Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1996 No. 97 Senate The Senate met at 8:15 a.m., and was We met in a casual way, as commuters 1745, the DOD authorization bill. Pend- called to order by the President pro on a train. A few years after that, Fa- ing will be a Nunn-Lugar-Domenici tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ther Vaghi decided to continue his edu- amendment regarding terrorism, on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- cation and to seek to be a priest, and, which there will be 10 minutes of de- day’s prayer will be offered by our for three summers, while he was get- bate time remaining. guest Chaplain, Msgr. Peter Vaghi, St. ting educated, I had the luxury and Following the expiration or yielding Patrick’s Church, Washington, DC. privilege of having him work summers back of time, the Senate will proceed in my office. to a vote on or in relation to the Nunn- PRAYER I found him to be an extraordinary Lugar-Domenici amendment, to be fol- human being. As I saw his extraor- The guest Chaplain, Msgr. Peter lowed by a vote on a motion to invoke dinary qualities then, I am privileged, Vaghi, offered the following prayer: cloture on the DOD authorization bill, from a distance, to watch those ex- Let us pray: if necessary. Almighty God, we call upon You this traordinary qualities develop as he at- day.
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