Dominick Risme Ed 068 784 Ac 012 999
DOMINICK RISME ED 068 784 AC 012 999 TITLE Introduction to Leadership Development. Reserve Officers Training Corps Manual. INSTITUTION Department of the Army* Washington* D.C. REPORT NO ROTCM-145-4-1 PUB DATE Feb 72 NOTE 360p.. FORS PRICE MF-00.65 HC-S13.16 DESCRIPTORS American History; Armed Forces; Colleges;. *Curriculum Guides; High Schools; *Leadership Training; Manuals; *Military Personnel; Military Science; *Military Training; *Officer Personnel; Textbooks IDENTIFIERS *Reserve Officers Training Corps ABSTRACT This manual is a textbook for the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps course entitled "Introduction to Leadership Development." Part One of the manual explains the Res4rve Officer Training Corps at the high school and college levels, outlines the concept of the citisen-soldier in American history, and explains the organization of the Army. The Armys role in American history is discussed in Part Two. Other divisions of the manual are concerned with respect to the flag, prisoner of war behavior, i4dividual health, military customs and ceremonies, and descriptions of weapons. AppendixAdeals with uniform care and preservation..(For related document, see AC 012 900.) (RS) U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT wAS BEEN REPRO CAKED ExAcTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE MASON OR ORGANIZATION ORIG 'NAM; IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN IONS STATED DO NW NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL MICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY FOREWORD This manual supports the Junior ROTCMT-1curriculum entitled "Introduction to Leadership Development." The proponent of this ROTCM is the United States Army Infantry School. Users are invited to send comments and Sug- gested improvements on DA Form2028(Recommended Changes to Publications) to the Commandant, United States Army In- fantkir School, ATTN: ATSIN-I-T, Fort Benning, Georgia31905, with information copy urnished Commanding General, United States Continental Army Command, ATTN: ATIT-RED, Fort Monroe, Virginia23351.
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