Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1996 No. 97 Senate The Senate met at 8:15 a.m., and was We met in a casual way, as commuters 1745, the DOD authorization bill. Pend- called to order by the President pro on a train. A few years after that, Fa- ing will be a Nunn-Lugar-Domenici tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. ther Vaghi decided to continue his edu- amendment regarding terrorism, on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- cation and to seek to be a priest, and, which there will be 10 minutes of de- day’s prayer will be offered by our for three summers, while he was get- bate time remaining. guest Chaplain, Msgr. Peter Vaghi, St. ting educated, I had the luxury and Following the expiration or yielding Patrick’s Church, Washington, DC. privilege of having him work summers back of time, the Senate will proceed in my office. to a vote on or in relation to the Nunn- PRAYER I found him to be an extraordinary Lugar-Domenici amendment, to be fol- human being. As I saw his extraor- The guest Chaplain, Msgr. Peter lowed by a vote on a motion to invoke dinary qualities then, I am privileged, Vaghi, offered the following prayer: cloture on the DOD authorization bill, from a distance, to watch those ex- Let us pray: if necessary. Almighty God, we call upon You this traordinary qualities develop as he at- day. Make each one of us more deeply tempts in his ministry to lead people in If all debate time is used, Senators conscious of Your presence in our the way of the Lord. I am very grateful can expect those rollcall votes to occur midst and in our lives. Because of You, that he chose to come today, and I at 9:40 a.m. Rollcall votes are expected ‘‘we live and move and have our thank our Chaplain for inviting him. throughout the day on the DOD au- being.’’—Acts 17:28. O Lord, help us see I yield the floor. thorization bill, and a late night ses- sion is expected in order to complete You more clearly in all that we do and f are—particularly in this Chamber action on the bill. where laws are made. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME I yield the floor. It is Your law, after all, the law of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under love which You continue to inscribe on The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The the previous order, the leadership time distinguished Senator from Wash- our hearts which alone gives us peace. is reserved. Lifting our hearts and voices to You, ington, [Mrs. MURRAY] is recognized to f we pray on this June day that ancient speak for up to 10 minutes. Hebrew psalm: ‘‘O Lord, great peace MORNING BUSINESS Mrs. MURRAY. Thank you, Mr. have they who love Your law.’’—Psalm The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under President. 119. the previous order, there will now be a As servants and guardians of the law period for the transaction of morning f on Earth, give us that peace in abun- business not to extend beyond the hour dance. Fill us with Your peace and of 9:30 a.m., with Senators permitted to SYMPATHIES TO THE FAMILIES love, a love which makes us ever more speak therein for not to exceed 5 min- OF UNITED STATES SERVICE sensitive and vigilant to You and Your utes each. PERSONNEL IN SAUDI ARABIA presence in those we are called to Mr. HATFIELD addressed the Chair. serve. Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, let me Almighty Father, continue to en- f just take this opportunity to extend to courage us in all our humble efforts RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING the families of the young men and carried out in Your life-giving name. MAJORITY LEADER women who lost their lives, and who Amen. were injured in Saudi Arabia a few Mr. DOMENICI addressed the Chair. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The days ago, my heartfelt thoughts and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Oregon is recognized. prayers. able Senator from New Mexico. f It is certainly our duty to protect f SCHEDULE those who we send overseas to protect APPRECIATION TO MSGR. PETER Mr. HATFIELD. On behalf of the Re- us, and we cannot allow terrorist ac- VAGHI publican leader, I would like to indi- tivities to threaten the lives of our Mr. DOMENICI. Mr. President, I rise cate, as the Chair already stated, this young Americans. to thank Msgr. Peter Vaghi for leading morning there will be a period for I really want to commend the Presi- the Senate in prayer this morning and morning business until the hour of 9:30 dent this morning for his strong and to tell the Senate that Reverend Vaghi a.m. Following morning business, the swift action, and again extend my and I have been friends for a long time. Senate will resume consideration of S. deepest sympathies to those families. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7067 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:33 Jun 20, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA16\1996_F~1\S27JN6.REC S27JN6 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S7068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 27, 1996 MFN TRADE STATUS FOR CHINA wan Straits and in the Spratly Islands. changing China, we are having an im- Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, I come China is a nuclear power and maintains pact on China today. The next genera- to the floor today to discuss most-fa- a permanent seat on the U.S. Security tion of Chinese leaders will not be So- vored-nation trade status for the Peo- Council. The prospect of China assum- viet trained engineers like the current ple’s Republic of China. The Congress ing the leadership role in Asia has the leaders. Rather, they will be American is set to begin the sixth annual review entire region rattled. Most events in and Western educated; familiar with of China’s trade status. In my mind, Asia—including North Korea, the ex- the United States and receptive to the this is one of the most important pansion of ASEAN, and talk of Japan ideals we preach. Each year, thousands issues, one of the most important de- forming an Army—are all related to of Chinese university students experi- bates the U.S. Senate will undertake and impacted by China. Asia is looking ence America. Every major university this year. This is the first in a series of for signs that the United States will re- in this country is engaged in a quiet di- remarks I will make regarding the im- main an active and engaged player in plomacy that will pay democratic divi- portance of United States-China rela- the region. The United States role in dends for decades. tions. It is my hope that the Congress Asia remains fundamental to United U.S. law enforcement personnel, and this country can begin to view our States strategic and economic secu- judges and legal scholars are aiding in China relations in the broadest possible rity; we are a stabilizing force in Asia the development of the rule of law in terms. Whether we like it or not, our and we must continue this peaceful China. United States Customs per- future interests are intertwined with role. sonnel are assisting the Chinese to im- China. And today’s choices will greatly Some in this country, as a result of plement accepted international trade influence whether our interests coin- China’s military expansion and bellig- norms. American students and univer- cide or collide. erent threats against Taiwan, argue sity professors are scattered through- This month many Americans took that the United States should take a out China interacting with fellow stu- time to remember the Tiananmen more adversarial, confrontational ap- dents and academics, local government Square massacre and the horrible proach to China. We borrowed and leaders, and the business community. events of 7 years ago. Tiananmen spent several trillion dollars to win the Cultural, athletic, military, and sci- Square forever changed the China de- cold war. I think it is foolish to listen entific exchanges are all quietly open- bate in the Congress and in this coun- to those who preach another cold war ing China up to the world. try. This year, on June 4, a young for this country. We owe our children, I recently had a young man from woman was dragged from Tiananmen indeed the children of the world, more China visit my office. He graduated Square by the police for placing a bou- than a second cold war confrontation from a Chinese university in 1980 and quet of yellow chrysanthemums near that will take valuable and limited re- was assigned to a work unit as a teach- the Memorial to the People’s Heroes. sources away from food and shelter, er. As Deng’s economic reforms began, To this day, the Chinese leaders fail to education, health care, and the oppor- this young man was one of the first recognize that actions like this only tunity to prosper in peace. Chinese nationals to leave his work serve to remind the international com- Rather than view China as a threat unit for employment with a foreign in- munity of the ongoing struggle for per- to the United Stats, we must view vestor.