Foundation 22.4.20 History.notebook

Good afternoon Year 3!

Today we are going to be learning about Incan Gods.

1 Foundation 22.4.20 History.notebook

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

LO: To learn about the religious diversity of a past society.

2 Foundation 22.4.20 History.notebook

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

LO: To learn about the religious diversity of a past society.

people from the past = Incas differences in religions

3 Foundation 22.4.20 History.notebook

The Inca religion was closely linked to their everyday life.

They believed that their ruler, the , was part god himself.

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• THE OUTER EARTH (or Cay Pacha)

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Inti was the most was married to the important of the goddess of the moon, gods. He was the Mama Quilla. god of the sun.

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Pachamama ­ was the goddess of Earth or "Mother Earth". She was responsible for farming and the harvest.

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Viracocha was the first Supay was the god of death god who created the and ruler of the Inca Earth, the sky, the other underworld called the Uca gods, and humans. He Pacha. was the father of Inti, the Sun God.

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The Inca built many beautiful temples to their gods. The most important temple was the built in the heart of the city of Cuzco to the sun god, Inti. The walls and floors were covered with sheets of gold. There were also gold statues and a huge gold disc that represented Inti. Corichancha means "Golden Temple".

10 Foundation 22.4.20 History.notebook

The Inca believed strongly in an afterlife. They took great care in preparing the bodies of the dead before burial. They brought gifts to the dead that they thought the dead could use in the afterlife.

The Inca felt so strongly in the afterlife that when an emperor died, the body was mummified and left in their palace. They even kept some servants to watch over the dead emperor. For certain festivals, such as the Festival of the Dead, the dead emperors were paraded through the streets.

11 Foundation 22.4.20 History.notebook

The Inca believed that the heavens were divided into four quarters. If a person lived a good life they lived in the part of heaven with the sun where there was plenty of food and drink. If they lived a bad life they had to live in the underworld where it was cold and they only had rocks to eat.

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The Inca held religious festivals every month. Sometimes human sacrifice would be included as part of the ceremony.

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Now it's your turn! Design your own Inca god. Explain who your god, or goddess, is and what he or she represents.

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Setting your work out like this may help you to organise your ideas. Good luck!

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Tomorrow will be our last history lesson in our Roaming the Rainforests topic!

We will be learning about .

See you tomorrow!