Larry Fisher <
[email protected]> [Addto AddressBook] [This is spaml To: barrett.
[email protected] Cc:
[email protected],
[email protected] Subject: Feedback on BAH Contract I Gallup Survey followup comments Date: Apr 11, 2006 4:00 PM This Email is in response to your request that I review the Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) write-up concerning EPA's internal control weaknesses, as mandated by OMB A-123. My first general comment is that the majority of the information contained in BAH's review of EPA's internal control weaknesses are not revelations bu a regurgitation of information that is already known within EPA. In short, the survey was not only unnecessary but another example of why I characterized the actions of the Central Agencies' and EPA's (current and prospective) revolving door bureaucrats and their politically connected contractors as self serving and a gross waste of our tax dollars. In my April 7 OCFO Gallup Survey Email, I expressed my concern that the sole function of the Central Agencies' and agency's revolving door bureaucrats was not to resolve the government's accountability problems but to secure a lucrative and on-going revenue source for themselves and their corporate benefactors. The rational for that statement is based upon my 6- year experience as a Veterans Administration (VA) Branch Chief where my staff prepared the VA's agency level financial statements (using the Central Agencies' policies), lO-years system accountant experience with EPA and the Treasury Department (and liaison work with OMS and GAO). In additio I have successfully completed an accounting model (in 3-years) replicating the federa government's accounting and budgeting processes.