







tÁARCrr 1969 a


Vo}¡ne IÏ




v:f. ITIIJSTA.NTIONS Figures 1-58

Maps 1-10 5+7


(Collections v¡ithout j¡rd-ication of provenance or from cu1- tivation aro not includ.ed.. Ror.¡nd. brackets i¡rd.icate tho d.ate of coflection v¡here a colloctorts mmber is not given'

and- braokets on the co]l-ectÌon label. Square brackets

j¡d.icate d-ata not present or occurrirrg ilconsistently on

herbarium collections, )

Àthero sDerma moschattun l"abi]l" subs'p. j:rtegrj-foliÌ¡ì1 (À.Cr:nn.ex Tu1' )Scnoaae Botche (x.18!l): NS\T: fentworth Faflsr Boornan (iii.f9f5): NST: Blact

constabl_e (f7.i.r95O): I{SvT: Blackheath. constable 27.i.:1¡90+): lüS$: tr'erLoral Falls, Lavrson. -A. C'nni¡reha¡n iI82+" þv,t826): K[x 2], SING: Bluo Mou¡rtains. Deane (ii.faae ): IÆì1,: Katoomba. Duff JlE: [El': Iøchlan d'istrict' Iary (ZO.iv.I95l): NSI{: Gunini, Upper Maru:ing river' - O'D'E' l.-

Evans,l I92O: C.ANB: Mi¡nehaha Falls, Katomba. [Forsyth] iittaia- on] (t7,vii:_.1899, viii.f899): LY, NSw, IIS: Ja¡rieson Val1ey; BIue r.Tent- lr{or:ntajns¡ Forsyth (, viii.f899): NSIT, US: worth Fal-Is- trbancis çi.fff+): BRI, I\t51-{: Blue Mor¡ntains trþaser (3.víä,f927): NStl: ilentworth Fa11s. tr'raser (29.:-.f928'): flß

l{S-í: Bami¡gton Tops¡ L.R.F. & J.'v¡.V. [= Sraser & Vickery] (viii.l9lo): CAItrB: BamÍngton- Top. trlraser & Vickery (Z.t"t%4)l NSï'I: Bamington Tops, Gregson (viii. l]2O): IVSH: between

Mt.Ifilson a¡rd Mt.Irvi¡re IIa¡iifton (xii.1901): BRI: Katoomba.

Harrison (¡.tgZS): NSIT: Ba^rzington Tops ÏIayes

(28.:x.L96I): COtrT'S: Hore Svranp, Gloucester- Rd."

i= road.]. Ùfaid.en (iii.f899): NSiji: Iientworth Fal1s¡ llcÐonald. J7: NSTI: Kl¡olwha CI<. [= creek], Barrington lops- McDonald. (i.t955): COEFS: Pheasant G<. [= creek], Barrington Tops. Schoclde 3211: A, AD, CAÌ¡B, L, IüilT, TillLT: east Barrirgton lops.

Story 7l+192 CANB: Barri-ngton Tops. Iühite 11601: BRI: Banington Tops. IÏoolls (fgAZ)¡ l[ET,: BIue Mountaj¡rs. subsp. moschal!¡a

a¡rors¡m. (t.i.l:g}j): trIEL: Sassafbas Gu11y. anor¡Jm, (g.ii"fgO5): MEL: Healesvills. anor\)no. (4.i¡i.f9)7): MEL: Sassaflas Dis-

trict. R.M.? -(iv.I924)z X: Crad.l-e Mor¡ntai¡r. anorСn.:

lßL 31762 1\¡mat [= tirlut] River, aåonJ¡rn.: MEL tlj7, 31382

near Mt. Kosciuskor _- anonJm,: B0: East Gippsland., anorСm.:

rR.r 821: probably Ilpper Yama. anorÐm.: BRr o52o5o, rIS 260-186z

Dand.enong ranges anorg¡m.: IVIEL 3157.. Dand.enong¡ anorÐrur": IIEL J160, 3L6rz Kings [= Kitrs] rs1and.. anonJrn.: -Fitr 82þ Tasmania. Archer: A, MEI 1174, lfSf.i: V.D.L. f= Van Diements T€''d. Tasmania]¡ = Aston 598: A, AÐ, l[El, US: Hardy GuIlï, Da:rd.enong ?anges.-. Atkinson 10O: A, CAIiIB: near 3ernfu. 51+9

A. Sjmson: BRï: Blue Tier (Iar:nceston). Ar.rdas (iv.f9O7): MEL:

Sassafbas Gully. AurLas & l.ühite (18.i.1!21):-- BRI: powell Mtn. [- nountain]. Bäuerlen 1J9: IûEL: Delegate District. Bar-rr (15.i.1951):- COtrFS: Roses Tier, T. [- Tasnania]. Blyth (fgZ+): MEL: Hone¡rwood. Briggs (B.i.J:92B): NSIT:- I¿ke St. Clair. R. Brown (fAOZ-¡): K, NSÌl: port Jackson & Derwent R.

f= river]o :: Bufton 37¿ IßLz Bathr¡rst Harbour. 3236: CAIIB: National Park [= Mt. Field], lasnaniâ¡ Cagol1 (16.xü.1965): CBG: Bend.oc toward. Orbost. Carrol-l- (21.xii.I96D)z cBG: Mt.I{argaret Gap toward. Lake Mou¡taj¡r playgror:nd. (lvla:rysville d.istrict)¡ ca¡rolI (21.xii.196Ð: cBG: cr.¡nberlar¡cl Fal1s. Ca.l.r^oIL (f6.iv.f966):- CBG: Tmahald< Gap, Beenak Carter (10.i.1!26): IR.f: Powelltowno Clj¡rton 1:x.f9f9): trR.I: Mitta Mitta. Cogtrill (23.í.1908)- (fgo8): BO, Ll: Launchi::g place.

Comber I5+7: l

CANB, H0: Forth Falls, east of lÏilnotr Davis & DavÍs (tO.i.t937): l6'J: Gord.on River, Tasmani¿. Dea¡re- (i.r9oo): NSI[: Blacks Spt¡¡, Vi-ctoria. d.e Beuzeville (xii.I9]9): IilSlT: Goobragandra River. de Beuzevilte (r7.xíi.rJJ2): FRT [xei, n*l: Glenbog istate Forest] [ca B m. S.E. of Njmitabel] frnmett: MEL: 550

Circular Head-; Tond. (B¿i-;I959): Milïi Crossing

(N¿t¡'. of Mt.Kosciusko) trbaser (lOli.r. 19lB): NÍii,ü¡ Geehi R;

[= river] o:rossi¡g on Alpi¡e ITay. trbench jnr. (xi.l887): l{S'f,f: Kingts [= fing] Isbnd. Gates- 1la: fulEÎ,: Goulbor:rne River, lvlarSrsvill Gunn (1O.viü;1819): GH, K, L, STIVG, US [x2]:

Base of lvft,'lîellilgton; lasrnania¿ Grmn (Z¿i.18ål): I'iSY[: of Inke st.cIajr, eunn (1842, !Bt+3, 1844): B, GH, K, L, NSI[:

Ci¡cular Head. gunn (f850): LT: Oceania, Tasmania. Hauschilde (lii.19OB)i }ßtr Thorpdaleo Hooker (Jl;viii;IBJ+O): GH, K: IGngaroo Bottom; Tasmania. - Ising (¡, .+n[xZ]: Sassafras. Johnson (fUi.f9+9): NS'!T: National Park

(Ut.l'ieta), îas, [=Tasn'rania].- Jo]rnstone þ MEL: picton River ant l¿ke Ped.der. I(a¡rser -(1BBl): I,IEL: Mt.Bishop¡ Kenrgr (fgfO): BRI¡ t-Iaratah (Tas. [= Tasrnarria]). Ifirag (1906):- ]ISII: Sealers Cove (lfilsonrs Èomontory). : -Labillard.ière: A, BM, GH, K, lßL: Nova [or Nouv.] ttollanaia. Langley (Zt*iv.t964): IB.I: Coqna. Long 6!0: CÂIVB: }[Êt1e- Gu1ly, Mt..,?e11i_ngton. Iuoas (i.fgOf): MEL, 16lï: Ha¡tz Mts, [- mor:ntains]. -I¡rcas (¡x.tgzl): lisri: Mt.ìIe1ljr¡gton Mt. Li¡rd.on. Maiclen (üi.r9o8): l{si-[: Reeherche Bay, Tasnania. \Iaza¡,r,c (z5.ui¡i.r96+): c.alrlB:

Neerim sth, [= south] area, Gippsland. Menah (i.r8gz): r{EL: near trft. 811ery, east Gippslancl. Ir{errah (ili-.1887): MEL: near Mt. ElJ-ery Milligan 1lO: BRI, mf, [x]], NSJ: Tasnania. l,fleller (iv.fg5J): MEL: Mt. Disappoi-ntmento Irtt¡el1er (v.IB5J): - 55L MET,: Mt. Disappointment Mueller (v.18!J): MEL: Sealers Cove. Mueller (v5-íi.1854): K, trlIEI, [xZ]: Sealers Cor¡e. illuelLer (i.f874): I,,mf,: Upper Hrllre River. L[r¡eller: MET,: Aus- trali¿ feljx [= Victoria]. Muell-er: -US: Gippsland.. Muír JO: IvIEL: Kal-lista, Nerrbon- (x.1916): MEL: Buffalo -Hospice, Pitcher (B.i.t9IZ): I{EL: 'ilarbr:rton¡ Pitcher (29.oäi. 19l-:6): n4EL [x2]: Ifarbr:rton P¡ror (v.L957):- CBG: Bnown Mtn. [- Ittountairr]. (21.v.1880): MEL: Tilba Tilba area. -: Rod.way (25.uíü.194O): NStrT: Ifi¡rtle GuILy, Mt. -rJe11ington.

Rodway (xii.L9lù: NS\T: tr'orth Fa1ls. Rudder (23.:*,L892): NS\T:

Mt.ì,Ie1lington. Schod.d.e JI86z ¿., A.D, B, EH, BRI, C.A¡IB, K, L,

MEL, IrtrS\T, NE: -HearLwaters of Ðon River, Donr¡a Buang Range 31892 AÐ, C/rl[B, MEL: Cement Creek, I niles north of itarbur- ton. : Schodde 1I9O: A, AÐ, BRI, CAI{B, L, }ffiL¡ Cement fueek, 4 miles north of Ïíarburton. : Schod.d.e 32ß: A, A.D, C.AIIB, L, NSW, r¡-trEl,Î: Gully between Geehi and I(trancoban. Schod.d.e 32492 CANB: between Sassafbas and. Oli¡rda. J2jO: C/,J[B, L, 16lT: lnoml . Schod.d.e 3381: -¿., AD, B, C.AI{B, L, I{SW, \'IELT: Brown Mountain, c. 15 miles east of Nj-nmitabel. Schodd.e 3382: A, AÐ,

B, 80, BRI, C, CAIüB, E, G, L, NSI-.¡, p, PlüH,- SING, UC, US, f{, ilET,I: Sctrod.tle Bnovrn l[ountail, c. 15 miles east of NjnnitabeT. .f{, AD, B, CANB, E, G, L, IISïI', SI¡IG, IIELT: Brown Mountaín,-/33\jz c. 15 niles east of Nj¡n-ritabel. Schod.d.e 33Btç A, ÂD, B, 80, 3R.f, CÄ¡tB, E, G, L, IiSW, PNH, SING,- UC, US, lllELT: Brovrn Mountail, c.1! miles east of

Ndnnitabel. 33852 A¡ AD, B, BO, ¡RI, CANB, E, g, L, - 552 lüS"ñ, PNH, SING, UC, TIEIT: Brown Mountaj¡rr c.15 ¡ni1es east of Ni¡slit- abeI. Schod.d.e 11952 A, AÐ, Br 3H,80, BR.I, c' GAI{B, E, G, K, L,

ì{EL, NS'IT, P, PNH, SING, UC, US, T'f, 1'-{ELT, Z: Erov'rn Mountain, c.$ miles east of Ni¡rmitabel. Schod-d-e 33962 Ar AÐ' CANB, L, I{S!T, I'iELT: Brown Mountaj¡rr c.15- nil-es east of Nii¡¡mitabel. Schod.d.e

3402? A, Ð, B, BO, CAITB, E, G, T.,' NS\f, SING, UC, T'IEI-ÍI: Bnown

Mountai-n, c.15 miles east of Ni-mmitabel-. Schod.d.e 3l+úz C-AI\B,

HO: c. 1 mile east of Hastings Caves. Schod''J.e 3Û22 A, ¿Ð, B,

GÁlüB, E, G, HO, L, tri"ELT: c. 1mile east of Hastings Caveso

Schod.ôe 3]uJ:6¿ AÐ, CAI{B' H0, Il: c, l uril-e east of Hasti:egs Caves-

Schodcle 3lÊOr A, Æ, CAI\IB, H0, L: lower east slopes of Mt.Velljrtg- ton. SchocLd.e fu2ft: CAIVB, H0: Nonth-east slopes of Mt.Barrov'¡. - Schod.d-e 3lÊ52 C3,NB: North-east slopes of Mt, Barrol. 3lP6¿ GAIüB, H0: North-east slcpc: of Mt. Barrow.

Schod.d.e 3tÊ72 CI\IüB: No:rth-east slopes of Mt, Bamow. Schod-de

3439: A, ÁD, B' BO, C.AI{B, L, NS-ir, W, \-[ELT: Bnown Mountai:r, G- 15 miles eest of Nimmitabel. Schodd.e j)lPz GANB, I\SVI, L: B¡covrn

Mor:rrtaÍnn c. 15 nj-les east- of Nimmitabel. Schod.d.e 3ßU CAITIB: Þown Mor:ntai.:r, c. 15 mj-l-es east of Nimmitabel.- Schod.d.e 3ìßIz CAM, CHR, L, NSlf: Bnown }tlorrntain, c. 15 niles -east of Nimmitabel.

Schod.d.e ¿+181¡ A, AÐ, B, 80, BRI, CAÀIB, C¡lR, G, L, ImL, NS'[-{, P,

SI¡TB, UG, US, trT, trTELl: Brorun &lountainr c. 15 miles east of Njmmitabel-.

Schodde 4185: A, CAI\IB, T,, NS\T: Brovrn MountaÍn, c. 15 mìles eàst of Nj-nnitabel. 5J-782 GAIIB, DS: east slopes of - 553 Brown Mountaj:r, ca. 1l ni-Ies east of Nimrnitabel. R.V.S" [= Snith] (i*"f9¡+): MEL: Sherbrool*e Forest - Dandenong- Ranges.

Staer (iv.flff): NSïI: Upper Yana. Stirì-ing: .11Ð:

Mitta Mitta. Stuart J15: MEL [x2]: [fanks of] fMersey River]. Sul-liva¡r (f88l): mf,: Ferntree gullies [= euUy] south. Tesd.al1: IUEL: þers River, N. Gippsland, Îisd.a11 16: MEL:

South sid.e of Mt. Balr Baw; þers river near- Bav,¡ !¿yy. [Ver- reatrr 7l9lz ffxZ], US: [Nov.Ho11. = Nova Hol]-andia] [tasnania].- : IÍalter (fgZO): MEL: Mt. E11ery, GippsJ-and. C."[.[= \¡{alter] (x.189L): BRf: DividSlg ?anges, Victoria, - lïa1ter (xi.IB9B): ITISTI: Divid.i¡g Ranges fnear Geelong] herb. 'tïa1ter (rgoz): T,Y: , Victoriâ. Iüalters; Mueller: ,3H: Sealers Cove. Watterston (2.ix,I922):- ùlEL: Nyora. \tebb 3j32: BRI: I{ellts Gates, Mt. n¡rowsurith. lÏeind.orfer O/531r: Vn¡,z Don river Tlhite BJ15: BRI: Mt. Field. Nat. [= Natiorrat] lart, Tasnani-a. lTi11ia¡nson (xi.i.1914): MEL, NSIT: Sassafbas t7ill-ia¡¡son

(x.1930): UC: 1\¡¡tonrs Creek. lïillia¡rson: MEL: l¡ m1. [= nile]

G.. f = Oneek] Ifarbr.¡rtonr Tïill-ianson: l[EL: Ðandenong¡

lÏillis (tl.i.lg+6): ivlEl,:- Bariks of Big River (between Mts. Bogong- and. Nelse ).

Daplpelfue._stalgþ Schoclde

anorgtm. 10: Ii,lEL: Baileyrs Tírnber valei Mt.Mistakê¿ anory¡m. J6t

ÌvfÐÏ,: scnrbs on the Pi¡te riverc : anorgrm. B! l? C.Moone]:-. MEL:

Tweed river. anonJm..: BRI: .Ama.moor Forest Srrzwey Camp. 554 ano4Jrn. [ff] [Z C.ltaser]: IEt 3189, J2AIz Moreton Bay.- at]onJrrn.: BRI: Killarney anonJrm. [rZ]t BO [x2, p.p.], MEL J188, 3197, 3198, 32L2, 3213, J2IB'. Glarence River. F.M.B. [= eaitey] (7.i.1876): BRf: 3 m. l= rni1e1 Scrub ¿ Bailey (F.M.B.): RI, lr2l, NS!Ï, IIS: Enoggera Creek; 3 m. [=- nile] Scrub, Enoggera 6beek. Bailey (xi.1875): BRI, NSW: 3 rt. [= nile] Scrub, Bancroft (:'ii'189¿+): t6lf: Enoggera' EnogÍra freek; Enoggera. Bäuerlen (viii.18!6): AD, NSIT: Nen'rxrbar. Boorna¡r (ffo+):

US: Ellenboror:gh Fa11s¿ Boorrnan (vi.f9f5): I[Sú, IIS: ]Ti-ng-

I1a.¡a. .- R. Bnovrn: K, MEl,- [x2], fUSTf: Patersonts River. Butler: n{EL: Macleayrs River. Ca.nbage 1778: NSti': l'4r¡nurrrund.i L= I[ur- rurund.i]. Carrol (f2.v.7967): CtsG: Mt, Cord.eaux, Cunni-ngha.urs

Clemens t+31+)+92 A: Mt.Mistake. Clemens (:-.f945):

-AÐ, BRI, lZrf , T,, UC: Mt. Glorious. Clemens (üi.f947): UC: Motrnt Ta^mbor:rine. @ Cbawford- (xj-i.1884):- IEL: Moona River,

Ttral-cha. d.e Beuzeville JçOO: trR.I: CrAven. d.e Beuzeville 735'. tp¿ [x2]: Craven S"F. [= State Forest]¡ d.e Beuzeville 74O: trR.I: Craven State Foresto d.e Beuzeville:- trRI: f-nbril- [: = lnlil]. Dod.ds 960: ¡nt:-- KiJ-larney tunn 69: USw: Acacia creek -via Killarney. Dunn (ii.t9O5): NIIII: Acacia Ctk [= Cleek]¡ Earp (ri.l95ù:- I,tSlT: Blackbutt Reserve, New Ï¡mbton. trÞancis- (:-ii-.f92O): BRI: Forestry Resernre, &ru Vale trþancis lxi.f9ZO): A, BRI, SING, UC [x2]: tr[acpherson range, rìea.r tuu Vale. L. Fraser (viii.I92ï): All-yn R. [= river] Valley, 555 trbaser & Viclcery G91ù: NSli: Upper lililliams River. Fitzgerald (1876): MEL ["5]: Hubeys Creek, McLeay River. Floyd. (1.x.1958): COFFS: Chapmans Plai¡s' trboggatt (3,1*.$26)z

NS|II: St¡nc River. Hayes (l.x.tgSg): COFtrS: Buad.agen. Hill: K, IüEL: Moreton- Bay. _- Hodgþinson [f8]: ]dEL [x2]: [Monal- tree]rR.R. [= ] Jackson (vii,19u): I{Sü: yloolooma, Bell¡'ees Jones (viii.1947): BRI: Moore Park nr. [= near] I(yogle Jones 19962 C.A.ldB: ll?rian 1lll:ian. Jones 2129: CANB: lïhian Tühian. I-an 76222 A, L: Mt, Glorious-

T.a¡mence 86J6ÆÀ: I{s'r: urunga. lov¡e 5: NS-J: Dorrigo' - Mc.8'rlir'fe (i-19rr): IrIsr: casino. c' Moore lJ: llsïi: üi'lsonrs Greek, Lis¡rore District. [C.] nloore +5. MEL [x2]: Clarence river. C. Moore 167: mL, ¡lST: Ilorani, RichmonrL River' lf .1. Moore )aJ6z BRI: G¡rnpier Nicholson (27.vüi.f9Ç7): FRI: Casca.deo 11rllen 37612 AD,- BRI, CÂl[3, K, 1,, ]ÉTi: iiiill-i¡¡ls Ríver valley near- Barrington House. Rodway (t8.viii.f%5): NS:[f: Upper ,,iillj-ams Ríver, Rud.d-er J.6: I\IS\T: .'lj.nghan. :: Rupp (ix.l:9?J): l{ST: Sungwrål - Bullad.elah road-. nupp (þ.viii"1924): IrÉ1T: Bullardatr [= lultaae1ah]¡ Rupp (2.x.IYt4): l{S'!i: Bland- ford. nr. f = near] l,[r¡:ru::r¡nd.i. - Russel (f9fi): COF!'S: I{yogle Subd.istrict, Sarrnd.ers (6"ii.f9?J):- A, BRI: Forest Reserve 399, mu Vafe.- Schod.d.e 1197: À, Æ, B, BISH, CAI{B, L, NSl[' P, \TELT: lTill-ia¡ls River near Barrj¡rgton Guest Houser -: Schod.d.e J2OO: Â, AÐ, CAIIB, L, NSil{, IIELT: '!Ti11i¿rns River neer Bamington Guest 556

House.- Schod.d.e 33632 .4., -ÍD, BRI, CANB, L: Sa¡abatr Range, c. L2 miles south of Canulgrà. Schod.d.e 33752 A, .AÐr B, BRI, C-{1¡IB, E, G, l, PNH, STf{G, IfELT: of Lanington National Park. schod-d.e (and Heyes) 353& A, aÐ, B, CAI\IB, cotrTs, cIlR, K, L, I\B\T, ïÍELT: betryeen Blicks river arrd. Cloud.s Creek. Schod.d.e (and.

Hayes) 3537: CANB, L, NSIT: between Blicks River and Clor:d-s Creek.

¿ Schod.èe (and. Hayes) l54O: CANB, L, NSI'[: Chapnuns Plai¡rs area. (and Hayes) 3il'Jr A, A.D, cAIvß, coFFS, L, llSiT: Chapnans

Plains area, Schodd.e 3543t A' BRI, CAI{B' CIIR, I, NSII: Mount

çIoríous, DtAguilar range Schodd.e (and. Hayes) 1577r AD, CAÀIB,

COIT'S¡ L, IISIT: trRed- Scrubrr, IIJrian ltrhia¡i State Foreste Schod.d-e

5114"! A, CA¡IB, ClfR, K, L, NStrT: Vinghan Brush, Ilfughan'- Schod-d.e

JL2O: A, Æ,Bil, C.êNB, C,TIR' COI{C, E, G, K, L, T,AI, iUELr ¡JS!í, P, SI¡IG, IÌS, \TELT: below Ror^rleyrs Trig, Dingo State Forest

Schod-de 51232 A, .AÐ, B, BH, 80, BRI, C,lWß, CIIR' GONC, Er FI, G, K,

T,, LA3, fulEll, NSIT, P, PNH, PRE' Sg0, SING' UC, IJS' Yf, \-rl"ELT: CIay road-,

Doyles River State Sorest 5L362 A, .AÐ, CAÀIB, GIÍR,

CONG, K, L, NS1,¡: Forestry, Mt.Boss State Forest. Shirley

1: NSfil: Tambourine norurtaj¡r Stotly 69302 Ci'iIrlB, itISlT; I niles S.'if. [- south-west] of l{r,¡¡runrndi. : Story 73l-51 CåIrIB, IJS: 19 miles N.N.IT. [- north-ncæth-west] of DungoS. Tracey ÐþIt CANB: -:- Coxrs Rd.. [= road-], îoonunbar S.F. f = State Forest]. Îu¡ner (väi.1!6[): CANB: The Oakes State Fæest. Upton (28.x.1961): CAIIB: Tooloom Scrub ifeatherhead. !68: ERI: Iinbil. Webb - 557

(ii.fl+l): G.AI[B: Mt.Glori-ous. lTebb 2006: CA]üB: Dnaperts Crossilg, nr. [= near] Brisbane- T'febb 5090: CANB: Brookfield..

C .T .Irlhite (v,1!1/): BRI [x2] : Ta:nbot¡ri¡re Mt G .T .îûrite (v.1920):.4.[x2], nRT [x2]: I/lt. Glorious. C.1.i-fhite (xi.1920): A, BRI: Mistake Range C.T.ïitrite (3."i.f926): BRI: Üpper Brookfield. 6884: BRI: top of Mt,Mitchell. C.T.llhite :-l:-:-7'. BRI [x4]: ],[t. ê1oriotls. N.H.lThj-te (vii.i.f%3)t.- CAITIB: BarrÍngtono : 'iTilcox: B0 p.p., -ffiL J2IOI Clarence River. -tlilcox: B0 p.p., ffiL t2I+., J2I6z Clarence river.

æDaohnand¡a .iohnsonii Schod-d.e Hervey (i-.fg¡g)r K: Kialra. Juda (23.x.I95i): NSTI: Mj¡namurra Falls. Johnson & Constable;- Hayes (7.ix.t96O)¿ CAI\¡B, COtrT'S, L,

ItrSlT: Spt'i¡rg Cleek, I m. [= mile] I'[ f = west] of Kiam&¡ McBanon 12959: CANB, IùSTII: Yel1ow Roclc Creel<, Albion Fark. - Schod.d.e 3475:

CAI{B, L, NSW: Miru:a lûr.rrra Fa1ls neserve. Schod.d.e 5167¿ CAI{ß,

CIIR, K, L, NSlf: YeLlow Rock creek, south-west of /¡-lbion Park.

Schod.d.e 5IB3: CAIIB, ÐS, NSIT: Ye1low Rock creek, south-west of .A.lbion Park.

Daphnand.ra nelasmena SchocLd.e

anonJnû. (i.l96Z)t CÆIB [x2]: Oakes S.Fo f = State Forest]. IT.B. Bäuerlen] A, MEL, US: Tintenbar¡ : Hayes & Turrrer 2: [= 515: - CANB: Red Scnrb, \ïhian $Ihian. Jonos 23322 C.ANB: llhia¡ llhian.

Schod.d.e (and Ïlayes) 35232 /i., AÐ, B, cAl{B, CIIR, 0OFFS, G, KrI,, NSüf, !'J'ELT: Vicinity of Forestry Hut, Oaks i= Oakes] State Torest. 558

Schod.c.c (and. Hayes) 3521+: c/:Itr¡, L, NS1T: Vicinity of Forestry Hut, Oaks [= Oakes¡ Sttt" Forest. Schoclèe (anf Haye s) 35252 A, Æ, B, Ci'üÐrCtlR, COFFS, G, L, NS[f, TûELT: Vicinity of Forestr¡r fut, Oaks [= Oakes] State Forest¡ (ancL llayes) 357+. A, ÅD, B, CANB, CHR, COFFS, G, K, -IçyO, L, NSIT, 1T, tr'IELT: c. I mí1es south-v¡est of i\,fir11unbimby. Schoctde (a.rrd liayes) 35752 ./\, ¿Ð, B, I'Red' BLT, C.AI{B, C}IR, COIFS, G, L, }trSl' US, TüELT: Scnrbtrby Rocþ

CreeJr, ffhian llfhian State Fonest. Schodd.e 3579'. A' CAM, CIÍR'

COFFS, L, NS[t: BelJ-inger river, c. B ni]-es west of Bellingenr Young (i.l-.9lrZ): NSIT: TÏollongbar. -

Daphnandra nicrantha (tt t. )Benth.

arlor\)m. J: MEL: Carod.en lIaven near Port Macquarie¡ anon¡rm. 68 [C. Moore?]: IvlEt: [= Lansd.ov'rne] Rive - ano4)ÆI. fC. Moore ?]: IrfEt l1B7: Port Macquarie. Bailey 78: NSÌT: Forster Kendallr' Kendall- district. Boo:man (x.1!O!): MEL, N5-fi, UC: iTtughan. Boo::man (xi.1915): BRI, NST: S. [=$outh] Bro- ther, Johns River. Cle1anrl (B.i.fgJJ): NS\T: T'Íinghar:r.

Cousi¡rs (viii.I957): BELANGRY: Quarry Road., BelangtSr S.F,

[= State Fcnest]. Cousj¡s (x.f958): BELAJVGRY, C./ili[B: Bottle- brush Creek near lop Seven Road. fBelangry State Forest]. C. trbaser: OXF, P: Ba¡ks of the Hastings [river]; Port Jacl

(1J.*i.1894): l$TI: Ytingharn. Schod.d,e 5I3Bz A, CA]., K, L, NSEü:

.Bottlcbn:sh Creek a.rea, Belangry State Forest. Schod.d.e 514f:

GÀ¡trB, K, L, NS\-T: Bottlebrush Creek area, Belangry State Forest.

Schocld.e 5Iú2.4., ÁÐ, B, BRI, C.AI{B, CHR, CONC, E, G, K, T,, trml' I{ST[, 0]S', P, US, Tf: Hastings Forestry Ïlighway, ca. I railes north

of Belangry Fonestry Office 5I5l+: A, AÐ, BRI, CAIüB,

CTIR, CONC, K, l, IìSV[: Kend.all-Combo¡me road., ca 6 niles east of

Combo¡me Schod.d.e 5156: A, CANB, K, L, l6trf: south slopes of

Combo¡me Plateau, ca 10 niles south of Conbo¡me. pqæþ4qlf4{e__q9pe@þ (F, Muell-. )r. lruett. anorÐnn. (iv.t959): ATIIERTON: R.J10 [= Gaa.garra Forest Reserve]. anonJrn. fForestry Dept,, N.QI(l. ] (fg."ii-,I95O): C.A]üB: Gadgarra, anonJ¡n. [F.D. = Forestry Departuent?] (t1.".f96f): CANB: Barron,{.Bai-ley (1S77): trfEI,: Tri-nity Bay. F.M.Bailey: }6'!ü:

Mourilyan Ha¡bor¡r. herb. F.M"Bailey: AD:- Ka.rnerunga J.F.Bailey (vi.1899): BRI [x2]: Atherton [a evefyn Districts]. Bancroft: À, BRI, MEL, I{S.[: [near Gerald-ton], Johnstone River. B¡rass 2O25Oz L: Upper Panot CreeJ<, .Annan River. Dallachy

(10,v.1868): BRf , MEL, NS!T: fOafr¡rrrpfe Gap], Rooki-ngtram Bay. Diels 8299: BRI, P: Cai-rns, trÞancis (iii.I%2): BRf: Gad-gana,- Atherton TabJ-elando : Gord.on (x.f![O): BRI:

Hai¡res (l-4-iv.I937)z Kz Athenton Plateau. Ið¡]-and (zz.äi.r96L):

ÀTHERÎON: Forest Reserrre 1B!, Danbulla. Jones ILIO: CAITIB¡

lfongabel. Manuell 22: BRT: Ravenshoeç Martin (1944): BRI, - 560

lvfEl,: Maland.a Ðistrict; Maland.a, .fitherton Tableland. McAd.a,¡n: B.R.I: Atherton Table1aruL McKee 9\64: CAIIB, IrlSTi: Davies Creek (Itareeba District)o _* Mugford. (fggg): BRI: Mourilyan Harbor:r.

Ryley I5B9z CAITIB: Yfongaìiel. Schod.d.e 32il+: A, AÐ,

.LTIÛRTON, B, BO, BRr, C/\Iü8, E, G, L, P, PNH, SING, WELT: Gadgarra

Forest Reserve, c. 6 miles east of l¿ke Eacham. Schod.d-e 32582

A, -AÐ, I\TIIERTON, B, BRI, CAI{B, G, L, P' SING, TiEf,T: Tforrgabel Forest Reserve, c. 7 miles south of Athert Schodd.e 32772 BRI, CAIÍB:

Moomi¡r Fonest Reserve, oa 10 niles south-west of Atherton.

Schod.d.e 32782 CANB: Moomin Forest Reserve, c. 10 n¡i1es south-vrest

of Atherton, Schod.d.e 33432 ÁÐ, ÀTI{ERÎON, BRI, CÂNB, T,, l-iELT: ^, Tlestern of Mt. Iævris, c. 10 miles north of Mt" Molloy-

Schod.d.e 13iaJ.,J BRI, CÄt\B: iïestern shoulcÌer, Mt., c. 10-mi1es

north of Mt" Molloy. Snith 4190: BRI: Lake Eacha¡n. Snith ( f957): BRI: Forestry Rese:n¡e J10, Gad.gana. - Snith &

'Ftebb 3336: BRI: near Jaggan" Snith & lÏebb 4890: BRI: Ieceyr s Creek, Mission Beach erea, - Tarclent 268: BRI: lTongabel, Atherton Tableland. Tard.ent: BRI: Gad.garra, Atherton Table-

lancl. r-'Tebb 1061: CANB: Jaggan, 2 niles frorn I'4a1and.â¡

lÏhite (i.f9f8): BRI: M¿rland.a" -

Daphnand.ra tenr¡ioes Perk

Betche (:-:-:-.f896): MEL, IrlST, IJS: Îv¡eecL River d-istrict. Constable

(f+:-.f9fi): L, IIShI: l',Ihian \{hian State Forest. tr'loyd. & Hayes

(2.v.tg57): COtrTS: TJhian'lThian S.F. [= State Forest]¡ : Hayes 56L

(1.xi:-.L952): cOFFS: llhian Tühian. Hayes (t7.¡.f9fi): COtrFS:

l-Íhian Tlhian S.F. [= State Forest] Hayes & Turner 1: CANB: Peach MountaÍ-n, 'tÏhian Tfhian. Johnson & Gonstabte ( L, lüSTt, US: , 1å r. [= nile] N.T¡. [= north'west] Peach Mt. : Jones (viii.I947): BR.I: trThian Yüì:ian. Jones

(ä:-,f951): BRI: lThian'i-rlhian State Forest, Jones L67z BRI;

Red. Scrub, tr-ühian 'trtrhian. Schod.d.e (and llaye s) 356J2 C.ANB, lfS'ui:

Peach Mor:¡rtaj¡r ridge, l.-ühian I'{hian State Forest Schod-d.e (and.

äayes) 3567t Ar -AÐ, B, BfsH, BRr, c/llB, cIlR, corTs, E, G, K, I(ro, f,,

NS\ir, P, PNIÍ, SING, UC, 6, W, üELT: Peach Mor:¡tain, \Thian

lÏhian State Forest. Schodde (and. Hayes) 35692 .AÐ, CA¡IB, CHR,

L, IilSI{: Peach Mountaj¡r, Vùh-ian Whian State Forest. (and Hayes) 357o2 A, .AD, B, BRr, CANB, cIlR, coFFS, K, T,,

lìSl{, Tf , ITELT: Peach Mountain riclge, l,Thian tr'Íhian State Forcst

SchorLd-e (and Hayes) 35722 A, ÁÐ, B, BTSH, BRI, CANB, CIIR, coFFS, E,

G, K, i(10, L, NSIï, PNH, UC, USr'!T, IüELT: Peach Mountaj¡i ridge,

\Ïhian lfhian State Forestr Tracey ZlaJQ¡ CANB: Tflhian'!Thian. 'llebb trfebb & Tracey (3.i1¡.I95+):- BR.I: I[hian T[hian. & lhacey (15.iii.1956): BLI: Tlhian trThian S.F. [= State Forest]. IÍebb & fbacey (tgSl-rySA): BRI: Ilhian l:ileian S.F. l=State Forest]¡ __'tTebb & Tracey (ryfl-Sg): C-AlfB: Ifhia¡r lïhian State tr'orest,

Daph¡.znd¡a i¡rcertae sed-is pro specíe

Blake 15898: A, ERI: Spri-ngbrook" Fonsyth (:x.fgOO): NStrÍ: Mt. - 562

T,jndsay. Johnson (2t.v.t951): IrlSÍ: Upper Coomera River, Macpherson Ra. [= range]. SchocLc-le JJ66: A, -A-D, BRI, CANB, L: Sarabah Range, c, 15 miles- souih of Canungra,

Doryohora aromatica (r .lt.Bail. )l.s .smith Bailey: IIEL: Atherton Tablelarrrl Bancroft (1ss5) fnot Bailey]: nEL, IrtrS\T: Johnstone [not Johnson] Ri'ver; North Q1d. [= queens- land-]ç Dal1ach4r (I3.Lv.1871): MEL: Rocki-ngha.n 3ay. Fitzaranz- IßL: Daintree River' Gittons 5712 BRlt 'lyton- Rd'' f= road_], N [= north] of Bloonfiel-cl- Rive Hylzrnc1 llllz CAI{B: State tr'orest Reserve 194-lestern, Herberton Range. Kajewski

l-OO5: Â, B, NSri, SING: Gacl-garra, .Atherton Mc:klam- (vi.I%7)t I14EL: Garlgarra (Reserve 3IO), .A,therton îabfela¡rcl Míc1¡ael- 3332 BO, GH: Innisfailo Sayer (fC¡e ): iVtsL lx4], ffi.I: Mossna.nts f= Ivlossr:nan] River, - Schod.C.e 3253: Â, Æ, AIHm.TON, ßRI, CAltrB, L: Gad.garra Forest Reserve, o. 6 mil-es east of Lake Each.utr. Schod.d.e

3283'. BRI, CANB: Mt. Koolmoon Forest Reserve, c. 7 miles- south of

Ravenshoe SchocLc-!.e 33322 A, Æ, .{$IIERTON, B, B0, BRf, CANB, E,

G, L, Sil\trG, il-ELT: Churchil-l Creek, lvlt. Le',¡is range, c. 12 niles

north of Mt, tr[o11oy" Schod.d.e 33532 A, A.D, BR.I, C.INB, L: Churchill Creek, Mt. Ler¡'is ra"nge, c. 12 mjl-es north of Mt. Mol}oy.

lryon (viii,l9ol): NS'r:i: Mossman River. þatt /a: BRI: Palmerston Highrvay. 561

Dorlrphor a sassafras End.l" va;r. lla Schod.d e I{r¡I1un anonJml: DRI: Killarney Forestry camp, anonJrn.: coFtr's: S.F. [= State Forest] o Betche 8O: 1\ßL: Gloucester. -- Bl-ake 15886: A, BRI: Springbrook.- Soorman (v.IgO9): NST¡, UC: Dorrigo. Burgess (3l.,x.]966)z CBG:- Coff t s Harbour Camera?: (f4- I9+7): NSV, UC, US: Acacia MEL: Trveed . Constable ". plateau. d-e ;'euzevilLe 3o9: FÌI: Srooklana d-e Beuzevifl-e s.n.: trR.I: Dorrigo. Ðunn (viii.19o5): NSii: Lcacia creek via Killarneye Englancl (vii.1919): mI: Beechnont (Upper l{erang)' Everist- 1¡I35z DRI: Mt. Li:ed-say, tr'loycr' (S':-'¡957)z CgFFS: Mt. Moonl¡ill-, .--- Heron (x.1912): NS,., US: Dorrigo. Jones (vi.f!46): COFFS: Eastern Dorrigo Leich.Ìrard-t (i" 1B;5):

lvf¡L: ? . . . near Brisbane tr{aiclen (vii.1S99): NS\l: Stercartr s 3rook. Mcskturning 2: trB.T: State Forest 488, Ðoffigo.

schod_c1e 33732 C.ANB: OtReillyrs, l,amington Pfateau. -

SchorLd.e (and- Hayes) tstl: lr', å-D, B, CAl'dIJ, CIIR, CgFFS, G, K, L, NSIJ, É pNH, \ìt, lTEl,T: Oaks f = Oat

Schod-d-e (anrl Hayes) 35Z7az C.AJVB: sun¡rit area, Mou¡rt Coramba.

Schod-d-e (anc-L llayes) 35622 CANß: Peach Mountail, trThian lThian State Forest. Scætech:iní J62z ÛlEL: TalJ-ebud-gera scn¡bs.

Shìrley (i:-.f9lg): NS1T: Roberts Plateau, Macpherson Range. -

srnj_th & riiebb 35982 DRI, CrlNß: 0tReí11ys, Lamin5t:n liet-toaal Park-. 564

Smith & rJebb 360l¡ BRI, C/UVB: OtReillys, Lamington National park. lel-forc- (ztnvi;¡i.L967): cDG: Oxle¡r Highrvay, 1i f = rrest] of ïauchope; --lJalker 1!: NSil: \îiIcl Cattle 6reek, Dorrigo. l:febb 5011: CAI$B: OtReillys, Lamington ]iational Patk' C.T.rlhite 1i.f9f9): DRI: Macpherson Range C"T.Vhite 6066: À, BRI: Roberts Plateau, L,amington National Park. C"T.'rftrite 62572 it', BRI: Springbrootr. :- C.T.r,lhite L2üa-lz .4., BRI: Roberts Plateau, Iarnington National- Park. H.T,.-iileite (xi.l9o]): NSW: lÏoolooma Mt., E. [= east] of Scone :¡ilcox la? (xi.fç-5): MEL: Clarence river. \iilcox: MEL: Cl-arence river. var. sassafras anonJm.: AD: port Jackson. anonJrrû. (? ,;oo11s): 1ßL: Paramatta

[= Parranatta] anonJm.:- BO: Illavrarra anonJnn': IvEL 3253: Ill-al¡arra anonJ¡rc, : IÍEL J2622 Ïllawarra anorÐrul': BO, SING: Upper Glouster f= Gloucester] River. anonJ6r.: US: Port lliacquarie Atkj¡rson: LßL: Kugajong ad-jacent River Grose" Atkinson: MEt lx2]: 31ue Mountai¡rs fllerilie]. Sarnard 99: CAIIB: Novrra sid.e of Canberrarra llts Bäuerlen 140:- MEL: Shoal- haven. Blackshaw (x,1909): IÌSII: lfacquarie Pass, Blakely (viii,fE9Ð: NSil: Jenofan Caves Boor:man (ix.fg99): NS\ï: lïinge1lo. Brough (+.i*,1926): CANB: Br:rra.orang Va11ey R. Brovm: K, tr.g1,, NSIT: Grose [- ] Caley: i\lEL: lpresumably Pioton area] Caley: A, Bll [o.t.], US: N.S.iales [= SycÌney area]¡ Campbe]l (3."i.f9+9): COtrFS: near Bateman's - ,65

Bay. Chee1 (26.i.1899): NS,,i: Lil¡rvale' Cl-elancl- (r7.vii:-. (5.v:-ii"r9r7\ 1gI2):- AD [x2]: Kurrajong Hts. [= Heights]. clelancl NS,r: Robertson cor¡r¡on 47: CANB: oast. slopes S' central

(vii.1957): DELA-IIîGRY, N.S.,;¡. f = New South'.Iales] Cousi¡rs CÂIrD: patrickts Creek Rd-. [= road-], Mt. Boss S.F. f = State Forest]. Cun- -4.. Cunni-nghan L79 (fAfe): BM, K: Five Islancls' -- A' (fAZ5): nì-nghan 6(LS2+): GH, K, SIIiG: Ilfar-rarra. A. Cunningham BM: Colony fpossibly Bfue Mountaj¡rs area].- Day (vii-i.1916)z CÄÀIB: Austj¡neer [= Austiruner] cle BeuzevI].le- (27.viii.I%2)z tr,¡¡I, NS1[: Sassafras I\{t. (Nerriga-Noutra") d-e Beuzeville (:x.tfÐ: L, NSä: ',,oo1goolga. Dunn 74: NSIT: 20 miles south fbon Mt" Dromed-ary Fletcher- (tZ.x.lSSS): NSil: Kia¡ra. Fletcher (7.xi,t891): NSiI: Mt, Kerabla. : Forsyth (Zl.vüi.l899)z t6t: \:Ientv,rorth Falls. C. trbaser 5à4 (1S18): BM: lprobabÌy district] f,. Fbaser (xii.L%O): NSiT: National park fsydney]. Gauba ( CBG: Clycle Mtn, [=tttor:ntai-n]. -: Gaubai Gauba (Zo.v:-ii, l:952): CBG: Macquarie Pass. Trtrilson, (fJ.vii-.tgl;l)i CBÇ: frlt. ts1ue Mts. f = ], Gilbert-(5.iiiif95¡): IrIST: Nabiac v¡i¡a laree C,ray 3533: Cfu\B, NSI'I: Ocean Vievr, sassafras area. Gray & Schocl,cLe 53972 C-¿ilfts: Lyonrs Rd.., belovr c]yd.e Mtn. Mountairr]. H.c.H. [= Hayes] ( COFFS: [= -- Pj¡racle Creek, Heron (:x.f8gg): NS-i: Conjola' Ikin 9:

NSIÍ: tr'ox valley, '.iahroonga. Johnson (f5-iv.A95f): NS-l: - 566 llacquarie pass. Johnson (ZB.x.f95L): ltrS--: Mt. Coricuc'lry, E" [= east] of Rylstone" -: ,fucid- (9.viii"f95ù: NSil: Ii{i-r:namurra Falls iprobably Kirton]: 18L 32ß: Iflar,¡arra Ki-rton (x.ABB3): L{EL: Tflarvarra Libér (x.f9lS): ldsli: }fartinsvill-e (;.U¡. f- west-north-ruest] Morisset = Morrisset). Maiclen (::c.f9o5): tdSî: leryy Mountaj¡r. IqcDonafd (vii,f9fi):- NSr'[: líassey Greek, Upper Paterson R- [= river] C.ii.E.Moore J4O9: t'Ocean CANB [x2,: Robertson. .: Pullen 888: G.{\l\B: Viewrr SassafYas

Ran6e Pull-en J)6Oz ltr -4.D, B, BRI, C, ClÀI, L, K, NE, I\IS''J, P:

Curror,¡an State Forest, near Nelligen. Ral-ston: IVEL: Ill-avrarra.

Reac-Ler (l/6 1f,3o): IrEL ix2]: Mt. Dro¡nec-l,ary. Robbins IgTlz GANB: near Berry Rod-way B25z Az Ca¡rber-rarra 1'ange roacl.

RucLcl-er (29.u¡ü.1S91): NSî: - RudcLer

(¡-i:l,f}%): NS1I: Upper Glouceste Schod.rl-e J1632 A, c,¡\NB, L,

NStrI: Ocean Viev'¡ - Sassafbas Range Schod-âe JLBIz .AÐ, C/NB, L,

NST{: Sitzroy Falls, east of I'foss Va1e. Schocld.e 31992 Cr'JdB, lÍSd: îil1iams River near Baruington Guest House. SchocLd.e 3251:

.¿).r./D, B, CÂliB, X, G, L, NSü, PNH, SING, I'IELT: Lyons roacl, foothills of BucLalvang range. SchotcÌe J2j2z 1i, A-D, B, 30, BRI, CiiNB, E, G,

L, NSli, P, PNH, SII'IG, UC, US, \ïr Lyons roacl, foothj-ll-s of ",ELÎ: Bud.arrang range. Schoc'ld.e 3378'. A, Æ, B, 80, C/II'ID, E, G, L, NSi¡,

PNH, SING, UC, T,'TLT: 2 miles south of Robertson. æ Schoclcl-e JJ86: A, ÁÐ, B, CAI'B, E, Grrl, NS,i, PNH, SfNG, UCr'u,'nLT: þons roacl, foot- hiIls of BucLawang- range Schod.cÌe 3390'. CAItrß: Lyons road., foot- 567

C'¿$[Bt Lt NS!, bll-ls of Buclavrang range. Schod-d-e Jl*01: A, Æ, \IELT: Iyons roat area, foothills of,rarrg range Schod.cle 'ÍEl'T: road-' foothills 1P8z A, A.D, B, BO, C-¿ú{B, E, G, L, NSi;t þons CllRt E' G' of Buclaçrang range Schod-cle 3459: Ì'i, AÐ, Dr 80, CÀIVB, of K, tr, NSli, Pr SING, UC, 11-ELT, Z: Lyons roacl area, foothiJls Mj¡rna lVlrya Falls Buclawang range Schod-d-e 1+762 CANB, L, NS''J: reserve, Illawarra. Schod-d.e 1+93.. C.iNB: Clyd.e Mountajrr sr:rnm:it, CÄI[B, CIIR, G, L' Buda"rirang Range - Schod-d-e 3+97'. A, -A-D' B, BRI' Range' NSIT, \IEIT: Gt¡ffowan state Fonest, foothil-l-s of BucLav¡ang \¡ELT: Curro- Schocl-d.e JJOO: A, ¡D, B' BRI, CÄl{B, CtlR, E, G, L, NSli, A, vran state Forest, foothills of Budar,¡ang range. schocri.e 4t9L:

CÂNB, CONC, K, L, NSli: Lyons road, Currowan State Forest schoclcle !:95z GANB, K, NSrT: Lyons road., currotva¡r state Forest Mt" Dro¡r- Schod.d.e !1BO: ¿., CAI{B, DS, K, L, NSlí: l mj-le south-east of

ed_ary, schocld_e !181: C/NB, DS, K, NSrj: lyons roacl, Cuffowan

State Forest. Schocl-cle JIB2: C.,l][B, DS, NS;l: Robertson Plateau, north of Robertson. story 689A2 C1ilE, NSII: Mt. Coricuclry E. -: f- east] of Kancl_os. : Story TV.. C.ålB, NS''J: 19 niles N.N.r¡. [= north-north-west] of Dungo1. Story 73382 CiJrTB, NS'iil: r\flyn river, IJa miles N.N"ìl'. f = oorth-north-lrest]- of Du¡gog. Tin¿ale (27.*.f9)$): NSL: Bola Creek, National P¡rk [Syaney]. : I'I.G. iThite (f9.viii.f95Ð: BELANGRY: In1et Creek, Mt.Boss S.F. [= State

Forest] N,H.-r,¡-l:ite (viii.f%3): C/úrIB: Bapington, C.1:

Bul-l-i Gorge t;ool-ls: WL 3237 12ú: Para; 'lihite 5089: BRI: ' - 568

Paramatta f Parya- matta f = Pnrramatta] ,loolls: IUßL 12J9: = -Joolls natta] ìloolls: LßL: North Shore, SyC'ney' (herl'): l;r-ooIls]: I1EL: "Sassafre.s countryl' Il'iittagon6 Ralge' ìi'-'-' i=

MEL: lrFoxgror:r:c-1" [ - CanAen] . - j¡terned-iates betr+een veï- qr+cfqpþJ-l14 ancl- var' sjLsrÉLf-rylq

Backhouse: K: Dirgacl-ee, iilliams River. Bäuerlen (viii.1B9B): _- NSî: Sugarloaf Mo'ntai' (8. of BraicÌwoot) [= Ltt. Bud-ar¡an*]. p.B, l- nrough] 77: CINB: Mt. ¡il-so Davis (6,vii.1941): NS\l: State Poj¡t Loolrout. c]-e Bouzeville 716: trR'f: Craven S'F' [= Forest] d.e Buezovile (l1.v"I%5): trR.I: 'riílsons Peek. t. trbaser (5,*rii:-.f928): NSll: lvlt,iïilson Johnson (Z+='.tg+9)z NSf: Zigzag Brush, Mt.',ij-l-son Johnson & Ha"yes 66: NSi;: Minyon Fa11s, -r¡-leian tr.Il:ian S.F. l= State tr'orest] Johnston (Zl.:-"L952)l trtsI: Acacia Plateau. Ivlaid.en (*,f897): .êr, AD, NStrT: Bot'man

ancl Barrington rivers Maiden (::c.fg97): MEL: triakivory creek, Gloucestet. [C.] i',toore: GH: Manníng river. Salasoo 2Ll7: USi¡: -tsaffirgton To¡rs Safasoo Zlil: NS;: Barrington Topst saund.ers (:-ii. :lg2o): tsR.I: Emu Vale rria l¡a*¡ick. Schoc.d-e

32392 C.¿il[ß, L, NS.i: east sl-opes of Brurrington Tops - Schoc.d.e (A Hayes) 3527, CIJ,{B: su,nmit aïea, Mount Cora¡nba. Srvai-:r (vi.I!11): B, IriS',,¡: Telford. (,,i.f967): -Jebb CtsG: Doylos River, ',. Oxley Highway- & Tracey (1;gfi-yA): ßRI: llhian \,hian State Forest C.Î.i-ú-hite BJ2O: A, 3, ßRÏ: Mt. Tilsoyr. æ C.T.r,,ihíte I2B3]-Z A, BRI: l"hian \trhia"n stcte Forest. 569

Ðryad od.aphne novogui¡teensis (eertr) va.r. nacrir B, B0' BR'I' C'{ti{Bt lvlcAd.a.ur !29: Lfrn: lìau area, Sohodcie !081: À,

CHR, GOI{C, K, L, L'AE, US: Aseki va1ley, Morobe District'

uomorsley (vii.f959): BO, C'A't\Br L, L/'E: Porget Iogg"i-ng a'rea' 12 miles north of r,ialag, I.¡estorn Highlanc.s loistrict]. víìr. novoÂuineensis Division Brass 39132 A' BO' K, US: Dieni-, Ononge road-, Centra"l [= District]. __ J. & M.S. Clemens 38512 Lz Yunzaing, l.[orobe

District Forbes J2Ja: K, MEL: Ner¡ Guinea' - Sogeri region; about S.E. Nelv Guinea. Hartley I3l'4¿ C.IrlüB: near ',.,ãnatabi - 15 nifes S;;. [= south-vrest] of Okapa, Eastern Highlands Distuict. Hoogland 10953; CI:NB: Mt' Hunstein, Sepik District' : Ied-ormarur. B93[: SING: Sepik4ebiet f = EtappenberS]' Led'ernann 2O32Oz ]t': 89392 Kz Etappenberg [Sepik District] Schlechtet Torricelfi Geb. [= mountajo"]. Schocld-e 3LU+: ./:,, BH, 80, BRI,

C/,]ü8, E, G, K, L, LAE, I\TS1I, PNH' US: Subitana area, Sogeri Plateau ¡Central District] Schocld-e ß75: A, B, BH, ß0, BRI, C.¿,1\IB, CIfi-'

CONC, E, FI, G, K, L, LAE, IdSl[, P, PNH, SING' US, I{: lvest slope of

Angabena riclge, ca 2 r¡iles east of r:iseki, Morobe District.

schod_d.e lß19.. clNB, L, LÁE¡ west slope of /r:r:.gabena rid-ge t ca. 2 miles east of Aseki, Morobe District snith NGF 1016: LAE: '.ùite Ai¡rura [Eastern Highland.s District] NC,F 9592. 80, BRI' 570

C.M[B, L¡1E: Okapa Patrol Post, Eastern Hightand-s [O:-str:-ct]' subsp . occicLentalis Schoc'Lc-l-e Brass & Versteegh 11948: ii, 30, L/iE: 15 ln*r S.; ' f-south-r'rest] of Bernharc. canrp, Icienìrur8 River Bnass & versteesh 1198¡.: A, ll0, K, L,An: 15 kn S.-i. [= south-west] of Bernhard. camp, Ic-Lenburg River" Brass I3OB5: h, BO, LirE: /+km S.,i. l= south-i;est] of Bernhard-

Camp, Icì-enbi:rg River. van Royen & Sler:ner 7387: ¿', 80, CAIIB' K'

L, I¿8, X.S.L, US: S. [= south] of slope of ].[t. Nettoti, Nettoti Range, VogeÌkop peni-nsula. Vinl< & Schram Bil 8717: L, LAX: Motito, iíissel Iakes.

DrvaC.oC.anhne pterandrica Schoclc-le

Brass 2Za2J: i+, C"U{B, L,/rE, US: North slopes of I'{t" Da¡rotan, Maneau

Range Brass 303722 CliNB, L, L,4E, US: east slopes, Mt. iiilhelm,

E.H.D. f = Eastern Highland.s District] Brass & Versteegh 1119F .4., BO, Ili'E: Bal-j¡n [= Bali-em] niver. Carr 137992 C;II[B, K, L: above the Gap ffotoaa area] Ca:lt 13B3Bz CaNB, K:

belol"¡ the Gap l-KokocLa area] ca¡t r3939z c/rl[B' K: belorv the

Gap lKokocl-a area]r Ca;.r IlB9Oz C1NB, K, I*LE: AJol-a. Cary IIaaJO: A, LAE:- Alofa. CaJt 15298: .A', C-l:'l{ts, K: Mail range N.'r. [= north-rrest] of Gap ffotoaa area]; Mt. Ganeve- -__ Carr l5}27z C/NB, K: lala river f/itota area] o Carr 15828: Cll\B: I¿la river fAlo]a area]¡ .- Carr 15999;- C.íNB: I¿rla river |.ttoto area] J. & lvi.S.Clemens Àl-71: Ä, B [x2]: Yunzaj¡rg, Morobe 5Tr

Distriot J. & M.S.Clernens l+598: Ä: Ogera^nnarrg, Morobe [.Dis- _: triot] J. & M.S.Cfenens 4796: '4, 3: Ogeramnang' Glenens 5lþ6: B: Ogerarnnan Clenens 66ZBa or A: Â, B: Yunzaing' Cfenens 6Bt+6: B: Sarleanga (gorobe lDistrict]). Clemens 7Bl-O:

.it, B: Sarirbanga, tiorobe iD:-strictl' Cleners- B35Iz /" B: -&be' _*: Bz Sarawaket [= Snruwaged- or Safuwaket -range]. Clemens 9I62t Samanzing (Morobe fDistri-ct]). : Cle¡rens )JI2z B: Marsh Meacr'or'r

C¡sp, Szr:lanzing Vicfuity. Clemens 11208 bis: -It: illatap, Morobe District clemens 1:_v"r94r): BRI: Rawlinson Range, Iiorobe [tistrict]. : Gollins ú o" 1î994: UrE: Coll-i¡rs sairarill Goroka. næth- Flenrey lNU 2367z 'A'r c1Í\TDr Kr T'.,r r'AE: c'l¡ miles td'li' [= -i¡abag, west) of Kupa1is, nea*. iI. [= i;estern] Highland.s District SING' tr5rod-j¡r NGF 28507: A, BISH, ß0, BRI, Ciü[B, K, L, IJX, NS'i, P]IH, uH, us: Hj:ròenburg Range south of }lerenavip vi11age, Sepik District.

Enod-i¡r NGF 2B5l-9: A, BISH, 80, BRI, CrWB, K, L, I1'8, NS-J' PNH'

SING, lIH, IIS: Hj¡rdenbr.rrg Range south of Nerenavip vilÌage, sepik

District o Hartley ;¡1651z C,\IVB: Ed-ie Creek, [. [= west] of ltau, Morobe District- HErrt]ey L27O9: C.'J'|B: above Bakaia - about l-5 niles S.E. l= south-east] of Garaina, Morobe District. Hartley 132972 CrilB: tr{ara$r:nga, ca,. 20 niles N.r'i. [= north-west] of Goroica, Eastern Highlanc's District Henty NeF 27169: ci:NB, L: Ec-Iie C)reek, Morobe Di-st. [= District]. HooglancÌ & Craven )JJ6z Ir, C/iI{B, K, L, LAI, US: N,E. i= north-east]- slope of Mt. Rar'r1inson, Ifuon FBnj-nsufa. Hooglancl 96562 CINB: Mannasat, Cromv¡ell IVIts. 512 f= Dlor.mtains]. R¡Ilen 56J: CINB, L, T1iE: Collins Bros. Logging area, Upper ù:rahaiga valley, Goroka Sub-d-istrict, E'H'D' f = Eastern

Fl1ghlancls District]e Robbins 863: Iv, BIú, lR'I, c1Jü8, L' LÂE: Co1li's mi1Ì, grnahaiga- river valley, l"ft. gtto a.rea. E. [= Eastern] Highland,s fOistrict]. : Robbins 1050: C/$R: Mt. Hagen, i'lestern Highland-s Distríct Robbi-ns 1l-89: C'1N8, r'riE: Mt'liilheln Robbi¡rs ( slopes. E, f - Eastern] Hightand-s f District], 1¡960): CANB: bet-v¡een :iabag - Kompian . .. on Sau Valley Divid-e gga, Sannclers 670z Ir, BIt, C-¿i'l[3, L, LÂ.8: top of Mt. ''iestern Highland's

District. Saunc-Lers B1J: A, BM, C1'NB, Lr Il3' l'EL, US: ca 2 Highland-s Distríct]. miles N. [= north] Ta.i¡ra,mbr-lno, E.Ii.D. f - Easterrr saunc.ers B+J: C-AIüB, LÄ8, L: ca ! nite N''j' [= north-vrest] Daulo, Goroka sub-clistrict. -: sau¡rd.ers BJ2z A, C.{$[Br L, Ï^êE: ca { nile Nj,'. [= north-irest] Daulo, Eastern Highlancls District. Saund.ers 862: CANß, LAn: ca f, nile N.J. [= north-rvest] Dau1o,

Goroka Sub-rListrict. : Saunc-Lers E66: A, BM, CANB, L, LÂE: ca + mil-e N.iT. [= north-west] Ðaulo, E.H.D. [= Eastern HiShland-s District].

Saund-ers IOJO: A, BI\f, BRI, C/$lß, Gr LLt18, USt ca l mile S. ''.lestern Highland-s [= south] Kepilan, i¡.H.D. f = District] Schoclùe 4816: A, l, B H, BO, BRI, C/INB' CONC, G, K, L, I"tE, P, US: Angabena riclge, ca, J miles east of -A.seJ

Sohod.d.e )ßJ-7l. C/it[8, L, L\I: .Angabena riclge, oa J miles east of

Asekí, Morobe District. Schod-cle 4ß32, A, BRI, C:iIdB, K, L, LJIE'

IIS: .Angebent, ca /amiles east of Aseki, I'.4orobe District. 571

Schod-de 4)1.Bz À, BO, ¡RI, CANB, CIIR, GONC, G, K, L' LAn, PNH, US: east slopes of spreader Divid-e, ca 7 mil-es north-lvest of Aseki,

I,{orobe District. Schod-c-Le 49192 C/U\B: east slopes of Spreader DivícÌe, ca 7 rni-l-es north-"uest of Âseki, I/iorobe District Tuck- well (v.1961): LA3: Maraf\rnga near Gorolca, East. [- Eastern] U:-gh- lancls [Oistriot]. ri1qg 763: CANB: Sjrunki' east of -üestern] Higntanas \íornersley NGF Irtiagam, 'J. [- -1JaLl

iíonersley (6.i-.1961): IJE: Maraf-r;rgarEast. f - Eastern] Hightand-s lDistrict]. _- Liomersley & Thorne NGF 12645: LAI: near K5J

Drvadod.aphne trachyphloia SchorLcle

anonJmr, (t7.".1956): .t11tffi.10N: Busb-5r L.r'1. [= Logging Area], IIt' I-eu-is. Hanson (v.1951): C.¿,NT: Atherton [- near Mt. lvlolloy].

schoclcle 3140¿ -AÐ, BRf, C.r'ND, T,: Churchhil-l creek, lr{t. Iævris

Range, c. 12 ni-les north of Mt. I\{olloy' Schod-c1e 31512 Á-r -A-D,

ATIIERTON, BRI, C/JIB, L, Ïr3LT: Churchhill- creel.:, Mt. Lewis Range, c.

12 niles north of Mt. Molì-oy. 33522 ¿-, A-D, ATHF,TìTON'

BR.I, C-lrIVB, L: Ghu¡chhill creek, Mt. Ler¡is Ran6e, c. 12 niles north of Mt. I{o1loy.

Laurel-ia novae-zeland.iae Ä.Curn.

ajnonJrn. (B.xi.f-B6B): NIEL: Makara, :,re1J-ingtonê anonJm. (B.ii. -.IÐL!-- f%O): ',ìELT: Ii{t. Matthevüs. anonJrur.: 7J)L2z Paparoa Kaipa- ra. anonJrm.: .;,TLT I792Bz- pori:rua. Bod-Iey (i.fleO): CHR: - 57+ : (f8S7): p,p.]: Little Barrier Is. f = islanC.]. Buchanan [ßL lx2

Nelv Zeafancl Buchanan: i\mt [x2 p"p.]: Ne'¡¡ Zealanå" çü.nSù:- CIJIU fx2]: 1{ar}borough Sound.s Carse 722h2 Cr',NTI: Ma"nukau Harb. i= Harbour]. _: Ca'se 722/2: CINTY: frl\{aukur', Ma"nukau Co. [= County]. Ca¡se 722/t: C-¿'']ÍTY: "nfauku'rt -: IIanr:kau co- [= county]. carse 722/42 C/J'JTY: Kaitaia, Mangonui Co. [= County]. Carse- 722/5: CINW: Kaial¡a" Carse lTZZ/5al (Z+=t.l9LÐ:- C/NTY, CHR: Ka"iaka, Itar*onui Co. [= County]. Carse 1122/61 (x.l)I); iv.192o): C/rllTY, CHR: Kaiaka, Ittla"ngonui Co. [= County]. -: Carse (29.i*.I9O2): 'IELT: Fairbtrrn, ivlangonui- Co' f = County]. Cheeseman (ix'fgZ+): Paprkura' "¿Tl'1: Cheesenan: C/J{TY:- Papakura, N.I. [= North Island-] T.F.C'

[= Cheeseman]: C-¿.JVU, ïrTT,T: Titirangi fNorth Td.]. Currningham llgl G.rB26): K, sING, GH?, I,IEL: lKeri-Keri R-- = river]; New Zealanc-l, cwni::ghan (rg¡a): K l-x2 p'p'], srltrG: North rsl[an<1]

IV[evr] zealand-- Ðruce (xi.L959)t cIß: Egmont Nat' [= Ne"tiorurl] park, Elcler (f .ii:_.f958): CHR: Horokii;i Valley, ï/elli¡gton Ðistr. [= District]. *: For¡eraker (tO.i.f929): Cir'tÍU: iTaipoua State Forest. trbyer (t5,*. f96+): CIfr.: Mangatu State Forest H.Q., Raukurlara range Grant çi.tlZl): Gr'JVU: iiaipoua State

Forest Hooker (I-B4B): t<: \Ie'-;¡ Zea1:a"aO_-il- R.H.H" l.herb. Carro

Glen L{asseÏ. L.Petrie: ',,ELT L79IIz Dunpha'l, Te Ákatea, Raglan

Co. f = County].- : Schoc-ld-e 51052 Ci\'tr': ILritoke t'iater Reserve' Schod-c',e 53092 CINB: Kaitoke 'iiater Reserve Scho

C/rNB: Kaitoke tjater Reserve Schod.d.e 5324'. G-¿ritiB: I¿ke Ponui.

SchocLcle 53252 C1.$iB: I¡ke Poruri. Sykes 61,ß/6tç CIü.: - 576

F,Llerslie Racecor:rse, -/rucklancl. -- Sykes (Z'u'f965): CIIR: Grey- mouth fÍ-r:troctuced?]. Thonas (2.íi.f9+6): SING: Titirangi. -rieu-i-r€ton" lJalker DI67r US. near iTajka'oe, 37 miles r-orth of :.,'arcl-le (ú.i:,.f965): CIß.: Htrnua range, rrest of Kohukohunui

TriS., Aucklancl District. ';ooa (30.1x..f951): US: Htr-ia, south-

ern end- iiaitakere Range - Zotov (t3.".f928): CllR: near Foxton,

Ruahine-Cook Distri-ct.

I.e-urelia rçtrrygrvr{qq!. (nuiz & Pav. )rirf .

anorÐrrn.: If/i p.p. : sancto ccLrolo, Chile or Chiloé anor\y-In. [eniUppit] (x.]Bl[): B: Haciend-a cle ? San An¿rn. anon¡rm.: GH p,p.! Chile" Bernhard-i: GH p.p.: Chil-e Bertero 561: P: Taguatagua. Borchers (f6gl): BIvl: Lota" Borchers

i5.1.1BB5): -Btril p.p.: Osorno Bniclges 6682 Kz near Vafdivia. Buchtien (Z5.xi.f196): GH, L, US: Cal-1e-Ca1le. Buchtien

(5."¡-.190L): NSi,I, UC: Vafd-ivic". Cfaud-e-Joseph 1990:- US:

Tenuco, Claud-e-Joseph 2JBO: US: pansdiptfli. C1aud-e-

Joseph 4842: US: Tenruco. Comber l)22 Kz þolli,- Chil-e p Donbey fnuiz & Pavón]: Blr tx2], t l*1, iltA i-x3]' MBf,, ["4]: [con-

cepción]; f Gonceptione]; fcnile]; fqénou] Gay: B p.p.: Conception l- Concepción] (cirifi) Germain (fAA¡): BM, GH, K,

US: Envj¡ons cle Conception f = Concepción]. : Hicken (26.i.f909): SI: Puerto V¿rras Hollernayer (x. f929): IIS: en¡sipüffi,

kov. [= Province] valaivia. *: Hollermayer (i.L92B): US: Pan- güipüffi,J¿" kov. [= hovince] Valaivia. _: Kausel l8: IIS: Oriund-a 571

ae niãinue (I>r.ov. [= hovj¡rce] Valaivia). I{rause: US: Coraf f= Corral], Val-c-Livia. :: Lechfer (xi.?IBJ-l)z n [xZ], BL{ p.p,, K l.r2 p.p.], L: Prope coloniam Ariçne in prov. [- provi-nce] Val-d-ivia. Macrae (fe3ft): K: Conception f= Concepci6n] herb.

L4ic-Ld-l-eton (22.x.f-906): BM: }[aquehue, Temuco. herb. Ivfid-c]leton

(:-ii. f9O7): BM: X[aquehue, Temuco. I.,,1ontakio 778: SGo: Capi-tan

Pastènes, Alrecì-ed-ores, lYaiguén. Montald.o l-145: SGJ: Nahuelbuta

Chacras Buenas, caãete, Philippi 5àÊz US 911601 p-p.: Val- d.ivia. fenlippi] lllol: BM, \ttsL 3273, 327t+, US 911601 P.P.: Va.lcì-ivia; il prov. [= province] Vataivía. Philíppi QASU ß5Ð: tÐ 967l:4036, B, 3ll p.p.r GH p.p., I\{EL- 1276 p.p-, 32782 fcirile]; [crri-ri]; fvaraivia], Philippi lre::): LY: chili. iPniripp:.]: IßL, rJs 1:2339)+9: [romé]; [cnile]. : Pöppis coII. J, n.IJ5z BI\l p.p,: T¡"1-cahuano ad. Â:rtuco' Sparre & Cons tan$e f- Constance] f0745: UC: Osorno: Centinela.

/- l^ - Laureliop si.s ohiliopiana (. Looser /ijchoc.cle

a¡onJrm.: I\[A p.p.: Sancto CaroJ-o, Chile or Chiloé" !06: -:Bric-Lges BI\{: Chile Boelcke & Corree. 53892 BÄB: Laguna Fbias, F\rerto Alegre Buchtien (fO":.x.190h): GH, L, IßL: Corral.

Buchtien (fz.xi,l9o[): NSli: Corraf. Bull-ock (5.xii.1906): Bx{: Rio Inepe, lemuco. Burmeister (:-v.f9Of): BÄB: Chubut CorrLil- Ierr. Burneister (iv.f9Of): DA3: Corclillera d-el Chubut. Castellanos (2.ii.f9+5): IVSII: Gol¡. [= fuovincel Cfrutrut, ]¿8o

Menondez Cunni-nghzr,m (Z5.xi.t%B): K: Port Lagrxra Dien, :)78 'ti' r LB39z IJL, SI: Peninsula Quetriué, {ago Nah, f = Nahuel] ttr"p{. Gay: 13: Conception [= Concepción] Godley 2))7 CHR: river Chepu, Chiloé. Goc1ey 299c2 CHR: river Chepu, Chil-oé Grovaneflí zJ, B.A3: Neuquén ikovi¡rce]. ::: Gunlcel 22632 Az La (corta'l) Junge 6l-+g: sr: chiloé, lrPastahuerr' Enseñad-a --- Ki¡g: K: Chilae [= Ctri-]-e]. Krause: US: Cora-l f = Corral], Valc.,-ivia. L{eyer 95OLz -T,fL: Iago lienéttùez, Chubut fkovince]. Uudiez A Rot¡ftffit (tO.i-ii.191L): BÂB: t\euquén fProvince],

Rrerto Blest. L{ontalc1o & seeger J+98: SGO: Rio Dil-lo, curacau- tin. -- frnilippi]: r[xz], I\{EL: lvald-ivia]. : Rasp 1,1¡o: SI: San Marti¡ d-e 1os /, : Sargent (f6.i.f906): A: Rosa Victoria'

SJeu¡rer 1589: US: Peninsula Quetrihúe, Lago Nahuelhuapi'.

Soriano JOB: B.ô3: I.er3'una Friaso Sparre 2123; LIL: Osorno,-

Pqyehue. - rvsplr@ (mil.)1ail"

anorrJrm. (3O.xü.I9L6): CANB: Col cles Rousettes Balansa I32It GH, K, P: [lifont-Mi], Nerr Caledonia B¡'lansa 1689z -4., P: Mont-HunboJ-d; Mt.Hu:rbo]dt. : Safansa 1+572 P: lÍouvel-1e Calé-

cLon-ie lcjrca Kanala - CanaÌa] Brarets & l[cKee (tO,ii.t96i); P:

Col Rousettes Baumarur-Bod-erùrei¡r I5I29z Pz l[acà [= Uois]

d-e mai. Bick 69a: CINB: Co1 defs] Roussettes f- lousettes]. Bick /O: CéNB: Col d-efs] Roussettes l- Rousettes]. ßick -- JOal. Ci':.I[B: Col c-Leis] Rousettes. Htirlj¡narur I97Oz A, US: nea.r S..:. [- south-v¡est] of trlt. Collett. Iécard.: K: New Caled.onia. -

j' 579

MacKee [= uci

[= Cma-La]. 580


(AI1 vrooa samples and- of vrood. sections exaniled are

he1d. in the ì;Iood_ and- slid-e coll-eotion of the Di-vision of

Forest kod-ucts, C .S .I.R.O o , South l\4elbourne, Victoria. Those sampÌes accompa,nied. by voucher herbari-um collections

i:l herb. CÂliB are merked- luith an asterisk.)

Attrglpep-eIqg,-qg¡g-halgq Labill, n. 2OI2 (l,tt.l'ieta, Tasmania); n. 2!10 (Glenbog, i\eu¡ South \ïa1es); n. IOJii (V:-ctoria).

Daphnandra anatela Schod.d-e h:llen t76lt, (tlitl-iams river, New

South llales); Schodd-e 3536', (AU*s river-Cfoud.s Creek, New South

'$ales); n, 6354 (1lari'rick, Queensl:u:d-). Dap@ (F.Mue11.)F.lfiue11 Sohodde 5254* (Gaclgarra,

Queensland); SchocLC-e 3258'¡ (-ongabe1, Queensl-and); n. 110!f

(tcrrama range, Queensland.).

2qpþne{l-ùe-tg+u-+pg-q Perk. 3567'x (Feach Mor:ntain, New South

IÍa1es); Schodd.e 3D7O* (peach Mountain, Nerv South i.ìral-es); Schodd-e

3572+ (Peacn }lountain, Ilev¡ South ''.iales).

Dcr:yphora a¡omatica, (F"xt"Bai1.)I,.s.smith schod-d.e 3352* (churchill

oreek, Queenslarrd-); n. JtrtrÌ (Johnstone ríver scrubs, Queensland.);

n. 1l-O5J (tcirrana range, Queensland-).

Dorlrphora sassaflas End-l-. Schod.d.e 5l8tt (Cr:rrowan State Forest, 581

New South.riales); L. 1.557 (Do*igo, Nei;u South1ia1es); n. 76+0 (Coxts road-, Toonunbar, Nevr South'ilales); n' IOL73 (Acacia plateau'

Nevr South iiafes). to (Perk. )Ä.C.S*ith Schod-cle 3I'+'+" (Sogeri New Gui-nea); pleteau, Ner,r Guinea); schod-d-e t$75* (;\r:gabena- rid,ge, NGF 1016 ('rtiyttrt, schocld-e !oB1{.(.A,seki vaIIey, Nev'r GuiIea); L.S.smith

Neru Guinea). pterand¡ica schod.c-le Hoogland- 9656* (Crom're11 moun- Saunders tai's, Ne.,r Guinea); Saunclers B!2* (Dau1o, Nel' Gui::ea);

IOJO* (Kepi1am, Nei,r Guinea); Schod-Oe 4816* (lLngalena rirlge, New

Guinea) o ' (Churchill creek' Eqfa4g:l-*l>}rng-t-fggþ¡rpbloia Schoc-lcle SchodcÌe 3352'F queensì-an$;î n. :rlt$6 (Mt. iuoltoy, Oseensland-); n. ]oJO2 (lft. Utol-toy

a"rea, Queensland-).

EnC.íand.ra pal¡rerstonii (n.u.Bail.)',ltrite & Francis ¡- z65t- . Ba,rt, ["]{eqle-'' I sPhc'lm') - Gomortega keule (Mol. )ät#*"*-':"------n. r:,' L986r. angustifolia /r,Crrnrr. n. û286. Laurefia novae-zelanc-liae A,Cu¡n. n. Z.1O (Nevr ZeaT-a"rf'); n. 233

(Nerv Zealancl); n" 32097 (I'[ew Zealand-),

Laurelia semnervi-rens (nuiz. & Pav.)rr.r. n" 9662 (provenance urknown);

n. 12969 (ciiile); n" 196L0 (trad-e sanple fbom Chile)' Laureliop sis ohilippiana (looser)Schoc-.J-c. n. 72968 (crrile); n- I96LL

(traae sample fron Chile); n. 196+3 (Cftitoé, supported. by herbarium collection æ God.ley 299). 582

Nemuaron vieillard.ii (naiff.)na:-i.f r rL. 1162I* (Cot aes Rousettes,

New Cale¿onia, Ieg. Robbjo"); Schodde- 52+9* (talte Unio, New Caled.onia).

Peumus bolclus tr{o1. ,r. lãl#.' Siparr¡na wiIlia-msii - Macbricle rL. 25423. Tri¡renia_pgplrjrna Ridl. ¡IGF à455. E^åLkiea macooralq (F.M"Boil, )Perk. n.I2TlI. 583


(Æf po1t_en preperations exe¡i:red are he1d. in the S1id.e Col- lection of the Department of Geography, Research School of Pacific Stud-ies, Australie:n National University, Canberra, Ä.C.T. Those samples accompanied. by voucher herbarit'¡¡r

collections i¡t herb. C¡rt\B a¡e marked- wi'i;h an asterish.)

åt!_qlosperma noschattul T,abill. Milligan 1þO (Tasnania); SchodcLe

3383*:AIVU lOO-2-1 (mown l'[or¡rtai¡, Nerv' South ÎÍaIes).

Calvcanthus occid.entalis T.H .I,[agner coll.: A]üU 9¿r-1-1. ¿*phnq@e_C¿at_e_1g Schod.d.e 3375+z A1[U 1OO-1-Z (tan:ngton l[ational Park, Queensland.); Schod-d.e 5123* (loyles river, New South

fiale s ) . qa-pÞ=Adjiq jqh{t¡on4 Johnson & Gonstable; Hayes*:

AIIIJ 1OO-1-4 (tciamao Nerr South i?aIes).

Da¡hnandra nicrantha Schod.d.e Schod.d-e S1-lrß'o (oeie.ngry, New South -rTales ). Daphnand¡a repand.ufa (F.Mruell. )f ,ltueff" Schod-d.e 325ìf : ANU 100-1-1 (eoage¡Tr, Queensland); Schod.d.e J2JB#z ANU lOO-1-l (T,Iongabel, Queens- land ). Daphnand{qjÞenu:ilsÊ Perk. Schodde 3567* (Peach Mor.mtai-n, }iew South

iTale s ) " 584

(Herberton Dorr¡ph ora aromatica (r' .lø.Bail. )l.s .Snith Hylancl 3I3I+

range, Queenslancl). (Oa'tces Dor5phora" sassafras var. macr lta Schod-d-e SchoC,-c-Le 351/å -'iales). State Forest, New South sassafbas Encll, var, sassafras Schod-d.e J2J2*:.1'IVJ 100-7-1

(foottrills of Buùawang range, Ne'"r South Üales)'

novoAuineensj-s (rerk, )¡t.C.Smith ---_ SchoC-cle \875'?

(;',ngabena riclge, Nelr Guinea). (Ut, Drvaù oða¡hne pterand¡ica Schoclc-Le Brass 1O372+z ANU lOO-B-f Neri Gui¡ea). .,,i1he1n, Ner,,r Guinea); schod.c-e +8I6e (An*aUena,

End.iandra muelleri Meisn. smith & itrebb 3587*: AI\IU 101-2-1.

Heclvca:r.r, aneustifoU-a h.C't¡nn. Schorl-d-e 3177*z 1\t{U 100-Þl-' (Te .ilkatea, Laure lia novae-zefa¡rctiae A. Cunn, D.Petrie: ANU 1OO-J-1

Nelr Zealand-); K. ,rooci (Huio, Nel',r Zealand-)' IOO-3'2 Traurefia" sem (nui-z & Pav. )r"r. O. Bucht iø: /itüU (Vataivia, Chi-le); Ulaude-Joseph [B!2 (Temuco, Chile)'

l-iopsis phi-fipÞiana (moser)schocl-d.e Junge 61-+9 (crritoé,

Chile); R. Philippi: -ANU IOO-3-1 (Valc-Livia, Chile)'

Nernuaron vie illard.ii ( )lai-rl. McKee I3tC9 (talte unio, Ne'w

Caleclonia); Schmic1 & McKee'r (tCatritcoin, Nè'uv CalerLonia).

Siir¿rruna riparia var. sur,lichrastii (it.Dc . )Perr. : AlÍU l-00-6-1.

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Steele, À..ì.. 196,+. Ffowers for the l(i:rg. Duf'ham, U.S "L. ve,rr Steenis, C,G.G.J. L953. Results of the l¡rchbold. Ex¡red-itions. Papuen il-"ibqÉ?€E.. J.J,:rn.ii+:bor. 34: JOI-374, van Steenís, C.G.GJ " ¡957. Specific and. i¡fraspecific d.e]-imitation' Florc Ì'{alesia¡la L, 5z cl¡ct¡ii+oxxix. Stern, '.:.L. 1954. Comparative .âlretony of þIen errd- Pþylogeny of Ï¿'r:raceae' Trop.l.'ood.s 100: I-75. Stern, '::.L. 1955. Xylern anatorny er:d. rel-ationshíps of Gonortegacea"e. Amer.J.Bot. )a2z 87+-885. systena.tics .Association comrnittee for Descriptive Biologícal Ternj¡rolory. ;¡962. II. Terninologr of Si-rple S¡rnmetricaf Plane Sha.pes (Cf,art f ). laxon 11: If+5-L56, Takhtajan, L. 1959. Die Evolution kgi-ospernen. Jena. Thorne, R.F, 1963. Sone probfems and guid-ing principles of angiosperm

ptgrlogeny. .Amer,l{ai. 97 z 287-105" Thorne, R,F. l-968. S¡-nopsis of a putatively pþlogenetic classifcation of the flowering plants. I'1íso 6z 5746. Tippo, o. 19ú. The role of ',rood- ana.toq¡r il phylogerry. .A¡rer.lvlid-1.Nat,

362 162472, 607

Tbo1}, ';:. I96t+" Die Infloreszenzen 1' Jena' Tulasne, L.-R. LB55- Monographia Monj-miacearum. Arch.Mus.llist'Nat'PaI,' B: 2711l+36 + P1.xxv-x:ociv. Tnlasne, L.-R. I855a. Diagnoses nonnullas e Monimiacearum recensione tentata oxcerptas. Ann.Sci.Nat., Bot ', Per' I¡r3" 29-1+6' T\rr:ù11, T,B. 1948. Dorypþ-qra-Þe-Ðegfrg-Þ, Curtis Bot'Mag' 165' t'lO' 165r +'L+3' Tr:rri,I1, 1,,.8. 1948a. 4!þ9g-9ÞIery9--EgEchatr¡m' Cr¡rtis Bot'Mag' Reserve' iTakefj-e1d-, ll./i. 1953, Alfbed. Park, .fyr East Gippsland- National-

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Vict.Ne.t. 722 IO7-IO9. zealand-' IiaLL, .4,, a¡rd Afl-e.n, H.H. s.d. Botanical Na¡res' Flora of ITeu ;a1ter, H. 1962. Die vegetation Ee¿e in ilkologischer Betrachtr¡ng' Ï: Die tropischen r¡nd- subtropischen Zcnen' Stuttgert' IÍa^rning, E. ;1925. Oecologr of Pl-ants ifr:Sfish ed..]eC-'I, Smpr ,2. Oxford''

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(p"S" m:mbers with single und.erlini-ng refer to nain

taxono¡ric treatments; numbers ¡,rith d.ou'ole underlining ind.icate k"Jt"; mmbers with pr:nctr¡atetL underlining

indicate ind-ices to specinens exarnined.; nr.¡mbers with

ror¡nd. brackets indicate sJrnonJms and- nisapplied names;

nr¡mbers with square brackets refer to excludecl species. )

Acacia nelano$rlon 784".

@ 572'

Ackama 1B'l "

Ackana panicr¡lata SBtt 471.

Achaeniophoreae (zz) 'rÂchaeniophoraerr.

Acmena 7821 '3 Sl.

.Acmena snithii 183.

.å.cliantr:m 530.

Aetheocarpus acr¡niuatus 516.

Aqxtoricon pirnctatr:m 145, 31O.

Asathis 78, 271.

Alstroeneria aurea 31O.

Amborella 92, 111. 6ro

Amborellaceae 17, 1OB.

.A¡anas 246,

Âng'iospermae l-v.

.A¡¡onaceae 91, 92, 1O7r 18,2.

Annonales 18.

4¡onales - Ranales 18.

Antherosperna 148.

AntherosÞerma moscata 157. - Antherospermoideae 21, 191.

Araucaria 571, 535.

Araucariaceae 38.

Aristotelia 187.

Aristotelia chilensis 710.

.Artheocarpus acu¡dnala 516.

Ascarina 22O, 354.

.A.steraceae 16.

Aterospermeas 21.

Attrerosperna v 1112141516tz1r22rt1r33r34r77 r38r79¡ tab1.e I-t 41,

43147rJoar51 ,55156 r58r59167164165 166 16'l ,68'70r71 ,72175 r75176 tTl ,78,

g 1 02, 1 07, 1 04, I 05, 1 06, 1 07, I 09' 7 ræ þ1 t8;? r87 186 rül ¡8f, 90 r91, 95 t%, 99, 6It

g, 26 1 57 1 55, 1 1 O, 1 1 B' 1 1 1 ?1, 1 22, 1 25 r&, 1 11 29' 15O 1131, 152 rÆr1 52' 11 54,

156 11691177 ,191 ,192r2O7, QSù ,274,276 rçZlù ,289r711 ,716 1777 ,31ù ,

34O 1351 1352 1786, (+Ol ), 41 4, 41 5, 41 6, 443, 456, 459 1527, 579, 54O, 541, 542, f.1, nap 2.

å.therosperna bervrickense æt52'1.

Atherospermaceae 20.

Àtherosperna dilatatum _ (t0o¡ ,(llz) 1179.

Atherospenna gloneatum (too¡ 1179. ,(llÐ '177

á.therosperna inteerif olium 9, ( t OO) J77 t178.

Atherosperna micranthum (q+g) ,460, (+æ) .

Atherosþerna noschata 157.

Atherospe:ma moschatr.¡m v15r17, tabl.e IIt 42.r2r9Or1O5r'145r15O,

( 1 80, 222, 273 1,352 1 52 ¡ 1 57, 1 55,þ2, 1 69, 1 7 O, 17 1 a, t Z ¡ ), 1'l 6, 177, t31 r78O,

1AtJA6rtg\1456 15321547,2?9r2?2rf .7tf .15,f .24'f .448-C,f .47 rf -48, f,49rf.50, map 4.

subsp. intesifoU-r:m 16}rJrer5.+Ttf .?A-I, map 4.

subsp. noschatr¡m 167rrerfl6r1+çrf .7J-NI, rnap 4.

Atherosperna rnuticum (reo¡ ,(l7z).

Atherosperma novae-zq1é!.d¿ec. 318, (32O) .

Atherosperna repandulum 415r429r(+lo¡.

AtherosÞerna sassafras (lll) J95r796. 6tz

Atherosqema sect. Laurelia (277).

Atherosperra sempe::rrirens 277 r2g4rQg¡) 1296 1297 12%1516-

Atherospermataceae --+ ív11 r7 1416 19r1Or1'7- r18¡?9113 176 r77 t19 r44t45,

67, 69 2 9 46 r 47, 48 r 49 r 51 ¡ 52 ¡ 53 t54 r 60 161,62 r 64 166 r r7 r73,7 4 r75 r77,7 r8O,

g+, 1 1 1 OB' 1 09' 81 rB2 r87 rB4 rB7, 97, )6 ¡ 97 t9B, 1 OO, 1 01, 1 02, 1O7, 04 r'1 Ol, 06'

1 I O, 1 1 1, 1 1 2, 1 17, 1 1 4, 1 1 5 t 1 I 6, 127, 1 91, 1 92 1354 r52O, 521 1525 1524 1525,

527 152815291571 ¡538t545t map 1.

Àtherospenma tasnanicr:m (tOO¡ ,(l7Z).

Atherospernateae vrvi, (zl) r=Srfir49r51 16716819911@r109'-L!9r

1 - 1 1 g t 1 20, 1 22, 1 23, 1 24, 1 26, 1t2 11 50, 1 91,579 1541 1542 1544 ¡ wp

Atherospermatoideae (zO) ' - Atherosterqatig (lqo).

Àtherospermeae 20r21r22r1J9t118r123. ,l Atherospermees 12.

Atherospemoideae ívr17 r21r22.

J, ú Atltcrospermoldees 21.

Atherospermorylon 45 r54-r525 ,5J+.

Atheros perqorr¡l- on aegrrctiacìm 520.

- ¡lthrotaxis 170.

Austrobaileya 81r92. 6tt

Austrobaile¡raceae l7r 108.

Sackhousia urrtif olia tB7.

Balosh-ia lucid.a 783.

Beilschnied.ia 5Or 105.

Beilschnied-ia tarairi 7291132. - Beilsch.niedia tawa 529t772.

Berberidaceae 81 t1o7t182'

Bisnorrites _ j1O.

Bosistoa euocliiforniq 458,

Bracteanthus 192.

Bubbia 187.

Caldcluvia 531.

Ca1d.clrnria panicr¡lata 145 r31O.

Callicoma serratifolia t87.

Calliphora 65.

Ca1onhvllum 251.

Calycanthaeeae iv r 9 r 1 1 ,17 ,39 ,49 ,51 ,52 ,55 )61 ,6+ ,69 )7 4 ,77 tB1 ,

86 ¡%¡91tg4rg6r9T ,%r1OO,1 02r1O71104,1 05 r1O7 ,108' 1 12r117 1114.

Cal-vsanthus 11 ,9r. 6Y+

Calvcanthus occid.entalis 2q2-

Cassia 531.

Cassvtha 39.

Castanopsis 220.

Casuarinaceae 532.

Ceratopetalum 382.

Cerat o¡etalum apetall¡lq 17O1747 ,3821185.

Clrimonanthus 9r90r101. - Chi-oranthaceae 108.

Cin¡anomt¡m J2r1O5t22O1572.

Cínnamomr¡m oliveri 783.

Citronella moorei 5e3

Claorvlon 220

Commersonia 528.

Conuf-et¡m 191 .

Cor¡rosma 575.

Crvotocarva 1O1r22Ùr251.

Crwt ocanra ervthronrlo! 3Bt.

Crvptocarva foveolata 787. 615

Crrrntoearva Elaucescens R.Br. 387.

Crv¡tocarva slaucescens TuL. non R.Br. nec Eassk¡ (l0l), (fl2),179. -

Cunoniaeeae 7411861187.

Cupania 531.

Cr¿tt_sj,a 458.

Dacrvd.iiu Z2O.¡m cupressint¡m 772.

Dacrvd.iu¡n franklinií 17O.

Daph¡andra vrvi, 1 1516r28rt1 r73r34r75r77 r3Br59r40r table It

41 r54r55 156 r57 ,62'66 167 r7O r71 r'12r77 r74, ,42,41,44t5O,5Oar51 '60,61 109' 75 176 r77 r7Br7gr8O rB2rB7rB4r8B,90, 94,95 r99,1OO, 1O2t1O3,1O51106 r

gO, ( gl) 1 21, 1 22 11 25, 1 56 1184 11 86, 1 B?, 1 BB, 1 89, 1 1 91,&, I r2O1 r2O7 r2O4,

2O5, 257, 2Bg, 29O, (SZg),7 +9, 752 1353 176 5,767 1385, W, 4O8, +1 O, 41 1, 1 1 5,

414 r+1r 1416 1417 ,42O 1421 ,423 1425 1426 ,4441446 1456 1457 ,459,460,471 ,471,

47 5, 4t4, 4A6, 4g1, 496, 4gg, 51 O, 51 6 1526, 528, 559, 54O, 541 1542 1547 15 +4 1546, |Çlrt.l r mFP 2, maP 10.

Daphnandra apatela vr14r4}, table If , 4411881767'1681402,

4Og A1 6, 41 g, 42O, 421, 422, 423, 424,Æ, 448, 456, 457' 458' 459, 46 1, +71,

. 7TB, 4t4, 494, 495,!9J, 5O7, 5 1 O, 517, 5 1 5' 5 1 6 ¡ 5 17 t 51 8, 557, 22O., 2q2, f .75,1 f.50rf.55rf .56rf.57, naP 10. 6L6

Dap@ ß¡>)'356,766'

(v) r 9, Glo) r+46 - Daphnenera-di-ql€ii '444)445

Daph¡andra .ìohnsonii v¡ I 9Or4O4 ,4OBr4O9r413 r419t42}r421 ,89.,

nap 1 O' 473 ¡@., +g3 1494 r51 6'557 r2Q2 rf . 1 4'f - 22 rf - 46,' C2 rD rf .!8,

Dapl¡nandra rnelasnq:a vr1t,¡4}4r4}9r416r419r42)1421 1422t123,

5 1 O, 5 1 5, 424, 425,Ø, 427,ÆÎ 47 1 | 47 5, 47 +, 4f2, 482, 183, 484 ¡ 25.'!,

f .17rf .16, naP 10'

Daohnandra nicrantle vj-iir6r 1Irt44¡156 r4O1 r4O2r4O91413 A14t

160, 46 Z, (+eZ), 47 1' 4 1 g, 42O, 421, 422, 424,pf , 445, 44B,jg, 457, 458, 45g,

1 o-1 1, 468, 4w, @86), 4g4, 4g5, @gl)' 498' 5oB, 51 6' 517, 22q., 2?7,r. r' f .57¡ maP 10.

(z=+) Da phnandtê--nov ogljtæ@tE (zzÐ, (zlz), ¡242.

DaBbnqrdra--obliq14 Ø-,526.

Daphnanclra perkinsiae (2:5) ,Q=z) ,(zz+) ,212,

Da¡hnand.ra repand.a 44r.

Daphnandra r€lantXUþ vr6r1 4129, table If, 52r1O3r'156t1BBt

B, 421, 422, 355, þ56) 1165 1765 1567 1768, 1O9, 413, 41 5, 41 6, 41 41 9, 42O,

Ezr+zqr47Or47A1479144214471444144514461447,45A1472,4'lt'474r51Or511 , nap 10' 518 t544 r5??:5*.r5Ü.rf .21 2f .73 ¡1'11611 rf 'J2,

Daphnandra sell¡ìTii %-1526. 617

Dap@ 6111, table II, 188,190'568?4091411,

417 ,416 ,41gr12),421 ,+23 1424 1425 ,Æ.1416, (++g) ,460 1462,463 r47O,

47 1, 47 2, 47 3, +7 4, Gl >), 481, 485. 495, 496, 5O5, 5 1 6, 2ÇQ, ?8,9, 7?7, f ,1ztf .34-rf .76Ãrf .56, nap 1O.

Deee4qrjs 90.

Dendrosna (t ¡o).

Ðendrosna lucida (f Ool ,?lz) 1177,

Dicksonia 171a.

Dicksonia antarctica 15311691781.

Diosprrros 383. Doratophora (=lù.

Dorycheile 737.

Doryphora v11 14¡516r2Br29r5rrt4r77r3B¡39AOt table I, 41,

42,43,44,5oa,51 r55 156 t58,59,62,65,66 t67 ,68r77 r75 r'16 r'17 r78,79 r3o,

1 1 22, 1 23, 81 rB5 r4 rB5, 86, BB, 90, 94 r95, 99, 1 01, 1 02, 1 07, 1 04, 05, 1 09, 259 171, 1 55 r 1 56 r 1 85 r 1 86 r 1 97,1 88, 1 89 r 1 9O r 1 91, Jgrzoz, 2O5, 253, r 260,

261 ,261ar2BG ,2BB r29O ,311 ,fl-r519 ,34O ,718 1349 r15O ,351 ,352 1354 t '747

365 1371 ,38,2118,6 1796 ,397 ,+12,41+ r416,417 t526,5281559 r54O,541 ,542,

54715+4, maP 2, maP 9.

Dorwhora arongb:Lca 6114r34¡ table II' 70r85 r1O51106r1O7,

go, 62 1 80, 1 BB, 1 2æ 1348 r3 49 r35o 1351 ri52 1753,35 4 r75 4a,.355,3 1767 1765, 618

767 1376 1786r+381439rt74,517 ,26..2,??9r ?9lrf .1 ,f '9rf .17,f -31 ,f ,52, map 9.

Dorrnohora austËp-cale

Dorvphgra snssgl[ras v¡5¡9¡17r1+r5'1r40¡ table TI, +2144r'lo,

1 1 01, 1 07, 1O5 r1 06, 1 07, 169 r1?0, 1 BO, 184, 185, 1 BB, 1 90 r71 1319 1142 1347 t

348r74gr75O135113521357r25bt759,76+,765156815&,,3711772,380"81 ,74r(7}e),

416r471¡527 t5321563r5fl, fÇ{rf .1 ,f .18-20 ,f .72rf .17Lrf .46Ãrf .49'f .5O, f .55rf .56 rf .5'l tf .lB, nap 9. varo microphvlla 52,25þ,588,3%.,7ç7,?qq,þff ' nar 9. var..@ -354, -&,1W,395,796 r3E7,798 r5.Ç$,5.ÇQ, lQ!, rnap 9.

Dorvohora vieillard.ii g,(zaz),275.

Drimræ 74, 92, 1 20, 1 45, 22O 1571 1535.

Drimvs sect. Tasnannia 120.

-Drinr¡s wintecl 145,31O. Drnad.od.aphne ivrvrvi,1 15t12r28r32r11r54r75r3'l r3Br40, table I,

41 ,43 r44r5oar51 ,55 156 r57 ,59 161 ,62166 167 ,68 169 r7or71 ,75 176 r77 ,78r79,

81 ,g4rB8, gO rg4 ¡99 ¡1æ, 102, 1O3 r1O5 1106 11O?r 1 09 1122r13O 1155 1156 1186r I 1BB,189,190,1 gzrJjLr|gE,r2O1 ,2O2r2O5 r2O4r2O5 rn6 r2O7 ,2@¡2Q9t211 ,260 '

261, 26 1 a, 288, 29o, 291, 297 13 49 1552 1353, 4oB, 11 2, 41 r, 41 6, 526, 576, 578,

54Or541þ421543r544'5+5rf .1r naP 2, map 5. 6r9

Drvaclodaphne eerastro;Ldcs 1g5r(227) rQZz) rçzl+) 1242.

Drr¡ad-odapbne nor¡osuineensis vrTB¡ O¡ tabl-e TIt 1411951201,

2O5, 206, 2O7, 2OB, çZt t ), 222,2ä, 27 1, Q32), (ZtÐ, lZll), 241 ¡ Q$),

2ç?r2ç1r!Ç{rf '5'f '26'f '368,f '+5A',f '51' s ubsp. novonrineensis 4.rë2r238r279r24jr241 .

subsp. occidentalis 12r2U7 ræräf-r278r279r24or241 ¡5.!Qt

f .5F,.G, rnap 5.

naP 5' vârr IItâ€?a 11r199r21OrZZ71233rë5r2+1- -: r569rf.Ò. ',Er

f . 5A-D' var - novogr-¡-ineensis 1 4 rÆr27o, 2t5,32!1241 r2+2 1569, nBP 5.

Dr¡radod.aphne pterandrica :- v114¡JB, table IT, 78r'19¡87¡B5t

Bg,186 ,2O1 ,2021206 r2O7 t2}8rÆr4-r219 t22O,221 ,2221231 ,2521239,

. 4 .25, f . 44D' f . 5 1, map 5 . 24O, 241 r2+g 1260, 273. 541 r5+5 rT!9, 291 t lB4 f ¡f

Drvad.odaphne trachyphloia vr11r78, table TÍ., 44t2O1 12051206,

2O7 r2)Arær28r24915771581 ,f .6rf .16,f .27 ,f .52¡ nap 5.

Drmoohora sassafras 771.

Dvsoxvlum fraseranum 393.

Dvsor¡h¡m spectabile 532.

Elaeocarpaeeae 3+,186,197.

Elaeocarpus 2n 1231 . 620

El¿eocarpr¡s holopetalus 157r17O1784.

Elaeocarpr¡s reticulatus 597.

Ehbothrium 515.

End.iand.ra 1Or11.

End.iandra discolor 383.

EndÍandra muelleri 7#.

End.iand.ra pal¡nerstonii 5.?!rf .59.

Ericaceae 70.

Escalloniaceae t41186r18'.1.

Eucalvotus 15714581528.

Eucrvphia 74r12O1535.

Eucr¡phiaceae 186.

tucrwhi-a cord.ifolia 129,145 r71O.

E\rcrrrph-ia moorei 384,

Euphrasia 120.

E\rod.ia 220.

FaEus 527 ,52815291551 .

Ficus 787.

Ficu^s u¡d.ulata 529. 62L

Fitzror¡a 145r57O1535.

Freveinetia banksii 332.

I'uchsia nasellanj-ca 710.

Galbulirnima 22O1251.

Geis 't tB1.

Gevuina avellana 145.

GinkEo 572

Gl-ossocalrnr 9r52r191.

Gono4teæ a,r9r1or3grßr4gr5or5rr74r77 ,81 t 1o2t 1o4t 1 05 1116,


Gomortegaceae ív 14¡gt1}r17 ,79r48r51 ,52161 ,64t69r'17 ,81 tB3,

86 eB9¡97 t96 fiI t1O1 ,1O211OB, 1 12,113,114,115,2BB.

Gonorteæ. keuLe 58 1rf O aa a 'B Guie. semislauca 785.

Halfordia 220.

Eananelid-aceae 81. - Eed.vcarr¡a 1 O, 1 1 r39, 46, 61 r73 r77 186 tÜ ¡91 ¡92 ¡97 t 1O7 r2O4 1528.

Hedycarrra ansustifolia 384t?P!,2q+rf ,41. - Hed.vcar'¡a arborea 61r87. 6zz

Eernandiaceae 17 r1O9111+.

Eortonia 1or17 r39t45r47 r5Or51 ¡52fi5160164169r74r'l7 rBOr87,

ú Ð3 t)6 \9'-'lt 1 04, 1 OB, 1 15 11 1 1 r1 15 11 1 6, 1 17 .

Eortonioi-d.eae 192.

Evd.ransea 530.

Il-ex 220.

Ilex aouifolium 44.7.

Iliciphvllum 531.

ïsomerocarpa (r gr) ,2o4. (27+), I s oner s-carpq-æIg-g¡iæþ 1 gj, (2i t), (zzz), Qtz), (zlt).

Knishtia 571.

Lactoriclaceae 109.

Laoaseria rosea 71O.

æLaportea sisas 387.

Larrlizabalaceae 1O7.

l¡arraceae iv, lO, 11 ¡17 ¡79t45 t48r49r5}r51 ,52157 161 ,64169174,

1 1 07 01 1 07 1 08' 75 r77 rB1 rB7 rB6 rtll r89, 95 rg4 rg5 196 fiI t9B, 01, 02 11 11 1105' r

112,113 r114 1115,116 1186 ¡1Ül 1551 1513. 621

Lar.¡ra1es iv¡171108r1141116.

laurelia vrviii, 1r215r75r7Br+O, table It 11r42'43t5Oa'51'55'

5.1,58r5g162163164166167,68r7Or71- ,72r77r75 176 r77,79rB2rB3rB4rB7 tBBr94t

1 1 g7 1 09 1 27, 25), 1 28, 1 31, 1 32, 1 +7' 1 55, 56' 84' )6 ¡ ¡ 99 t 1 02 r'l Ot, 1 05, 1 06, ¡ 0 1277 , 185 1186 e1ï'lt 1BB, 189r'l9Or 1g1 ,192r2O7r2O51256 12591260 1261 ,4.12'16

2, 41 6' 284, 285, 286, 287, 2Bg, 2gO, 295 Î93 a r7 1 7, 3 1 6 1349 r75 1 1757, 41 +1 4'

,536 ,557 417 ,521 ,522 ,527 r52g ,531 ,572 ,533 ,554 ,575 '541 '545 '54+ ', "39 f.l, maP 2.

ar: elía anar:Ll1ana 7æ1529r55Ar574t535'

Lauretia-es-ornatica, ilÐ 1144127612941295) 12%r2n r29B,

313,314 1716.

Lanrelia cf. novae-zelandiae 527'

Lar¡relia chilensis 295rQS6) 1297 1714.

ter¡rel¿? rrenata (zgl) ¡715-

Laurelia etl:iílazrri pr529t53o15711535'

Lanrelia insularis fr¡529tr711535.

Laurelia novae-zelandiae 5r9r13r71r32r38t40t table IIt 50, K rB4186 rB7 ,91 ,94r95 ,99r1O3 r2BO' 51 ,54r55,60,62r65"rp7 ,72r7Br7g '97 6 284, 2tJ6' 2FJ7, 2tf.' 2go' 2g1' 292' 295'&'7 1 o'3 1 8'71o'532'373' 41 t 523' nap B' 529 þ32 rZTZ r5.q! tffi f .3o'f .45D rf .54' 6z+

L,aureli-a od.orata (zgl) ti16.

Lar¡relie-pþ!}åæ@ (t=l). lar:relia primaeva æ215281529.

Iaurelia rediviva 5415281529'

Lar¡ e1ia sempervirens viiir6rBrgtlzr+O, table II, 50t6Ot

109, 1321153,i74) ,1421147 1144 ,117 68 rB4rB5,1OO,101 , '146 '186 '276 ' 292, 293, 29 4.' 295' 296' 27 7, 27 B, 27 g, 2BO, 284, 286, 2g7, 288, 2Bg, 291, &'

2g7 13141715 1516 2529 r?ql rz.+,f ' 1 'B' ,2gBr3O7 ,71O 17121713 '531 '27ç 'f f .29rf .45C, maP 7.

f. serrata (tl+).

Laurelia serrata Bert. non R.Ph-iI. (r¡o) ¡135,çzw),3i5.

Lar¡relia serrata R.PhiI. non Bert. g,(t=z) ,i47 ,294.

Lau¡elia tertiaria %1528.

Laurelj-eae ivrvrvi, (Zl) rlS r7gr51 162165 ¡78299r1O4 11091121'

- 1 89' 1 1 285' 295 2 1 22, 1 27, 1 26, 1 fu , 1 32 ¡ 1 50, 1 55, ll4J 1 86, 1 Ü1, 18B r 91, 92'

748 1415 1539 r54O 1541 Þ421547 1544, nap 1 . t/ lrar:reliees 27.

Lar.¡reliopsis- ivrvrvirviiir 1 ,7 r71 ,33 r1jt table T, 41142,43' 5oa,51 ¡52¡55t56,5Br5g,67,64,66,67 ,68r7or71 r75 176 r'17 r7B'79'81 '82'

gg, 1 1 05, 1 09, 1 1 9 1 21, 1 22, 1 23, g7 rg4 r85 186, 88, 89, 94, 1 oo, 02, ¡ Ø, Ø' 2. '128r12gr17)115111721146115411551156r2O2152215271535r579r54}r1.1' Mp 625

Laureliopsis- philipLi-ena viii, 6'8'12, table Îf , 43'126r

A,31 6' 57O' 51 1' 1 29 ¡ 1 1 1, ffi., 1 47 t 1 44, 1 45, 1 46,296 ÕO8,3O9,71 277',2?1',

7%,f .Zrf .27rf .44L, maP J.

Lar:rineae 1'-l .

Lar:ronhvllum 55Or531.

IraUfr:S 50r4OB.

Laums nobilis 2O11284,4O8.

I,earosa 577,(579) .

Ï..,enna 447.

Levieria 79,46,(lgl) ,196,2O4-

Litsea reticulata 787

Lonatia 12O 1527 ,5281531 ,575.

Loneetia swainii 385.

Macroton¡,s 93.

Magnoliaceae 1O7 ,117 ,182 1352"

Magnoliales 18.

Menispernaceae 1O3r1O7 r1B2.

Metrosid.eros robusta 172

Microstrobos fÍtzserald-ii 170. o¿o

Mischocar¡us 587.

Mollined.ia 931528r53O1571.

Moninia 87'110'

Moniniaceae :rv,2¡3141 1O'1 1 r17 r(27) rtgr44146'47'48'49'51'

gt BO 89' 92' 9t 96' 97' 1 @' 1 03' 1 04' 55, 6 1, 6 + ì6 9 t7 1 r75 r77 r'l t 86,B'î' 91' t

1O?,1OB,1 1O,1 1 1 ,1 1 2r113r114r115r116¡117 t191 1192r2O4r526 '

Monimiaceae alliance 10¡17¡79t44r46t52'6o'64'67'69'72'77'

1 05' 1 07' 1 1 6' 156',536' ?8, 80'86, 92 r94 196, 97 r98r 1 01 r1O2, 1O3 ¡ 1O4' I Monirni acees 24r25.

Moninieae 23.

Moninioideae 17.

MrrrceuAenia PlaniPes 145.

Mrrrica 571.

Il¡rristicaceae 105.

M¡rrtaceae 7O1531.

Nenearon Hr¡mbold.tii 262)275.

Nemualon 255.

Nemuaron Lvrv1215r7 t72r73J8, table I, 41'43'5Oa¡51 ¡55¡56¡

9+' 95' 96 I 99' 1 0o' 57, 59, 62, 66, 68 r7 O r7 2 ¡77 ¡75 ¡7 6 {17 9 ¡ 82'83'84'æ' "1 627

1 Ogr12t 1 90, 191 1O1 ,1O2r1O7 r1O51106r 1186 r1B9' '12A,2O2r2O5,2O4r2O5, 291, 295 41 2, 41 6 578, ë., 256 25B ¡ 260, 26 1, 26 1 a, 27 7, 2æ, 2gO, 1149, þ56, 545r1.1, maP 2.

Nenr.¡aron hilnboldtii (v) rviii ,(zøz) ,272.

Nenuaron vieillard.Íi vrviiir 13t14r3+, table II, J2;1O6,

2221253 1256 1262r27O, 271 ,272r277r5'-lÙr5B2r5B4rf .7 ¡f .28Í.45Brf .53,

map 6.

Nephelites 528.

Nothofaqus 1 ¡54t12O11451169t17O1186r1BBr2O1 r22O1231 t2B4r7OI I

331 ,527 ,5291571 ,535 rf .5+.

Nothofasus antarctica 12O.

NothofaqUÊ- cußni4ÆÊgii 1571170rf .47'f .48.

Nothofaeus dombelri 1291145¡71O.

Nothofaeus eulutii 12O. - Nothofasrs noorei 1691783rf.50rf.55rf.5'1.

Nothofasus oblioua 145r2Ur71O-

Nothofasus pr.¡.milio 12O.

Nothofagus subsect. Àntarcticae 119,

Nothofagus subsect, Biparb:i-lae 18615321555153615441545'

Nothofagus subsect. OuacLri tae 11915521536. 628

Opocr¡norlia 22Ot271.

Orchidaceae 757.

Onites excelsa 583.

Palmeria 61.

Pand.anus 251.

Paoaveraceae 182.

Pamraced.¡:s 22O.

pavonj¿ Ruiz non Cav. 2r2'l4rQle) 1277 1713,

Pavonia novae-zelandiae 718r(52o).

Pavonia Eqnnexvirens, gr277 r2g4rQO>) r5o9r312r513r114'

Fennantia cu¡minEha¡qll 458.

Persea li¡g¡e 14512841310.

Peumus 10¡17 ¡39t47 r49r5or53$4t69r71 r77r7'l r$or33186r9B,

1O4 r1O7 11 08, 1 |t, 1 1 4 11 16, 1 17 r51O.

Per¡nus boldus 5.??rf .4O. 22O.

Phvllocladu,s aspletuif-Slius 170.

Pileerocl.endron 145.

Pittospon:m r.¡¡d.uIatum 183. 629

Planchonell-A 220.

Pl anc-hone I1a aus t-ralis 783.

Platea 220.

Podocaroaceae 186,532.

Podocarpus 7+r22O12841575.

Podocarpus dacrYù 772.

Pod.ocarpus f errqgineug 732.

Pod.ocarpr¡s ladei 249.

Pod.ocarpus s'picatus 132.

Pod.ocarpus totara 172.

Polycarpicae 18.

Polvosna cunninghamii 383.

Pr of oather os pernorYl on 45 1524,5251526. hotoatherosPernoxYlon kraels e æ..

Prot oatheros Per'moxyl on rennei 52!..

Protoatheros permorvl on resinif en¡m 5?4.

ProtoatherosPerrno lo 54.

P:r of oather os permoxyl on umzambi cum 82.

Prurn¡s 220. 630

Pseudorintera 120.

Quintinia 187 r22O.

Orrintinia sieberi 785.

Ranales 18r1O5r1O7.

Ram:ncrrlus 16.

Rhanhithannus s pinosr:m 710.

Bhopalostvli-s sapid.a 752.

Rosaceae 70

RosaLes 1 05.

Rubiaceae 571.

Salix chilensis 315.

Sapind.aeeae 551.

Sassafras 1O5,379,572.

Saxesothea conspicua 145.

Sarifragaceae 11'11159.

Sch-isand.raceae 103.

Schizomeria 220.

Schizoneria ovata 387.

Scolopi¿ 785. 6tt

Siparrraa 3r4r1}r11 ,39r5zr57r98t 104t 191 ,2O4,57O'

Siparr¡na g.oup 9r1O¡11 ¡17 ¡79t4'1 t49r5Or51 r52r53,61,64t69'7O' - 77,7.|,æ,g2,g7,96,9,| ¡1oo' 101 104' 110,1 11 ' '112'11',117 '192'204. Siparnna riParia væ. gþ@!åí 5.q+' - Siparu¡a r¡-illiansii 5,??rf .43.

Siparuneae 191. - Siparunoid.eae 17 1111 . sloanea 22O.

Sloanea ar¡stralig 383.

Sloanea woollsii 383t458'

S¡iraeoæis 187.

Steeanthera 79.

Stenocarpr.¡,s saliszlus 783.

Sterculia 51O,571.

Svzvgium 22O1271.

Tambourissa 97.

Tarrietia actinoPhYlla 787.

Tarri-etia trifoliata 387.

Ternstroeniaceae 529. 632

Tetrasrmand.ra 3g161r1O4r1O7.

Theve ixr2'l6r(277).

Theysa chilensis 9î77,Q56) ,114,315.

Thisa 277 ,715.

lELg- Ph-L-lç¡tsis 296 r2g7 ,715.

limonius 220

Toona ar.straLÞ 387.

Tri¡nenia 1Or11r111.

Trineniaceae 1Or11 ,17 r92r1O9r111.

Tri-nenia PaPuana 2??'5.?+.

Triorites 552.

Tristani¡, conf 158

Tristanites 528.

Unbelh:-laria 50.

vitex lucens 332.

Ìtreinmar¡eia 22O.

l,üeinmar¡nia trichosperna 1291145 '

lüeinnannia sJEtqqÞ 7291772'

Ïfi kiea 10 161 ,1O7 . 6tt

liilkiea hueeeliana 61.

I¡Jilkiea macooraia ZQ?,t.42.

Winteraceae 1 ,1 86 ,187 ,555.

Xanthomwtus 220.

Zanthorvlum 220 VI. TLLT]'STNATIONS Figure I

I¡rflorescence t¡pes i¡ the family Atherospemataceae

D Nenruaron - E _- I¿urelia

F Donrchora aromatica - G- : Dorryphora sassafras

H Daphnea_dåe -

bisexual flowers

@ stami¡rate flolvers pístitlif erous flor;¡ers

\/ bracts ancl bracteoles H D

A c

@ 4,1,

a Tigure 2

Î,ar¡t e_lj ops_i¡__pþi Þppigqq ( t o o s er ) S ch ocld.e

Ä: flowerìlg branchlot (fy*t Jr:r¡ge 67-t+9)

B: staminate flower, with bracteol-es (tron Junge 67-+9)

c- stamen (abaxial view) (tlorn Jr-rnge 67-L9) D: stamen (lateral view) (fron Junge 67-L9) E: stanen-like stami-nod.e (fron Junge 67-+9)

FrG transitional and. sca"le-like of bise:aral - flower (fron Junge 67-+9)

H- bj-sexral flower (from Junge 67-+9) ï- L.S. bise:anal flower (f"o* Jr:nge 67-49) i¡fructescences (f}om Dien 8l!) K- L.S. fÏnitíng hy¡ranthium (f"o* Dien 8J!) L- nutlet (fron Dien 8l!) 4mm


L /// /.'



Z¡nm I 4mm 3mûr

t G F


E c D Figure 3

moschatun subsp, .ttte-q-ffgÞg (A.Cr¡rur. ex Tul' )scnoaae

A * bra¡rchfet with i-nfLorescence bud.s (from lvfaid-en: I\TSII 67848)

B sta¡rlnate flovrer (rrorn Fraser: N$I 67842) - C steÃen (Iateral view) (f¡o¡a trþaser: Nslii 67842) - D ste¡ren (aba,xial view) (fron tr?aser: NSli 67842) - E L.S. pistilliferous florrer (from Forsyth: NSÏ'f 41827) - pa5red F outer sta^mj¡rod-e of pistillj-ferous f1o',trer, showing - vestigial stani-nal gland.s (rron Forsyth: llstl 41827) e inner stesi-node of pi-stilliferous ffouer (ttom Forsyth: - NSl'í 41827)

H branch.Let with young inflorescence bucls and. nature fruitÍng - hypanthia (fy* I?ancis: NSIî 67850) I nutlet (*om Francis: NSii 67850) - ospe]:Ina moschatum Ïøbi1l. subsp" nosgha'tum

J : ca^nopy Jeaf of mature tree (Tasnania) (fron Schod.d-e ,í2) K l-eaf of sapling (lasmania) (rrom schod'd'e ,¿6) - L canopy feaf of matr¡re tree (south-east lrleru South '{ales) - (ftorn Schod.d-e fi82)

M leaf of saplj-ng (south-east Nelir South trIales) (fyo* - 1481) 3cm

5mm A

?cm t--l


5mm K

tt! il ( lt,l It I l 5 mrn


Zcm 2mm

G lmm Figure 4 prx4"-q-"pi¡¡i"--P!ær4rli-"-q Schod.d.e

/\ flowering branchlet (ftorn Robbj¡rs 86J, Sctrod.d.e 4816) - B : florser (tton Robbins 863) 861) C outer stamen (1ateral view) (from Robbi¡s - 861) Ð outer stamen (abaxial view) (ttonr Robbins - E * inner sta.nen (abæcia1 vi-ew) (frorn no¡t:¡s 86l) aborted' tl (a.d.axiaI and. aba¡cia] views), showíng - staminal- gland-s (fron Robbi¡rs 861) g infbuctescences (fron, trbod-i¡r: NCF 28519) - H L.S. of fbuiting lgrpanthiun tkrrougkr d-ehiscence - (tlon Saund-ers 81J) I nutlet (rrour Frod.i¡r: NGF 2851-9) - 3cm


3 nrm A






2m rtr ¿t..J.l 5mm

l--J-¡-l 3cm Figure 5

nov:ogg=f4qens,lg (Perk, .Sntith var. novoeui¡eensis Drrrad.od.aphne-- . )A.c ---- =-v A flowering branchlet (fron Schod-d-e \875) - B L.S. flo¡rer (fron Schod-d-e \875) - c stamen (abarcial vierv) (frorn Schodd'e +875) - D staminod-e (abaxial vieiv) (tton SchocLde )1ß75) - Drvad od.aptu:e novoguineensis subsp . occid.entalis $chod.d.e

E leaf (upper face) (from van Royen ancl Sl-eumer 7387) - F leaf (lcrer faoe) (fron van Royen and sler¡mer 7187) - g stanen (abaxial view) (from van Royen and. Sler-mer 7187) -

Dryaclod.aphne novoRri¡eensis var. macra Schod.d-e

inf?uctesoences (frorn Schodde 5Oe1) !E

r c,


E o E ú) E E r) d .f)

t-----L-J OE È 6 ,\.-'


Jq )

¡ rÌì q ï

E o o - E_ê ç.--' E ---. L \.> d ( ¡ll Fieure 6


A fbuiti¡g branchlets (fron Schod-de T52) - B j::florescences (1¡on Hanson: C.AIçB ,OBO9) - flower (frot Hanson: C^AXE lO8O9)

D .: stanen (abaxial view) (f¡on l¡;anson: c/'lB lo8o9)

E stamen (latera1 view) (t¡*t Tlenson: - c/*i[B JOsOg) F outer stani¡rod.e (abaxial view) (fton Hanson: - C,,UrrB ]OgO9) g inner starni¡rod'e (abaxial view) (from Hanson: - ci,rùB JoB@)

H fbuitjng Ì5ryanthir:n (from Schod-d'e til+O) - I nutlet (frøl Schod.d.e fi$o) - 3cm


c I crn

2mm B ?cm lcm

\l ì lmm


ô E G F Figure 7

Nemuaron viei]-lard-ii (eaiu, )naitt.

A flowering bra¡rchlet (fron Schmid. a¡rcl McKee: CANB) -. B flower (tlon Sch¡rid. and. McKee: CAIüB) - C L.S. floner (from Schnid. ancl lfcKee: CZII'üB) - D stanen (abaxial view) (from schmid. and McKee: CANB) - E stanon (hteral view) (fror'o Schmi-d ¿mcl McKee:ClrlIB) - F sta^mi¡ode (abaxial vievr), showi¡g vestigial sta¡dnal - gIand. (from Sctunicl ancl McKee: CINB) e --- sta^ni¡rod.e (abaxial view) (ttorn Schmid. a¡rd. McKee: CANB) H i¡rfþuotescences (f>om Schod-d.e 521rt) - I ftrriting tgrpanthiun (from Schocld-e 52+9) - J young nutlet (from Schod.cle 5U+7) - K mature nutlet (fron Schoctd.e 5249) - 3cm



Zcm A

3mm 2mm

2 m¡n c G D Fieure I

Lar¡re1ia semDervrPens (nu-iz & Pav. )n t.

flowerilg branchlet (t¡orn Hollerrnayer (x.t927): uS)

B sta¡rinate flower (trom Holle::mayer (x. 1927) : US ) - stanen (abaxial view) (from Hol1e:ma¡rer

(x.t927): uS )

D :- stanen (1¿teral view) (fron Ho1le:mrayer

(x.r9z7): us ) E- L.S. pistilliferous florver (from Claud-e-

Joseph 2J8O) F- outer sta.nj¡od,e (abaxial view) (fton Claude- Joseph 48O) G.: inner¡rotLe (ada:cial vierv) (fron Claud-e-

Joseph ryBO) H- infructescences (from HolJ.ernayer (i"t9z8):Us)

I- fnuitìlg h¡peunthj-urn (fron Philippi !2l1? : US) nutlet (fronr Philippi l2l¡?: US) 3 cyn ,l





J./. Sz




4¡nm G F Figure 9

Don¡phora aronatica (n,lt"eair. )l.s .snith

florvering branchlet (fron l'ryatt l¡: BRT)

B- i¡florescence bud- (ftom Kajervski 1OO5) c- flov,ier (t¡on 'r"Iyatt þ BRI) D- L.S, fl-ower (from ''.þatt 4: BRI) E: stamen (abaxial. view) (fron rlyatt þ BRI) F- stamen (lateral vierr) (fron þatt 4: BnI) G- stamen-ljke¡ode (abaxial view) (fron '[nyatt 4: BRI) H- style-like stamj-nod.e (abaxial view) (from þatt l¡: BRf)

I- infructescences (ttom Schod.d.e 3fi2) fruíting þrpanthiun, with ped.uncle (from Kajewski 1OO5)

K- nutlet (fYom Fitzalan: \tsL 3226) 3 cn¡





lcm J

c (


3mrn 3mm

It' o ?mm F &l{ G tr'igure 10

Daphna¡¡Q¡e_nþseqürA (Tut. )Benth.

fJ-owerÍng branc[Let B flower ( view) - c L.s" flower - D (abæcia1 view) - S stamen (bteral view) - î outer staminod.e (abaxial view), show"5ng paired. - vestigial staminal glands

ÈrE inner st¿r¡rj¡ -

(a11 parts fron Schod.d.e 5la./) s

J r¿¡ru z uwq

"frNl Ð w v ,& 45


,a, tu I


l¿t) g Figr:re 11

Ðaphnandre. rn:loranth-:r (ntf . )nenth.

I i¡rfluctescences (from Cleland.: NS'f 67911) - J nutlet (from Cteland-: NST 67911) - K ternj¡al nod-e of stern (fron Schodde 51¿+1) - J

\j/,: \


l0 mm '/

( 3cm (


K Figure 12

Daphnadlq-teru+Pes Per{<.

.¿l flowering branchlet (t>om Schod-d-e 3572) - B L.S. flo¡ver (f"o* Schod.d.e 1572) - c : (abaxial view) (tton Schod-d-e ,572).

D stamen (bteral view) (rron Schod,cle 5572) - ErF sta¡ri¡¡ (f}m SchocLde 3572) - g influctescences (f"o* Jones: BRf O5U97) - H nutlet (ttor Jones: BRI 051797) - 3 crn

lO mm




G t( \t L /,1- r' ,lt

g \ \li ù \\

2mm B lmm

c D Figr:re 13

Daphnandra melasmena Schod.d.e

Ä flowerlng branchlet (fron Hayes and' Turner 2) - B flower bud. (tlon Hayes and- T\:rner 2) - C L.S. flower bu¿ (tlon Hayes and lurner 2) - (frot lfayes and' D --- und.ehisced. stamen (abanial view) lurner 2)

E und.ehisced- stamen (latera1 vievr) (frour IIa¡res - and. T\:rner 2)

3rG staminodes (abaxial view) (fron Hayes and. - lurner 2)

fruiting bra¡rchlet (from Schod'd-e 3575) I fruiting þpanthium (ttom Schod.d.e 357+) - J nutlet (won Schodd.e 307+) - 3 crn


I \




tt 5mm \ I ,,) I

5mm lmm


G lmm D E F Figr:re 14

Daphnandra .'iohnsonii Schod.d-e

¿ flowering branchlet (tyor Johnson an¿ - Constable: NS'¡ 5?JIO)

B flower bud. (fro' Johnson and. Constable: - NSiï 52110)

C L.S. flower bud- (ftom Johnson and. Constable: - NSrrí 52110)

D j¡rner tepal (fto* Johnson an¿ Constable: - NSTI 52J10)

E : uncl-ehisced- sta¡ten (abaxial view) (fron Johnson

and- Constable: NSi 52110

F und.ehisced. stamen (1atera1 vier,v) (fron - Johnson and- Constable: NSIT 52110)

G stami¡od.e (abaxial view) (tton Johnson an¿ - Constable: NSr.,i 5!JfO)

H : staminod.e (ad.axial vielr) (tlon Johnson and' Constable: IISïI 54LO) I j¡rfþuctescenoes (fton lllcBarron A2959) - J fbuiting h¡ranthiu'r (fron McBarron l:2959) - K nutlet (ftot McBarron i.:2959) - 3cm 3mm r--r--]--r



q r Y Ì¡ 2cm v


B 3mm


c ],"'. F H m?"1 D E Fi-gure 15

o_ÞpeJnalno^gg-þglg L abill. ^t_ìæf

Study trees at Brown Diountain,

south-east ITew South lTales

(photo: C.L.l,es1ie) â-

I Figure 16

Dry_q@ Schodcle

Ghu¡rchil1 creek, north-east Queensland.

(photo: R. Schodde)

Fieure 17

DorTrphona aromatioa (F.r,t.BaiJ-, )L.s,smith

Herberton range, nea¡ ¡Itherton,

north-east Que enslancL

(photo: R"

Fi-gure 18

Dor:mhota sassafras Exd1.

Study trees at Cu¡rrowa¡l State Forest, south- oast New South lilales

(photo: C.L.Ieslie)

Figr:re 19

Do:¡mhona sassafbas Encl1.

Bark structrre and' oopp5-ce formation

Gurrowa¡¡ State Forest, south-east New South T¡/-ales

(photo: C .L.T,es1ie )

Figurq 20

sas &ô1. rrith Lj.fe forn of fløeri¡g branohlet' aberrant 7-8-Partite fl-owers sd¡ttr-east Ne¡r Souttt Cl¡sowan State Fcrest'


(photo: C.L.Leslie)

Fj6r:re ?J papbna¡rd¡e-repa¡rclula (n.mref:)F .Mr¡elf'

Yor:ng trees, Ïiongabel Forest Reservet

north-east Queensla¡ld.

(photo: R. Sohocltle)

Sigure 22

Daphnandra .iohnsonii Schoclde

Submatr.¡re tree, Yellow Rock creek, Illawarra District

(photo: C.L.Les1ie)

Iigure 23

Iar¡re1íopsis philippiana (tooser)Schod.cle

T.S. and. T.L.So of second.ary xylern (xlOO) r2968 (voucher: n. XE64I) I Itä \+)


a I i I ,rI'i'

i t I I I a li I fi1 : I I t ¡

I I t I

/ I I , t I I I LI I I rl tr'igure 2l+

Âtherosperrna moschatr:4 Labi1l.

T.S. and. T.L.S. of secor¡lar5r lylem (xfOo) (voucher: n. 2Ol-:2) >-

-\ru'¡_-l_f ¡ -¡=- Figure 25

Dn¡acLoclaphne pte¡rand.rica Schotld'e

T.S. and T'L.S. of secondary :qylem (xlOO) (voucher: Satmders lOlO) :- =-

rt<-ts Fieure 26

Doryadodaphne novoeq-j¡reensis (Perk' )/i'G'Snith

T.S. arid. T.L.S. of second'arïr rylero (xlOO) NGF 1016. (voucher: S¡m¿nææF+) v I Y I


I l

t'.t,. I I t

e I

I t, I I i I, I


âÊ Figr:re 27

DryatloiLaphne t13,_c_ÌXæhlo_i_a Sohodd.e

T.S. and. 1.I.S. of second.ary 4¡1em (xlOO), shovring oi1 ceÌls

(voucher: fi52)

I' 28

Nemuaron vieilfarcl.ü (nait-l. )eaitt.

T.S. and. T.L.S. of second.ary rgrlen (xlOO) (voucher: n.J1:62I) ---

.¡æ:v*ò -

-- I' 4; -¡->--- t fta> .r-$t t' Dl- __._<¡l :* æ-:É T--' D

O-' --.a.a- '-o.l ,.

-_ -=;¡- * Figure 29

I¿rurelia. (auiz & Pav. )Tul.

T.S. and. T.I-.,,S. of second'ary :grlen (xlOo) (voucher: n. J:2969)

Figr.rre 30

T,aurelia Ierrd-ia.e -4..Cunn.

T.S. and- T.L.,S. of second.ary 4¡1en (xlOO) (voucher: n. ?J3) __..l¡- a O é.- -t- af-ì, -rtI -

- ?O- - Ç---

Ì O art tD¡¡.tt¡t - O(O^ -;Zí:7 --__ -- ,-.<{rr¡;r æq lrl(D ¡- - ! -D.- !DfI)G --. FD -l¡ 3_3!_,o-ão? -{D- .r t- -t:3 -(DlD (Do - - '-r__-- O¡) -lÈl'.

J:: _ :"j?+å . --.5 ------oi j s Figr:re 3I

Dorl¡phora aronati-ca (F.M.Bail. )L.s.snith

T.S. and T.L.S. of second:try 4r1en (xl0o) (voucher: S"tuüÈåÆ

Figrrre 32

Dorlrphor? sassafbas End-I.

(xIOO) T.S. ancl T.L.S. of socorrdary ry1em t*ß) (voucher: ". t'r

a ::Èã+ -a 4.----1' dt ------+ , !84'F È------


- -+

- ¡-- Figure 33

Daphnandrq repq4@-l-a (F.Muell' )r'mretl'

T.S. a¡rd T.L.S. of second-ary q¡1en (xlOO) (voucher: Schod'd'e t258) -h. e-ia Figure 3+

--,_-_Daphnarrdra- tenulPes Perk.

T.S. a¡rd. T.L.S. of second'a:ry rgrlern (xlOO)

(vcucher: Schodd-e 5572) eD

. ,(irlttl.

) Figure 35

Da apat e1a SchoC-d-e

(xloo) T.S. and- T.L.So of socond-ary 4r1en (voucher: Pul-Ien 376f) -'.o o: - --.'- :.--_f . .-ó o - :---l- ¡rì,

C rÞ \--7 I---- .--!-'--- -r- .L: D.: ,-- I ! --lD - aD - lf.a'' a 3iÊ-o'õ ------. å --Jì.------t-'--'tt-

,-r., !*.

¿ê'* -,- - <-. -> Sigrre t6I\

Oap¡na¡rAra tenutPeg Perk.

1.S. of second-ary :grlen (xlOO) of young tree, cf,f.J\ (voucher: Schocld'e 3570)

Fieure t6B

(Perk. ),ln'"c .snittr

R.L.S. of secon'd-ar¡r rylen (xZOO) NeF 1016 (voucher: 5ttsffiæx8Êtñ) -4

tlll'ì ¡ Figr:re 37IY

End-l' D sas safras

R.L.S. of second-ary :ryler. (x2OO)

(voucher: ".t3å1fo 17s

apateIa Schod-d-e

(xzoo) R.LoS. of second-ary rgrlen (voucher: Rrllen fl6f) ð -_- .b ù-_ a -- \ ---- F-_- îa t \t

(O O¡ h a. . \- O t 1.4 ..,. a¡ a-t - rF ._r( t.. a

6 ¡ ô. ,O _- - --é. i'i..;-,' t-åtæ _'7Î ^


- - -__r_ç?F I '.'l"tù-.-.--;a!lúl!._. a

rú, r- - =l>--5ll



! Figure 38

Gonortega keulo (uor. )¡xmeøoc*n¡ Baill.

1.S. and. T.L.S. of seconilary r6r1om (xlOO)

(voucher: f,¡ 49861) J-r t rt - - - -t e

¿ t- .. a:tlt ---- a a (- .t- ¡?s_o^5 -O- - rD-- _* -


r¿rÞ- Figr:re 39

End.iand¡a pal-ner stonii (F.M.Bai1, )rrrrite & trbancis

T.S. and. l.L,S. of second.ary rry1en (xfOO) (voucher: n. 265r) InÍ'ì?Ër;olffii €-

a.- ':-- ¡ 4 -ç=--r.

ò.>- -."---- <- +lEEryBP--

GQ r1 <¡--tË¡C.ñ ffi --.- -- t 3 -:'fEEæ_ ¡'agure 4u

Perrnus I4o1

T"S. and- T.1,o;1. of second-ary xylen (x1Oo) - aztÄ (voucher: ". X6Ífr) '-1É- -?l - --- =4,- ¿'t - jaÞ ' t.- - ¡ -1 þ -yt< ¿ -_i :r. .''-*--..--.-. ¡ t- -l ,',' --__,-\__ ì it-Y,.q1 h_ ---\.'.- -I1 \ \a I q ó Þ -I I q E=,gi=Ì, I ¡ a -.. tL a ;ì::-_ {- € ";-: ¿t b l. I JL I tF{ *' ù'4 q \ rÞ

__r.i /l 1:., 'ù'- I f tj l à tt q*.. (-r I r>. :, t ) I -r..'trtrl.i.r. .|.,t/ti l, : i )':: I

I , --t"¡''-l -.Í:i _-:.J :-.:. i t ;' ;.-,r- ii ,';':', ;i-¡..*'y-.\ ,-- ri a , $ t'ì ; Ij- i-1ç



{' , t l; ,'w )..',r _) Figure 4J-

He4vcanr.a j¡n-g¡stif ol'14 /¡" Cunn "

(xloo) T.Sn and T.1,.S. of second-ary rylen (voucher: n. l7286) -- - --_4 :-:S

. t-jr Éí*t

---_'__ Figr:re lP

üilkiea nacooraia (F.n{.Bail. )Perk.

T.S. a¡rd T.I,.S. of second-ary rry1en (x100) (voucher: n- I271L) atæl^

:-t -- '' )r<---t - X'igr:re +3

williamsii Macbrid.e

T.S. a¡rd- T.L.S. of second-ary ryIen (xlOO) (voucher: tL. 25tr23) ) Ò ,9tt'?-tì----- a a <É l?¡ ta- t) -{F ìIlIt¡-+ a a ¡lO- -

Ðr-- - î.í.

F f' -t

.rI¡--ÞB lQ.O - -¡-ll e - " ..r{t_ { ! ro r- -- -."o I' -.-b -->

t s 'tr ¡ Iigure lù

Po11en t¡rpes

/\ (tooser)schod-d-e (x + 15oo) - I, 2 equatorial vieç¿s (frorn Philitrtpi: WL 3279) - B mature tetrad.s of Labill' - of (x ¿ 1!OO), shov,ring incipi-ent developnent equatorial fl¡rroi¡r (sites marked' x) (fron Schod'd'e t2t$) 1 : equatorial view (a*ow j¡td.icates true position of grai:: in tetrad-) Z _ polar vievr

C .[therosperna moschatr:¡r Labi1l. (* I 15OO) - I, 2 equatorial views (f"* Schod-de fiW) - D Schod-cle (x + 15OO) - I, 2 equatorial viev¡s (fron Schod-cle L,BI6) - A

I 2


I 2

I c .}1..r.. .î-'. - ,

I 2



I 2 Figure I+5

Pollen t¡4pes

A Drlrad.od.aphne novogui¡eensis (eerk,)A.C.Sniittr (x : - 15oo)

1 near polar vier-r (fron Schod.d-e )4875) - 2 equatorial view (fton Schod.d.e )ß75) - B Nemuaron vieillardii (eail1.)sai-rr. (x + 15oo) - I, 2 between polar and- equatorial view (fron - McKee t3tA9)

C _- L,ar.lrelia semDervtnens (nu:-z &Pav.)rot. (x + 15oo) Lr2-equatorialvier¡s (rtom Buchtien (190J+) :NSrT)

D Laure lia novae-zelancl-iae A.Cu¡n. (x 1 1þOO) - 1,2- equatorialviews (fron D.Petrie: N$rri 679L2) Fa )

A t

1 2

. a- i.'f]tâ t

B -r

. ? I - 2


1 2

I a D

I 2 Figure Itß

PoILen tSrpes

À Doq\rphora sassalf?as Þidl. (x + 15OO) - !, 2 equatorial views (t>oro. Schorltle 35t9) - B : Dqpl¡rqqdJq:-n:i!ìrantha (nù. )Benth" (x + 15OO) I, 2 equatæ views (from Schóðd.e 5Utß) - C @ (F,Uuett-.)F.Ltue11. (x + 1500) - 1 eqrratorial vie,w (wom Schorlde 125+) - C Daph¡rancl¡a johnsonü Schod.d.e (x I 1!OO) - 2- polar view (fyo* Johnson and. Gonstable:

NS\T 52r1o)

D Þptmand¡a johnsonii SchocLd,e (x + 1500) - I, 2 oquatorial views (fron Johnson and. Constable: - ttsiT 52110) ü


1 2

I ì t B




1 2


1 2 Figr:re l;l

Ecological- Dístribution of

Âthenosoerraa moschatt¡ni Labill. O

Mt. tr'ie1d. National Park, Tasnerria I 200m

o o \ ='- o o ---¿ o o o o o o o o o - ooo o o o o 900 o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o o o oo o o o oo o o o o o o o oo o o oo o o o o o ooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o / o o o o 600m o o o o Oo / \ o / I o ,/ ,/ o /

( 300m

Enclos es llothofagus cunn¿nghanii - (Hook. f. ) Oersr.

Creek bed vF Figr:re 48

Ecologícal Distribuùion of

Atherospe:¡rna moschatr¡m Labill. o

south sca^rp, Dor¡na Buang range, Victoria 1200m

\- -/ o ( o o o I

o I \ 1000 m o I o o \ o l À o l \ / \ o I o / 750 m o

I \ \ o \ o

500 m o

o o

Enc loses llotho j'aaus cunn¿nqLtani i (Hook.f.) Oerst.

Creek bed Figure +9

Ecological Distributj.on of

Atherosperna ¡noschatr¡n Labil-l. o

Doqæþpt_a_¡ps¡afr_+_q Ðnd.f . +

east scarp, Brorv:e Mountainrand. Mt. Ðnoned-ary,

south-east Ner¡ South Ïfales 1200m

o oo o o

U o o MT DROMEDARY o 900m

+ + + + +


+ +


300 m

+ + +

Creek bed Ecological Distribution of

-A.therospe:c¡na noschattn labill- o

Daohnar¡d¡a apatela SchocLd'e o

Bl¿t + east scar¡r, Ba¡rixgton Tops, lower north-east

llew South Eales 1500m o L \ ì l \ / \ + I + + + I + l + .r, 1300 m + l* \ I + + + + + , +l I I \ + + t + I + I + + + + l* + \ + I + + l* +l I \ + + + + ++ r 100 + I I + \ ++ + + + I I + + + \ a* ++ + + + + + I \ + ++ + / 9 00 + + + + + + + / \. + + + + + + + / \ + + \ / + +a + 700m oa ¡O o oo+ a o o o + O a + o + o o o o + a O 500m o.t- o a o + O o O¡ a + a o o o o o o o nt ,1 a o . +. \ tsncloses MT1o:aguS^ m()o?e1. (F.Vue11. ) Krasser . o a o O¡ o a Creeh bed tr -h'r-gure )L

Scological- Distribution of

(ter$.o..c;Smith V

D" ca Schod-cle I

south scarp, -Angabena rid'6e, Morobe Districtt

itlev¡ Gui¡rea 1800m I I T t t ¡ I ¡ ¡ 1600m T

¡ ¡ T v

v v 1400m V v v

v v I 200m

lìidge summi t

\ Creek bed Figure 52

EcologÍcal Ðistribution of

Ðefrbn_+nÈtq r-e!A+i!ü-¿u (F,MueI}; )F.MueII. O

(F Iro¡çgg: "qg"jlt-:-ca .M.Bail, )L.S .Snith x

Dq¡ad o_üæþne_ _t¡p_c_h¡æþ] g ia Schod.d.e v east scarp, Mt. Irelris rarìge, north-east

Queensland. 1200m

a O a o O o X o a o x x o a O o x O O a o x x x o a a X a oX x X 900 m x X a o O oo XX x x a X a t*t o XO O x o a x x ¡V a x o o x o v X O¡ x x a a X a x x o x 600 m x x x o a a x o a a o

o O


Creek bed tr Figr:re 53

Ecological Distribution of

vi-eillard.ii (Bailr. )saur. À south sca.rP' Table Unio, New Caled'onia paq ìaal] \


n¡ 009

Y u¡ 00¿ V v v v Y V v v V Y V v v v v v v v -9ot t v Y V v v V V v Y V vY V Y v Y v v V V v V Yv Y V v V V ur 006

u¡ 0001 Figure 5+

Ecological Distribution of

T,aurelia novae-ze]anC.iae A.Cunn' x

Kaitoke \iater Reserve and- Lake Ponui, North

Island., Ne'¿¡ Zea"fa¡cL Kaitoke Lrlater Reserve

400 m (

\ )

\ 300 m )

x \--l ( x sX -Jt v IL __ x x 200m x T -YL

100m Lake Ponui

) \_ ( x ,t, X .tx xx J.t \ t,x i! X X ,!! .t, .r, .r. .:!- it- -ú J! .r, -:1. - 0m

-.-- Encloses Nothofagus forest

\ Creek (river) bed

j¿- Semi-swamp Figure 55

Ecological- Distribution of

Daphnandra apatela Schod-d.e o

End 1. Dor¡rphora -s_qås_qÊq?q +

La^uTington plateau, south-east Queensland. 1200m + + + + + + + + + + +/- + + ++ + + \+ + + + + + + +\ + *\ + + + I *+ + + + + */ + + + +\ /* + + + t + ( + + + + \ + + \'-l + + + + 900 m + + + + oo O a a ooo a o o o o ¡O o a o O a O¡ a o o o o a o a a o o o O o a a o aO o o a o a 600 m a o a o o o o o o o o a a o a o


i1c 1 ()sLrs "otj-,ofaoi¿s ncoy.c:. (F. 'lre11.) Krasser

\ r rcek bed Figure 56

Ecological Ðistnibution of

Daphnqn4.rq_epa:Þþ Sehodd.e o

D. melasmena Schod.d.e A

D. tenuipes Perk. tl

Dor-J¡phora sassatgjl Xnd.l. + south sca:rp, Nightcap ra¡ger north-east

l[ew South Ï{a1es + 750 + tr + + o + tr+ E + + \" + + tr + + + + + + + tr + + tr + + n+ + o tr* + +,l 600m tr + \ Eì + +'\ + D \ t + V ct +\ "\ tr o t\ o 450m

o o o a a o 300m a o a o a O o! a o _a a ì- _a O -t -t^ ^ A {-. ^ O --a-f--+- A ^ 1' A\ ^ ^ ^ ^ -150m ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ A ^ A^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Approx. upper limit of red basaltic soil and associated rainforest

Ridge areas with bror^m shaley soils and nssociated forest

Creek bed F Figure 57

Ecological Ðistribution of

D¿rphnandr a apatela Schod-d.e a

D. nicrantha (r"r. )Benth. o

Dor¡¡ohora sassaflas End-l. +

east scarp, Band.a B"qnd.a ranger l-olrer north-

east l,,l-ew South iïal-es m --

+ + + + + + + + + I 000m + + + + + + ,+ + +-/ + + + + a a a a + a a o o + + + + a+ a750m o o + a o a a a o + + a a O a a a e o o 500 m o e e o o o o o e o o o o e o o o 250m o o o

Encloses IlotlLo.fagu:; noon¿i \ (F.Mue11. ) Krasser

\ Creek bed v -F'agure ,ÕFô

Ecologicat Distribution of

.johnsonii Schodd"e ^ Doryph ora sassafras End.l . +

Macquarie Pass-Kiama area, Ilfarvarra Distri-ctt

Nerr South ilales ô paq )lcr¡lJ

luouclJ.PJSo Ðuolspucs

u¡0 + v + + + + + V + + +Y + + + + + ru00z


009 + + + + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + r¡r00¿ + + + + + + + + + Map 1

Èesent Geographic Distribution of the fanily Atherospernataceae R.BR.

tribe AtherosPernateae t

tribe Larrrelieae ffi 0 z o0 o0

þ o0 j I o0

I I o0 I \ I I i \ I \ I \ \ o

>' o o

ca uoTf fo.rd ¡ snlo'I ¡ (gç0r) sAauroTorllreg hesent Seographi-c Distribution of the genera of the AtberosBemataceae

¿tlEry¡Içgq l,abil-l. o Itaphqeqqåe Benth. o

DoÐæhoTa Dß41, +

Þyadodapll{re S.Moore v Iar:¡e1ia Juss. X

Igt¡lgligps-¿g Schodde À Nemuaron Bai1l. A ;Þ \ t0 Õ 1



I a I I


Dlstrlbutlon boundarlcs -r_ Ii[ap 3

Geographic Distribution of

Lar¡reliopsi-q ph:iljIÊlana (tooser)Schod.d.e A 32"


e) ? þ ,Â



^ ^l I 4 o d t \ \ \ I


ô o o Distribution boundaries -- _ / Map )+

Geographic Djstribution of

Atherosoerna moschatrrn IÊbiIL.

subso. noschatun o

subsp. inte ( Tu1. )

Schodd.e O 30"s


,Ð 34


to o I o ,#' o/ az--:qo/ oo o o oo I

,0 (\ 4 gJ t, 4o

o o o \ o o o o o o 4 o o o o o .r Distribution boundari_es :__

44 Map 5

G.eographie Dishibution of the specíes of ÞyacLocLapbne

D, novogui¡reensas (Perk. )4,c. sÐith væ. rei¡reelrsis v

D. novogtri¡¡eeasis tar. gggg Schottde El'

D, novogtrj¡eensis subsp. occíd'entalis Schotld'e O

D. ntena¡d.rica Schocld.e I

D. fuachnohloi-a Schoclcle V 00 G ) saù o\ <> o t-- .o è--- '-J

- "Y! \ ta¡ \- .Þ ì ¡\ 5 ¡¡ ì ! c ¡ir t ro

c ¡¡ \dv

J 100 A7


Distribution boundaries Map 6

GeographÍ-c Distribution of

Nenuaron vieillard-ii (Bai11. )eaiff " A -_+- 20


^ ^a ^ ^



23 lrla.p 7

Geographi-c Distribution of

L,al¡relia s-grlp,qrlÆg (Ruiz &Pav.)rur. X 32"s


x/ 36



x/ I I XJ x ,\l 40"

I x x È


P6 44 îo 040

0 4


9ooê .- .- o DÍstribut ion boundaries - oo Mrap I

Geographic Distribution of

ÏraUr elia novae-zela¡rd.iae A.Curur. x

areas of abr.:nd-ant occurence (fiae Iü:rd-s ancL Reid 1e57) l/lll 34 "s

ot 36


x x x 3

I I x

l 4 I x x I I



Distribution boundaries -- B - Geograph:ic Distribution of the species of -DorTrchora

(F.M.8"i1. X Ð-, arona-b:lcg )l.S.Snith

D. sassafbeå 8141. var. ggggË + i). ,¡essafras var. nicrqpþtrfþ Schodd'e O

i¡te:med.j,ate forms between Lrygqaflgq var' sas'saltgls-

arid. var. g+glgÈZlia e 10"s




30 o ++ d|


I 3

Distribution boundaries - -- Geograplaic Djstribution of the species of !glÞ]ra;ncl:4a,

D. apatelA O

D. jgbn"sqqr¿ l

D. nefasnoena Schod.cle A

D. ni-crantèe (n l. )centh, o

D. ¡epe¡g]x.Ie (F.Mue11. )F.I&reII. I

D. tenuites Perk. trl

- I 0"s



25 (9





Distribution boundaries - -/