3O6 the BADMINTON MAGAZINE Trust Was Justified. After About Ten

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3O6 the BADMINTON MAGAZINE Trust Was Justified. After About Ten 3o6 THE BADMINTON MAGAZINE trust was justified. After about ten minutes, though it seemed more I ike ten hours, the wind shifted again ; we lost no time in wondering what was to be the next move, but got her round on to the port tack, and off she went once more. For the moment this was a change for the better. We were running out of danger, barring reefs, which it was useless to think of looking for, as we couldn’t have seen them in any case, and as the Sun Yap See was making quite good weather of it we were feeling distinctly better, when suddenly Tubby, who alone was clear of the task of helping to control that heart-breaking tiller, gave a shout: ‘ Down, hard down ! the penjajap's dead ahead of us.’ “ It was too late. With a tremendous effort we shifted her helm about a couple of points, but even as we did so the unfortunate penjajap followed suit. Round she swung, right across our bows, and in another moment the long overhanging foresection of the Sun Yap See had caught her fair and square amidships. There was a sound of rending timber, an appalling yell, and the penjajap, ballasted in all likelihood with heavy granite blocks, had disappeared from the surface of the sea, leaving only a few scattered fragments of wreckage bobbing up and down in our seething wake. “ Even though we knew that those aboard the lost vessel had richly deserved their fate, we were horrified by the suddenness of the disaster. There was nothing to be done, however. Running as we were we could not even attempt to wear and come up in search of a possible survivor. At the time, that is to say. For when the force of the ‘ Sumatra ’ was spent we did retrace our course as best we might, but found nothing, as you’ll naturally suppose. “ Then, as so often happens, the wind came up once more from its true quarter, but very light and fickle, making it dawn ere we caught sight of the familiar landmarks of Singapore. Tired and spent, we were glad to see the police launch steaming towards us ere we reached the man-o’-war anchorage. Another such night would have just about settled us. “ From the sergeant in charge we learnt that, despite the storm, Abubakar’s messenger from Pulo Tekong had reached Singapore, and the harbour-master had immediately ordered the biggest launch to go in search of us. Not that they expected to be successful. Indeed, the old serang frankly remarked that we must have had more than a superficial knowledge of black magic, or ilmu iblis as the Malays call it, to have survived last night’s storm. However, there we were, safe and sound, and without further delay half a dozen sailors came aboard to stow the junk’s sails; then, passing a hawser, they towed us homewards to the junk harbour in the Kallang River..
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