THIS IS T{ I61Ih F?, tJR #


CAiI V4AVk~ a ~ (,an' J. LaPailleic: + :, 49 Mlerchandise Mart, Oi". , . 60654 " inle.n lliotSeptember 19. 1996 2O 7 '

Federal Ilection ( 'mimisston / ' 999 F:Strcct. \ \\ j(A-,,,lq"y,_i

lhis letter is a complaint against the .-l Sal' i for I. 5 Senate Committee "comlmitteeL. Albert)J.ali r"Sal' i" and undisclosed contributors.

Sai\ i funneled Si! 2 million into his o'+n campaign treasury, but tried to hide this bv tailing to disclose o,.er St6O0.0<00 in loans Fhe committee and the candidate 'iolated the provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974 and Federal Election Commission regulations by failing to timel' disclose $oc".234 in loans b'+ the candidate to the committee.

Mkore importantl. based on Salx i's financial disclosures and other statements, it does not appear that Sal' i had sufficient personal resources to loan the committee $1.2 million. Even under a scenario ,+,here Sal, i liquidated all of his personal assets. Salvi cannot account for bet",cen S28 .0_00 and $544.000 of funds lent to the campaign. The failure to disclose the source of these funds is a serious FEC violation. Furthermore. x,,ithout a full disclosure on Salvi's part. one cannot sa '+ith any+degree of certainty that the mone,, ,,as legall., contributed to the committee. l-he likel3 receipt of illegal and undisclosed mone,, s b,, a candidate tot the Itnited States Senate deserves immediate nx esticration h,, the Federal Itlection C.ommiassion

A\lbert J .Sal'mi "Saix V" i-,a candidate tbr the office of I.'nited States Senator tbr the State oftllinois at the election to, he held on \ox ember 5. l9O6. O)n Jul,' 21. 1Q95, Sal' i Iormed the "'-l sal!' ort senate Co mmittee ""lt, address is 800O F. Northv, est ttiizhxxa\. Suite 22i K.I'alatmne, lllmn,,> e,i + ,

\t the titme thle cotmittee x'a> trined. tt,trea-uarer vxa> I orrie Mlark Nex, some "\exsome"b Subsequenti~ . JillmI t'icker iIhacker" became treasurer. f-hacker re.,mgned as treasurer on June I . l ), the c.urrent trca>urer is D)ana (irigoroff O0 O0

! porn tbrrmatin and belief, certain contributors to the committee have been tindisc toed lheref ,re, complainant isunable to, provide the names and addresses of

1he primar\ electionl fr nt ,minat i,n,, ,a,adidates of rnuil r political parties in he Stte of lllinli, occurred on Mlarch 19. 1Qm4, ai iv as nminated to he the GOP canld d.ate 1I'o S% %eit e ,tthi elect ion

l)ulrine the primaro elction campalign..'<,. had ptublicl., statied on numerous ,,cca~tin, that he Would finance his campaign trrugh personal assets~ Exhibit i. \ccording to amended reprts, filed \' ith the f-ederai |Election C'ommission r"FLC~. %alx loaned his campaign in exces of$SI12 milli,,n for the primar\ election cycle. \ccording to documents filed ' ith the I-C,. Sal', i lent his campaign the following amou nts.

* 7 Dle o~cf lean. .-\mount [)ate loan first reported. .!t,2 .1 Q')6 4 Jan 2-s. 1Q'e t $22f-t. I "2 , \ 1i2. 1o 6itafter prtnar, .Ian .)L I~t \larch ti. 109% "-'- leb 1. 1O~% \!Iarc h 4. 1Qo 4 S Feb 23 . 1,or 'r 2. 1'406 iafier primar Feb 2>. loo \ 1r2. l O6$afler primar\ $1 g3.'" 4$$ \r'r 12. IQL6 lafter primarx \lar 15. 1Q06, \pr 12. 10Q46 after primar

)~t the eight loans listed abo\ e. fi', e loanm totaling 56,0.234 ,",ere not reported until after the \Iarch I1'4. 1 '- T,, election 1-t-C regulations require that loans to a conmmittee the reported in the rep,,rt c', erirw the perio+d in ,',hich the committee received

the loan 11 (. I R ," 1,4-; ;di atl.l ca, ,the regulationsrequire that theiloan be rep,,trted p:- ,, to the ee- ti,,n

l he rcgulati. n, require that a rcp,, ri "-led t\\,cl\ e da\ prior to a pnimarn decLi!,tutu. t ls.ng all rceit . and di,.bur~en~crt, .i.s itt the t\ ,erntieth da\ before the ,rin.ar.,x . .. ( I R 4 5,,Iha a nd t 12lrthis case, a rep,,rt \ as required to be ;i!J h,\ \ I .rh r,. I'', .. \ or~ n,. all rcecipt-.r'd d'.-h'urscnment,, through t-ebruarn 2'4.

1ot' sal;",\ ',, \lar,:' t,. 'i(*', rep,,rt jt,c-. :, .,',clude the tttllo\,,, l,. oans:

I )~i~I1t~i: *\loLx.nt '.2 l,ai-L \ ~r 12. 1996. ,'n intended report ', Il 'i i t ".' '-.t',. or" amnden.td report Ic> it)t, -'; -H ' - 2 1, 'u,. ,, maended report ti,~t(, •OO •

According to FE-C regulations, contributions (including loans) over $1,O000 received after the twentieth dax (but he tore 48 hours) before the election must be • disclosed within 48 hours of receipt by the campaign. Salvi did not report the following loans within 48 hours, as required by lan :

Mar. 8. 19t96 $18 .7V"', O Apr. 12. 1996. on amended report 0 M ar. I . 1t))% $55.%'() 4 A.pr 12. 1Q96. on amended report

I 'pon Intormation and belief, the loans wxere reported only because of nex ,spapr articles on the financing of"Salxl'\ campaign first appearing on March 25. 1Q96. Exhibit 2.

I/l'le, contrihution.s

The fundamental principle of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974 is that contributions from individuals are limited to $1,000 . The only exception to this 0 - fundamental principle is use of personal funds. Buckl'i V lTaleo. 424 U'.S. 1 1976). Candidates for the I 'nited States Senate may make unlimited expenditures from personal funds. 11 (.F.R., 110.10(a).I

*- "'Personal funds" are strictly defined by FEC regulations. Personal funds are 0 either assets to which, under applicable state la',,, the candidate had a legal or equitable right at the time he became a candidate. 11 C.F.R. 11 O0l(b)( 1): or salary and other earned income from bona fide employment: xarious investment income: lotter,. proceeds: and gifts of a personal nature wvhich had been customarily received prior to the candidacy. 11IC.F.R. § 110.lIO(bH 2). A candidate may use a portion of assets jointly owned with his 0 ~ or her spouse as personal assets, but only the candidate's share of the assets as disclosed by the instruments of o' nership or. it' not disclosed, one half of the value of the assets. 11 L.FR. 1lO)b(3).

o)n or about September 1. I ,5.Salxit iled a Personal Finance Disclosure Report 0 r"PFDR"' x'ith the Secretary of the Senate. Exhibit 3. l-he PFDR. w'hich was signed by Sali under penaltyv of peiur., listed no significant assets, such as a checking account. sayings account or stock. The PFI)R. v,hich covers the periodt January 199)4 to September 1995. discloses S5u5.32') in income from Albert J. Salhi & Associatres. a la ~ practice which, on intormation and be.lief, is a partnership consisting of Albert J1Sal'i • and Kathleen Keller (Sal\ il. ,and $33.4')5 from leczislative salary. Exhibit 4.

Salx ililed an amended PFI)R cztctr ne,,xspaper articles appeared questioning the source ot his primary campaign financine. Exhibit 5. The amended PFI)R show'ed, as of September 1. 1995. between $t5.jtn2 and 5165.(004)) in checking and savingrs accounts and 0 between $351!.00t3 and S765.O() in mutual funds. lhe PFDR did not disclose specificall\ the os' nership oftthe assets. x ith the e\ception of S 1 .I)())-$ 15.00(() in a mutual fund oxsned bK Kathy Salx i. tto\\e\ er. %li has indicated that his assects are oxxned jointly Exhibit 6. A\ccording to Fi.Ct regulations, half of these assets qualify' as personal funds. 11 (" |:R. l! I(ll~b)3L A..s of September 1.199$5 Sal~i had bet' ,een $_08.00,..50 and S465.000) legall. available tr campaign expenditures. The PFI)R filed tbr the entire calendar 'ear ]I9Q5 lists the same assets Exhibit 7.

Vhe total amount loane~d to thle campaign after September i15. I oQ)5. ,as $797.6 -Q .il\ i explained that the remainder of the funds used to tinance his campaign w ere the re-il, ,,f the settleinent of t'o or three large personal injlur' la\ suits by his law partnership I' xhihit 8. Subsequcnti. .."al' i', counsel told the li|t" that the money was from the settlement of onl, one lawsuit, the ( hrttuan.,,n case. Exhibits 9 and 10. ( ,urt records sho\,, the fee from this settlement ,,,as SI1.083.333.33. and ,,,as earned b\ A\llhr1 J. Sal'i & Associates. Salvi's la partnership. Exhibit 11I.

Real estate records show that Sal' i paid a $203.000 mortgage on Salvi's residence on Februar' 14. 109. Exhibit 12. 1 pon information and belief: the mortgage had a present 'alue of approximatel. SI78.O,0.' In addition. Salvi \ 'as also paid $247.971 in taxes o \ed tot 1Q95 on April 15. 1996. Exhibit 13: and he " as required to make an estimated quarterly tax payvment for the settlement on A\pril 15. 1996O. U'pon information and belief Sal'i has no other significant source of income for the first quarter of 1996.: Even assuming Sal~ i ",as entitled to the entire SI1.083.333.33 legal fee earned by the partnership, his disclosures do not add up Nah'i a.,,,'t, .iax. assets Min. assets .\,ssets a' ailahie 54'.~O0 00 $208.002.50 (hr,. tzinscn settlement SI ('8 .333 33 51.083.333.33 Subtotal a3 ailable 514.5-8.33l; 51291.335.83 Januara 20, lQ'O). loan S1 ~-53- On 5177.537.00) JanuaR SO. IQQ-6. loan ,$_.,6io"O i 5 236.192.00) Februar', . 1tQ6.tloan V$73"oo000 45!37.990.00) Februan. 23. 1 o6. loan l553,AX70 ') 553.000.00) Februar. 2'4. IoQ6. loan $!S3..')O0 ($137.000.00) March 8. !Q,%. loan 3-",~S ( (5183.737.00) March 15. 1 o loan S55' %WQi 4S55.960.OO) -. mated n ortgaee pa. nent 2 14 ,S i(l US1"00

F.!e ta'.pa, nent4 15 S4-.00(5 (,(I iS29".071.OO) Net unaccounted for:...... t2"030 (f4.5.r

] he 2 )( H) m;T~Ort. s a ' en on!re ptcmher , ] and a> t,, a tt-en e ar term .Assuminez

'c *\ p..me:',a\ O\,,r - * nont~h, at 5, nrter. -" the prc,,efl, \ .ue ,or pa>,-out '. iue ot the mortgagie s J.id ha' e bee' S'," 5S "4

"Ax . \ e.ar-en d tI " I )R ta! to, di.c h,.c .,n \ .en. '~nt.m -:, nr.,me trom i H i' practice tor the last q: a'er ,.t 1u',5. a, required I h,- H,rna~ei onr the appK :alTh [ta'.haN ?. or married L,,upec, tiIxn.: oint I the eftectie ta'. rate at i'i!' ir, om!e !e\, t., , , {,., I he e}irn,,l~ald ;ltl\ H S-,, '4JQ.45" lheoretkaiK, \ai ma,, a ,oid penalt e. tor ander% thholdm,.. It he paid ,,ne ,..uarn r otI !,,",,,,,ot prc\, iu, \ ear, ta'. liahiltt' . \ ,hich H. ;da t,, S;"2 I' annlke lx that S",ix x,, id an icr-.A th hold tnt one to t> i e'.tent. partiCU 1arl sifl.¢ " , .':' cmpaie!. revceix inc- a [ ' ";,natc ',A.F\ s}',.i :- m.t~ e.,,, than hi\, ln .'me cun-entlx \ ,eos er, cx, ;.' ',,'th K I~e r am,.oF,'lunt ,.%'h, . C~ tr ,(pfle~ - e.L': n!it ,,a ' di,'la, : has e ,utftic lent funds h; a.. .2," Or' a', e.' rce leixea a- i-..!, h\ t1- ,": I'..'. belief, the net amount of loans unaccounted by Salv'fs * tpon into rmation and undisclosed contribution or tinlancial disclosures arc the result offan illegal and ( 7 to S 4S.O5 1.17. assuming that contrbutions Vhis contribution ranges from S2XR.053 by law partnership l'his scenario presumes Sa1l i \,,as entiled to the entire fe'e earned t.he that .Sal\ liquidated ,LI of hi assets. by the probate court \itore,\ er. the (;':ri,:.:,:,c,: ,ttlemefClt ' ,s nlot approvecd to the li, is Rules of Professional until Februar' . I a (W.Exhibit 14. \cc,,rdinug ,onlilnCfnt te-e case until all amounts (-'onduct. an att.orne,, may not recei\ ' a legal tee in a Conduct. Thus. Salvi ,,,,as not are accounted for. Rule i 1 c .i1.Rules of Professiovai ":settlement as his o,,,n until February 2. 1996. • entitled to anv portion of the ( 1r:s:' :,:. " iQ%. Sqaixi loaned his campaign tHoveeer. bet',,een .January>2. 1O<%. and February . s attorney explicitly stated that SS7. 1 82 () In a Julyv l(h 19%6. letter':o the FFC. Sal' hc the source of the loans to tne or '-"te,,kk as the C;:staiwPsetlmn.Moe cannot be ,spent by an attorney os o is required to be kept in a client trust account and not ha'e been loaned to the committee. "'' meet the definition of personal funds. and could in\ estigationl by the Yhe serious nature of these violations warrants immediate of Sali'is past history ot tiling Federal Election Commission..Xloreox or. because from original reports, th~e Commission -- amended disclosures wvhich differ signticantly his conmi:tee ,,ill x iolate disclosure rules • ~cannot i unore the possibility that S'.vi and lvax nature of disclosures in the acain. This possibility is heiehtened b". the excepionay occupation v~as not disclosed, and committee's latest report. \ here 230 : of contributors" recajired to be re-designated. ,,here appro\imatel) SO0-.(O$ of cont:ributions wvere

.a-,I !aPai~l : ! axd 'cert rv under penalty" o1 i I.r_ai'aie. Lzx, ei d:'.2 :Q.. -:.c,''~ * on ' 7 ,,tstateroots mad:e Y.av,tW': "the .Katem.i'its m ale "±ere:fl are :rc:e ,,r case

. ~~ 'k .p-:-w...

,,, "'()fFIICIAL StTI "

i . o. , . , - ee ee

asPrimary Senate battles seat interest more likely grows

By BERNARD *::amson's comparison of Kustra's SCNOENBURO .:stah;: :esi' o never Quinn gave ,..,:d i' 'WeCope',!rJ, rea..' "ot.,"ng record to that of Netsch. C). rs .llen. Kustra's press sec- -_ ¢on"that :rad,:trn ret.-,Sa..d "t'5 a flawed compan.- Former "l nc" Treas ;rer Pa:- ' ,.... hc.. grew cp H-',.. s~-r becau.se :t ,apparently exam- rick Quirnn: state Rep. Al Satvi. R- _ae. said he s ',: ed :n C" cag. .- es only bt,dget bills in tbe,r Wauconda; and Rich wi:1:am,"sen. the s'bs and dow:.":ae, ~:nhal formn - most of hl:ch a Chicago la ,.er who nan !or .. c _.e the pa.n'y. .--.ach:rne."y t passed' anunousltv. He said : US~ Senate :n "992. all expressed -;:,a Cock Coc.:vt Bcar:d _oesn': take into account votes on interest Friday :n .rn:n'g !or 'Tax, Appeals pest :n '. .3 and: amenments where policy d,:- U.S, Sen. Paul Simor.s seat n c''enoame an e.n.dom~ed De.-r.:- ferences wo' ld be apparent. 1996. a t: canal~date to get :::o .":s Jim, Bray, Kastra's chief a! The ;:oed of poten.ta! ca-nd: - "'nrg .ace !cn state res..rer staff. sad Wil::amson was dies:c- dates co:'ed to widen :n a "" ":' "os: a race '.aS: ea'r ,:',:nta's record, making a".'- " r'-ace that appeared j.st dlays ago :-n3ceta.-v, ! sta~e. :2 s,a d. 0 C.:cs' ccparis-n w:th a as :! :: coJ~d come down to a post- ' . r~e-- than I'.'e :s.- .--..eaingiess statist:c.'" Bra:. prima."y barie between ",.S Pep "- "he ?ep~bl:can s de- b-'" . a. zsl~e W&:2:" "so" has n~e D~ck DcJrb:nr.! Spr:ngf:ed on: "h .'.Sn ,.. *va:;u nn.F :-c- .'ee eoeced.,. to an off!ice. "r Democra::c s~de and L, CGv 3ob '"e, -ep-esert nnere c"-.e.a- ,e..,have a necc d' to a::acs. Xcst:"a !or :he Repcb!icans. ":',mepo,:c:es th an. Ksr. ar:'.san ;.s exhbt-ng e Durbit's path had seemed ".>ian-.scn. who lost the ".- f.._=campa:gning :hat people cieared of a major obstacle when state'.;oe ."ace :o E'emcna:c ara ,, rd of, Bray added. faormer De.r.ocra'ic Attrr.e': U5 Sen Carol Moesee)--ra- a ed he's "getnng mor'e C-enerai .el Hart:gan ,t..d..ew .s'.::he.s:a.k.nga 'pret.t se: s , oe encoragement e'.e.- a ra.-ne-~ !nim cons;den"anion t 'ci: a" to'e :?; con':test. ab.t'z)" a pc-ssible candidac: ,ontruer Democrat:c Nat:cna. -re sa"d he ansee tn '"t."k .h "cte,'s genera .i. Cor..-,;t'ee ch"a:rman Dav:d W:I- •"""S HeoJse GOP's "'Cont-act helm of Ch:cago took :-.'a.":gan ....evnca. and "'Im hop~ng depar"tre as a c-ce to g:v.e se:o~s !~soa:v con-ser'.at.ve and -: -.-.a: zob 5s :, " He said he aso ccns:denat~on to the rate hno- c-:3\tes E.cb :-..stra sa -e.a: ._ e Ch:.,.an.. Coaiitucr._ se!f. an~d Q_.nn on. F.-,day aas .- :n:~ed contract. ta:n:g :.ke a pess:oie cand~date• -. . :arrson S,:d Sa. . tr:ai .a'er. said he 35 I ce!:n:te:y :h~rnk "t-a:s -.e s.:; KStra"s ":.5-r. ec-7 re tro c,,se SI million of hs etec:: that can help def:ne :ne, - "e stote Sena2te ma-~~h"- : -,rey :t, make the race -, .*c tex: cern:n.: Q.:n:n sa~d :n a ",e dec:ces to e! n. He plans :o , o-a' ' :e~ep'-r -e :te.,'v:e'.,, :e sa.d "o nd: rda te ... c :t e ',- 7.,ne .x- K~s'a socn. " o.Jd pro'ba.', 'take a_rn:-e fr C7- eto2n'.' - "c. .. *

0~c 1:-.:.,!,: seek an: '. er -erm:rec e::£ " c the'.e • - - ' e --. :-- :c j~rhe -C...... _' ... : ' . . . .

0 ~ ~Ks qlIluv |il* w & ,--. -i,i -Tlllll " m ISalva: Time right for cohservative challenge tal Council, a statewide coaliliri at 51! PAUL KRAWZAK ly bad," said Saivi. who compares tto (On prevent the birth at addi- I * More U.S. Senate candi- Kustra's votes to those of liberal environmental groups, ranks irs Ional "cocaine tlabies" injured by COPLEY NEWS SERViC E p dales/page 6 Democrats; like then state legisla- one of thle best In recent years their mother's drug abuse. CHiICAGO - State Rep. Al Salvi, tors Ca rol Moseley-Draun and Lynne iPadovan, legislative di- Salvi's approach may owe some- R.Waucoada, figures he could be Dawn Clark Netach. rector for tire council, c'redits Saivi thing to the fact be wasn' always a thle first conservative Republican In his favor. in a second line of attack, Salvl with being a "good listener who Republican. in recent history to win an Illinois During his short time in the Gen- contends he is more likely to stick isnl't afraid to vole against thle Raised in La.rke Zurich. he grew U.S. Senate seaL eral Assembly, Salvi has built a re- with his conviconrs than Kustra. tide." up the middle child amng nine "Ifit Is ever to be possible for a spectable record but not one that who switched from being anti- Simlanrly, while lie is clearly the sitalinlWhose p~arents were and conservative to win a seat like this generated much publicity outside abortion to pro-choice six years most anti-ab~ortion canilldale in thle remailn ''John I . Kennledy 1)einlO and to change the face of the party his Lake County district. ago. race. Saivl refuses to condemn (ratls.'" In Illinois, now Lsthe time." said However, as a wealthly, self- "'My hope is that people will women who undergo the proce- A "politicali junkie" traon an ear- r the I~,ounty resident, who is made J)ersrnnl injury attorney, he want to have someone who be- dure and lie ha,'s sought toI exliiiit I ' ne,. Sallv i had stulin lieu for his ser'vhi l second term in the state can afford to wage a serious cnm- lieves in what they are doing." lie alternatives to abortion. hi Ither InluIU'ce-sfUI 1)1(15for liii- W'/I-,s the main threat to the pate~n. 'anlvt has used ng~ressive sail. [Lst year, he spon.sored a r oniro !1(nissenator and ('Ongr e',llmain tie teievtlrln advertising to drnmati- Salvl's political philosophy coils versial but su('cesfsul tb ip~hithit frle hi5 iiinlh birthdaiy favo'WlGOP' candidate, lIf. Gov (lilly il( rens;e his stiitewle pro- for minlmizlng the Influence Of tihe lag so('ial workers from dilscrlmii "ihet (;01' won .S;rlvi over Iii ]98O. . a state government file. lie plans toni~lp $750,000 of federal government on Indivlduii.s nating dluring ndoptions Many. hi' whenl R{Onald H eaganI Wais elected veteran who has won endorse. hii own irionay lI tohisll $2 million and the economy while preserving said, opposeid the adoption of hiiii k preid'lent R¢eatganiii olidemei atRe- " mantas from Gav. Jim tIdgnr rind Crn p ef~ traditional socil values and paren- orp~hans by white couples. lpuhikliii,' tie recalled '] r 'emn most of the state's GOt' hiernrchy. Salvt and his wife, Kathy, also an tal rights. "We have thousands of beautiful hier b~eing [)1o fou u1(1ly I in fe',sed by Three other iRepublicans are vy- attorney, established their lucra- Along with supporting most of children, most of whom are bia( k. 1(nmil Reagann -. hisop rrlsHiil Jag for their party's March Iti tive law practice in 1991, after the GOP congressional agenda to In the (state's social service) sys arid hilIsirte ndri], th ought hi. ii nomination in the contest to ,suc- Salvi had spent several years work- cut taxes and spending and spin off 1cm." Salvi expinlued. "We have rit'ciive leadersthip s killi' ceed the retiring tuS. Sen Paul Si,;-ing for private law firms, Including federal responsibilities to the hundreds of famllie.s who want to .nilvi gr aduatled from H tlu mon, a DemocraL Simon took of- one owned by a brother. states, Saivi is adamantly opposed adopt these children." tinone before earning his law nle fice in 1985 after beating the state's In the race against Kustrn, Sal- to abortion and gun control. Salvi is also proud of li~laiohn gree from thle [lnver~tty if lilinl'i, last GOP senator, moderate vi 's strategy Ls;batsed on the gamble As a legislator, he has demon- he sporLsore(I las;t year thnt r'stat at (hampaiaIr In I P85 tIhe next Charles Percy. that hiecan convince voters that strated both independence and lished a "'protocol'"to make It ea.tl- yeartICe lnsut ( e;.sfulily h Itcrig'le( While he can't claim much GO)l Kustra, who calls himself a conser- flexibility. er for state social workers to refer then U..SRep. Terry ]lruce, a He, establishment support, SalvI, 35. vative, was' a regular supporter of While a strong backer of the free mothers with drug adih-tioins to) i* raI, in a duiw'rintle austli N feeLst!hat the conservative tide that tax and spending increases during market, he supports tough environ- the Illinois IDepartment of Ab. oh('l I thn' uteet tught ..nltvl that In hel pi epuhilcans cnptur ' con thle dc(-ade he was a legislinr. mental iaws and has a voting re- and Sulistnnce Ab~use. .troiIl~nress in iPQ4 is working "lIis over all record is profound- cord that the illinois Environmen- That's the kind of law, he s;ait, ,- a -I ' .. ' -, ,, " - . . , ' , . I r ..

.3/ jq~ / c~ spec icd & iec-f-',on nse'-/-

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.4o.,t:on Is the greatest mor- "razes, baby," IRoskam ays$ al 'ssu.e of' our time," Saivi SaMv, an attorney f,'om Wau- ,-ecently told about 50 ,"zcia gathered and a staunch abortion In a theater at the tUnIversly ot', fc'e. knows ihe.- eeds to branch ...: '.: ,,d a base ct like-mind- Last spring, Sali pi, ed cc'se.'-,at'ves ovoked to win the Sen. cont.-o,,ez-sy in a (.ailed bid to. ete seat bel:-g vacated by retir- pass a :.ll to block Medicaid- :r'.g Democ.,-t . r -,.ded abortions except. f'or * ra~l!ng Xustra in recent t.hose needed to save a woman's pc:'s, a.,nd w::h most of t.he state R e;ubllcan hier'-rchy- '.-'! O.. other issues, Saiv1 backs a ::ng Gcv. "'m Edga -supporting " pe.'ce.-t fat rate inccne tax, Ku-st-a, Sa>-i hopes to make an a~er :he first $38,000 for a tanmily- :-;act w; 'ha pr-ojec.M $2 i'.!- P~on cam'tpaign budget - includ- Over tinme, SaiM wants to con. i-.g abcout S,75C.0 O of his own ver-t Social Security to a privat " -:r.ey. Ku.stra as budgeted $1.5 system-. Berne~ts should be pre- -". served for current recipients1 but" Saiv., 35, hopes to build br-oad- evevntua~iy phased out f'or futu:'e- er support by promnoing his ar.ti- generations in favor of a pivate . system that Improves benefltz, s::n airwaves w th an ad ca.- he says. :aign cJst:r4g about $5)0.03 For years, Saivi's sig, ts have ever t'o '.'eek - tapping a bar- te.'-er to ,'am home been :oi '. the ant.-tax When hIs father unsiceesffI- :y ran as a Democrat ":.i-r..ey ""e L"tnder i-epre- fortbet'.S House, 8-year-old AZ decided s e.".the e.'eraege guy to our there," ,,-9 :,r C, Vn -€av.!' -.. *I LAs LAnhe says reached the rnnmum age Savi wants to connect with the of 25." in 198, shortly after he fin-. a:'e.rge v."ter. But he aiso is ished ..akJng the right moves the t'n~verslty of flhlnois to galva- College of Law, .-.:e a st-r".g yotng bloc, said SaM' ran as a. "L.ck oeser, a con=se,,atlve Republican ard lost by a 2.1 h'-< r,.ess--..n .wou,,'successfu-. marg!n. 3ut he learned a valu- abe :ease": it takes money to

I 'e.-t about to~ing to make s'r-e .-,.m-.ey, a"nd that's what I : ,' Sat'' says. He pries~an law w!tb '.-_ :'; :es, ,"e:'gkos his wife and four other, arzd !awyers in Lake 7 *--. -' ;-.s-',R.css ?erct Coun anid with Roska.mz, a Wheaton Republican, I,-, uPage County.. .¢. .. . -- $. . ^ . 7. o.. s shcw,-.gl public - ..- a . - "" : 'aw." ,,es is tow, Xustra a: ' - '--- -" ' :.. .'b ', -e ; -- ,,ee'i veUt.(e he te!!s

- . :: '-:1"a:' , . h.".", calls K".s:- a c,"eer" po...c.a." :"- .- ess -ge can" ove,,oee . -*"' " ' s"= € v .SE", ' *: syrr"..-. p:.cr¢ "o! Bcb :'' '< " t&. s, "' think I - - -. "7:5 ."a-e

@' * AkllM, c-hcontents 25, Ilq- 4copyrigh ' Crain's Chicago Busirew A', SALVI'S B>G BLL1'FF" ::'PTlSE' THE* P ICH" K D?WASN'"T ALL THAT RICH


"' rs:" t:.'i,-,. is : aff " "'u-,. persona " :. ry lawy-,r, state Reo. Al 53a.v: .... Z we' -, s Reuo.-d prr -v' U.S. S~nate.

' * v:.S l . : - -- " - .r : - e s ..[ VM73-:i * *:: -a: -.-...... "s r-eveal, that -** L.< .. .. begitining of

-:- - .-s f : wr 2'o ne \ :t .. _ . : marx' " r , a S e na te f : n a nc -la ic t ss l., = = - , - e-= wh e n h:e bz e.. a -..= a -a n d: i a te a s - S e- r . -.. .-be.r r e p o r t s a

st_-. ks.. ... i ---. ~s a n:as sc':ns w.r- --- ...

71zzz11<:f 32 T e, h s m ne - . . - = ,v- _ * r cnw~r?~~te -zn- .... .,24 ...... S v- .... a~n e wre

- nhose _S,-.--. he...... aoa'ns- h s $ 02,CC Lake The res: ca-c fro- a tzzavciav a: hzs "aw f:n January.

Bu: r-v czsz..... - -u -sa: his Jamralon -- a report to FederalEet~ r_-,o w abe-n SavSs ...- an to he c-amn caefrom * "rerscna. :uncas, " Mr.S iv=-a;' hve run afoul of federa" caTDa" :: nanco 2D On-issteot"ha- nevertheless could

financedhi A~t- s .-ea-- --.. or._-_ a :n -e:view ' b- r Salv last: wee-k :h:-. i- *.a-e...... _trc-we3§t:; neecieo to rnake a oen:

SiICi Mr. s.2----


-j K .cknowledging that hei~d his campaign $750,O~iuring the primary. "I do 0 ".or have a mortgage o,.Wo,, e, but I don't want - a rnortqe rn my home .cr th'e rac>,. I don 't think need to. I have to raise $9 Tililo;. II I'm able • .; do that, I'll h~o able, tc run a gaood cam-paign."

0 srernd a total ct '.< uqhly S"1.4 re.cilio-n, -31.winq nir t n""s .'.impau. n could I win the i,,,p n,-',unat io:, Rez . Salvi's~ c: meant t?" -atch it C%v. Bob Kcstra, the party "nrdorsed favor-re, near":v do'llir h'

- :-les when ,,:""v,t ... th*; '- in: Sect--' : " h '-" ~ nhat he was prepared tc I -h t"wo-te,-- c<:::,,, . eiv fr'-.- Wauconda was taken s ,r':u ;0A .. .> '; "w ::: " " .' ',- nt" : T v . .,,... ".2 " . -n'ceed, >Mr. Salv:

" -SI :;.: .- >:- T AS~'-._.

n-anc~a ' dscilsure docure:: na':recc'rtei ear'-:s 5. the ,:i-s-x figures 2--- nis .aw iirac--:ce aind te State, " ... s ....:flan - assets in=vestment n_-c.e n fact, - assets= exceeci n 51.... ~ =-.~-- ...... -:. exceeciinc

arzee~se-_e-n~sc- aL. - -r-ca" cn ca.-e '... re _ -~- ecteci fees-' "-s~a'_: buv - st .'.-. ai.-::c-nc titme that ~e....e.na. na .. wzest

.....w~se, " wcic ".nae ceen ase t- .... ." M-- Sal--sa-i. "The timinc was 2reat."

-- i ho se cases, a wrcnc> - ceat:< _aws:--, was set-t , 5._ mnj !:on. * .Y~. Sa-v" de--cnec tc ev-±a n-cs t~ ; .. :-e standcar :en- fee "s

..2 .,.h a*. .,, .. .e--"" ' - . . .. - - , ..' 5ai'.': a Jei "-ere .... na "-ohcs law a: -. " -- . -e ".,21 2e

-2 ,,

".1: 2 t f "::s seTTe-ents ... . 5-:-.57e its 7 :s_:z-: ze-2-,- ":" e "w ~ e & _ 2 -i-%7 - . A - >rcc- -- .'c - .:

.z,2 - arlist of his clientsJra lvi tallied more thi50 settlements, ranging * ro more than $800,QWn. to two for $31.88 eaII, th most well under $20,000.

.o get his campaign going last year, Mr. Salvi now says, he tapped the equity "'ne on hiS $60D, Q...., house because it was his largest asset at the time.

ZryoIw, ote a coup e of..checks on a home equity loan, " he said. "I was abe~ to pay off th , home equlty loan at the end osf the year," after campaign rsntributions st~it; d comin. in.

* ...did have a 1 :,...... "...... W'ok i:-,.. >..:, ... " he added.

* W:le Mr. S::v --cently purchased some stocks, he said the report accurtel refl ects that, for- the -94-rhrough-September-YY9B5_period, "'I don't have ..n'estments :n sck or anvthng like tha. : do't."

...... hi FF fan s rt sa hs f'--st Ican to the,.campaign came f.. * "%Yerscnal funds, ...... a .no=... e~u::,., !ne, the detais of which must be reported Ly law.

Loans from candmdates are as hear ly regulated as contributions from = --utsiders, and the FEC remu~res cand~dates treport the oriminal source ot * such loans, wh~ch Mr. Salv,: did no: specify i- h's original year-end report.

:.,"__ a indeed requ'_r-ed to reoo-- the or:Q=n source of the loan, even witn a home egu:itv _-ne, " sa-d an FE? sockesman. 'A house is collateral, that's

--_r::ertt's ":'ea:, roe FE.? asked the Sal'v" campaign to prvd add::-iona -_nfor.-ma-ton, soo.n as tu - o -ig a source of toe "oan .or an acknowledqmren :] * :: came fro-. rerna" runos -: roe *oaod a.

"resrose, _ Y,.r o e-er to- ; FEY from oamoaicn-trasurer - Torre ":=i

".,ews -me ,' - "t ' c: 'J= - ' .cs. ~a e C ""." .= < " '-- .. "This is a problem, e though it's a very com istake" for a candidate to *consider a home equit* to be personal funds, Judy Corley, a partner in the Washingtcn law firm Perkins Code, which speci zes in political law.

The FEC could impose a fine equal to the size of the loan for failing to report the oriqina~ source, but su~ch fines typically are in. the 15%-to-25% * range, :f the FE? pursues the matter, and it is not likely to unless it receives a compla ...

At one point, the Kust~ ('ampa.c-" was debating whether to write a letter to ' the FC ...... tho, sums that Mr, Salvi was putt in into the race after

...... a... wa...:~ , ..ust ra campa ':;- manager Don

* BLuo "t w ': f,'ed by Mr. Ku -sra. The -cuest ion of whether to p r u h matter._ -ate ur _ate on the race and, besides, ot' "i4snt the candidate's demeanor to on something like tha-t, " ns-sts Mr. T'otte-.

What ci~-ht 'h= K'us-ra cammao-'s e,-e was that Re Salvo checked "no" where~ * T. e for- asks: -id you, your szcose or dependent ch:_d receive unearned Or -nvestment -ce:f m~t-re than 3?... the rep orting perood or hold any" retmortar'e asset worth more than- $I I.at the e~d of the cerood?",

Atoi pont however, ot'sun.e.. =-what Re. Salrd mean-t torpot

Asked last weekwh he lite n- ssets Mr. Salvi saod, "-f i said no, that Qas a "stake."

Maybe not. Althoch Mr. Salvo sa-o d -s 'm.istake" was that his house should *have been -- steo as an asset, Senate ru'es do not rec'u-re the ownership of a poersona *-=no- to be re=pr-eo

What:l -lar- -5 la-st year hT-e em]itv lan and the January settlerren~s 'ere on-e s...... "- - . t'ne.. ..mone.. n._="e _-~e n-s ,-a.raion_. "Uo-..,1 dod not"' li quodat- * anyv ass-os, " a i

. h- =w-as _-a~o: -- ,o-aor2" r:,-e to <:,r-on :oe." ast week, Mr. Sa---

ex an-:.- we~.e cu t shnor-- w::e -eula-'h connet- -onwas ost dur'no:. -- ; - --e.--e - -- ? :snot i.e --~ : .j~at:-. :o- - - .'- campaian o: - * _-~.t--r J::: ;. ,a- . w-as -- s--s-ar:v "a a .. ,0.

. • . b

Salvi May Face Fines Over Loan Disclosure

,,,,.r-u,'y l5,.n he ,d

* ,,,,,,,,A, *,-te PwyinY,.filn+ Pl-V meWQfll flPWV l.l 4 *...... *,v,+r -uE ,p,,,'c,,,

,.e.' Tern'.c'. 5err'lm el~

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.- , .wwi, h.l 1,,, - , ,+ * .... tjmmruP l$t 'I

* ...... , . 9l 'fl-


...... E..


9" yOu or your' wos have wlineld income (6 gj uilarie or Iees) or r- Dd you hOld any repoulatile positions during the reporn period

IIf s and Attac PART II Olyou, y! sl,'.or recee or investme"nt Didl you hive any reportab rNle ro a a"grntwDa n; O mme at ram. Iwin5200 m Vi reporen Ier=i r hokl any eptbl r- agremito aranemetnth nduttdeenb ers umih more Vi $1,000 at ti' end o1 tie penod' YES NO YES N If yeS, CofEI I, ai fal PART IliA wndior IIIB ~ i If y.S, Coimplete and Attadi PART IXYELi ' LJ Did you. yow sp)OUse o dep nt olmlhave any reportaiebabuty (mor e NEW EMPLOYEES ONLY 1141 $10,000) durvi 0 li rep)oin perfld YES NOF~ DI you receve con~ensaorn of more than $5,000 from a sigl wucen h,,g lf HPR opeadAtI.piryeeni' YES NO If PRT~'s. CirplteVI an Attdi ~ L.JIf yes, Comple and Attach PART XLI L Each question must be answered and the appropriate PART attached for each "Yes" response.

File this report and any amendments with the Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records, Room 232, Hart Senate iff ice Buildina. U.S. Senatea Washn ton D.C. 20 1 .20 Pen Ivy for filina more than 30 days after due date. I in. uo o.. -n(Oo Ml w,.U S o ThI LIE ' S Financial Disclosure Statement is required by the Ethics in Government Act of 1978,.as amended. The statement will be made available I I • il oiynthe Office of the Secretary of the Senate to any' requesting person upon written application and will be reviewed by the Select Committee onEthics. Any indlividual who knowigly anid willfully falsifies, or who knowingly and willfully fails to file this repori may be subject to civil and cr'iminal sanctions. (See 5 U SC0 appX6,104 and 18 U.S C 1001 +

i~se S *, Illllli iirI. ~l0(.)f ij Va w,-, I CERTIFY tIft slrleitswl I have . a "

FOr Offkil Us Only- Do Not1 Wr~te Belw lhlI ,,

r" his ft ~ ft rewew thaI flu state I S'o'.eiu's 0$~@v*mlfi@ 1OISO (MontA. (la "Yw , nwS m ifl 11Wbill ~ ptA TeISI ol Ule Etftor wiGoymnirnart Ad 9/ ijerreed V95 PmPrv~oLe ,us [4nL~o'w , (.(a'~noi nol BeBe UUued 4 !a.~n r~. PART II. EARNED AND NON-INVESTMENT INCOME

Reort the source (name and address) type. and amount of earned income to you from any source aggregating $200 or more during the repoxrting period For your spouse. report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregates $1000 or more during the repoxrting period. No amount needs to be specifed for your spouse. Do not report income from employment by the U.S. Government for you or your spouse.

Indlyldula not covered by the Honoria Ban: For you and/or your spouse, report honoraria income received which aggregates $200 or more by exact amount, give the date of. and describe tho activity (speech. appearance, or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I

@6OI gm Sac d (City, Sti.) Type 04 nc1l Amount JP Compuwrs Ware, D C Salary $15.000

uc= (Spo.e Aulngor.VA Saiary Ovr= $1,000

~ eJ.... vf~// f..

10 (r .

,1 -

12 ., -- ,

•I IX) , - 13 "" .


Pgww~maE~or's C~'v~ b Used Rvised L9~

0 "*" ' ' +I S $200 or more l1jnng the r%0otif'U po)rod F-or of earned gnwrli to you from any source aggrogaang sourul (nellie and addresJs), type. andK~amount the rep:orting period. No aflounlt neCJ5 Rlepo't the income whtich ggregales $1000 or aore during the sour~l (¢n riad adldress) arnd type of earnod your spu. repori or your spouse from empornefl by the U.S. GovernTel (or you to b ecfe for your spouse Do riot repot1 zn~om Ben: no cowrsd by Vi Honererri Indivbdu%$ iimooua .grve th~e dJale of. anti descr, bO the a.jv.:y whi~h ,aggrog~ItS $200 or rn¢lb'y exact andl/Or your spoue. rp' Iioq'orfla income rsevod~ I For you 'I' lieu of ho,,orat,mi ,opoued on Pafl honoralia payment Do 0lt vnicluris payments (speech. appleW1/IKn. or' lJCi) ge~nit"fl suCt'


Iv _- " ' --- --. .- --

. - " 2

.-- ... , 1----'---

------7 7------z27 ~Ci~d'~



288. * Ptak, David, January 7, 1994, $3, 125

289. * Gut.ierrez, Daniel, January 10, 1994 $1,350

300. -Tracy, Ilona, January 13, 1994 $4,745

301. * Rasmussen, Diane, January 18, 1994 $ 450

302. * Basham, Nora, January 28, 1994 $2, 222

February, 1994

303. ' Navarro, Roberto, February 4, 1994 127 .15 304. - Vasquez, Rarnon, February 4, 1994 200 .00

305.• Myers, Calvin, February 17, 1994 530.32

306. * Graham, Wanda, February 17, 1994 509 .25

307. • Harris, Katie, February 22, 1994 000.00

308. - Rubin, Mariann, February 23, 1994 750.00

309. t Harris, Michael, February 24, 1994 49, 333 .33

*0 Grampo, Ginette, February 24, 1994 5,000.00

March, 1994

3::. Hickman, Ruth, .March 3, 1994 $5,300 .81 312. yde, Donna, .March 24, 1994 $6, 300 .00 313• yde, Donna, March 24, 1994 $4,500 .0 314• alden, M'ary Arnn, .March 15, :994 $ 333 .33

" •Doro, Patr c la, M~arch 25 , :95 $4, CCC

4 ." V R h, Se" iy a-' 7 - $2, 666 25 _- - K:nca- d, Ot is, March 27 , !99 4 s1, 796

41_ • uzman, Ali.cia, Mrch 2', 1994 $1,050

19- wopes, Randy, Mrch 22, :994 321 . * Maze, Bessie, March 24, 1994 $ 666.67 322 . * Kennedy, Maxine, March 24, 1994 $4, 000 .00

323 . * Hyde, Terrn, March 31, 1994 $5,833.33

ADriI. 199A 324. * Perz, Linda, April b, 1994 $11 666 .66 416 .66 325. * Schiarbaum, Nancy, April 12, 1994 $ 2 $10 000 .00 326. * Maiden, Joseph, April 14, 1994 555 .56 327. * Young, Anita, April 13, 1994 $ 560 .00 328. * Moore, Michael, April 18, 1994 $ 1

329.• Malmstedt, Ryan, April 19, 1994 $ 5 000 .00 $21 500 .00 330. * Ryan, William, April 20, 1994 360 .00 331. * Gonzales, Gil, April 28, 1994 $ 3 1 946 .67 332. * Harmnon, Lani, April 28, 1994 $

333. * Harmon, Sebastian, April 28, 1994 $ 264 .03

May 4, 1994 334. * Werner, Geralyn, 3, 333.33

335. * Sch'arba ., Zackany, .May 5, 1994 875.00

336. • Bell, Betty, .May 6, 1994 1,485.00

337. * McCaffery, James, May ii, :994 8,666.66

33. • ee Brenda, May 16, 1994 4, 000.00 ' 3j9. • Dziekan Ronnica, May .9 :994 [$000. 34 t•e.~ez£on Sharr YMy , 194

34 -Ku.ers-en, -- oe My £5, 19

2,500.2< 342. ' ass, S-ephan e, May 2, 99 343.- W-.a-rowsk-, Dav-d, May 27, 1994 2,962 .96

344 -w~atrcwk"- 0, herese, My' 2<, :994_ ., 962.96 .9

346. * Taylor, Angela, May 27, 1994 $1, 020.00 $ 870.00 347. * Marshall, Idella, May 27, 1994

348. * Romnero, Angel, May 31, 1994 $ 6,666.66


349. ' Schmnidt, Martha, June 3, 1994 $16 000 350. - Pinkstonx, Patricia, June 3, 1994 $ 2 333 35] - Pinkston, Lawrence, June 3, 1994 $ 5o0 352.• Pinkston, Marques, June 3, 1994 $ 5o0

353. * Anderson, Bill, June 7, 1994 $ 2 333

354. • Kuceravy, Viado, June 8, 1994 $ 8 333 355. - Sarkan, Cherie, June 13, 1994 $ 2 5O0

356. * Kowaiski, Denise, June 15, 1994 $ 7 350

357. * Clark, Patricia, June 17, 1994 666 .66 358.• Cotton, Vannie, June 20, 1994 500 .00

359. - Watkins, Luetisha, June 20, 1994 000 .00

360.- Smith, Melvin, June 22, 1994 000 .00

36. ' Truitt, Sheryl, June 24, 1994 833 .33

362. * Cohn, Dennis, June 24, 1994 400 00 363. - Moneo America, june 27, 199 666 .66

364.- Esa-, Charles, June 28, 1994

JULY, 1994

365. Le -, A.ndrea, July 13, 1994 s3- 83 -'6 Eid-s Din, July :9, 1994

3%. Lazanskv, Susan, -"y 27, 1994

3%. McK-.m, MaYry, j..u y 29, 1994 371. * McKimmy, Vanessa, July 29, 1994 $ 2,000.00

Aurus t1 1994

372. * Lindberg, Sandra, August 2, 1994 $ 4,666.66

373. * Allen, Sharon, August 5, 1994 $ 1,700.00o

374. * Hernandez, Nora, August 8, 1994 $ 3,083.33

37J * Franz, Hannelore, August 16, 1994 $ 333.33

3"6. * Franz, Hannelore, August 16, 1994 $ 4,333.33

317. * Gentry/, James, August 18, 1994 $ 1, 333.33

3'J8. * Torres, Gilberto, August 20, 1994 $ 3,333.34

379. * Bayes, James, August 23, 1994 $ 3,500.00o

38> * Pepper, Phillip, August 24, 1994 $ 180.00

38. * Sadikoff, Hasan, Augrust 25, 1994 $ 2,222.22

.82.• Rossinan, Joanne, August 29, 1994 $ 3,000o.00o


p83. * Pusch, Cindy, September 6, 1994 $ 8, 333 .33

384. ' Slay, Sandra, Septe.m.ber 7, 1994 $10, 000.00

385. * Hogan, Shirley, September 12, 1994 $ 1, 750 .00

386 - Persson, Raymond, September 14, "994 $ 2,550 .00

} 7 :ria z, Penny, Serte..ber "6, :994 $ 1, 833.33 395. • Cur-: s, Mrlene, Septemb~er 20, 1994 $ 3,333.33

399.- Gray, Shikeitha, September 23, 1994 000.0

.,ra. Ale:l a, Sete.-ber 23, 194 o ! 666.66

October, 1994

3-- - - - se ?. Icober - -* ,675. cC

* - ~2 - -. *~... --- 395. * Cordova, Delfirno, October 18, 1994 $2, 550.00 Noveber, 1994

396. * Graham, Willie, November 2, 1994 $ 1,841 .66

397. * Moth, Constance, November 2, .994 $22, 222. 22

398. * GonzaA'es, Edward, November 7. "994 $ 833. 33 o 399. * Seppa>3, E~n , November 14, " 94 $ IS 898 .97

400. :mrichova, Edita, Novembger 15, " 994 $ 4 0O0 .00 401.• Dzikowski, Wanda, November :s, 1994 $ 5 823 .92

402. * Rarnirez, I,.za., November 16, 1994 $ 3 333 .33

493. " Scott, Lue, November 21, 1994 $ 4 ,250 .00

December, 19 94

404. " Bermea, Saul, December 2, 1994 $ 22,666.66

405. * Bermea, Claudia, December 2, 1994 8, 500

406. * Gonzales, Leodan ,December 6 - a 41 500

407 * Weber, A1 c a, ecember 8, 1994 250

408. - Weber, Patric~a, December 8, 1994 666

-- 409. • Mercado, Awlda, Eecember - , 1994 750 4 -l. • F~rser, Janet, _-ecei-ber 12,

4"". • Wa-socn, A.-.ber,- e ernzer . ~141


4"4 " - '.e u en anuarv 9

4"- ---- rr - e n e -

4 " - • Rue da J

4":e~es • wee:5 1 419.' Otis Lirnder, January 19, 1995 $ 355.55 420.- Sophia Melendez, January 2.9, 1995 $ 166.67

421.* Destiny Atkins, January 19, 1995 $ 183.33

422.' Ada Melendez, January 19, 1995 $ 977.77 423.' Johnny DeJesus, January 23, :995 $ 616.67

424.' M, ry Perko, February 2, 1995 1, 888.89 425.' Todd Sirmec, February 2, 1995 2, 000.00

426.' Tamrala Wettstein, February 2, 1995 13,466.67

427._'Linda .. Bergin , February 3, : 995 32, 666 .66

428.' Melissa Bergin, February 3, :995 500.00

429.- Kesl ey Mortensen, February 3, 1995 1.6,250.00

432'.' Murray Allen, February 2.7, :995 5,833.33

432.' Doug Auten, February i8, 1995 2, 166 .66 43.'KahyC ark, February 18, :995 3, 666 .66

433.' Lori Clark, February 18, :995 2, 666.66

434.' Nereida Hart, February 21, 1995 4,250.00


435.' MOllV. McKimv, March :, ic

4il.- Anne Salzadc, M~arch ,1 = 333 43'.' Alvar: Rodriauez, March :, "7

43 -3trea-we-nr,:ce , "arcn-

-4 ' - _ -V .'= K'------

44.' .....s .P..we_= Y.Marq : , i-- 444 * Ellis Davis, March 10, 1995 $ 2,417.97

* 445.' Michael Spears, March 10, 1995 $ 1,226.55

446.' Larissa Peppler, March 15, 1995 $ 4,747.16

447.' Odeta Motiekaityte, March 23, 1995 $ 8,333.33

• 448.' Donna King, March 23, 1995 $ 3,333.33

449.' Dale Tstum, Mairch 23, 1995 $ 1,666.67

450.' Kimberly Freitage, March 24, 1995 $ 142.42

• 4LA.* Rhonda Buckingha m, March 24, 1995 S 2,666.67

452.' Nor.,an Buckingham, March 24, 1995 $ 2,333.33

453 • Delores Harnil, .March 29, 1995 S " 1,666.66

* - APRIL, 1995

454. "pamela McBride, April 6, 1995 $ 8,333.33

"''455.' Daniel Magana, April 6, 1995 $ 883.33

* 456.' Natasha Houston, April 6, 1995 $ 1,000.0 457.' Melvin Smith, April 6, 1995 $ 833.33

458.- Ryan MaImastedt, $ 5,0 00.0

* . 459.' Su..s'e Masella, April 5, 1995 $ 3,400.00

' , -462 -~ :erri Grendel_, Aor l 6, 995. $ 437.5

4>"• cr e fchnsnn, A~r'" 3, 1995 S 3,l116.67

*462. M--" " Srrm.ro Arr" "4, 195 $ 4,275.02

.4* " -" 3hrd ec.-er, Ar:. "4"935 1:

• -B M.._irL .cae 1a3::e --, A~g-- _---.. ...

a .--.sc:et .3.. -- .. - - - ... -. -.--

• :_ J a - e ,-.. .. . -- 199.-- .. 470.- Jason Frese, April 19, 1995 31.88 471.' Stephen Frese, April 19, 1995 $ 31.88

472.' James Frese, April 19, 1995 $ 1,700.00

473. Wendi Parker, May 4, 1995 $ 3,750.00 474'• Meifa L. Crozier, May, 1995 $ 5,950.00 475.* COdilcn Tellez, May 8, 1995 $ 4,533.33

476.' Belinda Werrera, May 8, 1995 $ 708.33

477'• Julio Martinez, May 8, 1995 $ 70.83 478.' Jon Gillmner, May 9, 1995 $ 1, 000.00 479.' Alice Hofmnaster, May 9, 1995 $ 633.33

480.' Patricia Atkins, May 9, 1995 $ 1,416.67 481.' Vishnu Mahant, May 9, 1995 $ 2,500.00 482.' David Johnson, May 15, 1995 $ 1,500.00

483.' Robert Williams, May 18, 1995 $ 3,171.16 484.' Mary Bittner, May 19, 1995 $ 755.99

485.' Mitchell Szydlowski, May 24, 1995 $ 6,666.67

486'• Diane Voights, May 24, 1995 $62, 500.00o

437 • Robert Maddock, MWay 31, :995 $43, O0.00o

483. X atie Jackson, .May 31, 1995 $ 2,3833.33

489.- Brian C:hadler, .May 31, 1995 .$,1900.00

49>'- Jerald --ran-ch, May 31, 1995 s 975 o

JUNEI 1995

49" .' Mar'e P:::c~era'd, Jun~e ",1

492.- Carolyn A. lray, June i, 1995 2,266. 7

493. "'Mti'da :-c - d, J-rn 2, 1995 1,933. 33

g.66.67 495..' Paul Schultz, Jr., June 5, 1995 $ 375.00 * 496.- Juan Jose Salgado, June 8, 1995 $ 3,500.00

497.' Steven Dietmeyer, June 10, 1995 $ 2,550.00 498. Gamaliel Santana, June 12, 1995 $ 400.00 * 499*t Juanita Barnes, June 23, 1995 $ 150.00

*%Lorna Garbett, June 20, 1995 $ 2,408.33

t , t . Jenaro Alvarez, Jurne 20, 1995 $ 1,066.67

* ' , Dwight Graves, June 21, 1995 $ 100.00

3' Marj orie Biddlecon, June 22, 1995. $ 600.00

%£4.- David Sargis, June 2:-, 1995 $ 2,493.33

• 505.' Norman Goldman, June 29, 1995 $ 3,400.00

JULY. 1995

506.' Jeanne Zajac, July 7, 1995 $ 2,975.00

* 537.' Roberto Navarro, Jr., July 7, 1995 $ 2,335.00

503.- Kevin Kanoon, July 12, 1995 $ 1,062.50

529.' Richard Ramos, July 13 1995 $ 1,733.33

* 510.' John Jackson, July "_, 1995 $ 1,300.00

51 -Michael Savage, July 12, 1995 $ 1,166.67

5w'__• anet Jchnscn, 17'y",, ' - $ "3,000.00

* .3* Cmar Rosa, July i.5, 1995 S 1,222.22

"'1 udy May, July .S, . 95 $ 6,5" 667

' z Eanor Elers,...y a 323.23

* 5:-. .v3hn Guere - , ju'v".,"95=33

'- ' M e..v'- . r-. . - "9 _ ' "

51 Jacme-.-e -:nes,f-"y , _.>93 2 >,5_SDX * AUGUST. 1995 520.' Leonard Petruska, August 1, 1995 S 2, 666 .67 521 . Gerald Savage, August 2, 1995 $ 1,000 .00

522.' Leo Syler, August 3, 1995 $ 5, 000 .00

523. Cindy Campos, August 3, 1995 s 6,375 .00

524.' Wend..y Carnpos, August 3, 1995 $ 212 .50

525." Jacob Campos, August 3, 1995 $ 5, 666 .67

526. " lba Hernandez, August 3, 1995 $ 666 .67

527 Hugo Hernandez, Auguast 3, 1995 $ 166 .67

528.' Dennis Selof, August 4, 1995 $ 10, 000 00

52 " lena Tracy, August 7, 1995 7,631 .71

53>'• Ruthie McMillon, August 8, 1995 1,841 .67 S 531.' Tiara Howell, August 8, 1995 1,875 .00

532. William John Troxel, Jr. Auast S 8, 1995 5,000 .00 533.* Jchn Smilie, Isabel Gonzalez, August 9, 1995 3,500.00

534.- William L. Poteet, August "1i, "-95 1, §00 .00 $ 535.' Thomas Fell, August 16, 1995 5, 000 .00

536. " ennis Frechette, Auas: 17, 1995 $ 1,250.0 53. • : gls Stelter, Au :st 625.00

538. - hare Mc~onald, Auods: ,19 1 ,500.003

5-.9." Tara Car,'rT, Aua'jst 2,19

'4 C: r-ra-A.Ca:, Aas: -9

~4 ~naM r ica, Au .:st .. -

144 " ",aleka Lewis, Auo-:s: 3[ -: 2 ,652.0-0

SEPTHK(BER., 1995 545. Maria Troxel, Sept. 7, 1995 $ 900.00900

546 . Stacy Crane, September 13, 1995 350.00

547 . Steven Woodward, Sept. 14, 1995 000.00

548. Donna Batteau, Sept. 19,1995 ,666.65

549. Scott Grer~d1, Sept. 21, 1995 450. 00

550. .Matthew P. Stroik, Sept. 21, 1995 666.67

Charles Gillette, Sept. 21, 1995 1, 050.00

552.' Marcus Gray, Sept. 25, 1995 5, 000.00

Ralph Gray, Sept. 25, 1995 6,000.0

554.' Joel GuadarraTa, Sept. 26, 1995 2, 068. 33 ALBERT J.SALVI & ASS9OG:ATES gi ATToRNE YS AT IAW




* A! SD


* "'D 124-A East L.er,i Street 8 ;uco,'da, lt-~i..6308$ Phcne (7O8) 487 -3042 -a. 708A 4.87-3.221

A:.:ei J. SJ,-i 111 Nokrth COty Sree * 'ah e~ t.Kef'er Su.ite 41 W-aukegjan, Illinoisl 60085 ,:.--,Ca'- H. Harr.s. '- P~re (7B) 662-3303 Far: (7Q8) 662-3453 Fe,njarv,,1. _ AM! 'NI)I*:I)


• i ii ,, , ,


Due wiihin 30 days of e'mp daip

p.. 9,A~roirfq flnb1)/l (ri I ,,#1. i | ...... ] • ...... J P. (9. BOX 457 8S4 / ) )2()-I4()) Candidae Approx. Wauc(n~la,1;. 01, i 4 47 (,(, j- Hi) : 9/0)1/')! I I I 1 119)1

i ~JjSeep 2of bnsructiOnslotdue dele AFTER READING THE INSTRUCTIONS - ANSWER EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS 'I your spouse have earred inom (e g. saLaraos or fees} or Did you hold any reportable positions during the mnporlng poriod? ment inom of more than $200 from arry repu~atuu souro, YS NO [j- If yes, Comple and Attach PAWI VIII s7 N~

Dyes. Comleie and Attach PART II

Dudyou your spue or dependent chil recerve ut.'Thf'e(J Orervesfnorit Did you have any roportable ag~reermnt o)r,jr r~mu.ir~Jrrirwft .in )UI%,)di 9:1Il mcmeofrr'thn 2()the reporting period or nOidl an'y reponlahk' F-1[ [ wlhriore tha $,00 at the en o the [ Oiloihng tev)' date? YS N If ART~ CoplettIAand.or an118If Attch yes, Complete and Attach PART IX NEW EMPLOYEES ONLY Du)dyo°u your spus or deedn child have any 'eprable liablity (n~e - -] [" tli $10000) duning the reportig p:erio& YES F]NO []Did you receive compensation of more than $5,000 from a singl(e '.ource t thutwo,[ F If yes, Coplte and Attach PART VII ~~. po years' YES U NO L If yes, Complete and Attach PART X Each question must be answered and the appropriate PART attached for each "Yes" response. File this report and any amendments with the Secretary of the Senate, Office of Public Records, Room 232, Hart Senate O, e Building, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510. $200 Penalty for filing more than 30 days, after due date.

Frs (IRk a, ige y f~ No~EA:. ii. rra in.

pllnancaIOttrcee of [)i5sc)o€.urr the SecretavyStatemernt of If , ,Pi:,i.r.t oqprfP-J~,tr'fu ary hy themequmistih [-thi:'s ig in per.Si ( aVO iii upor)iiiwiten writtenActl of aplihcation1978. as armendedJ ard will beIhe: reviewed statement b~y willthi, tar.Se)lect| mnadJ (orrittee(availalel thic5 Any indrvidual who kr (owinr-,dra 'jwifully falsifips., or who kirowo igly drud willfully fails to file( thi..retport ,rfay ti. 'iuhlfE0.t to ci=vi uair( criminal sarctiorrs I ,ee 5 U S C app #j .; 1ttUJ S C i2!, .ard 2k1 U .S(. 114(1)

' 'hav P rnJdfr ' ' u". ',"I"" f. $,l~l; ,ws.Pfave sN ... t ....ore'.... ,,/" // ..e , //31/'./ df~dC.o(fet to tie be'. ,!(ipy Af;owieJe ( - For Official U.e Only - Do Not Write Below Th~sL~

tics ~ rtij1t~ie ~ta1e 'r~ l4.....~.'.g (rW..,* r?~i(s m n !brsform j~p ~rrOrnplidIi.P ~Wi TaWI ot the' , &~iii'~tIflieflt Ad ,, 0 ' [) . i ,' r_- L- ,, j//'%~ i/ / ;,, 5 ( .1- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S AMI:NI )i ,iJ


Rteport the source (name and address), type, and amount of earned income to you from any source aggregating $200 or more durnng the reporting period F-or your spOUSe, report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregate $1,000 or more during tho reporting period. No amount needs to be specified for your spouse. Do not report income from employment by the U.S. Government for you or your spouse.

Individuals not covered by the Honoraria Ban: For you andK/or your spouse, report honoraria income rcivedi which aqgrogates $200 or more by exact amount, give the daite of, ann describe the activity (speech, appearance or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I

Name of tncome Source Acdreea (City, Slat.) Type of Income Amount Wash, D C Salary $1 S.000 Arlington. VA Salary O)vor $1,0(X)O

50()0, 022 . ... lvi 2I (lIi I ()I __2 Statv-'of lllinoi:s... .;J~r i nqf i (;l(], Iliinoi s ; 7,0 8 2

NO']'I': The inflc)me f rom each of

(.rlt it i (.; r(,'pre,5;(nt t; infl.om(IC (yitrn(,(l (liir i n lh' , 19m(ot t l)('ri()( fro~m 1/01/94 to)

8 / 31/ 9 . I i 91




14 - I II ites.od I/WI ,) ,U :, U U I11. -J 0 I Name 'h, L,,O [ \1.lGlii i\ ~M~i PART IliA. PUBLICLY TRADEL. ASSETS AND UNEARNED INCOME SOURCE~ } ,<;A- a --- -V- -

BtOCJ( A tIti(J(K I! BtO(K C Identity of Publicly Traded Asslets Valuation of Assletsl Type and Amount of Income and Unrned Income Sources At close of reporilng period It"None (or less than $201)" ischecked, no other entry is needed It 8lock C for thatI If none, or less than $1,001, T[hIs includes income recetved or accrued to the benefit o1the indivdal tern Repori the complete name of each publicly check the lst column. traded asset hefdl by you, your spouse, or your dlependlent child, for production of incomne or invest- Amount of Income I~p oIIcm 1 menit which minm... I *mum..mm (1) had alvluel fxceeding $1,.000 iltthul .oSO of the reporlifl penod nndior 21 generated over $200 ifn"unoarrre d ,'<.Fl Ai tuicli Other during tho repo,rlinlg ponod do on this Part Ilia ri t-to e)~liir l!.'1, 4 r iI . A'ilibur" (,!;J)f?('ify/

I2Uh[4L i( l 1)Xi(]TulllIa tll pl 4141 i,?~li~' ir~'l' f,l Iyp)' '*, i,!l'- l' .4 ', 'i~4,,i4? t"4 4 ' ;" '' ,r j

. ,,t . ', I,

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ld r t 0 .4,. ,/41&. i .... . ii .11

- .Lhi. izL - lfc:cCiri t i'

41J1lUL 4 ~ru iu Iu to /i-3-,'J.vi.,±i.,

EXEMPTION TEST. l;you omitted any assot Lecauso it meets tho throe pal, tost to exenmption described in the Instructions. pleaso choc k hoeOII

""Thiscategory aplies only if the assel s./was held independently by theo )use or dependent child It1the asset is/was either held by the tiler or inmtly held. use tlrf ottif~r (t.h) gor'i 4 4.14 J,'.t)J,,~.~i lf :J,? () 0 1 2 5 S5 6 I ii 4 A'M i:NI) I:IJ


SLOC A stocn a Identity of Non-Pulicly Traded Assets Valuation of Assets Type and Amount of Income At close of reporting period and less $1,001, If "None (or less than $201)" is checked, no other entry is needed en Bloc:k C for that tlee It none, or than This includes income received or accrued to the b:enefit of the individal Unearned Income Sources check the 1st column.

Report the name address (city, state), and Type of Inconw Amount of Income dlescription of each interest held by you. your spouse or yewz depndenf child fortlhe production ofl ricornef 01 iinviiStiOnt erna non puthhc tradeJ~ or business which 1) had a var:' exceeding $1 rXXJ ,it Ith close of ftee reporting period, ard~or jenetdover $t20Y ii ricorico I errthe

Iis not inciden~tal t I nlo fie',ert)oI)S Pubeciy traded3 assets held L, a ,,":t c,.;.~~¥ may be ,sled j~n Part lilA

t }:, iil,

.1.. i: I,';

EXEMPTION TEST Ii yo)u iytdtil(l arty ilet titUse It insets the thuce pa't testf OOpkeetionldescribd tv in the instructionls, please c.heck hero L-Z , "' Thi cteor ajAl in )1'.14 ,fl Iiti *iti! ,%/wA,' hottidilflt III ileuily fly 114 ,%I5MSC if ttii4*NlkfI child| if theRIasse Is/Wals eithierhelki by firt filer o)rfoiliffy hael, t~ it idtisr stritzor it,-,io vishivi is ..; i iip

-. -'If, flIF 4 U-, U U. I ;. : e 0 0 J AtI':Ni;IDI m . Na.'. I T PART VIII. POSITIONS HELD OUTSIDE U.S. GOVERNMENT

Reopx) any l::osJ!~ors held by you during the applicable reporting period whether compensated or not. Positions include, but are n~ot limited to those of an officer, director, Trustee, general partner, proprietor, representative, employee, or consultant of any corporation, firm, partnership, or other busins enterprise or any non-profit organization or educational institution. Exclude: Positions with federal government, religious, social, fraternal, or political entities, and those solely of an honorary nature

Name of Or .anization Addrns of Orgtanization Typ of Organization ... Position Held From (Mo. V,) To (Mo.. Vt)

.j te Nt'l Asan OfRok (olie-dnrs NY NY Non- poht education l~rt'ede.rI 6./0 Present

&, ThtX' hw t !Ata ir arI/'R x

...... 5 ,l f , ,

",S ,, , . , . :W , , t , t , : l , w )' t l ' i , o zi J l} t . , .~

. .. 9 ...



Compensation In excess of $200 from any position must be reported In Port Ih.

/ ~ ,'~ ~ :U I 0 0 S AP-24-96~l 15:44 _. }P.07

BluffSalvii.n put winner's,-1 Eluet SI •un ) ha KmL~fS of the id -vy.:1

7c~U lvl Ie"df'rawmwus" circle I h* hO S .J.... . , ,btD gmg R* n~X ":S Fortune less than he led opponent to think -f-hi oneTha a ¢ot -. ~dee&dosm .wflkt Txu? LAL Ai*&s WL

Uf a wronigfu1 death :aws MIt involinga a L.3 trffc wident J had xit been sqtteed.e'iy thi J ywar. had negctations continued ., two monti-., lover or had the case gone to tria and the p ri ti'T$ lOst, then Al Salvi might not be the Rrptbiiz nomine tor the U.S Seitu Salon's sia-Lawyer Waukqan

law .'lrm ear-ned $i 0 milllon fr:m the 53 25 m'.!ion settle- zne."t, accordin|g to court to p."cp L teetenig campai4i At the tL.6 pet. 5h.c E Sa'v's

Sa':s f :e:eved tIe WI. tlement rr,ey Ja,.. 26. That _me day according to cam- p~ ,, l..a,.:ce reports, SLYvI :e.t his cash-strslped ceanpaigrn rearty S,'8,.O Aid In the next seve,-a days, he ient bis c~az- 7ag S3,4 : 2 mvi- AL !cid. he put siigh.y,,. mce thaai SI m - .i'ninto h . S _.atteb'. *T'ec _T.. -3'.lma%"' t-.e mcr~ey ,wnt to p~ay fcr

.v s th.a.!I'. r~b-te-rn sia:e rer,.r.ta:ve f -m near Wa, c ;ra d

":" .'.T e, ca"Pi,E '

-'2 a.s a . ," fo, r,,'',,1',,, .c "ae g,:--g h~rn '", .. ,:1 .! S..va.-. possibly evfr :.-: . ,'te. pc!ent:aI ch!e:'g':, "r_ .za. ,Ve :"'" :.,s errr : :, ,.s=g .. :w he !Lancvd :K . - cw a_-' p ,:~ rs "25:k !-:r Sa>',=s g~.-ae:

:- _.-Sa>.g -7 .-

-,--z: = .h as $2 "' -, .

...... ai~ :c::'_

- .- - e . .0 as~s, ,- - -:,: _".g Sa.-1 s~ys be w,-.",z _ : * t r' ,--.g a :a.r,s a . e-. "",

-- A . *. c au,: . ... : ..

.. ... -. - . -* .~ z:-za~ g'ves ~ts 7-yea--: :a~--e' - -. - e .: 31view :' : :.~ - -~ .. - S :~g~eI :-.- .* r'gkZs erez.: :.. :3:e egs.a:~-e frz'' :~'e '-:..se : -_ -. . . k o.2.. ..- r -: - -.... -:-," b e due 22 e 2 . -:7.. a'.s.a-: a;6-' Ica-.s. Chca .: B__-.: .. . . : - _=.. " L.g the FEC :. ": "-:..'-.. ."e c:sweek w:th "2"e :.-dee _ .'ave - ---".: " f " ,_,: ..T..e _ in pe"so .-.. f.-.- .- V_.r:,_: :. " c ac&'v v;. sto'ci.. - ..".- ._ -..- .-c *-;p~:er "* • ~ 7 *----2 .-- .- '_es :y :,ot , e"v:- - A

-, .- ' .4- o-:: . ' .. . ." -- ,, - .-he -~ e"- h_ "..he *;..'A£- - - -- .t ' a ", .- : .-= * :S ' 7..ee:? ec': . • -:-:.:. . zrager S~ S - - .- d-, _-, --.

* ...... r . . . . -....

•. Ay_ .", , *....

. . .. - .:,-' .--, , T -.- - "= :. " 5,:'7.e:'-4,-

"' -..... mm..7 - 8 " - A.,'-I--Senat. Money, Rjr,660 Senate Campaign ?tight Cost $8 flillion tsstf'fonsflsdocue £ By TOM STRONqG- * Associated Press 1 riter- WASH!!NGTON (AP) For starters, the national parties each plan to kick in about $1.1 million, the legal limit for Illinois" Senate elec tion. After that. Democrat and Republican Al1Salvi vill crisscross Illinois and make trips to Washington to raise th rest of the estimated $6 million to $8 rilllion they'll need for the • camrpaign. Durbin, a Springfield congressman. took in more than $1.5 million for the primary and fund-raisers say they can meet the general election goal. Salvi, a state representative and lawyer from Mundelcia, poured in an estiamated $7 0,000 of his own money for th primr perhaps * 75 percent of total receipts but he will not underrite th fall race. ''I'm not able to put anything ese in,'' Salvi said iz an interview Wednesday, between election strategy meetings with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hil>. ''Any amount that I could put into the general would be a spit ±n th. ocean. I can't afford to ruake a dent in this race. I'n not * that wealthy.'' Salvi estimates his family's net worth at slightly under $1 million, including a house valued at close to $700,000 and trout a mortgage. The remainder is mon~ey from legal fees that is held in stocks and checking accounts. --- His wife, Karthleen, is a partner .n Albert J. Salvi & Associates • n aukegan. Salvi co'.id not F': a \value on the law practice. Durbin's major asset is a Sprin'gfield home valued at $200,000, with a $75,000 mortgage. .... Documents filed with the Senate and the Federal Election Co-lsion seem to raise questions about Salvi's income an assets, and the source of his persoral contributionzs to the primary upset of bt. Ccy. Bob Kustra on Karch i9. * " For example, he listed no irvest.oert income of more thanm $200 . from September 1994 through August :;95, or any reportable asset worth more than $i,'Z0 as of last Sept. I. Further, Salvi dtd not report that $I75,000 of his personal _.ntrtbutjons was era-n cn a hvne e;itv account with Comerica C 5ar..'s "aukegan bran'.h. • A-d campaigr. :epor:s :nro~g: Fe:' -, accoun-t for only $600,00O 'Salv;' s own rcne:. Ary dcrnatc c! S" %JL or wors including a can id-a~e loan or cn::rib.t~on receivecd after Feb. 28 had to be retor ted within 43 h:,,rs :o te FZ Saivi said he wz,=Kd review -th e','e:-s the persoral finance .9/ 1996 16":23

He said he will file amuendments it'necessary to correct what he termed ''technical errors'' or 'riminor mistakces'' due possibly to unifamiliarity with the federal for-ms or sloppy preparation. He also • pledged to release his tax return this year, and from earlier years, after April 15. ''P'm going to lay everything cn rho table,'' Salvi said. Durbin has included his returns wirh the annual financial disclosur, forms required every spring by the House. ''I think it's time that he steps forward and says he's going to make a full disclosure,'' Durbin said [.n an interview. ' 'He has * been dancing around this and ho shouldn:.2 Salvi did expiain that he got .-.ore :tan $I million in legal fees from cases that settled in Decebe, ;-.d used that money for late ads in the primary. 'I've had a very good 1996,'' he said. For the fall campaign, Salv. oust seek more dollar, from special interest groups and expand his base of individual contributors. political action coimttees gave him just $25,000 an d individuals • $208,000, according to totals through February. Salvi. who opposes abortion and gun control, got $5,000 from the conservative Eagle Forua in Alton, Ill.. $4,950 from the NIatlonal Rifle Association and $4,500 from the Republican National Coalition for Life, also in Alton, ''I expect him to be able to capitalize on the very lucrative * 'J" conservative fund-raising nervwor, "the pro- life network, the term-limits netvork, the pro-gun netwcrk ... all are likely to mobilize for him .-ationally,'' said Steve Jolt, Durbins Washington fund-fraiser. , : Durbin took in at least $1 illton,from about 13,000 individuals and $360,000 from ?ACs;. "''Hecan begin with rer..wir.g that base and doing $3 million or * $4 million ratcher comfortably.'' .os: predicted. He hopes to 4orable the PAC dollars and get $1 cillion- frczs people who did nor contribute to either D'arbin or M s pri'ary foe, Patrick Quinn. UNTDSAE SENATE" PUBM.OiC HNANCIAL DMISOSlhy.UREn~l(c.l REPORT "" ° ;

-s ~.a'.a'~1L4c~ro1a. lam ol lmp.~muo ($1.. e A~a' . -~*. New m Employee Repori

I IO0Aj~0*5~ I 71 ',,tt. P. ). fBox 471 (147) 526-846(1 Candidate Anuc11 W'au:cona , II, bl)t)8t4 8'47/) b62-33()3 J I I I i III I I

AFTER READING THE INSTRUCTIONS - ANSWER EACH OF THESE QUESTIONS -ou o'XyOur spouse have earned in.om' e r aies (rlees) oi [-Dd you hold any reportable position.,. durngx the reporting period9 r-- -vestmentinoome of mrethan $200 fom any reportablesource YES {- NO L-'-J Ityes. Complete and Attach PAIRT VIII YES jNOj--'-[J

Ifyes COral:Metead Attach PART II --o.your spxouse, or dep)endent chid reoerve earned or investment i'ncoreoef more thman$200 ,nlthe reporting perod{ or hold any reportale YSDid yu have any report able agreement or arrangement with an outside entty on h asssltr~m reiSa 1000 at e en o ie pr.,or IE x--' NO [J thefil nqdate' YE NO It yes, Compste and Attach PART IliA and/ I L.I. It yes. Comple and Attach PART tX LiS NO

Dsd you, yourspxouse, or dep:endenl child have any, reportale habhty (moet reciecmpnaiN~ o o e MPLOYEEta OsNgLeorei h g

If PRTes.Comlee ~lIt ad Atah yes. Complete and Attach PART X N/A Each question must be answered and the appropriate PART attached for each "Yes" response. File this report and any amendments with the Secretary of'the Senate, Office of Public Records,' Room 232, Hart Senate iOfice Buildin~q U.S. Senate, Washin ton, D.C. 20510. 200 Penalty for filin more than 30 days after due date. /Financial DisclIosure statement is required by the Ethics in Government Act ot 1978, as amended The statement wilt be made available Fo. oqtla use onY Do No, W,,ie i.,o.,,T,, i,. tFhe Office of the Secretary of the Senate to any requesting persor, upon written application and will be reviewed by the Select Committee

1 Ethics Any individual who knowi ngly and willully falsifies, or who knowi ngly and willfully tails to file this report may be sublect to civi and I- crimial sanctions lSeeS5U SC apo 6 104 and 18USusc tot1

i CERTIFY thatthe statemenrs I hase made/} /./

true. comptee anid coyr~t tOthe best 01my " 5-t I Z --? :

For OfiilU I I "D 1WlOBelow Ths Line, .

Ihas the epn o f Ve reviwerthalihVe stle S',:n~iu,,e ni Rwn. g,,Offi,- 1)61.iAuunih I A ,,.. ... :, nw mi ttks/bin we i compear e w Tee ,f E/tthic a (vm me Act /./

Pg~aougt Oion~ (annul tie (lied i~qen~~J.?A - t~) I ~; 4 ~ I"-, 0 0 I - PART II. EARNED ,ND NON-INVESTMENT INCOME - i

R:epo'1 t'e s..,-se "ame and address), type. and amount of earned income to you from any source aggregating $200 or more during the reportinq pe:riod For I o~r spouse, report the source (name and address) and type of earned income which aggregates $1000 or more during the reporting period. No amount n~eeds to be specifed for your spouse. Do not report income from employment by the U.S. Government for you or your spouse

Individuals not covered by the Honoraria Ban: For you and/or your spouse, report honoraria income received wich aggregates $200 or more by exact amount, give the date of, and describe thu ct(,iitly (speech. appearance, or article) generating such honoraria payment. Do not include payments in lieu of honoraria reported on Part I

ofmatIncome Sourco Addreos (City. State) Tylpe oloincome Amount

Wash . 0 C $1 ').000 ~JP s:Mei Comp(Spouset etes ),aiary Arlington. VA 0ver $1,0()0

1'1"()I)! i 't ()t SLaw Office of Aflgrt ';alIv4 W iuk'lan , 1 1 1(in i:

State otl 1llino~i~ •;i f;ln(tfi('1(1, 1 1lii.,01; ,;, 1 ,l 1 7 S, H Htf) = ill , . 4

NOTI.:: iarned income reportedl on this;

I...schedule.nco(me; alsC) includhi;. i ncl1uded 7 monthson Amended oti... ear-r!nd 1JinauciaL ....- K- l)isc-iosure: Report_oriij1v~Jfdc ro S(-[)t e.mbe r 18. 199!.

______-J______Peewa.s tdna (.w no,l ime,d t..nsed 2dM5

) .) C *' U)I. 0 2 '16 ~90 r..fp 2 w S 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 i

i'AJ t NIdifIHI

Al. 81 hI '..AI.\' 1 JPART IlilA. PUBLICLY TRADEL. ASSETS AND UNEARNED INCOME SOURCE., StOCK 8 BL.OCK C Identity of Publicly Traded Assets Valuation of Assets Type and Amount of Income and Unere Income Sources At close of reporting period If "None (or less than $201 )" is checked, no other entry is needed in Block C fur that itemn If none, or less than $1,001, This includes income received or accrued to the benetit of the Indivdal. Report the complete name of each publicly check the l1st column. traded asset held by you, your spouse, or your Type of Income Amount of Income dependent child, for production of income or invest- m mma m iU• m -i ai m mmmm -m u m mnent which (1) had a value exceeding $1,000 at the (lose of the reporting peniod and/or Ac'uaI 2i generated over $200 in "unearrni'd a ,((irt!) AT ourt during the rt1'iexrlior!Q LNOr)LIA r eon this Padr Ia a ,:' ile44 ,bir '4, '',t f i ly.jou) "i) 4t41r j u bhC bo)nd 'iuh.,a tunl pal hC!,' 'dr1'dr purt I p r .;- r o't 4' Mclp t o d , n v o s t 'r -. ' . ' ,, ', , t

I OUr!' OxCO(.4Ot+ and 1(idittlhO(J IA'H~ (r ' ,ir(I i pUbihf~ ' i|',(J4Ai ,i,,'l.t 4 ,i rlirlg'' , , ,q 3' -..4 ii

. ,. ,

;4 1 AAA'tili I.'. . l ; , i Iit; .'I i, 5 Fide i i t v }I~ld'

'idc 15izi inaii ,a

• :'(' Al 1..)4(1't i li 4 .!:.' 1 4' jAAA I I ' [ *,.di L Z : .,LILLtadii I L.111.1 idt'.:1

(----4 . JII.jL4LdLai .il1 AflIiit't I' I li.Ilt i.l

10 11.i.' (i .'taepor A , I))~,,nul Iv '1" . A .. u,w Ai'' I i I 1 ~ L 4 I AI .i..... ,. ______I .J...L L..1 ______

EXEMPTION TEST. If you ornhttod any asset because it meet.s the throe part test for exemptionf described in the hIn$tructionls, ploease check hoeo

TN caegr applies onil it the nsset i'iw4% hel(d irdependentty tiy tfin pi.se or rleperrdeihld i t:he asset is/ws either held by the filer or joHitly heldI u~toi t he144 t)o.~ies Afv~lAhm 44'; ,mprAiriiii

7 ,- u'u u I 2 5 7 Peiu• jI.M .A 1 .0- m l; ,J .,!',"i . ; I,',,,'1 SPART IIIB. NON-PUBLICLY TRADED ASSETS AND UNEARNED INCOME SOURCES ,i ii tdetdyof on-ublcl TrdX set n Udntfn -PubIclyeTrade sstan Valuation of Assets at close of reporhinq Type and amount of Income Rept1 hne aress nome. Soure adrs ru. period It "None (or less than $2?01)" is ch'cked no other e;ntry is needed JnBlo , C Y- : ',.. It none. or less than $1001. eor th namedress (cty. oue aoud dposri _check th st,column. This includes income received or accrued to the benefit of the individual tyonr ofe nert held by yhpou our{spoe, or yourvepedent ild fo te outo ofD~.£.,incmho Typo on...ome...... Amount of Income inetmn inhaa Qaluee rade or00buris wh(;(ich.,'o 1', had repvalug eroexceed $1.0or h eo he) reperlinq pvero $20d,nor ,( ~ t I ' ' I. t, • ,,zporl~rq pe od t. a 'q~'sa 'f~ lc , riot ar (-Iefl,,tdlIJ it!, ti~li}i,' .*) J',irii-,', 7i-pa'

IIblbhcly traded dS;. ' l(Itby ,i rnor, pu)t)hIL er 1i may be: ,sled on Part lilA

i t ji*' ', .,.i~.% i .1 I iii l lls

III II II I-~ tm f - A - ~ im I - - EXEMPTION TEST Ifyou omitted any as.set bec:ause it meets thet hfre-part test ltrexemption desci:rbed in the Ilstrucion,%plftitsi (.hfth ter LII

I ,lh,,,..'J1tI dH..,,' 4,".;1I)w ;1 '} I I ' (1I 0 1 AI3 LtI< ,I. .;AI,\ I PATVI.PSTON I USD .S..OVRNEN L I I Rel~or1 any positions held by you during the applicable reporting period whether compensatedl or not. Positions include, but are not limited to those ol an ottbcer d~recto. trustee. general partner, proprietor, representative, employee, or consultant of any corporation, firm, partnership, or other business enter prise or any non protit organization or educational institution Exclude: Positions with federal governmr}ent, religiou.s, social, fraternal, or politcal enlttes, and those solely of an honorary nature

N me o O~guiz~tori A ddieo of glmnizaon Type of O ganizaon Poafon Hod

E mes[jofles£ SIh Mio own Ub~A Law Irmi Panner

Alvi A 'lx i ....wIIlnwla ' rin l II I-...

a 1\'~.~ ~ li~tuuj, I II noi l.iw I i r ii hii U i" - ______.....______

compensation In excess of $200 from any position must be reported In Part II. I Pw~ow I ¢ornI Canu BeU I4e~,Ie42~I95 C ) J

0 0 07: 20 001x 04,/17/96

14 Wednsday, ,Aped 17,_199 Ch 4go Sun-Thnos METRO salvrs Tax Rotiirns Show 1Ui5 Earning: Neared $1.1 lhili

By ScOT? ) 'om¢=i..k

Re'.ibiica:t Senate cans~date A) SUA2 kept i-is p'oini 'Tmea1ay to bad 'in eY~eck r-ee..- eupie. of his inwrne a for $247,.971 tar Moolsya the erns. reiering to cover aumount they "thathe and hi=i s-til owed. The cop~e also • ,e .p-or".ed :nm 1 Last year of $3 crtetL ".e'aK .730 in OOmel tes. 511 r dton. SaM's incozze Th e rt_-'ni show became artis ".atthe M'.. after qu,*atoz,. wer elef coupe pe.c! $440,S44 in fed- ?alsd about bow he Kadl doc'r eote aiil taxes, Ioana ha m.ade to his carpalgn. 'The diackoau:e cain. ott day Repor~s he aft..i. ~alis Dbmnoctatic rsleaa N'M sI coppc~et,t asicswe that Se]vi :ent b!is earn- paignll12umioa, Saivi cf cis.-te.r, and challenged SaJvi ase¢a3.d :c dD the LS.m,. ,o hel clear tp q reetmns about, Saleis pcrsoncI But hiewenr l~cea frt co e:nd cam1phign C ta . s.tter he would relesc co S t S.~t. &.5, a statre ie oi presa- EiA t returns to reportan, finafly :i~e a. d pe.-so~a1 injiz3, aw'yer, pial(.nglate Monday , -d li. ?e.urnR were to do so. eviderce clf D),.bin bad seized on tihue e e.ifferert problem. earler Mondiay. chfllng,. "The re~n t1"ng f*.y ihcw is r * to release the informa~on to we. go.vt "urcusa qucstioost' about hga .&2 ::d not release 1p~ot _n wbc. 'e said ne ad prepared 'k:meAfsa&ed that he a.".dh , k s':_'er. Bat Saui aM b ac- C,~i 'L, Jeffe. £. McDopla d, iccorre ci $':54.4 5 ard paid 32.27- faders ti,e and $.5,"5 L' "tate t.x= , The bu~ :f th~er income- " 6 .919 .- cre . , ; 72" ";e s a" ct ;'th !._i from D'-rlhi's salar: as a nemh~r of the U.. Ilcus o r- SprirngfCid His *ire . "-i n- x.r,,rWs ea Earreo S ,6.950 a, a :e.'ErCb a&&4oca ' for "he st~ic C'jt~iO=,o 5.w . A e $ -e,.ia .: c"fe c Itterc,,er.-r.en~sg Coopcra-.

"te."t and z.':.eS3d, $b.00 cap.

They v-dJ getn o$L.i..68 refund -; mi''u ."r :r.e t-Jert tad 9 :m t)0 fv~de:a. £ove. rnent and

Durh~n apuke,,worz-. Hollia $ :o.,,2f: , -- r~r. F'iedrr_.n gate SaAi credit foy :eleas~nj t1ns db,e~r b~rt zrsiat- . - t.'e 3 *~"C I tt'de ~ .

(' .*_bv .'o - ar " dot again,Salvi errs, on fed forms F. PE

w 3'~ PUR.

~ Rep Al Sj'n aiga,6. ~ f~ U- be a ~.

7W. a~ 6. ~W 5.1.a ~ ~ OOP S~ OO~ L~ ~ irs ~ * be ~ ~ a~ ~ Smog; ~ ~z1, SI ~~0m ~ W~ r~ AS urn SI ina~ U w~ Z~

~u a'adviMms~ .( ,. e - fIaa~ esei~r~ fo~a ~ v~a~ ~ - aJpd~am Ma~~ ~at q~ abma ~ P.~. Safri able ~PSp - ~ mincy aaao ba

* Wh~3. be u ~- ~ be a ~PW7 ~v. I SaPvi !~ a ~ us ~ * - be ~a~o IL - - f~ Ma~ Z~. Rap. 5mM ~iI~ uumd~ pa. bm ms~ w (.dee 6. be~

~ - * 6. ~ ~ ~pvj~ ~wy * 6.~ ~t ~ fr~pa ~: ~uh ~s ~a ad .~W ,~. S.pL ~5. 995 ~ be * ~I2~g2.3.f~w~acbe -~ S 996, 6..,. "~ C~m.w~ CD.CAOO~5LPU.~. 533 4~~ w kps.~. ~ S~at

~ & AJ~- 1. S.a.v~&

S ..~ -- ~;~*';~* w -- c. s ~ -~ ~ .~ '7W ~ - 4 ZL. ~ ca'~ £ ~**'U...O~

-z .~ -

-~ -~ ;~,

.A. a

- ~'-~ ~. ~ff;p.=~

~ ?s. ~. j ~- - 0 O /



! l,,lJ[ ';'; 4 A LI(3t!';Tf l'i'f, tTAH'J",( tII'A(,¢ !

Salvi changes his st .i i t-.II,I I i~ ,C v ItttiN Iii

;tI fil! \ h I I ("',!ntI~iiI ". Narrows money source as fed quiz grows S Ih ,il\ Ill

V It !l¢d , iiiillll1111 1 S t'tiYith"Iiilli I 11 tIII It,fliri' I .IbthIV liiill'Il ,llt i.'|li By PAUL MERRION

! !. j SA' NN) lit Ii11 h'ii lIt iii'1'' t Ic. ,: " 2 ),N)ilt til t III I I ii1 *h ii 1 i~ih' ago-- roivltl the" hulk 11', iiiort thanuu$1 otihhiot hi' hi,,ut i lt'e i talljailv i1 the la,,twe'ck% I 'c:; ii|i;th' III tlht'(.'lT|[a;i~fI It t*-ti, 1,i 1 ,11l tii"..iII" ] GOP Senate can- flit' ( ';()h' .St.viatc It l~it" i Moving target:. Stiu.t' li"t'eauil' /I''If 4 his ,I\ t'! [1 ,L didate Al Salvi has changed his ii " thai story of how he financed li~lllll't'I| )t''(HlI vic- come-from-behind primary to)ry Arj;1ivl 0 0 0 S


4 'V. tin-,q

" '4, & ~qdE El /4' ~*'4

Maeethn1bukeos developmenmt Iii It.'fill,, tl tillf4'i11 luid r~tl tif),, 444111lt 41111% lhfl. .. ' V.,i .,,' Salvi C'iilllt" rlllll1 .4 hiillit" 4tqlllV 141,111 111l41 dfrc

e,.,,, ¢OQ ,,, "p,-. BOSSY R. SURCMICLD (A-S(

Federa ElectoncCoC *-io 999 EJSlye10, 1996

wr.ashngo D.C.ib 0463

Ds eyMr Tybsn ade Tnd AayisThot Dirmhson rtie orsodo eafo () . Fedralt eiFedrl ElctisionCoisn(teCoison)

2)M.Gbo Aearysr. Gibison and Ms h A~D lettr) n

at Tabs A and B, folc- ! ett.er of Jurne 13, 299S. (Attached you, this firm was respectively.) A2 we have previously advised and we have prepared retained only recently by t>.e Co-,,it~ee, a ;r: ece w:uld alic. " e aco~c'ize -h's respon.se as prc,-tly

..r any ncnven.enCe :his :'av -;v n.e causel. ** -- . .. .

U 1 : 11S: U -O . -9 T H


D. Gibson * Mr. John Me. Kenya Tyndle July 10, 1996 page 2

B~KRO X. ?ACTUAhL before run for * A]. Salvi. has never The candidate. opoito in the with s-bstantial office. Faced governor. federal Illinois lieutenant ,ary fromr the sitting Rpub2licanl pri success. eigupf l ittle chan.Ce of salVi was given the Mr. available from and cther rraterials ca~Pai9 n guides faith, vigorous staff rmade a good his jnexperienced " CCo1Sisioh often confusinlg the co-plex and to co~'ply with • ' efrt o laws and regulations. of those goverfling :.2_. reqairements senatorial illinois Republicanl After winning the r O from the coTmiSS1fi any notification rin-ary, and before r" electionl auditors from experienCed sought assistance reOMr. Salvi Republican of the National includinlg the staff c' and attorneys, to allowed the Committee This assistan~ce Sea-ral 0•~(nDtte prt in its pre primaiYry i.-adverten errors identify certain - -\ The most an dt t te Cc~ittee. o- n8fomt- the candidate from the Comnittee by loan wasadiacoopleated m-ade to ,.¢ lasfrmth credit secured equity line of an exjsting hone f..-ds dra f frz'm, is zf s: transaCtic.'s s home. .=e;zrtfln9 : the Ca~idate often a~cOanta-.S, a.d er:;.-_e C3_'.a-- '• t~e as interest, ate'i sch :ter-s t9 -el'- 2 cc -e'ie3a-e-2.e-'s '- ca-r 'a1' : the ca e of the n~ v : -- an.d repay. erts" -:1!ateral 3 tatf, the errors nex-er'elc e i ' azY Co-. itee's nd the pre-Fr

-er certainy.d:Y D. G ib9on 0 1' . John' Mis. Kenya Tndle july i0, 1996 Page 3 announced his the date Mr. Salvi -,uzther, from1 for the 0 m'uch of his campaign he nade clear that • candidacy, funds. j§. News out of his personal would be financed jn to~i.aticn was true. Errors C. That, in fact, attached at Tab article do not eviec of such loans certainly accounlting treatrnent the Sthe of mijsleading had the effect could not have an'/ intent and Salvi's opponetabttesorefth public or Mr. * " voting financing-. bear in o0 mittee'5 Cortmission to iT+porn for the Finally, it iS -" has the benefit electionl campaign the ongoing9 general "J ,',ind that whi)le and legal advice. campaign accou.nting of[ experienced .-- errors of onl correctinlg any a very high prio~ity on avoiding errors r. Salvi places higher priority --( ' places an even of any the past, he the absence c' campaign. Given the general electionl 0*" during on the part ofthComteS co-pliarce problers suggested Mr. Salvi urgCSe general election, ing for the upmcoring action,. to r eport hrs voluntary corrective take account of. Co .-.ison to • the laws a.nd co-,plian~ce with it-ent to ful" his c .. with cne .-ecc~ize .o'ad interfere actions that and to tak(e n.o re'2,-a~icn3, e'er~in etf-:- 5eF-t2 :e-eral *

'- ' ' : (i} the qdeSt.ons ccer -'-~.e)3 "tere raised •

n g rplt& re. ' irir Bhu iance th r2 1e3 C .. ,te' ccp- COVINGIONJ & SURL'NG

Mr. John D. Gibson * Ms. Kenya Tyndle July 10, 1996 Page 4

of (2) its compliance with rules requiring itemization from the Ca~ndidate to • contributions; and (3) the source of a loan qxiestions in the Committee. The Comm~ittee will respond to these

turn. • 1. 48 Hour Rsportu The PAD letter raised a concern regarding the

Committee's complianzce with its 48 hour reporting obligations. C.F'.R. S 104.5(f), which * Those obligationls are governed by 11

-, provides in part: received . "If any contribution of $1,000 or more is after - by any authorized committee or aniy candidate hours, before 12:01 * - the 20th day, but more than 48 a.m. of the day of the election, the principal "" notify ., campaign committee of that candidate shall . the Secretary of the ,, the Commission, . • [and) of receipt of the • Senate . .within 48 hours o contribution." O0._- =Contribution" is defined to include "!oans." ii C.F.R.

m 5 1oo.7(a)(1). Upon receiving the Co ,ission's ?AD letter, the it fully Co-,nittee reviewed its reports to deter .ne whether had ' This review c-plied with its 48 ho r reporting cobligations.

cnfred that the Cc . tzee made a c-ncerted and conscientious Ccm.tte filed • ~errort to file 45 he>.." ze .rts, in ztal, the

sev'en_ Ee~arate 48 hour: rerts._ di~s-ng.46 different D.) contribuntions. (Thesre :zpr-s are attached at Tab only t ~'o"contributions" * The Conn.ittee has identified 49 hour tna sc:"d hav reen, =_t -ere --:. d:sclcsed through 11

- . - .. ~... . - -. . - . 6 "THU il :IW * AUG--g

mURL hO C0VtN GroN a.

Mr. John D. Gibson Tyndle * M5. Kenya July 10, 1996 Page 5 from the Candidate's of these were loans in the reportt. ' Both on March 8. 1996, the Co ,itteeC one personal funds to S the March 15, 1996, in and the other on amfounlt of $183,737.00. these loans financed but $9,960.00 of of 555,960. A!Il am1ounlt the funds Candidate. Sir.ce rmade directiY by the • expenditures these loans were expended by the Commtittee. were not the Corr .ittee's books until not shown on the inadvertently point Report, at which its April Quarterly o ,jttee prepared * April urel (Excerpts from the they were fully reported. " at Tab Ei) urel these loans are attached " " R~eport disclosinlg for a candidate to it is perfectly proper • Although for the support of his campaign1 personal funds in - o spend his funds made difficult if the of such amounlts is ?: Senate. reporting authorized committee- go through the candidate's do not first hour reports * C0- these it its 48 failure to include C: The Committees of the Candidate' inadvertent. result was the direct, but the candidate has directly Although to spend the ,cney * decision to the Cormittee, of,,akirng firther loans5 prese.-t intentiocf no that, if any --. h.ave been infcr .ed and the Co ittee the Candidate the ?roceesed through th-o fundS -"" "-e Z .s a -e -,ade, * _.ci an addlticnal four 4Ohde7Ltlfjed the -- recei\'e3 between cr more t~a....."=-ere of the of $1, CC0 reot arnd the date cnt.utiCn h r-td received the day clsr' at f heever, were received !es These contributions, ThuS, they were of the prir'a-Y. aid 5priary. before and the day of the election" 9) -!2.01. a.-. cf the day 43 hours befere t-an 4S ho- re~c~ti.-. o'bligation- .-ere .: s'.bject t the P.1 % LUG-S196 TU i1:1 2

•OVINQTOP4 & SU,,,.t~4O

Mr. John D. Gibson • Ms. Kenya Tyndle July 10, 1996 Page 6

Committee so they can be recorded Immediately on the Committee's • books. Further, the Candidate and the Committee have been

informed that all future, non-incidental expenditures should be

made through the Committee. Any such future loans and

* expenditures will be reported to the Commission pursuant to the

pertinent regulations. Given the unintentional nature of the failure to submit

* 48 hour reports for two loans by the Candidate and the remedial

• measures voluntarily undertaken by the Committee to prevent such failures from recurring, we do not believe any further action • with respect to this issue is warranted.

2. It6am~zation of Contributions

The RA.D letter also called to the Committee's attention

* the fact that "2 U.S.C. § 434(b) (3) requires itemization of contributions from individuals and persons other than political

committees, where the aggregate total from the contributor

* exed $2C0 in a calendar year.~ RA.D letter (Tab A) at 2 (emphasis in original). Unhder Co.-.issicn regulations, if a

co-. ittee elects to itermize contributio.-s for addticna!

• ccntr:b..tors, it -'-sz separate thc~e z nribu trs fir whc-,

itermizaticn :s req' ired frcm those for whc ie-,izatlcn is3~ _eq?-ireJ, b' t nevertheless elected• • The Cor.Uttee has reviewed :is accounting syste-.3 a-nd

disco'.'ereci that the cz~;uter a~cc,.t-ng software 2sed to identify, COV,,,,TON~ S UfL'NG

Mr. John~ D. Gibson * Ms. Kenya lyndle July 10. 1996 Page 7 are required to be itemized contributo1s whose contributions $200, whos~e contributions exc-eded- selected not only contributors This contributions $200. but also contributors whose mistake unintentionlal and understandable mistake was a con.Cteiy laws for with conpiex federal election • for a co> ittee grappling9 software. on pro-packaged accounting the first time and relying in an oge-dk~co&urX of Further, the mistake resulted itemize only Co .-,ittee was req-aired to • >-- inforc..ation-. While the tl~e contribution exceeded $200, =" contributors whose aggregate contributors plu contributors Cocmittee itemized those not less, equalled $200. Thus, more, •-" whose contributions disclosed In addition, the Comv,mittee .- infonnatiol was disclosed. Thus, contributor's contributions. .he aggregate a.,ount of each at a glance which apparent to the Cor. ,issionl • 0D it would have been only S2Z0 and which had contributed O contributors had contributed

in excess of $2:.0. its t"e Co--ittee has corrected * h'everthe~ess, only fut'ure rep orts will select accounting software so th-at $2Q0 ev.en though the cot.'tr n~ cnrbtCSece Th e Cc.Titt bei'-se - a relu:- :- -_:>e. • ,Z- " to this . - r : :.-:,: n : ~ ..u y :z e .. .. 11:1w UC-S]1-gG THU


Mr. John D. Gibson~ * Ms. Kenya Tyndle July 10. 1996 Page 8

3. Source of LoanS tw]hen a corfmfittee RAD letter also statcd that * The necessary to from the candidate, it is report; receiving a Ican funds or candidate ,.sed personal clarify whether or rnot the or sone other from a 1endin j stit.tiCnl • borrowed the noney all of A) at 1. withl one exception, source." RAD leter (Tab reports the Candidate's April Quarterly the loans reported on personal f.undS. hsoexcpini " came frc the Candidate's Quarterly 11, 1995. As the April " the $l75,000 loan of AugSrt loan was the ultir'ate source of this "" Report already discloses, s.ubmitted an FEC Form C- The Com%-nittee already has * - ComeriC&3anlk. there is no at Tab F.) Accordingly, S 1 for this loan. (Attached :-F)M C-15s exeCute any additionlal FEC need for the Committee to • loans that the source of the Fvrther, there is no doubt 3 the loan Quarterly Report, other than ~identified in the A.pril of "personlal meets the reg-ulat.c.- definitionl ?, fro Co-ericaank, .:-e~sful attorney. The Mr. Salvi is an t--.ensely 3 * funds. b-y Mr. Salvi as a attor.-eys fees earned source cf the loans 'as in a representat.i~ -f a OF3antitf resu.1t of his successf': an -it:zatej this :ase :o wrc:-det~ as Mr.-.a.-

i:: = -'- arze~t .. ,- ny set:~een - - c a'-z'r--e,7s f eea ' ,-- :e Canal'-ate. • p~rcducei suhsta.-tial acrto e < ts a-crr.ey, >tasbt--a~ Mr. 93>:v, as his c! P.15 * UG--I96 THU i:14


Mr. John D. Gibson Hs. Kenya Tyndle 0July 10, 1996 Page 9

time and effort into the case. rurther, the fees were

* distributable to Mr. Salvi pursuant to his client's written

authorization, and no one else at his law firm had any claim to them. In short, the attorneys fees are "earned income from bona

* tide emploTlent" under 11 C.F.R. § 110.11 and meet. the

Corrnission' s definition of "personal funds."

j, In sum, the sources of the loans disclosed in the April Further, because this * ' Quarterly are accurately disclosed.

_ response clarifies that the souarce of all but one of these loans ~was the Candidate's personal funds and because this response is

* on the public record, the public record is complete and no

amendment is necessary.

*III. CONCLUSION The Candidate and the Committee recognize that the

Committee failed to include two loans by the Candidate in the Committee's 43 hour re~orts and that the Committee made a one

ce-t mistak~e that resulted in c.ver-disclosure of itemized cotributions. These :sakes were u.nintentional. F'urther, the

ian~s at issue -ere ds c'¢ceJ .:-rt'y after the prinar-y :n the

- t ee '.~S A "Uc. . te: .... a -t-eiter- dz t cn - st e

resuted- .- &-.-er -:t_ -. e- * sdcs,:e. Finally, t.'-

.'-.-ittee n~s -ade re-e/.3! efforts to revent the -- stakes frc COVINGTQOd SV8U IINQ

Mr. John D. Gibson Ms. Kenya Tyrndle * July 10, 1996 Page 10

recurring. In 1 igh t of these c~rcumstances, the Candidate and

* the Corivittee respectfly su:bmit that no further action of any sort is warranted.

* If ycu have further qu-estions regardin-g the Com mittee's

reporting, please do not hesitate to contac-t me.



Plaintiffs, ) %'. * ABEL ALFARO ) Gen. No. : 93 L 1144 and ILT COMPANY INC., an I] linois Corporation, ) )

Defendants. ) * AMENDED ORDER AUTHORIZING SETTLEMENT OF ACTION FOR WRONGFULf DEATH .. This cause coming to be heard on behalf of DEBORAH • -RISTIANSEN, the duly quali fied and now acting Srepresentative personal of the Estate of BRIAN CHRISTIANSEN, deceased; and - , It appearing to the court that the petitioner has made S-f-- a claim damages for the wrongful death of the decedent arising out of S. an occurrence which took place as described in the complaint at law resulting i- the w;rongfu1 death of the decedent. • -uthe apperi- to the Court that heirship has been t""Cor s -~nthat.th decedent left surviving as -e C fkn-nuet the followinz:


Son, IRE -- C:S:' - It further appearing to the Court an offer of settlement of the claim for damages for wrongful death has been made in the

amount of $3,250,000 in exchange for a properly executed settlement

release and that the petitioner has recommended that the offer be

accepted. It further appearing to the Court are no other charges now

outstanding against the estate of the decedent and that the net

distribution is agreed upon by all cf the next of kir.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Petitioner is authorized to

accept the offer of $3,250,000 in full and final settlement of the

"O claim for damages for wrongful death of BRIAN CHRISTIANSEN,

deceased, and that the Fetiticner execute a settlement release.

" " IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the proceeds of the settlement

" received by the petitioner less the hereinafter-mentioned

attorney's fees and ccsts be distributed to the next of kin as

follows: wife, DEBORAH CHRISTIANSEN, $725,211.72 in cash plus an annuity with a present cash value of $526,000.00 Eauchter, KYLIE CHRISTIANSEN, S100,000.C0 in cash plus an a-nuitv with a present cash value of S237,000.C0 _<--,_ BRE?: CHRTI <'.:..,sE.,$I0_ ,CO0 .C0 in cash plus an annuity w~na present cash value of $237,000.00 :: _S FURTHER CRFFRED Chat the Petitioner ray -o ALPSK7 J.

SAW:. :. AT~:.:ES the sun c: $i,C ,333.33 as anA for attorney's

T__ . 'tlee-.t cre - ", ' fa~urv s_vaaranen s

enacJ ,"tnir crder, N;un :r... The decedent widow and children have agreed to the distribution of the settlement as s~t forth herein.

The guardian ad litem Nr. Jim Herrnann, Jr-., appointed ofl behalf of the minor Kylie Christiansen, approves the above settlemfent.

The Court a -- 'es; the settleme:.t as t the minor, Kylie

Christiansen.• The proceeds fo the m,,-.r are to be deoositedl into the NBD

Bank of Lake Z'urich and a certificate of deposit is zbe filed with the Probate Court.-L--x-

DATED this 1st day of Y 0r~dary, i


Attorneys at -_: 1112rth ...... ;,aukeaan, : l v: _ _ " ._ 4 -- -3 : • 3408284_

t:[ -, .,- I~TRRECORDING MWAJLTO: ,: Cf' ,.. COMEiR.CA MORTGAGE COR r_&AT,( )N "X-1S.-,. 0 PO. BOX 64E ETROUT, Ml 4S,,:J."-&.,..;S

6 LOAN~ NO. 35'4 K MORTGAGE s -, 30, 1993 .,>., , SwYI ~E -SURGG-s ~.s-- U[IA L:4 CoTccB-fla IaOni.JAt.ri . ~ fSihia ,Tred .... stnzsce Ci~)

Th -- yr 3fu Is , to Co,.ER!&., MORTGAG.E CORPOR,11n , ."d woa addrss I l cI lv..!,.: Is,, ,,,,,, a-t m' " - -- g uLdw ' 57too i. Waak ;a,Mo o c-. EL &XZ53

Th. debt- - DOnWw(U.S. ."). p w , wrhm'd-v.i f-orWmo r gv.i,:d b..,a TOW,: r '."' mr] d*. as S 1 ',tyIsflTt


- . __. _.k% .s:" .:--- . ""-'- " a--' e ' :' " - " C . " e-: s ~~C% 'O C\.XS*-- Z" -°- e'-,,9e -'", eOL.-'--," e, ,_."--- -- . . . :."--="~e"",: &" ' rL ' "- ""e '. . ".='-

.'.3 .* -iLL,= .L '





BRIAN C. CHRISTIA.NSEN, ) " - .I deceased ) GEN. NO. 94 P 67FEB 0 2 19

,,...... " -"'. ,,. .,, •/ . ) C:7,..QT C F.R<












* 2ated at Waukecar, "ol5ri th~ -TER:,,.

.d)EX{ PREPARED BY: S.ALJ, SALVI fl ",'FA .7,7 ' (Please Print Name arnd Address)IDIIII 0 P 0.Bx 3t9 4

Lake Zurich IL ED4- ~ev. ~ I -94 p. I STATE OF (ILLINOIS )


Independent J) lZ. DEBORAH L. CHRISTIANSEN, of BRIAN EB 1q9 Exucutrix of the' Estate F{ ] C. CHRISIIAZ~SEN deceased, and Individually, * DE.BORAH L. CHRISTIANSEN,

: 93 L 1144 v. Gen. No. and ILT CO). PM'Y INC.,) * -N, ABEL ALFARO n Illinois Corporation, Defendants.•

rL DE.ATh "- OF ACTION FOR WRONGFU z n behalf of DEBORAH This cause congl to be heard an no " acting personal C-{RISTIANSEN, the duly qualified BRIAN CHRISTIAN SEN, deceased; and representative of the Estate of petitioner has made a claim It appearing to the court that the cf th.e decedenlt arising out of for damages for the wrongful death de =ri>ei _n the complaint at law an occurrence which took place as of the~de=dent. resulting in the wrongful death rha: heirship has been It further appearing to the Cour:. th: _

heirs anl next of kin the fcl!owingj: wife, DEBORAH C! : :S:;EN * E Da>eKYLE C~~T;-?

7.'. S -- S Scn, BRE' C - I T .' * offer of settlement of It further appearing to the Court an death has been made in the the claim for daziaqes for wrongful for a properly executed settlement • amount of $3,250,003 in cxcharnqe that the offer be release and that the petition.er has reucmmended

acceptei. Court are no other charges flOW 0 It further appearing to the decedent and that the net outstanding against the estate of the the next of kin. dlstributxCnl is agreed upon by all of the PetltiCnler is authorized to 0'? IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that ar4 final settlement of the accept the offer of $3,250,003 in full of BRIAN CHRISTIANSEN, claim for damages for wrongful death execute a settlement release. * deceased, and that the petitioner of the settlement IT IS FURThER OFFERED that the proceeds the hereinlatter-mnftionld received by the p)etitioner less distributed to the next of kin as • attorney's fees an~d costs be

follows: in cash plus an Wife, DE3O.'i CHR!STIANSE , $725,211..72 $525,0O0.03 annuity with a present cash value of $100,000.00 in cash plus an * Daughter, KYLIE CHRISTIANSEN, $237,003.00 annuity w.ith a present cash value of in cash plus an annuity Son, B.ETT CHRISTIANSEN, $100,C c.00 with a present casn value of $237,CO0.0C J. -hat t'he ?etitiCnler pay to ALBERT * IT IS FURTHER ORDERED as and for attcrney's SALVI & ASSOCIATES the Sun o: $1,083,333.33 reinburse hin =or costs advanced fees, andi the sum of $14,647.23 -o cut.sandinlg medical liens. * for investigationl and a:et of 1996 is vacated and The settleent crder of January 18,

replaced by" this order, Nunc pro turve. agreed to the The decedent widow and children have

as set forth herein. distribution of the settlement Her-annf, Jr., appointed on The guairdianl ad litn.m Mr. Ji.a approves the above behalf of the minor Kyl ie Christiansen,

settlement.• as to the minor, Kylie • The Court approves the settlement

r'hristiafnsenl. d Dsited intQ. the NBD heproceeds fo r the rmirnr are . o be e f1'e Y-dpitsto fl * f-ank of Lake Zurich

this 1st day of February, 1996. • " DATED

_ _ _ _ ENTE R : ______JUDGE



David .{.I rris, Jr. , AL.BERT 3. SAT.Vi & ASSOCATE Attorneys at Law • i!! North County Street Waukegar', Ili±nois 6C0O5 847-6b2- 3 33 STATE OF ILLINOIS



In the Matter of the Estate of BRIAN C. CHRISTIANSEN No. 94 P 67 , " ," Deceased


On presentation of the final account of ESORA H L.. CHRISTIANSEN Independent Executrix d, Snotice having been given or waived, and a guardian ad litem (Office) for KYLIE A. CHRISTIANSEN ninor , having

been waived •the court finds that; (appeared) (been waived) 1. All assets have been collected; 2.'AlI claims have been paid or dismissed; * 3.'No claims have been presented; all personal property taxes have been provided for (heave been paid) (have been providled for) (a-e ) 4. 'o Illinois iheritance tax is due 'T'he) (No) (.as bee paid) (has been provided (or) (.s due) 5. :-,o Federal estate tax sS ue . (Trhe) (No) (has been paid) (has been provided for) (is due) 6. All court costs have been p ai

7. (Additional findings) distribution has been zade :ursuant to Order of court entered

*8. The remaining estate has been distnbuted to the person en:it]ed thereto as shown by the final account.

It is ordered that the final account is appro ,ed an.-d ___Ee- -RSI-' -: 'N a.-.e, __nee______-tExecutri__ -- , is ischiage and his bond canceled, and the estate is closed.

"Stnke if tnapplicabe.

Da:e, __ _ - -- _ _, 19 ___


( Judge) / /

171P-22 1/82 Final Report of Independent Rep' ve



ESTATE OF No. 9 p 67

BRIAN C. CHRISTikNSEN pILE,. St . ip~ Deceased


* '. DEBORAH L. CiiRISTIANSEN .iteexetrpeetlv of tis estate, ont oath states that the administration of the estate has been completed and in accordance with Sec. 28-lI! of the Probate Ac of 197:5 (Ili Rev. State.. Ch. I lO- 4. Section 23-1 1) further states as follows: ,1 . Notice of probate has be-en 'ienin complianc with Sectont 6-10 or Subsection 23-2 (c) of the Probate Act. 2. Th ,wa to creditors required by Sec'tion 18-3 has bee published, and the first publication occurred more than 6 mnonths .l'efore the date ad this rpr * 3. Each cli tkl has bee allowed disallowed compromised, dismissed or is barred. 4. All aate and inher, atce taxtes have been deterie an pid _ 5. (a) All dm alloweod hav been paid in full (b) The emaze was oa sufficen to pay all or the clams in MuL nd afll claims alnowed have bee paid according to the:r respectve pnanrtzes 6. All adminittion ext-s and other liabilities of. the estate have beet a id. the rernading assts of the estate have bee.n * . 4dgrjljltjd to the persons entitil there'to, copies of the inventtory and final a€unt have beent mailed to all interested persons and thcir reeit therefor have been oaie and are attached, and the ineenet repetattive hasl fully accounted to al Cimerested persnsm for all acts of administration and distnbutonr. 7. The fee paid or payable to the indepednt representative and his attorney have been apoe yL Ilieret perIns (have bee-n) (have not bern)apred ya! 8. Approvals of" this reprt, or receipts, have been obtained from all intereted personst and are filed with this report exc: t O '-{r the following. Name Post O0ic Address


Independent Representaz~'e * Nam SAL':, s.'_'i: <,FLy? . . Attornevy for representat~ve AdtI.-. 335 Chanc.-"a,. Cayv Lake Zurich"" 'L- Teobn Signed and sworn to befort rri

- . - _ . < C.'-~-:.. ,Notazy Putblc-Curcuit Cou-i Clerk o . ,

'.S'rtke (a) or (b) if not app .b ' '.e w I- SibCOV#ELT. Clerk of the Ninetoonth JudlcLaIl Cbrcuit LAKE COUNTY, ILL3NO FEDURAL FLECTION COMMISSION % JSH41(,T( % (3(C 2(P4b:,

Sept em ber 26, 1996

Gary J. LaPaiile 489 Merchandise Mart Chicago, IL 60654

RE: MUR 4474

Dear Mr. LaPaille: This letter acknowledges receipt on September 20, 1996, of your complaint alleging ("the Act"). • possible violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended S The respondent(s) will be notified of this complaint within five days.

You will be notified as soon as the Federal Election Commission takes final action please on your complaint. Should you receive any additional information in this matter, to in the .. forward it to the Office of the General Counsel. Such information must be sworn Please same manner as the original complaint. We have numbered this matter MUR 4474. attached refer to this number in all future communications. For your information, we have a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling complaints.

Central Enforcement Docket

Enclosure Procedures

)I( AlE ~ Hi P1.81 I( ~d( )RiJ [) F[ DERAL [(L C [IO)N ('(MMISSION

September 26, 1996

Dana M. Grigortff', Treas~urer Al Sal"i for Senate Committee 800 E. Northw~est Htighway, Suite 220 Palatine, IL 60067

RE MUR 4474

Dear Mr. Grigoroff:

The Federal Election Commission received a complaint which indicates that Al Salvi for Senate ("Committee") and you, as treasurer, may have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ("the Act"). A copy of the complaint is in all ". enclosed. We have numbered this matter MUR 4474. Please refer to this number future correspondence.

Under the Act, you have the opportunity to demonstrate in writing that no action should be taken against the Committee and you. as treasurer, in this matter. Please submit any factual or legal materials whiich you believe are relevant to the Commission's analysis of this matter. Where appropriate, statements should be submitted under oath. Your response, which should be addressed to the General Counsel's Office, must be submitted within 15 days of receipt of this letter. If no response is received within 15 days. the Commission may take further action based on the available information.

This matter will remain confidential in accordance with 2 U.S.C. § 437g(aX4XB) and § 437g(a)(12XA) unless you notify the Commission in writing that you wish the matter to be made public. If you intend to be represented by counsel in this matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed form stating the name, address and telephone number of such counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive any notifications and other communications from the Commission. if you have any' questions, please contact Alva E. Smith at (202) 219-3400. For your information, we have enclosed a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling complaints.

Central Enforcement Docket

Enclosures 1. Complaint 2. Procedures 3. Designation of Counsel Statement FEDERAL [[[CT ION COMMISSION

6~ *ASUId,1' )%~September C 26, 1996

Al Salvi 24558 West Lake Fairfield Lane Mundelein, IL 60084

RE: MUR 4474

[)ear Mr. Salvi"

,.__.,,The Federal Election Commission received a complaint which indicates that you may have violated the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended ("the Act"). A * copy of the complaint is enclosed. We have numbered this matter MUJR 4474. Please refer to this number in all future correspondence.

Under the Act, you have the opportunity to demonstrate in wr iting that no action should be taken against you in this matter. Please submit any factual or legal materials which you believe are relevant to the Commission's analysis of this matter. Where appropriate, statements should be submitted under oath. Your response, which should be addressed to the General Counsel's Office, must be submitted within 15 days of receipt of this letter. If no response is received within i15 days. the Commission may take further action based on the available information.

T'his matter will remain confidential in accordance with 2 U.S.C. § 437g(aX4XB) and § 437g(aXlI2XA) unless you notify. the Commission in wrviting that you wish the matter to be made public. If you intend to be represented by counsel in this matter, please advise the Commission by completing the enclosed form stating the name, address and telephone number of such counsel, and authorizing such counsel to receive any notifications and other communications from the Commission.

[')[% [( T~kF t.l% 1"4[) h)%i )tt( PAF(v If you have any questions, please contact Alva E. Smith at (202) 219-3400. For your information, wv have enclosed a brief description of the Commission's procedures for handling complaints.

Colleen T. Seahm-ider, Attorney Central Enforcement Docket

Enclosures 1. Complaint 2. Procedures 3. Designation of Counsel Statement es 0 COVINOTON &L BURLINO C~/5 q 4,e PM '+++ IaOt PC'NNSTLVANIA AVENUC. N. W. PKo. OoK ?580 WASHINGTON 0 C. 'O3O44-700 *ZOZJ OOL- OOO

TL(,,, ao-a, ,.at*. w MCHAfL A QA'WBON CAU1.1 C~vtwsc 'U~lm *4 -4 1 l.aI

1I-LIe*.~ 4 I.1 a.assz| ¢ ae~~m~ October 15, 1996

Ms. Alva Smith Central Enforceuent Docket Federal Election Commission 999 K Street, W.. Wshington, D.C. 2O463

Dear Ms. Smith:

Per ycu.r request, please find attached statemnents of 1p~ignatio. of counsel for the Al Salv. tor Senate Cowwwittee and the Committee's Treasurer.

Thank you very much for your help.


At tachwments NAMi Oe co,0sj$ ,11E35 FIRM: tmt.e I l. AOftES: IROZ sl Il

*uhrtzONed reTvIIIAe I uiiorai~ SI,"tW, t Au*

ADOR9StI £1 Salvi Semta'r lt, '3Q,,S £3


V~iP~ '"l1Wh| | NOtewgv o0 wqgj Odtobcr" 17, 1996

Michael A Da' son, isq Bobb,, R Burchfield, Esq COVINGT'ON & HURL.ING 1201 Pennsylsania A'enue Washington,)DC 20004

MI 'Rs 4474 arnd 4475 Al Salxi Al Sal,,i for Senate Committee Dana M Grngoroff, as treasurer

Dear Messrs 1)a'\'on and Burchfield

- This is in response to your letters dated Oc',ob.r 11 and October 15. 1Q96. requesting a

-- 30 das extension to respond to the complaint fihed rt the abo,, c-noted matter .Afier considering the circumstances presented in sour kie, the Office of the General Counsel has granted the requested extension Accordingl.'. xo. re.,nse is due bs the close of business on Noxember 14, 1996

lf'ou ha'e an\ questions, please contac:, meat' 2' 2 219-3400

-X\a[. Smith. Paraleeai cntral F nforcement IDocket % OVINGTON &S B UR L%

120 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE tN W P 0 BOX 7566 WASHINGTON D)C 20044-7566 202, 662 6000

,Er ("2 E62 e521

BOBBY P BURCHFIELD ",, ," , o' ' ,.'

November,- 14, ' z" . .


e_,T. Seaiander, Esq. entral En, orcement Docket F-ederal E" .... 2omssion 'r, i9 E Street, X.W. g . . Wash~n ton, i:.i:. 2?7463

( -- Re : MUR 4474

Zear Ms. Sealander:

-his f -rm has been. retained cn behalf of the Al Sal ,,: ... , or Senate Commi-tee and the Treasurer of the Al Salve for Senate Tcmittee 'togetiher, "the respondlents" to respond to \your _etter or September 2-, 996, :n which you notifid the respondents c: Y.LR 4474 and of the respondents' opportunity to submit a response. B'y .e:ter dated Gotober 17, 1996, the Federal- ecc: T~mmission "t he Oom.-.:ssion" granted tne respondents unt:l

.at reso.nse .

";missicn f:-zo one ?ary f. La~a ie, toe I' na"ro~an f-.

;%iE i - . q-3 ".. -.-- . . .. - .- . -. ..

: .CZ-, 3 ' .. i.,] a : : u 71. .. .. :'S.. ' A : ' .

: a _-- e - " ': z a:,P - "'- ," - -:Z . -_. -- Cr, flNGTQN & HL'PL N! .

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1.-..& 'S £ '- " - . . 0 COdINGTON ~ FL'~

CoI leer,. November 1, Page -3

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. . - .. . - I. - - COVINGTON 6. BUIRL'NG 0 0

Colleen 7. Sr3Iiander, Esci. November '.4, ia Page 4

>~abiiity; u :d 1 making quarterly payments in amiounts equal to one-fourth of 90% of the es.,t ~ated tax~ I a ""try. See IRS Pub!ication F r :ndivi'uas, "pp. N>, >'.. .Tix ::-.w ' 5 47-51 T.ho cormplaznant, therefore,

...... ,.'. :cirt - ,'St :ated ,Jx " plj-":. :t ass::.es that t"'es ri_'.es f e ... h:-.!ey'ir w'udbhe four- ste: 1nc-c'e, r.Ater Than a

actu:a-y was baseci cn' the Cand'date's expected

The 73nP~doate c'. : rwFc -- an.J o'o RO: - - exoect to r-ec.. :-ate tr'at succss every cr_'arter, especially

the 5enate. Se~i the comp a:na--t fatled to ocr'-pute :tke Zacc • ate' s :ax " "ac:" "y based cn expected adlustec cro ss "ncoooe; Mr. Sal'v: i.s ass.,ec to -ave n.o ceduct~ons. Th rd, the comp"a,.a...... tJ.. tle .a.ddate's requi red• annual pay.enlt based on "T.C%, :nistead of 93%, of the Cand iate's ...... -,h while k.,-,,wi,-.- absolutel. .~... about Mr. Salv- s actua" tax s:tuat o:;-. e z-tate Democrat'c Chlai.rman rhas ,a -aieunsmL'r-e a:.c erroeou..s fact'..al

-" . - . ... . e -", s ns r d

5 --1 : ::i " :::,: _ _ ] - - z '

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< 3 " . .. ::, : : : - .--:.-: : -- " :: ". "--" " .... l_ ; .3 ] S . . .. .As 3-<-,_ ,.:_. :: :": . ; " - .- "..... :.<.:: :. " .- : ]/ i :- -' S _ :^ U U',

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-: ~

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- .l~*.. * . tt C ~ ~uri T Tp~ ~ I2A~~ ~ri~ay. 8Opti~bq.

State Dame.- craeic Chairnmf Gary J. L~eft0m dlstuaaea t,. Demoorls' smp1l4n I agattst Rossini-

$afv. Ioaemet Demsbit aiv overn loantooampignwl

--- -- " ' $ as "too extreame for fllia.L BY S 7- Fok. Lx LePal4 sad the tUmv wag rCALIL:rUut. .i ,dtaI. "'I had a free day." * Democrts La,.;hed mmci a- The c omptaiat detaib the eiisht aam4 DCIamap&blicmn 8ensue rw ,, • as-." lt.a S.Avi ue). lta r "e Al Sa~v. r 'rut: flLrq a i'd \ irch 15, 19g. Sakhuamd xl of' t. a taey .au fo a ia[ to '."d al ea"mgalr S: !,eel fees rfl~lti~ frOM e ~ t Ilh~n r- t:'e :r tout ul~temut he m. Cam l: *ti:atButhe l~tm Seit .,the atate qr- ocra..,c amoendet reoas usti. •nate thait thle uet he* ev Ad legaliy Iiqutidate 'egrat ?I'i t Si .w ca jid rot ,.sye tr~at k~r4 zf •eorth between 8206002 '; aw task tkhe ertire $;< milt'glO fl gl tee (01 hlnmlt. dueited .~d ,,aa~ad .' t- ''a -iwtla~nt ailejee, h1.a net - ." ,, I have (a1l.n short of .stt: Ct'alrita Gay.1J [P.e * .. c:-j, 'oau .y' between . h" a :-'e F': b-n *o r'na~i :cw- get-al•al fhatac. to ro- t tIQ, I' omliantn b~lfOr theo * *el On ¢ myI$sion tai.sl any fhl,- ea es" f)11t,.l.8ev, .,e: *",tcc I'r t ',o b1 t veumr e

-s9, Ca[I~U'N. does not want tO talk ,prDsa~t,.'e ("r .. er ,.."r a: :.t :r, realinrue," sod SaIvt

tot ', i -,, , of rOOP to talk. It I. a ,, 'hat "dit guY atulluiiig m~, ,' ,* Tb.e cz,'..rt w'aa 'oec '.,~ 's nraf,attn im flht t. iS tal Secet ova? I ur :r. it "s--e V,- , a' e D'urLin urwuied a ',e.,e j4 ". nmtyiu' d¢rei :?'e c're*T#' .€ a - -prc Cc bulk 'uih plit, onDemocrats SaMv's primary file complaint spending

B,, DON Tho---e Lacaw, who 1N~a in UfliCogg da, notad DW,-a auvsded Mail . MonUme afe quUiona lant in4s 13 timu ovidrm ~teI),Ul ,ga, ?ULnoal DamonouriC P,.ty Cri"man Oe, /L,,flle ca Thur- dAY f teda•mmn,, ttwihe I4. era! Ki:],¢oaa &imlaelo ovr c;OP flente caaida AI laMv'. Hepre~np ypruit .emS Of Lr, h ee fn.ra. Maau4eI e Th~rudydwficit trdae4 e dal IeguL.Iatnaa t" with IataWk IumNe alPow ttuitsa thfrdo.( 1mate4 w,u b~at lk. the rue. Duta Dwbln ale- ,I~ane.In adiogto7the e"tie statm. ert[ Itlo b~iN.ouid ltto~uaso ito €k u, miI n IU,U Mr. th ' €taNe le reaepdl on a pm u 8,auhiii . h, med. repontas~wipi te feera x, r4~ @6,sme Pgw i ,i.

The agmt,. he - 'iawt 107 3B


Copyright 1996 Chicago Tribune Company Chicago Tribune

February 1, 1996 Thursday, NORTH SPORTS FINAL EDITION

SECTION ET7 " CHICAX'- Pg 8; ZONE: N; Electron '96.

LENGTH <', w21-ds


BYLINE B' Rrck Pearson, Trib'une Staff Writer.


BODY. Patrick Quinn has amassed plenty of name recognition n a career of campargns for courtv and statewide cffice, making hr~. the early front-runner for the Lemocratrc U S. Senate nomrnat~on.

But when rt comes to fundraising, reports fied Wednesday show Quinn srgnifrcantly trailing his March .9 primary opponents. In fact, he began the 1936 eiectron year *wrth only $9,201 in the bank and had nearly $27,000 in debts.

Dn the PRepubican side of the Senate primalry ballot, Lt. Gov. Bob Kustra :°arsed $'93,764 during the last six months of 1995, whlie state Rep. Al Salvi c Mundelern lent hls caumpaign $226,100 to go with $142,797 in contributions.

..ustra spent $335,057 and had S54',234 n cash on hand to formally begin the ;'ear. Salvi, a trial lawyer who :s counting on conservative grass-roots support, spent $264,935 and had $103,961 to launch the camnpaign year, though he is expected to continue supplementing his caumpaign with hrs own money.

. urnn raised only $55,652 rn the last half of 1995, compared wrth the 2'35.924 raised by challenging Democratrc U.S Rep. Richard Durbrn of Sprzn~fre'd. Meanwhile, a third Democrat, Wrlmette lawyer Clinton Krilov, recrted raising 51 8, 265. more than "0 percent of which came out of hls own pocket.

u~nn, a former state treasurer, reported loans totaling $3-, c< 2. ncluding 12 ersonal loan to h~s campaign He repard $118I9 of that loan but had a 2i lan outstanding from a Ch:cago bank 'na'des said tne candrdate s nan~e recoonitron :s 'oney i n the bank' an! added -hat Janua:,- fun-dra~s~ng alone exceeded the $56, 023 raised during ai" - . " 9=. ,uznn spent Si>: t...... h-s week on radro cozmnercials"

2urb~n, neanwnrle. reported spending $36" 887 and had $ 25,063 :n cash on :.and as tne year began He has ye- ozpteaiwvs: hoao hr ; h.opes z- bur'd nane rdentzfrcatrcn

rniS:2V reported spendrng $1-5,21 and had only $2,543 rn h:s canpaingn barn<

A mcm cr o € I €€ t I- - € p . 1 C~(hicag~o Tribune. Febnar' i.i, F'aee 108

account as of Dec. 31. But aides said Krislov, who spent $126 ,200 c', his own money :n the last half of 1995, will cent:hue prcv:ding about 'C0 percent of his caImpa : n cash. ithe orltical campaign for oontroK of the renrai Assembly, Pepublican >eaders fou.::d it much easier to ra-se money now tna "he~r party, holds ma- or:-- es :n the House and Senate They stockplledi war chests exceeding those of the "" S S

"nth '. -,s.. whe:e Pepublxca;s :eversed the D emocrats' :2-year cont rol i-n :994 FeaKt-r L,,e Dan:els P-E -,ho:st' entered : 96 with $2 m:ii:-n :n cash on hand n th-e two can-,pa-qn funds .e .'-n=es

Senate president Jam es "Pate Ph..lp. P U.-cod La'e began the oa-pa:- n "vi: .':'h" " :i-cn "-n the bank through toe two cam..pa:-;n funds he oontrzls

r0-. -4, who has held the 3CP ma-or:tv, :n the Senate s:nce "993 razsed a -o:.- ned Z5.5,842 for h~s funds and spent $254,556 dur--ng the report'-ng period.

5- ".-ongDemocrats, House M~nor:t Leader Mi chael Mad=.oan of Zh.-a ra'-sed .---, -[ - n during the last haf of "95 and had $2 moilion :n t.he two "' pi't:oai funds he controls. Senate Democratic leader Emil Jones Jr. of Dhicagc rarsed $3>" 94 during the report~na p:er-cd aund had $1 .-,milion"... :n cash on hand.

"k in TOk Tount-v, ne:ther DCP State s Arty. Jack D'Maiiev nor ecrat R~chard "e'v'ne_nas a primary/ challenge. But both have generated hefty fun..."-s -: ant.czpat::n of theor general eleotzon contest :n Novem-ber >Mail'.v had 346, 4 on hand after razs~ng_ ..o-re than $ 3, De...... 'ne had S.... :..:=on hand after ra'-s~no $12,95,


------Februa-v " . 1996



Copyr- .m. ' 995 St Locus P-cst-Dxspat "h. ";- St Louis Post -D~spat ch

9 epternbet ". '995, Thursday,. ....N:S PE." STAP Edtzon



RY :: Patr~zk c auen i:n-o.cs Po.:--oa" 2 rrespcndent

B =Y 2oune .. n.s...rsdo t -uAS>, bu h pars to change that v:erb seen as a cnser-.-at~ve candidate for "SS.Senate zn the Pepublioan. prlmary Saiv: said Wedn-esda-: he wz'' fr~..aiy anno-.unce h' s calda-: on Friday, a .c'.e that oresents an expens:-:e obstacle to the claim c toe 3CP nominat:on la'J o'onths a~o'- Lt Go'." .F.bert Yustra

"- s 5a2.-.-: s appea.. to toe party, s ener~et~.o r:~nt w:no that :--o.. edately nak.es h:m a "."able caundodate iesp~te i'-:zted name recogn:tzon, sa:i Pau. Green, a respected politzcal sozentzst at Gc-.-ern..r s State Un-.ers, tv near Zhzcago . ...k he w:'" do fair>v we'". Green said, addi ng that Kustra reomazns the party- . ront- runner. Before Sai-,: Kustra faced only token opposition fro -r obert .Marshal', Sa rad:ologzst froe Burr Pidge, who won !>tile support :n 199S campaigns for oovernor an d congress

Sal.-, 5,a .awv:er and se cnd-terrm state representat-.e derives h~s ltca. rower from La~e Count-.- the state s thlrd largest, whlzh occupies toe northeaster.-, corner :fll """ nois

...e ]-t .abo't - p&"-er -nt so t.-e ".ote -.- " 94 for r-- - t- -e House ...... e epesnt fro. a h...e on ..... n... He pra-too-es law "n Waukegan As"considered ru..n,-n -was prepared to ruan :ntoc r:.k "walls and dzff ' -_'.'tzes , "Salv:: sazd wednesda-._. on a phone on.r'-- 'ew..: . B..t that hasn :aco.eed know T T, oCna t won. th"s raze

.. = f .'r " wz-n fed-era. taxes to =-erooze toe eocnr.-v a:;o-tl.. o--'.e-o-ent s:endzn: -'t :-ei tne nat-ona" debt He w- i i-sband ; e C--rjs a:.: :e._Ernoxo and ~-erc-e deca: t.ents

.-a"- aocoates a oalan-c-d oudet-_ a;! -welfar-e :e~:.- i:.O s re n.iv- :andodate n 3eate-l 0:o73yv -n eotoer soze "- crp-so arz -. .: hts

- 20sar 3One os antao n "--oa: -o...- rnfos anno-:es.- . r 0 at ... Page I114 St. [.ouis Post-Dispatc~h. September 28.b

Sa>'. pred:cted that Rep. Dick Durbin, D-Springfield, will be the Democratic r~n'::e for the Senate, and he said Vu stra has been too free with tax inCreases i-. in .'ffeot.oe -ob of attacklngq Durb.n s weakness as a t ax and spend

W:3':. .... d f-r -ix :ncreases is a state senator 35 tlmes of a poss'.bie 4:,

"_r.:=:=/1 : F~~a ':stia, .aozused Sa>v- of msrepresentlng the f A.>5..,:--i:ci i,:st :a ".r f' we..e s:'-r>-. toc empower local zff:c~a'.s

' Sa. v"s a r:ch tr~al "a'*er *who has sa~i on many .'-caslons he wculd be -A: -n a .. **sed*$2m:lc.' wn moe.: h ae Allen said "Bat "-.

3a>-.-- sa~i he personal'y kloked .n abcut two-t:h~rds of the $ 3:0,2:: ne has :a sed... o5 far He f'-g~res he needs $ 2 m:li--on for the primary/.

.. _n Sai Kustra has about $ 4", ', :nd,.A.- $ 25,t0 from a recent f~nd- ra-ser w:th former Congressman Jaok KerT. He sa'.dKustra already has >'nei p supoo rt- ...... ofsthe state s top Pepu bizans

• Sa--Si5a he p'an s te ourt support from d. saffeoted. vocters and Ross Perot f~e " nV new part;'-

LEXI5'-NEXIS" LEXIS"NEXIS" LEXIS- NEXIS" DECLARATION OF ALBERT J. SALVI A.bet -3-r',. , ;'" "J swrn, iepcses and s3ays-

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A-@ , -. _- -1.. s - -_::el - 2- &. My client in =he Chrtstiansen distribution case xec1e a agreement on January 26, 1996. That acr authorized thte eement distribu~tlo1 1 of legal tees to -y 1aw :r as 3t that date

I declare under penalty of poriury foregoung that th" is true and correct to the best of my kn 4dqe intormation, and belief. ~'QREPORT OF REWTS AND DISBURSEMEN! ,1/ For An Authodzz~d Commite 1 ($s lmf' Peg) -96A?R 19 TiH S(N29AT Al Sa3.vi for Senate Committee

ste. 220 800 E. Northwest Highway, C00304436 -J P0 Box 94103- CI1"h" STATE d=uZiP COD)E STATE, )STICT K3 Is TPS REP ORT AN AU~4NDMENr' 2 rYF.5 --- NO "

€ ,A&w.__ IJL vv • m mm - ii I -- • 4. TYPE OF REPORT . ,e," , :-:: -:l, Primary . . no .... h ,9J9,6"e'ilh"

"" " :8, "e==" '" =,wr,; ,"e ,-.q&"&'. E € ."c" <3- -- "5.o~e'"5 :'a~~ Peo0o

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COLUM1 N A COLUMNSB q / q .-. Thisl Porloc Cll.ndar Y..r-w-Oate £ me. 3O / /9 __ ."-, /?

Cud 88,986.20 88,996.> ,11 -: aOor' "LI' ".!'"-a "* 2- -" "ee 03 500.00 50?.

88,486.20 88,42. \,,e' :s ,Ou, {¢ e, '= :a' s) .$.t.'. Le 5':' 1c'= 6 a

I- ,- - 747,718.53 a " .: ' '"a -*. : ~'cc "t- "

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4 t y~ ; rd b -. 7i- y tP"" I%/ . e of T.a";"e.'ris e~ a i ' e~ ~ ~ e

6.~Jun :acKer" ...... ; .

FEC FOP,1 Lbs sinpin ~lsM(e) PAGE OF ITEMIZED DISBURSEMENTS SCHEDULE B ~ ~' ~pIy ~ V~ ~ O~ud Sww~~aey Pap. FOR UNE NUMBER 19 I ~y *misgpn ~pes~ er~m ag~ Rspoi~ ~ Swmms,~ may n~ be sold or usad by ty psuon or tie purpose SoI~~g ~flWb~rw or or or~mme~ uip~. olhsr ~ ~mg tie iwiie W~d ~F3 01 W1Y poIUc~ COtTWItIftse 10 oIc~ wr*lbiMonh Ii~m suet wvvmss.

[>Al Salvi for Senate Committee A. FlliName MrIgAdse, i,, WlCods Pupseo D:' bw,ems Dal (m,W', AST.OIXC CoMerica Bank Midwest, NA Loan Payment I 3450 West Central Ave., ______1/26/96 1-5,000." Toledo, OH} 43606 _ , LJp~"'vL__Gerrui

6. FullNae. MeItin.'Adi an ZI Cod P 0,x~ ,,n CAliiEac-E

C. Ful Nae. Mehl Addrsea ard ZiP Code 'DO$ olD':uene Dal* I'o A1'-our, z* Eacr

0. Pun Name, Mlg Addisea an ZiP Cod 'Kos o';D' wn Date , 'w'- A'. .. £ :

E. Plug Nalme. lis4U!,ngAddrl m nd ZiP Code."'. _-'0* D$tsburee. Dale-'x,r. "x,.- =-r

P ullNa,.e. MadtW.g Adre en ZIlP Cods .'=,es0* O..'lrem Dae ,'ro' A,-' -,,F -

0 PuNlName l ullngl cidrweglndl ZIP Code - _' .=' =,sieri,e" Datie -'w- ,-. ., •

" SC .se'Cl1 t , Pw--ari ,.- a

;UBTOTAL -'e-e."sT- s a. e _:.'ca, Your Federal Publication 17 Income Tax F ', js t ;"rf-! r nt.

In~erna 1995 Rleen uP Ser ice Returns


Ir.Rrn~NHwg,1IJ"- klnds of payments that are repo 1) 9o% of te tax to tie shtown on your Form 1090). -'w1 1 996 tax return, or ilbulonw) frm mid ll~lon of 9uAed PaymeInts made(Nto you are sujc to rarernen -~ anid wiudSL m Ch ) backup wihodn at a ft 31% rate in the wtell For ~mawi on I Aa m () tae. retur Your 199 lax re11 nmus tartS. For mar wnermalon on wuhli cover all 12 months 1) You do not givethe payer yowr T1Nmi on perne ari wnuil,induJing a die- the requvred mnanner cmon of Frm W-4P, bWlmoig Carol- Not. If alt your 1996 income will be cute b Permn or Aivual Payents, se 2) Th'e IR S nontfes the payer that the TIN sublect to income tan withholding, you b todii on Peneou arrn A ite in you gave is incorrect probably do nOt need to make esimatled Chapter 1 of Pttllcaoaxn 5. ta, payments that you are not sut, c to backup Exceptlooa Ther'e are exceptions to Withholding on th generalJ rule if youJ are a farmerf or fi, Gambling Winnings 4) The IRS notifie the payer to start eriman or your 1 995 adjusted groa income withholding on interest or diviends was more than $I .50.000 (575,000 if you lncome tax i w'~l from certaln kun~ of because you have undrroted<1 in- mi' maridln g seprtly) See F .re gambing winnings The amount wthheld 9 terest or diidnd on your incometa 5-8 and Chapter 2 of Publicatin 505 for from prxoceeds (the amouint of your win- return. The IRS wil do thi onytr itf more ,ntorrn 1x~n nwp mns ie mnount of your bet) pid , W has mailed you four notices o m at 26% least a 120-dary peniod. To who the rles apply. The estimated Gambling winnings of more than ,ax rule apl t.o $5,000 from tie boon sourm are a*-. See Bacup wrt'ln g in Chapter 1 pect to vvome tax w0hli * U S citizens andl residlents. of Publication 505 for r n 'formation. * Residnt of Puerto Rico. the Vr~li ,s- ~IwyJ. arid Penalltl~es. There are Civil and criminal lant, Guam the Comnwat of the 2) Myn oter werm. if te poceeds are Penalties for giving false infrmation to at least 300)Umes tie amnown of tie bet. '5550.0 The crwna nalWly, upon conv~c- * Norsdr allen (use Form 1040- tion, is a fine of up)to $ 1000, or rn'npnon- ti drn not maxtter whettw your wining menit of up to one year, or both. ar paid in cash. in Inoperty, or uart annu- Avo~ding estimated ta. ,f in addiion to rt' W',nnng not ,nmoney wel taken into ecount at r teifw - vw( vakie. Estmaed Tax rseien~ slanes or wages, you can avoid Gaming wnnings from bingo. keno. having to m'ake estimated ta paerte by Etimated and slot machines are not suiect toin tax is the mertod use to pay askin your empoe to take more ta out come ta wwio g If you recewe gm- tax on income that is not subjec to with- of your earnings To do thisl, fits a ' ew bling wmngs not u ct to etio*g holding. Ths inlue income from self- Form W-4 with your emplye you rely need to make eaetieted tax pay- emplyet, unemployment comensa- n. Ta" Im.) tion, interest, dividends, alimony, (See Esvuted rent. No tax Ihblint year. You do) not have If you gisfrom the sale of sst do not pay enug tx thrugh purues. and to pay estimated tax for 7996 if you meat withholing awards. Or estimated tax payments, You also maly have to paty est- aN three of the foloin condition you may be sitgect to a penalty (See LUt, ma~ted tax if the amount of income tax be- ing withheld front your saley. peInsio, or 1) You had ,lotax iaill'for your 195 other income is not enough To fiur and ta.x year Fr~mm W-2G. If a paer tiolds income 2) vou we a U S citzen or redlent tor tax from your gambling wnnmngs, you txed Tax b frgdi.gjas the whole yewandi x sh Ould receive a Form W-2G. Cerie Estimated tax is usedI tO pay both in- 3) You'99 tax year Gambhng Wvwigs show,,n tie amount come tax and sel-empoyment tax, as wel covered a1 . you won and tie amountx mhtel. Report as other taxes and amounts repor)ted on your WWrWgs on hne 21 of Fonyi 1040 aridl Form 1040. If you do not pay enough tax 'sport te tax wihhl on line55 of Formy through withholding or by making esti- i ilorio tax liability tor 1995 .f your mated tax payments, you may be charged total ta Idefine later under Requwed an- to the silent te tiey o..: garitin wn- a penalty. If you dlonot pay enough by the ual p)aymrent) was zero or you did not flings. You must urn Schedul A of Form due date of each payment period (see have to fie an ,ncome tax retljrn 040: to dleduct y~t loee arid to deduct When ro Pay Estimatedl Tax, later), you state ta wiviosn, may be charged a penalty even If you are aredtaxpayers. To fiur wtieter you due a refundlc wenf you file your tax return must mnake estimated tax payments 'or Backup Withodn For information on when th penalty ap- 1 996 aPPly 'le ri~es discussedl here to plies, see Undament Penel. later your 1 996 sepaNrate estimatedl income . Banks an other buaneiee that ay you ,ou can mak~e lont estimatedl tan cIay, certain kinds of income must file an inlor- Who Must Make "'lents, you carn appy these rule on a toint matir, return (Form 1099) wit the IRS. "Theinformation Estimated Tax Paymets return sh'owsl how much Ou and youJr Spouse can make font you were paid during the yew. 1tatlo n- If you had a tax lblit for 1995 you may ;avnents of estimated ta even if yOu are clijde your name and taxpaer ienoica- tion number (TrIN). You' TiN ilether a so,. casl security number or an employer Geea rule. You must make estimte esltimated tax payments if yOu are sepa:) tax pamet for 1996 if you expect to ,e rae under a decree of divorce or sepa~. Theee payments generall we not i:) at least $500 in tax fr 1996 after sub' rate maintena1nce Also you cannot: make e


Whether you and your spouse malie seveal inoran Changes ii the law These Form t 040A. inld as "othler tax" any aI- joil estimatedl tax payments or espenste changes are discusod under Talx Law vance eaIrred income credit palymtsI on payments wisrt c affct ya choice of fl- ()w at th beirn of thi ohler. bIe26 i a ca- Ux rw~r, or saute s b~x, fo Form 1040-.ES incudes a worksheet to F iny, subtract your expected earned In he you figure your etmted ta Keep the come credi and fuel tax credit (from Form woiltseet for your reoords 41365) The result is your expemcted total tax te 1999 joh rvtwn. 11you peto fies for 1996 on how to 1we you esteeta tx for 19 you fled seprate returns tor1995, your t se Chapter 2 of Pttlicaton 505 1995 tax la the tota of the tax shw on tm aniu you mu,,t pay for 199 VMoug your se retaqmrw You fled a eepsate Expected adjuated gross Incrue. Your withholding and estmtedl tax pmeyments on remui for 1995 it you filed as lngle. hea expmected c{ st gross income for 19 a ies I La trough 14c of the 19 Eunaec of caVeil: or roamted filng sCepaat your exp~cted total income minus your e-i Tax Worksheet. The result a your required Chne rm 1995 olnt rturnf to pected adjustments to In .mInclude SI! Wwn ay ment It a the au o the income you exec to receMve diunng Vie 1) 90% Ofyour Iex pqectdtaxfor 19W, eepart. rer 'Or 1o996. bu you fied a year, erven incOme that is sujc to wit or ran m~'-ur r spouse for 1995,S youw hoklng However d nOt incIude O e 1995 tax S yawuVrw of the tax on tie joint tet tax exrr Be su go sd~rct d the rnYou mela serat !O 1995 r~m. (Your 1 995 tax refljr must rt.xn 1996, albjetments to income you expect to tlie on you file as sWg head of household, Or you 1S9W tax reurn Theee are teo adjust- m ,ng separtely To figue your menitash ow" on th~e 1 995 Form 1040. thtt m.. few fl, tie tax bo you snc your you inlue in the total on 10ne 30. Onth £i .I you aroeatame=r or fisher 1995 Form 1040A. these aro the adjust- man or your 1995 adjusted frossim e vat resr for 99e5 L= g the gali ngk was more tha 150.000 ($7500 N yo=ur fil- wtua - for 1996 Tn muiiy yaur pint 11you exp ct to receive social eecurty mr mmy by the fomng f'rcon rte return), your required annual paeyment benefits, you ca., use Worksheet 2 1 in Chater 2 of Publcation 505 to figure your -x~cetaxable benefits TOWll t or 19W. Yoar 199 total tax ff you are semplyed, you can use on Form 1 040 is the amount on line 54 re- EW' - o snd Py fee a Kw re Workhet 22 in Chapter 2 of Publication duced by the total of the amut on Inee turn for 1 995 showing taxabl4e iraee of 505 to fgure your deduction for one-hat' 50 53. and 57, any credllt from Form 41lSSin- 1r48,0o0 ad a tax of sp.37"7 of tie 146.000 your expected el mpume tax ta~xable income 5.40 000 was Joe's and cluded on lIne 80 arty Laclcs soial s- Pllis, was 'eporsible for the For o=uity.Mec ,eor rdoed refeement la in- rest. Ex ee taxale Income. Reduce your 1996. the pt- to file earnied fingq sepa cluded on lrne 54. any tax from Form 53129 expected adjustedl gross income by ete rs~y Joefu9 'sm oftietaxothe your expeced iterzed deduction or your cluded of' ine 51 a.nd~ any tax from Form standWd deductio and by a 52.50 deduc- 8826 n:,cled on line 49 On Form I0OOA, ft tio for ec exervtio. For inomto or' * line 28 reduced by the go a of Vie arvownl th 19W6 tmncdw,€ dleducon W~lour smcda on lines 27 and 29c On Form 104OEZ. ft a Tax ur 86 3 m o a m possibl limi on your itemizedl deductos lie l0reducdbyhe8 see Pulcation 505 or th istructiofo Fom 040-ES

ie po (SO 6'? - N .8"6) 86% tota amount you nust pay ,or 199 Vvomu Expected taxe and credts. Aler you estmated! tax payments on lie 15 llnd 16 have figure your expecte taxla' ,coe Of th 199 Estimatedl Tax Workseet. Sub- figure your expectedl income tax Use th'e trat your expected w~thot fom your re- 199 TaIx Rate Schedules nrear the end o€ quredl annual payment YOu usul must Pulication 505 or in the Form 1040--ES in- pay fl,,ediference ,'four e~nl inbnens hav to rsa~e estr~aed tax peyenta Re stutosSee Chaper 2 of Plcatio 505 (See W e To Pay Esmaed Tax arid I den t alienst shold fOlvOw theNrules tnthis for the spoecaa tax computxation to use *or b 'o $',qurv Each Perirwt late) chapter uJ=es ,note< othensise P~Nres . Child under age 1 4 who has more t~la' I, your total expected tax on kia 13c:, rin denarw V~~d etFarm 1040-U[(NAm), SI .300 Of a',estmeen tnx~ef risyour expe cted wihodn on line 15S. a U S Esrirnaeo TQX 0 A~nresYdnl t Abe" Add~ your expectedadditmonal taxes fror" les than 1500 you do not need tO mal4e as- FOrm 49'0. TaLxor' Axu"U~atin Clrstnbu.' tirnted tax payments to'of Thts' and FOre 4972. TaxnL J - How To Figure Svjm O SrrtnrS Subtralct your expec~tec credots These are the credt shown onte 1996 icludes the inom tauxyou expect to Estimated Tax 1995 Fore I 040 that yo included a' th~e to- be w theld from al, sources (wagesk pen- To figure yvu. estimated tax you rrust figure ts, on hnte 45 0)'' trie 1995 Form I04ZA ssandnnuitie etc ) ft also Micudes ex- your expected sdfusee grmwa ,riie. taxa- tee re the totai credit on lne 24ci your cess ia' securit arid raiload retirement ble inom act taxes and credirts for the credits are more t1an your ta~xes. use '-G tax you expect to be witheld from your as te resuft When V9uri yoiu 996 esits tax. '1 Add your expected seft-employment ta For information on exces sOtsw ft may be helpt to Jrse your income. deduc - and othe taxes tsee Chapter 2 of Puceica- or tier 1 rmlfoe0 retirement tax wt~odn Lion 505) Other taxes are those show" o' for 1996. see P= tkaton 505 Ue you 199 feders tax ret.rn as a gu lines 48 49 (other tha n from Form 8828 You ,wlt J o need Form 1040-ES go figure and~ 51 of the 195 Form 1040. pftaS Ivslce When To Pay and py yoxur *ettirh5!ed La You mustlb earned income credit payments on line 52 careful to maxe adjustments both fo' an an wnte-4n amounts on line 54 Do no' Estimatedl Tax include uncollee soia securty Mdv,- changes ' the tax law For 1 96, ftere are wae, or raliroed rermet~tax On Vi 199 5 tided rea fur payet pertod E parf


rU Fbw.8. Do You NS Eaia Tax? e/

mmim- oi h ,w oyour Utoo - ~w tlhklld c@3lm tov~~ .idcd wm 1 -ira be Umii (6WS or be ltla clto FId(0ant mI1 nw wai'ndl hbmrn nyou mton ~,g65 mlniisd tiax pa- tm r..?

C' .11% t Iisyur ha Iw.9waumsb 966cr166b a bwtg r lattg idYo, 16 ImJul eewmapus more ~imv S10,~0(175.001~ab tmb ewied aaoroan ..

hasa sp lcpeyrnen due dat. If you do estimalted tax by th' e dita for t enod, ato9w psyotei paroda, you maly be w or you can pay itin installmnts by the due ntIsa on JauyO l 1 ,ol your et u date for that p:eriod aidl 9w due date for the S you Us your rn€ons i rmxn Th biasng ,emlsneg periods. The foflowing chart char't give the pay e, -d and cdue The 1531 day of 9we 31 month at your fis. V~s w'eri to make vinen paymetn: cil you. The 1531 day of 9w 63 month at your f-

. n t" .uu m ci you. id " - y tdk a Mie tw 31 ApSI5 The 1531 day o69 I' 1tmorith after t.e Apl11Vwmih ky 31 JuneiS end at your nscu yew. kiwi Wvm tA4 31 Sses'r 15 Aorul ApilS You do not hare to ake the last pay- 31 nu S y " mentm~biX e you Us your w'come tax

end t of yor flecil yer and pe e tt &Yu Uwt 31 Sepomnr i5 you oum -.- h your reaum. -e Fhac ) w oq ~, Jau~ 15

When To Start .Arus 5 "s"~S uun, bsW eee, 19w.du. You do not hav to rekie eimated tax pay- x yw1

w ow 9 tarx. If you have income subOsc de for meak ig an efiied m payment A* p May 31 fan on e Sarday. S,'da. or sgm hoesy. nod, you must makel your twit palyment tDy me 5 Januawy peymaW wm be on Urns iNyou .'ke U on the due date for the first payment period S4pswmo. i You can pay all your estimatedI tax at that or sgm holdsy. Fo erammls, a payen Oua Uns, or you can pay it i four unwtilmen-t If you chooes to pay in intr lens nwixe your 3' Jarusyl frtpayent by the due date for the first rnext yew" paymnt period. Make your remeaining in- None) stallnmta by the due dates for the later tummwy payment. f yo fl your 196 ti- kum b Jnur 31. 199f7, ad pay maere at If you first have in'come iufc to e05, thextax you o,. you do not need to maee your amated tax pamn that wOul be must make your first palyment by the dlue dueon Jenuwy 15. 'ne nt, changes WIyour Wlcorne. adutmns 1997. date for tha period You can pay your ar e dedluctions, credits, or exemptiOns may

chAr5 TAX wITH*4WNO AND ESTIMATED TAX Page 49 U' make It necessary for you to refgure your es- least as much as your anulie Icome in- timatd tax. Pay the unai balance of your Wilas paeymonI on lie4 ibdus June stallment Complee Form 2210 an Sftd amenmded estimated tax by the next payment 17. 1996. snriione-1lf oftie ule Al - Annualhzed Income Installnment due date after the change or In installments andcu on ie 6 hae and on Vie A.4ettiod. and attach the form and Schedule by that date and the due dates for the re- paymewV-aoudhir for your Al to your ta return. S.. Form 2210 lter. mawing payment priods under Underpayment Penalty, for mort, To determine how much you should pay wiciJewaumy 15,.1967. If Via uimOut information by each payment due date. see Hfow To Fag- on lne4 a .a Saplamber 16.1996. we Each Payment. next. enwn twA1fullIOaV o nei hare Annualzed Income an on Waswtiari-vsadw laryour Instblmn~t Med paymwwcluSJenuijy 15. 1997 .... _ How To Figure if you do not receive your income evenly throughout the year (for example, your in- Each Payment Exaenpf. Early n 1996., you figure your come from a repair shop you operate a$ estimated tax is S16800 You make est,- much larger n the mmerr than It i, durn You should pay enough estimated tax byth mated tax payments on AprI 15 and June 1 te rest of the you requ.ired aerated dlue date of each payment period to al of $r450 eac ($150s0 - 4) tax payment 1oron or more penode may be penalty for that period Ifyou do not pay On Jul 10O,you sell investiierit proet las than the Mnoa Igured usin te rei- enough each payment perod you may be at a gain. Your refigured estima1ted~ tax ,s chaged a penalty even if you me du a re- $3,600. Your requi~red estrited tax pay- To see if you cl pay less for any peioed. fund when you fie yOur tax return See Lit- ment for te third payment peioed inSt .500X. complete the 1996 Annualhzed Estimatepd Tax Wcvshe (Wcovsheet 21 2) mnChepe 2 of Pt~katon 505

Regular Installment Method Note. if you use the annualized income 2 lei milyiat- vmtatmnent method to figure your etmated If you must pay esimte ta beng with 500 nertpalymrlm II js tax payments, you muet attach to your tax -- he payment due Apri 15S.1996, you cw'fi- returna copee Form 2210 arid Schedije we your requie payment for each perid by 75 0 ram paymni m id Al (Form 2210) See Fovrn 2.210 under Un- dividin your total estimated ta payments d~rvtPenaly. later S (line 16 of the 19965 Estrmated Tax Work- S shet) by4. Ueth smethod onlyifyour re- 1 00 r1=t payment. ime quired annual payment stays the same Estimtd Tax Payments throughout the year. (Undcer u circum 3 Esuatdm aivii ~a Not Required s.tances, your requied payminw may be less You do not have to maeke esternatd tax pay. See Annuakzed Income nkstwet AMethd. 4 Wet sbdpImsme i mc merits If your withhdng in each payment later.) lie 3front hi 2 and 5rir Vie remit priod a at least one-fourth of your reqin'e annual paymen or at least your veuied an- upy~ nar-vudw faryour m nuekzed income intlmn for Uat prnod. Amee estimated tax. If you refigure You also dJonot hae tO make e~imaed tax your estimnated tax during the year. or if your payments if you will pay enough through first payment is dlue after April 15. 1996. fig- wtholng oeethe aounyoum i ure your required payment for each rean- 6rSuec pant id n 51 SOCe your 1996 return urder$500. ing payment period using the following -t How To Pay Estimated Tax ittisey;mn onbwne4 ausJwnet9 There are two way tO make estImated tax alohe. Oi w6,angoont o kisS Amended tota 5rr'st tla payments peyments___ 1) Dy credtingaoveraymenton you 2 Iurit:yine 'b 1995 retur to your 1996 esiae tax. ma rueu neot -asew wo, 50 ii ext Payment a ~ 7 june 1 199 isma paent 519on his4ii bion 2) By sedn in your Payment wih C pay- 17.Im196 amy S41:iflonue 6, men-voucr from Form 10*0-ES. Seternoar 16, 1996 ete ulamountiseo 6 har ronm 1 00 inet payment is cue January15 99'___ Crediting an Overpayment 3 Enrtmatec tx Ipayments for al, yme-ro udiaras:ford y n emetfr When you tie your Form 1040 or Form peourthiyis spane 1.d199 040A for 1995 and you have an overpay- 4 heat reqluasd peyment sutt,~C' mnent of tax. you can apply pa or all of .t to brie 3 froni bre 2 alndenter th~eresti. aneoJlir 15.199If 1 Vien owriout your estimatedl tax for 1996. On lhne 64 of Form 1040. Or lane 32 of Form 1040A. wiee (but not mtan zero) re an or eor-l marwnsit osbnteha w . ou y the amount you want credited to your est,- your paymnte-voucher for your nex' anrgd a payint-vfo er yow t N mated tax rathe ta reune The amount rsQLWred paymrent __ you l'Jve creditedl Should be taken into ac- yureedetmated tax rmentupaymt forytue count when figuri your estiated tax pay- Ntheeymet onbna4anaaJertI 5 199" mnts You ca us all te credited: amrount stophaOherwa. go onto ne 5 toward your lust payment or you c~i apre yorurmnde estimated pt, you mysb it out u any way you chooee among any or all o4 your payments If yOU ask that an overpayment be shw ht te total of your withhldin ar

Pag~e 50 (::;er S TAX WIThHOLDJiNG AND ESTIMATED TAX Lne 55 If you fie Form 1040. matedben iY~e tax installen on Ithe due date of Also, tlake €credlt for th estlmated* (AprV 1S orpaid for 1096. These crd are sbrce year tas~es). You cannot have any of MIt from your tax. You should fie a return and Line 290e Ifyou fie Form amount reune to lO40A. you after tht due de. claim tlhese credits evern If you do not owe Line h f you You also cannot use that overpayment in tax. file Form 1O4OEZ.

w.'7 wW.V UI 1tW UI~ Q1UiS. If you had two or more employers and Form W-2 m lso used to repoxt any taxa- wer pai wags Using the Payment-Vouhrs of more tnm 51.200 du-. ble sick pay yOu received and any income tax wihhl from your sick pay Each payment of estimated tax must be ac- retirement tax may have been wihhl fromn companed by a Payment-vOucher from your wags~l See Credit for Exce ss Socill Form Form W-20 '040.-ES If you made estimalted tax Security Tax or Railroad Retirement Tax It you had gamblin winnngs payments last year. you should receive a lW41fti in Chele 36 the paerm may have wihhl 26% as income tax. If tax wa It will have payment-.ouChers preprinted Withholding withld, the payer wil gie you a Form W- wihyour name, address and soia securnty 2G showing the amount you won and the f you had income tax withheld number UsingKfie prepnnledI vouchers wil during 1995. amun of tax withel Repo~rt the amounts you speed processng. 'edu.ce the chance of er- should receive a statement by January You wononlie 2 of Form 1040. 31. Take cit ror ari he save Processng costs 99, shwn your income and: the tax for the tax witteld oui lie 55=of Form 1040. ,f Kvu did riot pay estimnated tax las year. witheld- Deedn on the source of your If you had g mblnwnnng, yOu must use you wil ha to get a copy of Form 1040-ES ncme. you wig recewt: Form 1040. you cannot use Form 1040A or ,'r, th PS Do so Form I040EZ. See by calling 1-800-TAX- For W-, Wag arid Tax Staterent. Deductione Not ur c FORM (1 -800--829-3676) After you make To the 2% Lu'mtri Chter 30 for information Foret W-20, your irlt payment, a Form 1040-ES pa~ck- Cer~, Gambki w-r- on how to deduct gambling losses age with ,' e lpreprinted vOuchers will be maiedK to youJ Follow h inructon in the A form inIte l099aee. The l0OW SideS package to make sure you use the vouchers MOSt forms in the 1099 seies are not filed Forms W-3 and W-2G. YOU file these wihyour return. You Use ',eaddressed envelope should receive these that caine forms with yOur income tax return. You forms by January 31. 1996. .10 your Form 1040-ES package. If you use Keep these sh ul get at les two copies of each form forms for your recor There vs severa dif- your own enelope, make sure you rol your you receive Atach Copy B to the front of ferent forms in this ses incluin. paymentvouchers to the addres shw in your federa income tax return Copy C is for . Form • 040-ES r'istructjons for the place Form 1099..8. Plce From &oro, where yo , rye Do and Baitr Ecerg not use the address to flewm your stt ard local returns ranato shown in 'pe Form 1040 or Form 1040A Form 1099-Oqv Ds ard Form W-2 Form Chang1e of address. You must notity the Your er oe shomed giv you a Form W-2 1099-G. Cda, Goerirt P S If you are aking estimated tax pay- for 1W byenwy 31. 1996 Youshould r.- ceive a separate Form W-2 from each em-. Form 1099-4NT. kiers Aiore the yea You mus sndx a clea ard con Form 109,-#,.~5 wtenstatement to th IRS ,Service Cenert If you sto wori beore the end of the where you flied your Last return an provide yw. your empireer can g-- you your Form alt of die efowng W-2 at any time after you Rev your job. Form 1099-O0O, COnpw Iss, w unt, Itre er. your em loe must gve it to you iV) hour(fi ~ and your 5pou~e's fmjg Form 1O99-R. L sibueon From .=ri- by January31 of the f~olwng yer (or the

2) Your sintre (and spouse s holiday If January 31s ai Sxda, Sunday, treclee.. signature). or h< my). It you ask o the form, your emn- Form SSA- 3) "our )id addlress (Srl spouse's old ad- plye m give it to you el w 30 days after 099, Sc awiiy Benew mress ,I different), receivin your written requeet or within 30 Form RRB-l099. Palynw t by Ite &P. ever ,slater ,od Reremne Sowul If you hav 5) v sj sc soe cur't num (ri not received your Form w-2 b~yJanury 31. 1996. you should ask your For some types of incme reported on emloyer for dt, If you do not receive it by forms in the 1099) Se)ris, you may not be Fe bruary 15 . c al th IRS to l f e t el p h n able to use Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ dress nube o "..'sOuroose. for your area. The numbe, isted in .See the instructions to these forms for ou oaU8 continue the Form to useI youNr Old pre- 1040, Form 1040A, aind Form detals. pr,"'ed Cav"ent.vouchers until the lRS 0O40EZ instructons You wil be asked to 1 se's you "ew ones fowever. DO give your employers' NOT name, address, and Form 1O*H-. Attach Form 1099-R to your corect 'he adldress on the old voucherM telephone number, or" and. f known, your em- return If box 4 shows federal income ta1= theaddess on the envelope ip:oers identification number You wil also b~easkedl for your add~ress social secunty tetotal on line 55 of Form 1040 r lhne 29a number, datm teehn number, da~tes of Form 1040A. Chc the box next to the Credit for Withholing of em ly et, and your best estimate of and EstimatdTax your total waese and federatl incomel tax Bakup. withholn.,I you were si*ec~t to Form W-2 shOws your total pay and WAPhn you $e your '995 income backup wihodn on income you reeve tax return, other copestion an~d the income tax, so- take cre,(it for dunng 1995. inclde the amount withhl, as all ti inom tax ardecs cilseut tax, ari Medicare tax that was showii on your Form 1099. in themtotal on line s>cial Seut or rairoad retirementta ith wihhl duigh year. Take credit hed rom your for the 55 of Form l040. Orhne29oE Form 1040A salary, wsges. pensions, etc. fedra incomne tax witheld on: Chc the box next to thi total.

Chpe TAX W1ThI4OLOO M AMO ESTIMATED TAX Page 51 II * '"-"...


In the Matter of ) ,,.::, " ' )



The cases listed below have been identified as either stale or of low priority

based upon evaluation under the Enforcement Priority System (EPS). This report is

submitted to recommend that the Commission no longer pursue these cases.

This is the first Enforcement Priority Report that reflects the impact of the

1996 election cycle cases on the Commission's enforcement workload. We have

identified cases that are stale which are

recommended for dismissal at this time. This is the highest number of cases

.-, identified as stale in a single report, and the highest number of stale cases

recommended for closure at one time, since the inception of EPS in 1993. I1. CAIU RCOMME~qD~r !O LE&

A. Cases Not Warrautlg Further Aetom Relative to Other Cases Peuudlag Defonr the Com.mloe

EPS was create to idntf pending m wiuh, due to the lower pirity of the

issues raised in the matters relative to others presently pending before the Commissioa, do

not warrTant further expenditure of resources. Central Enforcement Docket (CEO) evaluates

each incoming matter using Commission-approved criteria, resulting in a numerical rating

for each case.

Closing such cases permits the Commission to focus its limited resources on more important

cases presently pending before it. Based upon this review, we have identified cases that

3 do not warrant further action relative to other pending matters. Attachment i to this report

contains summaries of each case, the EPS rating, and the factors leading to assignment of a

low priority and recommendation not to further pursue the matter.

B. Stale Cases

Effective enforcement relies upon the timely pursuit of complaints and referrals to

ensure compliance with the law. In estigations concerning activity more remote in time

usually require a greater commitment of reso'urces, primarily due to the fact that the evidence

of such actiity becomes more d:ff.cu!t to de~e~ep as it ages Focusing investigati,,e efforts

on meore recent and more sig~f cant acti , t,,also has a more positive effect on the electoral

r,roccss and the regulated commur',ty In recognition of this fact, EPS prosides us with the

fo? Randy en) ThI'ese cases are RAD 9/7L-10 (Citizrs UL,yds Insurance R~AP €71.-l6 (gRlbh.. State C,'t'.a ,gz-. ::ce .' .''..A' Da'ta), Pre-M$UR 347 (Pro~ducrs Pre-MUR 350J Cc",:'y). Pre-MU1R .45 (P'.rLs Nam-r.,z P..x . ( C .',"nr.e). Pre-{UR 349 (Trt,,ip PL;:i): (r-zt:.i'ik NA ),Pre-MUR 355 (fei'gj: Se','-:e C.',,:ar). MUR 4494 (Cec'rginna Lanc~n). 4600 (.San \IUR 4_:,8(F~~ri2s of Zac ;','. UR 45'QO (Ok1ah.ma Edacat: 'n Asso..ation), MUR emocxrats trr :c$e;' O ,,ers Ass.X ). MUR 46e12 K7e.sa X'~e.t (c'r Gngress). MUR 4615 (Cathdzc C.'z.:.:i,),MUIR 44520 (Eazstern Cmienticut (Juamr ".t:' &~.\ ..U 461b (.A- -, :2'. Leg':2<:'z F.z-g :ijv fc1 t ( , rC . g re .,),M LUR 4 6 2 9 (Qa .ac S d hak ow sk j), ,,,. ' ' ' ' R -62 2 (T e2 :es & - , ,M.,"o r". ' R 4 p2 5 MUR 4641 'sL'R 44.36q(:BE,'* L4~.1! 505). '.R 4e&1 i(e','' .' C-z.€,ves), ML'R 4639 (La7 -m for C,'rrtss). 4653 (Prtzk e krt (eker ',c, C:',gv"rss .. sLUR 4o44 (_X: s~,.".Y'. :..MUR 4651 (.','.k Ry.'4) MUR CG-uigvess), MUR .l36 H Ca",'41 f,.rCv.-s. and 'sLR 4657 (Buc,:hari .fcr Pres .c'i:) means to identify those cases whtich, though earning a higher ratingl when received, remained unasigned for a signif'kant period due to a lack of staff resources for effective investigtion.

The utility of commencingl an investigation declines as these cases age, until they reacih a

point when activation of a case would not be an effitcient use of the Commission srbo es

We have identified cases that have remained on the Central Enforcement Docket

for a sufficient period of time to render them stale. We are recommending the closure of

cases based on staleness.'

*These a.ses are. MUR 4283 tC-?' 't.',t €c &.',gWe ).MUR 4.41 (,'ua, .Sd:: &r 0'ngrs); MUR 4402 (U3S. Rc'-'- t: 'eHee C nL,<:tA. NfLR 4435 (" ." "or C 'g--¢ss MUR 443q (L1A''; MUR 4442 (Lt n.sk for -.,:g-s',.R 4444 (R:&!,s ¢,'r(7:'> %,LR 4445 (Ra-.-y Tate, ' r C. ngrrss). %IUR 444e (Chrnton,.orr "96 .- \!m:,,LR 4447 (Ra":.': H:u._ :-. ). \UR 4449 (C:,::.Ad.,z.;oa:,,:, Nt..R 41453 (5.:;.,Ward for ",-eg_-s)\ILR 445,4 (RJ:a. N'wc, \LR 4459 (cT::trt,'r . \IUR 4474 (.%h,.r e'x:.te). MUR 44'7 P8.'DO-Ne'zv 'tofk), .MLR 4481 (D:.z"cr.J ?ar C.z,:s), MiUR 44S5 (Peoe/"92 Pettton Com'nittee'). MUR 4486 , .,ia':r C,':$,"'s MUR 4495 (Pr'yX:'zna PACE 'toFedora, I:'fc:!.\L'R44% (N:.,.x- £'rC'ss..\I'R 4497 (Pe._' f'r C"igress). MUR 4510 (5t N'ww, ,o _':-'s-l..UR 4511 (.A' &-"': '.1&.'' '~ N L'R 4514 (F-..':ds (',Fzns). MUR 4515 (CT,.tcn Intrestigat::er .-:..: ... :.. ;. 'R 452! ,, " AL 6.3)., .MUR 4525 (Senrator ga'r'y

'---.UR 45?' ...:'." 5.',*•. s:"UR 4'.4 {5g .t,'- P,' -::c: >,* -}.M "iR 4540 (7:". T!onson fc:r

NIUR 456:4 iNat~onial Rerublican Congressional Committee), MU'R 4567 (DNC % ,,es Corp }.MLR 45 z, (M,:C~o,,em Comttee), RAD 9%L-I 1 (New '..,v RemuI' i'i CcuiryC 'armt:e, Pre-ML'R 3.43 (.'

r,:,e i'v orxstraints, d~smisal ts the aplpropriate dispositior, ot this matter 9

We recommend that the Commission exercise its prosecutorial discretion and direct closure of the cases listed below, effective November 17. 1997. Closing these cases as of this date will permit CED and the Legal Review Team the neesr time to prepare closing letters and case files for the public record.

IlI. RECOMMENDATIONS. open a MUR, close the file effective November A. Decline to 17, 1997, and approve the appropriate letters in the following matters:

RAD 96L-l!l Pre-MUR 3 i2 Pre-MUR 349 Pre-MUR 343 Pre-MUR 350 RAID 97L-lO Pre-MUR 347 Pre-MUR 355 PAD 97L- 16 Pre-MUR 348 B3 Take no action. close the file etl'ectIve No ,ember 17. 1997, and approve the appropriate letters in the following matters:

MUR 4283 MUR 4495 MUR 4341 MUR 44%6 MUR 4569 NIUR 4402 MUR 4497 MUR 4586 MUR 4435 MUR 4510 MUR 4590 NILR 4439 NIUR 4511 MUR 4600 NIUR 4442 MtUR 4514 MUR 4612 MLUR 4444 MlUR 4515 NIUR 4615 NILR 4445 NIUR 4616 NILUR 4446 MlUR 4521 NIUR 4620 MUR 4447 NIUR 4525 MUR 4622 NIUR 4449 MUR 4527 NIUR 4628 NIUR 4453 bMUR 4536 NI UR 4629 NILR 4454 .IUR 4540 NIUR 4636 NIUR 4459 bMUR 4542 MUR 4637 NI UR 4474 NIUR 4552 NIUR 4639 NIUR 4477 MlUR 4554 MUR 4641 NIUR 4481 MlUR 4556 NIUR 4644 NIUR 4485 N IUR 4561 MIUR 4651 NLUR 4486 NIUR 4653 NIUR 4564 NIUR 4656 blUR 4567 NIUR 4657 .IUR 4494


In the Matter of ) Agenda Doceant No. 197-77 Enforcemenit Priority


I, MarJorie W. Emons, recording secretary for the

Federal Election Commission executive session on December 2,

1997, do hereby certify that the Commission took the follow- ing actions with respect to Agenda Document No. X97-77:

1. Decided by a vote of 5-0 to

A. Decline to open a MUR, close the file effective December 15, 1997, and approve the appropriate letters in the following matters:

1. RAD 96L-l1 7. Pre-MUR 347 8. Pre-NUR 348 3. RAD 97L-I0 9. Pre-MUR 349 4. RAD 97L-16 10. Pre-KUR 350 5. Pre-MUR 312 11. Pre-MUR 355 6. Pre-MUR 343

B. Take no action, close the file effective December 15, 1997, and approve the appropriate letters in the following matters:

MUR 4283 6. MUR 4442 MUR 4341 7. MUR 4444 MUR 4402 8. MUR 4445 MUR 4435 9. MUR 4446 MUR 4439 10. MUR 4447

(continued) Federaozl Zioction Comi~ssion Page 2 Certification: Agenda Dociment No. X97-77 December 2, 1997

11. MU1 4449 36. MWR4556 12. MUW 4453 37. MUW 4561 13. MUR 4454 38. HUR 4564 14. xmU 4459 39. MUW 4567 15. MWR4474 40. MUR 4569 16. MWR4477 41. MUR 4586 17. MWR4481 42. MUW 4590 18. MUR 4485 43. MUW 4600 19. MUR 4486 44. MUR 4612 20. MUR 4494 45. MUR 4615 21. MUW 4495 46. MUW 4616 22. MWR4496 47. MUW 4620 23. KUR 4497 48. MUR 4622 24. MWR4510 49. MUR 4628 25. MUR 4511 50. MUR 4629 26. MWR4514 51. MUW 4636 27. MWR4515 52. MUR 4637 28. MWR4521 53. MUR 4639 29. MWR4525 54. MUW 4641 30. MWR4527 55. MUW 4644 31. MUR 4536 56. MUW 4651 32. MWR4540 57. MUR 4653 33. MWR4542 58. MUW 4656 34. MUR 4552 59. MUW 4657 35. MUR 4554

and Thomas voted affirmatively for the decision.


Dqate I Se retary of the Commission 9 9


D)ecember 15, 1997


GarDJ LaPaille 489 Merchandise Mart Chicago, il.60654

RE MUR 4474

Dear Mr.LaPaille

On September 20, 1996. the Federal Election Commission received your complaint alleging certain ViOlations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended "the Act").

After considernng the circumstances of this matter, the Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion to take no action in the matter This case \ as e' aluated objecti~el. relative to other matters on the Commission's docket in light of the information on the record, the relative significance of the case, and the amount of time that has elapsed, the Commission determined to close its file in this matter on lDecember 15, 1 997 This matter will become part of the public record within 30 da\ s

The Act allows a complainant to seek iudicial re,,ieo of the Commission's dismissal of this action. See2IJlSC 437 igawSi

Sincercl .

.-Andrc ,,I ur!!/ Supern 1,,o'b ty{tornc,, (cniral I ntorcemeni l)oc'kci FEDitRAL ELECI ION COMMISSION

b' December 15, 1997

Michael A Da\,,son. t:q uire Bobby' R Burchfield. [:quire COV[NG TON & I!'RI.INGi 1201 Penns .l .ania A .enue Washington. D)C 20004

RE; MUR 4474 Al Salvi, Al Salvi for Senate Committee, Stephanie Mustell, as treasurer

Dear Messrs Day,son and Burchfield

On .September 2=6. 1996. the Federal Election Commission notified your clients of a complaint alleging certain .iolations of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. as amended A cop., of the complaint v~as enclosed with that notification

After considenng the circumstances of this matter, the Commission exercised its prosecutonal discretion to take no action against your clients This case ,,ase,,aluated objecti,,el , relati .e to other matters on the Commission's docket In light of the information on the record, the relative significance of the case, and the amount of time that has elapsed, the Commission determined to close its file in the matter on December l5. 1997

The confidentiality pro .isions of 2 ti S C 437glak 12) no longer appl' and this matter is no,., public In addition, although the complete file must be placed on the public record v,ithin 30 da ., this could occur at an, time folloving certification of the Commission's ',ote lf' ou sh to submit an . factual or legal material to appear on the public record. please do so as soon as ixwsible While the file ma be placed on the public record prior to receipt of your additional materials. an .permissible suhmi,,,ions, wll be added to the public record uhen. recei\ ed

if~ou have an . questions, please contact .Alka[F Smith on our toll-free telephone number ,X ,k,424-'453! ( ur !ocal telephone numbe.r i, i 21 _ lu34(9 i,


[? A'ndre.. lurl9 Supc.rx i,,orx A :orne', (Central I nt;reet[ )ocket FI DI RAL EL[ICI IO,% COMM ISSION

ISTr [a('DC U - 7

AT'E FILE CA'ERA no. 2.-- CfrE RAZ44N