Monograph of the Family Atherospermataceae R.Br

Monograph of the Family Atherospermataceae R.Br

ar. UOT{OGR.APH OF gTB MR.Br. by RIGIIARD SCHODDE, B.Sc.(Uæs, ) vol¡¡oe II INDICES and. ILLT¡SIRÁTIoI{S - SIIBMIT]ED FOR SIIE DEGEffi OF DOCTOR OT'PHII¡SOHtr îO 1TIE IJNilTER.9IIY OF ADEÏATDE BdMT{T DXPARTMÐÍI tÁARCrr 1969 a SASTE OF COI\ITM{TS Vo}¡ne IÏ I. INDEX TO H¡RB¡.RIUM COT'T'ECTIOI\ìS 5W II. INDEX TO WOOD COI'T,ECTIONS 5Bo III. INDEX r0 PoLûEN c0Tf,r:cTI0I{S 583 fr/. INEEX TO IJMRAfi]RE REflERENctsS 585 vo T}IDEX TO SCIENTTFIC T{¿MES 6w v:f. ITIIJSTA.NTIONS Figures 1-58 Maps 1-10 5+7 I INDEX TO HERBARIUM COT,T,T:CTTONS (Collections v¡ithout j¡rd-ication of provenance or from cu1- tivation aro not includ.ed.. Ror.¡nd. brackets i¡rd.icate tho d.ate of coflection v¡here a colloctorts mmber is not given' and- braokets on the co]l-ectÌon label. Square brackets j¡d.icate d-ata not present or occurrirrg ilconsistently on herbarium collections, ) Àthero sDerma moschattun l"abi]l" subs'p. j:rtegrj-foliÌ¡ì1 (À.Cr:nn.ex Tu1' )Scnoaae Botche (x.18!l): NS\T: fentworth Faflsr Boornan (iii.f9f5): NST: Blact<heath. :: Boornan (xii.1915):- NSr-rl: Barrington Tops" constabl_e (f7.i.r95O): I{SvT: Blackheath. constable 27.i.:1¡90+): lüS$: tr'erLoral Falls, Lavrson. -A. C'nni¡reha¡n iI82+" þv,t826): K[x 2], SING: Bluo Mou¡rtains. Deane (ii.faae ): IÆì1,: Katoomba. Duff JlE: [El': Iøchlan d'istrict' Iary (ZO.iv.I95l): NSI{: Gunini, Upper Maru:ing river' - O'D'E' l.- Evans,l I92O: C.ANB: Mi¡nehaha Falls, Katomba. [Forsyth] iittaia- on] (t7,vii:_.1899, viii.f899): LY, NSw, IIS: Ja¡rieson Val1ey; BIue r.Tent- lr{or:ntajns¡ Forsyth (, viii.f899): NSIT, US: worth Fal-Is- trbancis çi.fff+): BRI, I\t51-{: Blue Mor¡ntains trþaser (3.víä,f927): NStl: ilentworth Fa11s. tr'raser (29.:-.f928'): flß l{S-í: Bami¡gton Tops¡ L.R.F. & J.'v¡.V. [= Sraser & Vickery] (viii.l9lo): CAItrB: BamÍngton- Top. trlraser & Vickery (Z.t"t%4)l NSï'I: Bamington Tops, Gregson (viii. l]2O): IVSH: between Mt.Ifilson a¡rd Mt.Irvi¡re IIa¡iifton (xii.1901): BRI: Katoomba. Harrison (¡.tgZS): NSIT: Ba^rzington Tops ÏIayes (28.:x.L96I): COtrT'S: Hore Svranp, Gloucester-Barrington Tops Rd." i= road.]. Ùfaid.en (iii.f899): NSiji: Iientworth Fal1s¡ llcÐonald. J7: NSTI: Kl¡olwha CI<. [= creek], Barrington lops- McDonald. (i.t955): COEFS: Pheasant G<. [= creek], Barrington Tops. Schoclde 3211: A, AD, CAÌ¡B, L, IüilT, TillLT: east Barrirgton lops. Story 7l+192 CANB: Barri-ngton Tops. Iühite 11601: BRI: Banington Tops. IÏoolls (fgAZ)¡ l[ET,: BIue Mountaj¡rs. subsp. moschal!¡a a¡rors¡m. (t.i.l:g}j): trIEL: Sassafbas Gu11y. anor¡Jm, (g.ii"fgO5): MEL: Healesvills. anor\)no. (4.i¡i.f9)7): MEL: Sassaflas Dis- trict. R.M.? -(iv.I924)z X: Crad.l-e Mor¡ntai¡r. anorСn.: lßL 31762 1\¡mat [= tirlut] River, aåonJ¡rn.: MEL tlj7, 31382 near Mt. Kosciuskor _- anonJm,: B0: East Gippsland., anorСm.: rR.r 821: probably Ilpper Yama. anorÐm.: BRr o52o5o, rIS 260-186z Dand.enong ranges anorg¡m.: IVIEL 3157.. Dand.enong¡ anorÐrur": IIEL J160, 3L6rz Kings [= Kitrs] rs1and.. anonJrn.: -Fitr 82þ Tasmania. Archer: A, MEI 1174, lfSf.i: V.D.L. f= Van Diements T€''d. Tasmania]¡ = Aston 598: A, AÐ, l[El, US: Hardy GuIlï, Da:rd.enong ?anges.-. Atkinson 10O: A, CAIiIB: near 3ernfu. 51+9 A. Sjmson: BRï: Blue Tier (Iar:nceston). Ar.rdas (iv.f9O7): MEL: Sassafbas Gully. AurLas & l.ühite (18.i.1!21):-- BRI: powell Mtn. [- nountain]. Bäuerlen 1J9: IûEL: Delegate District. Bar-rr (15.i.1951):- COtrFS: Roses Tier, T. [- Tasnania]. Blyth (fgZ+): MEL: Hone¡rwood. Briggs (B.i.J:92B): NSIT:- I¿ke St. Clair. R. Brown (fAOZ-¡): K, NSÌl: port Jackson & Derwent R. f= river]o :: Bufton 37¿ IßLz Bathr¡rst Harbour. 3236: CAIIB: National Park [= Mt. Field], lasnaniâ¡ Cagol1 (16.xü.1965): CBG: Bend.oc toward. Orbost. Carrol-l- (21.xii.I96D)z cBG: Mt.I{argaret Gap toward. Lake Mou¡taj¡r playgror:nd. (lvla:rysville d.istrict)¡ ca¡rolI (21.xii.196Ð: cBG: cr.¡nberlar¡cl Fal1s. Ca.l.r^oIL (f6.iv.f966):- CBG: Tmahald< Gap, Beenak Carter (10.i.1!26): IR.f: Powelltowno Clj¡rton 1:x.f9f9): trR.I: Mitta Mitta. Cogtrill (23.í.1908)- (fgo8): BO, Ll: Launchi::g place. Comber I5+7: l<z Collinsva1e, Mt. 'iIelli¡gtorr. Common la -- (l9.ii.f96l)r C.AITIB: 7 miles i'l'. [= west] of Rosebery. Cowle (1901): MEL: r,aunching Place. [A. crurn:ingham] [anor¡¡'n.]- (i.rB19): K, srlüG: van Dj-e¡rens rand.; New- HolLand [= Tasrnania] Darby- shj¡e LO56: CAÀIB, CllR, HO, K, L: Ferntree. Darbyshire 1095: CANB, H0: Forth Falls, east of lÏilnotr Davis & DavÍs (tO.i.t937): l6'J: Gord.on River, Tasmani¿. Dea¡re- (i.r9oo): NSI[: Blacks Spt¡¡, Vi-ctoria. d.e Beuzeville (xii.I9]9): IilSlT: Goobragandra River. de Beuzevilte (r7.xíi.rJJ2): FRT [xei, n*l: Glenbog istate Forest] [ca B m. S.E. of Njmitabel] frnmett: MEL: 550 Circular Head-; Tond. (B¿i-;I959): Milïi Geehi River Crossing (N¿t¡'. of Mt.Kosciusko) trbaser (lOli.r. 19lB): NÍii,ü¡ Geehi R; [= river] o:rossi¡g on Alpi¡e ITay. trbench jnr. (xi.l887): l{S'f,f: Kingts [= fing] Isbnd. Gates- 1la: fulEÎ,: Goulbor:rne River, lvlarSrsvill Gunn (1O.viü;1819): GH, K, L, STIVG, US [x2]: Base of lvft,'lîellilgton; lasrnania¿ Grmn (Z¿i.18ål): I'iSY[: of Inke st.cIajr, eunn (1842, !Bt+3, 1844): B, GH, K, L, NSI[: Ci¡cular Head. gunn (f850): LT: Oceania, Tasmania. Hauschilde (lii.19OB)i }ßtr Thorpdaleo Hooker (Jl;viii;IBJ+O): GH, K: IGngaroo Bottom; Tasmania. - Ising (¡, .+n[xZ]: Sassafras. Johnson (fUi.f9+9): NS'!T: National Park (Ut.l'ieta), îas, [=Tasn'rania].- Jo]rnstone þ MEL: picton River ant l¿ke Ped.der. I(a¡rser -(1BBl): I,IEL: Mt.Bishop¡ Kenrgr (fgfO): BRI¡ t-Iaratah (Tas. [= Tasrnarria]). Ifirag (1906):- ]ISII: Sealers Cove (lfilsonrs Èomontory). : -Labillard.ière: A, BM, GH, K, lßL: Nova [or Nouv.] ttollanaia. Langley (Zt*iv.t964): IB.I: Coqna. Long 6!0: CÂIVB: }[Êt1e- Gu1ly, Mt..,?e11i_ngton. Iuoas (i.fgOf): MEL, 16lï: Ha¡tz Mts, [- mor:ntains]. -I¡rcas (¡x.tgzl): lisri: Mt.ìIe1ljr¡gton Mt. Li¡rd.on. Maiclen (üi.r9o8): l{si-[: Reeherche Bay, Tasnania. \Iaza¡,r,c (z5.ui¡i.r96+): c.alrlB: Neerim sth, [= south] area, Gippsland. Menah (i.r8gz): r{EL: near trft. 811ery, east Gippslancl. Ir{errah (ili-.1887): MEL: near Mt. ElJ-ery Milligan 1lO: BRI, mf, [x]], NSJ: Tasnania. l,fleller (iv.fg5J): MEL: Mt. Disappoi-ntmento Irtt¡el1er (v.IB5J): - 55L MET,: Mt. Disappointment Mueller (v.18!J): MEL: Sealers Cove. Mueller (v5-íi.1854): K, trlIEI, [xZ]: Sealers Cor¡e. illuelLer (i.f874): I,,mf,: Upper Hrllre River. L[r¡eller: MET,: Aus- trali¿ feljx [= Victoria]. Muell-er: -US: Gippsland.. Muír JO: IvIEL: Kal-lista, Nerrbon- (x.1916): MEL: Buffalo -Hospice, Pitcher (B.i.t9IZ): I{EL: 'ilarbr:rton¡ Pitcher (29.oäi. 19l-:6): n4EL [x2]: Ifarbr:rton P¡ror (v.L957):- CBG: Bnown Mtn. [- Ittountairr]. (21.v.1880): MEL: Tilba Tilba area. -: Rod.way (25.uíü.194O): NStrT: Ifi¡rtle GuILy, Mt. -rJe11ington. Rodway (xii.L9lù: NS\T: tr'orth Fa1ls. Rudder (23.:*,L892): NS\T: Mt.ì,Ie1lington. Schod.d.e JI86z ¿., A.D, B, EH, BRI, C.A¡IB, K, L, MEL, IrtrS\T, NE: -HearLwaters of Ðon River, Donr¡a Buang Range 31892 AÐ, C/rl[B, MEL: Cement Creek, I niles north of itarbur- ton. : Schodde 1I9O: A, AÐ, BRI, CAI{B, L, }ffiL¡ Cement fueek, 4 miles north of Ïíarburton. : Schod.d.e 32ß: A, A.D, C.AIIB, L, NSW, r¡-trEl,Î: Gully between Geehi and I(trancoban. Schod.d.e 32492 CANB: between Sassafbas and. Oli¡rda. J2jO: C/,J[B, L, 16lT: lnoml Mountain. Schod.d.e 3381: -¿., AD, B, C.AI{B, L, I{SW, \'IELT: Brown Mountain, c. 15 miles east of Nj-nmitabel. Schodd.e 3382: A, AÐ, B, 80, BRI, C, CAIüB, E, G, L, NSI-.¡, p, PlüH,- SING, UC, US, f{, ilET,I: Sctrod.tle Bnovrn l[ountail, c. 15 miles east of NjnnitabeT. .f{, AD, B, CANB, E, G, L, IISïI', SI¡IG, IIELT: Brown Mountaín,-/33\jz c. 15 niles east of Nj¡n-ritabel. Schod.d.e 33Btç A, ÂD, B, 80, 3R.f, CÄ¡tB, E, G, L, IiSW, PNH, SING,- UC, US, lllELT: Brovrn Mountail, c.1! miles east of Ndnnitabel. 33852 A¡ AD, B, BO, ¡RI, CANB, E, g, L, - 552 lüS"ñ, PNH, SING, UC, TIEIT: Brown Mountaj¡rr c.15 ¡ni1es east of Ni¡slit- abeI. Schod.d.e 11952 A, AÐ, Br 3H,80, BR.I, c' GAI{B, E, G, K, L, ì{EL, NS'IT, P, PNH, SING, UC, US, T'f, 1'-{ELT, Z: Erov'rn Mountain, c.$ miles east of Ni¡rmitabel. Schod-d-e 33962 Ar AÐ' CANB, L, I{S!T, I'iELT: Brown Mountaj¡rr c.15- nil-es east of Nii¡¡mitabel. Schod.d.e 3402? A, Ð, B, BO, CAITB, E, G, T.,' NS\f, SING, UC, T'IEI-ÍI: Bnown Mountai-n, c.15 miles east of Ni-mmitabel-. Schod.d.e 3l+úz C-AI\B, HO: c. 1 mile east of Hastings Caves.

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