aueh motives, opposed the to ascertain for the thereon. Look out for each to him that he waa for [ took liberty myself printed ballots, la so that there would will reoew her condemnation of Sham De- any running 25 8 0 into the free Thla provision explicit properly Frtsbnien, of Slavery everywhere territory. and I scad the follow- brand every Sham Democrat who ia (hoi iU mhmndentood and it would be truth of the report, you and seem to be no need of being and within her border* Governor of the State, very aaka thoae who common mocracy Pio-Slavcry Thia Petrin formerly prided letter as the aaswer to my enquiry. If the to deceive booest and uusospacUiif by any man of oommon araae and the vote eon 105 37 5 ing trying servles a out of their at the to him to have of the Total, on of the that the oame For Mr. Wslker'stsn months by crushing aupportera grateful themselves being followers gallant is In doubt as to the gentleman's Dem- voter*, as a aooaadrcl. Sea is bounty. result ia far better than we Argus ha waa to receive the aura ot deceased and much lamented friend, Thia anticipat- votes and to entitled, by law, ballot boxee on Monday next. of his CWy to give their influence Doug* it will be sufficient to say that thoa: did receive foil that Smart dor ocracy, perhaps rightly printed 8M3, bnt he actually the yew's with some but ed, and prorea conclusively at South Ber- lie made the requcat delicacy, 1 las. Im is ths Democratic poet-master JOHN If. GOODWIN. •alary of one thoaaand dollars. Old Btawtcs. The of old Berwick Bowdoin with aa ha1 people felt sure that the aon of hia old not have College him, In 1844, when canvassing for Congreea with wick Dtmotratlc Irom $1,000 he quite Junction, Representative But not 3000 or 2200 M. at the — Mr. Walker's did and vicinity, to the number of been We hare ainoe la# Hon. D. Woodson, Mr. Douglaa, has com- The compensation etop would do him thia favor. The reported. gained South Berwick and Elliot, and just Biddktou Carer*. Republican here. under which last friend young northeast sorner of the Court House In Carroll* Notwithstanding the law were addreaeed on Thursday evening of w* on as a Wednes- he waa and it ia what hope to do Mod said that was a black-heart- the census of South Berwick Dtne- caucus held at Mechanics' Hall on declared that thw man thua called on in thia pathetic manner, jear, ton, "Henry Clay pleted appointed, esprsealy week Hoa. Firman H. Morae, of Bath and ed willain—the first American that had ever thousand dollars per annum waa "in ftill com- by next. The in thia aectio>- crotic Deputy Marshal for a nomination of a candidate said he waa not insenaible to the day Republicana eoun- for ALL his find Mr. Louia O. Cowan of Biddeford. The speak- regard been bought with British gold to sell his L. day night, pensation aervlcnwe Esq., are wide and are to throw * Yours truly, was well attended Walker of the In the which he had tor hia that he waa awake, going try." Yet in the face of this lie he will put for the State Legislature, preeented, towards the cloee ing waa in the open air, in the Square father, very Bomi BnwiCK, I860. to Gov. Wells rote for our can the question, as he does in his letter of accept- August 32th, was year, and Council, a claim for to in hia to aerve large worthy gubernatorial and harmonious. The meeting presided one hundred village oppositeGraat Falls. Mr. Morae (poke willing do anything power ance : "Where shall be found another Sir.—In to late favor I aad ex/re lerriet at REri'Blir.l.\ .\0HI.\1TI0M for him. Gay, Dear reply your seventy days XJTIO.UL and force, as to vot- didate, and roll in large majoritiea of state over the breakers into over L. aod the ballot was, for 83 day, and this claim was allowed and near two houra with great clearneie an old friend of his father,—hut to pilot the ahip would that the rumor to which you refer by Pinkham, par say, making an additioa to of la iu »■ statu.....aorcaaca «, IMO.] , hie E. a haven of peace and safety?" Ood forbid that 4. paid—thas hia salary Ixucnoa and waa followed Mr. Cowan, who gave for him he did not think he could con- intentions In the Samuel C. Hamilton, 222; scattering, hundred by ing such a liar should be allowed to utter the name soneerning my approaching eight andji/ty dollan. over an hour to the Demo- of his nomina- FOE PtXSISXXT, whole attention for He was a it Beware of Fraudalent Ticketa, of Clay. That he used the language cannot be ilections, is correct. It is my deliberate pur- Mr. Hamilton waa informed acienciously. republican—felt When the State had fell to cratic Candidate for Congreae, allowing his po- denied ; it can be one hundred llr- and a and came in and right all the time to be a to vote for tho can- proven by poee to vote the entire Republican ticket, tion through committee, LINCOLN, of his ar- duty republican now in Greene of the Land Agent for the stipulated salary of ABRAHAM litical inconstancy and the fceblenses ballots contain the namrt < Ing witneaaea, County. that a OP ILLINOIS. but he would the aervicc See that your henceforth to act with party. the nomination in pertinent one thousand dollan, it ia difficult to see on of Sham Democracy. The didate, reciprocate Upon thia the editor of the Carrvllton Pren accepted guments in support all the candidataa; and be carefr I believe no one who knows me will question with the what ground this payment of f H30 (be extra he had hia father him the aame Republican Some business connected continue I until after eleven and broke done by doing ha\ remarks. speech. services can be sustained. We leave its Justifi- PRESIDENT. meeting of mixed ticketa. Our opponanta will my Democracy/ I have always votsd the recu- ad* FOR VICE act with him on the "That A. did the election was and the meeting cation to thoae who stand aa the defenders of with cheers for Hamlin and Wash- kindneaa—would up night out for lb*m Stephen Douglaa a performed up Lincoln, fraud ulent ticketa printed. Look apply lar Democratic ticket, and, until within few the "last democratic administration in Maine." ao above language to Henry Clay, and made other burn. Over two hundred Wide Awakee from of hia and would be to do to HANNIBAL IIAMLIN, death, happy The Republican ticket ia thia: against him as base and malic- have been an advocate of Douglas. Bui journed. Out Mr. Walker waa not willing be eonlent OF MAINE. charge* equally weeks, were 1m needed. not with 81830 as forms ten month's Great Falls present. at any moment he might Foa Govxaxoa, ious, the Democrats of this vicinity dare recent developments have satisfied me, as they of Berwick and compensation QT The Republicans scrviee. 81M month was too amall Ja. deny. for the evidence U ready to prove it when* per entirely NominntlonM. Old Yobk. The same evening (Thursday,) ISRAEL WASHBURN have thousands of other Democrats, there is no North'Berwick haro nominat- as aad ba 8tat* For the I'nloo and Journal. ever it is demanded." unanimously remuneration tor such a patriot he, as candi- we learn that LnosAan Aanasws, ad- Foa RcraEaKNTATiTK to Coxaaxaa, NaMonal Democratic that in thli ed Win. F. Lord of Berwick tneir must needs some other astonishing and FOR OOVKRNOR, Esq., Now we how can lover of party left; prefer at Limonok. ask, any Henry to summer the of Old Y rok at the old Court Mom Mooting JOHN N. GOODWIN. contest is and that the issue date tor the State Legisla- baeeless claims. the ofl8», dressed people one who his Douglas nowhere, Representative During Clay, any supported principles ture. iicrsuance of his duties aa Land Agent, ha ISRAEL WASHBURN, Jr., The Court House was entirely filled, Foa Senators. is between and fret-lorn. The House. and become so lost to and solely Wavery lectedat St. N. oo account of o measures, self-respect John, B., or ORONO. Mr. Aadrewa m»Je ulling ipewh. 8ua* On Um 3rd Inst., Hon. Israel Washburn, LEONARD ANDREWS has no and sum of •ad as to vote this arch slanderer of Douglas party controlling strength, was due the State, the f 33,193, addressed oonsistency for Co melius Sweetsir, E»q., nominated sturopage four or five hundred were preeenL Jr., and C. C. Woodman, Esq., NATHANIEL 0, MARSHALL in other States is to join hands with the 'fl, although he never paid it into the Treasury *o-l vie* rrMlilnl their old frisndT will not thus be- willing the of Saco, on For Bteelora of FiMMnl and JOHN H. OOODENOW. Surely they Republicans Wednesday until the following December, thus enjoying Willi On Friday, Hon Kreeman II. Morae, the Republicans of Limerick vicinity, Bell and Kveretts, the Breckinridgers, th< by candidate fur of IVrtUn.t lle themselves and insult the memory of their night, aa their Representative the use, and interest of thai Urge sum WILLIS, 1 profit AT UMB-...WILLIAM the of Wells There and the was as it never baa Foa Co. CoMMiasioxn, Americans—no matter how discordant th< ADMKR COBl'RN, of UloomlfcM. addreeaed people village. villago thronged for one who to the State Legislature. for nearly sli months. For collecting this JOHN chief, by voting heaped vitupera- 0. COW of BMdtfuri. a attendance. even the of HEMINGWAY. I can't go that They are torn* 833,193,77 at St. John, Mr. Walker PitT-..LOt IS AN. was beea beforv, not in great rising on not rather amalgamation. prnsnt*l 7i»rr good tion him while living. Will they a HOWtX Foa > is the candidate of the his claim to tha Governor ami Council ft* K«ou*d" ..._I»AMKL On a of 1840. The Siuairr, thing like the iamous River Thamee, all th< Moses -W*. MtUILVKRV. Goodwix .Mills. Saturday evening the in the campaign aid in electing to the Prealdency, one who waa Uopkinson commission of |*r cent on the groee sum— Third people GEORGE Ja. a of Buxton tor to M. KKKI». «f Oath. GOODWIN, sewers and everything of toul and filth] Republicans Representative to mo«t extraor- forurn Urge number of people from Lyman, Dayton, number was not leas than twenty-five the true friend of Clay—Abraham Lincoln T amounting 8h"W,K8, and this Kirra ..„U«o. W. NCKKROCU. present Foa Rcoima or Pbobatr, into and want us U the State waa and the Gov- towns, at least nature emptiee it, they Legislature. dinary claim ailowemi/ imvo iciucu vic|i uj Shapleigh. County much to the interest of the occasion. meeting Prrsidml—Dr. Wo. States hold their election! fo- Douglas, By the ready a«sfsti*nce of the Governs* and Swasey. The following nearly all of our ancient principles, am at half ten and the Wide Awakes is voted or down, or who believe •Up dim Mr. Walker hail now got bia salary FOR SIN ATOM, broke np past Vice PrrsiJentJ—Arthur officers and aome of them for membera o! slavery up Thomas Nowell, a retired Council, McArthur, Esq., State Id so have driven off hundreds a f Capt. ihip raised to the of 9 to their homes in season so aa not to is a divine instittttioa hHiarmo* doing they mm up respectable figure of BidJrfonJ. returned before the Preaidential election, -at that Slavery ter or moat excellent business capacity Walker was LEONARD ANDREWS, of ; John Jameson, Esq., of Cor- Congress their as Hannibal Lo UN, but being an aspiring man,Mr. on the Sabbath. The demeanor Limington fMest men,such Hamlin, or U the candidate uruuii G. MARSHALL, of York. trespass quiet atated below' with the word of God, and sterling integrity, not content to stop here at that point, but in- NATH'I. nish ; C. B. of Alfred; the timea ny inspired Sr. Morrill and until not a free Stab our Wide and their for the Lord, Esq., Darling others, of the o sisted a/Ire rnil allowance U. GOODKNOW, of Alfwd. of Awakes, regard 3d In a to both the slavo and the master, mously nominated, Republican* opon having per JOUN Luther of I\ir- Maine, Monday September. blowing remains that oan call their own. him. Mr. Sabbath contrast most favor- Ham, of Xewtield ; Sanford, they Ken nebunk for the on certain moneys disbursed by sanctity of the 1st in October. tho port Legislature. FOR CO. CONMISSIOMR, Florida. Monday will not fail to appreciate complete pro- And then aa to State affairs. I waa a mambe: Walkrr levied bis toll on his grist ss it went tome of the exhibitions of our aonsfk-ld; Sum'l K. Roberts, of Waterboro'; ably with oppo- 1st October. in the into his mill and levied it again as it came out. of Shapleigh. Georgia, Monday of the invocation. If slavery be such of the laat aa yoa know, electee [ The Fecit Cbop Massachusetts present J0I1N HEMINGWAY, nents. The Wide Awakee aa a and Chaa. E. Weld, of Buxton ; George priety legislature, Ilia allowance of waa for money col- body here, Esq., 3d In October. will be one of the ever 88W.H8 Indiana, Tueeday an institution as the Sham aa a Democrat, and had a t< year larfeet gathered.— he a claim of roR siuairr, are of men who teel the of Saui'l C. Democracy good opportunity lected by him, ami then preferred elsewhere compoeed Goodwin, Jr., Wells; Adams, 3d in October. trees are loaded nv Iowa, Tuesday tho of the know of the Col The apple and pear literally 3 per cent, commission oo (Wis disbursed of Weill. of their and in contend it is, propriety asking something management. GEO. GOODWIN, Jr., responsibility political action, of Alfred. Minnesota, id Tuesday in October, with and in cases where supports him. And strange to say, Ihia must marvell- Esq., self evident. Smart, a abort time alnoe, in this town, In i fruit, many all their demonstrations demean themselves as of Qod for it is ous claim of 8430,30 waa allowed and paid by TOR RBO. or rROBATI, Secrttarits—Chin. M. Fireman, or 1st in October. blcfeing not been under the limbs, Esq., Missisippi, Monday made a of to shon hare placed bending and Council. To the of and citiiens. We wish we We would remark that it comes to us from speech, great parade figures governor Wells salary of BiJdefonl. intelligent orderly and F. of Ohio, 3d Tuesday in October. have been broken olT. wa must add GEO. U. KNOWLTON, Limerick, Benj. Hamilton, Esq., gross mismanagement. But I happened tc they 8*719JN8 previously figured op, could say as much of their opponents. 3d in October. a source—which forbids the idea that it is that the hundred and dollars boro\ Pennsylvania, Tuesday atatementa were The Illinois papers report peach four thirty fifty-nine roR jvdci or Hours, Water know that hla either untrue, Lixuick. We learn that there was an unu- South Carolina, 3d Monday in October. written in any spirit of irrcvcrance. In the Southern part of the State is im- cents. of Kcunebunk. Mr. Washburn addressed tho assembly for or greatly exaggerated. It la a tact that Smart crop 8430,39 EDW. E. BOl'KNE. in na- sual of the people of the Oasipee Vermont, 1st Tueeday September. 0 who did make of one blood all mense. A in Union and Jackson counties, a mm Is labo- outpouring two bourn and more in an earnest forcible Thou, knowa.or ought to know, that the8tat« will ridge It Is finite evident that while TOR CO. TRRASfRXR, towns at L'm«rick on MonJay, to hear Hon. tions oi men to dwall on tho faco of tho earth, miles and from five to eerea mile* earning a salary of 83KW,47r a not lose the Peck 04.000 at twenty long riously engaged and statesman liko manner. Of such John If. uooawia. the by defalcation, aow bis of Waterboro*. Wuhburn Jr. and C. C. Four heur us while we pniy. We, dwellers at least one million bushels. the figure Mr. Walker had reached, SAM'L K. ROBERTS, Israel Wuvlmai^ the outaide. It la also a fact within my knowl- wide, will produce •• * standard the of Maine the choioe. adore expenses must be very considerable, it was estimated were bearer, Republicans of South, thy this Immense will be personal Thousand persons prau thepeo'pleof as a member of the that the A large amount of erop not be that so faithful In for the Republican candidate for Thee for that benevolence which Thou hast edge, Legislature, and it eoutd expected out rn mats* and well be nor fear that bis well voting as Walker eat Old Waterboro' turned may proud, were first to this defalca. distilled. and economical an eflker Jamas STATE or MAINE. be aure that your ballota are for manifested towards all the human race ; and Republicans the bring and the towna of earned councils in the National Congress, should be left to defray those necessary charg- Irorn every hill every jallej'in Congress wo that Thou hast tion to that did not to cover it N. American says, a Dipartmtt, I John X. Gooowix. Look out for fraudulent do thank Thco, light; they try The Manchester, II*. es from his own lean tucket Of course this Exkcbtiti in ctpecially in Gofls- > York there came throngs of people every will suffer detraction in tho now moreover man with his wife and two children, • Augiuta, A»£. B, any posi- ticket* with the name of John M. Goodwin, In made us LorJs over thy hcritago, up, but acted honestly and above board in ex- could never be permitted by such on has and to market one hardship of lh« Kifcatlv* Cow of carriage, on horseback, foot, which he our henrts and overflow with town, picked brought and set of men aa those who AnarfVwnMMl m«Iob deaeription tion of honor and confidence upon atead of Joiix X. Goonwix. do swell, fill, posing it to the people in its true light aa to its from which be just discriminatii\g Council Cl»»u»b«f, in Augu* an hundred bushels ot blueberries, Administra- will b« h«14 •! the | men, women and children to hear the standard to Theo, in that Thou hast set composed the Democratic it about to enter. grntitudo effect on State taxes. York County pays nearly realised " on Tuf»uy th« £>iix a«r of 913a. tion of Maine Accordingly we And that Mr. argument of the future Governor of Israel Junior. Indelible mark on certain tribes o( Loango JiOAII SMITH, currency a Wnthburn, a thousand dollars less than (or ten years past, cor- Walker an account of ex- Atuit; As an interlude, stirring campaign song we are enabled to dis- A Hobsk Killed it Deo.— Our Essex |>res«ntcd "personal Htrntaljr of 8UU. our noble State and the of and which ssm of }vr moving eloquence Congo, by in every in the State pays • informs us ofthe singular amounting to the resectable was sung K. W. Lock", woll known all those who are set for our scr- and, fact, County respondent following penses" Woodman. Our will now probably by for the candidate for tinguish apart occurred in that town on one thouianil and nineteen deWars earf opponents In voting Republican and our rtdvttd tax. Aa to ths expenses of the event which Saturday fir*»ily- the as Yankee the cele- vice; the scrvico ol our children, general to Isaac lito rent*. This account was allowed and reauef admit that the have had a meeting along shore, Locke, be sure that the Junior la at the end last A valuable horse belonging paid nr Adrerttwrmaro particularly Republicans Governor, And whilo we St Ate, the show that, compared with Wells ami Council ss w mast m la I children's children. finally figures Parnhum. of Essex, was fastened near a num- by Governor ; •JT. hum! in Ihvtr nlmtfcuwrti early at which was not a failure. brated and Jr. iw^ Limvrick, composor singer. of the name—ISRAEL WASIIDURX, of the African the administration of Governor the three add to the amount received Mr. vtok u boMlblt*. lu order to incur# believe that tho enslavement Wells, ber of beehives, and becoming restless, kicked already by doou. In tho C. C. Woodman in was soon Walker the handsome sum of liou tfcty uiuH !>• iti*tv«4 bv Wnlowdijr lliiwcroKD and Saco. On Monday evening evening spoko raoo is a Divine Institution-, and in accordance years government of Governor Morrill have over one of them, when he attacked very the whole swarm of and so 81019.22 was a at Union which was his forcible and manner, address- attention of the tax of with the that lieliof are our endeavors by bees, badly there meeting Hall, persuasive KT The payers using made a total saving of $57,000. The If the several snms now I* added to our stung (that lie died within three boors. specified Hon. Lioas U. Coinina of Mans, himself to the conscientious communica- to our cord, and strengthen Governor Wella Tho Election. adlwaedby ing particularly York is called to the following "lengthen Why, look at it. The State printing under bee* clustered upon hiarln great numbers al* together it will be louml that stakes, 0 Father of aid usato extend his and Council Jamee Walker, for ten and Mr. Cogswell of Andover, Massachusetts. must have been touched. which ahowa the difference between Lights Wells administration amounted to fSl,34l. most covering hie body, ami penetrating paid Democracy. They tion, this divine of servitude, horse to suffer the months' servica aa Laad Agent, the gross of Saco and this with blowing involuntary so noetrils and ears, cansed the and for t The Wide Awakes city The Wide Awakes from Cornish rule in th* man- breadth of our The highest under Morrill Is 813,007, and ONE UUN- Tbe criitiim for State officer*, Rej Limington, democratic and republican throughout the length and utmost torture.—(JlovnaUr Trltyrapk. amount of FOUR THOUSAND over Four Hundred Torchee, aud accompanied out to on the whole. Yet Smart and his Im- DOLLARS and to it* and l.iini'rioU, luntwl tliu llombor of of the afliiirs in the Clerk's offico. wido domain. through DIIED AND SEVENTY-NINE rtaontatifci Congren approach** or- Agemcnt Insi'm toti Paorarr. And when you the Lincoln Guard* *u«>ther Republican over the State ol * (lull. by two hundred and and wakod tho thank 0 that ported speakers go talking a eafe iixfy-aiM Before another uaueofour pap f as fifty up We Tlioe, God, do ineum It, bo careful to select initiation. which baa sprung ]nto existence Foj the Union and Journal. devoutly About our candidate for Con. 14179,00 ganization ex- Thou hast committed to our trust four mill- extravagance. reliable Titi Home Ixsrit* when the law deuU red election will hare and i an town. The Saco Cornet Band furnished and company. and thb, too, expressly ii made, tho paaied It were and the sons of Abraham, SirBy to he is a J by magic, Ml. Cowan.—Drar referring ions of human as servile laborers, to gress, John N. Goodwin; neighbor ol anci of New York we can rcccom- that one thousand dollan per year should ba music on tho occasion. One item is beings Company rciult be known wlimwr in our broad Unit; of lads some thirty cellent and blood full tor ALL bis services." organization numbering tho books of the Treasurer of York County linger out a life of sweat and toil, a neighbor of mine, and I know him thorough" mend as a company on a firm basis, prompt "id compensation wire. The canr* j the streeU not to be omitted ; the citiiens our cotton as Here we find the Urge extra ami unauthor- u •tretched the Telegraphic or forty, paraded through principal kept open for the 1858-1859, or to the statements in our rice sicamps, and fields, ly. Ilia high ability everybody conoedes; neither in the adjustmont of losees, issuing policies jcars whilst ised sum paid to Walker, was done with fall the Stato lms been 01 f of our and Saco and escorted the Speak* houses and two Wide an atonement for their dark skins ; one his Dut I on the most favorable terms, and with a Cosh in aoio* Mctioua of Cily euterprising Awakes, oi the Trcasurcr'a account aa will any question integrity. like and connivance of the State Admin- officially pub- their task mas- knowledge era to the Hall. This demonstration wh a and thou hast unto us, he holds to and of one million Jollarr Thoeo who was «ait more than ftwritr, but thi f (Messrs. Walker) grunted bim particularly becauae boldly Capital istration. The money actually paid of ordinary Boothhy improvised liahcd in any tax will be; of tho exalted this feel one and confined to the your paper, payer ters, nnd heirs heaven, privil- take out in company may a Treasarer, (l»aac Heed) on with that • splendid although a hotel at tho advocates the sound, o'.d-fashloned Democratic policies by Straight Whig far it hot been carried degr large thrvo-story dwelling to tho of beneath our cine and Palmetto securo as to tlie of the a warrant issued a lVmocratie Gover- of the two waa iblo Terify following comparison ege of sitting pcrloctly reliability upon by Wide Awakes places, every way Mr where Joctrines of the fathers. He is a Jeffersonian Peck's of that characteri** an intelligvi1 house, occupied by Boothby, they tree, and faa ourselves, or clso to loiter in For further we refer nor, Sunuel Wells. The sum lost by proprktj The at the Hall waa incurred the and tho for- vots companv. particular* satisfactory. speaking expenses by present or abroad in our Democratic Republican. As such I shall the same as tbs extra |wy We hare no tiu out the attractive sign of "Old Abe 1 our of go you to the hdvertiseiuent in this paper and defalcation, (about and law abiding people. the did sot break up until bung mer Clerk of Courts: palaces ivory, and commend him to the of ol was dons the misconduct of ons good, and meeting chariots overlaid with silver. And inorever, for him, support to E. II. Banks of this who ia Walker) by can ask oi i llouso" and entertained a host of Esq., city man while all tbs other tasmben of the for further argument, and onljr ten—and when Ucloeed rousing cheers guests, The former Ctcrk received for ser- 0 God of com. honest Democrat in the first district. only, lulf past do wo sincerely thank Thee, ivery Agent for tho company. State Adnrfnittratioa exerted them- in State and and Washburn. who are well satisfied that those 2f ou Republican friende the countjr were for Lincoln, Hamlin gentlemen vice*, 4c., $1558 for conferred us, thy I have written thia In haate, but you may do selves to the utinoet to sot* the State (rum rhe Republican given passion, strength Hon. W. D. Gacumk, olOeorgia, the advocate in the Stato know how to a hotel. The present Clerk reccivod for to chastise (hose committed to our irhat with it. loss of a dollar. The dlffenaes U that do tbeir whole Yutory keep pcoplo, you pleaae a singls duty. Demonstration. 561 02 of the African slave trade, publishes card in rec- • Tho Portland same, whenever hv weariness of whereas oas siagte Republican has certain as tho Sun will do* Yovrs Tuclt, trust, they shall, I remain, yours truly, prove) •ure. Ai g<> fail to the the Savannah Republican announcing kis in* reant, the whole State Admiaistralioa of tha Sciibs. or infirmity of ago, perform W. A. CROMWELL W nTWili n it iimi •• m Demonstration in Port- body, together to tha OD .^IUQiUJ Dl'II, The Wide Awake $997 2-J task assigned thorn, that wo are enabled by tention of doing all he can for Mr. Douglas, by Democracy conspired plunder Waterboro Old 4th 1860. For the Union and Journal. Treasury. Citisens of Maine, will you trust down on the of Maine vict on wu tho most ufLir Corner, Sept., The former Clerk over as 1-2 to on the lash until tta the State go Republicans land imposing paid divine assistance, lay stumping industrously. these men In are all Tuesday Me. Deae Sib:—Ths power again? The> sup- much ia certain. Wo strive n< t in this State.' of the excess of tho foes over red fluid from their rxscoriated backs tinges Cowam, Republican The La Cross (Wis.) JS'ord Stein. hitherto a ami for frtah rious. This that has ever taken place All Hail to the Qroon Mountain porting Smart hoping plunder $1000, ax law, $000 (H the and are humil- Mass Meeting holden here yesterday was a com- In the under nis lead.—Ken. Xnrmal. but for auch a as aha for a detailed account required by oarth, they compelled by zealous and influential Democratic organ for this alone, victory ; We have not apace State. as Tbo present Clerk puid uforo- iation to "tank massa, tank you plete eaccesa, being the ever held la the the < say, you largest German language, hauls down Douglas be* Waterloo dufeat to the can in that bo backward OCi Candidates for uouod op|>onenta of thonffiir.and only say general Vermont takes step. said, 300 MIM." towns. The number ai esti- KopuuUcan 3»»lpee present, colors and runs up the Republican banner in and Hanford. r.nd T. and in other Fairbanks chosen Oovcrnor by Twenty mated those accustumed to of auch 00 by jndge it* last number. are waitii Thousand majority. $300 IiciukS. of Sanford ta the of our aister States, it the of thoae hMt raised as tu enlarge, nattara, waa four thouaand. We are How. Kmaau, Kepublicane rcepect surpasaed espectationa Tho Clerk for Cacsk, up perpet- fully Vnion that preaent paid crimi- maintain the dedsmoas It is stated in The Itangor Mr. Chh1M*K of the of I be claaacom- to hear over tlie clectr it waa Fifteen Thouaand uate, and unerring inder obligation to our (rieoda in the neigh- Itrpublicaas aniiouelj flashing whom arranged. nal coats, $700 18 land of of Massachusetts used the follow- by Vermont stand* her of the authority of tbis Durlingame of Sanford a 1*1 Lebanon, fbr Itepreaee- wiree newa auch aa them wh. waa estimated were in Port- ground gloriously.— The lato Clerk for 370 34 Supreme wring towna for their assiatancs In giving In posed jojful greeted it present samo. too in a in that : persons bare been received from 29 towna which declares in plain ing language recent speech city tative to the He *m nominated of Mail other sections of Rcturn« liberty, langua^^ ere*t to the occaiion, and we ahall be happy to Legislature. tour jean ago—the Kepublicana land on the occaaion from to be misunderstood that men of dark com- "Colfax, Frank Blair, and myself have bad by the Republican* of Sinford to whom the the voto for Governor; 84! when offers. We were rolled thoir 17000 (or th« ma giving following, $329 haw no which the >eclprocate opportunity freauent interviews with Mr. Douglas •election belonged, in a large caucus la which op majority the State. Tho former Clerk for station- pltfion rightt pale facet private Frost us Fairbanks, 6885 paid besooch compelled to regret that the atataof Mr. Feaaen- in his own house. On these occasions Mr. he received *7 vote*. whom we believe ia destined to be the ne: Biddeford sent a delegation of Republican artbowid to respect, we, thy children, Saco and G. Democrat 2664 ery, 08 hla and freely made uss of expressions of the which were John Sue. $1,341 Thee to us to carry out in practical life len'e health prevented being preaent, Douglas Vcie Preailentof our Union. It ia in o« Twelve or fifteen hundred, among Douglas Tho Clerk for samo, 108 13 help against Southern dictation. Breckinridge Democrat 487 present counsels of our sdg<*s. And hat circumstances unforaceen deepest indignation Trading. Wide Awakes to swell the throng—on Harvey, those unerring entirely deprived I also had a interview with Mr. Doug to send au< 450 Fairbanks 3733 of private of Maine, and it Majority for while the wiles of the the West, is of the of but on the occa- power, Republicans their return they filled 22 cars, give* $1,132 95 plains pleasure hearing Durling&ma; las (continued Mr. IJurlingame,) We understand the Democrats in some Mo- and we havo (kith it will I to that notwithstand- The aaae towns last gave a majority and the mountain regions of the North,save he round addreaaea of Hon. larael sion of his first visit to Boston. Mr. Dooglas glad tiding*, us aay year Difference in favor of bavins yet eloquent tions of oar State, are tor great pleasure not Republican a hare baen fur a series of then mads uss of this making propositions of liave taken i of the crowd, the of 3064 for choice fete, yean faahburn and ot our orator C. languags: 'Durlingame, done. The people Maine i ing the Highland Hall, Republican; Clerk;— Jr., youthful I have a (rode with the greatness occurred and our of I am elected Senator for six year*: got Republican* They propose discord or disturbance bcnovolent|design re-opening ?. of were auch aa to backward and we hare no worda •) slightest showing a of 669. For expenses and money paid, $997 24 misting Thou Know- Woodman, Boston, pre- Joe Lane'* head in a basket, and shall soon to make a to vote for Linreln If Ham- steps, oi the was in such gain the slave trade, whicn, bargain the conduct republicans For 1-2 half oi all over re- foreign lude of on the hive Slidel's. Bright's, and Fitcbe's. Won't to offer. On the contrar Three towna embrace one-fifth of the rote $1000 a source of untuld wealth to us, 0 any feeling disappointment part lin in November If the will rota disoouragement with that of the Democrats est is a to see Mc- Republicans striking contrast ceived, 300 00 if the audience. The was it be splendid sight, Burlinj;nne, are worda of cheer.- the railroad and indicato tho election of we bcscech Tnee, success to all meeting presided for Smart in This is aa individ- our worda pleaaant who visited us on that of the State, For difference of costs 329 84 grant, meekly Dougal returned from California, Baker from September. .Monday, in, now >ver Dr. William of Limerick ar it to paid our slavo which are concealed by Swaaey, (who all at to- from indiridmat Democrats to Beijing confidently on the intclligmes employees noticed it and mentioned us, Fairbanks, by a round mujority of 20,000 For 1132 95 shija Oregon, and "Old Abe" Washington ual proposition, character of stationery, the African coast, and Divine tas been falsely reported a Dell and Everett gether—for the next 1'residsat is to come from that of the of our Stat», o as evidence of the republican- voire. along help by inrfiriJiMi/ Republicans. They represent patriotism people aid our officers and crews to obtain full car- assisted Vioe from the ad- Illinois!" ism Total balance in favor of a nan) by presidents our State has become so corrupt, (or freedun, and tlieir desire to a urns of to the Repub- and government their love was in the Rot Legisla- of men, women and children; towns. Mr. Washburn addressed the UOtTOH—rrum id« u* The first meeting city Reprveentativee lican Clerk for one on- goes oinkng s Niim as when the I organised year 0 as la always the case, they affirm, cure ita anled in fall evening rood, we learn that the Income the pMt year, fbr ienartb of that a ii waa to overflow- arrive on the South shore, and land their party any time, change ( and the vast Hall crowded ly atten- nist, we hare no which are fro® last jear. Tin mem ex. I be .Memphis Jr alancht xorpe this of roadman, who held them delighted and it $313,633. Expense*, 9490,448. Net earo> Beaded. that Smart is Slarerj, apprehension and another and a meeting was gains carp) in this land of liberty, asylum greatly They represent ing. larger ive until a late hour. For our muai« on the After a dividend of 8 and await the issue. W to the Boston Journal from th« following paragraph atanding at Um head ot > logs, $410,177. paying man to refbrm abases and our defeat, calmlj organised in the atreet opposite the Hail and A dispatch tlie pressed. just the pot we know th of ita column: our our fathen os, in ccaaion we were Indebted to the Saco Dand, oent, there remain* $83,731 of undivided matters and should be know the people of Maine well, was had from the balcony of tho Montpelier, estimates the Republican gain at 0 Lord God, taught per State all right, that thla speaking "We understand that the lion. Emerson of old that there existed in nature cer- nd the vocal powers of Mr. Locke who sang his The buaineee of thia road haa In- to of York we know the t International Hotel. earning* done without reference national matters.— people well, people 35,000. days which were, the The The were addressed in tha Hall Etberedg* made a ipeech at Dreed en, Tenneeeee, tain self-evident facts, among ampaign songs wlth"immenseapplause." creaaed comidarably daring the Uat year. They propose if will the* to our well, and we for effect people hy a Republicans help citj aaj nothing of air to breathe, water to drink, were affected the Stockholders will Senator Ktweenden.Exliov. Boutwell Maas.', Tho Sham Democracy Demonstra- daring which he read the Dlack Republican sunlight, udienoe particularly by The annual meeting of the do this Joh and givs the State govern meat Into but it aa the result of our matured d> which to stand, and that "all men give Culver of New York, and John L. tion. platform, and aaked if any man there oould spaooon athetic ballad of "Stephen in aearch of hla be held at Exeter, the 12th of September, at 10 the hands of will the Judge born and and our fathen Smart, they help pat liberate that in State, Con great and the in the atreet were free equal," the for of and jodgement Swift of Mosa., meeting And fault with it. He further aaid that the to (other." The torch-light proceeeionj of o'clock, A. M. the choice Directors, into the haads of Lintoln, Do of Bid. bade us transmit these self-evident truths general government ional Count aud the bv Walcott Hamlin of ver,aDd3,'£. We will do the Sham Democracy on other boalneae that District, j Citj, Reput Esq., election of Lincoln that platform would these to 'orniah, Llmington and Limerick Wide Awakes the transaction of any may for mature there, have become ta of New York. the to that their I nostcrity; but as we have discovered they admit, We aend worda of che* Woodford Kan., deford and Saco justice aay ras a dial licana will euecerd. give peace to the country, whllat Breckinridge self-evident us now and forever such as to throw great of light upon be brought before them. corrupt as la our aad are for rr The ToacM Lkjiit procession in the evening demonstration on Wednesday evening in be lies, help State, they and encouragement to our frienda in th would dlaolve the Union." to this declaration of our fathers.— lie result of the eomlng contest The aalariea paid to the principal offiesrs art; form in and think akould be was the most brilliant and which were by their friends from ignore both, they party imposing spectaclo j they joined are in the midst of Noedlys. to the Within the week we hat over About Probably Mr. Etberidge will not be and now, 0 as we Voces, To the Preeklent $3000, Superintendent sunk In the work of Countj. paat ever witnessed Three Thousand Wide | Portland, was a very respectable afbir. greatly Lord, rrjirm. at that. an and -In distress 4th 1980. to the Treasursr to two Treasu- beard from, or or*r near o Awakes with near three thotmnd torches, t rehea were out in all, includ- alarmed irrepressible conflict, gnat Limerick, iSept. $3300; $3300; Need a word be said to aay Republican to paaaed ererj part eight hundred and diseosions • to the mnaic of aome and as the ruuson of (bar Clerfca la and have b«*rd from all inarched Twenty those from abroad, procession by thickenings an rer'aClerka $1000; Superintend, satisfy him that all thla ia a aham and a cheat? our Countj, part ing some an for Sam, some Vermont Indication. in streets lined with our streets, made For the Calea and Journal. among us, for while ent'a and $3130. Total There ia not a break in tb I procession, through moved through they quite Paaeenger department* That the very foundation on which their plea of our State. which were for Jonn, and some for every bnete houses, brilliantly a with their stolen thunder—we aay A Club at A llrod-Goro. Stephen, Vermont, though always largely Republican number of men 383. who the friends o nunyoftliem display 1 or the North employed rests ic a falsehood? knows, line. Everywhere illuminated. All the ranka were trans- when our Wide- that sweeps from the West frum Everybody Republican along stolen thunder, because as this made a satisfy Republican gain, oar us sod that the year Ing Odoht XasniKD Puru to euro Toomita? knows about lbs matter, that the cause hate been, and are earoek with appropriate not toes, and brings the intelligence, gnat anything good parencies Awaken first commenced they oth on the popular vote, and on the votes for more residences were adorned with operations Alfred, Sept., 4th 1860. mass an for Aboiium. —Hall'a Journal of (Isallh, which clalma to be State government never was administer*! and and we the following it- many private at Wide-Awake Thunder. They to the The active, predict and flower*. laughed ire tliank that amidst all oar «presentatlves Legislature. gain has a or than it flags, mottoes our streets Diab Sra. The of Alfred- But Thoo high antiiority in medical Kienoe, taken economically, or efficiently, hooeetly quite Republican* on us tots over the vote of last aolts. It waa a and passed through principal | sorrows, a little of breaks n the popular ysar is three great glorious display .honorable at the with a grand and hare a Club of gleam light atand against married people sleeping together, has been daring the laat years, deepite who it and decorously, ending depot gore vicinity organised from the tribes. We learn that or and It is an indication that the 1. The election of Israel Washburn, Jr., to those arranged proper for the themselves, in which torches Kmpin ,300 4000, bnt thinks they had better in the eflbrta of Demoorata to corrupt aad de- meloe among men, become sleep adjoining occasion. Too much could be Mid in young moetly,—meeting ecmi-weekly, Ilerodand I'ilate have then united, are la the direction. If were too as Governor over 10,000 majority. hardly were broken and heads suffered some. eople moving right rooms. Itaays Kings and Queens do not bauch eome of ita officers, la which they bj in noble wo a of sleep uf the good order, and freedom trow and are wide awake that and moral so that have faint crucify- a 8ute which la re- ot our entire ]>raise prospect ermont, always surely and should other To successful. Those In thia way 2. The election republican between two thieves. Ames. together, why people? approached rowdviaut that prevailed, The Discussion between Washburn1 of truth and ing Liberty so much so that there is no indaoa- In this dietrict John enterprise dlaminating Rcpub. ubllcan, which the Athens Poet adds ; Think of the would do wall to remember the intamoas reform in Congress. and Smart! Disclosure 1 moat far extra holds delegation Astounding lican which finally lent offered republican effort, idea of a of 1WJ under Democratic mis- bo elected Smart's Last. principlce, triumph Hon. Peleg Sprague. separating newly married couple, on administration N. Goodwin will triumphantly, to her and makes over and the eztenaion p Republican majority larje • cold winter's rule. The of this State, and eepeoially feel that the Re< Accrm, 5.—Tho discusrioo be- Spatter Sovereignty night, because UaU's Journal people and because we know and Willing to Sept. what results may we the of Reciprocate. twven Meacrv Washburn and Smart was at- of It Is that of the «publican galas, good of Health says so. You to Mr. HalL' the tax-payers, will remember doiags do wholo alavery. reported Judge Spregw, go grass, of the Dietrict will their tended an ot in when the Is ooa- tor some time to publicana audience of some seven or eight Omen or m Cutb. United Slates heretofon one of expect places ground that celebrated Wells dynasty We heard a fresh anecdoteofSmart, by District Court, IIokskb rot Lows Nafouoi.—Ths French aad we bis over his recently thousand. At the close of Mr. Washburn's ■ted We look npoa these republican aad Its wicked abase of its power dutj, place majority compel- j Goodrich. tbs staunchest of the old In this vicinity, elossly. eome, too to be A President,—Samuel Whigs legation has lately visited Boston, to approve aad not trust ltor which is good kept private looger. concluding be read a letter from Mo-! alas la Vermont aa gratify lag indications that waste of public Mads, beyond 1,000. speech, Welch, has declarol his for Lincoln.—Bos- the a known horse dealer of prodigal his home beside the sea Macdonald, his Vict Presidents.—Otia Richard pnfenaoe the In other purchase by well TVmperinee Jour— S. The of at least one hundred who has pleas- entirely retracting charge >e publlo aentlmeot among people this class of isis sgaia.- election gentleman a«unst Senator Hamlin in to the Bra- Lorenzo ton Journal. firs Vermoat horses for the eUbleeof Rc«j re- regard John C. Wbeelright, T. a as to as la superb ant waten of the Penobscot Bay, not far Stanley, 8 tates is of Bach character justify mat. to the Hones. tilian commission. Thus we And the conservativs, pure-minded the French who possesses publicana Bean and Goodrich. '< for liks slss where. Emperor, already from Smart's waidence, is our authori- was addressed to Smart Ivory to loklng gains la aald to ba brawlag between Hpcin 4. lbs election of a State Senate mors mote The letter by Mac- and patriotic men all over the land rallying twenty-four specimens of the same breed. A TroabU weeks since Smart be it and Recording Secretary,—Richard Shackley. Mealao. Spain ha* eUima that ate la to than three for the story. Several donald,bat suppressed misrepresented the support of the truly conservative, pare- Ama Ths apple crop this ysar will b« en- eorrsspondent of ths New York Evening Post end qoarten republican. ty j Mr. Washburn Allen. both tha liberal and Miranda on the its contents. Its reading by Corresponding Secretary,—Wiiliam minded aad patriotio candidate i Tress of urge upon fot- 5. The election of the nomi- went into a small village bordering and consternation 0 rmotts—almost aperabaadsat svery writes: Republican created a sensation Trteuwrtr,—William II. Naaoo. hav- •rn mailt, aad If Dot paid will open bar batUrWa tb« out a man who re- great * awl every from ths msrest shnib The new horses are ftfteen hands high, nees for Senate and for oOeen ia and young of the audi- Mas. Toodlcs for ariety pU®*. than Countj bay, seeking the Democratic portion Buttneu William was oslebrated having a Ana actioa and a of not 1cm oa Vara Crai. 8bc la aaid to be HtUlxd by Commute*,— Jewett, « i ths ap to ths mature aad full ing speed the of York a which aided there said to him that he, Smart, was when the discussion closed .Smart's eoarss paatare, grown oouatj by aajoritj w(U ence, and Jamee everything "handy la the houss." Of SL30.— They are of the Emperor^ both England aad Franca. All nationa ara Mr. Washburn's Bean, Daniel W. Wbeelright. 1 we of the orchard, ars loadsd aad afl tke not be lea thaa eU bandred and be ones a resident in his beaatiful that fheods were and she was well with Rassia literally eolor, a Jeep bay, as are neartjr tired maj village, enraged, sapptied Bedding's awd K"P£ars of the anarchy that prevaila la Mtxk-o, were in At the last addreana were made a Irsady bsadlng to tha ground oadsr their aa* ror's stoo^f 6>wr hnwdrsd. ovsr a thousand. while there he had made the of raptures. meeting, Bain, as its Hum as a tor eats,wooads, thsJrlsUs ™ and to a afconH ba aoaa acquaintance remedy has of ths natural length with •** whkh atop pat by The antvenal feeling among impartial by Meant., Lord, Goodwin, Miller and othera ■oal burdens. For maay years thsrs and • fmfr.- 6. Ths slsotion of the nomi- the man's father, that he found inti- used haras, sealds, eorae, Moos, aad similar afflio- eoet wae between $«00 $*» kaad that ana raatora otdar tad good |ii« Republican young bearers was that Smart was the wont ■ ssa ao sach of aa this ssaaoa to la ons of with m we ahail aae oo election tor 83 profoskm fruit Thass horsss will bs taksa larops the of mate relations of with that on a Mams good reealt, tions, is wotld-wkU. Bold everywhere Mat thara, nes to the Ujislatursfroai citj Btd- friendship him, up aaa that star ram Ths trees ahoadaat ths VaadsrfaUt ilnsirs. appeared oectsa box. V pear prooaissaa dsford. he respected him aad loved him, that he was[ rtump. hj.—Dingo. 1 DBATH8. A atown not a thousand BIDDEFOKD. For Ilk* Union and Journal. Good Joke. In NEW cm HAUL, M «"•» Snurt'a apeech- U a farther and eon : ••USE TflE BEST!" against the Work- C. C. Woodma*.-U pUaaura JT" Speaking diaguating to com- miles fn.w thia city, there wof la Congraaa Mm Eiwroa:—1 am to be able Is a • •aul'i C. C Wood*a* the the Maehiaa the follow- happy of the him name. The old lie «4 U» Mechanic. to be able to »ay «*•» E*j., W, Rtpuhhea* gives oI gentleman MISS Uf Man municate to the fat that the citiiens man a leading Demo I K1.HBEBLT, to the so satisfac- yoa publican, M(] the young who spoke people la*: honest our Democratic1 Hu the hoaor of announcing to Um dllHW of Bid* geatleman " u North Berwick are forward like crat. A abort time since, tin* be with ua on Sat- At Held, where M refined coming direct- do ford aad Imo, lh\l tlie haa Um lUpit E. K. 8airt wu la Coagreaa the fol- torily ium •ilK»» Cherry ptktn friend a encloeed In a letter fitly dollara, *s& engaged When cad bp in Main*. Smart brag- and true and are determined in thU fight "~, and addreea us at tome suitable audience m fount! men, that It in the bnt siaa- - XKW CITT HALL, «w : urday Evening ing should be eipended lowing reflation introduced ged that he ni handsomer than Waahbuni,and at the ballot box to ahow the world that tbe ••Jr." to wasr- Hall haa been ufr pottibU. They to append Rafu* llanka, ipd « 7™**- which will bo ready for oorapancy about " That the Committee of Ways and Union engaged and the when a number of ladies retired in diaguat, forgot of the CapL Httoivtd, place- of '70" that animated oar lore-fathers the and ao it fell Into the hande tb« waa widower and he "spirit addreas, THJC KIR8T OV OCTODICIt, be instruct*! to into ei|*«l»- meeting will be held at that place or In the open called after them that he a the directions of the Mnu inquire on and is not Republican, lie followed and iho will hare Uio honor of to a bill increasing the dutie* knew that if of tfcem wanted a huaband ind led them to victory honor, and with that patenting «Mjr of reporting air as shall ht found And wt under- any letter to his beet marriages. Motallon la a tliao- and "B ,Ul''1 eipndknt. him before would the have according: judgment, thorn the groat drama, uti, «»n luturies of all kinds they would aeleet they >et extinct. The here just and other little bills, tnitltatlon of wrltUa tho foreign into that the Dand on whrn the Republicans It paid hia taxes, grocery tratine tho ftlarery. u art Dow coming stand will be band candidate." a foreign manufacture* Republican formed a Wide Awake Club, the members of not but all waa right. In about I draiaatift of th e age. Air. bj^ ion with Amrkui labor." comes o(t Let our last meeting be a suspecting to know la Lrmn. ad tel. Bar. Wilaa called ruinous oora petit meeting York Poat make* a and week the eon called on the father by U^Jfr.Al-1aid- BOCRCICAULT, " mv I jy The New Evening which are truly patriotie and brave men; after, (under Man, of Charleatown, Mi*-, to ttanh, to aiki rvoMT. HIDE TO TUE RESCUE. it he had a to him. The old llera «u u attempt AWAKES estimate of the with letter belonging Mt of D. Roberta. " luturiea" careful and d itailsd probable the light of their torches will not compare daughter K»q auklng foreign gentleman told him he had not "But," says In Portland, !td Inat, by Re*. Ilennr D. — Mojwa, cheap by —— • l«mnf to and by in the cause of Mlaa Ir1 THE OCTOROON, an attempt to Doaglaa va. Doaglaa and the Missouri Repablicaa anti-Republican majorities, tbe seal of their hearts great "did you not get a letter containing fifty Mr.fleorp I). Lambert, of thla eltjr, (a dutiea. It wee alao he, "but ft oa. the high vote In that State, on. N. Good- dollara?" ,,Vee the father, M. Hobbe, of Palmoalh. pay and mechanic* ('oaproalM. counties, of the Presidential Freedom. Last evening If John says the Americaa workmen was directed to sir, and me to spend Life in Louiuianm. keep the and cornea to the ooncluaion that the total Re- win was to addresi the eitisens of this requeeted of pauper IFrwn Doojlaj' at MprlngfleM, 111., In IM9.| expected it in the beat manner, and I have done the raiaoiu •oaapetitJoa speech to possible Octoroon WaraJ MISS KIMBKRLY.I from " will not be leaa than 46,. to was unable or 10E, (an MBS. WILSON'S thwe wereooo- Tkt Mutomrt had ifs origin publican majority (dace, but owing indisposition *>• I did not know where it caase from, Both objecU ComprtmUt NOTICE. Tho company eoeilili of labor of Europe- werv made I could do no bet- row I v- bat it waa killed, in tkt ktarU qf all patriotic mm irAo dturtd 000. !» present: however, prompt efforts what it meant, but I thought peraon* ara hereby cautioned aralnit tke ReeoUtion, our ter with it than to taxee and other little or a note for two hundred dol- templated by toprtttrtt aadptrpttnaU tkt kltttingt of lo his and the evening train pay my ALLIng purchasing EIGHTEEN 8TAR PERFORMERS!! HAIR ^GENERATOR. waa una of thoee who aaeiated supply place, to Leonard Poaa. of Uorham, or order, K. K. Smart Uaion—um origin akin to that if tkt bills, and so it has all gone." Ttmptranct lara, payable whom amy ba fpeeiaUy mentioned, and gluriuut Repent this. to our station 8. L. Woodford of aad to be dated la IttM »oioag voted even allowing tkt Stain, eoncttctdis brought Esq., Journal. ilgned by me, purporting TIm Ilrp^iKruor ia |Kit op In two alaea, aad it Ha against Coatfitutio* of United the note ever by me. jrtD mjhsto.x, in kilting from Massachusetts, Dr I960—being only eigned Skatae on Ut tarn4 frattrnal nfltrtton, andcal- the N'cw York, and T. F. Barr, U> mm Bald note araa without Tk, U/»rnut Ctm titan, for 30 rrntt for bottlea, and II ft* Reeolution to be introduced. ipiritqf It cannc t be too often repeated that by payable Poea. given iruila pint the enlottd to rtmore forntr tkt enly dangtr tcktck rhe South Berwick Wide Awakes numbering Rxnniiio's Russia Salve continues to grow consideration whatever, an I *hall not pay LJyO. Jamrmal. of the Miaaouri Slavery iny HATTIC Ixttilr*. TIm> qiiuit Ixxilra ara inoch tba him VaaeAec tetmrd to tkrtatm at tornt ditto*1 day, to NNr repeal Compromiae, cures it has U>e same. JACOB TOWN8KJtfiT A ktattl(ful Jtlrtm end Dantrr, quart •orae seventy-five torches, aecom|>anied by tbe in public favor, and the mlraeuloue of thia diatrict tkt torial bond of Uaioa. All the evidences waa admitted to territory aolemnly consecrated IB I\T IT. trjTSOX, ehaaprat. The Democracy pledge1 of a JalyHMWc 3wT_ XT'" at that eeeme. the Act of 1837.) may b« learned oa ap* a«l»r T" It1*""* stand. The delivered thoee excresoensee would use Bedding's Russia (under All additional particular* u ah* itn (m lb* hair. Ilia for to Congress. the case mty be—wants to know something ipeaker's speeches of the Bid- far anprrl-r m)i|l|a( Ilcpreeenlativee to be holden at Calef Hall, 8unday morning, plication to Krana AUlntun, Proprietor 1 M lk» Iwit—hM »• 41tafri»i Republicans, 1 1 Vom a stand near the Kail-real station; and which also an excellent for all *«•)!/ i« K-ll In that the Re- about the Miasouri Compromise. [Cheer* Salve, is remedy Net 7 0 Ruiclu, eppedleKUbf 8k, Jerurd lloaae. af K fall- moment it waa certain afternoon I860. ai> |M« •*■*, Im>mm iM |M«tt kill, And the nut the to telling aim and evening, Sept. 9, Speak- In town* ihould make up I yam have slightest objection it an hour crowds were gathered waiting kinds of cuts, wounds, bruises, scalds, burns, t PTKR an extend ve of of t wen- People neighboring i»( ..IT, an.I nfirn rur»( UM h*ada«ba. and the Committee I early practice upward* come and eaa the Octoroon. 37 artMa had the Speaker all he deeire* to know apon that question. er, Mm. Slight of Portland. Five centa admia- continue* to *e«ure Patenta la the Hal- sunlou partita to tkla rntiaral* ikimIicIM, kxtuM I UM publicans vith and anxious Mr. Barr eta. Sold at 23 cents the box. ty year*, a III. ah-uld ha oa the coast frit IN THE BILL TO REPEAL THE eager expectation. everywhere ted In Ureal Britain, Prance and other llial will d.akal your llalr kr|*a*raiar of the House, every fisherman BROUGHT ion, to pay Hall and other ezpenaea. Children Htate*ial«o f«r Um kalr vas first introduced to the audience and made eountrtee. Aa*lgn- • H-lj h --am. I lUnk II la Ik* Wat artifI* be aa that MISSOURI RESTRICTION." Or tiie Dbst. For alleuts,burns, wounds, foreign Caveat*, MpeclOcallona, State of Maine. sure that his bounty would paid free. and all or Paten la, axa- IM Mac. Hfrttl/mltf. 4#., aa and earnest remarks. He was mcnta, Paper* l>rawing>lbr Ma few corns, chilblains, eto., try on lll>eral tenn* and with Research, I liar. JACOB aTKViNi, Jt*»l«rypeil. ebb aad flow. Had Bradbury spirited scalds, sores, felons, iuted dUpalcb. COUNTY OF YORK, ths tide would Ilerschel V. or to deter- M aad Dos't Foiorr, That Johnson, wllowed Mr. Woodford who for an hour ft id the best extant. r* made Into American foreign work*, CITY OK MDD*»ORD, J I Itkl It* Hair Htftnaralar Orrmmff Hf| of foster, Pen. HOW NON-INTERVENTION W&RKS. by Russia Salve, remedy M been elected la IMS instead Redding's ulna the validity or utility of PatenUor Invention*, ante* Hit. tiao. *. Woowaa, llartfarJ, Cb " the candidate for the Vice Presidency, the MmrUml if Ik, nor could I believe that it ia the of tlra South Douglas half held tbe crowd spell-bound by magic Sold all dealers for 23 cents a box. —and or other advice rendered In all matter! T» WILLIAM If. HA.VSOX Cit, oould aot hare beea speaker right by legal UllUTIKiii 14/ talniMiafh frntaarr if m iaiWaaMt«r(< niagton and tkt of to trttnd, a that Capital shocld own m Labor. is the orator to sway the tame. of the claim* of any Pa- Ctti if BMIrf** of the to dtmand duty Congrtu any >f his eloquence. He just touching Cople* */» Ami lit «/»<•/ aa mjt htad" have had a majority PROPEfc- ftirnUbed |lj00 Aaelgnmenta la the nam* or th* Stat* H. the Republkana PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND He does not con- tent by remitting VOU are hereby reouirad, t.t II li, »if« ut ltf« IWiiry lllll, Maorhratrr.N Herschel T. Johnson, candidate for tnd command tbe multitude. at »n«l warn lb* Inhabitant* of " oa Comraeree,and Mr. Clay'a KIND SLAVICS) tW SPECIAL, NOTICES. recorded Washington. I of Main*. In notify " and Ilouae Committee OF EVERY (INCLUDING I* not the In New In law II na^HiW mp hair tafl fiaatf ttrrito- President on in Ine himself to a certain at one time you Tbl* Agency only large*t Rng- lli« ol lllddeiord, quallled tmintlnf N. Bouatiaa have IN THE TERRITORIES during tkrir Vice the Douglaa ticket—aald style, hare ail for City Offleer*. Munt I'aaaaa, aaraUf* aprlaf*, T. of the Fishing might tand, but through It Inrentor* vantage* lo Tula in Oia *U«lioa or State and County Kej>eal V. Johnson. a recent at that if tnd carried through a concise or Hie Want Rooms In said *• fft c«>M>al Ikal it Mt a* a M vote and have been carried. rial tiatt."— [Herachel speech Augusta, Ga., any yourself along lecuring Patent*, ascertaining patentability to ineet at lb*lr respective / tf«'ali< beva brought to a British un*urua***d Ir not House Inlehool la Itllf ajlaflal ktaJlkp iUIi." In the Hcaate. May Jt.lMO) waa at another he is Oleon, of Invention*, by, lmmea*urably vliWard one. al the llchool la rulari lt« ratli (from IVmflM' speeeh one could to him that Mr. Douglaa tnd sound argument; relating elaewhere. City, on a. prove luperlor to,an v which can lw offered then No. Ward two, at th* School lloaj* Ita*. a M. It. H. —MttfMiti* RtfUita " of the his FOR THE HAIR1! Dl.trlct 11 Kattoa, KaaW, It ia of the history country, he would vote succession of that bear upon The tcillmonlal* below prove that none I* ward \ Ward three. al lb* part in flavor of aquatter sovereignty, anecdotes, given Sulllran Street In laid M nt AT TUP. PATKJtT OPP1CIC ward Want I mail tkntJoUf rtrammtnJ if laaMp*r#aai." that under this doctrine of n-intervention, IIORB tatX'KMPl'L School Houm on Pool Street In Mid K. H. f>r Mr. mint and are more convincing than any argu« lubeerlberiandaiHUCCKHH I8TIIKBKMT Street U»*. C. Bi-aaaiL, LMUH»a, this dcctrine that you delight to call squatter Breckinridge. The oil from whleh this elegant preparation Is than the four, at Hi* Engine House oo Washington VatMhr I. After the Wide OP ADVAbTAUI» AM) ABILtTY. he Hall on Chestnut of New Mexico have on aaked nent could be. the speeches PflOOP Ward Ira, at th* Old Pioneer Pn I M sovereignty, the people Senator Seward being recently Is obtained from a plain whleh grows only he haa abundant reaaon to believe, on M«-a»a llm« P Wtuao* ft I km kaaitaaaf I in E7" made, would add that Street Ward tli, at the Knctne Home, No. 2, are full of eocour- and slavery the whole Iwakes and escorted the Bands office of the la 11 i.., j. in >a, Mr*. WUaoa*a llair K*r»n*ra- Tbe returns from Missouri introduced protected In relation to the Union movement in New formed, by In Tenia. It was flrit discovered In the year ISM, and can iirove, that at no other kind, Chestnut Street and Ward mtii, altb* l>ateui*ul *■?'•>«. DOCTRINE moderate l»i aixt llalr Imwrnt «r» Um brat kalr |i**paraUa«* >am freedom. I of that territory. UNDER THIS are the charge* for *ervice»o In th* itor* of Col. Harrison Lowell, at tb* frien Is of more narched to the residence of Mr. John Hobbs, celebrated Oriental traveller, Dr. professional story uaa. la UM Ihrai with ngement to the It*p*bl*c*B A TRACT OF York Lincoln, that "The by the Htephen- of tha *ube?rtber 'JO Koad. at la I altall omilltiit* |iUaaur* THEY HAVE CONVERTED against replied, The lmmenaa practice during corner or Main Street and-llollls "King*! Maaa. of Prank Blair, we rhere Woodford addressed them who It to London, In Kngland, where him to accumulate a va*t lutb of aa*. U. U. IMRTWKLL, UtntN, In addition to the triumph FREE TERRITORY INTO SLAVE TERRITO- unite the more they won't carry it." Mr. again son. brought year* l>ast, haa enabled Corner," to called, on MONDAY, the day they and ofllclaldacidon*rel- forenoon, to of Hon. J. 8. Rol- THE SIZE South Der- It Is as many as 30.OUO bottles have been sold collection ofepecllleatlon* at nln* o'eloek In th* give to r«conl the (lection RY MORE THAN FIVE TIMES midst enthusiastic The said, II- September, for a hare Hon. John T. who haa been re- cheering. ative to patenta. Tbaee, be*idc* hi* extensive In thalr vote* br a Uovenwr of thlt State, OF YORK. Under this QT Nixon, one ! It Is unlike before Ilaaaaa. Ilim P Wiiatta kCo.l I War* aW fair district. Mr. Rollins is the OF THE STATE NEW rick Band then other very fine pieces In day entirely anything of and mechanical work*, and fall ac- to Congrese to represent th* Kim lin* is the second District among for a brary legal Representative lla n>«rwr.l« and llair Dr*aalaf, aad bar* raaalrrt SLAVERY HAS BEEN EXTENDED nominated in the Firat Congressional " the hair molit and lively In the United Htate* en* Htate, tlire* Senator* of chos loctrine known. H keeps count* of patent* granted District of Ihlt fmm at eaiuc within a Jew votee being with a style and ex- Congressional for eald b^nrfll F CALIFORNIA, and from " waa It greasy and County, County all *bn vat* u rraiara fra* hair lalU original A had asked him how it appearance, without making a to to Proi«te. and one not a to 30 30 gentleman glossy All neceulty of Journey Waahington pro- or Probate. la win. ara lr~i'.|rd aith o* a threw since, Thoagh of Metk-o, not only up deg. tdies collected on the Mr. Barr was and fUU of dandraK urerjudge HegUteror of any dandruff, 4lia|tiaAla Americana, yean Itrpublio 'hat he, as an American, should aui>|>ort the plana. or Isavlng It brash, dry, cure a and the uiual great delay there, ara for aald to Ui* Legislature la to 38 vou a degree sticky, patent, Representative City Itrhmrf at Um bra.1 »r l.u»or*, a* Ihan abua* hair U is not in favor min., but up deg.—giving because for a few minutes castor hcra Inventor*. distinctive now, he nominees, and he had replied, introduced, ami spoke all those which contain tared this State. fal inf frmn Um lirad. Republican a more slave than you ever Chicago gain like preparations to said In- and half territory before the are also to notice 0. W. || and is in favor of there waa no American candidate With more music or cocoa-nut oil. 23 cents a hot- You required iflre i>* a.r. CUaK,0rtaraUa(M.II. of the extetv«io« of slavery, .-laimed." aying just the right things. oil, olive oil, Only TTCSTIMON'IAIjS. the Aldermen of aald elty will A of very respectable, honest habitant*, that will be n people. party ■ all In 8aco and Did. '• on th* Wll- «hant Democracy. II* nd cheers the crowd dispersed with stout hear tie. For sale by apothecaries I Mr. uom orthinMlrv«t((fM I In open session al th* Alderuien'* MM, IIihm llnir P. M'naoi A Ca. t I Ina Mr*. overthrowing and men had assembled at Baltimore 33 rtprd Eddy will ofelee- intelligent deford. twcttttul with whom I hare had offl-' three secular dayi next preceding day • *>'• llalr Hrifrnrral.# awl llalr Piraalaf lb* alaatait member of Congress, and John IMI—not as an American, nd firm resolves that the 10th of practitioner* Al.. itMug and effective WIIAT JEFFERSON SAID. and nominated September, CJIAN. from V o'eloek In the A>:«iiovn to I2o'elock amrba «f a I hair I bara, la Ma; la. clal InU'rcourto. MASON," lion, th* i-rrparallana. to the adiaini* aa a conservative man, with the Union for sons to 5 o'clock P. M to correct kmi*n ibm In rriW* lb* hair (km It had will a generous support •• I reflect but nd next November should show that tbe Ctmmittinntr of Pahnti. and rrout I o'clock ttiinn, give I trouble for countrjr, when of *l*etlon from i. la my their and as the basis of a new party. FARM FOlt SALE. lilt <>r voter*. And altoon lb* day r .1 .7, r. n, d iT, r*ator* lb* balr III arlflaal Lincoln. cannot platform, are true to tbe and "I har* no he*ltatlon In a**urfng Inrentor* that II to bear trati<>n of Abraham hat (Jod is just; that Ilia justice sleep f Maine still constitution, 9 o'clock In the forenoon to i o'eloek P. jiir, r«r» vniirrl/ lb' ami paliiAtl hradadiri a»l la No man ever stood on a better Union platform subscriber offer* his fhrrn for sale, iltuatrd cannot a mirt and ie nature and they eraitloy per*on fmfttmt on tha of claiming aoriM Inaiaiwra a»n*l atrloaa kumara ParaaMallf, I bara Governor vote in Missonri very close, ,'ureter ; that considering numbers, on one madj re still on the side of freedom. on tha Naoo of a of and decide application perton* Ttie than does Abraham Lincoln the arrayed In Buxton. road, one-quarter ir u <(w urn u, and mora capable their ap- arrrral >t tbraa bmrflla. I mesas a revolution of the wheel T1IK Said farm con- putting the right to vote. Urn a alaarvr In but the candU latural unlr, him at rail* from Salmon Falls Yillage. In a form to eecure lor them an early and of Aa- K. H. •ad it ia not certain opposition is for Chicago." near- plication! Dated at lllddelbrd thli twenty-ninth day aar. llf.NKY IIILL, MiartiHir, if fortune, an ei:nange of aituation among tiik or me tain* about 60 acre* of rood land—building* consideration at the Patent Office. Flora Tkni'lk Still Quick rarorabl« A. D. 1*60. JONATHAN TUCK, Mm,f. elected. The St Louia IMmorrat says become new In guit, date » J he possible events, that it may proba- ««"»—I—w—« ly and Rood repair—water eonreye.lln pipes EDM I'M) Ul'RKE, car. 'rack.—The trot between Flora Templo hon*e and barn. The cuta from 13 to a) PatenU. JACOB K. COLt, (hat neither nor Breckinridge can | >le by influence ; the Almighty about the little great to place Late Comuil**lonerof AlAtrnira */ Doegtaa su[>ernatunJ t*r lTnion revUes the story girl t in* of all of tood 3. A. BOOTNHT. Dtmo. \ >aa no attribute that cau take sides with the 1 ,nd N. Patchen came off at the Frank- hay. quality. Ro»ton, February », IXVI. MRS. WILSON'S the State in November. Thursday's been re- George This I* a desirable of and those ry channel by a make. The child had plcce property, "Mr. H If. ha* made for me TlllRTEEN joliy"m. uaoiitrirr, 'J 1 ilaveholder." in In Saugus, near Boston, on Tuesday, for laruif are Invited to call and examine. Eddy r is roHk, I| (he nrturoa Barrett'* Park, looking it-ai on all but una of which bare trmt any* bv accepted muted from the neighborhood where the had «l>|il Ion*. patent* War- WIIAT DOUGLAS SAYS. of the C. II. PKASE. one I* new Such I* a true eopy of the Original OIL term and Blair's 'he former is the acknowledged quern been granted, and that fttUmf. The foregoing COCOA-NUT lor the ahort hid, the an I for a time Hoi Me. 37 and on in* ill HiLLIAM HANSON, majority " is Toted played with reptile, improv- Post Offlco addrttf, lis, unniliiUkable proof of great talent ability rant, lo reeled. bat make* the fol. I DONT CARE whether 81averjr urf, and the latter is the fattest trotting stal- to Marshal of lllddeftml. for the term 1413 ; it two weeks hi* lead* uie to reooouimend alt Inrentor* City long or voted down." ed in health. About ago, however, part HAIR DRESSING. up |1 un known in the world. were considered to hloi to their patent*, a* they may statement: They apply procure of fftddeford, Aur.», l«n. Pursuant lo tha lowing important •he was taken ill and continued to sink until the Hair Bogonorator. lure of the mo*t faithful attention be City were In be harlnjg lo me directed, 1 hereby notify awl ** are over two hnn. ery evenly matched, though tho odds at rea*»nah|e above warrant, odtial count there now and itowed on Utelr ca*e«, and very of Mlddcfonl. By VS. week, when she died ; and it is of the dre**y appear- warn th* inhabitants In said city qual- Mr*, tvilinn'a lUIr Ormliif It p«I Hp la larja ksttUf, tickets which were |»ollcd for WEBSTER DOUGLAS. present 1 avor of Flora. 8he won the first heat in Independently stylish Ilalr charicei. JOHN TAUUAHT." at the time and tired Republican splen* ance by Mr*. Wilior.'s Regenerator, ified a* tin-rein eipreneed, to meet Ik* not receiv- ascertained that the snake was killed on the produced In ||»I rrUlla f -f IT fU. prr ikI lor drralaf •P. Blair for whieh he has "I never would and never havecon- was a dead It tiroduce* sanatlre not found any From 17th, IM7, to June 17th, IK*, aud for the therein mentioned. Cosgrens,' consent, lid style in 2.38 1-2. The second properties September placet, purpoees It Ml Id la bin a ma- It eau»es the hair to grow In eourte of hi* lor. made \»ir ( |«-r-n. or uM, Ihrra (qaal ed credit for, ao Ur, and which give seutrd, tint there should be oue toot of slave very day that the child sickened. The family other Invlgorator. quick- the *uh*criber, large praot II. HANSON, any j»un* horses in abreast—time 2.281*2. muoh more healthy than any oth- on/wiVf APPEALS WILLIAM (h* lialr jw *Uk II over Barrett of or sixty votes. That what the old thirteen Stales teat,the coming er, stronger. and rejected appllcatlnn*,SIXTEEN Martha! a f Htdirfari. 'he world ll will make rtrrjlklaf jority flfty territory beyond was informed of the death of the snake, and It alio cure* head- which wan decided In kit b Clip on the and was won in 2.28 er yet discovered. EVKRV ONE of /iter, J a rftiaM Ikal la he is entitled to the votes, both long had at the formation of the Union—never, nev- " ,"he third heat by Flora 1-4, preparation •» hr, and iwmw, ll h»i |« laialulf The when the little heart of it, she said, Ma- ache and Itching of the scalp. the Coinml**ioner of PatouU. term, no doubt can be obtained. er there ia a foot of land to be girl i«r U> of tho faal.l-.naMo aalrattJ, filkor hfHjl the shor( t Sir. whenever 1 >nd the fourth in 2.28 1.2. The crowd waa lui- Alio, Sir*. Wilson's Cocoa-nut Oil Ilalr Dressing lyrJ7 A. II. EDDY ! ! •upn an; on his name thus ia head> slave am is dead!" and soon became sick. The oil—I* tha beat and 1810 cnlilb II la • as ticket which appenrs stakl back from territory—I ma, baby made from uure Cocoa-nut 1CC0. INCORPORATED * Aimrkaa, alilck aloo* ahuuM >l»aa wits the becoming 1 uense. curling 8eptemt>cr I. e l. The ticket, exeeption to a«rraaiaf, ia4 |H» authorities to give Mr. Blair statement, far letter of Mala- Manufacturer*' Rank Stock. In III# miHiiliif apply a proper or voted down."—[Stephen A. Douglas. ^ owing exrtacts from the last 10 Ahare* rotor aad to. we cannot up " HARTFORD hair a III l.c r«rn M»ra liMIVo In boaatj. no obviously entitled Indeed, The conclusions and inferences are another 3 Share* City Dank Stock,* aM the of the New York an hair Iml thrH prfparattaaa, who so afircts to toff," correspondent Children. U Circular Saw»-new, a and 3t leeb—rery |'a» nuthln* your Imagine (hat Mr. Barrett, is the Teething lu 'liwllalil, and «« »ut»«l 7At how CLAY VS. DOUGLAS. thing. The theory of the physician that Slccpleu, Cryinr, UM ilift# arraidlM hold the verdict of (he ballot box aaercd, Timet shea p. liaad <•' lialr. how are thete accompani- »tnne. lultable for a Cellar In the a g'-mI liratlliJT the nave been ac- " to absorbed the of the child " All know unplea*ant A lot nf Wall, Fire Insurance Co., «ver informally voting may So as Ood allows the vital current serpent electricity At a moment when Garabaldi seems ready aw-l anbl al •hulraaU kf ll'nry T WB» to claim long and uio»t water at the Peg Mill—half price. M*n«if»<-turr.| would have the hardihood I will Merer, new arise to ment* of babyhood, Intelligent persons N. «k«aM complished. flow through my veins, Thk New Yobk Statu Cocxcil —The mem- o pounce u]>on Naples, obstacles MARSHALL PIERCE. Conn. .41 k Co wanchcairr, 11.,lo under the a*d to health, and of- Of HARTFORD, (he seat for the abort term, thesecireuin-j word or thought, by mind or will, aid in ad- >revent or at least the event. The know. al*o, consequences Blddcford, Sept. I*t. IMP. 3w37 Ik *«> 1 .atl.lfcetory |in»*, in favors Lincoln. The former o Cabinet of Turin. This attitude of the They thl* date. th* DVLr ai'TUoaiian Auaar. The la«t time the democrats kad the power of Col. Smart. Seroggs, who a]>- the rarnin£* arter •leriiiftiud. Democratic Opinion has a ex. the Irritation of teething rcllero collo and a to to re- Austrian Government produced great allay JAMES SEVERANCE. »i So wkUw and corrupt committee request Seroggs R. II. BASKK, A|f*b tkis State In ISM. ]M>inted :itement at and we now see these two bowel and procure natural and lyrti m iHin Turin, complaint*, quiet A. llliAliKK*. no. the Democrat- the of the which he Witnc**—JlMKI Wells' tkat yeur, that In IMS, E. K. Smart, present sign Presidency Council, Governments about in the same of hos- the disadvantages of cordial* w nl)|. was •JmlaWtratUa position rest, without HottU, Aug. 27, I860. 3w37 From the Moit Crlrbrilrd Vmofatlories. Collector of Ilel- refused to do. were last two months before and cn h.*s ever to dofend k. It squan- o candidate for Governor,was positively ility aa they year, ate*. They hare been used for years, approv- body attempted of the Ticinio. Austria has collcc. nwrt *haioe<\il the Kansas After a session of the Council,Seroggs he crossing u*e them or abhor doting dered the awoey ia the fast, and vigorously upheld policy stormy ed by all who l'l' ami wamtatad Utglra aatlifactlon. or U* public ed 230,000 men in Venetia, and is not only in* Six box- pCT lato debt the was thrown and Gen. Prescott was A.cent* box, with directions. LIST OP LETTERS 1 h«N aaajr without oiponae to ilia »T- and barefaced manner ; run the State of the Buchanan administration, through overboard, the of her collossal Price, pur 8 yurchaur creasing strength present uncalled for in the Po*t ooce, I 2*S j B Ur alair trial. Altu, all kind* of *»'* soch columns of the Frtt Prttt of which he was elected President. A new State Committee was I brtifications but is a new one es for ft. *n4 left a legacy of flrau'l corruption there, building RemainingUlddcford,Sept. I, IMO. »• to th« The a Democratic pa- and the Union electoral ticket unan- >n the Mineio, at a point where Napoleon cross. IIoniopathic COOKEJYG as «u never before bequeathed people Editor. Augusta .igt% appointed, N. D A full *et oi UrwrniiRTi' Allen r jrneMS rrwncei t. STOVES, *1 last summer. In reply to these menaces Mary adminietration. Thoua- the following opinion of the ratified. The Council then adjourn- with Dook of Direction*, and twenty Klixtbeth Jackman Chas 0 by a displacsd Stale per, eipreesel imously if Austria, l'iedmont has called under arras her Hrr.nric*, Atkinson PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, were to In vial*, morocco caae. Andrew A Judklns Catbarins and* thousands of dollars paid Col.: ed. of 1838 and 1839 entire, and now different Remedies, large Edgar apon conscripts J n ami found In a Flral Claai " caae of flfleen boxaa, and Abbot Fannie M Johnson A SoiissHSs a ararjlblng SER\ IClJt THL1 NEV- the avowed which our con- Mr. an 1 his friends held a conven- Vustria blames anything that may be hostile to |31 do. In plain caae, 111 corrupt officials FOR Knowing spirit Seroggs Andrews E Jefferson Isabella into that of >er attitude to this movement of Piedmont. book Mary f UKXIS11IN 0 GOODS STORE ! terujKirary carries politics, namely, tion. There were sixty-live persons present 11. 8u»n HOl'SE ER RENDERED. A WHOLE QUARTER'S so at are Acton Mary A Kelly " an who will the cause of who- |l If it be true that Austria has gone fir the box or ease, attorney espouse announced These Remedies, by stable S J can found THE TREAS- been made'a in which he case Urand Kimball a o ftt prlcaa that nit ba laa« alaawbart PAL IKY WAS DRAWN FROM mever him, we ouuht to have Seroggs speech, o threaten an interference in Garibaldi of to ad- Mary I employs sent by mail or express, free charge, any Uurnhrin Kenuison Martha 8 for his of his adhesion to Linooln. Resolutions were adopt- ! ands in it must be that she has had a Margallne i n. r. ricc« URY F"R A MINGLE WEEK'S SERVICE. l>rv{>arcd advocacy Lecompton." Naples, on of Addresa Julia Prusia of a mora reliable char- dress, reoelpt prloe Hrown Julia Kenney a -§^%. 3 of ed whtt is called a bargain and a iroinise front A Vndar Lancaitor Hall, Portland. Ma. M|f Let ua look at tome of these instances repudiating Dr. HUMPHREYS CO., J nine* II Kclley Hannah Horrible Amur. icter than that she gave her last year. And yet llcrry sale to men, and declariug that the No. Mi Broadway, NewYork. Barker II Keunard Iluldah ff wholesale plundering. Douglas j n face of the accord which exists between llanly are at to vote 4w3J Uuffura F red'k A Kelley Danitl E BIDDEFORD «u for TEN' Americans of New York liberty France and England on tiie subject of* Sold bjr A. Sawyer. Olddeford. >7 James Walkec paid only » on Srsncio.n or Kimball Charles A Bath Ham Hi-mo Tkxa*, one has in com. linker Eliia £8h the sum as dictate Mr. Seroggs ervention in Italy, difficulty .MONTHS* SERVICES u Lwl Agent. their judgment may ant Franklin Kent Dcnj F BKIXO AM ABOUTIOM1ST. >reheriding such a step on the part of Austria. Dry HUNDRED AND was elected President of the State Council. A ] DYSPEPSIA. L'luff William Larrnbec W B MARBLE WORKS. *>f FOUR THOUSAND ONE iVe think it more likely, ntter all, that Austria with author!- which the Cook Saruh A Lowering Sarah C DOLLARS and iixl)c«M hers on State Committee was appointed, j las notified Piedmont that in case Garibaldi There li perhaps no dlreare destroyi SEVENTY-NINE Information tu received Monday, I Rachel M son of it be akes and thei o commences to and eomfort of Individual* and families Crueby Mary Loring A TI & that Mr. Win. Crawford, Capt. ty to call a State Convention, should Naples, organize happiness Sarah I AD 8 CO., dating 1 that then Au> Conner* Mary Liin«ley $ 1,170 09 ( rawfoni of Ireland district, in thin city, iu expedition Venetia, to the Mine extent u Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. VViu. deemed expedient. Adjourned. against Curtis M L Mra Lcuntra Nanty annoanaa to lh* of in Texas on of being itria, with the view of making sura her defence of wee Hied as follows: bad bwn hung suspicion Previous to the discovery John C Lowell M A Ulddefbrd and Tlalally that th*y hart opi»»4 when hie eo«npen«ation are Stale Journal me >f will take the initiative, acd com* Clark RESPECTFULLY %n abolitionist. No particular* giv. jyThe Ohio puousnes Venetia, • on Chattaat Straat, a tow doar* *Nt of U« •' Hannah thop »hell reoeive an enuuel special was nenoe the attack wherever Garibaldi and his THE OXYGENATED BITTER*, LydU of The Lend Agent other thin the villainous act commit- of a Bell and Everett man, Cogle Lotejoy W Fort Offlea. for lli« inanulkatiira the Stale. en, following opinion* Collins Elixabeth Libby llenrv mlarr *( km thousand dollars from lavt. Mr. Craw- inny may be found. Under either view of the no accessible to those snf. tal on the seventh of July Illinois: There existed medicine Caroline Leichton Deboreh FOR ALL HIS Sum* five resident in Egypt, :ase the situation is grave, and is dai. I'len Grave Stone Tablet 9 % IN FULL COMPENSATION ford went from llath to Minnesota, growing from this wide disease, which reliev- a, " in earnest. ferine spread Clark C R Llttlefleld Elmlm 8ERVICES." and from thence removed to The campaign has now opened ] y more so. If Austria aud Prussia have form, >r six years ago, are It In marked Hannah AM XElRALGIA fOIPOl'XD. of every line and crude i, an alliance ever so limited on Italian ed any degree. Cook A Libby RHEUMATIC MONUMENTS, tea months* service Mr. Walker there last Christmas. He hul Political meetings d affairs, For the Fexaa, arriving is the of these hitters orer the ahore named Collins Adella Littlehalc Jull* III of Fort Worth, beine held in This State grand [ | ts first and most effect will be to The power I art curt far Kktumaliim and Hruralgta la the above lew taken up a fartn in the vicinity Egypt. important Larrsbes R 8 J TABLE AND COUNTER TOPS. AC., 4C. would lia^e been entitled under all ire forth between a* well a* over all those having their ori- Codington Anna I hereby eertlfv that to make his home there, fie was ground,nnd putting j, the bonds of the illiance Eng. disease, ieerif farm. The undemgned in I intended fighting parties mult ighten Coffee Ellen Morac William C "liardlner4! Rheumatic ami Neu- Alio, Soap Stoat Bollir Faaaal Mum, to 9*43. The amount theu which wee EMBEZ- to take part their b<-st energies. What will be the !|| aud and France ; for on the Italian question In digestion, and tanetlonal dlseaees they hart uma- mIUAmUm. Ordara (olUIUd. to come from the North, concluded inimportant England kilUf, Is beyond all question. Moors mad lata and relief. We have rtnt«l tw tf»* *" hns to a will find herself Dewhurst Mary Ann Mary permanent would recom- seemed to have an ses what chance Douglas got get single |, use the alliance of Franee,she cures some of Uie Rdence In 1U heal ant] I MO. I 93*344 «0 Abolitionist of whom they Its and permanent of Luther A Mullen J lug qualltlei. nidd»l»rd, c. yrU U»ok his life. •lectoral vote. l>o not infer from the above 1, which would speedy Drake Mary mend II to all who are afflicted with theee harraaa- mveterate abhorrence, and they upnlanted by Russia, only cases on record is sufficient Thie demo- severest and stubborn Mason Marcic E ana of tha aaftetand bait medicinal Rut this wee oaly one inetence. will recoil upon the that I am a Lincoln roan, and thereby prvju- , >e the worse for her. Uut England connot and Dagget Lucy ing dlieaaee, a* OJBN£RAL It was an outrage which feet. Milliken vears the case. Johu Bell 1* iny act France in case of an* confirmation of this Drew A Joaeph aver offered to tha public. cratic State administration allowed U> the tol- Mr. C. was about M of diced ; »uch is not larenot refuse to with Joarph |>erpetratoni, Jane Jane South Market flatten W. tn Texas.— and I think I am In ither war in with on the quea- Home Donnelly Montgomery 8. Hancock, Jr.. an at, j oflk-e holder* the sums eet nje. lie leaves a wife and family man. impartial. Egypt,, Italy \ustria, Tratlnsany. 14 Mouth Mar- lowiag robber haa increased very much Denuett Elisabeth McDonal II E II. Allen, Hailaa lleary A. Puller, the Republican vote ( ion of non-intervention." Diddefcrd, Aug. 7,1*00. Jr.. Hotel, In- TICKET AGENCY! namee, for services Bath Stmliatt. will not Ellen McClun Curtains ket it, lMt»a ttamuel Walea, City against their respective over that of l&V) The tote (or Bell Dillingham Call Hat- Beth W. Powle A Co., Due ton, Melntlr* Edward !»«/ Uao. U. HI u ruiner, I Mererlck Square, them e which was Messrs. Dean A C lUilm ( which never or be as as that of Mr. Fillmore, Tolc Anodtni rot RnEi'iUTirx.—Rhcu- a ran D. Uardlner, Webatar it.. Kail they performed, paying R. II. Esq., Bo«tom, Soucrroa hrnvy any Intention hf puffing I E Mitchell Eliwbeth Jlenry F.PDT, the State. Our meet at (Jents i—Disclaiming Denton Aliram VtebiUr it, Hatlan ; Chu. U. SALARY when they about 30,000 in party 1 have to assure you of my high Weeki, CapL WHOLE QUARTER'S are few Instances of more a State I nntiiim, so often treated outward Patent Medicine, Roee E Merryman Eliiabsth B—laa. 1'at*Jim.—There i>ecatur neit Wednesday to nominate by appli- nitters, the beneficial Durgin Dolllrer, Cat! a W EEK OR re card for your Oxygenated I M u.l Dora uedlelna for the dliatae I erer law.— went oat of uflot, el though only than has to see it done. The euro or In own feral- Day Sarah gett Tkt b«»t success in this country, ticket. I am up '( fitilit of relief from tho very effects of which I have witnessed ray Haau, flatten. PASSENGERS FOR ALL P0INT8 distinguished goin$ cation, them wor- Emerson Junes Moore Clara :H.IS J SMITH, Ha. I OU Stat« FAY was dae tkem : in lllinoia is small and the and I do not hesitate to pronounce wortt TWO'S of Mr. in this very Breckinridge party caaea can 1/1 a A Ilara been afflicted with Rheuinaliitn In It* attended the efforts Eddy with the I net that uiore than half of the be entire confidence of the eotnmunity,a* hM wards Mr» Maxwell Clam ♦ addition to the ia between Douglas and Lincoln, thy the wai cured the ua of one boU James Walker, Land Agent, lia of business ; fight for that distressing dlsea**, DYS- I Meeham flamual '•rm, and entirely by difficult and complex department favor of the latter. Lincoln is a | to • habit. Tliia causes reliable remedy B »ton Albert T. Maltkiwa' liiUtif, lenatr- SOUTH ir but when it paaaea from sale by J. Hawyer waa entirely cured by tha at two OFFICE, SACO; analysis, and quick perception, bony parts, Plummer Adalins Warden S. Prison, 4" 33 raembered that when Mr. Douglaa went to Cam- fordi Oilman A Kimball, Saooi E. A- Dragdon, Flint Hannah 0 liner*! flheainatle ami .Neuralgia Compound— Wm. Dennett, with Patent Lav and Patents. AH iort of tho to tho other it ia then a M 11 rramkhn II; Kailaa. quaintance system Curtis, Weill; Samuel Hanson, Dux- PoeaP A Payaon I! yORMJX r. J reus. —ALia, what wee the itault of thie wholeeale in it waa to see his wife's brother York) Joeeph Neuralgia Compound liae been And we Mr. to to bridge July, ncrvce. Therefore all Caroline I Paul Jamea A Tha Rbenmatlo theee qualities know Eddy possess Ihcum&tian of the C. M. Hutchinson, West Iluxtoni Clark Flood of for Serofbloni lis. hare only a few from the law school. In New Hamp- ton Centre) E taken by bundredi people of whichfwe given more than graduate Freet PreacottMary It my ba given to ehII. plundering, a remarkable degree. For twenty 1 Rheumatism art nrrrovt, A Drackett, and by dealer* every Abigail mora with great benelt. we* not search of nsca of Llmlngton Rhoda instances above? Why, there money shire and Maine he waa professedly in general Iculd Olevla I Pray iren with perfect aafoty Tickcts & State Booms for he has devoted his entire time and ener- where. 4wU Plummer Luslln A <7 years to ren- i ind will bo reached with the Tolu larland Martha A At wholesale. by MACV JKNK1N8, Liberty in the to satuf) suck harpiee, his while he viaitcd Vermont Anodyne. o enough TreasaJ) mother; Lualnda _ gies to perfct himself in this department, and 'loodwin Daniel 0 Richardson Street, New Vork. and thlsWells administration resort- suitable honor* to the final resting place of Ranecifioatloi»s, particularly in that been cured of the above eomplalnta, Smith Mark annual latere* of TIIKKE THOUSAND DOL- excellent femily, vi» : I i better state of feeling quarter .than permanently 3uptill F W CU0ICE_ClGAtt& a of his practice being ap- and many oth- Mathsw " Honttt and thie earn* cessful, large |*rt " at inr other It would after many year* of suffering, trying joodwin IT Spinwla Tkt OUAht,." LARS upon it ; adminUtratiou He will address the people of Virginia instrumentality. pay Smith Unia casss where have besa refused in medicines deriving aay benefit bom Goodwin Fannie H "TK» Lililt Giant." the Mute peals in patents two or three other and will then proceed I ;he mercantile community New York, er without of Wells which thus plunged in debt points Ira flam Swetl J F "Tkt Union." times in consequence of hia two lit- a trade, to it the their nee. Joseph Btlltqflkt left more (ban two and three inexpe- to North Carolina, accompanied by vhich has southern buy by I) Smith J A thousand dollars, SIXTY rs- at his bookstore In Jraiivlll M ifty in tle for the purpose of settliivr up the and it in that Sold by Lewis Hodsdon, Seeo, John Tha atUotlna of maokmn and daalara la aaltad to of warrant rience and incompetency preparing papers boys, lundml gross, give away quar- looch M V Skillings DOLLARS It ft to them their In and at the a bora brand*, of aad THOUSAND Mr. to all tats lately by grandmother." *r. by K. Q. Stevens, Druggist, niddeford, Small Jo»hua lb* pvpalar superior qaallty, all of which We confidently recommend Eddy Horn R Insurance daairabla to lararaof a taa Par mi when it went out of ofioe, have this domestic business is at- store* In York County. 32tf Smith JMB Company, really cigar. information on thssub- When properly principal Hanson Rnth A \.j th« principal dniu(i»t4*adr*tollan.aa4 totlto the suc- whu are in want of any ami Dayton. Ellen met aad honored by a of some Hollis Ltmax William It Prod ilia Swatt E trad a Um tola lor I'altad been neceeearily reliance tended to, it will be matter curiosity Ham NEW YOI1IE- bjr afoot Btataa, jwt, and can a«ure them that implicit E Smith Eunics OP administrations. what other relative will control the ti zscLL ot Dayton waa nominated on Saturday Hatch Martha S. F. ceeding republican he make. to learn COMPLAINTS OP CHILDREN. Smith F W WILSON, ie ■»*» be placed in statements may as Hy the Repnblieaos Republi- Snow C Offlte, Mm, lit mm* 114 of the and eerofrloa* chil- llarkin Mary kim to vote to secure the «3F" TW« can for the elasa of tbs In the ease* of fest-gruwlng Stevens C II aot an insult to ask Wellington correspondent uncle, ws presume—though we art perfectly candidate composed ilorn Martha C Oalr 2A < rata a flottle i ? New \ ork "It to curvatures and othtr deferm- tfootard Amelia of such aaother dynasty Atrrael <}/" Commtret says: Sam. I own* of Lyman and Daytoo. dren. predisposed Heath Mary A avceadaacy formpt sure it will not be Uncle Hollis, without Is often deelrable U a toale Lucretla Bilter Annetta 1ILLI0X DOLLIES.I shameleee has the dem- is to be remarked that almost universally in the Itles, It give llobbs CASH CAPITAL- yat eo eorrapt and an account from the Wheeling Stows Anna In of the Republican' The following (Virgin*) and aa alterative without Irritation.— Hill Lydla A all this moun- South, the election of Lincoln is deemed a fura- jy giving stimulant*, lat July, 1000, 91.401.010.27. become, that witk la a aa well as a bold utter- a James Spencer Charlotts Aaasta, ocratic party enthusiasm among the sailor* on the Lakes, the Inltlligtnctr, calm, For *aeh It woald be Impossible to select prepare Hooper " M 54,000.07. them ia the Bsc*, they hate gone conclusion. AU political speculations are I M Sawyer Geo W Liabllltlae, tain of gnilt stariag ance, and will be read with interest by all those so many of the above advantage* Hooper it. There has Detroit Tribmnt say*: tlon combining John Seatsr Swum C—fk M«Ma< mm to come again be- based upon never existed much Hamilton Joseph Dr. S*ttrif* «»■**>i. the impudence ** of the ■ho do not believe in the suicidal madnesa a* the PERUVIAN BYIICP. w Cimimit eoatlanee U In- *4 *M Dr. SmrUifk superlative in the of Capt. Wood worth, steamer Missou- Heath Julia A Tncker 8 Tke Hem* InaarMaa »y Smart,•/Knnrtmmi, SSt^tmd nek their eotea to elevate confidence dispoaition the New York York. Mar II. I«M. Inea er and the daa- km «ar*d —r« mwi «/ Ibaa mp Itrr fbre the aad been a Douglaa man. On Sat- the South by certain New Harriet Tibbrtts Emma mre acalnd damage by Ira, Coaaoayftaa people, to ri, has always charged upon politicians: It Weet 41st (Jt. Hutchina and aa to leaders enter into a a of rare of Inland na»Igatlon tranenortaUoa, rrmtlf. rWwnlt«amlCMft HrMtot. rotten into power. anti-Republican hearty morning he gut sight the Llxxie Thomaa Phsbs A to 1 such another dynasty urday Douglas "We believe that the impression ia very gen- Hooper aa faverabla u tha Data re at Ua rtoka and j«M tf tilMm JViMwh. and ; and whatever want from Detroit to Dearbon. To the el the Perarlaa Symp, Hatch B T *rmi general co-operation hope that 1 aa well aa tbs Proprietor! Litii* Tenswortky icearlty of tha I mured and of tba Coast. delegation ital through tbeflonth, through Caroline, two and a ha real was of such a is This was He immediately hoisted the OanTUiaur ,-My daughter Ellen Addfr i» will warrant. there remit, discouraged by enough. lorth, that the Chicago nominees will be elect- her birth from serof- Hogan Tompkins FAKM TrwnbleO. his main. W. then balf years eld, suffered. since Elisabeth Tlbbeta and promptly paid. TORSATE the Bell-Everett flag at Capt ed. this mult of the contest is more stomach, aad lees of Hutchinson FraneUJ Loeeca eqalUbly adjusted the distance which Breckinridge Committee found Although ■la, boila, oppreseloa of the Ma. m RaaaaaUy tftoatod la Ua town took a vote of the erew, and they stood do we ex- tried yoar -Pens- Hooper C II Turner Jane™ V B.1L HAJTX0, Ageat, Uiddaford, of irxl more every day, find »Ute. AaIU/V. yea kaow, I bare and the Do«gta*B«U Committee maintain be- 23 f«>r 1 for Bell bat the • probable, appetite. to eoafeeeseafeee she Isis democratic are troubled because Lincoln and captain citement and ia the South? Do we see viaa aadaod 1I amaa very happy Heath Cashing The paper* anger MyBy rapw"rap," wae the ease tween each other. It is true, as you that ha wowld the Ball flag fljr- more U health. Tbe seme Alvin the settlement with Ike bondsmen of the late though, Instating keep [he of any vigorous m«*e- H»*w< good old. Hodge Anft LUlliilM and hoisted a inauguration Mght month* eleo- '■Ct the erew immediately got a with my yoaageet boy. Ra«lolph. loee Mfllen ■>»*« alMtyaaraa of Treasurer for IM, is postponed till after that neither may be so had aa they tree to secure dissolution of the Union?— *ara were *ore. aad COAll. COAL. ■aM tomwaUhn atparfer suggest LumoU »»d Hamlin with the II* — *>ed fTOsa serofal*. His We underetaad thie was done al the RK- flag, hajriptioa, Do we hear more talk than we did of a vio- seab* of a daa- lohnaon Mary A tion any be had oa dllfereat part* of his body to seem, and that the fasion, which you have so tki crew—the other ia Um a Peravlaa Syr lewett A QU EST and ACCOMMODATE the DEMO- lent resistance to Republicaa administration? eharactor. I far* him year Mary with ftoM mil. s.'M gerea* at a time, aad A will aall tka beet af who to be the bonde- and may still be captain \* the whkh ia ao fearful draws do two week*, a toa*po«afhl lohnaon Joseph Tbe wbaarlberfl I* a goad CRATS happened aasoag tealoosly patriotioally urged, peril nigh, ap daring hi* eatire WSjL Ua UMprwalM* bavta, aatballdlac*. a that are too ire al U well,aad body lewett Of aWat t«a men tor year. likely men, Don. Charles of fbr behold any new alarm? Eve* my pretty boy perfectly lll.« fk FCMACB lar*a bara.aad haodrad A pel* Traaa. Tkejr effected." Holden, Portland, symptoms saaba. Yean, with reepoet, T^aJS5?:Sf^— SCKiXTM, EG6 Ml COAL, LiaaatU too, to be found la the democratic party ia its the and the Beree aeoeasion orators free ftom ftnalac laaladad la Ua wit, it waatad twenty year* the publisher of the and Yaneeys K WIBCSORKX, VMt Uo n recent sunken and degraded condition. If the Hob. Elward Archbokl, a Democratic Jrgut. liave lost their They talk aa lanoecntly DR. H. MODWm.P.X by parabaaar. The fary. Ckank. Tana* of aa4a on ia the direction It bow of from last the Democratic for be. This does not sur- M Pastor of the Oermaa IrufelM • 0.OO 7£R TON. p*yawnt aaajr. oarty keepe drifUag member of the (loose Representatives year Mayor tnd aa sweetly aa need Fur fUrUMir li. TVXBl'RY. PETITE, HEADACHE, LANGl'OR aud DE- i |y ««n|it«4 by ll»ra«« Ford on Liberty blmt, a FLOUR, OATS, Saoo, July 13, IWOi—39tf of an KIT*. CARBUNCLES OTnvnpfruKY larga and wall (elected stock of ebeleo at a CORN, PRESSION Boarders & Transient Visitors. •amo Democratic AND SCURVY, IfTEC- party, previ- FEED, awl BOILS PILES, of OratDWood Cemetery no- OROC1CHIK8. PROVISIONS, CONSUMPTIVE and see Ik mllB niupri give ous session of endeavor- No. 87 Commercial TIOXR OP TIIE SKIN. |7*Call ticethat they have erected ft rolUble tone* other artlelee aeare urually found la a Congress, Street, FOR SALE. DIS- J wall TENDENCIES, BRONCHITIS, HENRY B. BACON, Proprietor. ftroaod Uielr hariftl ground* on Um Airrad road, eondactat Uroccry establishment.all of which this same Kansas into of Portland PlerJ setofOrlit Mill eontld to ed to force (Head tconpleU Machinery, EASED PECULIAR TO FEMALES, have lftld oat Um mom with wall* and avenue*, Ihey will Mil at Uia lowest market prleee, tha two eh SbmM old .1 Inj of tub wheals with shafts, gearing, to mII laU to who omy cu*tom«r* of II. Kurd A or to ethers wb® under tho fraudulent Le- PORTLAND, MAINE. set c k ALLCOMPLAIKTSACCOMPAN* and are prepared perooaa Co., tho Union rator, Ac., ft>r two run ofstoue. Alto two may ba to uew 11. A P. MU BY GENERAL DEBILITY, daeire thorn, it favorable rate*. disposed buy of tha fixm of •tone*, one of Durr, and the other Ale No. 3 Biddeford House Bloclu 1ED Pord. against the granite. The beauty of thli location u ft burial epot. add- compton Constitution, two a smut cob crane, grali AND REQUIRING li.Ml'EL bolts, machine, cracker, WANTBD! ad to tha eflbrt* In program to eonrtruct walk* and of her MOORE, Ac. Kidder'* IHiln with FLOUR solemn remonstrances peo- ] bole*, Mr*. terry Cordial. avenue* Um aftme, and to adora Umm and CORA The above ha* been recently mnnln Wlnselow's A TONIC AND ALTERATIVE MEDICINE. through K. machinery Soothing Syrap. lowan and ahnibbarr, eannot tftU to reader thli They Intend to ktep themselvee witii and that EPHRA1M SMART, Saw & Job In called, and Is built In a ter; Diarrha-a Mixture for children. u a far nppllad ple, Filing Carpentry, JVmtt.—Tb« failure of IHON iciaedy White Oak Butts, attractive. Flour of tha tarlou* kind*, I Midline tha cholreH St. thorough manner and the noil Improve Hoben»ack's Worm eematery and influence at IjrrtJ paring*! Bulldln j, Cbeetnnt upon Nyrup. a bud (Ute ef the aad the dumt- In 7 t Inches wblcb thev «m „u with all tho For j>ai jttptim, bleed, will work to«( length, by r. r. a. breads, wholesalearretail, power for oonrenieuce and utility. McLane's Vermifuge. " " " nrr.Rixo,]1 al»o corn In to mil planrboth " ha* arlacn froai the wast of # 7 8 HOMIER, quantities rarrhasers FOR SALE: eui di*oa*eaeau*ed thereby, by * BLXJ. advocated the meas- Uculars applyr ta Fahne»t<>ck'« THAT M •• •• lluvrr* of Taaa, Colfae, and other 0rut*r. his command, CHARLES 1IA.HL1X, WM. LORD. u ihill rater the ttomech la 6 6| by 7| CHARLES HARM, Hoar J of Hpkes, Mr*. Window'* Cordial. •uch ef Iron dnd a itock to Dyslntcry preparation ot same sitss. H. Irs will food select fiotu at oar .toro. l^tO. tflt Open ground ELM, do., M THOMAS COLE, 1\ Miufcri ure. Xennebunk. March 2*. Hanford'* Liver Invlrurator. a PaoTonoa tUte, and a** Imitate at once with the ii. 4 r. Kin). & Counsellor at Law, Medical WALSUT, «do, S. J. BOOTHHY. Attorney Kennedy'* Discovery. blood. Thl« want the rEBCYIAN SYBVP Dlddeford, Fab. 15,1 MO. *tf it be Kan Ac. auppliee, All to he well seasoned. of two year* stand- SAM'I. LOtTXLL, Let Remembered—That Orl«M4, lUacach CMatTt Mr. Ac., which It ii fy and It doc* to la the onljr form In pottlble at Machlae tUiop of Jaaa ». IWti. 27tf tho doors Orders mall or stage, will receive my prompt lag. Apply Hlddeford, sag lias been driven from Ijrr3 For Sale or to Let! by tor Iron to enter the circulation. For thl* rratoo the occupied th attention. 8ACO WATER POWER Co., WHITE'S the Democratic Store* on Pepperell Square, by PERUVIAN BYBIT often radical!jr coaas dUeaaee la of par 8ala Store* will ba told on Ion Congress by V A L K X T INK FKEE'8 *ub*crli>er. J. SAWYER, Iron and other mcdiciaee iIDI)EPOnDr...... MAiNK. R. & tTXT THE a which other of U. O. her Free- 1 credit, or leaded r>r a term of one to five yearn, 23tf DRUGGIST. preparation* tv, bocauso |>eoplo prefer fASCT of no a rail. Wm. H. THOMPSON, Superintendent. COAL DEPOT. a ralr rent Should the wlih to eontlnu ~ hare been found to be occupant 25tf dom to the Cora and Flour biulntm, be can be fUralsbe June 13, I SCO. HV^IVEWELL'S Slavery. ■t net* A2VD GRAM; OF COAL, either In nudr- with capital to carry on the bud by glvin GOttIV Certificate of A. A. 1 LAY Eft, M. D„ of Boa two. UNIVUKBAI, an ar*r ('•»rrr< II. lord, ara Informed thai Ilia eahsarlbe r l»a» uumIo Let it be remembered—That Llkrrir Xk. HrW|r, I good security. rnAA DU8IIEL8 Western Mlied Cora. It la well known that the medicinal effect* of I'rotox- DR. C. 8IIOLE8, PNRCnASKIM " which ba will ha abla to 6> JOHN UILI'ATRIC. :«*« Prime Canada Oats. even a brief to arrangement* by supply tho last acts of tho Demo lyr BIDDEFORD; ME. dUUU Id* of I run are |n*tbjr eery exposure air, DISEASES OF Hi.who with with tha haat varieties of (Val in other of Kaco, March 30, l»G0. tflt 1000 Rarrel* Ohio and Canada Floar. that to maintain a aointion of Protoxide of Iron, FROFESNUR OP WOIE.Y, and COUGH REMEDY! tha market, screened and prepared f«r aaa. lie baa was tin All for tale liy without further oxidation, ha* been deemed linpo«*lbl*. advertis- cratic in Congress, E. II. HAYES, pad** The only Regular Graduate Physician Throat and Lane from Coca already a load of MGKAXTOX en lha way, and party BYRl'P thledoelrable le to Uis- For ftll Complaint*. FOB SILL', LOT AND BNLDIXCS. HOBKRT IlRADLKVi In the rCltl'VIAN point in particular attention moo to Actual Consumption. can ba delivered at a leaa price while landing of ull measures t( in ing lloaton, givea CougUa tending Sc Counsellor at Law, 87 Commercial Strut, Portland. attained by combination AWAvaxroaatN*NuwN| those suffering (rota wbieli ba will sell delivered at lha lowed prlee«, rejection Attorney A lot ofsll acre*, under Improvement. nea \jiOi all the eaaea of Women, ea|>ecially tho Domestic Induntrin and thi* (ulution may replace pruto-carbooatee, System. Jaatiy Celebrated and ba to have a of other varieties stnnuluto DIDDKFUIW, MB. street with the (Juine Materia Medica. of the Mk*st«uai. Ilanuewell'a eipecta supply the intersection of llill citrate* and tartrate* of Ute any disarrangement aooa. That il c or ladiea may with safety Interests of tho country. or KICK I.N HOMES' BLOCK. road, with tho buildings thereon—consisting A. A. HATES. to the State ef Maaa. Married single apply 1'ersons In want af at reasonable rate*, will Aiuytr fruui the mi»- Coal, *ntr*ucr u Bank. a ami a built two yean 8 l)o*ton. and in confidence, for relief many ANODYNE And hliu to them at hl» wharf even to consider the bill to Hani* City Iy2l story halfbouae, ago Hotel. U Do)litun tract, TOLU rwwly accommodate refused and nearly finished, and a small barn. Exchange fortunes peculiar to the sex. Tha Natural ftod Sura Reined? for all on the HiJ4tf»r4 sMe. flow la the lime to pal lit Nwa. 31ft 314, mud 310 Greeawtah lu, M. N. York. and I* revise tho tariff imports, which, Terms of aalt easv. for further particular Certificate of Jaa. R. Cbilloa, D.,«f LUNAR MIXTURE. the Fall ituek, the place to Pi It fri.ui upon that it haa been found While*. Wharf of BAMIKL WHITE. imme- GEO. T. WENTWORTH, of Mrs. MARY LANE, NEW Y O B K. It U well known very NERVOUS COMPLAINTS, | would enquire to Pimm in a Palatablb for a detlrable a medicine for the purpose if it had been passed, AND 1 difficult form, I haTe all eft*** where Oplam l«0. -ru ATTOHNKY No 9 Pepperell Block. ON THE EUROPE AH PLAN. of the l*rotoxide ef lir- prepared I From Neuralgia through HidJ'/ft. Jmmt2», our U|th of time, compound* of the Monthly Sickntu, which Delirium ftad tha have started ths accvui- regulating wm crer ««*d to that or Tremens, Agricultu- This well known builness llousa Is located Ini Tbe "Peruvian Iain pleaacd toaay, ten with the most diately at /,./!»\ Byrup," bare used for the last years common chief eauM of Dtteaiw, and COV.VSELLOR Immediate vicinity of the 11 udson river and Erl« plitbed thi* devlrame end. ral. Mechanical, Manufacturing nouso for Solo, ChemlaU unbounded success. The following recommend- NO. 2 CRYSTAL ARCADE, Rail road Depot*. JAML8 1L ClIILTON, VI. D., LOSS OK1 8L7CKP. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, on a new and Armnrm oiof Irishirisi and Dreeser Is dissolved, and Mr. ation is sufficient: prom- M meThe S3 rrince Street, New York, Aug. S, ISjO The Tolu containing not a par- PHILADELPHIA. Mining pursuits BIDDEFOKD, MAINS. K subscriber wlihe* to sell hi* house, sltuate< Is Inform bis frleoili and tb» trav Anodyne, though IStf Dreeeer •y to success, even In extreme eases, all tha of, career of and in- near Pool Street. The bouse I happy "Ita uniform ticle of requirement* J JlnnWnl tv on Pike Street, tliat■at ha lias associated himself with Opium, prodaeeicase* wherever wti 1 Q IO ising prosperity, Til ellng public, from well kaowa Citizen* of Unlaw. aa as it is and may be u*er Ibe year. courting furniture r«|>aircd. Hllujaud sale, Shop and Hath Rooms. IV,3. pamphlet* of those who can b« plan eijealng a SCI !<•»» than one inlle from Kaco *11 New York, Nor. 17th, will be refunded. Purely and particularly to purchase only Thecon»ultinirNur*e«n It nuthorlird to rive MM*. the of such at ilMrt notice. land R<>a'l, attention In all the departments of tin price vegetable, the decisions necessity con livery of the upon, we wait In eonHdence wt.o let. admitting lag*, containing K3 Arrr* ef Laud, f/ou»c will be enferced. and mi effort will The which we hare had PERUYI* safe at all times. appended ll.'AL ADVIl'lf tiRATIM, to all apply by our la- a stiltcly experience perfectly of Patient* and for tho benefit of lilting of Tillage and Pasturing. i/ouso to all Iti AN SYBVP and the evidence which lia* been exhibited medicine o Itiyaioian*. ler wllh a '»r particulars Inquire 1patrons. R- POPPLE, freat this nature of one, if left about the coun raised voice, TRI LL. u* it 1* a medicinal of remark I Uia any uEMcnAL IRKH uf boring inen—neither D J^NTTAX» on the premise*. CHARLES 16 IRA DRK8SER aatUAe* that agent and Daors aredeserv auexts. poverty, to Fl'RNUll MKD1C1NK iCtf v in the attention of tavalid*. for sale. Such Pima vote in favor of Saoo, April 8,1*39. N. R. I should be pleased to sea all my old pewer and deter f try J. A Co, CJIAIMiK. nor his any of no confidence whatever. W.ilUNNEWELL An admirable on or Ka gavo wliep visit New York. 1. DUKnsER. JOUNtWII.LrAMi.rja, _ ing 7 A 8 Commercial Wharf, Doiton. Report Hnermalorrfi'v*, friends, ihey ef Ute Beak. rooms for vlea n( Maalurba* measure to our Industrial Prvetdeat Metepalitaa Experienced nurses and pleasant initial Weakness, Uia Onanlsta, promote Two House* for Stole. Her. AO STEVENS, wish to rematn under my care. GEOHUE HNNNEWELL, tl»n, or N'lf-ahuse, ami other dlseaaes of tha Keiu- a Journal. those who Water Maw York. Interests. ESTABLISHMENT, IIOU8ES Editor ChrUUaa Advocate III Street, al Organs, by Ihe Consulting Barre«n, will be »«it Diddeford. THE TWO DWELLINO ^ FLOUR. 137 Court St., oF No. ie Union Block, JOUN 0. NELSON, E*q, ...... Address Dr. C. II. 8II0LES, of CIIAIUiK) on .Main Street, Saco. now occupied by f>!| GENERAL Assortment of Flour constant Jeba St Under tha (peclal supervision by mall(lnaieali>d envelopv,)FHKK it be it is and Filled \ kept linn of Ntleuu a Richmond,II on of TWO HTAMI* M Ither Let Remembered—That Troth Cleatted, Kxtracted, Inserted Uen. A. II. and Charles E.Storer, Xiil for sale Boston. receipt pi>*(aire- iloyd (l ly ou hand and by Her. P. JOHN L. 1IUNN SWELL, on the nature awl Imrinrnt of In within the mean* ofevrry a tale an favorable terms. CUU'RCII. I860. lyrW lle|M>rU and TracU of the Democratic tip-top |>rkcc* are offered for very Boston, May 23, rhemUt and Pharmaceutist, are the fixed oue. 84if JOHN OILPATRICK. Seiual lMwaaa*. diet, Ac, cixxtanlly iH-mg policy Is an excellent Krul whote cover* the cork* of, all Connected with each house Jalrcth.1960. »*tf I Doiton, Ma**., signature for Kvalultou* distribution, and will I* tho to a class real and to whom addre** all com- puhll.bed of country, shapo Harden, and all conveniences for first iBAACT.roWL^^^^^ I the genuine only, •ent to to the afflicted. Home of the uew raunllra party lm It. MIUIKEM. and olfr of Slave Soil dence. The llou«es are In |>erlbct repair, munication*. aiol method* of Irralmrnt dlKotered durlu|( Um in favor ai "TIIE A3IEIIICAN all dealera everywhere. iogislatiou great inducements to those dotting to purchase -i Houses to Jjex. testimonial* from clergymen, Sold by respectable la.l year, are of r. t value. For term* o H. ». Mitchell. Agent for Sacoi Dr. E O. Hta*an*., and Slave and Free Book Kinder,... Block, elegant residence. Tills perfect. On the «fflc»cjr of the IVrutiui fijrup tad the beo- Hold Andre.*, for Itri-»rt or treatment, Pr. J. NKIL. Labor, against Hayes* R. W1UU1N. ind Dr. Jame* Sawyer, Agent* for blildeford. sale, Ac., to K. near iini I LIN HOl'UHTO.Y Aotinu hurseon, Howard Amo- Entrance next door to the Post Office. apply TENEMENTS TO LET, iltuated efiU hm dirirtd from tU dealer* where. lyrti Soil and Free Labor. 33 thejr by all evry No. 'J boiilb Ninth Htreel, IV. Saco, August '.t, 1839. By U Ml clatloo, Cbllailelpbla, Hjioo, Maine. THREE1'eppercll Square, **t. JOHN PIERPONT. Madftrd, Maa*.-IU lOutf hair I)y order of the Director*. 0ILPATR10. Hbtum a ltd Mb«r CuUa*ou* 1>ihihi mmw of all kind* neatly and promplj JOUN —PRCPARCD IT— Book-binding '-Wlf BURTON, (lottos, Maa—IM tflwr la KZRA It, IIKAIITWTILL, rroWraf, ('•. C*n>l«Uafn fmr Ibr executed. Farm lor Sale. Baco, July 6th, IMO. IUt. WARREN Narr» T• ihr Ilea. lM>cl>, IxM of Opamator, Ntinlila, S H N IvrO UKO. FAIRCH1LD. J.eniary. ApftUk, lb Vain* M Clar- ^ ^ ('•■mr mf York I Baco July 31.133? *ub«crilwr offer* for mile his furro, nit Ml ASaaUvua, u4 Otaml lMiUMjri LORING BRO'S, Biddoford, Mo., IS BEST PLACE ! pan. WHERE THE eitiien* of Mill county of York. on the rovl leud ! Carriage* In Warn« flaa*. MillK underlined, uated in Kennebunkport, Carriage* IUt. ARTHUR a rrr.l.En.-!u EJSracr AND HTOCKTON,C*U „ an A rrurr*cnt that the county TIIE all the Inter- HuUlittl* tar AlcafcaUe 1 tuuM subscriber. having kk«, t.ilituiiMfi, Narroaaa***, htkrioh to 31 A N re»|w/«p«paU, •tralgbter. We auuM therefore ]>etit»on your Orru «— Lilxirty Street, '.M door Said (arm is well wa Ihrm, In the liest |Mnuilde 8«« testimonial* from the following imliviJu- B. H. McKENNEY'S ON THE TREATMENT AND RAM- to tillage and pasture. for car- MluU *>r AUoholK StliauUaU. NATURE, on tu witlen and •traighleu *ald road m>ut wM He Matters himself that with his fkcllltlc* ud bottle, vii Mock. cuts about tons of Build BYLVANt'S COBD, Dorian Ma**.-II* Cm Effl. and others each eal cure of Hperuial»rrh. Diddeiord OF ART!! debility, the Old ( ourt llou»e In York rlllaiia. according inj.ii and iQ good repair, and unsurpassable workmen, and Mock uneuuall- Ihatoa. Nm-IUPa tad GALLERY and Menial awl an I humor* s ami »uoh JUT. TUOM. WHITTEMORE, Kinleelon*, Inducing liupoteney of lue Uw In »uih ohm* in tile anil • »cr<>fUI»m nature, canker are and well shaded witl 1 ed In the whole of the Kait he can iiullil and on IK* CMi Ha Allen, M. D. Huco, Me., Joseph Dennett, Ly- -1 lllritloford, the provision* Said building* painted region Value I'arali in, ll;ip>piU. Urupar No. Cryntnl AromU, I :k i .1 11 \. a* are in Mdentlal to female*. muil Imrrow u \ Pbytlenl aii'I a* in duty hound would ever pray. complaint* jxrculiarly trees. This is one of the best farm • you anything (n>m an Irishman's • Ida •IlfW«ainaaa» Ifur, iluujaae/uf Sptrtl*, LlaaUcit/ man, II. R. Doothby, Llroington. WHERE MAT KB OBTAINED provided warranted. ilitf ornamental ol ROH. M. Perfect MlliCietion witl I a ai drIleale a* errr rolled In thestreet* By J.CTLVERWELL, D., JONATHAN K. PLAlSTKD, in is conveniently located riiarton, Maa^-lla JCOcmt The attention of gentlemen who hart Kennebuuk|>ort, Land. lie will give hi* ftrtonal tuftrvuion IUT. OS BORN MTIUCK, rrar1n«*lo*a. QT Author of "the lirmo if. and U OT11 Ells. lo house*, marketi Kairy UrwcUUa. or whiskers is called to this article. AMBROTYPES, PICTURES OX CLOTH, Rook," J. reference school, nicotinic to all the work done In his establishment, and wil la >1. Vllua'a D*ac*,*ad Chroala grey dyed WILLIAM fort?LAND, one wish Kaaai TrrHUrr — No. PilOTOUItAIMiH, MKLAINOTYI'KS, The world-renowned author, In Utli admirable A. D. IttO. and otters a rare chance for any a of any kind to leave the iho|i Iff. KI'HRAIM Nt'TE, J a, lavnar#. Hold the Diddefbrd Me., June DO, &c., not allow I'lvaUaUvu,aad Adap- by proprietors, from hie own a farm carriage He has IU Ukacv la Uyif nattTlHWIIiy. all orders should In fact, • very Mvle of IMetur** that <*0 be Lecture, dearly provei exprrlenrv, at ing to and settle u|>on good unless done according to order. constantly OliaiBl* I»aaana. 2. Arcade, (to whom And, & Counsellor Law, purchase, tation to WaaUra Crystal to tho that the awful cunA-^urrie*" of #* lf-aba»e uuiv I* or in on and will continue to hulld to order I'assen- the made, from the larKeat auiallrat, Attorney Said farm will bo sold in whole part.- hand IL PON&- III Efflc**J la Otniral D«t01l/, b« addressed) and by Agents throughout ellcctually removed without Medlelae and wiIIm.iiI OF MAINE- Halno* Falls, N. H.) Mail Kiiircs* Watens, Jersey Wa- IUt THOMAS ami at the very STATE (RoLLi.nroRD, Teruu of uadeeasy. geraud Wagon*, of NintwM Hjiiam. State. danreroni Surgical o|*r»llon», bougie*. i■. tru- 90 payment of various Concord Wagon*. Urooar* >l***-ll« 17« M • Orcr the Salmon Fall* llauk. gon* patterns, B*t. RICHARD METCALr. Batten, LOWEST PRICES, laent*. ring* or •«» roxjr.u— AARON C. RICKEIL Jill Parker and Tto* Huxitl***- "llfea* IIm Price SO cis. pointing a(MM wagons, Wagons, giii»ilnof (Hirtnai UiNfli (mrfjari Call and »ce for IUineml>er Id* I rurrrat one* certain and effectual, which ercry kr r»n mi and of all varle. I tulii* fy younelve*. by a Court of Commmionrri, both open and top, bulklcs Hlelghs Tmk Ikil of the Scorelied no At County March 23,18ti0. 13tf Boalon, Mua-Ili Vila* la n?*p*». >l*ce, No. 4 CryiUl Arcade, flgn lutfcrer. mailer what bli condition taay be, may in IW York, o> NATHANIEL HOBBS, Kennebunkport, double and In. M. r. WEBSTER. ktlj af for onJ Mia County of ties, siu*lc. Ut ar and Haaiij «nW mi above mentioned article* will b« lit, Chranla Dunlin*. lXna(lM>al af It PATENTS. ,'atnera. cureltiiUMlfrArtWy, rmlttmlly. Thfa tkt $o*oi*t Tutodto of Aptf. A. 11. I'efJ, onj Ay ry*.\ny of the AMERICAN rORKIGN frtttMf ATTOKNKY AT at JOS IL CLINCH. IVM, Maat—Iu LOnej la DU|» K. II. McKKNNEY. Lecture will prove u boon to thousand ami Ui<>u»- on 14* IW4 Aufutt, A. U. t«*U LAW, •old for cash or credit, price* deQinf *r». tournmrnl Uop if ME. approved ifeot* ud U*a*r*l H. H Blddeford, Sept. 9. ISM. 37U HMb I* con»ldered th« llyr NORTH BERWICK, win EDDY, the foregoing i>etilloa, It by COrn tfc Oats. petition. IUt ABRAHAM JACKSON. Walpola. N. IL-IU tUmtf Dent under teal In My addrei*. po»l ia»ld, on lb* are B. CUADDOUIINE. (Vtnniluloner* that the petitioner* re*pon- OWliN la ftU*. lijrtptpua, and I'uhaalthjr Apprtila. rreelptof two nonUire •Umio, Ity adr. ON thi Uan •Ibie, and that they ought to l>e heart touching J. If. ANTHOIN, Bushels Yellow Merlin* Saco. March, ISM. lltf IUt. J. rEAKSON. Ja.. Niakar/pod, K*aa.-IU SOLICITOR OF PATENTS Q fe u Q Q ('II. J. ©. KLISK. M. U. t-O Flnt Avenue, New or a matter *et forth In their petition. and therefore aouUisrn Oats, iu One 01 la bfapip** ud IXUUl). Port Uox <*■*. 4U> b«*k.u X. L Lit* Aoeht or C. 8. Patk*t Orrirr. Washiso York, lyrte the Mlitloucri give nolle* to all per*»ni 3/WW\jUUU IUt. ARTHUR H. R. CRAWLXT. IUrah«da, Bamah, rk, on Tuesday the i»mi» m .VTEL'L, W1G0.1 SPEI.1CX, HLES, IMO. Ut* Purif In *at'l county IK0.1 8aeo, July 6th, and 1 Hrrnmniaadaiiea to TaacV THE two rtrfri of Lumber from IVan A. 0. !■*-«. at ten o'clock lim, Dyiprpala ar eitenslve praetlee of upwards of twen- CLEANSE SYSTEM, PURIFY THE Received, fltth of in. and Edilon." day September, CROW-DARK, PRK-AXES, WA81IER8. CWroman secure In the I'nl Cor, and for *al«'al our LumUryant, Alfrrl a » to view t!i< continues to Patents BLOOD. Jt'ST In tha forenoon, hen they wilt proceed Jfirc Insurance. IIENRV t'PIIAM. Ibxtm Mut-Itt Efltat/ la Off \FTKRty years, IUt other J.AlL.tMEKVtUR. and immediately af of ha Littr. ted Htatcstalso In Ureat Prltaln, France and Mute *et forth In tbe petition, DOLTS, POOR ROLLERS, MAL- papal* tad AIkIwi IK#. HIT lu the »l CARRIAGE Great Reduction IU t*Im In «a«M countries. Caveats, Hiieclflrations, Assign- Tb« belt Spring and Summer Medicine In Ui«, May 17, ter *uch viaw, at *ouie convenient place JUt. *. II RIDOEI* Boaton, Mt*fc- foreign and tlieli LADLE 4c., 4c. *ad Hut- and all or Drawing* for Patents, ei*< world U clnlty, will give a hearing to the partle*, IRON, RUFUS SMALL, BfwwkHli lndlf*illga,Tar)M Llrtr,Kmralft*. uients, Papers not lee to t>e hy ciuvn; eopie* ol F»»«. IVO 9tf •a* Diuutj. cuted un II I.era I terras and with dispatch. Research* wltne««e« Said Alfred Street, Blddeford. 21, Ornate#, to deter DR. LANGLKY'fl IMPORTED BI LL. ami tbl* order of notice thereon, to IUt. r. C. IIEAIiLKT. OrtrnStM Mm-IU es made Into American or foreign works, •aid petition AM) APPRAISER, la DW> AUCTIONEER ai aad Djipipate, tbe Town Clerk of York, In uitl aaia • M«liral Afaal LflUaf/ mine the validity or utility ofl'atentsor Inventions, The aubtcritor Km a floe verted upon n. AT.T.BTT, ihoaaand PWanaT impor1* oI 8ZZLLMA2T II. BANKS Lilr nnd Fire Imwrnnce Agent, —and lopul or other advlee rendered In all matters county or York, aud by povt.uK copic* E. i W. OI.MSTKAn. BoHon. M*»- Oanaral ROOT A\D HERB BITTERS, null, |Mrtly ami nart Devon, which town, atid IUt. M a M«U- the same. of the claims of any 1'a Mine In Uitee place* iu »*ld tnd C"nMtnra la II* Oanuinaa*** touching Copies will be at hi* at fur th« the puh|i« & Counsellor at Law, stnirv-\rxt Door lo Bank, irindiiion. furnished dollar. Witd Yrtlou- Jttk, kept place "Nebnuka," threw week* »ucce**ively la Attorney Offirr,—I'p Cily dail Hi EOcac/ la l)7i|4paU tad Ntrrwu OtMillf. tent by reuilttlogone Assignment! Compotrd *f Swaparilli, Cktrry, In at Hkubarh, improvement of the stock in this 'lur- he I'nion and Journal, a iicw«pui»er printed NOTARY PI BLIC, Is out Stront, Iiiu«lnc«» In the Court* of York can be had securing Patents, or ascertaining the patentability in tradirntt*1 if tan. 18M> fea't thirty day* before the attend levpiI above business, and represent the following Com- las fall Information of (he »rrop, Ui.Mcfonl, May 4, then and Utere be aud and Rockingham t'ountie* ; an>« the ino«t Mandard. tbe ol attention t<> the collection of demand* an hare, way prayer located at Ma**., over tuperlorto.anv reliable medicine ever diacovered f»r anook popular Tnpcatry Carpeting*. petltloa (ranted. £k«),Q)0. In this coiniNtny upon hlTCKhisH L, AT TJIK I'ATK.NT OKFICK the cure of I.lver Complaint* and all their attend. Eliot, lie will alvi prowcutc Pension, Bounty men CLARK & Co. MORK Attest C. M. LORD, Cltrk. op his over ax) tneinlwrs of tho first In Illdileford, X.L* ISTIIK Jaundice In IU wont forma lluuior*, wheth- inn R»lliTanr«iry, .tply.euper, eitra fine, ar»I and other claim* agala*l the government. than thesubscrlberi andssHl'CCKhM llt>T anU| IUV Land, 8ac<>, and er blood or akin t all Itlllloua IM*ea*ea and Foul I for aale at low ef tbe ami order of Court thereon I». Umxlenow, lion. Wm. l\ Allen vicinity. PROOF OF A1IVAMTAUKM AND AI1ILITV. he of (tainted articling*, |irloe«, hy Copy petition liefer* to Hon. 1 have taken the of the Ift ir Knyfomt PROPRIETORS, Alfred. and Win. II. Just Annoy would add that be has abundant reason to believe, tttomach l>yapet»la i Coatlveneae t Female Weak, H. T. 8IIANNUNI 3wli C. H. LOHU. Clork. and N. D. Kmi., Me., located at lloston, Mas*. This com- AtUet: Applcton, Lift <>m/iany, I1CILDING8, no offlee of the new,and every 1 was I Jto. 7S M Dill RY ftTKEET, charges professlonalservlce or » uients The Immense of the subscriber during M Pile* | Heartburn Pain* In th« Hide flowrl*, rant*. ly2J* Dress Goods as for the followlnz fireeompanle*i practice Lnea of and Summer o|>erate Agent •old cenerall/ UutMgboat Iks hsi enabled him to accumulate a vast flack | Hatulrnrv | Appetite, every Chtltta Mutual, ofi'helsea. Mass. by Drngclatt years past, of Dr. Williams' Miters. Hut itftrd Mutual, tailed feu tee. collection of Ions and official decisions rel* kindred eoinpUlut arialng fr»m Intpurltie* Hie Vegetable corns WARKiioi'sib (see advertisement*.] speclflrat or IHaordered to and the following companies: atlve to besides his extensive It! I. Dlwaaed Llrer. Stomach, Itemed} ] ask for a oontlnuanc< patents. These, ll| roOPLira RKMrrir? Try It and If II «lw« Dyspepsia Thankful for favors, which more or leu lo Uili rplIK and tall ao« every luhjcct < HAM'S past brary of legal and mechanical works, peraouU 1 |»n>f» Wi .ill that la claim*! lor thru PR. DARll'S X. J». Q. DEARINO, of the tame ( all and *ec me. and bring youi ellmate. pot It Silk and Lace Garments, be faith eouuls of patcuts granted In the tutted Htates an* pondrinn It Tlili mnhoine If warranted |» lira mA*rrAiTt*RKH op friends. All business entrusted to me will The effect of Oil* medicine l« m»»t won «|»>|»*ia. here saved luveutors. the lift, purifying liluod,deeming nrM. Iluimir* <>l the and ( D E A HIN 0'8 BUILDING, and It to eourax anew hkm. lwllg*»ilon, Tkit .Varfkia* lMtnut Htroot, IiUUI«*lbril( Piacntaqna .Tin tun I TIRSTIMONTAIjS. through every |«rt body ; restoring inrtiiifnl >'f »vtlin« In York fount)-, which will with whom 1 lim v« had oflU Only warranted In ture Mrmtmrkt. FIRE & MARINE mrtftful practitioner* In Hhramatltm.hprelnf, Harllliii:*, Ikf Httrtlt, Bnl»h*d In a and fUrul»hed to or Meiilcloeeverywliere. tplnal Complaint*. Cain* of all klwW. llarnf.Hralda L»» «u|»erlor »t>'U clal Intorcourtc. CHAN. MASON," addreawd to J. 0. or 0E0. C. KtJnrm Affill, «l*r at low Order* LANliLEV, Mont. and all kwdf |irlff». Commifiomr »f Palrnlt. f mo*l3 oftorcai Throat IM«u ui|wr. Dtltrium 7><»ni, lottm- Paticit MrtALur DrniAL CAa- INSURANCE CO.. UOOUWJN * Co., Iloiton Alto, C*A*r'* "I have no heiltatlon In a**urlng Inrcntor* that I'alm In the Mtotnarh, IbarrliTa er Itomicry, ftrmmt*. lk» hft artirlr nf It« IM fvtr inr*nl*4. SHAWLS, MAINE. or |kRT, OP they cannot aper*on mtri e»mp*lenl and I'holrraMorbiu I'rainpa, awl vtiitr aiiullar cow- hut will no furutthvU to orUor. Mf employ ll itimulatM, •ihiUratrt, luvlroralea, Rube*. I'late®, Ac.. IruitHortk*, au AMthe mixt aggravated mm) FANCY SILKS »uh*crlbed and *ecnred, 3i3,14o 71 EDM I'M HL'RKK, C. n. UlVKJDV, Tranlllnf Afml. Fur all al mi l all olhrr derail^ iurnt» uf lit i Capital of Patente. ncy Complaint*. KE-MAKES ALL KINDS OF WATCHES. conllnec Late Commleelnner Timothy Marker**, Ibol of Alfred street l> VI Stoma* h and Howl*. In a apeedy iiianntr. The business of the Company at present Ho*ton, February h. |h*A GOODS risks SPRING It (III initMll; r.vlT* |ha >""•» melancholy atv to Fire and Inland Navigation THB "Mr. R. II. Kddy ha* made for ma TIIIRTKKM rotor* th. a* CATARACT BLOCK. FACTORY ISLA3I>. —AND— IU orsanliatloi drooping aplrtta, and w»ak,n«r«oua I Till* company having completed on all but ox* of which pateut* hare Pressed ami 1 now to Issue on Inland Marl application*, JUST RECEIVED lEEctsr, alekly to health. Mrcngth vigor. HACO. Is prepared I'fun and that one I* aeie ftndina. Much A nuantltr of of r iim |>r policies Are RUSSIA SALVE granted, pfMw4 hay the bett qaality, f« n» who. froin the of liquor * risk*. al*o, lot* and damage by on Prr»« Injudlrloui gallon against unralrtakable of great talent and anility «le lit* the tubfcrlher at Hmiih'i e«r. and their ner*ou< •> H-u Insurance on Uood« to all parU of thi proof Ly liale, by Kara become de>ct>d. J. «*e ID. MILL Inland OINTMENT hi* lead* me to rcceotninend all Inrentore to Mr. HJMl'KL MTIVNiY conciliation* broken down. and «ubje» Fire Insurance on Dwelling!, Furniture VEGETABLE part ahattered. BARAGES, country. lb* Hf4 »4 hM la Mn hit M TkMf apply to him to prooure their patents, a* they may lllddefbrt, 10, IMO. tflt cura* to humanity, the Dki.imii Public Hulldlng*, Mill*. Manufocto tlnr awler the name awl WHAT IT WILL SHORTS Five year Policies dwelling! Rl'MIA (ALT! CL'RU SORR ITU. HeptemberIn cour*« of hi* mada Compelling pwlnl variety of "FLOUR, OATS, onlr from 30 to A the *ub*crfl>er, large practice, •ti le of KtlNO. MAVIS t nilADI.KY. I* lliif SUMMER CLOTHS l| per cent, for Syear*, coating ialtb emu itch. AITKALM TIIK ai rcmia on XfRBI Dot*—On* win* tlM aa ofton neor%mry, AMD r t: e d , All Itriet rejected appllcat lon«,HI oe do** will gt** you a tiood I'M IALTI emu curt. Heptemlier 1.1339 Appetlt*. or It* loaaM to *e«ur« a continuance of the publlt I 1A F.ipraaily and f*JUifUlly manuflw-tured. R011KRT 11IUDLKV. One do** will the dUtreaalag paiaa of Pyt I, J. MILLCK. JR. Ijrrtt 9. W.I1UJI. CORXS. alop confidence. mi'MlA IALTR Cl'RU *Mure oar We customer* generally that an eiaml rorllanJ. l«C0. Jlo*. JOHN N. 000DWIN. President. m mia ialtb emu icalm. nation of oar itoek May y\ femora the dWtr*«*lag and dl«a PHILIP EASTMAN A SON, DR. C. wtlleonrlncfi tlieui that wa rCi—n COTTON STUFFS, OIIKD P. MILLKR, Vic* President. HI'MIA I ALT I! emu I ALT RHICTL II.SUOLES, do not effect* of Wind or Klatulmcc.and a»»<*n oiaaceraU when wo my that wo HOItKRT jraeaMe 8IIIPLKV W. RICHER, Secretary. Cl'RU •OHM. linADLCT, M iuach r***tve* the » Rl'M'A IALTB bare Ujo best a**orUn*nl of •• the ln«tgoraliagSplrlt,tb Counsellors anil and Saoo ulllce City Dan) INFIRMARY VINO the flock of Arm of load and all will l>* r« Attorneys, Dlddeford Agency. Rl'MIA IALTR Ct'MI FLRA BTTRS. ECLECTIC purcha*ed tht lata dOtreeaintf painful f*«lio|p Dlddelord. Da tit * will continue the a in Htrskt, Coast* or PirrBSKU. SgiAai building, ll'UIA IALTB Cl'RU WHITLOWS. ill COURT STRKET, HAfling, llradley. KOftd. tf 10 Rl'Ft 8 SMALL. Agent Hen's and On* doaa will remove th* most Rl'MIA IALTB Cl'RU VLCBRI. Boys' Clothing! FLOin AND UIUIN nralNM, dl*tr***lng pain 8ACO. « or !* Wit lion ton, Mae*. of eolle. *lth*r In th* Huntck bow*l*. Rl'MIA IALTB Cl'RU WARTB. \t Uic clil ttand, C Coininerclal Nlrcet, (ll«ad of A f*w do*e* will rciaov* all obstruction* In th REDUCED Insurance emu iorb mrrvm GREATLY City Fire Co., ri'mia baltr my undivided attention for ths HATS, CAPS, l*»rtla*d Iter.) Xtf Bladder. or Organ*. mu. Having given KUmjt, I'rlnary TO rimia ialtb emu treatment I who ar* xrloutlt afllcted with kid OF NEW HAVEN. CONN., last fifteen year*, to the of the ptiii- any Rl'MIA IALTB CL'BU rUTBBI. are auured relief a doa It*. 31 51 (Htvdman to-urinary and had a prac- YORK COUNTY M7 eomplalnta. «i>**>ly t.y Offrt Ckftl BuMinf.) Rl'MIA IALTB Cl'BU RIXOWORX. organ*, having large •r Iwa. and a radical ear. Uy lb* um of oa* or tw tice in this I claim the beat FURNISHING : PRICES! CIIARTKRKD CAPITAL. taoO.OOO I 1 Rl'MIA IALTR CL'RU BCVRTT. itoaaible GOODS, bottle* speciality,treatment CTRU BtKIOXS. advantage* for the world ha* yet die* In thli cltjr or Saoo. Five Cents Savings Institution, NIUIITLY Pleasure Travellers. Paid up Capital and Surplus, $1)0,4*}. Rl'MIA IALTR DISSIPATION. IORB UN. covered. JJAttCII «, 1NM. Rl'MIA IALTB CTBH oar material* at the ORGANIZED Pereont who. from dtaalpatlng tn« much or* deelrour of cloiinc out all Summer Good, I have heen advbed oar beat medical men Having parehaeed lowed living will Itsue Fin Rl'MIA IALTR Cl'RU IXOROWIWO M14 by ntn aro r naMed to offer and feci th* *vtl .(tcu ..f The undersigned policies against t'lothlnj Joint M. O«oi»wi». night, po„..D..ut the will to made citreiuely low. Store*. Katab. Rl'MIA IALTR CfRU SNORR STINQS. to advertise my remedies for the people gene, Pmldtnl, h*adach*a. ileknen at «t. uiach. w*ak price* Dwelling House*, Manufacturing I'rriiUrul. L*o*AMI> ANDaiVf. In rlolent kind of Al* Cl'RU IIIIMOLU. from the fact Mom u-Ao mutt nttd ur- Vie* on* M and almost every Rl'MIA IALTB rally, hmahrai m A. aaaa, *«•, will And d. .ill rvmo* llshuients, property. my as Per Oexxt. »txl Trr»»urrr, 0oora»rl glddln***. Rl'MIA IALTB Cl'RU BBITTIOXS. ritti dart nut atk a xrhtrt to bccrcUr/ %\\ bM fritnd Jirtct than other iture In thl> or Baeo PIVE YEAR POMCIEH, MMQtrrro ebaap«r any eity Willi** II. Taoarwy, Ladl** of weak and eonMtutloaa »houf Rruu ialtb emu irn^ IkiM. Uentlemen U tl*kly Tickets to the Mountains, E. H. BANKS. for I and II cent, for fln wtihing purchaeo good Clothing wll Juvatmaji Trt-K, th* Invigorating Spirit three time* a day I On Dwelling llonaea, per Rl'MIA BALTR CVRU CHILBLAINS. do well to aall at oar iloro before Uk* | 33 cenU on to tiik mronurr ash purchasing 0U0 T«uiii II. C*U, them strung, h*alth> and rvinov ear*, coating from 30 to per year Cl'RU FROIRH LIMBS. dctiutatto. Will Bah* happy, 18W. »tf Rl'MIA SALT! where. lloKAlK and Inxn th. inei lluMrford, Aur 3, 100. No a**o**ineuU. f«.lll>, lT„lt4.-Tru»U*a. all ohatmcti..oa ImcvUrlU** RrilU IALTB CL'RU WBNI. *pcnnntorrkanld at Rt'PL'S SMALL, Agrab attending it, Armnfcment!! Pur Ml* la btdd*fin»a Is In Fire Insurance. company. perfect repair, and pnmU m fPlIE been Agent imT Konca win anuia, ind which is as sure to produce buhaxck Inducementspa to undersigned, having appointed Albumen, death VIA. PANAMA RAILROAD, ml purchaser*. 1 otlkt T»rk Mutual Fire Imuran** Cam •■4 all Hs»4s sf FmiIIIm, C**mU4 tlmmlmm. fttrtLer Informal Un. to Cauntj is unless it is cheeked medU NOTICE and Offiee, Saro. foe apply of Noalh I* to receive I. mm +» Consumption, by Exprra Telegraph fmg Derwlek Me., prepared sal treatment. IAIUXO 00r.rn.IKU. •tO1 E. R propo with whleh to meet lome*. Lo«s may be cured by similar means If the patient mBX OLD WTAMUtHBD Tre«iifrer'i •fotice. ee ere liberally adjaaud aad promptly p*M. The be in otherwise tolerable health. NOTICE. rtaka a* - « t'Jdilf pa^ ^orW>f*0^ IM> »,n , I taken by **M company are<11 vly See my advertisement in the Boston ataaowr, JUrl/ eypiieauo" llaa* U>*y wlll W Ja, aad will ha *olU*Ud in th BT apon paid Dwell lag lloatoe and eoatenta 3d elaaa, aafo kind* llerald, I lia I tod tor aaab |I a ZJOIXT RED tha on or before let 1 Mix eeal of can o IMftn^P pWUnbiQ Wy Um tlilili laf m nul COW, TmNter Kept, par ■NMMil* aad manafoctaror** Kach 6 tad you learn a more fall description mmmius pui fear oenC. If property. Bedding Co., Proprietor*, Ul lUbUUl*|a* S««t tight yaar* old, on ft and ball. If on or before OeL Kt 1 and pah •laa* pay* A* IU owa loeeea. web cases. having (trap paid IfclMsl* Mmt, listis. laaalra at Ivoar Da an Hal SUr*. «r al mf aaUl an* ) ijr ha viae founo tha abov* will to or before Nor. lit 1 after whlah tlae tboaa u For limi to c. L. BABTLETT, r- ** ka«^U4 Ibr par** ftftlaal, loJbfinatlon, Ac., apply RCFV8 Baao. W V".^1 rt!!,.Tinwh*n « are to to collected forthwith. Address a H. M. D., If* Court «M«Wi ob Jtela Stmt, ItKO, th*y wtll h*pr***atod aa abon aftlubljr rawaidaA by returning tha tuna to tb« paid SMALL, Ami aa4 ftllwUl of AjeeoHceat* Banes A Park, Wholesale 8H0LES, )• DnU Btreet. llaeU*. rfajj, A A. Ttmmrw. I **«ftb«». } JIKEMAX Af eats, Boston. tmctJt i DOMcnccs jomdxh. tatad BoyfuiJY. WiL>. 8. A. DOOTUBT, City Tmnnr. Llborty StnoVBM Jtreet, II. <•*<>■ jtn 1M0 ii lyrtt July f kidaXbrd. Aaj, l0mU Btddateid, Aug. 31,1MQ. M i MMM Aof-,I«a l»wM NEW YORK. Boston, May 39,1800.