POWER LINES AS LIFELINES BIOTOPE MANAGEMENT AT AMPRION THE AMPRION GRID Amprion’s transmission grid has a length of about 11,000 kilo- metres. More than 29 million people from Lower Saxony to the Alps are supplied with reliable electricity via our grid – day in, day out. Overhead power line Substation Lower Saxony Netherlands THE AMPRION GRID North Rhine- Westphalia Amprion’s transmission grid DORTMUND has a length of about 11,000 kilo- metres. More than 29 million COLOGNE people from Lower Saxony to the Hesse Alps are supplied with reliable Belgium < electricity via our grid – day in, FRANKFURT AM MAIN day out. Amprion – a brief profile Bavaria Rhineland- Luxembourg Palatinate Saarland SAARBRÜCKEN Baden- Württemberg STUTTGART France AUGSBURG Switzerland Austria Overhead power line CONTENTS Substation Lower Saxony Netherlands North02 Rhine- Amprion’sWestphalia responsibilities DORTMUND 03 Habitats underneath power lines COLOGNE 08 From mapping toHesse maintenance measures Belgium 14 < Power line route maintenanceFRANKFURT AM MAIN – an opportunity for nature conservation Amprion – a brief profile Bavaria Rhineland- Luxembourg Palatinate 22 Glossary Saarland 24 SAARBRÜCKEN Publication details Baden- Württemberg STUTTGART France AUGSBURG Switzerland Austria Long stretches of our power lines pass through open landscapes, forests and meadows. They are the backbone of the power supply system but also a habitat for countless species of animals and plants. In order to ensure the re liable and safe transmission of electricity, we pay special attention to the vege tation to be found underneath our over head lines – be cause trees and shrubs must not be allowed to grow too close to the lines. 2 BIOTOPE MANAGEMENT Amprion’s responsibilities Amprion GmbH runs Germany’s longest transmission network, which stretches over a distance of 11,000 kilometres. Covering an area from Lower Saxony in northern Germany to the Alps in the south, we transmit electricity to more than 29 million people. We operate our grid at two voltage levels: 380 kV and 220 kV. Our number one pri- ority is to ensure safe, reliable and cost-efficient transmission at all times, and our 1,100 employees invest the full extent of their know-how to achieve this. The energy world of tomorrow The German government is following a clear goal with its energy transition policy: by 2040 wind turbines and photovoltaic panels are to supply 65 per cent of the country’s average annual electricity requirements. However, this power is for the most part not generated where it is actually needed, with wind farms predominantly located in the north and solar parks in the south of Germany. As a result, more and more electricity is being transmit- ted over longer distances across the grid in order to reach the customer. To be able to feed even more renewable energy into, and transport it around, our grid, we are working hard to fulfil our statutory duty by expanding our grid at the points necessary during the course of the next ten years. By preparing our power lines for the new electricity flows, we are playing an active role in shaping the energy world of tomorrow. Responsibility for nature and the environment We plan, construct and operate our grid based on the premises of economic and ecological sustainability. We see it as an integral part of our remit and corporate responsibility. This also includes maintaining the routes or the rights of way (ROW) of our transmission lines – an area that totals 11,000 hectares. More than two decades ago, Amprion was the first transmission system operator to develop and implement a biotope management concept – a concept that ensures safe and reliable operation of our power lines and, at the same time, protects both flora and fauna. The maintenance measures are organised specifically in line with ecological principles. In dialogue with the relevant authorities and nature conservation organisations, we develop for each individual section of our routes a biotope management plan that helps preserve the biodiversity of existing habitats – and sometimes even gives rise to unique new biotopes. 3 BIOTOPE MANAGEMENT Habitats underneath power lines We at Amprion view environmental protection as an important part of our social responsibility. To be able to operate our power grid safely and trouble-free, we have to prevent vegetation from growing too close to the conductors. This is why it’s essential to carry out maintenance measures along the routes. However, the manner in which this is done has changed fundamentally over the past 30 years. Complete removal of the trees and shrubs along the routes is nowadays no longer the norm. Instead the focus is on conservation and sustainable development of valuable habitats. As a pioneer of ecologically optimised power line route maintenance, we aim to minimise intervention in nature and landscape and furthermore to promote worthwhile biotope structures in the immediate vicinity of our power lines. Our biotope management plans help us to ensure that the maintenance measures we implement have as small an impact on nature and the environment as possible, preserve the habitats of the animals that live there and allow them to develop. We put this proven approach into practice throughout our entire grid. MAINTAINED SPACES Our overhead lines span countryside with a huge range of differing vegetation. By far the largest share is accounted for by copses, avenues and tree rows. The ten per cent not illustrated here comprise areas of land that do not need to be maintained, such as 38% tracks, paths, fields and gardens. 23% % 15 14% Copses, avenues Forests Succession areas Green and open spaces, and tree rows grass, herbaceous perennials and heath landscape 4 BIOTOPE MANAGEMENT The basic principle of biotope management Maintaining our power line routes and protecting nature go hand in hand for us. The principle we follow is to cut back trees and shrubs as selectively, carefully and with as much foresight as possible. The main aim of our main- tenance measures is to create an adequate safety clearance between the conductors and the vegetation. To this end, we remove fast-growing species of tree and shrub and promote slow-growing varieties. At the same time, we take regional differences into account. At the periphery of the protective strip and close to the pylons, trees and p. 23 shrubs may grow considerably higher than in the middle of the span; this allows a smooth transition between p. 23 the route vegetation and the adjacent industrial forest. The stepped, stable and highly structured peripheries of p. 23 the forests offer varied habitats for a multitude of species worthy of being protected. In this way, we make sure that our overhead lines operate reliably and preserve and foster existing biotopes. p. 22 MANAGED GROWTH The vegetation along the route must not be allowed to grow too close to the conductors. Consideration must also be paid to the extent to which the conductor cables elongate when hot – and how much they can then swing, too. Close to the pylons and at the periphery of the protective strip, shrubs and trees may grow higher than in the middle of the span. 3 4 2 1 Normal protective strip Forest protective strip 1 Sag of the stationary conductor 2 Sag of the swinging conductor 3 Falling curve of tree at periphery 4 Limitation of fully grown height by cable (cable temperature 80 °C + cable (cable temperature 40 °C + of forest protective strip on promoting highly structured forest stretch ing value in acc. with stretching value in acc. with reaching its fully grown height peripheries DIN VDE 0210) DIN VDE 0210) 5 BIOTOPE MANAGEMENT TODAY’S MAINTENANCE PRINCIPLE: MORE FREQUENT AND EXTENSIVE INTERVENTION In order to create an adequate safety clearance between the conductor cables and the vegetation, we now intervene more frequently, cutting back trees and shrubs as carefully and with as much foresight as possible. Before maintenance measures After maintenance measures FORMER MAINTENANCE PRINCIPLE: INFREQUENT AND INTENSIVE INTERVENTION In the past, maintenance measures were carried out infrequently but intensively. All of the trees and shrubs along the rights of way were removed completely and an aisle was cut through the forest. Uniform growth along route Maintenance measure: complete removal of the trees and shrubs close to the conductor cables 6 BIOTOPE MANAGEMENT 7 BIOTOPE MANAGEMENT Planning, objectives & guiding principles Our biotope management planning is an innovative concept for power line route maintenance that unites both ecological and economic benefits. At the heart of this concept is the basic principle of maintaining existing biotopes in such a way that the operation of the line is not disrupted and the natural habitats along our routes can develop sustainably. To this end, the concept comprises maintenance measures designed to foster and develop vegetation that is typical of the respec- tive region. Implementation of these measures is based on the biotope management plans we have drawn up in which all areas of our overhead line routes are mapped and divided into “maintenance units”. The plans for biotope management are put together in close collaboration with external experts, such as biologists and nature conservation and forestry authorities. We consult with local associations and landowners on a case- by-case basis. The respective maintenance measures are planned for a period of ten years and documented accord- ingly. Since it’s important to us that the development of the local biotope structure and the relevant interests of nature are taken properly into account, we monitor and re-examine these biotope management plans at regular intervals. We employ biotope management to care for the specific local conditions beneath our power lines – with our focus always on developing and maintaining a harmonious natural landscape and stable biotope structures. At the same time, we prove through this approach that nature conservation and cost awareness are not mutually exclusive: route maintenance in accordance with Amprion’s biotope management concept is no more expensive than con- ventional measures.
The Historical Hauberg in Kreuztal-Fellinghausen The Haubergswirtschaft in Siegerland - A historical review The Siegen-Wittgenstein district is considered to be one of the oldest mining regions in Europe. At the same time – despite the two and a half millennia-old tradition in ore mining and iron smelting – it is one of the most scenic and ecologically intact Landscape areas in North Rhine-Westphalia. A total of 747 km² of areas under nature conservation or landscape protection with numerous rare animal and plant species provide living evidence of this, which is important for the functioning of the natural balance. Agriculture and forestry play a decisive role in the fact that the environment in Siegen-Wittgenstein is still in a good state. Since the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein is the most wooded district in Germany with around 70% forest area, forestry in particular has always been of great importance to this region. Of course, the forests in Siegerland and Wittgenstein were used for economic purposes as well as in other regions of Germany and Europe. The high demand for wood and charcoal for iron smelting had forced a very intensive use of the Siegerland forest. Therefore, rules have been adopted already in the 16th century, to cut only as much wood as could regrow (first sustainability rules). For a long time now, it has also been an obligation for people living here to take into account not only the use of natural resources but also their functioning and protection, thereby creating the conditions for the continued viability of natural resources. As a result of this endeavor, the "Siegerländer Haubergswirtschaft" developed as a highly developed special form of coppice forest management with intermediate agricultural use, which for centuries shaped the face of the forests of the Siegerland.
Der Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte im Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein Grundstücksmarktbericht 2020 für die Städte Bad Berleburg, Bad Laasphe, Freudenberg, Hilchenbach, Kreuztal, Netphen, und die Gemeinden Burbach, Erndtebrück, Neunkirchen, Wilnsdorf www.boris.nrw.de Der Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte im Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein Grundstücksmarktbericht 2020 Berichtszeitraum 01.01.2019 – 31.12.2019 Übersicht über den Grundstücksmarkt im Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein (ohne den Bereich der Stadt Siegen) Herausgeber Der Gutachterausschuss für Grundstückswerte im Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein Geschäftsstelle Koblenzer Straße 73 57072 Siegen Telefon: 0271/333-1551 oder -1550 Fax: 0271/333 29 1551 E-Mail: gutachterausschuss@siegen-wittgenstein.de Internet: www.boris.nrw.de Druck Druckerei der Kreisverwaltung Siegen-Wittgenstein Gebühr Das Dokument kann unter www.boris.nrw.de gebührenfrei heruntergeladen werden. Bei einer Bereitstellung des Dokuments oder eines gedruckten Exemplars durch die Geschäftsstelle des Gutachterausschusses be- trägt die Gebühr 23 EUR je Exemplar (Nr. 5.3.22 des Kostentarifs der Kostenordnung für das amtliche Ver- messungswesen und die amtliche Grundstückswertermittlung in Nordrhein-Westfalen) Bildnachweis Die Fotos auf dem Titelblatt wurden vom Touristikverband Siegerland - Wittgenstein e.V. mit freundlicher Genehmigung der jeweiligen Städte und Gemeinden zur Verfügung gestellt. Lizenz Für den Grundstücksmarktbericht gilt die Lizenz "Datenlizenz Deutschland - Zero - Version 2.0" (dl-de/zero-2- 0). Jede Nutzung ist
NORTH RHINE WESTPHALIA 10 REASONS YOU SHOULD VISIT IN 2019 The mini guide In association with Commercial Editor Olivia Lee Editor-in-Chief Lyn Hughes Art Director Graham Berridge Writer Marcel Krueger Managing Editor Tom Hawker Managing Director Tilly McAuliffe Publishing Director John Innes (john.innes@wanderlust.co.uk) Publisher Catriona Bolger (catriona.bolger@wanderlust.co.uk) Commercial Manager Adam Lloyds (adam.lloyds@wanderlust.co.uk) Copyright Wanderlust Publications Ltd 2019 Cover KölnKongress GmbH 2 www.nrw-tourism.com/highlights2019 NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA Welcome On hearing the name North Rhine- Westphalia, your first thought might be North Rhine Where and What? This colourful region of western Germany, bordering the Netherlands and Belgium, is perhaps better known by its iconic cities; Cologne, Düsseldorf, Bonn. But North Rhine-Westphalia has far more to offer than a smattering of famous names, including over 900 museums, thousands of kilometres of cycleways and a calendar of exciting events lined up for the coming year. ONLINE Over the next few pages INFO we offer just a handful of the Head to many reasons you should visit nrw-tourism.com in 2019. And with direct flights for more information across the UK taking less than 90 minutes, it’s the perfect destination to slip away to on a Friday and still be back in time for your Monday commute. Published by Olivia Lee Editor www.nrw-tourism.com/highlights2019 3 NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA DID YOU KNOW? Despite being landlocked, North Rhine-Westphalia has over 1,500km of rivers, 360km of canals and more than 200 lakes. ‘Father Rhine’ weaves 226km through the state, from Bad Honnef in the south to Kleve in the north.
2007) ein herrlicher Ausblick nach Osten in Liebe Natur- und Heimatfreunde, Nr. 6 der Infoserie Der Wanderweg: NSG Grubengelände Weglänge: ca. 4,5 km (kurzer Rundweg) bzw. 6,9 km (langer Richtung Wittgensteiner Land bietet (2), zur und Wälder bei Rundweg) Wegkreuzung “Auf dem Stoß” (3). Dort biegt Burgholdinghausen Das Naturschutzgebiet “Grubengelände und Wälder bei der Rundweg nach Norden in Richtung Silberg Natur erleben In Bad Berleburg Burgholdinghausen” stellt eine sowohl naturschutzfachliche Ausgangspunkt der Wanderung ist der Parkplatz am Altenberg auf ab und verläuft entlang eines Buchen- Hilchenbach als auch kulturhistorische Besonderheit dar . hochwaldes (4) bis er an die Nordgrenze des Kreuztal Erndtebrück Kreuztal dem Sattel zwischen den Ortschaften Müsen (ca. 1,8 km entfernt) Bad Laasphe Mit diesem Faltblatt möchten wir Sie anregen, die besondere und Littfeld (ca. 2,4 km entfernt). Hier befindet sich mit der Kreises Siegen-Wittgenstein stößt (5). Nun voll- Freuden- Netphen Tier- und Pflanzenwelt im und um das ehemalige zieht der Weg eine 90-Grad-Wendung und führt berg Siegen Bergbauwüstung Altenberg eines der bedeutendsten Neun- Wilnsdorf Grubengelände zu entdecken . talabwärts zur Neuen Grube Viktoria (6). Von ih- kirchen Bodendenkmäler Südwestfalens (1), das durch einen bergbaukundli- Burbach Im Umfeld des Parkplatzes am Altenberg geben Ihnen ren Halden hat man eine ausgezeichnete Naturschutzgebiet chen Lehrpfad mit zahlreichen Schautafeln erläutert wird. Im Kreis Schautafeln Einblick in die Ausgrabungen eines mittelalterli- Fernsicht über den nordwestlichen Teil des Siegen-Wittgenstein Mittelalter (erste urkundliche Erwähnung 1079) errichteten chen Siedlungsplatzes und zeigen, wie mühsam unsere Grubengelände Bergleute an dieser Stelle Wohnungen und Arbeitsstätten, um aus Siegerlandes und überblickt die alte Schneise, durch die einst die Loren der Grubenbahn fuh- Vorfahren der Natur die Rohstoffe abgerungen haben.
RHINE VALLEY The Rhine Valley is storybook Germany, a fairytale world of legends and robber-baron castles. Cruise the most castle-studded stretch of the romantic Rhine as you listen for the song of the treacherous Loreley. Explore the castle-crowned villages of Bacharach and St. Goar. And for real hands-on castle thrills, roll or stroll through this Rhineland’s greatest castle, Rheinfels. Nearby destinations—Köln and Frankfurt—offer a modern, big- city German experience, and much better accessibility than those quaint Rhine villages. Köln is an urban Jacuzzi that keeps the Rhine churning. It’s home to Germany’s greatest Gothic cathedral and its best collection of Roman artifacts, a world-class art museum, and a healthy dose of German urban playfulness. And Frankfurt, while not on the Rhine, is the closest major transportation hub. Many Americans stream in to and out of Europe through Frankfurt’s huge airport—but consider staying for a while to check out the city’s lively square and gaze at its towering skyscrapers. Accessibility in the Rhine Valley The Rhine Valley is the least accessible destination covered in this book. Though beautiful and enticing, the Rhine Valley presents wheelchair riders with many barriers: steep hillside villages, lots of stairs and nar- row passageways, small train stations with stairs instead of elevators, and unevenly cobbled public spaces. Slow walkers have a few more options. The big city of Köln offers the best accessibility, from the train sta- tion and hotels to its best sights. From there, accessibility goes down as quaintness goes up: Mid-sized Rhine towns like Koblenz have more 18_RSEZA06_Rhine.indd 486 3/16/06 5:54:59 PM Rhine Valley 487 Rhine Overview barriers, and Bacharach and St.
Content 1) Worth knowing: Before you come to Siegen 2 History of the University of Siegen 2 The International Office 2 Visa and Duration of Stay 5 Financing 5 Accomodation 5 Directions 6 2) Worth Knowing: For the time in Siegen 7 Enrolment 7 Semester ticket 9 Residence Permit 9 Consulting and Introductory Courses 10 University Departments and Faculty Advisors 10 Teaching Times c.t. und s.t. 10 ZIMT (Center for Information and Media Technology) 10 Information System LSF – Course Overview 11 Libraries 11 Research in Siegen 12 ISIS 13 KoSi (Competence Center of the University of Siegen) 13 SESAM – Self-Learning-Center for the Work with Multimedia 13 AStA 14 Central Unit of Sports and Exercise (ZB-SB) 14 Eating at the University 14 Exmatriculation 15 3) Leisure and Cultural Offers 15 Sightseeing 16 Cultural Offers 16 … and furthermore: 16 4) Useful Addresses 17 1 1) Worth knowing: Before you come to Siegen History of the University of Siegen With the foundation of the University of Siegen August 1st, 1972 different ways of education were combined with each other. In Siegen the university education has nearly 400 years of tradition. As soon as by the end of the 16-th century, the “Universa Schola Nassovica Sigenensis” –the "high school" (Hohe Schule) of the country Nassau— was established. Meeting the educational needs of the region, this tradition continued in the “Wiesenbauschule of Engineering”, founded in 1853. After World War II the emphasis of the teaching syllabus was shifted toward civil engineering and in 1962 the school changed its name to State School for Civil Engineering.
OBERAMMERGAU 2020 A ONCE-IN-A-DECADE EXPERIENCE! BOOK SPACE NOW! Now on Sale—Oberammergau Passion Play 2020! The quaint Bavarian village of Oberammergau is world famous for the spectacular Passion Play performed by its residents just once every 10 years. Keeping a pledge made nearly 400 years ago, this re-enactment of the crucifixion of Christ preserves the health and well-being of Oberammergau’s residents to this day and is regarded as the most important passion play in the world. Globus will once again lead the way in bringing the legendary Oberammergau experience to travellers. For this 2020 event, we will offer a variety of special vacations that include the Passion Play experience. When you book with Globus, you will be seated in a premier location, providing you with the best Passion Play experience. So, whether it’s an extended family looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience or a church group looking to connect and reflect on their faith, Oberammergau offers an experience that will send you and your group back enchanted and excited. With almost 90 years of recognized worldwide excellence, Globus is a company you can trust, providing you with a seamless vacation, piece of mind and an incredible Passion Play experience. CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING 14 PACKAGES: > Munich, Salzburg & Vienna with Oberammergau. p. 2 > German Highlights with Oberammergau . p. 9 > Bavarian Highlights with Oberammergau . p. 3 > Spectacular Switzerland with Oberammergau . p. 10 > Imprerial Splendors with Oberammergau . p. 4 > Catholic Central Europe with Oberammergau. p. 11 > The Best of Switzerland & Oberammergau . p. 5 > Grand Catholic Italy with Oberammergau .
Standort- Information Für Ansiedlungsinteressierte Unternehmen
Standort- information für ansiedlungsinteressierte Unternehmen Inhalt INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 1. Allgemeine Informationen 02 1.1 Siegen stellt sich vor 02 1.2 Kontakt 02 1.3 Geographische Lage 03 1.4 Verkehrsanbindungen 03 1.5 Wohnbevölkerung 04 2. Wirtschaftliche Informationen 04 2.1 Steuern und Gebühren 04 2.2 Ver– und Entsorgung 05 2.3 Gewerbegebiete 05 2.4 Beschäftigung 05 2.5 Die fünf beschäftigungsintensivsten 06 Unternehmen 2.6 Kennziffern 07 3. Informationen zu Bildung und Ausbildung 07 3.1 Bildung und Erziehung 07 3.2 Berufliche Bildung und Weiterbildung 08 3.3 Universität Siegen 10 3.4 Existenzgründung in Siegen 11 1 Allgemeine Informationen Touristik-Information: Stadtmarketing Siegen GmbH Rathaus/Markt 2 [Eingang Kornmarkt/gegenüber Haus Seel] Telefon: (0271) 404-1316 & 404-1317 Telefax: (0271) 22687 E-Mail: a.junge(at)siegen.de Internet: www.siegen-guide.de 1.2 Kontakt: Hausanschrift: 1. Allgemeine Informationen Universitätsstadt Siegen Der Bürgermeister 1.1 Siegen stellt sich vor Rathaus/Markt 2 Mit ca. 106.000 Einwohnern ist die Universitätsstadt 57072 Siegen Siegen kulturelles und wirtschaftliches Zentrum in Südwestfalen. Im Einzugsgebiet, das über die Lan- Postanschrift: desgrenzen zu Hessen und Rheinland-Pfalz hinaus- Universitätsstadt Siegen reicht, leben rund 600.000 Menschen. Neben Lan- Postfach 10 03 52 desbehörden haben Einrichtungen der privaten Wirt- 57003 Siegen schaft, wie Industrie- und Handelskammer und Kreis- handwerkerschaft sowie verschiedene Arbeitgeber- Telefon: (0271) 404-0 verbände ihren Sitz in Siegen. Telefax: (0271) 21684 Die Universität Siegen sowie zahlreiche Stätten der E-Mail: info@siegen.de beruflichen Aus- und Fortbildung gewährleisten die Internet: www.siegen.de ortsnahe Qualifizierung des Nachwuchses für nahe- zu alle Bereiche des Wirtschaftslebens.
Cruising the Rhine, Mosel and Main Rivers A Go Bucket List Travel™ Guidesheet 7 to 12 Night cruises that include the Rhine Gorge 1 Experience a Rivercruise This 2016 Rhine, Mosel and Main River Cruising Guide puts in your hands a unique document: a digest of the itineraries and sailing dates for scenic rivers cruises from 3 to 11 nights long for the river cruise companies most favored by the American traveler. The modern river cruise ships let you unpack once and bring the world to your door step. Forget about moving from hotel to hotel and hours on the bus sightseeing through Europe. You’ll relax in a club atmosphere with from 110 to 200 other cruisers immersing yourself in the cultures, cuisine, fairytale cities and romantic landscapes along Europe’s major rivers. Most ships feature open seating dining, free flowing dinner wines, choices of inclusive small group escorted shore excursions and ample lounge areas and observation decks. You’ll have many opportunities to meet your fellow travelers and kindle new friendships. The Rhine River, extending 766 miles from the Swiss Alps north to the North Sea, is Germany’s busy commercial corridor carrying trade and goods from the bustling ports of the Netherlands deep into Germany’s industrial heartland and back. The river forms the Germany-France border then runs through Germany to the Netherlands. Between Rudesheim and Koblenz the river transits through the dramatic Rhine Gorge. This stretch of the river is famous for its 40 medieval castles and numerous vineyards. At Koblenz the Mosel River heads west.
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