
Name University Course Entry Aaliya University, Sep-20 Abbie University Psychology (with placement year) Sep-20 Abby Harper and Keele Veterinary School Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Sep-20 Adiba , Birmingham Pharmacy Sep-20 Alexandra Modern Language Studies Sep-20 Alice Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Sep-20 Alisha King's College London, Geography Sep-20 Alishba Medicine (5 years) Sep-20 Amal Orthoptics Sep-20 Amani Aston University, Birmingham Medicine Sep-20 Amber University of Birmingham Dentistry (5 years) Sep-20 Amelia Philosophy and Religious Studies Sep-20 Amrit University of Birmingham Medicine (5 years) Sep-20 Aneesa English Literature and History Sep-20 Anna Religion and Theology Sep-20 Anniqa Aston University, Birmingham Medicine Sep-20 Anushaya Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry Sep-20 Arshiah University of Warwick Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry Sep-20 Ashleigh Pharmacy Sep-20 Betty Queen Mary University of London Medical Genetics Sep-20 Bianka Philosophy and Theology Sep-20 Bobbie University of Birmingham Biomedical Science Sep-20 Brooke Aerospace Engineering with a Year in North America Sep-20 Camille Architecture Sep-20 Charlie The Astrophysics Sep-20 Chloe University of Sheffield Physics and Astrophysics Sep-20 Dethusha Medicine Sep-20 Dylan University of Birmingham Theoretical Physics Sep-20 Eleanor Durham University Geology Sep-20 Eleanor University of Nottingham Philosophy, Politics and Economics Sep-20 Name University Course Entry Eleanor Geography Sep-20 Elizabeth University of Nottingham Biology Sep-20 Ella University of Birmingham English and Film Sep-20 Emily Cardiff University Economics Sep-20 Emma University of Sheffield Economics Sep-20 Emma University of Sheffield Journalism Studies Sep-20 Emmanuella University of Manchester Law Sep-20 Esha Dentistry Sep-20 Evangeline History Sep-20 Fatima Aston University, Birmingham Pharmacy Sep-20 Fatima Zahra University of Birmingham Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science (with an Industrial Year) Sep-20 Hajirah Aston University, Birmingham Medicine Sep-20 Hannah Motorsport Engineering Sep-20 Hannah Philosophy Sep-20 Helen University of Medical Physiology Sep-20 Hema University of Warwick Chemistry Sep-20 Hollie Nottingham Trent University Forensic Science Sep-20 Holly University of Birmingham Psychology Sep-20 Isabella Sheffield Hallam University Occupational Therapy Sep-20 Isabella University of Nottingham Economics Sep-20 Jasmine Nottingham Trent University Fine Art Sep-20 Jena Optometry Sep-20 Jessica Birmingham City University Stage Management Sep-20 Kate University of Manchester Psychology Sep-20 Katie University of Birmingham Medicine (5 years) Sep-20 Kayley International Relations with Foundation Year Sep-20 Kimberley University of Birmingham Biochemistry with Professional Placement (4 years) Sep-20 Lauren University of Warwick Hispanic Studies and French Sep-20 Lily University of Bristol Psychology Sep-20 Lucy University of Cambridge History Sep-20 Name University Course Entry Lucy Royal Agricultural University International Equine and Agricultural Management Sep-20 Lucy University of Birmingham Mathematics Sep-20 Lydia University of Liverpool Veterinary Science Sep-20 Madeline King's College London, University of London Politics, Philosophy and Law Sep-20 Madison Journalism Sep-20 Madiyah Birmingham City University Diagnostic Radiography Sep-20 Mariella University of Liverpool Psychology Sep-20 Maryam Computer Science (with Industrial Placement) Sep-20 Matilda University of Oxford Law Sep-20 Megan Tourism Management Sep-20 Millie University of Nottingham Chemical Engineering including an Industrial Year Sep-20 Milly Nottingham Trent University Fashion Communication and Promotion Sep-20 Molly University of Liverpool Geography Sep-20 Molly University of Birmingham English and Classical Literature & Civilisation Sep-20 Mugthalana Aston University, Birmingham Biomedical Science Sep-20 Nicole Psychology Sep-20 Nimita King's College London, University of London War Studies Sep-20 Nithil Medicine Sep-20 Nusaybah University of Birmingham Medicine (5 years) Sep-20 Philippa Mathematics Sep-20 Raisa University of Nottingham Medicine BMBS (Nottingham/Derby pathway) Sep-20 Rebecca Physiotherapy Sep-20 Renee Conservatoire Sep-20 Rhiannon University of Warwick Psychology Sep-20 Safiya University of Sheffield Biomedical Science Sep-20 Saliha University of Birmingham Dentistry (5 years) Sep-20 Shona University of Leicester Midwifery with Leadership Sep-20 Sophia University of Birmingham Civil Engineering Sep-20 Sophia University of Cambridge Law Sep-20 Tahrim University of Birmingham Biomedical Science Sep-20 Name University Course Entry Tamsyn University of Liverpool Medicine Sep-20 Tasnim University of Birmingham Pharmacy Sep-20 Tayla University of Plymouth Environmental Science Sep-20 Urooj University of Leicester Law Sep-20 Veneeta University of Birmingham Dentistry (5 years) Sep-20 Yasmin Birmingham City University Psychology and Counselling Sep-20 Zakia University of Birmingham Biomedical Science Sep-20 Zoe University of Sheffield Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Sep-20