Recent Developments and Future Trends in Phased Arrays Dr
Recent Developments and Future Trends in Phased Arrays Dr. Eli Brookner Raytheon Co., 528 Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 Tel: 978-440-4007; Fax: 978-440-3000; e-mail: Abstract: An update is here given of the amazing advances in phased arrays from small low cost arrays to large arrays. Now >500 A/C AESAs have been deployed with > 400,000 operational flight hours; >1.8 million T/Rs manufactured; over a million blind spot car radars manufactured; Patriot upgraded to 2012 state-of-the- art; 8 AN/TPY-2s delivered and 5 more to be built; JLENS, CJR, AN/SPY-3 and Dual Band Radar about to be deployed; DBF advancing with Australian S-band CEAFAR, which has A/D at each element, having undergone sea tests; AMDR and Space Fence have undergone their initial development phase; GaN allowing 5x power for same footprint as GaAs; 3D integrated circuit digital chips in production - Moore's Law marches on; DARPA looking at developing a low cost 94 GHz array with a cost goal of $1/element; DARPA COSMOS program taking monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) to the next level allowing mixed signal integration. Figure 1 (Courtesy of Raytheon) Keywords: Multi-mode, multi-function family of AESA radars deliver a Phased array, AESA, radar, active arrays, passive arrays, dramatic increase in warfighter capability -- including simultaneous air-to-air and air-to-ground operations, along with superior PATRIOT, JLENS, THAAD, AN/TPY-2, Cobra Judy Replacement, detection, targeting, tracking and self-protection features. CJR, AMDR, Space Fence Radar, Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long Range Radar, 3DELRR, MPAR, NexGen, 1.3 PATRIOT UPGRADE: Dual Band Radar, SPY-3, graphene, metamaterials, The Patriot, Fig.
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