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X, k- Afiettfft Dally Nat PvaaaRim A The Weather ’ V ac H m Week lIBdea cooler, tee* hurM to- j ' Hw i«k I H I ' iam to fiOs; pertly olouajr totnorran^-A^chanoe a t eAettaoni 15,210 showens, M|^ T&Mi "-i • Manehe»ter^A City 6f ViUajge Charm ■ ...‘ ' . ■ ' • ' V ■ T O | « . LXXXYI, NO. 232 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1967 Advertiaiiic on Face 18) * ^ PRICE SEVEN CENTS

Viet War Dampens .Spirit ' No Herald ' TomorroWv, There wUl'be no edition of *!^e Herald tomorrow, Independence Day. Please drive carefully and have a pleasant .h olid ay.' 3 PHILADEEI^M (AP) They wUl' include reading parte A 60-gun salute—one for each 6 Teen-ag<^s — The nation is psep^ed of the Declaration of Independ- state—^wiU highlight Atlanta’s ence, and a parad^by 3rd In- Fourth of July. Its “Salute to Die in Worst Suez Canal ; to cOTunemorate. its Bkth fantry bid Guard'iiMts in colo- America” parade, sponsored by in Philadephia 191 yean dress. 7 WSB-TV, is expected to attract ' Holiday Crasli ago tomorrow with fire­ Sei’VUjes are piaim ed b y vet- 200,000 spectators. Firew orks Units Clash works and parades but the erans gmips in Philadelphia as displays, lilcnlcs, and Southem- OHlliaAlGO (AIP)— ’The toll o f war in fai>off Vietnam and a ipemorlal to-.Ai^crtcans who style barbecues are also Utnee in tnaflCic B ccidente during For 3rd Day the soldiers who have died have lost their lw a.ln Vietnam plamed. ' the todependence IDey weekend there strike a somber note. and other wara. M ore than 600 o f the nation’ s surged pest 400 brntoy, hind the TEL AVIV (AP) — Philadelphia, where the De­ Presldenlt Johnson anch^Jds war dead will be honored with National ISIafeity OounoU skid it Egyptian and Israeli troops claration of Independence was wife are enjoying a holiday str' ^ags, many of which draped appeared the tfitial figure will be at their ranch in Texas. Their caskets before burial, on “Bjbout Iti itlhe midrange o f our clashed at the Suez Canal announced July„4, 1.776, is in the for the third day today as midst pf a week of celebrations oldest daughter, Lynda Bird, 12 ‘'Avenues of Flags’’ cities in prediction.’’ ' ^ which will reach a climax Tues­ relaxed with the youngyset at Jefferson D«ihty, Alabama. The The council had estimated in the United Natione pre­ day. Fireworks displays, special Rohoboth Beach, Del1., sm A tlan- Idea w as c .o n c e l^ d in 1962 by .. H. advance that 700 — to- 800— - persons------pared to vote on demands sporting events, concerts and tic shore resort. C. Rush of Bessemer, Ala., ^ d would be killed on the streets for the withdrawal of Is­ parades are planned. the First p&m ily, many ^ sponsored by the Vrter^iw of and highways during the fout- raeli troops and Israel said AdUvlUes center on the small others across the country used Foreign Wars chapters. day holiday period. With a day thousands of Arab refugees group of buildings where the the five-day holiday for relaxa- In Milwaukee, more than a and a half to g^, a council sta- could return home. Contoental Cton^ess- met in Opn and fuh, be it at a lake or half million persons were ex- tlstifclen said the probability ’Ihe Israeli army said Egyp­ 1776, now part of the Independ- shore retort, in the country, or pected for the sixth annual cir- was 720hK760. tian troops on the canal’s west ^ - - - - . cus parade, featuring 64 authen­ ence National Historic Park, before a backyard barbecue. At mlddaythe^number of traf­ bank fired for 20 minutes' at Is­ tic antique circus wagons from fic fatalities slnca'O.p.m.- - ______Friday^ raeli soldiers on the east bank the Circus World Museum at was 412. The holld^"-weekend near El Qantara, about 26 mUes Baraboo. More than 600,000 per- officially ends at mldnlghfrues- from the canal’s northern en- ' sbns lined the route last year to day. trance. Pressure Is Eased watch the parade, which cU- six persons were killed in ’The Israelis said the Egyp­ maxes “the week-long annual southern Virginia today when tians . firto across the canal a “Old Milwaukee days’’ observ­ their car crashed into, a signpost second time two hours later, but ance. on Interstate 96. PoUc.e Said a ttve IsraelU. troo(ps returned th e On Rain-rce____ _ » tlin® o f the ceaee^flrOp of rumors,” said one resilient. say how many youths had'^been U.S. planes, artUiery and naval radar TnatSlaUoM them which ^*ypt had a force in Port Fuad arrested, but estimates from maneuvers, were hurled at guns. -keep watch over the demiUtar- 2*_J**2 across from A other authorities placed the police trying to contain the me­ A Marine sergeant at the bat- ized zone Just to the north. At •" “ “ * canal’a north- figu re above 100 fo r the two lee. Ue scene itold a newsman; “Last least four Air Force men were entrance.. Radio Cairo The outburst began Saturday, Supplying Ant Farms night’s missing Marines became wounded. The Red gunners fired the IsraeU were trying Daddario Reveals , night as youths, tore down a Guardsmen were today’s dead ones.” 120 rounds at the installaUon." to move on ^ rt Fuad. _ - T . National statue in th e lakeside psu-k, The batUe took place in jthe' 4. The Air Force said three Flans for N^w alerted at the county seat of smashed windows iii the Cham­ E lkh om euid m obilized a t an Not Just Penny-Ante long-threatened 1st Corps U.S. Jets were lost tn raids over ber of Commerce building, and Justjust belowoeiow theme demUitartedaemuuan^a NorthNorth^ Vietnam Sunday.Sundav. One Mail Facilit)T armory but did not enter Lake climbed light poles to rip down Geneva. '• BELL GARDENS, Calif. (AP) wife and .nine children in Bell zone. ’The Communists kepti up ■ of a Na'vy Skyhawk Jet was the city’s welcome banners. — F o r ant-hunter Ken Gidney Ge^tdens', a Los Angeles suburb, heavy pressure to^y with ttiun- snattered army against the" HARTFORD. (AP) — Rep. ’Three tlnies police phshed the ’The Chamber of Commerce milling drowd of youths back business is looking down. gotj the Job by answering a derous, big gun barrages andjan^ (Continued from Page 8) (Contained from P i^ 8) Emilio Q. Daddario, D-Conn. Ip- windows were boarded up. Sun­ Op his hands ahd knees, newspaper ad. day made public plans to build into a lakeside park in efforts to am bush that raked a 100-tn^ck day night, the youths smashed clutching av broom straw and ..j jjj over,” he says with a a new $8 mOUon mail handllhi^ shield downtown businesses be­ South Vietnamese convoy. |, the boards. Police s^ld they had coffee can, Gidney captures bravado. “Saugus, ’The war mounted in intensity facility for Hartford to,^8erto fore bringing the outbreak un­ one unverified report of a home- ants for a wholesale on the ground. and in the air as a. sectional mail center fOr der control early today. company Netball, Ontario, Pomona, Lan- owner firing a'shotg^un'into the that supplies ant farms, an edu­ above North Vietnam with these OS associated post i^ces., Police began shutting -down caster, Palm Springs—any­ crowd of youths. No injuries cational toy for iniquisitiv^ chil­ major developments: Recalls Daddario said that discussion bars about two hours in advance where I’m likely to flntf ants. were reported. dren, eager biology students 1. The Marines’ Stopped the of the new centralised facility of the normal closing time and , “I usually have some Of my Several homes were damaged and the idle curious.. elite North Vietnamese 90th had occupied a good deal of Imposed a ;i a.m. emergency and windows were smashed in children and i;some assistants f*)"! time In his Washington office cu rfew on the city . ^he east Gidney’s rewards aren’t along. We s ^ an ant hill, get Reglmept moving soiUh for an Batlle\ Confusion during recent years. It will be “We sure took a beating,,’’ ^ penny-ante. He gets a penny.an out, and steirt' dlg^in^ with &ttack on the Marine outpost at, said Lake Geneva Sgt. Donald ^"®re police ant as a professional. Some­ equipped with letter-sorting ma­ tried to drive the crowd to pre- shovels. And then we; fetch our Con Thien. ALONG THE DMZ, Vietnam luU is ov er.” chines, sack-sorting machines, Fry. We re going to get Jt wor^ damage in the down­ times his intake reaches $3,0 eratto governors .and thank support you and are 'behind yoi), Sme under a 7i>0-round------' mortar V.>»vHng the expeotsd mergsr them toif prtatemente of auppOrt you always Improve,” Johnson Judge Ruhinow Sworn to Superior Court Bench- barrage. ’ of tlm New Tosh Oeatml and ttiat lis| later told a news confer- ; his wife, Eleanor, their .son, David, and th^ir daugh­ Relnforaemente have moved PMuuqdyaain BsllwmAa Tlm , j Judge Jay ^ Rubinow, left, is sworn in as' Su- liito the a i^ and Lt. Gen. Rob­ ICO found thnt tte IhSM . A : ''il enoe were “music to my earsl!’ Making no effort to bide hli \ w m .\perior Court judge and Probate Court administra­ ter Judith. Their elder Son) Laurence, away fo r ert'Cuahn^; top Marine eom- smaller lines e«d i \m | . earn- I" The governors, with two from partiaanahip, he told the 8L. tor by Atty. John D. LaBelle, Hartford (bounty the weekend. The cer^onies were held Saturday the Deep' South abstaining, |;^ouia news conference: “WV' manderin South Vietnam, told \tlaue to operste'f adopted a “statement of -do- ^ state’s^tto^ey and former law partner of Rubihow. night at the'Rubinow hcxne on ratkin St. before the reporten: “No doubt the batUe In the fSM of oocd” that pndaed Jolinaon’a (lea Page Bight) Lookiiig on are, from Judge Rublnow’s left. immediate fam ily

- i . - A

P A G E f W 6 ‘ MANCHESTER e v e n in g HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JJILY/'S, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENIHG HERALD, MANCiElESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 3, 1967 PAGE THBlSil PAVEMENTN.MSc6 VERy ST. CLOUD, Mnn. (AP) —^ /T South Windsor Sheinwol^ on Mrs; Lewis Smith o f ^ Cloud Events Vernon’s Water Woes VOLKSWAGEN ^ LEASING ------^ Suhimer lost the diamond rtSUlngAsqm m ■ AMKRICANS NEKIDED West dealer her wedding ring w^llle on a trlpv. m the 24 M*. Utat* PlM ‘T H E W A Y MORE BAD BREAKS to Minneapolis. She and her IHIUIHNNT North-South vulnerable Town Found 75% Undeveloped ■vMMWfll Theaters By ALFRED SBKIimOLD husband decided to^ retrace the Are South Windsor’s SEDAN $18.00 NORTH A preliminary report on land land devoted lo commercial use tee recently acquired sewage W orld BETTY QUATRAI^ . companies, .according to Wil­ 1 A K 8 6 route 2ind try to find it. Hr I HEARD IT” ’ If the North American bridge use )iaa been prepared by treatment plant site aniT tee liams, even though they share wiy $9 5 .0 0 <3) A 10 7 At Big Lake, 25 miles south­ is classified as general corn- Oustoknera of tee QoiineicUOut FASTBAUK SEDAN miii- team had run Into enough bad Brown. > Donald and Donald, merclal 'These uses are M__ .■ fnrjRsite or of rn#* the,new tiput rmim town nanhall. 'To-iyu -Victory iryj in Mexico use of the Shenipslt Reservoir. MrHr . I P«ll MflhiMaMCfl This week’s opehinsr curtain at Oakdale Musical Thea­ 0 AK1043 east of here, they searched the found MEXICO CITY (AP) — The Water Co. itoi South Wilnidsor KARMANN oOlA ~ •Mr $99.00 mOfl breaks It might have beaten area of a,phone booth! where. Planning Services, . Inc„ under o ., gether, these uses comprise 100 The Roqkvllle Aquaduct Is hy John Gruber ter irt Wallingford will be delayed 48 boups —• until ♦ 15 South Windsor’s 701 comprehen- along Rt. 5- aqd Sul- Icresi ’or ti^o.^rcent o^^^ Inrtltrtlonal RevolttUonary Par- aiirt tee iBoicflcrtMe AquWurt Co. Mrs. Smith had made a call. owned by Suburba.n Wa|er Co. STATION W/KION wir $112 mOe, 'I Wednesday night at 8:30. Pollowihg what this year has few w»«to ago in the WEST EAST alve planning program. Total Uvan Ave. Some of these hlgh- In urban use. ty—PRI—-which has ruled M ^ - Veraon rtwire oominDn prob- (1* nn.) Just as they were getting into Inc., owner of five other small > OHmt Maritito tflflflfl b e ^ th e rule rather than the exception, it will be a cWamptonrtiip. in A 975 ♦ 13 cort of teb pro^am Is $30,000, way-oriented uses are of tee companies. “ Approximately the " hT" Handt for exam|)te, the their car, Smith saw the di­ 'm r WINDSOR vrifh J — ...... ------^ seml-Rubllc and Instl- lenjs oiirt compOalinta.'Ihe water wir $112 I Plant “pefSbnality” -rather than a book show. V Q963 A? K854 Windsor paying 8W,- small shopping center variety, tutional category, which In- ** overwhelm ^ suonOiled bv (the two comt»iiies same . management i*uns thb PANEL TRUCK \ m«. ! PltM Instlfltt InvINfl The impossible combihatlon of ------——------___ nalade pmotU out 0 QI975 amond lodged in the pavement. DmVE IN ★ 5 auppdded by ithe two oennpanies O 8 2^jJJJ_4-tee federal., government but others come close to being dudes primarily churches and ^ comes from tee Sbeniprtt Res- Connecticut Water , Company, Wednesday brlogS'-us the first runners of the violin, or more bagels and tortillas will be serv­ luck. A 107 64 3 federal deputies, state gover­ ers of WCBS-’TVr WUI pre'sent ♦ Q2 $20,000.“ strip ^ commercial.______It was noted church-run Institutions, as well ” * *" erwAr. and tee Suburban- Water Co.,’’ TED TRUDON Rit. 13, Tellnnd Tpk*. correctly the viola, since it ed with Ben Segal as chef—bag- ening lead —eight of Dia- nors and municipal officials. TflleeHvillt-Mnnelitrfnr In .the ' series of weekly con­ "The, Emperor's New Clothes,” SOUTH / According to tee prWlmlnary In tee report that there is a as Legion buildings, clubs, etd., Williams explained. '"There Is. sounds in the- tenor range) a bnds. PRI' President Lauro Ortega 'CbmpOaiUtis es to bad tasta 649-2631 certs known as 'the Hartford AAQIOAZ^^ ewrt 75 per cent of South' .noticeable absence of- either a .semi-public and institutional pungent odor end high cotor, no financial connection between- and "viola da gamba’’ (a base _ __ , _____In theJrrt fii room of the hiatch claimed 'Victory for all PRI can­ VOLKSWAGEN . Festival of Music, establt^ed goers. (y j l WmdQpr’s 18,6$8 acres are*tin- central commercial area or buildings and lands amount to aire sihilillBr between the two -the companies, however,’’ he; instrument with roughly the tortillas represented by Mexi- New Yorkers Alvin Roth and 0 62, water bodies con- any community shopping areas. 86 acres or two per cent of the didates shortly \>efore midnight. ' I by Robert Brawley ten years Sunday nlghit the new sound WMK oomponies, aeobnlding to tesU- added. range of the present day gui­ can-Amerlfcan song rtylist ’Trinl Bill RoOit stopped short at four ♦ A lC 9 8 tain 368 acr^, and-. .land Used' 2j5g Acres for Indalstry land in urban use. Adolfo ChristUeb, president ot Several solutions to tee prob­ (who could call it music?) holds spc^des. Because of foul brbaks ot Friday’s state Public ago, and now a definite part of tar,, but played with a bow.)' Lopez. Nqra Es for urban p lu s e s total 4,094 AutQRmtively - oriented oom- Cemeteilea occupy 15. acres, tee oppOBiUon. Party of- National utiUitdes Oonimitetstoni Public lems at tee Shenipslt resevoir •in dlamonc^ and clubs Root West Eart the area’s summer'music scene. We then get Mozart’s early Pass Pass acres. " mencial uses occupy 14 acres. less than olMi per cent of the Action—PAN, refused to con­ watershed have been attempted. Syihjjhony in A, written when could win only iLtricks. cede defeat. Hearing In Hartford. Since numerous Manchester Pass . Pass Sixty per cent of tlie- develop- or .3 per cent ot the- land In land in urban ^ e . OomtmlsBtoner Eugene Lough- Results of these ' corrective residents attend one or more o f . he was ohly ■ 18,, but still his ing of “ I ve Got a Hammeri' - _ In the second room Benito Pass Pass D^jortment of Theatre ed land Is devoted to 'single- urtxan use. Ttiey are located Land classifled as public open “ For a long time it has been IMn noted, ‘nVe’ve heard all this meuures have not been felt yet these concerts; I’ll give you a 2»th symphony. Mr. Brawley and has continued to do well Garozzo and Pietro Forquet Pass Pass ■ The University of Conn. family residential use. Indus- mainly along Route 5 and Sul- space Includes the Little League tee privUeg^e of ted PRI to an­ before at the recent Rockville by the South Windsor customers rundown on what to expect this play® Mozart in very sensitive with the discs while adding sup- Once again a Manchester reached the bold but reason- Pass Pass Equity Resident Company trial uses occupy only six per hyan Ava Field near the High School, Vet­ nounce results beford.- du a lly Aqueduct Company pulbUk: hear­ of tee Connecticut Water Co., ■ time. manner, incidentidly. per clubs and now summer the- thesplan will have a featured able •*'contract tf six spades. , All Pass 11th Season cent, of developed land, but are Office uses ore found In pro- erans Memorial Park, recrea­ knowing the results of ths.vote. ing this spring.” according to testimony given by count,” ChristUeb said. >. ! As usual, Mr. Brawley has Donald Wellerstein will' ap­ aters to his career which also role in a production at ’The with normal breaks they would ‘ 'Tuesday thru Saturday prominent In their heavy con- fessionai - buildtnga in Wap- tion areas In tebdivislohs, and -rh© pidar and taste cotn- residents of the Woodland Park K n u d M iC A ■ chosen some thoroughly inter­ pear as soloist in the. remain­ includes a role in the current Oval in Farmington. This time make the slam and score a ------:------centratlon along Rt. 5 and Sul- ping Center^ and along Rt. .5. lahd acquired . for future school Official returns from Mexico’s ptadnitB stem from algae in the area and town officials. esting programs. As a matter ing work of^the program, the movie production, “ The Dirty it’s Nola Kleize who has a lead- neat profit; with the actual feet defense by returning a club. . July 4 - July 8 31,968 voting precincts will not Murry Schisgai’s llvan Ave. -These land use pat- niey include ^2 aciws, or .3 and recreation uses. This cate- Snip, ■whUe tee color of the ■wa- ' TK® intake pape at the reser- r-^ot fact, I know of nobody who Concerto No. 2 for Violin and Dozen.’’ ing role in “ Lyslstrata,” an breaks the Italians lost heavily. Garozzo discarded a heart from terns, plus the town’s basic por cent of the^tapd In urban 991 o»»>. be mode p4ibUc until Sunday. ' ter is conMIbiuted by water run- voir has been raised to avoid While Lopez is a comparative adult comedy that becomes the „ enthusiasts dummy, and Kaplan’s ruff de­ COUNTRY can consistently pick music Orchestra by Prokofieff. 'While topography, determine South use. Utilities, comprising land ndng off tee neighboring tee accumulation of debris and more genuinely suited to the this work is conunonly present­ newcomer to show bnz, Myron second show of the season. watchine the match on an’elec- 'eat®'! contract. SEASON BOOKLETS One-Party Win L U V Windsor’s physlctd character. Two hundred and twrtity-six owned by electric, telephone iBEXULIN (AP) — -Ihe ballot’s swamp, ebcordiing >to a report alga^on the bottom of the lake. type of concerts these are. In ed with full symphony orche.s- Cohen has been around only a Wlritiben by AjrirtwpQianes, it i^ard in the ballroom of Unfortunately for them, the and water companies,, occupy ADMISSION Regular (7)—414-0® Brown, I^nald and Donald re- acres are developed to Influs- only slate—tee Communist- made by Rdidhopd 'Woodhall, copper sulphate treatment case you’ve never been to one, tra, a smaller orchestra makes little time less than Joe Milter. stlU Has a peitiinence for mo- Americans Hotel in Miami Americans didn’t have enough Tues. - Thun. $2.26 A |2.60 eight acres, less than one per FARE port tee two largest uses of de- trial uses. picked candidates—won - East drictf otf tee Wiaiter Supply Sec- hafi been Instituted to kill the ' let me say that ^they are music the solo part less subject to And his jokes are just as fa- dem fiolik in its atoiy of Athens geach held their breath as iiad luck to win the world chahi- -Frl. - Sat. 82.50 A 82.75 Student (6 )—$ 6.00 .^nt of the land In urban use. veloped land are residences. Over half (121) acres of tee Germany’s parliamentary elec­ Wool of itee State Board otf isting algae. - for chaml^r orchestra, not sym- stradn and I actually prefer it mous. An almost-regular on the In the fflimi cenitury during a Norman Kay considered his pionship. a u d it o r iu m HOX OFFICE! 429-2912 which occupy 2,484 acres, and indurtriai uses are In the gen- 75 ^ c.O en t Land Undeveloped tions Sunday with less tean one Health. Caustic soda treatment of the ' phony concerts. with small accompaniment. Ed Su^van Sunday night TV-er, c o ^ war wfiiEh Sparta. opening lead'. If Kay led a club »a «y Question Monday - Friday: 9:00 o-m. - 4:00 p.m. streets and right-of-way, -Which era! Indurtriai category. - With At tile prosent time, 706 acres WoodhaU recommended water has been started to cut Wednesday’s program starts the ^prem e dialectician also THEATRE BOX OFFICE: 429-^2912 -per cent of the voters rejecting ’The July 12 concert opens Staartng in the title role is qj. heart Garozzo might bring Partner opens with one dia- occupy 709 acres. Commercially the excertion of tee Gerticr of 17 per Cent "of the land In teem, tee official news agency i'nisrtaillBitdan otf a Complete w down on the brown. and blue with the Sixth Branden­ holds forth annually In, the tup Monday - Friday: 4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Foi, a wide selection at fine food in a pleasant with Schubert’s Fifth Sym­ AjTlene Monohester of W ^ siam home despite the bad mond, and the next player pass- and indusMally used land to- Sdentlfic Instrument plant on urban use, ^re.^ .devoted to AL'N reported. treatm ^ plaint system at stains In customers' sinks , and burg Concerto by Bach. _ "rhis night clubs in New York, Mia­ Hlartifard. Otheris featured are Saturday: 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. streets and rights'-of-way. -This phony. This one fools many peo­ breaks. es. You hol^:- Spades, A-Q-10- tals 333 acres, or 8.1 per cent of Gertier Rd., aU of these vises ADN said 98.82 per cent of the S i^ Reservoir., bathtubs. This Is accomplished atmosphere. is seldom played, probably be­ mi and Las Vegas. Sayta Beaudoin, JOS Lyibel, Ray Alr-Conditloned — Curtain 8:30 proportion will Increase, In di­ ple; it sounds like Mozart on Best Lead ' '4-2; Hearts,- J-2; Diamonds, 6- all developed land. are found either along, or ad- 12.2 million eligible voters cast 'iuie bacteria count otf, .ter by neutralizing the water, with ■ cause it calls for antique in- A special on the Oakdale Shhm, PatrtUk 'Wlhl'IifieM, Edgar HARRIET S. JERGEN8 EN THEATRE the whole, with touches of We all breathed out In uni- 2; Clubs, A-K-9-8. Flve Probletna Noted. jacent to RL 6 and along the rect relation to the increase of ballots for the nationsd Chamber used iby bote companiesyte safe, the caustic soda, making It less 1100 BURNSIDE AVE.— EAST HARTFORD strutnemts. ’The score demands Hayxin. It is my favorite among schedule is set Thursday at 11 WMwox and' Fred' GUbson. The land use report outlines western hialf of SulUvan Ave. land in urban use as the ToWn abcoidiiing to ar- Generally a quiet work, you’re^ to Me on the Nutoneg Playhouse Garozzo won in dummy and would look different.” be road, pdayed, and danced.’’ ■A map entitled “■Existing occupy .34 acres and art foimd developed land, are prominent from Gloucester, Mass., repre­ ison stuK^ otf the costs of es- bound‘to enjoy it, even though stage at the Unlvenaiity of Con- led a club, trying a finesse with it is not monumental by any I’ve heard it odone, I’ve seen it Lahd Use’’ aoco-mpaning the primarily along tee New Haven in their heavy concentration Danish Prices Rise senting the CJonnecticut Water tabUshkig a compilete water as a ballen 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. pinhole. Available in many attrac­ his music seriously. Ftrench' (as the tUJe would sug­ Dr. Cecil Hlnkel 'UOonrt along Rt. 5 and Sullivan Ave. occupy 10 acres, or 3 per cent marked up 10 per cent. Lake water will always taste otf tee Oonneotiout Water Oo. tive colors Just call us. We adll be win direct, wiith performances BURNSIDE The Herald’s South Windsor The Jufly 19 concert offers gest), though Hto natt^ lan­ .il [ A .1 I The existing land use map as of the land.th urban use. In the cheese-making town Of _ different from well \vater, even and with company and town of- • (lad to measure your windows and Acres of Free Parking fPIL PAPKirJG ‘j?H n . ' This category includes to'wn correspondent for the next two ority tiwo 'worlcs, one by Beeiho- guage waa, of enurae, Russian. niglhtly at 8:30 through ^ u r - prepared the planning firm Hoeng, all businesses closed in'' when treated, according to (licials as to tee progress being (ivc you a free estimate for new Comfortably offic^ find other publicly-owned weeks. Her telephone number •"Tootine." . . veti and IJie other by Stra'wUr* ■Wlheither or not a transleitton day at the Haairiet Jorgensen 'Glass' B o t t ^ Boat’ delineates tee location and type protest. In Copenhagen, anti- Cobb, Complaints would still mode. Air-Conditioned buildings and land, as well as is 644-2374. sky. Beethoven is nejwesented existis, I don’t know. Theater. of land uses In South Windsor^ '^ovemment demonstrations occur when hydrants are .The water company sought I WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIG) by his Flirt Symphony, wMch The final obnoert is scheduled CURTAIN CAULS — Miss EASTHARTFORO The majority of ^uth Wind-; were scheduled. Tlie govern­ opened for use and when a a year's. exteoiaiicm, claiming OU PONT aourtdo Haydneaque. ’Ihe last for July 26 and offers five Ann Russelil of 33 ahamhers DRIVE-IN ★ RT.5 Bor’s land is undeveloped fbr ment has made it plain, how- water main might break. they cmild not predict any works, two of them symphonies. SL Ihas joined ’The Arena H o x e B urban use. NoUceable, ttiio. Is South WindsOT e'vsr, the law will not be The plant would, however, change in tee water to appear Doy In.'..Day Out... changed. ^ ' First Comes a' symphony by the ’Theater of 'WK'Biamsp'ort; Pa., the preponderance of single- result in the providing of a uni­ unUil about a year after tee cor- TONTINE. English c o m p o s e r 'William for the current summeir ^ stock * ] family residential uses. 'The sin­ -The tax is commonly called form quality of water, ■with a moms, an abbreviation of "mer- reoblve steps had been institut­ : : o Ur E S T O W II Boyce, who was quite unheard season. A March graduate of ^ EAST HANT FOND ig gle-family re^dmees show .reduction in the qlgae content. ed. ..of until CoiiStautt Lamlbert dug the Amealcain Academy of Starring clearly their,teiee primary pat­ Barrett Offers to Mediate vaerdiomsaetningsskat," a An alternative to the treat­ on PRESCRIPTIONS ■■ PHARMACY " Lee Marvin word which even; Danes refuse OommisBioner LoughiUn stat­ E. A. JOHNSON up his eight symphonlels. These Dramatic Arts in New 'York, R e s f a u r a n f terns of development. ment plant would be the ac­ ed, "It Is the responsitoility of 466 Hartford Rd.—649-9946 Ernest Borgnlne I N E M A l Cavey’s to spell oilt. . . . resulting in meaningful had been published In 1760 and She opened lost week, playing The rtport tfUrther states Ih Stone-Democrats Dispute quisition of all land surround­ Charl^' Bronson iRSt HIT TO miM tt-SH-HII The effects of the new tax law tee PUC to keep abreast of the P A IN T C O . . Open July 4th forgotten.' the Ingenue load of Amy In thait- new residential develop­ ing the reseiwoir by the iRock- problems, and ^ihat to do about klm Brown AIR conditioned O F MANCHESTER may be somewhat erratic. If savings to you every day! . . «M MAIN ST., MANCHESTER The always lovely “Introduc­ “ Ohailley’s .Aiunt.” Other pro- John Cassavetes TOR C«sMv-8os portoii I ment can be recognized by Its Leo J. BBimrtt, attorney and closed, to use detours to help vllle Aquaduct Co. Tills would them". He then sot tee hearing • Film tion and Allegro" for Flute, you buy a dog froifi a large ken­ result In the complete control dudbions she’iU appear in in- . Richard Jaeckel AUDREY 'uniform character imposed by cbaiinman of the £kenu>cratlc facilitate the work and permit date of Got. 19. No ups and downs hi your Prescriptton.l Olarinst, Harp, and rtrlnga zoning and subdivision control. better grading and shaping as nel, for instance, you pay of the reservoir resting In the oosts—no. “discounts” today, “Regular,| dliude "Summer of the I'Tth Robert Ryan HEPBURN moms, but if from a small ken­ comes next and will feature doU,■> “Picinic” and “Pool’s CUnt Walker These homes in Pleasant Val­ -Task Fbroe, has offet^ to act required by the program. jurisdiction of the water com­ prices” tomorrow 1 as a nvedtetior in a dds(pute be­ nel, he’s moms-free. '■ Large Selection of Tropical Asrtmta dell’Ajcqulla on harp. Paradiise.’’ . .rPotiy Benhettscor- 'Trinl Lopez will be open only-on a limited basis July ley, off Eailngton Rd., in the Eli Town Hall Oosing pany. No “reduced specials”—<10 “temporaiy I ALBERT tween George W. Stone, chair­ -The South Windsor Town You don’t pay moms when The water company would Fish and Supplies j Two. works featuring soprano ed_ _another _____ hdg hit at the Oak-__ Matinees Dally 1:30 3 through July 17. Terry School area, and in Wap- reductions” rJc.■work’ “Itaoxville, StiiTniviorSummer arily_.i_- sbunned-i____ j ti. bjr am the.. .actions . lm___iW** of Sun* fic SaiTrty Oonnimisaion and the July 4 in observance of the In- as Is presently legally allowed, CENTER STANlEt regularly shaped lots with pay moms when you get a hair­ 996 MAIN ST. | A t the flame time, there' lit never any j Two-Year Professional 1915, ■v^lch I dont happen to j,. coupde of kookde teen-agens 2:15-5:20p8:56 DONENS Dcmocflaffic Ttawti Oomiihlttee, dependence Day holiday, although frowned on by the cured^r semi-grid street pat­ cut or a manicure but not If you MANCHESTER, CONN. . compromise hi eervioe or quaUty! know. An aria from Strauss who screamed and swooned et TwonnoAD terns- and have a uniform den­ and Ctoiwce Ntcholaon and Al- F^owshlp Officers ^ j. State Health Department. S c h o o l o f (partial menu selection) 649-4273—Alr-Condltloned opera “Ariadne auf Naxos’’ is the flTrt few notes of each new sity, ■bin 21agbrakl, heads otf the Dem- The First CongTegfitlonal *'®‘^ ® pedicure. Complicating Causes I YOU GET OUR LOWElfT also lirted, but what one Is not number and ffinally emlborrassed No Town Center Seen ocnate for Bettier Gbvemment church Pilgrim Fellowship held france Explodes Bomb In addition to the fiishlng, tvmo p r ic e s ! e v e r y d a y o f t h e Our Cocktail Lounge will be open its (DBG). A £%Airo 2/ ...... ^ . .. . 9 * • We Deliver designated. I cusumo It is the him further, by jumping on s^age Otearijr defined Is the - clurter election of officers, recently. PARIS (AP) — France, work­ other factora contoibute to the YEAR . . . AND YOU SAVE dramatic aria, “FIs glebt eln ftxr a kiss and an autograph. regular hours. . of high density aingle-family Aitty. Bairirrtt, in an address New officers are president, Mi­ ing toward explosion of its first problems, according to Connect­ MORE THROUGHOUT THE Everywhele ACCOUNTING Reich,” which Is thoroughly Im­ Maylbe he should keep them In MANCHESTER homes Funnling the full length beifloire the SfitMh Windsor Dem­ chael Sanford; ■vice president, hydrogen bomb next year, deto­ icut, Water company officials. YEAR . . . ON ALL YOUR Fast Beptomber 1967 admlsskm. pressive, but I can’t guarantee MILLER'S ocratic Wndtnen’s Chib, offered Charles Nielsen; secretary, The discoloration of the ivater the act—itWhough he certainly otf M)aln St. This relatively con­ nated a ''low-yield” atomic de­ •assL’M I PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. this. DRIVE-IN HAR'TFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUN'IING doesn’t need them... “By Jupi­ RESTAURANT centrated aroa is characterized to make available lids offices Priscilla Bouchard, and treasur­ vice Sunday at Its' Pacific test Is caiused by runOflf water from Pro/kofleff’s . “Classical” Sym­ ' " ’♦ /f t p 66 Forest St., Hartford— ^TeL 247-1115 ter” ooniHnues nightly at 8:30 t ROUTESV* « 44A Y W e are renovating pur present^lFacilities , hy Irae^^iiarSty of lot sizes and for a meeting between Nichol- er, Joan Howat'. center at Mururoa, the Defense a swamp bordering tee reser- AppllcatloDs now being aco^ted for phony closes the series. In case m om 04$- teoo J rtm, (bunder otf tee inaurgent Ctealrmen of standing com­ TRY US AND SEE £it Ooodapeed Opera. House—its - SPECIAL - inside and out to mpke youFaining with Intensity of deveHopment on Ministry reported. ■voir. The awamipland is not own­ you don’t know it. It is very grai4p, and Sttbne. Etoch would mittees are fadth, Walter Ma­ short, 15-20 minutes, and ex- at the Blast ^ d - "Dinner For Two" Mlain St. The ministry said the explo­ ed by tee Rdckvllle Water TONITE^Ist RUN us a more pleasurable occasion. hove two otf His representatives gee; action,. Barry ' Lehtonon, tremely clever. It needs only a dhowpffiace. ■Along the rural roads, the sion was the last - in France's A.quaiduct Company. 5 - 5 0 to, discuss their di'ilferences. and fellowship, Barbara .Dobie. 1967 atomic test series. The high algae count is agra- small ondiestra and Is a mbd- 'random developiment of scatter­ Barrett''’ siaid, "I have not "Living In God’s World” is Ffance____ _ now. has__ an _ atomic , , vaited by ferttUration of tee wa­ smized version of Mozkrt. ed single lots iihxllcates the use 10 EAST CENTER ST. otf siitatole land wherever it was talUoed With anyone about this the,, theme of the church’s Va^ gtj.ihe force of more than 60 su- ter, conltributed by an abutting j You can choose any one of Please be patient with this inconven­ Was it been reviewed cation Church School to be held personic Mirage bombers, a UIRTLR TOWN OF MANCHESTER the concerts and find yourself Town Honors MANCHESTER available. ojfer nxJL3r dai'ry farm. E.B. Williams pres- , by anyone. It is my idea -and Jbly 1® ■throughu July T..1.. 21.01 /-nChil-.11 factor in President thoroughly / , enchanted. ’The ienc'd for it will be temporary. tt can also be seen from the ident of tee Connecticut Water O nly I make this <*&r in an attempt dren desiring to register should Charles de Gaulle's foreign poli­ . whole series- represents a really existing land use map that the Company and a director of th^ m m Marine Hero to bring togeteer tee t w Dem- contact Mrs. Jewell Burn- cy. It hopfis to have ground-to- dandy selection of music,'none majority of commercial and in­ Rookvi'lle Aquaduct' Co. explaln- in town.” I?®*’' .Mrs. Frank Brown, ground missiles, to be located in ed a dairy farmer spreads ma- 'Thruif-Soefc CoHof' of which is trite, and none of CHESHIRE (AP) — It looked dustrial uses are intermingled ocratic gnoups He iiurther said alteraatof southeast France, operational (rom his 130 cows on Ms TOILET TANK BALL which Is extremely far out. Independence Day had ar- along Rt. 5 end ShUivan Ave. Betty Ryder will be the sub­ |a ^ t h e PARKADE W EST M IDDLE TPKE.| dates 'would be presented with by 1969, and nuclear missile When the ground Amerifo'f Iwrgvtf Seller A word of caution: This sea- a, JCT. 8l-32.WimMANTIC.cf: This polnte up the fact that stitute South Windsor corres­ The #ffiei*nr Water MoHer ln*ton»ly itopi R e fu s e an agreed upon agenda for tee submarines operational after froczcsj tee manure la washed son the concerts will be given ^ ^®''^ days early in Che- there is no real commecclal cen­ pondent for the next two weeks. the flow of woter offer eoch fluihing. i ' " W « Sove You Money" Children Under 12 Free! into -me resevoir, providing for the'first tiipe In Millard Au- shire. ^ ter in South Windsor. According meetings with tee aim ,otf tee Her telephone number is 644- 75» AT HA.ROWARI STORES ‘Apple’ 8:50 — lic, com­ tinns. i'-.. -The water companies are at- C o lle c tio n COMFORTABLY AIR COND/T/ONfD Sbone Was' ■recently been cally, the haJl Is better than nlc anc( a dance. mercial retail and inrtituUonal State Man Held cheaper SMrraUI UMCM BWWUB MW STANLEY g 2 | = ^ i 2 j = g Now wiitiKtee flarmer, who was not 1 • • the one at Trinityj and I’m sure And across Main Street hung FUN Isllif! nnrriB uses. dteaged by tee D ^ vrith iteg- was aimounced today. W hy Continue To you’ll enjoy tee sound.i a large banner which said: of till! yiimi,'' lii iwMi luim nni Showing In thieir detailed breakdown lectlng bits duties fis chairman In Murder Case Anne Cha^mney, an engineer, mame^. They indiqated he is co- Ml BtCUH HUK mil operoitive but a problem exists No REFUSE or RUBBISH collectidh on Tues­ “ Welcome Home, Barney!’’ m 643-7832 FREE P*RInitinuing on 17:45 A.M. to 10 P.MJ awarded tee medal on Feb. 27 „ urwc«i,.Ko. — - — ;------Stone gives Thursday In Dlstrirt (tourt suspended above the pa- a “weekly basis” tor about two William d 1 O'Neill iy dwellings.* These uses com- commented Chat for tee way he took charge of nrise 2 483 a c«e iteroughoift freely ntf hIB dime tor the wo*^ ® murder charge In the Sun- bed, covers the patient’s montes, qcoordlng to Williams. ALUMINUM his unit last December when RUtlMsnflvk '% Director of Public Worksl G i t a , _____ the town. ^ of the town goveimnvr sorwiu to bo repaired. FCMcriiMion rocord •yi.rom to holp you, The Syitem mokot ovallobki to you, town’s 15,000 cltiSens. DAVE CLARKLARK flVE ' 6 to town line); Foster St. (Or­ Rtwm window gtoas reptoced. •mong othor thingt, qiMlify for Fodorql ot ony time, a complete rocord of your j A U N D R Y JULY 9 $3.00.490,5XI0-.t.[j|(T pjer cent of land in urban use. The , Waterbury Rejpubllcan-. chard HUl School to Oakland IfKomo Tox Goducdoni o ^ lniu«anco originol preKripiloni ond proKrlptio((i AND D |IY CLEANING The \ report further shows GLOBE I ry/lllt.' No other iOfrfeo o^eirs you lo muth. American gave Bamuin an al­ types of commercial uses Rd.); ‘strong Rd. (Went to Afiotbor of tHo many fUo torvlcoe olferod byi JULY 10 AUTO GLASS INSTALLED ON HARRISON ST. (44) bum |Of photographs taken when the existing land use ma^): Mate); Niederwerifer (DortHUl he was awarded the natitmts jomn Rd. to town line): MiUer'Rd.; Trawl Siirtlte JULY 15 ON A CLEAR DAY YOU CAN Oraeral commerciali' primarily nJISS FURNITURE TOPS Off BMt Oentar St. hlgdiest. military honor. ^ , retaU find personal and business Barber HUl Rd.; Foster St. 905 MAIN Oppoalta the Oemetery Barnum returns to Fort SlU AT SEE FOREVER services; automotively- orient­ (mlUep to. EUington); Demlng ); DetniBig 643-216! Far P l c l ^ fluid DeUveiy - for six-more weeks of trailing, MON.THUM KSO^S1S0-2.S0 PRI A SAT dSMJS-UQ. ed commercial, motor veMcle * (MlUer to MIRRORS (Finilacfl and Root) ARTHURS expecting to be reassigned aft- OAKDALE WCO-SATMATHOO-;‘3J04J0 Child Under 1$ - Mat H Prko Abby Rd. Ext.; CWl 649.7758 storage or service, and Lake St.; Auttiprlaed Agentlin Maa- e r w a ^ to (Janip Lejeuiie, N.C. office, both professional and Ident Rd.; King St., and Wheel­ k Cbeater for all ^nCTilRE FRAMINR (all I r m s ) busteeas. Together, these uses er Rd. BflUIroada aaki SteamaUp'' DRUG STORE total 107 acres, or 8 per cent The town has . requested driv­ WRIDOW aad P U 1 E GLASS of the land In urban use. ers to obey the flagmen, awrin .:Ry f ^ the largest amount of some Instances where toads are '■ V " i ■j. /■ .ft-. ■■ H ' ' - 7 .-.i: .A' —r-pr- .—; U, ' t------^-- ■ - -1,-______L...... • rACOB FODB . s ■ ■ . ■ * , ‘ • -« ' X 'X,.■—----- ...... '1 . ■ \^Chrr^ ' V MdNallydohnson ' ' ' . 01e$nevich-’Tomkoi _ GitiUni-^terrier SvillivaiirKhpury Holoombe-Kasevich , T^otd-Gorreia

/• "V- ■■

A ■’• - '■ ^ / ■r^ \ “” ~"""Ti5B5®55TEol5) Engaged Engaged The engagement of Mtoa X Kathleen Cheryl TopUff to The ' engagonenlt oC MHas. '^Richard Theodore Ban^Ilffe, ToAim Howat'd oS Vennn to both of Manchester, has been_ Aarchangeflo A . lyA m ato o f announced hy her parents, Mr. M anch^er haa been announc­ - and Mrs.. James TopUff o l 144 ed hy tier parenfts, Ikfr. and Mra. Autumn EK. - Jooepb B. Howard otf 73 Qeoi^e Her fiance Is the son of Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Bdgar BarracUffe of I Her fiance Is a son <0t Mr. 08 vr. Middle '^ke. and A m AnthoiQr lyAinaito o f Miss TopUff 'to a 1067 grad­ ■ a X 167 Branford S t uate of Manchester High School \" Miss Howard, a 1966 gradu­ ■ X ' and wlU attend Hartford Hospi­ X .. ate of Rockvme High School, Is tal School of Nursing. Mr. Bar­ ^attending Manchester Coiiunu- racUffe Is a 1083 graduate of ntty OoUege. She Is emlHoyed at Manchester ,Hlgh School. He Is the Mutual Insurance Co., employed with hto father at Hartford. Ed’s AtlanUo Service Sta­ Mr. . lyAmato to attending 3 tion, W. Middle Tpke. '-■^1 Central OooneclUcult State Col­ No date has been announced lege, and to a meinlbarioif Kappa for the wedding. Delta PI, a national honorary society. - An August 186S wedding to V > ' y '

JONATHAN KUIBY H0IX30MBE wore matching fflorat head- iin white, peile Windsor. Hartford. ^ Mr. 'and Mrs. Carlton E. Burke matching accessories, and a gt. and the late Joseph Magnam, both of MEuichester. son'of De Soto, The bridegroom white lace, ^ p lr e wmst- l . Oleimevloh o f» West er’s beat mtm. Ushers were An- ter S t is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lines accented with whtte lace drew Tomko Jr. and James son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph pjjjjj pj^j^ roses, dal- The Rev. Roy Huteheon of Mrs. Kasevlch wore a beige of 86 ByrOn Rd. The bridegroom corsage of pink cymbldium or- brideeroom o l Their gowns and headpieces The Rev. Charles Shaw, prln- ter G. McNally Sr. of 6 Morse and yellow velvet, and straight Edward M. LaRose Tomko, both ol Manchester and SuUlvan of 27 Keeney St. sies and ' carnations. Wapping Commimity Church dress with pink aocessories and Is a son of Mr. and Mrs.'Frank chids.. - t h , in- i # n, were styled to match the honor ripal«o I of TO.atEast rtafh«UnCathoUc Hl-rhHigh N«Wta(gtton, OOUBto Off j ; Chmlelecki ol 239 McKee St. 'A ‘rece(ptilon for 200 was held 30 Liberty St. is a son oi ine attendants, and they ' carried the bnidegnoonii, wes ring bear- The Rev. Paul Wlrkus of walker of Manchester performed the double-ring cer­ a corsage. Ttie bridegroom’s Rd. skirts. They wore y e ll^ velvet Bartholomew’s Church brothers of the bride; Robert School, performed the double' The Rev. William E. McGrath at Piano’s Restaurant, Bolton, late. Mr. and Mrs. George Ted- bouquets of long stemmed red The Rev. ’Emothy Foley of headbows, and they carried cas- pgpjormed the double-ring ceri- Donnellan ol West Hartford, en. . Hartford performed the double- served as best man. Ushers emony. Clinton Adams was or­ .iriother wore a peach dress, rb ^ ceremony and was cele ...... For a^ motor trip to Niagara . . * roses.___ St. Rose of Lima Church per- cade bouquets of blue datoies. ^eis celebrant at the and Richard Chrusciel - and Mins. Steiner wore a mint ring ceremony and was cele- were Gerald SuUivan of Man- ganist and George (Haiwldns white acoeeeories, and a cor­ of Madison performed the dou- ford. brsmt at the nuptial Mass. Mrs. Engaged Palls and Canada, Mrs. Chmlel- formed the double-ring cere- Mtoa Kathren Rogers of Mass. H ariy C arr'w as Jaisk Wynne, both of Hartford., green Edik ihess, wtiite ecces- brant at the nuptial low Mass. Chester, brother of the bride- was soloist. Sprays off white sage. ble^rlng ceremony. Paul Cbete- The Rev. Philip Hussey, pas- Jbhb Otaowy off BSoomfielld Edward Diemente of Hartford A reception was held at Wil­ lat of Manchester was organist eeW wore a white cotton lace tm: of St. Batholomew’s Church, mony and was celebrant at the Soto, cousin of the Organist and soloist. Baskets ol Pages were Thomas Tomko,* . fortes ooesage off pink groom; ' and Robert' Glassman The engagement of gladloU and yellow oamations dress, pink accessories, and a aetvied as bedt Man. Usbere and soloist. Bouquets of white rclsea. The bmIdegiroom'B mother was organist. Bouquets of pink of Bloomfield. lie’s Steak House, (Miemcheeter. and Henry Becker of Bridgewa­ performed the double ring cer­ nuptial Maas. Miss Judy Doyen flower girl. Her gown and head- a n tita b y s breath were brother of the bride; and Brian gladloU and shasta datoles were Lorina photo Kathleen (Margaret Perry to de^irated the sanctuary. corsage ,of pink stephanotls. wens 'WlEJler Tedflote, brother of De. Soto was organist. Rob- bow were styled to match the ^ ajthr< Kenney, both of Manchester, were a-green dhlltfon dress end and white gladioli and carna­ Mrs. Khoury wore a blue 'sUk ifhe bride was given la mar­ For a motor trip along the ter was soloist. Bouquets of emony, . . ^ on the altar. Da'vld (Lloyd Odell, both off off the betdaErooon, and WUUam ert Doyen of De Soto was solo- bridal attendants’ , and she ih a birtde was given In mar- 'Mrs. Tomlca wore a lime od ­ a coraaige o f yellow rodes. Engaged tions were on the altar. jacket dress with white lace fop riage by her father. She wore Elastem i^eaboard, Mrs. H d - gladioli and chrysanthemums The The bride was given In mar­ Manchester, has been an­ were on the altar. wood . Acres . - Apartments, . Storrs. Shaw, both off Mtancheeter. ist. White daisies, snapdragons carried a basket of daisies and y ,, father. She wore ored silk crepe dress with bride was given In mar­ A reCeptilon fo r 100 wes held The bride was given In mar­ and a corsage of white sweet­ a fun-length gown off white comlbe wore a*yellow suit. Mack riage by her uncle, William nounced by her parents, (Mr.' Mrs. Chmlelecki Is a 1964 (Mina Oonreia wore a bone and greenery> decorated the rose petal^ . . ^^-length gown of silk organ- matching dccessories. The riage by her father. She wore a alt the (Bolton (Lake HoibeL FVjr The engagement of (Mlaa riage 'by her father. She wore heart roses. The bridegroom’s Chantilly lace, designed with patent accessories, and a yel­ The bride was given In mar­ Correia Sr. of Manchester. She and (Mrs. James L. Perry o f graduate of Manchester High Bnen gtieeth dresa with lace church. Walter G. McNally Jr. over taffeta, fashioned with bridegroom’s mckfaer wore a fuU-l^gth gown, designed with a mobor itndp to the (Mialne coast, Sharoh Marie Faimer of (MaA- a full-length empire go'wn with mother wore a champagne line scooped neckline, empire bod­ low and white corsage. riage by her father. She wore a jucSMt end a ennsage off white detachable chapel-length train. 211 HoUister 8 t School and a senior at the Uni- wore a full-length gown, de _ The bride waa given In mar- Manchester served as his hr s c o o ^ neckline, .em pire bod- rose colored sheath dress with princess lines, re-embroidered. (Mira. GiuHnl wore a brown dot- Chester to 'ESdward Charles dress and cocut ensemble and a ice, short Sleeves end detach- Mrs. HoQoombe to a graduate hiU-length gown of white silk vanSMiy off Oanneicrtlout School off signed 'with lace^ empire bodice ordUhto. organza, form- Her fiance is a son off (Mr. and riage by her uncle. WlUlam er’s best man. Ushers wer^1 Ice accented with lace, elbow- matching accessories. Both. Irish lace bo^ce with beU Swtes dtess, white ajccesso- IXziiob of East Hartford has Pin-tucked ivory gold orchid corsage. alUle chapel-length train of Il­ o f Manchester High School and organza, designed with empire NiUJisdiig'. Mir. Chmdieleokd ((s a snd sleeves, and sUk organu sleeves, and peau de sole skirt ^tes arid a oarsBge "loff daislos. been announced by her pturents, ed the bodice andnd alterimated Mrs. Elmer IL OdeU off 612 E. received a B.S. degree a t Cen-' Mir. aandieileckd ((s a and sleeves, wd sUk ^ receiptllon tor 120 was held Mlrahaai of Flat River. Mo. She Harold M. Scott m of ^>ai^, i^^''a7^e8"edged vrito 'lace, wore white wrehld corsages A reception for about 76'was Center St. lusion attaiChed at the waist bodice, short sleeves, A-line o f ManehcBter (High sWrt, and a lace and organdy with train. Her shoulder-length oMgdie wMl live a t lth« IMt. Mr. and (Mrs. WUUam L. Palm- with bands ol ecru lace |at the hCld-at the Comelr House, Farm ­ tral. Cormectlcut State Col­ „ J d. trnm unnrp n. jjiEs m aiiuiu. — **>* E®® Hooiie. PoT a N«W ' wore a full-length empire gown Lt. RonaW I^n ^eU trf'T u cson , A-line skirt an*’and ohnTw.i.i«io4hchapel-length Aa .dinneriip ,.... and i-pppr,Hnnreception #«i-for 276 Mias Perry, a graduate off with a bow. Her bouffant veil a 1067 graduate of Hngllawl weaaing trip, M » . T ^ - ol peau de sole, fashioned with Ariz., and Lt. A u i ^ Glover ol appUqued bouffant veU was arranged from -yennon Afpealtments. Vemion. er of 288 Fern S t , hem ol the sheath skirt. Match- ington. For a pliuie trip to St. of imported Silk Illusion was lege, New BritairL She to a with lace. Her was held at Garden Grove. For Manchester High School, grad­ St. Miidhaell’s OoUage, 'Wtinoo^^ oarnuHnnii. ftw l wore an aqua cotton bro- round neckline, short sleeves of ^™arlUo^ Tex.^^^e^rl^^ te w - ^bow-length veil of silk Illusion a plane trip to Florida, Mrs. " a crown of UUes-ol-the-VaUey, (Both dire 1901 gwudualtes o f Her fiance is a son o f (Mm. Ing re-embroidered lace’’ out- Croix in the 'Virgin Islands, Mrs. arranged from a queen’s crown Grade 5 teacher at l^inon d’ange lace. The bodice and 'V't. He is a (programmer at tearoses and carnations. aiul ^ e carri^ a colonial bou- (Mlandhiester (High SdhoOL. (Mira Peter zjjgma of East Hartford lined .the waistline and the uated last month foom the Center Junior High SchooL She dade dren wll^*^*atching ac- tiers off embroidered lace. A- er was Scott,Hill of . Hillsboro, was arranged from a circular Olesnevlch wore a yellow suit SuUivan wore a beige linen Meriden ‘Hospital School of of pearls and crystals, and she sleeves were accented with lace Pratit and Wtiitoey, Dlvioton off Mrs. Bruce Mullen off Man- ______.Tho oouple win Bve line skirt accented with oval de- Mo.. cbuslri/of the bride. quet of white roses and baby’s cajibiffll to a gnadiuaite off the and the late Charles 6. Dsdob. square neckline and elbow- dress with matching acces­ is treasurer off the Vernon Edu­ beaded crown, and she carried with a white and yellow pato- Nursing. She will be employed carried a bouquet of 'white appliques. Her bouffant yell of United Atoonafft < W . East cheater, sister of the bride, was rigns outlined with embroider- Mrs. fohnson wore a beige breath. iUniv^isiIitty off Haaitfard, where Miss Palmer, a 1966 grad­ length sleeves. Her elbow-length sories. ’The couple wlU live at cational Association. Wip wore a at 30 Ltbeofty St a cascade bouquet of gladloU ley jacket beige accesaorles at Manchester Memorial Hos­ giamehas and stephanotla Imported sUk illusion was ar­ jjartfftottti. ' matron of honor. ed roses, and a cathedral-length raw silk suit with beige and - Mrs. William Walde of Bed­ Elbe was .editor off the yeairbook uate of Manchester High tiered veU of iUusion was at­ 27 Keeney St., Manchester, im- Mr. Holcombe Is a gradriate and stephanotis. and a> coraage of yellow cym- - pital. (Miss Elizabeth Pahitma of ranged from a cluster 61 orange train. Her fingertip veil of silk pink accessories and a corsage ford Hills, N.Y., sister of the and a mtCDnlbea' loff Gama Chi school, to employed as a oom- tached to an open cap of or­ tU Aug. 12, when they wlU move Manchester was maid off honor. of South Windsor High School. blossoms trimmed with pearls itoM Carol Verge of Hartford bldlum -orchids. The couple; bride, was matron o f honor. Rho honorairy tsoclety arid (Delta ganza and lace, and she carried Mr. Odell, also a graduate of Illusion was arranged from a off^^ptak daisies. The brlde- formerly of Manchester, waa wlU be a* home after July 17- ; puttot at Pratt and Whitney, to 2636 Green Brier Dr., Apt. Bridesmaids were Miss Carol Be' received a oi'vll engtoeer- and crystals and was worn over matchtag double headbow, and] groom’s mothw yfore a pink Bridesmaids Were Miss Patri­ F ill AlpOra sorarffity. She to on a colonial nosegay of pink, 223C, Ann Arbor, Mich. Man^ester High School, Is a ing degree at Worcester maid of honor. Bridesmaids at 187 Evergreen Ave. Hartford.' Division off United A ircraft Moore off. Hartford and Miss a cathedral-length veil of illu­ she carried a bouquet of lUles; dress with accessories of cia GluUni. of.. East Hartford, Uhe teaelhdmg staff ^ Eaist C a th -_ ___ white and blue roses, daisies, Mrs. Sullivan is senior at Central Connecticut XT were Mtoa Kathy Tomko and Mrs. Olesnevlch, a 1664 grad- Oorp., East Hartford. Mr. a 1968 grad- Marilyn Newmarker o f Rock- (Mass.) Polytechnic InsUt|rte, sion, w e .carried a bouquet of Reynolds^Whfte of the valley and leather leaf darker shade off pink and cousin of the bridegroom; and oOSc (High pchooO. Mir. GHuUhii at- a 1963 graduate of East carnations and stephanotls. uate of Rochester Senior High f^ate Collie, New Bri^n. He ■>' be was a member of Phi corsage of white datoies. June H lpln s, ^ of Men- uate of Manchester ^H l^ School Lambda Phi white roses and stephanotls. •MTitw Margaret. Ronayne of..... New-> tended .T»-(Hdott OoUege o_ f .w-.—,- Hartford H igh 'School, attended Mlaf.^,.S!a8fui Ludwig of Ro­ School and a 1 ^ g;raduate of to a member off Lambda Pbi Pendants were Gamma Delta fraternity. He is fern. Alpha fraternity, and will serve Mrs. Frederick C. Ring Of accents, long organza sleeves _____ A ^ breakfast tor the wed- ^ “ t®^ n c e lv e i a n _ ^ t o t e degrw In Ington. Mary Ann Shonty of Haatlford. -He wbb an adr poOice- AMlanoe College, Cambridge chester, Mich, was maid of hon- the University of Michigan. She dressed alike .in maize floor- a commissioned officer wMh as chanceHor/ during the fa ll Bedford, Mass., a cousin of the edged In lace with ^tats over ding party and Immediate fam- ^ East Hartford, niece of the man hi .the U B. A ir 'Foove for Springs, Pa. He to a member Bridesmaids were Miss taught a I special class this year length gowns with mint' green the UJSi. Public Health Serv­ tiles was held at the Suburbia West Hartford, atoter of the Hartford State Technical Inrtl- semester. / bride, was matron of honor. the hands, A-Iiite skirt with Lewis - Darico bridegroom, was flower girl. fooir yeans, isenvisig in Italy. He of Sigma Tau Ganfima frater- Patricia Sullivan of Manchester, at the Mark Twain School, Hart­ organza sleeveless coats. They ice, M«tuchen,~N-J. Countrv Club DeSoto an Aff- bridegroom; Mtoa Linda Kiel- tute. She to employed as a pro- Tbe bnBded. attendants end to an indusintol buyer at Jeoobs A December wedding ls> Bridesmaids were Miss Jane front panel of lace attached to nity. to employed in the sister of the bridegroom; and ford, and w ill teach in the Ann Becker of Bridgewater “ and flower giri. were drcBCod alike in (MIflg. Od., W est (Hentford. (He Arbor area in September. planned. ^ an empire bodice, .aiid watteau, data processing department at Miss Paula .Rosen of Manches- Miss Coleen Hartley of. East fufll-llength gowns o f pale pink attends ithe lUnivensilty off Mr. SuUivan is a 1664 grad­ chapel-length train bordered Pratit a n d ’SWtney,. (Di'vlsion <«r. FTC Charged Back " Hartford. \ witii a wide band of lace, ongenm, designed- wilth emiptoe Hantfond, end to a proffessliofial uate of Manchester High School nuui ui ------centetine on Cbne Cbd, the veve dressed aUke In and Hartford State Technical o f United A iid ro ft Coirp.. (Baat The bridal attendants were ' , ' '■ '' •*. '* ■ bouffant elbow-length veil bodtoes, wUtte bell aleewas ep- musBcdan. Hartford xJ dressed aUke In pink cotton, and a 1967 graduate of ’Trinity The bridal attendants were “ ed ta marriage Saturday mom- ^ at Wfeynesvllle, floor-length alcevdesa gowns of Inrtltute. He to employed as silk Illusion was arranged from , ^ i ------— ■>------— ■ The wedding la placed for vertlcaUy pin-tucked dresses, College. He wiU enter the Unl- dressed alike In full-length chiffon, deslc ned with program m er. at Management Gas Station Operators gowns, of pink chiffon' over a petal headpiece of lace and tag at Second Congregational ^ vvhHe Lit MdNallty to rta- Sept 16. fashioned with enipire waist- versity- of Michigan Medical ttmaed at Ft. Leonaxid Wood. sBitin bends aocenting the em- Computer Services Corp., Expo Tour Begins Unes, cowl necklines, cap School next month. crepe; fashioned with empire seed pearls, and she carried a Chtirch. p4re watotlioe end sheath akirto. West Hartford. bodices of white cotton lace, bouquet of white carnations and xijg ^ the daughter of Oppose Sales ^Gimmicks’ elbow-length trumpet sleeves white roses. ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Oiase Miss Betsy MbNamara of A reception tor 160 was held' Area Weather 'With ruffles, A-ltae skirts and Mrs. Roland Fdbarskl of of 671 Hartford Rd. The brlde- _ Coventry - \ NEW HAVEN (AP) An or- nies with "recurring Indus- Manchester waa maid of honor. at the K of C Horne, For a mo­ chiffon trains attalched at the Manchester was matre^ of hon-' groom to the eon of Mrs. Vlr- WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) gsinlzation reperaenting 1,860 try-wide 'anticompetitive prac- She wore a full-length empire' tor trip to the Pocono Mbun- Queen, Sealed Away shoulders. They wore matching or. She wore a floor-length gown gtala V. Lewis of 107 W. Middle Wedding Fog once again blanketed the gown of pink and white crape. tatas, Mrs. Lemlra wore a gold norytieast during last night, the \ > ^ e r i p e ^ r s of - gasoline encouraging^ for us to picture hats. The honor attend- ' of yellow, designed wtih linen Tpke., and the late James W. Lt. CoL Stephen Layzim - ant carried a bouquet of pale fashioned With A-line skirt, and colored suit with white aeeea- U.S,- Wehther Biureau reports. statiiHis In Connecticut has ggg federsil agency agreeing top with three'.quarters- Lewis. - ' Lemire • Nowic ptak train. She Wore a match- series and a white orchid cor­ From Demonstrators A weak low pressure system seconded a charge by the Fed- with some of our thought," pink daisies and deep pnnk ros­ length sleeves, crape sheath Bey., Felix M. Davto, pas- MONTREAL , (A P ) — (JueeiJ^ Inspected the Britannia’ s hull es. The bridesmaids carried ing pink headbow, with face sage. D tm m A L formed .over e ^ e m Quebec eral Trade Commission that oil the rotaUers gnraiip said. ' skirt, empire waistline outlined tor of Second Church, per- veil and she carried a cascade Mrs. Lemlra, a 1064 grafhiate- EUzabeth^urs; Expo 67 today until ju^ before departure be- Retiring from Air Reserve bouquets of deep pink cosies. abeth jtoun and is associated with a slow companies’ sales "gimmicks" "We can only hope- that some ' wlth a band of yellow datoies formed the double-ring cere- bouquet of ‘pink carnations and of Manchester High School, to; wlto only the footfalls of securi- cause a Canadian separatist moving cold front extending Stephen Loyzlm of Merrow deny the consumer lOWer prices, of this thinkhig w ill filter Mark C. Chmlelecki o^ Man­ and a flow-length panel train .niony. Mrs. Mildred Calchera ty men behind her and her sub- gn^up had threatened to per- sweetheart roses. employed at Baiicb and Lomb down through Pennsylvania. Rd.', a Lieutenant Colonel In the The group, the Connecticut down to the state level and have chester served as his brother’s attached to the bodice by a organist Bouquets of white Bridesmaids were Miss Su- OpUetd Oo., Hartford. Mr. Lq- Jects kOpt away! from their mon- form a "patriotic act’’ against These are largely responsible best man. Ushers were Carlton United States Air Force Re­ Gasoline Retsiilers Association, the desired effect on the leg- bow- She wore a matching clus- gladioli and carnations decorat­ san Nowtckl, rister of the bride, mire; a .^19^ graduate of Man- arch by water, security guards th^Britannla, for our present and forecast Burke Jr. ol Manchester, broth- ^ ter of daisies on her head with ithd sanctuary. i' - ; serve,. Is retiring from the mil­ represents more than half Of, Islators and commlsslonera in and Miss Deborah Bates, both Chester IBgh School, served tor and rope barrleis. ■ae queen technically did not .j^eather conditions. They are the 8,600 gasoline outlets- In the Connecticut." \ er of the bride; Jeffrey Morton matching face veil, and she . The bride was gtyen/lii mar- of Manchester. Their tight blue four years with this tl.S. Air Pelke ' again took security enter Quebec Province on her Cx part o f-a n imchanglng upper itary after completing 30 years state. The ' remainder are ------i------’ of I^ k v lU e , John Ksienlewlcz carried a bouquet of white and rtage by her father; She wore a gowns and' headbows were styl­ Force. He to employed at Pratt measures that some Canadians trip to the fair. The man-made air pattern which shows little of service In active duty and Owned and operated by gaso- of Northampton, Mass., and yellow carnations ^ and datoies. fi,ii.i«rigth gown, of ChaiitiUy ed to maitch the honor attend- and Whitney, Division of United considered overzealous andi un- .Islands are considered "intema- sign of Improving until tonight reserve assignments. 'Une complmles. Robert GddMoii of Manchester. I Bridesmaids' were Miss Sal- lace, designed with j long ant’e, and they carried cascade Aircraft Corp., East Hartford.-, necessary. ' tional’’ territory and this dlplo- Narrow but 3 Stories at least. 1 Loyzlm’a military career be­ The state legislature, was a ly A. Asp Inwall of Manchester, sleevea, jewel neckline, bouffant bouquets Of pale pink carna- The couple will be at home al­ But nWoiniH recalled ,the matic convenience gave Quebec NasaW photo The coldifront Is expected to gan In 1936 as an enlisted man second target of the retailers’ 'ronCYO—Oin .Dendrsoeltoe Tok­ ' Mtoa Judith A. Goalee of Wap- sk lit and chapel-length train, i tlons. ter July 0 at 88 Oak St. queen’s 1964 visit to French- and Elizabeth a chance to avoid pass Connecticut ‘ early this In the 118th Observation Squad­ Engaged ' statement, released. Saturday. yo theme to'* a tflureoEfeany buUld- ptag and un— Iris Hershkowltz Her lyeti of silk Illusion was ar- Kerry McNamara of Man- speaking Quebec, when she was a formal reception, evening and should be followed ron of the Connecticut National The Msociatioh criticized' the ing oody- four foet wSdo. A ot aiint/m, Maas. Their aqua rangi^d from a headpiece of , Chester serveil os best man. Guard.' i He was commissioned y The engagement 6f Miss Oar: su b je^ d to Insults and noisy Th e 'queen returns by yacht by a slqw. \clearing trend, dur­ lawmakers for falling' to ap- tbOtonnaker’s sbop aaomitew tihe gowns and headpieces ware de- rosea, and aha carried a colo^- Ushers were ^Robert NowicU, in 1942'and during World Wfir tola Ann Leamy of Manchester E S T o w n demonstrations by antl-Britlsh tonight to^ Kingston, (^nt,,. and ing the idght^ . ,, prove bills which would have fKlrslt a teuwyes’to otf(tilce, ■Igned to match the honor at- ial iwuquet roses and cam a' brother o f the bride; and Jerry H served 21 months overseas Ito.Levente S. KsiTvsizy of Hcirt- ^oups. ( then fUes home Wednesday. A comblnatloh of more sun­ barred games, trading stamps the sa an tba tendant'a, and they carried bou- tionjs. Girardta, both of Manchester. W PH AR M AC Y ^ Both debionstrators'land pla------with the 8th A ir Force in Eu­ ford has been announced by her V t 456 Hartford Bd^-449^9940 shine and drier air should'make mother, Mrs. James Landers of otoer^’^mmlcks" now used itOAnd. / queta off irtiite anjd aqua cama- Miss Judith DarlcO of Man- Mrs. Nowickl wore a bone cards ^ jarred from the (raepo ’Tuesday more pleasant than rope. ttons and datolaa. cheater, ato^r of the bride, was Ill111 MainMa n wSt. ■ by flUlng stations. - colored dress with a matching Ppeo Joljr 4tti grounds. IThe Royal Canadian Kennedy Party today. :■( ’ , In 1961 while a member of the $7 MILUON FOR EXPANSION • Etovld T. Reynolds of Man- maid of honor. She wore a floor; ’ cItontiUy lace coat and an or­ tos.te legislature, Loyzlm was Her tiance I s ' a , son of UltJ “ The buying public Is also Mounted Police refused to an-^ Five bay Forecast' . cheater served as hto brother’s l«n*tb white gown n o c^ ^ chid corsage. The bridegroom’s LOlaasea nounce the size.., of its* force O n Final Eeg recalled to active duty and a«d Mrs. Janos Karvazy of SiUOty off |itioim»ang-auclb salea • WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — Budapest, Hungary. IPliiBiclioes’’. lUxe g^noup aaid, ibyterlan Syrutos of Vlr- # beat Ushers were Joseph with aqua flwers, aM carried mother wore a pale green dress Warding the queen, but Temperatures In i Connecticut served 16 months overseas in Ndrth Ca^linsL, West Vlr- Oomposeo, Francis Golden and a colonl^ bouquet of yellow wlth^ a matching lace epat am) hundreds of Montreal and pro­ Of\ River Trip the Korean Tlieater of Opiera- Miss Leamy received her BS "b y f l o c l ^ to the retail out­ I '' ' ' ■ during the five-day period degree from Worcester State lets that 'offer them and ignor­ and Appalachia have con- I Richard Kerr, all of Mancbea- and cw n atiiw . ; L NSattK photo, a wUto orchid corsage. ' ; Read Herald Ads vincial offleers were knowi) to GRAND CANYON NATION- Tuesday through Saturday will tlons , . as a staff communications. ted 87 million toward a,10- I I Merle Teaser of Manchester have been brought to the fair College, and her MA degree ing the efforts of those that Mrs. W. Joseph Lemlra Jr. A L PARK, Ariz. (A P ) - pen. be much below normal with ^ expanslon program at Un- ■ -Te^ Arm Reynolds of m U-. “ ^ved, as best man. U ^ r a grounds. In 1963 he,was appointed com­ Stephen Loyslm from WUllmantic State College, a^ma ^ m ptp t to do business without Robert Kennedy, D-N.Y., and dally highs averaging 76 to 80 A former teacher in the Man- ^fnmicks Tlieologlcal' Seminary ill Chester, g o d ^ d of the bride- **th^ Mttos Karen Marie Nowlcld 'Eiey were assigned to keep his 48 guests riding the rapids of manding otiicer of the 103rd overnight lows frotn ' the Aircraft Control and W aging lamiateur maidSo sttutiOiiB alt home. System, she Is a The association statement, fol- Richmond, Va, groom, w a sT flw er girl.* Ken- and W. Joeeph Lemlra J r , both all vltitors off one Expo island the Colorado—iRlver plan i toT bob to the lov 60s. Nq Al^- Snundmnn___j ______in the/■<— Connecticut Ai_-Air ®®Dh ame mcensea operaijoraeiw — 'H I teacher atgt Oak Hillm il SchoolSchnni forfnr lowed, a reportrenort released ThursThura- ^------neth Patrick, Reynolds, also a <»* Manchester, were married ' . In the St. Lawrence River while climb to thptl^ top Ofof thethr Otimd nlflcant day-to-day chajige\ln ‘ (haive oarnmuitoated .wlitti moro ^ Hartford 1 • the royai -yacht Britannia was Canyon1 on the last legtok oiof meirtheir temperature.temnerature.. ! ' tO«ain 200 foocign oountetOs. he held until 1961, when,_ at Karvazy served tor four the 16 largest U.S. oU Read Herald Ads ring bearer. of the Assumption. < docking. V _ trip. Precipitation may total ^ the U.S. A ir Force. Mrs. White 1 wo^n an\ aqua apriert sheate dre^ vrh tte^ ^ daughter of • j Tourists tiien were to. be grad- The parity traveled about YO ind, mdre occurring as show- his request, he was transferr­ ed to the A ir Force Reserve.. He is a graduate of Vermont dress with lace top and crape ceesorles a ^ a orchid ^ Chester G. No- j lually admitted to partitloned-off miles in their four rafts Sunday ers and thundershowers about ■the 1^ Tenchnlcal College, Randolph sklrt, and, matching accessories, corsage. The bridegromns ^f jg-f summer St. The' U \area« of the island on whldh the and camped overnight about lo Friday i . i Among his decorations- and ■■ ■ ^\areM - ..c , ------... \ ^ge^loan d e (p a .P U ^ ^ Aetna Center, and is attending the The bridegroom’s motber wore mother wore an aqua lace dres?, bridegroom to the son of Mr; ORMAL 'Brtt^h and Quebec pavilions miles from the stsurt of awards are the Presldentied Idife Insuramoe Oomipany. university of Hartford. He Is a pink crepe dress with match- white accessories and a corsage Unit dtatlpn; European, Afri­ and Mrs. Wilfred J. Lemlra Sr. ana l located. But lUie police seven-mile up-hlU climb, employed as a programmer d Lariog photo tag lace -coat and matching' ac-^ off white spUt carnation*, of 187 Brookfield St. - . . . W E RENT IT . . i planned not to-let them within Temperatures at the bottom can and Middle East Medal cessories. Both wore corsages A reception for 150 was held LBJ Appeal up with silver and bronze service wilth the Hartford Insurance The Rev. Ernest J. Coppa of 100 feet of the queen.\ % of the canyon were expected to Japane^ Jazz Engaged of, white baby roses. at PaganTs Roeemount throve. I NEW YORK (AP) — Presl- star; United Nations Service , . Group. the Church of the Assumption The royal’ itin era^ Included be around ttfo 100 degree msuri ' The wediAng is planned for ' i A rteeptlon for ISO was held. Bolton. perforated‘the dbuble-rtag^ c4ra- looks at the pavUions of Britain, Mules were originally schedule! jdent Johnson’s popularity with Medal;. 'Korean .Medal with NEW PORT;. R .L ’’^ A P ) — A engwwoto* offilOB* Su­ ALL FORMAL WEAR JN_ bronze service star; 'American Japahese band that ^ays Amer- Sept. 23 at Bt. James' Church. Id the American Legion Home. ' Fot a motor trip to New mony and was celebrant at the ( Oanada’s eastern provinces, to .be used, but because therl 'the American people has n n Marte- Tbebodeau'off Mlan- For a motor trip to Canada, Hampebire and Vermemt, Mrs. jumped 11 points since his meet­ Campalgn Medal; World War lean style at home scored a hit nuptial Mass, Paul Chetelat was STOCK, AT A lI i TIMUS^ Quebec, bhtsurlo, the Indians of were not enough to*' go" arouni mti—#pr to WteyMe S. Hlobfcy eff Mrs. (^Reynolds wore a time Lewis w&ee a pink linen drm> organist. Bouquets of. glpdloU Canaidto’e weatern provdncee, the group - *■ ings ydth Soviet Premier Alexei n Victory Medal; A ir Force With a concert of jazz Japanese b n boon amouneol by N. Kosygdn and his handling of Reserve Medal; A ir Force Long style at the Newport Jazz Festi- Diatom^B Shell B in s . w a Y n e l e w i s r e y n o : green dress a ^ bone acces- white accessories and a wnite and pompons were on^he altar., and the Canadian pavilion. A stead, The Bbell of the diatoim, h bar carentB, Mr. and Mra. WH- J. O’Brien series. T h elc^ le will live at orriild ctarsagai llie couple will The bride was given in mar­ ______the Middle East crisis, acoord- Service Award and the State of val. ' ton'SpTqdbDdeau off 1'42 BIrcb Thdi wedding of m — Gall The Rev. Jotm reception and a luncheon were H ie trip, which began'Friday, tiny one-ceDed pHaiit, to of. 128 Park Stl after July 16. live at 2M Mata St. riage by her father. She wore aleo^ Bcbeduled.______; > w___ m _____ dsimpened______a b it ' Sunday Ihg-to the Harris Poll, copyright Connecticut to-year Service The Sharpy and Flats, an 18- miite Wamdna to performed the double-ring cere- piece band''from Tokyo, played silica, main inigrodlei* Of innd at. ^ i i i f i ^ joaay and was celebrant at the MW-Mrs. Keynoios Reynolds uto a iwo1966 graa-grad- j»raMra i,ewis Lewis'4|'-a graduate of a full-length _ gown^ of silk or- A fter tight flrsi-day security night as a pilot flying w e r the by the Washington post Co. '■ Medell Wayne Lewis Reynolds of Mam m . . . ot »»<» W the University of Hart- Manchester HljJl Sdicxti. She U ganza accented with pearls and on her arrival______ii) Ottawa last area where the__ — party c^ped. The new poll by Louis "■ LoyaUm iwis I'omg been aieti/ve a jazz-style tirrangement of Ta- s*>d gitaaa. R. oonal^ of tnana- B riiU ^ a iitttoett’s g u a ^ re- imid a toilld- published in _the weekend Vedl- din, |ik)(liiiUicall aind elivte biR ^ Japanese folk songs parent h a l ^ one fitting In- ,dbestor was solemnlied Satiir- Manchester was oegantot. Bou- vdiera she received ^ B..^ ui^loyed^itt ttto S o u t h s ^ e w aequlns, designed with scooped ■x; St ' James’ ‘ — . ^ -'riepboue—•- ^ Oo., Man- neckline, long ’tapered -* siraves, their BUkveillance and ing up as hs left’ tor hto return tlons of the New YOrk Post, CSwentiry. He^'wes deleted to Sunday afteimoon ahd were addie the ottter.- ; day monting at St ' James* queto of white flowers wen on degree. 8k® to a tepchw^ 7 V ' m e n 's SHOP Lewis attended A-tine skirt and ohapel train. inwrttoK In Ontario trip to Pate, Ariz. , shows Johnson with a 66-44 lead ftmr teams to the gwienal as- caUed back tor, a repeat per-1 — r—— — — - the altar. itoh. a t Rham High Scliotd. chest Technical School Her boulfai^ veil of silk lUu- "The Marvel off Main Street'’ thidXqViiwii lU close dnrttig (3n Tuestoy, = the ^ u p will over both'Mlchlgan Gov. G eirge semlMy,. 'wlhoro to the l;i06a end tormance .iaf the evening' con RING ALL THE BELLS p m ; hSL o Mk Hobby, a 'Tlie bride to tite daughter' of The bride was given to maiv- kroii Mr. birthday ' - le stars, InclUdliig Gre^ry Peck dent Rlc)iarff M. Nixon, \ aistofi/t majortty and assistant Some 2,000 people attended John V. Lindsay wants ‘ New ghth Dtstvlct Fire she carried a cascade bouquet |K FOEUCAL WEAR RENTAIAT Yorkers to ring bells July 4. He dumtUly lira, d e s l ^ oueen saUed to BxpoCand Edward! G. Robinson, who Last May, the Harris raUpg aantoonWy leader, irei^pectilvely. the band’s afternoon concert, and Jo)m Mather of carnations, roses and baby's fi^m tom w all, l ^ , * ' Sunilay arc a movfe at P ^ e . A showing Johnson a negative 47- 'Wilth Ms; w ife, he'matoitatos another 7,000 were on hand for said the city will “ring what­ ■ ' ANttranfbcr IMS woddbM to,D«lbert A. Reynolds of 260 Am-scooped neckline and bod- toe O o m »ecti(^^u^,,U fo ' ^______with lacs Insurance Oo., Hartford. cC I>dC(tiay. breath. with Prince Pbllip; ipTogmen b«|heoue is acheduled. 6S- ! end two powecffultbeir evening encorq. ever bells we have.” \tumn St ids s \ X- ■A ,V, • f' s. A' i \; ■ )> ' l l •

' Y V 1 ' € BIANC5HESTER EVENING HERALD, SlANGHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 8, MANCHESTER'EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JULY 3, 1967 ------.....;------r - Ole next logical 'quasttoos. Where, NomirmHon a Year Away / f i . : i l a t t ^ 0 U r tisely, was the danger T Wlas It in some' Morse Hits combination between the„liigredleiiihi of the digar^''and the tegi^eatv of as­ McNamara’s bestos T Or were the ingredlenta of the The Baby Has cigaret merely, the oanier ftir (be in­ R ib ic o ff? ______o o .. m a u Biwn atrMt gredients of the asbestos? Or, fingity, Viet Trips 464 E A S T c e n t e r ST., MANCHESTTBR ^ , U M K b m u r . Otam. w a iH t o B. itoaraoN could the Ingredirots of the cigaret it­ NEW HA'VBN (AP) — The PtiU W teiB self have been of no impoibanoe, and Q uestioH ■ ypunlUd OotObT 1, MB.______- ^ could the danger have resulted not ftom HARTFORD u ~ triji to Vietnam of Been Named r u y Brentiic Bsc«pt SuateM - Which astate which ' overwhelmingly er Frederick Pope Jr., 47, of. Defense Secretaiy Robert Mo- BiteredBtm e Poat O ttk s e a t the composition of the olgaret, but CpnneoUcirt^pUbUcan has the rejected Barry Goldwater, could Fairfield. Pope’s standing with- l^auiara is viewed O o o n ., aa' SaoaDd Otaaa KaU merely from the phyaical process of “omi­ best cheittie of unseating' u .S . ^ ™^J®r llabiltity at the polls in his own party may have been nous” by Sen. Wayne Morse, Tourvltle Laura Lee, daughter .of Robert James and amoking-r-the taking in of gulps of as­ . 3 ^ FKBSB ' Chairman Howard E, HaUsman. Donald J. Irwin. Slbal’s Image Fourth District. /■ - Ttie Aaaooiated Presa ia ezolualyaly antiUed ly new confirmeution of theories long said that "each trtP of the Sec- Sibiridey, Jonathan L, son of Howard Slbirsky And to Hm uae of repuliU canoa of all n e m lUa- Rlbicoff wlU be a redoubtable “ ^ vote-getter has been dam- —kihgman Brewrter Jr., 48- retary*“brli^**^teOT step-un •Donna Ossip Slbirsky, 63. Highiriew Rd., Wapping.. He was Tatchaa credUad to H or not othtinriaa credit^ ' held by some amateurs, which is. teat JU LY 4th I ad In thia paper and alao the local newa pub- opponent. He Is one^f the seems more likely year-old president of Yale ^Jn!- m the w* ■ bom June 25 at -Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal UMi#d here. tee higher Incidence of lung cancer in state’s best-known cltlzef»;^s he this point teat he will be versity, a man who reportedly “Rumors ’ about ihe purnose gran(imoith6r Is Mrs. Mary OMp, Brooklyn; N. Y. His pa- Ail riabta of rapubltoatioa of apecial dla- patobea nerau are alao reaarrad. recent decades owes much more to tee is a very effective campalgneb; for national GOP com- was sounded out by .the state pt hla trip range frdm a review tomal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. MuiTay Slbirsky, heavily increasing pollution of our air and ho. has the enormous ad- ™«eeman than for U.S. Sena- GOP In regEird to the guberna- of the request for 'h),000 more Brooklyn, N. Y. He has twin brothers, Jodhua'and Da'vid, 5. T he H eraldlid PrinUnc Ootnpanjr Inc.,- as-. « » .* * * aum ea no flaancial leaponaibUlw for tj^po- than It does to tee less heavy actual in­ vantage of occupying a high of- , Wrial nomlnrtlon last year. Un- American troops to toe rumor ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★: _____ errora appearing In advertlaeinents crease lif tee amount of smoking done flee that keeps him cpnstanUy WaUace Barnes, like tee man who got tee gub- that an itarasian of North Viet- . Dougan, Kyle Jrtin, son of John R.' and Joan Crom­ ' w ar other reading matter in the Hancheater ------——-— ------E n entog H erald. . ______by individuals. What may be the ex­ In the pubUo eye. . of Farmln^on, an articu- ernatorial nod, Brewster has naan iby a E A ’PO countites te to well Dougan, 13 Sanitina Dr. He was bom June 23 at Man­ Running against Ribicoff is ® Impeccable credentials as a loy- be ifiniaffized,’’ Morse salH. chester Memorial Hoispital. His matem al grandparents are nil! aervice idleat of N. E. A. Service, Ihe. planation for tee rise of lung cancer J Choicest Meats In Town Publlshera Representatives — The Julius not the surest path to political hor I f ' ^ Republican. His good looks, The Oregon senator noted that Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cromwell, 50 Coolldge St; His paternal Ifathewa Special Agency — New York, Chi­ among tee general population might be, cago, Detroit and Boston. glory, but there are still quite “ J* than most of his hU performance on several fed- Congress hasn’t declared war grandparents are Mr., and Mrs. John V. Dougan, 44 Gard­ in other words," tee way, inhaling, amok: a few men who would be very Hart- eral commissions and his posi- m Vietnam, saying that* is one ner St. He has brothers, Scott James, 4, and Uavld IfTCMRER ATTDTT RTTREATT O P CTTRitTlrLA- ere keep gulping down tee air of their m Christopher, 1%. ' TIONS. happy to get the chance to do soeintinn Manuiacturere, As- tlon head of a Reading uni- of the reasons why many U.S. I OPEN ALL DAY cities and blghwayB. Is it tee smoke of it. sociation. . versity add up to a lot of glam- students have grouped together *.***• tee cigaret which Is, dangerous ? Or Deciding which would be most —State Benate Minority Lead- or and prestige. In colleges throughout tee coun­ Bernard, Christopher Peter, son of Pierre R. and Pa­ merely what rides tee smoke down Into likely to succeed Is only part try In refusal to fight In that mela S. ^ c h a u d Bernard, 95 W. Middle Tpkp. He was bom TUESDAY For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. For 'Ihursday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. our lungs? Should there be a warning of the problem. There is also conflict. June 23 at Manchester Memorial Hospi't^. His maternal For Friday — 1 p.m. Thursday. of danger pasted over our air? Any­ the question of which potential . .The war is reaching the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.' Michaud, 6 Ertel For Saturday — 1 p.m. SVWay. Dr., Rockville. His paternal grandparents are' Mr. and Mrs. 4lh OF JULY Classified deadline — d p.m. day before body can give up smoking. But who can candidate can win broad sup­ Korean Soldiers Clash point where many more will publication. 6 p.m. Fiideiy for Saturday port. within his own party; a resist taking part. That, of Louis O. Bernard, Pall River, Mass. voluntarily ^ve up breathing? • * • 4, and lOonday publication. party which has been tom by course, is why tee President TILL 6 P.M. Motiday, July 3 factlonalism and disheartened and his administration dare not BkmnerUng, James Mark, son of George J. and Eleanor by defeat. As Humphrey Visits ask for a declaration of war,” ' Yple Emmerling, 118 Henry, St. He ■was bom June 24' at with a full line of quality SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — of ■ summer vacation without he said. Matiohester Memorial Hospital. ' His matemal grandmother' The W isdom o / '^ iacLeish Who are tee potential candi­ dates? Norte' Koreans killed seven holding final examinations'. “They know adeclaration of Is M'rs. John Yule, Leqminrter, Moss. His paternal, grrandfa- Picnic Supplies ■ # Charcoal This Land Of Ours When sometMody a lot wiser than most _____ „ South Korean soldiers and Humphrey’s visit included war will split this country wide ther is George A. Emmeriing, Leominster, Mass. He has a Any list would have to Include Complete Line of Fine Meats As Amertcaiis approach this FViurth of us can ever hope to be holds forte In State'Sen. T. Clark Hull oTETaJi^ wounded five from ambush and brother, Paul, 15; and two sis^rs, EUzabeth, 18, and Susan, bury. ‘ who • with charaeterifitin ^ ^ leaders in which he called on split.*. 16. , o< J u ly , they may note that, a ^ e from piiMic, tee most Important thing any * * • • • Cold Soda • Bakery Products the normal advicee to try to drive and of us can do Is listen or read and quote. lack of coyness has made no Wiled in their 'governments to pay a Morse urged that the United secret of his desire for tee nom- h greater share of tee cost of eco- State seek negotlaUons on a Newmariter, CSieryl Ann. daughter of -Edward and swim safely, and aside from the noirmal Archibald lHacLeish, tee popt, tee Inatlon. President Hubert H. Humphrey nomlc and social aid to South multilateral basis that will In- Lynne Dart Newmarker, Burnham, Maine. ' She was born Fresh Produce and Dairy Products observances of our number one national Statesman, tee philosopher, tbe teiidcer, HuU, a 46-year-old lawyer is foreign leaders were Vietnam. He was said to have ®fo'*® fo® United Nations or par- June 24 at 'Valley Hospital, Pittsfield, Maine. Her grandpar­ holiday, there are oertaln other urgent was tee speaker when the summer fes­ Photographed By Sylvian Oflara In hlB third term in te7 State stressed that point strongly In “es to tee Geneva Conference ents are Mr. and Mrs. George Dart, Coventry. Her ma'ternnl 'prescriptiona in the air, teBing Ameif- tival was fofmaUy opened in Ceremonies Senate and Is one of tee most Park Saturday with Japanese at tee. negotiating table, gpreat-gmndmother Is Mrs. Lillian Hincks, 316 E. Center St. i HIMLAND PARK MARKET *■ paiia how to behave with regard to their at Lincoln Center, New York ^ ty , tee LEXINGTON 1775: OAPT. PARKER: “STAND YOUR GROUND. DON’T FIRE UNLESS FIRED UPON, popular personalities in tee ^ ^ f Prime Minister Elsaku Sato. We must ask one of teese She has two Sisters, Laura, 4, and Janet, d 8 months. 317 Highland St., Manchester — Photie 643-4278 ^ ' oountryvand its birthday. other day. , ' BUT, IF THEY MEAN TO HAVE A WAR LET IT BEGIN HERE.’’ General Assembly. However, In ^ Humphrey today he to take jurisdiction If a ^letriotic jnovle Star named tee minds of many voters and Relieved Japan should cooperate ° '’®*; the war, to hold tee par- Bastarache, Lucy Miorie, daughter of Joseph F. A. apd ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★. Fittingly, he Spoke, on tee value and Sandra Hall Bastarache, 56 Baas Dr., Enfield, was borit • Chuck Oomibin has his way, we will meaning of tee arts, to which Lincoln polltlclans, his name is virtually X T - tee fo ? e 1 m rtritora^e™ security of tee Asi- “es to a ne^Uated settlement, synonymous with tee cause of r® i U' Japan Is ®J^® ^ advance - to be Julie 4 at St. FVancis Hospital, Hartford. Her matemal grand-'' convert this peiticular FViuith of Jtdy Center is dedicated. 8 0 8 parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Hall, East Hartford. Her Herald legallztag horse-racing. Thisrru,: southwest ^bout 60 mUes to the barred bvby itsIts constib.Hon-constitution; bound by the results. Into some kind of pponouncement of our Inevttabty, being MabLeish, he spoke A Thought for Today “ Until we do that,’’ Morse paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Felix BastaraOhe, Sponsored by the Manchester characterization of Hull as “tee though, from providing miljtary approval of the war iit Vietnam. It does to poHtics and to all of life. Inside By Rowland Evans Jr. V Yesterdays As Humphrey paid his fare- aid, and Humphrey did not ask said, "our talk about our will­ Bast Hartford. Her matemal great-grandmother is Mrs. Lucy H nervous at speaking in public, but they ask me to tell not seem to occur to thode who wlah to Being wise and with tee sight of tee Oounoil of Churches horee-raclhg sanatori’-a ^ell call on.. Park today a few for it. ingness to negotiate Is empty B. Reid, 650 Lydall m . Her paternal gfeat-grandmother is yeuout there in Newspaperland to call up Long Distance acterlzatlon with Irks Hi..,turn be-ub- hours before leaving for he organize their fellow Americdt^ into ap­ seer, he spoke of the key defect of our Robert D. Novak 25 Years Ago SEOUL (AP) — U.S. Vice semantics.” Mrs. Odile Bastarache, Moncton, New Brunswick, Can. ■ She' the places you vrant to stay this summer. n proval of the war in Vietnam that there age, which he found “as evident ini con­ (The Thoughts for the Day o fZ ® i" united States, thousands of President Hubert H. Humphrey has a brother, Joseph, 1. South Korean students resumed must be something about the war itself temporary Paris and contemporary R ep ort this week are inspired from a The Savings Bank of Man­ left South Korea for Anchorage P B, « Potest teat tee June 8 PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Prescott, Sean Robinson, son of Neal E. and Dale Rob­ which leads Americans to have dlff^ Peking'and cmvtemporary Moscow as ih reading of the Pi^ms. The chester boosts the total of tee.. today after five days of talks psalmist wrote about contem­ War Bond drive with a pur­ a rontest vdth Ribicoff. n^rllamentary election was Scientists . have found that tee inson Prescott, 50 (3ak Dr.. Hebron. He was bom on June 28 ent judgments regarding It. COTitemporary Washington.’’ LOS ANGELES—Despite his slate and sit out the conven­ “LBJ’s No. J hot potato,” in with Asian leaders attending chiton—a molliisk which clings the words of one leader who porary, problems to a contem­ chase of $60,000 worth of. most. import^t ^gged and battled police around at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His matemal grandpar­ A similar willingness to fUtt with the He described this key thing wrong landslide defeat in last year’s tion). figure involved in the choice g^oui President Oiung Hee Park’s to seashore rocks—has ironclad Thus, a workable solution is has warned the White House of porary community). bonds, bringing tee, total collect-^ Inauguration. ents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles RcAiiiison, 36 Alder Rd., Sims­ fonnuila of patriotism by mass action, or with us in the following language: gubernatorial election, former Army officials said tee am- teeth. bury. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Governor Edmund G. (Pat) in sight. But instead of work­ woVse to come if the President ed to date to $103,600. The vice president’s Air Force patriotism by compulsion, or jwtriotifim “Miaii in the electronic age sees him­ Out of the depths of our being ^ w .K «‘^^i came Saturday, a Dr. Heinz Lowenstam, profes­ Prescott, 63 Kensington St. j Brown Is Infuriating powerful ing toward it, the 'White House fails to intervene. C.R. Burr and Co. Inc., local^ Jr. of Wethersfield, leader of . few special jet took off from Kimpo sor of paleoecology at tee Cali­ by legislation, has Jiist been refleated in self, whatever his economic system, as But using a little Presidential We cry to the l<)rd. nurseryrhen, purchase the for-,, a P • * * factions of the Bsilkanized Cal­ continues to build up Brown, as tee party faction which finally “ hU fornia Institute of Technology, _ SAwtelle, Timothy, s w of Thomas D. and Dorothy the action of Oongress, doing something a social aikl. scientific animal, the great ifornia Democratic party by though encourag;lng his own as­ muscle beyond the familiar leg­ We pray that he will hear our mer C.E. Wilson Co. warehouse'^ overcame former atate rfiair- fif schedule. Premier Chung n- said, more than. 10 Norte Ko- kwon, who had said he had discovered mollusks PoU'Hot Sawtelle,' 4 Tanner S t. He was bora June 28 at Man­ that has iievdr been considered neces- unraveler of tee universe, its potential trying to hang on to his- old pow­ piration to head the delegation. islative confines of Washington yoiees. located along . the New Haven ^ lunched with produce four different minerals, Atldwill be attentive to our railroad right of way just off]‘ grenades and him earlier, was there ______.. chester Hospital. His matemal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. sery^efore in all the long history of master. And his tool is not the sculp­ er and refusing to fa^e away. And the bigger the build-up, has never been Mr. Johnson’s to Haiwman early this year as fl„d submachine guns at sol- to see including two iron’ compounds. strong point. After nearly four supplications. Allen PI. in tee North End. William Pouliot, Blackstone, Mass. He has a brother, David, this gnat fTM nation^-maklng it a fed­ tor’s chisel any k^er, or tee brush ’The amiable Brown, in fact, the- more ammunition Brown him off along with a large group which go to tee teeth aiid make 7; and two sisters, Donna, 11 and Debra, 10. eral offense .to desecrate the Stars and teat paints an image of jUmself; his now looms as a most serious has to persuade his onetime years as President, lie still HMayr^Tw^tstee^^^ ^ AmeScan: offl- it easier for the creatures to does not know how to use; his If the ^rd should mark in­ 10 Years Ago fn^tero^Steto dc^e^i^SS cials. Stripes. tool is technological infOTOnation.’’ threat to any chance President protege, Tom Lynch, not to in­ nation, for the U.S. Senate, he brush scrape algae fipm rocks. volve himself in the fight over power as party leader. Accord­ iquities - Now we cannot, most of us, undeav All this, said MaoLeish, does not pro­ Johnson may have to unite his, The citizens committee lor a ' CM get It wlteout too much The Incident brought to 80 the party here for. the 1968 Pres- the delegation. ingly, the bitter feuding^ that is None of us would have a chance. ' stand or condone whatever it is inside duce Utopia. new Howell Cheney Technical" dlttlcutty, according to some oh- „umber'TSr South Koreans and deiitial election. What is needed, in other wrecking his party here, and But the Lord, unlike man, ' some sensation seekers which makes it “Infonnation without human Under­ that contributed to Brown's mil­ knows how to forg;lve. v School is advised to start look-- seiwera. Americans killed In border Moreover, wittingly or not, words, is a strong lead from ing for 20-a()re sites on which a One of tee liabilities of a ^^.y clashes since just before Presl- remember the posidble for them to mishandle the standing,’’ he' said, “is like an ansvVer the White House to smother the lion-vote loss last year, is go­ the 'White House is going out of dome of us have faith in the ‘new state vocational school- dent Johnson’s state •visit to Ko- American flag in their effort, to shock without its' question—meaningteas. And' Its way to treat with Brown as vicious Democratic in-tighting ing to get wors6'^before it gets that he is thought of as leader re& last October. word of the Lord could be built in Manchester. '' the rest of us. human understanding is possible only though he were still Governor, in the nation’s largest state— any better. The Town Development Com­ And we (ian wait. of a faction. . Officials ssUd tee army killed WILLIAMS OIL CO. But most of us can recognize, inside through the arts.” handing out political tidbits' and mission (TDC) meets in closed In order for party unity _ to two^ Norte Korean Intruders Sat- ourselves, what keeps us from ever get­ Nuclear physics, he said, brought in­ Presidential favors with a reg­ Though we get impatient. As impatient as one starting session at tee Howland Real Es- ^ survive, tee nomination j>f May urda>,.two Sunday and six to-' Television ting cloee to the ceqpa-’™e movie was photographed, and weekend hours on the Some other leading possibill- jjj streets, 6:45 (20) News 11:00 ( 3 2 (C), 1020-22-30-40) News. But that flag has never been, and arts, it could become a great, perhaps written, edited, spliced and movie all through the •‘fechooi in the Spanish-American War. 7:00 ( 3) Movie Sports. Weather fornia Congressional delegation ties being mentioned in GOP ^je disturbances began again ■ (10-2022-30) .Baseball (C) (12) Newsbeat • 'never can become, a symbol we love be- the. greatest, age.’’ ' as Presidential liaison man soundftracked by 19 sixth g;rade year. On this date: circles for the IJ.S. Senate nom- sfisf niost universities In Seoul (24) W h afs New? (R) 11:30 ( 3) M onday S tarlight SALE Jos^ Jimenez the Bellboy hands you a tip... pupils under the direction and She carted production units ( 8) Twilight Zone 11:80 (10-30-22-30) T onight (C) 'cause a law teHs us to. We are an as­ ' We must, somehow, become capable with no word to, anti-Brown In 1608, tee French explorer, Ination are: reopened today on orders of tee , (12) T ruth or Oonsequences C8-40) Joey Bishop Show (C) Phone for resefvations. Then, as the sun sinks slowly in the inspiration ol their te.acher, Vil- of four or five children in\her (C) (20) Law and M r. Jones sociation of free people, who do not of questioning, not merely whether we Democrats here. In- another Saunuel de Champlain', laid the —P ^ r P. Marlani, 60-year. Education Ministry. About 40 Cherry table, blrob harvest table, many early choirs, thum- north, you’ll sink into beij happily because ypu called ma f^arocari. car to the marine museum, old Groton _ businessman and colleges and 300 high schools (40) News, Weather (12) L ate Movie whip one another into loyalty, or re­ can do something, with our tremendous gesture Mr.. Johnson recently shipyards, and waterfront sites foundations of the Canadian city' back Hltchoock eariy child’s chair and others. Good selec- sent Brown to represent the U. Mo6t of the youngsters never Sun Goddesses' former minority leader in the across tee country shut down SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEiEK FOR COMPLETE USTINOS ahead. Good night.. . and good sinking. - I quire of each other one thoughtless prowess of all kinds, but whether It operated a movie camera be­ ,around Mystic. of Quebec. tlon of fine gloss such as ambertoo, cranberry, left band S. at the coronation of the new Pale, ■ In ,1'776, George Washir)g;ton';, S t ^ Seimte, who thought he three weeks ago during violent common standard of patrib^sm, or au- seems good and of value to us to do it. fore the project, let alone know­ The class made a day of it From the long wlnterts sleep! mustache cup, also many right hand cups. Pope John paper ^The Southern New England Telephone Company^ I ■ -tomatioally surrender our imvilege and Instead I of marchifig to our own empty king of the Tonga Islands. took command of tee Continen­ had tee gubernatorial nomlna- demonstrations ageUnst election ing anything about the technl: on a trip to the Coast Guard Sun goddesses | tion within his grasp last year rfgging. Seoul National Unlver- weight, BoohiUBch glass. Many clocks such os grandfather, responsibUity of doing our own feeling, doom as if we were mechanical men, But far more important, Academy for scenes aboard the tal Army at Cambridge, Mass. ; Radio Brown now talks privately about cal problems involved in putting Sit in worship but lost out to E. Clayton Gen- g,ty ^nd tee 71 high schools In ships clocks, mantle clocks and many others. •our own loving of bur country. some product of our own most miracu­ a film together. Eagle. In. 1863, the Battle ol (Jettys- (Tills listing includes only those news' broadcasts of 10 or 15 wanting to head the pro-John- Upon sand thrones. burg ended'as CJonfederate Gen.” gras. Marian! is a .popular and gecyj stayed closed, and three Should we ever become anything elbe, lous inventions, we.,, need to recover the The movie features dramatic Ideas for sound effects' w^re Peering, \ minute length. Some stations carry other Aort newscasts.) G oto^rer spoons and coin silver ladle. Spinning- wt«el8, son slate of delegates to the ' picked up OB a trip to a televi­ George E. Pfekett’s army suf- ' uncontroverslal figure universities announced the start Bbould we ever atop knowing that. the ability to ask ourselves why, and for Democrati.c National Convention sunset shots of the soaring Througfi darkened windows within hla own party, and his -______WDBO-lS6e 12:15 News. Sign Off ftS x WMels, yarn winders, sphintog Jenny. Music Ibox, ships ORDER TODA' sion studio in New York City. fered se'vere i losses in his fa- ' WTtC—ION ^ love and loyalty freedy given are (the what, and by what principle. We have, next summer. He cites secret masts and filigreed rigging of At tee flaming sim ■> name would presumably have 6:00 Dick Robinson models, boohs and hundreds of other ltems„ the whaleship Charles W. Mor^;' The equipment — cameras, mous charge.' 6:00 Joey Reynolds 6:00 Afternoon Kditlon only kinds that covmt,the only nmir- unfortunately, automated our spirits polls showing that despite his That;warms tee soul,' In 1890, Idaho became the considerable drawing pt^wer 9:00 Ken Griffin 6:16 Americana gan at the Mystic Seaport ma­ film, ihlcrophones, tape record- And sears the;, flesh. among IjAlian-American voters AccoreTReqehed 1:06 News, SlCT Off 7:30 Chet HunUey 884 HARTFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER Ij^hment by which a great country W i even before we completed tee Job with' poor showing last fall he Is still ■ers and records'— came from 43rd state to enter the Union. WBCH—610 7:30 News of the World the Golden State’s golden boy. rine museum and the training Leaving tee body, ~~i outside his party. However, Ma­ 6:00 Hartford Highlights 7:45 Joe Garagk^ ‘hold and augment its greatness, thep. , our factories. Willlmantic State College. In 1941, Joseph Stalin asked By Smaller af |:g 0 News 7:60 Sing Along ■ * , Perhaps so. But there is bne ship. Eagle at the U.9- cjoast Sunburnt, rian! is reportedly more 'inter­ 7:66 David Brinkl'ey we would be committing the greatest Guard Academy. In New Lon­ Three hours before the first U^n the altar- the Russian people to follow a ‘ ___ G aslight cardinal fact about the chaotic­ scorched earth policy to thwart ested in tee jiomination for gov­ 12:00 Quiet Hours 8:06 Pop Concert . LOSE WEIGK act of disloyalty and betraym in all the don. . showing, flnall cutting and splic­ Of white summer sands. ernor In 1970—which he'may Two Avco Unions 1410 . 9:06 Nlghtbeat ' ' ally feuding Democrats here ing was completed. The film tee German invaders in Wprld 5:00 Danny CISyton Show 11:00 News Just take a tiny l .6 s b v v b i o h t annaiB of nations. | . Am erica that the 'White House mi^st im- it focuses on ship models and feel he has coming, to him after STRATFORD (AP) — Nego­ ■7:00 Lee "Babl ' Simms Show 11:16 Inveetments. Weottier, Sports Hiingrex tablet before figureheads at tee mqseum and . was ready to roll. / Araie Kim War H. 12:00 Gary Girard Show 11:30 The Other. Side o l the D ay T H ^ OAVI Thiis land of ours is iii heaits. derstand If a semblance 6f unity deferring to Gengras. In 1966. tiators for tee United Auto I WINK-13S6 ’ meals... an(l banish those We kwe it, not because we are or­ Meanwhile, Marian! has the o:()0 ^ * Thousands now lose My country! ’tis of thee; . is to be found a year from now. Workers and tee AVco Oorp. 6:15 Spei Up Hartford hated extra pounds as dered to, or exhorted to,' but because This is that If Brown does field problem of keeping- his name' have reached agrtiement on a 6:00 News weight who never thought Sweet land of liberty. RANGE I you banish hunger! >Vhy?| we.can’t help It. a Brown-led slate of conven­ before the voters. contract for tee smaller of tee 6:16' Barry, Fartier Show they could...report Of thee I sing. -F red erick W.- pjalomba Jr. 6:46 Lowell Thomas' AM) Because Hungrex is I : lit Is thus a fortunate country, and tion delegates, a rival slate un­ two UAW locals at Avco’s Ly- 7:00 The. World Tonight the most powerful ’’ remarkable weight losses I Land where my foteers died^ der tee banaer of tee right- 7:15 Frank Gifford i of?..420...even we are fortunate citizens,: strong in in 1965 was elected mayor’"'S of ~ml»« 7:36 Mike Wallace FUEL OIL reducing aid ever ' Land of the FUgrims' pride! wing Democrat who runs Los The larger 'local approved Its 8:00 News ; released for public use 41 pounds in a short' Ifreedom. , Angeles, Mayor Sam Yorty, will the overwhelmingly Democratic 8:10 Spe^ Up Hartford, GASOLINE From every 'mountain side, new contract Sunday. 11:30 Barry Farber Show. without prcKription! while. So if you’re tired also enter tee lists—bqte, of city of Waterbury. Palomba’s 12:00 Comment. Officials of Loc^ 367" repre­ Suppresses hunger pangs ^ of half-way measure* Let freedom ring! oouize, pledged to tee renomi­ future in politics is largely de­ senting 600 office iuid technical, and want really effective nation of LyndoiifB. Johnson. pendent 6^ how. well he does workers at tee plaht, said Sun- so effectively, it actually Asbedtos And Smoking: OVER 3 MILLION limits the ability of help in reducing My'native country, teee^ And if that U allowed to hap­ In this year’s election in Novem- ^ o,™ had reached tentative BANTLY OIL ...send for Hungre$ Researchers on tee problem of lung ber Another Impressive victory agreement with management PRESCRIPTIONS COMPANY, INC. .your body to produce Land of the notde free— pen. 'Yorty would have to be today. Hungrex w9l simply > cancer have discover^ a truly lethal the odds-on favorite- to beat coul(l boost him into contention negotiators In Washington. Safely Compounded .‘t.'ii MAIN ,s'iin;i:r gnawing hunger > Hiy name I love; forTAT* teefliA TT U.S. fl Senate nFizwilnotlAnnomination, ..... sensations! Result? You amaze ydu! You'll be -situation—teat of cigaret smokers vi^ Brown. That’s because still a .The time of. a ratification vote Tpr,. C‘i9-4.')9r> slimnier next week or your I love they rocks and liUs, third slate, this one committed but it seems more likely that by local 367' members was not MTHUR DRUB don't feql hungry... down *woric around asbestos. he will have a better, chance IDirkvillr K7.1.n2TI to w money back. Na “ Ihey run a risk of dying from-'Iung Thy woods and templed hills, not to Johnson biit to a left-1 disclosed. Go ! Vacation worry-free! goes your calorie intake... wing Democratic party “peace” at tee nomination for U.S. Rep­ and down goes your prcKription needed, j cancer which is 00 times greater—OO . My heart with rapture thrills Also on Sunday, UAW local ticket, 'Will drain off tens of resentative in'the Fifth District. 1010 approved, a three-year con­ Apply for an HFC Traveloan weight. • times greater—than that of persons Like that above. thousands of liberal Democratic Since Palomb'a won In 1965 tract with Avco by a vote of Go with mone^ for largely because of fierre dlssep- ’ rAYMINT tCHUiUll who touch neither cigaret nor aMiestos. party votes which otherwise every need. Ant HFC Xlhtkur rbamufol OirBdrtllM - Ohe medical researched reporting to Let music swell tee breeze. would favor tee Brown slate In Sion among Waterbury Demo- ’ ^H artley tajunctioii ob- Traveloan gives you the American Medical Association did And ring from all the trees. tee primary election. crats, hIs politic^ futme may tJ ^ e d V te e fodLl govern- cash to enjoy a '.ttieir research among tee members of a A Yorty-bossed convention 3 5.68 I 9.75 $18.08 Sweet freedom’s song; crats do than what he does him' relaxed vacation. ^Neiw Jersey unicxi whose worit primarily delegation would confront ;^Mr. July 6. The Injunction ended 16.75 29.25 5 4 2 5 Then yOiu may repay Let mortal tongues %wake; self. He. is being advised 25.58 47.41 89.08 involves Installing aSbeStos in flatio n in Johnson' and tee Callfohiia one-day strike i^a. tea plant HFC ifonv^iuently. ■ . to move on to a more promising April. Dycomlng produces en-. 41.33 74.66 141.33 onnstruotloh work. Let all teat breathe partake; Democratic party with a Pan- •: 1 ^ dora’s box of possible troubles, political arena before the Demo­ leS for h^Utx^rs and other 51.16 92.83 176.16 Atk about cradit Ilia ]Tha Moat Pottarfui\IMHelmg4 These workers were consequently ex- Lot rocks their silence break-- Inauranca on /ores at not least of which would be crats achieve solidarity. oraft used (hYietnaip. NOTICE ' AtoM irn U ti* >Saar Kalaiaad Jar pmhtU Vaat paym*!^ j^m ip a l and The aOund prolong. —^U.S. Rep. Thomas J. Mes- gnufynto*,. i ^ posed to a much greater amount of as- demands fof an all-out hard- I’fhe contract accepted by lo- ahmuu an laiint tf paid an tcM uk. COUNTRY DRIlO bestos dust than members of any general kill, 39, of New Britain, another & ' 1 I line ' platform o nthe in Vi' THE^ HANOHESTER WATER GO. 277 West Middle .Tpkn. i ,j .population. Our fathers’ Ood to Thee, ^ 'Vietnam- \ Manchester, Conn. . ' And adbeistoB du*t consists Of micro- Author of liberty, ^ The obvious way around this Etatapcr^c 6% per cent Increase effective HOUSEHDUmilAlll n s ^ a n ngular 21-dsy supply of Hungm ilMi M A for T *sooplc fibres which, once inhaled, rtlck To thee we sing; ■’ nasty prost>ect is .for hfo. John- “ o # |3 . :• 80)^ to quietly ask Tom Lynch 1 tpocmanently into tee lung Ussiuea. Long may our land be bright ta n 2 ? ^ S ^ May^ 1988, and another 6% w ill be GLOSED Those who didn’t smoke, in tee ml centa an hour retro- I " " V , Q Kiyment’Enclosed'-I-* 25c for handling » 'Tbie interarilng disclosure becomes DEPENDENCE >AY GBLPBBATDON wishes (although, he might ife-, bJ: K T b S ’SbSvT. tead Hei^ald Advei^isemetits % even more fhscliintitig ' when asks IN 1831 fuse 'to accept a place on) ^e- ' (I '1 / stand on many lasiNs., Tbls,! to contract e x p l^ ^ i,„ ' ‘ ( ■ f •M ».r MONDAY, jy jiY 8, 19^7 Pages 9 id 16 WedneeOay at »:48 hun. from ; , MONDAY, JULY 8, 19«7 the B«n(N(ntn J. Oaltatoan Fu- D l $ h p a H H ^ f l d s li^th Cirdoit - Popularity Rising neial Hiome, 1)802 Mato St, ^ _ ' - Thirty Wiiijiows Broken Oaat HlaiMiford, ^wtth a MkMi of G i r l S I t e W a r C l Court: Cases requiem aft iSft. oraancia of AaeM At Nathan Hal^ Schdiol Coventry Noisy End to Quiet Epurth tbvBicti at 10;30>. iBurial 'WiU be Throe girls who waote .their Year of Progress Shows Weiss’ Mother, in S t B em aid’s Otant/bwy, Haa- own tames and addresses and Tldrty wtodoMW at Nattuui Service Station at 860 W. Mid' m a n c h x s x e s b u s s io n ardviUle. their boyfriends’ with green aind Hale School were broken Sat- die T^ke. was edso reported to X woman'Who was aimded GOP Favors in Prospect for Resident^ ^ 79, T o d a y lirtends may oaU' at the fti- black crayon i|i 'large letters uiday to one. of several ind- police by the owner early yes- to Ooventiy Saturday ndght and R eport neraA Home tonight from 7 to 0 on the walls and ceilings at dents of vandalism o w t the terday. There was no sign of refUMd to'Alive her'name .was Holiday in A qxiWt day, foliiwwied by i n imiM BVXBth c f J(ii$y Herman Weias, and tomorroiw from 2 to 4 and Camp .Kennedy over the week- we^end.______• ' forced entry, police nniitte!. the youngsters, aged 13 1?,'and one window, 'police said, and parkWl the vehicle at 3 o’clock an fflnalfty gave Iwr name to think, generaUy, that the worst «• maifc the pant year as a good .teen grondchllldren. Hartford. toel^ ^ a ^ s ^ ^ d ^eek^^tovm ^ amnual fUrewcekB be closed dxnnoixraw. The If- 11, ‘'Inviting’’ them to att^pd has been referred to Juvenile and dleoO'Vered the d*«»age an them tWsimorokw, and was pre- Democrat le better for the coun- one fo r Ltita Jimixxr Mxleeum, MRA Seeks Bids ; - Puhorai services win be held Surviivars todude 4 sons, a Sunday afternoon Field ‘iDay meeting axitoority for the“ Ini- display, ddheduled fo r Mit. Nebo hraries and (recraoftinni cmiteM authorities. hour. later, police saRC senftsd own naJnl try than the beat ^ p u b U ca n J - raporta Ppealdeot^altar Bchifl- mediate hiring of a fxill-time -/.tomorrow at 11 a.m., at the Kenneth MIdCJarfrey of EUn- ajid clean up the mess. William ^drulot, a Park A kiddle ride In front of the She had epent the weekend to Johnson and wife Lady Bird time together. ^ lliela (n (the muaexim’a year-end For Site Work o ff B pilog Sit a t Bundown. will be (otosed and garbage arid ' Jievlne Memortea Ohaprf, Har- wood, Wailter iMCChfltoey, B vot- Armed with scrub brushes, town admlstrator,. it was ah- Miost wgianttod ac-tJivtUieis iwlU relfuise plckupB iwlU be com etsd. Department eupervisor, feport- Orand-Way Store at the Park­ Jail to Hjortfloitf. are expected to re.mato at their WhUe mesttog with the gover- aummairy, loeued rcioenitly..' noimoed over toe weekend. vard Ave., Brookline, Mass, ette MteOalfflIrey and FraiiitUn pails and detergents, the girls ed nine windows were smashed ade was broken Into sometime One of the chanreB acatok ranch, aome 75 mile# northwest nors; Johnson signed Into law a m e prograaa la also reneot- The. Mancheoter Redexrelop- (be (at 01 StondBUM; itamonrow N o reiguOar lbeU:-(rfnglnK‘' cerC- Burial wUi be to the Jewish MCOaBflrey, affl of Burlington —accompanied by their par­ m e Republican canoioaies sporta eve(nlte mony wUn be held tuMW*wW and two light fixtures ■were Thursday night or Friday morn­ herte teHtog to ta d e n t^ l^ of SanAntonlo, through ^uly 4. bUl authorizing $48 mlUlon Of ed In the ftreaaureria report, ment Agency (MRA) xvilluad- Benevolent Association Ceme- vt,; 2 daughters, Miss Gene- ents —arrived at the camp at for the board of selectmen, Wil­ T h e Mianchester but dhiurohiea ihn-ve been asked broken at a building at Globe ing emd a coin box containing sellf. Coventry paMce charged It’s felt they may Unger t ^ u g h spending over two y e a n for _ wiilcb noteo expenditures for vertise for bids In Jifly for alte tery. W est RCxtouiry, Mass. viieve MicOa)fflroy o f S o u t h 1 p.m. and spent more than an liam'^Sleeper and Rlcheu'd Nlc- Hollow sometime Friday night $19.40 was taken, police report. Her under Bie wamT^Jene DM ’’ next weekend. programs to benefit the elderly, the year of $25,131 (were fuHy Improvements to Main St, from Ooumtiy CDItib iwlll KXHidulct boll- to ring their toeMB at 2 pm ., to Memoilal Weak will be at the Wdndaoo- and Mins. Margaret hour removing the stubborn A pinch bar or tire. Aron was her under Bhe name Jane Doe,. predaent took the wheel- He also Issued a statement met and that income eBoeeded HUUard St to a point north of Ola, view mch a ple^e m a fo r Mb gcOtfer mem- oornmamhnate (the hoUktay. hom e, o f the deceased, 52 Cen- Miurphee ctf Miemphls, Tenn.; 23 or early Saturday! end She was Jaffled under this t a M p p ^ ^ dmdiioaittong ore thoit th» marks. ’ A broken window at the used to pry the machine open, er of a pale blue Thunderbtrd hailing the first anniversary o f. outlay by $782. ' . toe, New Haven railroad tracks, ^ -tral Ave., Medford. gnanddhllldrem arid 8 'greet- The scrub session ended when nnmie. * the towm rt»(rter. j m e ^ to South weaither (wffll be ffhivoratil* to- southeast comer of the OuiGG they said. convertible and drove Lady the medicare program, saying Of the Income total,' $1,6114 and to include lmprov(Bments to The fam ily suggests thait grajndcihiildren. the weary youngsters assured was realized from Junior mem- Hilliard St, Hudson Sft. and received Wtadsor alt 1 p m . a t M t Nebo manpow ifor -the iHlrewcrkB dls- T of the RepubUcM t o ^ c ^ m lt - lAmeattoaJx Legion bOBetoall plOy and a toomto iwllt «xmld at those wishing to do so make .^Ilhe funeral and burial took the' policeman ', the incident V '1 berahips, and adult member- Woodbridge St memorial contributions to the .place today to Buriingtoor, Vt. would never be repeated.. a mdtor “ tee at its meeting laa^ xveek. Bauthmaw (Rav La- 6 p m (to tUndtoa/ba that the South Windsor cerise, rookte* dUMng add wn aty, about 16 mUes from Istratlve basis.______brought in $8,266. Other The work, part of North End United Order True Sisters Crip­ "The parents were very co­ major aouroes of Income were RCneiWBl, nmBits only the go- . i ^ vreuuvGace pUbchiing (tor ithe locals. show (wllll go on' Jxist after deifc.. i ; 7 speeding. ^ John Allffn stated that he xvas pled Chlldrl^ Fund, 767 VFW Mrs. Grace Irwin operative and thought this was «?w» Hartford Oofnmxinity Chest ahead signal by three (state a vepy good lesson” , Calve not­ The caEiQiof Qhaiftea H. Koch, delighted xvlth toe proposal be­ Pbiloway, W est IBox(bury. Mrs. Grace Irwin, 78, o f 249 $7,734; servtees. Board d t iBldu- agencies—the State Highway ed In hlS report. The girls were ^Dead End Systems^^lamed 19, o f 36 Lake Sft. was conUh- cause }t woxild picvlde for a Henry St., ■widow of William North Infiltrators Halted- cation, $7,600; and services, Department because Main St. Boy on Bicycle Mrs. Katherine Gobitz . not Identified because of their snioother transition from the About Town Irwin, died last night at a lo­ ued to July 20 for hearing of Town of Mandieater, $4,500. and a portion of the reaUgned 19th Century Hand Pumper Wins a Prize • ROCKVlLiiH — Mrs. Kath­ present form of governirient to cal convalescent home. ages. For Water Problem in Areas prObalUe oatise. H e pleaded to- Remaimng funds come from N. Main St ate state highways; Strikes Auto, erine Miehl Gubitz, 88( of East But Marines’ Cost Is High A hand pumper, vintage 1825, own^ by the 'Windham Center fire department,, won the prize that 'proposed by toe charter. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth^ War- M!rs. Irwin was bom Marbh- nooenft this morning to tUegel PTA contributions, $176; do- the State Health Department Hartford, formerly o f, Rock­ yesterday as the Oldest piece off fire apparatus at the Andover fire department’s 30th anni­ ‘■me p ^ p le of Coventry, If render off 66 (Graft Dr. have 7, 1889 in York, N.Y., and iWby do oustomens to the He also Cited recent Improve­ poeiseiaBlon o f naircoUcs. Charges (Oontliiued from Page One) Ike. sharp Increase In action nation box, $288; and fern, suid the State Water Resources Escapes Injuiy ville, died Saturday at Man­ Rifle, Motorcycle versary parade and field day. ’Thirty-four fire departments took ■part. (Photo by Gantner.) they want the charter as we Jxwt returned (from a week’s vla- lived in MEinchester for the past Woodland Piark and Bilrob HiU ments at the reservoir In Rodk- of breach of peace and. taking to ^culaftlon that the Com­ chester Memorial Hospital. She $686; it was irepoi^. Commission, to Insure that 'believe they do, should not haVe OBitlon In San Juan, Puerto 36 years. Estates sections o f South IWtod- vlUe, made after complaints of a motor velAole wMlhout per- listed as missing In action. The iffPlhcithaiii, w ho Is also chair- plans for samtary and storm A six-year-old boy escaped was the widow of Chris F. Gu­ Reported Stolen munists 'Wished to show th eir' to wait one or two years for a Rico. ' Survicors Include two broth­ sor (have gireaiter compCatots customers of the Rockville mdaeton against him were con- pilots of itwo Air Force Thunder- iivinTi off the finance oommlttee, sewers will not contribute to full-time administrator”, Allen ‘hJmY '^^en his bdeyde col- bitz. ers, Joseph Rowan of Tarry- tinued, withoutt a .plea, to the chief Jets were picked up in_____ dar- muscle on the eve of America’s X lU sp ilctl ivO ltJa Schultz, 200 Union St., Rook- Police are tovesftlgattog throe over water supplied by the Oon- Aqueduct Co. were alned' at a noted that the rausexim^s « - water poUxition. - N o H erald said j.,’‘If such a professional in llded with a (car on Avon St. at Mrs. Gubitz was ix>m Aug. towtt, N.Y., and William Row­ PUC hearing In Vernon. date Df the (pirobiable*”® ^ hear- tog heUcopter rescues. One pUot July ^ n the sidewalk on mgM. tional Church of Hartford. Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the ^ perhaps 260 men holding a con- Red offensive to the 1st Corps at $80, said he had placed the State PUblte UtlCSttes Oommis- com pany cusltjomera. The water chaiges cam e as a result of a under way soon, eocordlng to prorements, n o ^ of toe rail- ^ot to smoke In patients’ rooms, g t. KniWeen OarrolL 57 Morse Please drive carefully, act uhder the authority of the fridge fit. and^alUng to stop ------She Is survived by a sister, Holmes Funeral Home, 400 weapon and its case to the isHon (ipUC) to HartlfCrd. Two vBrlied to color and clarity, compBadnft by hds mother cealed underground fortress in area 1^ possible at stny time, St.; Kathleen Oa(rroill, 57 Morse rx# osaiorifTTion and hA sub. in time, went ofif ithe curb and Mrs. David Chambers of toe foothills of coastal Bong Son possibly , along With a Commu- mxiseum cffificlals. tracks, .jvUl be pxit out to more than two visitors at Rdi.; Malcolm Frost, 43 Claire and have a pleasant Main St. The iRev. J. Manley trunk o f his car about 3 p.m. theories were prosenited. some with floating particlee. June 13 ovhen poUce say she told Part of Its cost Is being xm- bid as soon as acqxiisition and time per patient. Mianchester. Provlnce. In a nine-hour flg^t nlst offensive In toe central^ Rd., 'Vernm; Mtes. Mhe Ryan, holiday. Shaw, pastor of South Meth­ Saturday. When he went to get OonnecUcut Wetter O a presi­ OonunlseicineT Loughlto asked them he took her car and caused derwritten.by a $6,000 grant relocation workloads permit. ------. ; Funeral services will be held toe cavalrymen killed. 76 Com- highlands, where fresh North 21 S(unimiit St.; M tii Hairriett odist Church,' will officiate. the gun a few hours later it dent E. IB. WfiHems attritmted GuUiaume Is he disagreed with a diislbutbance at toeiir home. from the Ensworto Foxihdation' Wte Improvements on N. Patfento Today: 282 ; -Wednesday at 2:30 p.m, at the munist troops but had 19 dead Vietnamese troops' . are also HlcDwardB, 107 Cambridge St.; Burial will be in Geneseo, N.Y. was missii^ from the case, po­ it to the more "fasUldlioiUB ■cus­ toe cotoptalribs received arid A i53-^year-]ra/>vt pressUg for an answer. to the moUshed, of a potential 72. Hemmeler, •WillluBw.., Tertwee Dir., Rockvtile; St. with one driven toy louise greg requirements last Novem- ■ -4 and 7 to 9 p.m. ing place behind his g'Orage. It Mins. George Mjeaidowa of moonths. Breaking Out Anew me building'xvlll provide a ter residents for at least 3 years ______WllUam E. Mahoney was recovered vTndaimaged Fri­ question throughout toe heor- John H'opkinB, 159 Pine Knob ; Janls Lanoaste(r and Ecabert off 451 Center St. Sat­ 'her. He 'wiU Join the MOO full- Neivere Rd. to Birch HUl told The man, Richard E. Poirtor, large classroom tor Instruction Dr., Wappdng; Mrs. Anita La- 29 Bxmoe Dr. and must be U.S. citizens. The funeral of William B. day morning in front of 81 ing. Perhaps toe most logical the hearing her ■Walter has been was arrested after he allegedly (Continued from Page One) • one. sponsored . ^ ^ by 19 Latin— ; and lab xvork, an tariructors* urday shortly before 1 p.m. time faculty in the faU. Mrs. Annie J. Bogush Mahoney of 76 Walnut fit. was parrilbSUIty ovas presented by a ^ lo S l ^ ^ c ^ ’pmciilcal- slapped tola girt friend after she toreat of an ftraeU Invasion, ^erlcan and ^ b b em coun-. IBonte, 330 Main S t.; Mrs; Sarah d ib c HARGED Y E S T E R - WAPPIENXj—MitS. Annie J. Russell St., police said. (Office, coat room, rest rooms Boyle Speaks Police Mak^ m ree pasTOngers in Brown’s held this morning from toe The pocketoook, containtog EJdiwIn B. OObb, a consulitlng W Sy toW ^ toe was seeing an- The IsraeU newspaper Maarlv tries links w^^wal to a de-^ Noblo, 32 Walnut fit; George o a Y: Mrs. Ghll Porter, Le- car were untajjired. YUUalte Bpgush, 78. off H asaid- and storage area. Rowe, 12 T rotter fit.; Mrs. j ^ rs . H arriet Giaxximinl, John F. Tlemey Ftoieral Home, a . ch eclri^ k and $8 In cash, engineer from Gloucester, ■ ly every otoer man. The attorney rop- quoted political informants in claration by boto sides of an wd A proposal tor “Project Out­ Public Records Police said the mishap oic- of Alfred Bogueh y e a r s .” ■Thie water aampio is Porter sold the de- Jerusalem as saying toe Egyp- to toe state of war which toe To Young GOP Hazel Sheridan, Florida; Mrs. H artford; Jose(ph Berzen- 7 Arrests Ellington 219 W. Center St., avlth a Mass was r^rtedly taken from, the Mass., retained by the ovater doors,” a $57,202 request by curred as Bixywn backed into died yeateedlay aft cempany. not unusual. Irene m ornpson. East H art- jg BteseU S t, Mrs. AJyce of requiem at St. James’ kitchen table at the home of fendant and toe woman had tiahs might be trying to In- Arate have Insisted has existed musexun officials tor a federal William Boyle, toxvn recrea­ Warrantee Deeds Vernon ipolice reported today on ter St. from Trotter at the lew INIursIng Hmne, Church. The Rt. Rev. Misgr. Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard. Blake of Cobb’s toeory ■was toat both ^ been going together for three fluence toe U.N, General As- between them and Israel since ford. _ Llsk, ■Valley Falls Rd., Vernon; F r o lic E. and Charlene H. seven arrests at the beginning game ^Ime as Mrs. Eoabert was MiasBi grant to establish ein outdoor tion director, fold tiie Manches­ Edward J. Reardon was the 24 Falrvlew St. between 11 p.m. Woodland Park end Birch Hill to pre^ in ;the sembly to vote ’for toe with- 1948. science educaiUon program at ADMIumEJD TfESTERDAY: Bugle Oameitt, 342 Adams ■ ■ ------’ A. And of (the July Fouirto weekwd. turning into Trotter St. Plane Dubs tvlQiiU BiBsd Include two ter Yoxing Republican Club at celStoant.' Joseph (DellaFera Friday and 7 Saturday morn­ ‘Estates are served by “dead boto Wot and cold water toe toock of toe moment drawal of IsraeU forces from___ The nonallgned proposal gen- the Oak Grove-rite, was recent- Eric Amdergo(n, 7 B ® ^^ -St.; Mrs. Grace Demers, 254 D’Aleaaandro. prop- Two involved accidenta Sotur”” ' There were no arrests in a anoliher dim end five was organist and soloist. Bur­ ing. end systems.’’ He. pointed out mode him react in tote manner, lands they captured in Egypt, erally coincides with the Arab erty at 6 Franklin St. day night. sehond backing accident Satxir- toe pipe lines In toe two areas A report of iWevter token at On 13th Tee ial was to St. James’ Ceme­ Police said Mrs. Biske discov­ PioBeoutor Joseph Paradteo Two rival resolutions are be- position and the Latin—Ameri-. ucatlon and is currerttiy await- ^ere over 875,000 participants Wao- Ed(ward na«..and Albertine - MIelio Stephen------A. 'Sanders,■ 36, ■ off u^ u , afternoon on BiTch St. jiear Bunerel will be held tery. Msgr. Reardon,' assisted on a large map The lines were toe blame cif Ralph Messlno, said Porter had also picked up fore toe assembly, neither as- can resolution With IsraeU de- . M iA« -wr_ AJi.__ CJ — li Ji a A O .^ffi * ered the kitchen door ajar when Mark Dr. showed an unusually tag approval from Washington, m Manchester’s recreation pro- Milford Mro Karerf Bari and Georglana C. Smith, Wethenafield xvos eir®^^ ^ Spruce. Wedkiesday at 8?46 ajn. from by toe Reir. John J. O’Brien, she aiwoke Saturday morning U-Shaped ovUth ■water begtoning a kWchen knife and had threat- sured of gaining toe two-thirds mands. - - - • - ^ pfimjgf; Dcmalld OaiMW-eu, o2 IXurt Trieschmann, 278 Lydttll St.? - - r '— ------—i4,u -t'ViA high algae or plant growth con­ m7*'‘ce^r wx^d future paT'tiils pMt^y7M." m& ro^ m^Nofth’ Bldrid^e raported a xw d^ L.^Hi^fs!^^ rt^^elsea,^2l^ toe aketwne S\»einal Hotnej 121 road the committal service. but thought nothing of ft xm- from the malin line and return­ ened her, but toat he had only vote needed for adoption'. Both The assembly also was ex­ workshops and couhiea in out- resents a 31 per cent increase Rti., Wappdng; Mirs. .Agnes Kathleen Leathers, 170 North .cy. atop (sl'gn at corner of Grove St. ^ VM t aa nr 646 Pea^l l a , ThompdonvUiIe, ■with Bearers were______Francis Ma- tll later ■when she went to get ing to it. tent. The toste wore ntode from ^eid the knife while making caU for Israell/wltodrawal. pected to adopt resolutions sup- Ghideric, 91 B a l d ^ R d.; View Dr.. South W i n d s o r ;^ . ^ ^ R t 30; single-engine plane deposits on ffiltera used bytjtoe door education tor area ele- {n participatioiv over last year. • a lihBa of areqoAem at St. Mjary honey, Thomas Mahoney, How- some money and foomd the Algae Backs Up the threat and there was no at- One sponsored by 17 generaUy porting U.N. aid to Middle East- .mantary teachers, plus a pilot Several new progprams toat Irene ajxiwe,Dube, 17 La(wrenceLwwrence Sft., Marie wtane orarey,Garey, 42 aeatiioiiSeaman v.ircie,Circle; Bo(utlUer to Richard C. AtA t 10:30 p.m. Saturdhy saturoay Ed-e/o- - ™ lUc the toft front safely gafeiy on,on,„a golf, course Sunday Algae and debris carried homeowner. .tha^Ss OAiilch, TTwimp^vine eft ard Pemberton, Walter Kelly, purse missing. tack. nonallgned nations calls for Se- ern refugees and displaced per- program of taatnictiwi tor 11m- .^ere successful last year xvlll Rcck'vtiaie: Mhs. Judtto Jeanne H. Suhie. property win Baokoffen, 47, o f 8 .^ ® r ^ ^ d w ^ ^ m ^ h e vehicle bruisb- when he ran into rata and poor through toe'main line pipes, The filters Wave Hasted from -9:^. Burial will be to fit. Mi- Charles Lundgren Jr. and —I—1—I—,—------Ronald E. Ralph, 19, of 34 cuiity Council consideration of sons and caUing on Israel to ftted nxunbers of pxipU®- be continued this year. These mann, Shvamp Rdt Ooventry: Thomas Dubanoski. 95 .High gt, arrested and charged toffleate off a stot^ vlalbUltv ' cnaeTs Cemetery, SpeingtieM, Charles Lundgren Sr. sometimes backs up in a dead 40 to 60 hours, aikhough destgn- Englewood Dr. got a 30-day otoer steps toward an Arab— rescind Ittf merger of Its sector It was also noted W toe year- include weekly teen splash Glenn Forol, 430 ^Brood , ^ St.; .Jay 9t., Rockville. • o. H^IlnBon to Joseph by Nancy C. _ ^ end system, he said, causing ed for a four to six ■week Ufa. suspended sentence on ■xch IsraeU settement 6hly after and toe ca^turod Jordanian part end sximmary that work oh toe .parties, girls’ synchronized- ' „j_^_s a J oi *oji« Tyjt Titr . Ai sz ixTsivr. Patapchult, prop- sign alt BrooWiyin and Court wblch mi* enuiM Patient Held some of it to be fed into toe The teats were mode by...toe- I Friends m ay call at toe fU- CDimt of breaking and *. - g immediate withdrawal, while of Jerusalem. bridge at the nature center is swimming, , adxilt sxvimniing Laird, ^ xv«T»ni»wy ®rty Greenhlll St. Sta. d n4b ta w®® prepairiin(g Ito book ftom a pjjQf ^^s on a flight from home tomorrow Cram 2 Penny-an-Ant lines to the individual houses. Newlhnds Laiboratories of Hhot- ■wltoouit permdaaion and k y "» ,>'* ’ ' ■ ■ •- •, ! 7“ hearing completion. The bridge programs, and fahxUy holiday EEftelle Leasand, M ner, I ^ wtoj^ Wapih^, Amsialdi Heights Inc. to Stylianes P. fflam^xhte, M, drtvewayx Beveri^ xw... to Bradley In- ■ 4 and 7 to 9 pan. In a Break The algae is responsible for the ford for the water company. over $15 and under $250, . a scaled-doxvn replica of a typl- programs tor toe' sxunmer Dm., RtactovUle; Mins. Evelyn John ThompsOT Frank H and Alice M. Gakeler, of Storrs, xvas oharg^ xrito tol- gnaad (rails (on the Alraort In nearbv Business Isn’ t taste and odor reported by the Guillaume stated the test could Ralph 'wos arrested on May cal New England covered SxoShT^ • MWdoon, East, Hairttord. ^ p^perty on 3:30 p.m. James J. Bbley users. not be used os comparisons to 3 In ’connection -with toe toeft Sergeant Recalls a raxrtae at toe Manchester rates very favor- Aftso, Mins. Anna Mulko, Stream Dr., Vernon, J(^on p Benjamin Satxuday. The arrest was a re- Investigating a report of a bridge, erhsras------r- i wera (Aeunaigdd during jreBter- standard reauRs, however, as of $230 from the 'Parkade Bak­ - - -- - —1- fcn52 St.; Mrs. .. - . Michael ZlroUl, manager of 2 / James Joseph IDeleyv 57, of just Fenny-Ante break Into toe Silk City Pack­ South Windsor Councilman south end of\a pond on the na- ably in a comparison of toe cost Wtads(orvliUe; John Nelawanger, Guggoiz, Burba Jr. and Joyce Bxtiba. suit of a rear-end colbrion at day afftenumn’is raihritarm xvtwn -/^lEJast HBirtfiard, father o f Mrs. (Gontoued from Page One) Howard Phipps, who lives In did not show toe percent- ery. 'When arrested, he 'was txue center site. It Is being bxiUt hf its recreation prog;ram xvlth 45-Kennedy RA; George Poep- Hendrick^n, 72 S. premerty at 67 W'ads'worth 'St. Dolwon Avenue and Rt M., ^ ^ xlrliver, Jdhn W. Mjeleeko Jr., EUtagton Rid^ O ^try age atlore about 1:40 am. yes­ of algae in the. water, only terday, police apprehended a the. Woodland Park area, didn’t charged ■with breaking and en­ by M an ch estw Jayceps volxm- neighboring toxvns, Boyle re- pel, 64 Seeonan Ofcrcle; Mrs. Eva 'tj^v^home St.; Mra. ^jnma B. Harris, to Welter H. Uce said. The other vel^ e xviM gd Sixnnmer S t skihMed Club, jhclw.d xy U*® ^ man ^eorge Brough Both hot and cold water shows south of the DMZ. Two compa least a reinforced company. sMp (ooonmtbtoe reported. tor either East Hartford (BIRTHIS ■SA'TURDAY: . — A . son Veman PoUoe 1-84 ■ nieces end nephews. The ant hunter must be selec- The man, William James of xiled to 'go Into toe seirvice land no certain address,’ ^idmitted the same yellow to brownish nies were sent out to find it. "They came in one big wave Serviced to the sriiools end xris- or Newington, he said. (to Mir. and ®Ere. Chartea iWIck, son 'to RWand L. and Rosemary Jr., 19, o f,-22-Orchard » . , xvos The plane did "very little - ' Tbe funeral will be' held tive, catching only toe sterile In Bankruptcy had, himself, 'caMed toe poMice' Thompsomiviaie: a daughter to 52^0ak S^ ^ le Prescott ^ potter, property at 11 Doro- arrested and charged with hav- O otH ll£in V Imptact to the oraa Is shown by ^ Nazel MeircdOT, B v Y oU ng D om S E. and G«n^ L. Oatolano, day and charged with failure to Spnice St, was charged with mtesionere. miqirnlng o s to e tw o companies E. and Gemma L'. Catalano and track, he tried to nose the plane 9 and tomorrow -from 2 to 4 Reed Army Institute for re­ Greensburg, Pa., 'with $1^052.67. Burke iwas arrested several which, he said. A squad.leader, i. ^ dtecardtag the oad tags. ______... lo J O one4xaltf______d n t ^^ tax __property____... ^at, i^ve* jva right. .Hofit. The arrest wasxvas toethe failure to- obey a traffic signal Commissioner 'Wallace Burke trudged through the red diri and the foot that in addition to com- toe Broati Brook; Laura Gottiler, 18 P a r-'up but failed..It stopped on Its 1 ! and'7 to 9 pjm. 'v search,” says Gldney’s employt Local creditors Include Ortho­ weeks ago 'ajflter police raided Cpl. Andres Alonso, 19, of New ' Th? .Yoxing Democratic i(3ub 92-94 E. MhJdle Tpke. ' ' result 'of a lone-car accident on as -the result of an on-sSght ’vio­ scrub brush. One company ran k , ^ Clak, all of Manchester, .propeUar. . ■ er. ”It’s all done by government asked, "When iwUl the wkter pedic Service of Manchester, Sam’s Lunch at 332 Green Rid. York,] saw his platoon being cu t« Jensen Bxilliding iCb. to WOI- 0 ^ Town Rd., xvhere Gxiltiette’s lation at Spruce and BteseU Sts. into mines, took casualties and irar pupttB cajne from Qllatftxm- o iua dbe H- K^^***^* ^ . Amcnanagfe Rd., off Manchester has given Us The transaction was.handled The plane had been moved Mrs. Joseph Bordua contract. We get $100 per shlp'- be odor free, and taste like wa­ $25, and Vernon OH Oo. Fed­ and said they fabnd Burke in down and called the artery.^ lace J. and Isabelle .POrolak, struck a’'itelephone pole, po- about 12:30 a.m. Saturday. His called in evacuation helicopters. ^ p y p . y - unanimoxis endorsement to by the Charles PonticelU Real to the ride of the tyee. Golfen SOUTH ’WINDSOR — Mto. ter ought to taste ?’i- eral Credit Bureau, Manches­ possession of two lottery tick­ right Ion top of his position. one-imlf Interest in preiperty at bee said. ment. IjVe assume toe ants are appearance is set for Jxily 17 in The other company came un­ flortl, MjanMleld, Thllahd, Oov- Estate Co. . will be able to iday* the 18tn - Mlarie Sterr Bortoiai 68, of -1.409 Wimam Gulllaune, chief en­ ter, $41.25. ets and 'three racing newspa- "What else could I do?” he | 1I» IW, i.«y to 92-iM E. Maddle Tpkei ' JOmes Glynn, 63, East used In: space research, but we Idanchester Circuit' Court. der heavy shelling from the The apartments were com- hole, the manager said. Hayes Miain S t, -wife off Joseph J. Bor­ gineer’ of the Coimectlcut Wa­ turned pors- ' said later. “Anyhow, the artU-^ oie town cilark'B om<» on mairt, 22 'Eilaaalbeth DDr.; cratic candidate for the poet MOta St, was arrested and aren’t About to ask any ques­ Thomas J. Rancourt, 22. of The petition ' ■will be north and called for help. ; Quitclaim Deeds pleted and were ready for oc- Is a student pilot and the plane dua, dl^ }r^ea:day aft Hart- ter Co., was .unable to give a over to .Sau'l S e ir a n , referee James Daley, 46, of no cer­ lery broke up their charge, and* working' day, froin 8:30 ajn; to . 4 ver- state representative from tions.” < East Hartford, 'was charged "You could see the shells pop­ M or* Socnrlty W ith 5K pin.,nm .. by hv paymentnA.vmi0nt of o f toe tne ragu-neeru* _ . ’ ’ . . . , Frank Miairchettl to IDoiie B . charpd xvlith in t^ ^ tlo n . __ cupancy in April of last year, belongs to the O.O.M.I. Flying, • foiid Hioepttal. j specific length of time. in bankruptcy. tain addresss, -was fined $10 for I don’t think anjr of us were hit non; Rodney St. Jean, East ^hroter’s 18th Assembly property at 76-78 Oak AM Bievem arrested are ached- ' ! with operating under the Influ- ping in the trees,” saJd Capt. Isr fee plus a tete-penalty. The Jensen BuUdlhg Oo. is own- Club 6f Beveriy. A Mips. Bordua 'Was born in He ftrlst predicted several S m i^ te respresent' by the Intoxl'catlon. He was arrested by our fire," Hairibffoird; (Cecily Sheehan, Eort District. ^ - xiled (to appear in Rockville Otr- then under continued Albert Slater of Alameda, Callf-^ ed by PonticelU and Barney The club plans cure to diaiUan- HabariSviillle, arid lived in T P i 9111 RpgflFf'®™®® ^ Intoxicating liquor or Hartford law firm of ieluch, Satxirdaiy after he was found The Marines were pinned FALSE TEETH Harttoird; Mirs. ILorna Zetolt, 4)1 The endorsement was by ree- Donte B. Jbhnton to Frank cuiit Court 12. July 18. ff isconsin n esu ri g Saturday pressure from ' Ckwnmtlssloner “And we kept seeing more and Peterman. tie It and tow It back home. Thompdonivlilie before m oving to Barry and Ramenda. lyi-ng on toe 'sidewalik in front more North Vletaamese sol­ down for more than -three hours A t A n y T i m o . Dougherty Bt olution ,.adopted Friday night ,Marohett4, Mlariwx MarchetU of Ttiotin0 after he ■was 'Observed dri’ving gurke stated, "Next year, if of an Oak St. restaurant. Sknito ’Wdndaor in 1949. She -was diers.” before they could pull back. ' Don’t UTS In iter of M ae teeth Also, Mrs. Miarion Poiwera, 12 at the Yoxmg Deme final meet' end Mairgairet M. KosUx-, prop­ ^ “o ema'tically oh Center St. He » General -Improv^ent looeeninf. erobbUnsor dtopptas Jxiet E S T O W S. A lton S t ; POitrick Hum- tag o f the season, MidiVeek Service a member « f toe 'fiqamer RosOry (Continued from Page One) apprehended at a Center-jjg noted oVer many V e r n o t l et the xrronc tlm e.ror more eecxirlty N erty at 76-78 ’OOk St. Society end Altar Sooleity cd Vernon end more comfort, Ixut sprinkle a PHARMACY phrey, 41 Chestnut St.; Mrs. The club yoted also to give A motorcycle shop, an ice f*’ ^ Guilkume m t le JA ST X T g on your pistes. 469 H arttord Bdv—649-9946 .Executor’ s Diced Set at Concordia ■ S t FmMcis o f ABsksf Church. FASTEKTH bplde felse teeth firmer. Carol Angell, 28 Bolton Rd., its active support to CMnran’s cream drive-in resteurant, and according tolOull- Car Hits Post, Vernaa; Ernest Freeto, .East campaign. 'Phe GOP candidate Paul R.‘ Moatie, executor of C^coipdia LAfbheiran Church Survi’vorB, ibesldcB her hus­ Pre^suri^ Is .Ease^ .lUkee eettaLtesler. No pesty. >007 O pto $nly 41ii a miniature golf coursS were in tvte cal’,- poUoe said. He te jaume Firewbrks Set taste. Haltetoeok "denture breetb*'. Hortffiord; John Twlgg, 17 Fox- for the seat Is Donald S. Gen- the (Win o f Herbert E. Hale, to ,yL]| midweek wiorahlp band, Inicllude two sons, Bernard scheduled bo appear dn Man- water is generaUy ac- Dentures that fit ere easentlsl to Geoirge A. and Lxiatma O^-jSSUas- servllqto •during Jixily and Aug- , E. Bordua of South Windsor and damaged near the park. A win­ Driver Charged heeltb. Bee yoxxr dentist regxilsrly. • Prescripto^ Oft Course craft Dr.; Mrs. .^rali'Wojgenau, overi, brother of tiie late state 0001 dow was smashed in' a down­ toester Olwjult Ooii^ July 17. <.eptable nbw,” he maintained. Robert E. Butler, 26, of Glas­ At 9:15 Tonight Get PABTUrH St sU drug eountere. 87 Bluefleild Ihx: Mia. Mj^gorat repreeentatlve, Vincent I Geno- groive, property at 80 Piltkjn St. jbegtantag (Wednesday aft Dr. IDlavid J'. BUrdua Of U$«»na, Three local inbn 'were also ar- company te primarily con- On Rain-SoaMed Dalh Certificates of Condemnation 7^ beirvice* have m .; a dapgtiter, Mrs. Elaine town restaurant. tonbury, was charged with fall- The RodcvUle Annual Fire- OmmlngB, East Hartford; ^iCro. vesi, who died June 2. :ter a rested for tntoxloaitloii. cerned wltl( the effects of dence Sunday,that the area had a « ^ ^ Oorineettout against ^een added for ^xembri^ of 'toe. Heubiian of Morris Pldins, N.J.'; "You had kids packed all toe ure to drive in the established ‘works D li^ a y Bpomsored by the (Continued 'trom Page One) Ethel Jitinor, 6 8 ' Prospect St., long ittaess. j. tm _____ , . ------r r .. ---- ... ..V- ^ flushing and other local “IfteVW'etS‘we~n^^^^ RockxdUe, Amerilcan______Legton __ is , been cleared,of all'bdt residents 1 ft ! a iMotoeT, Hiarpy A.. Starr of way across toe kreet.’i^ ex- Rockvtile: Mirs. Lucy Ghudtao, The YR (Young RepubUcans) ”” congregation wind tpaiy be axtoy plained a waitress. "Soriiething turbaneee in^epar^^^ ftlefna at this time, he main- wmjur Cross Highway yester set fo r 'tSie Legton Field on to lower toe, 3.6-blUlpn-gallon although It normaUy is a hoU-; side o f S. Miain S t on weekenda ■ Hazard'vuie; enh eight grand- 119 Spenrar St.;Itiiomas Yost, 'dub has ajreary endorsed Dion- ta in ed . and struck a Rogai^fRd. 'albout-_out 8:16 tonilght.tonight. ^8*® toe rate of 8 Inches a fishermen’s About' State o f Conneictiicut agatart ’The Rev. Joseiph E. JBburrrt, ‘ children. '■ had to give, and it was toe win-' .. ______day at 5:46 p.m " East Hartford; Joseph Zardoz- aid 'GOTiovesi and has offered its 22 Garden iDr.; Leon Vlolette, Solution Is Improvement 'An Ibomb at 6 pm. 'will day to an effort to relleyb the i|3O0 fishermen took more than Miichael aiOd Riose M. lOarra, ptuatar (off' the 'chxirch, xviU con- The ftneral will be hdt^ dow highway fence post;’ 'state po­ services In' campaign. . r—— — —- ———> — — A: Naitlonal Guard officer. Col. 49, off 9 iPleosiUiit fit., end Frank Commissioner Burke asked lice said today. (Signal (to go ahead. If pressure. It Is down two feet tons of game fish, moaUy A special election will be held all communion setyices, Hugh Simonson of Milwaukee, Zanemba, 41, 'loff 9 ]Hazel Sft. Guillaume if the solution was Police______say ______Butler was travel- rain is tfegrdd, the bomb'WIU not too™ toll pool now. O fficials, channel cat, from the July 26 to fill the vacancy to Oharter Oak fits. exception off exfiiday, said 300 Guardsmen had been jUI are ateited to appear In to “ quit using toe Sheniprit Res- ing westeriy on Rt. M at 60 to go o®' I plan to lower it 16 feet more. inVi. last year. Jan. 8, 1969. It iwUl be held Marriage Ucenses j^iuig, 26, ixwhen toe Riev. Ken- Personal Notices called out alt Elkhqm but,were Mhricbester (Xirotolt Oouzt on ervolr”? The, engineer replied 60 m.p.h. came to a , curve and . -~.-Th® 'Irilienstato FiveiworkB So tor, toe water seeping inje ^am is about 50 mUes', kokeh i SWITKi CHAR8E YOUR only in Voting District l.Uhe Roger Robert LegusHle, iWap- rSto' Michnay off Trinity ,t«- not needed when toe curfew July 17. "No, to improve its quality” . toe rear end of the car slid.- Dtsplaiy Od. will boridle the through toe dam—76 feet high southwest of Nashville In an WaddeU School, and Voting ping, and MMdred Lee Hyson, theran Church, Stoiftord Springs, proclamation quelled toe disor­ Commissioner Eugene Lough- Police say he tried to correct eight giround ipieiceu and 665 and 840 feet long—has been area of scenic beauty north gf, PRESCRIPTION IMstrict 2, Whlton Library Au- 298 i^pruoe St., July 8. wp offHctote. BdiW'Sird Keiil and In Memorianl der. lln asked him if " anything short the skid, overcorrocted, spun ■aealhl edwred ibombsheHa clear. Unless it turns muddy, the Alabama state line. In loving memory of Mrs. Oara B olton ditorium. The polls xvH;l be open I Gehe (Wbawer - Anidataar^ 5^ | ^ d BOdger, laymen, xvlll con- COlve, wno passed away July 4, ’’Now toere isn’t a soul on toe of a complete filtration plant around and went off too right The grand ftoale wUl be 444 engineers said, they are opti- from 6 ana. .to 7 p.m ’. Academy d t, and Gail Frances duct toe midiweek 1964. I street,” Deputy Van Beek s^d would relieve toe problems?” slde of toe road, and hla car of the fheUs fflred to fttawd se- mlstic that It will hold, iTryion, 69 Lenox St., Jxily 6. the ptotor's vacatton. Atways a sUent heeitache. ait 2:30 a.m. “ Where they went, Driver Charged Guillaume replied even toe hit toe post with Its left rear. quence]ffrom six nine4inich mor- The nearest community U 6 T^n-agers Many a silent tear,,— treatment plant would not "im­ WokoiTW More The 1966 Mrth rate in Canada But ol'WByB a beautiful memory, nobody knows.” There were, several passen­ tOiTS. V 1 about 20 miles away, giving res- mediately correct the problem, Tha W ent Us Ibpiwn-fflnaiiiced idents 40 minutes before a 40- Die |iii Worst xvas the lowest in the nation’s ■TOf oi»e ■we loved oo dcsir, Where they qune from and In 2-Car Cra^h gers In the V'chlcle, police say, OK’ it will take months, maybe Opeiiing of Camp fVe*re as Husband and Chfidreii what ignited to^rampi^e were but no InjuriW were reported. ibut Legloin aponsared. iLegiion- foot wall of water would roach AT history, xvlth 19.4 -births per otoer questions that lacked a Roland W. Delnicki 18, of 686 years" to get rid, of deposits Butlef Is scheduled for appear- naira J. MicOoiy 'wais this them at an estimated speed n."wiu> passed away imtered Iwa gd, Center, St. $49-9$l$ One of the casualties-of this JViy 4, 1983. ^ ) ’’You’ get a couple of thousand to drive a reasonable distance ter, neither will ance has yet been, set, police D a d d a r io R c V e a ls have botween four and six hours automobile crashes and one* xrtous year. ter” , he stated- morning’s rain was the sched­ Deep in my heai^ yoii wfU always kids together, there is bouhd to apart' after toe car he was driv- say. to clear toe area should toe dam man drowned, ESTAfE. uled opening of Manchester’s telephone 0tay, ' be a couple of hun^ilred nuts.” tog W* toe rear a car drlv- Commissioner Burke quei,- No ono likes "tl)a xmHIng game" •— and at Loved aiKl remembered every day. Plans for New actxially give xvay—based on a Jayne B. Nasslf, 25, xvas' Camp Kennedy, for its fourth $16.75 $300 en by Nancy J. Tallman of tloned toe effect of the 100-year careful search of records; on killed In Sxiffleld Saturdayi Baneflcial xwa don’t play Iti f|t delays us — You tiave left a beautfful memory, South Glastonbury on Rt. 44A old pipes used by the R6ckx(iUe Nation to Mark euoceasive year of operation. and it delays you. So why wait? Phone for 26.58 500 JuiA a borrow too glaat to be t(dd. provioxis dam digasten, \ morning xrtien her car crashefft And, (With that canceilatibn FREE But to me, 'Wlio loved and toat you. yeaterday afternoon, state po- Aqueduct Co. to transport the MaU Facility 1\ vacation cash new and that B^, O.K. at 700 Your memory sirlU never grow old. Driver Files ”tt-takes that long beWeen toto a utUlty pole. A rertde^ .36.41 fv /r-ii lice ifald’toddy. water In Verixon, and subse­ 191st Birthday (OonUnued from Page One) came ' the cwcellation of a Beneficial.. Also ask about Benoficial's DELIVERY - handy International Credit CardI 81.16 1000 ______U Sniflge Vtlflim b ^Ui vehicles were traveling quently to toe South Wlndsqr toe^tone a dam starts t® give 8i«ingfleld, Mass, she wa< ■weenie-roast, hAve been con­ (Continued fro^^^oge One) ducted at noon today by the 1 *On 24 month pM.* 1 Louise T. Jrtinson o f 185 E. west on Rt. 44A When toe Tall- line. He asked if'these.; pipes xvlll be'completed and occupied way^^md the tiihe It actiudly «t toe tlm» In Memoriam by June, 1972. ^ v bursts,’/one engineer explains. of the accident. * Army-Navy Club In lovftig memory of my husband. Center St. has asked the town man vehicle stopped and the contribute "shedding particles, walkingXcIowns and mod. sing­ Tour oirder fo r d in g needs BENEFICIAL FINANCE SYSTEM • 1700 OFFICES COAST-tIMIOASir Blrnnk J. Cslabretta. who perseed to pay $47.11 in damages whiieh Delnicki car could n®t ®t®P xiMtiish float In toe water” . ers. Eighrhxi|iWed If.S. servicc- \J,'Few aspects of toe services ' “What we p e re xvorrled aboxit The' ca w will open officiedly so d eosmettos wlU be taken \ I ■ aiwiay July J. on Weitaeaday an<) the weenie- she claims her 1964 white Ford and rammed it in ithe rear, pb- Outoaume agreed but cited a !n)en from Gfteat :es Naval performed by toe federal gov- more than the residents of the ROBERT! esre of taumediatrijr. ljMns$^>to$10()0<--Loantlifa4nsuradkttaMreual ( You arere itMlattll iiride iw hi aU we do, sustained at-1:16 p.m' Thurs- Ude say. pljie^eplacement program 'be- Hospital, veteri of toe Vlet- ernment are as close to the area,” . said Fred Stahberry, E S T o m >,roast, xviU( be held at noon that •VIour m etnoM will w1 guide ua and pebple as the mall," the con- game and fish commission MMMQIIIIIB SMK 1S14 day. ' B«iiollclainn|mMCo.nfMan<^osl«r ^y, Mlnci’ damage was done to Ing xmdertaken by, toe .Rock- nam war, will attend as guests. PHARMACY .vvft 110 W 'iliei camp (wlU not operate on UTe must go on. w» Vaiom tt’a true. She claims that i her car -was both cars and both were viUe Aqueduct Co. F^lushlngs of NCrtoern California will be. gressman iald. 'T have been chaliTnan, "was toe. pouibUity 45iliaitfee«] i 83QMA(N ^ . . MANCHESTER But It'a not the same Uaoe we lost active in encouraging that s we that campers and fishermen rainy daya If rata Is falling at U ld d o jn jS u Next to SIhgarSimng Canter's Phone: 6434156 you. stftuck by a town vehicle* but -abl^, police say, the old pipes have be'en con- toe scene for rddeos over tiie DCInickl is schedxded ap-| ducted, and a good qow of wa- holiday, Pueblo Indian duioe'rs t®*® advani e o f toe nq>ld im- would be In toe area xvhom we OpnJalydfli. 649^5241 $ aril., xvben tfari'calnp bus be- 781 MAIN ST,F.rii»4ini OPCNEVENINOS BY KPPOINTtleNT---'PHONk ro s HOURS We arid never foivet you. ■gives no fxutoer Inform ation In a letter, toed In the town clerk’s pear In Clrouift Court 12, ter Is provided thrqxigh toe will be featxired at a p l ^ c In proven * I science and tech- could not contact." ; gins Its rounds, that day’s ses­ ' Frqserlptton Flminiacgr i PicMTiptloM ' Of Oeane sion xwW be canceled. WIfa pai«hter. Bom end office. , cheater, on July 24. pipes. Oakland. . nology Stanberry expreiued i eoofl- CkoHOTilMren 1 •1. m-- \ 1 tN n X 1 3 V

,,1. • i4 * , V . > ■ ■i: I ■>' V . I ',1- ' If''' ■' ■ ■■' ■ ' " ' '■ . V ' - " P A < » t B t r MANCHESTpR E V E l^G HERALD, MANCHESTER,, CONN., MONi ]a Y, JULY 3, 1967 ^ MANCHESTER EVENpO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 8, PAGE ElLEVBIf

IS: t h e ^ M .A H erald ion :ains . . f Wished Ron^anto. f'l Just froze The crowd had eveiyone his last four gamta. He’s gMng CHICAGO (AP) — Mfisis IGvetytime the Kew Tork along vrtth pltcnlnsr coach Joe. hysteria- is sweepinff an­ nets acored'A nsi against the and darned If It w a^ ’t a big fat hopped,up except Jenkihij who Becker ' tells his cort>s cient WrigTey Field these St liouls CarfUnals, the crowd pitch.” . calmly hurled the Cubs to their "stick with me and I’ll inake e a r l Y O S T S^orteEtfior days and the only guy it let out a dozening roar. And Long after -thfl game was sixth 'straight. vic^:^ and 13th you a millionaire.” S W to P lay Mets ^Team Effort’ doesn’t seem to bother is when U ^'hnal score of New over, the crowd _ around the in the last 14' ^imes as h4' “ That's what he tells me and notched his llth triamph Ferguson Jenkins, the Ca­ Tork 5, SL Ixnils 4 went up, they dressing room 'chanting "We I'm going along with him,” If- *01d Pros! Setting Pace Tuesday nadian - bom right-hander cheered so loud and long that want Leo. We v It Leo.” against five defeats. laughed Jenkins. “ He says two Helps Down Cards Jenkins allowed only three good years and then you get the uniform of Manchester’s -who wants to bemme a mil­ the dub game was held up mo- “They’re not ling to get me 1^*?® M o r h ^ t and Gene Johnson are run- Win, lose wid' draw. lionaire. laehtarfly. The Cards regained out biece,” saj Manager Leo hits, and contributed a run-scor­ big money. I’m the kind of guy NEW YORK (AP) — Chicago’s colossal Cubs have a share of first place by down­ Dtuocher. ' only time I’ve ing triple and a double. tfi who really needs It. I’m sure Koi.4.! ■ — the — Hartford TwilightxmiiKiit xjuoguesLeague’s inai-indi- The front runniiig^Zone A crowd of 40,4M not only Dotting' race, Morhaadt, who made the big^show Four Legion teams didSdl stolen the New York Mets’ thurtaer with their mercurial cheered every move the Odea* ing the Mets 3-1 lA' the second seen it like was when Bobby Jenkins, who came- to the trying for it and this winning rise from the National Leaghe depths.' go Cubs made Sunday, but aSio Thomson hit le homer to win Cubs from Philadelphia as a becomes fun. The way we’re le Chicago Cubs in the N a- three yesterday, leaving But the merely amazing Mots, played the game of "adbre- “I ooiMn't awing the bat one the pennant tor the Giants in relief pitcher last year, became going, we mi^ht even win the pace-setter with a. .412 average Manchester on top of the- Who are having trouble getting ting his first since May 16. a starter late In 1966 and won j^nnant.” Harrelson also rapped a triple board.*’ time when they cheered,” 195L” m" ------— standings. The locals hand- from lOth to ninth plac(^ in the race, sUILkeep trylrt^ harder. In.the second game, completing Olant imd PlttebuSr pS te Andy Czuch^ la the new tax m Nebo, advancing the record to And ' when they make a an 8-for-13 spurt against Cardl-. and Milwaukee Brave o r g S ! collector in the Town of And­ 4-1. i' . coiiieback, everybody gets Into nal pitching that raised his av­ tlons, Is next In line at .409. EHseiyhere, Wlllimantlc played the act. erage to .264. But lefthander 16 Years Between Miracles for Leo Durocher Thff Gas House Gang, dead­ over. . .Good move on the part a nthe-innlng 4-4 tie with Wind- No Jtas than 21 Mets contrib­ Steve Carlton yielded only five locked with Herb’s for of the American Legtbn base­ s6r Locks, dropping a half game u ted ^ a 5-4 come-from-behind other Met hits in salvaging a place in the standlngis ball program to help speed up ^vlbtorjr over St. Louts In Sun­ split for the slumping Cards. Identical 6-2 won-lom stoiidarta l o w i n g the bafl off the pace, while Rock'vllle defeated Bast Hartford, 2-1. / day’s qoubleheader opener that . "I can see my job now,” said (ace the c o - l e i S e ^ f w S i S ^ ^ 1^ ^ ! Both Rockville and East Hart- temporarily lifted the Cubs past the confident Harrelson, who ^ ^ I t^ lu m fh*'**ef*' traded, veteran relief *ord are li\ third spot with 3-2 the Carainals into first place. has been combining' flawless fielding with his timely hitting. S - h o T ^ Z n r ^ h f f " ^fl***.® Noim Sherry to Hous- marks. CHUCKIEMAY RUDI WITIKE GARY The Cards bounced back to take le at Pittsburgh was PHIL801ANTS— oiltflelder Jim Landis IMt. Nebo is (again the location A ------the nightcap 3-1 and retain a in recent weeks. ’’Everything Is , NEW YORK (AP)—It’s Some 40,464 franUc fans ta’s jelling for me. It makes It slm* Johnny Callison Capped a latter . . .Back In the major leagues tomonrow when Manchester share of the league lead. . tieen 16 yeare between mir- *^^*** . off three is Don Lausen,'who hurled the meets .South Windsor at 1 Manager Wes Westrum em­ pier to play the game.” rill and watched the Cubs, who tin- J»hiiadelphia comeback with a The Mets. went down in the acles for dap^r Leo Du- season, grab a ME'mCARDS— no-hlt, no-run no man otlock. Ray LaGace.wlU be Rain Asset for Rockville BASEBALL HEROES ployed seven pitchers and as rocher, butTne s £fot a dan- place with a 4-1 The / Mets cooperated hesuti- two-out double that chased Country Club. ^® «aqh base World Series game Cbach ChaiUe Graft’s mound many pinch i hitters In the first nightcap with only 12 of their 26 Saturday picture. \ , for Yankees players seeing action. dy going right now. victory over Cincinnati on Fer- fully to the first game, pushing across the tying and winning in choice. lATTING — Johnny Callison, game, with the last hurler, new­ S 1QKH T>—.1.,— f ------STANDINGS In Win at East Hartford ly acquired Hal Renlff, picking ' Right-hander Jack Lamabe Durocher wtw piloted the guson Jenkins' three-hitter. across the ■winning run In the runs in the bottom of the. ninth FOUR BALL, BEST BAM, 1966 against Brooklyn. Larsen Phillies, rapped three hits, Harry Elch, Joe Novak, George Rain Iwta ndt unweilcomed the seventh, erasing a 1-0 E;ast up his second victory In two and catcher Jerry Grote, the New Tork Giants to the 1951 Ffom last to first in half a bottom of the ninth inning. Bud against San Francisco, H e re *n 'P h ere purchased by the Chl- W.L. Pet scored twice and drove in three McLafferty, A1 Turkington, 57; lor Ooacli (Bebe MUanese and .HlartJfoird advantage. Pete YeiUn days as a Met. The 21 players second game starting battery, pennant with a Storybook finish, season. Now how’s that for a Harrelson carried It across CaUison drove in three runs Happtest baseball fan In-toese ^ Manchester 800 runs including the tying and FAN(]Y iFOOT WORK — Hal Lanier of the Giants puts his best fo6t^ forward his Rockville Leglton yesterday reached on a fieldeir’s choice, used by the Mets’ pilot tied a and pitchers Bob Shaw and Tom has his trusty volume out again miracle? when he singled, stole second with three hits and scored twice Bert Clarson, Fred Lennon, parts has to be Sol CohenT a_ “ relief pitcher. He had ------Wllllmanfic S .750 winning runs In the ninth inning in East HtarUtoird. (Mother nature Lamry Clatk fOiHowad with a club record. Seaver were the only nbn-par- in avoiding tag by Phils’ Gene Oliver at home as Ump Doug Harypy w ^ h e s . and what’s more, he’s got all In fact, for a few glorious and went to third on catcher as Philadelphia wiped out a 7-2 Ken 'Wigren, Carl Engberg 58; l«ig suffering- yet loyal an•- play of the Cubs to date. For flelde.ri has nevei’'>taen , known riinu ibedorO the skies gift in the last oif i^ie eight. FTo- error gave the hosts a 1-0 lead (Chicago White Sox 3-0. wlld pitch by St. Louis reliever nual Old Timers game with the COSOOtOD, N .a (AP)-=- Louis 5-4 in the fimt game of a Toirk. sard, Joe Vanorio 68; Vic Daley, the record, the smart money uch of a MUcVk . .Only opened up. The rains came in teettog a Sbm one-irun lead. to the sixth. ______* * * Nelson Briles.“ ' Dovn-i^es July 4 at the East Hie Boston Red Sox Have doubleheader. Steve Carlton hurled a six-hit- A1 Calamarl, John Karzes, Alex men, who made the odds, tab­ In double figures - In the sixth toning, ending a local Klayan w(as facing dangerous Kayan struck out seven, all ^ ^ lome, runs as the season nears’ Hai'tfond HSgh-School Field at Rookie Hurls Sweep fans in the New Hampshire But the Cardinals rebounded ter In the nightcap as the Cardi- ASTROS-DODGEKS— Eichner .66. bed the iBrulns to finish no bet­ lial'ly as weQ os 'lUhe gome, Xt John GlonlfreddD. Behind him in the first six inntogs, and ( j ] * 0 C O 111 VictOr'V. ’ Harrelson led off the bottom, Legiaiatureh with a 3-1 victory in the night- nals climbed back to tie for the Ron Da'vis squeezed Jimmy SELECTED NINE tor than ninth place In the the halfway point is M lck^ were irimners on second end walked on'Iiy one. Bob La- ' " of the ninth wtth his third sin­ 10;3Q p.m. Other Doves wUl In­ Mantle vrith 14. Next In line x ’was^ ’nnonpaonvUle’s 'Ofth loss clude Tony Gecerc, John, Pi-in- KANSAS CITY (AP) __ Wyatt got the' last Alvin Dark, A’s manager, de- Before adjourning during cap that earned them a piece of top- s{)ot. St ^ u is bunched four Class A —Vic Daley 30-4—^26, nal National League standi third. The win ‘pults Rockville Mlontagne suffered the loss. Rain at Stafford gle, then stole second and con­ Uie weekend, the N ew the top spot. In other National e x ^ base hits for all their runs . . . . * j Harry Eich 28-2—27, Frank The-Clubs even received much comes Tom Treen with nine. i to a tie fbr third place in Zone The winners stranded 10 run­ tinued to third on catcher John gle. Jerry (ihagnon, Joe Mc­ Rookie Gary Waslewski tying fun on dared “ It’s a balk, period.’ ^ ^ ^ Manchester wasted no time in Guire. Bin Mosher, and others. knee Is a Hampshire House adopte^^ a League games Sunday, Phlla- in the second inning with Orlan- with two out and the bss Kiernan 30-3-27; Class B— support to bring up the rear In Four with East Hartford, both ners over the fltst five inntogs Back to winning ways is BUI Romano’s throwing elrror. Har­ pitched the hot Boston Red _ gettln^to Thompson’vUle starter Art Melanson ■will hurl for the' Dark said. resolution wishing the Red. delphia rallied for an 8-7 victory dp Cepeda, Dave Ricketts and loaded to the ibottom ot the Ron Kozuch 32-7—25, Hau- 10th place In many quarters. Ena of the Line Bin DavlSKSCoring once in the Showing 842 recoids. without a run." Andy Oox paced ■Greco. The New Haven driver relson then raced home when „ j t/i a sorioci ewppn ovpr one of the game’s big motion home, Sox “best wishes for success, over San Francisco and Houston Carlton smashing doubles and ninth Inning as Houston nipped ’Willey Here, on the. eve uf July 4, the Rockville returns home to­ the Rockville atlta;^ 'with two tool^ the 150-lap Independence ‘ he fourth ball to pinch hitter .Dove.s wtele Jerry Ohagnonjtod c f t T i r i t T a T l p lo y for Waslei^ld cany* in "Wilhelm d o » it only with cer- nipped Log Angples 5-4. Atlan- Julian Javier whacking a triple, the Dodgers., Pnhu ft,--, r X. X, Coming up Saturday night on bottom of the^first. Gary Klnel and good fortune In the re­ Dimock 33-6—27, Fred Lennon teevee will be Uie All-American o(f with ^sin gle and mov morrow afternoon to host sec­ hits. Classic at Riverside Sjieedway Tom Reynolds bounced in the Walt CzaJka for the Old Tan- o a 1 the sixth inning ^ t h the score tain umpires.” for first place with the St. Lou­ t ^ - h l t t e r Sunday al- (^ p a n erls. who Williams isn’t one to hand out mainder ot the season.” A 33- A—27, Ed Ansaldi 33-6—27; foMball game sponsored by the **P on an error and field- ond plBce WliUtoiantic at 2 Rock-vdlie 000 000 21-2-6-3 Saturday night. A crowd of 6,- y was sent to the club. Class C—Gene Kelly 33-8—25, American Football Coaches’ As- or’® choice and scored on Rudl o’clock. Ricky Young is expect­ East Hartford 000, 001 0—1-4-4 146 watched as Greco finished ” 0. \ ______Saturday got a good look at the th ihg high with so stolen bases, led off the enthuaslasUc about the gangling Earl Anderson 37-11'—26, soclation in Atlanta. The action Wittke’s single. x, ed to pitch for the Thread Kayon and 'WheelDck; La- ahead of Manchestei-’s Buddy Ken Boyer, an ex-Cardlnal, have a except a Cubs sgainst the Reds and were E S TO W y school C'Urve.” sixth with a walk. He finally .Waslewski, who spent seven Invisible Man Bill Casper George McLafferty 34-8—26, will be carried on teevee. Chon- The locals brought ln^\two CMy •crew while Gory Kirowka, montagne, Senotidre (7) and Krebs, Dave Akas of Berlin and led the Mets from behind with .a Wpha r m a cy ^ Bill Swale 36-9—26, Dick Nel­ treated to some enthusiastic nel 8 bringing it into this area more runs In the third. Gkry who has pitched two three-hit Gion/feddo Jerry Humiston of Hazardvllle. run-scoring'double In the fourth . “ Usualiy my best pitch is a was pielced off first with one yea™ hi the minors. supporters that roared with ap­ '459 Hartford Rd— 649-9946 son 37-11—26, John Chanda at 9:30. . .Detroit Tigers have Gotlt singled, stole secon<('^ns, or Sarn!'Wilde, iback from The win was worth 84 points to and a tying homer in the eighth. slnUnsr fast baU, a natural out—od Waslewski’s 10th throw “ O w«m 18 for me last year prove at every move made by 34- 8—26, Paul Hunt 33-7—26; purcheused Lennie Green from *>Me and came in op Ray La- a^soccer trip through EXrrope, Pitching (7 decisions) — Hor- the defending track champ. Mike Shannon's two-run homer Open July 4th rin k ^ - Waslewski said. "But to flfst. at Toronto and tad a jpod the Cubs . . Mel Queen, young Low gross—^Harry Eich 68; 'Will toe the irilUber foi*'Milanese. len, Chic., 10-1, .909; Sparma, Rain moved the 100-lap Na­ had helped St. Louis build an It wasn’t working today. I was ■‘‘I showed Campy a different rump im Ties Wall in Canadian Golf Cincinnati Redleg pitcher, and Toledo and have placed Gates Gace’s base hit. An infield er- • i ’icnic Supplies Blind bogey—Carl Engberg, Brown on the disabled list. The for and Chuckle May’s Mt load- Both ^tockville runs come in Det., 9-1, .900. tional Championship Vace up a early 4-1. lead. Ed Kranepool MONTREAL (AP) — States and CBC-TV from 4:30-6 Billy, probably one of the best George Benton, Roger Donlop, /Jim Lonborg of the Boston Red week at Stafford Speedway. also hombred for the )yio‘ e> £fat nS^TeSme^**® wT w Wimarns said p.m. in Canada. golfers in the world but missing latter injured his wrist. . . ed the bases. Tim Ciunmlngs great plays behind me., Waslewski said. "He got the work he needed at Billy Casper is the invisible Val Celementino 99. Sox,- ao’e brothera-in-law . . Manager Hank Bauer of the drew a walk, forcing In “ I was able to get my b^eak- "It was a great move," said Toronto and he’s done a helluva Casper and Wall, were one the publicity of Nicklaus and PRO SWEEPSTAKES Baseball tonight on ■video pits man of golf. He was sub­ Palmer because of his lack of American Leaigues All-Stars LaGace. ing pitches over Oie piate/%hen H*s Angeles at Pittsburgh a 69 Sunday and Wall a 72. me,” said the one-time flat man. Telephone .500 Ovens 58; Second net — Stan ganl’s vs. Ansaldi’s; Thur. Med­ helped me Mdn.” his hitting atredk to. five games. _ , ■ .. , - . 10 games back—In the AL be- a \. .. .1. ics vs. Moriarty’s, Wipco vs.. tore Rojas took them by the strtick out l i as he became the 'Cincinnati at St. Louis The playoff starts at 2:15 p.m. who lost SO pounds on a diet of Army & Navy B’s 4 i500 McFarland, George Benton, "They” were the chastened He is the only foairi member league season, was one of the Houston at Philadelphia, twi- E®T, and will be televised na- buffalo and bear ’ steaks and Gunver Stampiors 1 .125 Ce'ie Perry, Mary Gangewere Scars, Norman’s ■ ■ys. Lawyers; professional golfers, and they hitting lit all starte this year, hand. Sunday’s triumph moved league’s first 11-game winner in .000 59; Third not — Ted Plodzik, American League’s top reUev- opener before light tionally In two countries, CBS- blueberries. ” In fact, I thrive on Rogers Oorp. 0 BYi. Nassiffs' vs. Auto Parts, knew- Just what raven-haired Manche^ti?r,,(S)\9. them seven games from the Minnesota' Tele- Charlie Fergu'son, Julie Fiauilk- Army & IN^vy vs. Police and ab r h po ers before the spurt, but the An- sixth place, only 2% Merritt won his sixth game Chicago at Atlanta, 2, day- TV from 5-6 p.m., in the United it.” Schedule — Tonight Catherine Lacoste of Paris Kind. 3b phone vs. Lenox,. ’Wednesday— ner, Hazel Piper 60, WUlard. Fire, Ansaldi’s vs. Oilers; MacAiiile. If gels were a poverty-stricken games from second. without a defeat by twirling a night . • Optt c crew unUl he really began dish Gunver vs. WINF, ThursidBy— Noel, Maurice Perry, Florence speech outside the clubhouse of LhGace, ib Rojas, who over-aU has nine seven-hitter, Ainerican League Army & Nfevy ys. Wyman, Fri­ Barre, Ruth WWley 60, NA'nONAL LEAGUE 9iin. WIttRp. rf iiig out the dividends on the $2, shoutout on the Cascades Course , Coughlin, cf saves and a 1.65 earned run av- Chance lost his ; L. Pet. G.B^. Standings 500 CalUotiila paid for him. run-scoring W. Father and Son Pastel Team day—(Rogers ’va." Spruce Tuveiti. , Ellington Ridge day afternoon. May. as During"*^^rl^e‘,“‘th r Cuban ^ “ 2-3-lhnings, has ap- Ken McMullen’s Chicago 43 29 .697 W. L Satui^y In this 22nd U.S. Women’s Cummings, _p r i S S L e r has posted four of P ^ « d m 37 of California’s 78 - " f Detroit 39 34 .534 4% CHURCH LEAGUE ■Low gross—Jim Rusher 85. Man. Auto Parts ...'.____11 1- Open, the 22-year-old French Schardt. p Boston 39 34 .534 Cops Neipsic Tennis Honors Standing Moriarty’s ...... 6 bU seven victories and saved , , , three runs batted in. 4V4 LIE NINE mademoiselle had become 'not toUlI.i Minnesota ,39 34 .534 4% 1 W. L. Pet Nassiffs ...... ■ .v U s 6 only the first amateur ever to eight oUier games to 15 appear- w h it e S O X - m The Neipsic Tennis Club third Geprge Katz; Matt NeiU and Class A —Jim McCarthy 36- ThompNohvlIlr (1) ances in which he has given up TIOERS-WHITK. so a Men Cleveland 38 37 .507 6% Sa\’togs Bank .889 Green M a h or...... 4 6 win, but the first foreigner and Ow«*n. 2b 2 1 Qt_ 1 Men’s Doubles Rcaind Robin Bob Simmers. 3 —32, Charlie Conlin 37-4 — Cunningham. 3b 3 one earned run in 27 inhings. Sparma needed no help as he inmng when California 39 39 .500 7 Army & Na'vy .778 33; Class B '—John Johnson 39- Medics ...... 3 9 the youngest player, as well. Plrdy. .ss Tournament went off offi sched­ Glastonlbuiy neitmen Da'le Baltimore ■ 35 39 .473 ' 9 Center Congo .778 7 ’—32, Mark Kravitz 41-7 —34; She won with a strong 294 — 10 ?waU>ni c ule Saturday with eight teams VonWinkle and Ernie Lewis, Pnivcncber. I’f League New York 34 39 .466 9^ B. A. cyub .625 Class C —Bemle Menschell 43-. dtampions fix’ the second over par for a tough, taxing Zaccaro, lb competing. The final score for winners of the 1966 July 4 week­ Kansas City 34 43 .442 11% North Methodist .333 12 —31, F. Kavanaugh 46^9 — straight year Is the Manches­ course. Haydrn. If first place could not ^be deter- end round, robin, were not on I.*owhpy. cf Washington 32 44 .421 13 Gus’ , • .333 37. Kickers —Tom Wolff 79^7 — ter AUto Parts. 'With two But___ she tad help from even Davis, p , inning single after Russ Nixon 'mined until the very last match hand to defend their title. Krzys. 2b Gary Waslewski’s three-hit 2-1 games. Sunday’s Results South' Bkiders .286 72, Jim Throwe 102-30 —72, Paul weeks remaining, Ooachra Nick jt of a corps of proud tied the score with a hit as the when, after three hours of play. Manchester Shopping Parkade, 300 Njiddle Turnpike West, in iAanehiBster victory over Kansas CSty, Mickey Stanley and Bill Free- California 6, New Xork 4 Tournament director ■was Sealteet .000 Groobert 79-8 —71, G.- cioulah Cataldo and Fred McCurry rofessfonals who many times TrytaJ.s. 22 1 • 3 16 6 2 0 Joe Sparma fired a six-hitter han homered for three Detroit Twins won their fourth straight. the father and son team of Her- Martin pidpportuhltles to win — and _ BB—Cummings i. Davi-s 3 An inter-club (Men’s Doubles South Endens, W«d.—Congo vb. Cummlng.'i 3. Davfci 5: 'hit!! off Cum- Detroiit 3, Chicago 0 ons a 8®"?“ Toumaanent with the Pine Acre Savings, Thur.—SeaKest vs. aass A —Betty Wolff 46-10 — , second place Morlarty Bros, at could not grasp them. ming.'t 3 for 1 -run -in bi imilng«;. Juiy 8 from 9 A.|l. to ,1 P.iN. BalUmore 1, (Cleveland 0. 6 won out of a posattoJe 36. Tennis Club of Wethersfield tor B A . Club, Firi.—Methodist vs. 36, Sally Brand 61-13 —58; Class Buckley Field: Beth Sipne of Muskegee Scharrlt O for Oi In S: pb—Eiaton; innings, rdln ' ’ " Cbmpetitdon was very close this 'weekend,- is planned sched- Army A "Navy, B —Gladys Cavedon 68-18 —40; The first win came on Lyle Qkla., and Susie Maxwell of Ok- Today’s Gaines second place winners Ted Kickers — Betty Wolff 98-22— Eastman's solo homer, as the lahpma City came clcsest, with LADIES BEST 15 uled. Neipsic ptoyers who will DUSTY LEAGUE CHass A —Ge®|t Knapp 74-1’^-— Detroit (McLain 8-9) at aeve- Bailey, and Tonighit—Rug 77, Jan Harrigan 97-20 —77, two clubs played off a contest 296s for the 72-hcle grind;. Each compete in Wethersfield include’ 57; Class B—'Btonie . ’Vander- fHIRING ON- land (Tiant 7-2), night winning 23 Ted BaUey, Bill Claric, Jack Dodge, Wed.—(Ray’s vs. Rug. Eleanor Scranton 102-15 —77. that ended in a 4-4 tie on June picked up fiye strokes In: Sun-' b r ■New York (Peterson 0-7) at was a t i ^ p h for Dave Keito Marito Duke and PhU S .-J W a ta u t 4 Biltan Sunday 9. Bteatman also pitched two day’s„ ...... final _ rpund______with three-____ voort 78-24—54; Cteas; C—D e-- Minnesota (Boswell 5-5), night and Courtney'Bourn with 2i hvh»' FrL—Klbdc FOUR BALL BEST | BALL hitless innings to earn the win. over-par 74s while Miss Lacoste lores/^Kelly 86-28-(—68,v »Mary BalUmore (Phoebps 7-3) at games won. Low, -iD.' (Jarlson, Doc ^ 'Eastman and John McKeon was soaring to a 79. Hestto 90432—58; Kickers— Chicago (Howard 3-$), nigrht The clbudy sky and still air Snyder,^ Tom Heslln, Doc Cass- spotted Moriarty’s three runs, Miss Stone and Miss Msocwell Mary Hes8 n 1115-85—-80,. Jane Boston (Stange 2-(l) at Call- provided an ideal day for the man, 80-22—58ffl Paul Groobert,' then combined to, pitch the each collected $3,600 ns the top- Rossitto 105-25—80,^ C. Carl- Come in and find o.ut|about the ^eady, high-paying jobs (many with TRAINING COURSES WITH PAY fomia (HamUton 3-0), night - tournament 'with a handfid ot- Barney Weber, A. Nix, Hsuty automen to d 6-4 victory In the finishing pros. son, 105-25—80. (SPECIALS ARE GO^D THRU THE JULY 4th HOLIDAY WEEK) IF YOU DON'T. HAVE SHOP EXPERIENCE-you Only games scheduled. spectators Just as.hbppy not to Latimer, 74-16 —58; Tom WoUfa second game. BllJ Odrra contin­ overtime) open how at'the A.irciraft. If you are inexperienced, you may may be given 120 hours of intensive training QUALITY Tuesday’s Games be ettttog under a broiUng sun. Gus Peters, Jake Honnon, J- ued his torrid streak, getting qualify for one of the many Aircraft's paid training courses. on the machine you have been hired to operate. Boston pt California, twUight Other cJub'members parUcipat- Smith 76-17—58; Tom SchSler, two of .the ■wUutera’ five hits. Instruction'will be. right in our own machine training school at the same h ig h '“ Aircraft" I*...,. } WOODS Washington at Kansas <31tyi 2 ing, and the oider of finish, Jack Hunter, Bob Hartman, 8. Don Pagan! and Bill Davis each Automatic tranbmission Trouble? New Y^rk at Minnesota,! 2 were: Dave Wijurren and Ted KeUer 6^10 ii-OO; Will KUhnly, had tnyo hits for Moriarty’s. Find out about the many extra benefits at the Aircraft, too: such as rate pt pay. ^ Golf day-night j Powell; Pete Thune and Bruce Lee Ctiarendoff, Lee Rubin, McKteon, Tomko (7), East-, zsA ZSA QABOR mays - excellent medical and life insurance plans, a fine retirement program, ADVANCED TRAINIF^ APPUCANTS-may be t IROHS BalUmore at Chicago, twilight WWttles; Karl KSMer and BtB Steve Cavey 73-14 —69; George man (8) and Chai-lesbois. Rush- given courses ranging from‘^22 weeks to 93 Detroit at Qeveland, N Lauder; Ron Kaldemon and Knapp, Harvey Tardlff, Jack ford; I). Paganl. Miller (7), paid sick leave, nine paid holidays, up to four weeks v|cation with pay. weeks In Machining, iJet Enmne Sheet Metal, M a t c h e|d aind ' Kearhey, Harry Cohn 76-10 — Blomberg (8) and Davis. SAVE MONEY at AAMCO Tool, Die arid Gage (Makingl'.Machine Repair Starter Sefe 60. This is your opportunity to get a steady career job. A^ now! Visit the and Pipe Making,4 i registered. • Irons PRO SHOP EVENT automatic b e autifully AutP Parts ...... (HH 26x—6 5 2 mnuMBi TRANSMISSION APPRENtiCE CANDIDATES-may be eligible . Low gross -I- Sher Ferguson Mobile Employment Office. .. hiring “on-the-spot." framed aito Hmd Mcriarty’s • .300 OPl—^ ® * for courses ranging from three to four years in $ O Q 8 8 Three-Year-Old 1 Lucky 76. Eastman; McKean '(4) and 8PEClALg2L Jet Engine Metalsmithing, Machining, Tool & bloated. I L ^ i - BEST U Rushfard, Charleebais (4); Pa­ SnSleteiSS tion : HUNDREDS DF GOOD JOBS Oie Making and Electrpnks. nated wooda .. in Gtoss A —Lee (^barendqla 62- ganl, Sullivan (5) and Davis. . $ 0 9 A U HAKES rich ebony bltak. To Dad When He Pitches 8 -5 4 , Jack 'Huiftw M-9—66; . AMERICAN LEAOI E 1 AVAILABLE ' ' ’ i / ' / M O 9f t m Pratl: & VISIT THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 400 Mairil PO Professional CSbsb B—Jhek Keaimey 66-ia — •Four runs ta the first inning,) . AIRCRAFT ENGINE MECHANICS Street, East Hartford, Corin. Other Connecticut! gripu Men's right' DETROIT (AP) — Detroit Minnesota Twins created a 53, iWIU Kuhniy 66-Ja—64, BDar- One in the second a«d two more ' AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING Whitney plants in North Haven,-Southington and! bond only, D-3, CMILF MGS Tigers right-hander Joe Sparpta three-way tie for second place, v(ey ’ThircUflr 67-3®—54, Illl Sweep' by the decisions and hlii tl^ d shutout: 0 —Tit rt your future today at P&WA D| dg Harvey watches. (AP Photjpfax) and Staftoid. j ■ ■

: i r '


RUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ______BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Hdp W«inl«d—Mob '36 Pogt—Birds—POH 41 ,.-11 .i'l iMFIi— I. > V . Buslnott S«rvlc«» THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW f ; t h is IS GONNA BE TOO i O fforad 13 JUST AN HOUR WOVERTIME ^ L E T ^ BE FAIR? NON FACTORY Work, $128. ADORABLE puppies—Pedigree ^U TA L TO WATCH — OR SO"* THE 1 MEANS YOU ft CONSlPERlNG THE ONLY GUY ^^^kly piarantee to service or mixesL w iu Oeniijo Pelt WILD.'wild .'AFTER I EW/BmEO'tE THEY'RE FATTER AntwT to Pr«vl^ PuiiB*. STEPS, SIDEWALKS, atone rKMOuiwun sales route. Openings for atu-' Shop, IM8-S109. walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter- CARBUNCLE, LAST TIME J.P. .PUTIN THE c:arbuncle’9 i4M197Me9e A FEW DRILLS THEY'LL BE ABLE y THAN THE LAST A J it of England v homo ter 4 Reasonably priced. 64S-bS51. PUTTING IN A LITTLE GOT Nome 3 WHEN IT COMES SHOULD RA/ THE MOVIES UtQe kittens. -649-6480 after OLYMPIC CHAMPS ' THEY MAY u s e d CAR/ , ACROSS 4Fllh from ' - V OI/ERTlME IDNIGNT? PATS LATERf, TDIXXIGH.BOSS, THE. BO SS.', DURING Hl^ WAREHOUSEMAN -r- control 8:80, anjHime weekends. 0E BUG6IN' OUT NOW, jBUT -1 Steam engine moving boat ATTICS, CEULARS and^ygl^ inventor _ 5 Criminal group, IT WON'T TAKE LONG-' TMINKG IT COFFEE, stock cf flulslied posts and re­ They'll b e s w i n g e r s in for example cleaned, traaH hauled to the^ FREE ^ TWO cute healthy BKIng----- in CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT, HOURS JUST AN HOUR OVER lease parts for assembly, some NO TIME.' llHebItuato 6 Dutch commune ^ 8 AJM. to 5 PJH. dump. Reasonable. Call 648- OR 60 'r housebrokdn kittens. Call 643 ISAntagonliUc TManlfeat ' 5819 or 1-684-4624. experience required. Call Con- 15 Song of Joy 8 Type of willow, tromatlce^Corp., Rockville, .1______„ ,, ' ■ 16 Requiring ’ for b e r t ^ UH- 87B-8$17r^ , • ITAl^roI'Tbeij: (2 wordi) COPY WME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. YOU ARE A-1, truck is A-1. OKAV, OROOMINa ALL breeds. Har- : Receialonal” ' 9 Hanb 5 PJIL DAY BEFORIb PUBUOATION Oellars, attics, yards and m all 3555 y mony HIU. H.Cf. Chase, Hebron *; 19 Shakespearean lo Anglo-Saxon trucking done A-1 right.' Call Deadline for Saturday and Monday U 6 pan. Friday. WANTEI Rd., Bolton, 6484S427., : character servant 43 Church lecUon Tnm ano Trucking Service' toll 20 One of Davld’i j2 Pen nSnie of 27 InstaU again 44Of a dukedom' free, 742-9487. • INBPTX3TOR8 warrior! (Bib.) .Charlei Lamb_ _ into power o SHEETT METAL 21 Army ■iYahsport 14 seU^steem 28 Souttern______45 Mouths (anaL) Liv* Stock 42 , Service (ab.) . 18 Of an EgyptUn constcIUUon wnstellation » 46 KingJfJ"? vulture . , p l r a s e ^r e a d y o u r a d " ATTICS, cellars cleaned, rub­ MEOILUNiaS 22SmaUrug riv«rriver ,29,29PWr Pair 47Engllah 47En^lA private Claaalfled or “Want Ads" a n taken oVer the ^ n e ae a bish removed from backyard s iMAOHlNTSTS . VERY WELL broke buckskin ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN 24 Varnish 21 Incite to action 31 System of 22 Grape refuse urban waste « Gainsay convenience. The advertiser should read hu'^ad, the FIRST and lawns, maintained. Reason­ . Boring Mill gelding. Bay gelding, sound, DAY IT j^P E A ^ and REPORT ERRORB i^$ime to r ^ able, M9-1888. Bridgeport gentle pQieasctre hcrse. -OaR (Blb.)^ (med.) 41 SmaU drum s R s s . ' s a next In s e rfl^ n e Herald Is ren»onalble for only ( n ^ Inoor- (Lathe ' 742-7035. ■ ' 30 Pin (Roman) 52 Loiter reot or oimtM Insertton for any advertisement and tite OU'LL AGREEMENT, AN' 53 Scenic view Wilson Electrical Co., 649-4817, SEARS 18,500 b.t.u. alr-condl- DLYtM E f o r H E L P /W e HE WANTS THIS 54 Of the apogee , Free to Herald Readers SALiES. a n d Service on Ariens, SRIOR AND I n te i^ paint­' F e n io b .3® 't ir b SERVICE man, 45-65 tioner, used one season, excel­ YOU W ITH YOUR PA PER TO BE ONE—TOO j (astrbn.) Hahn Eclipse, Jacobsen lawn hours per week- Must be KOUTE7 HOW ABOUT BAP YOU GUYS y 55 Consumed 49 Want information on one of our classified advertlsementef ing. "Wallpapor books, paper CLEANING woman one day a lent condition, cost $300, sell - 56 Inactivity (med.) 4i * r ^ mowers. Also Homelite chain steady worker and married., DAVY JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS a a a k im s it a n o r a l CAN'T BECOME No answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the hanging, fellings. Floors. Ful- please< call after 4:30, WANTED $160. 643-7185. AGREEMENT AMP A GENTLEMEN 57 Stack 51 43 saws and International Cub ly insured, workmanship guar- 649-1833. Paid vacation and other bene­ I'M LAURIE /'Y E GOT EOVS.. MEET RON V handshake ? THE SAM^ (dUL Eng.) Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ a n te ^ . Leo J^Mlotler, 649-6326. fits. Experience helpful but not piCNIC Tabl#-several -styles IF YOU HAON'T YORK... T A HUNCH RICHARDS. RON’S TIME.' 'DOWN- 54 55 essential. Apply in r>erson, from $15.50 up. AM bolted ta­ COME ALONG, WE'O LUCKILY, I t T H e S E OUR SECOND IN WELCOME EDWARDS ment and sharpening service It no answer 648-9048. ILamp part Nichols-Manchester 'Dre, Inc., First dlaiss meohiainlic, excel­ bles from $20 up, deViverod. Se singing folk FOUND OUT ( H d O O S c o m m a n d . ABOARD, 2 Philippine ss~ 67 pn all makes.’ L A M Equip­ - ...... ■ — g e n t l e m e n . OFFiCE CLERK lent wages and benefits, W. Zinker> RockviMe. 875-0397. SONGS WITH IN tim e that y AKE EULL termite (var.) n 3 ment Corp., Route 88, Vernon. 296 Broad St. accompaniment. 3 Depravity ANSWERIND SERVICE* paid hoUtdays and vaoa- f ' -L.' , 4 : . 878-7609 M^chester Exchange Floor Finishing ;^^4 waui knowledge of typing tl'onis. Excel'l'ent working DELUXE YARBM^N 21’’ self- NEWSPAPl^ ENTERPRISE ASSN. —Enterprise 1948. EXPEI^NCED John Deere and an aptitude tor figures backhoe and dozer operator, $3 conditions. OalU Tom propelled reel mower, used 6430500 0732519 FLOOR SANDING and .•efliiUh- tor aooounts payalble office. ing (specialising in older per hour to start, time and a Sdhiwartz. ‘ hall a season, under warranty. ExceUemt fringe benefits. Call 289-2612. and leave your message. YouTl hear from dUr adverttser Household Sorvbos floors), cleaning ,and waxing ApqEiily: * half, steady year ’round work. in Jig time -withmit spending all evening at the4^phone. Call 742-6190 after 6. /Offoiod 13-A floors. Painting. Paperhang­ BOURNE BUICK GO. CART FOR sale, good con- ■ ing. No Job too small. John M A N C ^ S T E R M O D ES SERVK3E WRITER and sales­ ditlon, $60 without motor. 649- SPRINof CLEANING nroblemsT VerfaMe, 643-9112. ' ^.^Miainchoster \ 649-4571 ARtoniobiles For Sob 4 Call Suburban d e a i ^ ,'S ^ - man in service department. 0495. Ice at 6439229 cod^ for tree Contact Tony, Paul Dodge Pon­ SAMLIF,: 1961 WILLYS JEEP, 2-wheel tiac, 373 Main St. SCREENED LOAM lor best /4WWlu*«> CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER HERALD estimate. Budget terms avail­ Bonds— Stocks 7 - 3 drive, station wagon with over­ WOMAN wanted for, house lawns and gardens. Also sand, drive, completely overhauled, able or use your Conn >Jharge Mortgages 27 cleaning, Thursday and' S^day Help Wonted- gravel and fill. G eorge^. Grtl- ^ DOX LETTERS excellent condition. j^9-0120. Card. 649-6334. ‘ASSEMBLERS fing, Inc., Andover, 742-7886. . WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE MORTGAGE LOANS - first, Mole or Femolo 37 REWEAVINO OF burns, moth second, third, all kinds realty. GENERAL OFFICE work. Ap- For Aircraft Parts For Your OOSMEUTC SALESPEOPLE, 7-3 McNatifjht Syndicate, Inc. I960 FORD STATION wagon, holeg, zippers repaired. Win­ Statewide, credit rating < unnec­ ply in person/ Rockville Oil, THE SAME DIFFERENCE Information standard, one owner. 6431323. dow shades made to measure, essary. Reasonable, confiden­ ... 18 Vernon Ave., Rockville. Capable of Reading tolbulous opportiuiity. Call o r INVITATION aU s iz e s VeneUan Minds. Keys tial,: quick arrangements, A1 Blueprints 'W rite Mrs. Roth, 103 Steele WAYOUT'S \ THE HXSlALb will not made while you wait. Tape re- vin Lundy Agency, 527-7971, CLiERK-TYPIST — excellent op- Rd., West Hartford, 233-5823. TO BID disclose the identity of 1962 FORD Galaxle, tudor, 6 'corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 potrunlty for a position with an LATUE OPERATORS any adverto^r using box 983 Main St., Hartford evenings WIQ automatic. Main St. 649-5221; 233-6879. outstanding automobile insur­ BRDIGEPORT Ashford Elementary School SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL letters. Readers answer­ ______^ ______ance company. Must have sev­ Situations Wonted— ing blind box ads' who 1961 RAMBLE] dan, OPERATORS ./^hford, Connecticut F A C i r ^ I' desire to protect their SECOND m o r t g a g e - Un­ eral years office work exper­ Female 38 X'/A IN TOO MUCH standard pair Building— limited funds available for sec­ ience and a good telephone per­ TRAINEES You are Invited' to subBidt a identity can follow this needed. Can Y (X )'eE BACVCr HOW WA5 TWE OF A HUe.RV TO larts. ond mortgages, payments to sonality. Starting salary $97 RELIABLE MOTHER wiU ba- 'proposal for Sitework at Ash- procedure: Look over Contracting 14 Lilbenajl benefits, day stdft eXECUTlONERS'CONVENTlONl GO INTO DETAIL offer. 643- suit your budget. Expedient per -week plus above average byslt for working parents or Elementary School, Ash- RIGHT NOW, Enclose your reply to the 1340. ALL TYPES of cabinet work, service. J. D. Realty, 643-5129. employe benefits. Call Mr. only, piresently working 50 people going on vacation, ex- Connecticut. Proposals box in an envelope —^ kitchen renuideling our spe­ Saxtoy. 522-2379. hour week, CaM 649-0701. cellent references. 643-8857. include clearing, stripping addressed to the Classi­ MER(3EDES Benz—220S 1958, cialty, 22 years experience. ' - — ------of topsoil, chain link fenring, completely rebuilt, new tires, fied Msinager; Manchester Fair prices. Call Lou DascanJo. Business Opportunity 28 WOMAN FOR light housework E. A. PATTEN CO. Cl»MM»tAnc grodlng, finish grading Evening Herald, h ith er etc. Exc^lent condition. Call 649-6985 anytime. , and supervise 12 year old boy, 303 WethereM.St.’ dliUQTIOnS vvQnTvQ' amd seedin^i layout and con- a u to AGEN5y , excellent loca- ManUhester, Conn. with a memo Ustlng the 8 a^m.-1.—t' p.:p.m. 649-0005. 2-6 days a week. Transporta- Molo 39 atructlon of Little League companies you do NOT QUAIJTY Carpentry—Rooms, tion good financing. Tor an ap- tlon^and lunch furnished. Call- wauvt to see- your letter. 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 6 ______^ ______Standard . baseball diamond, BY ROY CRANE dormers* porches, basements, pointmeht cqjl Paul J. Corren- 643-6()b2 after 6. LATHE HANDS and general STUDENT desires summer Provision of aU fill and topsoU BUZZ SAWYER Your letter will be de­ cylinder, automatic, good con­ U Real Estate. 643-6363, 643- reflntshed, cabinets, bulU-lns, machinists; paid hospitallza- work, painting, lawn work, material. / if CfHE SAWYER h o m e IN ’ stroyed if the advertiser dition, part of estate, $696. Call formica, ^aluminum, vinyl, 2125. HOME,SW EET HOME, is one you’ve mentioned. Uon, holidays and vacation window washing^ etc., $1.80 Spedflcatloiis and ether in- WHERE •'^WILLOW SPRINGS, TCXASu 649-8787. William JENSEN, a p BUDDY, If not It will he handled steel, ceramo siding. plan. Apply Metronics, Inc., hour. 649-8692.' fomiatlion may be procured ARE you Robbins Carpentry Service. in the usual manner. Phllbrick from 'the office of the Architect, HEADED, 649-8446. Informaition call Phllbrick HIGH SCHOOL Agency, Realtora, 640-6847. Austin and Mead, 100 Consti­ RU7? TUL &ET Trailors— > LANE maintenance man, full J o g s— Bird»^— Pots 41 THEY DO X A CARPENTRY -r;-c6ncrete work or part-time nights. Will train. tution Plaza, Hartford, Connpc-] Mobile H ______anything from cellar to roof. GRADS tlcult 06103, on o r after 3:0Q, .0 " CUT UP Lost and Pound 1 Call Holiday Lanes, 0 avlfi.-4 AHC-BLACK miniature poodles, inaide and Out, no substitute 'Privolo InstructionD^Z PJM .'Friday ( 30 June 1967.. A i LOST—PASSBOOK No. 18732, 1966 ’TROUTWOOD' mobUe “No More Pencils, p.m., 643-2125. puppy shots, wonhed. $76.' Fi­ home, 12x60, Nvalklng distance for quality work, satlMactlon p r jv a TE swimming lessons, The Blddert eholl provide a Notice Is hereby glyen that guaranteed, competitive prices. nancing. Call 876-0337. Bid Bond in the amount of 10 Passbook No. 18732, issued by to Aircraft, Colonial Park. Call W.S.I. certified, handicapped. No More Books—” 7 - J after 4.. 568-f475. No Job too smaU, DAD Car­ Included. Call after 7:30 p.m., OON’TROL DFSK operator, eve­ per cent of the Bid, good for a thej^lartford National Bank A nings, ^ lid ay Lanes, 648-2125. ©IW7 br NIA. Im. T.'^. U.S. Fat. Off. pentry, days 643-1904, evenings 289-7052. period of thirty (80) days: and 'Trust,^ Manchester office, has FRANKLIN 13’ cabover trallei^\ We’d like to suggest applying Discerninfir Pet Owners the successful Contractor shaU 640-8880. Z your educotlnnal background at -MAN—O VER 21 with driver’s “Makes you feel hot? Your face flushes and your heart been lost and application has excellent condition. CaU 528- be prepared to furnish a per- ADDITIONS, remodeling, OaNNECTneUT M U T U A1, license to work, in cleaning USE rftN DIEGO: THE U3.S. SETTYSSURS POCKS. 2JSOO. MEN BACK FROM pounds? That's not love, necessarily— he affects your been made to us for paym^t 6211, anytime. Schools and Clossos 33 tormance and payment bond - rages, rec rooms, bathrooms LIFE aifter graduation.'^ You plant, start immediately, full- VIETNAM ARE ANXIOUS TO MEET SWEETHEARTS, WIVES AND HOMFFaKS. i father the same way!” and Issuance of a new book. RED HOUSE KENNELS written by an approved surety tiled, kitchens ren.odeled, ce­ rnay find a rewardtoig position tiiha , Oontant Russ Collins, in the full amount of the Con­ 3 E = £ = C = NIMROD—TENT camper with ment work, cellar floors, pat­ wlttv.us as g. OUERK TYPTST. Manchester Belmont Rug, 643- TYmST, GENERAL CLERK For tract. Ainhouneemonts 2 10x10 add-a-room, 649-3676. ios, roofing. Call Leon Cles- HEAVY EQUIPMEJ^T 0012, 646-0058. Sealed proposals will be re­ BOCST FIN N BY LANK LEONARD zynski. Builder, 649-4291. or FKJURiBR, to name but a • ;r~ ; . ' ir Oomforttzed boanfing ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ A REAL NIMROD small camp- OPERATORS NEEDED f«W.' In addition to'eam lng a MULTILITH OR A.B. Dick op- ceived at the office of the A Groomdng aM breeds Architect, Austin and Meed, THAT No. 3 EX-WIFE SO WAS li BUT THE WBLLETS BY WALT WETTERBERG ers, sales, and service, bonded er bargin now at Camper Town NEWTON H. SMITH A gON— ' oompeptlve salary you will al- crator, experienced or trainee ■Ar‘Small andmol cemetery '' SHOW IN' UP, DIDN'T I'M SURE n o t h in ' representative. Alfred Amell. —^Route 140, East Windsor, Remodeling repairing, AckO' Elam whiU'e you \eai^!E3iiEn so be eUgthle for. Ubei^ insur­ to work In modem air-condi­ 100 Oonstitixtion Plaza, Hait- D in g DONGS THREE IN A ROW.' T NOj HE SIM PLY BOTHER HIM AT ALL W ILL EVER THEN Yc?u P l a n t t h e m , i n '^0 Bryan Dr.. Manchester, Cotm. Open evenings and Sat­ tlohs, gee rooms, garage^ A jjp ggoo weekly piro- ance, vacation^ and educational tioned printing plant. Liberal • Two Locotlions ford, Connecticut, on or beCoro ; THIRD DO YOU THINK I HAS DEVELOPED ^AND r WAS AFRAID BOTHER employe benefits. Ai>ply Mrs. 2:00 P.M. Wednesday 12 July 644-8141 or 643-4913. urdays. Rentals. 1-623-1941, or porches and roofing. No Job fdsaionaik HBAVt ixjU IP- benefits--— at no cost to you. Somers and Wllliington, Conn. CONSECUTIVE ITS DUE TO Some i an amazingly 1-623-0720. too smaU. Call 849-8144. Christensen, Burroughs Corp., 1967. Bids wlU be opened and" NO-HITTER PHYSIOLOGICAL. SSTRONG RIGHT ARMj MIENT OPtiniATOR. (For 429-1496 FOR EXPO ’67 reservations: tlhe ifirtt time in the ItSA, Business Forms and Supply 749-4631 publicly read aloud. Proposals IS J H E DEVELOPMENT? ) SUTURE,SUTURE. PLEASE! We are Sntervlewlrg NOW! Group,) Route 30, Tolland. An shall be finn and^ may not be CaM Montreal, Oamdo, Marie- ^Misrtaite Tratnllng Center am . - 7 pjnt. Dallly TOPIC vllle Motel, 1-514-589-4662..Meu- Why ■don't you and some of equal opportunity employer.* 8 . , withdrawn 'wltMn thirty (80) OF THE DAV/ WtlAT dparoge— Sorvlee— , Povim Driveways 14-A offers quaiUfied njen 21^ and >1 ^ f J Sundays Included h nler Motel, 1-514-348-4401. Mon- your friends stop in to see us days' of the date of receipt ^VEUmtERE! , Dortj IT Storogo 10 over the opportunity to real soon! ,TOAY nolr' Motel, 1-514-589-7195. — Quality workman­ PROCESS SHEET writer—some Signed: ship on drivewayA," parking (HRAIN LOCALLY to . 'I Job shop experience In ma- THREE-CAR garage building, iSPAJRE TIME on aU makes Hugh Clark, Chalnnan 22x35, approximately. 2]100 areas, commercial and resi­ I 'T chining or otherwise. Salary AKC registered poodle puppies, School Building Oommljltee' of equipment, bulldozer, 1 1 open, all benefits. Call Dean 2 nfftles and 2 females, teni- ' ' PersoiialD S' square feet. Will renovate. 649-. dential Free estimates, no ob- Ashford, Connecticut Ugattona. Call Eastern Paving scrapers, backboes, etc. Maohine,Products, 649-5265. porary shots, wormed, $70. 32 Dated: June 30, 1967 1919 after 6 p.nf. Aooredited progroim. J«ft> H.d.r. s. I'.I.IHkr. WANTED — Rid e to Pratt A Oo., 628^87. t Crestwoi^ Rd., Coventry. MrSaw^hl .HtiycTirMr, tm- placemieivt iipoo compHettion. MUTUAL 1 Whitney, 7-3:30, vicinity Wood- bridge and Jensen St., call Motorcyclos-fl» (Budget plan. 522-4589 any-' ttone. 643-5434. Roofing and > LIFE HOME iiiiliiHliililiiii iinilii BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ______B i p ) ^ 1 1 ABERNATHY IM7 br f4EA. IYma-tmPAiR « INSURANCE sic on the steel guitar, a n d is Seymour ...... ^ REALIZE DEMAND BETTERTREATMBNT STARCH AGAIN ] Auto, 681 Main Stj, Manchesr I'he best In gutters and con­ WANTED MORTY MEEKLE BY JiCK CAVALLI wUlIng to play just for the ductors. Impair of chimneys, SALESMEN THAT... I THIS] ter. j Open Thursday and Friday ^ COMPANY YLLSPEAUi pleksure of playing. For more too Call ’boughfn, 643-770^. A Tractor evqpngs. Good home servtoe delivery TO HILDA •' Infiwmation call 649-7120. ROOFING - Specializing re­ 140 Garden St., Hartifard YOUNG MAN INTERESTED ABOUT THIS. 1965 iit05S,-MORINI, 150 cc, ex- routes are now open, which y o u nANoeoM^ pairing Tools of oU kinds, new Traller * Schopl wUl give, the right, men cellent condition, $300. 876-i781 roofs, gutter worit, chimneys f' . ' IN PHOTOGRAPHY p e \ / / L / Ai^ome^iles For SiBie»4 l|fter‘$:30. (Blue ahd|p tai All Regards good dnoome. Five 'day cleaned and repaired, 80 years’ Stnoe 1846 week, many %fringe bene­ To work in new photo engraving plant. 'i O O 'R E ^ W E 4> NEDid <3AR? Your credit tUra- 1965 VESPA scooter, excellent experience. Free estlmiates. In Hartford> fits.' A hberal (xnnmlaslon ed ^oWn? Short on down pay­ tOaU HoWiey , 643-5361, 644- condition, sell or trade for An Equal Op(portiunity arrangement makro ,pos- 37V2 -HOUR WEEK • PAID VACATION PR E TTieer i ment? Bankrupt? Reposses­ ’*8333. We train fuU or part-time i^all foreign car. 649-2507. studeb^ in the Hartford Bmiployer sdinit high earnings. < > PAID RETIREMENT PLAN THING I ' v e . - sion? Don’t despair: See non­ ...... J-i------yA------Aipply Personnel Dept evfsfe seeN/ est .Douglas. Inquire about low- iggg b LA(3K Suzuki —TIO, 250 area op many makes' and est down, smallest (payments ve;ry good condition, asking Hooting gn4Piinnbihg 17 models'^ of equipment No TuesdayFriday high school diploma neces­ A ' APPLY - r " ■ r ctyMJo ux>f^ \ anywhere. No smalt-loan or j 400. 'CaU 649-4034. COMPLETE I^LUMHING‘‘ and 8:30 A/M. - 8 finance company plan. Douglas ------—— sary. Local and long dis­ • . y AT y o u A U ^ heating instaUation, repairs tance Jobs waiting. Giiaran-'' PRISaLLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Motors, 833 Main LAMBRETTA scooter, -150 and remodeling. SerViCe calls SEALTEST tUODS OMfSOO POLl.f cc, 'exceU ent' condition, $800. *eed placiement assistance M LK DIVISION lpanrI|Fjat^r lEDm ug • ■tSI 1960‘AUSTIN HEALEY—model CalJ 640-9860 after 5. given immediate attention. upon graduation. Train now POOR STUART.' YIOU'LL' VOUR SIZE A ^ PARt -TIME saleslady, experi­ 255 Homestead Ave., Hartford AGAINST COW BOY © im; I, NEA. Iw. 7 ' 3 8,000; new tires, radioaolo and CaU M AM Plumbing Sc Heat­ —Pay when working. Let N E V E R MAKE IT ence preferred bitt will train. HAS TO BE heater,' $895. 649-0678»^ 1967 SUZUKI—MOcc ’WO, must ing. 649-2817. American Tractm’ Trailer An Elqual Opportunity T A U L t ______seU. No reasonable offer re- teach you this high paying Call 649-6820, Parkade Bakery. Employer 1964 CHEVROUflT Impala, V-8, 649-9456. CAPTAIN EASY BY LESUE TURNER , Moving— Trucking— ;,rofession that pajrs $250. Gi r l F r id a y —local law of-, j power steering, power brakes, ------—------1 . per vlbek. School licensed factory air-conditioned, new 1966 HONDA, 460cc, exceUent \ Storogo** 20 by the State of Connecticut flee, exceUent typing and stem wnmow CLBAiNERfi n e ^ I BUILT her a tires. Must seU, asking $1,600. condition, must seUlU ln)0ieInunedl- ographlc skUls required. WIU W D ^ W CLBJWIB^ nee you an experienced machinist who is tired 8428 new. $226. 649-l7lt. ing chairs > for rent. M9-0752, HAR'ra’ORD,^ COMPANION for elderly " wo- dow Ceaning Co., 157 Charter man, 5 .hours daUy„r CaU 649- Oak Ave., Hartfo)TO,i second of buckinsr heavy traffic morning ahd night and ■''„V EEHEL 1964 BUTCK HPEOIAL- 1966 HONDA Scrambler, 806 cc, , " DONT DELAY 7553, after 6 p.m. floor. vying for space in a crowded parking lot? Does room condition. Must seU, take black, exceUent condlU^ low,. Fainting— Poporing 21 * — ACTT NOW — AVON CALLING — Ex-career your Accident, Health and LHe Insurance cost over payments. 648-6404. mUeage, $596. CaU 649-8787 af- Phone 289-6547 Anytime more than 95c per week? Does a small frigidly iQ m i HtA, lx TM K«|/US Nt on 7-3 INSIDE -vOUTSIDB painting. (vomenl. Miss working? Like T-B I - -f— ter “ ■ shop vyith interesting non-production, work ap­ / 1964 FORD custom line 6, stand------> f a c ia l rotes Ator pele 65 or extra money? A few .openings Yl EARN ! L ard shift, running . C(dndltion,^RUS8;^ MOWER Service over. CaU my oompetltbrs ther. ^ for part-time work near your peal to you? ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS $50 649-5934^ ' sharpening and repair. Rotary caU me. Estimates givto. 649- ~ home showing Avon Cosmetios. $7,000. or More Per Year I ______j___^------— , and reel. Han deU ery Fonialo 35 ------^— ~7—:—■ If the answer is YES to the above questions, VHIIE HURT/N© A Live • door V-8, automatic transmls- g„pyice. 742-7W- i* "* " JOSEPH' P. Lewis '" cusUhd AfPLY in PERSbjN TOUPpNT — a t apply (to The Quint Machine Clorporation for Boetn MY ARM-' ‘ ^ slon, good condition, $475. 875- -—,----^------palnUng; Interior and exterior COOK TO work days. Apply *ai further particulars at 51 Elm Street, Manches­ f t P U M M ri-o u r 8917 * SHARPENING SeiTioe —Saws. paperhanging, wallpaper.: re- Acadia Restaurant-,108 Tolland. MOip WaOTOO'"'*BRaiO OO . ------ZZ-U------’—————' knives, axes, riiears, skates. moved. WaUpaper o® ^ Tpke. Manriiester.. " FISHER " ~ ter, Ck>nn. Ctpen Monday thru FYiday 8:80 ajn. tm x LiCEN^EP Joimeyman plumb­ a - r m LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON AUSTIN HBALBY Sprite, 1 ^ > rotary, blades. Quick service. to 4i30 pjn. , , I CHARny v e ry :g o ^ condition, $759- CaU oapl^i isqulpment bo. 88 Main gip-ggsk ^ WANTED —e^ rie n c e d wom­ er, experienced Ui ifiumbbig DRY CLEANSERS INC. MU., 6 4 9 - ^ aitter 5. VI St., Manchester. Hours daUy an >to carq for 24 year old polio and heating sorvlce,service, H. Q. Z* . 7^! niuroday 7-9, Sgturilay 7- PAINnNG, Ulterior, exterior, female, mornings, 6484)479. Sc||Ulze, 876-9707, \ 3% Broad S t, Maiictaeater .TWINK/ I960 AUSTIN HFALEY Sprite, ■ V ■ PRAW5A' '4 448r7908.’' ' d free eatimates! Contact Gerald SNACK BAR manager —West ELECTRICIAN, fuU- time, ' excAllent condition, radio, heat- Stratton, 64gfI48, 64$-f8S7. THE T MACHINE (DORP. R4RTN6R ' er; Must seU. 870-H22. M A M RUBBISl te n Hartford, experience helpful, steady employment insurance NA iI, pn>(PAINTING—interior and exte- cSssary, benefits, paid hoUdays and va- PAINTER AND llpaperer,' 5t ELM STREET, . VIOASe commercial, ^1964 CHEVROLET — Impala fessionsi, rosidi removal { riot, very reasonable, free es- plus b o i^ plAn and fringe ben­ cation. CaU. between 8 a.m.-5 experienced In. trades. cm =cE sport coupe, exceUent ronffi- service 11 timates. CaU Richard Martin, efits. Write to Box M, Man­ p.nu Robert’s E’ectric Co.. g o ^ position, $S-$ Can 643- MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT Hoose^, service, contalnei Umj, au6>matlc, power steer­ ayailaUs. 949-9757. r ■ ' H649-9286.' ■ chester Hsndd. Bot^i Windsor. 6444)109. :>4085. 7-3 ing. CaU filO-MU. . 1 h ' v ^ '•■I V I \

:^ c n FOtiKTiw MANCHESTER EVENIl^G HERALt), MANCHESTER, CONm ! MONd Ay , JULY 8, 1967 MANCHESTBB EVENING HERALD, MANGHESTEK, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 3, 1^67 ...... Ho ik m For Salt 72 Hointt For Salt 72 Houstt For Salt 72 toH For Salt 73 Houm For Sah 72 7 7 R ^iom s Without loord 59 Liand For Salt 7 l T ollan d Bolton TrtJNO MAN v ^ te d to share INDUSTRIAL LAND tor sale on MANCftESTBR — 4 beB870, be- ,Danhy. chcdce oentoal' locaUon. Spa­ oil hot water heat, wooded lot. 8 bedrooms, large living room acres of land on Brandy Rd. Would you believe less than with fireplace, formal dining wooded acres,' 800’ frontage, T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- TowiiFire DepartmeutWins Zoning Commission Allowed: , tween 5-6. cious U vi^ room with wall to $2,460. Terms. Owner, 742-8090. now Paul J. Oorrentl, Rea)Es-_ , -kM ■» ' . •—- wall catiMt. ■ and flreplaco. $20,0007 Char Bon Real Estate room and kitchen, 1% baths, 167T. laundry room, combination tate, 648-6368, 64S-S138. Housts For. Salt 72 Landscaped tree shaded lot, 648-0^. l a k e BUNOOBE—large wood­ TOLiliAiNZ) Top Prize at Ahdover Muster To Appeal Decision by ZB A * LIGHT housekeeping rooms for $19,700. Louis Dlmook, ReaHy, windows, g c ^ ., condition ed lot, dug well, desirable lo­ SELLING YOUR home? For .hJANCHESTER—7 room home, / ' V throughout. Convenient loca­ liQng All Brick Ranch rent, 643-4074. i^ce location and condition. 649-9823. caUon. Call 649-8826. prompt, courteous service that The TtoOand Volunteer Blre , 'The troop wttl display toe • ’the Zoning. Commission has ty itoe town. If toe town. aufft| CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ANNOUNCING^ Uon. Only $17,800.''U A R Real­ 7 rooms, 8 bedrootna, 1% ROOM FOR reflned girl, all $14,500. Mitten Agency, Real- xWO FAMILY, 6-3, cabinet , Ikpastenerit captured toe Mist troop flag, which bears toe toe authority to appeal ' s de- eventually aaaume r eBportalihUlti^ 8 AJtf. . ty Co., Inc., 648-2692. Robert baths, sanuge. tenge treed comforts of home, central lo­ tors, 648-6980. kitchen, bidlt-ln vacuum sys­ D. Murdock, 648-6472. Resort Property hut btgfet on a hUl. Two ***•” ” • "to -A«n«- cision of toe Zoning Board of for Ithiese iiioajils, it rniMt alaoi pay* cation, board optional.. 643- tem, garage,. 119x165 lot. gar­ CLIFFWOOD . mistier in Andover. It also won , Appeals, according to the opin- for putting them in good oon-- EXCEPTIONAL 5H room fire- FOUR BEDROOM^ Colonial on " For Sale ___ 74 OreiiteioeB, teige walk-out a tdopliy aor the (beat appearing COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 6745. den, trees, $21,900. Hutchins IN, MANCHESTER baaemertt. - A home requir- Ion of Harold Oarrity, town dltdon. ; * ' ______placed Ranch, rec room, 1% Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. company in isdtt»im. Contributions to assist in fi- b P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBLIckSTON NEWLY DECORATED large .baths, enclosed porch, garage, _____ p r iv a t e r e c r e a t io n Mea, . ing ho nwkiitenanca «riiW»i auMday’s muster was toe flnrt nanclng the "trip wIU, still be ae- counsel. The opinion was read Aocording to a, town - finished rec room,, large kitch­ 3 level acres, 1,000’ rlvw front­ beauty. Miany otoer fea- Events in Deadline for Saturd^ and Monday Is S p.m.'FcIday. furnished room, private en- large yard enclosed with stock- q N EAST CENTElR Street .A new area on BuSh HiU en, bulK-ins, oven, range and in wbldh toe llbcal- department .6 aeitectonen may oii8y iB-j August is; Owner, 643-0724. 6, $2,500. Terms. Owner, 742- YOUR COOPERATION WILL HIAI 1 plus a sun room. Two car gar- pOnns Or ouna Prices start W VN Probe Urged tteipated in toe idrill, end show- TZe Oadettes originally began 2lonlng Comniiasion has this ® driveway perm it on a, BE APPRECIATED 1/IMfc I I CLEAN PLEASANT room. Call JOIN THE prosperous investors a g t. Deep lot. T.J. Orockett, a t $22,500. CONCORD RD. — Beautiful 8090. ed off a new pumper truck, plnns for toe trip dn January authority as a ‘‘reasonable ex- road ■which has (been accepted* 649-1425 after 8. with this sound 3-famlly, $2,- BARROWB aoal WlAULACECo. WASHINGTON (AP) — The _____ . ______, Realtor, 643-1577, R^dh, large' living room, for­ head of B’nal B’rith, toe Jewish '***'<* ""«■ oonvenietiitly deliver- and have held a bake sale and erclse of the discretion vested town. . ■ _ 760 income per year. Priced at ______^ ______mal - dining room, cabinet Manchester tBarkade In It as the zoning enforcement selecitmen also think toat. Continutd From Prtctdin^ Pagt 128 Bir c h ST.—Room suitable ^itenchester 649-M06 service organlzatioiu has urged FWday. presented two o^edles to help only $17,900. Call Paul W. Dou- m ANCHbIsI e R—VersaUle plus. .CLIFFORt) SLICER Inc. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ Suburban For Sola 75 body of the town.” the town should haye tm eddl-: - for working genUeman, $10. gan. Realtor,-649-4535. ------= ------the United Nations to Inves- new (truck Us an PY60 *"alse money. ■The tfimds r a ^ L J' .III Now' 2-famlly with excellent QSUXLDEIR tion room, landscaped. yard. He also said that the ’'Board tlonal ordinance ptoVldlhg toat ^weekly. 643-4461. income or easily converted to COVENTRY LAKE-T-nice 4 VERNON — Extraordinary Sac- tlgate toe plight of Jews living *’'“'** Hour-wheel drive to fallen short of toe goal, CHENe Y EkJTATE -i4 rooms, 4 Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, room yeM 'round home. A real rlfice. 6 room Ranch; 4 rbom hi some Arab countriea, con- 'h® temwn as Engine 67. Former Teacher Promoted f e A . u of Finance is required to pro- when toe builder posts bond for Articits For Salt 45 Housihold Goods 51 beautiful Colonial. Outbuilding 643-5953. ■vide a reatonable amount nec­ building a road, there should baths. 2 car garage, approx consisting, of 2-car garage, RAY S. HOLCX)MBE good buy at $5,500. CaU Mit­ home, over 3 acres land, 15^ tending many are victims of "wlnrikig drill was com- BV>rmer TbOand teacher Ptts- YOU SAVED and saved for wall 30" TAPPAJST electric range. Apartments—Flats— ' imately 3 acres land By ap- ten Agency, Realtors, 648:6980. essary to take the appeal sub­ be a tone limit. Imposed for its workshop, full second story. R ealtors ■ NEW LISTING—Clean, neat 6 200, zoned for business. For treatm ent P^tod by toe TWIaod Vtohmteeni quale F. Nappl wHi serve as aid- comple/Uon. to wall carpet. Keep it new good conpUon. Call 649-3480 I Tenements 63 potntinent. Phllbrick Agency, Large lot, excellent location. complete details call Paul J William A. Wexler of * 63 seconda The men had to nulnistrative assiSbarit to the su- ject to statutory limitations.”. MTlth Blue Lustre. Rent electric after 5 pin. Kealtors, 649-5347. Selies Agent i” - BOLTON—7 room Colonial, 2% Tlie statutory limitation for The ■selectmen ^lave $6,000 In Large assumable 5% per cent Circa‘ 1961. Assumable “ *5% per baths, 2 , fireplaces, aluminum .Oorrentl, 648>5S68, 648-2125. Atlama said he had eye-witness ™n from a dead Stop to toe perintendenlt of schools In Meri- unused funds from town ald_ shampooer, $1. The Sherwin- LOUKINO FOR anything In real 6444285 Cent mortgage. Mb’. Lombardo, informitilon that Jews were truck, drive tofe truck about 200 den. Nappl has been serving as Bolton, based on a Grand tost n tate______rentals — apartmenta.______MANCHB S T E R executive mortgage. $23,500. Mitten siding, etfeetric heat, paneled^ money. If toe amount is suffi-- ; Williams Co. Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. Belfiore Agency, 643-5121. ANDOVER —cverlooUng lake, klUea and tortured In Egypt h> a water sigiply, pifll off prinolpaa of the new Prudence of less than $20,000,000, is $1,- WESTTNGHOUSE refrigerator mulUple dwelling, no home, Porter St area, 8 ^ famUy room, '»Mie a,cre lot. Ear-* 000. cient, 'they plan to ameslte "parts; ■ KEEP CARPET cleaning prob­ and electric stove. rooms, 2 baths, 2 lavs, 4 large ly occupancy, low 80’s. Ap­ 4 room home, excellent condi- and I ^ q following toe about 260 feet of (hoee and liook CrandaU Elementary School in "of South Rd., Box Mountain 643-4884. fees.l GaU J D. Real Estate. "" FIVE ROOM Cape, furnace 7 $17,900 PRIVACT, 3 bedroom (m aNOHIBSTER turn, treed lo t artesian well, outbreak of vter In toe Middle h up for pumping. The men then Enfield siince Waving Tolland If the Zoning Commission lems small, use Blue Lustre 643-5129. bedrooms, Florida room, 27’ pointment, owner. 649r4864.' exceeds the $1,000 limit, it may Rd., and Birch Mountain Ex- 40” WES'tlNGHOUSE electric kitchen With buUt-lns, Inter­ years old, oil hot water, new SSS: 3 BEDROOMS-2./, BATHS CaU now. only |10,600. Hayes ^Ast. \ had to hit a itaiget with toe two yearn ago. wall to wall. Rent electric gutters and down si>ots, ex­ Agency, 646^>in. Wexler told . a B ’nal B’rith Apray from toe hose. go to a town meeting to request Shampooer, $1. Paul’s Paint & range, -i ;ood condition, $25. com, completely air-condition­ kitchen, garage, large treed Aire 'in this new 7 room VERNON — QUIET , frlendy RepubUcan Caucus Call 649-1168. tremely fine neighborhood and' meeting Sunday that\50. Jews Boys League Tournament more- money. The decision of Wallpaper Supply. for the rental of your apart­ ed, 2-oar garage, beautifully lot. Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. Ooilonliell end it. is aivaiialblle neighborhood, new custom- Republicans will sdeot. toeir heavily treed lot, $14,800. Wol- built Raised Ranch, built-in B O L T O N -ow ner t ^ e n o d , were klUed In Syrian mbb rioU. Th® S^gnn ILeague of Now fall’s local "He soys he's heen getting so much junk mail, he might the town meeting is final. ESTATE SALE — living room ment or home, J. D. Real Es­ landscaped lot. For further In- today. FliiSt floor laiundiy, If the Zoning Commission Curious Arrive tate. 643-0129. fomiatlon call R. F. Ddmock verton Agency, Realtors, MLS, WEST SIDE—6 room Cape, 1% kdng size maister bedroom stove and oven, ceramic tile tola 7 room Ranch hea large Jte alao reported that up to 460 Britoin captured Iffimt place dn to be S ^ Os well change his name to 'Occupant'!" furniture, artificial fireplace; 649-2813. bath, landscaped wooded lot, . family room, fireplace and Apd ^ 2nd Amual XAdependent g pm ^ toe HlckB doe^ not exceed the $1,000 limit :Boats and Accessories ,46 iano; bedroom furnl- Oo., 649-5245. baths, bus line, near every­ 'wiifh waA'k-in closet end At Burial Site Winter j 3% rooms. thing, In like new condition in­ $22,000. Dlmock Realty, 649- paneled wan in Hvlng room, [^«AAndria were tortured and Boya Deague Toumament yea- and If' the finance board ,dbes ture; rowd oak pedestal ta- paneled farnddiy roam. Only not give the Zoning Board the 12’ BOAT AND traUer, 3 h.p. $120. Garden Apartments, FOUR BEDROOM Ranch con­ MANCHBSTE3R i side and out. Vacant. Must be $31,900. Don Sdaco, 649- 9823, eia-5246.. 1% baths, landscaped wooded 4«itied food and water for sever- tontey. H ie team defeated 0>1- nomlnaiUiw^TOmmlUee Soviet Film Show on motor, $195. Call after 6, 643- ble and [chairs; dressers; hos- parking, 16 Forest St. off Main money, it. may nevertheless Of Late Actress veniently located near Kast seen to be appreciated. 643- 6306. I r Lfo t e r 6.3 ami 4^ in a double- 0339. pltal bed; yard goods; man’a gt. Nopeits. 646-0090,643-6675. Hartford. Large living, room RAISEt) RANCH 2203 for appointment. $l»,50a Louis Mmock Realty, ^ _ . , . , header. ^ bind the toivn to sums reason­ car coat, size 46; new lady’^ ------with fireplace, 2 ceramic baths, 640-9828. Gim Control Asked Fink ______ably necessary to take the ap- PEN ARGYL, Pa. (AP) coat 2o%-22%; man’s suits, ONE BEDROOM modem apart- BIglhit big rooms, 2% baths, W Puritanical Propaganda Crowds of curiosity seekers are unusual i4 x 20 family room, MANCHESTER —newly listed Legal . Pfif TVIM a ^ WAa^GTON (AP) — De- nament W e first place. iFagan toe ®loor iriU W aa(»r^^ peal. Diamonds— Watches— size 44. 649-5051. ment, available July 1st, $120. 2-car garage. Excellent value, double gairage,, a metlcu- 2-family, 6-6 duplex, one block BARROWS amd WAiLLAiCSE Oo. TOLTON -^ew 6 room Raised f^ e Secretary Robert S. Me- League; ^ ^ n d . Colcheter; ^ C T to be f U ^ S ^ Re- Salary Discussion arriving in this small, quiet per month, including heat. Call tous home, beautifully dec- Although the letter contain­ Jewelry 48 10 per cent down, 30 year mort­ from Main St. JL30 x 165 treed ManOhester Parkade Advertisement ^ c h , catoedral C e | ^ In UV- N'**»®"a saya toe absence of tWrd, Wali^Lfeague of New pubUcan oondldatee ^ first Passes Playboys^ Parties hamlet to see the burial site of. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- gage available Wesley R ■ onaited, includes Royal Blue lot. Bel Air Real Estate, 643-' Manoheater 649-6306 ing the salary recommenda­ FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator,- AUDIT REPORT K fomi\Tolland. and Ktman. ^^^n. S MOSCOW (AP)—The So- ley MacLalne, Shirley Temple actress Jayne Mansfield. ' - WATCH AND jewelry repair­ 4535. Smith, Realtor, 643-1567. well to wall carpeting and 9332. sliding doors, aimdeck, built- unreaaonable and “an open and fifth, Cblumbia.^ tions of the finance board had ing. Prompt service. Up to $20 years old, 643-4511. Hobpoiaiit butllt - in appU- MANCHESTER — 8 room Co­ Notice is hereby gi.ven that derk, itrensuror, box collector, answer 'to the glamor of and Jack Palance are tentative- reached the selectmen as But the family .of the 34-year- lonial, 1% baths, dishwasher, the Audit Report of lUhe EMghith ins, basemeiit fireplace, bfie permanent Invitation to violence Tomorraw’s Bo^ (League’ agent for toe Town deposit old Miss Mansfield, who became on your old watch In trade. MANCHESTER — 3 bedroom ances. Desirable Porter St. HENRY ST.—Colonial 7 rooms, car baaement garage. One acre Ai^_ disorder.’’ game between toe wort■u/film festivals, a spectacle ly listed as coming. exipected; a long discuasion was Closed Mondays. F.E. Bray,- Furnished Ranch, oversized garage, nice area. Offered at $38,000. 1V4 baths, extra large li'ving .carpeting, family room, rec- UtiiUties Ddstirict of Miancheeter w .'u _ . . . . “ ----- ^ — — ------®**d fund, assessors (2), mernbere of . a famous Hollywood sex sym­ McNamara, in a letter re- the Indians "will be plWed at the Boend of Tax Review (2) **'a^ purttanlsm, politics Russlan-bom composer Dml- held on the subject. 737 Main St., State Theatre Machinery and Teols 52 Apartments 63-A location, nearly 2 acKs of ,Itmd. and dining room, sun room, 3 reatlon r6bm, double garage, for the year ended May 31, Mrs. Olive Toomey, town bol, reiterated its Intention to R *tealty Ooi, Inc., 1®as^ Sunday by Sen. Edward 10 a.m. a t the Hicks baHtleld. Planning and Zoning Oommls- dnd propaganda ahead of pul- ^ Tlomkln—"High NMn’’—Is .keep the: final rites today simple Building. A country home iii town,_ re­ L C. GREENOUGH CO. bedrooms, garage, $25,500: central, $22,900. Hutchins Agen- 1967, is now on file In the Of- clerk, and Mrs. Kay Peterson, FERGUSON 30 tractor ROCKVILLE —3 and 4 room Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, cy. Realtors. 649-5324. fjee of the Town Clerk and the 6492692. Robert D. Murdock, m Kennedy, D-Maas., endorsed Standings In the local le a ^ e alon member (<1), PZC alters chritGde, playboys and parties, on the 16-member Jury. It has a plow, Herron snowplow and duced to $21,900. Mitten Agen­ substitute tax collector, vigor- private, completely furnished, central­ cy, Realtors, 643-6930. 647-9921 649-5347. ------same is open for public taapeo-. 8*3-6472. kdntodstmtton bills to limit In- are first place, 'Cards; secoimL nates (2), member of toe Zon- is «m this week. majority of eight Communist ously expressed their opinions ^ And there has been little for scoop. 643-7278; "VFRNON _ onnitiao Mi ~™Ate tr^ c in guns. Kenne- Indians; third. Reds; fourth, tag Board of Appeals (1), ZBA ^/Moscow’s fifth International representatives, with a Russian Garden Farm— ly located, parking, private ,tion. toat toe salary of the tax col- the curious to see: a tarpaulin; entrance. Call 876-8322. ’TWO-FAMILY close to Man­ MANCHESTER -new ly listed 3 II i\<. B t ^ djr^vocates tola lesl*la.tlon. Braves; fifth, Yanka,, and sixth, alileimate (1), library' cKreotof Film Festival July 5-20 again chairman, lector should not be decreased, over a newly opened grave near- ; Dairy Products 50 chester High School, one apart­ MANCHESTER bedroom Colonial, established, LofS For Salo 73 This legal nolUce U given In room, aU plaster Ranch, large The defense chief and Kenne- pirates. (1) hud oonsUbles (4) promises political fireworks. Sandy Dennis, star of the Musical Instruments 53 custom built 6 room flreplaced compliance with Section 7-394 The finance board has recom- the entrance to Falrvlew Ceme-; - S’TRAWBERRIES — pick your ’THREE ROOM apartment, fur­ ment has 3 rooms, one 6 rooms, preferred neighborhood, large wooded lot, 2-car garage, ther- dy exchanged letters over the Cadetto’s Expo Trip YGOP Picnic Prize awards in the past have American entry lil the compet- mended that the tax collector’s tery, a neat white house where nished, private bath and en­ one heating system, 2-car ga­ Ranch, 1% baths, garage, treed lo T irara^ BOLTON-NEAR center, beau- of the General Statutes. mopane windows, 6 minutes to senator's proposal that the De- Members of Cadette .Girl The Tolland Young Repub- pitted Soviet Jurors, seeking to "Up toe Dovm Staircase, ’ own, $.30. 406 Burnham St., walking distance to Main St. . g 8 . . po jjjyj ijjjg ■wooded lot. Dated a t Manchester this 3nd salary be cut from $4,000 to $2,- Miss Mansfield lived as a child. Manchester. WURUTZER studio console pi­ trance, utilities, no pets. 224 rage, good lot. Excellent In­ Air Real Estate, 643-9332. *^PArtment cancel the Bcout TVoop 5Z06 will leave for Ucans wilKhold a membership honor Soviet films with top Is due to appear. Former presl- 700 a year. The actress was killed Thurs- Charter Oak St. 643-8368. vestment. T. J. Crockett, Real- and all conveniences, St. choice location, selling for day of July 1967. cy, 643-0609. National Matches at Camp Per- Canada July 10, to vlelt Expo picnic S atu^y at 6:30. Plans awards, against foreign Jurors dential ^de Jack Valenti, now ano, $285. CaU 644-0728. James Parish. Leonard Agen­ BRAND NEW 4-bedroom Co­ $4,500. For further Inforina- . Edward Tomafclrf, Mrs. Toomey said that the day along with her attorney and PICK YOUR own berries, ’Tlnk- tor.y 643-1577. w ni/m w T.Aicin—iiM» nt ''^Wch the department 67. "Wtolle there, they will camp are T>eing m Se under the dl- demanding recognition for arils- president of toe Motion Picture tax collector is the backbone of chauffeur In a car-truck crash er Pond Rd., Birch Mountain. OOMPLETE SET of drums, TWO ROOM furnished apart- cy, Realtors, 646-0469. lonial, huge kitchen, buUt-li's, Mon call R.F. Dimock Co., Tywn Clerk ‘ tic achievements from abroad. Association of America, heads front, modern 5 room vear with Canadian Girl Guides, rection of L. R<^rt Dumont. the government and that the In Louisiana, Bring containers. R. Morra $200. or best offer. CaU 643- ment, stove, refrigerator, heat, NEW 5 ROOM Ranch, under oven, range and dishwasher, 649-5246. In 1963 toe infighting got so American delegation. hot water, private bath. In. construction,' Bowers School BEAUTIFUL 2-famlly, 4-4 fire formal dining room, 2 flre- 'round Ranch home, sun; stad^ Rifle Assocla[- making daily excursions to Ex- amount of work done has been Meeting Sunday night at the 1 Farm. 9636. Can be seen at 21 Gor­ place in each apartment, new andM nrtvaev excellent area ' Uwn, . po. .ITHrominoiaEvenings Willwill 1)6be spent Manchester Evening (Herald rough.jugh toat Wertem Jurors Two American directors, both Increasing for the past ' five home of Miss Mansfield's .aunt,; . man Place, Manchester. quire Marlow’s 867 Main St. section, city utilities, 140’ .pOiaices, fiamilly room, 2-oar threatened to quit. Only a Soviet involved In Jury battles In past STRAWBERRIES — pick your frontage, bus line. CaU Build­ formica coimters, loads of cab­ giarage, 2-zone heat, exipiiuent Only $18 900’ Haves Aaenev co'AA'eAttaY that around the campfire sharing Tolland oorrespondentv Bette years. Mrs. Bert Mllheim, relatives,. inet space. Each apartment Is '646-0131 ' " ^® *®Atches cost' the govern- experiences and "intemational Quatrale, tel. 876-2845. \ backdown, reportedly author- Moscow fe^vals are expected She also said that the town and Hungarian-bom ^tfongman own. 30 cents quart. Michael Business Locations er, Leon Cleszynskl, 649-4291. neighborhood, $31,900. Wolver- ment nearly $3 million and tie friendship,” with the Canadian ized by then Premier Nikita ‘® Fred Zlnnemann and Kurys, French Rd., Bolton. Antiques ^ 56 equipped with refrigerator and ton Agency, Realtors, MLS, OPEN '^^ TUESDAY should give good salaries in or- Mickey HargUay, toe actress’ 00"VtBNTRY up the camp each August and Giri Guides. Khrushchev, calmed the storm. Stamey Kramer. ■ der to attract capable people, second husband,.'made final ' For Rent 64 stove, heat supplied by two 649-12813. Advertilsememt— Moves to honor controversial Zlnnemann s film, A Man for WANTED TO B^nt=antiqUes, separate' systems. Has been September, has suggested the The local troop is seeking in­ Mrs. Peterson added toat plans for servlc^. GLENDALE RD. START IN STYLE films from the West have con- 3®“ °"®’” b® ®hown as steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ LARGE CORNER storfe. down- handled with loving care EXCELLENT 6 room Colonial, ,4th OF JULY! camp be used for summer train- ______formation _____ about______Tolland —his- IH. P. Hood and Son. "Foods "you get what you pay for." Accustomed/to and welcoming Household Goods 51 to m Msmehester 45x70’., Par­ ' Ju 0t manied? (Beat high flu te d deadly serious Soviet ^® entry, er lamps, art glass, primitives, * throughout the years. On toe 'breezeway and garage, sun- tag programs to aid underprivl- tory which might be of inter- for (Fitness!” For prompt home The Grand List has Increased the glare of publicity while al- tially finished basement. CaU ' irenlt payments In tote de- officials with key dilemmas. At toe last festival In 1965 Zln- CLEAN, USED refrigerators, any quanity. 644-8962. Novi undm construction — fringe of redevelopment. Ex­ porch, hot water oil heat, plas­ leged youths. their Canadian counter- deUvery service, call collect: $3,200,000 ir toe past five years Ive, the adtreSs was to be buried ranges, automatic washers, 522-3114. Ranches, Raised Ranches, with a full line of Ulghttful R anch. (Lovely tree McNamara didn’t give a clear .parts. 233-3803. Refhsal to honor such films nemann led opposition to cellent for Investment or own­ tered wall, 1% baths, walk-out ' shadea comer lot—attached and the number of tax accounts In re^ve privacy, Richard ' with guarantees. See them at Colonials. Choose your er occupancy, $18,900. Another answer to the senator’s sugges­ hurts e^orts to present a liberal awarding toe grand prize to the has increased considerably Mllhaim, a cousin, stressed, Wonted To Buv 58 w a r e h o u s e for rent, approx- basement, lot approximately PICNIC SUPPLIES • COLD CUTS (breeaes^y and garage — tion, impl3rtag he can’t bypasa^a Image abipad and dampens the Soviet film, "War and Peace.” B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649- vywniwM ly imately 800 square feet, near model. fine offering from toe Wolver- 100x200 well landscaped, good also. Mllheim said the family want- Main St. CaU 648-2171. Orepteoe—moist be seen at law picvidlng that the secretairy prestige of the Moscow festival. Officially, opponents said, toe HOUSEHOLD LOTS, antique*, Main St. CaU 643-1378. ton Agency, Realtors, MLS, location. Quick occupancy. $ili4,00a Call J. Sledesky, 'She felt that it was reason- ed a quiet, dignified burial "and Cold Watermelon # Bakery Goods of the Amy hold toe marks­ But toe SoriCts also fear that film did not deserve the prize able for town officials to expect we have 300 policemen” to ta- SEWING MACHINE —Singer bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, Three tlons: FoUow Keeney 649-2813 Priced at only $26,800. Charles 649-6306. STORE FOR RENT, Main St.. St., turn right on Bush Hill manship matches. Tshombe Extradition honoring such ^ m s adds pres- because only the first two of Its an increase for a job well done sure It. automatic zig-zag Id cabinet, glassware. We estates. Vil­ Lesperance, 649-7620. Manchester In State Theatre MANCHESTER —Just off East sure for relaxaUdn of controls four parts were shown. Western and to compensate for the rise Services were set for 2 p.m. button holes, embroiders, hems lage Peddler, Auctiofieer, 420 Rd. W Better Airports Needed on the arts hereXpermlttlng and some Soviet critics ques- Lake St. Bolton, 849-3247. building, reasonable rent. For street on right. Center St. Older 9 room Colon- MANCHESTER — 2 Colonials, "THE KING In the cost of living. EDT. . etc. like new condition. Orig- Information please caU theatre ial, top'condition. New fur WASHING'rON (AP) — productlon of cViticaVftlms. tioned the quality of the film. First Selectman Richard Mor- go^n In- Bryn Mawr, Pa., on; : InoUy over $300, balance now, very clean.'"Asking $19,900. H. RARROWB and WAILiLACIEOo. Sought for Execution They want the prestige of an The top prize was split be- ^ake o v « ^f WE BUY AND seU ^tique and manager at 643-7832, naices, siding,^etc. Six bedroom M. Frechette, Realty, 647-9993. OF (Manchester (Pankade Transportation Secretary Alan ra mentioned that earlier this Philadelphia Mata Line, - ' WESLEY R. SMITH poasibility. ifMust be sold. S. Boird says communities with KINSHASA, toe Congo (AP) toe Congo In I960." In 1963 a U.N. intemational film festival tween "War and Peace” and the $10. monthly. 522-0476. used furniture, china, glass, ------——-— PRODUCEr Manchester 649-6306 year he had recommended "a Mansfield moved here with sUver, picture frames, old ^ HTE of offices presently Hayes Agency, 646-0131. RANCH — AIR-condltloned, 3 —------heavy air traffic which delay — The' Congo government has force put down toe secession, award bestowed on produrtlpns Hungarian entry, "29 Hours,” salary increa.se from the pres- mother, now Mrs. Harry - suited for professional ourpos* CONSTRUCTION CO, of the only SoVlet-approved tti;! which the Russians had called 1966 FRIGIDAIRE washer, used coins, guns, pewter, scrap gold, bedrooms, fireplace, 1% baths, 276PERO OAKLAND STREET, h^NCHESTER • , 643-6384 BOLTON —cozy 4 room Ranch, taprovemente of airports In asked Algeria to extradite fom- driving Tshombe into exile. ent $260 t® $500 a year for the pegfa of Dallas, Tex., after her MANCHESTER —$16,900 - 3 ideologically unsound. one month, best offer. Call 649- watches, old Jewelry, hobby Is now available In the State 643-1567 rec room with bar and kitchen Featuring A Full IJnei Of SEALTEST Dairy Producto! ;oversUed garage with attach- Hopes the federal government Premier Molse Tshombe to In mld-1966, when toe Com- school, "socialist realism.” second and third selectmen- father, Herbert Palmer, dled^ Theater Building Can be suh. large bedrooms, living room, The American film "Who is \K ram er was Involved In a blg- 1605. coUections, paintings, attic con­ facilities. Call early. H. M. ,ed porch, extra large lot, ac- trill provide most of the money Ktashasa so It can execute him munlst-amed Slmba rebeUlon This was cut from the budget. ajig was 2 years old. divided If necessary. For In­ dining room, kitchen, near ’ oesslble. $14,900. Praneds J. are engaged In "wishful think- on charges of treason and plot- was driving back Mobutu’s Afrald of Virginia Woolf?” will geX furor In when most Jury tents or whole estates. Furni­ schools, bus, shopping. Im­ Frechette, Realty, 647-9993. mei^ers agreed the best film by toe Board of Finance. ghg had lived in this smalj 1966 NELOO sewing machine ture Repair Service, 643-'fiH9. formation call Theater mana­ MANCHESTER — Cape, 7 McCartan, Broker, 643-6350. to overthrow President Jo- amy, Tshombe returned to wild be shown outside the competi­ with cabinet. 1965 Americana ger 643-7832. rooms, large family room, din­ maculate. Bel Air Real Estate, tion to ah invitation-only au­ was i**ederlco Felllnra- contro­ W four tuining town for several years; COVFNTRV---- continuing Im- geph Mobutu. adulation and became premier. versial '\"8-l4.’’ The Soviets had doubled In the last four Mllhelms and with her ■ ; Encyclopedias. Admiral Hl-Fl ing room, 3 bedrooms, $19,500. ______643-9332. _ ft P«>vements in aviation, sudh as gmee most African nationalist He recruited mercenaries who dience of Soviet film workers. years. baokeA a mckluster Soviet film, toat grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. El-' 6494)941. Rooms Without Board 59 “ ^ Phllbrick Agency, Reaitora, gjjj r o o m Ranch, formal din- sup®” ®"**! transports and other Baders consider Tshombe a provided toe sbearhead for toe The public won’t see it. The selectmen decided first floor, adjacent to north The Soviets always Invite "Meet Baluyev." The Issue was mer Palmer, who lived neuby. JM WITH kitchen privileges end redevelopment, suitable _649-5347.______Ing room, living room with mind ’ Onlv Mft’ *‘“®® ^®^ capable of carrying puppet of the colonialists. It was suppression of ^ e rebellion. they would like to review Hdr grave Is nea^ her grandpar­ MOVING—8 BOOMS househdl scores of the world’s stars to' reportedly re^fereed to Khrush­ salary scales with the flnar ce centfaUyJocated. Mrs. Dorsey. for beauty p»lor, barber shop MANCHESTER — beautiful, 8 .fireplace, 3 oversized bed­ passengers,^ will require an assumed toat Algeria’s- anti- Tshombe tri^ to consolidate chev who agreed to let the ents' and not far from her fa­ fumitoings, antique and mod­ nayes Agency, bw-uibi. enormous expansion of airport Western regime would turn him his galirt politically In 1965 and attend but few appear, partly board before coming to any fl- em. Call 643-8190. 14 Arch St. o^: office. A'vhilable July 1. room modified Ranch, breeze- rooms, family size kitchen, form^d a M rtT^to tor^m because toe scheduled showing award go to "S-Vi.X- ther’s. built-lns, enclosed sunporch, SOUTH WINDSOR—6 room taoUlties. eygr to toe Congo government. formedlormea aa partyparty withwim toeme aim a>m of01 Soviet officials attacked nal conclusions. ‘ Call 649-2865. way, garagCi rec room, large of their films Is worked out only the Dump Contract TWO TWIN BEDS with box THE THOMPSON lot. Mitten Agency, Realtors, 1J^ baths, 2-car garage, $26,- Split, rec room, garage, large ^P®**® Sunday on ABC’s Tshombe is being held In Al- beating President Joseph Kasa- film in toe Controlled press, tage Street. centrallKjocated, STORE — HEATED. 20x70',,, lot, swimming pool. Lranard "**®ues and Answers.” giers after the .apparent hijack- vubu In elections scheduled for at the last minute. The contract with Andover for spring and mattresses, blond 643-6930. 600. Wolverton Agency, Real­ This time only Leslie Caron warning artltrts that the award ,ug‘uag”of‘‘'Jty dunip^ chest, bureau, desk. Best off^r. large, pleasantly furhltoed . downtowh 840 Main St.. Man- tors, MLS, 649-2813. Agency, 646-0489. CAPITAL QUOTE ing Saturday of toe British 1966. Kasavubu fired him, how- and French actor Robert Hos- would not signal a llbecallzatlon N.Y. City Clerk V 643-4274. rooms, -parking. Call 649-2358. cheater. Newly remodeled tn- tHREE b e d r o o m Colonial, ______!______!______■ "Like toe poor, we have charter plane In which he was ever, and in toe ensuing polltl- This contract has been revised LARGE EXECUTIVE Colonial, SOUTH WINDSOR—Woodland Shriver always with us.’’—A traveling from Palma de Mai- cal turmoil Mobutu grabbed toe seln, both Jury members, are of controls here. A crackdown from an earlier v^^rslon, but It for overnight \an<| permanent -gide and outside. OaM 622-3114. 2V4 ceramic baths, closet space listed as sure to attendT temporarily halted work on 13 Upset Qver Mass galore, huge kitchen, buUt-lns, 3 years old, modern family size Dr.—GfUTlson Colonial, mod- congressman, discussing toe lorca to toe nearby Medlterra- reins and named himself presi- still was not approved. guest rates. ______WAREHOUSE AND storage kitchen, family room, 2V4 Among Americans, George Soviet .films until the rtorm The selectmen felt that the utility room, formal dining em kitchen wijh built-ins, for- many (Japitol Hill appearances ni«in «»innd of Ibiza, in toe dent. ' Hamilton, Warren Beatty, )8hlr- quieted. Park Marriages Added Charm CENTRAL—CLEAN room with building. 4,800 square feet, baths, 4 large bedrooms, mud mal dining room, 3 large bed- of Sargent Shriver, toe antipov- Spuilsh Balearics. contract needed to be changed separate entrance for gentle­ large yard, for outside storage room, 2 Jflreplaces, 2-car at­ tached garage. Wolverton / room, fornial dining room, 2 rooms, 1% baths, finished fam- erty director who is trying to Algerian officials said several on two points. As It .how reads, man,' separate kitchen and and parking. ^Ground level and car garage, $38,500. Phllbrick Bolton has ho right tdxtermlnate NEW YORK (AP) — Chief Agency; Realtors,' MLS, 649- Uy room, garage, large wood- save his program from budgeta- mercenary soldiers and Belgian bathroom use. Parking. 649- truck level loading. Call 522- Agency, Realtors, 649-j5347. and no options. \ " 6 Cl*y ^lerk Herman Katz, still 2813. ed loV $24,900. PhUbrick Agen- ry cuts. citizens were on toe plane with State Appealing Igrael E xp icts Some R aid s, 4256. 3114. Also, Bolton Is allowed $5,(X)0 fuming oyer to® Parks D epart-; iHANCHESTER—prestige area, cy. Realtors, ■649-6847. CAPITAL FOOTNOTES Tshombe, along with three Brit- Sales Tax Rule 470 MAIN ST—3 room grbwid SIX ROOM Split level, , dish , The Washington Post reports gubjecte. toe pUot, copilot ^ year for depreciation on the- ment’s multiple 'marriage cere- 6 room Ranch, IV2 baths, 2cojr No Major Egyptian Drive ^Idozer. It wapts th® Contract ^ conducted In Brooklyn’s ; floor office, plenty Of parking. washer, stove, 2-zone heat, wall the Navy is workipg on a re- For Servicemen to wall, beautiful finltoed fam­ garage, excellent condition, ‘^ S S S I.b ^ ^ S °^ “ch, spa- ^ote‘ w^tr;“l S ^ d erice fo" to state for depreciation and p , p has sworn to Smocked Pet Oam 643-2426, 9-5. priced In mid 20’s. Hayes clous ll'vtaa room with huae “'®*® ®®““®* ™mng ae'vice for Algiers said Tshombe’s eastern bank of toe waterway, malntalnance. Andover will be P«>®P®ct i^arx, nas sworn 10 ily room with hM, 100x200 By DENNIS NEELD throw a few roadblocks’ ta front treed and fenced i;l yard, new- Agency, 646-0131. ____ Sk: ikiS wS • ■"??“. HARTFORD (AP) - A An AP N«ws Analysis ' but but hehe mustmust havehave beenbeen referringreferring using the. bulldozer for town, Houses For Rent 65 With )buUt-lris. formal dining ^ a^ v^hors The Judgment exempting, out-of-state TEL AVIV (AP) — Israel’s ^® ^® cease-fire line to the work in addition to. Its use at; oam iro^» ly painted. This Is a truly clean GARRISON Colonial, 3 room, 2 b e g i n s , breezeway "® ^um edlenne. Algerian offtatels servicemen on duty^ In Coimectl- Marriage,” said Katz, "is hnd well kept home. Wolverton begins, breezeway ^ carried vritota tornedo- Boum®®*®*"®- •"6®"“ oiiiciais south. Egyptian tuqops are in u,e dump. not a recreation. The Parks De­ SIX ROOM HOhm for lease, huge bedrooms, loads of closet and 2-car ^rage, 17 acres of J^y*^** ”® t torpeoo arranging toe landing at cut from state sales and use muitary command, which Port Fuad, which is oi;i tpe east- The matters will be taken up very clean, references requir­ Agency, Realtors;M LS, 649- space, formal dining room, 24’ tike cases p a tc h e d from and Boufarik mllitaSY air field west taxes Is being contested b^ the claims Egypt started to®' re- emVanrAear the'canal^s norto- wlto'thelJ)'^" counsel partment has completely . " 2813. / TyiiataiellMjy? land. Ideal’ for many uses. gulded by the subs. ed. Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, living room ■with fireplace, of Algiers. state. newed flj^tlng with attacks entrance and have been Other points In ,toe contract rtepped out of bounds.” Priced reesonsMy al $27,900. Funeral services will be held ; Katz, who pertorms most of 649-5347. MANCHESTER — D esirable family size kitchen with all U A R Realty Ob., ihc., 643- Algeria and toe Congo broke The state will file notice of across toe Suez Canal, believes (there since toe cease-fire. . provided’for the type of dump- neighborhtxid, well kept 9- built-lns, heated family room, Tllio tibiem? 2692. Robert b . .Murdock, 643- 1 ^®^®“f^^ diplomatic relations In 1964 un- mteilt to appeal toe case ta there may be a scries of; Egyp- Israeli government sources tng not allowed,i,30-day.notice to MANCHESTER — for rent or attached garage, $28,500. Wol­ Lt. Gen. Gordon Bu Rogers, a je r Tshombe’s regime and have 2nd U.S sale, 6 room single, 2-car gar­ room English Colonial, 5 bed­ 6472. tlan raids across toe cease-fire Uky„ toat Egypt, through the re- terminate, meafls tp_cprrect‘vl- ,,® rooms, 4 baths, 2-car garage; verton Agenev, Realtors, MLS, Americans have put their savingi to work o f the same or larger denominatioDi at a age, hot water heat] $115 649-2813. ■' ; "package." For instance, foir.|39 you' BOLTON NOTCH Rd., Box 804, monthly. Write L. ’Thurlow, 98 modem kitchen. Opportunity ._____ . ______for freedom throu^ U.S. Savings Bonds can punbase a Savimp.Boqd that matoftf t/t Just reduced, six room Ranch, South Second Ave., T^tville, jknocklng. 1 call now. Hayes 512,500—3 BEDROOM Cape, for inaiiY years. New Freedom Shares do the - - - aJ Assembly deliberations and Any uiuuuhl w-... ------RnA:-iani« [Agency, 646-0131., dormers, alr-oohiditlonor, rec­ $2? and a Freedom Share dia^matorei at #29. 2-car garager 2 acres. Out of ment has assigned representa- Tax Ciommissloner John L. Sul- After Its bloody mauling In perhaps create a situation to be based on an increase in pop-“ oiiensive spe^cie ^ Coim- 1 Freedom Scares are U.S. Savings Notes, state owner on premises this reation room. Very clean, tives to open extradition talks uvan. toe Sinai Desert three weeks p^mpt the intervention of the ulation. which should ^ever have taken I^N CH ESt Ie R — 2 bedroom America needs your help Hutchins Agency, " Realtors, same job . . . plus. Read bow. weekenq. Vehion with Algeria. The tax. decision resul^d ago, toe Egyptian army is ta no security CouncH. Drainage Problem ^ ' iL-nJort tn hm ~Suburbon For Rent 66 Ranch, jUM right for 2 or 3 When you buy Savingt Boodi and-Freeiloin Thomas Tshombe, toe ex-pre- from a suit brought by toe fed- shape 'to launch a determined "Observers expect firing tg a letter was received from 649-5324. 1 They pay a h itter ' return than Savings BOLTON ; — 4 - bedroom Rais­ ROCKVILLE —4 room apart­ • ipeople, $16,500. H. M. Fre ______-—-- Shares you do an imrartaot job for ffeedom, Teen-agers Held, mier’s brother, said In Madrid eral Eovemment on behalf iof assault across toe canal or es- continue along toe canal, and it U & R Builders concerning a pw®r to try 10 see u neveryooes chette. Realty, 647-9993._ MANCHESnfcR vicinity—clean- Bonds, j4.74% When held to maturity. And i-badcing our men in Vietnam and ed Ranch, 2 acres. Sacrifice Sunday that He was determined Navy Lt. Stanley Schuman of tabllsh ia bridgehead on toe jg p^ost likely that tlje IsiaJli drnlnageproblem on Riga Lane. ®6"",- ment, centrally located, park­ $21,606. H.M. Frechette, Real­ ing, private entrance. Call 875- er than nevtj 6% room Ranch, they mature in just four-and-a-half years. keep m count Prison Escapees to Identify hla brother’s kidnap--Nebraska. Itoe suit maintalnedf eastern bank of toe Mfaterway. army will be obliged to take U & R states that when the Nine c arc not sized xvcuivu lUuicb, xvsilieuformal -T-.-.-.pdining Thursday morning by VehtiMi able — to accept • su<^h1 a tremen- 1940, Schuman was taxed $21 political, , llotilot military. Presldept * perh-- _Maarlv__- . today. . . ^ : lor® the fault lies , not in the. 000 persbns ringed a grassy pla-. redeemable for the first year—-are offered on Tell your supervisor or the’'Payroll iDepart- room sllarae bedrooms fire- P®^*-® oharged with theft dous resportnbllltyl and I am by toe state for use of a plea- Gaipal Aqdel Nasser is anxious MHltary soilrces, however, • drain, but in the manner in teau watching. For Rent 67 MAINCHEBTER^e room Oape, ment where you work (or any offittt plaW,, IH UUK teths, wp*A garage, wall ^f „ mnt«r vAhiHp urm-P lotpr.teter. convlhced— ..Ai_.i ^ tumtiMTi over suregui-ie boat while he was sta- to malntatamalntalVi tltoe 'belief " ' among------his report ho Israeli, sally across which the street is plowed. Each bridal cpuple walked up Twio fuB bjsths, ideal Itar 1V& baths, excellent condition, a pne-fOt-one basis with E Bonds, but only you bank.) that you’d like ^ join a Bond ^ ____ found to be escapees from, a my brother.” I tloned at toe submarine base people that the war is contin-. the canal is envisaged, although Mr. (Morra directed the clerk to the Judf;e for toe exchange of 18 INCHES LAKE BUNAPEE, N.H. Modern lar^e flamiuy,, only 13 yeams liaihge tire^ lot, near school, to wall, storms, hear parkway. . 2-bedroom furnished apart­ to people whq klelong to the Payroll Savings purchase plan. D^ide how inudi you’ll save Meyer Agency, 643-0609. Mlassachusetta correctional in- The 49-year-old Congolese in Groton. ulng. , ■ this Is not ruled out If the situa- to tafortn U & R toat since toe vows In h revival of a pubUc old in ex c^en t condition. high elevation. 6491-4928. stitution. leader has been In European Judge M. Joseph Blumenfeld 'Ihe theme of Egyptian propa- tlon escalates. road "was not paowed ta May ceremony first conducted here ment, near lake. Reasonabte Oonvendenit "south end loca­ Plan where they work or the Bond-a-Nonth . . whether you want Fre^om Shares as rates. 648-5402. ’-----r ------— — ' ------The eJiarges against Lloyd exile for 19 months, living most of, the U.S. District Court ruled ganda for internal consumption -Egypt Is trying to establish and June 1*® Hauit "was not in 100 years ago. tion. eifened at: $21,500. Plan whrte th ^ bank.___ ■—— wclL as Bonds . . . and just sign the authori- Hy|-. -j-R , * R. Carter, 16, of 142 HarU Rd; recently in Madrid, since Mobu- that servlcenjen with legal always has been that toe coun- the Impression to toe world that the piowtag. The selectmen feel ------. MISQUAMICUT — 4% rooms, There are four ' zation card. JrllSS JL F eillpS ey S\ and Dennis. J.. leronimo, 17; of tq took power In d bloodless home addresses Ip another'etate try suffered a setback In Sinai the war is not yet over and j^ t toe oomplany; piA ta a ______8190 available July 29-August 2, denominations of Free­ You’ll be helping n r J . Hansom,»Mass., were nolled in co'up. Tshombe’s political party but serving in Connecticut un- but did not.lose the war. Egyp* seeking to Influence voting at driveway in that taccrreict- 34-48 L. C. GREENOUGH $95 weekly. CaU 643-0491. dom Shares, each of your country as you W CdCllIlff mJ O X G ■ the East Hartford Circuit Court has been banned-In toe Bongo; der. military orders are" exemp- i;lans have been urged, since toe the U.N. Assembly,” said Maar- ly and ia |the)retore, responsible help youtjself. And the q V . ^ A ET Friday morning. The "boys his property confiscated and hlS fion from paying" kuch taxes, deiise-fire Ito tighten their belts tv editorially. for correcthig the cdndlttoii it- Boasting the comfortable 647-9921 which may be paired INVITATION Wantod To Rent 68 country n ^ s your help. t o r A u g . were then turned over to Allen supporters thrown out of their Mulvey said toat toe state will aind prepare for tl)e next round. "Egypt wants to Justify Its gew. look associated < with casual mOiSi with a Series E Bond I . ! Colette, assistant supOrinten- positions. continue to collect the 3.14 per I With shooting going on along persistent refusal to open the qfie Beard of SeOectanen will T o B ID wear; this refreshing princess FAMILY_____ OF 6 desire 3 bedroom — ^— ' - i ------is a unique community of HAI$TFORD (AP) — Maiga- dent of the Massachusetts Disciples of toe late Patrice cent sales tax from out-of-state toe canal, Egyptians are more Suez Canal to traffic and force infojin the sorting agent \toat, I deeig^ has pretty and prac- v apartment In Manchester, with SEVEN ROOMS of beautiful ^ homes in a private ret D^nipsey, daughter of toe Youth Service at Brewster, Lumumba, the Congo’s first. servicemen until a ruling' on likely to, accept the Inevitable the West to make Israel draw 'h, its opinion, no ibuildteglper- Tolland Public Schools-V ------Cape Cod living, kitchen, llv- , , . rrv.. „ * i Specifloations and Bid Eonhs: tlcal Ideas ■vrito two ample 2036 or witooiit heat. 649-7060. Connectlcut governor, amd Don- Ma^., for return to Brewster, premier and Its nationalist hero, the appeal is obtained. Taxes economic hardships at home. , back.” ' ’ I mito may ibe Issued ^ a (road roan an' have the appravail of the.ToWm lend. Bid dosing on all of Ptetvdnlg Omiandaaion and ^ r above: 112 July 1967. custom build' the Glastonbury town liiie. an Catholic'Cathedral of St, Jo- of burglary tools. Carter was therrie that Tshombe Is respon- stated’ that dependente of sen^t 1 AnOtoer political objective, nually r,io<-e they li»i:»-es»! the , send 50C In coins send 36c In coins ' or $126. Phone aSHWORTH ST. aeph. F^dward Dempsey, the aiso cha,i^ed: Wi^ operating a gjbjg ,f 0|. the. Cpngo’a ’’troubles icemeii must continue - to pay according to the Israeli assess- cost of pfcoi and equipment, whieh a (bond has been, posted, Robert K Brataton, ' -- plus l6c for Tirst-class mailing, plus 15c for flrst-oldss mailing, ______er win design and build your Open 1-9. goveraor's Son, who is to be motirf-vehiole w ^ o u t a license. to.an “imperiaUst the state sales ^and use taxes, ment, is to maintain tjhe illusion reall team. P® rrf'hik'eonDer.rich Ka- London and the- -British...... Mu- ' He’ . claimed . . . ? . - .. . ^ ------ucation. limited poaslblUties. T. now, $20,500. Paul W. Qougan lianrtoatfu lEuptiitoj nq^t EgyptlM to emigrotibii, pestilence,; star- sFU m Upring and Summer ‘Basic patterns In crochet, knit, em: to New York and attends Pace 1^ ^ ^ J>ase and toe ouuieia uu» PioVlnceVfrom ihe.rest of seum. troops were e ibUsl^ed on tfie vnUon and toe potato blight. noade ^vHich ore not nriaintained broldiy, quftUng and sewing! kett. Realtor, 643-1577. Jr., Realtor, 619-4580. in. 50c a copy. ' ' College. His father Is deceased, .spring. \- ..V » « I 't ; f

:u <1 ' , • « \ .. i ' v \ ilU O B SlXTKKN AfOrage DaQjr Ndt Ron MONDAY, JULY 8, 1967^■ S’ '■r*' iiattrlfiggbr Ettgttittg 1$m B> H m Waeir Ikidad'v,; The Weath^ Oteaiiog toaigM, loiw in.SOa; ' About Town '»_' Vernon jnoaMor Mtony tontomolr, Ugb ''' f ' HOME QF ■f in tnwr TOa ■ ’Hmii Sipluh IPiubas under M an^ieater^A City o f Vltimge Charm : ttwmthte to t tiwse 16 yeazs or Town Man Town aii(d Employes Reach ‘ wBl* sUrt^ Wednesday VOL. u m t v i , NO. 288 ' (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ■V . Aran 6 to 10:S0 p m . and tvfll SERVICE MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1967 (Olaastftod Advartlalng on Page M> : wery Wednesday. Re- On Panel for After Talks PRICE S)SVEN CENTS ^ ttsehmentB are aveilaUe and “We have an agreemenl^ ac- reptesenting the town at every ' Aure be TscoMed inuaiic. Alcoholism oondlng to Chaliman J o ^ Dai­ meetin^.-'But involved in twgo- AND gle o f Ithe Board of Repheseolta- tutting wene hoard members Area Grows Tense ■'V, I Adult Swdlin NiighitB wiiU be Kimberly Cheney, president tives sUb^ommltib^ deaUnig Thomas Carruthers, Thomas Happy Love-in - * oAtered s t a r 11 Wednesday of Greater Hartford Coun­ wtilh ithe ’Vernon jmembera of Wolff, Abner Brooks and Frtuik' QUALITY L O N G B B A O H , ;CaUf. ^ Z Axan 6 to 7:45 pjn. Swim cil, on Alcoholism, Inc. has an­ the Aiherioan ^’^deratinn of McCoy. Town Counsel Abbot popular (AP)v— Even the doaen po> . ; nights wSU t)e odfered on Mon- nounced dtaappolntment of Er­ StaJte Oounty / W l MunliclpaS Schwebel was at the last ses­ sions last week for legal ad­ ttoemeft'on duty fbund this osts Hit - days at Verplamck, Tuesdays at nest A. S h e p h ^ to its Board Emipiloyes. love-ln a hk|>py event. ^ Waddell and Wednesdays’ at of Directors. Shepherd has been Daigle dtdd Saturday the vice. lers As 3,000 peteons fathered Salters. These three eivenings Chief of .^cohollsni' IMvlsion of agretorien^'rnust now be aooepit- Among uidcm demands the at liong Beach rocreatlanal ere for adulfas only. the Connecticut State Depart­ ed by l^ many ' Flmpesty OMever’s Aaaociation Sterling, Ohio, received his A.B. , /T h e state business agent Oliheir -inlon piodniB were: A people say heOio to me be­ fore—not juM the b^iea will be held tonight at 8 , to the degree from Ohio Wesleyan /working wAth the union, Domlr 3-day prabaiUionary period tor N O c t * ^ a s t e r ^ s KINSHASA, the Congo Mbbutu made, no attempt to aggression which dangerously ^Circuit Oonut Room at the Po­ University and A.M. from Bos­ nick Badaioto o f New Britain, hew employes toatead of 60 days but everyb^y arouhd,” said (AP) — Two unidenttfied link the reported landings with threatens tee sovereign of the Police I t . Forest H. Smith. lice BtaUon. regular meet- ton University; S.T.B. from the said Sunday, “We have resolved as now; ihininnim of tour hours €ARLlr WEEK ( Mrs. Richard F. T aylo^Jr. Tahombe, but the official Al­ Congo,” tee president reportq,d. “I wouldn’t mtqd If teey tog o f the board is scheduled School of Theology, Boston Uni­ our differences.” ' overtime; no employe have plRnes landed a..group of of 224 Eerguson iRd, was atvard- gerian news agency Implied He decreed a state of emergen­ came back again.** versity,- and attended .Yale Baddoto celled the agreement more than 25 (hours overtime foreign commandos today 106Kffled tor July U at ‘ the same ttoie ed a master’s degree.to Eng­ that they were part of a plot to cy for the entire Congo- and place. Summer School of Alcohol a ’"reasonabSe oompromise of than enotber, and lUhe town pay ^ the airport of Kiisangani lish from the University of overthrow Mobutu and reinstate Some Western diplomats In Studies in 1944. Coimectlcut June 12. the issues.” Daigle said, "There tor aU of ttgt group insurancee. in the northeast Congo, He has received post-gradu­ wei;e no big fights about any­ Tshombe, who faces death If he Algiers were skeptical about the In Four-Day ' Jehovah’s WStnesses will he.'ve The mother o f five children, The vrtSonasked tor two more President Joseph D. Mobu- is handed over to the Congo by ate training at the Institute-of thing.” t. reported Invasion. They pointed State News a IDIscdpile-iMakiing; iDistriot As­ she plans to’ cpfitinue course paid hottdayst Lincoln’s and' tU said. .Algeria. Pastoral- Care, Massachusetts He 'and local union president, out that It Inevitably would lose sembly thiis weekend at Taim- work at the itoiversity toward OoAumlbUB’ Ibirilhda;^ There are • The Congo radio had claimed Tshombe was on a plane DMZ Battle General Hospital, Boston. Stanley Snydal, were the main Tshombe the support of _the ■ton. Mess. a PhjD. in English Literature. nine holidays now. Tuesday night that 200° Belgian flying from Spanish territory He was the director of the union sjxrkosmNi In talks ‘with DON'T moderate African countries whp Teen Attacks She earned her B.A. at the Ailso asiked (loir were a hew mercenaries were ready to fly. last ■weieK that was hijacked and SAIGON (AP) — Division on Alcoholism at New town leaders on dnangtog the are ■virtually alone In seeking to “ The Parable,” a film, will be University of Utah at Salt Lake claaaiiAlcation at tree cXm’ber; Molse landed at Algiers. He has been Heavy Communiist rocket Hampshire State Department City. union contract. Both agreed to prey«rit;hl8 extradition. shown Wednesday at 7 p.in. at pnovdaiion tor/ a coat' of Xving FORGET Ts^ttibe If the ex-premler were held there while Algeria decides A' n(ie>cenary landing In the .Policeman in and artillerjr fire jraunded of Health from 1948 to 1954 anik recommend it to their metnlber: tocreaee; weehlly instead o f bi- ; Emanuel Lutheran Church at a Active In PTA affairs, she ship. ) extradited from Algiers’,! where whether to grant extradition. Congo'”-' at this moment thus U.S. Marine outpo^s and administrator o f Florida. .M- mon^dy pay checks; more 'va- he to being held. - joint meeting of the Junior High coholic Rehabilitation Program served two terms as president The next meeting of the Tshombe was sentenced could only facilitate an Algerian caitioh pay end sick leave,^end Ktoanganl, . formerly i . St{Ui- .Park Fracas BweepinK forces today just . School groups of Emanuel and 1954 to 1962. o f the Buckley School PTA, Board of ' Representatives Is March 13 in absentia to death decision to hand over Tshombe below the demilitarized South Methodist . Churches. was an officer in the Manches­ more perabtial leave. . / leyvlUe, ,1s about 776 miles Shepherd Has been a member July' 17. Daigle said the aub- tor treason by a military court to Mobutu and seemed an un­ BRlDQEroRT (AP)—A police There will be a discussion after ter PTA Council last year, and northeast of Kinshasa. It Is a 55one where ground f igrhtinfi’ of the board of editors, Yale .cxummlttee, Mayor John E. in Kinshasa, He has been in ex­ likely move to come from sergeant’s ' badge was tipped oft the .film. Refreshments will be will continue as council secre­ form er rebel stronghold. or gun duels have ranged QuarteHy Journal of Studies on, Grant and Direlstor o f PUbUc Coventry ile since, he was dismissed as Tshombe’s own supporters, the and his imiforih torn as-he at­ served. The event is open to all tary during the coming school m a radio address to the na­ for four days. Alcohol ; past president of North Works Andrew TWoarico ell premier In’ October, 1966, and diplomats sajd- tempted to place a-youth under young people in junior -high year. tion, Mobutu said foreign set­ The U.SyCiommand said 15 American Association of Alco­ agreed with it and woulud rec­ has been li'ving In exile in Eu- A^' Congo group headed by arrest Tuesday after a disturb­ ha'vlng completed at least Fifes and Di^iims tlers had attacked Buka'vu, near rope, LeathertteCka were killed and 61 holism Prograrns; a member of Sheris also on the board of ommend it to the Board. Atty. Gen. Alidor Kabeya ar­ ance at Seaside Park, . Grade 7. managers jof the Connecticut the Rwanda border 820 miles Mobutu said the. commandos wound^ in' eight enemy bar­ Advisory Commission to the The union vote ds expected play Tomorrow rived in Algiers Tuesday night PoUce took into custody a It PTA, serving this past year as southeast of Kisangani, —^he did not g;lve their number— rages in the ,past 24 hours. ’This Commissioner of Indian Affairs; some time before the Board to seek Tshombe’s extradition. inather and her three sons , who The meeting of Mystic Re­ the group’s program chaii> Tnie situatian. throughout the landed at 6:30 a.m*. and occu­ brought the unofficial four-day a member of Cooperative Com­ meeting,- Badaioto ^ i i Hie At Storrowton The group is expected to be they said created the disturb- view, North American Benefit man. TOP eastern Congo is tehse, the Con­ pied Kisangani Airport. Earlier eksualty toU to 106 killed, 821 mission of the Study of the details of (be agreement have An appearance tomorrow by joined by MliUster of State Be'r- aiice and fought with policemen Association, scheduled for to­ Mrs. Taylor’s husband, an yet to be 'jxit together and a go radio said. the Congo radio said foreign wounded and 5' missing. Problems of Alcohol, ahd lec­ the NaJthto Hale Ancient Fifes nardln Mungul-Dlaka, who told before a crowd at the park. morrow night at • Odd Fellows attorney tor Pratt & Whitney, meettog date hah not been set, DOUBLE VALUE V mercenaries had been dropped Hie Marines have reported turer at Yale Summer School and Drums will add true Fourth a news conference in. Geneva One of tee sons, Richard Ja­ Hall has been canceled. is a member o f the Republican he said. by. parachute both at Kisangani 168 North Vietnamese killed but of Alcohol Studies for several of July spirit to Storrowtown the Cqngo would break relations cobs, 18, of Bridgeport, was Town Committee. ' No salary changes are In­ and Buka'vu. * believe the total enemy casual- years. Village In West Springfield, oh with any epuntry trying to block cluded In the agreement. The The president said that at Bu- charged 'with resisting arrest, ttea are far higher. Miss Leslie Carlson, daughter Shepherd %s the author the . grounds of the Eastern HoKday ToU Tshombe’s extradition. breach of peace by assault on of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Carlson towm and union made a two-year )P "'S kavu, Congolese national army numerous articles on the dis­ States Exposition. STAMPS Mungul-Diaka has said in Kin­ a policeman and wllfull Injury Each. North Vietnamese bar­ contract' on salaries last year.’ troops were defending them­ . of 199 S. Main, St., left Satur- ease o f allioohollBm, He lives Vernon Storro'wto'wn is the authentic iiie shasa th ^ the death Sentence to private property. rage w ^ atiswered by the But the union asked for bene­ \\R"f selves from attacks, by foreign ' day on a H*arvard-Radcllffe with his wife on [Mount Sum­ New England village, 'with I On Highways against 'Tshombe would be car­ Marine guriil; but the Red bat- ' fits and changes in ' working EVERY settlers. Hb was in Park City Hospital First Family Grandchild Is Baptized chartered flight; to Europe. She ner Dtlve. ried out without a new trial If he teries were evlderitly well dug conditions. _ buUdlngs dating from 1767, and for treatment of a concussion. ■will spend a month touring var­ Baseball Challenge The Congo has appealed to the were’ extradited. Nugent’s infant stfn, Patrick Lyndon, was baptized yesterday at In at solidly p rep a re sites. As­ Head Start Neither Daigle nor Badaioto the Fifes and Drums will ap­ New Record Police said the incident begw ious countries. Miss Carlson is The Pony League team has U.N. Seciulty Council and to the ’The Algerian govenunent has St, Francis Xavier Catholic (^urch near the LBJ ranch in Texas. Posing aftOr sociated Press correspondent would describe the details of pear on the 'Village green there when Jacobs smashed some . employed as an assistant to th€ again chailenged coaches, fe- secretariat .of the Organization inailntaiinied official silenoe on ceremony are Ludi, Pat, holding his son, Aunt Lynda and President Johnson. Steve Stibbena reported from the agreement. Since voting was at 3 p.m. The appearance will Traffic deaths soared to a lighting fixtures at a midway director of the Niemann Foun­ theps o f hoys playing .besehall, Begins Its be free of charge. WEDNESDAY record* high for an Independence of African Unity against “ this what It woiOd do. the battle area that the forces of concession after he attempted to dation at Harvard. and any other stalwart adult not final by either the board or^ ths 90th Norte Vietnamese Reg­ the union, Daigle noted, he did Mrs. Kay Flemer, Exposition Day celebration during the long play a game without paying. males to a baseball game Home Department director. In holiday weekend. iment, which had been fighting Wednesday night at 6 pJm. at 2nd Year not want to make it public. Bad­ He was taken to a police tent Seaman Apprm. Michael aioto agreed. ahnoimclng the performance, " The total reached 694, far be­ the Marines since Sunday, had Grenier, son o f Mr. and Mrs. the eiemenbaxy schooli. where he fought with ixilice as Lady Bird Jets to Home pulled back at least temporari­ Vernon’s Head Start program Cost Seen Above . |10,000 said, “ We feel that Stonfo^yton yond the previous mark olJi76 20,000 at Ml Neho Joseph Grenier of 79 Ileepwood ' .s men are reminded to is the perfeOt setting for the an­ AAANCHESTER a crowd gathered, police said. ly. ' bring thedr owii gloves. In case begins its second year Wednes­ But reliable soimces^have: It set durlpg last year’s threb-day His brothers, 14 and 16 years Dr., ds serving aboard the high cient apparel and music by this BURR CORNERS SHOPPING CENTER— TOLLAND TURNPIKE Pushing forward to recover” of rain ithe game will be postr day with 36 children at the the . contract may cost the town j observance of tte July 4. old, joined tee disturbance 'and einxJurance Ooast Guard cutter, Maple Street 'School. between $10,000 and $20,000 In fife and drum corps; their ob­ the bodies of Marines klUed in USS Yakutat to the western poned. AM townspeople are in­ 1\ The four-day ’ weekend toU Jacobs fled the tent, only to be in Early Coune ject Is to achieve authenticity the big battle last Sunday, the vited to come ,up to the school Co-directors of the program £he present fiscal year which W n ie olQse to the low end of the Crowd Braves Shower caught again later. The younger Pacific. In their appearance and their Marines ran into a rabbit to wabph. are again Afidrew Maneggia began Saturday. SULLIVAN AVENUE National Safety OoimcU’s ad­ brothers were turned over to ju­ KARNACK, Tex. - (AP) — music and to aWve fOr excel­ 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST Here the most prominent toric sites.” warrSn- of abandoned, b a tteM Assessment Questions and C. Arthur Mattson, princi­ Salaries approved at the June vance estimate of 700 to 800, and venile authorities; Lyndon B. Johnson took his Pfc. WUUi^ J. Pugreh, son pals of the Maple Street School lence in carrying out the Spirit SHOPPING CENTER landmark is a dilapidated, two- As If to emphasize this, Mrs. bunkers. 'J Mins. Gent (Noren, an' assessor, 13" Annual Town Budget Meet­ exceeded the 530 tally made by The boys’ mother, Mrs. Ber­ bride-to-be. Lady Bird, away of (Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pugrab and the Lake Street School. of 1776” . V, MANCHESTER To Watch Fireworks story brick building—once a Johnson drove with the Presi­ The fortlficatlona two miles ■Willi be with the tax collector at ing for Public Wotks employes Ihe Associated Press during a nice Jordan, was arrested when from this crossroads hamlet 32 o f 46 Norma^ 'St., recently par- Mrs. Flemer went on, “ The SOUTH WINDSOR By sox. B . COHEN bombs, which can reach only a general store—that still bears dent to nearby Caddo Lake above the sandbagged Marine G the town oftfSSces all day 'Ihure- Object of the program- is to not Including supervisory toUd- nonboUday .weekend of e'qufd she tried to. prevent police from years ago in an old coupe. He Ucipeted wiim Second Bat­ prepare children for kindergar­ music ■' played is from tee (Despite the fear o f zoin, which maximum height .of 250 feet. the name, te fading red paint, of State Park, a depression-born base at Con Thlen Indicated the day firom 9:30 a-m. to 4:00 pjm. led $105,892. Salries paid last duration. taking.,her sons away in a patrol brought her back Tuesday in a talion, Ftfth Marine Regiment, ten. ’They are taught how to fol­ year totalled $97,465. period of 1776 or earlier, emd it Waa later proved justified, an ’The display was conducted by Mrs. Johnson’s father, who died project they would like to see Communists are again pushing to answer the questions, of tax­ The nonholiday period was car. She was charged with in­ -Jet-powerpd presidential heli­ in 1960. / First Miartoe Division, in Oper­ low directions and to work and Mayor Grant said, “ I am sat­ is played' as originally written, eetinidied 20,000 persons poured the Interstate Fireworks Co. developed further. down in force from the demili­ payers concerning assessments. . from 6 p.m. Frtday June 16, to terfering with police and re- copter. " i ation Union n south of Da play with others. without the introduction of some of Springfield,. Mass, at a cost The sign reads: “ T.J. Taylor tarized zone from which they If there Is a n e^ , she will isfied \»lth the results,” but ALL POPULAR MARKETS mli)nightlidnight Monday^Monday>June June 20. Neto> Fl«ld last night leraed in $50 bail. Oampeirs, boateia and oaiper- Nang, .Vietnam. Vernon’s program is one of added the negotiations “ weren’t of the more well-known varia­ of $1,800. ’The Jrtmsofia spent about 1V& —dealer in everything.” were cletuad by a Marine inva­ make herself available again at T|ie holiday tabulation period good-natoiteito sat or stood Sgt. Wilbur Barrett reported 4nig (Boy 'Scouts o(n a pionllc paid a later date. 40 in the state given $620,000 easy.” tions that have crept into much Earl C. Petersen, general hours touring sentimental land­ Taylor was the conimunlty’s sion in May,. began at 6 p.m. Friday and end- through a light iteower to wlt- Jacobs.ripped off his badge,- toi;e no attention as the Johnsons Miss Ellen iSoatman of 14 by the federal government. Daigle was th’e only person of the music of this period” . chairman of the event, said to­ marks in the area of Mrs. John­ biggest landowner and cotton Sweeping forces protected, by Bulletin Board , ed at mldnlgjit’Tuesday.\ nees a 32^ml«ute firewte^ dls- his uniform and kicked hiip in drove slowly and unnoticed ' Hawthorne St. has (been named Last yeaf the program was held The Nathan Hale Ancients K day that he is certain teat tee son’s hometown and visiting planter. His widow, Ruth Tay­ tanks, two of which Mass will be held at 9 a.m. at Durlng, Uds year’s Memorlal> play, an annual event sponkpeed the shins while attempting to through the park. to the dean’s Jlst for the second in the V.emon Center Kinder­ RandWl’a Btatdonery store at 38 were organized on Nathan Hale OPEN cost will be covered. ; He ex­ with old friends before return­ lor, tee First Lady’s stepmoth­ knocked out by gunfire, have Stx Maurice Ohurch tomorrow. DaV tuteday, also a four-day by the Man^/ and closest friends, Mta. Hugh r i ’ j ’o lon Lehan, nurse, and Mrs. Mar­ Jasibn is now. stationed on his way tt^ugh the rear’^door ,X«ady.rxt'4hev4]nited.State8'she is Powell. The helicopter landed Mav Be Used New Wlndaor damtxxiiinent. KOmilCV V ISltlllff started for home. Most remain \ display formerly was . on the naOk, near tee Louisiana border true to her East Texas heritage garet Doffek, speech therapist. the Coaftt Guard jCutter,. Rock- All |eef and fired te close range. on tee front lawn of the \yhite . Mlrs. Plemer remlndb vlsitoinB ivt ' a-'r*' 1 •. ~ dti t o -9:30, however. site now housing the Manches­ in the piney woods country of Jean Merz will be in charge away in New York City, of love of gardens, trees, un­ to Storrowton Itdiat ithe vdllage Or All Meat Lb. \Jvew Hampshire; The .crowd was unusually or­ ter High School and formerly ;See Page ’Thirty-One) East Texas. spoiled natural scenery and his­ T o D ig C ^ a l of case aid, Mrs. G^^ndolyn Burpee Corps Meeting is open tor touns Unoim 1 to 6 WEINEM 69° (See Page Thirty-One) derly throiuhput. N o children caUed the Golf Lots.'. LECLERC Torrey will be a teacher aide The Burpee Relief Corps of p.m. every day thnougllioiUt the Weighs Primary were lost and the WASHINGTON (AP)—U . ^ . and Mrs. Ethel Hemindlnglier, Rockville will meet Wednesday GET THE BEST— SE t "WAYBEST" FUNERAL HOME summer, exxsept (Mbndays. AU standby ambtdanoe was not engineers are' oonstdezlng un- cook. Another teacher will be at 6 p.mi at the home o f Mrs. buildtogs dn itee 'vinage ha've . N deiground nuclear <; AI.I.ON M eaty- needed^ A crew o f 20 regulaV 3 FUNERAL hired and. mother will "be asked Harvey Bonney of West St. In­ been Humiahed (by lanitique deal- MHUtOR LAKE, N.H. (AP) with a force of up to 10 miMion to volunteer to help. —Michigan Gov. George Rom-, patrolihen, phis auxiliary police, stead o f the home o f -Mrs. 'ers, and itheoe ’wares may be .Tandar Lb. tons of TNT to .blast out a new ney, speaking from tee porch orliteremen had park personnel FU EL OIL SERVICE CL&P Office aose^ . George Casatl o f 25 Earl St. purchased. CHICKEN LEGS sea-level canal across Omtral a lake-front home, ssdd today 'kept everything, in order. RICHARD E. Friday was the day cus­ America, it was learned Tues­ COOPERATIVE LECLERC tomers of th e . COnneotibut WAYBEST— TASTY that if he decided i to beemne a *1110 audience, as usual, enjoy­ day. , 'I- Llfaht and Power Company . prestdentlal oaluihute, “ X,. wUl Director ed the aerial fireworks, ..with An Atomic Bneigy Commls- O il. < '■ c o )^ pay ithelr bills at the com­ Idaal For enter the New Hampshire pri­ their aooompsmylng “bodm^” the alon source said that 'would be 3ir> BKO.Al) S^lUiKT pany’s office on Park St. The Nniis mary, and if I dojentw, I will 1 Call 649-58'69 Cookouh best. And, there were more of OO'times bigger than any under­ TKi.. )23 Main Street, Manchester o^Sm has been closed. B CHICKEN BREASTS enter to win.” them than in post years. Gteund ground atornlc . explosion yet (BiUs can be peid at the F. A. ,v Romney, looking' comfortable displays were cut down biit the. tested by the United Statee. AT OUR FISH COUNTER - ON SALE TUESDAY ' in a green sports' shirt and gray JULY, 1967 fiamUiw ones were still there— | The AEC source said Army chocked JacYet, began a four- tee pin ‘Wheels, the water fall, i engineer specialists, SUN WOBSabrERS—B ^A B B OF AOINO SKIN FRESH TASTY day working vacation in New Too mnoh.onn con make yonr skin look older and the mooting battle between* prellmlnaiy studies, beUeve tbs . Hampshire’s lake country,. dur- than yonr' jreare 'uqleM you sensibly protect two tanhs, largest siii|le ekeavatfam eacplo- yourself. The Amerloan Aesdeiny of Delmw- .1^ which he will meet wtth top shm might ranee to mil­ tolofy offers these smrceetlons to avoid son Republican leader and with sup- Once, duHng {the aerial dis­ >19 10 play, an alrpla^ passed over lion tons, or 10 teWidans. tMublea 1 . ■ portsura of his poesUde presiden­ USE A GOOD SUN SCREEN PROTECTIVE. th e , area at exploding bombs I The smallest might., be the lib tial bid. rTHE~CHOICE Is WURSfl Apidy a lot pf It often at first till Toor skin .and appeared to be in the Uim . equivalent of 200,000 tons of Haddock Fillet He said that he did not think a rets s rood.'tan. Select a eream or , lotion fTNT—about the slu of the larg- !■ — T1 ""—• ~r~ I— — I which eontalns a chemical that screens ont of fire. The jcduie, however, was . the nltrsvtolet rays dnd prevepts a bnm. ^ (See P a ^ Twenty'-^Fwo) I much higher tegn the , air Mt below-ground iest In Neva- DON'T BUB Su n PBOTBCnVES in t Q s k in . p o p u l a r ! b r a n d — ALL' n e w . *t da. SHOPPERS SPECIAL Apply these;arsnts fchtly and Jnst pat them Attentloo was focused on ttie on the skin. If rubbed In too viroronsly. irtl- 8 TO A canal questem anew last week tsUono msy develop. And, the pnrpooe of a HOT' D O O & Pi'g*- ' - i V. ■ 1 ' .1 S' whoi it was aimomioed ttot ,the snn preventive la W keep'the ultraviolet rays For ^ Drives‘jM^n to Drink EXTERIOR WASH t from penetratinr into tiM skin, not to aboorb HAMBURG ROLLSI PACKAGE United Statee add Panaiina con­ them. Foteinr. them Into the skin lessons the. cluded agreement on new trea­ EXTERIOR WASHED • W.W. TTRFJS-CLBANEip • effeettvoneos of any son eream or lotion. . ties dealing with the AFTER EXPOSURE LUBRICATE YOUR SKIN. • SPRAY WAXED • MACHINE DRIED • CHEF PACK— SHALLOW OR DE^P PAPER huUdiug of a new eelPlevel ca- • CHASSIS RUST PROOFED WITH IRONIUM • ' The snn will dry out much of the nstnrsl Liquor Ldiv Mania skin oil. Apply a soothinr, nonrkhinr eream or lotion to reidaoe'the loot oil. If yon don’t 100 TO A (See Page Statteen) yonr skin may develop exoeoslve nnsirbtly PACKAGfe 7 r ^ dtrneao. WHITE PLATES WEAR SUNGLASSES TO PROTECT YOUR EYES Heritage Hangover Do not depend on l^meh nmbrellas alone. For the reflected rays ftom the sand and sky esn G A R D E N FRESH - POPULAR PRODUCE CHICAGO (AP) — A fellow Maine. But tee statutes do per-f COMPLETE do ham . SonrlaasM esn prevent eerions eye who goes out to Set a drink iri a mit^ taverns for men oidy in dsmarea” ‘Which everyone must drink Bulletin Btnage town Is ^ it to get am - WE ARE SUN FKOTECinON EXPERTS. standing iqt at a bar. Qf oonrse we esiry a ;Complete stock and ean ., fu s e d -r t^ m i^be not a drink. . ( supply yonr favorite ibrand.^,. But. we also Tndiana’s Legislature decided VM i XUBSUmiS CONTROL have studied how theto snh'^ proteelivce esn California , |Tbe reason, an Associated thts year to allow a licensed ' UNITED NATIONS, N.V. '; ,. hrtp yon meet and wUI be rlsd 'to rive yen' SwMt I , Press survey shows, Is that the wonum bartender to work bii ear trtormed opinion sbont the effeettvenem . ^tAdted States u covered by a the aerving side of the bar, a (AP) — Seoretaiy-OeMBa U s > ef any nrodnet. Now Is the rirht timie to start Thewt awM— eeS today ^ .b ru y ' quilt of^Uqiwi: law s.f function that had been restric­ i 2 . 5 0 nsinr them .before the ana’s rays reach their V., Israel bad agwped te Ketna hirh Intensity. SEEDLESS. PEARLEITE - Take, ^ for example, Texas. ted to a female owner or wife of .Tsams laws are pretty complex, an owner. But an unescorted to VM. oaatrsl Ckreesament • MATS • VAClrtmiNG • Honoe to • INTERIOR ■ WASHED • • SPRAY WAXED • Yoirntt PHARMACY b u e d on local option, even by woman is not permitted to sit on • WHiTEWAXSrllRES S'rSAM CLEANED W . GRAPRS precinots. |the drinkliig side of the her. Middle BMti DJT. • INTERIOR WINDOWS WASHED • :■: ■ ” : i •V-'' - For instance: Part of Dallas Liquor frequently has been on hy • CHASSIS SPRAYED WITH IRONIUM • srtla beer over the bar and li- tm po duae S. n p ort- PREScklPnON GHEMISTB •■^ BOSTON/ ^ ids of ateto lawmakers quor in package stores, while in oe repeal, in 1988, put an end ed that, la A tn rtafonith GUARAjnPBElD BY outer parte of Delias you can’t to n a th w l probibltloo Of the buy anything to drink. Some h « tb the Neljhaa 767 MAIN ST. manufacture and sale of twab LETTUCE oounUeOjor ports of oountlos can eplrite. Mlesiaeippl adapted a MANCHESTER ( O i d d o ji L CALIF. LONG- WHITE \ sell boor at the bar, but no local-opUcMi liquor law last year, V. ' ^ podMee atDtes are allowed, and, becoming tee last state to ihift P k ri^ g Always Available, Birch sL P ^ n g I./»t adife have podtego stores-but nran dry to wet. , no boar bars. Thus aridity has. boon ended ; BROAD'JST.^ M A N C H M im X60 TOLLAND ST., EAST H ARTFORDj| POTATOES 10 7S You isan’t drink standliig up In on a nationwide or”'statewide. A spectBiciiIar, mum-ocAored Luivt (fcAlowed by the anticipated brayed a' ligbt rain' shower to witness file lireath-takiiiff fir^ of the OsoaeU \l " R . a club, hotrt cocktail l o u ^ , and appreciated. ’%oom” ) fate (Jhe sky otot Mt. Nebo in test works showci*- Other photo- on page. 17. (Hetidd j>hoto by restawraiit or beer portor in (See Page XMtr$y-OiH|) .. )zi|dit'8 annual fireworks display.. An estimated crowd o f 20,00|) iSatemis) r . « >'/ .(.. ■' .■.I- ... ■■ '1 ' . . ■ ■ . '■I', \N- ■* •’ ■ .AV. • . * ■ .^1 ?>• • - ■ ^ ' •: ‘\ - •k A, V. 1 1 H .. “ V . ■ ■■ \ 4 I - 1 , 'V A. f- • ■ r ' ; / >■ ‘ \ 'A ■ 'l l /