NSW Freshwater Fishing Guide 2008

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NSW Freshwater Fishing Guide 2008 XXXXXXXXX D DPI6646_NOV07 Contents D Ccontents About this guide 4 hand-hauled yabby net 20 Message from the minister 6 dams and weirs 22 NSW recreational fishing fee 8 Useful knots, rigs and bait 24 interstate and overseas visitors 8 How to weigh your fish with a ruler 27 how much is the fee? 8 Freshwater fishing enclosures 28 where do I pay the fee? 8 Why do we close areas to fishing? 32 Where do my fishing fees go? 9 Lake Hume and Lake Mulwala 32 recereational fishing trusts 9 Catch and release fishing 33 expenditure committee 10 Major native freshwater fishing species 34 fish stocking 12 Crayfish 37 more fisheries officers on patrol 12 Trout and salmon fishing 38 essential recreational research fishing rules for trout and salmon 38 and monitoring 12 notified trout waters 40 watch out for fishcare volunteers 12 classifications 46 more facilities for fishers 12 closed waters 46 fishing workshops 14 illegal fishing methods 47 tell us where you would like fees spent 14 trout and salmon fishing species 48 Freshwater legal lengths 15 Fish hatcheries and fish stocking 50 Bag and possession limits 15 native fish stocking programs 50 explanation of terms 15 trout and salmon 53 measuring a fish 15 fish stocking policy 54 measuring a Murray cray 15 hatchery tours 54 why have bag and size limits? 15 Threatened and protected species 55 bag and size limits for native species 16 Conserving aquatic habitat 58 General fishing 17 department initiatives 58 fishing access 17 what can fishers do? 59 recereational fishing guides 17 report illegal activities 61 traps and nets 17 Pest species 61 Murray river 17 Fishcare volunteer program 63 fishing lines 17 Take a kid fishing! 63 illegal fishing methods 17 Fisheries officers 64 yabby traps 18 Consuming your catch 65 shrimp traps 20 Inland offices and contact details 67 hoop net or lift net 20 2008 NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 3 E About this guide This freshwater recreational fishing guide is produced by NSW Department Copyright of Primary Industries, PO Box 21 Cronulla NSW 2230. It is funded from the No material matter in this freshwater fishing trust as part of our commitment to providing recreational publication may be reproduced, anglers with comprehensive, user-friendly information. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by A saltwater recreational fishing guide is also available. electronic or mechanical means, photocopying or recording, without Website the written permission of NSW Detailed information is also available on many aspects of fishing activities Department of Primary Industries. through the website http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Design and Artwork General disclaimer Parkhouse Pty Ltd This publication may provide assistance or information but NSW Department (03) 9427 7866 of Primary Industries and its employees do not guarantee the publication is Advertising Sales without flaw or is wholly appropriate for any particular purposes and therefore Geoff Slattery Publishing disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequences which may arise (03) 9627 2600 from relying on any information in this publication. This publication is a guide only, it does not replace the Fisheries Acknowledgements Management Act (1994) or other acts and statutory rules applying to, or Photographs Phil Bolton, Heath affecting recreational fishing. It is a summary of laws and regulations at the Folpp, Jack Hannan, Rudie Kuiter, time of publication and cannot be used as a defence in a court of law. Ian Lyall, Alistair McBurnie, Recreational fishing regulations may change during the life of this Gunther Schmida publication. It is the responsibility of fishers to ensure they are acting within Maps John Matthews, Dan Breen the law at all times. Check regulations with your local NSW DPI fisheries Illustrations Alan Hancock; Jack office or www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Hannan; Pat Tully; Geoff Wilson. Appreciation is also extended to Advertising disclaimer other contributors who may not be NSW Department of Primary Industries acknowledges contributions made listed above. by private enterprise. Acceptance of these contributions does not, however Copyright © State of New South endorse or imply endorsement by the department of any product or service Wales through NSW Department offered by the contributors. of Primary Industries, 2007 DPI7727_SEP07 4 NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 2008 E Message from the minister Message from the Minister Welcome to the 2008 edition also provided fishing opportunities for disabled of the NSW Recreational individuals and people from a variety of cultures Freshwater Fishing Guide. and non-English speaking communities. It is very pleasing to note Other significant projects which continue to that during the past 12 be funded by fishing fee revenue include the months the NSW Government highly successful fish production and stocking and the recreational fishing programs for both native finfish as well as trout community have continued and salmonid species. The state-wide stocking working in close association towards the programs along with the popular, community- fundamental goals of creating and maintaining based dollar-for-dollar native fish stocking sustainable fisheries. program have once again helped to ensure In particular, continued freshwater fisher bumper seasons continue. support for the recreational fishing fee has once Other on-going programs include the again provided the source of funds to maintenance of five inland fisheries officers to underwrite on-going programs in a variety of help ensure compliance with fishing laws and a research, safety, habitat, stocking, tagging, tournament management program designed to education and communication activities. In develop a code of practice promoting addition the recreational fishing trusts, responsible fishing practices for competition supervised by angler committees have also fishing. provided significant funds to initiate a number of Two new projects scheduled to commence worthwhile new projects. during 2008 are worthy of mention. The first, Notable among recent developments has Get Hooked its fun to fish, aims to equip been the introduction of a range of new children in years three to six with the basic skills freshwater fishing rules along with new bag and necessary for safe and responsible recreational size limits for a number of species. The changes fishing. Students will learn about marine fishing came into effect in early September 2007 through an exciting interactive program. following a comprehensive review of Recreational fishers with a particular interest recreational fishing regulations and an extensive in conservation type activities will be pleased to community consultation process. learn that the second new project is a two year In essence, the changes reflect feedback research program which aims to restore the from the recreational fishing community which viability of catfish populations in the Murray- indicated general support for more conservative Darling basin. This research project is quite bag limits. Complete details of the new rules timely as the species is now one of the rarest and bag limits are contained in this guide which native fish in many waterways such as the has once again been produced and distributed Murray, Murrumbidgee and Lachlan catchments. free of charge to fishers using fishing trust In the year ahead the NSW Government will funds. continue to work with the recreational fishing I extend thanks to the many participants in community towards achieving a beautiful, fishers education activities such as the Fishcare healthy marine environment which can be Volunteer program for their time, skill and managed and enjoyed by everyone for all time. enthusiasm which has been applied across a Best wishes for satisfying and safe fishing. range of organised activities such as fishing workshops, community fishing events and surveys. Their important face to face efforts in educating fishers about the rules and values of safe, responsible fishing practices and helping to care for the environment is greatly appreciated. The Hon. Ian Macdonald, MLC Once again fishing workshops have Minister for Natural Resources continued to provide an enjoyable education Minister for Primary Industries experience and in the process successfully Minister for Mineral Resources promoted responsible fishing practices to Minister for State Development children and their families. The workshops have 6 NSW Recreational Freshwater Fishing Guide 2008 E NSW recreational fishing fee NSW recreational C Recreational fishers must have these cards in their possession to be fishing fee exempt. When you are fishing in NSW waters, both Please note that senior's cards, health fresh and saltwater, you are required by care cards and repatriation health cards do law to carry a receipt showing the not exempt you from paying the NSW payment of the NSW recreational fishing recreational fishing fee. fee. This also applies when spear fishing, This information is current at time of hand lining, hand gathering, trapping, bait printing but fisheries regulations may collecting and prawn netting or when in change. It is the responsibility of fishers to possession of fishing gear in, on or ensure they are acting within the law at all adjacent to waters. There are some times. exemptions, which include: If unsure whether you need to pay E Persons under the age of 18. the NSW recreational fishing fee, call E An adult assisting persons under the 1300 550 474 or check website at age of 18 to take a fish using a single www.dpi.nsw.gov.au rod or to take prawns using a single dip or scoop net. Interstate and overseas visitors E A person fishing in a private dam with Recreational fishing licences issued by a surface area of two hectares or less. other states, territories or countries are E An aboriginal person fishing in not valid for fishing in NSW waters. All freshwater; or, when fishing in visitors must pay the NSW recreational saltwater, an aboriginal person who is fishing fee and have the receipt in their a party to a registered native title possession unless exempt.
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