E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 No. 54 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was to block the executive actions taken by arable damage to the State of called to order by the Speaker pro tem- the Obama administration on immigra- just by applying for it and paying for pore (Mr. JOLLY). tion was filed in his court. He has not the driver’s license and learning the f ruled yet on the constitutionality of rules of the road and buying car insur- the case. ance; but who am I to disagree with a DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO He ordered a preliminary injunction, Federal judge? TEMPORE however, saying he thought the States On Friday, the Department of Justice The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- have standing to bring the suit—or at will argue before the fifth circuit court fore the House the following commu- least that the State of Texas did. That in New Orleans that the President’s ex- nication from the Speaker: was enough for him to stop the imple- ecutive actions should move forward. It WASHINGTON, DC, mentation of the program nationwide. is well known that the fifth circuit is April 15, 2015. Not surprisingly, just last week, the among the most conservative. I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID W. judge refused the government’s request Look what happened a couple of JOLLY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this to lift his injunction and allow the plan weeks ago in that very same circuit day. to move forward. court. They ruled on a lawsuit related JOHN A. BOEHNER, Here is the reality: Congress man- to the State of Mississippi which, like Speaker of the House of Representatives. dates that about 400,000 people will be Texas, felt it might some day in the fu- f deported this year out of a total of 11 ture be dealt damage by the deferred MORNING-HOUR DEBATE million. action program announced by the The Secretary of Homeland Security President for DREAMers back in 2012. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- developed a plan to choose between The panel of judges from the fifth cir- ant to the order of the House of Janu- hardened criminals and those immi- cuit looked at the program, the evi- ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- grants who have lived here for at least dence, and the cost of the State of Mis- nize Members from lists submitted by 5 years, have U.S. citizen children, and sissippi, and the fifth circuit judges the majority and minority leaders for can pass a criminal background check said Mississippi is not harmed and, morning-hour debate. at their own expense. thus, does not have legal standing for The Chair will alternate recognition The plan also requires immigrants to the lawsuit. between the parties, with each party renew their temporary status periodi- That bodes well for the country and limited to 1 hour and each Member cally to prove again that they have not the President’s executive actions. In other than the majority and minority committed crimes or fraudulently the meantime, Judge Hanen still hasn’t leaders and the minority whip limited sought out services or benefits. ruled on the case. Maybe he is running to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- It is that plan for the parents of U.S. out the clock, trying to make the im- bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. citizens in American families, people migrants in cities like and f who have been working and staying out Houston lose hope or stop preparing to of trouble for years, that the Texas sign up or maybe magically self-deport IMMIGRATION REFORM judge here believes will cause irrep- and give up on watching their children, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The arable damage to the State of Texas their U.S. citizen children, grow up in Chair recognizes the gentleman from and, therefore, must be stopped nation- America. Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. ally. It might turn into a drawn-out series Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, the Just as they had hoped, the judge of rules and appeals that wind up in the man pictured alongside me will go a ruled that Texas might some day in the Supreme Court, which could take us long way towards determining who future suffer irreparable harm because well into 2016. lives in the White House for the next of driver’s licenses. In other words, 2016 is an election year, where Latino few years. No, he is not a pollster or a people who qualify for driver’s licenses U.S. citizens—not immigrants we are campaign spin doctor. No, this is a and who take the test and pay their discussing, but their neighbors, cous- Federal judge for the U.S. District fees for driver’s licenses—if they live in ins, spouses, and coworkers who are Court for the Southern District of Texas and apply for those driver’s li- citizens of the United States—are not Texas, the Honorable Judge Andrew censes in Texas—will be doing the likely to vote for a party that is mak- Hanen. State irreparable harm. ing sure that their neighbors, cousins, The lawsuit by 26 Republican Gov- I have a driver’s license. It is right spouses, and coworkers are still a top ernors and attorneys general seeking here. I had no idea I was causing irrep- priority for deportation.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.000 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 I have a feeling the citizens will sup- to compare D.C. residents and what but this process has been deliberately port the candidates and the parties taxes they pay with what other Ameri- sabotaged by the Republican approach that support their communities. I also cans pay. Look at who pays the highest to the agency budget. have a feeling that the decision to drag taxes in the United States of America, The agency has 30,000 fewer employ- this fight out in the courts will be one D.C. residents—this is per capita, my ees today than it had in 1992. The real the Republican Party regrets from a friends—compared to who pays the low- budget adjusted for inflation is about political point of view; just like the de- est, Mississippi. What is that, a third of the level we had in 1998, when we had cision not to allow a vote on immigra- what D.C. residents pay? fewer taxpayers filing returns and a tion reform over the past 2 years will The two largest States in the Union, Tax Code that was smaller and less be seen as one of the biggest and most New York and California—New York complicated. consequential political mistakes of all taxpayers pay a little more than $8,700 If Congress had truly been partners time. per capita, California a little more with the agency in improving its serv- How long does a vote take? Fifteen than $8,000 per capita—both compared ice in streamlining and modernization minutes—it might sound too much like to our $12,000 per capita. Southern and giving them today’s computers, a Geico commercial, but just 15 min- States average between the $4,000 and maybe it would be possible to keep utes could have saved the Republicans $5,000 per capita range. The Midwest pace, but the IRS has been given a a great deal of heartache. states average in the $6,000 range. Ohio budget that prevents it from modern- The failure to take those 15 minutes is $6,130. Iowa is $6,019. izing its information technology. It for a vote might mean that there are Even States with many wealthy tax- uses applications for its computers no Republican Presidents for a long payers, like Virginia and Florida, are that were running in the early 1960s. time who would nominate judges like within the $7,000 tax range, but D.C.— The IRS is virtually a museum of this one. 650,000 residents—pays $12,000 per resi- computer technology, but you cannot f dent. Find your State on my Web site. modernize the simple call service func- You will not find one state paying tion of answering phones and talking DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA TAXATION what District of Columbia residents to taxpayers, yet Congress has delib- WITHOUT REPRESENTATION pay. erately slashed that money available The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Today is April 15, and nobody enjoys for those positions. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from paying taxes, but we believe that the When you visit the IRS offices, which the District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) constituents of my colleagues will join I have and which I hope every one of for 5 minutes. the moral outrage of my constituents my colleagues does before they reduce Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, yester- when they learn that D.C. residents are those budgets yet again, they will find day, I began a series of remarks leading not only paying more federal taxes per employees who simply cannot meet the up to tomorrow, Emancipation Day, in capita than any other Americans, but needs of their customers. the District of Columbia, when Lincoln that added up, this amounts to more Our employees don’t like putting and the Congress freed the slaves in the dollars than 24 of our States are pay- people on hold for 20 minutes, 30 min- District 9 months ahead of the Emanci- ing, all with representation. utes, or more or dropping the calls al- pation Proclamation. D.C. residents pay more than their together. It frustrates the taxpayer, There are no slaves living in the Dis- full freight to support the United and it breaks the hearts of our employ- trict today, nor is there a single free States Government. The time is over- ees. and equal citizen living in your Na- due to permit D.C. citizens to join the b 1015 tion’s Capital. Freedom from slavery Union of States as the State of New Co- did not give residents freedom as equal lumbia, the 51st State of the Union. Now, it is no secret that some people forget to declare all of their income, citizens. f During yesterday’s remarks in this and, frankly, there are some people series, I spoke about D.C. residents INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE who actually cheat on their taxes, but going to war, to every war since the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Congress has not equipped the IRS to Nation was created, without ever hav- Chair recognizes the gentleman from do the audits necessary to actually col- ing a vote. Today’s remarks fit today, Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- lect the money that is due—billions April 15, the day when D.C. residents utes. and billions of dollars—which would will be the only Americans who pay Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, pay for badly needed government serv- Federal taxes without a vote for or today is April 15. This is the day that ices or reduce our debt. against those taxes or anything else. our income taxes are due, a day that is They refuse to fund some positions For us, it is not tax day; it is taxation difficult enough under the best of cir- that would not just pay for themselves without representation day. cumstances, but made even more dif- but would collect 10, 20, 30 times or It is no overstatement to say that ficult, purposefully, for millions of more their annual salaries, and Con- this House is obsessed with taxes, that Americans. gress is deliberately making it worse is to say, tax cuts. There are tax cut My Republican friends have decided with yet another budget cut while bills on the floor this very week. Our to take out their differences with the watching the exodus of highly trained, residents are not demanding tax cuts— IRS by deliberately torturing the skilled professionals who have better take the money—but they are demand- American taxpayer. Ours is the largest things to do with their lives than work ing the rights that go with the taxes tax system in the world that relies pri- in an impossible situation and con- they pay. marily on voluntary compliance. Most stantly be under attack. We want an end to no vote on this Americans, in fact, do comply, but an I have no doubt that there are times floor; an end to local matters coming ever-increasingly complex tax system when the agency has not performed in to Congress without a vote on this makes that compliance difficult. ways that we would all like, but the so- floor; an end to D.C.’s local budget, of It should be noted that it is not the lution is not to torture the taxpayers all matters, coming to Congress, even IRS that makes the Tax Code complex; and fail to equip the agency to do its though there is not one dime of Federal it is Congress that makes the Tax Code job while continuing to make the Tax money in it, only local money. complex, a Congress that is sometimes Code ever more complex. We want an end to every Member get- so late in meeting its obligations with This is gross political malpractice. It ting a vote on District matters that tax changes that the Service has dif- is not fair to the taxpayers; it is a dis- come to this floor except the Member ficulty even printing the forms on time service to our employees; and it makes who represents the District of Colum- as these changes occur every single it hard to fund the needs of our Nation. bia. We want an end to this year. They may think it is good politics to mountainload of injustice, and that In order to help citizens with Con- make the taxpaying experience as mis- comes with statehood. gress’ complex tax system, the Internal erable as possible, but it is, ultimately, The best way to see the injustice of Revenue Service runs the largest con- bad judgment; it is poor politics; and it paying taxes without representation is sumer service operation in the world, is a disservice to the American public.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.002 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2217 Many of my colleagues have been Her mother said: With this limited funding, the Puerto looking at scandal within the IRS. Katrina, other little Black girls may not Rico Government provides an average Whatever problems they uncover or want to reach where you are, but they will payment to adult beneficiaries of just imagine, the real scandal is how the want you to do well, and you are showing $74 a month. Let me repeat that—$540 a Republican budget is treating the them they can do it if they put their minds month in the States versus $74 a month American public and the people who to it. in Puerto Rico. To add insult to injury, work for them at the vital service of Philip Hersh also mentions in his ar- the Puerto Rico Government is legally the Internal Revenue Service. ticle something that Billie Jean King required to meet a 25 percent match in is supposed to have said to her friend f order to receive this block grant. The Katrina. She said: States, obviously, do not have to make TRIBUTE TO KATRINA ADAMS, Katrina, if you can see it, you can be it. any matching payments for their resi- PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. TENNIS Her being the first person of color as dents to receive SSI assistance. ASSOCIATION the U.S. Tennis Association president— In 2014, the GAO estimated that, if The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and as a former pro besides—sends a Puerto Rico were a State, it would re- Chair recognizes the gentleman from strong message. ceive up to $1.8 billion a year under Illinois (Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS) for 5 min- Her family, friends, and former class- SSI. That is 54 times as much as the utes. mates at Whitney Young High School, territory receives annually under Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. at Northwestern University, and in the AABD. Again, let me repeat that—54 Speaker, I rise to pay tribute to East Garfield Park community were, times greater. The GAO estimated Katrina Adams, president of the United indeed, a proud bunch as they gathered that, if Puerto Rico were a State, States Tennis Association. to salute the young lady they had 300,000 island residents would qualify Mr. Speaker, the community in watched grow up in the inner city, be- for SSI payments. Under the current which I live, work, and represent is come a high school and college tennis program in Puerto Rico, only 35,000 in- well-known for its production of high- star, a tennis pro, and, ultimately, the dividuals receive assistance. Thus, profile and world renowned male ath- president of the United States Tennis Puerto Rico’s exclusion from the SSI letes, individuals like Ernie Terrell, Association. program means that its government world heavyweight champion; basket- Congratulations to you, Katrina. We cannot provide decent monthly pay- ball stars Doc Rivers, Isaiah Thomas, are all proud of your accomplishments. ments to residents who cannot support Mark Aguirre, Mickey Johnson, Kevin f themselves. It also means that the Garnett; footballer Darryl Stingley; SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY Puerto Rico Government cannot assist and countless others who have excelled INCOME EQUALITY ACT hundreds of thousands of extraor- in athletics. All of them are males. dinarily needy residents at all. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The However, I take this opportunity to Those who seek proof of how Puerto Chair recognizes the gentleman from mention two females. One is Dorothy Rico is harmed by its territory status Puerto Rico (Mr. PIERLUISI) for 5 min- Gaters, the girls’ basketball coach and need look no further than the treat- utes. ment it receives under SSI. Those who athletic director at the John Marshall Mr. PIERLUISI. Mr. Speaker, today, High School in Chicago, Illinois, the want to comprehend why, roughly, I am reintroducing a bill to extend the 240,000 island residents relocated to the winningest high school basketball Supplemental Security Income pro- coach in the Nation. The other is States between 2010 and 2014 in search gram, known as SSI, to Puerto Rico. of a better quality of life should realize Katrina Adams, who grew up not far Of all of the disparities that Puerto from Marshall High School and whose that Puerto Rico’s unequal treatment Rico faces because it is a territory and under key Federal programs, includ- parents still live in the East Garfield not a State, few are as damaging as its Park community. ing—but not limited to—SSI, is a exclusion from SSI. major contributing factor to this mi- Earlier this year, Katrina Adams be- SSI provides monthly cash assistance came the first African American and gration. to blind, disabled, or elderly individ- Let me be crystal clear on this point. the first former pro tennis player to be- uals who have limited or no income. come president and CEO of the United Politicians in Puerto Rico and the We are talking about the most vulner- States who defend Puerto Rico’s cur- States Tennis Association, which is a able members of our society. SSI ap- rent status must accept the undeniable 134-year-old organization that had plies in all 50 States and in the District truth that this status is harming the barred Black athletes from its premier of Columbia. However, since the pro- people of Puerto Rico. When they ra- event—the U.S. National Champion- gram’s inception in 1974, it has not tionalize or excuse Puerto Rico’s terri- ship, currently known as the U.S. been extended to Puerto Rico. Instead, tory status, they are complicit in Puer- Open—until 1950, when it allowed Al- the Federal grant program, known as to Rico’s mistreatment. thea Gibson to compete. Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled, But make no mistake. The era of in- At 46, Adams is the youngest of the or AABD, applies in Puerto Rico. equality is coming to an end. I stand 53 people—among them, just four The Social Security Administration side by side with a large and growing women—who have been the USTA lead- sends monthly SSI payments directly army of proud U.S. citizens from Puer- ers, an unpaid volunteer position. to beneficiaries; whereas the AABD to Rico who refuse to accept such In an article done by the Chicago program is administered by the Puerto shameful treatment any longer. We be- Tribune, the writer states that, al- Rico Government, using an annual lieve in full equality for Puerto Rico though her term lasts only 2 years, block grant provided by the U.S. De- under the American flag. We will fight Adams understands that her being the partment of Health and Human Serv- for it until we achieve it, and we will face of the U.S. Tennis Association can ices. The gap between the treatment achieve it soon. have a significant impact, especially at that is provided to beneficiaries in the a moment when the best female player 50 States and the treatment that is f in the world, Serena Williams, is also provided to their fellow American citi- BRING BACK OUR GIRLS an African American. zens in Puerto Rico is, in a word, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Katrina is supposed to have said: shocking. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from I think having an African American as According to the most recent Federal Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. president is a huge statement. It shows how statistics, the average SSI payment to Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I far we have come within the USTA as a beneficiaries is $540 a month and is address the House to discuss a number whole. close to $650 a month for beneficiaries of concerns that I believe we need to As family, friends, community lead- who are under the age of 18. By con- confront as quickly as possible. ers, old coaches, volunteers, and tennis trast, based on the most recent data Yesterday and today commemorate, fans gathered to congratulate and that has been furnished to my office, sadly, the snatching of over 200 girls honor Katrina, they were reminded of the block grant that the Federal Gov- from northern Nigeria—the area in something her mother, Yvonne, told ernment provides to the Puerto Rico which the girls lost their innocence her many years ago. Government is only $33 million a year. and their right to a good quality of life.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.017 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 It was in the dark of night when hei- the largest population of Nigerians— We also pray today for Your protec- nous thugs, armed with horrific weap- wonderful, good people, doctors and tion over the men and women who ons, burst into the dorm rooms of teachers, lawyers, public servants. But serve in our Nation’s military all sleeping girls who were preparing to we must stand with them to bring around the world. take exams to improve their lives. these girls back. And, above everything, we pray Their parents had worked hard. They Let me show you the mutilating and today for a real, true revival of right- were like any other parents here in the destroying of Christian artifacts, the eousness in America, and we make this United States or around the world, lov- destruction of towns left in their prayer in the name that is above every ing their children; and these heinous midst. They don’t care, and I am out- name and to which every knee shall thugs with their vile leader, Boko raged that they are standing. bow and every tongue confess—the Haram, stole them—stole their inno- Let me say this, Mr. Speaker, as I name of Jesus Christ. cence and, in a certain sense, their vir- ask for them to be rescued, as I go to Amen. ginity. Now we are struggling to find express this in an open forum to our f community, our Nation. Let me add them. THE JOURNAL For over a year, many of us pressed that part of the work of the Depart- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the Nigerian Government to find and ment of Justice deals with issues of Chair has examined the Journal of the bring back the girls. In the spring of human trafficking, and sometimes it last day’s proceedings and announces 2014, I traveled to the northern state takes it internationally. So I conclude my remarks by saying to the House his approval thereof. with my colleague Ms. WILSON and that we must—we must—confirm as Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- with my colleague from Texas, and we nal stands approved. met with broken families and with the General, Loretta Lynch, the Attorney girls who had escaped. We saw the General nominee of the United States f of America. This is an African Amer- northern state. We were not welcomed PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ican woman that has been held without by the words that we were saying, conscience. She is qualified; she is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the which was ‘‘bring the girls back.’’ We ready to serve; and I would ask my col- gentleman from California (Mr. COSTA) met with generals in our military. We leagues to show to the world what kind come forward and lead the House in the saw our military’s compassion under of country America is—that we follow Pledge of Allegiance. the Africa Command, and we saw that process, and that this individual be al- Mr. COSTA led the Pledge of Alle- they were ready to be of assistance. lowed to serve her nation as she desires giance as follows: Those generals, I must say, said that to do. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the they were ready. United States of America, and to the Repub- In the course, Boko Haram has killed f lic for which it stands, one nation under God, 15,000 people. There are thousands who RECESS indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. are displaced—1.5 million, I believe the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- f number is—and these girls are still ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair WELCOMING REVEREND KENNY missing. They are said to have been declares the House in recess until noon GOODEN married off, but some girls are worth today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without rescuing. All girls are worth rescuing. Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 32 objection, the gentlewoman from North All children are worth saving. Today, minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- Carolina (Ms. FOXX) is recognized for 1 we will stand on the steps of the Cap- cess. minute. itol, begging for help from the inter- f There was no objection. national community. b 1200 Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, it is an I must make mention that the Afri- honor and a privilege to introduce our can Union, through the auspices of the AFTER RECESS guest chaplain, Reverend Kenneth United Nations, has developed a strat- The recess having expired, the House ‘‘Kenny’’ Gooden, today. egy and a military effort, led by Chad, was called to order by the Speaker pro Reverend Gooden is a vital part of Niger, Cameroon, and Nigeria, but they tempore (Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana) at the religious community in northwest are still not found—they are still not noon. North Carolina, and he has faithfully caught—and Boko Haram continues to f shepherded the flock at Union Grove be the heinous, vile organization that Baptist Church in Yadkinville for 25 should not exist in attacking the inno- PRAYER years. cent people of Nigeria. Boko Haram has Reverend Kenny Gooden, Union He previously served the faithful of declared itself part of the family of Grove Baptist Church, Yadkinville, Pilot View Baptist Church in High ISIL. That alone stands to promote North Carolina, offered the following Point and of West Yadkin Baptist them as a heinous terrorist group, and prayer: Church in Hamptonville. He attended they should draw the attention of the Heavenly Father, today, we humbly North Iredell High School, Mitchell world just like ISIL has drawn the at- come into Your presence, confessing Community College, and Fruitland tention of the world. our sins, asking You for mercy, grace, Baptist Bible College. and forgiveness. We come, recognizing b 1030 He is accompanied today by his wife, Your greatness and Your power, under- Tina; his daughter, Hannah; and his Mr. Speaker, I am calling upon the standing today that, from Heaven, You son, Hunter. United States, who I believe has a deep oversee all that we do. We come, Reverend Gooden’s service to God commitment to find these girls, to be thanking You for the many blessings cuts to the very heart of the gospel able to engage in an intensified effort that You have bestowed upon this Na- message of love. He has brightened and to find them and a collaborative effort tion in years past. For Your divine pro- enriched the lives of many throughout with our expertise, continued, to be tection, provisions, and the power that the years, and we are blessed to have able to assure that these girls are You have bestowed upon us, we are him in our community. brought home, but that Boko Haram grateful. I hope that his words of prayer will does not continue to flaunt itself. Today, we make these requests: remain with all of us as we do the peo- Let me add al-Shabaab, that did the We pray for the Members of this ple’s work. heinous killings of students in Kenya. great body that You grant to them f We must be concerned about a con- safety, divine wisdom, and knowledge tinent that is our friend, a continent as they make decisions which affect COMMUNICATION FROM THE that desires to do trade and business both history and every American cit- CLERK OF THE HOUSE with us, a continent that looks to izen. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- America—Africa, who loves America. We pray that You give to them a love fore the House the following commu- You can see the array of Africans who for both You and this Nation that is nication from the Clerk of the House of are here in the United States. I have unwavering and unsurpassed. Representatives:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:04 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.005 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2219 OFFICE OF THE CLERK, ROOSEVELT UNIVERSITY leaders of the Walk a Mile today. They HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ANNIVERSARY are making a difference with efforts to Washington, DC, April 15, 2015. end sexual assault and sexual violence. Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, (Mr. QUIGLEY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 In conclusion, God bless our troops, The Speaker, U.S. Capitol, House of Representa- and may the President, by his actions, tives, Washington, DC. minute and to revise and extend his re- never forget September the 11th in the DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- marks.) mission granted in Clause 2(h) of rule II of Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise global war on terrorism. My sympathy to the family of the the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- today to congratulate my alma mater, late John Duncan of Laurens County, tives, the Clerk received the following mes- Roosevelt University, on the 70th anni- sage from the Secretary of the Senate on South Carolina, the father of our col- versary of its founding in Chicago, Illi- April 15, 2015 at 8:34 a.m.: league Congressman JEFF DUNCAN. That the Senate passed without amend- nois. f ment H.R. 2. From its founding, the university has With best wishes, I am stood by its mission: to make higher PREVENT DANGEROUS GUNS Sincerely, education available to all students re- FROM REACHING DANGEROUS KAREN L. HAAS. gardless of their socioeconomic status, PEOPLE f racial or ethnic origin, age, or gender. (Mr. GALLEGO asked and was given At the 1945 dedication of Roosevelt, COMMUNICATION FROM THE permission to address the House for 1 Eleanor Roosevelt said: CLERK OF THE HOUSE minute.) We can prepare to help the rest of the Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, today, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- world and do it without fear, do it with good- in America, 48 children and young peo- fore the House the following commu- will. ple will be shot, and seven will die. nication from the Clerk of the House of For 70 years, the university has Today, in America, 45 people will be in- Representatives: upheld the values of inclusiveness, op- jured in gun-related accidents, and 55 OFFICE OF THE CLERK, portunity, and social justice. In the will take their own lives with guns. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, next 70 years, I know Roosevelt will Yet, today, in America, zero new Fed- Washington, DC, April 15, 2015. continue to provide transformational eral gun laws will be debated here in Hon. JOHN A. BOEHNER, The Speaker, U.S. Capitol, House of Representa- experiences and opportunities for dis- this body. tives, Washington, DC. covery, shaping generations of socially This is unacceptable. DEAR MR. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the per- conscious citizens. Yet we know smart gun laws work. mission granted in Clause 2(h) of rule II of I had an extraordinary experience at We know background checks keep guns the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- Roosevelt, learning as much from my out of the hands of terrorists, crimi- tives, the Clerk received the following mes- fellow students as from my classroom nals, and the mentally ill. We know sage from the Secretary of the Senate on work, and the school was very kind to banning assault rifles and high-capac- April 15, 2015 at 11:46 a.m.: me. ity magazines protects police officers That the Senate agreed to without amend- As my friend, colleague, and fellow and the communities they serve. ment H. Con. Res. 9. Mr. Speaker, after the Newtown With best wishes, I am alum, BOBBY RUSH, said: Sincerely, Roosevelt loved me before I loved Roo- shootings claimed the lives of 20 inno- KAREN L. HAAS. sevelt. cent children, President Obama asked the Nation whether we were prepared f Congratulations to Dr. Chuck Mid- to admit that we are powerless in the dleton and to the entire Roosevelt ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER face of the carnage caused by guns. community on the university’s 70th an- PRO TEMPORE That is not an admission I am ready to niversary. make. This isn’t a problem we can ig- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Go, Lakers. nore. Chair will entertain up to 15 further re- f quests for 1-minute speeches on each Mr. Speaker, instead of politics as side of the aisle. SOUTH CAROLINA SAYS, ‘‘NO usual, let’s come together to prevent MORE’’ dangerous guns from reaching dan- f (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina gerous people. SOCIAL SECURITY UPDATE RULES asked and was given permission to ad- f (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked dress the House for 1 minute and to re- CONGRATULATIONS, KIMBERLY and was given permission to address vise and extend his remarks.) KEENAN the House for 1 minute and to revise Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. (Mr. ROSS asked and was given per- and extend his remarks.) Speaker, today, men and women will mission to address the House for 1 Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. come together and take a stand against minute and to revise and extend his re- Speaker, in 1979, Social Security began sexual assault at the sixth annual marks.) to use rules to help decide who should Walk a Mile in Her Shoes march in Co- Mr. ROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today receive disability benefits. A lot has lumbia, South Carolina. to recognize the achievements of Ms. changed since then, and, yet, believe it Men from across the State will don Kimberly Keenan. or not, Social Security continues to high-heeled shoes and join women and Ms. Keenan has been both the prin- use the same rules from 1979. other community leaders to raise cipal and the assistant principal of It is time Social Security caught up. awareness and funds to support sur- Tampa Palms Elementary School in That is why, today, I am introducing vivors of sexual assault and sexual vio- the school district of Hillsborough the Guiding Responsible and Improved lence. Just one victim is too many, and County, Florida, for 18 years. She has Disability Decisions Act of 2015, which we must stand with survivors to pre- recently been appointed to serve as the would require Social Security to up- vent sexual assault. supervisor of Language Arts and Writ- date its rules. This bill is, simply, com- I am grateful for the Sexual Trauma ing for Hillsborough County. The mon sense. Services of the Midlands, the South school district is the eighth largest in The American people want, need, and Carolina Coalition Against Domestic the United States, and it is located in deserve a disability program that Violence and Sexual Assault, the Florida’s 15th Congressional District. works, and they expect Social Security Cumbee Center, and countless other or- Under her leadership, Tampa Palms to make consistent and accurate deci- ganizations for their advocacy, for Elementary has been rated as an A- sions when determining who should re- their continued efforts to prevent sex- rated school for 16 years in a row and is ceive benefits. ual assault, and for their support to a National Blue Ribbon School of Ex- On behalf of America’s hard-working survivors. cellence. taxpayers, I urge my colleagues to join Chaired by Ginny Walker, I am grate- During her time at this school, Ms. me in bringing Social Security into the ful my oldest son, State Attorney Gen- Keenan has created a culture that em- 21st century. eral Alan Wilson, will be one of the bodies her motto: ‘‘Hard work pays off

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:04 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.002 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 all the time.’’ Her efforts to help every I call on my colleagues on both sides nual deadline to file their tax returns. child to be treated with love and re- of the aisle to move quickly to enact Taxpayers shudder at the mere men- spect has enabled countless students this bipartisan legislation so that the tion of the IRS, and that image hasn’t from diverse backgrounds to learn, American people can have a say in any been helped since the Federal Govern- gain confidence, and take with them final agreement. ment’s most feared agency admitted to the knowledge and the skills needed to Mr. Speaker, I remain extremely con- singling out conservative groups for help them make their way in this cerned that the administration’s latest unprecedented invasive scrutiny. As world. agreement with Iran means that we are Americans, we expect our government Our Nation’s teachers are the open headed for a historically bad deal. An to preserve, protect, and defend our door to education and opportunity by agreement that sunsets by the time my rights, not target them for political their working long hours and with, youngest daughter is in college does gain and control. sadly, less recognition than they de- nothing to secure our long-term na- The House is poised to pass several serve. tional security. pieces of legislation today that will Ms. Keenan has spent years shaping In the weeks ahead, Congress must help ensure that all taxpayers are young minds. She has touched many stand strong and unequivocally reject treated fairly and hold IRS employees lives of those at Tampa Palms Elemen- any deal that leaves intact Iran’s nu- accountable for their actions. tary, including those of the students clear infrastructure, that cements Tomorrow the House will vote to re- and parents, and they are indebted to Iran’s position as a nuclear threshold peal permanently the death tax so that her for her life’s work. I am proud to state, that unwinds the sanctions ar- families who have lost loved ones are recognize her achievements. chitecture in exchange for empty not faced with an enormous financial f promises, or that legitimizes a sure-to- burden in the wake of that loss. While HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY fail inspection regime that falls short it represents only a tiny fraction of of ‘‘anywhere, anytime’’ inspections. Federal revenue, the death tax can be (Mr. HIGGINS asked and was given Mr. Speaker, we must not be fooled permission to address the House for 1 devastating for a family. We must re- into false choices, and Iran must not be peal this unreasonable and unfair bur- minute.) left with any path towards a nuclear Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, tomor- den on thousands of American families, weapon. row, we commemorate Holocaust Re- small businesses, and family farms. membrance Day. f f This day was established by the b 1215 CONDEMNING BOKO HARAM Israeli Parliament in 1951, and it coin- THE REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP cides with the anniversary of the War- (Ms. KELLY of Illinois asked and was SHOULD LISTEN TO AMERICAN saw Ghetto uprising. Later, Congress given permission to address the House FAMILIES established annual Days of Remem- for 1 minute.) brance, which we also celebrate this (Mrs. BEATTY asked and was given Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, week. Memorial and educational ac- permission to address the House for 1 it has been a year since 276 girls were tivities will take place in schools, minute and to revise and extend her re- abducted from Chibok Secondary places of worship, and communities marks.) School in northern Nigeria by the mili- across this Nation. Mrs. BEATTY. Mr. Speaker, I join tant Islamic group Boko Haram. Since This is a time to mourn the millions many of my colleagues today proudly then, we have heard numerous tales of of victims of the Holocaust, and it is an wearing red and this pin to ask us to unspeakable atrocities committed by annual reminder to Americans—indeed, remember to bring our girls back who the group, the continued abductions of to all of humanity—that we must never were kidnapped by Boko Haram. schoolgirls who have been trafficked forget the evil that man visited upon Mr. Speaker, I also returned to Wash- and murdered, and the sickening dis- his fellow man. ington this week from a busy district covery of a mass grave with beheaded It was a Supreme Court Justice from work period, where I advocated for remains in a formerly Boko Haram- western New York, Robert H. Jackson, homeownership, explored funding for held territory in northern Nigeria. who served as the lead American pros- early childhood through college edu- Just when we thought that Boko ecutor of Nazi war criminals at the cation, and heard from seniors and vet- Haram had reached its evil peak, the Nuremberg trials. In recognition of his erans about their need for access to af- group swears an unholy alliance to work to expose the horrors of the Holo- fordable health care. ISIL. caust, we named the new Federal Unfortunately, it is very clear, Mr. I would like to commend my House courthouse in Buffalo in Jackson’s Speaker, that the Republican leader- colleagues for unanimously passing a honor. ship continues to turn a deaf ear to the resolution I introduced condemning Tomorrow, in western New York and American people, to our seniors, to our Boko Haram. It sent a strong message across the country, Americans will me- veterans, and to the next generation by to the world that America will never morialize the victims of the Holocaust, putting forward legislation that does tolerate terrorism, and this Congress and we will pray for vigilance and for not work for my district in central will never abide terrorists. the resolve to stop such evil from ever Ohio or this Nation. We must continue to stand together happening again. Democrats, however, have put forth to fight Boko Haram’s brutal victim- ization of innocent men, women, and f plans to help hard-working American families by making it easier to own a children, and defend the basic human IRAN AGREEMENT home, making it easier to send our right of schoolgirls in Nigeria and (Mr. DOLD asked and was given per- children to college, and making it easi- around the world to receive an edu- mission to address the House for 1 er to have a secure and enjoyable re- cation. We can never forget our girls, minute and to revise and extend his re- tirement. and we can never forgive the cowardly marks.) Mr. Speaker, Republican leadership crimes of Boko Haram. Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise should listen to American families and f to express my support for the Iran Nu- help them attain the tools they need to TAX DAY BRINGS ANOTHER PAIN- clear Agreement Review Act, which achieve economic security for now and FUL REMINDER OF IRS ABUSE has now passed out of the Senate For- the future. eign Relations Committee with unani- f (Mr. BABIN asked and was given per- mous support. mission to address the House for 1 This important step shows that there PROTECTING TAXPAYERS minute.) continues to be momentum to move (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, today is tax forward on this vital and necessary bill mission to address the House for 1 day, bringing us another painful re- to ensure accountability and congres- minute.) minder of our broken Federal Tax sional oversight over any deal with Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, today Amer- Code, which is being enforced at the Iran. icans across the country face the an- heavy and, many times, unfair hand of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.010 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2221 the Internal Revenue Service. Simply lent challenge to peace, to freedom, the deadline, we owe them a great debt put, American taxpayers are sick and and to the right of every girl to choose of gratitude; and in that, I ask that tired of this out-of-control agency. The to better herself through education. Congress renew its efforts to reduce IRS has grown too large, too powerful, Mr. Speaker, I join my colleagues in spending, reform programs, balance our too aggressive, and too involved in the calling for a renewed effort to bring budget, and reduce the heavy weight of everyday lives of the American people. back those girls and to bring justice to the tax burden on these hard-working Today the House will pass a series of those responsible. American people. bills to end this abuse, and we invite f f the U.S. Senate and the President to join us. Our bills will protect the hard- GIRLS SHOULD NOT FEAR FOR BRING BACK OUR GIRLS THEIR LIVES BECAUSE THEY working taxpayers and hold the IRS (Ms. PLASKETT asked and was given WANT AN EDUCATION employees accountable. We create a permission to address the House for 1 taxpayer bill of rights, ensuring the (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and minute.) American taxpayers are treated with was given permission to address the Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, today, the respect that they deserve. We will House for 1 minute.) 1 day after the 1-year anniversary of take steps to end the politicization of Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speak- the abduction of the Chibok schoolgirls the IRS, which abusively and illegally er, I rise today to bring back our girls. in Nigeria, I rise to encourage my col- targeted conservative American citi- I recently returned from a bicameral leagues here in Congress to continue in zens. delegation mission to several African their efforts to help bring back our From lost emails to refusing to tes- countries, focusing on terrorist girls. We have protested, demonstrated, tify before Congress, the IRS abuses threats. The girls are still on every- tweeted, and spoken about this issue must end. I urge my colleagues to sup- one’s minds, as are the increasingly on a number of occasions. Now, with a port these commonsense bills to bring frequent and violent attacks of Boko new Nigerian leader in place, I encour- transparency and accountability to Haram. age Muhammadu Buhari to do all that With Boko Haram’s recent alignment this runaway agency. is within his power to defeat Boko with ISIL, we must do more to counter f Haram and bring back our girls. the growing worldwide threat. We must In an effort to improve the quality of ONE YEAR AFTER THE BOKO work with the Nigerian Government life of their young daughters, can you HARAM KIDNAPPING and President Buhari, along with the imagine, as a parent, sending your (Ms. HAHN asked and was given per- Governments of Chad, Kenya, Cam- child off to school and never seeing mission to address the House for 1 eroon, and any other nation willing to them again? This is the case for hun- minute.) stand up and fight. Building partner dreds of families. This is not right. No Ms. HAHN. I rise today in solidarity capacity by assisting in military train- with the Nigerian people who are still ing and sharing intelligence will go a family or child should feel threatened terrorized by Boko Haram. long way in the fight to end this can- when it comes to improving their lives It has now been 1 year since 276 cer. through education. schoolgirls were abducted from their We must also ensure that the voices Therefore, as we continue to call for dorms and classrooms by Boko Haram. of women everywhere are elevated, not the total annihilation of Boko Haram, This militant terrorist group continues just in Nigeria, but around the world. we should also use this moment to em- its violent attacks—kidnapping, rape, Nowhere in this world should girls fear phasize the importance of establishing murder, and brutality—against chil- for their lives just because they want safe learning environments for all chil- dren, women, and men. an education. dren. I commend USAID and other human rights organizations for the One year ago the international com- f munity joined in the social media cam- work that they have done to accom- paign #bringbackourgirls to raise WE OWE TAXPAYERS A GREAT plish this goal. awareness of this tragic kidnapping. DEBT OF GRATITUDE As a person of color, a mother, and We speak out today to say these girls (Mr. YODER asked and was given an American, I urge you all to do much have not been forgotten, as 219 of them permission to address the House for 1 more to stop Boko Haram and promote remain missing, their fates unknown. minute and to revise and extend his re- safe, quality education for young girls Many American individuals and organi- marks.) and boys around the world. zations as well as government leaders Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, today mil- f lions of Americans will take their are continuing efforts to aid the Nige- TODAY IS TAX DAY rian people who have been victimized hard-earned income through toil and and to prevent future violence. labor and send a significant portion of (Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER asked and We must keep in mind the atrocities that sweat equity to Washington, D.C., was given permission to address the committed by Boko Haram as we and for this Congress to spend, sending tril- House for 1 minute.) our allies continue to fight extremist lions to continue to feed a bloated and Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Today is groups around the world. inefficient government. According to tax day, April 15, and one of the things that I wanted to bring to the attention f the IRS, Americans have spent 6.1 bil- lion hours and $168 billion just simply of Congress, really, is the amount of BRING BACK OUR GIRLS 1-YEAR having their tax returns prepared. waste and abuse that takes place not ANNIVERSARY These taxpayers bear a heavy burden just within the bloated Federal Gov- (Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN asked and for our actions here. ernment, but within the IRS. was given permission to address the Last year our Federal Government I serve as the vice chair of the Sub- House for 1 minute.) took in more money from the Amer- committee on Financial Services and Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. ican people than ever before. Wash- General Government of the Committee Speaker, I rise to remind my col- ington doesn’t have a revenue problem; on Appropriations. In this last go- leagues that we have not yet succeeded it has a spending problem, which is around, we reduced—or cut, actually— in bringing back the 219 Nigerian girls easy for Congress because they are the IRS’ budget by about $100 million abducted by Boko Haram on this day spending other people’s money. to $300 million. The IRS Commissioner last year. For a moment, the plight of Americans expect, when they send was before us to tell us that that is too those young schoolgirls captured the their tax dollars to Washington, D.C., much; it is too much; it is too much; attention of the world, spurred by mil- that we will be good stewards of that the sky is going to fall; we are not lions of tweets and a hashtag that de- money, that we will treat it with the going to be able to process returns; we manded justice, but as is so often the respect for the American people that are not going to be able to give tax- case with faces of color, their dis- worked hard to earn it and send it payers assistance. appearance quickly left the headlines. here. But what needs to be told on this We can neither forget nor give up on So today, as Americans head to the floor, Mr. Speaker, is that the IRS these girls. Their abduction was a vio- post office to drop their returns before sends out tens of billions of misapplied

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.011 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 or fraudulent payments—tens of bil- pered the growth and prosperity for This kidnapping, this act of ter- lions. This has to stop. It is not an both individuals and businesses. rorism, was an attack on the basic issue of not making sure that people Our economy continues to struggle. human rights of women and girls to pay their taxes. Our Tax Code shouldn’t be working participate in the civil society, in this I am all for making sure that things against us. Each year, hard-working instance by attending school to develop are applied fairly and equitably, but we Americans have to navigate the Inter- their individual talents and God-given have an obligation of responsibility to nal Revenue Code, which stands at tens potential. make sure that money is spent appro- of thousands of pages. Moreover, the These young women were violently priately and efficiently or safeguarded. agency charged with collecting taxes abducted for the explicit purpose of It is not our money. from Americans has been scrutinizing preventing their full participation in I just wanted, today, to take the op- and delaying critical paperwork for the civil society of Nigeria. portunity to recognize the hard-work- conservative groups. Now, a year after their kidnapping, ing moms and dads, individuals across Mr. Speaker, I stand here today to these young women are still missing, this country who have written their advance the conversation surrounding and Boko Haram continues to terrorize check to Uncle Sam, and they expect the comprehensive tax reform. From the people of west Africa, forcing mil- us to be good stewards of their hard- the individual Code to the corporate lions of people to flee their home and earned dollars. tax system, reform needs to result in a undermining the foundations of democ- There are a few bills we are working fairer, flatter system that works for racy. on this week I urge this body to pass. Americans and their businesses, not We must continue in our efforts to Whether it is balancing the budget or against them. find these girls and bring their abduc- making sure that we eliminate the As we labor through another tax day, tors to justice. The destabilization of death tax, we will have our oppor- it is a reminder, Mr. Speaker, that we Nigeria, Cameroon, and Chad has im- tunity to make sure that we are hold- haven’t addressed the Code in close to plications for the entire continent of ing the Federal Government account- 30 years. We have the ability to tackle Africa and, indeed, the world. able. the Tax Code only if we are willing to We have called on the community of nations to bring back our girls. f make hard decisions. f f b 1230 ADOPT A LONG-TERM HIGHWAY BRING BACK OUR GIRLS WATER WEEK FUNDING BILL (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was (Mr. COSTA asked and was given per- (Mr. DELANEY asked and was given given permission to address the House mission to address the House for 1 permission to address the House for 1 for 1 minute and to revise and extend minute and to revise and extend his re- minute.) her remarks.) Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, marks.) Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, in 45 what you have seen today is the power- Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today days, the highway trust fund runs out ful impact of the women of the United to speak about our most precious nat- of money. That means that 90 percent States Congress. ural resource: water. of the road projects in this country will Earlier today, we joined on the steps It is Water Week here in D.C.; but in grind to a halt. That is a national trag- of the United States Capitol; and in the San Joaquin Valley, in California, edy, particularly when there are nu- that area that we joined with the it is always Water Week. merous bipartisan proposals in this young girls who had escaped from Boko At first glance at this picture, you Congress to deal with the situation. Haram, women of faith, and many might think this was taken in an un- Rather than just focusing on the other advocates, we stood there, arm- derdeveloped country thousands of macro statistics, we decided to reach in-arm, listening to the stories of those miles away. It is not. These are the out to my constituents and find out young girls who jumped out of trucks squalid living conditions in California’s what they think about America’s infra- and escaped the violence of Boko San Joaquin Valley. They are a direct structure. We received hundreds and Haram and their very thuggish leader. result of the extreme lack of water in hundreds of responses detailing all the California. The Boko Haram are terrorists. A problems my constituents have with year ago, they stole the ‘‘world’s While, in part, the drought is to long commute times, concrete falling blame, our inability to move the lim- girls.’’ I led a delegation, joined by my down from bridges and hitting their colleagues, to Nigeria. In that effort, ited water is exacerbating the crisis. windshields, and water interruptions. While conditions like these are unac- we saw the families who were crying We cannot let this happen in the and broken. We protested at the Nige- ceptable, I think to all of us in the United States of America in the year richest country in the world, we must rian Embassy and made a direct call to 2015. I encourage this Congress to adopt the then President to ask him to de- do something about it. a long-term highway funding bill and It takes water to grow food, period. nounce Boko Haram. stop with short-term measures that Today, we have been on the floor. California grows half the Nation’s just delay the inevitable. Working with my colleagues, we have fruits and vegetables and more, but Let’s invest in America’s future; let’s continuously said: bring the girls back. this year, some estimates say that 1 invest in our infrastructure, and let’s Mr. Speaker, in Nigeria, 15,000 have million acres out of 6 million acres stop Americans from having the prob- been killed because of Boko Haram. usually in production will be fallowed. lems that they have to deal with day in Also, 1.5 million are displaced persons, In the short term, we need to act on and day out with an underinvested, 800,000 of which are children. operational flexibility to deal with this aging, decrepit infrastructure. I end my remarks by saying: bring crisis. In the long term, it is time that f the girls back. I am delighted to have we fix this broken water system not BOKO HARAM been with Congresswoman MALONEY just for California, but for the West and Congresswoman WILSON. We will and for the entire world to whom we (Ms. CLARKE of New York asked and never give up on bringing the girls provide a large part of the food supply. was given permission to address the back. They are the world’s girls. They This is the challenge of the 21st cen- House for 1 minute and to revise and are our girls. tury. extend her remarks.) f f Ms. CLARKE of New York. Mr. Speaker, I stand today with my col- THE GIRLS OF CHIBOK TACKLING THE TAX CODE leagues to focus the attention of the (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of (Mr. HARDY asked and was given world on the 276 young women who New York asked and was given permis- permission to address the House for 1 were kidnapped by Boko Haram—219 sion to address the House for 1 minute minute.) whose whereabouts remain unknown— and to revise and extend her remarks.) Mr. HARDY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Chibok, Nigeria, just a year ago in Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New today to address an issue that has ham- April. York. Mr. Speaker, yesterday, on the 1-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.012 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2223 year anniversary of the kidnapping of up House Resolution 200 and ask for its port, shall be considered as read, shall be de- the girls of Nigeria, there were solemn immediate consideration. batable for the time specified in the report acts of remembrance in Nigeria’s cap- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- equally divided and controlled by the pro- ital. lows: ponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be subject to a In the Republic of the Congo, they H. RES. 200 demand for division of the question in the tied red and purple ribbons around the Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- House or in the Committee of the Whole. All capital. There was a solidarity protest lution it shall be in order to consider in the points of order against such further amend- near the Eiffel Tower in Paris and a House the bill (H.R. 622) to amend the Inter- ments are waived. At the conclusion of con- gathering in London to call for the nal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent sideration of the bill for amendment the girls to be returned. the deduction of State and local general Committee shall rise and report the bill, as In my home city of New York, as the sales taxes. All points of order against con- amended, to the House with such further sideration of the bill are waived. The amend- amendments as may have been adopted. The sun was setting, the Empire State ment in the nature of a substitute rec- Building was lit up brightly in purple previous question shall be considered as or- ommended by the Committee on Ways and dered on the bill, as amended, and on any and red, purple for violence against Means now printed in the bill, modified by further amendment thereto, to final passage women and red for the girls of Chibok. the amendment printed in part A of the re- without intervening motion except one mo- It seems like the very act that ripped port of the Committee on Rules accom- tion to recommit with or without instruc- them from the arms of their parents panying this resolution, shall be considered tions. has somehow tied the rest of the world as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- together, united us in our outrage, and considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, tleman from Ohio is recognized for 1 armed us with hope. are waived. The previous question shall be hour. Feelings are not enough. It is time considered as ordered on the bill, as amend- b 1245 for action. It is time for the govern- ed, and on any further amendment thereto, ments of Africa to unite and to act. Al- to final passage without intervening motion Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, for the ready, the Governments of Chad, Nige- except: (1) one hour of debate equally divided purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- ria, Niger, and Cameroon are holding and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- tomary 30 minutes to to the gentleman Boko Haram accountable. nority member of the Committee on Ways from Colorado (Mr. POLIS), pending It is time for Western countries to and Means; and (2) one motion to recommit which I yield myself such time as I unite because we will never, ever forget with or without instructions. may consume. During consideration of SEC. 2. Upon adoption of this resolution it our girls. We could not forgive our fail- shall be in order to consider in the House the this resolution, all time yielded is for ure to act. bill (H.R. 1105) to amend the Internal Rev- the purpose of debate only. f enue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate and GENERAL LEAVE generation-skipping transfer taxes, and for Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I ask BOKO HARAM other purposes. All points of order against unanimous consent that all Members (Ms. WILSON of Florida asked and consideration of the bill are waived. The have 5 legislative days within which to was given permission to address the amendment in the nature of a substitute rec- revise and extend their remarks. House for 1 minute.) ommended by the Committee on Ways and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Ms. WILSON of Florida. Mr. Speaker, Means now printed in the bill, modified by objection to the request of the gen- I rise today to recognize the 1-year an- the amendment printed in part B of the re- port of the Committee on Rules accom- tleman from Ohio? niversary of the tragic kidnapping of panying this resolution, shall be considered There was no objection. 276 girls in Nigeria. as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, on Tues- I welcome Patience and Saw to Wash- considered as read. All points of order day, the Rules Committee met and re- ington, two of the girls who are with us against provisions in the bill, as amended, ported a rule for three important bills: all day. I thank all of the Members of are waived. The previous question shall be H.R. 622, the State and Local Tax De- Congress for taking part in this sad, considered as ordered on the bill, as amend- duction Fairness Act of 2015; H.R. 1105, sad anniversary. We are wearing red ed, and on any further amendment thereto, the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015; and and purple today to note the horrible to final passage without intervening motion H.R. 1195, the Bureau of Consumer Fi- atrocity. except: (1) one hour of debate equally divided nancial Protection Advisory Boards How much longer do we have to wait and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- Act. nority member of the Committee on Ways House Resolution 200 provides for a before the girls are returned to their and Means; and (2) one motion to recommit families? How many more people must with or without instructions. closed rule for consideration of H.R. 622 die before Boko Haram is defeated? SEC. 3. At any time after adoption of this and H.R. 1105, and a structured rule for How many more families must be sepa- resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to the consideration of H.R. 1195. rated? How many more women will be clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House The resolution provides 1 hour of de- raped? resolved into the Committee of the Whole bate equally divided between the chair Mr. Speaker, Boko Haram must be House on the state of the Union for consider- and ranking minority member of the stopped. We must do everything we can ation of the bill (H.R. 1195) to amend the Committee on Ways and Means for Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 H.R. 622 and H.R. 1105, and 1 hour of de- to help the Nigerian Government in to establish advisory boards, and for other bringing back our girls. purposes. The first reading of the bill shall bate equally divided between the chair We must continue to march, continue be dispensed with. All points of order against and ranking minority member of the to demonstrate, continue to protest, consideration of the bill are waived. General Committee on Financial Services for continue to pass legislation, and con- debate shall be confined to the bill and H.R. 1195. tinue to tweet #bringbackourgirls and amendments specified in this section and The resolution also provides for con- #followrepwilson until our girls are re- shall not exceed one hour equally divided sideration of the two amendments of- turned home. and controlled by the chair and ranking mi- fered by the gentlewoman from New nority member of the Committee on Finan- f Hampshire (Ms. KUSTER) on H.R. 1195 cial Services. After general debate the bill and provides a motion to recommit for PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. The amendment printed in each bill. OF H.R. 622, STATE AND LOCAL Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support SALES TAX DEDUCTION FAIR- part C of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution shall be the resolution and the underlying leg- NESS ACT OF 2015; PROVIDING considered as adopted in the House and in islation. Each of these bills is impor- FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. the Committee of the Whole. The bill, as tant to providing fairness and cer- 1105, DEATH TAX REPEAL ACT amended, shall be considered as read. All tainty for our Nation’s Tax Code, en- OF 2015; AND PROVIDING FOR points of order against provisions in the bill, suring our Nation’s small businesses CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 1195, BU- as amended, are waived. No further amend- and family farms are able to pass on to REAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL ment to the bill, as amended, shall be in the next generation and ensuring our order except those printed in part D of the PROTECTION ADVISORY BOARDS Nation’s community banks, credit ACT report of the Committee on Rules. Each such further amendment may be offered only in unions, and small businesses are able Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, by direc- the order printed in the report, may be of- to work with Federal regulators and tion of the Committee on Rules, I call fered only by a Member designated in the re- have their voices heard.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.014 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Today is April 15. It is tax day. Mil- and fairly by our Tax Code. This under- garding small business concerns. It is lions of Americans are filing their lying legislation would permanently important that the CFPB receive this taxes today. They go through this an- extend the sales tax deduction, just input from people who are close to the nual process, and many Americans are like the income tax deduction is per- action, who know what is going on in frustrated today because sometimes manently in law. consumer finance, and it is critical for the Tax Code is frustrating. H.R. 1105 is a proposal to repeal the small businesses and community-based Unfortunately, many Americans are death tax. The death tax conflicts with financial institutions to have that kind also frustrated by the fact that mil- the American Dream, and it is inher- of input and dialogue with the CFPB. lions of Americans have to wait until ently unfair. Small business is the engine of our the last minute to find out what the The death tax hurts family busi- economy, and we need to ensure its vi- Tax Code will be because so many pro- nesses, family farmers, and ranchers. ability in the future by making sure visions in our Tax Code are temporary. In fact, according to the Joint Eco- that our Federal regulators are well-in- Last year, the so-called tax extender nomic Committee, the death tax hurts formed of the issues affecting small package, which was a batch of tax pro- economic growth and activity by dis- business as they move forward with im- visions, was retroactively applied for couraging savings and small business portant regulations. the entire year of 2014, but it didn’t get growth. It represents a tiny fraction of I look forward to debating these bills signed into law until December 19. Federal revenue, but its impact on with our House colleagues, and I urge That is less than 2 calendar weeks from families is enormous. support for the rule and the underlying the end of the year. The death tax violates the basic legislation. Mr. Speaker, we are determined to premise of the American Dream that if Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of provide a little more certainty and a American individuals work hard and my time. little more fairness in our Tax Code for provide for their families, that they Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- the future, and that is what these bills will get to keep some of that money. self such time as I may consume. are about today. We are moving for- Many Americans spend their entire The rule here today provides for con- life working hard to build a nest egg ward with important legislation that sideration of three bills, all of which I for their families, and yet, through the permanently extends a couple of sec- oppose in their current form. I want to Federal Tax Code, the Federal Govern- tions in the Tax Code. talk about each of those. H.R. 622 is a very straightforward ment can take up to 40 percent of cer- We also have, under this rule, a tain estates just because somebody was proposal. In our Tax Code today, Amer- closed process. This resolution con- unfortunate enough to die. ican taxpayers have the option to de- tains the 19th and 20th closed rules of In my district, which covers parts of this Congress. duct their State taxes. They can de- rural Ohio, this is often a problem for Instead of having an open debate duct their income taxes. Of course, small family businesses and family about taxes here on tax day, we see that provision is permanent. It is in farms. As the price of land continues to nothing more than recycled partisan law permanently. go up and the price of farm equipment, measures and attacks on consumer pro- But if they want to deduct their sales it is a capital-intensive business, and taxes, that is an annual provision that unfortunately, when you have the tections that are disguised and under has been—it was part of the tax ex- power to tax something, you have the the guise of a small business advisory tender package last year, which wasn’t power to destroy it. board, which had historically been a bi- even renewed until December 19. This When these assets trigger the tax in partisan effort. is an issue of fairness. the death tax, what many times hap- While discussing tax legislation on Some States, like Ohio, where I hap- pens is part of the family farm or part tax day may not seem the most excit- pen to reside, have an income tax. of the family business has to be sold ing piece of legislative news to our con- Other States have a sales tax in its and liquidated, taken away from the stituents, I hope they are watching place. For the States that have sales family, just to pay the tax collector. today, Mr. Speaker. This rule and this taxes, having this uncertainty is pat- In fact, the death tax is one of the bill we are bringing under it really ently unfair, and it pits one State reasons that some family businesses demonstrate the gulf that exists be- against another. It advantages States have been lost from one generation to tween our two parties when we talk that have an income tax and disadvan- the next. I don’t think it is fair at all about things like middle class econom- tages States that have a sales tax. for family businesses to have to pay ics. States like Texas and Florida, where that type of price. This is a $296 billion tax cut. So if we millions of Americans live, do not have Family businesses and farms should have $296 billion in taxes cut, who are an income tax, and Arizona, they have be able to pass on what they have we going to cut taxes for? a sales tax. So we should treat these worked so hard for and what has al- This bill affects 100 families in Colo- two tax systems the same. We should ready been taxed to the next genera- rado. With the same amount of money, be fair and say, if the income tax de- tion, instead of giving 40 percent back $296 billion, we could cut taxes for duction is permanent, the sales tax de- to the government. every American adult by $1,000. duction is permanent as well. The death tax represents double and That $1,000 would mean a lot to mid- Certainly, I know the gentleman sometimes triple taxation, and it fur- dle class families, Mr. Speaker. It from Colorado brought up some good ther penalizes people from saving and might help pay for your kids’ college points yesterday in the Rules Com- investing in their family or their busi- tuition. It might help pay for a family mittee meeting. While you could move ness and their family farm. I am glad vacation. to make the income tax deduction tem- we have an opportunity to move for- But instead of directing money there, porary, and that would also provide ward on this proposal and repeal the we are directing it to the very wealthi- certainty, I think, until we can do tax onerous death tax. est Americans, namely, those who die reform, we should make these provi- Finally, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1195 would with more than a $10 million estate for sions permanent because of Congress’ create a small business advisory coun- a married couple. I think we see a inability to, in a timely way, provide cil for the CFPB and codify two other stark contrast on priorities. certainty to the American public. councils that the CFPB did create on While I disagree with the policies and In tax reform we can have the discus- their own. tactics that are under consideration, I sion about deductible as an overall con- These councils can advise and con- think it is important to talk about cept, and I think that is a fair debate sult the CFPB in the exercise of its what a Democratic majority would do to have. But if we are not going to functions under the Federal consumer here on tax day. We would certainly renew it until December 19, 12 months financial laws and provide information not be about to consider a bill that ap- into the year, that does not create a on emerging practices in the consumer plies to literally zero percent of tax- fair and certain system for our tax- financial products and services indus- payers, Mr. Speaker. payers. try. Let me clarify, because that may We want to ensure that taxpayers H.R. 1195 provides for a small busi- seem strange to some people that this across the country are treated equally ness council to advise the CFPB re- applies to zero percent of taxpayers.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.018 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2225 But the bill we are considering with re- how we can spend money. If we have We have a House budget. The House gard to the inheritance tax on estates $269 billion in tax expenditures to use, budget that this body agreed to stipu- over $10 million would apply to 0.15 why don’t we direct that to a tax cut lates a certain amount of tax breaks. It percent of taxpayers. That can be for small businesses or to reducing the is up to our body to decide how to de- rounded down to zero. corporate tax rate, which is one of the liver those tax breaks. It doesn’t even apply to those tax- highest in the world, or reducing the I honestly think that almost every payers. It applies to them after they middle class tax rate? But instead, it is businessowner would rather see lower are dead. So it applies to zero living being directed entirely to approxi- rates while they are alive so they could Americans. mately 100 dead people in Colorado, grow their companies faster, creating Mind you, we won’t have a debate rather than allowing businesses to growth and employing people, rather about the broken immigration policies keep more of their money so they can than a tax break after they are dead. that impact over 11 million immigrant reinvest in their infrastructure and Proponents of this bill tell stories workers who would grow the tax base. create jobs, this precious tax break we about how many businesses or farms We won’t have discussions on reduc- are giving to 100 dead people in the are harmed every year by the estate ing taxes for the middle class, but we State of Colorado. tax. Well, how many of those same are having policies that affect a few We should be talking about tax re- farms and businesses are harmed by thousand dead people, a few thousand form today. We should be talking about the hard-earned money that they are rich dead people, I might add. how to reduce taxes for the middle forced to turn over to the government If there were a Democratic majority class. Instead, we are having a closed every year? Why aren’t we saying: Give on tax day, we would be working to debate about another set of bills that less of your hard-earned income to the provide tax relief to middle class fami- will likely not pass the Senate, and if government every year? lies, rather than offering a bill that they got to the President’s desk, he But no, the Republican tax-and-spend would gut one agency whose sole pur- would veto. approach continues to oppress small pose is to protect middle class con- I urge my colleagues to reject this businesses with higher and higher sumers and delivering a tax break to rule. The repeal of the estate tax is taxes, oppress the middle class with rich, dead families. very hard to explain to our constitu- higher and higher taxes, while they are We have another bill under this rule, ents. That is because it is $269 billion only concerned with delivering a tax ostensibly about a small business advi- that benefits almost no one—less than break to dead rich people. I simply dis- sory board. This is a worthwhile effort 100 people in the State of Colorado. agree that this is an efficient way to to provide a small business advisory Now, when my friends call this the use our Tax Code to spur economic input to the Consumer Financial Pro- ‘‘death tax’’ or somehow say this will growth. tection Bureau. help small business, let’s keep in mind, Chairman RYAN knows full well that Unfortunately, it is a minimal cost, you don’t even pay inheritance tax on I am enthusiastic about having a dis- $9 million, but the Republicans are of- the first $5 million of your estate, $10 cussion about our Tax Code: how to cut fering a way of paying for it that guts million for a married couple. So you taxes for business, reduce the burden the Consumer Financial Protection Bu- can die with a $5 million small busi- on small businesses, simplify and reau. They are effectively cutting off ness, a $10 million small business for a streamline the Tax Code by reducing your arm to remove a splinter in your couple, and your heirs pay zero tax on tax expenditures, and bringing down pinky. that—zero tax. tax rates to ensure that the capital ex- Well, look. If the majority was con- What we are saying now is that the penditures by businesses and rein- sistent when they say the deficit mat- very limited number of families that vesting in businesses are determined by ters and we must pay for legislation— might have estates of $50 million or $60 businessowners rather than by lobby- but we are dealt with two bills that are million, instead of paying tax on that, ists here in Washington. mutually exclusive. should pay zero tax on that and just These bills are a step in the wrong di- On the one hand, they are handing have the costs of that added to the def- rection, away from tax reform, and are out $269 billion in deficit spending icit. detrimental to the American middle through providing tax cuts to 1,000 There are a lot of ideas about spend- class and to American small busi- Americans who are already dead. And ing $269 billion. We could say, oh, we nesses. on the other hand, they are saying this could spend it on schools or science and I reserve the balance of my time. $9 million dollars, somehow we have to research. Or even, if we limit ourselves Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield figure out a way of paying for, and to what we want to do with taxes, why myself such time as I may consume be- they are effectively gutting the finan- aren’t we lowering taxes on business? cause I have three quick points in re- cial protection agency to do it. Why aren’t we talking about reducing sponse before I yield to the gentleman That is because this $9 million is ap- the marginal rate? Why aren’t we talk- from Tennessee. parently a step too far, even though ing about reducing all the tax brackets First, with regard to the death tax, it they are offering two bills, one that across the board? Why aren’t we talk- is important to remember whose adds $269 billion to the deficit, and the ing about a tax refund to middle class money it is in the first place. This other adds $42 billion to the deficit, families? Instead, we are spending $269 money has already been taxed, and it is which I will talk about in a minute. billion on a few hundred dead rich peo- being taken. Some small businesses, In this year alone, the House Ways ple. From a tax policy standpoint, that like the gentleman’s from Colorado, and Means Committee has given Con- has got to be one of the least produc- grow to be big businesses, and we are gress nine tax expenditure bills, at a tive ways to attempt to cut taxes. for that in America, and that is great. cost of $317 billion, all unfunded; $317 You want to cut taxes on small busi- But just because somebody has the billion in tax expenditure spending, not nesses? No argument here. Give it to misfortune to die doesn’t mean the even including this $269 billion that them while they are living. government should take up to 40 per- they are looking at doing today. I was a small-businessman before I cent of their assets. got here. I would have loved to have Second, with regard to the CFPB, b 1300 been able to keep more of my own this bill was bipartisan, and I hope that And what bothers me most about this money to be able to invest in the we can get it back to a bipartisan bill rule today is where we say to our- growth of my small business rather because the input from small busi- selves: Look, we will spend $269 billion than receive a tax break when I am al- nesses and credit unions and commu- for a tax expenditure for dead rich peo- ready dead. This makes no sense in the nity banks is something that both ple, $42 billion on a tax reform that world. sides of the aisle agree on. The dis- will ultimately make tax reform hard- Look, we would all love to get rid of agreement is on the pay-for. er, but we can’t spend $9 million on a every tax, wouldn’t we—estate tax, Unfortunately, the gentleman from bill to help small business. business tax, income tax—but we all Colorado and his side of the aisle, when I am sure that we all have a lot of agree that government needs so much they were in charge, when they passed ideas on both sides of the aisle about money to function. the Dodd-Frank bill, did not subject

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.019 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 the CFPB to the appropriations proc- then all of the hidden indirect taxes we you rather pay higher taxes while you ess. Therefore, anytime we make any pay on everything in the cost of goods, are alive or after you are dead?’’ I change that requires money, it requires taxes that are passed on to the con- would bet almost everybody would an offset. sumer in the form of higher prices be- rather hold on to more of their money. So this offset simply says, beginning cause, to stay in businesses, businesses Whose money is it? Let them keep in 2020, it reduces the cap of the have to pass their taxes on to the con- more of their own while they are alive amount that the CFPB can take from sumer in the form of higher prices. and pay it after they are dead. I cer- the Federal Reserve as an exact offset. We are an overtaxed nation, Mr. tainly would. I would much rather pay It was done by the CBO, was what the Speaker. Most taxpayers will pay more the government after I am dead than chairman of the Financial Services in taxes of all types this year than on while I am alive, if we have to pay Committee said to us, and they did it food, clothing, and housing combined. them at all. as an exact offset for exactly the Per person, the Federal Government Number two, he said, Why can’t we $700,000 a year it allegedly, according collected a near record amount in reve- come up with this pay-for? Well, look, to the CBO, will take to run these nues over the past 12 months: $3.3 tril- this body, at its very best, just came three advisory committees. It doesn’t lion just to the Federal Government, together around a package over $100 apply any cap until the year 2020. It and another $1.5 trillion, or perhaps billion for SGR. does apply a cap exactly offset by the even more, to State and local govern- This is $9 million. It is not that hard amount that it will have cost to run ments. to pay for $9 million for the U.S. Gov- these committees for the budget win- Despite what some people say, Wash- ernment. We probably spent $9 million dow, and that starts in the year 2020. ington does not have a revenue prob- of U.S. Government time just having I am really disappointed that we lem; it has a spending problem—and this debate right here, keeping the didn’t find a bipartisan offset. I know higher taxes won’t solve it. Tennessee lights on and C–SPAN flowing and the that the chairman of our Financial is a prime example of that. It is an ex- Chamber going. For goodness’ sake, $9 Services Committee did say in the ample for the Nation, leading the way, million—it is easy. Rules Committee that he talked to the because it is a low-tax State. If you allowed this to come up under minority whip’s office when he did the The State and Local Sales Tax De- an open rule, Mr. Speaker, plenty of offset. Obviously folks on the other duction Fairness Act is especially im- Members could have offered $9 million side of the aisle are upset about that. I portant to my State because it will pay-fors. Take it out of almost any ac- am really sorry about it because I do help Tennessee families make ends count; it is such a relatively small want to acknowledge that it started as meet by keeping more money in the amount of money. You could take it a bipartisan bill that passed our Finan- pockets of hard-working individuals. from almost any government agency cial Services Committee, which I hap- This deduction is a matter of fairness you want, and I am sure you can find $9 pen to sit on, on an overwhelmingly bi- for Tennesseans to ensure that they million to agree on to fund this rather partisan basis. In fact, I believe it was are treated the same way the Federal than a backdoor attempt to gut the unanimous. Government treats those in States Consumer Financial Protection Bu- So my last point to the gentleman with State income taxes. reau. from Colorado is, on comprehensive tax The State and local sales tax deduc- Finally, the gentleman from Ohio reform, we completely agree. America tion allows residents in States with no said nothing in here precludes tax re- needs comprehensive tax reform, and State income tax, such as Tennessee, form. Of course he is right; nothing nothing in these underlying bills would to deduct their State and local sales precludes tax reform. We are just mov- preclude us from doing comprehensive tax payments from their Federal in- ing further and further away from tax tax reform. come tax. This puts Tennessee on equal reform by making permanent special But it is important that the Amer- footing with taxpayers in other States interest tax cuts that we all agree are ican people know that we want to end who can deduct their State income part of the discussion for tax reform to the death tax. They know that we want taxes from their Federal tax obliga- eliminate in order to bring down taxes. to create a situation where there are tion. So it is moving further and further permanent deductions that are the This is a matter of fairness, Mr. away. It doesn’t preclude it. It makes same for income tax States and sales Speaker. As the gentleman from Ohio it harder. tax States, and they will be treated just said, Tennesseans shouldn’t pay a Mr. Speaker, yesterday was Equal fairly. Both those bills are about fair- larger share of taxes than other tax- Pay Day. If we defeat the previous ness. And of course the CFPB advisory payers simply because we pay sales tax question, we will offer an amendment committee bill is about input and mak- and we rely on sales tax instead of in- to the rule that would allow the House ing sure there is a real dialogue with come tax. Making this deduction per- to consider H.R. 1619, the Paycheck small business before the CFPB creates manent will provide certainty to Ten- Fairness Act, introduced by Represent- regulation. nesseans who itemize their taxes and ative DELAURO, which I am proud to Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the allow them to plan their family budg- cosponsor. gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. DUN- ets. I yield 31⁄2 minutes to the gentle- CAN). People all over the country, Mr. woman from Connecticut (Ms. Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. I want to Speaker, are moving from the high-tax DELAURO) to discuss our proposal. thank the gentleman from Ohio for States to the low-tax States. Tennessee Ms. DELAURO. I thank the gen- yielding me this time. benefits from this. Jobs are being cre- tleman. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support ated. Our State’s economy is one of the Mr. Speaker, I rise to ask Members of the combined rule, bringing all three strongest in the Nation because we to defeat the previous question so that of these very important bills to the keep our taxes low. This is an example the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. floor today. However, I rise to speak the Nation should follow and certainly POLIS) can offer an amendment for the primarily about H.R. 622, the State and not one that the Nation should penal- House to immediately consider the Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness ize in any way. Paycheck Fairness Act. Act, which is so vitally important to I urge support for this legislation. Yesterday we marked yet another the people of my home State of Ten- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, before fur- Equal Pay Day. What is Equal Pay nessee. ther yielding, I yield myself such time Day? That means that it took 104 days Some people refer to today as tax as I may consume to address some of for the average woman’s earnings to day, the day on which individual in- the points of my colleague, the gen- catch up with what the average man come tax returns are due to the Fed- tleman from Ohio. made last year—104 days. That is ex- eral Government. But actually, Mr. He asked, Whose money is it? I think actly 104 days too long. Speaker, for most Americans, every if you ask any small-businessperson, It has been 52 years since the Equal day is tax day, counting sales taxes, any person whom we are talking about Pay Act became law, and a woman still gas taxes, property taxes, all of the here—people that are worth over $10 makes only 78 cents, on average, for taxes that people pay directly, and million—and you say, ‘‘Look, would every dollar earned by a man.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.020 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2227 b 1315 troduce the paycheck fairness bill. I It hangs like a cloud over business That is almost $10,000 a year or al- thank the gentleman. growth and job creation. Now, what we most half a million dollars over the Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, before often hear is: Well, the thresholds are course of the average career. The gap yielding to the gentleman from Texas, so high that it really doesn’t affect has barely changed in over a decade. I don’t think we are going to solve nec- anybody but the very rich. Even in nursing, a profession that is essarily the philosophical disagree- I just want to make two points. Num- more than 90 percent female, a study ment we have on the death tax be- ber one is we see continual efforts to last month showed that men earned cause, clearly, we think death is bad increase taxes on estates. Even the $5,100 more per year on average than enough, it shouldn’t be a taxable event; President’s budget request this year women, when you control for edu- and the gentleman from Colorado had a different method of increasing cation, experience, and other factors. thinks it is a preferable tax. taxes. It makes it very difficult for any Clearly, we must do more to close the On the other one, I would just ask farmer, rancher, or small- gender pay gap. That is why, 3 weeks the gentleman from Colorado, Mr. businessowner to plan because you ago, I reintroduced the Paycheck Fair- Speaker, whether he thinks that hav- never know what the government is ness Act. My bill would finish the job ing a temporary deduction for sales tax going to do next. started by the Equal Pay Act. It would States like Texas—the gentleman from Secondly, Mr. Speaker, it is wrong to end pay secrecy across the board. Texas is about to speak—is fair when levy a tax on what someone tries to It would require employers to prove we have a permanent deduction for in- leave to their children after they have that pay disparities are not based on come taxes for States like Ohio. already paid taxes on it when they earn gender. Passing the bill would give real Mr. POLIS. Will the gentleman it and then have the government come teeth to a very simple principle: men yield? and want them to pay taxes on it Mr. STIVERS. I yield to the gen- and women in the same job deserve the again. same pay. tleman from Colorado. It is wrong for an estate of $100, and Mr. POLIS. As we talked about yes- The Paycheck Fairness Act enjoys it is just as wrong for an estate of $100 terday in the committee, it seems like bipartisan support. It has passed the million. We pay taxes when we earn it the answer that would move us toward House twice already and came just two the first time. We should not have the tax reform would mean making the de- votes shy of passing in the Senate. government come in after death when duction of income tax temporary rath- President Obama has called on us to we are trying to leave it to our heirs, er than make them both permanent, pass it. our children, and then take another More crucially still, the American moving us away from reform. Mr. STIVERS. Thank you, Mr. bite out of it. people know the importance of pay- There are too many farms, ranches, Speaker, to the gentleman from Colo- check fairness. In October, a Gallup and small businesses who have had to poll asked Americans to identify the rado. It appears to me it doesn’t matter sell just in order to pay the tax. If top issue facing women in the work- there is one thing we want people to do place. Equal pay was, by far, the most which we choose. We need to equalize the treatment, and neither one takes in this country, it is to work hard, to common response among men as well save, and to leave something for our as women. us further away from tax reform be- cause, in tax reform, we are going to kids so that they can have a better life. All across the country today, work- The death tax punishes you for doing ing families are in trouble. Wages are have the entire debate. Whatever we do, we just need to that. That is why it is so fundamen- stagnant. The single biggest issue that tally wrong, regardless of whether you we face today in our economy is that move to a system that is fair, and I don’t think it is fair today to States are leaving a farm, a ranch, a small men and women are in jobs that do not business, or a lifetime of savings. pay them enough money to live on. like Texas that we are not going to let you know whether you can deduct your It is time to get rid of it completely Many are struggling—struggling—to so it does not hang over us in this feed their children and to heat their sales tax until December 19. It just does not make sense. country. I support the rule and the un- homes. It is time that we look at equal derlying legislation. I hope my col- pay because equal pay is a crucial part Mr. Speaker, I would like to yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Texas leagues will as well. of the solution to this problem. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like Women are half of the workforce. (Mr. THORNBERRY). to yield 3 minutes to the gentlewoman Two-thirds of us are breadwinners for Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I from Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE). our families. Lower pay for women appreciate the gentleman from Ohio Ms. JACKSON LEE. Let me thank means less gas in the car; less food on yielding. I rise in support of the rule the gentleman from Colorado for his the table; less money in the college and the underlying legislation. very lucid explanation of where we are fund; and, yes, less spending to support Mr. Speaker, I think the gentleman today. our economy. from Ohio makes a great point. It is President Obama and the Depart- not right to have some States given Let me say that I hope my colleagues ment of Labor have shown the way by preference versus other States when will join me in eliminating sequester. taking action to protect women who their States have different methods of We can put that on the floor today that work for Federal contractors. It is high taxation. would in actuality provide more fund- time that we in the Congress acted to I want to focus my remarks pri- ing for education, for military pay, and extend real, enforceable pay equity marily on the death tax. I want to first for the infrastructure. We need to be protection for all women. commend the gentleman from Texas doing serious work here. Equal pay for equal work is the right (Mr. BRADY), who is the sponsor of the Let me join my colleague, Congress- thing to do; it is the smart thing to do, underlying legislation. woman DELAURO, in opposing the rule and it is the popular thing to do. It is I have had a bill to deal with the and the previous question in order to time to make it a reality for all Ameri- death tax and supported doing away be able to assure that we pass pay eq- cans. with it completely since I have been in uity. Today, in 2015, whether we have For those of us who are in the Con- Congress. I want to express apprecia- the death tax or the sales tax, we have gress, we all come to this institution tion for the 79 Members who have co- women who are making 75 cents on a from different parts of the country. We sponsored my bill in this Congress, dollar and cannot make ends meet. We come from different skill sets, different which is substantially similar to the are having women who are not in the educational backgrounds, and different bill we will vote on tomorrow. body of this august House and Senate philosophies, yet we are in the same Mr. Speaker, the reason this issue is working every day and getting 75 cents job, and men and women in this insti- so important is because the death tax on the dollar. It is time for pay equity tution get paid the same amount of has a huge effect on farmers, ranchers, now. money. That ought to be extended to and small businesses of all kinds, in- Let’s hear the voices raised up to be every woman in this Nation. cluding those in my district. It is one able to support the working women of That is why we should defeat the pre- of the issues I have heard the most America who over almost a century vious question here so that we can in- about. ago—not yet—were fighting for the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.022 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 right to vote. We have gained the right Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 ally, they are going to die, and the one to vote, but we are still in an unequal minutes to the gentleman from Lou- constant they know is that their kids economic circumstance. I want my col- isiana (Mr. SCALISE), our whip. will have to face that same decision of leagues to be as energetic about pro- Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I thank whether or not to sell the family busi- viding for pay equity. the gentleman from Ohio for yielding. I ness just to pay the Federal Govern- Now, Mr. Speaker, let me say some- rise in strong support of the rule and ment over their death. thing that is sort of bifurcated. I will especially in strong support of the un- This is morally wrong. It is time we say to you that, on the death tax, there derlying legislation to repeal the death repeal this death tax and preserve the is an equity in that. There is an equity tax in the United States of America. American Dream for those family- in that because the ability to build Mr. Speaker, if you look at what the owned businesses all across this coun- that estate has been through the gra- death tax is, this is an attack on fam- try. cious laws and hard work of the people, ily-owned businesses. You are talking b 1330 a combination that you are in the cap- about people who have built up, as part italistic system that is here in America of the American Dream, built up busi- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- and, therefore, the death tax is simply nesses that are creating jobs across self the balance of my time. the transfer tax that goes on the basis this country. I have a hard time understanding of all of this money that you have These people, by the way, paid taxes why the Republicans, of all the parties, made to be able to help run this gov- all along the way as they were building support H.R. 622, which incentivizes ernment. up that business. The business has al- States and Governors to increase their I don’t really think that that is of- ready been taxed multiple times in taxes. This is a State and local tax ex- fensive at all because there are many some cases by the Federal Government; tender. It is a step away from tax re- tax breaks that have come to the indi- yet because of the death tax, when the form. It adds billions to our deficit. viduals with these huge estates businessowner dies, the first thing the Do my Republican colleagues realize through their lifetime: capital gains Federal Government does is Uncle Sam that this bill and its sister policy de- tax; many different taxes that they shows up not to issue condolences to ducting State and local income tax have; R&D taxes, research tax that the grieving family, but to send them a simply subsidizes high-tax States? gives them a benefit. It is not like we massive tax bill that, in many cases, That is what this does. are taking money. It is an investment Mr. Speaker—in many cases—threatens You are saying to Governors, Raise in America. the very existence of that business. taxes as much as you want, Ohio Gov- Let me also add that I do come from What we hear from small- ernor. Raise taxes as much as you Texas, and I do think equalizing of businessowners all across the country want, Colorado Governor. Don’t worry, taxes is very important. I really do. and family-owned businesses is that, in the Federal Government will bail you What I would like to say to my friends many cases, when their loved ones die, out. We are going to have a Federal is let us have a comprehensive tax re- while they are trying to figure out how bailout for your own high taxes. form. Let’s get rid of sequester. Let’s to grieve and how to take care of the That is what this bill does, and you pass pay equity. Let’s address the tax family from there, in many cases, they cannot dispute that. They are saying, problems of people who make $50,000 a have to spend those first few weeks fig- Oh, it treats it the same. Oh, well, let’s year, and that does impact those who uring out how or even if they can keep give this same bailout to Texas that we pay sales tax. That is a reasonable ap- the family-owned business. give to Ohio. Okay, let’s bail out Texas proach. In many cases, we see people having for their high taxes and Ohio for their Let’s look at everybody in the circle to sell their family-owned business high taxes—brilliant, brilliant. of life, if you will, and make sure that, that they wanted to pass on to the next It seems like it is at odds with every- when we leave this floor tomorrow, we thing the Republican Party pretends to have addressed the concerns of all. Let generation just to pay the death tax. This is morally wrong, Mr. Speaker, stand for while, here in this body, they us look closely at the death tax and that the Federal Government taxes are actually advocating to bail out the fact that they are not being pun- States with high taxes. ished; it is a transfer based upon the people on their death after they have already paid taxes building up their For me, in some ways, that is actu- bounty of wealth that has been gained ally the most troubling bill we are con- over the years and invested because of businesses, wanting to pass on the American Dream. sidering under this rule not because it a capitalistic system that allows that is the worst policy of the three—that wealth to grow. Part of the American Dream is not great distinction is owned by directing I don’t think anybody can challenge just to own a home or to create good an enormous tax break to dead people that when you have become a Rocke- jobs for people, but to be able to pass feller. that on to your kids so that they can rather than living people—but because The SPEAKER pro tempore. The experience and live that same dream as the underlying policy of deducting time of the gentlewoman has expired. well and continue to grow and create State and local taxes can be defensible. Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield the jobs. This signals that the majority has no gentlewoman an additional 30 seconds. What we see so many times because interest in comprehensive tax reform. Ms. JACKSON LEE. The Rockefellers of this death tax is that many It moves us further away from tax re- were most notorious, positively, for businessowners spend so much of their form by enshrining one of the tax loop- giving money back because they real- time and their resources trying to fig- holes that incentivizes States to raise ized that they had gained money ure out how to shield their business taxes permanently in the Tax Code through the system here in the United from the death tax. rather than including it as part of a States, their hard work—I am not de- A lot of people aren’t paying this tax. package that brings down tax rates for nying that—but, in the overall system They are paying a lot of accountants American businesses and American in- that we have, allowed their money to and attorneys to figure out how to dividuals. grow. avoid the death tax so they can pass it Here on tax day, why aren’t we de- I would just make the argument that on to their kids. That is money—mil- bating tax reform and reducing our tax we can do well together in doing a com- lions and billions of dollars—that they rates? I am sure to say that there has prehensive system. I certainly will not could be spending growing their busi- been someone here on the House floor ignore the fact that the equalizing of ness, growing jobs, and creating more saying those exact words since 1986, the taxes through the sales tax deduction opportunities for other people not only last time this body took on tax reform, is an important step, but I would like to have that first job, but to then go but instead, the House Ways and Means to take many steps. out and create their own small busi- Committee has given us these ‘‘ex- I would like my colleagues to join me ness. tender’’ bills that all the ones passed in relieving the sequester but also not But, lo and behold, if they are too this year have moved us $317 billion voting for the previous question so successful, Mr. Speaker, and they grow away from tax reform, away from cut- that pay equity can come to the floor. that business big enough and they have ting rates for American families and Vote for the women. kids they want to pass it on to, eventu- businesses.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.023 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2229 Each billion that is put in the Tax paying for it, rather than cutting some Yes, we can—si, se puede. Si, se Code represents an additional billion- bloated line of Federal bureaucracy puede. Si, se puede. dollar hurdle to ever getting a bipar- that both sides could have agreed on to I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on tisan tax reform deal done. pay for $9 million, they are handcuffing the underlying rule and bill. Now, look, I understand tax reform the entire agency with effectively a I yield back the balance of my time. will be hard. No one agrees on what the policy rider pay-for that effectively re- Mr. STIVERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield final product should look like, even stricts the Consumer Financial Protec- myself the balance of my time. though the President and Chairman tion Bureau in its entirety rather than These bills today are about fairness. RYAN and others have indicated their extending their arm to come up with a While I certainly agree with the gen- support for the concept, but it should bipartisan pay-for. It should be easy to tleman from Colorado about the incen- be and needs to be the goal of this Con- find a bipartisan pay-for for $9 million. tive in the deductibility of sales tax, it gress. These concepts represent a stark dif- is really important that we put sales We can simplify the Tax Code and ference between our parties: Democrats tax States and income tax States on a bring down tax rates. We can stream- wanting to cut taxes for middle class level playing field. line the code. We can make sure that and businesses, Republicans wanting to Because Congress last year and the businesses invest wherever their pro- cut taxes for rich dead people and President did not enact these tax ex- ductivity is most enhanced rather than incentivize States to raise their sales tenders until December 19, it is impor- optimize their expenditures to fit the tax. tant to create a permanent system Tax Code that lobbyists have inserted These rules allow for consideration of that creates certainty that does not here in Washington, D.C. We can cham- a tax bill that only serves the needs of prevent anything from being consid- pion small businesses and middle class a few thousand Americans rather than ered in comprehensive tax reform. In taxpayers rather than dead rich people cutting taxes for the middle class. It fact, our side of the aisle has proposed and States with high sales taxes. allows the consideration of a bill that comprehensive tax reform last year These discussions about tax extender moves us further away from tax reform and continues to work to enact com- policy move the baseline further and by bailing out States like Texas. After prehensive tax reform that simplifies further away and make tax reform a self-executing amendment, this rule the Tax Code and lowers the rates. harder and harder to ever get done. would drastically cut the Consumer Fi- On the death tax, we just have a fun- Again, it is not adding any certainty to nancial Protection Bureau. damental disagreement. We think that taxpayers. We should be having a conversation repealing the death tax is fair. Small If you listen to the majority, the of comprehensive tax reform. We businesses and family farms should not folks who understand how these num- should be talking about how we can be forced to be sold to pay the tax col- bers add up at the end of the day, they make the Tax Code work better for the lector. know they can’t take tax extenders middle class and small businesses and With regard to the CFPB, I think that cost tens of billions of dollars bring down rates. We should streamline getting input from small businesses, completely ‘‘off the table.’’ You can’t our Tax Code and make our businesses credit unions, and small banks will en- shield that money and still lower rates more competitive. in the way that they are promising. I hope my colleagues oppose this rule sure that financial regulations passed The numbers just don’t work. and the underlying bill. by the CFPB are thoughtful and under- If extenders like this are ‘‘still on the Mr. Speaker, yesterday was Equal stand what the impact will be on the table,’’ why are we even calling this Pay Day. If you defeat the previous overall economy. permanent? We are just further con- question, I will offer an amendment to It is unfortunate that the pay-for has fusing people and injecting uncer- the rule that will allow the House to become comprehensive. The pay-for is tainty. Republicans are telling Gov- consider H.R. 16, the Paycheck Fair- a simple offset that ensures that the ernors: go ahead and raise your sales ness Act. CFPB doesn’t spend more money than taxes; we will bail you out. In one of the wealthiest countries in it costs to operate the CFPB, minus At the same time, they are saying it the world, it is unacceptable that the small $700,000 a year cost for these is not off the table that some day we women are paid significantly less than three advisory councils. might cut that for tax reform, but they men for filling the exact same role. It It is too bad that that became par- are moving further and further away is long past time that Congress acted tisan, but I understand from the Finan- from tax reform. to close the wage gap. This bill would cial Services Committee that that ef- This bailout of high-tax States is do exactly that. fort was worked with the minority simply a step away from tax reform I join Representative DELAURO in ad- whip, and it is too bad that it became and a step towards encouraging Gov- vocating we finally enable women, sup- partisan. ernors to raise their sales tax by let- port America’s children and families, The differences between the parties ting them know that the Federal Gov- and end the crippling drag created by are clear. Republicans are for fairness ernment is here to bail them out. the gender pay gap on our Nation’s eco- in the Tax Code and ensuring we give We will debate this bill today, not nomic prosperity. input from our small businesses and pay for it, make it harder to get to tax Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Main Street before big Washington reg- reform, send a message to Republican sent to insert the text of the amend- ulators crush small businesses with op- States like Texas that it is okay to ment in the RECORD, along with extra- pressive regulation. raise your sales tax, but my hope is, neous material, immediately prior to Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to hopefully, this is our last one. the vote on the previous question. support the rule and the underlying Maybe we can begin a serious discus- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there bills. sion that Chairman Camp started with objection to the request of the gen- The material previously referred to his outline on tax reform that Chair- tleman from Colorado? by Mr. POLIS is as follows: man RYAN has paid lip service to, and There was no objection. AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 200 OFFERED BY I hope that we will work on a bipar- Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I urge my MR. POLIS OF COLORADO tisan proposal that we can begin with- colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ and defeat the At the end of the resolution, add the fol- out haste. previous question. lowing new sections: Finally, I want to address the Bureau I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the rule and SEC. 4. Immediately upon adoption of this of Consumer Financial Protection Ad- the underlying bills. Instead of talking resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to visory Boards Act. Again, Republicans about providing a tax cut for dead clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House took a bipartisan bill to add a small Americans, we talk about providing a resolved into the Committee of the Whole business advisory board to the Con- tax cut for living Americans. Instead of House on the state of the Union for consider- bailing out States and encouraging ation of the bill (H.R. 1619) to amend the sumer Financial Protection Bureau. It Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide came back costing $9 million—not bil- them to raise their taxes even more, we more effective remedies to victims of dis- lion, not trillion—$9 million. give them an incentive to reduce their crimination in the payment of wages on the Rather than allowing Members of taxes and, at the same time, reduce the basis of sex, and for other purposes. General both sides to come up with a way of Federal tax rate. debate shall be confined to the bill and shall

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:04 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.025 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015

not exceed one hour equally divided and con- ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal ‘‘(3) EXECUTION OF DUTIES IN ACCORD WITH trolled by the chair and ranking minority to order the previous question on such a rule TAXPAYER RIGHTS.—In discharging his duties, member of the Committee on Education and [a special rule reported from the Committee the Commissioner shall ensure that employees of the Workforce. After general debate the bill on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- the Internal Revenue Service are familiar with shall be considered for amendment under the ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- and act in accord with taxpayer rights as af- five-minute rule. All points of order against tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- forded by other provisions of this title, includ- provisions in the bill are waived. At the con- jection of the motion for the previous ques- ing— clusion of consideration of the bill for tion on a resolution reported from the Com- ‘‘(A) the right to be informed, amendment the Committee shall rise and re- mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- ‘‘(B) the right to quality service, port the bill to the House with such amend- ber leading the opposition to the previous ‘‘(C) the right to pay no more than the correct ments as may have been adopted. The pre- question, who may offer a proper amendment amount of tax, vious question shall be considered as ordered or motion and who controls the time for de- ‘‘(D) the right to challenge the position of the on the bill and amendments thereto to final bate thereon.’’ Internal Revenue Service and be heard, passage without intervening motion except Clearly, the vote on the previous question ‘‘(E) the right to appeal a decision of the In- one motion to recommit with or without in- on a rule does have substantive policy impli- ternal Revenue Service in an independent structions. If the Committee of the Whole cations. It is one of the only available tools forum, rises and reports that it has come to no reso- for those who oppose the Republican major- ‘‘(F) the right to finality, lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- ‘‘(G) the right to privacy, tive day the House shall, immediately after native views the opportunity to offer an al- ‘‘(H) the right to confidentiality, the third daily order of business under clause ternative plan. ‘‘(I) the right to retain representation, and 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of Mr. STIVERS. I yield back the bal- ‘‘(J) the right to a fair and just tax system.’’. (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made the Whole for further consideration of the ance of my time, and I move the pre- bill. by this section shall take effect on the date of SEC. 5. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not vious question on the resolution. the enactment of this Act. apply to the consideration of H.R. 1619. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT question is on ordering the previous ant to the rule, the gentleman from question. IT REALLY MEANS (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- The question was taken; and the This vote, the vote on whether to order the tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each previous question on a special rule, is not Speaker pro tempore announced that will control 20 minutes. merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- the ayes appeared to have it. The Chair recognizes the gentleman dering the previous question is a vote Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, on that I from Wisconsin. against the Republican majority agenda and demand the yeas and nays. GENERAL LEAVE a vote to allow the Democratic minority to The yeas and nays were ordered. offer an alternative plan. It is a vote about The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, what the House should be debating. I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- ceedings on this question will be post- bers may have 5 legislative days in House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- which to revise and extend their re- scribes the vote on the previous question on poned. marks and to include extraneous mate- the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the f consideration of the subject before the House rial on H.R. 1058, currently under con- being made by the Member in charge.’’ To ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER sideration. defeat the previous question is to give the PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there opposition a chance to decide the subject be- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- objection to the request of the gen- fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s tleman from Wisconsin? ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair will postpone further proceedings There was no objection. ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, mand for the previous question passes the today on motions to suspend the rules control of the resolution to the opposition’’ on which a recorded vote or the yeas I yield myself such time as I may con- in order to offer an amendment. On March and nays are ordered, or on which the sume. 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- vote incurs objection under clause 6 of Mr. Speaker, today is tax day. We are fered a rule resolution. The House defeated rule XX. bringing to the floor today a number of the previous question and a member of the Record votes on postponed questions bills aimed at one thing, recognizing opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, will be taken later. the fact that the IRS works for the tax- asking who was entitled to recognition. payer, not the other way around. It is f Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: their job in the Internal Revenue Serv- ‘‘The previous question having been refused, TAXPAYER BILL OF RIGHTS ACT the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- ice to make paying your taxes as easy gerald, who had asked the gentleman to OF 2015 as possible. yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, This marks the day that most Ameri- the first recognition.’’ I move to suspend the rules and pass cans are sending their taxes in; but The Republican majority may say ‘‘the the bill (H.R. 1058) to amend the Inter- just ask any of these Americans who vote on the previous question is simply a nal Revenue Code of 1986 to clarify that probably went to the mailbox today if vote on whether to proceed to an immediate a duty of the Commissioner of Internal it is getting any easier, ask them if the vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] IRS is making it easier for them to fill has no substantive legislative or policy im- Revenue is to ensure that Internal Rev- plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what enue Service employees are familiar out their forms to do their civic duty. they have always said. Listen to the Repub- with and act in accord with certain They will tell you that it is clearly not lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative taxpayer rights, as amended. how the IRS is working today. Process in the United States House of Rep- The Clerk read the title of the bill. We have learned a lot. We have con- resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s The text of the bill is as follows: ducted rigorous oversight, led by Mr. how the Republicans describe the previous H.R. 1058 ROSKAM here, into the Internal Rev- question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- enue Service, into how they operate. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- though it is generally not possible to amend We have learned all too well that bu- the rule because the majority Member con- resentatives of the United States of America in trolling the time will not yield for the pur- Congress assembled, reaucracies don’t always do what is ef- pose of offering an amendment, the same re- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ficient; they do what is convenient—at sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Taxpayer Bill least what is convenient for them. vious question on the rule . . . When the mo- of Rights Act of 2015’’. What we are doing is telling the IRS tion for the previous question is defeated, SEC. 2. DUTY TO ENSURE THAT IRS EMPLOYEES that they are going to have to clean up control of the time passes to the Member ARE FAMILIAR WITH AND ACT IN AC- their act. We are saying that we think who led the opposition to ordering the pre- CORD WITH CERTAIN TAXPAYER most of these bills are common sense, vious question. That Member, because he RIGHTS. and we are saying that it is pretty then controls the time, may offer an amend- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7803(a) of the Inter- ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by redesig- much simple, like don’t target people amendment.’’ nating paragraph (3) as paragraph (4) and by because of their political beliefs, don’t In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House inserting after paragraph (2) the following new tax donations to tax-exempt groups, of Representatives, the subchapter titled paragraph: don’t send taxpayer information to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.011 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2231 your private email—simple stuff, able authority? Are they being fair? their elected representatives. We, in things that citizens should automati- Are they treating me, as a taxpayer, turn, and some of our predecessors, cally expect from the Internal Revenue the way I ought to be treated? have delegated that authority to the Service but have not been getting late- The reason this becomes so impor- Internal Revenue Service. I would ly. tant is that we have got a tax compli- argue—and, I think, on a bipartisan ance system in the United States 99 basis that argument is echoed—that b 1345 percent of which is voluntary. It is a that authority has been abused. That is why we are bringing these remarkable thing that 99 percent of All right. So then what is the rem- bills to the floor. It is so that we can American taxpayers voluntarily pay edy? put the taxpayer in front, so that we their taxes, and yet they are paying The remedy is Congress comes to- can put the taxpayer first, so that we taxes into a system in which their con- gether, as reflecting the American pub- can realign the balance so that the In- fidence is shaken, and it is shaken lic, and it says, We are going to re- ternal Revenue Service, like any other grievously. It is shaken so much that, claim this. We are going to make this government agency, works for the tax- on a bipartisan basis, Mr. Speaker, the right. There is a whole series of bills payer and not the other way around. Ways and Means Committee reported today that, I think, will enjoy very, I want to make one more point. out on a voice vote these things on very strong support out of the House. In closing, Mr. Speaker, I want to All of this confusion, all of this un- which Republicans and Democrats have echo the theme that Chairman RYAN fairness, and all of this frustration that come together. They have said we articulated. He said that we are re- we are sensing and that we see on tax know one thing: we know what impu- day is because our Tax Code is an abso- minded today that the Internal Rev- nity looks like when we see it, and we enue Service works for the public. The lute mess. It is way too complicated. It see impunity has seeped into the cul- punishes people for saving; it punishes public does not work for the Internal ture at the Internal Revenue Service, Revenue Service. people for investing; it punishes people and on a bipartisan basis, we are going for working—all of the things that we I think that today’s debate and the to do something about it. I think this focus with which we on a bipartisan need in order to build a healthy econ- deeply resonates with the American basis come to this is meant to do a cou- omy. It is going in the wrong direction. public. ple of things. It is meant to restore We need to make our Tax Code sim- H.R. 1058, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights confidence in an agency whose con- pler. We need to make it fairer. We Act of 2015, has received input and sup- fidence has been undermined. It is need to make it easier for people to port from Nina Olson of the National meant to assert and assume a responsi- comply with. We need to make it flat- Taxpayer Advocate. Mr. Speaker, let bility that we in Congress have, and it ter. We need to make it more inter- me read a couple of sentences that she is meant to restore the confidence of nationally competitive. We need to said about this. the American people in the democratic make it so that it can help our econ- She says: ‘‘A Taxpayer Bill of Rights process on an overall basis. omy heal and grow more jobs. We think would provide taxpayers with critical I thank the chairman for his leader- these bills are the right bills to put the information to assist them in their ship in bringing these bills before the taxpayers back in the driver’s seat, to dealings with the IRS, provide the IRS committee, and I urge the passage of reassert their rights. with foundational principles to guide H.R. 1058. I just want to say how proud I am of employees in their dealings with tax- Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- the members of our committee—of Mr. payers, and serve as a benchmark to self such time as I may consume. ROSKAM, of Mr. MARCHANT, of Mr. MEE- help the IRS leadership and Congress I rise in support of H.R. 1058. HAN, of Mr. HOLDING, of Mr. RENACCI, of monitor the extent of the agency’s Today, this day, April 15, is the due Mr. KELLY—who all were involved in compliance with these rights.’’ date for Americans to file their tax re- doing vigorous oversight of this gov- In just the height of gracious under- turns. On this day, it is important for ernment agency, who found problems, statement, she says this: ‘‘After a dif- the House to consider a taxpayer bill of and who have acted on behalf of hard- ficult period for the IRS, a Taxpayer rights. working taxpayers to right these Bill of Rights has the potential to re- This legislation would ensure that wrongs and to make sure that they store taxpayers’ trust in both the IRS Internal Revenue Service employees don’t happen again. and the tax system.’’ are familiar with the rights guaranteed With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield such Mr. Speaker, here is what the Tax- to taxpayers under the Internal Rev- time as he may consume to the gen- payer Bill of Rights calls for. These enue Code. These include the right to tleman from Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM), the would then be enumerated rights the be informed, the right to be heard, the author of H.R. 1058, the chairman of taxpayers would have, and under this right to privacy, the right to appeal, the Oversight Committee, the person legislation, it would be the responsi- and the right to a fair and just system. Mr. Speaker, we must do all we can who is in charge of our investigation bility of the Commissioner of the In- to protect taxpayers’ rights. In addi- and who is a member of the Ways and ternal Revenue Service to make sure tion to passing this act, Congress must Means Committee. that these would be in place and that ensure that the agency has the re- Mr. ROSKAM. Thank you, Mr. Chair- employees would be familiar with these sources it needs to properly serve man, for yielding. and that the Internal Revenue Service American taxpayers. This year, Amer- Mr. Speaker, it is a very sobering would be acting in accordance with ican taxpayers finally felt the shock of thing to get a letter from the Internal them. It is a list. Let me read it. It is the billion-dollar cuts to the agency’s Revenue Service and to not know what brief, and you are going to love it: budget. Taxpayers seeking assistance is inside. It is one thing if you go to The right to be informed; the right to waited in lines for hours. Few could the mailbox, and it is one of those ones quality service; the right to pay no reach a live person when they called that is a little bit colorful, and you more tax than the correct amount of the help hotlines, and according to say, Hey, that is a tax refund in there, tax; the right to challenge the position press reports—to written reports, tele- and isn’t that a delightful piece of of the Internal Revenue Service and to vision, newspapers, and magazines—in mail? Everybody is happy to see that. be heard; the right to appeal a decision New York, the Internal Revenue Serv- Yet, when you get one of those other of the Internal Revenue Service in an ice office even ran out of paper to print ones that is black and white and has independent forum; the right to final- extra tax forms after taxpayers waited all of that sort of nefarious print—and ity; the right to privacy; the right to in long lines for hours. That is not you know the kind I mean—it sends a confidentiality; the right to retain rep- right. That is not fair. That is not just. chill through you. resentation; and the right to a fair and The Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act Now, why does it send a chill through just tax system. takes an important step in the right di- you? It sends a chill through you based Mr. Speaker, we have a responsibility rection. It is timely and it is just. I on sort of the past disposition of the in Congress, and that is to recognize hope that we can come together to Internal Revenue Service. You get this our role in this whole enterprise. Clear- make sure that our constituents are re- feeling of: Is this an organization—is ly, what has happened is the American ceiving the services and the protec- this an entity?—which has unbeliev- public has delegated authority to us, tions they deserve.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.029 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Again, I thank the gentleman from marks and to include extraneous mate- is wrong in principle and has failed in Illinois and my Republican colleague— rial on H.R. 1152, currently under con- practice. the chairman—and others for bringing sideration. Currently, the IRS employee manual this bill to the floor today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there only says that sensitive but unclassi- I reserve the balance of my time. objection to the request of the gen- fied data can’t be emailed outside the Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, tleman from Wisconsin? IRS network, but it says nothing about I yield such time as he may consume to There was no objection. an outright prohibition. In other the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ROS- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, words, it is bad practice, but it is not KAM). I yield myself such time as I may con- prohibited. It clearly didn’t stop Lois Mr. ROSKAM. Thank you, Mr. Chair- sume. Lerner from betraying the confidence man. I want to congratulate and thank Mr. of the American taxpayer. Mr. Speaker, I want to associate my- MARCHANT of Texas, a member of the This bill makes it against the law for self with the remarks of the ranking Ways and Means Committee, for bring- IRS employees to share confidential member, which are that the American ing this issue to the floor. I want to tax information on their personal public has an expectation that they are thank the gentleman from Georgia, email account. As I said at the outset, going to be treated with respect and who is the ranking member of the sub- Congress has a responsibility to pro- with dignity. With that, I urge the pas- committee, for partnering, along with tect taxpayers. Just avoiding a repeat sage of H.R. 1058. other members of the minority on the of past failures cannot be our ambition. Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, in closing, Ways and Means Committee, on this. So let’s put commonsense safeguards I support H.R. 1058, the Taxpayer Bill This is a perfect example of Congress’ in place, shine the light of trans- of Rights Act of 2015. On this tax day, seeing an abuse that was made and rec- parency on the IRS, and provide great- we must do more for our taxpayers. I tifying it, and that is why these laws er accountability to the American peo- urge all of my colleagues on both sides are here. ple. The IRS Email Transparency Act of the aisle to vote ‘‘yes’’ for H.R. 1058. For the purpose of explaining what does just that. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance this particular bill does, I yield such Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- of my time. time as he may consume to the gen- self such time as I may consume. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, tleman from Texas (Mr. MARCHANT). Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. MARCHANT. Thank you, Mr. 1152, the IRS Email Transparency Act. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chairman, and thank you for your In 2012, the Internal Revenue Service question is on the motion offered by leadership in helping advance the IRS prohibited employees from using per- the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Email Transparency Act. sonal email accounts for governmental RYAN) that the House suspend the rules Mr. Speaker, we have an important or official purposes. This bill simply and pass the bill, H.R. 1058, as amend- responsibility in Congress to protect makes this commonsense rule a Fed- ed. American taxpayers. That is what our eral law. The question was taken; and (two- constituents sent us here to do. I be- H.R. 1152 responds to the investiga- thirds being in the affirmative) the lieve we have the opportunity to do tion into the processing of tax-exempt rules were suspended and the bill, as that today. By moving forward this applications. This investigation started amended, was passed. bill, we put safeguards in place for tax- nearly 2 years ago, in May 2013. To A motion to reconsider was laid on payers, and we bring greater trans- date, the agency has spent more than the table. parency and accountability to the IRS. $20 million to produce more than 1.3 million pages of documents, including f H.R. 1152 is a clear, straightforward bill that will prohibit the IRS’ officers 78,000 emails from Ms. Lois Lerner. IRS EMAIL TRANSPARENCY ACT and employees from using personal Mr. Speaker, to date, there has not Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, email accounts for official IRS busi- been one shred of evidence produced to I move to suspend the rules and pass ness—a very commonsense thing. support the Republican claim that the the bill (H.R. 1152) to prohibit officers This bill came as a result of the Ways processing of applications was politi- and employees of the Internal Revenue and Means Committee’s investigation cally motivated or intended to target Service from using personal email ac- into the IRS’ targeting of taxpayers the President’s political enemies. The counts to conduct official business, as based on their political beliefs. Many inspector general even stated that no amended. of those wrongly targeted were in my one outside of the agency was involved The Clerk read the title of the bill. district in Texas. The underlying issue in setting the standards for processing The text of the bill is as follows: of H.R. 1152 is about finding ways to fix tax-exempt applications. The delays H.R. 1152 the problem and ensuring that such experienced by groups were the result of incompetence at the agency in the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- abuses never happen again. This is resentatives of the United States of America in something that will impact all Ameri- Exempt Organizations Division. Congress assembled, cans. I want to thank the gentleman from SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. One of the abuses the committee dis- Texas (Mr. MARCHANT) and my Repub- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘IRS Email covered in our investigation was that lican colleagues for bringing this bill Transparency Act’’. some IRS employees used their per- to the floor today. SEC. 2. IRS EMPLOYEES PROHIBITED FROM sonal, nonsecure email accounts to Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of USING PERSONAL EMAIL ACCOUNTS conduct official IRS business. In doing my time. FOR OFFICIAL BUSINESS. so, they also disclosed confidential tax- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, No officer or employee of the Internal Rev- payer information. I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman enue Service may use a personal email account from Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM), the chair- to conduct any official business of the Govern- b 1400 man of the subcommittee. ment. Lois Lerner, a former IRS official at Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I thank The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the center of the agency’s targeting the chairman for yielding. ant to the rule, the gentleman from scandal, routinely conducted official One of the questions I get at home a Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- business involving taxpayer informa- lot is: How did the Lois Lerner scandal tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each tion on her personal email account. If happen? How did it come to pass that will control 20 minutes. that is not bad enough, nothing on her that happened, and how do you make The Chair recognizes the gentleman personal email is subject to official sure that it doesn’t happen again? from Wisconsin. recordkeeping, which conveniently Mr. MARCHANT’s bill doesn’t deal nec- GENERAL LEAVE keeps taxpayer information outside the essarily with Lois Lerner 1.0, but it Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, orbit of proper security. deals with Lois Lerner 2.0. So it is a I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Such reckless behavior by the IRS prohibition against this very cavalier bers may have 5 legislative days within breaches the trust between the Amer- attitude that we have seen coming which to revise and extend their re- ican people and their government. This from the Internal Revenue Service, and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.031 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2233 that is to be cavalier about taxpayer tion of section 7213, 7213A, or 7214 with respect years ago, and Dr. John Eastman really information. It hasn’t just been leaked to any return or return information of such per- made the point of it for the National through emails. It has been leaked in son, the Secretary may disclose to such person Organization for Marriage, their tax in- other sources and in other ways and (or such person’s designee)— formation on their people, their mem- ‘‘(A) whether an investigation based on the shapes and iterations, but the effect is person’s provision of such information has been bers, was given out, and it went to the same, and the effect is devastating. initiated and whether it is open or closed, Human Rights Campaign. Now, you So this takes away any ambiguity ‘‘(B) whether any such investigation substan- would think by the name of that that that somebody can use their own pri- tiated such a violation by any individual, and it makes sense, Human Rights Cam- vate email account and begin to do of- ‘‘(C) whether any action has been taken with paign, those are probably good people, ficial activity. If that is the bright line respect to such individual (including whether a but you cannot divulge private tax in- that is necessary, that is the bright referral has been made for prosecution of such formation to anybody else. It is a fel- individual).’’. line that Mr. MARCHANT’s bill creates. ony to do that. But section 6103 also (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made prevented those whose tax information So what we want to make sure is by this section shall apply to disclosures made that we do more than simply say Lois on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. was divulged, they couldn’t get infor- doesn’t work here anymore, as if that mation on it. They weren’t allowed to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- even inquire and were not allowed to be is the remedy, but to actually change ant to the rule, the gentleman from these underlying policies, reclaim this informed of what was taking place. Did Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- authority, and make sure that this can it in fact take place? Well, we knew it tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each took place because it was out in the never happen again. will control 20 minutes. Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I don’t public. The Chair recognizes the gentleman Secondly, who was it who divulged have any other speakers. from Wisconsin. I yield back the balance of my time. it? We don’t know. We can’t talk to Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, GENERAL LEAVE you about that because that is pro- I yield such time as he may consume to Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, tected under the Tax Code. Well, is there an investigation? We the gentleman from Texas (Mr. MARCH- I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- can’t tell you that either, because that ANT) for the purpose of closing. bers may have 5 legislative days within Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, today which to revise and extend their re- is protected. We can’t tell you who it is the day that we should declare that marks and include extraneous material was who divulged it, who they divulged the IRS cannot take our personal tax on H.R. 1026, currently under consider- it to, is there an investigation or is there not an investigation. And at the information and put it on their private ation. end of it, was there proof found that email account so that it could be sub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there this was actually done? If so, what is ject to discovery by other people and objection to the request of the gen- the penalty for it? Those are basic te- people who will not observe and revere tleman from Wisconsin? nets of what we are as Americans. that information. There was no objection. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. At this So I submit to people, this is not a I urge passage today of H.R. 1152. Republican or Democrat issue, as we Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, time, I would like to thank Mr. KELLY, a member of the Ways and Means Com- know it—Mr. LEWIS is a good friend of I yield back the balance of my time. mine—it is American tenets. It is what The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. mittee, along with the minority rank- ing member for their diligence in un- we firmly believe as Americans. No- DENHAM). The question is on the mo- body should be able to do that to us; tion offered by the gentleman from covering this problem also. You are seeing a theme here, Mr. Speaker, and if they do that to us, we should be Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) that the House able to inquire about the status of suspend the rules and pass the bill, which is both the Republican and Democratic side of the Ways and Means that. This piece of legislation gives H.R. 1152, as amended. every single taxpayer the same rights The question was taken; and (two- Committee in conducting oversight saw abuses that needed to be fixed. We as those doing the investigation, those thirds being in the affirmative) the doing the leaks and the findings. rules were suspended and the bill, as are fixing these abuses so that they can’t happen again, in this statute. Now, if we are to restore the Amer- amended, was passed. ican people’s confidence in our form of A motion to reconsider was laid on For the purpose of describing this particular legislation, I would like to government, this is essential. We can’t the table. allow these things to happen and then yield such time as he may consume to f say, well, we could have helped you ex- the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. cept for one thing in the Tax Code, sec- TAXPAYER KNOWLEDGE OF IRS KELLY), the author of the bill. tion 6103(e). What is going to happen, INVESTIGATIONS ACT Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. I thank those people are going to look at us the chairman for yielding me this Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, and say: I have absolutely no idea what time. I move to suspend the rules and pass you are talking about. We say: Well, we Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1026, as has been the bill (H.R. 1026) to amend the Inter- can’t really let you know what hap- described, this actually had come be- nal Revenue Code of 1986 to permit the pened. release of information regarding the fore Congress before. Dr. BOUSTANY and So if it really is an American prin- status of certain investigations, as Mr. ROSKAM have presented this. This ciple and if we really do need to have amended. is about taxpayer knowledge of IRS in- faith and trust and feel that we are all The Clerk read the title of the bill. vestigations. being treated the same way and in an The text of the bill is as follows: Now, this would make sense to al- honest way, and if that is the only way H.R. 1026 most everybody to understand what ex- to restore the confidence that the peo- actly has been going on. Under section Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ple need to have and the trust they resentatives of the United States of America in 6103 in the Tax Code, it is a felony to have in our form of government and Congress assembled, disclose or to compromise people’s tax those of us who they have sent to rep- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. information and give it to other groups resent them, then this type of legisla- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Taxpayer to work with. We shouldn’t have to tion has to take place. Knowledge of IRS Investigations Act’’. pass laws like this; but unfortunately, I am so proud of what our Committee SEC. 2. RELEASE OF INFORMATION REGARDING laws are not made and governments are on Ways and Means is doing today THE STATUS OF CERTAIN INVES- not run by angels but they are run by under Chairman RYAN and under Mr. TIGATIONS. men, so we have to have oversight over ROSKAM. What are we doing? We are (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 6103(e) of the Inter- what has happened. protecting taxpayers and taxpayers’ nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding This piece of legislation gives the at the end the following new paragraph: rights. This is so fundamentally Amer- ‘‘(11) DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION REGARDING same rights to those people whose in- ican. This shouldn’t be anything you STATUS OF INVESTIGATION OF VIOLATION OF THIS formation has been violated, whose in- even have to stop and think about. SECTION.—In the case of a person who provides formation has been compromised, as is So what we are proposing today to the Secretary information indicating a viola- given to IRS personnel. We found out 2 under H.R. 1026 is that the taxpayers

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:55 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.033 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015

have the same information and the 171⁄2 minutes remaining, and the gen- They broke the law, and they used the same knowledge of what is going on tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) has 18 law. That is a manipulation. That is a with their accounts, what has been di- minutes remaining. manipulation that no side of this Con- vulged, who divulged it, is there an on- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, gress is going to stand for. going investigation, what were the I yield myself 4 minutes. That is a manipulation that has to be findings of that investigation and who This one, this case, really boils my answered. That is a manipulation that is being held responsible, and more im- blood. Let me just try and describe in has to be put down, that we cannot be portant than that, who is being held a simple way what Mr. KELLY is fixing complicit with. You cannot break the accountable? These are felonies. Until here and what happened to honest, law and then use the law to conceal it. we get to the point where the Amer- hard-working taxpayers in America in That is exactly what happened in this ican people have faith and trust in us this case. case. again and restore their confidence, we There is an organization that is a In other words, the IRS releases this have nothing. nonprofit organization advocating free- information in violation of the law; In America’s House, we as Members ly in our free speech society for their and then, when they are asked about it, have got to make sure that every sin- view on a cause—I won’t even say what they say: Well, we would just love to gle day we safeguard the rights of cause it is—advocating for their view, a tell you about it, but it is against the every single American. Unfortunately, charitable nonprofit. law for us to tell you about it. this has not taken place in the past, The Internal Revenue Service took That is ridiculous. That is so jarring and we have to move forward with it. their confidential filing and list of that now we have had a situation and I do know that today being April 15 is their donors to their cause, and the In- we have had a culture that has devel- a day that most people dread. Listen, ternal Revenue Service broke the law oped over a period of time at the Inter- tax revenues are necessary. We need to and leaked it to an outside individual nal Revenue Service where breaking have an agency to collect them. But by not with the Internal Revenue Service. the law and using the law to conceal it the same token, when it turns out that This list of donors to this cause went is considered what? It is considered those people in that agency—and not out on the Internet. It was released to normal. all of them, but we have some people in the public by the opponents of this I am proud of the House today be- there that are violating individuals’ cause. cause the sensibilities of the House of rights, then we have to come forward Guess what happened. The people Representatives is to say that is not and we have to champion legislation who confidentially, privately donated— normal, that is not acceptable, that is that protects the same people who exercising their free speech rights to not right, and that will not be toler- voted us into office and sent us to de- advocate for a cause—found themselves ated. fend them. intimidated, found themselves har- Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I support Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- assed because their personal, private the piece of legislation. self such time as I may consume. information had been released by the I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. IRS to the public. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, 1026, the Taxpayer Knowledge of IRS This organization asked the Internal I yield the balance of my time to the Investigations Act. Revenue Service: What just happened? gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. Earlier this afternoon, the House How did this private document with KELLY) for the purpose of closing. passed H.R. 1058, the Taxpayer Bill of the private information of our donors Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Rights Act. Two of the rights included to our cause get out there on the Inter- Speaker, I agree with everything my in that bill were the right to confiden- net and hosted on the page by our op- colleagues have said. I think Ameri- tiality, the right to be informed. This ponents of our cause? cans need to look at what is going on bill complements that legislation. The Internal Revenue Service in turn in their House—America’s House— Generally, tax returns are confiden- said: We can’t answer your question. today and to understand that we do un- tial and may not be disclosed unless The advocates of the cause, trying to derstand the difference between right authorized by the Internal Revenue defend the privacy of their donors—a and wrong. We also understand that Code. Section 6103 of the Code provides free speech right—said: Well, are you sometimes absolute power corrupts ab- certain exceptions. These do not in- investigating this? Are you looking solutely. clude telling a taxpayer if there has into this? Are you holding somebody We started years ago looking into been an unauthorized disclosure of his responsible? Is there an investigation this. We still don’t have all the an- or her tax return information. Fines, into how this private information got swers. I would just tell some of our fel- criminal penalties, or both apply to the out on the Internet? low citizens that we are not done yet unauthorized inspection or disclosure They said: We can’t answer that because we knew those things have of tax return information. question. happened. H.R. 1026 would allow the Internal Unbelievable—that is not freedom; I think what the chairman has ex- Revenue Service to update a taxpayer that is not liberty. That is not how this pressed and Mr. ROSKAM has expressed on the status of investigations of unau- IRS will ever act again if we have any is the outrage we feel because it is not thorized disclosure of his or her tax re- say-so over this. only our responsibility, it is our duty turn. They would be allowed to know That is why Mr. KELLY is writing to protect every single one of Amer- whether the investigation started, is this bill, to make sure that people’s ica’s citizens. To divulge the informa- open, or is closed. privacy is protected and that it is not tion that was divulged and to do it in This is a simple, commonsense bill. leaked to the public or to the oppo- such a way to use the law to break the Taxpayers have a right to know if their nents of a cause that they care about. law makes absolutely no sense to any tax return information has been com- I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman of us. promised. from Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM), the chair- This isn’t really about either side of b 1415 man of the subcommittee. the aisle. This is about all of us, to- I want to thank my friend, the gen- Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, you are gether, doing what is right for the tleman from Pennsylvania, my Repub- noticing a theme here, and that is in- American people. This should recon- lican colleague; the ranking member of timidation and impunity. That is a bad firm to the American people that we the subcommittee; and the chairman combination when a culture of impu- are here acting in their best interest for bringing this bill to the floor today. nity develops and an agency says: We and defending them every single day Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of can do what we want, when we want, that we sit in session and that we sit in my time. and how we want to; and we can in- office. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, timidate who we want, how we want, Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire as to how much time is and when we want to. I yield back the balance of my time. remaining on each side, please? Said another way, here is what the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- IRS did: the IRS broke the law, and question is on the motion offered by tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) has then they used the law to conceal it. the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.035 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2235 RYAN) that the House suspend the rules The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ambiguity and that, once again, we and pass the bill, H.R. 1026, as amend- objection to the request of the gen- don’t have the ability of the IRS to in- ed. tleman from Wisconsin? discriminately and sua sponte make The question was taken; and (two- There was no objection. their own decisions about when Amer- thirds being in the affirmative) the Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, ican taxpayers should have the right to rules were suspended and the bill, as I yield myself such time as I may con- be able to petition for an appeal of an amended, was passed. sume. adverse decision. A motion to reconsider was laid on I thank the gentleman from Pennsyl- Mr. Speaker, I will enter in the the table. vania (Mr. MEEHAN) for his work in RECORD a letter from the Small Busi- f crafting this legislation and for bring- ness and Entrepreneurship Council ing it to the floor. This, too, is one of which supports the legislation. ENSURING TAX EXEMPT ORGANI- the important things that we needed to The group writes: ‘‘H.R. 1314 is an im- ZATIONS THE RIGHT TO APPEAL do to restore some trust and confidence portant bill as it allows taxpayers an ACT and accountability at the Internal Rev- additional right to petition their gov- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, enue Service. ernment when they disagree with a de- I move to suspend the rules and pass For the purpose of describing the leg- cision.’’ the bill (H.R. 1314) to amend the Inter- islation, I yield such time as he may That is the fundamental challenge nal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for consume to the gentleman from Penn- that we have to the impunity which a right to an administrative appeal re- sylvania (Mr. MEEHAN). has been taking place. lating to adverse determinations of Mr. MEEHAN. I thank the chairman SMALL BUSINESS AND tax-exempt status of certain organiza- for his recognition and support of this ENTREPRENEURSHIP COUNCIL, tions, as amended. very, very—once again—thematically Vienna, VA, April 13, 2015. The Clerk read the title of the bill. important bill. Hon. PAT MEEHAN, The text of the bill is as follows: Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Cannon Building, Washington, DC. H.R. 1314 of what is commonsense legislation, DEAR REPRESENTATIVE MEEHAN: The Small Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- H.R. 1314. What it does is gives tax-ex- Business and Entrepreneurship Council is resentatives of the United States of America in empt status applicants whose applica- pleased to support H.R. 1314, a bill that Congress assembled, tion is denied the right to appeal that would allow for an appeals process for those SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. decision. That seems fundamental, organizations that are denied tax-exempt This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Ensuring Tax doesn’t it, in a country likes ours, status by the Internal Revenue Service Exempt Organizations the Right to Appeal Act’’. where the Constitution built within it (IRS). SEC. 2. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL RELATING TO the concept of the right to petition H.R. 1314 is an important bill as it allows taxpayers an additional right to petition ADVERSE DETERMINATIONS OF TAX- your government for the decisions that EXEMPT STATUS OF CERTAIN ORGA- their government when they disagree with a NIZATIONS. they make. decision by the IRS to deny tax-exempt sta- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7123 of the Internal The purpose of the legislation is sim- tus. Given the clear and well-documented Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by adding at ple. What it will do is codify in statute bias by IRS staff that thwarted and delayed the end of the following: the requirement for the IRS to create a the approval of organizations based on their ‘‘(c) ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL RELATING TO mechanism by which 501(c) organiza- ideology, more accountability and protec- ADVERSE DETERMINATION OF TAX-EXEMPT STA- tions—tax-exempt organizations—if tion for taxpayers is needed. H.R. 1314 pro- TUS OF CERTAIN ORGANIZATIONS.— they get an adverse determination of vides that check. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall pre- Thank you for your leadership on this im- scribe procedures under which an organization their tax-exempt status, they can re- portant issue. which claims to be described in section 501(c) quest an administrative appeal to the Sincerely, may request an administrative appeal (including agency’s internal Office of Appeals. KAREN KERRIGAN, a conference relating to such appeal if requested My colleague from Illinois talked President & CEO. by the organization) to the Internal Revenue about the concept here of impunity. To Mr. MEEHAN. I urge my colleagues, Service Office of Appeals of an adverse deter- me, this is a lot of what this speaks to. as they have on our subcommittee and mination described in paragraph (2). The idea that an administrative agen- our committee with their unanimous ‘‘(2) ADVERSE DETERMINATIONS.—For purposes cy—in this case, the IRS—will take of paragraph (1), an adverse determination is support from both sides of the aisle, to described in this paragraph if such determina- this application and then would make a support this commonsense taxpayer tion is adverse to an organization with respect decision—it was because of the good protection and to send an unmistak- to— work that was done in the previous able signal to the American taxpayers ‘‘(A) the initial qualification or continuing Congress by this committee and the that they should not be targeted by the qualification of the organization as exempt from Oversight Subcommittee of this com- IRS for their political views. tax under section 501(a) or as an organization mittee, that they exposed the reality Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- described in section 170(c)(2), that, in many cases, these particular ‘‘(B) the initial classification or continuing self such time as I may consume. classification of the organization as a private appeals, these particular decisions, Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. foundation under section 509(a), or were being made after the applicant 1314. Currently, not all 501(c) organiza- ‘‘(C) the initial classification or continuing was being targeted because of the fact tions are able to appeal decisions re- classification of the organization as a private that they had chosen to express par- garding the application for tax-exempt operating foundation under section 4942(j)(3).’’. ticular political views in the context of status; instead, the right to appeal de- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made their application. pends on whether the application was by subsection (a) shall apply to determinations What was done was that those appli- processed inside the Internal Revenue made on or after May 19, 2014. cations, once denied, were diverted to a Service. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- different part of the structure in which This bill would give the right of an ant to the rule, the gentleman from they went to die. That made the IRS administrative appeal to all organiza- Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- the judge; the jury; and, in fact, the tions that apply for tax-exempt status. tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each executioner because you were done It is a good, commonsense bill. I urge will control 20 minutes. with respect to your application. There all of my colleagues on both sides of The Chair recognizes the gentleman was no place else to go. the aisle to vote ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. 1314, from Wisconsin. Now, I have to say that, when this and I thank the chair of our full com- GENERAL LEAVE came to light because of the work of mittee and the sponsor of this bill. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, this committee, the IRS did issue in- I reserve the balance of my time. I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- terim guidance in May 2014 that en- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I thank the bers may have 5 legislative days within sured that all groups subject to a de- gentleman from Georgia as well for his which to revise and extend their re- nial would have the right to appeal the comments. marks and include extraneous material decision. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the on H.R. 1314, currently under consider- This bill today, H.R. 1314, codifies gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM), ation. that guidance into law so there is no the chairman of the subcommittee.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:04 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.037 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I thank chairman of the subcommittee, who (b) SUPPORTING INFORMATION WITH FIRST RE- the chairman for yielding. has been helping to bring to light these TURN.—Section 6033(f) of such Code is amend- This is a classic example of the IRS abuses. I urge my colleagues to support ed— basically putting the American tax- the legislation. (1) by striking the period at the end and in- serting ‘‘, and’’, payers in a nice little cul de sac. They Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, (2) by striking ‘‘include on the return required would come in; you would have a proc- I yield back the balance of my time. under subsection (a) the information’’ and in- ess, and they would review something The SPEAKER pro tempore. The serting the following: ‘‘include on the return re- and so forth and so on. question is on the motion offered by quired under subsection (a)— Then rather than moving you the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. ‘‘(1) the information’’, and through where you could get a disposi- RYAN) that the House suspend the rules (3) by adding at the end the following new tion, rather than moving you through and pass the bill, H.R. 1314, as amend- paragraph: ‘‘(2) in the case of the first such return filed to where you could get an answer, rath- ed. er than moving you through so you by such an organization after submitting a no- The question was taken; and (two- tice to the Secretary under section 506(a), such knew that there was somebody unbi- thirds being in the affirmative) the information as the Secretary shall by regulation ased that was looking at something, rules were suspended and the bill, as require in support of the organization’s treat- they essentially moved you into a cul amended, was passed. ment as an organization described in section de sac and just kind of let you walk A motion to reconsider was laid on 501(c)(4).’’. around the neighborhood for a while the table. (c) FAILURE TO FILE INITIAL NOTIFICATION.— and not particularly caring about the Section 6652(c) of such Code is amended by re- f disposition of this. designating paragraphs (4), (5), and (6) as para- IRS BUREAUCRACY REDUCTION graphs (5), (6), and (7), respectively, and by in- b 1430 AND JUDICIAL REVIEW ACT serting after paragraph (3) the following new I want to say, Mr. Speaker, these paragraph: Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, bills that we are discussing today, ‘‘(4) NOTICES UNDER SECTION 506.— I move to suspend the rules and pass ‘‘(A) PENALTY ON ORGANIZATION.—In the case many of them were authored and have the bill (H.R. 1295) to amend the Inter- of a failure to submit a notice required under been highlighted and brainstormed by nal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve section 506(a) (relating to organizations required Dr. CHARLES BOUSTANY, the former the process for making determinations to notify Secretary of intent to operate as chairman of the Oversight Sub- with respect to whether organizations 501(c)(4)) on the date and in the manner pre- committee. And now, on a bipartisan scribed therefor, there shall be paid by the orga- are exempt from taxation under sec- basis, folks have come together. nization failing to so submit $20 for each day tion 501(c)(4) of such Code, as amended. So I want to congratulate Mr. MEE- during which such failure continues, but the The Clerk read the title of the bill. HAN for the procedure by which this has total amount imposed under this subparagraph now been expedited and the expecta- The text of the bill is as follows: on any organization for failure to submit any one notice shall not exceed $5,000. tion that people will be fairly consid- H.R. 1295 ‘‘(B) MANAGERS.—The Secretary may make Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ered and fairly reviewed and that they written demand on an organization subject to resentatives of the United States of America in won’t be stuck in a cul-de-sac with no penalty under subparagraph (A) specifying in Congress assembled, way out. such demand a reasonable future date by which Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield back SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. the notice shall be submitted for purposes of this the balance of my time. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘IRS Bureauc- subparagraph. If such notice is not submitted on Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, racy Reduction and Judicial Review Act’’. or before such date, there shall be paid by the I yield the balance of my time to the SEC. 2. ORGANIZATIONS REQUIRED TO NOTIFY person failing to so submit $20 for each day SECRETARY OF INTENT TO OPERATE gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. after the expiration of the time specified in the AS 501(c)(4). written demand during which such failure con- MEEHAN) for the purpose of closing. (a) IN GENERAL.—Part I of subchapter F of tinues, but the total amount imposed under this Mr. MEEHAN. Mr. Speaker, I think chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 subparagraph on all persons for failure to sub- the point has been made very is amended by adding at the end the following mit any one notice shall not exceed $5,000.’’. articulately by all of the speakers who new section: (d) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of sec- have talked about what really is a fun- ‘‘SEC. 506. ORGANIZATIONS REQUIRED TO NOTIFY tions for part I of subchapter F of chapter 1 of damental and simple issue, which is SECRETARY OF INTENT TO OPERATE such Code is amended by adding at the end the AS 501(c)(4). the right to appeal to your govern- following new item: ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—An organization described ment. in section 501(c)(4) shall, not later than 60 days ‘‘Sec. 506. Organizations required to notify Sec- What concerned me the most when after the organization is established, notify the retary of intent to operate as we began to look at what occurred with Secretary (in such manner as the Secretary shall 501(c)(4).’’. the IRS conduct in the context of the by regulation prescribe) that it is operating as (e) LIMITATION.—Notwithstanding any other applications by the organizations such. provision of law, any fees collected pursuant to which were denied based on their per- ‘‘(b) CONTENTS OF NOTICE.—The notice re- section 506(e) of the Internal Revenue Code of ceived political views or religious quired under subsection (a) shall include the 1986, as added by subsection (a), shall not be ex- pended by the Secretary of the Treasury or the views, that the process for these par- following information: ‘‘(1) The name, address, and taxpayer identi- Secretary’s delegate unless provided by an ap- ticular applicants was changed; that it fication number of the organization. propriations Act. went to a different division, where, as ‘‘(2) The date on which, and the State under (f) EFFECTIVE DATE.— my colleague from Illinois identified, it the laws of which, the organization was orga- (1) IN GENERAL.—The amendments made by went to die in the cul-de-sac. nized. this section shall apply to organizations which So this is a question of fundamental ‘‘(3) A statement of the purpose of the organi- are described in section 501(c)(4) of the Internal fairness, that every American taxpayer zation. Revenue Code of 1986 and organized after the should have the right to be treated ‘‘(c) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT.—Not date of the enactment of this Act. later than 60 days after receipt of such a notice, (2) CERTAIN EXISTING ORGANIZATIONS.—In the equally. That is all we are asking for case of any other organization described in sec- here, fundamental, equal treatment, the Secretary shall send to the organization an acknowledgment of such receipt. tion 501(c)(4) of such Code, the amendments and the right, when you disagree with ‘‘(d) EXTENSION FOR REASONABLE CAUSE.— made by this section shall apply to such organi- the decision by an IRS administrative The Secretary may, for reasonable cause, extend zation only if, on or before the date of the en- official, to have somebody else ques- the 60-day period described in subsection (a). actment of this Act— tion that decision. ‘‘(e) USER FEE.—The Secretary shall impose a (A) such organization has not applied for a That is fundamental. It is simple. It reasonable user fee for submission of the notice written determination of recognition as an orga- is basic American, and I am very proud under subsection (a). nization described in section 501(c)(4) of such ‘‘(f) REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION.—Upon re- Code, and that we have colleagues from both (B) such organization has not filed at least sides of the aisle who have joined to- quest by an organization to be treated as an or- ganization described in section 501(c)(4), the one annual return or notice required under sub- gether to petition to assure that that Secretary may issue a determination with re- section (a)(1) or (i) (as the case may be) of sec- right is codified into law. That is what spect to such treatment. Such request shall be tion 6033 of such Code. we accomplish today. treated for purposes of section 6104 as an appli- In the case of any organization to which the I am grateful for the support of all of cation for exemption from taxation under sec- amendments made by this section apply by rea- my colleagues and the leadership of the tion 501(a).’’. son of the preceding sentence, such organization

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:04 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.039 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2237 shall submit the notice required by section Now, thanks to the efforts of Chair- Congressman HOLDING’s idea is a 506(a) of such Code, as added by this Act, not man ROSKAM of the Oversight Sub- great idea, and we should enact it with later than 180 days after the date of the enact- committee, leading a team of us, we dispatch and get it done with. And the ment of this Act. know that last year the IRS spent reason is, according to the IRS, their SEC. 3. DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS FOR 501(c)(4) nearly 10,000 hours reviewing 501(c)(4)s. 2014 data book—this is published by the ORGANIZATIONS. So this legislation before us would sim- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 7428(a)(1) of the In- Internal Revenue Service—they have ternal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by plify the review process for the IRS and said that they have spent 10,000 hours striking ‘‘or’’ at the end of subparagraph (C) allow them to better focus their re- reviewing 4,000 applications for 501(c)(4) and by inserting after subparagraph (D) the fol- sources on the thousands—thousands, organizations, which sounds sort of in- lowing new subparagraph: Mr. Speaker—of 501(c)(3) applications teresting. ‘‘(E) with respect to the initial classification which are outstanding and languishing Except there is a plot trap. And you or continuing classification of an organization for review. know what the plot trap is? They only described in section 501(c)(4) which is exempt So I urge the support of this bill, and said ‘‘no’’ to eight of them. from tax under section 501(a), or’’. I thank the chairman. So, said another way, the way PETER (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ROSKAM thinks about the world, that is by this section shall apply to pleadings filed self as much time as I may consume. after the date of the enactment of this Act. 10,000 hours of a complete waste of Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. time. That is 10,000 hours from an orga- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- 1295. I support the improvements the ant to the rule, the gentleman from nization that is saying, Oh, we are just bill makes to the taxpayers’ exempt begging for mercy, and we are not able Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- process for social welfare organiza- to meet these claims, and we are not tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each tions. will control 20 minutes. able to make these calls. Under current law, social welfare or- Now, I have got an email here that The Chair recognizes the gentleman ganizations are not required to file for the Commissioner sent out to all the from Wisconsin. tax-exempt status with the Internal IRS employees at the beginning of this GENERAL LEAVE Revenue Service, although many orga- year. It is January 13, 2015. And you nizations do apply for greater cer- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, know how normally, around a dinner tainty. From 2009 to 2012, the number I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- table, when people say, Hey, you know, of social welfare organizations apply- bers may have 5 legislative days within it is getting really tough out there. We ing for tax-exempt status nearly dou- which to revise and extend their re- are going to have to do what? We are bled, from 1,800 to 3,400 requests. marks and include extraneous material going to have do more with less. on H.R. 1295, currently under consider- But for an organization that simply starts operating as a social welfare or- That is what we do, as Americans, ation. don’t we? We do more with less. That is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ganization without applying for tax ex- emption, the agency does not have any who we are as a people. objection to the request of the gen- But that is not the Internal Revenue information on the organization until tleman from Wisconsin? Service. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. They it files its annual information return. There was no objection. don’t disappoint. You know what the This return, known as Form 990, may Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, Internal Revenue Service says? not be due until more than a year after I would like to thank Mr. HOLDING for We are going to do less with less. We the organization has already been oper- bringing this bill to the floor, bringing are going to do less with less. ating. it through committee. So this is an organization, now, that This bill, which I think is a good bill, I would like to thank the ranking has spent 10,000 hours of taxpayer time, is a commonsense bill, requires all so- member from Georgia as well for his completely squandering it. Stay tuned cial welfare organizations to file a no- support. next week, and come to the Oversight tice of formation with the agency no Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he Subcommittee, where you are not later than 60 days after the organiza- may consume to the gentleman from going to be disappointed when you tion is established. The intent is to North Carolina (Mr. HOLDING) for the learn more things about the IRS budg- provide the agency with certain key in- purpose of describing his bill. et and some of the things that we are Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I thank formation. I believe this bill could have done going to be discussing. the chairman. more. Currently, social welfare organi- But my point is this: Representative H.R. 1295, the IRS Bureaucracy Re- zations are permitted to engage in po- HOLDING’s concept says, this is a com- duction and Judicial Review Act, has litical campaigns. However, an organi- plete waste of time. Let’s clean this up. two simple goals. First, it will provide zation’s primary work cannot be en- Let’s free up 10,000 hours so that we newly formed 501(c)(4) organizations gaging in political activities. can do more with less and reject the with a mandatory yet simple process I am concerned that the information IRS notion that the best that they can for registering with the IRS. Within 60 required to be provided to the agency do is to do less with less. days of establishment, a new 501(c)(4) under this bill, and in the first annual Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield back will be required to provide notice of information return, may not be suffi- the balance of my time. formation and intent to the IRS. The cient. It is important that the agency Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, IRS, in return, must issue an acknowl- can clearly identify all cases in which I yield the balance of my time to the edgement of receipt to the notifying the organizations engage in an inappro- gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. organization. priate amount of political activity. HOLDING) for the purpose of closing on Second, this legislation would offer To address this concern, the bill his bill. 501(c)(4)s the ability to seek judicial re- should require these organizations to Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, I want view should the IRS deny their applica- indicate whether they engage or intend to thank the distinguished gentleman tion for recognition, fail to act on the to engage in political activity. from Georgia for the support of this application, or inform an organization Although this bill does not go far bill. that it is considering revoking or ad- enough, I support the improvement it I thank the chairman, Mr. ROSKAM, versely modifying its tax-exempt sta- makes. I urge all of my colleagues on of the subcommittee, for the support of tus. This would be conducted under the both sides of the aisle to vote ‘‘yes’’ for this bill because, by streamlining the 7428 declaratory judgment procedure H.R. 1295. registration process for newly formed that is currently afforded to other tax- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of 501(c)(4)s with the IRS and providing exempt organizations. my time. them with the ability to seek judicial Mr. Speaker, it is important to note Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, review similar to such review that that this legislation does not change I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman other tax-exempt organizations have, the requirement for 501(c)(4)s to file an from Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM), the chair- we can have a process, Mr. Speaker, annual 990 or alter any of the other re- man of the subcommittee. that is both simpler and fairer for the porting requirements currently man- Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I thank folks who want to get involved in their dated for 501(c)(4)s. Chairman RYAN for yielding. communities and across the Nation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.009 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Civic engagement should not require the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. RENACCI) that those who are entrusted with the jumping over hurdles or a long, drawn- to describe the contents of his bill, and vast power of the Federal Government out review process by the IRS. If you thank Mr. RENACCI for bringing this will act in a responsible and profes- play by the rules, the IRS should not issue to our attention, for crafting this sional manner and will be reprimanded be a hindrance to your activities. legislation, for moving it through com- if they don’t. They need to know that So, once again, I urge support of this mittee on a bipartisan basis. the government is accountable to them and not the other way around. bill. b 1445 Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to support this I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. RENACCI. I thank the chairman. commonsense legislation. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge ap- Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- question is on the motion offered by proval of H.R. 709, the Prevent Tar- self such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. geting at the IRS Act. 709. This legislation removes certain RYAN) that the House suspend the rules This bipartisan legislation has over protections that are otherwise avail- and pass the bill, H.R. 1295, as amend- 50 cosponsors and actually passed by able to Federal employees if an em- ed. voice vote in a previous Congress. I think the overwhelming support for ployee conducts his or her official du- The question was taken; and (two- ties with the intent to extract personal thirds being in the affirmative) the this legislation shows that the vast majority of Members, regardless of gain or for a political purpose. rules were suspended and the bill, as H.R. 709 responds to the investigation amended, was passed. their party affiliation, believe the IRS should be above politics. into the processing of tax-exempt ap- A motion to reconsider was laid on plications. This investigation started the table. Congress has already acted to create a list of fireable offenses at the IRS. In nearly 2 years ago, in May of 2013. To f 1998, the IRS Restructuring and Reform date, the agency has spent more than Act passed by a vote of 402–8. It sought $20 million to produce more than 1.3 PREVENT TARGETING AT THE IRS million pages of documents, including ACT to bring accountability to the IRS by allowing for the immediate termi- 78,000 emails from Lois Lerner. Mr. Speaker, to date, there has not Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, nation of IRS employees who engage in been one shred of evidence produced to I move to suspend the rules and pass the so-called ‘‘10 deadly sins’’ against the bill (H.R. 709) to provide for the support the Republican claim that the taxpayers. Many of the Members in processing of applications was politi- termination of employment of employ- Congress today supported those re- ees of the Internal Revenue Service cally motivated or intended to target forms back then. the President’s political enemies. who take certain official actions for Unfortunately, while that legislation political purposes, as amended. The inspector general even stated covers many offenses, it did not include that no one outside the agency was in- The Clerk read the title of the bill. political targeting. I have no doubt The text of the bill is as follows: volved in setting the criteria for proc- this was a simple oversight. essing tax-exempt applications. The H.R. 709 This is not a partisan issue. I cannot delays experienced by groups were the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- imagine any Member would support a result of incompetence at the agency in resentatives of the United States of America in process for removing an employee for the Exempt Organizations Division. Congress assembled, bad behavior but somehow not consider I urge all of my colleagues on both SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. political targeting to be a bad enough sides of the aisle to vote ‘‘yes’’ for H.R. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Prevent Tar- behavior. It is absolutely unacceptable 709. geting at the IRS Act’’. for a government official to consider Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of SEC. 2. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT OF IN- my time. TERNAL REVENUE SERVICE EMPLOY- the political leanings of any taxpayer EES FOR TAKING OFFICIAL ACTIONS when conducting official business. If a Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. At this FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES. Federal employee engages in political time, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- (a) IN GENERAL.—Paragraph (10) of section targeting, that employee should be tleman from Kansas (Mr. HUELSKAMP). 1203(b) of the Internal Revenue Service Restruc- fired. It is that simple. Mr. HUELSKAMP. Mr. Speaker, I turing and Reform Act of 1998 is amended to My legislation will make sure of it. It thank the chairman, and I appreciate read as follows: specifically spells out that any IRS em- my colleague from Ohio bringing forth ‘‘(10) performing, delaying, or failing to per- ployee, regardless of political affili- this important legislation. form (or threatening to perform, delay, or fail to ‘‘If men were angels, no government ation, who targets a taxpayer for polit- perform) any official action (including any would be necessary. If angels were to ical purposes will immediately be re- audit) with respect to a taxpayer for purpose of govern men, neither external nor inter- extracting personal gain or benefit or for a polit- lieved of his or her duties. If you work nal controls on government would be ical purpose.’’. for the IRS, you cannot target tax- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendment made necessary.’’ James Madison wrote payers for political purposes. There these words 227 years ago in his 51st by this section shall take effect on the date of should be no controversy in that. the enactment of this Act. Federalist Paper. It is an elegant way This legislation does not change any of expressing an ugly truth, that a gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- of the procedures for removing an IRS ant to the rule, the gentleman from ernment of the people cannot always be agent. It just adds ‘‘political tar- trusted to do right by the people and, Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- geting’’ to the list of the 10 deadly sins thus, must hold itself in check for the tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each already in existence. will control 20 minutes. sake of the people. Though it has been nearly 2 years When Madison penned the Federalist The Chair recognizes the gentleman since we learned that the IRS targeted Papers, it was with a fresh view of from Wisconsin. individuals based on their political be- what the British Parliament did to GENERAL LEAVE liefs, the American public’s lack of exert government control over the Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, trust in this Federal agency remains— lives of the colonists, leading to the fa- I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- and rightly so. Political targeting con- mous Boston Tea Party and, ulti- bers may have 5 legislative days within tradicts the very principles this coun- mately, a revolution. which to revise and extend their re- try was founded upon, and there is no The targeted discrimination and un- marks and include extraneous material room for it in our democracy. It will fair treatment of conservative organi- on H.R. 709, currently under consider- not be tolerated. zations with the words ‘‘Tea Party’’ ation. The IRS needs this legislation; the and others in their names that took The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there entire Federal Government needs this place at the IRS under the direction of objection to the request of the gen- legislation; and, most importantly, the Lois Lerner shows what happens when tleman from Wisconsin? American people need this legislation. government no longer feels account- There was no objection. They need to know that they will not able to the people and when the Con- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, be targeted by their government for po- stitution becomes simply a list of sug- I yield such time as he may consume to litical purposes. They need to know gestions. Agencies can then become a

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.042 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2239 political weapon for one party to use ment demand of you. We are going to Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Will the gen- against the other. lower the amount, but we are still tleman yield? It is sad that we actually have to going to make a demand because, if Mr. ROSKAM. I yield to the gen- pass legislation to address these inex- you don’t pay us, we are going to ap- tleman. cusable actions. Every employee of the peal the judge’s ruling. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I believe the IRS, of this entire Federal Govern- Al Salvi is a pretty sophisticated specific question from the IRS to the ment, is ultimately a public servant. lawyer. He talked to the lawyer at the pro-life group from Iowa was: What do Once you stop serving the public and other end of the line and said to that you pray about? start serving political agendas, it is person: Let me talk to the person who Mr. ROSKAM. So can you imagine time for you to do something else. had authority on this case because you that? You are a nice little group, mind- This bill will add targeting taxpayers don’t understand. I won; you lost. I am ing your own business, in Iowa, with a for political purposes to the list of the not going to pay you any money. Let point of view, and the Internal Revenue 10 things that can get you fired as an me talk to the person with authority Service starts roughing you up? employee of the IRS. on the case at the Federal Election This targeting is insidious. This tar- I am not sure what is more upsetting Commission. geting is poisonous. This targeting is about that sentence: that our govern- That person got on the phone with Al without a defender. There is nobody ment is so bureaucratic that only 10 Salvi and said this: If you pledge never who is getting up on this floor today— things might get you fired at the IRS, to run for office again, we will drop no voice is saying, ‘‘Oh, yes. Let him or that political discrimination wasn’t this case. do it. It is fine. It will all settle out.’’ already one of those things. Al Salvi said: Put that in writing. Not the ranking member, he is not de- I urge my colleagues to support this The person said: We don’t put that in fending this. There was nobody. Not straightforward, commonsense meas- writing, and we never lose. the chairman, he is not defending this. ure. That person was Lois Lerner. Everybody in this House should all be Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield back Now, you take that disposition, you saying that we all have the right to the balance of my time. take that attitude, you take that long come in and make our arguments and Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, arm of a bureaucrat who reaches into try to persuade the public to vote for I yield 4 minutes to the gentleman the sanctity of the ballot booth, and us, and it should be never a bureaucrat from Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM), the chair- you’ve got a real problem. And you up who manipulates and uses power to an man of the subcommittee. the wattage on that, you move her over end and abuses somebody who, by good Mr. ROSKAM. I thank the chairman and you give her the type of authority faith, is coming into this process. for yielding. that not the Federal Election Commis- This is an incredibly important piece Mr. Speaker, I want to tell you a sion has, but the Internal Revenue of legislation. I urge its passage. story. I want to take you back to 1996. Service to grab somebody by the throat Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, A friend of mine in Illinois, my former and to do whatever they want with I yield myself 2 minutes. law partner, Al Salvi, was running for them, with the possibility of impris- This one is the one that really takes the . He loaned oning them, that is a problem. That is the cake with us because we recognized himself some money to his campaign. a problem that the gentleman from a persistent pattern of targeting and The Federal Election Commission—a Ohio, Representative RENACCI, is trying harassment by the Internal Revenue different agency than we are talking to make go away. Service over groups, and the only thing about, but stick with me. This is like a We had a hearing in the last Con- that grouped these groups together, ’Seinfeld’ episode. It is all going to gress. I hear a lot of testimony. We all the only thing that was similar, was come together at the end. The Federal hear a lot of testimony. But this testi- their political persuasion, their polit- Election Commission said: You did mony was inspirational to me because ical beliefs. that the wrong way. You violated Fed- these were people that came in before So the question that I get asked a lot eral election law. They placed him our committee. from hard-working taxpayers in Wis- under investigation. World War II Committee members, you will re- consin is: Did the IRS really target headlines in the Chicago papers. He member this. people based on their political beliefs? goes on, and he loses the election for They told us about how they had And the answer is: Absolutely yes, they the United States Senate. been targeted. But you know what was did. Now, political scientists can debate the most incredible thing? They kept That is tyrannical; that is beyond the whether he would have won or whether faith with their country when it didn’t pale; and that, with the passage of this he would have lost, but let’s face it, look like their country had kept faith bill, will be illegal. It will make it ex- being under investigation by the Fed- with them. They said: This isn’t Amer- tremely clear, no ifs, ands, or buts. eral Election Commission generally ica. My America doesn’t target me. My And let me tell you one other thing, does not help you win a political cam- America doesn’t shun me out of the Mr. Speaker. There is still a long ways paign. public square. to go with the investigation that is At the end of that campaign, the But you know the one that got the still underway, but what we already Federal Election Commission came and most attention in my mind was the know is that this targeting happened. they made a very large settlement de- pro-life group in Iowa who was asked People were targeted based on their po- mand. I don’t remember off the top of by the Internal Revenue Service: Tell litical beliefs, and this law makes that my head how many hundreds of thou- us about your organization; tell us a crime. sands of dollars they were demanding about your activity. With that, I yield such time as he from him, but he said: I didn’t do any- They gave a list of activities, and one may consume to the gentleman from thing wrong, and I am not going to pay of the activities they said was: We have Ohio (Mr. RENACCI) for the purpose of you any money. prayer meetings. closing. The Federal Election Commission The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. RENACCI. Mr. Speaker, I want said: That is fine. We are going to sue time of the gentleman has expired. to thank the chairman; I want to you—which they did. They filed a law- Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. I yield the thank the gentleman from Illinois for suit against him in Federal court. A gentleman an additional 2 minutes. his comments; and I want to thank the Federal judge reads the pleadings, dis- Mr. ROSKAM. We have prayer meet- gentleman from Georgia, my colleague misses the case—against the Federal ings. from the other side. Election Commission—and finds in And the IRS said: In writing, under favor of Al Salvi. penalty of perjury, tell us about your b 1500 You would think that this drama all prayer meetings. Look, it is pretty simple. It is unac- ended there. Oh, no, no, no. The Fed- The hair on the back of my neck is ceptable for a government official to eral Election Commission came back, tingling at this moment as I am de- consider the political leanings of any and they said: Well, we know you won, scribing this to you because it is so taxpayer when conducting official busi- but we are still going to make a settle- scandalous. ness. If a federal employee engages in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.045 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 political targeting, that employee There was no objection. With this bill, Mr. Speaker, amounts should be fired. It is that simple. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, contributed to such organizations will With that, Mr. Speaker, I urge the I yield such time as he may consume to not be subject to the gift tax. Members to support H.R. 709 to prevent the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. ROS- Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- targeting of the IRS, a commonsense KAM), the chairman of the Oversight leagues on both sides of the aisle to piece of legislation. Subcommittee and the author of this vote ‘‘yes’’ for H.R. 1104. Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, bill for the purpose of describing his Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleagues, I yield back the balance of my time. bill. the chairman, the chairs of the sub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. ROSKAM. Mr. Speaker, I have a committee, and all of the members of question is on the motion offered by riddle for you: the committee for supporting this the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. What is it that brings together the piece of legislation and the other RYAN) that the House suspend the rules American Civil Liberties Union, Amer- pieces. and pass the bill, H.R. 709, as amended. icans for Prosperity, the Human Rights I reserve the balance of my time. The question was taken; and (two- Campaign, and the Tea Party Patriots Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, thirds being in the affirmative) the all under one tent? Mr. Speaker, it is I yield myself such time as I may con- rules were suspended and the bill, as the Fair Treatment for All Gifts Act, sume. amended, was passed. H.R. 1104. Are you getting a theme here, Mr. A motion to reconsider was laid on Here is the point. This is why all Speaker? So what has happened here is the table. these groups from a wide range of po- individuals were giving donations to f litical perspectives have all come to- tax-exempt organizations, nonprofit or- gether. They have come together be- ganizations. As they should have, they FAIR TREATMENT FOR ALL GIFTS cause the IRS has started sniffing did not expect to have to pay taxes on ACT around about the possibility of doing those donations. The Internal Revenue Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, something that every one of those Service sent these letters to these do- I move to suspend the rules and pass groups really finds jarring, and that is nors, to these particular organizations, the bill (H.R. 1104) to amend the Inter- assessing a tax liability on gifts to obviously stirring up a lot of confusion nal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a nonprofit organizations. and threatening them with a big tax deduction from the gift tax for gifts Now, you would have thought that bill. made to certain exempt organizations, this would be pretty settled doctrine, This makes it really clear. These or- as amended. that gifts to nonprofit organizations, ganizations are tax-exempt organiza- The Clerk read the title of the bill. those types of contributions, are not tions, and therefore you don’t owe gift The text of the bill is as follows: taxable events. Yet the Internal Rev- taxes for a donation to these organiza- H.R. 1104 enue Service wrote a letter. It is this tions. It is crystal clear. It is made Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- type of letter. It is the kind of letter even more clear in this bill because, resentatives of the United States of America in that I described in an earlier bill. You Mr. Speaker, it is very important for Congress assembled, get it, and it is very unsettling, Mr. the operation of our society that that SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Speaker. They just wrote some donor, space that occurs between ourselves This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Fair Treatment and they said, Your gift tax return was and our government is full, is vibrant, for All Gifts Act’’. assigned to me for examination. The and is alive. SEC. 2. DEDUCTION FROM GIFT TAX FOR GIFTS IRS has received information that you We call that space civil society. It is MADE TO CERTAIN EXEMPT ORGANI- donated cash to some organization, and where we live our lives. The deeply ZATIONS. it begins to lay out a theory as to why woven fabric of civil society are all (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 2522(a) of the Inter- these various groups, nonprofit groups, nal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended by striking this should be a taxable event. the period at the end of paragraph (4) and in- Mr. Speaker, this should not be a all kinds of groups, advocating for serting a semicolon and by inserting after para- taxable event. Mr. Speaker, this should something—advocating for the environ- graph (4) the following new paragraph: not be ambiguous. And, Mr. Speaker, ment, advocating for the economy, ad- ‘‘(5) an organization described in paragraph the Internal Revenue Service should vocating for the disabled, advocating (4), (5), or (6) of section 501(c) and exempt from not be wasting its precious time, which for this cause, advocating for that tax under section 501(a).’’. it seems to have so little of; shouldn’t cause, advocating for this person, and (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments made be going after American donors to all advocating for that person. It is how by subsection (a) shall apply to gifts made after kinds of groups—left, right, center, up, we lead our lives. It is how we inte- the date of the enactment of this Act. (c) NO INFERENCE.—Nothing in the amend- down, any which way—and giving them grate with one another. It is how we ments made by subsection (a) shall be construed a hard time about the contributions have a community. to create any inference with respect to whether that they are making. So, Mr. Speaker, the last thing we any transfer of property (whether made before, One final point. We have got a sys- want to do is have the IRS parachute on, or after the date of the enactment of this tem, Mr. Speaker, that depends on the itself in and divide itself and make peo- Act) to an organization described in paragraph generosity of Americans. The Amer- ple think that they can’t participate in (4), (5), or (6) of section 501(c) of the Internal ican public is an incredibly generous civil society. Civil society is so core to Revenue Code of 1986 is a transfer of property group. The American public is sacrifi- who we are as Americans and so core to by gift for purposes of chapter 12 of such Code. cial in their giving in many ways, and our ability to live our freedoms and to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the donations and the generosity of the help others. That is what is so impor- ant to the rule, the gentleman from American public is absolutely tant about this. Wisconsin (Mr. RYAN) and the gen- foundational for our civic life. So, Mr. So when people are hit with an in- tleman from Georgia (Mr. LEWIS) each Speaker, H.R. 1104 clarifies that, and it timidating letter from the Internal will control 20 minutes. says donations to those tax-exempt or- Revenue Service and are being told The Chair recognizes the gentleman ganizations under 501(c)(4), (5), and (6) that by participating in civil society, from Wisconsin. of the Tax Code are not taxable. by participating in civil dialogue, and GENERAL LEAVE Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- by exercising their free speech rights Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, self as much time as I may consume. they are going to get hit with this I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. huge, massive tax bill that they didn’t bers may have 5 legislative days within 1104. On this day, it is wise for the expect, that is harassment. That is tar- which to revise and extend their re- House to consider a bill to increase cer- geting. That is not going to happen marks and include extraneous material tainty for taxpayers. This bill brings once this bill passes. That is one other on H.R. 1104, currently under consider- clarity to what has historically been mistake that was made that is being ation. uncertain tax treatment for contribu- rectified because of Mr. ROSKAM’s dili- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tions to social welfare organizations, gence. objection to the request of the gen- agricultural associations, labor unions, Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate tleman from Wisconsin? and trade associations. all the members of the committee who

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.047 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2241 on a bipartisan basis saw that this was it? It tells you that the ground upon b 1515 wrong and on a bipartisan basis agreed which they thought they were oper- CONTRACTING AND TAX with this solution. That is why I am ating was pretty soft ground. ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2015 just so pleased that we are bringing So let me just conclude by saying these bills to the floor. JOHN LEWIS, this. Today, the nature of this debate, Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I move SANDY LEVIN, , and PAUL the intensity that you have heard from to suspend the rules and pass the bill RYAN are arm in arm agreeing on this. both sides of the aisle, the Members are (H.R. 1562) to prohibit the awarding of We are standing up for citizens, we are reflecting not ourselves and just our a contract or grant in excess of the standing up for taxpayers, we are put- world view, Mr. Speaker, but we are re- simplified acquisition threshold unless ting the taxpayer in charge of the IRS, flecting what we are hearing at home, the prospective contractor or grantee not the other way around, and we are and we are reflecting the desire of the certifies in writing to the agency standing up for our free speech rights American public who want to have con- awarding the contract or grant that for our civil society. That is why on fidence in these institutions. They the contractor or grantee has no seri- this tax day, April 15, we are bringing want to know that the tax-collecting ously delinquent tax debts, and for these bills to the floor and passing body of the United States that is the other purposes. these bills on a bipartisan, unanimous Internal Revenue Service is just going The Clerk read the title of the bill. The text of the bill is as follows: basis because this is the signal we want to collect the taxes and is not going to to send to Americans on tax day that mess with them and is not going to put H.R. 1562 we are not going to take this anymore, them through all kinds of paces and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- and we are going to reassert our rights. manipulate them and make their lives resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, With that, Mr. Speaker, I yield the miserable and actually abuse power. balance of my time to the gentleman SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. That is all they want. Isn’t that a very This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Contracting from Illinois (Mr. ROSKAM) for closing real expectation? It is not asking too and Tax Accountability Act of 2015’’. on his bill. much. SEC. 2. GOVERNMENTAL POLICY. Mr. ROSKAM. Thank you, Chairman. So my suspicion is that the debate It is the policy of the United States Gov- Mr. Speaker, I want to make one today—and it is my hope that the other ernment that no Government contracts or other point to echo something Chair- body will pick up these bills and move grants should be awarded to individuals or man RYAN said as it relates to civil so- forward on them, recognize the bipar- companies with seriously delinquent Federal ciety, and it is an important thing to tisan nature of them and recognize the tax debts. think about. timeliness and the ripeness of them. SEC. 3. DISCLOSURE AND EVALUATION OF CON- There is the Federal Government TRACT OFFERS FROM DELINQUENT These need to be fixed. These problems FEDERAL DEBTORS. here, and there is the individual here. need to be fixed now. There is an ur- The only thing that sort of comes in (a) IN GENERAL.—The head of any executive gency to them. But this is not a false agency that issues an invitation for bids or a between as a buffer—there are a couple claim that this work is completed. In request for proposals for a contract in an of things. One is family. I think that is fact, this is going to be a work in proc- amount greater than the simplified acquisi- a very important buffer. The other ess, because it is our responsibility to tion threshold shall require each person that buffer is civil society. It is a restrain- get an Internal Revenue Service that submits a bid or proposal to submit with the ing influence, the capability of indi- moves away from the disposition and bid or proposal a form— vidual, family, and civil society to (1) certifying that the person does not have the attitude of impunity—which is a seriously delinquent tax debt; and push back. saturated up until now—back to where So we are on the floor today, and we (2) authorizing the Secretary of the Treas- it should be. I think we can do it. I am ury to disclose to the head of the agency in- have been interacting with JOHN confident with the bipartisan support formation limited to describing whether the LEWIS, our friend from Georgia, who in this House we can reflect back and person has a seriously delinquent tax debt. has a reputation that is unbelievable, say April 15 of this year, this was a (b) IMPACT ON RESPONSIBILITY DETERMINA- and it is an honor and a privilege to good day. TION.—The head of any executive agency, in serve with him. Why? Because of the evaluating any offer received in response to Mr. LEWIS. Mr. Speaker, before I work that he did in the civil rights a solicitation issued by the agency for bids yield the balance of my time back, it movement. It is an inspiration. or proposals for a contract, shall consider a has been an honor and a pleasure to But can you imagine what it would certification that the offeror has a seriously work with the chairman, the chairman delinquent tax debt to be definitive proof have been like if a bureaucrat at the of the subcommittee, and all of the that the offeror is not a responsible source as time had said, Well, I am just going to Members on the other side. We did defined in section 113 of title 41, United send one of these kind of letters to the come together in a bipartisan fashion. States Code. donors of the NAACP or any of these (c) DEBARMENT.— In a real sense, we all live in the organizations? Can you imagine what (1) REQUIREMENT.—Except as provided in happens? same house—the American house—and paragraph (2), the head of an executive agen- Here is my second point. A letter like we must continue to look out for this cy shall initiate a suspension or debarment this? What does it do? It has a chilling house, not just this building, but the proceeding against a person after receiving effect, doesn’t it? All of a sudden you more than 300 million people in our an offer for a contract from such person if— country. That is the right thing to do. (A) such offer contains a certification (as have donors who say, I don’t know, I required under subsection (a)(1)) that such don’t know. This is going to be a tax- That is the fair thing to do. That is the just thing to do. person has a seriously delinquent tax debt; able event. Well, maybe I am not going or to give. Or I am going to end up on Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance (B) the head of the agency receives infor- some list, I don’t know. Or I am going of my time. mation from the Secretary of the Treasury to find my name in the paper in this Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, (as authorized under subsection (a)(2)) dem- way, and I don’t want my name in the I can’t top that, so I yield back the bal- onstrating that such a certification sub- paper. Whatever it happens to be. But ance of my time. mitted by such person is false. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (2) WAIVER.—The head of an executive the impact and the damage, Mr. Speak- agency may waive paragraph (1) with respect er, is the same. It has a chilling effect, question is on the motion offered by to a person based upon a written finding of doesn’t it? the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. urgent and compelling circumstances signifi- Here is the final point. The IRS RYAN) that the House suspend the rules cantly affecting the interests of the United backed off really fast on this once we and pass the bill, H.R. 1104, as amend- States. If the head of an executive agency asked about it. This wasn’t a situation ed. waives paragraph (1) for a person, the head of where they doubled down, they said, The question was taken; and (two- the agency shall submit to Congress, within Oh, no, no, no, the statute that you all thirds being in the affirmative) the 30 days after the waiver is made, a report rules were suspended and the bill, as containing the rationale for the waiver and passed absolutely gives us this author- relevant information supporting the waiver ity. They backed off, and they said, No, amended, was passed. decision. we are not going to do that anymore. A motion to reconsider was laid on (d) RELEASE OF INFORMATION.—The Sec- That tells you something too, doesn’t the table. retary of the Treasury, in consultation with

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.049 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 the Director of the Office of Management (C) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN PARTNER- I am pleased to, again, present this and Budget, shall make available to all exec- SHIPS.—A partnership shall be treated as a bill to the House with Representative utive agencies a standard form for the au- person with a seriously delinquent tax debt JACKIE SPEIER, like we did in the past. thorization described in subsection (a). if such partnership has a partner who— I also appreciate the help of Represent- (e) REVISION OF REGULATIONS.—Not later (i) holds an ownership interest of 50 per- than 270 days after the date of enactment of cent or more in that partnership; and ative JOHN CARTER in his cosponsor- this subsection, the Federal Acquisition Reg- (ii) has a seriously delinquent tax debt. ship. ulation shall be revised to incorporate the (D) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CORPORA- The bill has a long history of bipar- requirements of this section. TIONS.—A corporation shall be treated as a tisan support, including from then-Sen- SEC. 4. DISCLOSURE AND EVALUATION OF person with a seriously delinquent tax debt ator Obama and President Obama. GRANT APPLICATIONS FROM DELIN- if such corporation has an officer or a share- While he cannot claim that he has QUENT FEDERAL DEBTORS. holder who— commented specifically on this exact (a) IN GENERAL.—The head of any executive (i) holds 50 percent or more, or a control- bill, this bill before us was something agency that offers a grant in excess of an ling interest that is less than 50 percent, of amount equal to the simplified acquisition the outstanding shares of corporate stock in that was originally introduced by then- threshold shall require each person applying that corporation; and Senator Obama years ago. for a grant to submit with the grant applica- (ii) has a seriously delinquent tax debt. Five years ago, President Obama di- tion a form— (2) EXECUTIVE AGENCY.—The term ‘‘execu- rected his administration to crack (1) certifying that the person does not have tive agency’’ has the meaning given such down on tax cheats that are seeking a seriously delinquent tax debt; and term in section 133 of title 41, United States government contracts. The President (2) authorizing the Secretary of the Treas- Code. said: ury to disclose to the head of the executive (3) SERIOUSLY DELINQUENT TAX DEBT.— All across this country, there are people agency information limited to describing (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘seriously de- who meet their obligations each and every whether the person has a seriously delin- linquent tax debt’’ means a Federal tax li- day. You do your jobs. You support your quent tax debt. ability that— families. You pay the taxes you owe—be- (b) IMPACT ON DETERMINATION OF FINANCIAL (i) has been assessed by the Secretary of cause it’s a fundamental responsibility of STABILITY.—The head of any executive agen- the Treasury under the Internal Revenue citizenship. cy, in evaluating any application for a grant Code of 1986, and The steps I’m directing today and the steps offered by the agency, shall consider a cer- (ii) may be collected by the Secretary by I’m calling on Congress to take are just basic tification that the grant applicant has a seri- levy or by a proceeding in court. common sense. They’re not going to elimi- ously delinquent tax debt to be definitive (B) EXCEPTIONS.—Such term does not in- nate all of the waste or abuse in government proof that the applicant is high-risk and, if clude— contracting in one fell swoop. Going forward, the applicant is awarded the grant, shall (i) a debt that is being paid in a timely we’ll also have to do more to hold contrac- take appropriate measures under guidelines manner pursuant to an agreement under sec- tors more accountable not just for paying issued by the Office of Management and tion 6159 or section 7122 of such Code; taxes, but for following other laws as well. Budget for enhanced oversight of high-risk (ii) a debt with respect to which a collec- grantees. tion due process hearing under section 6330 I wholeheartedly and totally agree (c) DEBARMENT.— of such Code, or relief under subsection (a), with the President’s approach on this. (1) REQUIREMENT.—Except as provided in (b), or (f) of section 6015 of such Code, is re- On April 15, 2013, the House passed paragraph (2), the head of an executive agen- quested or pending; this very similar piece of legislation by cy shall initiate a suspension or debarment (iii) a debt with respect to which a contin- a vote of 407–0. Unfortunately, the Sen- proceeding against a person after receiving a uous levy has been issued under section 6331 ate did not act. grant application from such person if— of such Code (or, in the case of an applicant Two years later, we are considering (A) such application contains a certifi- for employment, a debt with respect to cation (as required under subsection (a)(1)) which the applicant agrees to be subject to essentially the same bill today with that such person has a seriously delinquent such a levy); and some very minor changes. For example, tax debt; or (iv) a debt with respect to which such a the definition of ‘‘seriously delinquent (B) the head of the agency receives infor- levy is released under section 6343(a)(1)(D) of tax debt’’ now exempts individuals de- mation from the Secretary of the Treasury such Code. termined by the IRS to be under eco- (as authorized under subsection (a)(2)) dem- SEC. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. nomic hardship. onstrating that such a certification sub- This Act shall apply with respect to con- Let me remind my colleagues of what mitted by such person is false. tracts and grants awarded on or after the this bill does. H.R. 1562 denies con- (2) WAIVER.—The head of an executive date occurring 270 days after the date of the agency may waive paragraph (1) with respect enactment of this Act. tracts or grants to those with seriously delinquent tax debt. The bill requires to a person based upon a written finding of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- contractors and potential grant recipi- urgent and compelling circumstances signifi- ant to the rule, the gentleman from cantly affecting the interests of the United ents to certify their tax status when Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) and the gen- States. If the head of an executive agency submitting a proposal for a contract or tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) waives paragraph (1) for a person, the head of a grant. the agency shall submit to Congress, within each will control 20 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentleman If the agency finds the contractor or 30 days after the waiver is made, a report grantee to have seriously delinquent containing the rationale for the waiver and from Utah. tax debt, then they would be referred relevant information supporting the waiver GENERAL LEAVE decision. Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask for suspension or debarment and would (d) RELEASE OF INFORMATION.—The Sec- unanimous consent that all Members not be eligible for new awards. retary of the Treasury, in consultation with may have 5 legislative days in which to There are exceptions in the bill for the Director of the Office of Management revise and extend their remarks and to those that are trying to do the right and Budget, shall make available to all exec- thing so they should not be covered utive agencies a standard form for the au- include extraneous materials on the bill under consideration. under the definition of ‘‘seriously de- thorization described in subsection (a). linquent tax debt.’’ (e) REVISION OF REGULATIONS.—Not later The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there than 270 days after the date of the enactment objection to the request of the gen- Such people, including those who are of this section, the Director of the Office of tleman from Utah? paying their back taxes through debt Management and Budget shall revise such There was no objection. installment plans or in the process of regulations as necessary to incorporate the Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield hearings with the IRS to finalize a de- requirements of this section. myself such time as I may consume. termination of their debt or experi- SEC. 5. DEFINITIONS AND SPECIAL RULES. I appreciate being here today. We encing economic hardship as deter- For purposes of this Act: have done this in a good bipartisan mined by the IRS, have exceptions. (1) PERSON.— way. This is a good, strong bill. This In 2007, then-Senator Obama intro- (A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘‘person’’ in- bill has come under a previous Con- duced legislation to address this con- cludes— gress and done quite well. tractor accountability issue. (i) an individual; H.R. 1562 will increase tax compli- The bill before us today is simple. If (ii) a partnership; and (iii) a corporation. ance by Federal contractors and grant contractors and those applying for (B) EXCLUSION.—The term ‘‘person’’ does recipients and deny contracts or grants grants don’t pay their taxes, they will not include an individual seeking assistance to those with seriously delinquent tax not be eligible for lucrative Federal through a grant entitlement program. debt. contracts or grants.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.025 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2243 At its core, this bill is about con- undercut them because they don’t pay many, many pieces of legislation. We tractor and grant recipient account- their taxes—it is just not fair. don’t always agree, but I think the ability with taxpayer dollars. Whether Further, many fulfill dangerous mis- tone and tenor that is happening in the we like it or not, the law requires we sions, invest in cutting-edge tech- Oversight and Government Reform pay taxes. We expect the same from nology, and provide assistance for the Committee is going in the right direc- contractors and grant recipients. poor and others in need. tion. To give you some perspective on how Contractors who do not play by the We have worked well with our staff. much money we are talking about, the rules should be held accountable. That wouldn’t happen without the Federal Government spends about $1 Unfortunately, despite our past ef- leadership of the ranking member, Mr. trillion annually on contracts and forts, we haven’t been able to get this CUMMINGS, and I do appreciate it. grants, $1 trillion on just contracts and bill over the finish line. I hope the We have voted for this bill unani- grants. House will again support this bill, as it mously in the past. It is a new Con- Most recently, in fiscal year 2014, the did in the year 2013, and that the Sen- gress with new Members, but I would Federal Government spent $444 billion ate will finally bring this bill up and encourage this passage today. on contracts and $591 billion on grants. pass it as they should. Hopefully, this I believe in the spirit in which the That is a lot of money and demands a Congress will be a bit different. President and previously Senator lot of tax compliance. I urge my colleagues to support H.R. Obama has urged that Congress act on Over the years, the GAO—the Gov- 1562. this issue. It is imperative that we act ernment Accountability Office—has Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of on this issue today, hopeful, with pas- identified thousands of Federal con- my time. sage, that we would get the Senate to Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield tractors with substantial amounts of act as well. We are talking about bil- myself such time as I may consume. unpaid taxes. lions of dollars of taxpayer money. It is I rise in strong support of H.R. 1562, Here are a few examples given to us the fair and right thing to do. I urge the Contracting and Tax Account- by the GAO. Tens of thousands of re- the passage of this bill. cipients of Federal grant and direct as- ability Act. This bill is nearly identical to a bill Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance sistance programs collectively owed introduced in the last two Congresses of my time. more than $790 million in Federal taxes The SPEAKER pro tempore. The by Chairman CHAFFETZ and is very as of September 2006. similar to legislation reported by the question is on the motion offered by Approximately 27,000 defense con- Oversight Committee and passed by the the gentleman from Utah (Mr. tractors owed about $3 billion; 33,000 ci- House in the 110th Congress. I sup- CHAFFETZ) that the House suspend the vilian agency contractors owed roughly ported this legislation each time it has rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1562. $3.3 billion, and 3,800 General Services been introduced, and I continue to sup- The question was taken. Administration contractors owed about port it today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the $1.4 billion in unpaid taxes. We are The Government Accountability Of- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being talking about roughly $7.7 billion in fice has reported that government con- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. uncollected taxes. tractors owed more than $5 billion in Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, on At least 3,700 Recovery Act contract unpaid Federal taxes in 2004 and 2005. that I demand the yeas and nays. and grant recipients owed more than Unpaid taxes owed by contractors in- The yeas and nays were ordered. $750 million in known unpaid Federal clude payroll taxes—amounts required The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- taxes while receiving over $24 billion in to be withheld from employee wages— ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Recovery Act funds. We have 3,700 con- as well as corporate income taxes. ceedings on this motion will be post- tractors that already owe $750 million; GAO has also found that some con- poned. and what do we do? We gave them $24 tractors with unpaid tax debts are re- f billion in additional contracts. peat offenders that have failed to pay GAO also found contractors were not FEDERAL EMPLOYEE TAX their taxes over many years, including paying payroll taxes or owed substan- ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2015 one case for almost 20 years. tial property or other assets and still— This legislation will allow the Fed- Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I move still—didn’t pay their taxes. eral Government to make sure that to suspend the rules and pass the bill For example, under a VA-HHS con- contractors seeking to do business with (H.R. 1563) to amend title 5, United tract for healthcare-related services, a the Federal Government have paid States Code, to provide that individ- contractor was paid more than $100,000 their taxes before they can receive a uals having seriously delinquent tax in Federal funds. The contractor also Federal contract. debts shall be ineligible for Federal had an unpaid tax debt of more than The Federal acquisition regulation employment, and for other purposes, as $18 million. The owner was purchasing was revised in 2008 to require contrac- amended. multimillion dollar properties and un- tors to certify that they do not owe a The Clerk read the title of the bill. related luxury vehicles while not fully delinquent tax debt to the Federal Gov- The text of the bill is as follows: paying its payroll taxes. It goes on and ernment. This bill builds on that re- H.R. 1563 on. quirement by providing Federal agen- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- The tax accountability problem has cies the means to verify contractors’ resentatives of the United States of America in become a potential national security claims. Congress assembled, problem. In 2014, the GAO found 83,000 This legislation will also ensure that SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. Department of Defense employees and responsible contractors no longer have This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Federal Em- contractors who held or were eligible to compete with tax delinquents. ployee Tax Accountability Act of 2015’’. for security clearances had unpaid Fed- I would just like to reiterate that I SEC. 2. INELIGIBILITY OF NONCOMPLIANT TAX- eral tax debt totaling more than $730 fully support the legislation. It is im- PAYERS FOR FEDERAL EMPLOY- MENT. million. perative that we ensure that all con- (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 73 of title 5, Now, not all contractors are tax tractors that are doing business with cheats; the vast majority do pay their United States Code, is amended by adding at the government have complied with the end the following: taxes on time and in full. Those who their tax obligations. I believe this bill fail to satisfy their tax debt have a ‘‘SUBCHAPTER VIII—INELIGIBILITY OF does just that. NONCOMPLIANT TAXPAYERS FOR FED- cost advantage over those who do pay I urge all of our Members to support ERAL EMPLOYMENT their taxes. the legislation. ‘‘§ 7381. Definitions You are competing for Federal con- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance tracts; you are competing for grants. ‘‘For purposes of this subchapter— of my time. ‘‘(1) The term ‘seriously delinquent tax Some pay taxes; some don’t. Who do Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield debt’ means a Federal tax liability that has you think is going to give the lowest myself such time as I may consume. been assessed by the Secretary of the Treas- price and potentially get the next I want to reiterate my pleasure in ury under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 grant or contract? The person who can working with both sides of the aisle on and may be collected by the Secretary by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.053 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 levy or by a proceeding in court, except that ‘‘(1) request that the employee or applicant The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- such term does not include— execute and submit a form authorizing the ant to the rule, the gentleman from ‘‘(A) a debt that is being paid in a timely Secretary of the Treasury to disclose to the Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) and the gen- manner pursuant to an agreement under sec- head of the agency information limited to tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) tion 6159 or section 7122 of such Code; describing whether— ‘‘(B) a debt with respect to which a collec- ‘‘(A) the employee or applicant has a seri- each will control 20 minutes. tion due process hearing under section 6330 ously delinquent tax debt; or The Chair recognizes the gentleman of such Code, or relief under subsection (a), ‘‘(B) there is a final administrative or judi- from Utah. (b), or (f) of section 6015 of such Code, is re- cial determination that such employee or ap- GENERAL LEAVE quested or pending; plicant committed any act described under Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask ‘‘(C) a debt with respect to which a contin- section 7385(b); and unanimous consent that all Members ‘‘(2) request that the Secretary of the uous levy has been issued under section 6331 may have 5 legislative days in which to of such Code (or, in the case of an applicant Treasury disclose any information so author- for employment, a debt with respect to ized to be disclosed. revise and extend their remarks and to which the applicant agrees to be subject to ‘‘(c) AUTHORIZATION FORM.—The Secretary include extraneous materials on the such a levy); and of the Treasury shall make available to all bill under consideration. ‘‘(D) a debt with respect to which such a agencies a standard form for the authoriza- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there levy is released under section 6343(a)(1)(D) of tion described in subsection (b)(1). objection to the request of the gen- ‘‘(d) NEGATIVE CONSIDERATION.—The head such Code; of an agency, in considering an individual’s tleman from Utah? ‘‘(2) the term ‘employee’ means an em- application for employment or in making an There was no objection. ployee in or under an agency, including an employee appraisal or evaluation, shall give Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield individual described in sections 2104(b) and negative consideration to a refusal or failure myself such time as I may consume. 2105(e); and to comply with a request under subsection Let me be clear right away. We have ‘‘(3) the term ‘agency’ means— (b)(1). ‘‘(A) an Executive agency; got great Federal workers. They care; ‘‘(B) the United States Postal Service; ‘‘§ 7384. Confidentiality they are patriotic; they work hard, but ‘‘(C) the Postal Regulatory Commission; ‘‘Neither the head nor any other employee we have got a few that are bad apples. and of an agency may— We have got to give the tools necessary ‘‘(D) an employing authority in the legisla- ‘‘(1) use any information furnished under to the leadership within the adminis- tive branch. the provisions of this subchapter for any pur- pose other than the administration of this tration to do what is right and, if nec- ‘‘§ 7382. Ineligibility for employment subchapter; essary, allow them latitude to let those ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection ‘‘(2) make any publication whereby the in- people go. (c), any individual who has a seriously delin- formation furnished by or with respect to We voted on a similar bill years ago quent tax debt shall be ineligible to be ap- any particular individual under this sub- before I got into Congress. We gave this pointed or to continue serving as an em- chapter can be identified; or right and authority. We gave it to the ployee. ‘‘(3) permit anyone who is not an employee ‘‘(b) DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT.—The head IRS. Guess what, the IRS has the best of such agency to examine or otherwise have tax compliance in all Federal Govern- of each agency shall take appropriate meas- access to any such information. ures to ensure that each individual applying ment—who would have thought. for employment with such agency shall be ‘‘§ 7385. Adverse actions for employees who I was pleased to see that Congress- understate taxes or fail to file required to submit (as part of the application man STENY HOYER voted for that piece ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.— for employment) certification that such indi- of legislation, that Congressman ELI- vidual does not have any seriously delin- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to subsection (c) JAH CUMMINGS voted for that legisla- quent tax debt. and paragraph (2) of this subsection, the ‘‘(c) REGULATIONS.—The Office of Personnel head of an agency may take any personnel tion. Management, in consultation with the Inter- action against an employee of such agency if We want to take that same power, nal Revenue Service, shall, for purposes of there is a final administrative or judicial de- that same right that we gave the IRS carrying out this section with respect to the termination that such employee committed years ago because it worked—it executive branch, promulgate any regula- any act described under subsection (b). worked—and we want to give that to tions which the Office considers necessary, ‘‘(2) PERSONNEL ACTIONS.—In paragraph (1), the other departments and agencies. except that such regulations shall provide the term ‘personnel action’ includes separa- tion but does not include administrative Now, there are a lot of exceptions; for the following: there are a lot of ways to get out of ‘‘(1) All applicable due process rights, af- leave or any other type of paid leave without forded by chapter 75 and any other provision duty or charge to leave. this, but the basic principle is true. of law, shall apply with respect to a deter- ‘‘(b) ACTS.—The acts referred to under sub- One, Federal workers do a better job of mination under this section that an appli- section (a)(1) are— paying their taxes than the general cant is ineligible to be appointed or that an ‘‘(1) willful failure to file any return of tax public, and we should pat them on the employee is ineligible to continue serving. required under the Internal Revenue Code of back, and we should recognize them for 1986, unless such failure is due to reasonable ‘‘(2) Before any such determination is that; but, two, when you do have a few given effect with respect to an individual, cause and not to willful neglect; or ‘‘(2) willful understatement of Federal tax bad apples, you have got to allow lead- the individual shall be afforded 180 days to ership the ability to let those people go demonstrate that such individual’s debt is liability, unless such understatement is due one described in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), to reasonable cause and not to willful ne- if they continue to thumb their nose at or (D) of section 7381(a)(1). glect. the system and the taxpayers. ‘‘(c) PROCEDURE.—Under regulations pre- ‘‘(3) An employee may continue to serve, in We just heard testimony from the scribed by the Office of Personnel Manage- a situation involving financial hardship, if DEA: I can’t fire anybody, even though ment, an employee subject to a personnel ac- the continued service of such employee is in tion under this section shall be entitled to they were engaged in some very nefar- the best interests of the United States, as de- the procedures provided under sections 7513 ious activity. termined on a case-by-case basis. or 7543, as applicable.’’. We heard the administrator of the ‘‘(d) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—The Director (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The analysis EPA say: I can’t let anybody go, even of the Office of Personnel Management shall for chapter 73 of title 5, United States Code, report annually to Congress on the number though the person is watching 4 hours is amended by adding at the end the fol- of porn a day. of exemptions requested and the number of lowing: exemptions granted under subsection (c)(3). Four hours a day, they couldn’t fire ‘‘SUBCHAPTER VIII—INELIGIBILITY OF NON- them. Let’s give them some latitude ‘‘§ 7383. Review of public records COMPLIANT TAXPAYERS FOR FEDERAL EM- because we have a test case. It has ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Each agency shall pro- PLOYMENT worked. We want tax compliance. vide for such reviews of public records as the ‘‘7381. Definitions. head of such agency considers appropriate to ‘‘7382. Ineligibility for employment. The President’s fiscal year 2016 budg- determine if a notice of lien has been filed ‘‘7383. Review of public records. et asks American taxpayers to spend pursuant to section 6323 of the Internal Rev- ‘‘7384. Confidentiality. $275 billion to pay Federal workers an enue Code of 1986 with respect to an em- ‘‘7385. Adverse actions for employees who average salary of more than $78,000; yet ployee of or an applicant for employment understate taxes or fail to the IRS reports that more than 100,000 file.’’. with such agency. Federal civilian employees owed more ‘‘(b) ADDITIONAL REQUESTS.—If a notice of SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. lien is discovered under subsection (a) with This Act and the amendments made by than $1 billion in unpaid Federal in- respect to an employee or applicant for em- this Act shall take effect 9 months after the come taxes in 2014—more than $1 bil- ployment, the agency may— date of enactment of this Act. lion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.023 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2245 b 1530 The bill demonstrates a simple prin- same as the measure from last Con- Now, there are lots of reasons people ciple: individuals collecting Federal gress. It would require Federal agen- can’t do that. There are people who salaries funded by taxpayers have to cies to fire Federal employees who are need to have their wages garnished, follow the rules and pay their taxes. delinquent in paying their taxes. and they are. There are people who are Those charged with the stewardship Everyone, including Federal employ- disputing what the IRS said. Again, of our Federal resources and programs ees, should pay their taxes. There is no this bill doesn’t affect those people. should not be delinquent in their taxes. argument on that. My Republican col- The adjudication process continues on, As all Americans file their taxes today, leagues seem to believe that there is a and this bill doesn’t affect those peo- so should Federal employees, and most serious problem with Federal employ- ple. As a last resort, we need a tool of them do—in fact, at better rates ees not paying their taxes and that it that the IRS has for its employees. We than civilians do. requires a legislative fix. There is not, and the chairman, I think, admitted need that tool for the other depart- Last month, in testimony before the that. ments and agencies because, like it or committee, the GAO warned Congress of tens of thousands of Federal employ- Last Congress, after committee con- not, the law requires that we pay taxes. sideration, former committee chair- Five years ago, President Obama di- ees who were eligible for security man—Chairman ISSA—and I sought in- rected his administration to crack clearances but who still had unpaid tax formation from the IRS on their rules down on tax cheats. It was specifically debts. I would argue that that is a po- and procedures regarding debt collec- targeting and discussing contractors, tential security risk. It shows a vulner- tions, options for resolving delin- but I would argue that the same prin- ability. quencies, and payment options. With- ciple for contractors should be in place During the hearing, Members dis- cussed the IRS employees’ high rate of out waiting for these answers, the Re- for Federal employees. How can you publican leadership rushed this bill to look the contractors and the employees tax compliance. From 2009 to 2013, IRS employees had the floor. During this Congress, we in the eyes and say, Well, we have got were able to obtain valuable informa- a 0.8 percent delinquency rate com- two totally different standards of prin- tion from the IRS which the Repub- pared to 3.3 percent for civilian work- ciples? The principle is the same—pay licans have chosen to ignore by bring- ers throughout the government. your taxes, and there is not a problem. ing this legislation to the floor. The IRS Restructuring and Reform If you are in trouble and if you are try- The IRS has a mechanism in place al- ing to get out of it, not a problem. We Act of 1998, which, again, Mr. HOYER, ready to recoup funds from Federal em- will work with you. Yet, for those of Mr. CUMMINGS, and a host of other peo- ployees who fail to pay their taxes. It you who are just screwing over the ple voted in favor of, requires the re- is known as the Federal Payment Levy American taxpayer, bye-bye. You can’t moval of IRS employees who are found Program. Under this program, the IRS even apply. to have willfully failed to have filed can impose a continuous levy on Fed- The President said: their tax returns and who have will- eral salaries and pensions up to 15 per- All across this country, there are people fully understated their Federal tax li- cent until the debt is paid. The IRS can who meet their obligations each and every abilities. day. You do your jobs. You support your initiate additional levies in cases when The House passed the conference re- it determines that it is appropriate to families. You pay the taxes you owe—be- port for this bill by a vote of 402–8. cause it’s a fundamental responsibility of do so. Data from the IRS shows that all citizenship. Overwhelming. I have never heard an- Federal employees who owe taxes and other Member complain that the IRS I totally and wholeheartedly agree. who do not qualify for financial hard- The Federal Employee Tax Account- has this provision in place. Let’s even ship exemptions or who are not in- ability Act makes individuals with se- the playing field. Let’s give that same volved in bankruptcy, litigation, or riously delinquent tax debt ineligible tool to the rest of the Federal Govern- pending offers in compromise are sub- for Federal employment. It is defined ment. Don’t give it just to the IRS. ject to having their wages levied. That as an outstanding Federal tax debt Give it to the Department of Defense. can happen today. that has been assessed and may be col- Give it to the other departments and Since the start of the levy program, lected by levy or court proceeding. The agencies because the financial results the IRS has been extremely successful legislation does not affect employees of that work. in recovering delinquent taxes from who are working to settle their tax dis- This bill makes Federal workers sub- Federal employees. According to the putes or resolving outstanding liabil- ject to the same standard as that for IRS, the levy program has collected ities. IRS employees. Not all Federal work- over $5 billion since 2000. These facts I want to also remind everybody that ers are tax cheats. This is not about indicate that the IRS is succeeding in the committee and I, as the prime politics. I appreciate the good work recovering delinquent taxes in 100 per- sponsor, accepted every Democrat that has gone on in this bill. Unfortu- cent or in nearly all cases involving amendment that was offered—100 per- nately, despite past efforts, we have Federal employees. The fact is that the cent. not been able to get this bill over the IRS has confirmed that it does not Several other safeguards are carved finish line. I hope the House will again have a problem in collecting delin- out in the bill, including provisions of- support the bill, as it did in 2012, and quent taxes from Federal employees. fered by the minority in the previous that the Senate will act on this bill. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, I do not see a Congresses. With that, I reserve the balance of problem with the government’s ability Individuals are provided full due my time. to recover delinquent taxes from Fed- process rights and have an additional Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield eral employees. 180 days to demonstrate their debts myself such time as I may consume. I do not understand why, despite this meet one of the exemptions of the bill. I rise in strong opposition to H.R. fact, we are debating this measure on That was, I believe, offered by Con- 1563, the Federal Employee Tax Ac- the floor today. According to the IRS, gressman LYNCH. We accepted it. We countability Act of 2015. the 2014 tax compliance rate for the thought we would get broader support The bill seeks to resolve a problem of Federal community was 97 percent. because of it, and we would hope we tax compliance that simply does not This is higher than the 95 percent tax would today. exist—a fact confirmed by the Internal compliance rate for Members and staffs The bill also provides a financial Revenue Service. This measure is based of the House of Representatives. It is hardship exemption if the individual’s on ideology rather than on facts, and it also much higher than the 91 percent service is in the best interest of the will perpetuate a negative image of compliance rate for the general public. United States. The person who is lead- Federal workers. This legislation is designed to de- ing that department or agency still has This legislation is very similar to monize Federal employees rather than discretion. If he says, It is in the best H.R. 249, introduced in the last Con- to help the government recoup delin- interest, in my judgment, for the gress, which I opposed in committee quent taxes. It is interesting to note United States to continue to have this and on this House floor. I remain op- that we want to collect the taxes, but person serve, he is allowed to continue posed to this legislation because the we will never get them if we fire peo- to serve. purpose and intent of the bill is the ple. In fact, the Congressional Budget

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.057 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Office concluded that these proposals ing their taxes,’’ for whatever reason it included in that definition? The an- would increase costs, by the way, to may be, it paints in a bad light the swer? The gentleman is shaking his the taxpayers. Let me repeat. The CBO hundreds of thousands of Federal work- head, saying no. Yet the Congress as an determined that these provisions would ers who do everything right and on institution has a lower rate of paying, actually increase costs. That is because time. some 95 percent as opposed to 97 per- it would require agencies to spend time Mr. Speaker, I think that what we cent, of Federal employees. and resources in reviewing public must do is not only address this for the What is this all about? This is about, records to find tax liens filed against integrity of the American people but frankly, saying government is bad and current or prospective employees even address it for the integrity and the the people who work for them aren’t so though the gains would be minimal. spirit of those Federal workers as well. hot either. Now, I don’t think the gen- Keep in mind that we already have a Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield tleman from Utah thinks that is the process to levy these funds that might myself such time as I may consume. message. I understand that. The gen- be delinquent. Again, I want somebody to answer tleman is my friend. I like him. He is a For these reasons and more, I urge for me: How do you get the money from bright and able fellow. But that is the my colleagues to join me in opposing somebody who is fired, who has no job? message we are sending. It’s a bad mes- this measure. With that, I yield to the gentleman sage. I reserve the balance of my time. from Maryland (Mr. HOYER), my friend. I will tell you, I represent 62,000 Fed- Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I am Mr. HOYER. I thank the gentleman eral employees, and I tell all of them pleased to yield 3 minutes to the gen- for yielding. and all the unions, if they are not per- tleman from North Carolina (Mr. Mr. Speaker, the ranking member forming their job, if they are watching MEADOWS). said this was a bill to solve a non- television 4 hours a day, they ought to Mr. MEADOWS. I thank the chair- existent problem. Everybody ought to be fired. I will support the gentleman man for his leadership on this par- pay their taxes—everybody. Everybody in that effort because we ought to de- ticular issue. ought to pay their taxes. Now, if you mand performance, and that is why we Mr. Speaker, I think it is important are really rich, you can find an ac- have, in the IRS Code, you can take to talk about what this bill is and what countant who can find you about every the salary if they are not paying their it is not. loophole there is that we have given. taxes. That is not true of any other When we talk about tax compliance, You want to have a bill on the floor employee in America. You have got to it becomes very easy to focus on those closing loopholes. go through a legal process, et cetera, et hardship cases, very easy to focus, as cetera, as you should. b 1545 the gentleman opposite just talked So I would urge my colleagues to de- about, on that 3 to 5 percent, depending The chairman admits that Federal feat this bill, as we did in the last Con- on which agency you are talking about. employees pay their taxes voluntarily gress on suspension, and yes, tell all of This bill is really not about those with and correctly at a higher percentage our employees, ‘‘You need to pay your hardship cases, as there is already an than the general public. Should every taxes,’’ and make sure if they don’t, exemption there. This bill is not about one of them pay? Should it be 100 per- IRS gets their fees; and if they are not trying to penalize Federal workers. It cent? The chairman is right; it should performing their task and it under- is really about fairness, Mr. Speaker. be 100 percent. mines their performance, then we Why is it fair that 97 percent in some The gentleman from North Carolina ought to subject them, just as every agency—94 and 95 in others—pay their talks about our Federal employees, and other employee, to being removed, but taxes on time, and yet we continue to they ought to be treated correctly. We not simply to say, arbitrarily, this em- give others a free pass? are their board of directors. I will tell ployee, these employees, our employ- My friend opposite would many times you, folks, if any board of directors of ees, America’s employees, will be suggest, Oh, well, they are complying any large corporation in America treated more harshly than the Amer- better than this group and that group; treated its employees the way we treat ican people and the American workers but we need to look no further than the them, they would all quit, and the around this country are treated. Treat IRS because the IRS implemented a company would go bankrupt, because them the same. That is fair. That is different standard within their agency. we treat our Federal employees very what they hope for. Guess what happened, Mr. Speaker? poorly—very poorly. We shut down government for 16 Their compliance went way up. They The general public, of course, thinks days, sent our employees home. The have one of the best records, that we they are loafing and they are not work- gentleman from North Carolina talked get to oversee, with the Federal em- ing hard and this, that, and the other, about there are some bad cir- ployees. and that is wrong. We have the best cumstances for some people: they have When we started to look at this, the civil service in the world. got to pay a mortgage payment or a chairman was very careful to make This does convey the message that rent payment or a car payment or a sure that hardship cases—the ones that somehow you are not doing what you college tuition. We sent them home all of our hearts go out to when people are supposed to do. I know the gen- and we said: We are not paying you. We have family situations that preclude tleman gets up and says this is a very came back later and we said: Oh, no, them from being able to pay their small percentage. When a Member of we are going to pay you. But we caused taxes on a timely basis—are an exemp- Congress doesn’t pay his taxes and he them a great deal of angst. tion. Yet I would say, whether it is gets indicted and he has to quit this I will tell you this: that is not the Congress or whether it is the Federal body, it besmirches all of us. way to treat people. We didn’t send employees, we are held to a different The gentleman from Maryland is ab- them home because we didn’t have the standard because we are paid with the solutely correct. It has not been men- money to pay for them. We didn’t send hard-working American taxpayers’ dol- tioned, but there is a provision in law them home because America was bank- lars. It is a higher standard than the that allows the IRS to go in and take rupt. We sent them home because we private sector’s. It is difficult for us to the salary of Federal employees. That disagreed with a policy the President acknowledge that, but we are under the is what the gentleman is talking about. was pursuing or we wanted to repeal scrutiny that we should be because we Unlike the private sector, where you the Affordable Care Act, over which have the authority to tax and spend. have to go through a lot of rigmarole— they had no control. But we sent them When you have both of those authori- properly so, to protect the taxpayer— home without pay. Very frankly, those ties, Mr. Speaker, it is a different the Federal employee is subjected to who were critical employees we kept standard. the IRS having special authority going working, but we didn’t pay them. What I, for one, can tell you that, from the and taking part of their salary. way is that to run any organization, Federal employees’ standpoint, it is all Now, by the way, this mentions Fed- much less the greatest country on the about making sure that we are fair to eral employees. I don’t know whether face of the Earth? them. What happens is, when the head- the ranking member knows the answer I urge my colleagues, show respect line is ‘‘Federal employees are not pay- to this, but are Members of Congress and fairness to those who work for our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.058 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2247 country in the civil service of our ment. In fact, we accepted 100 percent, Mr. HOYER. I would hope the gen- country. Reject this legislation. Vote every amendment that was offered by tleman would make it very, very clear ‘‘no.’’ the Democrats. We accepted them. We he is not making an analogy between Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I re- accepted them. the two instances that he cited for fir- serve the balance of my time. I want to tackle a couple other ing, on which I would agree with him, Mr. CHAFFETZ. I yield myself such things. and a Federal employee, for whatever time as I may consume. Mr. HOYER. I don’t think I got the reason, says: Mr. MEADOWS may not Mr. Speaker, we have heard speeches answer to the private sector employ- have paid his taxes. Certainly the gen- on this floor about fairness, about ees. tleman is not making an analogy be- treating them the same. I will remind Mr. CHAFFETZ. Fair enough. tween the two instances he cited and Members that on June 25, 1998, the IRS Reclaiming my time, since I didn’t the latter, I hope; because if he is, he is Restructuring and Reform Act—which yield it, but reclaiming my time, I doing exactly what I think this bill Mr. HOYER, Mr. CUMMINGS, and others said, clearly, I don’t think this should does. voted in favor of—gave this same power be part of the private sector. I think Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, may I and authority to the IRS, gave them working for the Federal Government is inquire how much time is remaining on the same authority and power. Why not a privilege, it is an honor, and I take each side? treat them equally and fairly? Why not great exception, Mr. Speaker, to the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- idea and the notion that we treat Fed- treat them exactly the same as the IRS tleman from Maryland has 71⁄2 minutes employees? Why are the IRS employees eral workers so poorly that if we were remaining. The gentleman from Utah a company everybody would quit. Well, treated so unfairly? has 41⁄2 minutes remaining. Other Members that are standing they can quit. They don’t. You look at Mr. CUMMINGS. I yield 21⁄2 minutes here on this floor today voted in favor the turnover rate in the private sector to the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. of that bill. So it was okay back then, versus the turnover rate in the Federal CONNOLLY). just gave it to them. Guess what; tax Government, we treat them pretty Mr. CONNOLLY. I thank my friend compliance went up. darn well. from Maryland. I take issue with this quote, ‘‘ide- Can we do things better? Yes. Part of ology rather than facts.’’ The facts are, that is weeding out the bad apples. If Mr. Speaker, we have heard some every single year the number of Fed- you are sitting there watching pornog- words here on the floor describing this eral employees not paying their Fed- raphy on your computer 4 hours a day, bill as simply actually a bill to protect eral taxes has gone up. In fact, in 2008, then you should be fired. If you are a Federal workers who are in compliance we roughly didn’t collect $962 million; DEA agent down serving in Colombia from that small percentage who aren’t. in 2014, $1.14 billion. and you have sex slaves coming before We had a hearing today in the Sub- If you pay your taxes, you are trying you paid by them, then you should fire committee on Government Operations to pay your taxes, you don’t have a them. If you are a Federal worker of the committee of which Mr. problem. But if you want to be fair, if thumbing your nose at the Federal CHAFFETZ is full committee chair, and you want to be the same, if you want Government, not paying your taxes, I asked the question of the tax advo- to treat them equally, then give the then you should be eligible to be fired cate of the IRS: How would you charac- other departments and agencies the by the supervisor. That supervisor, terize 97 percent compliance when the same power that we gave the IRS. don’t we trust them to make that deci- broad public compliance with tax com- Mr. HOYER. Will the gentleman sion and say: You know what? This per- pliance is 83 to 86 percent? So how yield? son is so vital, they do such good work, would you characterize 97 percent? The Mr. CHAFFETZ. I yield to the gen- we are going to keep them? answer was: Extraordinary. tleman from Maryland. But you know what? 24,833 Federal This is a solution in search of a prob- Mr. HOYER. What other employee in employees didn’t even file a Federal lem, and the protestations to the con- America is subject to being fired be- tax return, didn’t even file one last trary notwithstanding, this is another cause they don’t pay taxes? Does the year. Is that too small a percentage to way—albeit cloaked in respectability gentleman want to include either worry about? How do you look people and sanctimony—of whacking Federal Members of Congress in this bill or all in the eye who are all working in this employees again. We just heard it: private sector employees? room at some government office and scratch the surface, and suddenly they Mr. CHAFFETZ. Reclaiming my they are all paying their taxes, but are all watching pornography; they are time, I appreciate the spirit in which these eight yahoos over here aren’t all sitting around not doing work; they that is asked. I would hope the gen- paying their taxes? are all, in fact, not filing taxes, and tleman would join me in cosponsoring I believe that standing up for the they ought to be fired—let me go H.R. 1564, the Members of Congress Tax Federal workers means, you know through the list of firing offenses—al- Accountability Act. There are con- what, we owe it to all of you that are lowing the impression that this actu- stitutional reasons why we can’t in- doing a good job to make sure that ally characterizes the Federal work- clude them in this provision, but this they are too. If they don’t and they are force. bill has been referred to the Committee not getting good, guess what. A, you My friend, the minority whip, said on House Administration, and I would are not going to be hired, and, B, you that if you were a CEO and managed encourage all Members to get behind are eligible to be fired. your company this way, you would be this because there should be a higher Mr. Speaker, it is exactly what Mr. fired or your company would go out of standard for Members of Congress. HOYER voted for, and it worked. It business. My friend from Utah took ex- That should be more readily available worked. It was a good piece of legisla- ception to that. But for those who say to the public. You should have to dis- tion. It was a good vote. Guess what. we ought to run the Federal Govern- close that liability. Right now, you The IRS now has the highest—less than ment as a private company, what CEO don’t. So I introduced that bill as well. 1 percent of their people don’t pay would keep his or her job who froze I would also argue that Federal em- their Federal taxes. Give that same wages for 3 years; who disparaged his ployees taking taxpayer dollars have a tool to the other departments and workforce as being overcompensated, high standard and that the evidence agencies, and I think we will have even unproductive, lazy, too many of them, that we have—and I have said it re- better compliance, and we can look the and we are going to crack down on you; peatedly, and I know the gentleman American people in the eye and say: go after their benefits and make sure has heard this—Mr. Speaker, Mr. You know what? We are doing every- they are reduced; threaten not to pay HOYER voted in favor of this same bill thing we can. Stop picking on Federal your bills while you are at it? What years ago, and it has worked. I have employees. company would stay in business? What never heard anybody say, ‘‘This is a I reserve the balance of my time. CEO would ever get away with that? problem. We have got to change this. Mr. CUMMINGS. I yield 1 minute to That is what we are doing here. We have got to take it out.’’ I have the gentleman from Maryland (Mr. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The never heard anybody offer an amend- HOYER). time of the gentleman has expired.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.059 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Mr. CUMMINGS. I yield an addi- Ms. NORTON. I thank my good friend Mr. CUMMINGS. I yield 2 minutes to tional 10 seconds to the gentleman for yielding. the gentleman from Massachusetts from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY). Mr. Speaker, let’s put in context (Mr. LYNCH), my good friend. Mr. CONNOLLY. We are disparaging what is happening on this floor today. Mr. LYNCH. I thank the gentleman the Federal workforce. No matter how This is tax day, and what the majority for yielding. you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a does each tax day is pull out tax bills. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposi- pig. Some of them are good bills; some of tion to H.R. 1563, the Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act. b 1600 them have the appearance of every- thing but the kitchen sink. I just want to point out that this is Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I re- There are some Members of their indeed about Federal employees, the mind the gentleman in this room that party who are running for President on Federal Employee Tax Accountability it was President Obama who intro- abolishing the IRS. Well, you can’t Act. It is all about Federal employees. duced the pay freeze. abolish it; so what they are doing is While I have the greatest respect for I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman targeting working people in the Fed- the gentleman from Utah (Mr. from South Carolina (Mr. MULVANEY). eral Government to point out that Re- CHAFFETZ), I remain concerned that Mr. MULVANEY. Mr. Speaker, I was publicans are not asleep on tax day. the practical effect of H.R. 1563 will be in my office watching some of this dia- What the Republican majority is to significantly diminish the privacy logue, and I will pick right up where doing today is a gratuitous, useless, rights of our dedicated Federal work- the gentleman from Virginia just left slap in the face of Federal employees force. off. who apparently do understand that It is important to note that Internal This is not an attack on Federal they have an affirmative duty, even be- Revenue Code section 6103 provides workers. I sat on the subcommittee, yond others, to pay their taxes because that all citizens, for all citizens, Fed- eral tax information—including tax re- Mr. Speaker, when we had the hearing they do so at a rate that is almost turns, annual wage and tax statements, on this issue. This is not an attack on twice that of the general public which and tax penalty notices—is strictly Federal workers. This has absolutely is more than twice that of other Amer- confidential and must remain in the nothing to do with Federal workers icans. trust of only the IRS. It must remain and everything to do with taking care The best that can be said about this in the trust of only the IRS and the in- of the people who pay for those Federal bill is that it is entirely superfluous. It dividual taxpayer. That is it. It is not workers, taking care of the people who does what already can be done. What pay the taxes. open to general knowledge. can be done is this: existing statutory Under this bill, though, tax informa- The story was told of what happened authority gives the Federal Govern- yesterday in the hearing about the tion—which now includes health infor- ment, the IRS, the ability to collect mation because of the Affordable Care DEA. You can accept the services of a Federal, State, and local taxes from all prostitute from a drug lord, let the Act—is all going to be shared among Federal employees. every single Federal agency to take so- drug cartel members watch your guns If federal agencies find that there is a and your cell phone, and still not get called adverse personnel actions delinquent taxpayer, they can already, against one of its employees where the fired. under Federal law, go from counseling It is not an attack on Federal work- agency finds that an individual has to removal for all Federal employees. willfully fallen behind on his or her ers. People back home see that and That is in the law already, my friends. think that we are crazy. They think we taxes or failed to file a return on time. In their wisdom, Congresses in the Now, we have completely blown this are completely nuts and that we do not past have wanted to keep Federal em- know how to run the country. You out. If it is not about Federal employ- ployees paying their taxes until they ees, this is what we are going to do to have to look at that hearing yesterday paid them off, so Congress didn’t cut and think: you know what, they may every American taxpayer. We are basi- off its nose to spite its face by taking cally deputizing the bosses of all these be right. away their jobs as this bill allows. This bill is an attempt to at least try Federal employees to be able to delve They tried something that has into their personal tax information, to send the message back home to peo- worked, the Federal Employee/Retiree ple and make it very clear: if someone their personal healthcare information Delinquency Initiative, which matches that is now held by the IRS. is going to audit you for not paying up Federal employees in all the agen- We are blowing this completely out your taxes, at the very least that per- cies, not just the IRS, with delin- so that we are damaging all of these son will have paid their taxes. quencies so they have their very low Federal employees’ privacy rights, and That is not a slam on Federal work- delinquency rate today. we also present the possibility that, in ers. It is going to the American people The IRS also can levy past the usual the future, this will be done to every who pay the taxes and saying: look, we limit of 15 percent until the govern- American citizen. This is not a good may not do the best we possibly can, ment gets all its money. The IRS have idea. but at least we pay attention to some the discretion to do this for all Federal I think that we have every oppor- things, and we are going to make sure employees, not only IRS employees. tunity to make sure the people pay that the people that are auditing you The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. their taxes. There is a greater compli- are at least following the law that they MOONEY of West Virginia). The time of ance rate among Federal employees are making you follow. the gentlewoman has expired. than there is among the general public. That is not an unreasonable thing to Mr. CUMMINGS. I yield the gentle- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to ask for, and it is certainly not an at- woman an additional 15 seconds. H.R. 1563, the Federal Employee Tax Ac- tack on the larger Federal workforce. Ms. NORTON. Chairman ISSA called countability Act of 2015. While I have the It is simply trying to reaffirm for peo- this bill entirely cosmetic—conceded greatest respect for the gentleman from Utah, ple back home that we are not absurd that this bill was cosmetic when it was Chairman CHAFFETZ, I remain concerned that and that we are not crazy and that we introduced before. the practical effect of H.R. 1563 will be to sig- are not running this country in any If you want to do something about nificantly diminish the privacy rights of our mindless fashion, that we actually do taxes for the American people, stop dedicated Federal workforce. pay attention to what is important to cutting the IRS so that the IRS can Importantly, Internal Revenue code section folks back home. start collecting taxes and cutting the 6103 provides that all federal tax information— If we can’t fire the guys taking the deficit. including tax returns, annual wage and tax prostitutes from the drug lords, maybe Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I have statements, and tax penalty notices—is strictly we can make sure the people doing the no additional speakers, and I reserve confidential and must remain in the trust of audits pay the taxes. That is what this the balance of my time to close. only the Internal Revenue Service and the in- bill is about, which is why it should Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, how dividual taxpayer. Current law therefore pro- pass. much time do I have remaining? hibits any federal agency—other than the Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- I.R.S.—from delving into personal tax informa- 2 minutes to the gentlewoman from the tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) tion to determine an individual’s tax compli- District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON). has 23⁄4 minutes remaining. ance status.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.060 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2249 In stark contrast, H.R. 1563 would authorize another effort to demonize our Federal of the overwhelming majority who are the head of not only the I.R.S. but every fed- employees, and it is very, very sad. patriotic, hard-working, dedicated em- eral agency to take so-called ‘‘adverse per- I urge all Members to vote against ployees, but we are going to get rid of sonnel actions’’ against one of its employees this legislation. the bad apples. where the agency finds that an individual has Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance That is what this bill does. I urge its wilfully fallen behind on his or her taxes or of my time. passage. failed to file a return on time. In order to de- Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance fend yourself against such an adverse per- myself such time as I may consume. of my time. sonnel action under H.R. 1563, you must Here are the facts. I just love it when The SPEAKER pro tempore. The demonstrate that your failure to pay your taxes Washington, D.C., says, Oh, there is no question is on the motion offered by or file a return on time stemmed from a ‘‘rea- problem. We have got a hundred thou- the gentleman from Utah (Mr. sonable cause.’’ sand-plus people—Federal employees— CHAFFETZ) that the House suspend the In other words, this bill deputizes agency who don’t pay about $1.1 billion in rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1563, as administrators, managers, and foremen as taxes. That number is up from $962 mil- amended. bonafide tax investigators—authorizing them lion in 2008. The question was taken. to examine and determine the tax compliance The problem is getting worse, but The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the status of agency employees. In addition, H.R. there is one department, one agency, opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being 1563 essentially requires all federal workers to where it is getting better, where it did in the affirmative, the ayes have it. affirmatively defend their failure to pay taxes improve, and it was in the IRS. We Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, on or file a return on time by requiring them to should pat them on the back. that I demand the yeas and nays. provide agency management with specific and There is one fundamental thing that The yeas and nays were ordered. satisfactory reasons for their non-compliance. we changed. In a bill that was voted on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- If you’re behind on your taxes because you and supported by Mr. CUMMINGS and ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- went through a health care crisis and want to Mr. HOYER and the 400-plus Members of ceedings on this motion will be post- keep your federal job, you’re going to have to this body, the Congress gave the abil- poned. share the details of your medical emergency ity and the authority to the head of the with your employing agency under this bill. If IRS to terminate the employment of f you’re behind on your taxes because you’re one of their workers if they are not going through a divorce but still want to keep paying Federal taxes. HOUR OF MEETING ON TOMORROW working at your federal agency, you’re going Guess what. Now, they have the best tax compliance rate in the Federal Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask to have to disclose the facts surrounding your unanimous consent that when the divorce to your federal manager. Government. Let’s give that same tool to the rest of the departments and House adjourns today, it adjourn to Now, I understand that this bill may seek to meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow. address those rare instances where federal agencies. You know what is a slap in a face to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there bad actors intentionally try to cheat on their objection to the request of the gen- taxes. In practice, however, H.R. 1563 will the Federal worker? When you don’t get rid of the bad apples. When you tleman from Utah? broadly diminish the tax privacy rights of all There was no objection. federal employees. That’s in spite of the 97% have got somebody who is thumbing their nose, not playing by the rules, tax compliance rate for federal workers re- f ported to our committee by the I.R.S. for 2014. not doing what they are supposed to be It’s also in spite of the existing federal pay- doing. Guess what. It goes into the mo- RECESS ment levy program that already allows the rale of the institution. I.R.S. to levy federal salaries and wages in I think, as a Federal employee being The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- order to recover delinquent tax debts in a paid by the taxpayers, one of your fun- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair cost-effective manner. damental responsibilities is to file and declares the House in recess for a pe- Mr. Speaker, I don’t believe that the solution pay your Federal taxes. riod of less than 15 minutes. to achieving 100% tax compliance across the A fact: last year, we had 24,833 people Accordingly (at 4 o’clock and 15 min- federal workforce is to waive the individual pri- who, as Federal employees, didn’t even utes p.m.), the House stood in recess. vacy rights of dedicated federal workers file a return. Can we solve that? Abso- across the board. I urge my colleagues on lutely, we can solve that. We should re- f both sides of the aisle to oppose this legisla- quire it. tion. When somebody goes to fill out an b 1629 Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield application, they should certify that myself such time as I may consume. they are fully compliant with the AFTER RECESS Unfortunately, all that is in this bill taxes. If there is a hardship, if they are The recess having expired, the House is pure symbolism without any sub- in dispute over taxes owed, if their was called to order by the Speaker pro stance, and it is very, very sad. I am spouse gets into problems, if they are tempore (Mr. COLLINS of Georgia) at 4 disappointed to say that the House ma- having their wages garnished, there are o’clock and 29 minutes p.m. jority seems more interested in ide- all of these outs. Even at the finish line, based on an ology and political messaging rather f than facts and evidence. amendment offered by Mr. LYNCH, Here are the facts. There is no prob- which we accepted, you get another 180 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER lem to solve. The IRS confirmed that days to then go forward to your admin- PRO TEMPORE they have no problem collecting delin- istrator or whoever is leading your de- quent taxes from Federal employees. partment and agency and say: I am val- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Federal employees have a much higher uable; I am trying. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, proceedings tax compliance rate than the American Still, the leader can say: Oh, you will resume on the questions pre- public and even Members of Congress know what? I am going to give you a viously postponed. and their staffs. waiver or allow you to continue. Votes will be taken in the following CBO has estimated that implementa- If we don’t give them the authority— order: tion of this measure will actually in- which they have at the IRS—then you Ordering the previous question on H. crease the cost to American taxpayers. limit the tools, and you are not getting Res. 200; adopting H. Res. 200, if or- I, again, ask the question: When rid of the people who are the bad ap- dered; and suspending the rules and somebody is fired and does not have a ples. passing H.R. 1562 and H.R. 1563. job, where does the money come from? We can make sure we get the best The first electronic vote will be con- The fact is that we already have mech- Federal employees but weed out the ducted as a 15-minute vote. Remaining anisms in place to get the money. I do bad apples. I want to see people on both electronic votes will be conducted as 5- believe with all my heart that this is sides of the aisle say: let’s pat the back minute votes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.028 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Messer Roby Thompson (PA) NOT VOTING—8 Mica Roe (TN) Thornberry OF H.R. 622, STATE AND LOCAL Adams Price (NC) Smith (WA) Miller (FL) Rogers (AL) Tiberi Duncan (SC) Richmond SALES TAX DEDUCTION FAIR- Miller (MI) Rogers (KY) Young (AK) Tipton Poliquin Ruiz NESS ACT OF 2015; PROVIDING Moolenaar Rohrabacher Trott Mooney (WV) Rokita FOR CONSIDERATION OF H.R. Turner b 1700 1105, DEATH TAX REPEAL ACT Mullin Rooney (FL) Upton Mulvaney Ros-Lehtinen Valadao Mrs. CAPPS, Messrs. AGUILAR and OF 2015; AND PROVIDING FOR Murphy (PA) Roskam Wagner Neugebauer Ross DOGGETT changed their vote from CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 1195, BU- Walberg Newhouse Rothfus REAU OF CONSUMER FINANCIAL Walden ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ Noem Rouzer Messrs. DENT, MCCLINTOCK, AUS- PROTECTION ADVISORY BOARDS Nugent Royce Walker ACT Nunes Russell Walorski TIN SCOTT of Georgia, and SESSIONS Olson Ryan (WI) Walters, Mimi changed their vote from ‘‘nay’’ to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Palazzo Salmon Weber (TX) ‘‘yea.’’ Webster (FL) finished business is the vote on order- Palmer Sanford So the previous question was ordered. ing the previous question on the reso- Paulsen Scalise Wenstrup Pearce Schweikert Westerman The result of the vote was announced lution (H. Res. 200) providing for con- Perry Scott, Austin Westmoreland as above recorded. sideration of the bill (H.R. 622) to Pittenger Sensenbrenner Whitfield The SPEAKER pro tempore. The amend the Internal Revenue Code of Pitts Sessions Williams question is on the resolution. 1986 to make permanent the deduction Poe (TX) Shimkus Wilson (SC) Pompeo Shuster Wittman The question was taken; and the of State and local general sales taxes; Posey Simpson Womack Speaker pro tempore announced that providing for consideration of the bill Price, Tom Smith (MO) Woodall the ayes appeared to have it. (H.R. 1105) to amend the Internal Rev- Ratcliffe Smith (NE) Yoder Reed RECORDED VOTE Smith (NJ) Yoho enue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate Reichert Smith (TX) Young (IA) Mr. POLIS. Mr. Speaker, I demand a and generation-skipping transfer taxes, Renacci Stefanik Young (IN) recorded vote. and for other purposes; and providing Ribble Stewart Zeldin A recorded vote was ordered. for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1195) Rice (SC) Stivers Rigell Stutzman Zinke The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a to amend the Consumer Financial Pro- 5-minute vote. tection Act of 2010 to establish advi- NAYS—183 The vote was taken by electronic de- sory boards, and for other purposes, on Aguilar Fudge Nadler vice, and there were—ayes 242, noes 182, which the yeas and nays were ordered. Ashford Gabbard Napolitano not voting 7, as follows: The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Bass Gallego Neal Beatty Garamendi Nolan [Roll No. 155] tion. Becerra Graham Norcross AYES—242 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bera Grayson O’Rourke question is on ordering the previous Beyer Green, Al Pallone Abraham Farenthold Kline question. Bishop (GA) Green, Gene Pascrell Aderholt Fincher Knight Blumenauer Grijalva Payne Allen Fitzpatrick Labrador ´ The vote was taken by electronic de- Bonamici Gutierrez Pelosi Amash Fleischmann LaMalfa Boyle, Brendan Hahn Amodei Fleming Lamborn vice, and there were—yeas 240, nays Perlmutter F. Hastings Babin Flores Lance Peters 183, not voting 8, as follows: Brady (PA) Heck (WA) Barletta Forbes Latta Peterson [Roll No. 154] Brown (FL) Higgins Barr Fortenberry LoBiondo Pingree Brownley (CA) Himes Barton Foxx Long YEAS—240 Bustos Hinojosa Pocan Benishek Franks (AZ) Loudermilk Abraham Denham Huelskamp Butterfield Honda Polis Bilirakis Frelinghuysen Love Aderholt Dent Huizenga (MI) Capps Hoyer Quigley Bishop (UT) Garrett Lucas Allen DeSantis Hultgren Capuano Huffman Rangel Black Gibbs Luetkemeyer Amash DesJarlais Hunter Ca´ rdenas Israel Rice (NY) Blackburn Gibson Lummis Amodei Diaz-Balart Hurd (TX) Carney Jackson Lee Roybal-Allard Blum Gohmert MacArthur Babin Dold Hurt (VA) Carson (IN) Jeffries Ruppersberger Bost Goodlatte Marchant Barletta Duffy Issa Cartwright Johnson (GA) Rush Boustany Gosar Marino Barr Duncan (TN) Jenkins (KS) Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Ryan (OH) Brady (TX) Gowdy Massie Barton Ellmers (NC) Jenkins (WV) Castro (TX) Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda Brat Granger McCarthy Benishek Emmer (MN) Johnson (OH) Chu, Judy Keating T. Bridenstine Graves (GA) McCaul Bilirakis Farenthold Johnson, Sam Cicilline Kelly (IL) Sanchez, Loretta Brooks (AL) Graves (LA) McClintock Bishop (MI) Fincher Jolly Clark (MA) Kennedy Sarbanes Brooks (IN) Graves (MO) McHenry Bishop (UT) Fitzpatrick Jones Clarke (NY) Kildee Schakowsky Buchanan Griffith McKinley Black Fleischmann Jordan Clay Kilmer Schiff Buck Grothman McMorris Blackburn Fleming Joyce Cleaver Kind Schrader Bucshon Guinta Rodgers Blum Flores Katko Clyburn Kirkpatrick Scott (VA) Burgess Guthrie McSally Bost Forbes Kelly (PA) Cohen Kuster Scott, David Byrne Hanna Meadows Boustany Fortenberry King (IA) Connolly Langevin Serrano Calvert Hardy Meehan Brady (TX) Foxx King (NY) Conyers Larsen (WA) Sewell (AL) Carter (GA) Harper Messer Brat Franks (AZ) Kinzinger (IL) Cooper Larson (CT) Sherman Carter (TX) Harris Mica Bridenstine Frelinghuysen Kline Costa Lawrence Sinema Chabot Hartzler Miller (FL) Brooks (AL) Garrett Knight Courtney Lee Sires Chaffetz Heck (NV) Miller (MI) Brooks (IN) Gibbs Labrador Crowley Levin Slaughter Clawson (FL) Hensarling Moolenaar Buchanan Gibson LaMalfa Cuellar Lewis Speier Coffman Herrera Beutler Mooney (WV) Buck Gohmert Lamborn Cummings Lieu, Ted Swalwell (CA) Cole Hice, Jody B. Mullin Bucshon Goodlatte Lance Davis (CA) Lipinski Collins (GA) Hill Takai Mulvaney Burgess Gosar Latta Davis, Danny Loebsack Collins (NY) Holding Murphy (PA) Takano Byrne Gowdy LoBiondo DeFazio Lofgren Comstock Hudson Neugebauer Thompson (CA) Calvert Granger Long DeGette Lowenthal Conaway Huelskamp Newhouse Thompson (MS) Carter (GA) Graves (GA) Loudermilk Delaney Lowey Cook Huizenga (MI) Noem Titus Carter (TX) Graves (LA) Love DeLauro Lujan Grisham Costello (PA) Hultgren Nugent Tonko Chabot Graves (MO) Lucas DelBene (NM) Cramer Hunter Nunes Chaffetz Griffith Luetkemeyer DeSaulnier Luja´ n, Ben Ray Torres Crawford Hurd (TX) Olson Clawson (FL) Grothman Lummis Deutch (NM) Tsongas Crenshaw Hurt (VA) Palazzo Coffman Guinta MacArthur Dingell Lynch Van Hollen Cuellar Issa Palmer Cole Guthrie Marchant Doggett Maloney, Vargas Culberson Jenkins (KS) Paulsen Collins (GA) Hanna Marino Doyle, Michael Carolyn Veasey Curbelo (FL) Jenkins (WV) Pearce Collins (NY) Hardy Massie F. Maloney, Sean Vela Davis, Rodney Johnson (OH) Perry Comstock Harper McCarthy Duckworth Matsui Vela´ zquez Denham Johnson, Sam Pittenger Conaway Harris McCaul Edwards McCollum Visclosky Dent Jolly Pitts Cook Hartzler McClintock Ellison McDermott Walz DeSantis Jones Poe (TX) Costello (PA) Heck (NV) McHenry Engel McGovern Wasserman DesJarlais Jordan Poliquin Cramer Hensarling McKinley Eshoo McNerney Schultz Diaz-Balart Joyce Pompeo Crawford Herrera Beutler McMorris Esty Meeks Waters, Maxine Dold Katko Posey Crenshaw Hice, Jody B. Rodgers Farr Meng Watson Coleman Duffy Kelly (PA) Price, Tom Culberson Hill McSally Fattah Moore Welch Duncan (TN) King (IA) Ratcliffe Curbelo (FL) Holding Meadows Foster Moulton Wilson (FL) Ellmers (NC) King (NY) Reed Davis, Rodney Hudson Meehan Frankel (FL) Murphy (FL) Yarmuth Emmer (MN) Kinzinger (IL) Reichert

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.065 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2251 Renacci Scott, Austin Wagner b 1706 The vote was taken by electronic de- Ribble Sensenbrenner Walberg Rice (SC) Sessions Walden So the resolution was agreed to. vice, and there were—yeas 424, nays 0, Rigell Shimkus Walker The result of the vote was announced not voting 7, as follows: Roby Shuster Walorski Roe (TN) Simpson Walters, Mimi as above recorded. [Roll No. 156] Rogers (AL) Sinema Weber (TX) A motion to reconsider was laid on YEAS—424 Rogers (KY) Smith (MO) Webster (FL) the table. Rohrabacher Smith (NE) Wenstrup Abraham DeGette Hurt (VA) Rokita Smith (NJ) Westerman f Aderholt Delaney Israel Rooney (FL) Smith (TX) Westmoreland Aguilar DeLauro Issa Ros-Lehtinen Stefanik Whitfield REMEMBERING PRESIDENT Allen DelBene Jackson Lee Roskam Stewart Williams ABRAHAM LINCOLN Amash Denham Jeffries Ross Stivers Wilson (SC) Amodei Dent Jenkins (KS) Rothfus Stutzman Wittman (Mr. MCCARTHY asked and was Ashford DeSantis Jenkins (WV) Rouzer Thompson (PA) Womack given permission to address the House Babin DeSaulnier Johnson (GA) Royce Thornberry Woodall for 1 minute.) Barletta DesJarlais Johnson (OH) Russell Tiberi Yoder Barr Deutch Johnson, E. B. Ryan (WI) Tipton Yoho Mr. MCCARTHY. Mr. Speaker, at 7:22 Barton Diaz-Balart Johnson, Sam Salmon Trott Young (IA) this morning, 150 years ago, we lost one Bass Dingell Jolly Sanford Turner Young (IN) of the greatest leaders of our Nation: Beatty Doggett Jones Becerra Dold Jordan Scalise Upton Zeldin President Abraham Lincoln. Schweikert Valadao Zinke Benishek Doyle, Michael Joyce Lincoln understood American Bera F. Kaptur NOES—182 exceptionalism. We know this for many Beyer Duckworth Katko Bilirakis Duffy Keating Aguilar Fudge Murphy (FL) reasons, but one great reason was his Bishop (GA) Duncan (TN) Kelly (IL) Ashford Gabbard Nadler words at Gettysburg. He told the crowd Bishop (MI) Edwards Kelly (PA) Bass Gallego Napolitano that our Fathers had brought forth on Bishop (UT) Ellison Kennedy Beatty Garamendi Neal this continent a new nation, one con- Black Ellmers (NC) Kildee Becerra Graham Nolan Blackburn Emmer (MN) Kilmer Bera Grayson Norcross ceived in liberty and dedicated to the Blum Engel Kind Beyer Green, Al O’Rourke proposition that all men are created Blumenauer Eshoo King (IA) Bishop (GA) Green, Gene Pallone equal. It was his vision that this Na- Bonamici Esty King (NY) Blumenauer Grijalva Pascrell Bost Farenthold Kinzinger (IL) ´ Bonamici Gutierrez Payne tion would have a new birth of free- Boustany Farr Kirkpatrick Boyle, Brendan Hahn Pelosi dom; and, for that beautiful vision, Boyle, Brendan Fattah Kline F. Hastings Perlmutter many have fought and died. F. Fincher Knight Brady (PA) Heck (WA) Peters President Lincoln understood the Brady (PA) Fitzpatrick Kuster Brown (FL) Higgins Peterson Brady (TX) Fleischmann Labrador Brownley (CA) Himes Pingree cost of freedom. He was a Member of Brat Fleming LaMalfa Bustos Hinojosa Pocan this, the people’s House, for one term Bridenstine Flores Lamborn Butterfield Honda Polis before he rose to become—what I be- Brooks (AL) Forbes Lance Capps Hoyer Quigley Brooks (IN) Fortenberry Langevin Capuano Huffman Rangel lieve—one of our greatest statesmen. Brown (FL) Foster Larsen (WA) ´ Cardenas Israel Rice (NY) He struggled and never gave up to Brownley (CA) Foxx Larson (CT) Carney Jackson Lee Richmond pass the 13th Amendment, so that no Buchanan Frankel (FL) Latta Carson (IN) Jeffries Roybal-Allard one here would ever again have to en- Buck Franks (AZ) Lawrence Cartwright Johnson (GA) Ruppersberger Bucshon Frelinghuysen Lee Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Rush dure the sin of slavery. He died for the Burgess Fudge Levin Castro (TX) Kaptur Ryan (OH) dream that life, liberty, and the pur- Bustos Gabbard Lewis ´ Chu, Judy Keating Sanchez, Linda suit of happiness would finally become Butterfield Gallego Lieu, Ted Cicilline Kelly (IL) T. Byrne Garamendi Lipinski Clark (MA) Kennedy Sanchez, Loretta more than just words, that it would be Calvert Garrett LoBiondo Clarke (NY) Kildee Sarbanes a promise kept to all. Capps Gibbs Loebsack Clay Kilmer Schakowsky As we remember Lincoln as one of Capuano Gibson Lofgren Cleaver Kind Schiff the greatest American leaders and the Ca´ rdenas Gohmert Long Clyburn Kirkpatrick Schrader Carney Goodlatte Loudermilk Cohen Kuster Scott (VA) truest embodiment of American prin- Carson (IN) Gosar Love Connolly Langevin Scott, David ciples, our country still feels the mark Carter (GA) Gowdy Lowenthal Conyers Larsen (WA) Serrano of his great presence today. I thought Carter (TX) Graham Lowey Cooper Larson (CT) Sewell (AL) Cartwright Granger Lucas Costa Lawrence Sherman it was important that we memorialize Castor (FL) Graves (GA) Luetkemeyer Courtney Lee Sires it here. Castro (TX) Graves (LA) Lujan Grisham Crowley Levin Slaughter f Chabot Graves (MO) (NM) Cummings Lewis Speier Chaffetz Grayson Luja´ n, Ben Ray Davis (CA) Lieu, Ted Swalwell (CA) CONTRACTING AND TAX Chu, Judy Green, Al (NM) Davis, Danny Lipinski Takai Cicilline Green, Gene Lummis DeFazio Loebsack Takano ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2015 Clark (MA) Griffith Lynch DeGette Lofgren Thompson (CA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Clarke (NY) Grijalva MacArthur Delaney Lowenthal Thompson (MS) Clawson (FL) Grothman Maloney, DeLauro Lowey Titus objection, 5-minute voting will con- Clay Guinta Carolyn DelBene Lujan Grisham Tonko tinue. Cleaver Guthrie Maloney, Sean DeSaulnier (NM) Torres Clyburn Gutie´rrez Marchant ´ There was no objection. Deutch Lujan, Ben Ray Tsongas Coffman Hahn Marino Dingell (NM) Van Hollen The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Cohen Hanna Massie Doggett Lynch Vargas finished business is the vote on the mo- Cole Hardy Matsui Doyle, Michael Maloney, Veasey tion to suspend the rules and pass the Collins (GA) Harper McCarthy F. Carolyn Vela Collins (NY) Harris McCaul ´ bill (H.R. 1562) to prohibit the awarding Duckworth Maloney, Sean Velazquez Comstock Hartzler McClintock Edwards Matsui Visclosky of a contract or grant in excess of the Conaway Hastings McCollum Ellison McCollum Walz simplified acquisition threshold unless Connolly Heck (NV) McDermott Engel McDermott Wasserman the prospective contractor or grantee Conyers Heck (WA) McGovern Eshoo McGovern Schultz Cook Hensarling McHenry Esty McNerney Waters, Maxine certifies in writing to the agency Cooper Herrera Beutler McKinley Farr Meeks Watson Coleman awarding the contract or grant that Costa Hice, Jody B. McMorris Fattah Meng Welch the contractor or grantee has no seri- Costello (PA) Higgins Rodgers Foster Moore Wilson (FL) ously delinquent tax debts, and for Courtney Hill McNerney Frankel (FL) Moulton Yarmuth Cramer Himes McSally other purposes, on which the yeas and NOT VOTING—7 Crawford Hinojosa Meadows nays were ordered. Crenshaw Holding Meehan Adams Price (NC) Young (AK) The Clerk read the title of the bill. Crowley Honda Meeks Bishop (MI) Ruiz Cuellar Hoyer Meng Duncan (SC) Smith (WA) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Culberson Hudson Messer question is on the motion offered by Cummings Huelskamp Mica ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE the gentleman from Utah (Mr. Curbelo (FL) Huffman Miller (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore (during CHAFFETZ) that the House suspend the Davis (CA) Huizenga (MI) Miller (MI) Davis, Danny Hultgren Moolenaar the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- rules and pass the bill. Davis, Rodney Hunter Mooney (WV) ing. This will be a 5-minute vote. DeFazio Hurd (TX) Moore

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.026 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Moulton Rogers (KY) Takano CHAFFETZ) that the House suspend the Yoho Young (IA) Zeldin Mullin Rohrabacher Thompson (CA) Young (AK) Young (IN) Zinke Mulvaney Rokita Thompson (MS) rules and pass the bill, as amended. Murphy (FL) Rooney (FL) Thompson (PA) This is a 5-minute vote. NAYS—160 Murphy (PA) Ros-Lehtinen Thornberry The vote was taken by electronic de- Bass Gabbard Norcross Nadler Roskam Tiberi Beatty Gallego O’Rourke Napolitano Ross Tipton vice, and there were—yeas 266, nays Becerra Garamendi Pallone Neal Rothfus Titus 160, not voting 5, as follows: Beyer Grayson Pascrell Neugebauer Rouzer Tonko Bishop (GA) Green, Al [Roll No. 157] Payne Newhouse Roybal-Allard Torres Blumenauer Green, Gene Pelosi Noem Royce Trott YEAS—266 Bonamici Grijalva Perlmutter Nolan Ruppersberger Tsongas Boyle, Brendan Gutie´rrez Peterson Norcross Rush Turner Abraham Graves (LA) Nugent F. Hahn Pingree Nugent Russell Upton Aderholt Graves (MO) Nunes Brady (PA) Hastings Pocan Nunes Ryan (OH) Valadao Aguilar Griffith Olson Brown (FL) Higgins Rangel O’Rourke Ryan (WI) Van Hollen Allen Grothman Palazzo Bustos Hinojosa Reed Olson Salmon Vargas Amash Guinta Palmer Butterfield Honda Richmond Palazzo Sa´ nchez, Linda Veasey Amodei Guthrie Paulsen Capuano Hoyer Roybal-Allard Pallone T. Vela Ashford Hanna Pearce Ca´ rdenas Huffman Palmer Sanchez, Loretta Vela´ zquez Babin Hardy Perry Carney Israel Ruppersberger Pascrell Sanford Visclosky Barletta Harper Peters Carson (IN) Jackson Lee Rush Paulsen Sarbanes Wagner Barr Harris Pittenger Cartwright Jeffries Sa´ nchez, Linda Payne Scalise Walberg Barton Hartzler Pitts Castor (FL) Johnson (GA) T. Pearce Schakowsky Walden Benishek Heck (NV) Poe (TX) Castro (TX) Johnson, E. B. Sanchez, Loretta Perlmutter Schiff Walker Bera Heck (WA) Poliquin Chu, Judy Jolly Sarbanes Perry Schrader Walorski Bilirakis Hensarling Polis Cicilline Kaptur Schakowsky Peters Schweikert Walters, Mimi Bishop (MI) Herrera Beutler Pompeo Clark (MA) Keating Schiff Bishop (UT) Hice, Jody B. Peterson Scott (VA) Walz Posey Clarke (NY) Kelly (IL) Schrader Black Hill Pingree Scott, Austin Wasserman Price, Tom Clay Kennedy Scott (VA) Blackburn Himes Pittenger Scott, David Schultz Quigley Cleaver Kildee Scott, David Blum Holding Pitts Sensenbrenner Waters, Maxine Ratcliffe Clyburn Kirkpatrick Serrano Bost Hudson Pocan Serrano Watson Coleman Reichert Cohen Langevin Sewell (AL) Boustany Huelskamp Poe (TX) Sessions Weber (TX) Renacci Comstock Larsen (WA) Sherman Poliquin Sewell (AL) Webster (FL) Brady (TX) Huizenga (MI) Connolly Larson (CT) Brat Hultgren Ribble Sires Polis Sherman Welch Rice (NY) Conyers Lawrence Slaughter Pompeo Shimkus Wenstrup Bridenstine Hunter Courtney Lee Brooks (AL) Hurd (TX) Rice (SC) Speier Posey Shuster Westerman Rigell Crowley Levin Swalwell (CA) Price, Tom Simpson Westmoreland Brooks (IN) Hurt (VA) Roby Cummings Lewis Takai Quigley Sinema Whitfield Brownley (CA) Issa Roe (TN) Davis (CA) Lieu, Ted Takano Rangel Sires Williams Buchanan Jenkins (KS) Rogers (AL) Davis, Danny Loebsack Thompson (CA) Ratcliffe Slaughter Wilson (FL) Buck Jenkins (WV) DeFazio Lofgren Rogers (KY) Thompson (MS) Reed Smith (MO) Wilson (SC) Bucshon Johnson (OH) DeGette Lowenthal Rohrabacher Titus Reichert Smith (NE) Wittman Burgess Johnson, Sam Delaney Lowey Rokita Tonko Renacci Smith (NJ) Womack Byrne Jones DeLauro Lujan Grisham Rooney (FL) Ribble Smith (TX) Yarmuth Calvert Jordan DeSaulnier (NM) Torres Ros-Lehtinen Rice (NY) Speier Yoder Capps Joyce Deutch Luja´ n, Ben Ray Tsongas Roskam Rice (SC) Stefanik Yoho Carter (GA) Katko Dingell (NM) Van Hollen Ross Richmond Stewart Young (AK) Carter (TX) Kelly (PA) Doggett Lynch Vargas Rigell Stivers Young (IA) Chabot Kilmer Rothfus Doyle, Michael Matsui Veasey Roby Stutzman Young (IN) Chaffetz Kind Rouzer F. McCollum Vela Roe (TN) Swalwell (CA) Zeldin Clawson (FL) King (IA) Royce Duckworth McDermott Vela´ zquez Rogers (AL) Takai Zinke Coffman King (NY) Russell Edwards McGovern Visclosky Cole Kinzinger (IL) Ryan (OH) Ellison Meeks Walz NOT VOTING—7 Collins (GA) Kline Ryan (WI) Engel Meng Wasserman Adams Price (NC) Woodall Collins (NY) Knight Salmon Eshoo Moore Schultz Duncan (SC) Ruiz Conaway Kuster Sanford Farr Murphy (FL) Waters, Maxine Pelosi Smith (WA) Cook Labrador Scalise Fattah Nadler Watson Coleman Cooper LaMalfa Schweikert Foster Napolitano Welch ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Costa Lamborn Scott, Austin Frankel (FL) Neal Wilson (FL) Costello (PA) Lance Sensenbrenner Fudge Nolan Yarmuth The SPEAKER pro tempore (during Cramer Latta the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Sessions Crawford Lipinski Shimkus NOT VOTING—5 Crenshaw LoBiondo ing. Shuster Adams Price (NC) Smith (WA) Cuellar Long Simpson Duncan (SC) Ruiz b 1716 Culberson Loudermilk Sinema Curbelo (FL) Love Smith (MO) b 1723 Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California Davis, Rodney Lucas Smith (NE) changed her vote from ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ DelBene Luetkemeyer So (two-thirds not being in the af- Smith (NJ) Denham Lummis So (two-thirds being in the affirma- Smith (TX) firmative) the motion was rejected. tive) the rules were suspended and the Dent MacArthur DeSantis Maloney, Stefanik The result of the vote was announced bill was passed. DesJarlais Carolyn Stewart as above recorded. The result of the vote was announced Diaz-Balart Maloney, Sean Stivers Stutzman f as above recorded. Dold Marchant Duffy Marino Thompson (PA) MOMENT OF SILENCE IN MEMORY A motion to reconsider was laid on Thornberry Duncan (TN) Massie OF THE BOSTON MARATHON VIC- the table. Ellmers (NC) McCarthy Tiberi Emmer (MN) McCaul Tipton TIMS f Trott Esty McClintock (Mr. CAPUANO asked and was given FEDERAL EMPLOYEE TAX Farenthold McHenry Turner Fincher McKinley Upton permission to address the House for 1 ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2015 Fitzpatrick McMorris Valadao minute.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Fleischmann Rodgers Wagner Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, 2 years Fleming McNerney Walberg finished business is the vote on the mo- Flores McSally Walden ago today, one of the most cowardly tion to suspend the rules and pass the Forbes Meadows Walker acts in American history was per- bill (H.R. 1563) to amend title 5, United Fortenberry Meehan Walorski petrated on the people of Boston, of States Code, to provide that individ- Foxx Messer Walters, Mimi Massachusetts, of America, and, in Franks (AZ) Mica Weber (TX) uals having seriously delinquent tax Frelinghuysen Miller (FL) Webster (FL) fact, of the world when two lowly cow- debts shall be ineligible for Federal Garrett Miller (MI) Wenstrup ards blew up two bombs in the middle employment, and for other purposes, as Gibbs Moolenaar Westerman of the Boston Marathon, which is a Gibson Mooney (WV) Westmoreland amended, on which the yeas and nays Gohmert Moulton Whitfield celebration of American patriotism were ordered. Goodlatte Mullin Williams and of the birth of this country, killing The Clerk read the title of the bill. Gosar Mulvaney Wilson (SC) three innocent people and, later on in The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gowdy Murphy (PA) Wittman the day, shooting a police officer in, Graham Neugebauer Womack question is on the motion offered by Granger Newhouse Woodall again, another cowardly act, and injur- the gentleman from Utah (Mr. Graves (GA) Noem Yoder ing over 275 people.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.027 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2253 I just want to take a moment of the heard on the distant hill, for the caged Congratulations, Fisher House Foun- House’s time to remember the people birds sing of freedom. dation, and thank you and your volun- who died that day, the people who were Madam Speaker, I join my colleagues teers for all you do to make a difficult injured that day, and to think for a today in saying, ‘‘Bring Back Our time just a little easier for our Na- moment as to what a wonderful coun- Girls.’’ tion’s heroes. try we have the good fortune to live in. f f God bless the United States of Amer- UNITED STATES SET TO BE A NET HONORING DR. DONNA E. SHALALA ica. EXPORTER OF NATURAL GAS IN With that, Mr. Speaker, I would ask (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was 2017 everyone to rise to share a moment of given permission to address the House silence with me. (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania for 1 minute and to revise and extend asked and was given permission to ad- her remarks.) f dress the House for 1 minute and to re- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- TAX DAY AND IRS vise and extend his remarks.) er, I rise tonight to recognize one of ACCOUNTABILITY Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. the most profound educational leaders (Mr. ROTHFUS asked and was given Madam Speaker, earlier this week the of her generation, Dr. Donna Shalala. permission to address the House for 1 Energy Information Administration re- As the head of my alma mater, the minute and to revise and extend his re- leased its annual forecast of U.S. en- University of Miami, Donna made it marks.) ergy trends and predicted that the her goal to see UM become the next Mr. ROTHFUS. Mr. Speaker, Ameri- United States will become a net ex- great American research university. cans strongly dislike tax day, and porter of natural gas by 2017. Never one to leave a promise Uncle Sam is set to take in record lev- As cochair of the bipartisan Congres- unfulfilled, under her unparalleled els of Americans’ tax dollars again this sional Natural Gas Caucus, I under- guidance, the university has consist- year. These are dollars that the hard- stand the magnitude of this geo- ently ranked in the top 50 research in- working taxpayers take out of their political transition and the implica- stitutions. wallets, and they are too often used to tions for ensuring American energy se- Through leadership, service, and self- grow Washington’s bureaucracy at the curity through continued natural gas lessness, Donna has positively im- expense of growth elsewhere in the development and investment. By be- pacted our south Florida area as a country. coming a net exporter of natural gas by school administrator and a community Western Pennsylvanians are right- 2017, the United States will be able to leader. It is with great pride, admira- fully frustrated with the Federal Gov- build and strengthen its economy, help tion, and affection that I join our com- ernment’s overreach into their daily to improve the environment, and re- munity and University of Miami stu- lives. Back in Pennsylvania’s 12th Dis- main globally competitive. dents, professors, and grads in thank- trict, I regularly talk with folks who As one of the Nation’s top producers ing Dr. Shalala for her hard work and are appalled by the IRS’ hypocrisy, of natural gas, Pennsylvania continues dedication. corruption, and abuse of power. to help drive record-breaking oil and Donna, you are an outstanding mem- From IRS’ attempts to shut down natural gas production domestically. ber of our south Florida community, people who disagree with the adminis- The Energy Information Administra- and we will certainly miss you. I wish tration’s political agenda to Federal tion’s recent projections place the you good fortune and all the best in employees owing thousands in back United States closer than ever to ob- this new, exciting, next chapter of your taxes, the IRS needs to be held ac- taining energy independence, while sig- life. countable to the people. Washington naling longer term market stability Oh, yes. Go Canes. bureaucrats are not above the law. that will make energy prices more af- Thank you, Donna. Americans spend countless hours and fordable for businesses and families f throughout Pennsylvania and all precious financial resources in filing SUPPORTING THE DAY OF across the country. their tax returns by April 15. They are SILENCE following the law. It is only fair for the f (Mr. ENGEL asked and was given American people to expect that the FISHER HOUSE ANNIVERSARY permission to address the House for 1 IRS does the same. (Ms. TITUS asked and was given per- minute and to revise and extend his re- I was proud to support several bills mission to address the House for 1 marks.) today that are designed to protect tax- minute.) Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, every payers, to restore the public’s faith in Ms. TITUS. Madam Speaker, I rise year three-quarters of gay, lesbian, bi- our system of laws, and to prevent the today to congratulate the Fisher House sexual, and transgender kids in this IRS from abusing its power. Foundation on their 25th anniversary country are verbally harassed at f and to thank them for their services to school. Nearly a fifth will be physically b 1730 our military and veteran families. assaulted. It is time for the bullying The Fisher House Foundation is the and abuse to stop. BRING BACK OUR GIRLS result of the vision and efforts by Every year GLSEN organizes the Na- (Ms. FRANKEL of Florida asked and Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher. They tional Day of Silence. This Friday, kids was given permission to address the wanted to provide a home away from across the country will take a daylong House for 1 minute and to revise and home for the families of servicemen vow of silence to draw attention to the extend her remarks.) and -women while their loved ones re- abuse their LGBT friends and class- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Madam ceived treatment, and their vision has mates have to deal with every day. Speaker, I stand here today 1 year come to fruition. Counseling and outreach have done a since Boko Haram kidnapped 270 young Since the first Fisher House opened lot to help these kids, but change is girls attending school in Chibok, Nige- in 1990, over 250,000 families have saved not coming fast enough, so I am once ria. This kidnapping received inter- $282 million in lodging and transpor- again introducing a resolution sup- national attention for a short time; tation costs. The 64 locations through- porting the Day of Silence. LGBT kids then, like the girls, the spotlight dis- out the United States and Germany deserve to be able to go to school and appeared, and yet our children remain have provided families 5.8 million days feel safe. I invite my colleagues to join hidden and subjected to unimaginable of lodging. me and cosponsor the resolution. crimes. Just a few weeks ago, I was fortunate On another matter, yesterday is the Innocent girls who cry out to be lib- and proud to participate in the 1-year anniversary that the Nigerian erated cannot be forgotten. They are as groundbreaking of Nevada’s first Fish- schoolgirls were kidnapped by the ter- Maya Angelou’s caged birds who sing er House, located across the street ror group Boko Haram. I am wearing with a fearful trill of things unknown from our new VA hospital. What a won- these ribbons today to say ‘‘Bring Back but longed for still, and their tune is derful day it was. Our Girls,’’ and I thank our colleague

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.073 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 FREDERICA WILSON of Florida for being nized to do what we can to bring back Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Madam a champion on this issue. our girls and protect our other inno- Speaker, small businesses are vital to f cent citizens from any future attacks. the strength and dynamism of the I thank Congresswoman FREDERICA American economy, generating 63 per- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE DUKE WILSON for her leadership on this issue. cent of new private sector jobs over the UNIVERSITY BASKETBALL TEAM f past two decades. But it’s not just (Mr. BUTTERFIELD asked and was about the entrepreneurs. It is also given permission to address the House BOKO HARAM IS A CRIMINAL about helping workers that depend on for 1 minute.) ORGANIZATION small businesses for their paycheck, Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speak- (Ms. MOORE asked and was given whether it be young people paying er, I rise to congratulate Duke Univer- permission to address the House for 1 down their college loans, immigrants sity and its Division I men’s basketball minute.) hoping to provide a better life for their team on winning the 2015 national loved ones, or moms and dads looking championship. Duke’s win against the Ms. MOORE. Madam Speaker, it is very heartbreaking to think that it has for a little more income while the kids University of Wisconsin at Madison are at school. Small businesses not marks their fifth national champion- been a whole year since our girls, 276 girls, were kidnapped by Boko Haram only strengthen Main Street, they play ship victory. a vital role in keeping our neighbors At the team’s helm is the winningest in Nigeria. I think the importance of prosperous. coach in Division I men’s basketball memorializing this is to talk about the One of the many challenges that history, legendary coach Mike nature of terror and its cruelty, to small businesses face is a cumbersome Krzyzewski. We refer to him as Coach take these children, these babies, away and overbearing Tax Code. Most small K. This year’s team, led by senior in the name of religion. businesses file their taxes as S corpora- Quinn Cook, continued the tradition of It is extremely important for us to tions or sole proprietorships, both of excellence in my district in Durham, galvanize all around the world and to which are taxed at individual rates. North Carolina, by earning the 88th focus on the main thing. The main Congress needs to get serious about schoolwide NCAA tournament victory. thing is these are criminal organiza- reforming and simplifying the Tax Even more impressive, Madam Speak- tions. These are not religiously moti- Code. Creating a broader, flatter tax er, is the fact that the Duke University vated people. These are people who will base will allow for lower rates for both Blue Devils had five All-ACC Academic maim, cripple, and kill anyone for individuals and businesses. I look for- players, which is the most in the their political objectives. ward to working with my colleagues to school’s history. I want to thank FREDERICA WILSON Today I introduced a resolution, for her leadership in bringing us all to- find ways to reform our Tax Code so along with my colleagues, to recognize gether today, and Mrs. MALONEY from small businesses and their workers can the team for its extraordinary achieve- New York, and I pray that our resolve thrive. ment. I urge quick consideration of my will be reignited today. f resolution and encourage my col- f leagues to support it. Madam Speaker, I ask all of my col- PAYCHECK FAIRNESS ACT HONORING ABRAHAM LINCOLN leagues to join me in congratulating (Mr. DESAULNIER asked and was (Mr. CROWLEY asked and was given the Duke University Blue Devils on given permission to address the House permission to address the House for 1 their historic tournament win. for 1 minute.) minute and to revise and extend his re- f Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I marks.) rise today in support of the Paycheck ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE Mr. CROWLEY. Madam Speaker, I Fairness Act. According to the U.S. BOKO HARAM KIDNAPPING OF was tempted to rise when my friend Census Bureau, in 2013, women who NIGERIAN SCHOOLGIRLS Mr. MCCARTHY from California was worked full time earned, on average, speaking of the great, late President (Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California only 78 cents for every dollar a man Abraham Lincoln and his legacy—real- asked and was given permission to ad- earned. The figures are even worse for ly, a dichotomy of a man, a very com- dress the House for 1 minute.) women of color. African American plicated individual. We know of his Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California. women earned only approximately 64 Madam Speaker, a year and a day ago great achievements, of ending slavery, cents and Latinas only 56 cents for of maintaining our Union—great today, 276 innocent Nigerian school- each dollar earned by a White male. girls were tragically taken away from achievements—and very difficult This is absolutely and unequivocally achievements for him as well, passing their boarding school and their family. unacceptable in the United States of One year later, more than 200 of the 13th Amendment. America. The average woman would these girls are still missing, and Boko We think of how dysfunctional, have lost $420,000 throughout her work- Haram continues to prey on the Nige- maybe, Congress is today and the lack ing lifetime as a result of this pay gap. rian people. The kidnapping of these of cooperation. Under the conditions In my district, women make up 51 schoolgirls is just one example of the that then-President Lincoln was oper- percent of the population, yet there is appalling acts of terror committed by ating, it is a marvel that he was able to still a 76.4 percent wage gap in their this group, who, according to the pass such incredible legislation with annual median earnings. That is why I Human Rights Watch, have killed more such ramifications, and positively. am a sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness than 2,000 people and forced 800,000 But I think one of the great things Act, which would work to close the children to be displaced from their about Lincoln that oft times goes un- gender wage gap by requiring employ- homes. noticed is one of the legacies that was ers to demonstrate that wage differen- We simply must do more to combat unintended by himself directly: he dies. tials are based on factors other than their efforts. He is shot on the 14th of April 1865. He I commend President Obama for pub- sex, and strengthening penalties for dies on the 15th of April 1865. licly expressing his willingness to as- equal pay violations. One of the greatest things about sist Nigeria in its efforts to dismantle Families increasingly rely on wom- Abraham Lincoln is, on the 16th of this group. en’s wages to make ends meet. Equal April, the Sun rose again on the Repub- Additionally, I encourage the incom- pay is not simply a women’s issue; it is lic of the United States, a better na- ing President of Nigeria, President a family issue. tion for his having lived, but continued Buhari, to remain committed to his f despite his absence. How wonderful a pledge to implement an aggressive ef- legacy is that, that this Republic, fort to combat Boko Haram and to pro- SMALL BUSINESS TAX greater than any man or woman, lives tect his citizens. (Mr. CURBELO of Florida asked and on, a better place for him having lived. I hope, with the anniversary of these was given permission to address the May God rest the soul of Abraham attacks upon us, we are all regalva- House for 1 minute.) Lincoln.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.076 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2255 b 1745 the 80 million families that make up or whether you talk to McDonald’s or CONGRATULATING THE IRVING the bottom 50 percent in wealth. Mean- Walmart, they always say: yeah, we INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT while, Republicans keep trying to ped- are making record profits; but what dle the same, tired ‘‘work hard and get about the small business? (Mr. VEASEY asked and was given ahead’’ rhetoric. It was pretty surprising to hear that permission to address the House for 1 Madam Speaker, American workers there are a lot of small businesses that minute.) are doing just that. They are stringing have decided to pay people a better Mr. VEASEY. Madam Speaker, I rise together 40-hour weeks whenever they wage, keep them on the job, and as today to congratulate the Irving Inde- can. In many cases, they are not given they stay on the job, they learn the job pendent School District for being rec- the opportunity to even do that, but better, serve the customer better, and ognized by the College Board as the they are being paid wages that cobble end up making the business more prof- 2015 Advanced Placement District of together to just over $15,000 a year. itable overall. the Year in the midsized category. This Even when McDonald’s raises wages A lot of businesspeople, whether it is award recognizes the efforts Irving ISD for the fraction of its workers behind Costco or Ben & Jerry’s, are chal- has made in ensuring the academic suc- the counters of their corporate stores, lenging this idea by the rightwing con- cess of our local school children. they will only get a raise of $5,000. servative business types that squeezing Since 2008, Irving ISD has increased $5,000 will make a huge difference for the most out of the worker, hurting the by 70 percent the number of students those families, but at $20,000, they have worker, taking the most out of the taking AP courses and has increased by gone from drowning to just barely worker, paying the worker the least 83 percent the number of students who keeping their heads above water. you can possibly afford—not any scored a 3 or higher on an AP exam. That is not enough to pay for a col- health care, not any sick days—just Not only are more students taking AP lege education or to buy a home. That squeezing the life out of that worker is courses at Irving, but they are also is not enough to save for retirement. not a good business model. There are earning good scores, and that is really That is not enough to pay for medical other ways to do it. There are ways for important. bills. Madam Speaker, that is not everyone to succeed. I represent almost all of South Irving enough to achieve the American Now, sometimes, my friends on the and District 33. Three out of the five Dream. other side of the aisle like to say: Have high schools in the Irving ISD are lo- My Progressive Caucus colleagues you ever run a business? In fact, I have. cated in South Irving. and I are here on the floor tonight to I am a businessowner. I ran my own To every teacher, principal, staffer, stand with workers in the fight for $15, law firm for years. I employed inves- and parent at Cardwell, MacArthur, that is $15 an hour and the right to tigators. I employed legal assistants. I Nimitz, Singley, and Irving High, con- form unions. even hired some lawyers. gratulations on this outstanding aca- It is time to support working fami- When people arrogantly talk about, demic achievement. Thank you for lies, and it is time to make it possible Oh, I know business, and you don’t, it making all of us Texas proud. to work hard and get ahead. always makes me chuckle a little bit f It is now my pleasure to yield to the because I actually have run a busi- ness—owned a business—and actually gentleman from Minnesota (Mr. ELLI- PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS HOUR have run fairly large nonprofits, which SON), one of the chairs of our caucus. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. Mr. ELLISON. I thank the gentle- are also businesses. It is clear to me that the real thing MIMI WALTERS of California). Under the woman for yielding. Speaker’s announced policy of January Madam Speaker, I had an interesting that I cared about as a businessperson is customers coming through the door. 6, 2015, the gentlewoman from New Jer- story today. I was talking with a young I needed people with money who could sey (Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN) is recog- lady named Stacy Mitchell, who is a pay me. That is what I needed. If no- nized for 60 minutes as the designee of researcher. body was making any money, they the minority leader. She does a lot of research on this couldn’t pay me. GENERAL LEAVE issue of what is the economic effect of What was always better for me is Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Madam raising the minimum wage because being in a vibrant, strong community Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that what you hear so many conservatives with an economy where prosperity was all Members have 5 legislative days to say is, if we raise the minimum wage, shared so that people had some busi- revise and extend their remarks and in- maybe there will be a lot of workers ness for me. clude extraneous material on the sub- who simply will not be employable be- It is funny; I never worried about ject of my Special Order. cause they don’t have the skill level to taxes too much. I can’t imagine too The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there be employed, they don’t bring enough many small-businesspeople staying up objection to the request of the gentle- value to the business to pay them $15 all night worrying about taxes. You woman from New Jersey? an hour. know what they are worried about? There was no objection. What she showed—and this is Customers coming through the door, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Today, through research—is that low wages clients coming through the door, peo- low-wage workers across the country lead to workers who have a lot of high ple who need haircuts, people who need rallied in small towns and big cities. turnover. High turnover leads to mis- meals, people who need a lawyer to do Their request is very simple: a livable takes, leads to errors, leads to training their will—that is what you have got to wage and the right to organize. errors, leads to bad customer service have. This isn’t rocket science. These folks when the workers don’t have a firm But if the average working class per- turn on the news and see reports on grip on what they have been doing. son is broke because they have been stock market gains on Wall Street. High turnover and the need to retrain getting paid $7 an hour or whatever, They see companies reporting record then leads to a loss of money, and they they can’t spend money with you. profits. They see the prices for bread have calculated that to about $12,000 a It was interesting to me, when I first and a carton of milk rising every year for the average small business. got to Congress, this was right before month. Then they open their pay- Now, folks who are interested in the real hit in the financial system in checks and see the same amount that learning more about this can contact 2008. I was at a committee hearing, I they have seen for the past 10 years. the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. will let the gentlewoman know, and I This is a crisis that my colleagues This is a small-business organization asked one of the witnesses at the com- across the aisle keep trying to brush that says that we can have more eco- mittee hearing what their opinion was under a political rug. That may have nomic viability if we focus on small about Americans having negative sav- worked in the past, but it is just get- business and not just the big-box re- ings because I found a statistic that ting too big to be hidden. tailer. Americans had a negative 2 percent According to UC Berkeley economist Of course, it is interesting because, savings rate. Emmanuel Saez, the Nation’s 100 rich- whenever you talk to the big-box re- That meant that you were borrowing est families have as much wealth as tailer about raising the minimum wage to consume. That meant that you

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.078 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2256 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 didn’t have money, and you had to go I think to myself: Man, when was the are highly divisive. They want to split to the credit card, the payday loan, last time you were ever running a the straight from the gay, the Black title loan, something like that, to small business? You don’t pay any from the White. They want to break make it through the week. taxes because you have got lawyers everybody up because they know that This person looked at me and said: trying to figure out how to get around is the only way they can keep the con- Well, there is so much equity people them. You don’t deal with what the trol that they have. have in their homes; that is not a prob- small-businessperson has to deal with. So we are unified around our com- lem. They actually have to earn a living mon humanity, our love of this coun- This is an economist I will never lis- and come up with a product or service try and our belief that this is the land ten to again. The bottom line is, when that people really want, and they don’t of opportunity. That is just not some you pay people more, they can save. get tax breaks the way you do. They slogan. It has got to be real, and it has They can save for retirement. When don’t have an army of lawyers to help got to mean something. And anybody you pay people more, that makes them them escape their responsibility to who puts in a hard week of work ought more loyal to you. I actually paid peo- help fund the U.S. Government. to be able to do well by their family. ple as much as I could—way over min- What does all that have to do with Here is one of the most amazing imum wage—and the reason why is I today? Well, low-wage workers have fi- things. This statistic really blew me needed my legal secretary to know how nally gotten sick of it. Today, over 200 out. to prepare documents the way I needed cities are standing together to call for And by the way, please just ask me them. $15 an hour. Thirty different countries to yield when you are sick of me going I needed her to know how to prepare are standing in solidarity with low- on. the document so that I could read it wage workers, calling for $15 an hour. I just thought I would share this lit- over, make sure that this divorce or I am proud that, in my own city of tle statistic with you because it really this will or whatever it was that I was Minneapolis, low-wage workers have did shock me, because, you know, the doing for them was right; and the bet- gone out and are on strike to demand conservative rightwing is very proud of ter she got at what she was doing, the $15 an hour. These are the people who how they claim, Oh, we are self-reliant. faster I could work. I was happy to pay make the hamburgers, they fry the We don’t ask anybody for anything. We her because the customer was happy to chicken, they sweep the floors. They do believe people should work for them- pay. The real job was getting cus- the stuff that, if it doesn’t get done, selves. And they are real hard on folks tomers in the door, and paying workers the business crashes. with government assistance. better was smarter and more profitable I am going to tell you honestly, in But did you know that—I am looking for me. the business I ran, if I wanted to go on for this statistic right here. I had it I absolutely reject this model that vacation for a day or two, I probably just a moment ago. It blew my mind you squeeze the life out of the worker could; but, if my legal secretary and when I saw it. and try to make sure that they don’t my investigator and the lawyer that I It showed that if you add up all of the have anything except for the bus fare hired didn’t show up, I would be in public assistance that low-wage work- to get back to work the next day. This trouble. I couldn’t go anywhere. ers have to rely on because their bosses is absolutely wrong. Yes, you can run a I guarantee you that you can’t show will not pay them properly—Uncle Sam business like that; you can make a lot me a CEO of a business that is a big has to pay if the people don’t have a of money like that, but you will ruin business who can’t show up or go on a livable wage. If they don’t have enough society doing things like that. long golfing trip, whatever; but, if you for rent and food because their job I actually liked paying taxes so we let the people who actually fry the won’t pay them enough, then these could have the Metro rail to get people chicken not show up, this place will people go on public assistance. to work, so the bus would come. I grind to a halt. If you add up all that public assist- didn’t mind being able to turn on the ance, it basically is a subsidy to Big spigot and have clean water come out b 1800 Business, and I think that number is of the faucet in Minnesota. So I was very glad to see tens of about $150 billion. It is about $150 bil- I don’t understand these people who thousands of low-wage workers in more lion of welfare, welfare that some of claim to be for business, don’t want to than 200 cities standing together to these conservative corporate types are pay any taxes, don’t want to train any- call for $15 an hour. These workers are mooching off the American people. body, don’t want to pay any decent White, they are Black, they are Latino, And their chest is always poked out wages, and hate health care. It is the they are Asian. They are young, they about how we work for ourselves. We craziest thing in the world. It is actu- are old. Some of them are senior citi- don’t rely on anyone. ally bad for business and leads to very zens. Well, wait a minute. These folks extremes in society, the extremely rich These workers, some of them were work hard every day, getting splat- and the vast ocean of the poor. born in the United States, and some of tered with grease, pushing a broom, How many people have you talked to them came here from other places. making hamburgers, customer after who sit back and say, You know what, They are diverse, but they are unified customer, on your feet all day long. you used to be able to get into the mid- in the idea that in America we ought These folks work hard, but $150 billion dle class by becoming a small-business- to have a fair economy that makes of accumulated subsidy to the working person or getting a good union job? sure that everybody can climb the lad- poor. The conservative rightwing attacks der of success, not just a few who want I will never forget how Walmart— both. The conservative rightwing at- to concentrate wealth at the very top. yes, I said the name. And by the way, tacks unions. The conservative right- Then after they get to the top, they I want to congratulate them for raising wing doesn’t like unions, and they are don’t want to pay any taxes, they don’t the wage. You ought to say what is union busters, so union membership want to pay for public services, and good when it happens. Thank you, has declined. As they have pushed this they want to divide people. They want Walmart, for raising the wage. right-to-work garbage, what we have to divide people. But I do have to tell on you a little seen is wages go down at the very same These workers, they don’t care if you bit because last Christmas, which is time. are straight or gay. They want to the spirit of giving, they put out a It is a funny thing about these big, know, Are you down with raising the bucket asking their customers to put big, big business types. Whenever they wage? canned goods in the bucket so that come to my office asking for whatever, They don’t care if you are Latino or their customers would give canned food they always talk in terms of the small maybe you are Black. They don’t care. goods so that they would distribute business. I always find it somewhat They care about, are you for an eco- them to their workers. I am sure some- amusing when the big businesses that nomic ladder that everyone can climb body thought that was a clever busi- pay poverty wages say: well, if we raise if they work hard. ness idea. the minimum wage, it is going to hurt We are in an America today where Wait a minute. You want the cus- small business. the people at the top, many of them tomers to give free canned goods to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.079 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2257 your workers because you will not pay Now, because people have been push- Congressional Progressive Caucus in them? ing trickle-down economics, Reagan- our efforts to ensure a good-paying job You know, McDonald’s had this pro- omics, whatever, and we say we are for all Americans. posed budget that was proposing, I going to squeeze the workers, we are Too many Americans are still strug- don’t know, all kinds of crazy things going to offshore their job, the rich gling to find a job that pays more than that—undignified things people were won’t pay any taxes, and we are not the bare minimum. They don’t want to asked to do. going to provide any services, and we just get by. They want to get ahead, At the end of the day, though, I just are going to break the unions, now, for and they want to live the American want to say that these workers who 40 years, we have seen wages flat, and Dream. They deserve to live the Amer- have gone out, over 200 cities, where we have seen this thing happen. We ican Dream. workers are going out on strike, saying have seen these bad outcomes. They are looking for a job that pays that we need to get paid more, I am But you know what? an actual living wage, a job that will very proud of these people. Today is a new day. People are wise provide them with paychecks big This is a great American tradition. to it, and they are unifying together to enough to lift themselves out of pov- Civil disobedience, striking has been push back and make a brand new econ- erty into the middle class, a job where something in America, sometimes omy where we can have the public sec- they can take care of their families and when you don’t have any bargaining tor and the private sector work to- make sure the bills are paid, and power, when you don’t have a union, gether for the betterment of the Amer- maybe save for retirement. These are when the National Labor Relations ican people. American values that everyone wants Board will not protect you quickly Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. I thank to live by and to achieve. enough because it has been weakened the gentleman for the fine points that A few decades ago, these jobs were by the conservative wing, then you he has made. I can speak from a per- accessible to most Americans. Yet, be- have got to strike. What else are you sonal perspective. I am one of four sib- cause of the Great Recession and wage going to do? lings, and my father was the bread stagnation, too many Americans are America’s elected leaders and CEOs earner and my mother was the woman working harder and harder for pay- are finally waking up to the reality who was taking care of our family. And checks that keep them trapped in pov- that a low-wage economy, in which he, indeed, did provide a good and erty. In the world’s richest and most many can’t afford basic necessities and wholesome living for his family. powerful Nation, this really is a dis- are forced to rely on public aid, isn’t Madam Speaker, right now, tens of grace. good for working families, or the econ- thousands of American workers in fast A report released just 2 days ago omy, or the taxpayer. Last year, the President issued exec- food and child care and home care and from the University of California at utive orders that ensured the minimum airport services, and even in profes- Berkeley, in my district, found that al- wage and workplace protections for sional positions in higher education, lowing companies to pay workers Americans working under Federal con- are not being paid enough to survive. wages that keep them in poverty costs tracts. And what that means, and I believe taxpayers $152 billion a year. That is And over the last few months, what that my colleague did mention it, it be- outrageous. we have seen is that employers like comes a drag on the economy. Instead of doing the right thing and Walmart, Target, T.J. Maxx, McDon- Our economy does rely on consumers paying for a living wage, these corpora- ald’s, have announced raises for the buying products. They want not just tions are reaping record corporate prof- employees. products that they need. Spending is its while leaving families to struggle Do you really believe they would what gives companies, big and small, and taxpayers on the hook. have done it without these strikes? Ab- the revenue to expand and hire more Now, as a former small- solutely not. They wouldn’t have given workers. Ideally, it is also what gives businessowner myself, I can tell you these poor folks a penny. They had to companies the revenue to increase that paying poverty wage is no way to go on strike. They had to. They had no wages. run a business. Paying a living wage choice. They were pushed to the brink. But if you ask the workers who are with benefits is good for business, and I am about to yield back to the gen- fighting for $15 an hour, they will tell it is the right thing to do. tlelady, but I just want to tell folks you that a wage increase has been no- As we continue to build support for about the model employer and labor where in sight. the Good Jobs Movement, I know that rights. Madam Speaker, I yield to my col- more and more businessowners will see In Congress we can help support this league from the great State of Cali- the benefit of paying a living wage and movement by continuing to join work- fornia, Congresswoman LEE. will join our cause. ers in their strikes and by fighting for Ms. LEE. Let me thank you, Con- Everyone deserves a job that allows action at the Federal level. gresswoman WATSON COLEMAN, for them to make a living and provides The Congressional Progressive Cau- yielding and for hosting this important them with the right to form a union. It cus is calling for a model employer ex- Special Order on the need to provide all is the economically sensible thing to ecutive order that gives preference for Americans a good-paying job and the do. You can ask any college or high Federal contracts to companies that do right to form a union. school student who has taken Econom- more than just pay the minimum by I want to thank you for your tremen- ics 101. providing things like livable wages, dous leadership each and every day, for When we empower workers to fight paid leave, health benefits, and re- making sure that we stay on point on for themselves and provide them a big specting their employees’ right to col- all of these economic issues that mean paycheck, our country becomes fairer lectively bargain. so much to people who are working yet and our economy grows. People who That will restore the American mid- still live below the poverty line. So are working should not be living below dle class. thank you again. the poverty line. So $15 an hour, that is As I take my seat, I just want to This afternoon, the Congressional the minimum that we should be paying point out to the gentlewoman from Progressive Caucus, which I am proud our workers. New Jersey, in 1957 there were a lot of to serve as the whip of, welcomed ex- Certain parts of the country, $15 an things that America needed to im- perts and low-wage workers to the Hill hour just barely, barely helps them put prove. We had racism, segregation. for a forum. food on the table. So we need to get to Women could not rise to their poten- Now, each of the workers told power- a living wage, and we need to talk tial. There were a lot of things Amer- ful stories, and I hope that these are about what that means in different ica needed to do better at. stories that Members here on both parts of the country. But in 1957, about 35 percent of the sides of the House will listen to. They So I want to thank you, again, Con- American workforce was in a union. spoke of struggling to get by, despite gresswoman WATSON COLEMAN, for your And guess what? One person could feed working full time on paychecks that leadership, for bringing us together. We a family of four. One person could feed are just too small. I hope we will take have got to stay focused on this be- a family of four. their struggles to heart and join the cause everyone deserves a path out of

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.080 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2258 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 poverty into the middle class. Every- And by the way, I don’t begrudge the A lot of things have changed. A lot of one in our country deserves to live the CEO who makes $11-plus million. I do things have also remained the same. American Dream. not. I believe in capitalism. I believe Fifteen dollars an hour is not an unrea- Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. I thank that in this country you should suc- sonable amount of money in the rich- the gentlewoman from California for ceed on your merits or fail on your de- est country in the world, in a country sharing her insights with us and the merits. And if a CEO can make $11-plus where we have people who can make very important points that have been million, I think that is great. I do $400 a second, hundreds of times what a made. think that that CEO ought to pay a minimum wage worker makes, more As I stated a moment ago, our econ- fair amount of taxes, just as the person than 700 times what a minimum wage omy relies upon consumers buying who makes $35,000-plus pays a fair worker working full time makes in a products that they want, not just prod- amount of taxes. But I think it is a year. ucts that they need. But $15 an hour is wonderful thing, $35,000 versus $11.7 This is the richest country in the what we are trying to fight for, and million. world. However, in the richest country even with that, that will barely provide Now, a full-time worker, a full-time in the world, we still have people who the needs of these families. worker, the average CEO that year work full time and live below the pov- They can barely cover their rent or made 774 times what a full-time min- erty line. keep food on the table. They can’t buy imum wage worker made—774 times. For edification purposes, I believe new cars and support the American We are in the richest country in the every person ought to work his or her auto industry. They can’t afford new world; 1 in 12 households has investable way out of poverty. I would like to see clothes, supporting American retailers, assets of $1 million or more. subsidies ended and people have wages and they can’t buy computers or smart In 2007, an interesting thing oc- that will allow them to work their way phones, supporting Silicon Valley. curred. A man made $3 billion. I don’t out of poverty. If I had my way, we Six out of the ten largest corpora- begrudge him. I salute him for making would have people without subsidies tions with median wages of less than $3 billion. I don’t envy him for making who work hard, succeed on their mer- $15 also rank among the most occupa- $3 billion. I commend him for making its, fail on their demerits, and elevate tions projected to add the most jobs in $3 billion. I would note, however, that themselves out of poverty by simply the coming years. And as the low-wage he did not pay ordinary income tax on working full time and not living below workforce grows, the declining pur- that $3 billion. I think that if you are the poverty line. chasing power of Americans means going to make $3 billion, you ought to It is interesting to note that, in 2015, that there is less demand for goods and pay your fair share of taxes on it. the poverty threshold for a family of services in the economy. Mr. Speaker, $3 billion, that is a lot four is $28,850—for a family of four. I b 1815 of money, and it is very difficult to get pray for the people who have to live off If we want to grow our economy, if your mind around it. So let me help of that amount of money with a family we are focused on creating jobs, we you understand what $3 billion is. It of four, but that is what it is. need to support the people that do just would take a minimum wage worker I believe that we should not only that. working full time 198,000 years—198,000 raise the minimum wage, but we I would like now to yield to my col- years—to make $3 billion. I don’t be- should index it. I think that we should league from the great State of Texas, grudge the person who made the $3 bil- index it to poverty because right now a who stands up for working-class fami- lion. I salute him. That person made full-time worker with a child makes lies every single solitary day and has about $400 a second. about $15,080 a year. That is below the even introduced legislation to secure a This is the richest country in the poverty line of $15,930 a year—working living wage for the families in our world. People are making money in full time, living below the poverty line country. this country. Just because those of you in the richest country in the world Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Thank you who are at home, you don’t know these where at least one person made $400 a very much. And I especially appreciate people, I want you to know they are second, where the average CEO made your remembering that I was reared in there. They are there, and they are more than $11 million a year. It seems Florida. That is important to me. I doing quite well, and they ought to be to me that we are talking about trying now dwell in Texas, of course. But not the first in line to talk about raising to bring a balance between the CEO’s many people remember that, so thank the minimum wage. salary and the workers’. you so much. I am honored to be on the It would take 198,000 years for a min- At one time in this country there was floor with you this evening. imum wage worker to make $3 billion. a sense of moral responsibility that I think this is a very timely topic A hedge fund manager made $400 a sec- CEOs had for their workers. CEOs that we are having an opportunity to ond. At $400 a second, it would take would literally sit and talk to the give some opinions on, and I think that that hedge fund manager about 37.7 board of directors and talk about the it is important for us to remember that seconds to make what a minimum needs of workers and how workers America is not a poor country. Amer- wage worker makes in a year—37.7 sec- should be paid so that they could take ica is not a poor country, and I want to onds. I don’t begrudge him. I commend care of families, so that they could emphasize that because too often we him. I salute him. But I do think he educate children. There really was, at come to conclusions about what we should pay a fair amount of taxes on it. one time, this sense of moral responsi- should do based upon our lack of re- I think that paying a fair amount of bility to workers that CEOs had. sources. I think that is appropriate to taxes is the American way. Others pay I saw an example of that just today. come to conclusions based upon a lack their taxes, a fair amount. I think peo- A CEO decided that he was going to cut of resources, but the truth is that we ple who make billions of dollars ought his salary so that his workers could are still the richest country in the to pay a fair amount of taxes as well. have a better quality of life, with high- world. When Dr. King gave his speech, when er earnings that would be paid to them. We are still the richest country in they had the March on Washington We have a responsibility to each the world. As a matter of fact, in back in August of 1963, they had a list other in this country. We who happen America, 1 in every 12 American house- of 10 demands. Number eight on that to be blessed are not blessed so that we holds—1 in every 12—have investable list of 10 demands was to have a wage can just enjoy it all ourselves; we are assets of $1 million or more; 1 in 12 that people could make a living on. At blessed so that we may be a blessing to have investable assets of $1 million or that time, it was thought that $2 an others. That sense of moral responsi- more. As a matter of fact, in the hour would be a sufficient amount of bility to those who are less fortunate United States of America, in 2013, we money. Today we would call that a liv- than we has to return. If we don’t get were fortunate enough to have the av- ing wage. It was $2 an hour in 1963. that sense of moral responsibility so erage CEO make $11.7 million. That is Well, today, that $2 an hour would be that others can receive some of the 331 times what the average worker about $14.90. So there is a rationale for blessings and some of the goodness of made. The average worker made the $15-an-hour hue and cry that we the richest country in the world, we do $35,293. So the average CEO did well. hear. ourselves a disservice.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.081 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2259 Dr. King reminded us that life is an 1963 with that list of 10 demands, num- Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Congress- inescapable network of mutuality, tied ber eight, which was to raise it to $2 an man, it has been an honor to share this in a single garment of destiny. What hour, which, by today’s standards, is moment with you in this Special Order impacts one directly impacts all indi- right at $15 an hour. hour. It has been a blessing to me. rectly. What happens to people who are b 1830 Texas is very, very lucky and very for- living below the poverty line directly tunate to have you as a Representa- will indirectly impact all of us. I think it should be 15, but I don’t be- tive. Florida must be very proud be- How does it happen? Well, here is lieve we will get 15 through the House, cause you were born there. how it happens: and I regret to say that. I support the Thank you, and God bless you. When they live below the poverty bill that would raise it to $10.10 an Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. God bless line and they are being paid a salary hour. you, too. and they don’t get health care, they My bill, Mr. Speaker, the Original Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. are going to get health care in the rich- Living Wage Act, would raise it higher Speaker, how much time is remaining? est country in the world. It is just that than $10.10 an hour and would index the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. it is going to cost us a lot more. When minimum wage to poverty so that as WESTERMAN). The gentlewoman has 15 they live below the poverty line and the poverty rate goes up—at some pe- minutes remaining. they are working full time, they are riod of time, I’m willing to negotiate Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN. Mr. going to get subsidies. Taxpayers are what that period is—the minimum Speaker, I want to follow up on some- going to take care of that. wage would go up, too; and we wouldn’t thing that my colleague had alluded to, So there is an indirect impact on find ourselves on the floor trying to de- and that is the impact of low wages you, taxpayers, who are listening to me bate what the minimum wage ought to and the government’s need to sub- right now. You are paying for it. They be, as we are doing currently. sidize. I think that he sort of spoke to are not getting it on the job. We are I know that not everybody thinks it in a generalized way, but I would paying for it. We are subsidizing very that there should be a minimum wage like to just share with you what I wealthy people by paying a minimum at all. There are some people who think happens with an individual and a wage on the job and then providing think that market forces should con- family that has a $15,000 income. subsidies for people from the Federal trol. Well, market forces have, in this Since it is not enough to keep food Government such that they can have a circumstance, produced some very un- on the table, those Americans have to decent living in the United States of pleasant circumstances for people who turn to food stamps. Since the jobs America, the richest country in the are working and trying to make ends don’t come with health care, we have world. meet on jobs that pay what we will call got to rely on Medicaid. Because $15,000 What impacts others indirectly im- entry-level wages if we don’t have a a year doesn’t pay for the rent in most pacts all directly. Health care, food minimum wage. cities, those Americans rely on low-in- subsidies, this is all coming out of the Mr. Speaker, I am of the opinion that come housing or subsidized housing pockets of taxpayers. Why not have a we ought to raise the wage, and I think through Section 8 vouchers, or they are wage that allows people to take care of we ought to index it to poverty. The homeless and living in shelters. themselves? bill that seems to have more support, These workers’ children are enrolled In this country, we tend for some and I confess that it does, would index in children’s health insurance pro- reason to equate our net worth to our it to the CPI. I am not a hard person to grams, and these families are getting self-worth. That is unfortunate. We get along with. I can live with indexing support through Temporary Assistance shouldn’t do it, but a good many people it to the CPI, but I do think that it to Needy Families, the TANF program. do. A good many people do. And a good should be indexed, and I do think that Fifty-two percent of fast-food work- many people don’t feel so good when we should raise it. ers rely on public assistance programs; they work full time and live below the I say this to you, my dear friends, be- 46 percent of childcare workers rely on poverty line, taking care of a family, cause Dr. King, who was so far ahead of public assistance; 48 percent of home playing by the rules. his time—so far ahead of his time—was care workers rely on public assistance; Some would say, well, that living the preeminent fighter for those who and, Mr. Speaker, 25 percent of part- wage, that minimum wage is just a live in the streets of life and those who time college faculty—highly educated wage that you start out with. It is just are trying to eke out a living on little, adjunct professors—rely on public as- a wage for young people. The statis- who have learned how to take very lit- sistance. tical information does not bear that tle and do a lot with it, Dr. King was a According to a Berkeley report, the out. Unfortunately, too many people fighter and a champion for these folk. Federal Government spent $127.8 bil- find themselves in minimum wage jobs I think that as we continue to cele- lion on working families in these pro- for more than just a few months. brate the anniversary of his birthday— grams. California spent almost $3.7 bil- If you think about it, a good many of now, he is being recognized on the lion because of low-wage workers; New you who are listening to this, you Mall, there is a statue on the Mall—I York, $3.3 billion; Texas, $2.1 billion; know people who have been in min- think we ought to go further and rec- and Illinois and Florida both spent a imum wage jobs for years and years ognize what he asked for in 1963, and little more than a billion. and years. You know people who are that was a living wage. I think that it This isn’t funding for Americans that doing their best to make ends meet at is time for us to honor the request of are uncharacteristically down on their $7.25 an hour. Dr. King which has not, to this date, luck or temporarily out of work or in This is the richest country in the been honored; and let us let everybody some other moment of crisis. This world, and 1 in 12 American households work his or her way out of poverty. money is spent on full-time, hard- have these assets that I have talked I thank you so much for this great working Americans who simply are about, have these investable assets of opportunity to speak, and I pray that working for corporations who maxi- $1 million or more. I think that in such you will continue to be strong and mize the CEO’s benefits at the expense a rich country we should be able to carry on. You have done a stellar job. of the workers’ salaries. allow people who are willing to work— What you are doing now, you don’t do Mr. Speaker, if my Republican col- willing to work; not people who are for yourself. What you do now, you do leagues are so adamant about reducing asking for a handout, but people who for people you will never meet and government spending, shouldn’t we be want to work, they want to earn their greet, people that will never get to worried about why these folks are try- way through life—we ought to be able touch your hand, but they will be ing to work full-time but still need to pay them a decent wage. blessed by what you are doing to help food stamps to make ends meet? What we have in Congress would them elevate themselves to a better We have also spent a lot of time in raise it to $10.10 an hour, far below standard of living. this Congress debating tax breaks for what I think it should be; because I am God bless you, my dear sister, and I the wealthy and for corporations. In of the opinion that it should be $15 an pray that you will continue to be fact, earlier this afternoon, we argued hour based on what Dr. King said in strong and continue to carry on. about whether or not the 5,000 or so

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:36 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.083 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2260 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 wealthiest families in this country, the honor for me to yield to my good friend Yucca from being the Nation’s most se- only people who have enough money in from Washington (Mr. NEWHOUSE). cure national repository into a monu- their estates to qualify for the estate Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I ap- ment of government waste and all in tax, should get a $2.5 million tax break. preciate the gentleman from Illinois’ violation of the law. After getting a Every year, we let corporations de- indulgence in allowing me to speak on firsthand look at Yucca, I can see why duct unlimited amounts of bonus pay this important subject this evening. it was selected as the best place for our for executives, regardless of whether or Mr. Speaker, located in my central Nation’s defense waste and commercial not the companies’ workers get pay Washington district is the Hanford spent nuclear fuel. raises or not, unlike that one special site, which has played a pivotal role in I am disappointed the administration CEO who sees life differently and be- our Nation’s security and defense for has continued efforts to push ahead lieves that to whom much is given decades. As part of the Manhattan with its plan to circumvent Yucca, as much is required. Project, the Hanford site produced plu- well as the repeated affirmations by Corporations have written off $66 bil- tonium for the bomb that eventually Congress that Yucca is the lawful re- lion between 2007 and 2010 while letting brought an end to World War II, and pository. I look forward to working the low-wage workers who make up the continued work at the site was critical with my colleagues here in Congress— rank and file of their companies strug- during the cold war. especially the members of the Nevada gle. However, this work also resulted in delegation—to ensure that the law is My colleague, CHRIS VAN HOLLEN, has massive amounts of nuclear defense upheld and Yucca Mountain moves for- a solution for this, requiring companies waste. Today, Hanford is the world’s ward. to raise wages for their workers if they largest and most complex nuclear Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the want to keep qualifying for that tax cleanup site, with over 56 million gal- gentleman from Illinois. break. It is a simple solution that lons of radioactive and chemical waste Mr. DOLD. I thank the gentleman wouldn’t mean companies suddenly in 177 temporary underground storage from Washington. have to raise pay for their workers; tanks. I just want to highlight, again, if I they just need to stop expecting the The Federal Government has a legal may, you mentioned a statistic just a government to cover the exorbitant and a moral obligation to clean up this moment ago that was talking about salaries of their executives if they waste. The importance of Yucca Moun- the fact that because the government can’t pay the rest of their employees a tain cannot be overstated. Hanford is hasn’t moved forward with Yucca liveable wage. scheduled to send more nuclear defense Mountain, the fact that we are actu- Mr. Speaker, my colleagues and I waste to Yucca Mountain than any- ally paying to store this material all stand with the millions of workers where else in the Nation. over the country to Exelon and other fighting for 15. Lifting pay for low- The high-level defense waste at Han- companies along those lines, it was wage workers will boost their pur- ford will be treated at the waste treat- anywhere between $15 and $50 billion. chasing power, pumping more money ment plant, which is currently being Mr. NEWHOUSE. Over the course of into our economy and giving businesses constructed, to turn this waste into those contracts, that is correct. the revenue to create more jobs. glass that can then be sent to Yucca. Mr. DOLD. That is astounding. I Lifting pay for low-wage workers will The waste treatment plant is over 70 reduce government spending. Lifting thank the gentleman from Washington percent complete, and the glass pro- for your leadership. pay for low-wage workers will open the duced will meet the geological speci- doors to the American Dream for the Mr. Speaker, it is my honor to yield fications of Yucca Mountain; yet the to the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. millions who have already dem- Obama administration has moved the onstrated that they are ready and will- SHIMKUS). He is the dean of the Illinois goalpost by illegally shutting down delegation and someone whose leader- ing to work and to work hard for it. Yucca, which will take us back to By standing together and fighting for ship, when it comes to Yucca Moun- square one and harm the already chal- the $15, these workers have already tain, has been extensive. lenging Hanford cleanup. made their voices heard in the living He is certainly someone who under- Mr. Speaker, the Federal Govern- rooms, the boardrooms, and the state- stands what we need to be doing in ment has spent decades and billions of houses all across this country. It is terms of making sure this material taxpayer dollars studying the right time for D.C. to lend an ear as well. gets off the shores of the Great Lakes It is my privilege and my honor to place for the repository. The conclu- and from our neighborhoods all around stand with those who are simply seek- sion was Yucca Mountain, the subject the country and put into a safe loca- ing a fair wage for the work that they of one of the most thorough and exten- tion about 150 miles from any inhab- do. sive reviews of a major government itant in Yucca Mountain. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance project ever conducted. Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I thank of my time. It is the lawful repository for nuclear my colleague for the time and just for waste, and Congress has reaffirmed this f having this national debate. The State fact many times over. There is no sci- of Illinois is a large State with a lot of YUCCA MOUNTAIN entific reason why Yucca cannot and nuclear power. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under should not move forward. We are very fortunate to have that, the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- Earlier this month, I visited Yucca not only to have the power generated, uary 6, 2015, the gentleman from Illi- Mountain and was impressed by the but to have the jobs, high-paying jobs, nois (Mr. DOLD) is recognized for 60 substantial work that has already been to be located around our State and minutes as the designee of the major- completed. The development of the site paying a lot of taxes to our local com- ity leader. has taken decades and has come at munities, our local schools, and the Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, it is indeed great taxpayer expense, costing Ameri- like. It would even be better if the Fed- an honor for me to be here today with cans over $15 billion. eral Government would keep its prom- several colleagues to talk about and Because DOE has failed to begin ac- ise. highlight a very serious environmental cepting used nuclear fuel, as required Part of the movement to promote nu- risk to our communities. by contracts signed with the electric clear power was a promise by the Fed- For the last 58 years, this Nation has utilities that own the reactors, liabil- eral Government. In fact, they enforced embraced nuclear power as an inexpen- ity and settlement estimates now a fee on those States that have nuclear sive, clean, and nearly inexhaustible range from $13 billion to $50 billion—a power to go into a fund, the nuclear power source for our growing society; blow to taxpayers and ratepayers—all waste fund, to fund long-term geologi- yet, in all that time, we have not yet due to the failure of the President to cal storage. addressed a key problem caused by nu- move forward with the legal reposi- clear power, and that is how to safely tory. b 1845 dispose of spent nuclear fuel. Simply put, Mr. Speaker, we do not Now, you might say: Why a long- We have gathered a good crew of have the time or the resources to just term geological storage? Why a cen- folks here, Mr. Speaker, and it is an start over. Doing so would change tralized location? Because the world

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.084 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2261 community, the best scientists have Mr. DOLD. Can the gentleman shed a The Department of Energy has con- determined that one repository, one lo- little light? cluded that the repository would have cation, is better than 104, not counting Many people might be watching this little to no adverse impact on future defense sites—one geological reposi- and not know who actually owns the populations or the environment; yet tory—in other words, someplace in the nuclear fuel. Many people don’t realize President Obama and HARRY REID ef- ground—is better than above ground— that private entities can’t own this. fectively have delayed the Yucca pro- or in the case that you are particularly This is actually all owned by the gov- gram in 2009 without proposing any concerned about, next to Lake Michi- ernment. Private entities can use it for kind of alternative energy or energy gan. power, but the actual nuclear fuel rods, strategy. That is not the only location that the spent nuclear fuel rods, are owned Now, like many other nuclear power isn’t what you would think would be by the government. plants across the United States, Co- some sensitive areas, whether it is Can you shed a little light on that? manche Peak in my district has been large lakes, large rivers, flood plains, This is actually the government’s prob- paying dues for storing waste, which and the like. The world community, lem here. some think could be as much as $30 bil- the scientists, have all said: let’s get it Mr. SHIMKUS. It is the government’s lion which, of course, is simply passed all located in one place, and let’s put it fuel; it is the government’s waste. You on to its customers. That is what al- in long-term geological storage loca- highlighted this earlier. When we don’t ways happens. tion. have a long-term repository to take Nuclear waste in our communities The Federal Government passed a the spent nuclear fuel or the defense poses an environmental risk, a ter- law in 1982 called the Nuclear Waste waste—mostly, the spent nuclear fuel— rorism risk, and prevents communities Policy Act. It had 10 locations. The top we have to pay the nuclear utilities to from redeveloping the property. The fa- pick in that location was Yucca Moun- hold that spent fuel because we have an cility at Yucca Mountain represents tain; then they narrowed the list down obligation by law to receive that. our best option to dispose of spent nu- to three. The top pick of the three was Even from a fiscal conservative posi- clear fuel in a safe, environmentally Yucca Mountain. Then the 1987 amend- tion, we should be moving forward. We friendly, and secure way for centuries ments to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act should get a return on the investment to come. said: that is where we are going to send of 30 years and $15 billion, especially Now, if we fail to act, we will con- it. since the NRC has said this location is tinue to spend billions of dollars stor- Now, after that, 30 years, $15 billion, safe; but then we should relieve our- ing nuclear waste in a way that ulti- the greatest scientific minds in the selves from having to pay the addi- mately leaves our communities vulner- world, this is the most studied piece of tional cost to utilities for holding the able to environmental disaster or ter- ground on the planet, has concluded, waste that we should be holding. rorism. based upon a report by the Nuclear I appreciate your leading this Special We cannot punt this problem to fu- Regulatory Commission—an inde- Order and, of course, again talking ture generations. We have a habit of pendent science commission of our gov- about the local issues that are very im- doing that. We need to find a solution, ernment—said that, once Yucca Moun- portant in your district, but they are and we need to find that solution tain is closed, it will be safe for 1 mil- important in districts all around this today. I believe we need the Federal lion years. That is a long time. country. Government to quit breaking promises That is really what has turned this Someone has to lead the charge and to the American people. debate again back into this country be- make that statement for the Federal Mr. DOLD. I thank my good friend cause it has always been a question of Government to start doing what it is from Texas, and I certainly appreciate the science. Will the science prove it? legally obligated to do. I am just happy your leadership on this. We don’t know. We have to do the stud- to join you, and I thank you. Again, highlighting the fact that this ies; we have to do the research. Mr. DOLD. Well, I certainly appre- is also an economic issue is this land, Well, fortunately, we were able to fi- ciate your leadership, and it is great to all of a sudden, can’t be redeveloped of- nally get the Nuclear Regulatory Com- have you speak on such an important tentimes; and, frankly, the property mission to render the safety evaluation topic. taxes for a lot of these communities report which said, once closed, this site This is an environmental issue; it is can’t be developed to its fullest extent. will be safe for 1 million years. a safety issue; it is an economic issue— As jobs in the economy continue to Now, as you mentioned, Yucca Moun- and one that we have to step up and be that constant drumbeat around the tain is 100 miles from Las Vegas. It is solve. country and certainly in our commu- in the desert. It is a mountain in a I am pleased to yield to the gen- nities, you know better than many in desert. It is 1,000 feet below the crest of tleman from Texas (Mr. WILLIAMS), my terms of what we need to do to create the mountain. It is 1,000 feet above the good friend, who understands these jobs, and this is one of the things that water table. issues and understands them very well. I think the government is falling short The other story that is not told very Mr. WILLIAMS. Thank you, Con- on. well, until you go out and visit, is it is gressman DOLD. Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, there is no surrounded by the nuclear test site, the Mr. Speaker, I wish to discuss an im- question about it. It is about jobs, and place where our government used to portant matter that we have heard to- it is about growth. We need Yucca test nuclear weapons. There is an Air night and talk a little bit about it Mountain to come online, so we can Force base there, so the adjoining land more, that impacts both my home begin to develop these properties and around Yucca Mountain is all Federal State of Texas and, as we have heard also protect the safety of America and land. already, the Nation. Americans. When people say, Well, you need to Nuclear power is a clean, efficient, Mr. DOLD. I thank the gentleman for get local buy-in, local folks to decide, and virtually inexhaustible fuel source. your leadership. well, the Federal Government is the Many people rely on it. In fact, in Som- As we continue to talk about this, local folks in this case. erville County, Texas, Comanche Peak again, it just highlights, Mr. Speaker, I appreciate you highlighting not is a nuclear power plant that generates how many communities, how many just Yucca Mountain, but the need for enough power to supply about 1.15 mil- sites we have around our country that communities around this Nation to lion homes in normal conditions and are impacted by spent nuclear fuel, start having this debate again because 460,000 homes in periods of peak de- whether it could be defense or whether the Federal Government has already mand. it be for civilian purposes. invested. Nuclear waste, however, must be iso- It is now my pleasure to yield to the We have a site. It is time to move lated for tens of thousands of years to gentleman from South Carolina (Mr. forward. It is time to get the spent nu- safely degrade. Yucca Mountain—we WILSON), my good friend. clear fuel, in your case, or the defense have talked a lot about it tonight—is Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. waste, like Congressman NEWHOUSE, it the official Federal nuclear waste re- Thank you for yielding; and, Congress- is time to get that in a single reposi- pository and is the law of the land man DOLD, thank you for your leader- tory. under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. ship on this issue.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.086 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 I am very grateful. I represent the Additionally, South Carolina is the ergy that is being produced because of Savannah River Site in Aiken and leading manufacturer of tires. Right this, and then the potential for jobs, Barnwell Counties of South Carolina. I next to the Savannah River Site is the not just in our region but across the had the privilege of working with Con- Bridgestone facility, and this is a Japa- United States. gressman JIM CLYBURN, very bipar- nese investment, over $1 billion. Mr. DOLD. I thank the gentleman tisan. A portion of this site is located Then right down I–20, not far in the from South Carolina for his insight. in Allendale County, South Carolina. district I represent, is the Michelin fa- Certainly, he knows, in living close to We have worked together on the issues cility. There are two plants adjacent to and representing an area that is very relative to the Savannah River Site, each other. I was there recently with close to the water there on the Savan- which should be noted is where the de- Ambassador Gerard Araud of France nah River, that it is very close to what fense waste is currently being placed. because we appreciate the French in- my particular issue is with spent nu- It is a consequence of the cold war, vestment. clear fuel being just a few hundred feet but it also is a consequence of victory In fact, the Michelin facility is the away from the greatest fresh surface in the cold war. I know that the per- largest Michelin facility in the world, water we have in the world. Ninety-five sons who worked in the Savannah nearly 2 million square feet with near- percent of the world’s fresh surface River Site are very, very grateful for ly 2,000 employees. Again, this is be- water is in the Great Lakes. Storing the opportunities that they have had cause of the success that we have with that nuclear fuel so close, I think, is to provide for the protection of the nuclear power. not only an environmental risk and a American people, and it has been suc- Then further down I–20, we are very terrorist risk, but it is jeopardizing cessful. grateful of a German investment. Con- where 30 million Americans actually It is particularly meaningful to me tinental Tires has just announced that get their drinking water. It is really because I am the only Member of Con- they just completed a half-billion-dol- just a jewel of a natural resource and gress that actually worked at the Sa- lar facility in South Carolina. Then we one that we need to protect, so I cer- vannah River Site, so I know firsthand also welcome from Singapore the Giti tainly appreciate your leadership. that it is really very professional, and Tire company, which has announced a Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. it is also very environmentally sound. quarter-of-a-billion-dollar facility to be Thank you for your leadership. We were talking about why are we located in the upper part of South Mr. DOLD. Thank you, sir. here. For me, it is due to the environ- Carolina. Mr. Speaker, we have heard today ment and jobs. The environment we Over and over again, it is because we from different people from around our know is in danger if we have different have safe, secure, clean energy. In fact, country about the need for us to move sites around the country that could be I want to commend the Obama admin- forward with Yucca Mountain. Again, addressed. istration. They actually have provided just highlighting some of the points: In the Department of Energy, I have for the licensing of three new nuclear Yucca Mountain is 100 miles away from another distinction. I was very grateful reactors in our country. the Colorado River, further away from to be the deputy general counsel of the Two are located at the V.C. Summer any inhabitants, sitting 1,000 feet Department of Energy in 1981 and 1982. facility at Jenkinsville, South Caro- above the water table, 1,000 feet below The defense waste bill came up through lina, which is, again, adjacent to the ground. that time. district I represent in Fairfield County; Mr. Speaker, I came today wanting It was determined that there should and then directly across the Savannah to share with you a story about my dis- be a geologic formation to place the River from the district that I represent trict and, more specifically, about a waste of our country, whether it be de- is the Vogtle plant at Waynesboro, portion of my district in Zion, Illinois. fense waste or whether it be commer- Georgia. Zion has 25,000 residents and sits on cial. It was determined—and I know We are very supportive of these. All the shores of Lake Michigan. Yet, due that you will be going through this to of them will be so helpful to achieve to the obstruction of the administra- explain—that, indeed, Yucca Mountain the environmentally very important tion, tons of spent nuclear fuel remain is ideal. determination of a geologic formation. stored at Zion. It is stored on the None of us would ever want to put Then there is an economic side. Just shores of the Great Lakes, literally any community, any State at risk, but as the people of Illinois, the people of just a few hundred feet away from the we know well that Yucca would not be South Carolina, and also the people of shore where 30 million Americans re- of risk to the people of the West, but it Pennsylvania have, through their ceive their fresh drinking water. would be very sound, and it would be rates, paid over $1 billion into the fund We need to make sure we do every- very environmentally secure, and it to build Yucca, so our people are in- thing we can to protect what, I believe, would also, indeed, help create jobs. vested. is the jewel of our ecosystem in the Our State has been so fortunate to We have done it in good faith, and we Great Lakes, but so long as the fuel re- have the Savannah River Site, but we need to follow the law. The law is that, mains there, the city of Zion cannot also have another distinction. We are indeed, this be the geologic formation, use this site to bring in new businesses one of the most nuclear-intensive which is safe for the American people or new jobs on that site, and it con- States in the country. Nearly 60 per- and creating the opportunity for jobs. tinues to suffer from lost revenue from cent of all the power that is produced lost property taxes. The uranium that in the State of South Carolina for al- b 1900 has been used in the nuclear reactors most 30 years has been nuclear. A final point. South Carolina has stays radioactive for tens of thousands We know what the consequence of taken this so seriously. I want to com- of years. It stays radioactive after it this is, and that is that we have reli- mend our Governor, Nikki Haley. I also has been removed from the reactor, and able energy, we have green, clean en- want to commend our Attorney Gen- it must be isolated from the environ- ergy, and we have a level of inexpen- eral, Alan Wilson. They have actually ment in order to allow it to safely de- sive energy, which has a consequence filed a suit—and it was inspired largely grade. of promoting jobs. by U.S. Senator LINDSEY GRAHAM and Unfortunately, the Federal Govern- The jobs that have been created are U.S. Senator TIM SCOTT—to enforce the ment has not done its part to take quite self-evident in our State. We law. The law needs to be enforced. It charge. As we talked about earlier, Mr. have a circumstance with the providing would be beneficial to the people of our Speaker, the Federal Government is of low-cost energy. South Carolina State, and it would be beneficial to our the one that actually owns the fuel, so now—particularly with the develop- region of South Carolina and Georgia, it is sitting now in our communities as ment of the BMW facility at Greer, but it would also be beneficial to the opposed to going to a site we have South Carolina, of all things—is the American people. spent nearly $15 billion researching and leading exporter of cars in the United I want to thank you for your leader- putting money into—Yucca Mountain. States, creating jobs in our State, our ship on this issue so the American peo- For the past three decades, the policy region, but then providing for extraor- ple understand how environmentally of the Federal Government has been to dinary export around the world. sound this is, how positive it is, the en- push forward with a long-term, deep

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.087 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2263 geologic repository at Yucca Mountain ernment. The Federal Government dened that it has taken so long and in Nevada. Thirteen years ago, the De- owns the spent nuclear fuel. The Fed- that, if we do nothing, it will be poten- partment of Energy determined that eral Government owns the land around tially decades longer. This is unaccept- Yucca Mountain was the best and it. The Federal Government owns the able. The citizens of our country de- safest location in which to store Amer- site at Yucca Mountain—Yucca Moun- mand that the United States Govern- ica’s nuclear waste. Indeed, it is the tain, again, 100 miles away from the ment abide by the law and by its obli- law of the land, as we have heard to- Colorado River. gations to store the spent fuel at Yucca night, and we have spent billions of The storage that we are talking Mountain. dollars to study the site and get it about would be 1,000 feet above the Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ready to be able to store our spent nu- water table, because it is important of my time. clear fuel. that we protect our water, and 1,000 f Mr. Speaker, despite the billions of feet below ground. This is the ideal D.C. EMANCIPATION DAY: dollars spent, nothing has been done on spot. Yet we have come not on science; INJUSTICE AND PROGRESS Yucca Mountain since this administra- this hasn’t been objected to by the sci- tion has taken office. The administra- entific research. This has been objected The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under tion cut off funding for Yucca Moun- to for political reasons. Frankly, I have the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- tain and ensured that nothing would be to tell you, Mr. Speaker, the politics uary 6, 2015, the Chair recognizes the done to get this site ready—this de- has to end because what it is doing is gentlewoman from the District of Co- spite the three decades spent studying jeopardizing communities across our lumbia (Ms. NORTON) for 30 minutes. Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, in ad- the site and the over $15 billion spent. Nation. We should be transporting this vance of D.C. Emancipation Day, and I If we do not proceed, that money will spent nuclear fuel to the safest loca- know that it is not a national holiday, be completely wasted. Further, the ad- tion possible to make sure that we are but it is, yes, a holiday in the District ministration has failed to bring for- not putting our citizens at risk, that of Columbia. It commemorates the day ward any kind of alternative, meaning we are not damaging or potentially when the slaves in the District of Co- that spent nuclear waste continues to damaging the environment. lumbia were liberated by the Congress sit in our communities where, I would The Department of Energy has con- and Abraham Lincoln 9 months before argue, it should not be. cluded that the repository would have the national Emancipation Proclama- America’s nuclear power plants have little or no adverse impact on future tion. produced over 71,000 metric tons of populations or the environment. These Astonishingly, 150 years later, full spent nuclear fuel over the past six are key. So we are going to take a look freedom and equal citizenship have not decades, and while it has created jobs at what the Department of Energy has yet come to the residents of the Dis- and clean energy, we do have an obliga- to say and at the studies that have trict of Columbia. tion to make sure that it is stored, and been done. Literally, Yucca Mountain You don’t have to be the Holmes fam- stored safely. We need to make sure is probably the most studied piece of ily in the District of Columbia, who that it is stored in a long-term facility. real estate that we have in our Nation have lived three generations here pay- But, instead, spent nuclear fuel re- today. All of the studies that have ing taxes without representation. In- mains at plants at at least 75 nation- come back say this is the spot at which deed, my great grandfather, Richard wide sites, including at Zion. we should be storing this spent nuclear Holmes, was a runaway slave from Vir- There is a solution to this problem fuel. Instead, it is staying all across ginia. When Lincoln and Congress freed which affects not only Zion but the en- the country at the cost to the tax- the slaves 150 years ago, Richard tire country. We can fund the Yucca payers. Holmes was not freed, because he was a Mountain project and ensure that we The Federal Government owns the runaway slave rather than a slave will solve the problem once and for all. nuclear fuel, and when it refused, ac- whose master lived in the District of If we don’t, the only alternative right cording to the law, to take that nu- Columbia. So he had to wait the 9 now is to leave the waste where it is, clear fuel back and deal with it, we had months for the Emancipation Procla- stored in places like Zion, leaving both our companies out there that basically mation, but he was working on the Zion and the drinking water for 30 mil- said, Well, what are we supposed to do streets of Washington like a free man lion Americans vulnerable to an envi- with it? So they sued on breach of con- as they were building Washington. He ronmental disaster or to a terrorist tract, literally costing the taxpayers became free, but his great grand- event, leaving the residents of Zion billions of dollars. We heard my col- daughter—grateful for all that my fam- with a large plot of land in the heart of league from Washington say that it ily has done—cannot say that we are their community that, frankly, we could be as much as $50 billion that the free today. can’t use. hard-working taxpayers are going to The greater shock will not come from The only responsible course of action pay to keep the spent nuclear fuel those of us who are longtime residents. is to tackle this problem today. We where we don’t want it to stay. It will come from those who moved to have seen the statistics out there, and The government has an obligation, D.C. yesterday, from those who are not as we look at what the facts are, the Mr. Speaker, to step up and do the three generations here but who are one Department of Energy has determined right thing. I, for one, am delighted to day here, when they find that their that the deep geological disposal is the be able to be here today to tell you rights are gone, that the rights they safest method to store spent nuclear about the story of Zion, Illinois, but we had in every State of the Union have fuel. recognize that this is a situation that vanished except for a few. If we just look at the difference here, is impacting over 104 different sites. We They can vote for President, but they in Zion, Illinois, on the shores of Lake cannot afford to wait any longer. can’t vote for whoever represents them Michigan, there are 65 casks containing There are some on the other side of on this House floor. They have Con- 1,135 metric tons of nuclear waste— the building, Mr. Speaker, who are spe- gress interfering with their local busi- waste stored above the ground, about 5 cifically holding this process up. We ness. This will astonish the average feet above the water table and just a need to move forward. We need to American, and most Americans have few hundred feet away from the shores make sure Yucca Mountain is ap- no idea this is the case for the 650,000 of Lake Michigan. proved, open, and, again, able to store residents who live in their Nation’s Yet Yucca Mountain, on the other this for up to a million years. It is the Capital. People have taken for granted hand—a place where we have spent $15 right thing to do, and I urge my col- that the vote that is emblematic of billion, where our experts have said is leagues, Republicans and Democrats— statehood would follow them—I don’t the safest place for us—is where we ac- we have got those in the Illinois dele- know—from Utah and California, from tually tested a nuclear weapon. It is gation to my south who rely on Lake Alaska and Maine to the District of Co- near an Air Force base. So, when peo- Michigan. This is something that we lumbia when they moved here. They ple talk about the neighbors, as Con- should all be united behind. had no idea that their local budget, for gressman SHIMKUS talked about ear- I am honored to be able to come up example, which is a budget raised ex- lier, the neighbor is the Federal Gov- and talk about this, but I am also sad- clusively in the District of Columbia,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.088 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2264 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 would have the big foot of the Federal notion of interfering with the local this floor. The Democrats were in con- Government kicking it around—indeed, business of a jurisdiction of any kind trol, but even they said: We must send that it would even be in the Congress. was unthinkable for our Framers. this to outside counsel. Nobody from Emancipation Day in the District of It is the very meaning of statehood, the District of Columbia has ever voted Columbia is not a mere commemora- this localism, this thing that says that on this floor. tion. It is not like George Washington’s there is territory and there are laws, They sent it to outside counsel. They birthday. It is alive with a fervor there are habits for you only. They will said that the District of Columbia against this rank injustice that I have differ vastly across the country, but votes by rule in committee, so by rule, begun to speak about this evening. I that is your prerogative; that is the yes, if the majority pass a rule, the am going to speak about the injustice, prerogative of statehood. That is why District can vote on the floor of the but I am also going to talk about the residents of the District of Colum- House of Representatives. That rule progress because we have been encour- bia seek to become the 51st State, and was passed. Every time that the Demo- aged—we who live in the District of Co- know it will happen. Perhaps later crats are in power, I get to vote on the lumbia—and the many allies we have than sooner, but it must happen be- House floor—by no means on all busi- to fight as we begin to make some sub- cause of the principles I have begun to ness, but certainly on business in the stantial headway. describe. Committee of the Whole, and some of It must happen because we have been that really affects and is important to b 1915 called out and continue to be called out the District of Columbia. It is not the Most Americans—indeed, all other internationally, because we have whole and complete vote. It is not what Americans—obtain their full rights by signed treaties where we are now in we are entitled to. going through a citizenship ceremony violation. We are in violation of a trea- Why would anyone want to take it or by simply being born here. All you ty we signed in 1977, the International from us when we pay taxes without representation? But sure enough, when have to do to have your full citizenship Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. my good friends on the other side of rights, when all is said and done, is to The Human Rights Committee, the the aisle write their rules, they write pay taxes. You don’t even have to have U.N. Human Rights Committee, has the District right out of the rules and participated in all of the Nation’s wars called us out once again as it did in take from us a vote that we have actu- or any of the Nation’s wars the way the 2006, and they recited the reason for it. residents of the District of Columbia The Human Rights Committee, look- ally exercised on the House floor with the concurrence of the Federal courts have done ever since the first war, the ing at what has been done or, as it of the United States. Right after we war that created the United States of turns out, not been done said, and I am were granted that right and after I America. You don’t have to have paid quoting them, the United Nations dele- began to exercise it, my Republican all the taxes ever since you have been gation to the U.N. ‘‘remains concerned colleagues actually sued the Congress in the Union of states the way the Dis- that residents of the District of Colum- for giving the District the vote in the trict of Columbia residents have. bia do not enjoy full representation in Committee of the Whole. The District The reason you don’t is that the Congress, a restriction that does not Court said: It is your discretion. What statehood simply comes with where seem to be compatible with article 25 Congress has done is legal; the matter you live, and that is what has not hap- of the covenant.’’ is legal and constitutional. And the pened to us. Where do we live? We are Then they cited article 2, and I won’t Congress—the Republicans, not the proud to live in the Nation’s Capital. quote from it entirely, but it says that Congress, took their suit against the There, you would expect rights to the treaty we signed requires that we Congress, the Democratic Congress to flourish first and foremost. ‘‘adopt such laws or other measures as the Court of Appeals. The Court of Ap- When I spoke of not having the vote, may be necessary to give effect to the peals, the Federal Court of Appeals do understand I have the vote in com- rights recognized in the present cov- said: Yes, what Congress has done is mittee, and I am very grateful for that enant.’’ vote because it does allow me to carry What are those rights? In this cov- legal, in its discretion and constitu- home some important benefits to the enant, in this treaty that we the tional. And I proceeded to vote. I think it is probably unheard of ex- District of Columbia, but what I don’t United States has signed, says all per- cept in coups or dictatorships to snatch have is the right to come to this floor sons are ‘‘equal under the law and are a vote or a right that someone once and have the same vote that each of entitled, without discrimination, held, but that is what happened to the my colleagues has on business that af- through the equal protection of the residents of the District of Columbia. fects the District of Columbia and the law. In this respect, the law shall pro- No wonder there is rage in the city Nation. hibit any discrimination and guarantee about such treatment. Even matters that affect the District all persons equal and effective protec- Now, you might say: Well, there sure- of Columbia, our own budget comes to tion against discrimination on any ly must be some reason why the resi- Congress; and every other Member, ground,’’ and then they name the dents of the District of Columbia don’t who had nothing to do with raising the grounds. Here are the grounds: ‘‘such have the vote. No one has found any funds, gets to vote on that budget, but as race, color, sex, language, religion, such a reason yet. They have only not the Member elected by the people political or other opinion, national or found reasons why we should have the of the District of Columbia. How pain- social origin, property, birth—and here vote. ful it is that I have been able to speak is the one that applies to the District Some will say: Oh, you are much too on a number of wars that our country of Columbia and its residents—‘‘or small to have the vote. After all, you has entered, most recently Afghanistan other status.’’ What is our other sta- are only a city. Well, a city is whatever and Iraq, have gone to Arlington to tus? That we reside in our own Nation’s you call it, so is a State. But if the size bury those killed, residents killed in Capital—and for that reason, and that determines that you have the vote, those wars who went to war, secured reason alone, are denied equal rights then Vermont and Wyoming should not the vote for residents of Afghanistan with other citizens of the United have the vote because we have more and Iraq but came home to find no vote States of America. population than either of those two or, in the case of those who died, did Worse than being denied your rights States. not come home at all. is getting a right and then having it Vermont and Wyoming are not alone. And yet I am in a Republican House taken from you. Even that has hap- Those are the states where we have no- where ‘‘federalism’’ is the byword. In- pened to the residents of the District of tably more residents than they have. deed, I understand why, because noth- Columbia. Shortly after I was elected We have more than 650,000 residents. ing was more important to the Found- to Congress, I wrote a memo indicating But there are more than half a dozen ers than their own local laws and keep- that since, as a Delegate, by rules of States that are in the same range of ing the Federal Government, which the House, I could vote in the Com- population as the District of Columbia was then kept deliberately weak, out of mittee of the Whole, it followed that I and have a Representative—no more their affairs. What mattered to them should be able to vote in the Com- than one, just like the District of Co- was what was most local. So the very mittee of the Whole when it meets on lumbia has one in this House—and two

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.090 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2265 Senators. The District of Columbia has more casualties from D.C., this small they have been thinking, that we no Senators. territory than three States; in World weren’t a State, so the flag shouldn’t Who would say that that is fair? War II, there were more casualties be raised? And yet if you look down to the from the District of Columbia than Well, this Congress, controlled by my states with comparable population, the from four States—and it only rises. good Republican friends, was also first tier that are almost exactly like In the Korean war, there were more amazed. I very much appreciate that the District of Columbia: North Da- casualties than from eight States of they passed my bill that was attached kota, Alaska, Vermont, of course, and the union, almost all of which were to the Defense authorization bill that Wyoming. And then there is another larger in size and had more population. the Armed Forces now must display tier that are above us but very close in The Vietnam war, where we have the the D.C. flag—and we learned only with population: Delaware and South Da- very most casualties—more men and the visibility of this incident that kota. I want them to keep their vote, women were killed than from 10 States there were D.C. veterans who had come and I want them to keep their two Sen- in the Union. home from wars and, every flag was ators. All we are asking is that District There is a very special part of our raised, except the D.C. flag. of Columbia residents be treated equal- service in the Armed Forces. The Dis- I must tell you, I think it was be- ly. trict of Columbia was not a majority cause D.C. is not a State, for God’s I have been speaking all week in African American city until almost sake. At some point, you just have to preparation for Emancipation Day to- 1960. Today, it really is not a majority draw the line. Just make us a State, morrow, April 16. I began with two im- African American city. I grew up in a and maybe those kinds of things won’t portant, what I call debt-paid, paid-in- city that was largely White. happen. full obligations of citizenship. The first During that period, for most of its Take our World War I memorial. is participation in the armed services— history, the District of Columbia was a Every State had a World War I memo- although we know nobody is required segregated city, segregated by the Con- rial—paid for by people in that State— to participate in the armed services gress of the United States. I went to so was ours, 100 percent. Indeed, they today—and the second is payment of segregated schools, for example; yet collected money even from school- taxes. Pretty much today, April 15, if look at how residents of the District of children. you have earned enough money, even a Columbia who had no vote of any kind There has actually been an attempt relatively small amount, you are going at that time, had no home rule govern- to take our D.C. War Memorial—be- to have to pay some taxes. ment. The city was run by three com- cause it happens to be located on the It is hard to say which of those is missioners—no mayor, no city council, Mall—and convert it into a national most important. They all, of course, nobody to go to who was responsible to World War I memorial because there is surround citizenship. Both support our you—yet look what its residents did. no World War I memorial on the Mall. government: those who go to the serv- The first African American Army Well, sorry about that, but we paid— ice, those who pay their taxes. I won’t general was born and raised in the Dis- not only in treasure, but in the lives of say what is most important, but I trict of Columbia. The first African almost 500 D.C. residents. I thank my started with military service for a rea- American Air Force general was also Republican colleagues for working with son: anyone who enters the service, es- born in the District of Columbia. me to maintain the D.C. War Memo- pecially today, does so voluntarily, The first African American Naval rial. The D.C. World War I memorial knowing she is taking personal risk of Academy graduate was born right here had become, really, a war memorial for her life. in the District of Columbia. The first all D.C. veterans. Service in the armed services is so African American Air Force Academy What I did was to work closely with important to our country that undocu- graduate was born in this city. The ros- my colleagues so that we would get a mented immigrants have been granted ter continues into recent years, where real World War I memorial that could citizenship by serving in the Armed we had the first Deputy Commandant be respected. That means there is going Forces, and that has now been formal- of the U.S. Coast Guard and the first to be a wholesale redevelopment of the ized. Young people who grew up in the African American female aviator in the Pershing Park, which many always United States but came with their par- D.C. National Guard. considered a World War I memorial. ents as undocumented children without Don’t tell me District residents It is not located on the Mall, but it is any legal status have always joined the haven’t paid their dues and then some; located right in a prime location on armed services. In recognition of that, yet I have sometimes had some dif- Pennsylvania Avenue, near the White our country has now said that, at least ficulty getting our armed services per- House, and we were able to come to a for those who have special language or sonnel duly recognized. compromise, the kind of compromise medical skills, if they join the armed Perhaps the most poignant was a that makes the world go round and services, after 6 months they can apply mother who wrote me—and I thank makes this House look good. for citizenship. this Congress for helping me to correct Today, of course, was tax day, and Just consider the premium that we this injustice. It may seem small to my Republican colleagues came for- are placing on service in the Armed you, but it didn’t seem small to my ward with any number of bills. Some Forces, a premium that is more than constituents. They are the parents of were worthy bills, bipartisan bills. deserved, and yet there is no cog- Jonathan Matthew Rucker, a D.C. na- Some were nonsense. Some were just nizance taken of the fact that our resi- tive high school graduate who then straight out demagoguery. My col- dents who lived in the District of Co- proudly joined the Navy, instead of leagues are very concerned with tax lumbia since its formation in 1801 have going to college. cuts, even bills this week. fought and died in the armed services; He graduated from Naval Station Many will be surprised about the Dis- and even before that they fought in the Great Lakes. His parents went to see trict of Columbia and taxes. This is one Revolutionary War that led to the for- him graduate. Tomi Rucker, his moth- of the great unknown factoids of the mal formation of the United States and er, is an investigator with the D.C. Fire United States. Residents of the Dis- the District of Columbia. So by any and EMS Department. His father, Mi- trict of Columbia, per capita, per resi- measure, District of Columbia resi- chael Linwood Boyd, is a sergeant in dent, pay the highest taxes in the dents have gone beyond the call of duty the Special Operations Division of the United States, Federal taxes, more in serving their country and earned the D.C. police department. than any Americans. right—earned, earned painfully, with They enjoyed attending their son’s If you are in Mississippi, you pay the their lives—the full right to be treated graduation from naval boot camp. The lowest per capita, at just about $4,000, as full and equal citizens of a State. Navy called out the names. As the compared to our $12,000. If you go to name of each young person was called, my Web site, you will find out where b 1930 the Navy raised the state flag. The your State stands. This chart shows how the right to be name of Jonathan Matthew Rucker I will go down the top 10: the District the 51st State has been tragically was called, and no flag was raised. of Columbia, Connecticut, New Jersey, earned. In World War I, there were Why? What in the world? What could Massachusetts—this is in rank order,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.092 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 by the way—Maryland, New York, Ne- We know that, ultimately, the denial try and Security, Department of Commerce, vada, Wyoming, New Hampshire, and of rights will be seen as un-American, transmitting the Department’s final rule — California. especially when that denial concerns Revisions to the Export Administration Reg- The largest States—let’s take Cali- the residents of our own Nation’s Cap- ulations Based on the 2014 Missile Tech- nology Control Regime Plenary Agreements fornia and New York—they each pay in ital. [Docket No.: 141204999-5186-01] (RIN: 0694- the $8,000 range. D.C. is $12,000 per cap- Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance AG41) received April 8, 2015, pursuant to 5 ita. This is all per resident. of my time. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on For- You say: well, look at the small f eign Affairs. States; they must be like you. 1124. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, No, they are not. Small States, like ADJOURNMENT Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Rhode Island—we are $12,000, and they Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I move transmitting the annual report pursuant to are at $7,000. We are at $12,000 per resi- that the House do now adjourn. Sec. 2(8) of the Senate’s Resolution of Advice and Consent to the Treaty with Australia dent, and in Vermont, they are $6,000. The motion was agreed to; accord- ingly (at 7 o’clock and 42 minutes Concerning Defense Trade Cooperation North Dakota is at $6,000. Montana is (Treaty Doc. 110-10); to the Committee on at $5,000. p.m.), under its previous order, the Foreign Affairs. Those are the States with small pop- House adjourned until tomorrow, 1125. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, ulations, so population can’t be the Thursday, April 16, 2015, at 9 a.m. Legislative Affairs, Department of State, cause. The cause is that the District f transmitting a letter regarding commit- ments in the Joint Plan of Action, pursuant has middle-income people, rich people, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, and, yes, because it is a big city, poor to Secs. 1245(d)(1) and 1245(d)(5) of the Na- ETC. tional Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal people, and when you add it all up, Year 2012, as amended; to the Committee on Uncle Sam gets more than his due Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive communications were taken from the Foreign Affairs. without D.C. getting statehood and the 1126. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, rights that come with it. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Legislative Affairs, Department of State, Only statehood can end this 1117. A letter from the Associate Adminis- transmitting a report on the International bucketload of injustice. Only statehood trator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) programs or can end no vote for the Member from Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Department projects in countries described in Sec. 307(a) of Agriculture, transmitting the Depart- the District on this floor, no matter of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 ment’s interim rule — Marketing Order Reg- U.S.C. 2227(a)); to the Committee on Foreign what the bill, even if the bill is about ulating the Handling of Spearmint Oil Pro- Affairs. the District of Columbia. Only state- duced in the Far West; Revision of the Sal- 1127. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, hood can end the outrage of bringing able Quantity and Allotment Percentage for Legislative Affairs, Department of State, the District’s local budget for Members Class 3 (Native) Spearmint Oil for the 2014- transmitting a certification pursuant to the to vote on who have nothing to do with 2015 Marketing Year [Doc. No.: AMS-FV-13- reporting requirements of Sec. 36(c) of the it and have contributed not one penny 0087; FV14-985-1C IR] received April 13, 2015, Arms Export Control Act (Transmittal No.: to it. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- DDTC 15-010); to the Committee on Foreign mittee on Agriculture. Affairs. Only statehood can keep this Con- 1118. A letter from the Associate Adminis- 1128. A letter from the Assistant Director gress from interfering with the local trator, Agricultural Marketing Service, for Regulatory Affairs, Office of Foreign As- laws of our local jurisdiction, using Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Department sets Control, Department of the Treasury, their own preferences to overturn the of Agriculture, transmitting the Depart- transmitting the Department’s final rule — democratic will of the legislature of ment’s final rule — Marketing Order Regu- Syrian Sanctions Regulations received April the District of Columbia. lating the Handling of Spearmint Oil Pro- 13, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to But, it is not all terrible. We have duced in the Far West; Revision of the Sal- the Committee on Foreign Affairs. made progress. This is a country that able Quantity and Allotment Percentage for 1129. A letter from the General Manager Class 1 (Scotch) Spearmint Oil for the 2014- and Director of Equal Employment Oppor- makes progress slowly, so we are not 2015 Marketing Year [Doc. No.: AMS-FV-13- tunity, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety about to give up. We are trying to get 0087; FV14-985-1A FIR] received April 13, 2015, Board, transmitting the Board’s FY 2014 an- the elements of statehood even as we pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- nual report, pursuant to Sec. 203 of the Noti- try to get what we are entitled to. mittee on Agriculture. fication and Federal Employee Antidiscrimi- Budget autonomy—so that our budg- 1119. A letter from the Associate Adminis- nation and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR et won’t have to come here—was not trator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Act), Pub. L. 107-174; to the Committee on only in the President’s budget, but my Fruit and Vegetable Programs, Department Oversight and Government Reform. bill for budget autonomy was in the of Agriculture, transmitting the Depart- 1130. A letter from the Assistant Director, ment’s interim rule — Fruit, Vegetable, and Senior Executive Management Office, De- Senate appropriations bill last Con- Specialty Crops —— Import Regulations; partment of Defense, transmitting a report gress. They put it in their budget. Changes to Reporting Requirements To Add pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform That, I am afraid, did not pass because Electronic Form Filing Option [Doc. No.: Act of 1998; to the Committee on Oversight we cannot get yet the kind of con- AMS-FV-14-0093; FV15-944/980/999-1 IR] re- and Government Reform. sensus we need from the House. ceived April 13, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 1131. A letter from the Assistant Director, The residents of the District of Co- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- Senior Executive Management Office, De- lumbia want to have sole dominion culture. partment of Defense, transmitting a report 1120. A letter from the Assistant Secretary pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform over their own money. That is $7 bil- for Legislation, Department of Health and Act of 1998; to the Committee on Oversight lion that we raise ourselves in the Dis- Human Services, transmitting the FY 2014 and Government Reform. trict of Columbia, so residents put it to Performance Report to the President and 1132. A letter from the Assistant Director, referendum. Congress for the Biosimilar User Fee Act; to Senior Executive Management Office, De- The city was sued after that ref- the Committee on Energy and Commerce. partment of Defense, transmitting a report erendum which passed by almost 85 1121. A letter from the Executive Director, pursuant to the Federal Vacancies Reform percent of the vote. Now, that is in Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Act of 1998; to the Committee on Oversight court to see where it goes. But resi- transmitting the Commission’s final rule — and Government Reform. Annual Update of Filing Fees [Docket No.: 1133. A letter from the Chief Human Cap- dents are not going to give up. If they RM15-6-000] received April 8, 2015, pursuant ital Officer, Department of Energy, trans- can’t get statehood, they are trying to to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on mitting a report pursuant to the Federal Va- get any part of it that they can. Energy and Commerce. cancies Reform Act of 1998; to the Com- Other elements of statehood have 1122. A letter from the Director, Office of mittee on Oversight and Government Re- also been introduced in the House and Congressional Affairs, Research, U.S. Nu- form. the Senate so that our local laws don’t clear Regulatory Commission, transmitting 1134. A letter from the Senior Counsel for have to come here, for example. the Commission’s final rule — ‘‘Applications Regulatory Affairs, Department of the Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the time I of Bioassay for Radioiodine’’ Regulatory Treasury, transmitting the Department’s Guide 8.20, Revision 2, received April 13, 2015, final rule — Department of the Treasury Ac- have had on the floor for Emancipation pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- quisition Regulation; Technical Amend- Day. I want to leave you looking for- mittee on Energy and Commerce. ments received April 8, 2015, pursuant to 5 ward, not backward. We are overjoyed 1123. A letter from the Assistant Secretary U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on by making some progress. for Export Administration, Bureau of Indus- Oversight and Government Reform.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP7.094 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2267 1135. A letter from the Chairman, Federal tion, transmitting the Administration’s final gional Partnership Grants to Increase the Communications Commission, transmitting rule — Fisheries Off West Coast States; Well-Being of and to Improve the Perma- the Commission’s FY 2014 annual report, Highly Migratory Fisheries; California nency Outcomes for Children Affected by pursuant to Sec. 203 of the Notification and Swordfish Drift Gillnet Fishery; Vessel Mon- Substance Abuse: First Annual Report to Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and itoring System and Pre-Trip Notification Congress’’, as required by the Child and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act), Pub. Requirements [Docket No.: 140528460-5122-02] Family Services Improvement Act, Pub. L. L. 107-174; to the Committee on Oversight (RIN: 0648-BE25) received April 13, 2015, pur- 112-34; to the Committee on Ways and Means. and Government Reform. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- 1154. A letter from the Director, Office of 1136. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, mittee on Natural Resources. Regulations and Reports Clearance, Social Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administra- 1145. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Security Administration, transmitting the tion, Department of Transportation, trans- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Administration’s final rule — Revised List- mitting a report pursuant to the Federal Va- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ings for Growth Disorders and Weight Loss cancies Reform Act of 1998; to the Com- tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- in Children [Docket No.: SSA-2011-0081] (RIN: mittee on Oversight and Government Re- porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- 0960-AG28) received April 7, 2015, pursuant to form. nomic Zone Off Alaska; Reallocation of Pol- 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on 1137. A letter from the General Counsel and lock in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Ways and Means. Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Management [Docket No.: 141021887-5172-02] (RIN: 0648- 1155. A letter from the Assistant Secretary and Budget, Executive Office of The Presi- XD846) received April 14, 2015, pursuant to 5 for Legislation, Department of Health and dent, transmitting a report pursuant to the U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Nat- Human Services, transmitting a report titled Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, 5 ural Resources. ‘‘Medicare National Coverage Determina- U.S.C. 3349, regarding a vacancy in a Senate- 1146. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- tions for FY 2014’’ pursuant to Sec. 1869(f)(7) confirmed position in the Office of Manage- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- of the Social Security Act; jointly to the ment and Budget; to the Committee on Over- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Committees on Energy and Commerce and sight and Government Reform. tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- Ways and Means. 1138. A letter from the Director, Peace porary rule — Fisheries of the Caribbean, Corps, transmitting the Corps’ FY 2014 re- Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Snapper- f port, pursuant to Title II of the Notification Grouper Resources of the South Atlantic; REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination 2015-2016 Recreational Fishing Season for PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Com- Black Sea Bass [Docket No.: 130403320-4891- mittee on Oversight and Government Re- 02] (RIN: 0648-XD828) received April 14, 2015, Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of form. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- committees were delivered to the Clerk 1139. A letter from the Director, Office of mittee on Natural Resources. for printing and reference to the proper Equal Employment Opportunity, U.S. Merit 1147. A letter from the Deputy Assistant calendar, as follows: Systems Protection Board, transmitting the Administrator for Regulatory Programs, Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Board’s No FEAR Act Data Tables for FY NMFS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric ural Resources. H.R. 373. A bill to direct the 2015; to the Committee on Oversight and Administration, transmitting the Adminis- Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of Government Reform. tration’s final rule — Fisheries of the North- Agriculture to expedite access to certain 1140. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- eastern United States; Atlantic Mackerel, Federal land under the administrative juris- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Squid, and Butterfish Fisheries; Specifica- diction of each Secretary for good Samaritan tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tions and Management Measures [Docket search-and-recovery missions, and for other tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- No.: 140902739-5224-02] (RIN: 0648-BE49) re- purposes (Rept. 114–75, Pt. 1). Referred to the porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- ceived April 14, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Committee of the Whole House on the state nomic Zone Off Alaska; Sablefish Managed 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural of the Union. Under the Individual Fishing Quota Program Resources. [Docket No.: 141021887-5172-02 and 140918791- 1148. A letter from the Secretary, Judicial Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- 4999-02] (RIN: 0648-XD818) received April 13, Conference of the United States, transmit- ural Resources. H.R. 404. A bill to authorize 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the ting for consideration the proposed ‘‘Crimi- early repayment of obligations to the Bureau Committee on Natural Resources. nal Judicial Procedure, Administration, and of Reclamation within the Northport Irriga- 1141. A letter from the Deputy Assistant Technical Amendments Act of 2015’’; to the tion District in the State of Nebraska (Rept. Administrator for Regulatory Programs, Committee on the Judiciary. 114–76). Referred to the Committee of the NMFS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric 1149. A letter from the Assistant Attorney Whole House on the state of the Union. Administration, transmitting the Adminis- General, Office of Legislative Affairs, De- Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- tration’s final rule — Pacific Halibut Fish- partment of Justice, transmitting a report ural Resources. H.R. 533. A bill to revoke the eries; Catch Sharing Plan [Docket No.: titled ‘‘Department of Justice Activities charter of incorporation of the Miami Tribe 141126999-5235-01] (RIN: 0648-BE69) received Under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized of Oklahoma at the request of that tribe, and April 13, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Persons Act FY 2014’’ pursuant to 42 U.S.C. for other purposes (Rept. 114–77). Referred to 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural 1997f; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Committee of the Whole House on the Resources. 1150. A letter from the Senior Attorney-Ad- state of the Union. 1142. A letter from the Deputy Assistant visor, Office of Regulation and Enforcement, Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Administrator for Regulatory Programs, Office of the General Counsel, Department of ural Resources. H.R. 984. A bill to amend the NMFS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Transportation, transmitting the Depart- National Trails System Act to direct the Administration, transmitting the Adminis- ment’s final rule — Use of Electronic Chain Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study tration’s final rule — International Fish- of Custody and Control Form in DOT-Regu- on the feasibility of designating the Chief eries; Western and Central Pacific Fisheries lated Drug Testing Programs [Docket No.: Standing Bear National Historic Train, and for Highly Migratory Species; Fishing Re- OST-2015-0045] (RIN: 2105-AE35) received for other purposes (Rept. 114–78). Referred to strictions Regarding the Oceanic Whitetip April 14, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. the Committee of the Whole House on the Shark, the Whale Shark, and the Silky 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- state of the Union. Shark [Docket No.: 130703588-5112-02] (RIN: tation and Infrastructure. Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- 0648-BD44) received April 13, 2015, pursuant to 1151. A letter from the Vice President, Gov- ural Resources. H.R. 1168. A bill to amend 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on ernment Affairs and Corporate Communica- the Indian Child Protection and Family Vio- Natural Resources. tions, National Railroad Passenger Corpora- lence Prevention Act to require background 1143. A letter from the Deputy Assistant tion, transmitting other materials, as re- checks before foster care placements are or- Administrator for Regulatory Programs, quired by 49 U.S.C. 24315(a)(2); to the Com- dered in tribal court proceedings, and for NMFS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- other purposes (Rept. 114–79). Referred to the Administration, transmitting the Adminis- ture. Committee of the Whole House on the state tration’s final rule — Magnuson-Stevens 1152. A letter from the Attorney-Advisor, of the Union. Fishery Conservation and Management Act U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Provisions; Fisheries of the Northeastern Security, transmitting the Department’s ural Resources. H.R. 1324. A bill to adjust the United States; Black Sea Bass Fishery; temporary final rule — Safety Zone; Cooper boundary of the Arapaho National Forest, Framework Adjustment 8 [Docket No.: River Bridge Run, Cooper River, and Town Colorado, and for other purposes (Rept. 114– 141103917-5223-02] (RIN: 0648-BE60) received Creek Reaches, Charleston, SC [Docket No.: 80). Referred to the Committee of the Whole April 14, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. USCG-2015-0040] (RIN: 1625-AA87) received House on the state of the Union. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Natural April 13, 2015, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Mr. BISHOP of Utah: Committee on Nat- Resources. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Transpor- ural Resources. H.R. 979. A bill to designate 1144. A letter from the Deputy Assistant tation and Infrastructure. a mountain in the John Muir Wilderness of Administrator for Regulatory Programs, 1153. A letter from the Assistant Secretary the Sierra National Forest as ‘‘Sky Point’’ NMFS, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Na- for Legislation, Department of Health and (Rept. 114–81). Referred to the House Cal- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Human Services, transmitting the ‘‘2012 Re- endar.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L15AP7.000 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2268 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Mr. CHAFFETZ: Committee on Oversight tary, and secondary students that promote able homicides, and for other purposes; to and Government Reform. Oversight Plans for economic and financial literacy; to the Com- the Committee on the Judiciary. All House Committees (Rept. 114–82). Re- mittee on Ways and Means. By Mr. DEUTCH (for himself, Mr. HAS- ferred to the Committee of the Whole House By Mr. MCKINLEY (for himself and Mr. TINGS, Mr. CICILLINE, Mr. VARGAS, on the state of the Union. WELCH): Ms. PINGREE, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, Mr. DISCHARGE OF COMMITTEE H.R. 1802. A bill to promote energy effi- LANGEVIN, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Ms. ciency; to the Committee on Energy and Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XIII, the SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. CONYERS, and Mr. Commerce. FARR): Committee on Agriculture discharged By Mr. POE of Texas: H.R. 1811. A bill to amend title II of the So- from further consideration. H.R. 373 re- H.R. 1803. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- cial Security Act and the Internal Revenue ferred to the Committee of the Whole enue Code of 1986 to make permanent the Code of 1986 to make improvements in the House on the state of the Union. work opportunity tax credit for veterans and old-age, survivors, and disability insurance to allow an exemption from an employer’s program, to provide for cash relief for years f employment taxes in an amount equivalent for which annual COLAs do not take effect PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS to the value of such credit in the case of vet- under certain cash benefit programs, and to erans; to the Committee on Ways and Means. provide for Social Security benefit protec- Under clause 2 of rule XII, public By Mr. MCDERMOTT (for himself, Ms. tion; to the Committee on Ways and Means, bills and resolutions of the following MATSUI, Mr. KIND, Mrs. LOWEY, and and in addition to the Committee on Edu- titles were introduced and severally re- Mr. THOMPSON of California): cation and the Workforce, for a period to be ferred, as follows: H.R. 1804. A bill to protect the public, com- subsequently determined by the Speaker, in munities across America, and the environ- By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas (for each case for consideration of such provi- ment by increasing the safety of crude oil himself, Mr. YOUNG of Indiana, Mrs. sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the transportation by railroad, and for other BLACK, Mr. REED, Mr. BOUSTANY, Mr. committee concerned. purposes; to the Committee on Transpor- RENACCI, Mr. MARCHANT, and Mr. By Mr. ENGEL (for himself and Mr. tation and Infrastructure. KELLY of Pennsylvania): SALMON): By Mr. GIBSON (for himself, Ms. H.R. 1795. A bill to require the Commis- H.R. 1812. A bill to establish the Western STEFANIK, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALO- sioner of Social Security to make publicly Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission; to the NEY of New York, Mr. KATKO, Mr. available on-line tools to allow individuals Committee on Foreign Affairs. REED, and Mr. COLLINS of New York): eligible for disability benefits to assess the By Mr. GOHMERT: H.R. 1805. A bill to amend the Immigration H.R. 1813. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- impact of earnings on the individual’s eligi- and Nationality Act to simplify the peti- enue Code of 1986 to tax bona fide residents bility for, and amount of, benefits received tioning procedure for H-2A workers, to ex- of the District of Columbia in the same man- through Federal and State benefit programs; pand the scope of the H-2A program, and for ner as bona fide residents of possessions of to the Committee on Ways and Means. other purposes; to the Committee on the Ju- the United States; to the Committee on By Ms. MCCOLLUM: diciary. Ways and Means. H.R. 1796. A bill to withdraw all Federal By Mr. SMITH of Texas (for himself, By Mr. GRIJALVA (for himself, Mrs. land located within the Rainy River Drain- Mr. LUCAS, Mrs. COMSTOCK, Mr. DINGELL, Mr. POLIS, Mr. HUFFMAN, age Basin in Minnesota from all forms of WEBER of Texas, Mr. MOOLENAAR, Mr. Mr. THOMPSON of California, Mr. entry, appropriation, or disposal under the PALAZZO, Mr. HULTGREN, Mr. KNIGHT, RUIZ, Mr. TAKAI, Ms. KUSTER, Mr. public land laws, location, entry, and patent Mr. BABIN, and Mr. LOUDERMILK): CARTWRIGHT, Ms. TSONGAS, Mr. under the mining laws and operation under H.R. 1806. A bill to provide for techno- FITZPATRICK, Mr. MEEHAN, Mr. the mineral leasing laws, and for other pur- logical innovation through the prioritization GUINTA, Mr. GIBSON, Mr. COSTELLO of poses; to the Committee on Natural Re- of Federal investment in basic research, fun- Pennsylvania, Mr. DOLD, Mr. sources. damental scientific discovery, and develop- REICHERT, Mr. LOBIONDO, and Mr. By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him- ment to improve the competitiveness of the KING of New York): self, Mr. FATTAH, Mr. SALMON, Mr. United States, and for other purposes; to the H.R. 1814. A bill to permanently reauthor- JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. MEADOWS, Committee on Science, Space, and Tech- ize the Land and Water Conservation Fund; Mr. RANGEL, and Mr. WALBERG): nology, and in addition to the Committees to the Committee on Natural Resources. H.R. 1797. A bill to facilitate effective re- on Education and the Workforce, and Over- By Mr. HARDY (for himself, Mr. search on and treatment of neglected trop- sight and Government Reform, for a period AMODEI, Mr. HECK of Nevada, and Ms. ical diseases, including Ebola, through co- to be subsequently determined by the Speak- TITUS): ordinated domestic and international efforts; er, in each case for consideration of such pro- H.R. 1815. A bill to facilitate certain to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the pinyon-juniper related projects in Lincoln and in addition to the Committees on For- committee concerned. County, Nevada, to modify the boundaries of eign Affairs, and Financial Services, for a pe- By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois certain wilderness areas in the State of Ne- riod to be subsequently determined by the (for himself and Mr. BURGESS): vada, and to provide for the implementation Speaker, in each case for consideration of H.R. 1807. A bill to amend the Public of a conservation plan for the Virgin River, such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- Health Service Act to reauthorize a sickle Nevada; to the Committee on Natural Re- tion of the committee concerned. cell disease prevention and treatment dem- sources. By Mr. NEUGEBAUER (for himself, onstration program and to provide for sickle By Mr. HECK of Nevada: Mr. BABIN, Mr. CARTER of Texas, and cell disease research, surveillance, preven- H.R. 1816. A bill to exclude from consider- Mr. FARENTHOLD): tion, and treatment; to the Committee on ation as income under the United States H.R. 1798. A bill to prohibit the Depart- Energy and Commerce. Housing Act of 1937 payments of pension ment of the Treasury from assigning tax By Mr. CASTRO of Texas: made under section 1521 of title 38, United statuses to organizations based on their po- H.R. 1808. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- States Code, to veterans who are in need of litical beliefs and activities; to the Com- enue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring regular aid and attendance; to the Com- mittee on Ways and Means. provisions for 1 year; to the Committee on mittee on Financial Services. By Mr. ELLISON: Ways and Means. By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas: H.R. 1799. A bill to amend the Real Estate By Ms. DELAURO (for herself, Mr. DOG- H.R. 1817. A bill to prohibit the provision of Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 to pro- GETT, and Mr. LEVIN): performance awards to employees of the In- hibit certain financial benefits for referrals H.R. 1809. A bill to prohibit the award of ternal Revenue Service who owe back taxes; of business and to improve the judicial relief Federal Government contracts to inverted to the Committee on Ways and Means. for certain violations, and for other pur- domestic corporations, and for other pur- By Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois (for poses; to the Committee on Financial Serv- poses; to the Committee on Oversight and himself and Mrs. CAPPS): ices. Government Reform, and in addition to the H.R. 1818. A bill to amend the Public By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas (for Committee on Armed Services, for a period Health Service Act to provide grants to himself, Mrs. BLACK, Mr. REED, Mrs. to be subsequently determined by the Speak- States to streamline State requirements and MIMI WALTERS of California, and Mr. er, in each case for consideration of such pro- procedures for veterans with military emer- MARCHANT): visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the gency medical training to become civilian H.R. 1800. A bill to require the Commis- committee concerned. emergency medical technicians; to the Com- sioner of Social Security to update the med- By Ms. JACKSON LEE (for herself and mittee on Energy and Commerce. ical-vocational guidelines used in disability Mr. CONYERS): By Mr. LIPINSKI: determinations; to the Committee on Ways H.R. 1810. A bill to revise the Uniform H.R. 1819. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and Means. Crime Reports, and the National Incident- enue Code of 1986 to provide an exception for By Ms. KELLY of Illinois: Based Reporting System, to direct the Direc- certain public-private research arrange- H.R. 1801. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- tor of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to ments from the business use test for pur- enue Code of 1986 to allow a tax credit for include information in those reports per- poses of determining private activity bonds; providing programs to kindergarten, elemen- taining to law enforcement-involved justifi- to the Committee on Ways and Means.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.014 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2269 By Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- Global Marshall Plan holds the potential to Congress has the power to enact this legis- ico (for himself and Mrs. LUMMIS): demonstrate the commitment of the United lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1820. A bill to authorize the Secretary States to peace and prosperity through pov- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Interior to retire coal preference right erty reduction in the United States and The Congress shall have Power to make all lease applications for which the Secretary abroad; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Laws which shall be necessary and proper for has made an affirmative commercial quan- By Mr. BUTTERFIELD (for himself, carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- tities determination, and for other purposes; Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. ers; and all other Powers vested by the Con- to the Committee on Natural Resources. JONES, Mr. HUDSON, Ms. ADAMS, Mr. stitution in the Government of the United By Mr. NEAL (for himself, Mr. GUINTA, ROUZER, Mr. BYRNE, Mr. PETERS, Mr. States, or in any department or officer and Mrs. COMSTOCK): BROOKS of Alabama, Ms. JACKSON thereof H.R. 1821. A bill to provide certain protec- LEE, Mr. HOLDING, and Mr. TROTT): By Mr. ELLISON: tions from civil liability with respect to the H. Res. 202. A resolution congratulating H.R. 1799. emergency administration of opioid overdose the 2015 national champions, the Duke Uni- Congress has the power to enact this legis- drugs; to the Committee on the Judiciary. versity Blue Devils, for their win in the 2015 lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. PIERLUISI (for himself, Ms. National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- Congress has the power to enact this legis- PLASKETT, Ms. BORDALLO, Mrs. vision I Men’s Basketball Tournament; to lation pursuant to Article I, Section 8, RADEWAGEN, and Mr. SABLAN): the Committee on Education and the Work- Clause 1 and Clause 3. H.R. 1822. A bill to extend the supple- force. By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas: mental security income program to Puerto By Mr. HASTINGS (for himself, Mr. H.R. 1800. Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, RANGEL, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Guam, and American Samoa, and for other KELLY of Illinois, Ms. MOORE, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Clause 1 of section 8 of article I of the Con- purposes; to the Committee on Ways and MCGOVERN, Mr. MURPHY of Florida, stitution, to ‘‘provide for the common de- Means. Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Ms. fense and general welfare of the United By Mr. QUIGLEY (for himself, Mr. CLARKE of New York, Mrs. LAWRENCE, States.’’ AGUILAR, and Mr. RUIZ): and Mr. PAYNE): H.R. 1823. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- H. Res. 203. A resolution expressing support By Ms. KELLY of Illinois: enue Code of 1986 to allow the mortgage in- for designation of June 2015 as ‘‘National H.R. 1801. Congress has the power to enact this legis- terest deduction with respect to boats only if Men’s Cancer Awareness Month’’; to the lation pursuant to the following: the boat is used as the principal residence of Committee on Energy and Commerce. USC Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 1 (‘‘The Congress the taxpayer; to the Committee on Ways and By Ms. LOFGREN: Means. H. Res. 204. A resolution expressing support shall have Power To Lay and collect Taxes, By Mr. ROGERS of Alabama: for designation of May 13, 2015, as a national Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the H.R. 1824. A bill to repeal the current In- day of celebration of the diversity in the Debts and provide for the Common Defence ternal Revenue Code and replace it with a United States, known as Diversity Day in and general Welfare of the United States[.]’’) flat tax, thereby guaranteeing economic the Nation; to the Committee on Oversight (This bill would provide a tax credit to enti- growth and fairness for all Americans; to the and Government Reform. ties that implement financial literacy pro- Committee on Ways and Means, and in addi- By Mr. QUIGLEY (for himself, Mr. gramming for students—empowering said students, and in turn, improving the nation’s tion to the Committee on Rules, for a period RUSH, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, ‘‘general Welfare.’’). to be subsequently determined by the Speak- Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. By Mr. MCKINLEY: er, in each case for consideration of such pro- FOSTER, Mr. LIPINSKI, and Mr. visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.R. 1802. KINZINGER of Illinois): Congress has the power to enact this legis- committee concerned. H. Res. 205. A resolution congratulating lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. ROONEY of Florida: the administration, staff, students, and According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 1825. A bill to direct the Adminis- alumni of Roosevelt University on the occa- of the Constitution: The Congress shall have trator of the Transportation Security Ad- sion of the University’s 70th anniversary; to power to enact this legislation to regulate ministration to prohibit certain employees the Committee on Education and the Work- commerce with foreign nations, and among of the Transportation Security Administra- force. the several states, and with the Indian tion from using the title of ‘‘officer’’ and By Mr. TAKAI (for himself and Mr. tribes. from wearing metal badges or uniforms re- BRIDENSTINE): By Mr. POE of Texas: sembling those of law enforcement officers; H. Res. 206. A resolution expressing support H.R. 1803. to the Committee on Homeland Security. for designation of April 2015 as ‘‘National Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. SABLAN (for himself and Mr. Learn to Swim Month’’; to the Committee on lation pursuant to the following: HUFFMAN): Oversight and Government Reform. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 1826. A bill to reauthorize the Magnu- f By Mr. MCDERMOTT: son-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Man- H.R. 1804. agement Act, and for other purposes; to the CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Congress has the power to enact this legis- Committee on Natural Resources. STATEMENT lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. TAKANO: Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of Clause 3 of Section 8 of Article 1 of the H.R. 1827. A bill to allow funds under title United States Constitution II of the Elementary and Secondary Edu- the Rules of the House of Representa- tives, the following statements are sub- By Mr. GIBSON: cation Act of 1965 to be used to provide train- H.R. 1805. ing to school personnel regarding how to rec- mitted regarding the specific powers Congress has the power to enact this legis- ognize child sexual abuse; to the Committee granted to Congress in the Constitu- lation pursuant to the following: on Education and the Workforce. tion to enact the accompanying bill or Clause 3 and 4, of Section 8, of Article I. By Mr. THORNBERRY: joint resolution. By Mr. SMITH of Texas: H.R. 1828. A bill to provide a taxpayer bill H.R. 1806. of rights for small businesses; to the Com- By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas: H.R. 1795. Congress has the power to enact this legis- mittee on Ways and Means, and in addition Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: to the Committee on Oversight and Govern- lation pursuant to the following: Article I, Section 8, Clause 18: ment Reform, for a period to be subsequently Clause 1 of section 8 of article I of the Con- The Congress shall have power to make all determined by the Speaker, in each case for stitution, to ‘‘provide for the common de- Laws which shall be necessary and proper for consideration of such provisions as fall with- fense and general welfare of the United carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- in the jurisdiction of the committee con- States.’’ ers, and all other Powers vested by this Con- cerned. By Ms. MCCOLLUM: stitution in the Government of the United By Mrs. TORRES (for herself, Mr. H.R. 1796. States, or in any Department of Officer THOMPSON of Mississippi, and Mrs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- thereof. WATSON COLEMAN): lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois: H.R. 1829. A bill to require the Secretary of Article I, Section 8, Clause 18, which gives H.R. 1807. Homeland Security to assess and submit to Congress the power ‘‘To make all Laws Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress a report on the ability of the De- which shall be necessary and proper for car- lation pursuant to the following: partment of Homeland Security to convey rying into Execution the foregoing powers.’’ This bill is enacted pursuant to the power information to, collect information from, By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey: granted to Congress under Article I of the and serve individuals with limited English H.R. 1797. United States Constitution and its subse- proficiency; to the Committee on Homeland Congress has the power to enact this legis- quent amendments, and further clarified and Security. lation pursuant to the following: interpreted by the Supreme Court of the By Mr. ELLISON: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 United States H. Res. 201. A resolution expressing the By Mr. NEUGEBAUER: By Mr. CASTRO of Texas: sense of the House of Representatives that a H.R. 1798. H.R. 1808.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:04 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L15AP7.100 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 15, 2015 Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18, which states Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution of lation pursuant to the following: ‘‘The Congress shall have Power To make all the United States. Constitutional Authority—Necessary and Laws which shall be necessary and proper for By Mr. THORNBERRY: Proper Clause (Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 18) carrying into Execution the foregoing Pow- H.R. 1828. THE U.S. CONSTITUTION ers, and all other Powers vested by the Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ARTICLE I, SECTION 8: POWERS OF stitution in the Government of the United lation pursuant to the following: CONGRESS States, or in any Department or Officer Article I, Section 8, Clause I: ‘‘The Con- CLAUSE 18 thereof.’’ gress shall have Power To lay and collect The Congress shall have power . . . To By Mr. KINZINGER of Illinois: Taxes, Duties, Imports and Excises, to pay make all laws which shall be necessary and H.R. 1818. the Debts and provide for the common proper for carrying into execution the fore- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Defence and general Welfare for the United going powers, and all other powers vested by lation pursuant to the following: States; but all Duties, imposts and Excises this Constitution in the government of the According to clause 7 of Section 9 of Arti- shall be uniform throughout the United United States, or in any department or offi- cle I of the Constitution, Congress has the States’’ cer thereof. authority to control the expenditures of the By Mrs. TORRES: By Ms. DELAURO: federal government. H.R. 1829. H.R. 1809. By Mr. LIPINSKI: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1819. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1 and 3 of the lation pursuant to the following: tion. United States Constitution Article 1, Section 8 and the 16th Amend- By Ms. JACKSON LEE: ment of the U.S. Constitution. f H.R. 1810. By Mr. BEN RAY LUJA´ N of New Mex- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ico: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1820. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors This bill is enacted pursuant to the power Congress has the power to enact this legis- were added to public bills and resolu- granted to Congress under Article I, Section lation pursuant to the following: 8, Clauses 1, 3, and 18 of the United States Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 tions, as follows: Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 H.R. 9: Mr. SESSIONS. By Mr. DEUTCH: By Mr. NEAL: H.R. 93: Mr. POE of Texas. H.R. 1811. H.R. 1821. H.R. 114: Mr. DESANTIS. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 140: Mr. SANFORD. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 173: Mr. PALAZZO. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 as interpreted Article, 1 Section 8 H.R. 174: Mr. YOUNG of Iowa and Mrs. by Steward Machine Company v. Davis and By Mr. PIERLUISI: WALORSKI. by Helvering v. Davis (‘‘general welfare’’ and H.R. 1822. H.R. 237: Mr. COOK, Mr. KEATING, Mr. general taxation). Congress has the power to enact this legis- PERRY, and Mr. RIBBLE. By Mr. ENGEL: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 249: Mr. MILLER of Florida and Ms. H.R. 1812. The constitutional authority on which this WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Congress has the power to enact this legis- bill rests is the power of the Congress to pro- H.R. 267: Mr. RUSH. lation pursuant to the following: vide for the general welfare of the United H.R. 311: Mr. MASSIE. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- States, as enumerated in Article I, Section 8, H.R. 317: Mr. DESAULNIER. tion Clause 1 of the United States Constitution; H.R. 333: Mrs. BEATTY and Ms. MCCOLLUM. By Mr. GOHMERT: to make all laws which shall be necessary H.R. 343: Mr. COURTNEY. H.R. 1813. and proper for carrying into execution such H.R. 363: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of Congress has the power to enact this legis- power, as enumerated in Article I, Section 8, New York. lation pursuant to the following: Clause 18 of the Constitution; and to make H.R. 379: Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN and Mr. Article 1, Section 8, US Constitution: rules and regulations respecting the U.S. ter- LEWIS. To exercise exclusive Legislation in all ritories, as enumerated in Article IV, Sec- H.R. 427: Mr. COLLINS of Georgia. Cases whatsoever, over such District (not ex- tion 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution. H.R. 446: Mr. MURPHY of Florida. ceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession By Mr. QUIGLEY: H.R. 449: Ms. LEE. of particular States, and the acceptance of H.R. 1823. H.R. 452: Mr. DOLD. Congress, become the Seat of the Govern- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 453: Mr. HARRIS and Mr. KELLY of ment of the United States, and to exercise lation pursuant to the following: Pennsylvania. like Authority over all Places purchased by The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 472: Mr. NOLAN. the Consent of the Legislature of the State bill rests is the power of Congress to lay and H.R. 509: Mrs. BUSTOS. in which the Same shall be, for the Erection collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises; as H.R. 546: Mr. POLIS. of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, enumerated in Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 556: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. and other needful Buildings of the United States Constitution. H.R. 563: Mr. COSTA. By Mr. GRIJALVA: By Mr. ROGERS of Alabama: H.R. 571: Mr. CULBERSON. H.R. 1814. H.R. 1824. H.R. 577: Ms. GRAHAM and Ms. MCSALLY. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 578: Mrs. BLACK. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 588: Mr. CURBELO of Florida. U.S. Const. art. I, sec. 8, cl. 3 Clause 1 Section 8 of Article 1 of the H.R. 592: Mr. DOLD. To regulate Commerce with foreign Na- United States Constitution and Amendment H.R. 605: Ms. SCHAKOWSKY and Mr. PRICE of tions, and among the several States, and XVI of the United States Constitution. North Carolina. with the Indian tribes; By Mr. ROONEY of Florida: By Mr. HARDY: H.R. 1825. H.R. 606: Mrs. LAWRENCE. H.R. 1815. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 619: Ms. PINGREE and Mr. FRELING- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: HUYSEN. lation pursuant to the following: Per Article 1 Sec 8 of the Constitution: To H.R. 625: Mr. RIBBLE. ‘‘clause 18 of section 8 of article I of the regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, H.R. 649: Mr. MEEKS. Constitution’’. and among the several States, and with the H.R. 662: Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. By Mr. HECK of Nevada: Indian Tribes; H.R. 692: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, Mr. BUCK, H.R. 1816. To make all Laws which shall be necessary Mr. TIPTON, and Mr. EMMER of Minnesota. Congress has the power to enact this legis- and proper for carrying into Execution the H.R. 721: Mrs. ROBY, Mr. POCAN, and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vest- PALAZZO. The power granted to Congress under Arti- ed by this Constitution in the Government of H.R. 775: Ms. LOFGREN. cle I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United the United States, or in any Department or H.R. 793: Mr. ALLEN and Mr. MARINO. States Constitution, to make all laws which Officer thereof. H.R. 797: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New shall be necessary and proper for carrying By Mr. SABLAN: York and Ms. WILSON of Florida. into execution the foregoing Powers, and all H.R. 1826. H.R. 812: Mr. LABRADOR. other powers vested by the Constitution in Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 817: Mr. NUGENT. the Government of the United States, or in lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 820: Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. FOSTER, Mr. any Department or officer thereof. Article I, section 8. WELCH, Mr. MCKINLEY, Mr. JOYCE, Mr. LIPIN- By Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas: By Mr. TAKANO: SKI, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. TONKO, Ms. KUSTER, H.R. 1817. H.R. 1827. Mr. SCHRADER, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. JONES, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. HIGGINS, lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: Mr. NOLAN, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. RUSH, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:38 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.020 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2271

SWALWELL of California, Ms. CLARK of Massa- Mr. KILMER, Mr. MASSIE, Mr. DENT, Mr. H.R. 1651: Mr. CHAFFETZ, Mr. AMODEI, Mr. chusetts, Mr. VISCLOSKY, Mr. GRIFFITH, and LANCE, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Mr. WHIT- HUFFMAN, and Mr. POLIS. Mr. TURNER. FIELD, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. LOWENTHAL, H.R. 1668: Mr. ROHRABACHER. H.R. 825: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. FARR, Mr. COHEN, Mr. TED LIEU of Cali- H.R. 1674: Ms. WILSON of Florida and Mr. H.R. 865: Mr. HECK of Nevada. fornia, Mr. TAKAI, and Mr. THOMPSON of Mis- CONYERS. H.R. 868: Mr. KILMER, Mr. PALAZZO, and Mr. sissippi. H.R. 1684: Ms. GRAHAM. KING of New York. H.R. 1324: Mr. DESAULNIER, Mr. SMITH of H.R. 1688: Mr. BRIDENSTINE, Mr. MASSIE, H.R. 872: Mr. RIGELL. Washington, Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. Mr. AMODEI, Mr. TED LIEU of California, Mr. H.R. 879: Mr. ALLEN. BEYER, Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. YARMUTH, and TAKAI, Mr. BLUM, Mr. PERLMUTTER, and Ms. H.R. 880: Mr. POLIQUIN, Mr. COSTELLO of Mr. TED LIEU of California. KUSTER. Pennsylvania, Mr. ROUZER, Mr. JONES, and H.R. 1336: Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. ABRAHAM. H.R. 1358: Mrs. CAPPS. H.R. 1694: Mr. COLLINS of New York. H.R. 911: Mr. WALZ. H.R. 1365: Mr. HANNA, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. H.R. 1695: Mr. HUELSKAMP, Mr. PALAZZO, H.R. 921: Mr. MCKINLEY. GROTHMAN, Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas, and and Mr. WESTERMAN. H.R. 923: Mr. SESSIONS and Mr. SALMON. Mr. KLINE. H.R. 1713: Mr. HASTINGS and Mrs. LAW- H.R. 928: Mr. BUCK, Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. H.R. 1375: Mr. MCGOVERN. RENCE. MARINO, Mr. FLEMING, Mr. WALDEN, Mr. CON- H.R. 1378: Mr. YARMUTH. H.R. 1714: Mr. AMODEI, Mr. GARRETT, and AWAY, and Mr. ROUZER. H.R. 1384: Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. H.R. 935: Mr. VEASEY. H.R. 1399: Mr. KING of New York, Mr. H.R. 957: Mr. TROTT. H.R. 1728: Ms. PINGREE. POLIS, and Mr. RANGEL. H.R. 971: Mr. QUIGLEY. H.R. 1734: Mr. KIND, Mr. KING of New York, H.R. 1415: Ms. JACKSON LEE, Mr. DEUTCH, H.R. 973: Mr. THOMPSON of California and and Mr. KLINE. and Ms. SLAUGHTER. Mrs. NAPOLITANO. H.R. 1737: Mr. NEUGEBAUER, Mr. BISHOP of H.R. 1421: Mr. MEEKS and Ms. ESHOO. H.R. 980: Mr. SCALISE, Mr. JOLLY, and Mr. H.R. 1435: Mr. MCGOVERN. Georgia, Mr. BARR, Mr. COOPER, and Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. H.R. 1445: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. DOLD. H.R. 985: Mr. NEUGEBAUER and Mr. NOLAN. H.R. 1453: Mr. TIPTON. H.R. 1759: Mr. BUCK. H.R. 987: Mr. SANFORD. ARSON H.R. 1772: Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of H.R. 1019: Mr. QUIGLEY. H.R. 1464: Mr. C of Indiana. H.R. 1037: Mr. COSTA. H.R. 1475: Ms. GRANGER. New York. H.R. 1062: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida, Mr. H.R. 1476: Mr. MERCHANT, Mr. FRANKS of H.R. 1774: Ms. LEE. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. WESTMORE- Arizona, Mr. RATCLIFFE, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. H. J. Res. 43: Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. NEUGE- LAND, Mr. VEASEY, and Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. FLEMING, Mr. GIBBS, and Mr. RICE of South BAUER, Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia, Mrs. H.R. 1078: Mr. AMODEI. Carolina. BLACKBURN, Mr. JONES, Mr. HUELSKAMP, Mr. H.R. 1086: Mr. WESTMORELAND and Mr. H.R. 1478: Ms. BORDELLO. WALBERG, Mr. FLEMING, Mrs. ELLMERS of FRELINGHUYSEN. H.R. 1496: Ms. BORDELLO. North Carolina, Mr. ADERHOLT, Mr. DUNCAN H.R. 1087: Mr. FRANKS of Arizona and Mr. H.R. 1498: Mr. SHUSTER. of Tennessee, Mr. PITTS, Mr. OLSON, and Mr. FORTENBERRY. H.R. 1503: Ms. MAXINE WATERS of California LIPINSKI. and Mrs. TORRES. H.R. 1111: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, Mr. H. Con. Res. 14: Ms. MAXINE WATERS of H.R. 1531: Mr. SIMPSON. HASTINGS, Ms. PINGREE, and Mr. MCGOVERN. California. H.R. 1131: Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 1538: Mr. MCCLINTOCK and Ms. H. Con. Res. 17: Mr. RICE of South Carolina, H.R. 1151: Mr. ROE of Tennessee. DELBENE. Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. RIGELL, and Mr. ALLEN. H.R. 1170: Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN and Mr. H.R. 1546: Mr. ROONEY of Florida. EICHERT JONES. H.R. 1547: Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. H. Con. Res. 19: Mr. R . H.R. 1218: Mr. NOLAN. H.R. 1559: Mr. COSTELLO of Pennsylvania H. Con. Res. 28: Mr. HURT of Virginia. H.R. 1234: Mr. WESTERMAN. and Ms. ESTY. H. Res. 28: Ms. JACKSON LEE and Miss RICE H.R. 1269: Ms. JUDY CHU of California, Mr. H.R. 1568: Ms. ESHOO and Mr. DENHAM. of New York. FRELINGHUYSEN, Mrs. COMSTOCK, Ms. H.R. 1586: Mr. SCHIFF. H. Res. 54; Mr. DESAULNIER and Mr. KIL- DELBENE, Mr. NEWHOUSE, Mr. PAYNE, and H.R. 1605: Mr. DESJARLAIS and Mr. MASSIE. DEE. Mr. SIRES. H.R. 1608: Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. H. Res. 118: Mr. MEEKS. H.R. 1274: Mr. PETERS and Mr. O’ROURKE. H.R. 1624: Mr. CRAMER and Mr. ASHFORD. H. Res. 130: Mr. ENGEL, Mr. POLIS, Mr. H.R. 1301: Mr. HUFFMAN. H.R. 1625: Ms. ESTY. AMODEI, and Mr. WOMACK. H.R. 1309: Mr. TIPTON, Mr. OLSON, Mr. H.R. 1635: Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. PERL- H. Res. 154: Mr. SIRES. BARR, Mr. PITTENGER, Mr. CURBELO of Flor- MUTTER, Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois, and ida, and Mr. MESSER. Mr. DELANEY. H. Res. 159: Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. H.R. 1312: Ms. TSONGAS, Ms. BASS, Mr. TIP- H.R. 1650: Mr. MARCHANT and Mr. H. Res. 161: Mr. DESAULNIER. TON, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Mr. PERLMUTTER, MULVANEY. H. Res. 174: Ms. ESHOO.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:43 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP7.016 H15APPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 No. 54 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was will occur before lunch. After about 10 group said, ‘‘then they’ll go to another called to order by the President pro hours of debate, which is stipulated in city, and they just follow these circuits tempore (Mr. HATCH). the statute, we expect a series of votes . . . it’s really hard to get them out of f on motions to instruct conferees on the it . . .’’ budget. Senators should expect those Look, it is unconscionable for anyone PRAYER votes later this afternoon or this to continue filibustering this human The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- evening. rights bill over a principle that has fered the following prayer: f been a fixture—a fixture—in Federal Let us pray. law for decades, that was in the bill HUMAN TRAFFICKING O God, our Protector, mountains when Democrats endorsed it, cospon- LEGISLATION shake in Your presence and islands sored it, and voted unanimously to sup- skip for joy. We praise You because Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, just port it in committee, and that was en- Your ways are just and true. Lord, You hours ago, 100 percent of Senate Demo- dorsed again by Democrats just last know our hearts and minds like an crats followed the lead of Republicans night. open book. Thank You for the security and Democrats in the House, including But just to ensure there are no pos- we have in You, for You alone remain NANCY PELOSI and the pro-choice cau- sible excuses left to continue this fili- our rock and refuge. cus, in voting to endorse the bipartisan buster, Senator CORNYN offered another Lead our lawmakers on the road that principle that Federal funds leaving compromise last night to eliminate You have chosen, providing them with the government should be subject to bi- any remaining pretext. His compromise strength for their journey. Keep them partisan Hyde language. Given that ensures that, by supporting this bill, safe as You provide them with the pa- Americans overwhelmingly support Senate Democrats would only be en- tience to wait for Your harvest. Lord, what Hyde does, it is no wonder this dorsing the same Hyde language that help them in the making of our laws to principle has been applied by both par- 100 percent of them just voted to sup- execute justice for the oppressed and to ties—both parties—to appropriations port last night, less than 24 hours ago. set the captives free. Give us all the and authorizing legislation for as long Remember, this is essentially language grace to love and pray, even for those as anyone could remember. endorsed by NANCY PELOSI and the pro- who hurt and wrong us. We hope the Democrats’ statement of choice caucus. We pray in Your merciful Name. support for Hyde in last night’s Medi- It is actually the third compromise Amen. care vote will finally clear the way for we have offered on the Senate floor to f passage of antislavery legislation they our friends across the aisle. First, we have been filibustering over the very offered our colleagues a simple up-or- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE same Hyde principle. It was never a down vote last month to strike the lan- The President pro tempore led the morally tenable position. Never. Con- guage that they once were for before Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: sidering what we saw just 12 hours ago, they decided to be against it. Then, be- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the it is no longer politically tenable ei- fore the recess, Senator CORNYN offered United States of America, and to the Repub- ther. Democrats couldn’t possibly jus- to make the monies in the fund subject lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tify voting for Hyde language in order to the appropriations process, some- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to keep doctors—as they did just hours thing our Democratic colleagues had f ago—but then look an abused victim in said was important to them. the eye and tell her she is not worth it. So this is now the third compromise RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY OK to vote for Hyde to help doctors, we have offered on the floor. It is time LEADER but then not OK when it comes to vic- for our Democratic friends to show a The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. tims of sexual trafficking. little courage to finally bring their PAUL). The majority leader is recog- Human trafficking is a serious prob- party’s filibuster of antislavery legisla- nized. lem in our country. It is hard for a lot tion to an end. A large bipartisan ma- f of people to believe, but it occurs in jority of the Senate has already dem- every single State. I recently saw a onstrated its commitment to doing so, SCHEDULE news report about a local nonprofit and all that is needed now are a couple Mr. MCCONNELL. Later this morn- that is worried about trafficking at big more Democrats to join us. That is all ing the Senate will move to go to con- events such as the Kentucky Derby. that is needed now, a couple more ference with the House on the budget ‘‘They’ll take a girl to one city for one Democrats willing to show the same resolution. The vote on that motion to two weeks,’’ an official with that level of compassion to enslaved victims

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.000 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 they offered to doctors—to doctors— guage were adopted, it would change old. It guts nutrition assistance. It just a few hours ago. women’s reproduction rights perma- guts food that can go to people who are As an official with the Coalition nently. You see, the Hyde amendment hungry. It undermines job training and Against Trafficking in Women put it: has always applied to taxpayer-funded employment services for millions of ‘‘Our Democratic colleagues should money. But what Senator CORNYN, the American families. It cuts billions in stop choosing a phantom problem author of this bill and this amendment, financial aid for college students. . . .’’—a phantom problem—‘‘. . . over wants to do is direct this to private The Republicans not only want to real victims.’’ money. They are two totally different cut aid to families as it relates to edu- Because as the Los Angeles Times things. Hyde has never, ever in the past cation, but then the debts they have said: applied to private money—nontaxpayer accumulated, which are larger than The Hyde Amendment has been the law for dollars. So that is why my friend’s ar- credit card debt—they don’t want to many years. A fight over whether a fraction gument is totally illogical. Illogical. It cut them any relief whatsoever. We of the projected millions of dollars in aid to has no basis in fact. We are not going have tried that lots of times. Our budg- victims of trafficking and hunters of traf- to stand by to enlarge this so-called et reflects that; theirs doesn’t. fickers can be used on abortion services Hyde amendment to private money. While the middle class is decimated seems fruitless, and the bill should not be de- Now we have tried. We have tried. by Senate Republicans—and who bene- railed by such a fight. Ten different offers have been made to fits? Special interests and the This has gone on long enough. It is Senator CORNYN and Senator MCCON- superrich. They are protected more time for Senators of conscience to NELL to work our way through this. than ever. The Republicans refuse to stand up and end this filibuster now. There are many ways we can handle close a single loophole to reduce this f this. But they feel—my friend the Re- deficit. publican leader and the assistant Re- A single tax loophole they will not A BALANCED BUDGET publican leader feel this is their oppor- touch. They will not end tax breaks for Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on tunity to broaden Hyde. We are not companies that ship jobs overseas. another matter, before Easter, the Sen- going to allow that to happen. It would They will not close loopholes for the ate passed a balanced budget. The be wrong. We have made 10 separate of- wealthy, including hedge fund man- House of Representatives did as well. fers of ways to get to yes, but Repub- agers. They will not take away waste- The next step in the process is for each licans appear unwilling to compromise ful and unneeded tax breaks for the Chamber to appoint Members to a con- about the Hyde language, and that is very powerful oil and gas industry. ference committee that can work out unfortunate. They are attacking the middle class any differences between those bills, and To carry on the illogic of the Repub- while protecting the super wealthy. then send unified legislation back to lican leader, every organization has a That is wrong. Congress for a final vote. We are taking mission statement, a summary of their Now, the Republican budget is also that next step today. goals and values. Congress is no dif- dishonest. I heard the Republican lead- Some of our friends across the aisle ferent. There are mission statements er come here and boast. He boasted seem eager to use this opportunity to that are done every year and they are about the balanced budget they have. rehash some of the same votes we took called a budget. We have our mission That is absolutely not true. Their in passing the budget. The outcome of statement; the Republicans have budget does not balance the budget. It those votes won’t be different, so I am theirs. The budget sets forth our core is simply dishonest to say so. The Re- not sure what the point would be, other values as a party, a statement of our publican budget claims to add more than to slow down the process for its values that tells the American people money for defense, but it does not. own sake. So I would urge them to re- what we really care about and whose It is no wonder that the New York consider and decide if that is really side we are on. We are committed to a Times called the Republican budget ‘‘a what they want to do. budget that puts the middle class first, trillion dollar con job.’’ ‘‘A trillion dol- But either way—either way—the new a budget that supports hard-working lar con job’’ is the Republican budget. Congress is determined to keep work- families, creates jobs, and invests in I agree with the New York Times. In ing to finalize the budget. After years our future. The Republicans, by con- the coming days, as we move forward of a Senate that often refused to even trast, are hell-bent on passing a budget toward a conference—now remember consider a budget, this is a big change. that creates a war on the middle class moving forward toward conference has And it is another example of the new and serves the interests of special in- become kind of a joke around here be- Congress that is back to regular order terests and the superwealthy. cause we do not have conferences like and back to work. Let’s take a look at what the Senate we used to. That is too bad. f Republican budget does. Remember, There will be no meeting of the con- this is their statement of core values, ferees. There will be no debate in open RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY and their war on the average American session as to how the budget should be LEADER from Reno to Las Vegas to Chicago to changed. The Republicans will get to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mi- Louisville—it doesn’t matter where conference. There will be meetings held nority leader is recognized. you go—is an attack on the middle by the Republicans. Democrats will not f class. Why do I say that? It deprives be invited. If they are invited, it is pro more than 16 million Americans of forma: Here is what we have decided to HUMAN TRAFFICKING health coverage. That is the first thing do. The conferences, as we used to do LEGISLATION AND THE BUDGET their budget does. It devastates Medi- them around here, do not exist. It is a Mr. REID. The Republican leader care. It makes Medicare something we rare occasion when they do. talked about two issues: one, sexual would not recognize, and they do it, of We will not be looking into our ef- trafficking, and, two, the budget. His course, at the expense of America’s forts to try to improve the budget. We statements regarding the two are il- seniors. It cuts Medicaid and hurts mil- are not looking to obstruct the process logical as anything can be. Illogical. lions of families who are not able to to force another all-night vote-arama. First of all, let’s talk about sexual pay for their care. We could. Under the rules we could trafficking. Senators on this side of the Everyone thinks Medicaid is just for offer endless, endless motions to in- aisle, with rare exception, are not wild poor people. Some people don’t think struct: 5, 6, 50, 100, 200. We could do about the Hyde amendment, but it has they have much value in our society that. We are not going to do that. But been the law of the land for some 30 and Medicaid is something that we will be offering a few motions to years. And why is it the law of the shouldn’t get much of our attention. make clear where we stand on impor- land? Because it has been put in appro- But a significant amount of Medicaid tant issues. priations bills over these many years. money goes to people who are in rest For example, there will be an amend- But what my friend the Republican homes and convalescent centers. So the ment that men and women who do the leader failed to mention is that if the money they are whacking from Med- same work should be paid the same Cornyn amendment or the Cornyn lan- icaid hurts not only the young but the money. If my daughter works here and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.001 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2187 a man works here and they do the same They lived just across the street, in a town of Springfield, IL. I am not an ex- job, they should be paid the same boarding house where the Library of pert on Lincoln. I am just a fan, as so amount of money. We have tried to do Congress now sits. His family did not many people are, not only across the that. The Republicans have filibustered like Washington in those days in the United States but around the world. I this five times over the last few years. 1840s and returned back to his wife’s hope we can remember him just for a We are going to offer an amendment home in Kentucky. moment today and reflect on the need to provide sick leave to help families He stayed out here and served in Con- for all of us to extend an olive branch get through tough times. We are going gress and liked it. He wanted to serve to our personal enemies and to our po- to offer an amendment to ensure that for a longer period of time but was re- litical enemies and try to find how to same sex spouses have equal access to minded that this was not part of the eliminate an enemy by making a Social Security and veterans’ benefits. agreement—only 2 years. So he left friend, as Lincoln said. We are going to offer an amendment to Washington, went back to Springfield, f relieve the crushing burden of costly IL, practiced law, but continued to as- LYNCH NOMINATION student loans. No one has worked hard- pire to higher office. er on this issue than the assistant In 1858, he ran for the Senate against Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I cannot Democratic leader. I heard him yester- a man named Steven Douglas. They believe that Loretta Lynch still sits on day talk about this at a meeting we had historic debates across the State of this Executive Calendar of the Senate. had—the crushing, crushing costly stu- Illinois. When the votes were finally It is put on our desk every day we are dent loans. We are going to offer an counted, Douglas was the victor, and in session. She has been on that cal- amendment to address the economic this man returned to the practice of endar for a longer period of time than and national security threats posed by law. Just 2 years later, though, he was any nominee for Attorney General in climate change. elected President of the United States. the last 30 years. In the West, we are in the midst of a He came to Washington at one of the Senators can vote for or against Lo- 15-year drought. This is the 15th year. most dangerous times in our history. retta Lynch to be Attorney General. Lake Powell, the largest manmade The Civil War had started, and there That is their right. But an Attorney lake in America, could go dry very was a question as to whether the Union General nominee whose qualifications quickly. Hundreds of thousands of acre could survive, whether the United and character are unquestionable de- feet of water will not go into that lake States of America would survive. This serves better than the treatment she is this year because of what is happening simple country lawyer from what was receiving from this Senate. Ms. Lynch up in Colorado. considered the frontier of America in deserves a timely vote, just as other So when we are done offering what those days led our Nation during the Attorney General nominees of other we feel should be ways to improve this most dangerous moments in our his- Presidents have received. dishonest budget that the Republicans tory. She was reported out of the Senate put forward, the American people will He watched as more Americans died Judiciary Committee on February 26 in have no doubt which party stands with in that Civil War than in any war that a bipartisan vote. Nine Democrats and the middle class and which stands with we have ever witnessed. He saw a na- three Republicans voted for this Presi- the special interests and billionaires. tion bitterly divided. The war raged on dential nominee. She has now been Yes, we have set forth what we believe for years. There were moments—bleak pending on the Senate calendar right are our core values, and we believe our and dark moments—when it looked as here for 48 days—48 days on this cal- core values are what the American peo- if the North would fail and the division endar. Not one word has been spoken ple need. of the country would begin. on this floor in derogation of this fine But eventually the North prevailed woman, this fine nominee. f in a victory that really the American The last seven Attorney General RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME people had given so much to achieve. In nominees combined—all seven of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under April of 1865, this was a tumultuous pe- them—had to wait on the Senate floor the previous order, the leadership time riod. I commend to all of my colleagues for a total of 24 days—seven nominees, is reserved. a book written by Jay Winik, a Senate 24 days. For Loretta Lynch it is 48 f staffer entitled ‘‘April 1865,’’ if you days. want to get a feel for what it was like The Senate has confirmed other MORNING BUSINESS in America that month. nominees while the human trafficking The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Many things occurred. The second in- bill has been pending on the floor. the previous order, the Senate will be augural address of this President is one There is no procedural obstacle. While in a period of morning business for 1 of the most beautiful, touching, and that bill has been pending, the Senate hour, with Senators permitted to speak moving speeches ever given by a Presi- has voted on nominees for Assistant therein for up to 10 minutes each, with dent, where he turned toward the Secretary of Transportation, Assistant the time equally divided, and with the enemy who had fought the North for so Secretary of Commerce, the Federal Democrats controlling the first half. many years and basically extended an Mine Safety and Health Review Com- The assistant Democratic leader. olive branch when many others would mission, and the Federal Retirement f have done just the opposite. ‘‘With Thrift Investment Board. And on Mon- malice toward none’’ and with ‘‘charity day we voted on a Federal judge. It is 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF ABRAHAM for all,’’ he gave that speech right out- routine for the Senate to consider LINCOLN’S DEATH side here—right outside the Senate nominees on the Executive Calendar Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, it was Chamber on the porch. while still considering legislation. 150 years ago today—150 years ago Then, in celebration of the victory of It has been 158 days—more than 5 today—when who is called the last cas- the Union, he and his wife attended a months—since Ms. Lynch’s nomination ualty of the Civil War died. He was a play not far from here, at Ford’s The- to be Attorney General was announced. man who was born in the Presiding Of- atre. It was there that an assassin took A vote still has not been scheduled. ficer’s home State of Kentucky. He his life. So 150 years ago today, Abra- This is far longer than any recent At- grew up for a part of his life in Indiana ham Lincoln, the President of the torney General nominee has had to but spent his formative years in my United States, was assassinated. We wait. Janet Reno waited 29 days. John State of Illinois. have learned a lot from his life, from Ashcroft, a Republican nominee, wait- He was a country lawyer, an unlikely his leadership, and we enjoy the bless- ed 42 days. Alberto Gonzales, 86 days. Congressman who, because of a polit- ings of liberty and the Union today be- Michael Mukasey, 53 days. Eric Holder, ical deal, was given a chance to serve cause that President and the men and 64 days. But when it comes to Loretta in the U.S. House of Representatives. women who stood by him saved the Lynch, it is 158 days. He served only 2 years. He brought his Union. The last Attorney General nominee family here to Washington for that ex- I reflect on this because I come from whose nomination took this long to perience. what is known as Mr. Lincoln’s home- process was Edwin Meese in 1984, who

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.020 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 faced questions and investigations re- National Foundation for Infantile Pa- I also thank the March of Dimes, the lating to questions of ethics. There ralysis, now known as the March of American Academy of Pediatrics, the have been no such allegations—none— Dimes Foundation. The organization U.N. Foundation’s Shot@Life cam- that have been raised against Loretta decided to fund Dr. Jonas Salk’s work paign, the Rotary Club, and RESULTS Lynch. to develop a vaccine against polio. For for supporting this resolution. Senate Republicans have the capa- 5 years, Dr. Salk worked tirelessly on But today, America’s place as world bility to bring up nominations prompt- this effort while the country donated leader in cutting-edge biomedical re- ly. The majority leader, Senator their dimes to the foundation to sup- search is at risk. We no longer invest MCCONNELL of Kentucky, can walk to port his work. as we should in basic scientific re- this floor and within a minute call her Then, on April 12, 1955, Dr. Thomas search. nomination, and it will be voted on im- Francis, Jr.—an epidemiologist at the From 2003 to 2012, the U.S. invest- mediately. It is in his power to do it. University of Michigan and a mentor ment in the NIH research didn’t even Why will he not do it? Why will he not to Salk—announced that Salk had dis- keep up with inflation, and the number give this woman, who has such an ex- covered a polio vaccine that was safe of research grants awarded by the Na- traordinary life story, a chance to and effective. tional Institutes of Health has declined serve as the first African-American When the announcement was made, every year for the past 10 years. woman in the history of the United it was as if time stood still. I still re- This is shameful. It is shameful in a States to serve as Attorney General? member it as a kid. Americans turned great Nation such as the United States, There is no substantive reason—not on their radios and TVs to hear the de- where we have seen achievements such one. I welcome any Republican Senator tails. Department stores set up loud- as a polio vaccine, for to us walk away to come to the floor and make the case speakers and judges suspended trials so from medical research. against Loretta Lynch. No one did it in everyone in the courtroom could hear One decade ago, 30 percent of quali- committee. No one has done it on the this good news. fied NIH proposals were funded. Today, floor. It is time for us to move forward April 12 was deliberately chosen for it is half that—15 percent, the lowest and approve this nomination. the announcement because it marked rate in America’s modern history. Dr. Francis Collins, who directs the f the 10th anniversary of the death of the most famous polio survivor of all, National Institutes of Health, told me 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF POLIO former President Franklin Delano Roo- that inadequate funding of basic med- VACCINE sevelt. Roosevelt also founded what ical research will cause some of Amer- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, the Pre- would become the March of Dimes ica’s best young researchers to take siding Officer probably does not re- Foundation in 1938, without which Salk their talents to other places and even member these days because of his age, might not have been able to complete other countries. It has already started. but I do. When I was a child, polio was his work. We are on the verge of losing a gen- a scare that every family felt. I had A massive field trial, the first of its eration of medical researchers in friends in school who were stricken kind, was conducted on over 1.8 million America. In 1982—listen—18 percent of with polio. Some of them, in the most children to prove the vaccine was 80 to NIH primary investigators, medical re- extreme cases, ended up in something 90 percent effective. Church bells rang searchers, were under the age of 36— called an iron lung. The Presiding Offi- across the country, factories observed 1982, 18 percent under the age of 36. cer has probably seen pictures of it. It moments of silence, and parents and Today, 3 percent are under the age of is an incredible situation where some- teachers wept to finally be relieved of 36. Young researchers have given up. one would be encased in this tube, this this fear. If Congress and the President don’t metal tube that would help them But it had only just begun. The U.S. want to put money into the NIH, they breathe. Government invested heavily in mass are going to go someplace else. How Many were stricken with polio and production of the polio vaccine and led many Jonas Salks are we losing be- ended up crippled, and their lives were campaigns across the Nation to see cause of our cuts to basic medical re- compromised to some degree in those that every kid was vaccinated. I hated search? How many lifesaving discov- days because disabilities were not the thought of getting a shot, but the eries are being delayed and ignored? treated as well then as they are now. notion that I would be protected from With the right commitment, we can Parents did not know what to make of polio for life was certainly worth it. change this. this. No one knew what caused polio. As a result, polio was eradicated I tried to gather on the floor—during My mother, God bless her, had a theory from the United States in 1979. the debate on the budget resolution—a that one of the things that might cause Sunday, we marked the 60th anniver- dozen different Senators who cospon- polio was playing in the street after a sary of the announcement of the dis- sored amendments calling for more rainstorm in the flooded waters. covery of the first safe and effective money for medical research. They were She would just ban me from doing polio vaccine. In commemoration of from both sides of the aisle: Senator that. ‘‘That can cause polio,’’ she said. that announcement, I submitted a res- COLLINS on the Republican side of the That was my mother’s theory. It was olution last month celebrating the dis- aisle, interested in Alzheimer’s; Sen- as valid as any other theory in those covery of the polio vaccine and sup- ator WICKER of Mississippi, also inter- days. No one knew what was going on, porting the efforts to eradicate that ested in medical research. what was causing it. Many Americans disease around the world. I brought them all together and said: lived in fear of that infectious, viral The resolution also encourages Fed- Why don’t we cosponsor the same disease that attacks the nerve cells and eral funding for the Global Polio Eradi- amendment. We are all trying to reach the central nervous system causing cation Initiative for biomedical and the same goal. They agreed, and it muscle wasting, paralysis, and some- basic scientific research so more life- passed unanimously on a voice vote as times death. saving discoveries can be made. Thanks I hoped it would. In 1952, nearly 60,000 children in the to the work of scientists funded by the This is what we need to do. Dr. Col- United States were reported to have CDC and nonprofit organizations such lins spelled this out in clear terms. We polio, with more than 20,000 cases of as the Bill and Melinda Gates Founda- need to increase the funding in bio- paralysis. There was a panic about this tion, polio has been eradicated in all medical research by 5 percent over in- epidemic. Families were afraid for but a handful of the world’s poorest na- flation every year. Five percent over their kids and the scientists struggled tions. inflation for 10 years, Dr. Collins tells to understand the disease. Dr. Jonas The success of the polio vaccine me, will dramatically change medical Salk, a pioneer in the field of vaccine shows us what medical research can ac- research in America. research, was recruited in 1947 by the complish. If we can do this with polio, Can we afford it? Can we afford a 5- University of Pittsburgh to be the di- then we can do it again. percent real growth in biomedical re- rector of virus research and to work on I thank Senators KIRK, LEAHY, SHA- search? Think about it for a second. Do finding a polio vaccine. HEEN, MURRAY, BOXER, COONS, MARKEY, you know what that will cost us over 10 His work caught the attention of ISAKSON, AYOTTE, and REED of Rhode years—5 percent real growth in bio- Basil O’Connor, the president of the Island for cosponsoring my resolution. medical research. It is going to cost us

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.021 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2189 $150 billion. That is a lot of money, the application of radiation therapy for This is a decisive moment of a his- isn’t it? cancer victims? A lot of it is done right toric opportunity for America and for Do you realize that once every 68 sec- here at the Department of Energy. Congress. We must continue to invest onds in America someone is diagnosed He awakened me to the fact that we in basic science and research in order with Alzheimer’s? I didn’t believe that think about NIH automatically in bio- to reap the rewards of decades of work when my staff told me. I checked it, medical research—and we should. by the best scientific and medical and it is true. Once every 68 seconds an There is more to the story. minds of the world. The only way we American is diagnosed with Alz- So I have really reached out and said: can fail is by stopping too soon. heimer’s, and we know what that American Cures Act, 5 percent real I yield the floor. means: for most of those patients, a growth for biomedical isn’t enough. We I suggest the absence of a quorum. steady decline to death, and for their need 5 percent growth when it comes to The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- families, the heartbreak of losing com- innovation, the next breakthrough TON). The clerk will call the roll. munication with someone they love when it comes to diagnosing breast The senior assistant legislative clerk and then caring for them in this state cancer at an early stage, treating can- proceeded to call the roll. of Alzheimer’s disease—once every 68 cers with radiation, other things. The Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, I ask seconds. American Innovation Act would pro- unanimous consent that the order for Do you know what it costs us as a vide an annual budget increase of 5 per- the quorum call be rescinded. government to care for Alzheimer’s cent for the National Science Founda- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without victims last year, Medicare, Medicaid? tion, the Department of Energy Office objection, it is so ordered. We estimate $200 billion. of Science, the Department of Defense f Now, step back, a 5-percent growth in science and technology programs, the TAX DAY biomedical research over 10 years will National Institute of Standards and cost $150 billion. What if that research Technology Scientific and Technical Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, it has could find a way to delay the onset of Research, and the NASA Science Direc- been said that April is the cruelest Alzheimer’s for months—maybe for torate. month. I think that pretty much cap- years—and, God willing, find a cure. You say to yourself, can we afford it? tures how Americans feel as tax day What I am saying is whether it is I will say what I know. I know that approaches each year. This year, Amer- Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, dia- when we embark on scientific research icans will spend 114 days working to betes, each and every one of these is of real value, it not only can cure dis- pay their Federal, State, and local praying for and depending on medical ease, in the process it will create a taxes. In other words, Americans may research to give Americans who are company. It will create many compa- have submitted their Federal tax re- stricken a fighting chance. It is up to nies. It could create many jobs in the turns or be getting ready to submit us. We have to make that decision. right fields and develop our economy in them tonight, but they are still not I would take this question to the the right way. done working off their taxes. In fact, Iowa caucus, to the New Hampshire We are debating this now on the floor Americans won’t start earning a dollar primary, any State, any city in the Na- of the Senate. They are not debating it for themselves until April 25, almost tion, and ask the crowd that you would in Beijing. They have decided they are one-third of the way through the year. assemble, that anyone assembles, what going to pass us. The Chinese have em- Americans spend 6.1 billion hours do you think is a high priority? Do you barked on a medical program in med- every year trying to comply with the think biomedical research by our gov- ical research and other research, deter- Tax Code. That is an average of 19 ernment is a high priority? mined—within the next 20 years—to hours for every man, woman, and child I know the answer, because every one pass the United States. in the United States or an average of 76 of us lives in fear that someone we love Will we let that happen? The men hours for a family of four. Almost half will be diagnosed with a serious illness. and women of the Senate will make of small businesses spend more than You know the first questions you that decision, and the men and women $5,000 each year on tax compliance; would ask that doctor: Doctor, is there of the House and the President. that is $5,000 on top of their tax bill. a medicine, is there a surgery, is there All told, the American Innovations Paying taxes is never going to be on something I can do, something that Act would invest $100 billion over 10 the top of Americans’ list of favorite can be done? years; the American Cures Act, $150 activities, but it doesn’t have to be the And you pray, pray to God, that the billion—$250 billion. torturous process it has become. The doctor says: Yes, we have a new medi- How much money will we spend on Tax Code takes too much time to com- cation in clinical trials at the NIH. It our budget in that 10-year period of ply with, and it takes too much money is very promising, and this may be the time? Somewhere in the range of $18 from hard-working Americans. answer for your son, your daughter, trillion to $20 trillion. This is a tiny, Comprehensive tax reform is long your wife, your mother, and your fa- little decimal point, but what a dif- overdue. Unfortunately, instead of tax ther. That is what this comes down ference it could make. reform, under the Obama administra- to—real life, real family challenges. Some of my colleagues talk about tion Americans have just gotten more The American Cures Act I introduced burdening our children and grand- taxes. The President’s health care law a couple of years ago sets this 5 percent children with debt. I agree. We created or raised taxes to the tune of funding goal. I have talked to my col- shouldn’t. But the way to reduce our more than $1 trillion over the first dec- leagues on both sides of the aisle and deficit and grow our economy is not by ade. Several of those taxes have hit asked them to join me. This shouldn’t killing research and innovation. It families making less than $250,000 a be a Democratic idea, not a Republican pays for itself many times over. We year, despite the President’s campaign idea. This is as basic as it gets. have cut the budget deficit by two- pledge not to raise taxes on families The next great scientific and medical thirds since the start of the recession making less than $250,000. breakthroughs will be discovered by re- which we just went through 7 or 8 years Let’s take the ObamaCare medical searchers if we fund the research, but ago. device tax. Thanks to this tax, families it isn’t just a matter of biomedical re- Now it is time to close the innova- are now facing higher prices on life- search at the NIH. I had a visit with tion deficit. In the last years of Jonas saving medical equipment such as Department of Energy Secretary Er- Salk’s life, he was searching for an pacemakers and insulin pumps. nest Moniz, and over breakfast we AIDS vaccine. He didn’t need to do ObamaCare taxes are also driving up talked about the American Cures Act. that. His place in history was assured, prices for families on essential drugs He said: Senator, let me put in a but Jonas Salk wasn’t content to rest such as EpiPens and asthma medica- word here. Do you know who develops on past achievement. After all, he was tions. Other ObamaCare taxes are cost- the technology for diagnostic evalua- an American, and when his early ef- ing American families in other ways. tions—whether it is MRIs, PET scans, forts failed, he was undeterred. Jonas The ObamaCare employer mandate and things of that nature? Do you Salk said: ‘‘You can only fail if you tax is discouraging employers from ex- know who develops the technology for stop too soon.’’ panding and hiring, which means fewer

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.023 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 jobs and opportunities for American for our economy, and that is bipartisan this decade. I think the likelihood, as workers. Then there is the individual trade promotion authority. Previous we move toward the agreement, as it mandate tax that last year began hit- free- and fair-trade agreements have appears to be structured, is that it ting American families without gov- been a boon to the economy, expanding won’t be able to contain the desire of ernment-approved insurance. For 2015, opportunities for American workers other people in the neighborhood—and the individual mandate tax penalty is and giving American farmers, such as maybe in other places in the world but $325 per person or 2 percent of house- many of those I represent in South Da- certainly in the neighborhood—to be hold income, whichever is greater. In kota, and manufacturers access to new just as capable of producing a nuclear 2016, that tax penalty will rise to $695 markets for their goods. Nearly every weapon as we allow Iran to be. per person or 21⁄2 percent of household one of those trade agreements was ne- Supporting this bill does mean that income, whichever is greater. gotiated and enacted using trade pro- Congress really gives the opportunity But that is not all ObamaCare is motion authority. for these negotiations to advance, not bringing to tax season. This year, a full The idea behind trade promotion au- Congress putting the brakes on these half of Americans receiving ObamaCare thority is very simple: Congress sets negotiations. Specifically, the bill health insurance subsidies discovered negotiating priorities for the adminis- would give Congress the opportunity to they have to pay back some or all of tration and requires the administra- review and weigh in on a deal that has their subsidies because they didn’t esti- tion to consult with Congress during already been made. It does appear to mate their income correctly. Ulti- that negotiating process. In return, prohibit the administration from re- mately, just 4 percent of households re- Congress promises a simple up-or-down moving sanctions while Congress re- ceiving subsidies had the correct sub- vote on the legislation instead of a views and while Congress votes on a sidy advanced to their insurance com- lengthy amendment process that could final deal, if that is what Congress de- panies. Unfortunately, the confusion leave the final agreement looking cides to do. It doesn’t require Congress and mistakes are par for the course for nothing like what was negotiated. That to vote, as I read it, but I look forward ObamaCare. The administration appar- up-or-down vote is the key. That is to having the people who unanimously ently finds the law so confusing that it what gives our trading partners the voted for this in the Foreign Relations sent out incorrect ObamaCare forms to confidence to put their best offers on Committee explain how it really does more than 800,000 people. Yet the ad- the table, which allows for a successful involve the Congress as the Constitu- ministration wants us to believe conclusion of negotiations. tion would suggest the Senate would be ObamaCare is somehow working. Trade promotion authority expired in involved. This does permit removal of We need to repeal this broken law 2007. Republicans have been trying to sanctions only if the Congress passes a and its trillion dollars’ worth of taxes, get it reauthorized ever since. Cur- joint resolution approving the agree- and we need to reform our bloated Tax rently, the administration is negoti- ment, I have been told. Code. We need to cut rates for families ating two key trade agreements—the The new bill reported out of com- so that Americans can spend more of Trans-Pacific Partnership and the mittee makes the following changes in the year working for themselves and United States-European Union trade the original bill. Under the new bill, less of the year working for the Federal agreement—that are unlikely to be the congressional review period isn’t Government. We need to cut rates for concluded in the near future unless going to be 60 days, it would be 30 days. businesses, both large and small. The trade promotion authority is finally re- The new bill removes the provision re- U.S. currently has the highest cor- newed. These agreements will expand quiring the administration to certify porate tax rate in the developed world. opportunities for American workers to Congress that Iran is not providing That puts American businesses at a and open new markets for American material support to terrorists plotting huge disadvantage compared to their goods. A bipartisan reauthorization of against the homeland or against U.S. foreign competitors, and American trade promotion authority will help entities. workers suffer the consequences—lower bring those agreements to a speedy We are continuing to be told: Well, wages and fewer opportunities. Reform- conclusion, and that will be good news that is a different topic. I don’t know ing both corporate and individual tax for American workers and American why that is a different topic at all. A rates would go a long way toward mak- businesses. nuclear-capable Iran that is supporting ing American businesses more competi- The challenges facing our Nation are terrorism is obviously more dangerous tive and opening new opportunities and best solved when Members of both par- than a nuclear-capable Iran that is not higher paying jobs for American work- ties come together to find solutions for supporting terrorism. The weapon that ers. the American people. I look forward to you can see being built, the weapon Of course, any tax reform measure continuing to work with my colleagues that would compare to weapons we should include reforms to the IRS. on trade promotion authority and may have built, and other powers, in From mishandled customer service to other issues that will grow our econ- the past was perhaps not nearly as dan- the Agency’s most serious offenses— omy, create better paying jobs for gerous as the weapon being built that the First Amendment violations in- American workers, and increase the could be used by some terrorist. volving the deliberate targeting of take-home pay of middle-income fami- This bill does appear to give Congress groups for extra scrutiny based on lies in this country. the ability to intervene but only to in- their political beliefs—this Agency, the Mr. President, I yield the floor. tervene after the parties have made the IRS, is long overdue for reform. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- deal. I am not particularly offended by The IRS Commissioner himself, John ator from Missouri. that. If this were a real treaty, the ad- Koskinen, was quoted in Monday’s f ministration would obviously be nego- Washington Post as saying: ‘‘We cer- tiating that treaty and then would tainly can’t afford to have taxpayer NUCLEAR AGREEMENT WITH IRAN bring the treaty to the Senate for ap- service be any worse than it is, al- Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, yester- proval, as the Constitution requires though it is hard to imagine it being day, the Senate Foreign Relations and as has happened over and over much worse than it is.’’ That is a quote Committee reported the Iran Nuclear again on treaties involving nuclear ca- from the IRS Commissioner himself. Agreement Review Act of 2015. To the pacity, nuclear ability, nuclear build- When even the IRS Commissioner ad- surprise of many people, including me, up, or nuclear build-down. That is not mits the Agency’s taxpayer services it was unanimously reported, which a new thing for the Senate to deal can’t get much worse, that is a signal makes me begin to wonder just how with, but apparently nobody in the ad- the Agency is ripe for reform. much Iran nuclear agreement review ministration wants this to be this kind f there will be in this act. of treaty. Now, there is, apparently, a I was an original cosponsor of the way to weigh in before it is imple- TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY Corker-Menendez bill that would give mented but in a way that I think we Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, before I Congress and the American people a are going to have to look at very care- close, I would like to take a moment to voice in what is likely to be the most fully if and when that legislation talk about what I think is a bright spot significant nuclear arms agreement in comes to the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.003 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2191 A nuclear-armed Iran, an Iran that is and what isn’t clear to me is why we should be to do everything possible to nuclear weapons capable—whether that are so eager to just check the box and prohibit Iran—whose influence in the is in 6 months or 12 months or mon- move on here, and assume that some- world and the region is already dis- itored or unmonitored—is a major time in the next few years Iran will be- proportionate—from having the capac- threat, in my view, to the United come a friendlier state and will not ity to ever have a nuclear weapon. I States. It is a major threat to our al- want to head in a bad direction. Not hope our negotiators continue to keep lies in the region. Lifting these sanc- only does it head Iran in a nuclear- that in mind, and I hope there is not tions only empowers Iran to have more weapons direction, but it heads many nearly as much disagreement about the influence in the region. The sanctions other people in the neighborhood in the final agreement as there is about what did bring Iran to the negotiating table, direction of wondering if they have this the framework itself says. but they have been given a lot of capacity, why wouldn’t we want to Mr. President, I yield the floor. breathing room since these negotia- have this capacity? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tions started a couple of years ago. We Most Americans don’t believe Iran ator from Vermont. wouldn’t be negotiating, I don’t think, will stick to a deal. Frankly, I have f if the sanctions hadn’t been working. great questions about that myself. THE BUDGET With what has happened to oil prices, Whether the President likes it or not, those sanctions would have had a more this is an international agreement with Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, later today, maybe as early as 11 o’clock or dramatic effect on the economy of a wide-ranging consequences. The Con- so, we are going to begin a discussion country in which we have every reason gress and the American people have a of the budget. As we know, the budget to believe the population is inclined to role to play here. The Foreign Rela- is a set of national priorities. A budget be very friendly toward the United tions Committee has made a proposal has to do with our vision of where States. They are educated, they are ca- about what that role should be. But it America is and where America should pable, and they have long-term ties seems to me that proposal is still a be. We are now in the process of mov- with many of their family members in long way away from the constitutional ing the budget to a conference com- this country. But, of course, the popu- protection that should be involved mittee between the House and the Sen- lation is not in control of the country; when we reach an agreement of this ate. the country is controlled by a small kind, or when we negotiate a treaty. When I think about a budget, I think group who has only one view of how the A number of us sent a letter a few about a document designed to address world can work, and, frankly, that weeks ago which got a lot of attention. the problems facing our country. In small group appears to have only one I thought the reaction to that letter that regard, I find the Republican view of what they think about the was pretty interesting. budget that will likely pass to be to- United States of America. If you listen The immediate reaction from the tally inadequate, and a budget whose to the comments the Supreme Leader, Secretary of State was: Well, this isn’t priorities are way, way out of place the religious leader, makes over and a treaty, it is just an agreement. The with where the American people are. over again, that view is dependably Senate doesn’t have to approve an When we talk about the needs of negative about our country and our agreement. The President would be America, the most significant need and people and our system of government bound by it, and it would be such a the most significant economic problem and our ability to live side by side with good agreement—according to the Sec- we face is that for 40 years the Amer- each other. So we should be concerned retary of State—that the next Presi- ican middle class has been in decline. about that. dent would want to be bound by it as Today we have over 40 million Ameri- The agreement would allow them to well. cans living in poverty, almost more continue to enrich uranium. It would This is a pretty significant moment than at any time in the modern history allow them to retain centrifuges, which to decide that we may or may not be of America. Our real unemployment is we said, by the way, we wouldn’t do. bound by what is decided. not 51⁄2 percent; real unemployment is That was a point we wouldn’t negotiate The Iranian Foreign Minister then 11 percent. And despite the modest away. It would allow them to continue was able to give us some sense of his gains of the Affordable Care Act, we to have thousands of centrifuges— understanding. I think the phrase he still have 35 million Americans who something we also said we wouldn’t said the next day was: We know inter- have no health insurance. allow them to do. It would allow them national law is what really matters While millions of Americans work to continue developing new and better here, not the law of any given country. today longer hours for lower wages and more sophisticated ways to enrich I have been all over my State, as than used to be the case, despite a sig- uranium, to weaponize, to have the many of us have, in the last couple of nificant increase in productivity, what ability to create a weapon. weeks. I don’t think there is any court- we are seeing as a nation is an obscene Frankly, it is not even clear what house, any coffee shop, or any gath- level of income and wealth inequality. agreement has been agreed to. To lis- ering of people in Missouri where they That reality speaks to the fact that ten to our description of the agreement would say: Well, really, international since the Wall Street crash of 2008, is a very different description of the law is what we care about. We don’t about 99 percent of all new income framework. There is no agreement, ev- care about what the Constitution says today is going to the top 1 percent. I erybody agrees to that, but there is when we are dealing with other coun- know people find that amazing, but it supposedly a framework. tries. is true. Which means that no matter This framework would build two very Then 72 hours after that letter was what the GDP may be—2 percent, 5 per- different houses. If we listen to their sent, the President’s Chief of Staff cent—it doesn’t really matter, because description of the agreement and we said: Really, the President would prob- virtually all the new income goes to listen to our description of the agree- ably want to take this to the U.N., but the top 1 percent. ment, we are looking at very different he probably wouldn’t want to take it to In terms of distribution of wealth, things. the U.S. Senate. what we are seeing in America today is This week, for example, the Supreme We will see how this debate goes on worse and more unequal than any Leader saw this very differently than the proposal that the Foreign Affairs major country on Earth, and worse in the President—the so-called deal—with Committee is making, but it clearly America than at any time since the respect to when the sanctions would be does not bode in the direction of a trea- late 1920s. Today we have the top one- removed and what would be happening. ty approved by two-thirds of the Mem- tenth of 1 percent owning more wealth President Obama and Secretary bers of the U.S. Senate. In my view, we than the bottom 90 percent. Unbeliev- Kerry have put a tremendous amount are still a long way from a final agree- able—the top one-tenth of 1 percent of effort into reaching an agreement— ment. owning more wealth than the bottom in fact, such amount of effort that it There seems to be a lot of disagree- 90 percent. Today we have one family has been clear from the very start of ment as to what the framework means. owning more wealth than the bottom the negotiations who wanted an agree- But as we move toward that final 42 percent of the American people— ment the most. What hasn’t been clear agreement, our number one priority that is, the Walton family of Walmart.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.004 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 A recent report came out by Forbes bating human trafficking. Senator unable to legally consent, and cer- magazine which pointed out—and this after Senator has come to the floor and tainly people who are coerced into this is almost beyond belief—that the talked about this and why we ought to sort of activity who do not want to be. wealthiest 14 people in this country, act to do something about it. Notwithstanding the fact that the Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Koch broth- Just to refresh everyone’s memory, Hyde amendment itself would provide ers, others, saw their wealth increase what we are trying to do is pass the broad exceptions to provide health care between 2013 and 2015, a 2-year period, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act. services to the very victims we are by $157 billion. That is just an increase What it would do is create a victims talking about, some of our colleagues in their wealth. compensation fund, in essence, from across the aisle said that what this bill The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the fines and the penalties assessed does is it expands the Hyde amend- ator’s time has expired. against people who are engaging in ment. The way it does it, they claim, is Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I will child pornography and other sex-re- that it now would apply to the fines be back on the floor dealing with the lated crimes. In other words, it would and penalties that would be assessed on budget as the ranking member, but I address the demand side, and take the criminals, primarily child pornog- am happy to yield the floor at this money from fines and penalties as- raphers, consumers, purveyors, and point. sessed against the demand side and use other people guilty of various sexual The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- that to help the victims—to help them crimes. They claim that is somehow an jority whip. be rescued, and to help them heal and expansion of the Hyde provision. This is getting more and more baf- f get on with their lives. This legislation has enjoyed broad fling because actually last night, in an HUMAN TRAFFICKING support outside of these Chambers. overwhelming vote—I think it was 92 LEGISLATION More than 200 different organizations— votes in favor of the so-called doc fix Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, for the law enforcement organizations, victims and also funding community health last several weeks we have been trying rights organizations, faith-based centers and an extension of the Chil- to get unstuck on an important piece groups, people who want to lend a help- dren’s Health Insurance Program—the of legislation that would combat mod- ing hand to provide beds and a secure very same Hyde-type provision that ern-day slavery. place to stay while people heal. Unfor- was contained in the bill we voted on At a time, I think most people were tunately, there is just not enough last night is contained in the amend- unaware of this phenomenon of sex money. There is a huge need across ment we are going to vote on tomorrow trafficking primarily of teenaged girls America for the resources this legisla- on the Senate floor. If this provision is between the ages of 12 and 14. I think tion would provide. We estimate, based good enough for doctors and hospitals, the country has become much more on historic data, that there could be as why in the world isn’t it good enough for victims of human sex trafficking? I aware about this scourge, this dark much as $30 million generated from the think the answer is obvious: It is and it side to our culture and our society, and fines and penalties associated with the should be. much more interested in trying to fig- Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act ure out what we can do to address it. In an effort to try to get us unstuck that would then be available to be in order to try to catch a wave based At a time when we are really begin- granted by the Department of Justice ning to see some true bipartisan co- on what we are doing generally here in to help these victims. the Senate—finally being productive operation and progress here in the Sen- So imagine my surprise when after and making things work—I have tried ate—and I say that because of things Senator after Senator on both sides of to take something that virtually all like the budget we passed last night, the aisle endorsed this legislation—I Democrats have voted for previously which was a very important piece of think at last count we had 30 cospon- legislation we passed to reform Medi- and to put that in the bill in order to sors, an almost equal number on the eliminate their cause for concern. I am care, particularly to improve access for Democratic side as the Republican not going to question at this point our seniors to Medicare services per- side. Then this legislation sailed whether it is a legitimate complaint. I, formed by doctors and hospitals by through the Senate Judiciary Com- frankly, disagree. But let’s get on with making sure they had a predictable and mittee and got the unanimous vote of getting the bill passed and getting sustainable reimbursement rate, and all Democrats and all Republicans. something important done. what happened yesterday in the For- Then it came to the floor, and at least This morning, I heard a familiar ar- eign Relations Committee, where we initially we bypassed the traditional gument that was made by the Demo- had a unanimous vote on Congress’s procedures to bring legislation to the cratic leader, Senator REID. The good prerogative to represent our constitu- floor because all 100 Senators agreed news is that I have made a change in ents on having a voice on the very im- that this was important enough and the legislation that would directly ad- portant negotiations taking place be- significant enough and urgent enough dress what the Democratic leader said tween Tehran and the United States that we needed to act on it quickly. is their main objection. Here is their and our allies on Iran’s aspirations for So imagine my surprise when, all of a objection. I don’t agree with it, but nuclear weapon. sudden, it was brought to my attention here is what it is and here is what I Then I think about other things that that some people objected to a provi- have done to try to address it. Their are happening that are encouraging sion in the legislation known as the claim is that the fines and penalties here, after a long period of stagnation Hyde amendment, which has been the are private dollars, not public dollars, and dysfunction over the last 2 years. I law of the land for 39 years. and that attaching the Hyde language think we are on the cusp of a break- To refresh everybody’s memory, in to those fines and penalties is somehow through on trade. Why in the world the very polarizing debate over abor- an expansion of the Hyde provision. wouldn’t we want to be open to mar- tion, this is the one consensus item As I said, I disagree with that, but kets when basically 80 percent of the that has been the law of the land for 39 what I would ask my colleagues to do purchasing power of the world and 95 years that Republicans and Democrats is look at page 3 of the legislation, percent of the world’s population lies have voted for repeatedly. What it says lines 3 through 7. What we have done to outside of our shores? Why wouldn’t we is that no taxpayer dollars can be used address their concern is to say that no want to open those markets to our to fund abortion except in the case of longer will the fines and penalties asso- farmers and ranchers and our manufac- rape or in the case of the mother’s ciated with this fund be directly appro- turers—people who grow things and health. Those are basically the excep- priated and paid out in grants to the who make things—and wouldn’t that tions. Do you know what? I cannot victims of human trafficking. Instead, be great for our economy and job cre- imagine that those exceptions would what page 3 of our amendment says— ation? not apply in the vast majority of cases which we will vote on tomorrow, S. So imagine my surprise when after involving human trafficking because 178—this paragraph is entitled ‘‘Trans- these past few weeks we have been tragically they do involve rape, cer- fers.’’ It says: stuck on something that has enjoyed tainly sexual assault of a minor who is In a manner consistent with section 3302(b) such broad bipartisan support as com- incapable by virtue of their tender age, of title 31, there shall be transferred to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.006 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2193 Fund from the General Fund of the Treasury this change, addresses those stated Why the urgency? Hard-working fam- an amount equal to the amount of the as- concerns. ilies are fed up with the President’s sessments collected under this section, Mr. President, I yield the floor. spend-now-pay-later policy and are which shall remain available until expended. I suggest the absence of a quorum. closely following our efforts to produce What we tried to do in order to main- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The a balanced budget. Senate Democrats tain the status quo on the Hyde amend- clerk will call the roll. could only muster two budgets in 8 ment is say that the money which will The senior assistant legislative clerk years, and we will soon have one after actually be used to help the victims proceeded to call the roll. only 4 months. It is time to show tax- will now come from the general fund. It Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- payers that Congress is committed to a will be an amount equal to the fines mous consent that the order for the balanced budget to make our govern- and penalties that were going to be quorum call be rescinded. ment more effective and accountable, available under the original bill. But The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without but we are running out of time. because of the objection, because of the objection, it is so ordered. Recent media reports note that the stated concern, we are trying to find a f lawmakers in 27 States have passed ap- way to get unstuck and keep our focus plications for a constitutional conven- CONCLUSION OF MORNING on these victims and not on some phan- tion to approve a balanced budget BUSINESS tom objection based on—again, I am amendment. I have to add that there not going to reargue here today; I am Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I move to are new applications to do that same just going to say we need to get this close morning business. amendment in nine other States, and done, and this provision does that. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without they are close behind. Mr. President, may I ask what the objection, it is so ordered. Now, if just seven of those nine order of business is? Morning business is closed. States approve moving forward on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time f balanced budget issue, it would bring reserved for the majority under morn- the number of applications to 34 ing business has expired. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR 2016 States. This would mean the two-thirds Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask requirement under Article V of the unanimous consent for an additional 5 Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask the Constitution would force Congress to minutes to speak in morning business. Chair to lay before the Senate the mes- take action. It is no wonder hard-work- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sage from the House requesting a con- ing taxpayers across the country are objection, it is so ordered. ference on S. Con. Res. 11, the budget feeling anxious. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I will resolution. Federal revenues have hit record wrap up. The Presiding Officer laid before the highs. Yet we are on track to over- As I have told a number of our col- Senate the following message from the spend by nearly $1 trillion a year. I leagues across the aisle who believe House of Representatives: think we are at the $560 billion level of passionately in the importance of this Resolved, That the House insist upon its overspending this year. topic, I think this amendment we will amendment to the resolution (S. Con. Res. How much does Congress get to make vote on tomorrow addresses their stat- 11) entitled ‘‘Concurrent resolution setting decisions on? Congress spends about $4 ed concerns. It certainly addresses the forth the congressional budget for the United trillion a year, but only gets to make States Government for fiscal year 2016 and concerns stated by the Democratic decisions on $11⁄10 trillion. Now, if we leader this morning. setting forth the appropriate budgetary lev- els for fiscal years 2017 through 2025.’’, and overspend by over $500 billion, we are I would just say that of all the Sen- ask a conference with the Senate on the dis- spending half more than what we take ators on the other side of the aisle who agreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. in. No family can exist very long by agreed to cosponsor this legislation, Ordered, That Mr. Tom Price of Georgia, spending half more than they take in who previously objected to voting on Mr. Rokita, Mr. Diaz-Balart, Mrs. Black, Mr. year after year after year. the bill and passing it—I would ask Moolenaar, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Yarmuth, We looked at the President’s budget them to please take a close look at and Ms. Moore be the managers of the con- and the President increases taxes by ference on the part of the House. that provision. Again, page 3, lines 3 $21⁄10 trillion and still gets a wider and through 7 of my amendment now would Mr. ENZI. I move to disagree in the wider and wider gap of overspending as provide that instead of the fines and House amendment, agree to the request time goes by to that trillion-dollar penalties being directly appropriated by the House for a conference, and au- mark out there in 10 years. into these programs for grant purposes, thorize the Presiding Officer to appoint Just this week, headlines around the that money would come from a general conferees. country reported: ‘‘Budget Deficit in fund of the Treasury in an equivalent The PRESIDING OFFICER. The mo- U.S. Widens as Spending Exceeds amount of the fines and penalties. So, tion is pending. Record Revenue.’’ money being fungible, there is no loss Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I wish to On Monday, the Treasury Depart- of funds, but what we have done is we make some comments about the budget ment reported that spending by the have tried to address their concerns, I and the process. Federal Government exceeded its rev- think in a way that eliminates them. Last month, the Senate Budget Com- enue by more than $439 billion from Oc- All the Senators who cosponsored mittee took an important first step in tober through March, which is $26 bil- this legislation, for which I am very helping to change the way we do busi- lion more compared to the same period grateful—Senator KLOBUCHAR, Senator ness in Washington by reporting out a last year. In fact, CBO is forecasting WYDEN, Senator COONS, Senator UDALL, balanced budget. This is crucial as we that for March our Nation spent more Senator CASEY, Senator FEINSTEIN, begin to restore the trust of the Amer- than $44 billion, up 19 percent from last Senator GILLIBRAND, Senator ican people. year. We are getting more money, and HEITKAMP, Senator SCHUMER, Senator This week, we will take the next step we are spending more money. BLUMENTHAL, Senator PETERS, and and start to work on a joint balanced American taxpayers understand we Senator DURBIN—I hope all of our budget resolution with our colleagues overspend. The more we overspend, the Democratic friends who previously ob- in the House that will expand Amer- more debt we owe, and the more debt jected based on the original provision ica’s economy and increase opportuni- our children and grandchildren will will take a look at this change because ties for hard-working families. A bal- owe. In fact, we have done this so con- it does directly address their stated anced budget approved by Congress will sistently that it is not just our grand- concerns. help make the government live within children and our children who are faced Let’s get this done. We will vote on its means and set spending limits for with the crisis, it is us as well—every- this tomorrow. But I would rather not our Nation. A balanced budget will also body in America. wait for that time. I would rather try boost the Nation’s economic output by I mentioned that we get to make de- to get this done today if we can. We more than $500 billion over the next 10 cisions on $11⁄10 trillion dollars a year, might be able to do that by agreement years. That is according to the non- which is $1,100 billion. If anybody if everyone agrees that this provision, partisan Congressional Budget Office. knows how big $1 billion is, they know

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.008 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 how big $1,100 billion is. But that is all solvency and extending the life of the ing lots would be closed, and I was told we get to make decisions on. Medicare trust fund by 5 years. It en- that there would not be any garbage The amount of interest we paid last sures Medicare savings in the Presi- pickup. I suggested they just remove year was $235 billion. Interest doesn’t dent’s health care law and makes sure the garbage cans. buy you a thing, but we spent $235 bil- those savings are dedicated to Medi- When people in Wyoming and across lion on interest. Now, that is pretty care. If it comes from Medicare, it the Nation visit a national park, they close to 1 percent for the fee for that ought to go back to Medicare instead can haul their garbage another 20 miles borrowing. So if $235 billion is 1 percent of seeing it go to more overspending on before they throw it out. That way the interest, what would the normal 5 per- new programs that are outside of Medi- beautiful vista could still be photo- cent cost? Every single dime we get to care. graphed instead of people still parking make a decision on. That means no de- Our balanced budget continues fund- along the highways to take those pic- fense, no education, no HELP. Every- ing for the Children’s Health Insurance tures and then getting ticketed. That thing will be by the wayside just so we Program and creates a new program is just one small example of cutting can pay the interest on our debt. That based on CHIP to serve low-income, the most important first instead of the is why we have to be concerned about working-age, able-bodied adults and worst first. I am sure there are exam- the overspending that is happening. children who are eligible for Medicaid. ples in every State. American taxpayers understand that It increases State flexibility in de- It didn’t just happen with facilities the more we overspend, the more debt signing benefits and administering like that. The people at Head Start we owe and the more debt our children Medicaid Programs to encourage effi- came to see me and said they got a 7.5- and grandchildren owe. If that tax rate ciency and reduce wasteful spending, percent cut in the sequester. It was goes up, we will soon be responsible for and it provides stable and predictable supposed to be 2.3 percent. paying off that debt at the expense of funding so long-term services and sup- How did it get to 7.5 percent? After everything else America expects. This port are sustainable both for the Fed- checking into it, it appears the Wash- is why Republicans in Congress are fo- eral Government and the States. ington bureaucracy decided to keep cused on passing a balanced budget As the Senate and House begin budg- more than their share of the money in- that will ensure that Washington will et negotiations next week, it is worth stead giving it to the kids across Amer- once again live within its means, just noting that the strong economic ica who were supposed to have it. It did like hard-working families do every growth a balanced budget can provide get restored, but the discouraging part day. will serve as the foundation for helping was that when I asked the people who Now, we don’t get that balance for 10 all Americans grow and prosper. talked to me before how things were years, but it moves toward that goal One of the goals of a Republican bal- going, they said: Well, we got the extra every year. Ten years is too long. For anced budget is to make our govern- money, but in order to meet the em- next year’s budget, we are going to ment more efficient, more effective, ployer requirements in Wyoming for have to figure out better things to do and more accountable. If Congress does ObamaCare, we had to spend all of that to get it back into a framework where its job, we can have some flexibility money, so none of the kids happened to our interest will not exceed our ex- and eliminate what is not working, go back to Head Start. That was very penditures. That is the interest exceed- starting with the worst first, and then disappointing. That is not the way to ing the expenditures, not the revenue, we can eliminate and streamline what run a government and it is not the way and again we had a record revenue. is left. to run a business. It should never have That is why we are focused on passing The reason I emphasized ‘‘the worst happened. a balanced budget, just like hard-work- first’’ is because one of the things we We need a budget that can eliminate ing families do every day. talk about constantly is the need to What does the Senate-passed budget waste and streamline what is left and prevent the sequester. In some cases, it do? Well, here is what it does: It bal- start with the worst first. ances the budget in 10 years with no is absolutely essential to prevent a se- Of course, another of my suggestions tax hikes. It protects our most vulner- quester, but the sequester should have is that we have a biannual budget. Mr. able citizens. It strengthens the na- been done in the efficient way of elimi- President, $1,100 billion is too much tional defense. It improves job growth nating the worst first. Instead, there money to look at in 1 year. Twelve and opportunity for hard-working fam- was a memo that went out that said: bills to allocate that money to the dif- ilies. It slows the rate of spending Make it hurt. That should never hap- ferent agencies are too many bills for growth. pen in America. That is why we saw us to handle in 1 year, particularly if Now, it doesn’t recede the spending some of the decisions that came down they are going to get scrutiny. growth, it slows the spending growth. that seemed pretty ridiculous. I suggested we write the number of That is the best we have ever been able One of the decisions that affected bills that we do and separate them into to do in Washington. When we talk Wyoming was—I hope everybody will two packages of six and that we do the about a cut in Washington, what we are come and see the Grand Tetons—mar- six tough ones right after the election, talking about is giving them less than velous mountains that look like part of because we have a little more appetite what they asked for, not less than what the Alps were transplanted over there for doing them then, and the six easy they have. and made a little bit taller. A lot of ones just before an election. Then we It preserves Social Security by reduc- people like to stop and take pictures would be able to get all 12 of them and ing spending in other areas to fully off- there regardless of the season—whether be able to scrutinize all 12 of them. set Social Security’s rising deficit and it is snow covered or the aspens are Why is that important? Well, in encourages our Nation’s leaders to golden in the foreground or whether ev- going through this budget process—and begin a bipartisan, bicameral discus- erything is lush and green, and, of like I said, I only had about 8 weeks to sion on how to protect Social Security course, you see wildlife all through start to put the budget together—one and avoid the across-the-board Social that valley. Naturally, people like to of the things I discovered was that we Security benefit cuts that will occur stop and take pictures. have a whole bunch of programs that later under the law unless we take ac- Well, a bunch of signs were printed are out of authorization. The ability to tion, but that is something that has to up that said you cannot use the turn- spend for them has expired, but that be done jointly. There would be too outs. A bunch of barricades were doesn’t stop us from spending on them. much blame otherwise, and as far as bought so you could not pull onto the It should at least constrain us a little the budget, the reason we have to pre- turnout, and the sign said it would be bit. serve Social Security by reducing illegal to park along the highway. Some of those programs go back to spending in other areas to offset Social Where did the money come from for 1983. They expired in 1983, 1987, and on Security is because we are not allowed the barricades? Where did the money up to the present day. How many of to do anything with Social Security in come for the signs that said we could them? Two hundred and sixty pro- the budget. not use the parking lots to take pic- grams. There were 260 programs that This budget will also protect our sen- tures? Well, I called to find out whose we haven’t looked at to see if we ought iors by safeguarding Medicare from in- brilliant idea that was and why park- to continue to spend money on them or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.010 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2195 if we ought to revise how we have been got it down to 69 programs. The ones to grow their businesses or to advance spending the money. If they have ex- we got rid of are the ones that were their jobs, instead of worrying about pired—most of them had been in exist- under our jurisdiction. So that left a taxes and inefficient and ineffective ence for 6 years before they expired, whole bunch more. In the meantime, I regulations. Most importantly, it and in those 6 years, we should have have been able to work that down to 35 means every American who wants to been able to find if there were any programs. And in the child care grant find a good-paying job and a fulfilling flaws or changes. Hopefully, there was program last year, I got an amendment career has the opportunity to do just somebody who was looking out for it passed—it was one of 14 amendments that. and found some efficiencies that helped that we considered—which required I look forward to joining my col- with the spending. that those 35 go down to just 5 and that leagues in both the Senate and the So there were 260 programs. Do we all 5 be put under 1 department. I am House—Republicans and Democrats—as know how much that amounts to that hoping that is what the administration we take this next step to deliver a gov- we are still spending and there is no is doing. That would save enough ernment that is more accountable to authority to spend? It is $293 billion a money to fund the truly preschool edu- each and every American. year. That is a year. Usually, when we cation programs really well, and that I yield the floor and reserve the re- talk about the budget we are talking is what we need to do. There is a lot of mainder of my time. about over 10 years. So that would only money right there. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- be $29 billion a year if it were over 10 So if Congress does its job, we can LIVAN). The Senator from Vermont. years, but it is not. It is $293 billion a have some flexibility and eliminate Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, let me year of expired authorizations, expired what isn’t working, starting with the applaud Senator ENZI and his staff for permissions to spend money. We have worst first, and then we can eliminate their very hard work. I certainly agree with Senator ENZI to get that corrected as well. waste and streamline what is left. But that we need a government that is ac- One of the ways we can do that is to do this, first, Congress must do what countable, that we need to get rid of through a biennial budget, so that we it has not done in the past 8 years. It waste in government, and that we need are looking at half of them in a year has to scrutinize every dollar for which to get rid of duplicative programs. I instead of everything the government they have a responsibility. If govern- don’t think there is any debate on that. does every year. The dollars have got- ment programs are not delivering re- I look forward to working with Senator ten so big that we can’t get through sults, they should be improved, and if ENZI and others to make that happen. them efficiently, effectively, and scru- they are not needed, they should be However, the Republican budget is far, tinizing them as good accounting in a eliminated. It is time to prioritize and far more than that. year. demand results from our government There is one exception on that, which Today, I rise in strong opposition to programs. When these programs are re- the motion to go to conference on the is that we look at defense every year. authorized, I am hoping there is a ma- Defense is the most important con- budget resolution. trix in there that says this is what we stitutional requirement given to this The budget resolution the Senate plan to do and this is how we will know body. So we would continue to do that passed on March 27 moves this country if we got it done. Then we will have an each year. Incidentally, defense is the in exactly the wrong direction, and the easy evaluation of whether they are one authorization that is not out of au- House budget resolution, in many re- getting their job done. That is mostly thorization, and that is because we do spects, is even worse. The Federal what happens in the private sector, and it every year. I don’t know how many budget is more than just a long list of it is an efficient way of doing it in the decades we have done the authoriza- numbers, although God knows there is public sector as well. tion—the permission for spending—for a long list of numbers in the budget. I have made enough speeches about defense. The Federal budget is about our na- efficiency in government that I had Another troubling situation I discov- tional priorities and about our values. ered through this process was that someone come up to me and say: I hate It is about how we assess the problems there are some items that are not au- to say this, but the job I am doing isn’t facing our country, of which there are thorized that were in defense that we worth having anybody do. He said: I am many—and I am not sure Senator ENZI are spending money on anyway. I get reluctant to mention it because if they would disagree with me if I laid it comments from the people on the com- eliminate that job, I am probably fired. out—and how we go forward in address- mittee that looks over defense saying: Well, I took his suggestion, and I spoke ing the problems on which there is a How can they spend that money when to the right people and that job got fundamental divide. That is what the we just did an authorization that said eliminated, and he got promoted. That Senate is now dealing with. What are no, that is not one of the authorized is what has to happen. We have to take the problems facing our country and items? So there are some problems we the people who are innovative in gov- how do we move forward? need to definitely work on with budg- ernment, who are figuring out ways to Let me begin by saying that despite ets. That is what we have done while do things better and more efficiently the modest gains of the Affordable Care putting this budget together, in trying and more effectively and move them Act, there remain in this country 35 to eliminate some of the inconsist- into the positions where they can real- million Americans who have no health encies we have, but we have not ly do the job. insurance. That means that when they touched that $293 billion in unauthor- So that is what I am counting on. In get sick, they may not be able to go to ized spending. the coming weeks, hard-working tax- the doctor or they may end up going to So when people say we need more payers will get to see something they the emergency room at very high cost. money for the nondefense items, I want have not had the chance to experience I have spoken with doctors all over them to take a look at that $293 billion in the last 8 years, and that is an open this country who tell me that when and see if they can’t find $29 billion, $90 and transparent legislative process. We people don’t have health insurance, be- billion, whatever, out of $293 billion are starting that process today with cause they delay going to the doctor, that they think might be more effec- the appointment of the conferees for sometimes by the time they go into the tively spent in a different way. the conference committees, and we will doctor’s office, it is too late. The doc- I know when I came to Congress have amendments this afternoon. Mem- tor says: Why didn’t you come in here there were 119 preschool children’s pro- bers of Congress from both the House 6 months ago when you noticed your grams. Everybody has ideas for pre- and the Senate will come together as symptoms? And they say: I don’t have school programs, and they are good part of the Senate-House budget com- any health insurance; I couldn’t afford ideas. We know that if we teach kids mittee to create a balanced budget it. So we are losing tens of thousands better before they go to school, they do that will boost our Nation’s economic of people every single year who die— better in school, there are fewer drop- output and help restore the promise of die—or become much sicker than they outs, there is less crime, and the whole a government that is more effective should be because they don’t have world is better. and that will put more people to work. health insurance. There were 119 programs. Senator A balanced budget will allow Ameri- The United States remains the only Kennedy and I worked on that, and we cans to spend more time working hard major country on Earth that doesn’t

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.012 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 guarantee health care to all people. the same in Wyoming or maybe not— today there are millions of families Thirty-five million Americans have no are saying: I am living on $13,000, who are struggling to put food on the health insurance. What is the Repub- $14,000 a year; I have to heat my home table. I know maybe on Capitol Hill lican solution to this problem? Well, it in the winter—if you live in Vermont, people don’t know that, but that is a is a brilliant idea. They are going to you do—I have to buy food; I have to reality. People are making 9 or 10 end the Affordable Care Act and make pay for medicine; I can’t do it all. So bucks an hour. They have a few kids. $440 billion worth of cuts to Medicaid, we closed the so-called doughnut hole, They are having a very difficult time which will result in 27 million Ameri- which means that seniors would not affording food—basic nutrition. We cans losing their health insurance on have to pay out-of-pocket for their pre- have an estimated 40 million people top of the 35 million we already have scription drugs. The Republican budget that are what they call ‘‘food inse- uninsured. reopens the hole. All over this country, cure.’’ That means people who on any I know the newspapers are not par- seniors will be paying more for their given week, any given month, depend- ticularly interested in it. We won’t see prescription drugs. ing on what is happening, have a hard it on network TV. That is the reality. The Republican budget not only un- time feeding their families. The Repub- They don’t deny it. There are 16 mil- dertakes a vast attack on health care lican budget would make massive cuts lion people covered by the Affordable in this country, which will decimate in nutrition programs in this country Care Act who would lose their health life for millions of people, but then on by, among other things, cutting $10 bil- insurance because this bill ends it. another issue of great consequence, lion to the Women, Infants and Chil- Then, a $440 billion cut to Medicaid, education, it is equally bad. dren Program over the next decade. and another 11 million gone. Sixteen A couple of months ago in my State I honestly have a hard time hearing plus 11 is 27 million Americans. What is of Vermont I held three townhall meet- people talk about family values and the idea? What happens to those peo- ings at colleges and universities in the how much they love families and chil- ple? How many of them die? How many State to talk to young people about dren, and you have a program which of them suffer? It is not an issue for the cost of college and about student has done a really good job in terms of them. They are working on something. debt. In Vermont—and I suspect in the prenatal care for pregnant woman, They have been working on something other 49 States as well—we have fami- making sure they get the health care for about 15 years for health care. If it lies who are struggling to afford to and the nutrition they need, making hasn’t happened in 16 years, it isn’t send their kids to college, and then we sure their babies get the care they going to happen. have others who are leaving college need. Who really thinks we should cut That is what is in this budget. terribly deep in debt. Just yesterday, I these programs? What kind of Nation This budget denies over 2.3 million was flying here from Burlington, VT, are we or what kind of Senate are we young adults the right to stay on their and I sat next to a woman who said her that people would vote to cut these parents’ health insurance plan until six kids went to college and graduate programs—not to mention massive the age of 26. We used to have this ab- school, and all of them are deeply in cuts in the food stamp program. surd situation. My wife and I have debt. But in the midst of all of these dev- health insurance to cover our kids, but So clearly, what a sensible budget astating cuts in health care, education, when they turn 18, they are not on our does is two things. It says, first, how do and nutrition that impacts working plan. It is gone. Right now, young peo- we make college affordable so that families, the Republican budget does ple are on the plan until they are 26. It young people will be able to get a high- something else which is quite incred- is gone under this Republican budget. er education; and second of all, when ible. And I suspect that people who are We finally overcame a situation that they graduate, how do we lower stu- listening are saying: BERNIE SANDERS is so vulgar it is hard to imagine that dent debt, which is today so oppres- is being partisan; he is not telling the it existed in America, and that is that sive? truth; it really can’t be this bad. One of people who have serious illnesses such The Republican budget does exactly the problems we have is convincing as cancer, heart disease or diabetes the opposite. What the Republican people this is reality. This is reality. would walk into an insurance office budget does is cut $90 billion over 10 This is the Republican budget. I know and say: I need insurance. The insur- years in Pell grants. Pell grants are the media doesn’t write about it much, ance company would say: Oh, we can’t the major Federal program making it but that is what it is. In addition to cover you for your diabetes, your heart possible for low-income and working- making cuts to health care, nutrition, disease, your cancer because it is a pre- class families to get grants to go to education, other programs, what else existing condition and we don’t want college. This would increase the cost of do they do? to pay out all of that money if it re- college education to more than 8 mil- At a time when the wealthiest 400 curs. lion Americans. Think about it. Our Americans—400 Americans—paid a tax Think about that, how crazy that is. job is to lower the cost of college; this rate of 16.7 percent in 2012, at a time What do people want insurance for? budget increases it. when hedge fund managers pay a lower They want insurance to cover their At a time when working-class fami- effective tax rate than working fami- needs. If I had breast cancer or colon lies in Vermont and all over this coun- lies, truckdrivers, and nurses, what the cancer 5 years ago, sure, I want to try are having a hard time finding good Republican budget does based on an make sure my insurance company cov- quality, affordable preschool childcare, amendment they did abolishes the es- ers that. It is a preexisting condition. the Republican budget makes signifi- tate tax. The estate tax provides a $269 Under the Affordable Care Act, we did cant cuts in Head Start which means billion tax break. For whom? For the away with that discrimination. That that 110,000 fewer children would be middle class? Good. Low-income peo- would come back. So all Americans able to enroll in that program. Under ple? That is great. Not so. This repeal who have serious health illnesses: the Republican budget, 1.9 million of the estate tax applies to the wealthi- Know that if what they put into this fewer students would receive the aca- est—not 1 percent, but the top two- budget goes into effect, insurance com- demic health they need to succeed in tenths of 1 percent. Republicans passed panies can reject you. school by cutting about $12 billion in a tax proposal which impacts the top Not only has this Republican budget cuts to the title I education program. two-tenths of 1 percent and leaves ended the Affordable Care Act and Dropout rates in low-income commu- nothing for 99.8 percent of Americans. made $440 billion in cuts to Medicaid, it nities all over this country for high Cut education, cut health care, cut nu- would also increase prescription drug school kids are atrocious. The Repub- trition, and give the tax breaks to bil- prices for 4 million seniors and persons lican budget cuts significantly the lionaires. By repealing the estate tax, with disabilities who are on Medicare funding that we put into public schools the average tax breaks for multi- Part D by reopening the doughnut in low-income communities. millionaires and billionaires would be hole. That means that at a time when At a time when the middle class is about $3 million. senior poverty is increasing and so disappearing and we have more people When you go around Vermont and many seniors in Vermont—I speak to living in poverty today than at almost you go around America, do people say: them all the time and I suspect it is any time in modern American history, Hey, what we really need, what our

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.013 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2197 major priority is, is not to feed the I mentioned that was Medicare. This to talk to the IRS about tax problems, hungry, not to make college affordable, is the first budget the Republicans and I want to chastise the IRS a little not to create jobs, but to give a tax have gotten to participate in in many bit for that. They are trying to show break to billionaires? That is in their years, but the Democrats got to work they need more money, instead of allo- budget. on the health care bill, and that was cating personnel to where they are Not only do they give a huge tax part of their budget. In fact, it was really needed. If they answer more break to the wealthy—what else do part of the reconciliation in the budg- questions right now, they don’t have as they do? They raise taxes on low-in- et, which is a special way of passing many things they have to do later, and come and working families—folks who something without 60 votes. In that they will collect more money than if do not make a whole lot of campaign budget they took $714 billion from they don’t answer those questions. The contributions. What the Republican Medicare, and they didn’t put it into proper committee needs to take a look budget does is increase taxes by not ex- Medicare. There were just some com- at whether they have adequate revenue tending the benefits we put into the ments about how the budget I worked to do their job, but again, there are in- earned income tax credit and the child on has a little over $400 million of efficiencies there. They are talking tax credit. It allows those additional Medicare savings. That Medicare sav- about needing more money because benefits to expire, which means that ings is what the President suggested when they audit, they are able to get $4 low-income and moderate-income fami- should be done in Medicare savings, to $6 for every dollar they spend. They lies will pay more in taxes. and we put that Medicare savings back should be embarrassed. Public auditors In fact, we estimate that tax hike for into Medicare. That is the only way in a company expect to get $15 to $20 low-income and middle-income fami- you can save the fund. per dollar that they audit. They have lies will be about $900 apiece for more So we have taken into consideration got to come up with a better selection than 13 million families. Raise taxes to a lot of these issues. The cost of col- procedure for who needs to be audited, low- and moderate-income families and lege—I have been through numerous and go after the big bucks. There are a lower taxes for billionaires. Anybody hearings in the Health, Education, number of things the IRS ought to do. believe those are the priorities that Labor, and Pensions Committee. I used When I first came to Washington, I should be in a budget for the American to be chairman of the committee and I tried to talk to different agencies people? have been ranking member of the com- about inefficiencies they had. I was a I will have more to say about this mittee, and I expired my time as rank- freshman, so I had a lot of time to do budget later. But the Republican budg- ing member on that committee, but we some of those things. One of the agen- et does not address the significant did a lot of hearings on the cost of col- cies I wanted to look at as an account- problems facing America: how we cre- lege. Probably the biggest suggestion I ant was the IRS. As a result of some of ate the millions of jobs we need, how can have for people living in the East is my meetings at the IRS, we had some we raise the minimum wage to a living send your kids West. hearings here about being taxpayer wage, how we address pay equity so I was checking to see why more peo- friendly. People might recall that the women workers don’t make 78 cents on ple couldn’t get into community col- people who served as witnesses in the the dollar compared to men, how we re- lege on the east coast. I am not talking past had to be voice-modulated behind build our crumbling infrastructure. It about the big colleges, which also have screens. That should not happen in doesn’t address any of those issues. But a very big problem on the number of America. We should have a tax system what it does is make a bad situation students they can take and are very se- that people can comply with without worse. I would hope that my colleagues lective in what they take, but I found the gestapo kinds of tactics that are would have the courage to stand up to out that most of the community col- sometimes used. Wall Street, to stand up to the big leges were filled out here. Con- So we need to do something to make money interests, and start defending sequently, some for-profit colleges our tax system more efficient, more ac- the working families of this country were able to charge considerably more countable, and fairer. I am convinced than community college and we looked and vote no on this resolution. that Senator HATCH and Senator With that, Mr. President, I yield the into ways to eliminate that practice. WYDEN, the chairman and the ranking floor. Of course, the way it got eliminated, if member of the committee, are going to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who you did that to the public colleges as do some things on taxes, and I think yields time? well, we would put them out of busi- the American people will like it. They The Senator from Wyoming. ness. But I would mention that it is are past due. They can end those com- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, as part of less expensive for an out-of-State stu- plications and get more accountability, this discussion, I want to mention dent to go to the University of Wyo- which will make the IRS’s job a lot something that was very significant ming or one of our community colleges easier and also make it better for hard- that happened last night. It happened than it is to get in-State tuition in working taxpayers in America. after the press went to bed, I think, but most of the places in the United So there are a lot of things a budget a very important thing, and that is a States. thing called the doc fix passed. The There was a mention of estate tax. can do. I am hoping we will do them. SGR passed this body last night in a That is a recommendation that was put I yield the floor and reserve the re- very bipartisan way, after a series of in as a deficit-neutral measure. I am mainder of my time. amendments that were open floor not sure where the raising the taxes on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- amendments. That is what is supposed the poor comes from, except for the ator from Vermont. to happen around here. comment that the extensions that we Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, let me One of the reasons I mention that is, do annually on that weren’t in there. just pick up on a couple of the points I have always said if you can’t see a There is a good reason why those aren’t my friend from Wyoming, Senator doctor, you don’t have insurance at all. in there. We have provided a reconcili- ENZI, made. The Republicans often say, With the way we have been setting up ation instruction that would allow for and Senator ENZI said it now, that Medicare payments for doctors, we tax reform, although the chairman of Democrats cut $714 billion from Medi- have been driving them out of the pro- the committee said we are going to do care. To the best of my knowledge, not fession. We have been eliminating doc- that in a bipartisan way. one penny involved in those cuts cut tors. We have been having doctors tell We are going to have tax reform that any benefits to the American people. their kids don’t become a doctor, be- will take care of fairness and sim- What the Affordable Care Act at- cause of what Congress is doing, hold- plicity and accountability in our tax tempted to do—and maybe we made ing them hostage every 6 months. That system. This is a particularly impor- some progress, as Senator ENZI pointed got taken care of last night. tant time to talk about that. Today is out, last night with the so-called doc I don’t know, we have been doing tax day, and I hope everybody in Amer- fix—is to make Medicare more effi- that for, I think, about 18 years, just 1 ica has or will file their taxes today. I cient. What is wrong with that? What fix at a time. So it is nice that we are know there has been some difficulty is wrong with saving money? What the finally able to make that permanent. getting through on the lines to be able American people want us to do is make

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.014 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 programs more efficient. In fact, Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ator ENZI was talking about that a mo- clerk will call the roll. objection, it is so ordered. ment ago. He is right. But the idea, the The legislative clerk proceeded to 150TH ANNIVERSARY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN’S implication, that those cuts resulted in call the roll. DEATH benefit cuts is not accurate. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, today Furthermore, what some of that mous consent that the order for the we honor the 150th anniversary of money—those savings—went to is fill- quorum call be rescinded. Abraham Lincoln’s death. We all know ing, plugging the doughnut hole so that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the tragic story: On the evening of seniors would not have to pay money objection, it is so ordered. April 14, 1865, the 4-year anniversary of out of their own pockets for prescrip- The Senator has 1 minute remaining. the beginning of the Civil War and just tion drugs. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I yield back days after its end at Appomattox, So if you could save money in a bu- all time. President Lincoln was shot while at- reaucracy—and God knows the U.S. The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time tending the theater. The next morning, health care system is the most waste- has been yielded back. his last, labored breathing ceased. ful and bureaucratic of any in the The question is on agreeing to the His fanatically unreconciled assassin world—if we can make the system motion to disagree in the House was enraged by Lincoln’s achieve- more efficient, save money, put that amendment, agree to the request by ments: his saving of the Union; his money into helping seniors afford pre- the House for a conference, and author- emancipation of the slaves; his forecast scription drugs, what is the problem ize the Presiding Officer to appoint that the freed slaves would soon be vot- with that? I do not think so. conferees. ing; his rededication of the Nation to Senator ENZI talked about the IRS Mr. TESTER. I ask for the yeas and the Declaration and to the Constitu- and people having difficulty making nays. tion in which it is embodied. Lincoln connections, which is clearly not right. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a lived for these things, and he also died He is right. He also mentioned, quite sufficient second? for them. correctly, that for every dollar we in- There appears to be a sufficient sec- Days earlier Lincoln’s assassin, in at- vest in various parts of the IRS which ond. tendance at the second inaugural, had do audits, we can make—what was The clerk will call the roll. ignored the reelected President’s elo- that, $4 to $6? I think that is a pretty The senior assistant legislative clerk quent plea ‘‘to finish the work we are good investment. Most business people called the roll. in, to bind up the nation’s wounds,’’ would say: All right, I can get $4 to $6 Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators doing so ‘‘with malice toward none, for every dollar that I invest. Let’s do are necessarily absent: the Senator with charity for all.’’ it. from Texas (Mr. CRUZ), the Senator A year-and-a-half earlier, dedicating I look forward to working with Sen- from Alabama (Mr. SHELBY), and the the cemetery at Gettysburg, Lincoln ator ENZI and other Republicans to, in Senator from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). had said that ‘‘history would little fact, do just that. We can argue about The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. note nor long remember’’ what he said. the Tax Code, and we will. But I think SASSE). Are there any other Senators Here he was wrong—or at least falsely we don’t argue that when people owe in the Chamber desiring to vote? modest—for the Gettysburg Address is it, they should pay it. Right. We should The result was announced—yeas 54, among the most beautiful and memo- change it if we do not like it. nays 43, as follows: rable speeches in history. He called So if we can invest a dollar into the [Rollcall Vote No. 145 Leg.] upon us to ‘‘be here dedicated to the IRS and get $6 to $4 back, I think that YEAS—54 great task remaining before us,’’ and is a pretty good investment. Senator ‘‘that government of the people, by the Alexander Ernst McConnell ENZI was right in saying that last night Ayotte Fischer Moran people, and for the people shall not per- we passed a pretty good piece of legis- Barrasso Flake Murkowski ish from the earth.’’ lation. Not perfect by any means. I had Blunt Gardner Perdue His words call upon us still to take some serious concerns about it. I voted Boozman Graham Portman Burr Grassley Risch ‘‘increased devotion’’ from those at for it. One of the reasons I voted for it Capito Hatch Roberts Gettysburg and every war since who is it extended for another 2 years a pro- Cassidy Heller Rounds gave ‘‘the last full measure of devo- gram that I worked very hard on—that Coats Hoeven Rubio tion.’’ Soon he would be among those Cochran Inhofe Sasse is, the Federally Qualified Community Collins Isakson Scott honored dead, the final and most poign- Health Center Program which is play- Coons Johnson Sessions ant casualty in the same war, and his ing a huge role in providing health care Corker Kaine Sullivan death is another reason for us to renew and dental care and low-cost prescrip- Cornyn King Thune Cotton Kirk Tillis our devotion to our great country. tions drugs and mental health coun- Crapo Lankford Toomey We should think, then, about Lin- seling to many millions of Americans Daines Lee Warner coln’s message, which is like the mes- in all of our 50 States. We got a signifi- Enzi McCain Wicker sage of our Nation. On the question of cant increase. I fought very hard for a NAYS—43 equality, Lincoln was as precise as a significant increase in that program as Baldwin Heinrich Peters mathematician and as lyrical as a poet. part of the Affordable Care Act that Bennet Heitkamp Reed Of equality and slavery, he said: was going to expire. Blumenthal Hirono Reid As I would not be a slave, so I would not be As a result of yesterday’s legislation, Booker Klobuchar Sanders a master. This expresses my idea of democ- Boxer Leahy Schatz in addition to the doc fix, we have ex- Brown Manchin racy. Whatever differs from this, to the ex- Schumer tent of the difference, is no democracy. tended—and I see Senator BLUNT here, Cantwell Markey Shaheen who has been active in that as well—we Cardin McCaskill Stabenow Of equality and the Declaration, Lin- Carper Menendez Tester were able to extend for another 2 years Casey Merkley coln said: Udall funding for the Community Health Donnelly Mikulski I think the authors of that notable instru- Warren Durbin Murphy ment intended to include all men, but they Center Program, something that I Whitehouse Feinstein Murray did not intend to declare all men equal in all think was important. Wyden Franken Nelson respects. They did not mean to say that we Senator ENZI was right. I think that Gillibrand Paul is a step forward. But that should not are all equal in color, size, intellect, moral NOT VOTING—3 developments, or social capacity. They de- be confused with the budget. The Re- Cruz Shelby Vitter fined with tolerable distinctness, in what re- publican budget is an unmitigated dis- spects they did consider all men created aster—tax breaks for billionaires, cuts The motion was agreed to. equal—equal in ‘‘certain inalienable rights, in programs that Americans des- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- among which are life, liberty, and the pur- perately need, raising taxes for low-in- ator from Arkansas. suit of happiness.’’ This they said, and this come working families. Mr. COTTON. Mr. President, I ask they meant. I yield the floor. unanimous consent to speak for up to Now put these propositions together. I suggest the absence of a quorum. 10 minutes. We are unequal in most respects, but

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.016 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2199 we are equal in our rights. We own our- middle class is in decline and the gap seniors depend on Social Security for selves, and no one else may own us. We between the very rich and everybody more than half of their income. own the government, and the govern- else is growing wider, what the Repub- The reality is, despite some of the ment does not own us. We are entitled lican budget does is make ferocious at- rhetoric we hear around here or see on to our lives with the talents that God tacks on programs desperately de- TV, we do not have a Social Security gave us. Any form of government that pended upon by working families while crisis. America has a retirement crisis. interferes with these rights is wrong. at the same time providing outrageous Given this reality, our job is to expand But in the world today are rogue na- tax breaks to the very wealthiest of Social Security benefits, not cut them. tions that are growing in strength and the wealthy. That makes no sense to I have been distressed that in three violate these principles. They con- me at all. out of the four major Budget Com- stitute a menace to our freedom and to One area where the Republican budg- mittee hearings held this year, Repub- civilization itself. et is negligent—one of many areas licans invited witnesses who testified At home, our government grows ever where the Republican budget is neg- in support of cutting Social Security. greater in its size, in its reach, and in ligent—is in the issue of Social Secu- John Engler, the head of the Business its expense. The law is flouted increas- rity. Social Security is perhaps the Roundtable, representing the CEOs of ingly by high authority. And our peo- most important and successful Federal some of the largest corporations and ple say with increasing intensity that program that was ever initiated. It is Wall Street banks in this country, was they mistrust and even fear their gov- life and death to millions of seniors one of the Republican witnesses. Mr. ernment. It may be for the people, but and people with disabilities in this Engler and the Business Roundtable it is less and less ‘‘of and by’’ the peo- country, and it has a history of enor- are the leaders of corporate America. ple. mous success. Before Social Security These are the guys who make millions On this 150th anniversary of Lin- was established, about half of the sen- of dollars a year in salary. These are coln’s death, let us be here reminded iors in this country lived in poverty. the guys who have huge retirement and dedicated to that cause for which Today, while too high, that number is benefits. They are asking Congress to Lincoln himself gave the last full somewhere around 10 percent. cut Social Security COLAs for senior measure of devotion. Let us dedicate Unfortunately, in recent years what citizens and disabled veterans and to ourselves, in Lincoln’s words, ‘‘to fin- we have seen is an increase in senior raise the retirement age to 70 years of ish the work we are in,’’ so that we poverty. We have seen many seniors age. struggling to pay their bills, to heat ‘‘may achieve and cherish a just and Imagine that. People who are multi- their homes, and to buy the medicine lasting peace among ourselves and with millionaires and have huge retirement they need. It seems to me that in this all nations.’’ benefits are coming to Capitol Hill and moment, not only should we not be Mr. President, I yield the floor. telling Members of Congress to cut So- talking about cutting Social Security, f cial Security. It turns out, in fact, that as many of our Republican colleagues the CEOs of the Business Roundtable RECESS are, we should be talking about ex- have retirement benefits of their own panding Social Security benefits. I The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under of some $88,000 a month. So we have have introduced legislation to do just the previous order, the Senate stands the heads of large corporations who that. But today I rise to bring forth in recess until 2 p.m. have retirement benefits of $88,000 a legislation—bring forth a motion to in- Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:44 p.m., month—$1 million a year—and they are struct the budget conferees to include recessed until 2 p.m. and reassembled telling the Congress to cut benefits for a deficit-neutral reserve fund to pro- when called to order by the Presiding people who are trying to survive on tect retirement benefits by not cutting Officer (Mr. FLAKE). $14,000 a year. That is an outrage. f Social Security benefits, by not raising the retirement age, and by not I am getting a little bit tired of being CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON privatizing Social Security. So in es- lectured by CEOs of large corporations THE BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR sence, what this motion to instruct who want to cut the Social Security 2016—Continued says is that we go on record as Mem- benefits of elderly people. That is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who bers of the U.S. Senate that we will not wrong. yields time? cut Social Security benefits, that we I am also tired of hearing folks on TV If no one yields time, the time will be will not raise the retirement age, and say that Social Security is going charged equally. that we will not privatize Social Secu- broke. Well, the truth is Social Secu- The Senator from Vermont. rity. rity is not going broke. Social Security has a $2.8 trillion surplus and could pay MOTION TO INSTRUCT At a time of massive wealth and in- out every benefit owed to every eligible Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I send come inequality, when 99 percent of all American for the next 18 years. Now, is to the desk my motion to instruct con- of the new income generated in this 18 years a terribly long time? No, it is ferees. country is going to the top 1 percent it not. Should we develop legislation to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The and when over half of the American extend Social Security for decades clerk will report the motion. people have less than $10,000 in savings, The bill clerk read as follows: the last thing any Member of the Sen- after those 18 years? Yes, we should, ate should be thinking about is cutting and I have done that. But, please, I The Senator from Vermont [Mr. SANDERS] hope that my colleagues will not stand moves that the managers on the part of the Social Security. Today, the average Senate at the conference on the disagreeing Social Security benefit is just $1,328 a up here and tell us that Social Security votes of the two Houses on the House amend- month—not a lot of money. is going broke because it is not. ment to the resolution S. Con. Res. 11 be in- Now, 20 percent of senior citizens are I believe the American people feel structed to insist that the final conference living on an average income of just very strongly that in these difficult report include a deficit-neutral reserve fund $7,600 a year. Frankly, I don’t know times Social Security is a major safety for legislation related to retirement benefits, how anybody lives on an income of net for so many of the elderly and dis- which may not include legislation cutting abled. When we vote tonight, our job is benefits under the old-age, survivors, and $7,600 a year. I don’t know how you buy disability insurance program established food. I don’t know how you buy the to send a very, very clear message that under title II of the Social Security Act, in- medicine you need, how you take care the Senate is not going to cut Social creasing the retirement age, or privatizing of your basic needs. But that is the re- Security, it is not going to privatize the old-age, survivors, and disability insur- ality. More than one-third of our senior Social Security, and it is not going to ance program. citizens rely on Social Security for vir- raise the age at which people get those Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, as I tually all of their income. In other Social Security benefits. mentioned earlier, I happen to believe words, Social Security for them—more With that, I yield the floor for the the Republican budget we will be dis- than a third—is not just a small part of Senator from Hawaii. cussing today moves us in exactly the their total income, it is virtually all of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- wrong direction. At a time when the their income. Two-thirds of American ator from Hawaii.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.024 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, I thank legal proceedings before the Federal MOTION TO INSTRUCT the ranking member of the Budget Government same-sex spouses are Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Committee, the Senator from Vermont. given the same legal rights as all other sent that the pending motion be set MOTION TO INSTRUCT spouses. Under the Family and Medical aside and that my motion be sent to Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- Leave Act, an employee can now take the desk. sent to set aside the pending motion leave to care for a same-sex spouse. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there and call up my motion to instruct, These are just a few of the ways that objection? which is at the desk. the Federal Government brought its Hearing none, it is so ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there policies into line with the law. The clerk will report the motion. objection? The Social Security Administration The bill clerk read as follows: Without objection, it is so ordered. and the VA, however, are tripped up by The Senator from Ohio [Mr. BROWN] moves The clerk will report the motion. an old wording in their authorizing that the managers on the part of the Senate The bill clerk read as follows: statutes. Working together, we can fix at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the House amendment to The Senator from Hawaii [Mr. SCHATZ] this. We can pass legislation to ensure the resolution S. Con. Res. 11 be instructed moves that the managers on the part of the that all legally married couples receive to insist that the final conference report in- Senate at the conference on the disagreeing equal treatment under the law regard- clude the deficit-neutral reserve fund relat- votes of the two Houses on the House amend- less of where they live. The amendment ing to ending ‘‘Too Big To Fail’’ bailouts for ment to the resolution S. Con. Res. 11 be in- that the Senate voted to include in the Wall Street mega-banks with over structed to insist that the final conference $500,000,000,000 in total assets, as set forth in report include the deficit-neutral reserve budget affirms the need for this legisla- tion. amendment 994 to S. Con. Res. 11 (as agreed fund relating to ensuring all legally married to by the Senate). same-sex spouses have equal access to the Allowing unequal treatment under Social Security and veterans’ benefits they the law goes against American values, Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, this have earned and receive equal treatment and it goes against our Constitution. amendment, about which I asked to in- under the law pursuant to the Constitution Equality under Federal laws should not struct the conferees, passed by a voice of the United States in the concurrent reso- end when you cross State lines. We are vote, and I appreciate the acceptance lution as agreed to by the Senate. not debating whether gay marriage of it by Senator ENZI and Senator Mr. SCHATZ. Mr. President, 3 weeks should be legal in all 50 States. That SANDERS during the vote 2 weeks ago. ago, the Senate held an important vote question is currently in front of the We know too big to fail is still with us. on an amendment to the budget resolu- Supreme Court. We are debating We know that it is really all about tion, and 56 of our colleagues, including whether a Federal right should be af- those megabanks that are over $500 bil- 11 Republicans, joined me in affirming forded to all Americans regardless of lion in total assets. That is what my the need for legislation to ensure that where they live. amendment speaks to. all legally married spouses, including 1⁄2 years since Wall Street For those who are concerned with In the 6 gay couples, have access to Social Se- pushed our economy to the brink of preserving States’ rights, I understand curity and VA benefits that their fami- collapse, the biggest banks have got- that perspective, but we should all sup- lies have earned. ten, as we know, bigger. port fixing the statutes governing So- This amendment passed with bipar- Think about this statistic. Just 18 cial Security and veterans’ benefits. tisan support because it is fundamen- years ago, the 6 largest banks in the Fixing these statutes does not impact tally about fairness. United States had assets equal to 18 State law whatsoever. In contrast, by Imagine a veteran who served his percent of our Nation’s gross domestic not fixing these statutes, the Federal country for decades fighting for equal- product. Today, the 6 largest banks Government is ignoring the laws of ity and freedom around the world and have assets equal to 63 percent of our States that allow gay marriage. It ac- he gets married in a State that allows GDP, with an average of more than tually does harm to States’ rights to gay marriage. If he is permanently dis- 5,000 legal entities operating in 57 allow this situation to continue. abled from his service, his spouse is eli- countries. gible for veterans’ spousal benefits. This is not an ideological proposal, These institutions are not just mas- They have earned these benefits. But if and I should point out that the Senator sive, too big to fail in terms of size. they move or if they drive over the bor- from Washington, PATTY MURRAY, and They are risky and complex. In many der from Florida into Georgia, for ex- the Senator from New Hampshire, ways they are too big to fail, they are ample, they lose those benefits. The JEANNE SHAHEEN—this was originally too big to manage, as we have seen same scenario applies to our seniors their idea. First, Senator MURRAY pro- from the mistakes they have made, and and their right to Social Security vided this as a piece of legislation on they are too big in many ways to regu- spousal benefits. the Social Security side, and JEANNE late. Why does this happen? Simply be- SHAHEEN, likewise, presented this on If a financial institution is too big to cause the Federal right to these bene- the VA side. We worked together dur- understand, then it is probably too fits happens to be defined in law with ing the so-called vote-arama to merge complex to manage and too opaque to respect to the State of residence rather these proposals into one because the regulate. Dodd-Frank requires large than the State of celebration of the same principle applies for both Federal banks to produce an annual living will marriage. In other words, eligibility for benefits, which is that equal protection explaining the bank’s plan for its own these Federal benefits is based on under the law should not depend on rapid and orderly resolution through where you live, not where you were which of the 50 States an American cit- the bankruptcy process in the event of married. So we have one Federal right izen resides in. This is about treating material financial distress or failure. and two unequal outcomes based on the veterans, disabled Americans, and our Last year, the largest 11 banks—all 11 person’s residence. This is the defini- seniors equally, no matter where they of them—were informed that their liv- tion of unequal treatment under the live or what their sexual orientation ing wills were insufficient. In other law. may be. words, it was not clear to the regu- No one is denying that Americans I thank the Presiding Officer. lators that these 11 banks would know earned their Social Security and vet- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- how to go through resolution. That erans’ benefits regardless of whether ator from Vermont. means they failed to show that their they are gay or straight. And since the Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I yield collapse would not cause devastating Supreme Court’s decision in the Wind- time to the Senator from Ohio, Mr. harm to our economy as a whole. It sor case struck down parts of the De- BROWN. raises this question: What happens if fense of Marriage Act, no one can deny The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- one of these banks fails? that the Federal Government is re- ator from Ohio is recognized. Today, I urge the Senate to instruct quired to recognize all legal marriages. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I thank budget negotiators to create a deficit- For almost all Federal agencies, this the Senator from Vermont and also the neutral reserve fund to ensure that the went into effect right away. Gay mar- senior Senator from Wyoming for their largest Wall Street megabanks can be ried couples can now file joint taxes. In work. put through bankruptcy or resolution

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.027 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2201 without a taxpayer bailout. This is the infecting others. They are often caring Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I thank amendment that Senator VITTER, my for seniors or children or working in the Senator from Vermont. Republican colleague from Louisiana, stores, hotels, or restaurants where MOTION TO INSTRUCT and I spoke out about, and it was they risk food contamination. I ask unanimous consent that the passed unanimously in the Senate a Adults without paid sick days are 11⁄2 pending motion be set aside and that couple of weeks ago. times more likely than adults with my motion be sent to the desk. Congress should act on the remedies paid sick days to report going to work The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there provided in the law for any bank that with a contagious illness, according to objection? cannot produce a credible living will the National Partnership for Women Without objection, it is so ordered. this year. We need to end the cycle and Families. That’s why the National The PRESIDING OFFICER. The that enables large, unsafe banks to Partnership for Women and Families clerk will report the motion. enjoy government bailouts. The public and more than 100 employers support The bill clerk read as follows: is cynical about these too-big-to-fail this legislation. And so do many busi- The Senator from Massachusetts [Ms. banks. The public does not believe they ness owners, who realize that healthy WARREN] moves that the managers on the part of the Senate at the conference on the are not too big to fail, if you will. workers are often more productive workers. disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the The cycle that allows Wall Street to House amendment to the resolution S. Con. pile up private profits while forcing But too many do not, and that is why Res. 11 be instructed to insist that the final American taxpayers to be ready and I urge my colleagues to pass the conference report include a provision to willing to pick up the tab for their Healthy Families Act. This legislation make college more affordable for middle- losses and failures is outrageously bad would end the agonizing choice faced class families by allowing borrowers with public policy. The American people by families by allowing workers to outstanding Federal and private student don’t want Congress to wait until we earn up to 7 days per year in paid sick loans to refinance at the equivalent interest time. rates that were offered to Federal student are faced with another crisis. Congress loan borrowers during the 2013–2014 school needs to take action now to prevent fu- This plan is good for both workers and businesses. Employers already pro- year and to fully offset the cost of such a ture economic collapse and future tax- program by requiring millionaires to pay at payer-funded bailouts. viding sick time would not have to least a 30 percent effective Federal tax rate. change their policies as long as they As Senator SHELBY, the senior Re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- meet the minimum requirements and publican who sits on the banking com- ator from Wyoming. mittee with me, told the Senate bank- businesses with fewer than 15 employ- Mr. ENZI. I ask unanimous consent ing committee last month, if a bank is ees would be exempt. that any time under quorum calls this We know that when workers are too big to fail, it is it probably too big afternoon be charged equally, regard- healthy, they are more productive, and to exist. less of who spoke last. This motion to instruct will put the providing sick days decreases turnover The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Senate on record that the American and gives employers safer, healthier, objection? taxpayer should never ever again be on and more stable workplaces. Paid sick Without objection, it is so ordered. the hook for risks taken by leave will also save precious health Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I suggest megabanks. care resources. the absence of a quorum. I ask my colleagues to vote yes. When workers go in sick, they can The PRESIDING OFFICER. The spread illnesses like the flu, and they PAID SICK LEAVE clerk will call the roll. increase the risk of workplace injury. Mr. President, for too many Ameri- The senior assistant legislative clerk The American Journal of Public Health proceeded to call the roll. cans, a sick day means a day without found that the lack of paid sick days Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I ask pay. Each day workers across the coun- contributed to an additional 5 million unanimous consent that the order for try face impossible dilemmas. Do they cases of H1N1 during the 2009 pandemic. the quorum call be rescinded. go into work knowing the risks to The Institute for Women’s Policy Re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without their own health and to others around search found that paid sick days could objection, it is so ordered. them or do they stay home and lose a decrease emergency room visits by 1.3 f paycheck? Do they send a sick child to million each year, saving the country MOMENT OF SILENCE IN HONOR school, knowing they are risking the $1 billion in health costs. And most im- OF THE VICTIMS OF THE BOS- health of their daughter and her entire portantly, guaranteeing paid sick leave TON MARATHON BOMBINGS classroom or do they jeopardize their will give families the peace of mind job by taking a day off? This is a that they can protect their jobs, their Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, 2 years choice too many families face, and it families, and their health. That is why ago today, the people of Boston came needs to end. it is far past time for us to finally face-to-face with terror at the finish Guaranteeing paid sick and family guarantee paid sick leave for all of our line for the Boston Marathon. The cow- leave to all Americans would protect workers. ardly attack and its aftermath took public health and increase economic My colleagues have all seen and four lives, injured many more, and for- security for millions of families. heard me talk about my canary pin. ever changed the lives of the survivors In the 20th century, unions fought for Our duty to protect our workers con- and their families. workers’ rights to collectively bar- tinues and our work is not yet finished. In the face of this horrific terrorist gain—and often one of the protections To truly embody the spirit of this pin, attack, Boston responded with courage they were bargaining for was paid sick we must extend paid sick leave to all and community. Our heroic first re- leave. But after decades of attacks on Americans—not just those lucky sponders acted swiftly and their brav- our labor movement and on our middle enough to be represented by a union or ery saved many lives. class, most Americans are not pro- wealthy enough to have a high-wage In the days, weeks, and months after tected by unions. Too often they have job with protections. the marathon, families and friends no protection if they have to miss work No parent in America today should came together to lift each other up, to because of their own illness or that of have to choose between a paycheck and raise the spirit of our city, and to help their child. a sick child. No worker should have to us heal. 43 million workers—including 2 mil- choose between his job and his health. Now, 2 years later, Boston continues lion Ohioans—currently have no paid I urge my colleagues to join me in to move forward together. A jury just sick leave. Workers earning the lowest passing the Healthy Families Act with- reached a verdict that is another step wages are the least likely to have paid out delay. toward justice for victims and for their sick days and are often unable to afford The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- families. The strength and persever- to take a day off when they or their ator from Vermont. ance of survivors continues to inspire children get sick. Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I yield us, and our community works to keep Not only does this affect their own to the Senator from Massachusetts. alive the memories of Krystle Camp- health, but these workers are often The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- bell, Lu Lingzi, Martin Richard, and working in service jobs where they risk ator from Massachusetts. Sean Collier.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.029 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 Recently, Mayor Marty Walsh an- were ‘‘Boston Strong’’ because we were processing plants, reinstating overnight de- nounced the city of Boston will now Boston ready, with the best training livery standards, protecting rural service, al- recognize April 15 as One Boston Day. and personnel available to save lives lowing the Postal Service to innovate and One Boston Day is a chance to honor and to seek justice. adapt to compete in a digital age, or improv- ing the financial condition of the Postal the victims and survivors of the mara- Many others responded decisively: Service. thon bombing and an opportunity for the citizens of the Commonwealth of people to give back to the community Massachusetts, fire and rescue work- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I move through acts of service. This day helps ers, caregivers, Armed Forces, and to instruct conferees on S. Con. Res. 11, us remember that in the face of trag- thousands more who, through their a concurrent resolution on the budget edy and violence, our community re- many expressions of care and compas- for fiscal year 2016, to include in the sponds with an open heart. sion, brought forth comfort, hope, and conference report the provision in the Next Monday, tens of thousands of the promise of recovery. concurrent resolution as passed by the people from across the Nation and Today, under the leadership of Mayor Senate establishing a deficit-neutral around the world, once again, will Marty Walsh, the city of Boston is reserve fund related to strengthening come to Massachusetts for the 2015 turning April 15 into a new tradition, the U.S. Postal Service by establishing Boston Marathon. Our Commonwealth, honoring the resilience, generosity, a moratorium to protect mail proc- once again, will commemorate Patri- and strength called One Boston Day. As essing plants, reinstating overnight de- ots’ Day with reenactments, baseball, Mayor Walsh said, ‘‘It’s a day everyone livery standards, and protecting rural parades, and celebrations. should come together, spread goodwill services. Today, as we mark One Boston Day throughout the city and recommit our- During the so-called vote-arama, and the second anniversary of the at- selves to our deepest values.’’ that amendment passed by voice vote. tack at the Boston Marathon, we recall Mayor Walsh is right. This is a day This time I hope we can get a strong the spirit of strength and resilience for the citizens, businesses, and organi- rollcall vote on it because it is terribly that brought our city and our Com- zations in the city of Boston to display important that we tell the Postmaster monwealth together, the same spirit of their humanity and draw neighbors to- General of the United States that the strength and resilience that helps us gether. U.S. Senate wants a strong and vibrant heal. Thank you, Mayor Walsh, for helping U.S. Postal Service. As a tribute to honor the victims and all of us understand that the compas- What we are saying to the Post- survivors of the attack at the 2013 Bos- sion and support we all felt that day master General of the United States is ton Marathon, I ask my colleagues to should never be forgotten but instead pretty simple; that is, do not destroy join Bostonians in a moment of silence should be a part of our lives every sin- up to 15,000 middle-class jobs, do not at 2:49 p.m. today. gle day. shut down up to 82 mail processing Thank you, Mr. President. May the light of One Boston Day plants, stop slowing down mail service I yield the floor. shine as an example of how our Nation delivery in this country. Speed it up by The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- responds to times of crisis. reinstating strong overnight delivery ator from Massachusetts. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under standards for first-class mail. Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I would the previous order, the Senate will now I do not know about Arizona and I like to join Senator WARREN and the observe a moment of silence in honor don’t know about Wyoming, but I can rest of the Senate in observing a mo- of the victims of the Boston Marathon tell you that in Vermont we have got- ment of silence in honor of the victims bombings. ten a significant number of complaints of the Boston Marathon bombings. (Moment of silence.) from people who are upset by the slow- The people of the United States will Mr. ENZI. I suggest the absence of a down of mail delivery standards. It is, always remember the victims of the quorum. to my mind, just unacceptable, and previous acts of terrorism that have The PRESIDING OFFICER. The what we are saying now and will have occurred in the United States and will clerk will call the roll. to say in the months to come is you always stand together as one people. The senior assistant legislative clerk can’t shut down another 82 processing Two years ago today, three innocent proceeded to call the roll. plants, you cannot continue with these people were killed and hundreds in- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask inadequate mail delivery standards, jured in two bombings that occurred unanimous consent that the order for and it has to change. The American during the running of the 117th Boston the quorum call be rescinded. people and the business community are Marathon. On the happiest day in Bos- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without entitled to know that when they put a ton, Patriots’ Day, two bombs deto- objection, it is so ordered. letter or document in the mail, it is nated by the two evil men took lives, f going to get delivered in a prompt way. limbs, and livelihoods away. That day, Today, that, sadly, is not the case. we lost Martin Richard, an 8-year-old CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON For over 230 years and enshrined in boy from Dorchester; Krystle Camp- THE BUDGET, FISCAL YEAR our Constitution, the Postal Service bell, from Arlington; and Lu Lingzi, 2016—Continued has played an enormously important who came to the United States from MOTION TO INSTRUCT role for the people of our country and China; and 232 innocent people were Mr. SANDERS. I send to the desk my for our economy, and that mission also wounded in the bombings. motion to instruct conferees. today remains as important as it has In the aftermath of the attacks, Offi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ever been. The beauty of the Postal cer Sean Collier, of the Massachusetts objection to setting aside the pending Service is that it provides universal Institute of Technology police force, motion? service 6 days a week to every corner of was assassinated by the two twisted in- Without objection, it is so ordered. our country, no matter how small or dividuals who bombed our city. Officer The clerk will report the motion. how remote. It will deliver mail on Collier wasn’t just protecting the best The senior assistant legislative clerk Wall Street and it will deliver mail to and the brightest minds, he was the read as follows: a home at the end of a back road in the best and brightest, an impressive and The Senator from Vermont [Mr. SANDERS] State of Vermont. loved officer who has been greatly moves that the managers on the part of the The U.S. Postal Service supports, missed on campus and in our commu- Senate at the conference on the disagreeing through its efforts, millions of jobs in nity. votes of the two Houses on the House amend- virtually every sector of our economy. I want to express my deepest thanks ment to the resolution S. Con. Res. 11 be in- It provides decent-paying union jobs to to all of the men and women in law en- structed to insist that the final conference some 500,000 Americans and, by the forcement in Massachusetts and report include the provision in the concur- way, is the largest employer of vet- rent resolution as agreed to by the Senate around the Nation for their unwavering that provides for the establishment of a def- erans in this country. determination, courage, and resolve to icit-neutral reserve fund related to strength- Whether you are an elderly woman bring to justice those responsible for ening the United States Postal Service by es- living on a dirt road in a rural area or the Boston Marathon bombings. We tablishing a moratorium to protect mail you are a wealthy CEO executive on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.030 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2203 Park Avenue, you get your mail deliv- profitable operation excluding the $5.5 Mr. ENZI. I would mention that this ered 6 days a week, and the American billion prefunding mandate. is a side-by-side to Senator WARREN’s people pay for this service at a cost Revenue at the Postal Service has amendment. I am hoping that at the which is far less than any place else in been increasing in recent years. At a time we vote, we can do 1 minute on the industrialized world. In other time when Postal Service revenue is each side so they have a chance for words, we get a pretty good bargain going up, it makes no sense to elimi- their explanation. when we put a stamp on an envelope. nate thousands of jobs and slow down I now yield 10 minutes to the Senator Unfortunately, despite the success the mail service that millions of Amer- from Arizona. and popularity of the Postal Service, it icans rely on. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- is under constant attack and has been We should be working to strengthen ator from Arizona. under constant attack for years, in- the Postal Service and not to send it TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY cluding from those who would like to into a death spiral. Before this Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I rise privatize the Postal Service and ulti- prefunding mandate was signed into today to discuss the need for the Sen- mately destroy it. Let’s be clear. The law, the Postal Service was also profit- ate to pass trade promotion authority same people who are attacking the able. In fact, from 2003 to 2006, the legislation. It is no secret that trade Postal Service are often the same peo- Postal Service made a combined profit matters in the ability of the United ple who are attacking Social Security, of more than $5 billion. States and our businesses here to sell Medicare, and so forth, and they essen- I think there is broad bipartisan sup- goods to foreign markets and to buy tially want to move to the privatiza- port, especially from Senators who what we need from abroad to keep our tion of virtually every major public in- come from rural areas and who under- businesses humming along right here stitution in this country. stand just how important the Postal at home and to keep Americans em- Today, the U.S. Postal Service is in Service is to the people of our States. ployed. This is paramount to our Na- the process of shutting down up to 82 Once again, when offered as an tion’s prosperity. You do not need to be mail processing plants and eliminating amendment at the vote-arama, this an economist to see it. Anyone who up to 15,000 decent-paying jobs. This is passed by voice vote. We are going to owns an iPhone, drives a foreign car, or ask for a rollcall vote when the voting in addition to the 141 mail processing shops at Costco—everyone understands takes place. I hope we win this vote facilities that were closed between 2012 even in a small way that trade is bene- with a very strong vote and send a and 2013. In January, the Postal Serv- ficial to American companies and to message to the Postal Service that we ice ended overnight delivery for first- customers alike. Likewise, American want our Postal Service to provide the class mail. It didn’t get a whole lot of farmers and manufacturers and service quality mail service the American peo- attention, but it happened. providers want and need to sell their The purpose of this motion is to put ple deserve. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. corn, cotton, beef, tractors, furniture, the Senate on record in strong opposi- airplanes, their businesses and finan- TOOMEY). The Senator from Wyoming. tion to these plant closings and to de- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, that passed cial services to customers around the mand that the Postal Service reinstate by a voice vote, which is considered world who want and need them. Sadly, strong overnight delivery standards unanimous around here. You cannot not all countries see it that way, and and not destroy good-paying jobs. get more unanimous than that. I am they throw up barriers to American We have been told that all of these hoping that out of the 10 to 13 votes we goods and services. They do not want horrendous cuts are necessary because are going to have this afternoon, that them entering their countries. That is the Postal Service is experiencing ter- some can be done on voice votes. I do why passing trade promotion authority rible financial problems. They are los- not think there is anybody who dis- is so important. ing money every single year. Well, the agrees with what the Senator has said Increasing free trade levels the play- truth is somewhat different. The major about closing the postal plants and the ing field for U.S. companies. It in- reason the Postal Service is in tough extra time it is taking for deliveries. creases competition. It increases ac- financial shape today is not because of You can add to that how little money cess to foreign markets. email or the Internet, the major reason According to the Office of U.S. Trade it saves because the employees who are the Postal Service is hurting finan- Representative, the United States is in one town, even though their job got cially is because of a mandate signed the world’s largest economy, the larg- moved somewhere else, still have to be into law by President Bush in Decem- est importer, and the largest exporter retained in that town at some job. It ber of 2006, during a lameduck session of goods and services. In 2014, figures does not amount to much in the way of of Congress that forces the Postal from the International Trade Adminis- savings, but it really hurts in the way Service to prefund 75 years of future re- tration show that the United States ex- of efficiency, delivery, and trust in the tiree health benefits over a 10-year pe- ported a record $2.35 trillion in goods post office. riod. No other government agency or So I think we will all be behind you and services. For those of us who represent border business in America is burdened with a on that one again. I hope that by the States, this issue hits close to home. In mandate anywhere close to what the time we get to that, it will be a voice recent years, Mexico has been Amer- Postal Service has to expend, which is vote again. $5.5 billion a year. So the main point is ica’s third largest trading partner and MOTION TO INSTRUCT that when you see articles telling you our second largest export market. Ac- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- the Postal Service is having financial cording to the Arizona-Mexico Com- sent to set aside the pending motion problems, the main reason—the over- mission, Arizona ports of entry are and call up Senator BURR’s motion, whelming reason—is this necessity to gateways to $41.6 billion in U.S.-Mexi- which is at the desk. prefund 75 years of future retiring The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without can trade annually, of which nearly $16 health benefits over a 10-year period at objection, it is so ordered. billion is attributed to Arizona’s own about $5.5 billion a year. In fact, all— The clerk will report the motion. trade with Mexico. A-L-L—all of the so-called financial The bill clerk read as follows: Simply put, without trade promotion losses posted by the Postal Service The Senator from Wyoming [Mr. ENZI], for authority, the United States would be since October 2012 are due to this Mr. BURR, moves that the managers on the forced to stand on the sidelines as prefunding mandate. That is it. With- part of the Senate at the conference on the other countries move forward with out that mandate, they would be mak- disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the their own trade agreements. Without ing a modest amount of money. House amendment to the resolution S. Con. renewing fast-track authority, there is We don’t hear much about it, but I Res. 11 be instructed to insist that the final little chance of a successful resolution think it is very important for the conference report include a provision relat- of the ongoing negotiations for the American people to understand the re- ing to addressing student loan debt, which Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. may include reducing overlapping student ality of the finances in the Postal Serv- loan repayment programs and creating a This agreement will allow American ice. Excluding the prefunding mandate, simplified income-driven student loan repay- companies to do business more freely the Postal Service has actually made a ment option, as included in section 358 of S. with some of the world’s fastest grow- $1.8 billion profit. So it is a modestly Con. Res. 11, as agreed to by the Senate. ing economies.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.032 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 As the Washington Post editorial put threat of paying women backpay. Dis- family’s checkbook and for our check- it this week, ‘‘To this boon to the U.S. crimination can be factored into the book. and world economies, add the fact that cost of doing business. I wish to close with these remarks. I TPP would ensure that the Pacific Rim Yesterday was Equal Pay Day, some- think it was the day before, in the New plays by U.S.-style rules and regula- thing we, unfortunately, commemorate York Times. They were talking about tions rather than China’s neo-mer- each year. It symbolizes that it takes how we are essentially subsidizing cantilist rules, and you have a compel- 104 days longer in a year for a woman those people who are paid the min- ling case for swift approval.’’ I agree. to earn what a man earned the pre- imum wage. But unless we pass trade promotion au- vious year. Now, my background is that I was a thority legislation, it will be difficult What does that mean? It means that social worker. The Presiding Officer is for the United States to become part of for what a man earns in 365 days, it familiar with that. But when you look this vital partnership. takes a woman 469 days to earn the at the four major components of gov- I am proud to continue to voice my same amount of money—104 days more. ernment subsidies to the poor—Med- support for free trade. I look forward to We don’t commemorate this day with icaid, TANF, the child care develop- the Senate giving trade promotion au- joy but with a call to action. We need ment subsidy, and there is one other thority careful consideration in the to make a change in the Federal thing that I just don’t recall at this coming weeks. lawbooks to finally get equal pay in minute—for actually people who are I yield the floor. the Federal checkbooks. working—oh, food stamps. Working I suggest the absence of a quorum. Now, we want this in the budget act every single day, they are eligible for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The because we know this will be an impor- government subsidies because they are clerk will call the roll. tant way of dealing with a variety of not paid enough for what they do. The senior assistant legislative clerk issues. We worked on this legislation What we often find is that not only is proceeded to call the roll. for a number of years and, quite frank- the minimum wage a terrible place to Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I ask ly, we are frustrated. We are frustrated begin, but as you move up the work unanimous consent that the order for that time and again we are trying to ladder, often women are in jobs where the quorum call be rescinded. advance this cause. they are paid less than the men who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without It started over 50 years ago. In 1963, work beside them. As a result—and it objection, it is so ordered. Lyndon Johnson, moving on the civil often is the case—we end, then, by dealing with that by our paying for it MOTION TO INSTRUCT rights legislation, thought that equal in Medicaid, in food stamps, and earned Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I ask pay for women would be an easy thing to pass. At that time, only 11 percent income tax credit. unanimous consent that the pending Now, I support those programs. I of mothers were in the workforce. Now, motion be set aside so that I may call think when people are poor they need there are over 70 percent of mothers in up my motion, which is at the desk. our help, but our goal is to make sure the workforce. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there that if you were poor and you want to At that time, women were, again, objection? have a way to get ahead, we should Without objection, it is so ordered. paid 59 cents for every $1 a man earned. help you. Well, we passed the Civil Rights Act. The clerk will report the motion. If you want to be middle class, we Now, 50 years later, we are up to 78 The senior assistant legislative clerk should help you get there. One of the cents for every $1 a man earns. So it read as follows: ways to do that is to make sure we pay has taken us 50 years to advance 20 The Senator from Maryland [Ms. MIKUL- equal pay for equal work. SKI] moves that the managers on the part of cents. I hope that my amendment is adopt- the Senate at the conference on the dis- Well, that just doesn’t work. The ed. I could debate this in more ways, agreeing votes of the two Houses on the women in America feel sidelined, red- House amendment to the resolution S. Con. but year after year we come to the lined, and pink-slipped for the way floor and we show the disparity be- Res. 11 be instructed to insist that the final they are discriminated against, and conference report include a provision relat- tween what women make from men for then they face the harassment and in- ing to amending the Equal Pay Act of 1963 to the same job. allow for punitive damages, limit the any timidation when they simply ask ques- This isn’t just a woman’s issue. Many factor ‘‘other than sex’’ exception, and pro- tions to get the pay they deserve. men here support this. I can tell you hibit retaliation against employees who What we now know, again, is that the who supports it: fathers. Fathers, fa- share salary information, as included in facts speak for themselves. Women thers, fathers. Why do they support it? amendment 362 to S. Con. Res. 11 (as not earn 78 cents for every $1 a man makes. agreed to by the Senate). They work hard to make sure that in For women close to the retirement age, many instances their daughters get a Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I rise the wage gap increases to almost break, try to get an education, try to to offer a motion to instruct the con- $14,000 a year. By the time she retires, get ahead only to find that although ferees based on a bill that I have of- the average woman has lost almost they shouldered the same responsibil- fered for the last three Congresses; $400,000 in a lifetime of wages. ities for car payments, paying off stu- that is, the Paycheck Fairness Act. The impact is you get less in Social dent loans, and all of that, they, in What does the Paycheck Fairness Security benefits, you have less in sav- fact, are not paid equal pay for equal Act do? It finishes the job that we ings, and you face the grim possibility work. We can change that by voting for started with Lilly Ledbetter. It would, of poverty. What we also know is that the Mikulski amendment in this budg- in fact, instruct the conferees to make this has a tremendous impact in terms et bill. three reforms: of single mothers. I yield the floor. No. 1, to advance the cause of making Over the weekend, there was a ter- Mr. BENNET. I suggest the absence sure that women get equal pay for rific article in the Washington Post of a quorum. equal work. It would stop retaliation saying if you wanted to eliminate pov- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The for sharing pay information. Often erty among children, you could take a clerk will call the roll. workers are harassed and humiliated major step in doing so if you closed the The senior assistant legislative clerk just for asking about coworkers’ sala- pay parity gap. In effect, by paying sin- proceeded to call the roll. ries. gle women and single mothers equal Mr. BENNET. I ask unanimous con- No. 2, it would stop employers from pay for equal work, you could reduce sent that the order for the quorum call using any reason to pay women less: the poverty rate among children by be rescinded. Oh, the guys do harder jobs. Women over 20 percent. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without aren’t breadwinners. OK, it is time for What a startling fact. Well, the fact objection, it is so ordered. equal pay for equal work. is that we have been fighting for this MOTION TO INSTRUCT It would also allow for punitive dam- for a long time. Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I ask ages for women who are being discrimi- I urge the adoption of this amend- unanimous consent that the pending nated against when the only deterrent ment. I think it makes important fis- motion be set aside so that I may call against pay discrimination is the cal policy, and it is important for the up my motion.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:58 Apr 15, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.034 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2205 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there continues to decline, we also have an- vide 2 years of sequester relief by clos- objection? other serious problem in that only 53 ing tax loopholes. This is a concept, an Without objection, the clerk will re- percent of workers report having paid idea I very strongly support. Many port the motion. sick leave. Well, you know, people get Members on both sides of the aisle are The senior assistant legislative clerk sick. That is a fact of life, and it is un- concerned that Congress will not be read as follows: fortunate that only 53 percent of work- able to pass and enact appropriations The Senator from Colorado [Mr. BENNET] ers report having paid sick leave. This bills at the sequester levels. The Presi- moves that the managers on the part of the means people are going to work when dent’s fiscal year 2016 budget provides Senate at the conference on the disagreeing they are not well. I don’t know about sequester relief. Moreover, the Presi- votes of the two Houses on the House amend- you, but I am not enthused about walk- dent has indicated he will veto legisla- ment to the resolution S. Con. Res. 11 be in- ing into a restaurant where someone tion that does not lift the sequester structed— (1) to insist that the final conference re- who may have the flu or have some caps. port include provisions in the concurrent other problem is serving food or pre- Discretionary spending has already resolution as agreed to by the Senate for the paring food. I don’t think that is ter- been cut by $1.6 trillion, and non- establishment of deficit-neutral reserve ribly healthy for this country, not to defense discretionary spending is cur- funds relating to— mention that when there are so many rently on track to be the lowest in 50 (A) responding to the causes and impacts contagious illnesses out there, I don’t years. Nondefense discretionary spend- of climate change, including the economic know that we want to have people who ing is on track to be the lowest in 50 and national security threats posed by are ill and contagious going to work. years. human-induced climate change; and Instead of continuing to cut non- (B) Department of Defense initiatives to So this is a very simple motion and bolster resilience of mission critical depart- basically reiterates what we had in the defense discretionary spending, we ment infrastructure to impacts from climate first discussion. Again, it won by 61 to need to increase funding for programs, change; and 39. such as education and infrastructure, (2) to recede from the position of the Sen- All over this country, States and cit- that reduce income inequality and that ate regarding provisions in the concurrent ies are in the process of enacting paid create the millions of jobs we so des- resolution as agreed to by the Senate for the sick leave legislation, and they are see- perately need. We can fund these in- establishment of deficit-neutral reserve ing economic benefits from that. They vestments by looking at wasteful funds that undermine the response to cli- spending in the Tax Code that has al- mate change, including prohibitions on the have seen mothers more likely to re- regulation by the Environmental Protection turn to work and higher employment lowed major corporations to pay very Agency of greenhouse gas emissions. in the leisure, hospitality, education, little, if anything, in Federal income taxes. Mr. BENNET. I suggest the absence and health sectors. Each and every year, we are losing of a quorum. So, again, this is the same language well over $100 billion in revenue be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator MURRAY offered. I strongly cause large, profitable corporations clerk will call the roll. support this motion, and I hope my col- and some of the wealthiest Americans The senior assistant legislative clerk leagues will vote for it. in this country are stashing their prof- proceeded to call the roll. I yield the floor. its in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask I suggest the absence of a quorum. and other offshore tax havens. unanimous consent that the order for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Further, the GAO has reported that the quorum call be rescinded. clerk will call the roll. the effective tax rate of large, profit- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The senior assistant legislative clerk able corporations is just 12.6 percent— objection, it is so ordered. proceeded to call the roll. Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask much lower than the 35-percent statu- MOTION TO INSTRUCT tory rate because of these tax loop- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I send unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. holes. That is much lower than what to the desk a motion to instruct con- millions of middle-class workers pay to ferees. I am offering this motion on be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. the IRS because of the loopholes writ- half of Senator MURRAY. MOTION TO INSTRUCT ten into the Tax Code by corporate lob- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there byists. Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I send objection to setting aside the pending In 1952, 32 percent of all of the rev- to the desk a motion to instruct con- motion? enue generated in this country came ferees. Without objection, the clerk will re- from large corporations. Today, that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without port the motion. figure is down to just 11 percent. Right objection, the clerk will report the mo- The senior assistant legislative clerk now, there are so many loopholes in tion. read as follows: our Tax Code that it ends up that many The senior assistant legislative clerk The Senator from Vermont [Mr. SANDERS], large corporations making billions of read as follows: for Mrs. MURRAY, moves that the managers dollars in profit pay nothing—zero—in on the part of the Senate at the conference The Senator from Vermont [Mr. SANDERS], corporate taxes to the Federal Govern- on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses for Mrs. MURRAY, moves that the managers on the House amendment to the resolution on the part of the Senate at the conference ment. S. Con. Res. 11 be instructed to insist that on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses As a few examples, General Electric the final conference report include the def- on the House amendment to the resolution made over $5.8 billion in profits in the icit-neutral reserve fund for legislation to S. Con. Res. 11 be instructed to insist that United States last year but paid just allow Americans to earn paid sick time in the final conference report include a provi- nine-tenths of 1 percent of that amount the concurrent resolution as agreed to by the sion to build on the Bipartisan Budget Act of in Federal income taxes. Time Warner Senate. 2013 and provide sequester relief in 2016 and made $4.3 billion in profits and paid Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, this is 2017 by closing tax loopholes. nothing in Federal income taxes; in a motion to instruct budget conferees Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, this fact, it got a rebate of $26 million. to keep in the bill the Senate-passed motion is being offered on behalf of Xerox made $628 million in profits in deficit-neutral reserve fund for legisla- Senator MURRAY, and it would instruct 2014 and paid nothing in Federal in- tion to allow Americans to earn paid budget conferees to build on the Bipar- come taxes; in fact, it received a tax sick time. This was an amendment tisan Budget Act and provide sequester rebate of $16 million. which passed during a vote-arama of relief in 2016 and 2017 by closing tax I strongly support this motion which the Senate by a vote of 61 to 39. So it loopholes. has been introduced by Senator MUR- passed with pretty strong bipartisan As the ranking member of the Com- RAY to provide sequester relief, par- support, and I would hope we could mittee on the Budget, I rise today to ticularly for nondefense discretionary pass this language again. offer a motion to instruct conferees, on programs, and I would hope very much The truth is, at a time when millions behalf of Senator MURRAY, to S. Con. that this motion to instruct will re- of Americans are working longer hours Res. 11, the concurrent resolution on ceive wide bipartisan support. for lower wages, when our middle class the budget for fiscal year 2016, to pro- I suggest the absence of a quorum.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.036 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The you work hard in America, you are this budget. The House cuts all to- clerk will call the roll. going to have a fair shot to be able to gether $316 billion and moves away The senior assistant legislative clerk get ahead. But that is not what this from the guaranteed benefit to some- proceeded to call the roll. budget is about. Unfortunately, this thing that has been called vouchers or Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask budget does not do that. Instead, Re- premium support or other structures unanimous consent that the order for publicans have written a budget that that don’t look like Medicare. the quorum call be rescinded. continues to rig the system for the In the Senate, all together now, when The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without wealthy and the well-connected rather you add it up and the effects of what objection, it is so ordered. than creating opportunity for every- was done last night, we are looking at MOTION TO INSTRUCT body to make it. a cut of $566 billion. Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask That is really the fundamental fight My amendment would stop that $566 unanimous consent that the pending we have had through this whole budget billion cut in Medicare or at least it motion be set aside so that I may call process. How do we grow the economy? would instruct—I should clarify that. I up my motion, which is at the desk. Is it the top down? Do we give to those wish it would just automatically stop The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there one more time at the very top and hope it, but it would instruct the final con- objection? that it trickles down and that some- ference committee to not move forward Without objection, it is so ordered. how people who are working hard every on that $566 billion in Medicare cuts. The clerk will report the motion. day will actually feel it and have We are talking about Americans who The senior assistant legislative clerk money in their pockets, or do we focus have worked hard all their lives, and read as follows: on the middle? Do we focus on those they have earned that health care ben- efit. The Senator from Michigan [Ms. STABE- working hard to get into the middle NOW] moves that the managers on the part of class and create an opportunity to Let me also say that when we think the Senate at the conference on the dis- grow from the bottom up, which is the about a budget that would reflect op- agreeing votes of the two Houses on the way we know the economies grow? portunity for everyone to get ahead or House amendment to the resolution S. Con. So I am deeply concerned about the one that keeps a system rigged against Res. 11 be instructed to insist that the final cuts to Medicare in this budget. I am the average American, we saw vote conference report not include the Medicare also deeply concerned about the other after vote where, unfortunately, col- cuts in the concurrent resolution as agreed cuts to health care in this budget. We leagues on the other side of the aisle to by the Senate, which would substantially let opportunities slip away to provide increase out-of-pocket healthcare expenses all wish we could control whether we for senior citizens, and not include the Medi- get sick or whether our children get real equal pay for women, equal pay for care cuts in the concurrent resolution as sick or whether moms and dads get equal work. Yesterday was the day in agreed to by the House of Representatives, sick, but the reality is that health care which women finally made as much which would end Medicare as it currently ex- is an issue for all of us. It is not a frill; money in 2014 as a man made in 2014. It ists by turning it into a voucher-based pre- it is a necessity. Medicare has ad- took the majority of women in this mium support system and eliminate the dressed that for seniors and people country until yesterday to make the guaranteed healthcare benefits earned by the with disabilities in a way that gives same amount of money. We have an op- people of the United States. them peace of mind and confidence in a portunity to fix that. The Republican Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, my quality medical system. colleagues said no. We had an oppor- motion would instruct conferees to re- We just addressed through a bill last tunity to invest in rebuilding Amer- move from the budget resolution any night the whole question of making ica—roads, bridges, water, sewer sys- Medicare cuts that would increase out- sure that doctors are paid and that tems, crumbling infrastructure. Our of-pocket costs for senior citizens, they are available to people who are on distinguished ranking member is a eliminate guaranteed benefits, or make Medicare. We have another part of the champion on the issue of infrastruc- structural changes to Medicare by health care system called Medicaid, ture. We had an opportunity to create turning it into a voucher-based pre- which is a lifeline to so many Ameri- millions of jobs and Republican col- mium support system. cans who continue to feel the effects of leagues said no. We had an opportunity It is incredibly important that some- the great recession and are struggling to invest in education but instead we thing as important as health care for for basic health care needs. In fact, 80 saw—and we see—a bill that takes senior citizens and those with disabil- percent of the Medicaid Program away funding for Pell grants that ities be protected and honored. People spending—80 percent of the dollars— doesn’t help millions of Americans who are paying into this system. They have goes to seniors in nursing homes and in are struggling to pay back college paid into this system their whole lives. some way impacts all of us—friends, loans. They have the confidence of knowing neighbors, relatives. I just left a group of high school stu- that health care is available to them, So we are looking at a budget on the dents from Brighton, MI, and the ques- those now on Medicare, and we need to Medicaid front—when we combine it tion I received was, What are you doing make sure we are strengthening this all, eliminating the Medicaid expan- about the cost of college—and I am health care system, not fundamentally sion and having the other cuts in the worried about the cost of college. I changing it from a guaranteed system budget—of a $1.2 trillion cut in the want to do the right thing. I want to go to some kind of a voucher system or Senate budget. The Senate Republican to school. They want to do what we are making other kinds of changes that budget cuts Medicaid health care—80 all asking them to do to get skills so will cost people more money. percent of which goes to seniors in they can compete in a global economy, When we began this process, my hope nursing homes—by $1.2 trillion. It is be responsible adults. was that we could have a spending plan even worse in the House. I worry when Too many will come out of that col- that really would address the middle we are now looking at going to con- lege experience with more than enough class and a budget resolution that ference with the House of Representa- debt to buy a big house, and then they would make it very clear that this is tives, where their combined cut was will not be able to buy the house as about giving every American a fair $1.7 trillion to Medicaid, of which most they dig themselves out of debt. shot—a fair shot to stay in the middle of the money goes to low-income sen- We all know that in this bill, the Re- class or to work hard and get into the iors in nursing homes. They would then publican budget, both in the House and middle class—that this is really about also turn it into a block grant and cut Senate, repeals the Affordable Care strengthening our country. We don’t it on top of that, and we don’t even Act—between 16 million American peo- have an economy without a middle know if it would get spent on health ple, health care gone, on top of all of class. It is not the other way around. care. the cuts to Medicare for senior citi- We don’t have an economy without a Unfortunately, this budget, while not zens, senior citizens in nursing homes middle class. That is the economic en- really balancing, is attempting to be under Medicaid. gine. balanced on the backs of the most vul- When we had an opportunity to close I was hoping for a budget that would nerable Americans in our country, and tax loopholes, I offered again my Bring reflect one of our core beliefs—that if our seniors are taking a huge hit in Jobs Home Act to say a company

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.040 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2207 should not be able to move on paper MOTION TO INSTRUCT No. 11, Murray, paid sick leave; No. 12, out of this country and avoid paying Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I ask Murray, eliminate sequestration; and their fair share to contribute to the unanimous consent to set aside the No. 13, Stabenow, Medicare cuts. services of America. They still breathe pending motion and call up my motion, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there the air. They still drink the water. which is at the desk. objection? They still drive on the roads. They still The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Without objection, it is so ordered. get the educated workforce. But they objection, it is so ordered. The Senator from Vermont. move on paper, and now they are not a Which motion does the Senator wish Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, as I part of those contributing to America. to call up first? have indicated on many occasions, I I don’t think that is very patriotic, Mrs. FISCHER. Equal pay. think this Republican budget is, frank- frankly. We had a chance to close that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ly, a disaster. It causes severe harm for and instead support the middle class, clerk will report the motion. some of the most vulnerable people in this country. It throws 27 million peo- people working hard, increase their The legislative clerk read as follows: earned-income tax credit, and Repub- ple off of health insurance. It forces el- The Senator from Nebraska [Mrs. FISCHER] derly people to pay more for prescrip- lican colleagues said no. moves that the managers on the part of the So, unfortunately, we have in front Senate at the conference on the disagreeing tion drugs. It cuts $90 billion in manda- of us a budget that says no to oppor- votes of the two Houses on the House amend- tory Pell grants at a time when young tunity to the majority of Americans ment to the resolution S. Con. Res. 11 be in- people are struggling to be able to af- and yes to continued policies that, structed to insist that the final conference ford to go to college. Pell grants are frankly, have not worked because they report include a provision relating to pro- one of the significant ways that they are focused on the privileged few. moting equal pay, which may include pre- are able to go to college; $90 billion is If I might take just 1 more minute, I venting discrimination on the basis of sex cut. It cuts Head Start significantly, and preventing retaliation against employ- want to put my hat on as ranking such that 110,000 fewer young children ees for seeking or discussing wage informa- will be able to enroll in Head Start. It member, former chair of the Senate tion, as included in section 356 of S. Con. Agriculture Committee, and say also Res. 11, as agreed to by the Senate. cuts title I education program money that as a Member of the Budget Com- directed to schools with low-income The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- kids, the schools who need help the mittee and the Agriculture Committee, ator from Nebraska. I strongly urge the leadership in the most. Senate not to accept the reconciliation MOTION TO INSTRUCT At a time when so many of our fami- instruction related to agriculture and Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I ask lies are struggling to put food on the to, therefore, open the farm bill, all of unanimous consent to set aside the table, this budget cuts nutrition pro- the phases of the farm bill that we pending motion and call up my motion, grams, including the WIC Program, by worked so hard to get passed in a bi- which is at the desk. $10 billion. That is the nutrition pro- partisan basis. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without gram that goes to pregnant women, I commend the chairman for not in- objection, it is so ordered. mothers, and infants. It makes other cluding that reconciliation instruction The clerk will report the motion. massive cuts in nutrition. It makes in the Senate. I very much appreciate The legislative clerk read as follows: cuts in affordable housing. It makes that, but the House does. We have The Senator from Nebraska [Mrs. FISCHER] cuts in job training. Members on both sides of the aisle moves that the managers on the part of the Now, in the midst of all of this, what deeply concerned about reopening what Senate at the conference on the disagreeing it does also, unbelievably, while wreak- is economic certainty. We have a lot of votes of the two Houses on the House amend- ing havoc on the lives of millions of places that there is not certainty. But ment to the resolution S. Con. Res. 11 be in- working families, it decides that we structed to insist that the final conference in rural America at least we have 5 can afford to give huge tax breaks to report include a provision relating to a def- the very, very, very wealthiest—the years of economic certainty through icit-neutral reserve fund relating to tax cred- the farm bill, and we have nearly 400 its for employers providing paid family and top two-tenths of 1 percent—by abol- agricultural organizations led by the medical leave. ishing the estate tax which would pro- vide $263 billion in tax breaks for the American Farm Bureau, food groups, Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I suggest wealthiest two-tenths of 1 percent of conservation groups, nutrition groups the absence of a quorum. the American people. But then, after that have asked us not to open the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The giving huge tax breaks to the very, farm bill again in this process. I am clerk will call the roll. very, very rich, what it does is raise very hopeful the Senate’s position on The legislative clerk proceeded to taxes for low-income and working-class that will be the position that is main- call the roll. families by increasing taxes by $900 tained. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- I offer an amendment that we will be apiece for more than 13 million fami- mous consent that the order for the voting on Medicare. I think it will be lies by allowing the expansion of the quorum call be rescinded. wonderful if we came together and said earned-income tax credit and the child The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without no to the cuts in Medicare and that we tax credit to expire. objection, it is so ordered. would show that we understand what is So massive cuts in health care, edu- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- at stake for that program. Also, I hope cation, and nutrition for working fami- mous consent that all time be yielded we will very clearly indicate that we lies; huge tax breaks—— back except for 5 minutes equally di- want to stand with rural America and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- vided between the managers and that our farmers and make sure they do not ator’s time has expired. the Senate vote on the pending mo- have to worry about opening the poli- Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask cies of the farm bill until the 5 years tions to instruct in the order listed, unanimous consent for one more on the farm bill has been completed. with 2 minutes equally divided in the minute. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. usual form between each vote, and that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without GARDNER). The Senator from Wyoming. all votes after the first in the series be objection, it is so ordered. Mr. ENZI. I yield such time as the limited to 10 minutes: No. 1 would be Mr. SANDERS. As I was saying, huge Senator from Nebraska needs to offer Brown on Wall Street banks; No. 2 tax breaks for millionaires and billion- two motions. Those will be the last two would be Sanders, postal plant clo- aires and then increased taxes for low- offered, after which I think both sides sures; No. 3 would be Burr, student income and working people. This is are prepared to yield back their time loans; No. 4 would be Warren, student moving the country in exactly the and begin voting on the 13 different loans; No. 5 would be Sanders, Social wrong direction. votes which we will be asking consent Security; No. 6 would be Schatz, same- Today, our side of the aisle brought on when she finishes her speech. sex marriage benefits; No. 7 would be forth 10 separate motions to instruct, I yield time to the Senator from Ne- Bennet, climate change; No. 8 would be which, if passed, would make this budg- braska. Fischer, side-by-side to Mikulski; No. et a much better document, and I hope The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- 9, Mikulski, equal pay for equal work; very much that both sides of the aisle ator from Nebraska. No. 10, Fischer, side-by-side to Murray; will support these motions.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.043 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 With that, I yield the floor. The clerk will call the roll. with that, and the Postal Service will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The legislative clerk called the roll. make a modest profit. ator from Wyoming. Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I thank the are necessarily absent: the Senator ator’s time has expired. ranking member for his cooperation to from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator The Senator from Wyoming. date and look forward to working with from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, there is a him on the conference committee, Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the huge concern, particularly in rural along with the Members of the House, Senator from Nevada (Mr. REID) is nec- America, about the closing down of the both the Republicans and the Demo- essarily absent. processing centers in States. Our State crats. The purpose of that is to make The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there no longer has a processing center. It this is a better budget bill. any other Senators in the Chamber de- takes at least an extra day to get the I will reiterate that I had about 4 siring to vote? mail. weeks to put it together and 4 months The result was announced—yeas 86, So I would urge my colleagues to ac- to get it done. We have not done one in nays 11, as follows: cept this motion, and I would ask if the 8 years, so it was quite a challenge. We sponsor would take it by voice vote. [Rollcall Vote No. 146 Leg.] Mr. SANDERS. I have to call for a are getting closer now, and today we YEAS—86 will have an opportunity to voice some rollcall vote on this one. Ayotte Gardner Murphy The PRESIDING OFFICER. The concerns. I am glad we are at this Baldwin Gillibrand Murray point. I look forward to working with question is on agreeing to the motion. Barrasso Graham Nelson Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask the conferees. Bennet Grassley Paul I yield back any time. Blumenthal Heinrich Perdue for the yeas and nays. Blunt Heitkamp Peters The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a BROWN MOTION TO INSTRUCT Booker Heller Portman sufficient second? The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is Boozman Hirono Reed Boxer Hoeven There appears to be a sufficient sec- now 2 minutes equally divided prior to Roberts ond. Brown Inhofe Rounds a vote in relation to the motion offered Cantwell Isakson Rubio The clerk will call the roll. by the Senator from Ohio related to Capito Johnson Sanders The senior assistant legislative clerk Cardin Kaine Wall Street banks. Schatz called the roll. Carper King Who yields time? Schumer Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators The Senator from Vermont. Casey Kirk Cassidy Klobuchar Scott are necessarily absent: the Senator Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, this Sessions Cochran Lankford from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator motion is being offered by Senator Collins Leahy Shaheen Shelby from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). BROWN of Ohio. Our big banks are too Coons Lee Stabenow Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the big. The largest banks are now 38 per- Corker Manchin Cornyn Markey Sullivan Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) cent larger than they were before the Daines McCain Tester and the Senator from Nevada (Mr. Donnelly McCaskill Thune crisis. In terms of outstanding loans, REID) are necessarily absent. one out of seven Americans is being Durbin McConnell Udall Enzi Menendez Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. LEE). pursued by a debt collector. U.S. banks Ernst Merkley Warren Are there any other Senators in the are so big that the six largest financial Feinstein Mikulski Whitehouse Chamber desiring to vote? institutions in this country today have Fischer Moran Wicker The result was announced—yeas 85, Franken Murkowski Wyden assets of roughly $9.8 trillion, which is nays 11, as follows: equivalent to 60 percent of the Nation’s NAYS—11 [Rollcall Vote No. 147 Leg.] GDP. Alexander Crapo Sasse YEAS—85 Being big and powerful is good for Burr Flake Tillis Alexander Franken Murphy the banks and bad for this country. For Coats Hatch Toomey Cotton Risch Ayotte Gardner Murray example, Bloomberg says the too-big- Baldwin Gillibrand Nelson to-fail subsidy is massive. By being big, NOT VOTING—3 Barrasso Graham Peters Bennet Grassley they get huge subsidies. It amounts to Cruz Reid Vitter Portman Blumenthal Hatch Reed $83 billion a year, and that is why I The motion was agreed to. Blunt Heinrich Risch Booker Heitkamp support this provision to stop too big SANDERS MOTION TO INSTRUCT Roberts Boozman Heller to fail. Rounds The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is Brown Hirono The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Sanders now 2 minutes of debate equally di- Burr Hoeven ator from Wyoming. Sasse vided prior to a vote in relation to the Cantwell Inhofe Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, this bill is Capito Isakson Schatz motion to instruct offered by the Sen- Schumer cosponsored by Senator VITTER from Cardin Johnson ator from Vermont relative to postal Carper Kaine Scott our side. If a big bank fails under the plant closures. Casey King Sessions Senator’s reform, there is nothing that Cochran Klobuchar Shaheen The Senator from Vermont. protects the taxpayers from having to Collins Lankford Shelby Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, in the save the bank. In other words, this ap- Coons Leahy Stabenow State of Vermont and I expect all over Cornyn Manchin Sullivan proach does not do what many experts this country, especially in rural areas, Cotton Markey Tester believe is needed, which is to expand Crapo McCain Thune what we have seen is a significant the bankruptcy laws to permit an or- Daines McCaskill Udall slowdown in mail delivery by the U.S. Donnelly McConnell derly disposition to failed banks with- Warner Postal Service. What this provision is Durbin Menendez Warren out taxpayer bailouts. Enzi Merkley Whitehouse about is the establishment of a deficit- Ernst I will note that the specific policies Mikulski Wicker neutral reserve fund which establishes Feinstein Moran listed are all authorities that exist Wyden Fischer Murkowski today in various financial regulatory a moratorium to prevent the shutting agencies, and I believe all Senators down of up to 82 mail processing plants NAYS—11 support the goal of eliminating the all across this country. It is asking Cassidy Kirk Rubio risk of taxpayer bailouts. that we reinstate overnight delivery Coats Lee Tillis standards, undo what the Postal Serv- Corker Paul Toomey Having said that, I ask that all the Flake Perdue Republicans support this motion and ice has done, that we protect rural NOT VOTING—4 offer to take it on a voice vote. services, and that we allow the Postal Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask Service to innovate and adapt to com- Boxer Reid Cruz Vitter for the yeas and nays. pete in a digital age. Is there a sufficient second? The basic financial problems of the The motion was agreed to. There appears to be a sufficient sec- Postal Service are that they have to BURR MOTION TO INSTRUCT ond. pay $5.5 billion every year in retire- The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is The question is on agreeing to the ment benefits. That program already now 2 minutes of debate equally di- motion. has $50 billion in its account. Do away vided prior to a vote in relation to the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.046 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2209 motion to instruct by the Senator from Durbin Lankford Rounds I yield back. North Carolina relative to student Enzi Leahy Rubio The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Ernst Lee Sanders loans. Feinstein Manchin Sasse question is on agreeing to the motion. The Senator from North Carolina. Fischer Markey Schatz Ms. WARREN. I ask for the yeas and Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I rise to Flake McCain Schumer nays. Franken McCaskill offer a motion to instruct conferees Scott The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Gardner McConnell Sessions Gillibrand Menendez sufficient second? that would insist that the final con- Shaheen Graham Merkley ference report on the budget include a Shelby There appears to be a sufficient sec- Grassley Mikulski ond. provision to address student loans. Hatch Moran Stabenow This very simple motion to instruct Heinrich Murkowski Sullivan The clerk will call the roll. tracks the amendment introduced by Heitkamp Murphy Tester The senior assistant legislative clerk Heller Murray Thune called the roll. me and Senators KING, WARNER, and Tillis Hirono Nelson Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators ALEXANDER that was included in the Hoeven Paul Toomey budget resolution by a voice vote. Inhofe Perdue Udall are necessarily absent: the Senator The Senate has already demonstrated Isakson Peters Warner from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator its support by unanimously passing Johnson Portman Warren from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). Kaine Reed Whitehouse Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the this under a voice vote. King Reid Wicker I yield to my cosponsor, Senator Kirk Risch Wyden Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) KING. Klobuchar Roberts is necessarily absent. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- NOT VOTING—3 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there ator from Maine. Boxer Cruz Vitter any other Senators in the Chamber de- siring to vote? Mr. KING. Mr. President, I rise to The motion was agreed to. The result was announced—yeas 45, support this amendment. This simply WARREN MOTION TO INSTRUCT nays 52, as follows: simplifies the repayment options for The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is students under the present student now 2 minutes equally divided prior to [Rollcall Vote No. 149 Leg.] loan program, which is, frankly, very a vote in relation to the motion offered YEAS—45 confusing—up to nine different pro- by the Senator from Massachusetts rel- Baldwin Heinrich Nelson grams with confusing names and con- ative to student loans. Bennet Heitkamp Peters fusing terms. This boils it down to two Blumenthal Hirono Reed The Senator from Massachusetts. Booker Kaine Reid simple ones: a fixed repayment sched- Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I sup- Brown King Sanders ule or a variable schedule based upon port simplifying student loans—the Cantwell Klobuchar Schatz income. I should mention that I see motion that just passed 97 to 0—and I Cardin Leahy Schumer Carper Manchin Shaheen this as an important stand-alone provi- commend Senators KING and BURR, but Casey Markey Stabenow sion. it is not enough. We need to cut the in- Coons McCaskill Tester I am also going to support Senator terest rate on student loans. The Fed- Donnelly Menendez Udall WARREN’s amendment on refinancing eral Government should not be making Durbin Merkley Warner Feinstein Mikulski Warren student loans. a profit off the backs of our kids who Franken Murphy Whitehouse I believe this is an important amend- are trying to get an education. Gillibrand Murray Wyden ment. I urge my colleagues to vote yes. This bill is paid for by asking mil- NAYS—52 Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I ask for lionaires and billionaires to pay taxes Alexander Fischer Paul the yeas and nays. at the same rate as middle-class fami- Ayotte Flake Perdue The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a lies. Barrasso Gardner Portman sufficient second? This is a bill which really puts it to Blunt Graham Risch the Senate. Are we here to work just Boozman Grassley Roberts There appears to be a sufficient sec- Burr for the millionaires and billionaires or Hatch Rounds ond. Capito Heller Rubio The yeas and nays were ordered. are we here to work for young people Cassidy Hoeven Sasse Coats Inhofe The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who who are trying to get an education? Scott Cochran Isakson This Senate works all the time for bil- Sessions yields time in opposition? Collins Johnson Shelby Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- lionaires. Today, I hope we can make it Corker Kirk Sullivan mous consent to yield back all time. work for our students. Cornyn Lankford I urge adoption of this motion. Cotton Lee Thune The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Tillis The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Crapo McCain objection, all time is yielded back. Daines McConnell Toomey The question is on agreeing to the ator from North Carolina. Enzi Moran Wicker Mr. BURR. Mr. President, I urge my motion. Ernst Murkowski colleagues to vote against the Warren The clerk will call the roll. NOT VOTING—3 motion. What the Senator wants to do The legislative clerk called the roll. is to create yet another repayment pro- Boxer Cruz Vitter Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators gram, which ultimately ends up cost- The motion was rejected. are necessarily absent: the Senator ing students more than the income- SANDERS MOTION TO INSTRUCT from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator based repayment. She puts hundreds of The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). billions of private debt on the Federal Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the now 2 minutes of debate equally di- books and pretends the cost is free. vided prior to a vote in relation to the Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) Rather than fixing the maze of repay- is necessarily absent. motion offered by the Senator from ment programs, she adds to it with a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Vermont relative to Social Security. new program that is ultimately less any other Senators in the Chamber de- The Senator from Vermont. generous than the existing program. siring to vote? Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, Social Whereas the Federal Government in- The result was announced—yeas 97, Security is arguably the most impor- come-based repayment program and nays 0, as follows: tant Federal program we have. It is life other related loan repayment programs and death to millions of senior citizens, [Rollcall Vote No. 148 Leg.] will cap payments as a percentage of people who have to figure out how they YEAS—97 an individual’s income, Senator WAR- pay for food, how they heat their Alexander Brown Cochran REN’s legislation would only lower the homes, how they pay for their medi- Ayotte Burr Collins Baldwin Cantwell Coons interest rate on those payments, poten- cine. Social Security is not going Barrasso Capito Corker tially steering students into higher broke. It could pay out all benefits for Bennet Cardin Cornyn monthly payments than they face in the next 18 years. Blumenthal Carper Cotton those other programs. So I urge my What this provision does is make it Blunt Casey Crapo Booker Cassidy Daines colleagues to oppose the Warren mo- clear that we go on record to not cut Boozman Coats Donnelly tion. Social Security benefits, not raise the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:42 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.049 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 retirement age, not privatize Social back all time and accept it on a voice April 2014 Executive order stating that Security. Let’s stand with the seniors vote. employees cannot be punished for exer- of this country. Let us protect Social The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cising their First Amendment rights by Security, not cut it. objection, all time is yielded back. speaking with employers or coworkers The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The question is on agreeing to the about their wages. ator from Wyoming. motion. I cannot support the motion of the Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, under the The motion was agreed to. Senator from Maryland. It removes budget rules we can’t do anything to VOTE EXPLANATION merit pay, which I believe provides Social Security. So this doesn’t provide Mr. CORKER. Mr. President, I would women with opportunities to advance permission or denial of anything that like the RECORD to reflect that had the in their careers, and merit pay recog- we can do at the present time. We can- vote on the Schatz motion to instruct nizes a woman’s hard work and her not touch Social Security under the conferees been conducted by a rollcall contributions. It also eliminates any li- budget. vote, I would have voted nay. ability cap under the motion of the So I ask for the Senator to take a BENNET MOTION TO INSTRUCT Senator from Maryland, which I be- voice vote. The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is lieve benefits only attorneys and not The PRESIDING OFFICER. The now 2 minutes of debate equally di- families. For the first time we are able question is on agreeing to the motion. vided prior to a vote in relation to the to do this. Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, I ask motion offered by the Senator from I thank the Presiding Officer. for the yeas and nays. Colorado relative to climate change. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a The Senator from Colorado. yields time in opposition? sufficient second? Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, I rise to Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, I ask There appears to be a sufficient sec- offer a very simple motion to instruct for the yeas and nays. ond. the budget conferees. It encourages the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a The clerk will call the roll. conferees to address the economic and sufficient second? The bill clerk called the roll. Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators national security threats posed by cli- There appears to be a sufficient sec- are necessarily absent: the Senator mate change. During our consideration ond. of the budget, I offered an amendment All time has expired. from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator that outlined these threats and high- The question is on agreeing to the from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the lighted the need to act. That amend- motion. Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) ment passed the Senate by a 53-to-47 The clerk will call the roll. is necessarily absent. vote. It was supported by both Repub- The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. licans and Democrats. The same lan- called the roll. PERDUE). Are there any other Senators guage should be included in the final Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators in the Chamber desiring to vote? budget conference. are necessarily absent: the Senator The result was announced—yeas 84, During the markup, the Budget Com- from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator nays 13, as follows: mittee adopted a complementary from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). [Rollcall Vote No. 150 Leg.] amendment which discussed the impor- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the YEAS—84 tance of climate change initiatives in Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) the Department of Defense. The lan- is necessarily absent. Alexander Feinstein Murray Ayotte Fischer Nelson guage should be included in the final The PRESIDING OFFICER Are there Baldwin Franken Paul budget resolution. any other Senators in the Chamber de- Barrasso Gardner Peters Let’s make it clear that the Congress siring to vote? Bennet Gillibrand Portman Blumenthal Graham Reed plans to respond to the serious eco- The result was announced—yeas 57, Blunt Grassley Reid nomic and national security threats nays 40, as follows: Booker Heinrich Risch posed by climate change. [Rollcall Vote No. 151 Leg.] Boozman Heitkamp Roberts I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on this motion to YEAS—57 Brown Heller Rounds instruct. Burr Hirono Rubio Alexander Fischer Moran Cantwell Hoeven Sanders I yield the floor, and I ask for a voice Ayotte Flake Murkowski Capito Isakson Schatz vote. Barrasso Gardner Paul Cardin Kaine Schumer Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, we are will- Blunt Graham Perdue Carper King Shaheen ing to accept it on a voice vote. Boozman Grassley Portman Casey Kirk Shelby Burr Hatch Risch Cassidy Klobuchar Stabenow The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Capito Heller Roberts Collins Leahy Sullivan further debate on the motion? Cassidy Hoeven Rounds Coons Manchin Tester If not, the question is on agreeing to Coats Inhofe Rubio Corker Markey Thune Cochran Isakson Sasse Cornyn McCain Tillis the motion. Collins Johnson Scott Cotton McCaskill Toomey The motion was agreed to. Corker Kaine Sessions Crapo Menendez Udall FISCHER MOTION TO INSTRUCT Cornyn King Shelby Daines Merkley Warner The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is Cotton Kirk Sullivan Donnelly Mikulski Warren Crapo Lankford Thune Durbin Moran Whitehouse now 2 minutes equally divided prior to Daines Lee Tillis Enzi Murkowski Wicker a vote in relation to the motion offered Donnelly Manchin Toomey Ernst Murphy Wyden by the Senator from Nebraska relative Enzi McCain Warner NAYS—13 to equal pay. Ernst McConnell Wicker Coats Johnson Sasse The Senator from Nebraska. NAYS—40 Cochran Lankford Scott Mrs. FISCHER. Mr. President, this Baldwin Heinrich Reed Flake Lee Sessions motion takes an important step for- Bennet Heitkamp Reid Hatch McConnell Blumenthal Hirono Sanders Inhofe Perdue ward by providing necessary updates to Booker Klobuchar current law regarding nonretaliation. Schatz NOT VOTING—3 Brown Leahy Schumer The change was supported on a bipar- Cantwell Markey Shaheen Boxer Cruz Vitter tisan during our recent budget debate. Cardin McCaskill Stabenow The motion was agreed to. Carper Menendez Tester This motion reinforces current law Casey Merkley Udall SCHATZ MOTION TO INSTRUCT by banning gender discrimination Coons Mikulski Warren Durbin Murphy The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is under both the Equal Pay Act and title Whitehouse now 2 minutes equally divided prior to VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Con- Feinstein Murray Franken Nelson Wyden a vote in relation to the motion offered trary to the claims of some, both of Gillibrand Peters by the Senator from Hawaii relative to these laws enable women to sue for dis- NOT VOTING—3 same-sex marriage benefits. crimination. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, on this mo- Furthermore, my motion contains Boxer Cruz Vitter tion, I think we are willing to yield language similar to President Obama’s The motion was agreed to.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:42 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.051 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2211 MIKULSKI MOTION TO INSTRUCT NAYS—53 Congress, we have to vote on an econ- The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is Alexander Fischer Murkowski omy that works for all of our families, now 2 minutes of debate equally di- Ayotte Flake Paul not just the wealthiest few. Today, 43 Barrasso Gardner Perdue million Americans do not have access vided prior to a vote in relation to the Blunt Graham Portman to paid sick days, and when they are motion offered by the Senator from Boozman Grassley Risch Maryland related to equal pay. Burr Hatch Roberts sick, they have to choose between los- The Senator from Maryland. Capito Heller Rounds ing money out of their paycheck or Cassidy Hoeven Rubio toughing it out and showing up to Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I have Coats Inhofe Sasse Cochran Isakson work. an alternative and far more com- Scott Collins Johnson I was delighted that during our budg- prehensive approach than the Senator Sessions Corker King et debate, a bipartisan majority—61 from Nebraska just offered. Although I Shelby Cornyn Kirk Senators strong—agreed that Congress respect her and her advocacy for Cotton Lankford Sullivan Thune should allow workers to earn paid sick women, the Mikulski amendment in Crapo Lee Daines McCain Tillis days. The amendment that just passed the well would really finish the job we Enzi McConnell Toomey is voluntary. It would only benefit a se- started with Lilly Ledbetter. Yes, it Ernst Moran Wicker lect number of people who work for em- would deal with the issue of harass- NOT VOTING—3 ployers who already do the right thing. ment on the job if one asks for infor- Boxer Cruz Vitter This amendment will make sure that mation, which the Fischer amendment The motion was rejected. we boost worker productivity and re- only dealt with. My amendment would duce turnover, which are benefits to go several steps further. No. 2, it would FISCHER MOTION TO INSTRUCT The PRESIDING OFFICER. There is both employers and employees. I urge provide punitive damages for women my colleagues to vote for this in a now 2 minutes of debate equally di- who have been wrongly denied equal strong vote. vided prior to a vote in relation to the pay for several years. No. 3, it also Thank you, Mr. President. eliminates the false reasons people give motion offered by the Senator from Ne- I yield back our time. for not paying equal pay for equal braska relative to paid sick leave. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who The Senator from Nebraska. work. yields time in opposition? Mrs. FISCHER. Thank you, Mr. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, we would be The Mikulski amendment is more President. comprehensive, more robust, and will willing to accept this on a voice vote, Workplace flexibility is a necessity and we yield back all time. really finish the job and close the loop- for our 21st-century families, and Sen- holes big corporations have had for The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time ator KING and I have come up with a having been yielded back, the question years. So if my colleagues like the proposal that I think really addresses Fischer amendment, they will be crazy is on agreeing to the motion. this in a way that is voluntary and The motion was agreed to. about the Mikulski amendment. Go all incentivizes businesses to truly help MURRAY MOTION TO INSTRUCT the way, not just part of the way. families, help those hourly workers The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under I yield the floor. meet the needs they are facing in this the previous order, there will now be 2 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does workplace environment and in their minutes of debate equally divided prior anyone wish to speak in opposition? family environments. to a vote in relation to the motion of- Mr. ENZI. We yield back our time, I yield the rest of my time to Senator fered by the Senator from Washington and we will take a voice vote. KING. relating to sequestration elimination. Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, I ask The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, Demo- for the yeas and nays. ator from Maine. crats and Republicans agree that the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas Mr. KING. Mr. President, I rise in automatic spending cuts across defense and nays have been requested. support of this amendment and in sup- and nondefense investments are ter- port of the United States finally join- Is there a sufficient second? rible policy and need to be fixed. The ing the civilized nations of the world in There appears to be a sufficient sec- bipartisan Budget Act we passed last providing for family leave for our citi- ond. Congress did exactly that for the past 2 zens. I know this amendment doesn’t years and offered us a template for how The question is on agreeing to the go as far as some would like, but I be- motion. we can tackle this challenge in a bipar- lieve it is very credible, enforceable tisan way, once again. The clerk will call the roll. legislation that can move forward and We do not need to rely on gimmicks The bill clerk called the roll. really change the lives of thousands in this budget or the hopes that we will Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators and millions of people across this coun- somehow solve this later. We can fix are necessarily absent: the Senator try. this now in this conference. I urge my from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator I commend the Senator from Ne- colleagues to support this vote in- from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). braska for bringing this amendment structing the conferees to roll back se- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the forward, and I intend to support it and questration, allow the Appropriations Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) urge my colleagues to do likewise. Committee to do their work and not is necessarily absent. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- kick this can down the road for all of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there ator from Wyoming. us to address later. any other Senators in the Chamber de- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, if all time I urge its adoption. siring to vote? is yielded back, we would be willing to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The result was announced—yeas 44, take a voice vote. ator from Wyoming. nays 53, as follows: The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, there is a is no objection, all time is yielded difference between how it got voted [Rollcall Vote No. 152 Leg.] back. through last year, which was actually YEAS—44 The question is on agreeing to the an appropriation rather than a budget. Baldwin Heinrich Peters motion. This does raise taxes in order to over- Bennet Heitkamp Reed The motion was agreed to. come the sequestration. So I am urging Blumenthal Hirono Reid MURRAY MOTION TO INSTRUCT Booker Kaine Sanders a ‘‘no’’ vote. We have agreed to have a Brown Klobuchar Schatz The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under voice vote on this one. Cantwell Leahy Schumer the previous order, there will now be 2 We yield back all time. Cardin Manchin Shaheen minutes of debate equally divided prior The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time Carper Markey Stabenow Casey McCaskill to a vote in relation to the motion of- having been yielded back, the question Tester Coons Menendez is on agreeing to the motion. Udall fered by the Senator from Washington Donnelly Merkley The motion was rejected. Warner relative to paid sick leave. Durbin Mikulski STABENOW MOTION TO INSTRUCT Feinstein Murphy Warren The Senator from Washington. Franken Murray Whitehouse Mrs. MURRAY. Thank you, Mr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Gillibrand Nelson Wyden President. the previous order, there will now be 2

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:42 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.057 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 minutes of debate equally divided prior There appears to be a sufficient sec- oring the world famous Kilgore College to a vote in relation to the motion of- ond. Rangerettes on the occasion of their fered by the Senator from Michigan re- The clerk will call the roll. 75th anniversary. lating to Medicare cuts. The legislative clerk called the roll. In an effort to increase female enroll- Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, my Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators ment and to keep fans in their seats motion would instruct conferees to re- are necessarily absent: the Senator during halftime at football games, Kil- move from the final budget resolution from Texas (Mr. CRUZ) and the Senator gore College Dean of Students B.E. any Medicare cuts that would increase from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). Masters invited Gussie Nell Davis to out-of-pocket costs for senior citizens, Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the create an all-women’s precision dance- eliminating guaranteed benefits or Senator from California (Mrs. BOXER) and-drill team. On September 19, 1940, making structural changes to Medicare is necessarily absent. the Rangerettes performed their first by turning it into a voucher-based sys- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there halftime show during a Kilgore College tem or premium support system. any other Senators in the Chamber de- football game. I think one of our greatest concerns siring to vote? With their signature Western-styled in this budget, among many, is the fact The result was announced—yeas 45, red, white, and blue uniforms and cow- that when you add it all up, there are nays 52, as follows: boy hats, the Kilgore College $566 billion in Medicare cuts in this [Rollcall Vote No. 153 Leg.] Rangerettes brought show business to Senate resolution. Shockingly, it is YEAS—45 the football field. Their precise and more than even the House cuts. I would Baldwin Heinrich Nelson graceful performances captured the urge that we stand with people who pay Bennet Heitkamp Peters hearts of the fans and pioneered a into a health care system that works. Blumenthal Hirono Reed Booker Kaine Reid brandnew type of halftime show. They have earned those benefits. They Brown King Sanders The Rangerettes have attained na- are counting on those benefits. Cantwell Klobuchar Schatz tional and international recognition. Seniors and people with disabilities Cardin Leahy Schumer Dubbed ‘‘The Sweethearts of the Grid- across the country need to know Medi- Carper Manchin Shaheen Casey Markey Stabenow iron,’’ the Rangerettes travel across care is an intact, guaranteed health Coons McCaskill Tester the country performing at high-profile care system for them. Donnelly Menendez Udall events, including every Cotton Bowl I urge support for my motion. Durbin Merkley Warner Feinstein Mikulski Warren halftime show since 1951, the 60th Pearl The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Harbor Memorial Commemoration, ator from Wyoming. Franken Murphy Whitehouse Gillibrand Murray Wyden Presidential inaugural events, and Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I am going multiple Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Pa- to urge my colleagues to reject this NAYS—52 rades. Their fame and prestige have motion to instruct. I credit Senator Alexander Fischer Paul Ayotte Flake spread across the globe with perform- STABENOW’s instincts to approach the Perdue Barrasso Gardner Portman ances in Venezuela, the millennial St. question of Medicare seriously. I am Blunt Graham Risch Patrick’s Day Parade in Ireland, and a sure she knows we all take Medicare’s Boozman Grassley Roberts 15-day tour of Romania. future seriously. There are some prob- Burr Hatch Rounds Capito Heller The Rangerettes’ achievements and lems with Medicare that need to be Rubio Cassidy Hoeven Sasse honors have been highlighted in cover solved. Coats Inhofe Scott Cochran Isakson stories in magazines including Life, The budget shows Medicare’s rate of Sessions Collins Johnson Newsweek, Esquire, Texas Monthly, growth for an average annual rate of Shelby Corker Kirk and Texas 24/7. Additionally, they were 6.4 to 5.5 percent over the next 10 years. Sullivan Cornyn Lankford featured in the Cinerama movie ‘‘The Why does the budget resolution adopt Cotton Lee Thune Seven Wonders of the World.’’ Today, these numbers? Because Republicans Crapo McCain Tillis Daines McConnell Toomey they continue to set training and per- and the President agree we must act on Enzi Moran Wicker formance standards to which other policies which extend the life of the Ernst Murkowski drill teams aspire. Medicare trust fund. NOT VOTING—3 The budget does this by adopting the I am honored to congratulate the Kil- President’s goal of extending the life of Boxer Cruz Vitter gore College Rangerettes on their 75th Medicare’s hospital insurance trust The motion was rejected. anniversary and look forward to their fund by at least 5 years. According to The Presiding Officer appointed Mr. continued tradition of excellence as the Medicare trustees themselves, the ENZI, Mr. GRASSLEY, Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. they perform across Texas, the United hospital insurance fund could be insol- CRAPO, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. States, and the world. vent as early as 2021, just 6 years from TOOMEY, Mr. JOHNSON, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. f now. WICKER, Mr. CORKER, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. LYNCH NOMINATION Independent actuaries at the Centers SANDERS, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, Loretta for Medicare and Medicaid report that Ms. STABENOW, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. Lynch’s nomination to be Attorney over the next 75 years, the Federal WARNER, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. BALDWIN, General has languished on the Senate Government has promised more than Mr. KAINE, and Mr. KING conferees on floor for 48 days. This unnecessary wait $35 trillion in Medicare benefits. So Re- the part of the Senate. time is twice as long as the last seven publicans joined with the President in The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Attorney General nominees combined. looking to extend the life of the hos- ator from Wyoming. Under any standard, she is not being pital insurance trust fund and make f treated fairly. For nearly 7 weeks, she the Medicare program sustainable. MORNING BUSINESS So I ask that you reject this motion has waited for her confirmation vote to to instruct. Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- be scheduled by the majority leader. Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, if I mous consent that the Senate be in a She has now earned the support to be might take just 1 more moment, I do period of morning business, with Sen- confirmed, and if the leader would sim- not think I used all my time. ators permitted to speak therein for up ply schedule her vote, this eminently I just want to say for the record, the to 10 minutes each. qualified prosecutor could get to work President of the United States is not The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without as our next Attorney General. supporting $566 billion in cuts to Medi- objection, it is so ordered. Last month, after Ms. Lynch’s nomi- care. f nation had already been pending on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The floor for weeks, the majority leader RECOGNIZING THE KILGORE COL- question is on agreeing to the motion. inexplicably chose to hold her nomina- Ms. STABENOW. I ask for the yeas LEGE RANGERETTES 75TH ANNI- tion hostage until he got his way on a and nays. VERSARY partisan provision in unrelated legisla- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask tion. That Loretta Lynch is being de- sufficient second? my colleagues to join me today in hon- nied a confirmation vote over human

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.061 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2213 trafficking legislation is a cruel irony challenges they face. While there is no At the time, the Penobscot Job Corps since she has a proven record of pros- doubt that our Nation’s unemployment was one of only two centers in the ecuting child rapists and human traf- rate remains unacceptably high, I have country to receive this distinction. fickers. If Members want a prosecutor met with employers in Maine who have This initiative prompted Job Corps with a deep commitment to fighting jobs available but who cannot find facilities across the United States to human trafficking, then they should qualified and trained workers to fill not only reduce their environmental support Loretta Lynch. these vacant positions. impact, but to also teach their stu- The American people deserve to With two centers in Maine, Job Corps dents to live and work sustainably. The know that while the majority leader not only helps young people in our skills and knowledge that students re- said he would block a confirmation State gain the skills that lead to re- ceive from this program will surely vote on Ms. Lynch until we passed un- warding careers, but it also improves help them compete in an increasingly related legislation, the Senate has their lives, assists employers, and environmentally focused labor market. voted 74 times on other matters. If the strengthens communities. The Penob- Job Corps centers are an important Senate can vote on a Republican budg- scot Job Corps Academy in Bangor, facet of our workforce development et, legislation to increase payments to ME, and the Loring Job Corps Center system and have a proven record of doctors, and on the confirmation of in Limestone, ME, have the capability success in preparing disadvantaged stu- several other nominees, then of course to serve nearly 800 at-risk youth on a dents to obtain and hold a job or pur- we can and should vote on the nomina- daily basis. Over the past several dec- sue opportunities in higher education. I tion of our Nation’s next chief law en- ades, these two centers have compiled wish Job Corps another 50 years of suc- forcement officer. There is simply no an impressive record of success in pre- cess, and I am proud of the many excuse. paring disadvantaged youth for the young people in Maine and across the Every additional day that Ms. workplace or higher education. country who have used this program to Lynch’s nomination languishes on the The combination of skills, self-con- make a better life for themselves. floor is another day Senate Repub- fidence, and determination Job Corps The contributions of Maine’s Job licans fail to govern responsibly. This offers can help young people overcome Corps centers simply cannot be over- Congress, it took more than 3 months the setbacks, obstacles, and failures stated, and I look forward to watching for Senate Republicans to schedule a that often are part of life. The focus on their continued development. vote on a single judicial nominee. And community service at both centers f even though the Senate finally did con- helps to create the involved citizens ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS firm a district court nominee this that are so important to Maine’s fu- week, nine more judicial nominees are ture. These centers put these young waiting to be considered. This is no men and women on a path to being suc- GREELEY HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL way to respect the dedicated public cessful and vital contributing members OBSERVANCES servants who have been nominated and of our country. ∑ Mr. BENNET. Mr. President, this no way to treat our coequal branches Job Corps was founded on the noble year marks 70 years since the spring of of government. idea that, if given the opportunity, the 1945, when Allied forces liberated con- The Republican leader has the oppor- support, and the training, America’s centration camps, a major milestone in tunity to show the American people young people could overcome any ob- the end of the Holocaust. what we can do when we work to- stacles and achieve. For 50 years, Job For more than 30 years, the Greeley gether. He should call Loretta Lynch’s Corps graduates have turned that idea Holocaust Memorial Observances has nomination up for a vote without fur- into reality. I congratulate Job Corps helped raise awareness of the atrocities ther delay. again on this accomplishment. of Nazi crimes and the perils of anti- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I ask Mr. KING. Mr. President, I join the Semitism, hatred, and intolerance. unanimous consent to engage in a col- senior Senator from Maine in con- This month, the Greeley Holocaust Me- loquy with my colleague from Maine. gratulating Job Corps on 50 years of morial Observances will continue its The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without service to our country’s youth. Across longstanding tradition of remembering objection, it is so ordered. the Nation, Job Corps provides training the victims of the Holocaust, com- JOB CORPS 50TH ANNIVERSARY and career skills to economically dis- memorating the end of this horrific Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I am advantaged young adults, helping them part of our history, and educating pleased to join Senator KING in recog- attain a high school diploma or equiva- Coloradans about the importance of nizing the Job Corps program on its lent and career technical training to the Holocaust with discussions, films, 50th anniversary. Job Corps helps at- prepare them for success in today’s job exhibits, and workshops. This year’s risk young people ages 16 through 24 market. This program is extremely im- events will include presentations by improve the quality of their lives portant, giving young people who need Holocaust survivor Nathan Taffel. through vocational and academic a second chance the opportunity to It is my pleasure to commend the training. On August 30, 1964, President forge a better career for themselves Greeley Holocaust Memorial Observ- Lyndon B. Johnson signed legislation through hard work and meaningful ances Committee for their dedicated creating Job Corps. Today, one-half study. service to this critical cause and to century later, generations of graduates The Penobscot Job Corps Center in congratulate the Committee on its in Maine and across America dem- Bangor, ME, and the Loring Job Corps 32nd Greeley Holocaust Memorial Ob- onstrate why Job Corps has been one of Center in Limestone, ME, have consist- servances, 70 years after the end of the our Nation’s best investments. ently proven to be outstanding assets Holocaust.∑ Since its founding, more than 2.7 mil- to our State, helping young Mainers f lion young people have entered the Job prepare to enter the workforce or pur- Corps program with the determination sue post-secondary education every RECOGNIZING EDGEWATER, NEW to succeed and have graduated with the year. Through a combination of unique JERSEY FIRST RESPONDERS confidence and the skills to do so. The learning experiences, these institutions ∑ Mr. BOOKER. Mr. President, today I success rate is extraordinary. Nearly 86 are helping the next generation of wish to recognize and pay tribute to percent of Job Corps graduates find Maine students work towards stable, the heroic first responders of employment in their fields, go on to long-term jobs. Edgewater, NJ, and surrounding com- higher education or serve our country In October of 2013 I was proud to con- munities, who successfully extin- in uniform. Job Corps students do not gratulate the Penobscot Job Corps guished one of the largest fires in the just learn a trade—they cultivate high Academy for its certification as a Cen- history of Bergen County. On Wednes- aspirations and a commitment to serv- ter of Environmental Excellence. This day, January 21, 2015, a massive fire de- ice. distinction recognizes Job Corps cam- stroyed an apartment building and dis- As I travel throughout Maine, I have puses that show leadership in imple- placed over 1,000 Borough residents, extensive conversations with small menting Job Corps’ guiding principles leaving many homeless during the bit- business owners and workers about the for high performance green buildings. ter mid-winter months.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.019 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 At 4:20 p.m. that day, smoke billowed Mr. Vento’s passion for music began April 19, 2015. After proudly knowing along the western skyline of the Hud- at an early age and had him playing Sam and his lovely wife Dee for more son River as Edgewater first responders the piano and accordion in New York than four decades, it is a special privi- rushed to the scene of a 7-alarm fire. by age 4. He later used his talents in a lege to celebrate Sam’s vast achieve- Mayor Michael McPartland declared a different setting, bringing the joy of ments and his many years of steadfast local state of emergency, and the music to those around him in time of service to Mingo County, to West Vir- Edgewater Fire Department fought to war. Mr. Vento was in the U.S. Army ginia, and to our Nation. control the blaze, which ultimately de- Band near the end of World War II and I have never met anyone more hum- stroyed 240 of the 408 apartments in the served in World War II, the Korean ble, community-minded and family-ori- complex. While civilians and first re- war, and Vietnam. He received a bat- ented than Sam. Throughout his 80 sponders reported no serious injuries, tlefield commission of three stars from years, and still today, Sam has always hundreds of residents lost their homes, Marine Commandant Lew Walt during answered the call of service. At every pets, and possessions. Were it not for his time in Vietnam at a special con- turn of the road—whether as the mayor the quick response of Edgewater’s dedi- cert for U.S. troops. Mr. Vento not only of Williamson in Mingo County for cated first responders, there could eas- deserves recognition for his bravery in nearly 21 years, as the prosperous busi- ily have been loss of life, and property serving our country but also for his de- ness owner of Kapourales Properties, as damage would have been far greater. termination in providing entertain- a successful pharmacist or as an in- By the end of the event, 35 depart- ment for those courageously fighting valuable member of countless boards ments and agencies from across the re- for our freedom alongside him. His ac- and organizations that focused on help- gion had responded to the call for help. tions prove his selflessness and com- ing others and impacting our local Over 500 police officers, firefighters, passion for others. communities—Sam has never lost emergency medical technicians, and There is no way to adequately thank touch with his faith, his family and other emergency personnel were on the the men and women who lay down those in need. scene, many of whom stayed until 7 their lives for our freedoms. I extend As a devout Mason, Sam has lead a a.m. the next morning. I would like to my deepest gratitude to Mr. Vento for life devoted to personal reflection, self- take this opportunity to recognize and his courageous contributions to the improvement and social betterment. honor some of these brave individuals United States of America. His service He is a pure, true-blue West Virginian for their fearless service to our com- to his country and his bravery and who has shown time after time that he munity: dedication earn him a place among the loves his State and the people of West Chief of Police William Skidmore, outstanding men and women who have Virginia through his actions of service head of the 27-member Edgewater po- valiantly defended our Nation. As a and philanthropy. For instance, Sam lice force, who made sure his officers member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs served as president of the Childhood secured the fire perimeter and con- Committee, I recognize that Congress Language Center in Charleston, where trolled crowds, ensuring that both has a responsibility not only to honor children with speech impediments emergency personnel and residents re- these brave individuals who serve our could receive necessary treatments and mained at a safe distance. services. Emergency Management Coordinator Nation but also to ensure they are cared for when they return home. I re- He also helped recruit much-needed Robert Christiansen, who worked close- medical services and physicians to the ly with Chief Skidmore to lead coordi- main committed to upholding this promise for our veterans and service- Tug Valley region as a sponsor of the nation efforts among the many county, Tug Valley Area Ambulance Service. State, and Federal emergency services members in Nevada and throughout the Nation. And as proud Shriner and member of that responded to the fire. the Beni Kedem Temple in Charleston, Fire Chief Tom Jacobson, who man- Mr. Vento’s service to others did not even serving a term as Potentate—a aged the overall firefighting response end on the battlefield. He spent the true honor indeed—Sam helped raise and coordinated 250 firefighters, 2 fire- next 70 years bringing incredible music funds to transport disabled, burnt or boats from the Fire Department of the to the city of Las Vegas. In the 1950s, City of New York, 2 Jersey City marine he began performing with the Three sick children to regional medical facili- units, and 1 New Jersey State Police Sons and remained with the group for ties. Sam and Dee even started a schol- boat in fighting the blaze. 27 years. He made numerous appear- arship to provide additional edu- First Aid Squad Captain Kathy ances on prestigious shows, appeared in cational opportunities for graduating Frato, who led her team of EMTs in as- command performances at the White seniors at Mingo Central High School. sisting residents and those firefighters House and Imperial Palaces in Tokyo Yet Sam’s tireless community efforts who continued to battle the fire into and Beijing, and conducted perform- do not even begin to stop there. the morning hours. ances with Victor Borge, Nelson Eddy, Throughout the years, Sam served as a The firefighters of the Edgewater and the Veteran Tonight Show Big member on the West Virginia Board of Volunteer Fire Department, who Band. He also performed at the Paris Pharmacy, the West Virginia Health worked through the night to battle hotel in Las Vegas. Most recently, Mr. Care Authority Board, and the West this massive blaze. Vento has lent his musical talent to Virginia Housing Development Author- All of the first responders of the the Royal Resort just off the strip. Mr. ity Board. He was Director of the First Edgewater Fire Department, Police De- Vento’s unwavering commitment to National Bank of Williamson, the First partment, and First Aid Squad, in addi- the Las Vegas community will never be Bank of Charleston, the Summit State tion to the first responders from the 35 forgotten. His music will be legend for Bank, and the Energy Services of assisting municipalities, who helped to years to come. America Corporation. He also chaired protect life and property. Their cour- Today, I ask my colleagues and all the advisory board of Southern West age and commitment to their commu- Nevadans to join me in congratulating Virginia Community College of Nurs- nity is an example to all, and I could Mr. Vento on his award and in recog- ing. not be more grateful for their service.∑ nizing his years of service to both the Because of his passion, discipline, f United States of America and the Las and staunch work ethic, it is no sur- Vegas community. I wish him the best prise that Sam has been recognized for CONGRATULATING JOE VENTO of luck in all of his musical years to his community efforts multiple times ∑ Mr. HELLER. Mr. President, today, I come.∑ throughout the years. Yet to Sam, he wish to congratulate Grammy Award- f says that the greatest of honors be- winning musician Joe Vento on receiv- stowed upon him is being a recipient of ing the Century Award, an accolade TRIBUTE TO SAM KAPOURALES the 33rd Degree of the Scottish Rite, well deserved in recognition of his ∑ Mr. MANCHIN. Mr. President, I wish which is only granted for exceptional many sacrifices. Mr. Vento has served to recognize a dear friend, a dedicated service to Freemasonry. His entire life, both this great Nation and the city of public servant and a passionate West I never knew Sam to turn down partici- Las Vegas throughout his life and is a Virginia leader, Sam Kapourales, who pating in worthwhile cause or helping a true inspiration for all Nevadans. is celebrating his 80th birthday on neighbor in need. And I truly think

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.060 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2215 that dedication stems from that of provided for points and fees in connection keting Year’’ (Docket No. AMS–FV–13–0087; Sam’s mission as a heartfelt Mason. with a mortgage transaction. FV14–985–1C IR) received during adjournment Sam’s unwavering dedication to f of the Senate in the Office of the President Mingo County and the Mountain State, of the Senate on April 8, 2015; to the Com- MEASURES REFERRED mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- accompanied by his innovative vision, estry. inspirational spirit, and savvy apti- The following bills were read the first EC–1158. A communication from the Asso- tude, have helped countless West Vir- and the second times by unanimous ciate Administrator of the Fruit and Vege- ginians throughout the years. His loy- consent, and referred as indicated: table Programs, Agricultural Marketing alty, trustworthiness, and dedication H.R. 650. An act to amend the Truth in Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- know no bounds. So today, I join his Lending Act to modify the definitions of a mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule wife Dee his two wonderful daughters, mortgage originator and a high-cost mort- entitled ‘‘Marketing Order Regulating the Stephie-Anna and Susanna, and all gage; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- Handling of Spearmint Oil Produced in the ing, and Urban Affairs. Far West; Revision of the Salable Quantity West Virginians in wishing Sam H.R. 685. An act to amend the Truth in and Allotment Percentage for Class 1 Kapourales a very happy birthday. I Lending Act to improve upon the definitions (Scotch) Spearmint Oil for the 2014–2015 Mar- look forward to celebrating many more provided for points and fees in connection keting Year’’ (Docket No. AMS–FV–13–0087; birthdays with my dear friend for years with a mortgage transaction; to the Com- FV14–985–1A FIR) received during adjourn- to come.∑ mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- dent of the Senate on April 8, 2015; to the f fairs. Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and f MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Forestry. EC–1159. A communication from the Asso- Messages from the President of the EXECUTIVE AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS ciate Administrator of the Fruit and Vege- United States were communicated to table Programs, Agricultural Marketing the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- The following communications were Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- retaries. laid before the Senate, together with mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule f accompanying papers, reports, and doc- entitled ‘‘Fruit, Vegetable, and Specialty uments, and were referred as indicated: Crops—Import Regulations; Changes to Re- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED EC–1152. A communication from the Direc- porting Requirements to Add Electronic As in executive session the Presiding tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Form Filing Options’’ (Docket No. AMS–FV– Officer laid before the Senate messages Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- 13–0093; FV15–944/980/999–1 IR) received during from the President of the United ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of titled ‘‘Difenoconazole; Pesticide Toler- the President of the Senate on April 8, 2015; States submitting sundry nominations to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, which were referred to the appropriate ances’’ (FRL No. 9923–82) received in the Of- fice of the President of the Senate on March and Forestry. committees. EC–1160. A communication from the Sec- 27, 2015; to the Committee on Agriculture, (The messages received today are retary of the Commodity Futures Trading Nutrition, and Forestry. Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, printed at the end of the Senate pro- EC–1153. A communication from the Direc- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Residual Inter- ceedings.) tor of the Regulatory Management Division, est Deadline for Futures Commission Mer- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- f chants’’ (RIN3038–AE22) received during ad- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- journment of the Senate in the Office of the MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE titled ‘‘Thiram; Pesticide Tolerance’’ (FRL President of the Senate on April 1, 2015; to No. 9924–86) received in the Office of the At 10:54 a.m., a message from the the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, President of the Senate on March 24, 2015; to House of Representatives, delivered by and Forestry. Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, EC–1161. A communication from the Assist- announced that the House agrees to and Forestry. ant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, De- EC–1154. A communication from the Direc- partment of Homeland Security, transmit- the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 11) setting forth the congressional ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘An- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- nual Report on the Impact of the Homeland budget for the United States Govern- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ment for fiscal year 2016 and setting Security Act on Immigration Functions titled ‘‘Deltamethrin; Pesticide Tolerances’’ Transferred to the Department of Homeland forth the appropriate budgetary levels (FRL No. 9924–60) received in the Office of Security’’; to the Committees on the Judici- for fiscal years 2017 through 2025, with the President of the Senate on March 24, ary; and Homeland Security and Govern- an amendment. 2015; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- mental Affairs. The message also announced that the trition, and Forestry. EC–1162. A communication from the Assist- House insists upon its amendment to EC–1155. A communication from the Direc- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- 11) setting forth the congressional law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 15–010); to budget for the United States Govern- titled ‘‘2-Propanoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2- the Committee on Foreign Relations. ment for fiscal year 2016 and setting methylpropyl ester; Tolerance Exemption’’ EC–1163. A communication from the Assist- forth the appropriate budgetary levels (FRL No. 9924–33) received in the Office of ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- for fiscal years 2017 through 2025, and the President of the Senate on March 24, ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to asks a conference with the Senate on 2015; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the the disagreeing votes of the two Houses trition, and Forestry. Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 14–147); to EC–1156. A communication from the Direc- thereon; and appoints Mr. TOM PRICE of the Committee on Foreign Relations. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–1164. A communication from the Assist- Georgia, Mr. ROKITA, Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Mrs. BLACK, Mr. MOOLENAAR, Mr. VAN ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to HOLLEN, Mr. YARMUTH, and Ms. MOORE titled ‘‘Extension of Tolerances for Emer- law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the as managers of the conference on the gency Exemptions (Multiple Chemicals)’’ Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 14–140); to part of the House. (FRL No. 9924–40) received during adjourn- the Committee on Foreign Relations. ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- EC–1165. A communication from the Assist- At 12:43 p.m., a message from the dent of the Senate on April 1, 2015; to the ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- House of Representatives delivered by Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Forestry. law, a report relative to section 36(c) of the EC–1157. A communication from the Asso- announced that the House has passed Arms Export Control Act (DDTC 14–121); to ciate Administrator of the Fruit and Vege- the Committee on Foreign Relations. the following bills, in which it requests table Programs, Agricultural Marketing EC–1166. A communication from the Assist- the concurrence of the Senate: Service, Department of Agriculture, trans- ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- H.R. 650. An act to amend the Truth in mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the Lending Act to modify the definitions of a entitled ‘‘Marketing Order Regulating the Case-Zablocki Act, 1 U.S.C. 112b, as amended, mortgage originator and a high-cost mort- Handling of Spearmint Oil Produced in the the report of the texts and background state- gage. Far West; Revision of the Salable Quantity ments of international agreements, other H.R. 685. An act to amend the Truth in and Allotment Percentage for Class 3 (Na- than treaties (List 2015–0029—2015–0031); to Lending Act to improve upon the definitions tive) Spearmint Oil for the 2014–2015 Mar- the Committee on Foreign Relations.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.056 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 EC–1167. A communication from the Assist- ate in the Office of the President of the Sen- XD813) received in the Office of the President ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative ate on April 8, 2015; to the Committee on of the Senate on March 25, 2015; to the Com- Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Re- EC–1178. A communication from the Chair- tation. port of the Attorney General to the Congress man, Federal Financial Institutions Exam- EC–1189. A communication from the Dep- of the United States on the Administration ination Council, transmitting, pursuant to uty Assistant Administrator, Office of Sus- of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of law, the Council’s 2014 Annual Report to tainable Fisheries, Department of Com- 1938, as amended, for the six months ending Congress; to the Committee on Banking, merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- June 30, 2014’’; to the Committee on Foreign Housing, and Urban Affairs. port of a rule entitled ‘‘Fisheries of the Ex- Relations. EC–1179. A communication from the Presi- clusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Bering EC–1168. A joint communication from the dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- Sea and Aleutian Islands; 2015 and 2016 Har- Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of suant to law, a notice of the continuation of vest Specifications for Groundfish’’ the Joint Chiefs of Staff, transmitting a re- the national emergency with respect to (RIN0648–XD587) received in the Office of the quest relative to issuing a travel restriction South Sudan that was declared in Executive President of the Senate on March 25, 2015; to on senior officials’ travel to Afghanistan for Order 13664 of April 3, 2014; to the Committee the Committee on Commerce, Science, and the period of June 1, 2015 through September on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Transportation. 30, 2015; to the Committee on Armed Serv- EC–1180. A communication from the Sec- EC–1190. A communication from the Dep- ices. retary, Division of Corporate Finance, Secu- uty Assistant Administrator, Office of Sus- EC–1169. A communication from the Assist- rities and Exchange Commission, transmit- tainable Fisheries, Department of Com- ant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Af- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- merce, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- fairs), transmitting, a report of proposed leg- titled ‘‘Amendments to Regulation A’’ port of a rule entitled ‘‘Fisheries of the Ex- islation entitled ‘‘National Defense Author- (RIN3235–AL39) received during adjournment clusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of ization Act for Fiscal Year 2016’’; to the of the Senate in the Office of the President Alaska; Final 2015 and 2016 Harvest Speci- Committee on Armed Services. of the Senate on March 31, 2015; to the Com- fications for Groundfish; Final Rule’’ EC–1170. A communication from the Under mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- (RIN0648–XD516) received in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- fairs. President of the Senate on March 25, 2015; to ness), transmitting a report on the approved EC–1181. A communication from the Sec- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and retirement of Lieutenant General Salvatore retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- Transportation. A. Angelella, United States Air Force, and ant to law, a six-month periodic report on EC–1191. A communication from the Dep- his advancement to the grade of lieutenant the national emergency declared in Execu- uty Director, Office of National Marine general on the retired list; to the Committee tive Order 13224 of September 23, 2001, with Sanctuaries, Department of Commerce, on Armed Services. respect to persons who commit, threaten to transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–1171. A communication from the Under commit, or support terrorism; to the Com- a rule entitled ‘‘Olympia Coast National Ma- Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- rine Sanctuary Regulations; Correction’’ ness), transmitting a report on the approved fairs. (RIN0648–BE48) received in the Office of the retirement of Lieutenant General Thomas W. EC–1182. A communication from the Execu- President of the Senate on March 25, 2015; to Travis, United States Air Force, and his ad- tive Director of the Office of Minority and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and vancement to the grade of lieutenant general Women Inclusion, Office of the Comptroller Transportation. EC–1192. A communication from the Dep- on the retired list; to the Committee on of the Currency, Department of the Treas- uty Director, Office of National Marine Armed Services. ury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Of- Sanctuaries, Department of Commerce, EC–1172. A communication from the Assist- fice’s fiscal year 2014 Annual Report to Con- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ant Director, Senior Executive Management gress; to the Committee on Banking, Hous- a rule entitled ‘‘Expansion of Gulf of the Office, Department of Defense, transmitting, ing, and Urban Affairs. Farallones and Cordell Bank National Ma- pursuant to law, a report relative to a va- EC–1183. A communication from the Execu- rine Sanctuaries, and Regulatory Changes; cancy in the position of Principal Deputy tive Vice President and Chief Financial Offi- Final Rule’’ (RIN0648–BD18) received in the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), cer, Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago, Office of the President of the Senate on Department of Defense, received during ad- transmitting, pursuant to law, the Bank’s March 25, 2015; to the Committee on Com- 2014 management reports; to the Committee journment of the Senate in the Office of the merce, Science, and Transportation. President of the Senate on April 1, 2015; to on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. EC–1193. A communication from the Dep- EC–1184. A communication from the Sec- the Committee on Armed Services. uty Director, Office of National Marine EC–1173. A communication from the Sec- retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant Sanctuaries, Department of Commerce, retary of the Navy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to the export to the transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of to law, a report relative to the Program Ac- People’s Republic of China of items not det- a rule entitled ‘‘Gulf of the Farallones and quisition Unit Cost (PAUC) and Average Pro- rimental to the U.S. space launch industry; Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuaries curement Unit Cost (APUC) for the Unitary to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Regulations on Introduced Species’’ and Baseline/BLU–108 variants of the Joint Urban Affairs. (RIN0648–BC26) received in the Office of the Standoff Weapon (JSOW) Program; to the EC–1185. A communication from the Assist- President of the Senate on March 25, 2015; to Committee on Armed Services. ant Secretary for Export Administration, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and EC–1174. A communication from the Under Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- Transportation. Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Tech- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant EC–1194. A communication from the Asso- nology, and Logistics), transmitting, pursu- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revi- ciate Bureau Chief, Wireline Competition ant to law, a report entitled ‘‘2015 Annual sions to Support Documents Requirements Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- Report to Congress on the Department of De- for License Applications Under the Export sion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- fense Chemical and Biological Defense Pro- Administration Regulations’’ (RIN0694–AG00) port of a rule entitled ‘‘Connect America gram’’; to the Committee on Armed Services. received in the Office of the President of the Fund; Developing a Unified Intercarrier EC–1175. A communication from the Assist- Senate on March 24, 2015; to the Committee Compensation Regime’’ ((RIN3060–AG49) (DA ant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Af- on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. 15–249)) received during adjournment of the fairs), transmitting, a report of proposed leg- EC–1186. A communication from the Sec- Senate in the Office of the President of the islation entitled ‘‘National Defense Author- retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- Senate on March 31, 2015; to the Committee ization Act for Fiscal Year 2016’’; to the suant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Beyond Traf- on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Committee on Armed Services. fic 2045: Trends and Choices’’; to the Com- EC–1195. A communication from the Direc- EC–1176. A communication from the Presi- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- tation. ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant suant to law, a notice of the continuation of EC–1187. A communication from the Sec- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- the national emergency with respect to So- retary of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant eries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off malia that was declared in Executive Order to law, two (2) reports relative to vacancies Alaska; Pacific Cod by Vessels Using Jig 13536 of April 12, 2010; to the Committee on in the Department of Commerce, received Gear in the Central Regulatory Area of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Gulf of Alaska’’ (RIN0648–XD800) received in EC–1177. A communication from the Asso- fice of the President of the Senate on April the Office of the President of the Senate on ciate General Counsel for Legislation and 8, 2015; to the Committee on Commerce, March 24, 2015; to the Committee on Com- Regulations, Office of Housing-Federal Hous- Science, and Transportation. merce, Science, and Transportation. ing Commissioner, Department of Housing EC–1188. A communication from the Direc- EC–1196. A communication from the Chair- and Urban Development, transmitting, pur- tor, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Depart- man, Federal Maritime Commission, trans- suant to law, the report of a rule entitled ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant mitting, pursuant to law, the 53rd Annual ‘‘Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Re- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Fish- Report of the activities of the Federal Mari- moval of Section 235 Home Ownership Pro- eries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off time Commission for fiscal year 2014; to the gram Regulations’’ (Docket No. FR–5829–F– Alaska; Reallocation of Pollock in the Ber- Committee on Commerce, Science, and 01) received during adjournment of the Sen- ing Sea and Aleutian Islands’’ (RIN0648– Transportation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.032 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2217 EC–1197. A communication from the Dep- the Office of the President of the Senate on the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- uty Chief Management Officer, Pension Ben- April 2, 2015; to the Committee on Energy sources. efit Guaranty Corporation, transmitting, and Natural Resources. EC–1215. A communication from the Chief pursuant to law, a report relative to a va- EC–1206. A communication from the Chief Human Capital Officer, Department of En- cancy in the position of Director, Pension Human Capital Officer, Department of En- ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Benefit Guaranty Corporation, received dur- ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a vacancy in the position of Gen- ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office relative to a vacancy in the position of Di- eral Counsel, Department of Energy, re- of the President of the Senate on April 8, rector, Advanced Research Projects Agency ceived during adjournment of the Senate in 2015; to the Committee on Health, Education, Energy, Department of Energy, received dur- the Office of the President of the Senate on Labor, and Pensions. ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office April 2, 2015; to the Committee on Energy EC–1198. A communication from the Direc- of the President of the Senate on April 2, and Natural Resources. tor of Regulations Policy and Management 2015; to the Committee on Energy and Nat- EC–1216. A communication from the Chief Staff, Food and Drug Administration, De- ural Resources. Human Capital Officer, Department of En- partment of Health and Human Services, EC–1207. A communication from the Chief ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Human Capital Officer, Department of En- relative to a vacancy in the position of As- a rule entitled ‘‘Food and Drug Administra- ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report sistant Secretary of Energy (Environmental tion Regulations; Change of Addresses; Tech- relative to a vacancy in the position of Management), Department of Energy, re- nical Amendment’’ (Docket No. FDA–2015–N– Under Secretary for Science, Department of ceived during adjournment of the Senate in 0011) received during adjournment of the Energy, received during adjournment of the the Office of the President of the Senate on Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate in the Office of the President of the April 2, 2015; to the Committee on Energy Senate on April 8, 2015; to the Committee on Senate on April 2, 2015; to the Committee on and Natural Resources. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Energy and Natural Resources. EC–1217. A communication from the Gen- EC–1199. A communication from the Sec- EC–1208. A communication from the Chief eral Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory retary of Health and Human Services, trans- Human Capital Officer, Department of En- Commission, transmitting, pursuant to law, mitting, pursuant to law, a financial report ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Demand and relative to the Generic Drug User Fee relative to a vacancy in the position of Energy Data Reliability Standard’’ (RIN1902– Amendments of 2012 for fiscal year 2014; to Under Secretary of Energy, Department of 0261) received during adjournment of the the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, Energy, received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the and Pensions. Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 9, 2015; to the Committee on EC–1200. A communication from the Direc- Senate on April 2, 2015; to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. EC–1218. A communication from the Dep- tor of Regulations Policy and Management Energy and Natural Resources. Staff, Food and Drug Administration, De- EC–1209. A communication from the Chief uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine Fisheries Serv- partment of Health and Human Services, Human Capital Officer, Department of En- ice, Department of Commerce, transmitting, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled a rule entitled ‘‘Advisory Committee; Anti- relative to a vacancy in the position of Dep- ‘‘2015 Annual Determination to Implement Infective Drugs Advisory Committee’’ (Dock- uty Secretary, Department of Energy, re- the Sea Turtle Observer Requirement’’ et No. FDA–2009–N–0443) received during ad- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in (RIN0648–BE35) received during adjournment journment of the Senate in the Office of the the Office of the President of the Senate on of the Senate in the Office of the President President of the Senate on April 8, 2015; to April 2, 2015; to the Committee on Energy of the Senate on April 8, 2015; to the Com- the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Natural Resources. EC–1210. A communication from the Chief mittee on Environment and Public Works. and Pensions. EC–1219. A communication from the Chief EC–1201. A communication from the Dep- Human Capital Officer, Department of En- of the Listing Branch, Fish and Wildlife ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report uty Director, Administration for Children Service, Department of the Interior, trans- relative to a vacancy in the position of Di- and Families, Department of Health and mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule rector of the Office of Science, Department Human Services, transmitting, pursuant to entitled ‘‘Endangered and Threatened Wild- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Technical of Energy, received during adjournment of life and Plants; Threatened Species Status Regulation: Removal of Child Abuse and Ne- the Senate in the Office of the President of for the Northern Long-eared Bat with 4(d) glect Prevention and Treatment Act Imple- the Senate on April 2, 2015; to the Committee Rule’’ (RIN1018–BY98) received during ad- menting Regulations’’ (45 CFR Part 1340) re- on Energy and Natural Resources. journment of the Senate in the Office of the EC–1211. A communication from the Chief ceived during adjournment of the Senate in President of the Senate on April 8, 2015; to Human Capital Officer, Department of En- the Office of the President of the Senate on the Committee on Environment and Public ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report March 31, 2015; to the Committee on Health, Works. Education, Labor, and Pensions. relative to a vacancy in the position of As- EC–1220. A communication from the Direc- EC–1202. A communication from the Assist- sistant Secretary for Policy and Inter- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ant Secretary for Legislation, Department of national Affairs, Department of Energy, re- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Health and Human Services, transmitting, ceived during adjournment of the Senate in ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Fiscal the Office of the President of the Senate on titled ‘‘National Oil and Hazardous Sub- Year (FY) 2014 Performance Report to Con- April 2, 2015; to the Committee on Energy stances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP); gress for the Medical Device User Fee and Natural Resources. Amending the NCP for Public Notices for Amendments of 2012’’; to the Committee on EC–1212. A communication from the Chief Specified Superfund Activities’’ ((RIN2050– Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Human Capital Officer, Department of En- AG76) (FRL No. 9924–66–OSWER)) received in EC–1203. A communication from the Divi- ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report the Office of the President of the Senate on sion Chief of Regulatory Affairs, Bureau of relative to a vacancy in the position of Prin- March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Environ- Land Management, Department of the Inte- cipal Deputy Administrator, National Nu- ment and Public Works. rior, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- clear Security Administration, Department EC–1221. A communication from the Direc- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Oil and Gas; Hydrau- of Energy, received during adjournment of tor of the Regulatory Management Division, lic Fracturing on Federal and Indian Lands’’ the Senate in the Office of the President of Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- (RIN1004–AE26) received in the Office of the the Senate on April 2, 2015; to the Committee ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- President of the Senate on March 26, 2015; to on Energy and Natural Resources. titled ‘‘Determination of Attainment of the the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- EC–1213. A communication from the Chief 1-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality sources. Human Capital Officer, Department of En- Standard in the Southeast Desert Nonattain- EC–1204. A communication from the Assist- ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ment Area in California’’ (FRL No. 9925–32– ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- relative to a vacancy in the position of Region 9) received in the Office of the Presi- tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of Under Secretary for Nuclear Security, Na- dent of the Senate on March 27, 2015; to the Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tional Nuclear Security Administration, De- Committee on Environment and Public report of a rule entitled ‘‘Acquisition Regu- partment of Energy, received during ad- Works. lation: Technical and Administrative journment of the Senate in the Office of the EC–1222. A communication from the Direc- Changes to Department of Energy Acquisi- President of the Senate on April 2, 2015; to tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tion Regulation’’ (RIN1991–AC07) received in the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- the Office of the President of the Senate on sources . ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- March 25, 2015; to the Committee on Energy EC–1214. A communication from the Chief titled ‘‘Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Addi- and Natural Resources. Human Capital Officer, Department of En- tives: Cellulosic Waiver Credit Price and EC–1205. A communication from the Chief ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Minor Amendments to Renewable Fuel Human Capital Officer, Department of En- relative to a vacancy in the position of As- Standard Regulations’’ ((RIN2060–AS48) ergy, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report sistant Secretary of Energy (Fossil Energy), (FRL No. 9924–71–OAR)) received in the Of- relative to a vacancy in the position of Chief Department of Energy, received during ad- fice of the President of the Senate on March Financial Officer, Department of Energy, re- journment of the Senate in the Office of the 27, 2015; to the Committee on Environment ceived during adjournment of the Senate in President of the Senate on April 2, 2015; to and Public Works.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.033 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 EC–1223. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Quality Implementation Plans; State of titled ‘‘National Priorities List’’ (FRL No. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Montana Second 10-Year Carbon Monoxide 9924–32–OSWER) received in the Office of the ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Maintenance Plan for Great Falls’’ (FRL No. President of the Senate on March 24, 2015; to titled ‘‘Approval of Tribal Implementation 9925–50–Region 8) received in the Office of the the Committee on Environment and Public Plan and Designation of Air Quality Plan- President of the Senate on March 27, 2015; to Works. ning Area; Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mis- the Committee on Environment and Public EC–1239. A communication from the Direc- sion Indians’’ (FRL No. 9924–45–Region 9) re- Works. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ceived in the Office of the President of the EC–1231. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Senate on March 27, 2015; to the Committee tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- on Environment and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- titled ‘‘Approval, Disapproval, and Limited EC–1224. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Approval and Disapproval of Air Quality Im- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air plementation Plans; California; Monterey Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Quality Implementation Plans; State of Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District; ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Montana Second 10-Year Carbon Monoxide Stationary Source Permits’’ (FRL No. 9924– titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- Maintenance Plan for Billings’’ (FRL No. 49–Region 9) received in the Office of the mentation Plans; Texas; Public Participa- 9925–51–Region 8) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 24, 2015; to tion for Air Quality Permit Applications’’ President of the Senate on March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Environment and Public (FRL No. 9925–19–Region 6) received in the the Committee on Environment and Public Works. Office of the President of the Senate on Works. EC–1240. A communication from the Direc- March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Environ- EC–1232. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment and Public Works. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–1225. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air mentation Plans; Texas; Reasonably Avail- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Quality Implementation Plans; Pennsyl- able Control Technology for the 1997 8-Hour titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- vania; Revision to Allegheny County Rules; Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Stand- mentation Plans; State of Missouri, Control Preconstruction Permit Requirements—Non- ard’’ (FRL No. 9925–13–Region 6) received in of Sulfur Emissions from Stationary Boil- attainment New Source Review’’ (FRL No. the Office of the President of the Senate on ers’’ (FRL No. 9925–24–Region 7) received in 9922–77–Region 3) received in the Office of the March 24, 2015; to the Committee on Environ- the Office of the President of the Senate on President of the Senate on March 27, 2015; to ment and Public Works. EC–1241. A communication from the Direc- March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Environ- the Committee on Environment and Public tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment and Public Works. Works. EC–1226. A communication from the Direc- EC–1233. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- mentation Plans; Pennsylvania; Plan Ap- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- proval and Operating Permit Fees’’ (FRL No. titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air 9925–17–Region 3) received in the Office of the mentation Plans; State of Iowa; 2014 Iowa Quality Implementation Plans; Idaho; Up- President of the Senate on March 24, 2015; to State Implementation Plan; Permit Modi- date to Materials Incorporated by Ref- the Committee on Environment and Public fications; Muscatine, Iowa’’ (FRL No. 9925– erence’’ (FRL No. 9925–65–Region 10) received Works. 60–Region 7) received in the Office of the in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–1242. A communication from the Direc- President of the Senate on March 27, 2015; to on March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Envi- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, the Committee on Environment and Public ronment and Public Works. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–1234. A communication from the Direc- Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–1227. A communication from the Direc- tor of Congressional Affairs, Nuclear Regu- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, latory Commission, transmitting, pursuant Quality Implementation Plans; New Mexico; Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Applica- Albuquerque/Bernalillo County; Revisions to ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tions of Bioassay for Radioiodine’’ (Regu- Emission Inventory Requirements, and Gen- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- latory Guide 8.20, Revision 2) received in the eral Provisions’’ (FRL No. 9925–11–Region 6) mentation Plans; Alabama; Infrastructure Office of the President of the Senate on received in the Office of the President of the Requirements for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone Na- March 24, 2015; to the Committee on Environ- Senate on March 24, 2015; to the Committee tional Ambient Air Quality Standards’’ (FRL ment and Public Works. on Environment and Public Works. No. 9925–53–Region 4) received in the Office of EC–1235. A communication from the Direc- EC–1243. A communication from the Direc- the President of the Senate on March 27, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 2015; to the Committee on Environment and Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Public Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–1228. A communication from the Direc- titled ‘‘Withdrawal of Partial Exemption for titled ‘‘State of Washington Underground In- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Certain Chemical Substances’’ ((RIN2070– jection Control (UIC) Program Revision Ap- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- AK01) (FRL No. 9924–84)) received in the Of- proval’’ (FRL No. 9924–94–OW) received dur- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- fice of the President of the Senate on March ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Fed- 24, 2015; to the Committee on Environment of the President of the Senate on April 1, eral Implementation Plan for Oil and Nat- and Public Works. 2015; to the Committee on Environment and ural Gas Well Production Facilities; Fort EC–1236. A communication from the Direc- Public Works. Bethold Indian Reservation (Mandan, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–1244. A communication from the Direc- Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation), North Dakota; Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Correction’’ (FRL No. 9923–70–Region 8) re- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ceived in the Office of the President of the titled ‘‘TENNESSEE: Final Authorization of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Senate on March 27, 2015; to the Committee State Hazardous Waste Management Pro- titled ‘‘State of Tennessee Underground In- on Environment and Public Works. gram Revisions’’ (FRL No. 9924–83–Region 4) jection Control (UIC) Program; Primacy Ap- EC–1229. A communication from the Direc- received in the Office of the President of the proval’’ (FRL No. 9924–92–OW) received dur- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Senate on March 24, 2015; to the Committee ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- on Environment and Public Works. of the President of the Senate on April 1, ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–1237. A communication from the Direc- 2015; to the Committee on Environment and titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Public Works. Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–1245. A communication from the Direc- State Boards Requirements; Infrastructure ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Requirements for the 2008 Lead and Ozone titled ‘‘Revisions to the California State Im- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- and 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide plementation Plan, Placer County Air Pollu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- National Ambient Air Quality Standards’’ tion Control District and the Ventura Coun- titled ‘‘Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: (FRL No. 9925–46–Region 3) received in the ty Air Pollution Control District’’ (FRL No. Listing of Substitutes for Refrigeration and Office of the President of the Senate on 9924–73–Region 9) received in the Office of the Air Conditioning and Revision of the Vent- March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Environ- President of the Senate on March 24, 2015; to ing Prohibition for Certain Refrigerant Sub- ment and Public Works. the Committee on Environment and Public stitutes’’ ((RIN2060–AS04) (FRL No. 9922–26– EC–1230. A communication from the Direc- Works. OAR)) received during adjournment of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, EC–1238. A communication from the Direc- Senate in the Office of the President of the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Senate on April 1, 2015; to the Committee on ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environment and Public Works.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.034 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2219 EC–1246. A communication from the Direc- EC–1257. A communication from the Direc- Proc. 2014–59’’ (Rev. Proc. 2015–24) received tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor, Administrative Office of the United during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- States Courts, transmitting, pursuant to fice of the President of the Senate on April ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- law, an annual report on crime victims’ 10, 2015; to the Committee on Finance. titled ‘‘National Oil and Hazardous Sub- rights; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EC–1267. A communication from the Chief stances Pollution Contingency Plan National EC–1258. A communication from the Chief of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Priorities List’’ (FRL No. 9925–52–Region 8) of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the received during adjournment of the Senate Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the in the Office of the President of the Senate Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Section 911(d)(4)— on April 1, 2015; to the Committee on Envi- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Allocation of Con- 2014 Update’’ (Rev. Proc. 2015–25) received in ronment and Public Works. trolled Group Research Credit’’ ((RIN1545– the Office of the President of the Senate on EC–1247. A communication from the Direc- BL77) (TD 9717)) received during adjourn- March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Finance. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- EC–1268. A communication from the Direc- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- dent of the Senate on April 10, 2015; to the tor, Office of Economic Impact and Diver- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Committee on Finance. sity, Department of Energy, transmitting, titled ‘‘Designation of Areas for Air Quality EC–1259. A communication from the Chief pursuant to law, the Department’s fiscal Planning Purposes; California; San Joaquin of the Publications and Regulations Branch, year 2014 report relative to the Notification Valley; Reclassification as Serious Non- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination attainment for the 1997 PM2.5 Standards’’ Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act); (FRL No. 9925–30–Region 9) received during report of a rule entitled ‘‘Employee Plans to the Committee on Homeland Security and adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Compliance Resolution System Update Re- Governmental Affairs. the President of the Senate on April 1, 2015; lating to Plans with Automatic Contribution EC–1269. A communication from the Sec- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Features’’ (Rev. Proc. 2015–28) received dur- retary of the Federal Trade Commission, lic Works. ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office transmitting, pursuant to law, the Commis- EC–1248. A communication from the Direc- of the President of the Senate on April 10, sion’s fiscal year 2014 annual report relative tor of the Regulatory Management Division, 2015; to the Committee on Finance. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- to the Notification and Federal Employee EC–1260. A communication from the Chief Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- 2002; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the rity and Governmental Affairs. mentation Plans; Idaho’’ (FRL No. 9925–77– Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Region 10) received during adjournment of EC–1270. A communication from the Dis- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Update of Weighted trict of Columbia Auditor, transmitting, pur- the Senate in the Office of the President of Average Interest Rates, Yield Curves, and the Senate on April 1, 2015; to the Committee suant to law, a report entitled ‘‘District of Segment Rates’’ (Notice 2015–24) received in Columbia Agencies’ Compliance with Fiscal on Environment and Public Works. the Office of the President of the Senate on EC–1249. A communication from the Assist- Year 2014 Small Business Enterprise Expend- March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Finance. iture Goals’’; to the Committee on Homeland ant Attorney General, Office of Legislative EC–1261. A communication from the Chief Security and Governmental Affairs. Affairs, Department of Justice, transmit- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, EC–1271. A communication from the Senior ting, pursuant to law, the Department of Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Procurement Executive, Office of Acquisi- Justice’s 2014 Freedom of Information Act Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the tion Policy, General Services Administra- (FOIA) Litigation and Compliance Report; to report of a rule entitled ‘‘Treasury Decision tion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- the Committee on the Judiciary. (TD): Amendments to Excepted Benefits’’ EC–1250. A communication from the Assist- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal Acquisition ((RIN1545–BM44) (TD 9714)) received in the ant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs, Regulation; Federal Acquisition Circular Office of the President of the Senate on Department of Homeland Security, transmit- 2005–81; Introduction’’ (FAC 2005–81) received March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Finance. ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Re- EC–1262. A communication from the Chief during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- port on Adjustments of Status Granted of the Publications and Regulations Branch, fice of the President of the Senate on April Under Section 13 of the Act of September 11, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the 8, 2015; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- 1957’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the rity and Governmental Affairs. EC–1251. A communication from the Assist- EC–1272. A communication from the Chief ant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Applicable Federal Rates—April 2015’’ (Rev. Rul. 2015–7) received Judge, Superior Court of the District of Co- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- lumbia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Re- in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Fi- port relative to the District of Columbia port on Adjustments of Status Granted Family Court Act; to the Committee on Under Section 13 of the Act of September 11, nance. EC–1263. A communication from the Chief Homeland Security and Governmental Af- 1957’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. fairs. EC–1252. A communication from the Assist- of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the EC–1273. A communication from the Direc- ant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs, tor, Employee Services, Office of Personnel Department of Homeland Security, transmit- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Proce- Management, transmitting, pursuant to law, ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Prevailing Rate ‘‘Characteristics of H–1B Specialty Occupa- dure: United States and Area Median Gross Systems; Abolishment of the Portland, ME, tion Workers’’; to the Committee on the Ju- Income Figures’’ (Rev. Proc. 2015–23) received Appropriated Fund Federal Wage System diciary. in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–1253. A communication from the Assist- on March 27, 2015; to the Committee on Fi- Wage Area’’ (RIN3206–AN11) received during ant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs, nance. adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Department of Homeland Security, transmit- EC–1264. A communication from the Sec- the President of the Senate on March 31, ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Re- retary of Transportation, transmitting the 2015; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- port on Adjustments of Status Granted report of proposed legislation entitled ‘‘Gen- rity and Governmental Affairs. Under Section 13 of the Act of September 11, erating Renewal, Opportunity, and Work EC–1274. A communication from the Chair- 1957’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. with Accelerated Mobility, Efficiency, and man of the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- EC–1254. A communication from the Assist- Rebuilding of Infrastructure and Commu- mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs, nities throughout America Act’’ or the Commission’s fiscal year 2014 annual report Department of Homeland Security, transmit- ‘‘GROW AMERICA Act’’; to the Committee relative to the Notification and Federal Em- ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘De- on Finance. ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation tainees Not Seeking Asylum’’; to the Com- EC–1265. A communication from the Execu- Act of 2002; to the Committee on Homeland mittee on the Judiciary. tive Analyst (Political), Office of the Sec- Security and Governmental Affairs. EC–1255. A communication from the Assist- retary, Department of Health and Human EC–1275. A communication from the Direc- ant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs, Services, transmitting, pursuant to law, a tor, Office of Economic Impact and Diver- Department of Homeland Security, transmit- report relative to a vacancy in the position sity, Department of Energy, transmitting, ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Re- of Administrator, Centers for Medicare and pursuant to law, the Department’s fiscal port on Adjustments of Status Granted Medicaid Services, Department of Health year 2014 report relative to the Notification Under Section 13 of the Act of September 11, and Human Services, received during ad- and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination 1957’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. journment of the Senate in the Office of the and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act); EC–1256. A communication from the Assist- President of the Senate on March 31, 2015; to to the Committee on Homeland Security and ant Secretary, Office of Legislative Affairs, the Committee on Finance. Governmental Affairs. Department of Homeland Security, transmit- EC–1266. A communication from the Chief EC–1276. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘H– of the Publications and Regulations Branch, tor of the Peace Corps, transmitting, pursu- 2B Nonagricultural Temporary Worker Visa Internal Revenue Service, Department of the ant to law, the Peace Corps’ fiscal year 2014 and Status’’; to the Committee on the Judi- Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the annual report relative to the Notification ciary. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Corrections to Rev. and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.035 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 and Retaliation Act of 2002; to the Com- and second times by unanimous con- S. 952. A bill to provide for duty-free treat- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- sent, and referred as indicated: ment of certain recreational performance mental Affairs. outerwear, and for other purposes; to the By Mrs. SHAHEEN: EC–1277. A communication from the Direc- Committee on Finance. S. 940. A bill to require the Secretary of tor, Government Publishing Office, transmit- By Mr. HELLER (for himself and Mr. the Treasury to study the feasibility of pro- ting, pursuant to law, the Office’s Annual REID): viding certain taxpayers with an optional, Report for fiscal year 2014; to the Committee S. 953. A bill to facilitate certain pinyon- pre-prepared tax return, and for other pur- on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- juniper related projects in Lincoln County, poses; to the Committee on Finance. fairs. Nevada, to modify the boundaries of certain By Mr. PORTMAN: EC–1278. A communication from the Dis- wilderness areas in the State of Nevada, and S. 941. A bill to provide for the termination trict of Columbia Auditor, transmitting, pur- to provide for the implementation of a con- of employment of employees of the Internal suant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Oversight servation plan for the Virgin River, Nevada; Revenue Service who take certain official Improvements Must Continue to Ensure Ac- to the Committee on Energy and Natural Re- actions for political purposes; to the Com- countability in Use of Public Funds by D.C. sources. mittee on Finance. Public Charter Schools’’; to the Committee By Mr. MANCHIN (for himself, Mr. VIT- By Mr. PORTMAN: on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- TER, Mrs. CAPITO, and Mr. KAINE): S. 942. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- fairs. S. 954. A bill to establish procedures re- enue Code of 1986 to provide a deduction from EC–1279. A communication from the Sec- garding the approval of opioid drugs by the the gift tax for gifts made to certain exempt retary to the Board, Railroad Retirement Food and Drug Administration; to the Com- organizations; to the Committee on Finance. Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and By Mr. PORTMAN: Pensions. Railroad Retirement Board’s fiscal year 2014 S. 943. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- By Ms. HIRONO (for herself and Mr. annual report relative to the Notification enue Code of 1986 to clarify that a duty of the and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination SCHATZ): Commissioner of Internal Revenue is to en- S. 955. A bill for the relief of Vichai Sae and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act); sure that Internal Revenue Service employ- to the Committee on Homeland Security and Tung (also known as Chai Chaowasaree); to ees are familiar with and act in accord with the Committee on the Judiciary. Governmental Affairs. certain taxpayer rights; to the Committee on EC–1280. A communication from the Gen- By Ms. HEITKAMP: Finance. eral Counsel, Government Accountability Of- S. 956. A bill to clarify the collateral re- By Mrs. BOXER (for herself, Mr. SAND- fice, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Of- quirement for certain loans under section ERS, and Mr. MARKEY): fice’s fiscal year 2014 annual report relative 7(d) of the Small Business Act, to address as- S. 944. A bill to amend the Atomic Energy sistance to out-of-State small business con- to the Notification and Federal Employee Act of 1954 to prohibit certain waivers and Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of cerns, and for other purposes; to the Com- exemptions from emergency preparedness mittee on Small Business and Entrepreneur- 2002 (No FEAR Act); to the Committee on and response and security regulations; to the Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ship. Committee on Environment and Public By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Mr. fairs. Works. KING, and Ms. CANTWELL): EC–1281. A communication from the Sec- By Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mrs. retary of Transportation, transmitting, pur- S. 957. A bill to increase access to capital BOXER, and Mr. SANDERS): suant to law, the Department of Transpor- for veteran entrepreneurs to help create jobs; S. 945. A bill to amend the Nuclear Waste to the Committee on Small Business and En- tation’s fiscal year 2014 annual report rel- Policy Act of 1982 to provide for the expan- ative to the Notification and Federal Em- trepreneurship. sion of emergency planning zones and the de- By Mr. ENZI (for himself and Mr. ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation velopment of plans for dry cask storage of Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act); to the Committee CASEY): spent nuclear fuel, and for other purposes; to S. 958. A bill to amend the Small Business on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the Committee on Environment and Public fairs. Act to provide for team and joint venture of- Works. fers for certain contracts; to the Committee EC–1282. A communication from the Chair- By Mr. KIRK (for himself and Mr. man, Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Com- on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. MENENDEZ): mission, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- By Ms. CANTWELL (for herself and S. 946. A bill to amend title 49, United Ms. COLLINS): port relative to the memorial construction; States Code, to prohibit the transportation to the Committee on Rules and Administra- S. 959. A bill to establish a tax credit for of horses in interstate transportation in a on-site apprenticeship programs, and for tion. motor vehicle containing 2 or more levels EC–1283. A communication from the Under other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- stacked on top of one another; to the Com- nance. Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readi- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ness), transmitting a report relative to the By Ms. HIRONO: tation. S. 960. A bill to amend title II of the Social Federal Voting Assistance Program’s By Mr. INHOFE: (FVAP) Annual Report to Congress; to the Security Act and the Internal Revenue Code S. 947. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- of 1986 to make improvements in the old-age, Committee on Rules and Administration. enue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the EC–1284. A communication from the Chief survivors, and disability insurance program, depreciation rules for property used pre- and to provide for Social Security benefit of the Regulation Policy, Tracking, and Con- dominantly within an Indian reservation; to trol Office of the General Counsel, Veterans protection; to the Committee on Finance. the Committee on Finance. By Mr. CARPER (for himself and Mr. Health Administration, Department of Vet- By Mr. INHOFE: erans Affairs, transmitting, pursuant to law, BLUNT): S. 948. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- S. 961. A bill to protect information relat- the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Reimbursement enue Code of 1986 to eliminate the taxable in- ing to consumers, to require notice of secu- for Caskets and Urns for Burial of Unclaimed come limit on percentage depletion for oil rity breaches, and for other purposes; to the Remains in a National Cemetery’’ (RIN2900– and natural gas produced from marginal Committee on Commerce, Science, and AO99) received during adjournment of the properties; to the Committee on Finance. Transportation. Senate in the Office of the President of the By Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. By Mr. REED (for himself, Ms. AYOTTE, Senate on April 10, 2015; to the Committee on HELLER, and Mr. ROBERTS): Mr. LEAHY, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. Veterans’ Affairs. S. 949. A bill to provide a taxpayer bill of MARKEY): f rights for small businesses; to the Com- S. 962. A bill to extend the same Federal REPORTS OF COMMITTEES mittee on Finance. benefits to law enforcement officers serving By Mr. CASEY (for himself and Mr. private institutions of higher education and The following reports of committees BLUNT): rail carriers that apply to law enforcement were submitted: S. 950. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- officers serving units of State and local gov- By Mr. BURR, from the Select Committee enue Code of 1986 to provide for a refundable ernment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. on Intelligence: adoption tax credit; to the Committee on Fi- By Ms. HIRONO (for herself and Mr. Report to accompany S. 754, An original nance. COONS): bill to improve cybersecurity in the United By Ms. AYOTTE: S. 963. A bill to require the Chief Counsel States through enhanced sharing of informa- S. 951. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- for Advocacy of the Small Business Adminis- tion about cybersecurity threats, and for enue Code of 1986 to clarify that a duty of the tration to submit a report on small business other purposes (Rept. No. 114–32). Commissioner of Internal Revenue is to en- innovation; to the Committee on Small Busi- sure that Internal Revenue Service employ- ness and Entrepreneurship. f ees are familiar with and act in accord with By Mr. SANDERS (for himself, Mrs. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND certain taxpayer rights; to the Committee on BOXER, and Mr. MARKEY): JOINT RESOLUTIONS Finance. S. 964. A bill to amend the Atomic Energy By Ms. AYOTTE (for herself, Ms. CANT- Act of 1954 to provide for consultation with The following bills and joint resolu- WELL, Mr. PORTMAN, Mr. BLUNT, Mr. State and local governments, the consider- tions were introduced, read the first MERKLEY, and Mrs. SHAHEEN): ation of State and local concerns, and the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.036 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2221 approval of post-shutdown decommissioning DURBIN) and the Senator from Iowa (Mr. COCHRAN) and the Senator from activities reports by the Nuclear Regulatory (Mr. GRASSLEY) were added as cospon- Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS) were added as Commission; to the Committee on Environ- sors of S. 539, a bill to amend title cosponsors of S. 743, a bill to amend ment and Public Works. XVIII of the Social Security Act to re- title 38, United States Code, to recog- By Ms. COLLINS: S. 965. A bill to prohibit the use of funds by peal the Medicare outpatient rehabili- nize the service in the reserve compo- Internal Revenue Service to target citizens tation therapy caps. nents of the Armed Forces of certain of the United States for exercising any right S. 590 persons by honoring them with status guaranteed under the First Amendment to At the request of Mrs. MCCASKILL, as veterans under law, and for other the Constitution of the United States; to the the name of the Senator from Delaware purposes. Committee on Finance. (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor S. 751 By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself and Mr. of S. 590, a bill to amend the Higher ISAKSON): Education Act of 1965 and the Jeanne At the request of Mr. THUNE, the S. 966. A bill to extend the low-interest re- name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. financing provisions under the Local Devel- Clery Disclosure of Campus Security ROBERTS) was added as a cosponsor of opment Business Loan Program of the Small Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Business Administration; to the Committee Act to combat campus sexual violence, S. 751, a bill to improve the establish- on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. and for other purposes. ment of any lower ground-level ozone By Mrs. SHAHEEN: S. 611 standards, and for other purposes. S. 967. A bill to require the Small Business At the request of Mr. WICKER, the S. 757 Administration to make information relat- ing to lenders making covered loans publicly name of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. At the request of Mr. NELSON, the available, and for other purposes; to the KIRK) was added as a cosponsor of S. name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. Committee on Small Business and Entrepre- 611, a bill to amend the Safe Drinking RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. neurship. Water Act to reauthorize technical as- 757, a bill to modify the prohibition on f sistance to small public water systems, recognition by United States courts of and for other purposes. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS certain rights relating to certain S. 615 marks, trade names, or commercial S. 125 At the request of Mr. CORKER, the names. At the request of Mr. LEAHY, the names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. S. 774 names of the Senator from Wisconsin WYDEN), the Senator from Michigan (Ms. BALDWIN) and the Senator from (Mr. PETERS) and the Senator from At the request of Mr. MORAN, the North Dakota (Ms. HEITKAMP) were Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN) were added name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. added as cosponsors of S. 125, a bill to as cosponsors of S. 615, a bill to provide HELLER) was added as a cosponsor of S. amend title I of the Omnibus Crime for congressional review and oversight 774, a bill to amend the Federal Finan- Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to of agreements relating to Iran’s nu- cial Institutions Examination Council extend the authorization of the Bullet- clear program, and for other purposes. Act of 1978 to improve the examination proof Vest Partnership Grant Program S. 624 of depository institutions, and for through fiscal year 2020, and for other At the request of Mr. BROWN, the other purposes. purposes. name of the Senator from California S. 804 S. 235 (Mrs. BOXER) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mrs. SHAHEEN, the At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the of S. 624, a bill to amend title XVIII of name of the Senator from New Mexico name of the Senator from Connecticut the Social Security Act to waive coin- (Mr. HEINRICH) was added as a cospon- (Mr. BLUMENTHAL) was added as a co- surance under Medicare for colorectal sor of S. 804, a bill to amend title XVIII sponsor of S. 235, a bill to provide for cancer screening tests, regardless of wildfire suppression operations, and for of the Social Security Act to specify whether therapeutic intervention is re- coverage of continuous glucose moni- other purposes. quired during the screening. toring devices, and for other purposes. S. 299 S. 637 At the request of Mr. FLAKE, the At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the S. 812 name of the Senator from Hawaii (Ms. names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. At the request of Mr. MORAN, the HIRONO) was added as a cosponsor of S. ROBERTS) and the Senator from Idaho names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. 299, a bill to allow travel between the (Mr. RISCH) were added as cosponsors of KIRK) and the Senator from Nevada United States and Cuba. S. 637, a bill to amend the Internal (Mr. HELLER) were added as cosponsors S. 384 Revenue Code of 1986 to extend and of S. 812, a bill to enhance the ability At the request of Mr. CRAPO, the modify the railroad track maintenance of community financial institutions to name of the Senator from Idaho (Mr. credit. foster economic growth and serve their RISCH) was added as a cosponsor of S. S. 713 communities, boost small businesses, 384, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the increase individual savings, and for enue Code of 1986 to facilitate water name of the Senator from Delaware other purposes. leasing and water transfers to promote (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor S. 843 conservation and efficiency. of S. 713, a bill to prevent international At the request of Mr. BROWN, the S. 439 violence against women, and for other name of the Senator from Massachu- At the request of Mr. FRANKEN, the purposes. setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from Virginia (Mr. S. 725 sponsor of S. 843, a bill to amend title KAINE) was added as a cosponsor of S. At the request of Mrs. BOXER, the XVIII of the Social Security Act to 439, a bill to end discrimination based name of the Senator from Maryland count a period of receipt of outpatient on actual or perceived sexual orienta- (Ms. MIKULSKI) was added as a cospon- observation services in a hospital to- tion or gender identity in public sor of S. 725, a bill to amend the Toxic ward satisfying the 3-day inpatient schools, and for other purposes. Substances Control Act, and for other hospital requirement for coverage of S. 525 purposes. skilled nursing facility services under At the request of Mr. CORKER, the S. 729 Medicare. name of the Senator from New Hamp- At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from Michigan S. 860 sponsor of S. 525, a bill to amend the (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- At the request of Mr. THUNE, the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 sor of S. 729, a bill to amend title 11, names of the Senator from Arkansas U.S.C. 2151 et seq.) to reform the Food United States Code, with respect to (Mr. BOOZMAN) and the Senator from for Peace Program, and for other pur- certain exceptions to discharge in Mississippi (Mr. WICKER) were added as poses. bankruptcy. cosponsors of S. 860, a bill to amend the S. 539 S. 743 Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the the estate and generation-skipping names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. names of the Senator from Mississippi transfer taxes, and for other purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.040 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015 S. 867 ministration, more than 44,000 partici- Although the officers protecting our At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the pants graduated from the apprentice- private universities and railways face name of the Senator from New Hamp- ship system in fiscal year 2014. In the same risks, they are currently not shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- Maine, there were almost 700 registered included in the PSOB program These sponsor of S. 867, a bill to improve stu- apprentices. That number, however, is brave individuals protect our commu- dent academic achievement in science, likely insufficient to meet tomorrow’s nities every day, enforce the law with- technology, engineering, and mathe- needs. One manufacturer in Maine esti- in their jurisdiction, and receive simi- matics subjects. mates that nearly 2.7 million manufac- lar training to their government coun- S. 901 turing employees are expected to retire terparts. However, they are currently At the request of Mr. MORAN, the in the next decade. We must do all we excluded from the line-of-duty federal name of the Senator from Montana can to ensure that an adequate pool of death benefits available to law enforce- (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor skilled workers is available to fill ment officers serving units of State of S. 901, a bill to establish in the De- these well-paying jobs. and local governments, and from access partment of Veterans Affairs a na- Our bill helps achieve this goal by to federal grant programs for protec- tional center for research on the diag- giving tax credits to businesses that tive body armor and other equipment. nosis and treatment of health condi- hire apprentices. To ensure that work- Since 1960, approximately 35 college tions of the descendants of veterans ex- ers are given adequate time to prove or university law enforcement officers posed to toxic substances during serv- their value, the apprentice must be em- have lost their lives while protecting ice in the Armed Forces that are re- ployed for seven months in order for a our communities. While some families lated to that exposure, to establish an business to claim the credit. Our bill of officers that have been gravely in- also provides incentives for experi- advisory board on such health condi- jured while serving at public univer- enced workers who spend at least 20 tions, and for other purposes. sities have received PSOB line-of-duty percent of their time passing their S. 933 death benefits, the families of those hard-earned knowledge on to the next At the request of Mr. ALEXANDER, the who lost their lives while serving at generation. These workers would be al- name of the Senator from South Da- private institutions have been ineli- lowed to receive some retirement in- kota (Mr. THUNE) was added as a co- gible. We should fix this inequity. sponsor of S. 933, a bill to amend the come early, without facing tax pen- alties. Finally, our bill ensures that Inscribed on the National Law En- National Labor Relations Act with re- forcement Officers Memorial are the spect to the timing of elections and the brave men and women who defend our country are given credit for the names of the heroes who gave their full pre-election hearings and the identi- measure while protecting our commu- fication of pre-election issues, and to skills they learn while serving. Train- ing received while serving in the nities. This memorial includes Patrol require that lists of employees eligible Officer Joseph Francis Doyle, who was to vote in organizing elections be pro- Armed Forces would count toward an apprentice’s training requirement. killed in the line of duty at Brown Uni- vided to the National Labor Relations This bill would help better align the versity in 1988, as well as the other offi- Board. needs of our Nation’s employers with cers who died while working at private S. RES. 116 potential employees to promote hiring universities and colleges and on our At the request of Mr. GRAHAM, the and the creation of new jobs. I encour- railways. name of the Senator from California age all my colleagues to support this A recent name on the Memorial is (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- bill, and I am pleased to join Senator Patrol Officer Sean Collier. Today, we sponsor of S. Res. 116, a resolution pro- CANTWELL in introducing it. mark the second anniversary of the viding for free and fair elections in Boston Marathon bombings, an act of Burma. By Mr. REED (for himself, Ms. terror that tragically killed three and f AYOTTE, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. WHITE- injured hundreds of others. Three days HOUSE, and Mr. MARKEY): STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED after the bombings, during the man- S. 962. A bill to extend the same Fed- BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS hunt for the attackers, Officer Collier eral benefits to law enforcement offi- of the MIT Police Department was shot By Ms. CANTWELL (for herself cers serving private institutions of and killed by the perpetrators on the and Ms. COLLINS): higher education and rail carriers that university’s campus. Officer Collier S. 959. A bill to establish a tax credit apply to law enforcement officers serv- for on-site apprenticeship programs, died while not only bravely serving the ing units of State and local govern- students and faculty of MIT. He was and for other purposes; to the Com- ment; to the Committee on the Judici- also serving the city of Boston, work- mittee on Finance. ary. ing with others in the law enforcement Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I wish Mr. REED. Mr. President, today I am to speak in support of the Apprentice- reintroducing the Equity in Law En- community during an exceptionally ship and Jobs Training Act, which I forcement Act to extend Federal bene- difficult time to keep the city and our have introduced with my colleague fits to law enforcement officers who nation safe. However, since he was em- Senator CANTWELL. Few issues are as serve at private institutions of higher ployed by a private university, Officer important to the American people as education and rail carriers. Through Collier was not eligible for line-of-duty the availability of good jobs in our this legislation, these individuals death benefits. To honor Officer Col- communities. Unemployment in Maine would be eligible for many of the same lier’s service and sacrifice, this bill and across the country remains unac- benefits provided to public law enforce- would be retroactive to April 15, 2013, ceptably high. It is crucial that we con- ment officers, including line-of-duty the day of the Boston bombings. tinue to improve job training initia- death benefits and access to federal I am pleased that Senators AYOTTE, tives to help people find jobs in fields grant opportunities through the De- LEAHY, WHITEHOUSE, and MARKEY have with open positions. partment of Justice’s Bulletproof Vest once again joined me in introducing Many business owners in Maine have Partnership Grant and Byrne Justice this legislation, which would ensure told me that they have jobs available, Assistance Grant, JAG, programs. that officers who have lost their lives but they cannot find qualified and In 1976, the Public Safety Officers’ protecting our communities and their trained workers to fill these vacant po- Benefits PSOB program was enacted to families are eligible for the benefits as- sitions. One way for employees to ac- aid in the recruitment and retention of sociated with law enforcement work as quire the skills needed to succeed in public safety officers. Recognizing the well as access to the protective equip- these in-demand fields is through ap- danger that law enforcement officers, ment they need. The bill would only prenticeship programs. Apprentices firefighters, and first responders face apply to officers who are sworn, li- gain hands-on experience that is in- while serving in our communities, the censed, or certified to enforce the law valuable to employers and can help PSOB provides a one-time financial within their jurisdiction, and is sup- workers secure a well-paying job. benefit to survivors of officers who die ported by the International Associa- According to the Department of La- as a result of injuries sustained in the tion of Campus Law Enforcement Ad- bor’s Employment and Training Ad- line of duty. ministrators.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:10 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.042 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2223 I urge our colleagues to join us in co- vigilant in protecting taxpayers. The COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, sponsoring and passing the Equity in Agency’s power allows it to pervade AND PENSIONS Law Enforcement Act. the most sensitive aspects of Ameri- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- cans’ private lives. Irrespective of mous consent that the Committee on By Ms. COLLINS: whether those singled out are liberal or Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- S. 965. A bill to prohibit the use of conservative, Democrat or Republican, sions be authorized to meet during the funds by Internal Revenue Service to Independent or Green Party members, session of the Senate on April 15, 2015, target citizens of the United States for regardless of their personal views, the at 10 a.m., in room SD–106 of the Dirk- exercising any right guaranteed under targeting of private citizens for exer- sen Senate Office Building. the First Amendment to the Constitu- cising their First Amendment rights is The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion of the United States; to the Com- out of bounds and cannot be tolerated. objection, it is so ordered. mittee on Finance. Seventeen years ago, when the IRS COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise was accused of using abusive tactics to- GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS to introduce a bill that would prohibit wards taxpayers, Congress responded Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- mous consent that the Committee on the IRS from the targeting any U.S. by passing the IRS Restructuring and Homeland Security and Governmental citizens for exercising their constitu- Reform Act. That act created the Tax- Affairs be authorized to meet during tional rights under the First Amend- payer Bill of Rights, strengthened tax- the session of the Senate on April 15, ment. payer protections against unauthorized 2015, at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing The history of the IRS offers abun- collection activities, and established entitled ‘‘IRS Challenges in Imple- dant examples of the Agency trampling an oversight board to ensure that tax- menting the Affordable Care Act.’’ on these rights. In the most recent con- payers are properly treated by the IRS. troversy, which came to light in 2013, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The bill I am introducing today objection, it is so ordered. the IRS applied a heightened scrutiny builds on the 1998 act, as well as an to applications from conservative COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY amendment I authored in 2013, which Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- groups that were seeking tax-exempt became law, that prohibited the IRS status. Delaying these groups’ applica- mous consent that the Committee on from using funds provided through the the Judiciary be authorized to meet tions suggests an attempt to chill the fiscal year 2014 IRS funding bill to tar- constitutional right of speech and asso- during the session of the Senate on get American citizens for exercising April 15, 2015, at 10 a.m., in room SD– ciation by groups that hold conserv- their First Amendment rights. That ative views. No matter what your po- 226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- prohibition on the use of funds was ing, to conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘The litical views, the details that have continued in the fiscal year 2015 fund- emerged are truly alarming. The IRS Need to Reform Asset Forfeiture.’’ ing bill, and the legislation I am offer- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without admitted that it deliberately targeted ing today would make that prohibition conservative groups’ applications for objection, it is so ordered. permanent. SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE tax-exempt status for extra review if The First Amendment is one of our they included such words as ‘‘tea Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- most cherished and sacred freedoms, mous consent that the Select Com- party,’’ ‘‘patriots,’’ or ‘‘9/11’’ in their and its free exercise must be vigorously names. It also acknowledged targeting mittee on Intelligence be authorized to protected. meet during the session of the Senate applications from groups that criti- It has been said the power to tax is cized how this country is being run or on April 15, 2015, at 2:45 p.m. the power to destroy. The American The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without whose purpose was to address govern- people cannot and will not tolerate any objection, it is so ordered. ment spending, government debt, abuse of that power. taxes, or simply to make America a SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING It is imperative that Congress act to Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- better place. These inappropriate cri- make sure the power of the IRS is mous consent that the Special Com- teria stayed in place for more than 18 never again used to harass or abuse mittee on Aging be authorized to meet months and resulted in substantial Americans for exercising their First during the session of the Senate on delays in processing the applications of Amendment rights. The bill I have in- April 15, 2015, at 1:30 p.m., in room SD– many different groups. In some cases, troduced is tailored to that end. I urge 562 of the Dirksen Senate Office Build- the applications remained outstanding my colleagues to support this bill. ing, to conduct a hearing entitled for more than 2 years. ‘‘Catch Me If You Can: The IRS Imper- The IRS also sought to compel some f sonation Scam and the Government’s of the targeted groups to divulge their AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Response.’’ membership lists. IRS officials have MEET The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without subsequently admitted there was abso- objection, it is so ordered. lutely no reason for Agency personnel COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT AND PUBLIC SUBCOMMITTEE ON SEAPOWER to have sought that kind of informa- WORKS Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- tion. mous consent that the Subcommittee Such behavior, unfortunately, is not mous consent that the Committee on Environment and Public Works be au- on Seapower of the Committee on a one-time aberration, and the targets Armed Services be authorized to meet have been on both sides of the aisle. A thorized to meet during the session of the Senate on April 15, 2015, at 10 a.m., during the session of the Senate on May 2013 Time magazine article noted April 15, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. that the IRS has been involved in scan- in room SD–406 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, to conduct a hearing The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dals going back at least as far as the objection, it is so ordered. entitled ‘‘Oversight Hearing: The Presi- Kennedy administration, which used SUBCOMMITTEE ON STRATEGIC FORCES the service to investigate so-called dent’s FY 2016 Budget Request for Nu- clear Regulatory Commission.’’ Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- rightwing groups. President Nixon em- mous consent that the Subcommittee ployed a secret IRS operation to inves- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. on Strategic Forces of the Committee tigate and audit political opponents. on Armed Services be authorized to During the Johnson administration, COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS meet during the session of the Senate the IRS targeted some antiwar activ- Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- on April 15, 2015, at 2:30 p.m. ists. In the decades since, a number of mous consent that the Committee on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without political activists from both the con- Foreign Relations be authorized to objection, it is so ordered. servative and liberal ends of the spec- meet during the session of the Senate f trum, as well as whistleblowers, have on April 15, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., to con- been subjected to intimidating and dis- duct a hearing entitled ‘‘American UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- criminatory scrutiny by the IRS. Food Aid: Why Reform Matters.’’ MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The IRS’s history of abuses dem- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I ask unani- onstrates that Congress must be ever- objection, it is so ordered. mous consent that the Senate proceed


VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\G15AP6.065 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2225


VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:30 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.022 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2015


VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.025 S15APPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E495 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

CONGRATULATING THE FRANCIS definition of costs, the QM standard rep- ANNIVERSARY OF BOKO HARAM HOWELL GOLDEN GIRLS DANCE resents an important first step in protecting KIDNAPPINGS TEAM consumers from collusion and price-gouging. Rather than strengthen these protections, HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER however, H.R. 685 would create loopholes to OF NEW JERSEY OF MISSOURI exempt affiliated insurance fees from the QM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cost definition and allow lenders to hit bor- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 rowers with hundreds and even thousands of dollars in unnecessary mortgage costs. Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise my colleagues to recognize the one-year anni- By rolling back protections for borrowers today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- versary of the kidnapping of nearly 300 Nige- and raising mortgage costs, H.R. 685 would gratulating the Francis Howell Golden Girls rian girls by the terrorist group Boko Haram. hurt homebuyers just as our housing sector is Dance Team, on their Class 6A State Cham- A year after this horrific act was perpetrated, beginning to stabilize from the consequences pionship win at the Missouri Dance Team As- 219 of the girls remain missing. Few know of of a financial crisis caused by unscrupulous sociation competition. their struggles and of the events in Nigeria, and abusive practices. I urge my colleagues to These students and their coach should be and the world’s focus has largely shifted from reject this destructive bill. commended for all of their hard work through- rescue to remembrance. out this past year and for bringing home the But we have an opportunity, and a moral re- state championship to their school and com- f sponsibility, to act. To ensure the safe return munity. RECOGNIZING MR. CHUCK of these young girls and eliminate Boko I ask you in joining me in recognizing the KLAUSING ON HIS INDUCTION TO Haram, so that no one else’s child suffers at Francis Howell Golden Girls Dance Team for THE FOOTBALL COACHES HALL their hands. a job well done! OF FAME The missing girls risked their lives in pursuit f of education. Among them we see lawyers, doctors, teachers—future leaders of their MORTGAGE CHOICE ACT OF 2015 HON. BILL SHUSTER country. We see our own daughters. SPEECH OF Today, I call on my colleagues not just to OF PENNSYLVANIA remember these girls, but to recommit to their HON. ELIJAH E. CUMMINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rescue by passing legislation to combat Boko OF MARYLAND Haram. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, April 15, 2015 f Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, in the wake recognize Mr. Chuck Klausing of Indiana, STOPPING BOKO HARAM of the 2008 financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Pennsylvania for his induction into the Football Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Coaches Hall of Fame. HON. DAVID N. CICILLINE Act included provisions that prohibited mort- Mr. Klausing began his 46-year coaching OF RHODE ISLAND gage lenders from using their title insurance career in 1948 as head coach at Pitcairn High IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES affiliates to gouge consumers. School before moving to Braddock High in Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Dodd-Frank created a new category of mort- 1954. Throughout the six years that followed, gages called Qualified Mortgages (QM). Lend- his teams at Braddock remained undefeated Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, it has now ers that issue these mortgages are granted for 55 straight games, establishing a national been one year since the kidnapping of 270 Ni- special legal protection in exchange for keep- record. They outscored their opposition 1471– gerian girls from their school dormitory. ing costs for consumers below a certain 302, won six consecutive Western Pennsyl- In the time since then, thousands of Nige- threshold. The costs considered under the QM vania Interscholastic Athletic League cham- rian men and women have been captured, standard encompass all compensation a mort- pionships, and were featured in Sports Illus- slaughtered, and raped simply for practicing gage lender receives—including title insurance trated. their Christian faith or pursuing an education. costs a consumer pays to a company affiliated These horrific atrocities cry out for a re- with a lender. Following his years at Braddock, Mr. sponse. These provisions recognized an unfortunate Klausing went on to continued success as the We need to continue to speak up and speak reality: many lenders use their title insurance head football coach at Indiana University of out until Boko Haram is defeated, and we affiliates to charge consumers unnecessarily Pennsylvania from 1964 to 1969 and at Car- bring back these girls. high fees. According to a 2007 report issued negie Mellon University from 1976 to 1985. Imagine, for a moment, facing the possibility by the Government Accountability Office While at Carnegie Mellon, he led the school to of death every day because violent, militant (GAO), for example, 70 cents of every dollar six conference championships and the NCAA extremists were wreaking havoc just outside paid for title fees go toward lining the pockets Division III playoffs four times. He won tele- your door. of agents—not covering losses for the lender. vision’s National Coach of the Year awards in Imagine, for a moment, having to leave be- And the nature of the title insurance market 1979 and 1983, and was inducted into the hind everything you owned, all your posses- has also opened the door to fraud against College Football Hall of Fame as a coach in sions, your entire life, just to keep yourself and homeowners. Just recently in my home state 1998. your family safe. of Maryland, the Consumer Financial Protec- In addition to Mr. Klausing’s coaching Imagine, for a moment, that your own loved tion Bureau and the Maryland Attorney Gen- achievements, he is a veteran of World War II ones were murdered simply for practicing their eral negotiated a $35.7 million settlement and holds a degree in education from Slippery faith or going to school. against Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase Rock University. Mr. Klausing’s induction in Yet, these are the realities of life for more after finding that loan officers at these banks the Football Coaches Hall of Fame brings than a million Nigerians today. received illegal kickbacks to steer customers great distinction upon himself, his community, I applaud my colleague, Congresswoman to a Maryland-based title company. and the 9th District of Pennsylvania. I invite FREDERICA WILSON, for her strong leadership Americans seeking to purchase a home de- my colleagues to join me in offering congratu- on this issue, and I urge my colleagues to serve better from the title insurance market. lations for his many outstanding achievements continue speaking out until Boko Haram is de- And by including affiliated insurance fees in its over his career. feated and these girls are returned home.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP8.001 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 FISHING ECONOMY IMPROVEMENT that is responsible for managing and con- ers who are being inducted during the 25th ACT serving tuna and other highly migratory fish in Annual NVFHOF Awards Banquet: our region. For that reason, the Fishing Econ- $1,500 Scholarship Award Recipients: HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO omy Improvement Act requires that one of the Ashleigh Holsworth (West Potomac HS), Ryan SABLAN five U.S. seats on the Western and Central L. Bursiek (West Springfield HS), and Jona- Pacific Fisheries Commission always be held than R. McVicker (Lake Braddock SS), and OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS by a resident of American Samoa, Guam, or Mason Scoville (Westfield HS) IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Northern Mariana Islands. The seat would Fairfax County Football Hall of Fame 2015 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 rotate among our three island jurisdictions. Inductees: Michael Claussin (Springfield Youth Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- I also believe that, when the rights to fish Club, West Springfield HS, JMU, Jacksonville ducing the Fishing Economy Improvement Act. around the Northern Mariana Islands are sold, Jaguars, Buffalo Bills, and Washington Red- The bill reauthorizes the Magnuson-Stevens the fees should go directly to the government skins), Vaughn Lewis (Edison HS Head Fishery Conservation and Management Act of the Northern Mariana Islands. Right now, Coach, Thomas Jefferson HS Head Coach, and makes a number of refinements, which I some of those fees go to WestPac, the federal Stafford HS Asst, Coach), and Jeff Davey believe can help Magnuson-Stevens Act work regional council, and WestPac has to use the (Chantilly YA, Club Commissioner, Youth even more effectively at ensuring that the funds for marine conservation. I am not op- Football Head Coach) United States of America has viable fish posed to conservation. We cannot have a Football Officials of the Year: Andre Jones stocks and a thriving fishing economy today strong fishing economy unless we manage (Fairfax County FOA), Rick Artigas (Northern and into the future. stocks sustainably and maintain the overall Virginia FOA), and Anthony Wallace (D.C. In developing the policy proposals in this bill health of the oceans. But revenues from Metropolitan FOA) Karl Davey Community Achievement Award: I have worked closely with Mr. HUFFMAN, the Northern Marianas resources belong to the John Reynolds (FCPS Athletic Training Pro- Ranking Member on the Natural Resources people of the islands. Their own government Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Oceans. grams Administrator) should decide the best use for those funds— Tom Davis Meritorious Service Award: Dan Together, we have sat through hours of hear- not WestPac, a federal agency. My bill helps ings on a reauthorization of the Magnuson Act Sutherland (FCPA, Grounds Management ensure that revenues from fishing around the Manager) and heard problems identified and remedies U.S. Pacific islands, such as the Northern suggested from a variety of groups with an in- Gene Nelson Commissioner of the Year Marianas, go to people of those islands. Award: David Hall (Commissioner, VYI) terest in America’s fisheries. The people of the Pacific islands have a That experience has made clear that there High School Players of the Year: James deep cultural tradition of decision-making by are a number of areas where there could be Gibson, III (Westfield HS), Tyler West (Lang- bipartisan agreement on improvements that consensus. The tradition on the Northern ley HS), Gerald Hulett, Jr. (South County HS), can be made to Magnuson. In this time of American continent was often to move farther Matt Gallagher (Battlefield HS), Will Mejia ‘‘gridlock’’ in Congress, I think it is important west when neighbors proved difficult. On tiny (Falls Church HS), Nick Mathews (Patriot HS) that we do not miss opportunities in areas islands surrounded by vast oceans there is High School Coaches of the Year: Wayne where there is consensus. greater pressure to get along and find agree- Hogwood (Wakefield HS), Chris Haddock So, for instance, the Fishing Economy Im- ment. (Centreville HS) provement Act proposes that we improve fish- In that spirit I am introducing the Fishing Youth Sports Players of the Year: Malachi eries data collection through the use of elec- Economy Improvement Act. I ask that Mem- Galloway (Alex. Rec.), Aaron Saunders (Amer- tronic monitoring and that we overhaul the bers on both sides of the aisle consider ican Pride YF), Dakwandre Marshall (Annan- way that the federal government manages this whether there are areas in fishery manage- dale Boys & Girls Club), Savion Whiting (Ar- data so that we get the most value from it. ment where we can find common ground. I lington FL), Nathan Smith, (BRYC), Pierre The Fishing Economy Improvement Act in- look forward to reaching out to Mr. YOUNG of Johnson (CYA), Aidan Doherty (Dulles South creases opportunities for public participation in Alaska, who has also introduced legislation re- YL), Bradley M. Brewington IV (Fairfax Police the fishery management process by requiring authorizing the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery YL), Benjamin Pavek (Ft. Belvoir Youth widely accepted, modern-day practices such Conservation and Management Act. I know Sports), Mike Pidgeon (Ft. Hunt), E. Claybyrne as live, online broadcasting of fishery council there are proposals in Mr. YOUNG’s bill with Prescot Sailor (Gainsville-Haymarket), Justin meetings. And the bill allows for data collected which I can agree; and I believe there are Gibson (Gum Springs), Stephen Schoenefeldt by states from recreational fishing to be incor- ideas in the bill I have introduced that are in (Herndon Optimist Club), Christina Thompson porated into federal assessments of the health harmony with or could build upon the pro- (James Lee), William Scott Wolfe (Lee-Fran- of fish stocks. These are all ideas that find posals in his bill. conia), Spencer Irons (Manassas YFL), wide agreement on both sides of the aisle and f Mathew Moschella (McLean YF), Cameron could further improve the effectiveness of the Savage (RYA), Ethan Davies (SCAA), Matt RECOGNIZING THE 2015 INDUCTEES Magnuson-Stevens conservation and manage- Hunter (SYA), Ryan Lipton (Springfield Youth TO THE NORTHERN VIRGINIA ment practices we already have in place. Club), and Chandler O’Rourke (VYI) Of course, I also have a responsibility to the FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME Youth Sports Coaches of the Year: Mike people I represent to look for improvements to Johnson (VYI), Matt Huling (SYA), Chris Go- our national fishing policies that could specifi- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY ings (CYA), and Ken Simmons (BRYC) Youth Cheerleaders of the Year: Layla Men- cally yield improvements for the Northern Mar- OF VIRGINIA ard (American Pride Youth Football), Payton iana Islands. One proposal in the Fishing IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Delean (Dulles South Youth League), Daisy Economy Improvement Act is to assure the in- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 terests of subsistence fishers, or what the Anderson (VYI) and Emma Sahlgren (VYI) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join United Nations refers to as artisanal fishers, to recognize the Northern Virginia Football me in congratulating the Northern Youth Foot- are represented on the regional fishery man- Hall of Fame and to congratulate the 2015 in- ball League as well as those students, coach- agement councils. The people of the Northern ductees and scholarship award recipients. es and community leaders who are being hon- Mariana Islands are generally not involved in The importance of youth sports cannot be ored at this 2015 Hall of Fame celebration. industrial scale fishing, but we have a tradition overstated. Participation in organized sports f of livelihood from the sea that goes back for instills in our youth many values that will serve HONORING THE 150TH ANNIVER- millennia and continues to this day. These is- them well throughout life. These values in- SARY OF FIRST BAPTIST land fishermen and women should have a clude sportsmanship, teamwork, honesty, a CHURCH, BERKLEY seat on the Western Pacific Regional Fishery sense of belonging, and, maybe most impor- Management Council, right beside the indus- tant, the work ethic developed by striving for success and working to achieve a common HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT trial users—as should Native Alaska and Na- OF VIRGINIA goal. tive American subsistence users on the other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seven regional councils, where appropriate. I commend the Northern Virginia Football This proposal, too, is an area of bipartisan Hall of Fame (NVFHOF) for providing opportu- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 agreement. nities for our children to succeed and be a Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Pacific islanders also should have a more part of a team. I also congratulate the fol- today to honor the 150th anniversary of First official role in the international organization lowing students, coaches and community lead- Baptist Church, Berkley in Norfolk, Virginia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15AP8.006 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E497 In 1865, thirty members of Bank Street Bap- the church’s congregation on the occasion of dedication, it is an honor to mark their 35th tist Church began praying in a tent abandoned its 150th Anniversary. I wish them many more anniversary and celebrate with them and the by Union soldiers after the culmination of the years of fellowship and dedicated service to thousands of young families they have sup- Civil War. These meetings were later moved the community. ported. to the homes of the various members. On f Congratulations and continued success in April 15, 1868, these individuals received let- Bucks and Montgomery counties to everyone ters of dismissal from Bank Street Baptist and JEFFERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL at Child Home and Community. ARCHERY TEAM left to begin a new church led by Reverend f Samuel S. Jones. The new church was initially called Cedar HON. RODNEY DAVIS RECOGNIZING THE 2015 TOWN OF VIENNA POLICE DEPARTMENT Grove Baptist, receiving its name from the OF ILLINOIS VALOR AWARD RECIPIENTS PRE- cedar trees that lined the road to the church. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES An empty plantation building served as the SENTED BY THE FAIRFAX COUN- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 first church building and services were held in TY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE a large upper room. The congregation soon Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- outgrew the plantation building and moved to er, I rise today to recognize the Jefferson Mid- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY a new worship hall on the corner of Pine and dle School Archery Team from Champaign, Il- OF VIRGINIA Walnut Streets. Reverend Richard Wright was linois for the continued and outstanding suc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES elected the new pastor of Cedar Grove Bap- cess of their program. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 tist. Reverend Wright began fund-raising for a At the state competition this past March, the new hall of worship, but passed away prior to Jefferson Archery Team brought home the Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today completion. Reverend Madison Lewis served state championship title in the middle school to recognize an outstanding group of men and as pastor for nearly 10 years and was leading division for the third straight year. women in Northern Virginia. These individuals the church at the completion of First Baptist The Jefferson Team had five individual have demonstrated superior dedication to pub- Church Montaland. Unfortunately, the medalists at the state competition as Breanna lic safety and have been awarded the pres- Montaland church building was devastated by Velez took 3rd place and Maddy Brown took tigious Valor Award by the Fairfax County a fire in 1908 and a new church could not be 4th place in the female division, while Luke Chamber of Commerce. constructed until 1910. After the fire, the con- Miller took 1st place, Spencer Weis took 2nd This is the 37th Annual Valor Awards spon- gregation met at the local Masonic Hall. place, and Ivan Chu took 4th place in the sored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Com- In 1910, the new church building, named male division. merce. This event honors the remarkable her- First Baptist Church, Berkley, opened its doors I would like to congratulate these five out- oism and bravery in the line of duty exempli- to the Norfolk community. Throughout the standing archers on their success and the en- fied by our public safety officers. Our public church’s entire history, First Baptist Church, tire Jefferson Archery Team on their 3rd con- safety and law enforcement personnel put Berkley has had a rich legacy of outreach. secutive state title. their lives on the line every day to keep our During the Great Depression, under the lead- I am truly proud to represent this group of families and neighborhoods safe. This year’s ership of Reverend John Carter Diamond, the exceptional student-athletes, and I wish them ceremony will recognize 93 individuals in a va- church helped feed the community by opening the best of luck as they represent the entire riety of categories including: the Lifesaving soup kitchens and bread lines. The church state of Illinois in competition for the national Certificate, the Certificate of Valor, and the created a nursery and hired unemployed title in May: Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medal of Valor. mothers to supplement their family income. Spencer Weis, Breanna Velez, Chikako Three members of the Town of Vienna Po- With a focus on education, the nursery was Barnes, Maddy Brown, Jacob Rosenbaum, lice Department are being honored this year converted into a church kindergarten. Cayla Risinger, Joel Everett, Lucas Brown, for their exceptional service. In 1963, Reverend William Tyree, Jr. began Luke Miller, Clayton Knierim, Isaac Stevens, It is with great pride that I submit the names his pastorship with a philosophy of educating Olivia Geis, Noga Adar, Ben Hannauer, Na- of the following Valor Award recipients: the congregation. Under his leadership, sev- than Yahnke, Tristan Summers, Trevor Bo- Certificate of Valor Recipients: eral classes were created to benefit all mem- land, Benjamin Kirkland, Anthony Erlinger, Police Officer John Digan bers of the church. Through his strong belief Lauryn Henry, Nicole Olivier, Jacob Rice, Police Officer Marcos Herrera in education, Reverend Tyree formed the Tri- Gage Miller, Henry Hornbrook, and Ivan Chu. Master Police Officer Tim Seitz Committee, which focused on the church’s f Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the 2015 Valor outreach into the community through social Award Recipients, and thank each of the men and civic engagement. Reverend Tyree recog- RECOGNIZING CHILD HOME AND and women who serve in the Town of Vienna nized the need for a new church facility and COMMUNITY’S 35TH ANNIVERSARY Police Department. Their efforts, made on be- led the congregation in an effort to build the half of the citizens of our community, are self- current location of First Baptist Church, Berk- HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK less acts of heroism and truly merit our high- ley at Berkley Avenue and Culpepper Street, OF PENNSYLVANIA est praise. I ask my colleagues to join me in which opened on June 22, 1986. Reverend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES applauding this group of remarkable citizens. Tyree served the church for more than 32 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 f years before his passing on December 23, 1994. His son, William D. Tyree, III, began his Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today PERSONAL EXPLANATION pastorship in May of 1996 and continues to in recognition of 35 years of commitment to serve the church today. young mothers of Bucks and Montgomery HON. BILLY LONG Over the last 150 years, 13 pastors have counties by Child Home and Community. OF MISSOURI served the church’s congregation—Rev. Sam- Working with local schools and hospitals, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES uel S. Jones, Rev. Richard Wright, Rev. Madi- Child Home and Community provides assist- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 son Lewis, Rev. H.L. Barco, Rev. Sutton ance and educational opportunities for young Griggs, Rev. J.H. Randolph, Rev. W.R. Slade, parents from all backgrounds to be better, Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, on the dates of Rev. Lafayette Sharpe, Rev. A.O. Bello, Rev. healthier parents. February 24 through March 3 of this year, I John Carter Diamond, Rev. Noel C. Taylor, CHC’s programs—including free childbirth was away from the Capitol tending to a family Rev. William D. Tyree, Jr., and Rev. William classes, support groups, career counseling medical situation that required my presence. D. Tyree, III. and other advocacy services—help address Due to these unforeseen circumstances, I was Mr. Speaker, as First Baptist Church, Berk- real needs in our communities and bring about unable to vote on any legislative measures on ley of Norfolk, Virginia celebrates this historic tangible benefits for participants, including be- the floor during this time. milestone, the congregation can rejoice in 150 coming ‘‘more likely to stay in school and On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass years of successful discipleship and public graduate, find employment with good benefits, HR 212, Roll Call Vote #84, had I been service in the Hampton Roads community. I prepare their children for school and become present I would have voted yes. would like to congratulate the 13th pastor of productive members of the community.’’ On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass First Baptist Church, Berkley, Reverend Wil- As a supporter of this worthwhile organiza- HR 734, Roll Call Vote #85, had I been liam D. Tyree, III, and all of the members of tion and their more than three decades of present I would have voted yes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.001 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 On Ordering the Previous Question, Roll priations for the Department of Homeland Se- ture, along with various government depart- Call Vote #86, had I been present I would curity for the fiscal year ending September 30, ments and national organizations, Dave has have voted yes. 2015, Roll Call Vote #109, had I been present ensured that the program’s trips to Olympia On Agreeing to the Resolution H RES 121, I would have voted no. and Washington, D.C. have been filled with Roll Call Vote #87, had I been present I would On the amendment of Mr. MCCLINTOCK of engaging and enlightening classes and experi- have voted yes. California, Amendment No. 6 to HR 749, had ences. One of his greatest accomplishments On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass I been present I would have voted yes. as president of AgForestry was the coordina- HR 1020, Roll Call Vote #88, had I been On Motion to Recommit with Instructions HR tion of ‘‘International Seminars’’ to nearly 45 present I would have voted yes. 749, Roll Call Vote #111, had I been present different countries, giving students a greater On Motion to Recommit with Instructions HR I would have voted no. understanding of global issues and the impor- 529, Roll Call Vote #89, had I been present I On Passage of HR 749, To reauthorize Fed- tance of American agriculture in the world. would have voted no. eral support for passenger rail programs, Roll Of course, Dave’s incredible legacy extends On Passage of HR 529, to amend the Inter- Call Vote #112, had I been present I would beyond AgForestry. Dave joined forces with nal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve 529 have voted no. leadership from three other organizations in plans, Roll Call Vote #90, had I been present f co-founding the ‘‘International Association of I would have voted yes. Programs for Agricultural Leadership.’’ In addi- On Consideration of the Resolution H RES OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL tion, Dave has served on the boards of Farm- 125, Roll Call Vote #91, had I been present I DEBT ing and the Environment, the Pacific North- would have voted yes. west Farm Forum, the Washington Biodiversity On Ordering the Previous Question, Roll HON. MIKE COFFMAN Council, and the Washington Agriculture Call Vote #92, had I been present I would OF COLORADO Council. After more than 30 years of service to have voted yes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AgForestry, Dave will be retiring in June. His On Agreeing to the Resolution H RES 125, Wednesday, April 15, 2015 impacts will be long-felt in Washington agricul- Roll Call Vote #93, had I been present I would tural and forestry circles, and his work is have voted yes. Mr. COFFMAN. Mr. Speaker, on January something that we can all take pride in. I wish On Approving the Journal, Roll Call Vote 20, 2009, the day President Obama took of- both Dave and his loving wife, Jan, a long and #94, had I been present I would have voted fice, the national debt was happy retirement. yes. $10,626,877,048,913.08. f On the amendment of Mr. KENNEDY of Mas- Today, it is $18,152,013,569,439.51. We’ve sachusetts, Amendment No. 67 to HR 5, Roll added $7,525,136,520,526.43 to our debt in 6 HONORING GWENDOLYN NERO Call Vote #95, had I been present I would years. This is over $7.5 trillion in debt our na- LOPER have voted no. tion, our economy, and our children could On the amendment of Mr. GROTHMAN of have avoided with a balanced budget amend- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Wisconsin, Amendment No. 128 to HR 5, Roll ment. Call Vote #96, had I been present I would OF MISSISSIPPI have voted no. f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On the amendment of Mr. CASTRO of Texas, CONGRATULATING MR. DAVID Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Amendment No. 43 to HR 5, Roll Call Vote ROSELEIP ON HIS DECADES OF Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- #97, had I been present I would have voted SERVICE TO AND RETIREMENT er, I rise today to honor Mrs. Gwendolyn Nero no. FROM THE WASHINGTON Loper, the daughter of the late Malinda and On the amendment of Mr. QUIGLEY of Illi- AGFORESTRY LEADERSHIP PRO- Willis Nero, who graduated from Greenwood nois, Amendment No. 96 to HR 5, Roll Call GRAM High School in 1946. She attended Tougaloo Vote #98, had I been present I would have College from 1948 to 1952 graduating cum voted no. laude with a degree in sociology. She received On the amendment of Ms. MOORE of Wis- HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS a Master of Social Work degree from Howard consin, Amendment No. 40 to HR 5, Roll Call OF WASHINGTON University in 1955. She became one of the Vote #99, had I been present I would have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES first Black social workers in Mississippi with a voted no. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 graduate social work degree. On Ordering the Previous Question, Roll Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, This honoree’s work experience as a social Call Vote #100, had I been present I would I rise today to honor the career and countless worker includes seven years with the Depart- have voted yes. achievements of Mr. David Roseleip. A giant On Agreeing to the Resolution H RES 129, ment of Human Services (the Welfare Depart- in Washington State, Dave spent his childhood Roll Call Vote #101, had I been present I ment) and in 1966 she became the first Black in St. Ignatius, Montana before matriculating to would have voted yes. social worker, employed with the Veterans Ad- On Motion to Request a Conference on HR Montana State University. Raised on a dairy ministration. After working thirty years at the 240, Roll Call Vote #102, had I been present and diversified crop farm with his twin brother, V. A. Medical Center, she retired in 1995. She I would have voted yes. Dave’s upbringing inspired him to pursue and then worked four years as Field Instructor at On Approving the Journal, Roll Call Vote attain a degree in Agriculture Science and Ec- Jackson State University in the School of So- #103, had I been present I would have voted onomics. After graduation, Dave moved to cial Work’s Master of Social Work Program. yes. Spokane, Washington where he began his Mrs. Loper’s dedication to the field of social On Passage of HJ RES 35, Making fur- long and impactful career at Farm Credit work earned several ‘‘firsts’’ to be recognized. thering continuing appropriations for fiscal year Banks. While continuing to serve farmers at These include: the first black woman ap- 2015, Roll Call Vote #104, had I been present his day job, Dave enrolled in the first class of pointed to the Mississippi Board of Mental I would have voted yes. the Washington Agriculture and Forestry Edu- Health, to represent the social work profession On Motion to Instruct Conferees on HR 240, cation Foundation’s Leadership Program by Governor William Waller in 1974; she was Roll Call Vote #105, had I been present I which provides essential training to individuals reappointed by Governors William Winter and would have voted no. engaged in farming, forestry, and fishing in Bill Allain. She served in this position until On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Con- Washington State. 1994. On February 17, 1995, the Mississippi cur in the Senate Amendment to HR 33, Roll Four years after graduating from the pro- State Board of Mental Health named the Ad- Call Vote #106, had I been present I would gram, Dave became president of AgForestry. ministration Building at the Hudspeth Regional have voted yes. Under his stewardship, AgForestry continued Center in Whitfield, Mississippi, the Gwen- On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass its mission, providing outstanding services and dolyn Nero Loper Administration Building. HR 294, Roll Call Vote #107, had I been resources to its students. In fact, during his This, too, was the first time a building had present I would have voted yes. tenure, Dave has overseen the recruitment been named in honor of a social worker in the On Motion to Table the Senate Amendment and selection of Leadership Classes 7 through State of Mississippi. to HR 240, Roll Call Vote #108, had I been 37 and has proudly watched nearly 1,000 Among Mrs. Loper’s other community in- present I would have voted no. graduates of the program go on to successful volvements are the following: charter member On Motion to Recede and Concur in the careers in agriculture and forestry. Working of the Jackson National Council of Negro Senate Amendment to HR 240, Making appro- tirelessly with the Washington State Legisla- Women; past president of Delta Sigma Theta

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.004 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E499 Sorority and YWCA; life memberships—the IN HONOR OF THE CARIBOU FIRE to relieve pain from mouth sores. Other efforts NAACP, National Council of Negro Women, AND AMBULANCE DEPARTMENT have included organizing a fundraiser to help Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and pay for 10 Nepalese patients’ major surgeries Tougaloo National Alumni Association. She is HON. BRUCE POLIQUIN as well as a painting project and auction to the recipient of numerous awards and honors. OF MAINE raise funds for Mercy Children’s Hospital, St. Included are: Delta Woman of the Year IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Jude Children’s Research Hospital and its (1965); Tougaloo Alumna of the Year (1975); local Ronald McDonald Houses. Mississippi Chapter Social Worker of the Year Wednesday, April 15, 2015 The powerful impact ETHIC has had on the (1976); Black Women’s Political Action Com- Mr. POLIQUIN. Mr. Speaker, I am honored community continues to expand as more munity Service Award (1990); Howard Univer- to rise today to congratulate the Caribou Fire Springfield teenagers from area high schools sity School of Social Work Outstanding Alum- and Ambulance Department on earning the join the cause. Nicole is responsible for re- na (1998); Tougaloo Hall of Fame (1992); the 2015 Congressional Fire Services Institute/ cruitment, budgeting, group promotions and Tougaloo Meritorious Leadership Award Masimo Excellence in Fire Service-Based event planning for the non-profit and hopes to (2003); and the Outstanding Greenwoodian in Emergency Medical Services Award. This further spread the influence at the college Community Service Award (1998). She is ac- brave team of volunteer Mainers represents level next year. tive in her church, Farish Street Baptist, and sound practice and dedication to protecting It is an honor to represent such fine young the Jackson Chapter of the Links, Inc. She en- others day in and day out. people as Nicole Shah. Nicole, at the age of joys spending time with her family, especially This top-tier department is tasked with cov- 16, has had a positive impact on lives around her grandchildren. ering 348 square miles, amounting to nine the world. I look forward to hearing many Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me towns and 14,000 residents. The fire and more great stories from ETHIC and Nicole as in recognizing Mrs. Gwendolyn Nero Loper for medical units handle first response services the group moves forward. I congratulate her giving back to the community. for a vast rural district that houses sporting ac- on this phenomenal achievement. tivities such as boating, hunting, ATV trails, f f and winter sledding. Furthermore, the depart- ment conducts emergency transfers by land RECOGNIZING AUXILIARY BISHOP RECOGNIZING THE 2015 TOWN OF and air from a local hospital to a trauma cen- ROBERT EARL SMITH, SR., FOR HERNDON POLICE DEPARTMENT ter 175 miles away. HIS 49 YEARS OF SERVICE TO VALOR AWARD RECIPIENTS PRE- Under Chief Scott Susi, the Caribou Fire THE WHITE CLOUD EMPOWER- SENTED BY THE FAIRFAX COUN- and Ambulance Department boasts three five- MENT CENTER CHURCH OF GOD TY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE person crews, along with 15 full time para- medics—a crowning achievement for a depart- HON. BILL HUIZENGA ment hoping to expand without a cor- OF MICHIGAN HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY responding financial burden on the commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF VIRGINIA nities it serves. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Community engagement directly cor- responds to the success of this department. Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, it Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Sensitivity to the taxable impact of its oper- is a great honor to recognize Bishop Robert Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ations and attendance at local council meet- Earle Smith, Sr., for his commendable service to recognize an outstanding group of men and ings are just two of the multitude of ways in to The White Cloud Empowerment Center women in Northern Virginia. These individuals which this department actively and uniquely Church of God and for his elevation to the Of- have demonstrated superior dedication to pub- works together with the region in which it fice of Auxiliary Bishop in the Church of God lic safety and have been awarded the pres- serves. in Christ. It is fitting that we take a moment to tigious Valor Award by the Fairfax County The Caribou Fire and Ambulance Depart- recognize Bishop Smith’s accomplishments Chamber of Commerce. ment serves as a model of efficient success and contributions to spreading the word of God all over Michigan and the United States. This is the 37th Annual Valor Awards spon- for fellow Maine fire and Ambulance depart- ments and for service men and women across Throughout his life, Bishop Smith has been sored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Com- deeply committed to serving God and his peo- merce. This event honors the remarkable her- our country. f ple. He moved to Michigan at the age of 14 oism and bravery in the line of duty exempli- and began attending Saint James Church of fied by our public safety officers. Our public RECOGNIZING NICOLE SHAH’S AC- God in Christ. After graduating from Flint safety and law enforcement personnel put COMPLISHMENTS AND DEDICA- Northern High School, Bishop Smith served their lives on the line every day to keep our TION TO COMMUNITY SERVICE his country in the United States Air Force. families and neighborhoods safe. This year’s Next he took college courses at the University ceremony will recognize 93 individuals in a va- HON. BILLY LONG of Maryland, Mott Community College, and the riety of categories including: the Lifesaving University of Michigan, Flint, where he contin- Certificate, the Certificate of Valor, and the OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ued to wholeheartedly pursue his ministry am- Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medal of Valor. bitions. He went on to serve as the Dean of Four members of the Town of Herndon Po- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 the Flint branch of the C.H. Mason Bible Col- lice Department are being honored this year Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- lege where he integrated faith and education. for their exceptional service. ognize Nicole Shah for her outstanding service Bishop Smith recalls sharing his faith with It is with great pride that I submit the names in the Springfield, Missouri, community and to thousands of people in an arena in Memphis, of the following Valor Award recipients: congratulate her on receiving one of two 2015 Tennessee, when he served as the vice-presi- Bronze Medal of Valor Recipients: Prudential Spirit of Community Awards for the dent of the Sunday School Convention. Police Officer Eliezer Calo state of Missouri and the President’s Volunteer Today, Bishop Smith serves as the pastor Special Police Officer Warrie Proffitt Service Award. and preaches in two different Church of God Nicole is president and co-founder of Every in Christ locations in Michigan. For nearly fifty Certificate of Valor Recipients: Teen Helps Inspire Change, also known as years, Bishop Smith has traveled 300 miles Special Police Officer Mark Butler ETHIC. ETHIC was formed to help sick chil- round-trip from his home in Flint to White Corporal Steven Brown dren and others suffering from serious illness. Cloud in order to serve as the pastor of The Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the 2015 Valor She and friends founded the non-profit two White Cloud Empowerment Center Church of Award Recipients, and thank each of the men years ago while planning a service project for God in Christ. His devout dedication to the and women who serve in the Town of Hern- her school. She saw the need for teenagers in Lord is evident as he reaches out to pray for don Police Department. Their efforts, made on the community to have a constant opportunity and assist the homeless, needy, youth, and behalf of the citizens of our community, are for service. In the two years since ETHIC’s the lost. His mission is to give love and com- selfless acts of heroism and truly merit our founding, the group has raised $75,000 and passion to anyone in need, which is reflective highest praise. I ask my colleagues to join me has put the funds toward the purchase of a of the very walk of Jesus Christ. in applauding this group of remarkable citi- frozen treat machine at Springfield’s Mercy Throughout his life and ministry, Bishop zens. Hospital for children undergoing chemotherapy Robert Earle Smith, Sr., has been a shining

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.007 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 example of being a faithful follower of God. He Officer First Class Scott Abram; Police Officer Greshman, who founded the Not 1 Forgotten has passionately dedicated his life to serving First Class Daniel Bond; Police Officer First campaign in 2013, after losing two close the Lord through ministry and evangelism. Class David Faulk; Police Officer First Class friends and family members to cancer. Joel Bishop Smith, thank you for what you have Sarah Hansen; Police Officer First Class Craig created the organization to encourage men to done not only for the Church of God in Christ, Quattrin; Police Officer First Class Gershon get regular check-ups in order to stay healthy but for all of Michigan and our country. Ramirez; Police Officer First Class Leslie and live longer. By joining Joel and others f Schmitt; Police Officer First Class Timothy across the nation to bring greater awareness Schultz; Master Police Officer Mary Hulse; of cancer among men, it is my sincere hope RECOGNIZING THE 2015 FAIRFAX Master Police Officer Scott MacCaskill; Master that we can work together to better promote COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Officer Howard Mergler; Master Police expanded advocacy, media campaigns and VALOR AWARD RECIPIENTS PRE- Officer Chris Musser; Master Police Officer other events. The Not 1 Forgotten campaign SENTED BY THE FAIRFAX COUN- Robert Urps; Second Lieutenant Dana Robin- has gained momentum in states and cities TY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE son across our nation from Fort Lauderdale lo- Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the 2015 Valor cated in my Congressional district to Atlanta, HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Award Recipients, and thank each of the men Augusta, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, OF VIRGINIA and women who serve in the Fairfax County Miami Dade County, and New York. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Police Department. Their efforts, made on be- The purpose of Men’s Cancer Awareness Month is to heighten awareness and encour- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 half of the citizens of our community, are self- less acts of heroism and truly merit our high- age early detection and treatment of cancer Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today est praise. I ask my colleagues to join me in among men and boys. to recognize an outstanding group of men and applauding this group of remarkable citizens. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to sup- women in Northern Virginia. These individuals port this critically important resolution and rec- f have demonstrated superior dedication to pub- ognize June as Men’s Cancer Awareness lic safety and have been awarded the pres- INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION TO Month. tigious Valor Award by the Fairfax County RECOGNIZE JUNE AS MEN’S CAN- f Chamber of Commerce. CER AWARENESS MONTH This is the 37th Annual Valor Awards spon- TRIBUTE TO CAPTAIN LUTHER sored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Com- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS RICE merce. This event honors the remarkable her- OF FLORIDA HON. LUKE MESSER oism and bravery in the line of duty exempli- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fied by our public safety officers. Our public OF INDIANA safety and law enforcement personnel put Wednesday, April 15, 2015 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their lives on the line every day to keep our Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Wednesday, April 15, 2015 families and neighborhoods safe. This year’s highlight an issue of growing concern to this Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ceremony will recognize 93 individuals in a va- nation: cancer among men, by introducing a pay tribute to the life of Captain Luther Rice, riety of categories including: the Lifesaving resolution recognizing June as Men’s Cancer a veteran of the United States Marine Corps Certificate, the Certificate of Valor, and the Awareness Month. and a truly selfless Hoosier. Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medal of Valor. Cancer is a deadly disease that does not Luther was a devoted husband, father, and Forty-eight members of the Fairfax County discriminate. It impacts all demographics and grandfather. He was married to his wife Bar- Police Department are being honored this year every segment of our population. However, bara Anne Nehls Rice for 61 years. Together, for their exceptional service. It is with great what I find extremely alarming is that cancer they had three children and six grandchildren. pride that I submit the names of the following is claiming the lives of males of all races and Luther was also a proud Marine. He served in Valor Award Recipients: ages at an alarming rate. One in 2 men will be the United States Marine Corps for 23 years, Silver Medal of Valor Recipients: Police Offi- diagnosed with cancer over the course of their eventually retiring with the rank of Captain in cer First Class Roberto Asencios; Police Offi- lifetimes. Men face a 43.31 percent lifetime 1971. He completed one tour in Korea and cer First Class Kevin Gemmell; Police Officer risk of being diagnosed with some form of two tours of duty in Vietnam, earning a Bronze First Class Ryan Quarto; Police Officer First cancer. Statistics show that men have a 22.83 Star with Combat ‘‘V’’ during his second Viet- Class Thomas Thompson; Police Officer First percent chance of dying from cancer versus nam tour. Overall, Captain Rice was awarded Class Nathan Van Husen; Sergeant Michael 19.26 percent of women. The Centers for Dis- an impressive 14 different medals during his Gubesch; Police Officer First Class Kenyatta ease Control (CDC) estimates that nearly career in the Marines. Momon; Police Officer First Class Tyler Tim- 300,000 men die annually as a result of can- After his distinguished military career, Luther berlake cer. Furthermore, African American men have started attending night and summer school at Bronze Medal of Valor Recipients: Police the highest cancer incidence and mortality Indiana State University, where he earned his Officer First Class Gershon Ramirez; Sergeant rates according to the CDC. Bachelor’s degree in 1977 and a Master’s in Lieutenant Richard Buisch; Police Officer First I ask my fellow Members of Congress to K–12 education in 1978. Luther found a pas- Class Robert Marshall; Police Officer First join me in shining a light on this deadly dis- sion for education and was named principal of Class Eric Runkles; Police Officer First Class ease that is plaguing the men of our commu- Connersville vocational school where he Shannon Sams; Police Officer First Class nities. These men are our fathers, grand- served from 1979 to 1983. He also taught at Larry St. Clair; Second Lieutenant Jane Burns; fathers, brothers, uncles, sons, grandsons, the Career Center in Versailles, Indiana, and Police Officer First Class Shawn Carroll; Po- and nephews. Recognizing and preventing was eventually appointed school principal lice Officer Harrison Gamble; Police Officer men’s health problems is not just an issue fac- there as well—a position he served in until his First Class Edward George; Police Officer An- ing men, it also has a profound impact on the retirement in 1992. In 1991, Luther was ap- thony Capizzi; Police Officer First Class Sarah lives of wives, mothers, daughters, and sis- pointed Judge of Aurora City Court by Indiana Hansen; Captain Graham McGowan; Master ters, and is truly a family issue. No one should Governor Evan Bayh, a position he held for Police Officer Steven Carroll; Master Police ever be put in a position to have to pre- six years. Officer Jey Phillips; Second Lieutenant Jeffrey maturely bury their loved one. In his spare time, Luther enjoyed supporting Reiff Additionally, there are a number of con- fellow veterans in his community. Luther was Certificate of Valor Recipients: Police Officer sistent gender differences in cancer suscepti- a lifetime member of the Korean War Veterans Brian Geschke; Detective Brett Choyce; De- bility. In fact, gender differences in cancer sus- Association and served as its National Director tective Richard Early, Detective Stephen ceptibility are rarely publicized and often inad- for six years. He also volunteered at Dearborn Sulzinski; Detective Brian Takagi; Police Offi- equately addressed. There are a number of County Hospital for 17 years, where he even- cer First Class Richard Cash; Police Officer common cancers that have the highest male- tually became President of the Dearborn First Class Paul Stracke; Police Officer First to-female (M:F) ratios, including colorectal County Hospital Community Foundation. Class Dustin Tewilliager; Lieutenant Jason cancers; cancers of the lung and bronchus; Today, it is my privilege to honor the life of Allegra non-Hodgkin lymphoma, urinary and bladder Captain Luther Rice. My thoughts and prayers Lifesaving Certificate Recipients: Police Offi- cancers, and most alarming Kaposi sarcoma. go out to Luther’s family, and may God com- cer Michael Crutchman; Police Officer Jesse I was inspired to introduce this resolution by fort those he left behind with His peace and Katzman; Police Officer Tyler Spencer; Police a constituent from my district, Mr. Joel strength.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.010 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E501 HONORING BOLIVAR COMMUNITY RECOGNIZING THE 2015 FAIRFAX health advisers for the Congressional Budget ACTION AGENCY COUNTY OFFICE OF THE SHER- Office and contributed significantly to a host of IFF VALOR AWARD RECIPIENTS prominent medical societies and organizations, HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON PRESENTED BY THE FAIRFAX including the American Surgical Association, OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY CHAMBER OF COM- the Institute of Medicine of the National Acad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MERCE emy of Sciences, and the Roundtable on Value and Science-Driven Healthcare. He is Wednesday, April 15, 2015 HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY an appointee to the Committee on the Govern- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- OF VIRGINIA ance and Financing of Graduate Medical Edu- er, I rise today to honor a remarkable Social IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation, and, in February this year, Dr. Steele Service Agency, Bolivar Community Action joined the ranks of the Millennium Health Advi- Agency which is located in Bolivar County, Wednesday, April 15, 2015 sory Board. He has also served as Chairman Mississippi. Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today of the American Board of Surgery and Presi- Bolivar County Community Action Agency is to recognize an outstanding group of men and dent of the Society of Surgical Oncology. a 501(C3) tax-exempt organization with a fif- women in Northern Virginia. These individuals Dr. Steele’s work has earned him several teen member board of directors composed of have demonstrated superior dedication to pub- national awards, including the CEO IT equal representation from the public, private lic safety and have been awarded the pres- Achievement Award in 2005, the American and poor sectors. As a leading program in the tigious Valor Award by the Fairfax County Hospital Association’s (AHA) Grassroots State of Mississippi, Bolivar County Commu- Chamber of Commerce. Champion Award in 2007, the 8th Annual nity Action Agency provides a variety of serv- This is the 37th Annual Valor Awards spon- (2010) AHA Health Research & Education ices ranging from preschool childcare to a sored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Com- Trust Award, and the Healthcare Financial senior companion program; from a homeless merce. This event honors the remarkable her- Management Association Board of Directors’ shelter to transitional housing; from a youth oism and bravery in the line of duty exempli- Award in 2011. He has been recognized in the adolescent offenders program to a general fied by our public safety officers. Our public Modern Healthcare’s ‘‘50 Most Powerful Physi- education diploma program. safety and law enforcement personnel put cian Executives’’ numerous times and has The Agency’s principal activities for over their lives on the line every day to keep our made other health care industry ‘‘most influen- forty years consists of carrying out Community families and neighborhoods safe. This year’s tial’’ lists repeatedly. Dr. Steele has addition- Action Programs through grants received from ceremony will recognize 93 individuals in a va- ally served on the editorial board of many the State of Mississippi Department of Human riety of categories including: the Lifesaving medical journals and has authored or co-au- Services, the Federal Department of Health & Certificate, the Certificate of Valor, and the thored more than 480 scientific and profes- Human Services, the Mississippi State Depart- Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medal of Valor. sional articles—quite a career record! ment of Education and other governmental Six members of the Fairfax County Office of It is an honor to recognize Dr. Glenn Steele and private funding agencies. Those programs the Sheriff Office are being honored this year for his many and ongoing accomplishments. I consist of: Head Start, Early Head Start, Delta for their exceptional service. commend him for his innovative leadership in Workforce Investment Area In-School/Out- It is with great pride that I submit the names the field of health care and for his indispen- School Program, Aging & Senior Companion of the following Valor Award recipients: sable contributions to the high quality of life Division, Community Services Block Grant, Certificate of Valor Recipients: we enjoy in the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Pro- Correctional Health Nurse Joan Dempsey; vania. gram, Transitional Housing, Community Action PFC Sonya Claiborne; f Transitional Shelter, Community Action New PFC Michael Ittner; PFC Teena Putman; INTRODUCING LEGISLATION TO Start and Adolescent Opportunity Programs. 2nd Lieutenant Joseph Evans; HELP PREVENT HEROIN AND In 2012 the Bolivar County Community Ac- 1st Lieutenant Charles Oakley PRESCRIPTION DRUG tion Agency, Inc. Board of Directors appointed Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the 2015 Valor OVERDOSES the first female and African American as Exec- Award Recipients, and thank each of the men utive Director, Mrs. Elnora F. Littleton, who and women who serve in the Fairfax County HON. RICHARD E. NEAL was a Head Start pioneer and aware of the Sheriff’s Office. Their efforts, made on behalf agency’s varied programs. Her testimony is OF MASSACHUSETTS of the citizens of our community, are selfless IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES one of success—who started over forty years acts of heroism and truly merit our highest Wednesday, April 15, 2015 ago as a high school graduate employed in praise. I ask my colleagues to join me in ap- the Head Start Program. Her ambition, dedica- plauding this group of remarkable citizens. Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased tion and passion for the betterment of low-in- to come before the House to introduce legisla- f come children and families in Bolivar County, tion to exempt from civil liability emergency Mississippi has served as stepping stones pro- IN RECOGNITION OF DR. GLENN D. administration of opioid overdose-reversing moting her from Teacher’s Assistant to Teach- STEELE, JR., PRESIDENT AND drugs, like naloxone by people who prescribe er; from Center Director to Nutrition Director, CEO OF GEISINGER HEALTH SYS- or are prescribed them. I am pleased to be and from Education Director to Head Start Di- TEM joined in my efforts by Senator MARKEY who rector. has introduced a companion bill in the Senate. Serving faithfully under the leadership of HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT Prescription drug overdoses have reached former Executive Director Billy J. McCain, Mrs. OF PENNSYLVANIA epidemic levels in this country. In the past ten Littleton has witnessed transitions and devel- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years, opioid prescription has doubled. Every opment of Head Start’s meager beginnings to day 120 people die from drug overdoses Wednesday, April 15, 2015 a multi-million dollar program. fueled by prescription painkillers. Drugs like As Executive Director, Ms Littleton is re- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise naloxone provide the means to counteract the sponsible for programmatic and fiscal compo- today to honor Dr. Glenn Steele, Jr., who will effects of opioid overdoses. This is a life-sav- nents that serve 843 children and families in be retiring in June after a stellar, fourteen-year ing treatment, but some are deterred from pro- Bolivar County. tenure as President and CEO of Geisinger viding these drugs for fear of litigation. To say the least, her accomplishments and Health System. Under his leadership, When an opioid overdose occurs, adminis- accolades are impeccable. She is respectively Geisinger grew and gained national recogni- tration of an opioid reversal drug is necessary known locally and nationally as ‘‘a person who tion for its innovative approach to health care. to prevent death. But it must occur within a gets the job done.’’ Mrs. Littleton, along with Today, the company serves 2.6 million resi- certain window of time before the chance of the board of directors and staff, anticipates dents across 44 counties in Pennsylvania and survival is lost. This is the time for quick ac- higher dimensions and a new direction for the employs almost 21,000 people. For his tion, not deliberations over the possibilities of agency that will not only impact the community groundbreaking and imaginative leadership, a lawsuit. First responders and other ‘‘Good and today’s generation, but generations to Dr. Steele has been recognized as one of the Samaritans’’ who have the means to treat an come. most influential physician executives our na- opioid overdose should not be dealt this bur- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me tion has ever seen. den. in recognizing an amazing social service orga- During his remarkable company leadership The bill I am introducing today would protect nization. stint, Dr. Steele also served on the panel of treatment with opioid overdose-reversing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.013 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E502 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 drugs by volunteers at opioid overdose pro- College. I want to thank Professor Holmes for COMMEMORATING THE 36TH ANNI- grams, health care professionals, and individ- his service to Hope College, to Michigan, and VERSARY OF THE TAIWAN RELA- uals who administer the drug to a person who to this country. TIONS ACT is or reasonably appears to have suffered an overdose. This will give first responders the f HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON resources they need to save lives. RECOGNIZING THE 2015 FAIRFAX OF IDAHO This bill only protects those who prescribe IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES opioid reversing drugs, or have been pre- COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE DE- scribed them. And it only covers cir- PARTMENT VALOR AWARD RE- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 cumstances in which someone is suffering or CIPIENTS PRESENTED BY THE Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to is perceived to be suffering from an opioid FAIRFAX COUNTY CHAMBER OF acknowledge the anniversary of the Taiwan overdose. Reckless use of opioid reversing COMMERCE Relations Act (TRA) which was signed into law drugs will not be condoned. on April 10, 1979. For the past 36 years, the Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the opportunity to HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY TRA has facilitated a partnership committed to address the House on this important matter OF VIRGINIA increasing trade and investment as well as re- and I assure my colleagues that I will continue IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gional security. The TRA serves as the corner- my efforts in preserving all lives. stone of the relationship between the United f Wednesday, April 15, 2015 States and Taiwan that has been of mutual economic, cultural, and strategic benefit. CONGRATULATING DR. JACK Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize an outstanding group of men and Taiwan has been an important contributor HOLMES ON 47 YEARS OF SERV- towards economic and political security in Asia ICE AS A PROFESSOR OF POLIT- women in Northern Virginia. These individuals have demonstrated superior dedication to pub- for decades, and continues to be a major and ICAL SCIENCE AT HOPE COL- invaluable trading partner with the United LEGE lic safety and have been awarded the pres- tigious Valor Award by the Fairfax County States. Taiwan’s citizens continue to benefit Chamber of Commerce. from self-governance and free-elections, and HON. BILL HUIZENGA This is the 37th Annual Valor Awards spon- the open society and democracy of Taiwan al- OF MICHIGAN sored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Com- lows for innovation and growth that puts it on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES merce. This event honors the remarkable her- competitive footing with the largest and most Wednesday, April 15, 2015 oism and bravery in the line of duty exempli- powerful countries in the world. fied by our public safety officers. Our public In celebrating another milestone in the rela- Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I safety and law enforcement personnel put tionship between the United States and the rise today to recognize Dr. Jack Holmes and their lives on the line every day to keep our people of Taiwan, the 36th anniversary of Tai- his commendable service to Hope College as families and neighborhoods safe. This year’s wan Relations Act (TRA); we not only say a Professor of Political Science. thank you, but make certain those provisions After graduating cum laude from Knox Col- ceremony will recognize 93 individuals in a va- riety of categories including: the Lifesaving of the TRA continue to provide the security lege with honors in political science, Professor necessary to maintain the strength and char- Holmes went on to earn his Ph.D. in political Certificate, the Certificate of Valor, and the Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medal of Valor. acter of one of our closest allies and economic science from the University of Denver. As a partners. I am honored to recognize Taiwan Captain in the U.S. Army in the Politico-Mili- Thirty-two members of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department are being hon- on the 36th Anniversary of the Taiwan Rela- tary Division at the Pentagon, Dr. Holmes re- tions Act, and I am grateful for our long- searched major international political decisions ored this year for their exceptional service. It is with great pride that I submit the names of standing friendship and our shared commit- affecting the army. After his work in Wash- ment to promoting enduring stability and pros- ington, he moved to Holland, Michigan, to the following Valor Award Recipients: Gold Medal of Valor Recipients: Technician perity in the Asia-Pacific region. teach at Hope College. After four years, how- f ever, he returned to Colorado to work as the Ryland Chapman, Technician Gregory Wood District Assistant for Congressman Don Silver Medal of Valor Recipient: Master CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNI- Brotzman. This position entailed constituent Technician George Moore, Cadet Justin VERSARY OF THE COMMERCIAL relations as well as advising on foreign policy, Spears METALS COMPANY minority, education, and environmental mat- Bronze Medal of Valor Recipients: Techni- ters. Ever a true Flying Dutchmen though, cian Davin Bridges; Technician Ian Brill; Tech- HON. KENNY MARCHANT nician Mark Deyneka; Technician Michael Professor Holmes returned to Hope in 1975. OF TEXAS Eddy; Technician Thomas Feehan; Technician Professor Holmes’ experiences in the public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sector and his interest in American foreign pol- Michael Frames; Technician Timothy Kelly; icy and international relations were instru- Technician Michael King; Technician Heather Wednesday, April 15, 2015 mental in creating his Mood/Interest Theory of Lefever; Technician Stephanie Leland; Techni- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today American Foreign Policy. He has recently writ- cian Lawrence Mullin; Technician Timothy to celebrate 100 years of a prosperous busi- ten a follow up to Mood/Interest Theory called Pais; Technician Samuel Porter; Technician ness model and the strong work ethic of the Ambivalent America: Cyclical Interactions with Robert Ritchie; Technician William Thurston; Commercial Metals Company (CMC), a metals Trends. Not only is Professor Holmes an ex- Master Technician Beverly Studds; Lieutenant company founded in 1915 in Dallas, Texas. cellent theorist, he has also co-authored a na- Carlos Carrillo; Lieutenant Eric Craven; Lieu- CMC is celebrating its 100th anniversary of tional government textbook American Govern- tenant John McDonell; Lieutenant Michael Mil- business this year. This company started out ment: Essentials & Perspectives as well as ler; Firefighter Jason Branham; Technician in Dallas, Texas as a single operation in 1915 many other articles and journals. He has been Louis Botha; Technician William Kight, Jr.; by a Russian immigrant named Moses Feld- heavily involved in the Hope College commu- Master Technician Anthony Doran; Captain I man. What began as a local recycling busi- nity, especially as faculty advisor to Model Patrick Sheehan ness grew into one of the top domestic steel United Nations and to the Hope Republicans. Certificate of Valor Recipients: Technician manufacturers, fabricators and metals recy- Professor Holmes has also served as a polit- Adam Armstrong; Firefighter Thomas Johnson clers. CMC today is a Fortune 500 global met- ical consultant and has been very involved Lifesaving Certificate Recipient: Inspector als company with operations in more than 20 with the Michigan Republican party. George Martin, Jr. countries with almost 200 facilities. It is an Professor Holmes grew up in Colorado and Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the 2015 Valor honor to have such a successful homegrown returns each summer. As an avid outdoors- Award Recipients, and thank each of the men business in my district. man he spends the summer months on his and women who serve in the Fairfax County This impressive company wasn’t always so mountain ranch researching, writing, back- Fire and Rescue Department. Their efforts, prosperous and fortunate; like many busi- packing, fishing, and even teaching a course made on behalf of the citizens of our commu- nesses, there were lean times and great dif- on wilderness politics. nity, are selfless acts of heroism and truly ficulties it had come in contact with. The stock Today, April 27, 2015, we recognize Pro- merit our highest praise. I ask my colleagues market crash of 1929 slowed down CMC’s fessor Holmes for all of his tireless work and to join me in applauding this group of remark- plan for growth as it did the rest of the nation, commitment to political science and to Hope able citizens. but by the 1930s it was ready again to thrive.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.015 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E503 The company clawed out of the economic invited my colleagues to join me in honoring Reverend Bush, Reverend Roots, Reverend hard times before exporting scrap iron to inter- the life of Dr. Richard Post. Reuben Hall and Reverend J.E. Morris. Most national markets. CMC also contributed hard f recently, on June 23, 1990, Reverend Charles work and necessary services to America’s war A. Lundy was called to the pulpit to lead the effort during WWII. As Americans were in- CELEBRATING THE 132ND ANNI- church. structed to take all scrap metal to be recycled VERSARY OF EBENEZER BAP- Under Reverend Lundy’s leadership, Ebe- for guns, tanks and ships, CMC used this as TIST CHURCH nezer Baptist Church has flourished. Due to a means of helping and becoming part of the significant membership growth from 120 to massive surge in manufacturing and producing HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY over 800 members in recent years, weekly on behalf of the war effort. OF VIRGINIA worship at Ebenezer Baptist Church has been Structural Metals Inc. (SMI) played a signifi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES relocated to Telegraph Road to accommodate cant part in CMC’s success by aiding its do- a growing church family. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 mestic presence. SMI was founded in Seguin, Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join Texas and was a building block for CMC’s do- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today me in celebrating the 132nd anniversary of mestic steel manufacturing operations. CMC to recognize the 132nd anniversary of Ebe- Ebenezer Baptist Church and in thanking the became the first secondary metals company to nezer Baptist Church. church and congregation for their contributions be listed on a major stock exchange in 1960. Reverend Lewis Henry Bailey, a freed slave, to our community. In 1963 CMC obtained a stake in SMI and en- founded Ebenezer Baptist Church. After being f tered into steel manufacturing. In the 1970s separated from his family in Alexandria, Vir- and 1980s CMC added several other aspects ginia, Lewis Henry Bailey was sold into slav- RECOGNIZING THE 40TH ANNIVER- of the steel industry to its already impressive ery and spent all of his youth and early adult- SARY OF CAMBODIAN DAY OF resume. With such expansion and growth hood as a slave in the state of Texas. Upon REMEMBRANCE CMC became a Fortune 500 company and his return to Alexandria, Virginia, after obtain- never looked back. Again, I’m thankful to have ing his freedom, Lewis Henry Bailey was re- HON. MIKE QUIGLEY a company with such history within my district. united with his mother, not far from where he OF ILLINOIS Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to recognize was sold into slavery. Bailey found employ- the 100th anniversary of the Commercial Met- ment with a railroad company and later grad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES als Company. I ask all of my distinguished col- uated from Wayland College. In 1882, he was Wednesday, April 15, 2015 leagues to join me in celebrating this mile- ordained as an itinerant minister at Ebenezer Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, as this April stone in the company’s history. Baptist Church in Alexandria. With aspirations of sharing the Gospel with residents of the marks the 40th anniversary of the brutal f Town of Occoquan, Reverend Bailey walked Khmer Rouge regime’s rise to power in Cam- bodia, I join Cambodian Americans to com- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. RICHARD to and from the town to hold religious services POST for the black members of the community. In memorate this tragedy in the community’s appreciation of his tireless efforts, white mem- past. As we solemnly recognize this moment bers of the community provided land for a for many we can also look at the hopeful fu- HON. ERIC SWALWELL church and a place for Reverend Bailey to ture that lies ahead for the Cambodian Amer- OF CALIFORNIA live. The Clerk of the Court for Prince William ican community. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES County approved the deed on March 8, 1883, The Khmer Rouge regime seized power in Cambodia four decades ago on April 17, 1975 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 and Ebenezer Baptist Church celebrates its anniversary on the first Sunday of March in and began a four year long reign of terror and Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. Speaker, recognition of this momentous occasion. systematic genocide. Upwards of 3.4 million I rise today to honor the life of an exemplary Bailey started the New School in Occoquan, innocent men, women, and children lost their scientist, Richard Post. Post was a remarkable serving as a precursor to the establishment of lives at mass grave sites now known as the physicist and inventor at Lawrence Livermore the New School Baptist Church, which later Killing Fields. Thousands of refugees escaped National Laboratory (LLNL) in Livermore, Cali- became Ebenezer Baptist Church. The corner- these atrocities and were given sanctuary in fornia. stone of the church was laid on the first Sun- the United States; many came to the state of Post was a passionate inventor who had his day in May 1883 and the building was dedi- Illinois. name on over 34 patents. In the 1970s he in- cated in 1885. Reverend Bailey, who had long Thanks to the Cambodian Association of Illi- troduced the possibility of lightweight compos- been the inspiration and driving force for the nois and our strong Cambodian-American ites that could possibly store great amounts of establishment of this church, led the con- community here in the United States, we are renewable energy. In recent years, his re- gregation from 1885–1891. The church has aware of the Cambodian genocide and its search focused primarily on methods of stor- endured setbacks and faced community chal- devastating effects. Organizations such as the ing renewable energy in a flywheel. Post’s re- lenges during its 132 year history. After the Cambodian American Heritage Museum and search sought to combat global warming by original church structure burned to the ground the Killing Field Memorial carry out the vital using flywheels to make renewable energy in 1923, Ebenezer Baptist Church was rebuilt mission of ensuring that we do not forget the sources more accessible and affordable. in 1924 where it remains today in the same atrocities of this period. The Cambodian com- Post’s extraordinary career spanned over 60 historical site. Ebenezer Baptist Church lead- munity is committed to remembering and pay- years. After World War II, when Post was sta- ership and its members have played key roles ing tribute to those lost in the Killing Fields tioned at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in both promoting civic justice and raising while enhancing the public’s awareness of and assigned to Pearl Harbor, he completed awareness throughout Prince William County. these atrocities and healing the survivors and his graduate studies at Pomona College and The church was instrumental in the integration their families. earned a Ph.D. in physics in 1950 from Stan- of the county’s public schools in the 1960s. I As Illinois and other states recognize April ford University. was honored to include the oral histories of 17th as the Cambodian Day of Remembrance, Post spent a year at what would become three members of Ebenezer Baptist Church in I rise today to join my Cambodian American Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, work- my recent Northern Virginia Civil Rights Ar- friends to commemorate the atrocities of the ing with Nobel Prize winners and noted nu- chive project. Killing Fields and to provide comfort and hope clear physicist Herb York, who would become Throughout its history, Ebenezer Baptist to the victims’ families. Let us take this mo- LLNL’s first director. Post followed York to Church has been led by pastors who have ment to recognize that group-targeted violence LLNL just months after the lab opened in served the church and the congregation faith- and bigotry still exist in nations across the 1952. In 1978 he received the prestigious fully. It is my honor to enter into the CONGRES- world, and we cannot ignore its presence. James Clerk Maxwell Prize in Plasma Physics. SIONAL RECORD the names of the governing Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Post will long be remembered for his con- pastors of Ebenezer Baptist Church since its in solidarity with the Cambodian-American tribution to sustainable energy and his work founding in 1883: Reverend Lewis Henry Bai- community in remembering those who were and efforts will be continued by his colleagues ley, Reverend Wesley Jackson, Reverend J. lost to the Khmer Rouge regime and in recog- at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I E. Peterson, Reverend Francis Eager Pree, nizing our hope for a more peaceful future.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.018 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 IN RECOGNITION OF THE POTTS- Last weekend I was present as Brookdale victims of the Holocaust, China, the Soviet VILLE ROTARY CLUB’S 100TH AN- College, the Center for Holocaust, Human Union, Eastern Europe, Ethiopia, Rwanda, NIVERSARY Rights, and Genocide Education presented Bosnia, DRC, Darfur, Syria to name a few. two exhibits and launched a book on the Ar- That means that we here in the United HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT menian genocide. The exhibit A Journey to States, and that means not only the Congress OF PENNSYLVANIA Life: Armenia teaches the history of the Arme- but also the President, have the responsibility IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nian Genocide through the lives of local Arme- to speak truthfully and to speak boldly about Wednesday, April 15, 2015 nian Genocide Survivors who settled in Mon- the past in order to secure our future. We mouth County, while Illuminating Images: A must write and speak the truth so that genera- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise Hundred Year Remembrance is an art exhibit tions to come will not repeat the mistakes of today to honor the Rotary Club of Pottsville, created by middle school, high school and col- the past. which will celebrate its 100th anniversary this lege students from across the county and be- Only 20 nations around the world have rec- Friday, April 17, 2015. The club was chartered yond. The book released last weekend was ognized the Armenian Genocide. That in- on May 1, 1915 as Club 157 in District 35, a Hundred-Year Commemoration of the Arme- cludes Canada as well as eleven EU countries district that included all of Pennsylvania, Mary- nian Genocide: Celebrating the Lives of Arme- including France, Germany Italy, Sweden, Bel- land, Delaware, New Jersey, and the District nian Genocide Survivors in Our Community, gium, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Slo- of Columbia. The founding 64 members were which features the personal histories of 54 vakia, Greece and Cypress. Conspicuously led by President O. L. Underwood, Treasurer Survivors who lived in Monmouth County. Ev- absent from the list of nations that have offi- J. E. Gregory, and Secretary J. H. Zerbey, Jr. eryone who contributed to these exhibits and cially recognized the Armenian Genocide is The Reading Rotary Club, which was estab- this book has performed a great service to the United States of America. lished the prior year, was the sponsor of New Jersey—not only to Armenian-Americans, When political leaders fail to lead or de- Pottsville’s club. but to everyone, including those who deny the nounce violence, the void is not only demor- In the early days of the club, the meeting genocide. They opened paths to the truth, and alizing to the victims but silence actually en- places ‘‘Rotated’’ around Pottsville. The therefore to a better future. ables the wrongdoing. Silence by elected offi- venues the club frequented included the Allan In September 2000 I chaired a hearing on cials in particular conveys approval—or at Hotel, the Necho Allen, the Penn Hall, and the Armenian Genocide and co-sponsored leg- least acquiescence—and can contribute to a other spots in downtown Pottsville. Meetings islation to finally put the United States on climate of fear and a sense of vulnerability. also took place in communities outside of record officially acknowledging it. It was a History has taught us that silence is not an Pottsville including Long Run (now Schuylkill four-hour hearing, the first hearing the House option. We must do more. Haven), Tamaqua, Pine Grove, Normal of Representatives ever held on the Armenian Square, Hamburg, Shartlesville, and other f Genocide. The testimony I heard that day, and towns. accounts of the atrocities I have read in the RECOGNIZING THE RECIPIENTS OF The Rotary Club of Pottsville has supported articles and books over the years have THE 2015 DALE CITY CIVIC ASSO- the Rotary Foundation through the years and shocked me deeply. The resolution H. Res. CIATION COMMUNITY AWARDS is proud to list 68 Paul Harris Fellows, each 398—vigorously opposed by the Clinton Ad- recognized for contributions to the Rotary ministration—never got a vote. HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Foundation. Since its founding, the Pottsville But just as shocking then is what we still OF VIRGINIA Rotary Club has supported Rotary Inter- see today: a completely political and callous national efforts to eradicate polio worldwide. In IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES campaign to deny the Armenian genocide. Wednesday, April 15, 2015 addition to helping fight Polio globally, the In 1915, there were about 2 million Arme- Pottsville Rotary Club has a history of helping nians living in what was then the Ottoman Em- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- locally. It was Pottsville Rotarians who orga- pire. They were living in a region that they in- ognize the recipients of the 2015 Dale City nized the Schuylkill County Crippled Children habited for 2,500 years. By 1923, well over 90 Civic Association Community Awards. Association in Pottsville. They promoted and percent of these Armenians had disappeared. The Dale City Civic Association was found- sponsored the Schuylkill Campus of the Penn- Most of them, as many as 1.5 million, were ed in 1967 to promote community initiatives. sylvania State University. They organized and dead. The remainder had been forced into Today, the organization’s purpose is to rep- sponsored the Rotary Little League, the exile. resent the interests of the residents of Dale Zerbey Rotary little league field, the Pottsville There is no lack of historical record. In fact, City in a manner that benefits the entire com- girls softball field in Forest Hills, and improve- we only have to listen to the words of the US munity. Members do this through revitalization ments at the Gordon Nagle little league and Ambassador to Turkey at the time, Henry Mor- and beautification projects, land use advocacy, softball fields. The club also helped found the genthau, who called it a ‘‘campaign of race ex- and volunteer responses to community needs. annual Charity Bowl all-star basketball games, termination.’’ The Association hosts an annual awards which features boys and girls high school all- We only have to listen to the British, French, banquet to honor individuals and organizations star teams. and Russian governments who said the Young that have shown exceptional devotion to the It is an honor to recognize the Rotary Club Turks committed a ‘‘crime against humanity,’’ community and public service. It is my honor of Pottsville on its 100th Anniversary. I am the first time in history that charge was ever to submit the names of the recipients of the certain that the organization will continue to made by one state against another. 2015 Dale City Civic Association Community work for the improvement of our community And we only have to listen to the govern- Awards: and will be a big part of Pottsville and Schuyl- ment of Turkey itself, which tried and con- Business of the Year Award: The Dental kill County’s future. victed a number of high-ranking Young Turk Spa, Dr. Marvette Thomas f officials for their role in what the Turkish gov- Catherine Spellane Citizen of the Year: An- ONE HUNDRED YEARS LATER, AR- ernment’s indictment called, ‘‘the massacre gela H. McConnell MENIAN GENOCIDE DENIERS and destruction of the Armenians.’’ Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, Cadet PERSIST When the term genocide was invented in of the Year: Austin Prinbanic 1944 to describe the systematic destruction of Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, Emer- HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH an entire people, its author Raphael Lemkin gency Medical Service Provider of the Year: explained the term by saying it was ‘‘the sort Nikia Griffiths OF NEW JERSEY of thing Hitler did to the Jews and the Turks Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, Fire- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES did to the Armenians.’’ fighter of the Year: Christopher Berry Wednesday, April 15, 2015 The campaign to deny this genocide—often Dale City Volunteer Fire Department, Officer Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, driven by the Turkish government—is repul- of the Year: Lieutenant Christopher Gardner genocide is the most terrible crime a people sive. It is a slap in the face to Armenians ev- Jr. can undergo, or another people can commit. It erywhere. It is this denial that keeps the Arme- Dale City Youth Environmental and Con- must never be forgotten—to forget it would be nian genocide a burning issue and prevents servation Award: Khrissa Chun to dull our consciences and diminish our own much needed healing of old wounds. Arme- Ernestine S. Jenkins Lifetime Volunteer humanity. It must never be denied, but fully nians are unfortunately not alone in suffering Achievement Award: Mary Louise Mawn acknowledged—otherwise any meaningful at- the hurt and pain that stems from the denial John D. Jenkins Youth Citizen of the Year: tempt at reconciliation will be thwarted. of truth. The international community failed the John Thomas Fitzgerald

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.021 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E505 Kathleen K. Seefeldt Community Service Tallahatchie County, MS in the Second Con- Unfortunately, the Republican plan for our Award: Clarice J. Torian gressional District of Mississippi. country is to slash investments in education, Kathy Feeney Nurse of the Year: Bridget f transportation and manufacturing. Rasmussen Trotman Rather than help the middle class, the Re- Outstanding Youth Mentor and Advocate of INTRODUCTION OF THE WESTERN publican budget hurts ordinary Americans by Higher Education Award: Miranda ‘‘Randi’’ HEMISPHERE DRUG POLICY COM- giving a top 1% tax cut to the ultra-rich, which Manderson MISSION ACT means the typical American family will end up Prince William County Department of Fire paying more. and Rescue, Career Emergency Medical Serv- HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL In contrast, the Democratic plan for our ice Provider of the Year: Technician II Robert OF NEW YORK country invests in the quintessential American Seitz IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES propositions of a good education, better infra- Prince William County Department of Fire Wednesday, April 15, 2015 structure, and bigger paychecks. and Rescue, Career Firefighter of the Year: For 100 Days, the majority party has en- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, today, I am gaged in special interest giveaways and shut- Captain Kim Stewart pleased to introduce the Western Hemisphere Prince William County Police Department, down brinksmanship. Drug Policy Commission Act, a bill that will Over the next 100 days, and every day after Police Officer of the Year: Officer Robert create an independent commission to evaluate that, I will continue to stand—along with my White Jr. U.S. policies aimed at reducing drug produc- fellow Democrats—for something else entirely: Prince William County Public Schools, Ele- tion and trafficking in the Western Hemi- A nation defined—a nation driven—by full mentary School Teacher of the Year: Katie sphere. A similar bill passed the House For- investment in the imagination and industry of Rivers eign Affairs Committee unanimously last year each and every American family. Prince William County Public Schools, High and passed the House of Representatives I want to see Made in America, again. School Teacher of the Year: Thomas P. unanimously on December 8, 2009. f Tutwiler I thank my good friend and colleague Con- Prince William County Public Schools, Mid- gressman MATT SALMON, the Chairman of the RECOGNIZING PAULINE HUNTER dle School Teacher of the Year: Dawn Cajigas Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, for being ON THE OCCASION OF HER RE- Prince William County Sheriff’s Office, Dep- the lead Republican sponsor of this legislation. TIREMENT uty Sheriff of the Year: Deputy Sheila B. John- With $15.7 billion spent on counternarcotics son programs in Latin America and the Caribbean HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join between 1980 and 2012, it is important to take OF VIRGINIA me in commending the winners of the 2015 stock of what has worked, what has not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dale City Civic Association Community worked and what future U.S. drug policy Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Awards for their dedication to building and should look like. This independent commission Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to rec- maintaining a healthy community. Each recipi- will be required to submit recommendations on ognize and commend Pauline Hunter of ent has made a tangible imprint on Dale City, future U.S. drug policy to Congress, the Sec- Woodbridge, Virginia, on the occasion of her and, with these awards, we illustrate that their retary of State and the Director of the Office retirement following 28 years of exemplary contributions have not gone unnoticed. of National Drug Control Policy 12 months federal service. f after its first meeting. Ms. Hunter served the entirety of her career The time to examine U.S. drug policy is long with the Department of Army as a civilian em- HONORING JUDGE JOHN WILCHIE overdue. While billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars ployee. During her career, Ms. Hunter has have been spent over the years to fight the served in various positions, including Commu- drug trade, illegal drug use in the United HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON nity Relations Chief, Transition Services Man- States remains high. In 2013, there were an OF MISSISSIPPI ager, Family Services Coordinator, Excep- estimated 24,573,000 illicit drug users in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Family Member Program Coordinator, United States. In particular, I am concerned by Mental Health Counselor and Education Coun- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 the dramatic increase in heroin use in our selor. In every position, she has excelled and Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- country. Attorney General Eric Holder has used her expertise and professionalism to fur- er, I rise today to honor Judge John Wilchie noted that heroin overdose deaths in the ther the mission of the Department of Defense from Tallahatchie County, MS. United States increased by an alarming 45 and our nation. Judge Wilchie was born in Glendora, Mis- percent between 2006 and 2010. Assignments as both a military wife and ci- On the supply side, nearly all cocaine con- sissippi. Glendora is a small rural town in the vilian federal employee have taken Ms. Hunter sumed in the United States originates in South Second Congressional District. The town is around the world with tours in Heidelberg, Ber- America while most of the heroin consumed most notable for the Emmett Till Murder in lin, Fort Drum, Fort Myer, Fort Belvoir, the here is from Colombia and Mexico. In addition, 1955. Black history month is a month of rec- Pentagon, and most recently, the National Central America and the Caribbean are key ognition of African Americans who have made Geospatial Intelligence Agency, where she transit regions for drugs entering the United some type of historical contribution, big or has served as Event Manager for the past two States. small, in this country. years. Ms. Hunter has been a great ally to my To tackle our nation’s horrific drug problem Judge Wilchie made black history in 1979 in office during our frequent visits to Fort Belvoir once and for all, we must have a better sense Tallahatchie County when he was appointed as well as in providing assistance to my con- of what works and what does not work. Our as judge to finish the term of Judge JB Ray. stituents who live or work at the garrison, and partners in the Americas, who have worked The following year in 1980, however, he was I thank her for her responsiveness and serv- closely with us in fighting drug trafficking for elected as the first African-American Justice ice. Court Judge in the county. He retired from the years, and the citizens of our great country, Ms. Hunter’s deep-rooted commitment to bench in 1984. Judge Wilchie received his who deal every day with illegal drugs on their the Department of Defense and the assistance education from Mississippi Valley State Uni- streets, deserve no less. provided to service members and their families I urge my colleagues to join me in sup- versity as well as the University of Mississippi began in the classroom. She earned her porting this legislation. Judicial College in 2004. He helped to start Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work the Sharkey-Hampton Lake Volunteer Fire De- f from Tuskegee (Institute) University and went partment where he served as Fire Captain and THE FIRST 100 DAYS OF 114TH on to pursue a Master’s of Science in Edu- Chief. Currently, Judge Wilchie serves as the CONGRESS cation from Fort Valley (State College) Univer- Co-chairman of the Tallahatchie County Em- sity. mett Till Memorial Commission, a member of HON. TED LIEU Her passion for improving the lives of others the West Tallahatchie County P–16 Edu- is not restricted to efforts in the workplace. OF CALIFORNIA cational Board and the Chairman of the From serving as a volunteer tutor and board IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tallahatchie County Branch of the NAACP. member with the Prince William Literacy Pro- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Wednesday, April 15, 2015 gram to her devoted membership at First today in recognizing the historical contribution Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. Speaker, Mount Zion Baptist Church in Dumfries, Vir- of Judge John Wilchie for being elected as the unleashing the full potential of America means ginia, Ms. Hunter’s tireless efforts have bene- first African-American Justice Court Judge in fully investing in the American people. fited her community. A native of Greenville,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15AP8.014 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 Georgia, she has made Woodbridge her manned and unmanned flight systems. The IN RECOGNITION OF PHYLLIS home, and both Prince William County and the Aviation Museum of Kentucky helped foster MUNDY FOR HER OUTSTANDING 11th District of Virginia have benefited greatly this flourishing industry in our state and will SERVICE IN THE PENNSYLVANIA from her many contributions. continue to inspire future generations of aero- GENERAL ASSEMBLY Although Ms. Hunter has expressed interest space workers in the Bluegrass. in spending more time with her family, I en- As the Representative for the Sixth District HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT courage her to remain civically involved in of the Kentucky, I ask my colleagues in the OF PENNSYLVANIA Prince William County as her resolve and House to join me in celebrating the twentieth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedication are inspirational to all who have anniversary of the Aviation Museum of Ken- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 had the privilege of knowing her. tucky. Furthermore, I encourage my fellow While her professional successes cannot be Kentuckians to visit and take pride in this insti- Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor former Pennsylvania State denied, the most important roles in Ms. Hunt- tution and its preservation of the aviation and Representative Phyllis Mundy. First elected in er’s life have been as mother to Jennifer Hun- aerospace heritage of the Commonwealth. ter-Marshall and as Army wife of 42 years to 1990, Phyllis served 12 consecutive terms as the representative for Pennsylvania’s 120th Colonel (Retired) Cardell S. Hunter. I thank f them for their support and sacrifices that have District. Throughout her 24-year service in the General Assembly, Phyllis built a reputation as allowed Ms. Hunter to serve her country and HONORING GAIL WRIGHT LOWERY a champion of environmental protection and her community. early childhood education. I ask that my colleagues join me in con- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON While in Harrisburg, Phyllis was a legislative gratulating Ms. Pauline Hunter and in express- OF MISSISSIPPI leader with signature policies that expanded ing our appreciation for her years of dedication IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES care for senior citizens, improved the rights of as a federal civil servant and community vol- foster children, provided stronger home visita- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 unteer. I wish her continued success and a tion services for low-income expectant moth- healthy and happy retirement. Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- ers, boosted pre-K education, cut property f er, I rise today to honor Mrs. Gail Wright Low- taxes, and expanded prescription drug cov- RECOGNIZING THE 20TH ANNIVER- ery, who was born in Hinds County, Jackson, erage for seniors. As a Representative, Phyllis SARY OF THE AVIATION MU- Mississippi at Jackson State College’s Clinic. was beloved in northeastern Pennsylvania be- SEUM OF KENTUCKY She is the third child, and only daughter of Mr. cause of her highly responsive constituent and Mrs. Willie (Annie) Wright. Mrs. Lowery services and her frequent attendance at public was reared on Nashville Street. events important to local residents. HON. ANDY BARR As valedictorian of her kindergarten class Before her career in the state house, Phyllis OF KENTUCKY learning seemed always within easy reach. worked as a French teacher and a manager IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Early piano lessons taught by Mrs. Fannie for Injection Molding Corp., a multi-million dol- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Smith who lived on Randolph Street, caused lar manufacturing company. She served as Mrs. Lowery to have a love for music. She at- president of the Wilkes-Barre chapter of the Mr. BARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to com- League of Women Voters, a Luzerne County memorate the twentieth anniversary of the es- tended school at Morrison, and G. N. Smith Elementary. At Chastain, and Powell Jr. High Property Tax Reform Commissioner, and was tablishment of the Aviation Museum of Ken- active in the Junior League during the late tucky. she played the clarinet, and participated in the marching band. 1980s. A 1970 graduate of Bloomsburg Uni- In 1978, a group of dedicated aviation en- versity, Phyllis earned two degrees—in sec- High school years at Murrah kept her busy thusiasts founded the Kentucky Aviation ondary education and French. Roundtable in Lexington, Kentucky, with the participating in many school activities such as Although Phyllis has retired from elected of- mission of preserving the legacy of the avia- the Blue Jackets, the pep squad at Murrah, fice, she remains active in promoting the wel- tion and aerospace industries in the Common- where she served as captain. She entered her fare of her community. She currently serves wealth. senior year ranked in the top 1% of her 1975 on the boards of Maternal and Family Health Through dedication, persistence, and the class and received the distinct honor of Who’s Services, Luzerne County Head Start, the support of several generous benefactors, the Who at Murrah High. Area Agency on Aging, and the United Way’s Roundtable achieved its goal with the opening Upon entering Jackson State University she Success by Six, and she was also elected to of the Aviation Museum of Kentucky, on the served on the Mayor’s Youth Council and was the Vestry of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. grounds of Blue Grass Airport in Lexington, on elected Miss Pre Law Club. With a full schol- It is an honor to recognize Phyllis Mundy April 15, 1995. Today, the Museum is an edu- arship, she graduated in three years Magna and her exceptional work on behalf of Penn- cational resource for central Kentucky: hosting Cum Laude, and pressed on to her goal of be- sylvania. The inspirational legacy she has left exhibits, lectures, and events related to avia- coming an attorney. is a model for all who are interested in public tion and aerospace history, design, and engi- In August of 1978, at the age of 20, Mrs. service. I thank her for inspiring me, and I neering. Lowery entered law school at Northwestern wish her the best in retirement. The Museum’s grand opening ceremony School of Law in Chicago, Illinois. While there f doubled as a reunion for survivors of the Doo- she was active in and was elected as Chair- RECOGNIZING THE 2015 little Raid, honoring the airmen’s sacrifices on man of Recruitment for the Black Law Stu- VOLUNTEER FAIRFAX HONOREES April 18, 1942 as the first mission to strike the dent’s Association. She was awarded the Doc- Japanese homeland following the attacks on torate of Jurisprudence in May of 1981, and Pearl Harbor. successfully passed the Bar Examination that HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Since that inaugural event, the Museum has same year. Her legal career began at Central OF VIRGINIA continued to recognize men and women in the Mississippi Legal Services. After Legal Serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Commonwealth for their outstanding achieve- ices, she worked for the Attorney General’s Wednesday, April 15, 2015 ments in the fields of aviation and aerospace, Office, becoming the first black person to be- Mr. CONNOLLY. Mr. Speaker, it is my establishing the Kentucky Aviation Hall of come Head of the Civil Litigation Division. In honor to recognize Volunteer Fairfax and ex- Fame in 1996. 1993 Mrs. Lowery started her own business press my sincere appreciation to recipients of The Museum looks not only to the past, but as a practicing attorney with Lowery Law Firm. the 23rd Annual Fairfax County Volunteer also to the future, inculcating a love of flying Mrs. Lowery joined the Cade Chapel M. B. Service Awards. and engineering in Kentucky’s youth by Church when she was eight years old and has Established more than 40 years ago, Volun- hosting Aviation Summer Camps throughout maintained her membership there to the teer Fairfax matches the skills and interests of the Bluegrass. These programs have bene- present. She has participated on the Usher thousands of volunteers with the needs of fitted 5,360 young Kentuckians, encouraging Board, the Choir, the Trustee Board, Sunday local non-profit organizations. The success of them to pursue careers in aerospace indus- school, and the Missionary Society. this model and its impact on delivery of need- tries. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me ed services is beyond question; Volunteer Today, Kentucky’s top export category is in recognizing Mrs. Gail Wright Lowery for giv- Fairfax has been rated as one of the most ef- aerospace and the Commonwealth’s univer- ing back to the community in which she was fective community service organizations in the sities are becoming leaders in the fields of born and reared. nation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15AP8.015 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E507 In 2013 alone, more than 26,000 individuals Special Operations Team (MSOT) 8231, 2nd Corps has to offer, these Marine Raiders did volunteered directly through Volunteer Fairfax; Marine Special Operations Battalion, Marine so during a time of war. Along the way, the an additional 2,700 employees from 12 cor- Special Operations Command who lost their Marine Raiders of MSOT 8231 received such porations supported 29 local agencies. More lives during a training exercise on March 10, awards as the Silver Star Medal for Gallantry than 1,000 non-profit and charitable organiza- 2015. These young men represent the finest and Bronze Star Medals for valor, and all had tions were served by Volunteer Fairfax, and our nation has to offer, and we are forever in- Valor awards from their time fighting on com- the value of volunteer services provided ex- debted to them for their service. bat deployments. ceeded $1.3 million. On the morning of March 10, an Army Na- To the families, friends, and loved ones of Each year from this group of extraordinary tional Guard-operated UH–60 Black Hawk hel- Captain Stanford Shaw III, Master Sergeant ‘‘Doers Who Do,’’ Volunteer Fairfax selects a icopter embarked on a training exercise off the Thomas Saunders, Staff Sergeant Marcus few exceptional individuals, groups, or organi- coast of the Florida Panhandle carrying seven Bawol, Staff Sergeant Trevor Blaylock, Staff zations to be honored. It is my great pleasure members of MSOT 8231 and four members of Sergeant Liam Flynn, Staff Sergeant Kerry to submit the following names of the 2015 the Louisiana National Guard, who were oper- Kemp, Staff Sergeant Andrew Seif, Chief War- Fairfax County Volunteer Service Awards hon- ating the helicopter. As part of a rigorous pre- rant Officer George Wayne Griffin, Chief War- orees: deployment exercise, the Raiders were prac- rant Officer George David Strother, Staff Ser- Community Champions: ticing special operations insertion techniques geant Lance Bergeron, and Staff Sergeant Braddock District: Joanne Elder with two UH–60 aircraft. Sadly, it was on their Thomas Florich, please know that we are a Dranesville District: Steven Bloom training mission that the Marines and Guards- grateful nation. On countless training exer- Hunter Mill District: Sahana Arkalgud men in one helicopter lost their lives. cises, your brave warriors risked their lives to Lee District: Dixie Wright As a unit with great distinction throughout ensure the tip of the spear always remained Mason District: Winnie Lebo the War in Afghanistan, MSOT 8231 first de- sharp and ready for battle. And while the Ma- Mount Vernon District: Shirley Short ployed in 2010 under Special Operations Task rine Raider community lost these warriors, Providence District: Ken Quincy Force-West, operating from the City of Herat. their service and sacrifice will never be forgot- Springfield District: Stephen Beck While in Herat, MSOT 8231 primarily con- ten. Never above you, never below you, al- Sully District: Reverend Doctor Eugene ducted Counter-Insurgency (COIN), Foreign ways beside you. Semper Fi. Johnson Internal Defense (FID) and Direct Action (DA) f At-Large: Philip Church activities within the Murghab District of the Adult Volunteer 250 Hours & Over: Michelle Badghis Province. After redeployment and re- HONORING THE YAZOO FAIR & Bond constitution, MSOT 8231 deployed again in CIVIC LEAGUE Adult Volunteer 250 Hours & Under: Mike 2012 to Bala Murghab, in the Murghab Dis- Harrison trict, where it built upon tactical and oper- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Adult Volunteer Group: Library Friends ational gains it and other MSOT’s achieved on OF MISSISSIPPI Groups of Fairfax County Public Library previous rotations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MSOT 8231 continued building their Afghan Corporate Volunteer Program: CACI Cares Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Fairfax County Volunteer: David Kline partner’s capacity, promoting good govern- Fairfax County Volunteer Program: Fairfax ance, and countering the insurgent initiatives Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- County Animal Shelter in this highly remote and austere geographic er, I rise today to honor a group of innovators Family Volunteer: Colonel Edward and Mrs. slice of Afghanistan. During the 2012 deploy- who have shown what can be done through Kimberly Bellem ment, MSOT 8231 was tasked with perma- hard work, dedication and a desire to serve Lifetime Achievement: Peggy Ferguson nently closing their base and retrograding their community, the Yazoo Fair & Civic Rising Star: Roberta Bucher years’ worth of hardware for consolidation at a League. The Yazoo Fair & Civic League has Senior Volunteer: Lawrence Kelly larger base hundreds of miles south in Herat. served the Yazoo County community and the Volunteer Program: Marketplace Volunteer Without a single paved road in the entire State of Mississippi through social and civic Program Badghis Province, this proved a difficult task. engagement. Youth Volunteer: Carolina Sosa Nevertheless, MSOT 8231 completed the job The Yazoo Fair & Civic League’s history Youth Volunteer Group: Boy Scouts of and left Bala Murghab in the hands of the Af- date back to 1932; when R.J. Pierce and T.J. America Troop 55 ghan National Army, Police, and government. Huddleston decided to establish a county fair Integrate Individual: Pedro Velasco de Paz After returning home, rebuilding and adding for black residents to enjoy. D.W. Lindsey as- RSVP Northern Virginia: Elizabeth Pokorny new personnel to MSOT 8231, the team again sisted in sponsoring the first fair in October In addition, Benchmark Honors will be deployed in 2013 to western Afghanistan. 1932. Three years later, Gov. Martin Conner awarded in four different categories to com- Their most recent return to Afghanistan saw a signed the charter for the Yazoo Negro Fair mend those who have contributed 100, 250, change in tasks from previous deployments as Association. The group purchased land on 500, or 1,000 hours of volunteer time to our they partnered with the highly regarded Af- Calhoun Avenue where an exhibit building community. ghan Commandos to conduct offensive activi- was constructed. Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join ties against the Taliban. While the mission During the early 60s, H.A. Scott was elected me in commending Volunteer Fairfax for its changed, their resolve did not, as consistent president, and H.C. Fouche was chosen as decades of outstanding community service, as enemy combat persisted until the very end of vice president. As president Scott faced sev- well as in congratulating the 2015 Service their deployment. Even still, MSOT 8231 con- eral challenges. The biggest challenge was fi- Award honorees and the thousands of other tinued efforts to enhance their partners’ capac- nances. The association was $67,500 in debt. local volunteers for their incredible contribu- ity to operate effectively on their own. MSOT In order to resolve the debt the property facing tions to our community. Their selfless dedica- 8231 departed Afghanistan in June 2014; Calhoun Avenue and a plot west of Lamar Av- tion is worthy of our highest praise and is one however, their focus never left the region. enue was sold along with the exhibit building. reason that our community is often ranked as Prior to any deployment, teams work to- After these challenges were met the asso- one of the best places in the country to live, gether to hone and develop their skills, and ciation had the vision for a community center. work, and raise a family. when combat operations commence, the Also during this time the Yazoo Negro Fair As- f months of training leading up to deployment sociation became the Yazoo Fair and Civic are finally put to test. For MSOT 8231, this League. Federal funding was used to con- HONORING THE MARINE RAIDERS meant building on the strong relationship es- struct the L.T. Miller Community Center which OF MARINE SPECIAL OPER- tablished during previous deployments with was completed in 1971. The large tract of un- ATIONS COMMAND the 1–244th Assault Helicopter Battalion, used space around the center was used to based in Hammond, Louisiana. On March 10, construct 48 apartments for elderly and dis- HON. DUNCAN HUNTER two Army National Guard UH–60 Black Hawks abled residents with a grant for over $1.5 mil- OF CALIFORNIA participated in a routine training mission; how- lion from HUD. The Lintonia Apartments IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ever, the mission turned out to be anything but opened in May of 1986. During the 1990s the routine, as only one Black Hawk returned. association built H.A. Scott Apartments with Wednesday, April 15, 2015 On that day, our nation lost seven Marine about 80 units creating a very healthy tax Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, today, I stand Raiders. Not only did they accept the chal- base to the Yazoo area. Currently, the asso- and recognize the Marine Raiders of Marine lenge of becoming the best that the Marine ciation has a 60 unit apartment complex in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K15AP8.016 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 Jackson, MS, 40 in Meridian and 30 in Clarks- treats and recycles more than two million gal- readiness, and increases fines for violating dale. lons of water per day. Over the years, these volatility standards and hazmat transport The Yazoo Fair and Civic League began as efforts have been recognized by the California standards. It also requires disclosure of train an effort to provide black Yazooans with a Water Environment Association, which award- movements through communities as well as public place to hold community events during ed this facility its ‘‘California Plant of the Year’’ the implementation of a confidential close-call a time when they had nowhere else to go. designation in 2005, as well as naming it ‘‘San reporting system to further increase the safety Today, the Yazoo Fair & Civic League con- Diego Plant of the Year’’ multiple times in of transporting crude oil by rail. tinues to provide a public facility for all of the 1977, 1978, 1981, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, Last summer, a derailment in my district in community to enjoy, and the organization has and 2010. Seattle exposed the vulnerabilities in our cur- expanded its mission to provide affordable I am pleased to see that this proud tradition rent standards, and how easily we risk expos- housing to many residents. The association is being carried on with Padre Dam’s most re- ing our communities to danger from oily spills also manages the historic Oakes African cent effort in its Advanced Water Purification or fiery explosions. We risk too much—our American Cultural Center, which was home to Demonstration Pilot Plant. Funded through a urban centers, our clean waterways, our nat- the legendary Oakes Family in Yazoo City for $3 million state grant, this innovative project ural environment, our robust transportation over a century. A.J. Oakes, III deeded the will test the feasibility of creating a new source network, our pocketbooks—in sitting back and home to the Yazoo Fair & Civic League in of approximately 2,000 to 3,000 acre feet of waiting for an accident to wreak havoc on our 1990, and the home has become a museum purified water for East San Diego County. If communities. We must continue to fight for highlighting and celebrating local black history. successful, this project has the potential to stronger standards and accountability, and this Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me provide up to 20% of our current drinking bill offers a comprehensive approach toward in recognizing the Yazoo Fair & Civic League water demand via a locally-controlled, inde- tackling this urgent threat. I urge my col- for its dedication to serving others and giving pendent, drought-proof and environmentally leagues to support this legislation. Thank you. back to the community. sound water supply, thereby reducing our de- f f pendency on outside sources of imported water. HONORING THE DOOLITTLE PERSONAL EXPLANATION California’s current drought conditions, cou- RAIDERS pled with San Diego’s historical reliance on HON. BILL HUIZENGA imported water, mandate that we pursue every HON. J. FRENCH HILL OF MICHIGAN alternative that will lead to the San Diego re- OF ARKANSAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gion expanding its resource portfolio and uti- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lize an ‘‘all the above’’ approach to water man- Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Wednesday, April 15, 2015 agement. This includes traditional efforts such Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I as conservation and reservoir and aquifer stor- Mr. HILL. Mr. Speaker, following the De- rise today regarding a missed vote due to a age, as well as taking advantage of new tech- cember 7, 1941, attack of the U.S. Pacific funeral on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Had I nologies and science in the areas of desalina- Fleet at Pearl Harbor on Oahu, President Roo- been present for roll call vote number 149, H. tion and reclamation projects like the one de- sevelt sought and received from Congress au- Res. 189, the combined rule providing for con- veloped by Padre Dam which we are today thorization to declare war on Japan. In Janu- sideration of H.R. 650—Preserving Access to recognizing. ary 1942, Lieutenant Colonel James H. Manufactured Housing Act and H.R. 685— My colleagues, I ask that you join me in ‘‘Jimmy’’ Doolittle was selected to lead a top- Mortgage Choice Act, I would have voted congratulating Padre Dam Municipal Water secret retaliation attack on Japan. With just ‘‘yea.’’ District for its forward-thinking vision and will- three weeks of special ‘‘short field takeoff’’ f ingness to pursue new ideas on an old, but training, Doolittle’s men set sail toward Japan important, problem. Everyone at the District, aboard the USS Hornet. CELEBRATING THE GRAND OPEN- from leadership to all members of staff, is On April 18, 1942, the Hornet was sighted ING OF THE PADRE DAM AD- making a direct positive impact in our commu- by a Japanese ship and the Doolittle Raiders, VANCED WATER PURIFICATION nity and I am confident that your investment as they would come to be known, set off on DEMONSTRATION PILOT PLANT will prove to be valuable in helping us reach their mission—twelve hours early and some both our short and long-term water manage- 150 miles from their planned launch position. HON. DUNCAN HUNTER ment goals. Within one hour, these 80 volunteers, aboard 16 B–25 bombers, took off in the first U.S. air OF CALIFORNIA f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES raid on Japan in World War II. The air raid re- INTRODUCING THE CRUDE-BY-RAIL sulted in the bombing of multiple military and Wednesday, April 15, 2015 SAFETY ACT industrial targets in Tokyo and other Japanese Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cities. Their mission a success, the crews recognize an exciting event that took place in HON. JIM McDERMOTT headed for their rendezvous point in China. my district this past week on April 10, 2015, OF WASHINGTON Flying on fumes and facing poor weather, by the Padre Dam Municipal Water District. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES one plane diverted to Russia, and the fifteen The Grand Opening of the Padre Dam Ad- others were forced to crash land. With the aid vanced Water Purification Demonstration Pilot Wednesday, April 15, 2015 of Chinese civilians, most of these brave men Plant in Santee, California is an important and Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today reached safety, but not all of our famous flyers critical step in the overall effort by San Diego to introduce legislation to increase the safety made it home. Three of the raiders were killed County to become more water independent as of transporting crude oil by rail. Explosive in action; and, of the eight that were captured, a region and maintain the very best in our growth in crude-by-rail transport in recent three were executed and one died in captivity. water management practices. months has led to increased rail traffic and an Their sacrifice and the success of this mission We all know that California is currently in unprecedented rise in rail accidents—some- served as an essential boost to American mo- the midst of a severe multi-year drought, but times with fatal results. This issue has affected rale, and the exploits of the Doolittle Raiders ensuring our communities can rely on being communities across the nation and cemented marked a critical turning point in the war in the provided with clean and healthy water has the need to increase safety standards and ac- Pacific. been the mission of Padre Dam for many dec- countability. Four derailments in the US and Following their daring drama over Japan, ades. In fact, on this same day in 1962, found- Canada in under a month earlier this year un- the Doolittle Raiders spread out across the na- ing General Manager of Padre Dam Ray derscored the urgency of action to curb the tion and globe. Some continued in the military, Stoyer wrote to President Kennedy compli- risks of transporting volatile crude oil. enjoying long careers into retirement. Others menting him on his commitment to the science The Crude-By-Rail Safety Act addresses a gave their lives in later service to their country, of water management innovation and request- number of shortcomings in our approach to while still others rejoined civilian life as doc- ing his assistance in a groundbreaking water transporting volatile crude oil near and through tors, teachers, businessmen—serving their reclamation study and project at Padre Dam. many American towns and cities. It includes communities in every capacity. President Kennedy supported the District’s provisions to lower oil volatility, prohibits use Earlier this year, we lost two of the surviving reclamation efforts and today the appropriately of unsafe DOT–111 tank cars, strengthens Raiders, LTC Edward Saylor, and LTC Robert named Ray Stoyer Water Recycling Facility tank car standards, improves oil spill response Hite. LTC Hite was one of the brave souls

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15AP8.029 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E509 who escaped Japanese captivity, and he also IN RECOGNITION OF CHIEF MAS- As an additional procedure along was a resident of my home state of Arkansas. TER SERGEANT DAVID A. WELLS with the computerization of this infor- Now, from the band of 80 young flyers 73 mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Aprils ago, only two living Raiders remain: HON. RICHARD E. NEAL Digest will prepare this information for Staff Sergeant David Thatcher and LTC Rich- OF MASSACHUSETTS printing in the Extensions of Remarks section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ard Cole. Retired LTC Cole served as copilot IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to LTC Doolittle aboard aircraft number one, on Monday and Wednesday of each and he, along with the other Raiders, was Wednesday, April 15, 2015 week. awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. Re- Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I want to take this Meetings scheduled for Thursday, tired Staff Sergeant David J. Thatcher served opportunity to recognize Chief Master Ser- April 16, 2015 may be found in the Daily as the engineer-gunner to crew number geant David A. Wells of Springfield, Massa- Digest of today’s RECORD. seven, whose plane the ‘‘Ruptured Duck,’’ chusetts on the occasion his retirement from crashed just off the shores of the Chinese the United States Air Force Reserve. For the MEETINGS SCHEDULED mainland. Sergeant Thatcher was awarded the past 31 years, Chief Wells has proudly served APRIL 20 Silver Star in 1942 for his bravery in caring for his country with distinction and I am privileged 3 p.m. his injured crew members. to thank him on behalf of a grateful nation. Committee on Homeland Security and Earlier today, Congress conferred the Con- Chief Wells was raised and still resides in Governmental Affairs gressional Gold Medal on the Doolittle Raiders my hometown of Springfield. He graduated To hold hearings to examine the 2020 for their undeniable valor and sacrifice. These from the High School of Commerce in 1984 Census, focusing on challenges facing airmen and their extraordinary ‘‘30 Seconds and entered the U.S. Army Infantry School at the bureau for a modern, cost-effective over Tokyo’’ will never be forgotten. I am hum- Fort Benning, GA shortly thereafter. During his survey. SD–342 bled to rise today to recognize these ordinary time with the 187th Infantry Brigade out of Fort Americans that stepped up to attempt an ex- Devens, Massachusetts, he was deployed to APRIL 21 ceptional mission. Col. Doolittle and his Raid- various locations abroad including Iceland and 9:30 a.m. ers will fly forever in our hearts and minds as Canada. By 1987, he had quickly moved Committee on Armed Services the best of American values of Duty, Honor, through the ranks to become a Staff Sergeant. To hold hearings to examine the nomina- and Country. May God bless their memory In 1994, Chief Wells was transferred to the tion of Peter Levine, of Maryland, to and example to us all. Air Force Reserve after the 187th Infantry Bri- be Deputy Chief Management Officer of f gade was disbanded. He was first assigned to the Department of Defense. SH–216 HONORING REVEREND HENRY the 439th Engineering Squadron at Westover Air Reserve Base, only a few miles from his 10 a.m. HOLLEY’S LIFETIME OF SERVICE Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and home in Springfield. Throughout his 11 years Forestry HON. TOM PRICE at Westover, he served in many roles as part To hold hearings to examine opportuni- of the Fire and Emergency Services Flight. In ties and challenges for agriculture OF GEORGIA 2005, Chief Wells was assigned to the 22nd trade with Cuba. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Air Force at Dobbins Air Reserve Base in SR–328A Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Marietta, Georgia to become the Fire Emer- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Mr. TOM PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, gency Deputy Fire Chief. In this position, he Urban Affairs was charged with maintaining combat readi- To hold hearings to examine surface today I would like to speak in honor of a good transportation reauthorization, focus- friend, a committed patriot, and a great man of ness for all Numbered Air Force Prime Base ing on building on the success of the faith, Reverend Henry Holley. His remarkable Engineer Emergency Force (BEEF) Fire Emer- Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st lifetime of service is testament that putting gency units. Century Act (MAP–21) to deliver safe, your values to work can lead to real and de- Chief Wells has also been deployed over- efficient and effective public transpor- monstrable achievements in improving the seas to with U.S. operations in the Middle tation services and projects. lives of your fellow man. His tireless efforts to East. In 2002, he was deployed to Kuwait as SD–538 spread the word of God through the Billy Gra- part of Operation Southern Watch and then Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation ham Evangelistic Association is worthy of our again in 2008 to Kirkuk, Iraq as part of Oper- ation Iraqi Freedom. Chief Wells has been Subcommittee on Communications, Tech- praise and deserving of our thanks. nology, Innovation, and the Internet Following his tour in the Pacific during awarded numerous times for exemplary serv- To hold hearings to examine advancing World War II, Reverend Holley continued his ice over his career, including the Air Force telehealth through connectivity. service in the United States Marine Corps until Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Com- SR–253 1966. Thereafter, he joined in common pur- mendation Medal, and the Army Commenda- Committee on Foreign Relations pose with Reverend Graham. In due course, tion Medal. Subcommittee on State Department and he was ordained into the Gospel ministry at While he may be retiring from the Air Force, USAID Management, International Op- Johnson Ferry Baptist Church, located in Mari- Chief Wells will continue to serve his commu- erations, and Bilateral International nity as a captain in the Springfield Fire Depart- Development etta. To hold hearings to examine improving His ministry with Reverend Graham has ment, as he has done for the past 26 years. the efficiency and effectiveness of the sent him around the world, from Taipei to Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Chief Master Department of State. Hong Kong, from Manila to Tokyo. Notably, Sergeant Wells for his dedication to this coun- SD–419 Reverend Holley organized the Korean 1973 try and I wish him all the best in his future en- Committee on the Judiciary Crusade in Seoul. On the last day of the Cru- deavors. To hold hearings to examine improving sade, there were over 3.2 million people f accountability and oversight of juve- present to hear Reverend Graham in person. nile justice grants. Reverend Holley and his devoted wife Bettie SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS SD–226 have made their home in Marietta, Georgia for Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, 2:30 p.m. agreed to by the Senate of February 4, Committee on Armed Services the past 44 years. They are blessed to have Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and three children, four grandchildren and two 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- Capabilities great-grandchildren. tem for a computerized schedule of all To hold hearings to examine Department Mr. Speaker, in 2005, I had the real honor meetings and hearings of Senate com- of Defense policy and programs to of introducing Reverend Holley before his mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- counter threats to the United States opening prayer on the floor of this House. tees, and committees of conference. from terrorism and irregular warfare. Now, I have the privilege of offering thanks, on This title requires all such committees SR–222 behalf of all Americans, for his life’s efforts. to notify the Office of the Senate Daily Committee on Commerce, Science, and Digest—designated by the Rules Com- Transportation For today, in North Carolina, Reverend Holley Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, is celebrating his well-deserved retirement. mittee—of the time, place and purpose Safety, and Security Reverend Holley has truly earned a reputation of the meetings, when scheduled and To hold hearings to examine Federal as living out the Gospel, not only in Georgia, any cancellations or changes in the Aviation Administration reauthoriza- but around the world. meetings as they occur. tion, focusing on certification and U.S.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15AP8.020 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 15, 2015 aviation manufacturing competitive- 10:30 a.m. fiscal year 2016 for the Department of ness. Committee on Appropriations Health and Human Services. SR–253 Subcommittee on Department of Defense SD–124 Committee on Veterans’ Affairs To hold hearings to examine proposed Committee on Commerce, Science, and To hold hearings to examine fulfilling budget estimates and justification for Transportation the promise to women veterans. fiscal year 2016 for defense innovation Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, SR–418 and research. Safety, and Security SD–192 To hold hearings to examine Federal 2 p.m. APRIL 22 Aviation Administration reauthoriza- Committee on Appropriations tion, focusing on airport issues and in- 9:30 a.m. Subcommittee on Department of Home- frastructure financing. Committee on Environment and Public land Security SR–253 Works To hold hearings to examine proposed Committee on Finance To hold hearings to examine the nomina- budget estimates and justification for Subcommittee on Health Care tion of Vanessa Lorraine Allen Suther- fiscal year 2016 for Federal Emergency To hold hearings to examine the impact land, of Virginia, to be a Member and Management Agency (FEMA). of the medical device tax on jobs, inno- Chairperson of the Chemical Safety SD–138 vation, and patients. and Hazard Investigation Board. 2:30 p.m. SD–215 SD–406 Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and Manage- 10 a.m. APRIL 28 Committee on Appropriations ment Support To hold hearings to examine reform of 10 a.m. Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing the defense acquisition system in re- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- and Urban Development, and Related view of the Defense Authorization Re- sources Agencies quest for fiscal year 2016 and the Fu- To hold hearings to examine the Admin- To hold hearings to examine proposed ture Years Defense Program. istration’s Quadrennial Energy Review. budget estimates and justification for SR–232A SD–366 fiscal year 2016 for the Department of Committee on Armed Services Transportation. Subcommittee on Strategic Forces APRIL 30 SD–138 To hold hearings to examine Air Force 10 a.m. Committee on Commerce, Science, and and Navy nuclear programs and the im- Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Transportation plementation of nuclear enterprise re- sources To hold hearings to examine how to bet- view recommendations in review of the To hold hearings to examine S. 703, to re- ter communicate weather to enhance Defense Authorization Request for fis- authorize the weatherization and State commerce and safety. cal year 2016 and the Future Years De- energy programs, S. 720, to promote en- SR–253 fense Program. ergy savings in residential buildings Committee on Energy and Natural Re- SR–222 and industry, and S. 858, to amend the sources Committee on Indian Affairs National Energy Conservation Policy To hold an oversight hearing on tribal To hold hearings to examine reauthoriza- Act to encourage the increased use of transportation, focusing on pathways tion of and potential reforms to the performance contracting in Federal fa- to safer roads in Indian country. Land and Water Conservation Fund. cilities. SD–628 SD–366 SD–366 2:30 p.m. Committee on Homeland Security and APRIL 23 Committee on Energy and Natural Re- Governmental Affairs 10 a.m. sources To hold hearings to examine securing the Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Public Lands, Forests, border, focusing on understanding Subcommittee on Departments of Labor, and Mining threats and strategies for the northern Health and Human Services, and Edu- To hold hearings to examine the Bureau border. cation, and Related Agencies of Land Management’s final rule on hy- SD–342 To hold hearings to examine proposed draulic fracturing. budget estimates and justification for SD–366

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:54 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M15AP8.000 E15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Daily Digest Senate the Postal Service to innovate and adapt to compete Chamber Action in a digital age, or improving the financial condition Routine Proceedings, pages S2185–S2226 of the Postal Service. Pages S2202–08 Measures Introduced: Twenty-eight bills were in- By a unanimous vote of 97 yeas (Vote No. 148), troduced, as follows: S. 940–967. Pages S2220–21 Enzi (for Burr) Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final conference report include a provision Measures Reported: relating to addressing student loan debt, which may Report to accompany S. 754, to improve cyberse- include reducing overlapping student loan repayment curity in the United States through enhanced shar- programs and creating a simplified income-driven ing of information about cybersecurity threats. (S. student loan repayment option, as included in sec- Rept. No. 114–32) Page S2220 tion 358 of S. Con. Res. 11, as agreed to by the Sen- House Messages: ate. Pages S2203–09 Budget Resolution—Motions to Instruct Con- By 84 yeas to 13 nays (Vote No. 150), Sanders ferees: Senate began consideration of the message Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final from the House of Representatives to accompany S. conference report include a deficit-neutral reserve Con. Res. 11, setting forth the congressional budget fund for legislation related to retirement benefits, for the United States Government for fiscal year which may not include legislation cutting benefits 2016 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary under the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance levels for fiscal years 2017 through 2025, taking ac- program established under title II of the Social Secu- tion on the following motion and motions to in- rity Act, increasing the retirement age, or struct conferees proposed thereto: privatizing the old-age, survivors, and disability in- Pages S2193–99, S2199–S2201, S2202–12 surance program. Pages S2199–S2201, S2202–10 Adopted: Schatz Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that By 54 yeas to 43 nays (Vote No. 145) Motion to the final conference report include the deficit-neutral disagree in the amendment of the House to the con- reserve fund relating to ensuring all legally married current resolution, agree to the request by the House same-sex spouses have equal access to the Social Se- for a conference, and authorize the Presiding Officer curity and veterans’ benefits they have earned and re- to appoint conferees. Pages S2193–98 ceive equal treatment under the law pursuant to the By 86 yeas to 11 nays (Vote No. 146), Brown Constitution of the United States in the concurrent Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final resolution as agreed to by the Senate. conference report include the deficit-neutral reserve Pages S2200–01, S2202–10 fund relating to ending ‘‘Too Big to Fail’’ bailouts Bennet Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that for Wall Street mega-banks with over the final conference report include provisions in the $500,000,000,000 in total assets, as set forth in concurrent resolution as agreed to by the Senate for amendment 994 to S. Con. Res. 11 (as agreed to by the establishment of deficit-neutral reserve funds re- the Senate). Pages S2200–01, S2202–08 lating to climate change. Pages S2204–10 By 85 yeas to 11 nays (Vote No. 147), Sanders By 57 yeas to 40 nays (Vote No. 151), Fischer Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final conference report include the provision in the con- conference report include a provision relating to pro- current resolution as agreed to by the Senate that moting equal pay, which may include preventing provides for the establishment of a deficit-neutral re- discrimination on the basis of sex and preventing re- serve fund related to strengthening the United States taliation against employees for seeking or discussing Postal Service by establishing a moratorium to pro- wage information, as included in section 356 of S. tect mail processing plants, reinstating overnight de- Con. Res. 11, as agreed to by the Senate. livery standards, protecting rural service, allowing Pages S2207–10 D391

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15AP5.REC D15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with DIGEST D392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST April 15, 2015 Fischer Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act—Agree- the final conference report include a provision relat- ment: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached ing to a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to tax providing that at approximately 10 a.m., on Thurs- credits for employers providing paid family and day, April 16, 2015, Senate resume consideration of medical leave. Pages S2207–11 S. 178, to provide justice for the victims of traf- Sanders (for Murray) Motion to Instruct Conferees ficking, with the time equally divided in the usual to insist that the final conference report include the form; and that the filing deadline for all second-de- deficit-neutral reserve fund for legislation to allow gree amendments to McConnell (for Cornyn) Americans to earn paid sick time in the concurrent Amendment No. 1120 to the bill be at 10:30 a.m. resolution as agreed to by the Senate. Pages S2205–11 Page S2224 Rejected: Deyo and Chaudhuri Nominations—Agreement: By 45 yeas to 52 nays (Vote No. 149), Warren A unanimous-consent agreement was reached pro- Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final viding that at 2 p.m., on Thursday, April 16, 2015, conference report include a provision to make college Senate begin consideration of the nominations of more affordable for middle-class families by allowing Russell C. Deyo, of New Jersey, to be Under Sec- borrowers with outstanding Federal and private stu- retary for Management, Department of Homeland dent loans to refinance at the equivalent interest Security, and Jonodev Osceola Chaudhuri, of Ari- rates that were offered to Federal student loan bor- zona, to be Chairman of the National Indian Gam- rowers during the 2013–2014 school year and to ing Commission for the term of three years; Senate fully offset the cost of such a program by requiring vote on confirmation of the nominations, without in- millionaires to pay at least a 30 percent effective tervening action or debate; and that no further mo- Federal tax rate. Pages S2201–09 tions be in order. Pages S2223–24 By 44 yeas to 53 nays (Vote No. 152), Mikulski Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- conference report include a provision relating to lowing nominations: amending the Equal Pay Act of 1963 to allow for Linda Struyk Millsaps, of North Carolina, to be a punitive damages, limit the any factor ‘‘other than Member of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight sex’’ exception, and prohibit retaliation against em- Board for a term expiring September 14, 2018. ployees who share salary information, as included in Thomas Edgar Rothman, of Maryland, to be a amendment 362 to S. Con. Res. 11 (as not agreed Member of the National Council on the Arts for a to by the Senate). Pages S2204–11 term expiring September 3, 2016. Sanders (for Murray) Motion to Instruct Conferees Wilhelmina Marie Wright, of Minnesota, to be to insist that the final conference report include a United States District Judge for the District of Min- provision to build on the Bipartisan Budget Act of nesota. 2013 and provide sequester relief in 2016 and 2017 Routine lists in the Foreign Service. by closing tax loopholes. Pages S2205–11 Pages S2224–26 By 45 yeas to 52 nays (Vote No. 153), Stabenow Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the final Messages from the House: Page S2215 conference report not include the Medicare cuts in Measures Referred: Page S2215 the concurrent resolution as agreed to by the Senate, Executive Communications: Pages S2215–20 which would substantially increase out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for senior citizens, and not in- Additional Cosponsors: Pages S2221–22 clude the Medicare cuts in the concurrent resolution Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: as agreed to by the House of Representatives, which Pages S2222–23 would end Medicare as it currently exists by turning Additional Statements: Pages S2213-15 it into a voucher-based premium support system and eliminate the guaranteed healthcare benefits earned Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S2223 by the people of the United States. Pages S2206–12 Record Votes: Nine record votes were taken today. The Chair was authorized to appoint the following (Total—153) Pages S2198, S2208–12 conferees on the part of the Senate: Senators Enzi, Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and Grassley, Sessions, Crapo, Graham, Portman, adjourned at 7:34 p.m., until 10 a.m. on Thursday, Toomey, Johnson, Ayotte, Wicker, Corker, Perdue, April 16, 2015. (For Senate’s program, see the re- Sanders, Murray, Wyden, Stabenow, Whitehouse, marks of the Acting Majority Leader in today’s Warner, Merkley, Baldwin, Kaine, and King. Record on page S2224.) Page S2212

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DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND Committee Meetings FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM (Committees not listed did not meet) Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on SeaPower received a closed briefing on the major APPROPRIATIONS: MILITARY threats facing Navy forces and the Navy’s current CONSTRUCTION AND MILITARY FAMILY and projected capabilities to meet those threats in HOUSING FOR SELECT COMBATANT review of the Defense Authorization Request for fis- COMMANDERS AND SELECT DEFENSE cal year 2016 and the Future Years Defense Pro- AGENCIES gram, after receiving testimony from Charles P. Werchado, Deputy Director, Assessment Division Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Mili- (OPNAV N81), Vice Admiral Joseph P. Aucoin, tary Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Sys- Agencies concluded a hearing to examine proposed tems (OPNAV N9), and Margaret G. Palmieri, Di- budget estimates and justification for fiscal year rector, Integrated Fires (OPNAV N2/N6F3), Office 2016 for military construction and military family of Chief of Naval Operations, all of the Department housing for select combatant commanders and select of the Navy, Department of Defense. defense agencies, after receiving testimony from Major General Stephen A. Clark, USAF, Director of DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND Force Structure, Requirements, Resources, and Stra- FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM tegic Assessments (J8), U.S. Special Operations Com- Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Stra- mand, Major General Michael G. Dana, USMC, Di- tegic Forces concluded a hearing to examine the Na- rector for Strategic Planning and Policy (J5), U.S. tional Nuclear Security Administration plans and Pacific Command, Joseph B. Marshal, Jr., Director, programs in review of the Defense Authorization Re- Business Support Directorate, Defense Health Agen- quest for fiscal year 2016 and the Future Years De- cy, and Brigadier General Kenneth E. Todarov, fense Program, after receiving testimony from Frank USAF, Deputy Director, Missile Defense Agency, all G. Klotz, Under Secretary for Nuclear Security, and of the Department of the Defense. Administrator, Donald L. Cook, Deputy Adminis- trator for Defense Programs, Anne M. Harrington, APPROPRIATIONS: NATIONAL Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Non- INTELLIGENCE AND MILITARY proliferation, and Admiral John M. Richardson, INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMS USN, Director, Naval Nuclear Propulsion, and Of- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- fice of Naval Reactors, all of the National Nuclear ment of Defense concluded a closed hearing to exam- Security Administration, Department of Energy; and ine proposed budget estimates and justification for David C. Trimble, Director, Natural Resources and fiscal year 2016 for the national intelligence and Environment, Government Accountability Office. military intelligence programs, after receiving testi- mony from James Clapper, Director of National In- NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION telligence; and Michael Vickers, Undersecretary of BUDGET Defense for Intelligence. Committee on Environment and Public Works: Com- mittee concluded an oversight hearing to examine FUNDING THE DEPARTMENT OF the President’s proposed budget request for fiscal HOMELAND SECURITY’S ROLE IN year 2016 for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, CYBERSECURITY after receiving testimony from Stephen G. Burns, Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- Chairman, and Kristine Svinicki, William ment of Homeland Security concluded a hearing to Ostendorff, and Jeff Baran, each a Commissioner, all examine funding the Department of Homeland Secu- of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. rity’s role in cybersecurity, focusing on protection to partnership, after receiving testimony from Andy AMERICAN FOOD AID Ozment, Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity and Committee on Foreign Relations: Committee concluded Communication, National Protection and Programs a hearing to examine American food aid, focusing on Directorate, and Luke McCormack, Chief Informa- why reform matters, after receiving testimony from tion Officer, both of the Department of Homeland Dina Esposito, Director, Food for Peace, United Security; and Greg Garcia, Financial Services Sector States Agency for International Development; David Coordinating Council, Reston Virginia. Ray, CARE USA, Washington, D.C.; Vincent H.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15AP5.REC D15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with DIGEST D394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST April 15, 2015 Smith, Montana State University, Bozeman, on be- ASSET FORFEITURE REFORM half of the American Enterprise Institute; and Steph- Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded a anie Mercier, Farm Journal Foundation, Alexandria, hearing to examine the need to reform asset for- Virginia. feiture, after receiving testimony from Senator Paul; Darpana M. Sheth, Institute for Justice, Arlington, IRS CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING THE Virginia; Chuck Canterbury, Fraternal Order of Po- AFFORDABLE CARE ACT lice, Washington, D.C.; Jonathan P. Bach, Cooley Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- LLP, New York, New York, on behalf of the New fairs: Committee concluded a hearing to examine In- York Council of Defense Lawyers; and Russ Caswell, ternal Revenue Service challenges in implementing Tewksbury, Massachusetts. the Affordable Care Act, after receiving testimony INTELLIGENCE from John A. Koskinen, Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury. Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee met in closed session to receive a briefing on certain intel- BUSINESS MEETING ligence matters from officials of the intelligence community. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Committee continued consideration of an original IRS IMPERSONATION SCAM bill entitled, ‘‘Every Child Achieves Act of 2015’’, Special Committee on Aging: Committee concluded a an original bill entitled, ‘‘WIOA Technical Amend- hearing to examine the IRS impersonation scam and ments Act’’, and the nominations of Ericka M. Mil- the government’s response, after receiving testimony ler, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary for Postsec- from Julie Brill, Commissioner, Federal Trade Com- ondary Education, and Michael Keith Yudin, of the mission; Alysa D. Erichs, Special Agent in Charge, District of Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security Investigations Miami, Immigra- Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, both tion and Customs Enforcement, Department of of the Department of Education, but did not com- Homeland Security; Jason Moore, Auburn Maine Po- plete action thereon, and will meet again on Thurs- lice Department; and Al Cadenhead, Charlotte, day, April 16, 2015. North Carolina. h House of Representatives that tribe, and for other purposes (H. Rept. Chamber Action 114–77); Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 35 pub- H.R. 984, to amend the National Trails System lic bills, H.R. 1795–1829; and 6 resolutions, H. Act to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct Res. 201–206, were introduced. Pages H2268–69 a study on the feasibility of designating the Chief Additional Cosponsors: Pages H2270–71 Standing Bear National Historic Trail, and for other purposes (H. Rept. 114–78); Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: H.R. 1168, to amend the Indian Child Protection H.R. 373, to direct the Secretary of the Interior and Family Violence Prevention Act to require back- and Secretary of Agriculture to expedite access to ground checks before foster care placements are or- certain Federal land under the administrative juris- dered in tribal court proceedings, and for other pur- diction of each Secretary for good Samaritan search- poses (H. Rept. 114–79); and-recovery missions, and for other purposes (H. H.R. 1324, to adjust the boundary of the Arapaho Rept. 114–75, Part 1); National Forest, Colorado, and for other purposes H.R. 404, to authorize early repayment of obliga- (H. Rept. 114–80); tions to the Bureau of Reclamation within the H.R. 979, to designate a mountain in the John Northport Irrigation District in the State of Ne- Muir Wilderness of the Sierra National Forest as braska (H. Rept. 114–76); ‘‘Sky Point’’ (H. Rept. 114–81); and H.R. 533, to revoke the charter of incorporation Committee on Oversight and Government Re- of the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma at the request of form; Oversight Plans for all House Committees (H. Rept. 114–82). Pages H2267–68

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15AP5.REC D15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with DIGEST April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D395 Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he certifies in writing to the agency awarding the con- appointed Representative Jolly to act as Speaker pro tract or grant that the contractor or grantee has no tempore for today. Page H2215 seriously delinquent tax debts, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay Recess: The House recessed at 10:32 a.m. and re- vote of 424 yeas with none voting ‘‘nay’’, Roll No. convened at 12 noon. Page H2218 156. Pages H2241–43, H2251–52 Guest Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that Guest Chaplain, Reverend Kenny Gooden, Union when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Grove Baptist Church, Yadkinville, North Carolina. at 9 a.m. tomorrow, April 16. Page H2249 Page H2218 Recess: The House recessed at 4:15 p.m. and recon- Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules vened at 4:29 p.m. Page H2249 and pass the following measures: Suspension—Failed: The House failed to agree to Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act of 2015: H.R. 1058, suspend the rules and pass the following measure: amended, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act of 1986 to clarify that a duty of the Commissioner of 2015: H.R. 1563, amended, to amend title 5, Internal Revenue is to ensure that Internal Revenue United States Code, to provide that individuals hav- Service employees are familiar with and act in accord ing seriously delinquent tax debts shall be ineligible with certain taxpayer rights; Pages H2230–32 for Federal employment, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay vote of IRS Email Transparency Act: H.R. 1152, 266 yeas to 160 nays, Roll No. 157. amended, to prohibit officers and employees of the Pages H2243–49, H2252 Internal Revenue Service from using personal email State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness accounts to conduct official business; Pages H2232–33 Act of 2015, Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015, and Taxpayer Knowledge of IRS Investigations Act: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Advi- H.R. 1026, amended, to amend the Internal Rev- sory Boards Act: The House agreed to H. Res. enue Code of 1986 to permit the release of informa- 200, the rule providing for consideration of the bill tion regarding the status of certain investigations; (H.R. 622) to amend the Internal Revenue Code of Pages H2233–35 1986 to make permanent the deduction of State and Ensuring Tax Exempt Organizations the Right local general sales taxes; providing for consideration to Appeal Act: H.R. 1314, amended, to amend the of the bill (H.R. 1105) to amend the Internal Rev- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide for a enue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate and genera- right to an administrative appeal relating to adverse tion-skipping transfer taxes, and for other purposes; determinations of tax-exempt status of certain orga- and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. nizations; Pages H2235–36 1195) to amend the Consumer Financial Protection IRS Bureaucracy Reduction and Judicial Re- Act of 2010 to establish advisory boards, by a re- view Act: H.R. 1295, amended, to amend the Inter- corded vote of 242 ayes to 182 noes, Roll No. 155, nal Revenue Code of 1986 to improve the process after the previous question was ordered by a yea-and- for making determinations with respect to whether nay vote of 240 yeas to 183 nays, Roll No. 154. organizations are exempt from taxation under section Pages H2223–30, H2250–51 501(c)(4) of such Code; Pages H2236–38 Senate Messages: Messages received from the Senate Prevent Targeting at the IRS Act: H.R. 709, by the Clerk and subsequently presented to the amended, to provide for the termination of employ- House today appear on page H2219. ment of employees of the Internal Revenue Service Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes who take certain official actions for political pur- and one recorded vote developed during the pro- poses; Pages H2238–40 ceedings of today and appear on pages H2250, Fair Treatment for All Gifts Act: H.R. 1104, H2250–51, H2251–52, and H2252. There were no amended, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of quorum calls. 1986 to provide a deduction from the gift tax for Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- gifts made to certain exempt organizations; and journed at 7:42 p.m. Pages H2240–41 Contracting and Tax Accountability Act of 2015: H.R. 1562, to prohibit the awarding of a con- tract or grant in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold unless the prospective contractor or grantee

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15AP5.REC D15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with DIGEST D396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST April 15, 2015 Committee Meetings MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Mili- THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE OF tary Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related SNAP: THE WORLD OF NUTRITION AND Agencies held a markup on appropriations bill for THE ROLE OF THE CHARITABLE SECTOR fiscal year 2016. The bill was forwarded to the full Committee on Agriculture: Full Committee held a hear- committee, without amendment. ing entitled ‘‘The Past, Present, and Future of SNAP: The World of Nutrition and the Role of the APPROPRIATIONS—UNITED NATIONS Charitable Sector’’. Testimony was heard from public AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS witnesses. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on State, MEMBERS’ DAY Foreign Operations, and Related Programs held a hearing on United Nations and International Orga- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense nizations budget. Testimony was heard from held a hearing for Members of Congress. Testimony Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to the was heard from Chairman Miller of Florida and Rep- United Nations. resentatives Lowenthal, Ted Lieu of California, Jolly, McGovern, Heck of Washington, Johnson of Geor- THE RISK OF LOSING MILITARY gia, Cook, Byrne, Carter of Georgia, Rothfus, Law- TECHNOLOGY SUPERIORITY AND ITS rence, and Wagner. IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. POLICY, APPROPRIATIONS—SECURITIES AND STRATEGY, AND POSTURE IN THE ASIA- EXCHANGE COMMISSION PACIFIC Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Finan- Committee on Armed Services: Full Committee held a cial Services and General Government held a hearing hearing entitled ‘‘The Risk of Losing Military Tech- on Securities and Exchange Commission budget. nology Superiority and Its Implications for U.S. Pol- Testimony was heard from Mary Jo White, Chair, icy, Strategy, and Posture in the Asia-Pacific’’. Testi- Securities and Exchange Commission. mony was heard from Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, USN, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command; General APPROPRIATIONS—EBOLA Curtis M. Scaparrotti, USA, Commander, U.S. Forces Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, Korea; and Christine E. Wormuth, Under Secretary Health and Human Services, and Education held a of Defense for Policy. hearing on Ebola budget. Testimony was heard from Nicole Lurie, MD, Assistant Secretary for Prepared- THE ROLE OF SURFACE FORCES IN ness and Response, United States Public Health PRESENCE, DETERRENCE, AND Service, Department of Health and Human Services; WARFIGHTING Thomas R. Frieden, MD, Director, Centers of Dis- Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on ease Control and Prevention; Anthony S. Fauci, MD, Seapower and Projection Forces held a hearing enti- Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infections tled ‘‘The Role of Surface Forces in Presence, Deter- Diseases, National Institutes of Health; and Robin rence, and Warfighting’’. Testimony was heard from Robinson, Director, Biomedical Advanced Research public witnesses. and Development, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Department of Health FISCAL YEAR 2016 NUCLEAR FORCES and Human Services. HEARING MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Stra- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Energy tegic Forces held a hearing entitled ‘‘Fiscal Year and Water Development held a markup on appro- 2016 Nuclear Forces Hearing’’. Testimony was heard priations bill for fiscal year 2016. The bill was for- from the following Department of Defense officials: warded to the full committee, without amendment. Vice Admiral Terry J. Benedict, USN, Director, Strategic Systems Programs; Major General Garrett APPROPRIATIONS—IMMIGRATION AND Harencak, USAF, Assistant Chief of Staff for Stra- CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT tegic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration; Arthur T. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Home- Hopkins, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Sec- land Security held a hearing on Immigration and retary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Bio- Customs Enforcement budget. Testimony was heard logical Defense Programs; and Robert M. Scher, As- from Sarah R. Saldan˜a, Director, Immigration and sistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Customs Enforcement. Capabilities.

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SERVING STUDENTS AND FAMILIES THE CONTINUING THREAT OF THROUGH CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAMS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES Committee on Education and the Workforce: Full Com- Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Serving Students and Global Health, Global Human Rights, and Inter- Families through Child Nutrition Programs’’. Testi- national Organizations held a hearing entitled ‘‘The mony was heard from public witnesses. Continuing Threat of Neglected Tropical Diseases’’. Testimony was heard from Ariel Pablos-Me´ndez, MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES M.D., Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Global Health, U.S. Agency for International Development; Committee on Energy and Commerce: Full Committee and public witnesses. held a markup on H.R. 1734, the ‘‘Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Act of 2015’’; MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES H.R. 906, to modify the efficiency standards for Committee on the Judiciary: Full Committee began a grid-enabled water heaters; and H.R. 1770, the markup on H.R. 427, the ‘‘Regulations From the ‘‘Data Security and Breach Notification Act of Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act of 2015’’; H.R. 2015’’. The following bills were ordered reported, as 1759, the ‘‘All Economic Regulations are Trans- amended: H.R. 906 and H.R. 1770. The following parent Act of 2015’’; and H.R. 758, the ‘‘Lawsuit bill was ordered reported, without amendment: H.R. Abuse Reduction Act of 2015’’. The following bill 1734. was ordered reported, as amended: H.R. 427. The following bill was ordered reported, without amend- EXAMINING REGULATORY BURDENS ON ment: H.R. 1759. The committee began consider- NON-DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL ation of H.R. 758. INSTITUTIONS ANALYZING MISCONDUCT IN FEDERAL Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Fi- LAW ENFORCEMENT nancial Institutions and Consumer Credit held a Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, hearing entitled ‘‘Examining Regulatory Burdens on Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations Non-Depository Financial Institutions’’. Testimony held a hearing entitled ‘‘Analyzing Misconduct in was heard from public witnesses. Federal Law Enforcement’’. Testimony was heard from Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General, De- CONFRONTING RUSSIA’S partment of Justice; John Roth, Inspector General, WEAPONIZATION OF INFORMATION Department of Homeland Security; Herman E. ‘‘Chuck’’ Whaley, Deputy Chief Inspector, Office of Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a Professional Responsibility, Drug Enforcement Ad- hearing entitled ‘‘Confronting Russia’s ministration, Department of Justice; and Mark Weaponization of Information’’. Testimony was Hughes, Chief Integrity Officer, Secret Service, De- heard from public witnesses. partment of Homeland Security. MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES FEDERAL LAND ACQUISITION AND ITS IMPACTS ON COMMUNITIES AND THE Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, ENVIRONMENT Global Health, Global Human Rights, and Inter- national Organizations held a markup on H.R. 1150, Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Fed- to amend the International Religious Freedom Act of eral Lands held a hearing entitled ‘‘Federal Land Ac- 1998 to improve the ability of the United States to quisition and its Impacts on Communities and the advance religious freedom globally through enhanced Environment’’. Testimony was heard from Robert A. diplomacy, training, counterterrorism, and foreign Lovingood, Supervisor, First District San Bernardino County; and public witnesses. assistance efforts, and through stronger and more flexible political responses to religious freedom viola- EXAMINING THE FUTURE IMPACTS OF tions and violent extremism worldwide, and for PRESIDENT OBAMA’S OFFSHORE ENERGY other purposes; and H. Res. 50, calling for the re- PLAN lease of Ukrainian fighter pilot Nadiya Savchenko, Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on En- who was captured by Russian forces in Eastern ergy and Mineral Resources held a hearing entitled Ukraine and has been held illegally in a Russian ‘‘Examining the Future Impacts of President prison since July 2014. H.R. 1150 was forwarded to Obama’s Offshore Energy Plan’’. Testimony was the full committee, without amendment. H. Res. 50 heard from Pat McCrory, Governor, State of North was forwarded to the full committee, as amended. Carolina; Abigail Hopper, Director, Bureau of Ocean

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15AP5.REC D15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with DIGEST D398 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST April 15, 2015 Energy Management, Department of the Interior; 2015’’; H.R. 944, to reauthorize the National Estu- Emilie Swearingen, Commissioner, Town of Kure ary Program, and for other purposes; H.R. 336, to Beach, North Carolina; and public witnesses. direct the Administrator of General Services, on be- OVERSIGHT OF EFFORTS TO REFORM THE half of the Archivist of the United States, to convey EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF THE UNITED certain Federal property located in the State of Alas- STATES ka to the Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska; H.R. 172, to designate the United States courthouse lo- Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- cated at 501 East Court Street in Jackson, Mis- committee on Health Care, Benefits and Administra- sissippi, as the ‘‘R. Jess Brown United States Court- tive Rules; and Subcommittee on Monetary Policy house’’; H. Con. Res. 21, authorizing the use of the and Trade of the Committee on Financial Services, Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap held a joint hearing entitled ‘‘Oversight of Efforts to Box Derby; H. Con. Res. 25, authorizing the use of Reform the Export-Import Bank of the United the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers States’’. Testimony was heard from the following Ex- Memorial Service and the National Honor Guard port-Import Bank of the United States officials: Mi- and Pipe Band Exhibition; and H.R. 1690, to des- chael T. McCarthy, Acting Inspector General, Office ignate the United States courthouse located at 700 of Inspector General; Mark S. Thorum, Assistant In- Grant Street in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as the ‘‘Jo- spector General for Inspections and Evaluations, Of- seph F. Weis Jr. United States Courthouse’’. The fol- fice of Inspector General; Fred P. Hochberg, Chair- lowing bills were ordered reported, as amended: man and President; and Nathan Sheets, Undersecre- H.R. 1732 and H.R. 1471. The following legisla- tary for International Affairs, Department of Treas- tion was ordered reported, without amendment: ury; and Kimberly M. Gianopoulos, Director of Ad- H.R. 1472, H.R. 944, H.R. 1473, H.R. 336, H.R. vocacy, International Affairs and Trade Team, Gov- 172, H.R. 1690, H. Con. Res. 21, and H. Con. Res. ernment Accountability Office. 25. THE TAXPAYER ADVOCATE’S ANNUAL AN OVERVIEW OF THE U.S. COAST REPORT GUARD’S MISSIONS Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Sub- committee on Government Operations held a hear- committee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transpor- ing entitled ‘‘The Taxpayer Advocate’s Annual Re- tation held a hearing entitled ‘‘An Overview of the port’’. Testimony was heard from Nina Olson, Na- U.S. Coast Guard’s Missions’’. Testimony was heard tional Taxpayer Advocate, Internal Revenue Service. from Vice Admiral Charles Michel, United States THE PRESIDENT’S UN CLIMATE PLEDGE: Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations. SCIENTIFICALLY JUSTIFIED OR A NEW DENVER VA MEDICAL CENTER: TAX ON AMERICANS? CONSTRUCTING A WAY FORWARD Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Full Committee held a mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘The President’s UN hearing entitled ‘‘Denver VA Medical Center: Con- Climate Pledge: Scientifically Justified or a New Tax structing a Way Forward’’. Testimony was heard on Americans?’’. Testimony was heard from public from Lloyd C. Caldwell, Director of Military Pro- witnesses. grams, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department TAX REFORM: ENSURING THAT MAIN of the Army; and Sloan D. Gibson, Deputy Sec- STREET ISN’T LEFT BEHIND retary, Department of Veterans Affairs. Committee on Small Business: Full Committee held a SPECIAL ACTIVITIES hearing entitled ‘‘Tax Reform: Ensuring that Main Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Sub- Street Isn’t Left Behind’’. Testimony was heard from committee on the National Security Agency and Cy- public witnesses. bersecurity held a hearing on special activities. This hearing was closed. MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Full Joint Meetings Committee held a markup on H.R. 1732, the ‘‘Reg- ulatory Integrity Protection Act’’; H.R. 1471, the SMALL BUSINESS GROWTH ‘‘FEMA Disaster Assistance Reform Act of 2015’’; Joint Economic Committee: Committee concluded a H.R. 1472, the ‘‘Integrated Public Alert and Warn- hearing to examine if taxes are holding back small ing System Modernization Act of 2015’’; H.R. 1473, business growth, after receiving testimony from the ‘‘John F. Kennedy Center Reauthorization Act of Brian Reardon, S Corporation Association, and Holly

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Apr 16, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D15AP5.REC D15APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with DIGEST April 15, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D399 Wade, National Federation of Independent Business, Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to both of Washington, D.C.; Jody Fledderman, Bates- examine certain intelligence matters, 2 p.m., SH–219. ville Tool and Die, Batesville, Indiana; Thomas A. Hoghaug, Signus Medical LLC, Chanhassen, Min- House nesota; and Martin A. Sullivan, Tax Analysts, Falls Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Church, Virginia. Health, hearing entitled ‘‘Medicare Post Acute Care De- f livery and Options to Improve It’’, 10:15 a.m., 2322 Rayburn. COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing and APRIL 16, 2015 Trade, hearing entitled ‘‘H.R. ll, Targeting Rogue (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) and Opaque Letters (TROL) Act’’, 11 a.m., 2123 Ray- burn. Senate Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Hous- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- ing and Insurance, hearing entitled ‘‘The Future of Hous- ments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Edu- ing in America: Increasing Private Sector Participation in cation, and Related Agencies, to hold hearings to examine Affordable Housing’’, 9:15 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Sub- 2016 for the Department of Education, 10 a.m., SD–124. committee on Government Operations, hearing entitled Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Re- ‘‘The Worst Places to Work in the Federal Government’’, lated Agencies, to hold hearings to examine proposed 9 a.m., 2154 Rayburn. budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2016 for Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2:30 on Space, hearing entitled ‘‘An Overview of the Budget p.m., SD–192. Proposal for the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- Committee on Armed Services: to hold hearings to examine istration for Fiscal Year 2016’’, 9 a.m., 2318 Rayburn. U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Forces Korea in review Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Subcommittee on Eco- of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2016 nomic Opportunity, markup on H.R. 473, the ‘‘Increas- and the Future Years Defense Program, 9:30 a.m., ing the Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability to SD–G50. Veterans Act of 2015’’; H.R. 475, the ‘‘GI Bill Proc- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: to essing Improvement Act of 2015’’; H.R. 476, the ‘‘GI hold hearings to examine regulatory burdens to obtaining Bill Education Quality Enhancement Act of 2015’’; H.R. mortgage credit, 10 a.m., SD–538. 1382, the ‘‘Boosting Rates of American Veteran Employ- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hear- ment Act’’; H.R. 456, the ‘‘Reducing Barriers for Vet- ings to examine the Energy Information Administration’s erans Education Act of 2015’’; H.R. 474, the ‘‘Homeless annual energy outlook for 2015, 10 a.m., SD–366. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: busi- Veterans’ Reintegration Programs Reauthorization Act of ness meeting to continue consideration of an original bill 2015’’; H.R. 643, the ‘‘Veterans Education Survey Act of entitled, ‘‘Every Child Achieves Act of 2015’’, an original 2015’’; H.R. 1038, the ‘‘Ensuring VA Employee Ac- bill entitled, ‘‘WIOA Technical Amendments Act’’, and countability Act’’; H.R. 1141, the ‘‘GI Bill Fairness Act the nominations of Ericka M. Miller, of Virginia, to be of 2015’’; H.R. 1187, to amend title 38, United States Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education, and Mi- Code, to adjust certain limits on the guaranteed amount chael Keith Yudin, of the District of Columbia, to be As- of a home loan under the home loan program of the De- sistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative partment of Veterans Affairs; and H.R. 1313, the ‘‘Serv- Services, both of the Department of Education, 12:30 ice Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Relief Act’’, p.m., SH–216. 10 a.m., 334 Cannon. Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Subcommittee the nominations of Sally Quillian Yates, of Georgia, to be on Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Ar- Deputy Attorney General, Department of Justice, Kara chitecture, hearing on NRO budget, 9 a.m., HVC–304. Farnandez Stoll, of Virginia, to be United States Circuit This hearing will be closed. Judge for the Federal Circuit, and Roseann A. Subcommittee on Department of Defense Intelligence Ketchmark, to be United States District Judge for the and Overhead Architecture, hearing on NGA budget, Western District of Missouri, 10 a.m., SD–226. 10:15 a.m., HVC–304. This hearing will be closed.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 10 a.m., Thursday, April 16 9 a.m., Thursday, April 16

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Thursday: Senate will resume consideration Program for Thursday: Consideration of H.R. 622— of S. 178, Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, and vote State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act of 2015 on the motion to invoke cloture on McConnell (for Cor- (Subject to a Rule), H.R. 1105—Bureau of Consumer Fi- nyn) Amendment No. 1120 to the bill at approximately nancial Protection Advisory Boards Act (Subject to a 11 a.m. The filing deadline for second-degree amend- Rule), and H.R. 1195—Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015 ments to McConnell (for Cornyn) Amendment No. 1120 (Subject to a Rule). to the bill is at 10:30 a.m. At approximately 2 p.m., Senate will vote on confirma- tion of the nominations of Russell C. Deyo, of New Jer- sey, to be Under Secretary for Management, Department of Homeland Security, and Jonodev Osceola Chaudhuri, of Arizona, to be Chairman of the National Indian Gam- ing Commission.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Hill, J. French, Ark., E508 Price, Tom, Ga., E509 Huizenga, Bill, Mich., E499, E502, E508 Quigley, Mike, Ill., E503 Barr, Andy, Ky., E506 Hunter, Duncan, Calif., E507, E508 Sablan, Gregorio Kilili Camacho, Northern Mariana Cartwright, Matt, Pa., E501, E504, E506 Lieu, Ted, Calif., E505 Islands, E496 Cicilline, David N., R.I., E495 Long, Billy, Mo., E497, E499 Scott, Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’, Va., E496 Coffman, Mike, Colo., E498 Luetkemeyer, Blaine, Mo., E495 Shuster, Bill, Pa., E495 Connolly, Gerald E., Va., E496, E497, E499, E500, E501, Marchant, Kenny, Tex., E502 E502, E503, E504, E505, E506 McDermott, Jim, Wash., E508 Simpson, Michael K., Idaho, E502 Cummings, Elijah E., Md., E495 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy, Wash., E498 Smith, Christopher H., N.J., E504 Davis, Rodney, Ill., E497 Messer, Luke, Ind., E500 Swalwell, Eric, Calif., E503 Engel, Eliot L., N.Y., E505 Neal, Richard E., Mass., E501, E509 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E498, E501, E505, E506, Fitzpatrick, Michael G., Pa., E497 Payne, Donald M., N.J., E495 E507 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E500 Poliquin, Bruce, Me., E499

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